Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 00004Bishops Waltham Parish 00004/00001/014 Council Denmead should be a key hub.

00009Compton And Shawford 00009/00001/015 Parish Council Question whether facilities will be used as suggested for key and local hubs. Reservations about whether Kings Worthy and Colden Common should be local hubs.

00013Denmead Parish Council 00013/00001/016 Remove the distinction between key and local and have one set of seven 'lead' (or hub) parishes based on organisation/administrative need.

00025New Alresford Town 00025/00001/015 Council New Alresford should be a Local Hub due to its inadequate public transport. Services to are sporadic, not regular and surrounding villages either have sporadic bus links to the town or no links to New Alresford.

00029Otterbourne Parish 00029/00001/012 Council Colden Common because Otterbourne has concerns that country lanes (e.g. Kiln Lane would be even more of a rat run with greater developments in Colden Common). The infrastructure is insufficient to take extra growth and is unsustainable with no public transport links.

00084South East 00084/00001/003 Regional Assembly Welcome approach to identifying Key and Local Hubs, look forward to further development of work.

00113Alresford Society 00113/00001/013 There should be a third class of key hubs that significantly influences the District on Hedge End. Also, because of its position, Alresford is a key hub for areas of Basingstoke and Deane; plus East Hants with the resulting infrastructure and traffic effects.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

1 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 00121Mr A Foster 00121/00001/015 I have considerable doubts about defining 'Local Hubs'. With what purpose Unless there is sound evidence that further growth will improve sustainability there is a real risk that these will simply be expanded commuter settlements. Concentrate on the Key Hubs and affordable housing only elsewhere. Level of change in each Key Hub will need to be subject to detail study.

00127Mr P Turner 00127/00001/014 Further significant development at Denmead, particularly to the east, together with the implemented Major Development Area of Waterlooville (Havant and Winchester District), would result in an overconcentration of built environment in that location and would reduce the effectve strategic gap between the settlements. Whiteley should be the choice for large scale development, fulfilling the original concept of this settlement, by allocating Area 1 and also Area 2 (particularly if the latter would give an opportunity for a rail station). Alresford, Bishops Waltham and Wickham, as market towns/ service facilities for their rural areas, should have planned growth related to the scale of population in the towns and their hinterland. The local hubs should have allocations of residential development based on local assessment of housing needs.

00145Mr George Gray 00145/00001/021 Not Alresford

00149Mrs Marion Parker 00149/00001/010 Knowle Village.

00270Ms Meriel Walton 00270/00001/015 How does anyone know who does not live there or has undertaken comprehensive survey

00320Ms R Wetherill 00320/00002/016 Micheldever

00381Mr Paul Byers 00381/00001/015 I live in Winchester - it would not be appropriate for me to comment on areas I am not familiar with - the local people who live there should comment!

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

2 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 00415Ms Laura Clarke 00415/00002/011 I don't know enough about the demographics and needs across the district to answer this question.

00474Mr Dan Chapman 00474/00002/014 Include Twyford and Hursley as local hubs.

00557Ms Fiona Chapman 00557/00002/014 Include Twyford and Hursley as local hubs.

00557Ms Fiona Chapman 00557/00003/014 Include Twyford and Hursley as local hubs.

00557Ms Fiona Chapman 00557/00004/014 Include Twyford and Hursley as local hubs.

00783Mr And Mrs CW And JR 00783/00003/009 Eames Provided the criteria listed above have been properly evaluated. The main problem is everyone's problem so needs solutions which do not spoil any settlements particularly Winchester with its great historical significance.

01037Mr D Gamblin 01037/00004/009 Denmead should be key hub.

01083Ms Elizabeth Robinson 01083/00002/013 Waltham Chase has an extremely low level of service provision and Swanmore only slightly more so. There are only 3 shops here (two selling exactly the same things) and a primary school. On the community and cultural facilities front we have one methodist church and a village hall. There is not even a pub within the village boundaries. 45% of hub choices are within the same 5 miles- surely the building should be spread over the whole area. There won't be any other communities left to serve here- we will all be hubs.

01128Mr And Mrs J Crick 01128/00003/002 Wickham should be a local hub as it does not have the attributes of a key hub and should be protected to avoid it becoming a suburb of Fareham.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

3 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 01128Mr And Mrs J Crick 01128/00004/009 Denmead should be a key hub.

01128Mr And Mrs J Crick 01128/00005/009 Denmead should be a key hub.

01234Mr And Mrs Patrick And 01234/00002/013 Margaret Spence Wickham should become a local hub. It is much smaller than the other 3 key hubs.

01265Ms N A Holladay 01265/00002/013 The allocation of these places as "hubs" is inappropriate. The preferred spatial definition previously proposed in this response would re-allocate these places as follows: Alresford, Bishops Waltham, Wickham, Waltham Chase, Swanmore Rural areas and villages Denmead Urban centre Whiteley Urban, Retail and Business Centre. The contrast between the potential and character of those designated rural areas and villages, and Whiteley for example, is undeniable. The designation of these areas as indicated means that the spatial strategy is flawed in as much; it assumes that the best approach is to expand a scatter-gun approach. A far more logical strategy is to concentrate development where development already exists is in and on the outskirts of urban areas. This will have the benefit of meeting objectives 1 (by preserving our historic towns and villages as exactly that and not converting them into towns), 3, 4 and 6. The current proposal does exactly the opposite and flies directly in the face of objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 (car journeys will increase because the "key hubs" will feed the business and retail centres that will focus on the urban and retail centres: there is no point trying to persuade businesses to locate to the 'so-called' key hubs- the opportunity to do so was lost many years ago and will not be recovered. This indeed is a major flaw in the documents thinking). So, although the objectives are largely right, they seem to have been completely ignored when it comes to converting them into strategic options. To Whiteley in this context, then, should be added west of Waterlooville for development because it offers the potential for shorter journeys and closer access to economic activity, whilst preserving the qualtiy and character of the rural areas.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

4 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 01269Mrs Haley Russell 01269/00002/011 Wickham should not be categorised as a main hub. Apparently it has just 1 retail outlet over the 30 required for a main hub. These shops are not a range of shops to sustain a community but mainly restaurants, estate agents and hairdressers. There is only 1 infrequent bus service. It would be very difficult for the current provisions of doctors, narrow lanes, little public transport and lack of employment to support a major increase in population. Certainly not a current village which could support a concentration of economic and social opportunities. Wickham is much smaller than Denmead which I believe should be categorised as main hub. Denmead was recognised as a market town in the local plan but has been downgraded to a local hub. Why Shops in Denmead are far more likely to sustain the community.

01300Mrs J P Young 01300/00002/013 Wickham, Swanmore, Waltham Chase.

01418Mr John Steeples 01418/00002/015 Wickham does not qualify as a key hub because of current limited services/facilities with small fixed choices.

01426Mr And Mrs Catling 01426/00003/013 Wickham should not be a key hub it should be a local hub. Wickham is a village.

01565Mr And Mrs Maclean 01565/00001/010 SR1 Wickham should be a local hub, it is smaller than the other Key Hubs. SR2 Wickham does not have the sufficient range of facilities for a Key hub. SR3 Although there are 30 shops, this is only just over the limit for a Key Hub and their range is limited and dominated by shops aimed at tourists. SR4 Denmead should be a Key Hub, it only has 2 shops fewer than Wickham, and it is twice the size of Wickham SR5 Wickham is a small, historic village, not a market town as the Key Hubs are

01922Mrs Lynda Parker 01922/00001/015 Swanmore is unsuitable as a Local Hub because of its few local services. It really has educational provision and could not sustain more public services within the village area. It needs to be retained as a rural village.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

5 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 01923Captain John Ellis 01923/00001/015 Delete Swnmore - No local jobs. Denmead - Should be key hub. Put more housing next to job locations.

