Flls.J:Fil1s.Ceutics.1 -To C!Hemist, ~~ BECKENHAM

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Flls.J:Fil1s.Ceutics.1 -To C!Hemist, ~~ BECKENHAM ADVERTISEMENT. NOTE ADDRESS- E. W. ROUTLEY, Flls.J:fIl1s.ceutics.1 -to C!hemist, ~~ BECKENHAM. ~r IMPORTANT NOTICE TO AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS! Complete Stock of Photographic Apparatus, and all accessories, Cameras, Lenses, Plates. Sensitized Papers. Vignetters. Lantern Slides, Bromide Papers, SOLIO Paper, Printing-out Paper, Platinotype Paper, Ferro Prussiate Paper. Lantern Masks. Glass Measures, Funnels, Negative Storing Boxes, Dishe:;, Squeegees. Albums. Scales. Weights, etc., and all other Photographic Requisites. *'" ROUTLEY'S COMBINED TONING and FIXING BATH IN BOTTLES 15. 6d. and 25. 6d, ROUTLEY'S ONE SOLUTION DEVELOPER,CONCENTRATED (One part to be mixed with three parts of water for use.) An admirable developer for all kinds of Plates, and also for Bromide Papers, in bottles. IS. 6d. and 2S. 6d. ADVERTISEMENT. By Appointment By Appointment to to Her Majesty Her Majesty The Queen. the Queen. R. RICH. FHffilliY 13UTGttE~, opposite the Railway Station, A:-lD AT KENT. ---+-~-K;-+--- AND Fine Pickled TOJlig'Vtes. THE I~ECKENHAM DIRECTORY 1895. ELEVENTH YEAR OF ISSUE. COllIPRISING THE WHOLE OF THE DISTRICT UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE BECKENHA:M URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL AND WEST WICKHAM. WITH COLORED MAP, PRICE EIGHTEENPENCE. (Subscribers, One Shilling). CONTENTS: Page. Page. LOCAL INFORUATION •••••••••••• 17 PRIVATE RmSIDESTS •••••••••••• 155 STREETS DIRECTORY: COllIlIIERCIAL DIRECTOHY •••••• 203 Beckenham 65 PR!)FESSIONAL DIRECTORY ••• 215 EImers End ..........••... 131 HOUSE DIRECTORy •••••••••••• 221 Shortlands ...........•..... 139 POSTAL INFORHATION ••••••.•• 5 West Wickham 147 BECKENIU::U ; PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY T. W. THORNTON, AT HrS STEAl\! PRINTI~G· AND BlNDI~~ WOltKS, 42 & 44, HIGH STHEET. Entered at Station~J"8 Hall. 2 ADVERTISEMENT. ~CCOlltlllO(lntiOlt ~ For Families and Gentlel1Zell. Home Comforts with Moderate" and Inclusive Charges. -: '- \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL The ~a.i1wa.y liotel, Proprietor: GEORGE TENNANT. Beokenham Junotion. J1IVERY -AND ~-AIT ~TABLES. Superior Horses & Carriages Supplied on Contract. --~~~-- Landaus, Broughams, Victorias, Brakes and Private Omnibuses. 'lVEDDI~G- O:RJ:DE:RJS EXECUTED IN THE LATEST TOWN FASHION. --7i •..i~- Speeial Catrtriage Otrdetr Offiee. CABS AND LANDAUS MEET ALL "TRAINS. PREFACE. THE BECKENHAM DIRECTORY for 1895 will b~ in the hands of the public somewhat earlier than usual. The new form of local government which is to take office with r895 will not be settl~d sufficiently early to enable the publisher to give particulars of the members and officers, but the usefulness of the revised book in connection with the election was thought of greater importance. With this, the eleventh annual issue of the book, the special feature IS the issue of a w,ard-map printed m colors to show the wards of the new District Council. The publisher is grateful to all who have contributed to the accurate production of the Directory, and in cases where ,mistakes have occurred they will doubtless be traced to the absence of proper returns by the householders. December, 1894. ADVERTISEMENT. 