THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, DC November 20, 2015 ~ Con Distnct of Columbia Zorung Commlssion :r.:- ;;- 0 - Office of Zorung ...;: 441 4th St NW #200, N (- 0 Washmgton, DC 20001 r. h ~- ::::t"' - f'.. .. r VIA COURIER .......- , ol:"- Re Foggy Bottom Campus Plan Comphance Report Office of Zorung Enclosed please find a copy of the Uruversity's Foggy Bottom Campus Plan report, as reqwred under the 2007 Foggy Bottom Campus Plan (ZC Order No 06-11/06-12) Tius report will also be made pubhcly avallable to other 1nterested parties on the Uruversity's website at www netghborhood gwu edu If you have questions regardlng the attached, please feel free to contact me at 202-870-0302 or at
[email protected] edu. S1ncerely, Susi Cora Dttector, Campus Planrung DiVision of Operations The George Washlngton Uruversity Z.ONIJ\G COI\1MI~SION ZONING COMMISSIOND1stnct of Columbia District of Columbia CA.;ENO Case No. 06-11 ~-~ ZONING COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO£ District of Columbia2 CASE NO.06-11 DeletedEXHIBIT NO.282 t THE GEORGE ( ' WASHINGTON UN IVERS ITV WASHINGTON, DC Foggy Bottom Campus Plan Compliance Report Foggy Bottom Campus Plan (2007) Zoning Commission Case Nos. 06-11 and 06-12 as directed by Condition C-15 The George Washington University November 20, 2015 Foggy Bottom Campus Plan Compnance Report Fall2015 Foggy Bottom Campus Plan Compliance Report Foggy Bottom Campus Plan (2007) as directed by Cond1t1on C-15 November 20, 2015 Table of Contents Compliance Report (by Condition)· Condition C-4: Foggy Bottom Campus Student Population 3 Condition C-5: Foggy Bottom Campus Faculty & Staff Population 4 Condition C-6 and C-15 On-Campus Undergraduate Student Housing 5 Condition C-8· Off-Campus Housing Information Program 7 Condition C-9: Student Conduct Programs 8 Cond1tton C-10.