01924Mrs Valerie Spendlove 01924/00001/011 Wickham should be designated a local hub.

01926Mrs Fiona Turner 01926/00001/011 Don't agree with hub concept.

01934Mr Paul Dix 01934/00001/010 Twyford (local hub)

01935Mrs June Chilton 01935/00001/011 Change local hubs to key hubs.

01937Mrs Lesley Hallett 01937/00001/013 Not a helpful split. Should all be hubs or lead areas preferably.

01941Dr Richard Hallett 01941/00001/014 Should not be key and local hubs. Should be lead areas. Do not agree with above artificial statements.

01948Mr Neil Lander-Brinkley 01948/00001/014 Denmead as a key hub

01955Mrs Patricia Walker 01955/00002/011 Key Hubs: Denmead/Colden Common/Kings Worthy/ Swanmore

01956Mrs Barbara Holyome 01956/00002/014 Consider Denmead unsuitable for local hub.

01961Mr Daniel Wilden 01961/00001/016 Whiteley should not be a key hub but a local hub.

01964Mr John Beveridge 01964/00001/015 Denmead should be a key hub as it has a large residential population.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

6 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 01965Mrs Joyce Simmons 01965/00001/012 The character of the old market towns of Alresford, Bishops Waltham and Wickham should be preserved at all costs.

01969Mr David Owen 01969/00001/013 Denmead and its surrounding area has had enough local development in recent years and much of what is proposed could be accommodated at whiteley.

01971Mrs Jean Aburrow 01971/00001/011 Bishops Waltham and Wickham as local hubs and Denmead and Kings Worthy Key hubs.

01984Mr Peter Gardner 01984/00001/016 Micheldever key hub.

01986Reverand Mike Gardner 01986/00001/015 Kings Worthy should be seen as part of Winchester Town and have connecting corridors built to make an 'Area 5' in step plan.

01988Mr Clive Jacob 01988/00001/014 Replace Kings Worthy by Twyford as a local hub.

01990Mr Mark Miller 01990/00001/013 Big expansion of the proposed key hubs and local hubs will destroy this special character.

01999Mrs Barbara Garfath 01999/00001/015 "HUBS" Should be linked to train stations and or public transport i.e. Petersfield, Andover, Eastleigh, Romsey, Alton, Overton, Whitchurch.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

7 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02000Mr Henry Garfath 02000/00001/016 has a network of existing "hubs," viz Alton, Andover, Basingstoke, Eastleigh, Fareham, Havant, Petersfield, Portsmouth, Ringwood, Romsey, and Winchester. These should be recognised, utilised and suitably enhanced where necessary and acceptable instead of setting up a new set of hubs. The creation of these new hubs at best simply necessitates the wasteful duplication of facilities, additional public transport etc. At worst it erodes existing facilities and increases the need for private transport throughout the District.

02003Mr Ptol Slattery 02003/00001/016 Bishops Waltham is not really a key hub.

02012Mr Hugh Fox 02012/00001/016 All local hubs could become key hubs if housing development is accompanied by appropriate infrastructure.

02013Mrs Fiona Rutherford 02013/00001/014 Include Twyford and Hursley as local hubs

02015Mr Derek Rutherford 01927/00001/011 Do not agree with the key/local hubs concept.

02015Mr Derek Rutherford 02015/00001/015 Twyford and Hursley should also be included as local hubs.

02016Mrs Vera Goddard 02016/00001/015 Add Durley as a local hub.

02019Mrs Jennifer Hollis 02019/00001/015 Wickham as local hub. Do not wish to see Wickham become a suburb as urban south hampshire becomes one large sprawl Denmead as key hub.

02021Mr Andrew Rogerson 02021/00001/011 Key hub Denmead.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

8 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02022Mr Michael Carter 02022/00001/015 Wickham (1122 dwellings) is half the size of Bishops Waltham (2649) or Alresford (2575) and has the range of services appropriate to its size. It should not be considered in the same way as either of the other two established communities. With less than 30 small shops supplying essential services and with very little local employment it fits much better as a local hub.

02023Mr Micheal Sadler- 02023/00001/014 Forster Possibly include Denmead as a key hub.

02032Mrs Joyce Thatcher 02032/00001/011 B/W should be a Local Hub. I understand Whiteley is best suited as Key Hub and has desired space for further development.

02038Mr Philip Mason 02038/00001/016 The beautiful market town of Alresford, Bishops Waltham, Wickham will lose their unique character and will not be able to sustain a major increase in population.

02047Dr Nigel Atherton 02047/00001/016 Wickham does not meet "key hub" criteria.

02049Mrs Wendy Thorpe 02049/00001/012 Bishops Waltham cannot cope with significant further change.

02067Mrs Patricia Daas 02067/00001/010 Bishops Waltham should be "local".

02069Mrs Pamela Timms 02069/00001/012 Bishops Waltham should be a key hub.

02070Mr And Mrs Roger Hockin 02070/00001/016 Bishops Waltham can be a key hub but should be removed from the "PUSH" area to avoid over- development. If you develop Wickham, Whiteley, Colden Common, Waltham Chase and Swanmore along with Bishops Waltham then we'll need a motorway from Fareham to Winchester.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

9 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02084Mrs Melanie Walker 02084/00001/006 Wickham is a Key Hub and Stanmore is a Local hub. Can't avoid the need to travel as we have lousy public transport: no trains.

02092Mr Fergus Christie 02092/00001/016 Bishops Waltham no leisure facilities, not enough car parks.

02094Turley Associates 02094/00001/002 The inclusion of Colden Common as a "hub" is supported.

02096White Young Green 02096/00001/006 Planning Denmead has been incorrectly identified as a Local Hub and needs to be reclassified as a Key Hub. The rationale advocated in the Issues and Options Paper appears to be based on the lower retail provision of the settlement compared to other Key Hubs, yet this very argument is negated later in the paper that the contibution of retail units is expressly cited as being only one of a number of key criteria. The retail issue needs to be seen in context as significant provision already exists in close proximity at Waterlooville and is planned at the MDA which is even closer. The settlement has equivalent employment opportunities, schools, communtiy and recreational facilities and is relatively unconstrained.

02097Gawthorpe Estates Ltd 02097/00001/003 White Young Gre Denmead has been incorrectly classified as a Local Hub. Too much attention has been paid to its retail capacity and its wider functional role, in terms of other services: facilities and employment, has not been properly taken into account.

02097Gawthorpe Estates Ltd 02097/00001/003 Denmead has been incorrectly classified as a Local Hub. Too much attention has been paid to its retail capacity and its wider functional role, in terms of other services: facilities and employment, has not been properly taken into account.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

10 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02099Mrs D M Hare 02099/00001/006 White Young Gre Reclassify Denmead as a key hub the settlement has equivalent employment opportunities, schools, community and recreational facilities and is relatively unconstrained, the retail issue needs to be seen in context as significant existing provision already exists in close proximity at Waterlooville and is planned at the MDA which is even closer.