4 II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cd ~ "C CD CI'.J ~ •.....•0) <:) t: >:, 0 (2: <:) ~ '\ <:) t:Q.- ~ ,.:.~CI 00-4~ cd ~~ S 8 0 a ~ cfB CD cd cf:: ~ rn ~ POSTAL INFORMATION. CHIEF OFFICE.-Money. Order, Parcels. Savings Bank and Telegraph Office, Albemarle Road. Postmaster, Mr. CAREY. TELEGRAPH OFFICE opens from-vVeek-days 8.0 a.m .• to 8.0 p.m. ; Sundays, 8.0 a.m. to 10.0 a.m., and 5.0 p.m. to 6.0. SAVINGS BANK, Deposits from 8.0 a.m. go p.m.; Withdrawals, ga.m. to g.O p.m. POSTAL ORDERS, 8.0 a.m. to g.o p.m. LETTERS despatched at 9.35 a.m., II, I.25, 3·IO, 5, 7.45, (Kent and South Coast only) and IO.30 p.m. Deliveries 7.30 a.m., 12.30, 3.10 and 7.30 p.m. Sunday Delivery, 8 a.m. ; despatch 7.20 p.m. PARCELS PosT.-London despatches 12.0 p.m., 2.45 and 8.0 p.m.; Country ditto, 1.1.0 am., 3,0, also 5.0 p.m. and g.O p.m. MORNING. AFTERNOON. SUND RECEIVING HOUSES- I Bromley Road •• .. g.o 11.35 & 2.15 4.20 6.20 7·45 & 4.0' 12.50 10.0 EImers End .. .. g.o 11.15 2.0 4.20 5.50 8.30 High St.. Beekenham .. 9·I5 11.35 1.0 4·45 5·55 8-45 & 5.30 10.10 Kent House .. .. g.o 11.35 2.30 4.30 6.25 8.0 3·55 Avenue Road " .. 8'45 II5 2·5 4·5 6.0 8.0 SUB-OFFICES- Hayes " .. 8.20 .. .. 4·5 .. 8.20 West Wickham .. g.O .. .. 3·45 .. 8.0 4·55 Keston " .. 7·35 .. .. 3.30 .. 7.25 PILLAR & WALL BOXES- Albemarle Road .. 8.30 11.5 1.55 4.15 5·55 7.15 & 4·4°' 9·5° A!dersmead Road .. 8.30 11.0 2.0 4.15 6·5 8.0 4·0 Blakeney Road .• .. 9·I5 ILLS & 2·3° 4.30 6.25 80& 5.30 1.15 9A5 Braekley Road .• .. 8.40 11.25 2.15 4·35 6.15 8.30 & 4.20 10.0 Copers Cope Pillar Box g.IO 11.30 2·3° 4-40 6.25 100 6.0 Croydon Road •• .. g.o 11.25 2.10 4.30 6.15 8.0 5·45 Elm Road .. .. 8·45 I I.35 2.30 4.30 6.25 8.0 5·50 Faircroft, Copers Cope g.O 11.15 2.15 430 6.20 8.0 & 41O' 9·55 High Street .. .. go II 35 12·50 4·45 6.25 8.45 & 5·30 10.0 Kemerton Road .. go 11.25 2·5 4.10 610 8.15 & 5.15 10.10 Manor Road .. .. g.o 11.40 & 220 4,45 625 8·45 & 5.30 12·50 10.10 Moat Road .. .. 8.30 II.IO 2.0 4.20 6.0 8.0& 4.30 9·45 Park Road .. .. 90 11.15 2.15 4.30 6.20 8.0 & 4.10 9·55 South Eden Park .. 9·I5 11.15 1.55 4.0 6.0 7·45 5.0 Station Approach .. 9·I5 11.3°, & 2·3° 4·35 6.25 10.0 1.15 The Knoll .. .. g.o 11.35 2.15 4.20 6.20 g.o & 4·45 10.0 Upper EImers End .. 8ra .. 1.0 4.0 8.0 .. 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. W. F. WILSON, REGISTERED PLUMBER, glazi@f, Gas and Hot Water Fitter, Sanitary Work go General Bouse Repairs. Boilers and Cisterns Cleaned out, &c. .l(;-+ -t-~. All the Latest Improvements in Gas Fires. 94, HIGH STREET, BECKENHAlVl· MISS A. MOSS, ~re$$mafter anb ~tlirriner. 59, HIGH STREET, BECKENHAM. 1§>ae!.ie@'@con Mate'Ziaf&> Maqe u~ at tReir ow"2 ~e&>iel.enc.e&> if qe&>ireq. TERMS BY THE DAY OR OTHERWISE. ADVERTISEMENT. 