Big USO Contribution Seen in Softball Program
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Big U. S. O. Contribution Seen in Softball Program 3-Game Card Starts The Monitor-Leader ‘Twi-Night’BillsProve Towers Girls Owls Win, Slay at 3 o’Clock Tomorrow SATURDAY AUGUST 1, 1942 PAGE 8 Enter Tourney Incensory Bomb Demonstration Planned; The Fisher Towers girls, x Football Brings August Showers with a record of 22 wins in in Battle lor , Tickets, Cants, On Sale at Gote to Yankees season, en- 25 the 23 starts this will ~ Irksome f \ Thom 2-Gama ter the Detroit Times Soft- The Mecomb County sports front for war service is expected Browns Bounce in Opener of ball tournament. Manager to make its biggest contribution of the year tomorrow when soft- Bill; Red Sox Barely Edge Tigers, 7-6 Bill LaCroix announced to- Playoff Berth ball tans gather at St. Mary s Stadium, Mount Clemens, at 2 day. They will participate in U. S. O. Upset Eagles, 10-6; o’clock for a three-game program benefiting the ¦pPPjJ; BY AUSTIN BEALMEAR ticularly displeasing to the Yan- the Class B division. Advance sale of tickets indicated today that a crowd of sev- Associated Press Sports Writer kees for the simple reason that The last time the locals Series Spot Depends eral thousand would attend and gate receipts were expected to "Twi-night” doubleheaders, they find themselves now and entered was in 1939, when lioost the total to a good-sized amount. baseball’s wartime contribution then on the short end of the they finished as runnerup in on Others' Defeats sale for week and a half will ''Tickets which have been on a to the working man, may mean scores. the same classification. be'on at the gate for the same price. 25 cents. All net The Owls Club, which must also sale a boost at the boxofficc for most In their own park, equipped win all of its remaining games proceeds will bo turned over to the service organization as a part they're of the teams, but a pain with all the modern conven- in order gain a Red larger general fund being raised over the county. to Softball of the in the neck to the New York iences except a set of lights, the 9 Division playoff position, kept to the softball program, an incendiary bomb dem- In addition Yankees. Yankees do about as they please. its chances alive last night by onstration is planned, the first public exhibition in Mount Clem- Juniors Even when they win. which is But in recent westward jour- reversing the form book with a it is as a to the games and will start ens; slated curtain-raiser most of the time, the champions neys, the champs have bumped 10-6 victory the Eagles. according to Hudson Plant officials of Detroit, who over sharply at two, of the world still are old fash- into bargain bills that start be- While the win kept the Owls show. Playoffs are putting on the ioned enough to believe that fore supper. running, they will The card of games is as in the not fol- doubleheaders are for Sundays position for lows: THREE STRAIGHT LOSSES reach the tie fourth and holidays and that night base- Arranged —the best they can do on Fisher Towers Girls vs. Hud- Possibly the bombers still ball is for the minor leagues. the Soft- their own efforts alone. Either son Girls. were mumbling over their dou- Drawings for Junior Par-Wreckers But this unnatural distortion ball League playoffs were made the Eagles or Hillcrest team Chicago in Briggs Bombers vs. Hudson of the national pastime is par- ble defeat at one of must lose its remaining two these newfangled affairs last night as managers and rep- Police. Wed- games; if both teams win one nesday night, when they the resentatives of the four teams Hudson A. took of their remaining clashes, they Bar 69 vs. A. Louis yesterday involved met in the Monitor- Work Overtime field at St. to w illbe out of reach of the Owls. Two of the teams Fisher play the Browns in one game at Leader office. arc Mt. game THREE-RUN HOMER 67 Paces St. Paul; Towers and Bar 69 Playoff Teams 5 p. m. and a second at 8:30. First clash in the two Last night's tilt at Clemens entries and both are series is on Monday Griffith, At any rate, they blew a five- knockout which lasted until 8:45, took 68's, 69's Common undefeated in their league play at Griffith when LaCroix & run lead as the Brownies hand- dubious honors as the longest though both have also suffered Groesbeck, which finished in BY CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN ed them their third