02099Mrs D M Hare 02099/00002/006 White Young Gre Reclassify Denmead as a key hub the settlement has equivalent employment opportunities, schools, community and recreational facilities and is relatively unconstrained, the retail issue needs to be seen in context as significant existing provision already exists in close proximity at Waterlooville and is planned at the MDA which is even closer.

02100Burton Property 02100/00001/006 White Young Gre Reclassify Denmead as a key hub the settlement has equivalent employment opportunities, schools, community and recreational facilities and is relatively unconstrained, the retail issue needs to be seen in context as significant existing provision already exists in close proximity at Waterlooville and is planned at the MDA which is even closer.

02101Edgehill Battersea Ltd 02101/00001/007 White Young Gre Otterbourne should be identified as a hub due to its proximity to Winchester, it is well served and accessible. Preference should also be given to existing well established, accessible sites in the countryside to contribute to the development requirements of the district.

02105Mrs B Laffan 02105/00001/004 Bishops Waltham should be a local hub.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

11 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02117Persimmon Homes 02117/00001/004 Southern Plannin First a general concern is raised about the subdivision of the settlements into key and local hubs. Each of the settlements listed, whether as a key hub or local hub, has its own particular characteristics and issues arising; the categorisation of the settlements into two types suggests a level of comparability which does not exist in practice. There is for example very little similarity in their existing characteristics or issues to be addressed between Bishops Waltham and Whiteley or between Denmead and Colden Common. The subdivision into key and local hubs is not therefore considered helpful or meaningful to the exercise of considering appropriate future levels of growth for each of the settlements. With specific regard to Denmead, this settlement has been downgraded in this document from one of the five market towns in the local plan to a local hub. The reason behind this appears to be largely due to its limited retail provision compared with some of the other key hubs, yet in most other ways, including population size and other facilities and services, the settlement is more comparable with the other key hubs, and little in common with the proposed local hubs. The categorisation is not therefore considered helpful, but if it is to be retained, Denmead is incorrectly defined as a local hub and should be reclassified as a key hub.

02170Mrs Caroline Jezeph 02170/00001/016 Denmead and Swanmore should be upgraded to Key Hubs to support and enhance local facilities and services.

02171Miss Charlotte O'Neill 02171/00001/015 Denmead and Swanmore should be upgraded to Key Hubs to support and enhance local facilities and services.

02175Executors Of E S 02175/00001/002 Atisreal Edwards Deceased Denmead should be a key hub to reflect its location in the PUSH area and the need to satisfy the housing requirements, also it is functionally part of the Portsmouth conurbation and highly relevant to the regional policies of the South East Plan the settlement hierarchy is therefore flawed and should be amended to reflect material planning considerations to the most sustainable manner in which the housing requirements of the PUSH area could meet. If Denmead remains a local hub then the only option is to develop significantly as set out under Option 3 (8a).

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

12 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02193Mrs Dagmar Slater 02193/00001/017 Fareham, Whiteley, Knowle, Southampton, Eastleigh all Key Hubs Colden Common, Twyford, Kings Worthy, Swanmore all Local Hubs

02211Mr And Mrs Geoffrey 02211/00002/012 And Allison Matthews Wickham should NOT be designated 'Key Hub'. The communities needs are better met as a 'Local Hub' with 'key hub' status for the area being placed on Whiteley which needs better infrastructure and communications development.

02226Mr N Barron 02226/00001/004 PRO Vision Plan Otterbourne - Local Hub

02228Persimmon Homes (Sout 02228/00001/005 PRO Vision Plan Coast) Ltd Kings Worthy - Key Hub

02229Gleeson Homes 02229/00001/014 Turley Associates Kings Worthy - Key Hub rather than Local Hub.

02233Humphrey Farms Ltd 02233/00001/004 PRO Vision Plan Twyford (Local Hub)

02237Martineau Trustees 02237/00001/011 Dreweatt Neate Sparsholt (local hub but see answer to q.4b)

02238Holmes And Sons 02238/00001/013 Dreweatt Neate Littleton (local hub but see answer to question 4b)

02239Trustees Of E M 02239/00001/013 Dreweatt Neate Toogood Settlement Sutton Scotney (local hub) but see answer to question 4b

02240White Young Green 02240/00001/005 Planning Denmead should be a Key Hub.

02241Mr Robert Cooper 02241/00001/010 Too few key and local hubs selected- more will spread load.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

13 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02250Mr Nigel Mackie 02250/00001/011 Bishops Waltham and Alresford should be local hubs.

02369Mr Peter Bennett 02369/00001/012 Neither Bishops Waltham nor Wickham have access to railway infrastructure, and as such sustainability will be a problem with significant reliance on cars as the principal means of transport. Neither should be key hubs.

02371Mr Brian Anderson 02371/00001/010 As an Alresford resident I have got some concerns about Alresford being considered as a key hub. The reason I have concerns is that Alresford already acts as a busy hub for shopping, schools, surgery and various sports facilities for local villages surrounding Alresford. If this is expanded further, it is liable to stretch resources such as parking, medical and education to breaking point, as well as changing the entire feel of the community. A more modern designed community may cope with an expanded infrastructure more easily.

02372Mr David Woods 02372/00001/013 Alresford is already stretched to the limit, further major development will be sustainable, with severe traffic, resource and environmental degradation

02376Ms Janet Mckenzie 02376/00001/012 Wickham is already over crowded.

02377Mr Colin Penfold 02377/00001/011 Whiteley should be considered as an extension of Fareham. It is a totally different type of community to the rural hub communities. Just look at the employment profile to see how they differ.

02382Mr Derek Blundell 02382/00001/011 Too much for Bishops Waltham

02386Mr David Griffiths 02386/00001/012 It doesn't make it clear which option is which.

02401Mrs Lesley Weeks 02401/00001/011 Alresford could not cope with any more development. The schools and other community services are already streched.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

14 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02404Mr Geoffrey Faithfull 02404/00001/014 All too close together.

02410Mr Joseph Meider 02410/00001/013 I seem to be going around in circles here because Bishops Waltham should stay at its present limits as explained. Any further expansion would totally ruin the area and as already stated the infrastructure barely provides for the present population.

02413Mrs Hayley White 02413/00001/010 Bishops Waltham

02415Ms Kelsie Learney 02415/00001/014 Denmead should be a key hub rather than local.

02426Mr Malcolm Harling 02426/00001/014 Bishops Waltham should not have 1000 new houses and hubs to the North of the area should be given greater consideration.

02428Mrs Christine Gardner 02428/00001/014 Micheldever

02430Mr Roger Challis 02430/00001/015 To select some of these contradicts your stated principle aims as all will increase car usage and they do not provide a fraction of the necessary employment, however, Kings Worthy has potential with its fairly good bus service and as it is greater Winchester anyway. Colden Common, Twyford, Sparsholt all have potential but require better infrastructure and bus services, to serve Winchester. Whitley requires better access, but is well sited along the M27 development corridor and to serve Southampton. Denmead is almost greater Portsmouth, though better bus services are needed. Waltham Chase, Swanmore, Bishops Waltham, Alresford are all no-nos as they will dramatically increase car usage both locally, any development being more than average walking distance from the town centres, and throughout the area as no employment opportunities will, realistically, be provided. Wickham, that is, Knowle's proximity to Fareham makes it a possible, but bus service would have to be seriously cheaper and more frequent between Fareham and Knowle, and facilities enhanced.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

15 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02431Mr John Godbold 02431/00001/013 Whiteley, if improved transport links.