7 ONE, TWO, OR THREE YEARS' PURCHASE. No Interests or Increase' on Price. A. GENDLE & CO., Importers and Dealers in PIHNOS, By Spencer, Neumeyer, Bechstein, Ibach, Aug. Grand, Fahr, Kuhse, and ORCHNS, . By Carpenter, Smith, Bell, Estey, Kam, Story and Clark, and Malcolm. ® tlsy Qt.el:nt~ .of Mu~.clJtls.e+ Pianos- from 10/6 Monthly. Organs- from 5/0 Monthly. Send for Illustrated Catalogues free, ,or call at either of our Spacious Show Rooms. 271, flew Crross ~d., lkondotl. (Brighton Line Stltiun). 187, Psrrrroek St., GttQ\lesend. -..r-, ..•..•.••..•.•...• --v~ •• ~.~.~.-.-.-.-. -. -. -. -. -y f-'-'~'-'-'-'-'-.-.••- Immsnse $tock of New Book &: Sheet Musia at $tore Prices. ~I"I~ Private Address: -5, Gwydor Road, EImers End, Beckenham. 8 ADVERTISEMENT. BOARDMAN & Co, Ld'l E11glislt a1zd .Foreig1l Ti11ilber Slate & Ce111ent J.l1erchaltts, AND SAW MILL PROPRIETORS. Evel'Y description of Building Materials at Low Prices delivered in Beckenham free. Head Offices a71d Yards:- Tweedy Road, Bromley, Kent, Branches :-Canterbury & Herne Bay. DIRECTORY. ---~~~--- Art Neoedlework Establishment, Laeey, K and Mo, 21, Albemarle road 15° Auctioneers and Estate Agents. Baxter, Payne and Lepper, Beekenham and Bromley 146- Levens, "V., Son and Hoare. Railway Bridge 130 Segrave, Browett and Taylor, New Beekenham 214 Wright, Thomas, Kent House End paper Bakers and Confectioners. Baxter, W., High street 28} Dean, R., Forest hill .. 63 Ebben and Son 254 Fisher, 1. J 0' Bromley road .. 244 Ribben5, G. J., Beekenham road 261 Sparrow, Go, High street 292 Bankers. London and County, High street 213 London and Provineial, 7, The Parade 208 Bookbinders, Stationers, &c. Rawley, T., Beekenham road •• Thornton, T. W., Righ street 10 TRADE DIRECTORY Bootmakers. Ayling, Edward, Bromley road Churcher, E. W., High street Hayes, C. H. -and Co., _High street Howell, L., 6, Clifton terrace Brewers Benskin and Co., Railway approach Builders. Plumbers, Decorators. &c. Boardman and Co., Bromley 8 Clarke and Sons., High Street 266 Cooper, F. and E., 12, The Parade Inside front cover Copeland, II., Bromley road 273 Cox, T., High street 251 Davis, R. Eo, Church hill 260 Graham and Co .. Church hill Inside back cover McIntosh, A., Kent House farm Colored page Miller, J., Chancery lane 279 Moss, Alfred. High street 253 PascalI and Salls, High street, South Norwood 209 Skinner, George Colored page Wilson, W. F. High street 6 Butchers. Chalk, V. l3., Bromley road 265 London and Provincial meat stores Coiored page I~ich, R, High street •• Opposite title Shambrook, W., High street 262 Cabinet Makers Batchelar and Sons, Railway bridge Colored page Burton, W., Oakhill Colored page Curtis, C., High street End fly leaf Ebbutl, A. C., Croydon 295 Murrells, W. A., High street :268 Chemists Beckenham Drug Stores (F. Bullock) 129 Routley, E. W., High street •• Inside of Cover Barnes, F. \V., Rectory road 213 TRADES DIRECTORY, II Chimney Sweeps, Attwood, T., High street Brown, R, F., Fairfield Glazebrook, W., Croydon road Coal Merchants. Carr, H. and W, Lockhart, and Co, Moore and Mathew Corn Merchants.
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