straight loss, game of the season. Although one loss in eompetition outside Drill Sunday third place, and Monitor-Lead- ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 1 9-8, and they had to call- on going hitless in the first their respective loops. Danny er, which finished in a tie for frame, (ff>)— The way the par-wreck- Spurgeon Chandler to put an the Owls built up a 4-0 lead as Warner, absent from city play County Baseball Loop first, tangle. ers are going to work on the end to such foolishness by blank- six walks boosted team to- this season, is slated to start for the the Keller Public Course in the $5,- Nines in Makeup Tilts ing the Browns on three hits in Tuesday’s game will sec wards the quartet of runs. Hav- fourth-place Kresge team and 000 St. Paul Open, a fellow who Johnny Sierens, general chair- the afterpiece, winning 8-0 and ing built up a lead, the Owls reg- Although the four playoff A. & W., deadlocked with Mon- cuts a couple of strokes off man of the U.S.O. Softball Ben- running his consecutive shutout added another pair of tallies in positions have already been set- meeting. ulation figures finds himself efit program made a final ap- innings to 23. itor-Leader, the third, when Russ Bade trip- blushing of boasting. tled, three Macomb County ONE DROPS OUT instead peal today for support from soft- GEORGE ADAMS gives Yale football captain, Spencer Charlie Keller and Joe Gordon led Gerry Lozen in and scored This is the kind of tourna- Baseball games will be On Thursday, the two losers himself on an error. A three-run ball fans and players in this Mosley, cooling bucket shower as Elis swelter through broiling helped Chandler hang up his in which a subpar round played tomorrow, games which will clash with one team drop- by Mel ment area. practise session at New Haven. 12th win against two defeats. homer Charbeneau in may look like a sure winner were rained out early in the ping out and on Friday the win- the fourth and a triple by Lo- "We’re asking every softball Keller walloped his 16th homer only to have a darkhorse, or season. ners meet. zen which would have been player and fan in this area to with a man on base in the sec- one of the better known pros ’ only The playofls will reach the a homer if he fallen flat make a special effort to attend While the tilts have ond frame. Gordon added a two- hadn’t such as Ben Hogan, come stand- “clutch” stage a week from on the basepaths paced the this program. In addition to the Merchants Win Over Spruce Inn slight effect on the final run homer in the seventh. romping down the fairways ings for the regular season, they Monday as the once - defeated team to four more runs. excellent card of games which ROUT BOROWY fantastic 62. tune-up for the HANK Thursday winner and once-de- Starting in the third, the with a has been arranged, the program will serve as a dope sheets fell apart . way In the opener, the Browns feated Friday loser clash. The Eagles cnipped away at the The allows softball to do its part in Hard on B M. ’s Playo ffHopes playoffs, which get under yesterday as a field I came from behind with a 17-hit winner will go on to meet Fri- Owls’ lead, scoring three runs in somewhat aiding the war effort; virtually next Sunday, Aug. 9. 150 players came to grips attack which routed Hank Bor- day’s victor in the finals. the third and fourth. In the of every other sport has chipped in Tavern Team, Sure playoff teams slanting Keller layout All four of the owy and brought Johnny Mur- Only game next week which a error and with the money through sort of with fifth, w'alk, three in the first round of the meet. some of Series Berth, will be in action tomorrow phy to the mound just in time to is not scheduled for Griffith is consecutive singles 'ed to three benefit and we’re hoping soft- Line, playing a dou- Clayton Haefner, the Candy Kid one. Center save Borowy's record of ten vic- the Friday clash. runs, the last for the losers. The bailers will answer with the Sugarboy Asks Takes Things Easy blchcacler. Mount Clemens, now of the Carolinas, who was back- tories and one defeat and ab- Last night's scheduled clash defeat for the Eagles dropped same enthusiastic response. place, will invade ed with heavy sugar to win the in second sorb the loss himself, his fifth in between the A. & W. team them into a tie for third; they Virtually ousting the Business park for a with Cen- $1 ,000 jackpot, proved he was- ! Warren tilt a row.