02433Mr Dave Pendred 02433/00001/012 Bishops Waltham changed with Waltham Chase as a key hub.

02438Mr Karl Graham 02438/00001/011 I would not support Bishops Waltham as a key hub, which I assume means focus for development, since it has already undergone significant development over the last few years. I am also unclear as to why just a few of the local villages are identified as local hubs - they seem little different to many of the other small villages such as Cudridge and Twyford.

02439Mr Ian Hassall 02439/00001/011 Waltham Chase and Swanmore are too close to Bishops Waltham and Wickham to be regarded as useful hubs. Their current facilities are minimal and space to expand them is very limited.

02445Mr David Roger-Jones 02445/00001/004 Wickham has insufficient capacity to be a Key Hub. Most businesses are directed to leisure/tourism and parking is a major issue.

02446Mr Eric Birbeck 02446/00001/013 Bishops Waltham: As a market town Bishops Waltham already has problems with need for renewed infrastructure support, no rail link and poor bus service. Being dormitory town car use is already a major problem. Building or expanding without identifying change will bring even greater problems.

02447Mr Paul Cooper 02447/00001/015 Bishops Waltham should be removed. Micheldever and Twyford should be added due to good access to the motorway network without adding to the traffic burden on local roads and communities. For this reason I support Whiteley, Denmead, Colden Common, Kings Worthy and Alresford. Knowle should also be included - the recent developments there could be added to.

02451Mr Bryn Jones 02451/00001/009 Satisfactory "Hubs" already exist in Winchester, Fareham, Hedge End - all within reasonable travelling distance of the existing towns and villages.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

16 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02453Mrs Fredrica Teale 02453/00001/014 South Wonston and Sutton Scotney are also potential hubs.

02454Mr David Phillips 02454/00001/015 From a meeting held by Denmead council at which local residents attended it was fairly obvious that a significant portion of the council wanted Denmead to become a Key Hub whilst almost all the residents wanted Denmead to be a Local Hub.

02456Mr Stuart Hopkins 02456/00001/011 See question 3b.

02457Mr I K G Arnold 02457/00001/014 Alresford is a pleasant town on a human scale. Using it as a hub for development would be detrimental and adversely affect those living there.

02463Mr Cyril Drake 02463/00001/010 Whiteley, Knowle

02465Ms Denise Corlett 02465/00001/012 No more development should be taking place in Alresford, Bishops Waltham, Wickham, Swanmore or Waltham Chase.

02466Mr Harry Booth 02466/00001/014 Bishops Waltham should not be included.

02468Mr Stephen Webb 02468/00001/017 None of them.

02470Mr Edward Du Boulay 02470/00001/017 Wickham should be a local hub, not a key hub. Twyford should be a key hub.

02471Mr Mark Martin 02471/00001/010 Wickham should not be a key hub. It is not a suitable village for supporting significant economic and housing change- it is a small market village with hundreds' of years of history.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

17 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02473Ms Julie Hindmarch 02473/00001/010 Alresford and other historic towns should not be seen as centres for further development - it would be much better to focus this sort of activity on the local hubs identified above, as there is far more to gain by developing these, and less historic/rural/community character and features at risk.

02474Mr Simon Miller 02474/00001/011 Bishops Waltham should be identified as a local hub.

02475Mr Steve Baxter 02475/00001/013 Key Hubs: Bishops Waltham and Wickham should be Local Hubs; Alresford and Whiteley should remain Key Hubs. If Bishops Waltham and Wickham remain Key and Waltham Chase and Swanmore remain Local their increase in development and use will overburden the local road network.

02477Mr David Evans 02477/00001/012 Wickham should be a local hub not key.

02478Mrs Sue Digby 02478/00001/013 Bishops Waltham local hub. Hursley local hub. Otterbourne key hub. Twyford key hub. Noarth Boarhunt key hub. Horton Heath local hub. Fair Oak key hub.

02482Mr Milton Jolin 02482/00001/015 The criteria used to identify key and local hubs in not detailed enough with regard to local resources and does not give full picture on the potential development of these sites.

02484Mr Philip Sellwood 02484/00001/013 Bishops Waltham and Swanmore should be removed.

02485Mr Peter Burkett 02485/00001/009 Bishops Waltham is not suitable as key hub. Whatever is done you will not decrease the travel requirements because Bishops Waltham is a commuter town with the majority of the population travelling to Hampshire cities, etc for work. New housing needs to concentrate around these major work cities, then a reduction in travel becomes viable.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

18 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02487Mrs Jane Turner 02487/00001/012 Wickham should be changed to a local hub. It is a historic village that has maintained its character and for this reason attracts visitors from local urban areas. South Hampshire is increasingly urban and we should value and maintain villages such as Wickham. People choose to live in Wickham because it is a rural community.

02492Mr Ian Houghton 02492/00001/012 Bishops Waltham should not be classed as a key hub.

02494Mrs Katie Dutson 02494/00001/012 Again increasing population sizes in these areas do not comply to your objectives. You can not provide increased housing and decrease carbon emissions and how can you develop agricultural and landscape sites by building on them. These towns have limited services for the present population and can not cope with the traffic levels at present, let alone in the future IF you increase the population via housing!

02497Mr Ian Parsons 02497/00001/014 Bishops Waltham. Water, power and roads are not up to more expansion of residents. Power cuts are quite frequent and roads are ill maintained and dangerous. (i.e. Cart track through Bishops Waltham at the moment). Queues everywhere, public transport not available at right times, and disabled amenities non existent, this includes the pavements not fit for disabled use. So with the councils inability to maintain these existing services how can you hope to keep up with more development

02498Mr Barry Wright 02498/00001/015 Bishops Waltham should not be a Key Hub

02502Mr Geoffrey Johnson 02502/00001/013 Rural towns should not be subjected to major population or industrial expansion. These area areas people want to live away from the work area.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

19 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02504Mr Peter Stevens 02504/00001/017 None of the local hubs have possessed much 'service provision' at all. Massive improvement in public transport would be needed to reduce dependence on the car. For instance Bishop's Waltham is at present quite poorly served by public transport, and parking for cars is also very restricted. Massive investments would be needed in both parking and public transport.

02510Cllr Jackie Porter 02510/00001/003 Support Kings Worthy being a local hub.

02515Mr Chris Gillham 02515/00001/013 Choice reflects existing nature of these towns.

02515Mr Chris Gillham 02515/00002/014 Choice reflects existing nature of these towns.

02516Mr Matthew Barker 02516/00001/012 I do not understand why this is necessary. I know that the most over promoted man in history - the beyond parody Prescott - was in favour of concreting the South. But Mr Prescott was motivated by antediluvian class envy. Truth is that we are completely gridlocked in South Hampshire. As I said in a previous answer, we are now building on floodplains - how insurable are those properties going to be We are extracting more water than is sustainable. The roads are gridlocked and access to Southampton and Portsmouth is very difficult due to the volume of traffic.

02527Mr David Webb Carter 02527/00001/014 Bishops Waltham and Wickham are already chocked by traffic, poor services, closing post offices and poor telecommunications.

02528Mr Richard Todd 02528/00001/011 Waltham Chase and Swanmore are too small to be considered as local hubs, having very limited services.

02529Mr David Carr 02529/00001/014 For Local Hubs, only Waltham Chase and Denmead are viable. For Key Hubs, Alresford and Bishops Waltham are already too developed to accept an enhanced role.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

20 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02530Mr Martyn Heathcote 02530/00001/011 I strongly feel that Bishops Waltham (and to a lesser extent, Wickham) are unsuitable for the type of likely development scenarios described for such hubs. Their infrastructures and facilities could not swallow such developments.

02531Mrs Clare Carter 02531/00001/003 It is impossible in the modern day to arrange villages such as these into 'hubs' so that the use of the car is reduced. In rural parts such as these the car is essential whether or not new facilities are provided such as more shops etc. People need to commute to work which is invariably in a city (Winchester, Southampton, Portsmouth). Because of the rising living costs people need to earn high wages which is only available in the larger cities. This is turn will lead to car usage to cater for childcare and more often than not a weekly shopping trip on the way home from work in the car. Time is a very precious thing in todays era and that includes the use of cars to provide people with the flexibility they require.

02535Mr Paul Clarke 02535/00001/014 Not really sure. It strikes me that making BW a key hub and W Chase/Swanmore local is surely going to create a mini conurbation of all three. They won't then be market towns or rural.

02542Mr Michael R Batty 02542/00001/013 Omit further development to the Newtown area NW of Bishop's Waltham.

02544Mr A E Dore 02544/00001/012 None of the suggested locations will enable the reduction of dependence by car unless a new rail network is built with easy access to the main line rail network.

02545Ms Emily Wilson 02545/00001/009 Frankly delusional to suggest that towns such as Bishops Waltham/ Wickham have the public transport infrastructure to support the proposed huge expansion in population without increasing the use of the private car. Key Hubs should be limited to those with rail access to provide realistic chance of not producing an even worse traffic problem than already exists.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

21 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02546Mr Loren Butt 02546/00001/010 I think Knowle should be added as a key hub, not because of its nature at the moment, but what it could be if radically expanded to fill the land between the Railway, M27 and A32. It could have its own rail station to give car-free access to Fareham and Portsmouth

02547Mr Terry Romsey 02547/00001/020 I think that the existing settlement boundaries should be maintained. I do not agree with either consolidation of key hub role, or the step change to become a larger or more specialised service centre. My decision to live in Bishops Waltham was precisely because I wanted to live in a traditional country town, not an urban sprawl. Had that been my desire I would have moved to a city or a new area development such as Whiteley village where further development is to be expected.

02557Mr Geoff Olden 02557/00001/015 I would suggest the development at Micheldever Station. A completely new town, with new infra structure and communications that will not be compromised by having the constraints imposed on it by old and existing villages and towns. New Tescos and other supermarkets will kill off the old butchers, bakers and newsagents found in older villages and towns. Please do not attach the terms 'hub' and 'local hub' to these lovely old places.

02558Mr Kevin Andreoli 02558/00001/013 Do not agree with this hub concept.

02566Mrs Marilyn Curtis 02566/00001/015 Bishops Waltham should become a local hub - i.e. less density the onus should be on Whitely the residents would like more density of housing to ensure their education and health services are met in the future.

02567Mrs Sandy O'Leary 02567/00001/017 If you make Kings Worthy a local hub and develop Barton Farm, Kings Worthy will become part of Winchester in one giant suburb.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

22 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02576Mr Anthony Thorpe 02576/00001/012 Who has decided where the definition of Key Hubs should be established. What is meant by significant further change? If there is significant further change, then the whole character of a place changes, making it a less pleasant place to live. Do we really want this I doubt it.

02580Mrs Ruth Shields 02580/00001/010 Neither Wickham nor Bishops Waltham are suitable as potential key hubs. They thrive because they are positioned at an ideal distance from surrounding large towns. Apart from having thriving shops, they are no different from the local hubs that the plan identifies.

02582Mr Evan Skinner 02582/00001/002 Bishops Waltham does not have the infrastructure to be classified as a Key Hub. The selection of shops in the town centre comprises mostly hairdressers and estate agents. The roads and junctions are already over subscribed and any new residents would face a long commute to get anywhere that would offer enough jobs for the new housing, meaning a big carbon footprint. Public transport is virtually nonexistent, with no train station and bus services being cut as recently as a few months ago to now almost nothing. The development areas suggested for BW are all green field sites, which would be a criminal waste of the countryside and destruction of many animals natural habitat if they were developed instead of brown field sites.

02585Mr Jai Gomer 02585/00001/014 Whiteley and Alresford are more in need of development than Bishops Waltham and Wickham.

02586Mr John Nicholls 02586/00001/012 Bishops Waltham, which has minimal public transport and where over development would seriously detract from the semi-rural and relaxed, safe, and pleasant environment, the very things so lacking elsewhere that make BW such a special place.

02588Mrs Jean Dorey 02588/00001/015 Waltham Chase is not a local hub: it is too near Bishops Waltham and Swanmore, Funtley, Southwick, Twyford, Cheriton, Swanwick and Botley could all be included.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

23 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02589Mr Andrew Boarder 02589/00001/011 Whiteley is, due to its proximity to the motorway. The other towns are already saturated and with poor transport infrastructure. Colden Common and Kings worthy should be promoted to Key Hubs.

02591Mr Gordon Larcombe 02591/00001/015 Bishops Waltham, Waltham Chase, Wickham, Swanmore - The infrastructure and services here are already fit to bust. Again why are you absolutely obsessed with 'reducing the need for the use of the car'. It is a leitmotif behind almost everything you propose... just because it is fashionable to damn the car? Have any of the experts who have prepared this draft actually lived in any of the previous locations?

02594Mr Martin Hughes 02594/00001/010 Bishops Waltham is totally inappropriate as a Key Hub - for reasons of space, transport, employment and infrastructure. It is already, and historically so, a Local Hub.

02595Mr Brian Eyley 02595/00001/011 Wickham should not be a key hub but should be a local hub. Denmead should be a key hub, not a local hub. It is entirely illogical to direct development to the much smaller village (1000 homes) instead of the larger town (2500 homes). Any significant development at Wickham would have a disproportional effect on such a small village. Wickham is the jewel in the crown of South East Hampshire, is a magnt for tourism and any significant development would spoil the attractiveness and therefore curtail the tourism benefits. The critical number retail outlets mentioned as justification for inclusion as a key hub are sustained by tourism and passing trade, not because of the local residents. It would not be to Wickham's benefit to altere the balance of the shops and restaurants. There is no possibility of providing additional employment in Wickham without destroying its character. Denmead has a much larger population, would support retail and employment expansion and has more land available for development and for employment expansion. Wickham is ideally placed to form a key gateway to the proposed national park but would not benefit from this if additional development were to spoil the character of the village.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

24 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02599Mr Ian Wolverson 02599/00001/014 Bishops Waltham does not have the transportation advantages required by a main hub! Main trunk roads only accessible via small village roads. No train station for alternative transportation... Leading to increase in traffic/pollution/accidents in what is currently a well balanced rural settlement.

02601Mr Christopher Spicer 02601/00001/007 Key Hubs such as Bishops Waltham do not have the infrastructure to cope with any increased population or road use. Surrounding areas WILL drive to such hubs. The roads in these rural areas already struggle to cope.

02606Mrs Claire Chapman 02606/00001/013 Denmead could also be identified as a key hub.

02610Mrs Gillian Blundell 02610/00001/012 Bishops Waltham

02611Mr James Robins 02611/00001/015 Bishops Waltham and Wickham are too small to be classed as key hubs. They should be local hubs. Whiteley should be identified as a more major key hub- if further growth were planned properly as effectively a "new town" it would be able to absorb a much greater degree of activity and development than small market towns.

02615Mr Michael Hurst 02615/00001/011 Bishops Waltham has neither the space or services to support being categorised as a key hub. It is a country town and must not be turned into a vast housing estate. There is already far too much new development springing up around the town. The local services are hard put to support the current population.

02616Mrs Anna Lea 02616/00001/011 Micheldever Station given railway connections.

02621Mr Rod Passingham 02621/00001/011 The level of infrastructure in Bishops Waltham is insufficient for it to act as a Key Hub, let alone support the several local hubs close by.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

25 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02623Mr Jon Taylor 02623/00001/015 Wickham and Denmead. Wickham should be a local hub. Denmead should be a key hub. Denmead is 2.5 times bigger than Wickham. Wickham's shops cater for tourism and leisure not a larger community of houses. Denmead has the transport infrastructure to be a key hub which Wickham lacks.

02624Miss Magaret Glover 02624/00001/013 Bishops Waltham/Swanmore/Waltham Chase are already over stretched for facilities, and over developed. Every tiny space is being filled with housing, and local infrastructure is insufficient to cope. Parking is a problem peak times, doctor appointments can take days, buses to outlying villages are infrequent.

02625Mr David Thackray 02625/00001/012 The character ansd success of the old market towns like Bishops Waltham, Alresford and Wickham would be destroyed by these plans. I strongly oppose them. The creation of new purpose built settlements like Whiteley are the only way to create the required number of dwellings.

02626Mrs Sandra Harris 02626/00001/013 Wickham is not a town It is a village and should be at best a Local Hub.

02627Mr David Page 02627/00001/013 Current employment patterns within Bishops Waltham simply do not support the assertion that further development here would "reduce the need to travel by car". The ONA's own figures show clearly that the town is a very poor place to develop from this perspective, and thus such development would fly directly opposite to Winchester's Strategic Objective No6. Public transport has demonstrated that it has steadily eroded over the past years, and there is absolutely nothing to suggest that this pattern wil be reserved and that plans to "encourage sustainable transport alternatives" will deliver (Strategic Objective No5). Frankly, any Objective "to encourage" is worthless; a formal undertaking "to deliver" might be more credible.

02630Mr Robert Shepherd 02630/00001/014 Waltham Chase, Swanmore, Bishops Waltham, Wickham and Alresford should be removed. Micheldever, Overton, North and if necessary West of Winchester should be areas for hubs.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

26 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02633Mr Richard Hill 02633/00001/013 All of the areas described are to the South of Winchester, to the North of Winchester there are areas which offer a better choice of sites to be considered.

02634Miss Pauline Chalmers 02634/00001/013 The Key Hubs are wrong: only Whiteley should be considered as a Key Hub. All the others would be destroyed by an increase in commerce and housing.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

27 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02635Mr Chris Benham 02635/00001/006 The IOCS identifies a number of settlements within the district as "key hubs" and "local hubs", where a significant proportion of development within the 'Market towns and rural area' will be located. Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering sustainable development emphasises that the planning system should promote development that 'contributes to the creation of safe, sustainable, livable and mixed communities, with good access to jobs and key services for all members of the community' (para 5). It continues that in preparing Development Plan Documents planning authorities should seek to locate new development 'where everyone can access services and facilities on foot, bicycle or public transport, rather than having to rely on access by car, while recognising that this may be more difficult in rural areas' (para 27(v)). Planning Policy Statement 7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas, states that Development Plan Documents should facilitate and promote sustainable patterns of development in rural areas. 'Planning authorities should focus most new development in or near local service centres where employment, housing (including affordable housing), services and other facilities can be provided close together... these centres (which might be a country town, a single village or a group of villages) should be identified in the development plan as the preferred location for development' (para 3). This national guidance is endorsed in the South East Plan, through policy BE5, which sets out the role of small rural towns (market towns). It states that Local Authorities should encourage and initiate schemes and proposals that help strengthen the viability of small rural towns (defined as being between 3,000- 10,000 in population) recognising their social, economic and cultural importance to wider rural areas and the region as a whole. In particular, the policy notes that this includes supporting and reinforcing the role of small rural towns as local hubs for employment, retail and community facilities and services. The IOCS notes that the methodology used in categorising market towns (key hubs) has had regard to both population size and the provision of facilities, such as employment opportunities, education, retail and public transport provision, etc. The difference between 'key' and 'local' hubs is therefore not just population but also the level of facilities and sustainability of centres (i.e. access to a choice of services without the need to travel). Based on methodology, the IOCS notes that Alresford is the most self-contained key hub within the rural area of the district; and it is also the only one located outside of the PUSH area. Having regard to national planning guidance, it is concluded that the Core Strategy should seek to identify 'key' and 'local' hubs within the district. Furthermore, given the conclusions of the assessment methodology, the Core Strategy should acknowledge the strength and attributes of Alresford as a key hub, both in a

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

28 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent district-wide setting, and within the more defined geographical 'rural area' of the district then falls outside of the defined PUSH area.

02639Mr Matt Richardson 02639/00001/015 Kings Worthy, due to its relationship with Winchester, as well as the existing facilities and services contained within it should be reclassified as a key hub.

02644Mrs Laura Millen 02644/00001/014 By selecting Bishops Waltham, Waltham Chase and Swanmore, these could be massed as one large town, as the actual distances between them are small and thus destroying the unique character of three places all within five miles.

02646Mrs Samantha Baldwin 02646/00001/013 Not sure what the difference is between Bishops Waltham (key hub) and Swanmore and Waltham Chase (local hubs). All these areas only have 1 educational establishment, and the road infrastructure is already overloaded in Bishops Waltham - how can it sustain even more people driving in their cars (unfortunately used instead of walking!)

02647Mr Victor Hatch 02647/00001/013 Regarding Whiteley, the current shortfall in infrastructure would need to be addressed before any further development takes place. At present Whiteley is the hub of a wheel with only 2 spokes.

02648Mrs Marion Mason 02648/00001/007 Bishops Waltham has already seen a lot of growth in the last 10 years and current facilities and road etc cannot cope with any further development.

02652Mr Vernon Tottle 02652/00001/011 Do we have to have hubs at all

02656Mr Andrew Mclay 02656/00001/012 Change Bishops Waltham as a large increase would not reduce the need for car travel because there is not the employment to meet increase demand. This would also apply to the suggested local hubs of Waltham Chase and Swanmore.

02660Mr Paul Littlefair 02660/00001/012 KEY HUB - Colden Common LOCAL HUB - Bishops Waltham

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

29 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02662Mrs Lynda Banister 02662/00001/011 This is too much broad brush and assumes a degree of homogeneity that does not currently exist. How, within the planning system can a range of local shops and services be retained and enhanced? The PO debacle is evidence of the dominance of economic factors over community needs.

02663Mr Nigel Dollery 02663/00001/013 I do not consider myself qualified to comment on this. I have only visited Whiteley shopping area twice, if that is Whiteley I cannot see why it would be any form of hub.

02664Mrs Clare Hunt 02664/00001/011 Bishops Waltham would be unable to support a large increase in its population. Its Doctors surgery and schools are already over stretched as are parking facilities within the town. There is only employment for 30% of working people within Bishops Waltham so further increases in the population would add to the numbers of people commuting out of the town and theredore increase the carbon footprint. If developments were placed in the areas proposed for development it would add to the already conjested Winchester road and would reduce the gap between Bishops Waltham and Durley. We would also loose our valued and beautiful countryside.

02665Mr Martin Burton 02665/00001/017 Further development will ruin these communities which are already under stress. Why do these communities need "opportunities for significant further change" - why not leave them as they are? What is the justification for you making such a statement - it is what you want, or what the people living in these areas want?

02666Mr Peter Richardson 02666/00001/015 It is vital that the communities and economic viability of villages and small towns are maintained. The current plans are in danger of changing the whole way these communities work - and set in a longer time frame with anticipated further growth beyond 2020s we will lose the feel of these places completely. This would be a dreadful legacy to pass on to future generations.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

30 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02668Mrs Wendy Pace 02668/00001/012 Bishops Waltham has only a limited number of shops and central parking facilities. There is no leisure centre, cinema or large supermarket to sustain the additional housing proposed. The main roads through the town are already overloaded and the strain of the additional traffic would seriously reduce the quality of life for all residents and visitors. Most residents would still require a car to travel to and from work as the bus service is limited and there is no rail link.

02671Mrs Gillian Cooper 02671/00001/010 The key hub areas should not be just limited to four areas but should be spread over more settlements to ease the development load on each one. Extreme care should be taken to preserve the green areas between the key hub and local hub and also between all local hub settlements so that they all retain their own individual character. They should not be developed so that they merge together through ribbon development.

02675Mr Simon Dorey 02675/00001/010 This diction seems quite arbitrary . There is little to distinguish Denmead from Bishops Waltham in terms of population or facilities and yet Denmead is deemed a Local Hub but Bishops Waltham is a Key Hub. Other large settlements such as Twyford, Hursley are completely excluded. Whiteley is self constrained and has no surrounding cluster of low order settlements so cannot be a Key Hub. All these settlements (and other large settlements not identified) should be considered Local Hubs.

02676Mr Mark Whittaker 02676/00001/012 South Wonston

02677Mr Martin Orford 02677/00001/014 It is not appropriate to treat ancient market towns such as Bishops Waltham, Wickham and Alresford with the same criteria as a development area such as Whiteley. The ancient market towns have particular needs in order to preserve their historical qualities for leisure and tourism.

02678Mrs Victoria Watson 02678/00001/013 Bishops Waltham and Waltham Chase are both full to capacity, they would lose their charm and status. One must ask themselves where does one end and the other begin

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

31 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02680Mr William Hoskins 02680/00001/014 Bishops Waltham should not be included as a Key Hub. It may have a range of shops, but these are mostly estate agents, hairdressers and very expensive clothes shops for women. Everyday items have to be bought outside of town which means increasing the carbon footprint (using private cars) because the local bus service has been cut and there is no train link. Furthermore, the local sub Post Office has recently closed and the town's youth centre is about to close because the land has been sold for development. So instead of the infrastructure improving it is going the other way and there seems no way of revering the trend.

02682Ms Lynne Cordell 02682/00001/005 Bishops Waltham is a village it has already been over developed and our services are at breaking point.

02683Mrs Rosemary Smith 02683/00001/009 Bishops Waltham should not be considered. Whiteley would be a better prospect.

02686Mr Donald Taylor 02686/00001/014 Whiteley has had recent development and has modern road facilities and cosmetically new buildings would fit in better.

02702Mr Paul Quarrington 02702/00001/013 Wickham is the smallest of the Key Hubs with about one thousand houses. Any major development on top of what has already taken place would seriously threaten it. Most of the shops and restaurants in Wickham are there because people travel there to use them. Denmead has nearly three times as many houses as Wickham and is much more suitable as a Key Hub. Wickham should be a Local Hub. Major development in Wickham is reckless as it has less employment and more unemployment and an older average age. To categorise it like Whiteley is ridiculous

02716Mr Adrian Wood 02716/00001/013 Bishops Waltham and Wickham should retain their identity as small towns /villages, and not be regarded as a hub.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

32 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02717Miss Carol Stebbing 02717/00001/010 Whilst Bishops Waltham does have a range of services, it is most certainly not easy to use public transport links, which necessitates the use of cars for most journeys. Additional housing will increase the vehicles on the roads and these local roads are already congested. The facilities are excellent for the community as it stands, however I seriously doubt they would support a further 1000 households.

02723Miss Louise Dent 02723/00001/009 Wickham should be categorised as a local hub and not a key hub.

02725Mrs Katy Richardson 02725/00001/009 I strongly disagree that Bishops Waltham, Wickham, Waltham Chase, or Swanmore are appropriate to identify as key of local hubs. I do not feel qualified to comment on the other suggested key or local hubs, nor to suggest other settlements.

02728Mr Derek Hickman 02728/00001/013 Kings Worthy is not appropriate/necessary. Too close to Winchester and Winchester can provide just as well.

02729Mrs Maggie Smith 02729/00001/006 Wickham's facilities are limited and geared towards tourism, especially the shops and restaurants. It should be called a Local Hub and make use of the new SDA at north Fareham as the key hub for the area as it will have all the facilities required by policy SH2 of the South East Plan. Similarly Denmead should remain a local hub and take full advantage of all facilities at West of Waterlooville on its doorstep.

02751Mrs Claire Jones 02751/00001/006 Developing Bishops Waltham and Wickham will spoil the local communities.

02753Mrs Lorrie Smith 02753/00001/013 Again, how have you made the decision of putting Waltham Chase or the other 4 villages into a category of local hub without doing individual reports re the capabilities and infrastructure of each village How can you even ask local people this question when you don't have the correct procedures in place or reports on the villages

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

33 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02759Mrs Frances Cole 02759/00001/004 Bishops Waltham should be a local hub

02764Mr Graham Mulholland 02764/00001/014 How on earth can you consider Wickham, Bishops Waltham and Alresford as suitable Key Hub locations

02783Mrs Dorothy Quiney 02783/00001/016 Denmead should be regarded as a key hub, currently has the largest population figures for the rural villages and growing. Just because all the shops are not currently all in use is no reason to suppose that that will be the case in the future. It has all the necessary facilities to become a key hub - including a free shoppers/workers car park courtesy of WCC. Putting it in the same category as Waltham Chase is laughable. Local Hub - take out Waltham Chase, it has only two convenience stores, one cycle shop, one ladies hairdresser but three pubs and one very expensive filling station. People in Parish, of which Waltham Chase is a part, look to the key hubs of Wickham or BW for services. Shops have to rely on only very local customers to sustain their businesses.

02784Mrs Victoria Louise Ruth 02784/00001/004 Moore BW simply will not be safe place with the new amount of traffic on the main road. The facilities will also not with stand such expansion.

02792Mrs Belinda Hill 02792/00001/002 Bishops Waltham, Waltham Chase and Swanmore.

02819Mr John Fuller 02819/00001/011 Too great an emphasis to the South East of Winchester.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

34 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02833Mrs Gillian Mulley 02833/00001/013 I don't think Bishops Waltham or Wickham should be Key Hubs. They could be Local Hubs. I don't think Waltham Chase or Swanmore should be hubs at all. I think the major development of housing and employment in south Hampshire should be centred on Whiteley because of its proximity to the M27 and hence access to the major employment areas of Southampton and Portsmouth. If significant more housing is to put in to Bishops Waltham and Wickham, even if this is accompanied by new businesses, the attractive environment in these towns, coupled with relatively short commute times, will draw in more residents who will commute to Southampton and Portsmouth. This will increase pressure on local roads and on the communities which lie (like Durley) between these two towns and the major cities.

02847Mr Stuart Lindsay 02847/00001/015 Micheldever should also be a key hub.

02865Mrs Elizabeth James 02865/00001/011 Local Hub Waltham Chase lies close to two proposed Key Hubs and therefore will automatically benefit from their status, it does not need to be designated as a Local Hub.

02871Ms Jo Hayward 02871/00001/013 Because you are just expanding local villages. People will still travel to towns (Wnchester, Hedge End, Portsmouth and Southampton) to work and shop.

02895Mrs Wendy Ingamells 02895/00002/016 All villages should be included so none are swamped.

02908Mr Frank Harrison 02908/00001/008 Part of the Bishops Waltham are housing should be moved to Waltham Chase and Swanmore.

02917Mrs Sarah Goddard 02917/00001/016 I don't understand why the Meon Valley is bearing the brunt of development via the key hubs. Surely there is an unfair bias towards the Bishops Waltham/Wickham area.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

35 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02925Mrs Gaynor Parker 02925/00001/014 Wickham, as it stands, is a historic village, and will be utterly swamped by any major development which being included as a Key Hub will entail.

02929Mrs Yvonne Case 02929/00001/011 Denmead should be a key hub because of its transport links and its proximity to the MDA west of Waterlooville. Wickham should be identified as a local hub.

02932Mr Jonathan Simmons 02932/00001/017 Alresford, Bishops Waltham and Wickham are very different to Whiteley. The former are ancient market towns - wonderful places which should be left well alone, while Whiteley is a new, badly planned and unfinished modern development. Only Whiteley should be selected as a key growth hub since it badly needs the new development associated infrastructure and is in a more urban part of the district.

02934Mrs Eloise Appleby 02934/00001/014 There is no local hub for the Meon Valley. I am still not clear why West Meon hasn't been identified, as something is needed in the valley from what I know in relation to the West Meon community shop rationale.

02935Mr Roger Lee 02935/00001/012 Bishops Waltham is more suited as a Local Hub. Hedge End/ Botley may be suited as a Key Hub.

02936Mr Randolph Mulley 02936/00001/013 I have no opinion about Alresford. I believe Bishops Waltham and Wickham should not be key hubs, but could be local hubs. Whiteley could be a key hub, with most of the expansion in employment and housing centred there. Swanmore and Waltham Chase should not be hubs of any kind.

02938Miss Sarah Spencely 02938/00001/003 Bishops Waltham, Swanmore, Waltham Chase, Colden Common - The current transport infrastructure is already inadequate to support the number of people living in this area.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

36 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 02939Mr Lucian Warwick- 02939/00001/012 Haller I disagree with the whole approach to deliberately developing certain areas. Growth should not be being forced on any particular area. Development should be more organic in nature, and should be controlled and directed as necessary by the local authority. Clearly wholly inappropriate levels of growth are proposed for many areas of the district, quite out of scale with the towns involved. Population is being deliberately drawn into the area in an entirely artificial manner.

02941Mr Piers Austin 02941/00001/012 Add Botley to local hubs. I question Wickham as a key hub, as mostly residential/retail the myth of market towns is outdated and not relevant today.

02942Mr Graham Campbell 02942/00001/012 The proposed 1000 homes in BW is totally inappropriate. For 1000 homes read 2000 cars, all speeding through the village of Durley to get to the superstore/M27

02944Mr Andrew Bennett 02944/00001/016 This is again mindless jargon (as previously mentioned your council has stood by and watched as local bus services are slashed) if you believe in these so called hubs where are the plans to allow children to study in local secondary schools and sixth forms within their hub area. You know the trend is still for huge faceless comprehensives and sixth form colleges that our children have to travel to on very expensive and inadequate public transport.

02997Mrs Nikki Oliver 02997/00001/012 Swanmore has a large secondary school with opportunities to develop further as a community hub it also has a good public transport service and excellent local shopping. It should be considered as a key hub.

03010Mr Peter Middleton 03010/00001/011 Alresford, Bishops Waltham and Wickham - all lack the infrastructure to service new development.

03029Mr Robert Toleman 03029/00001/006 Clear focus on "improving" sustainability. Just what are you saying?

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

37 Question 6b. If you ticked no (to 6a), please specifiy which settlements should be changed, or which other settlements should be identified as a key hub or local hub. (please also indicate whether the settlement should be a key of local hub). Customer Comment Reference NameReference Agent 03047Mrs Fleur Wainwright 03047/00001/013 None of your key hubs have railway stations. Surely this is a fundamental requirement if car usage is to be reduced.

03050Mr Colin Grant 03050/00001/014 Littleton

03059IBM 03059/00001/015 Denmead should be removed. Its proximity to Waterlooville which is larger and has better infrastructure suggests it is inappropriate to include on the list. Waterlooville is part of Havant and not WCC but I am sure WCC are not adverse to co-operation with Havant (PUSH). Should Micheldever be a Local or Key Hub There appears to be a lack of these north of Winchester (Kings Worthy being the only one identified).

03071Mr John Hayter 03071/00001/017 The Key Hubs and Local Hubs should be consistent with the South East Plan definitions- Key Hubs should be over 3000 population and Local Hubs under 3000. The Key and Local Hubs are not all the most sustainable locations and there should be Local Hubs at Curdridge, Durley, Botley, Compton, Shawford, Twyford and Otterbourne, but not at Denmead, Swanmore or Waltham Chase.

03202Mr M Charrett 03202/00001/008 Allocation of genuinely sustainable development to all towns and villages throughout the District. Additions to Key Hubs: Micheldever Colden Common should be changed from Local to Key Hub.

03203Mr A Rutter 03203/00001/012 Micheldever should be identified as an additional local hub.

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

38 Q6b The following list made this comment:

'Wickham should be a Local Hub not Key Hub'

Each response has been counted as an individual comment.

Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01501Revd David Simpson 01501/00004/001 01503Mrs L Simpson 01503/00003/001 02072Mr Roger Hylaid 02072/00001/002 02073Mr Jonathan Corner 02073/00001/002 02074Miss Sandra Semmens 02074/00001/002 02076Mr Robert Ayling 02076/00001/002 02077Miss Helen Marsh 02077/00001/002 02078Miss G Barnes 02078/00001/002 02080Mrs Ann Watson 02080/00001/002 02081Miss B Mintram 02081/00001/002 02083Mr Chris Upsher 02083/00001/002 02085Miss S Hiscock 02085/00001/002 02086Mr Andrew Hughes 02086/00001/002 02087Miss Amanda Bellairs-Wray 02087/00001/002 02089Mr Brian Williams 02089/00001/002 02090Mrs Maureen Williams 02090/00001/002 02140Ms Linda Wallace 02140/00001/002 02141Mr Steven Brackstone 02141/00001/002 02142Mr R Lee 02142/00001/002 02143Miss Sandy Phillips-Lee 02143/00001/002 02144Mr And Mrs Ron Brown 02144/00001/002 02145Mr And Mrs Sally And James 02145/00001/002 Eldridge 02147Mr Christopher Brennan 02147/00001/002 02148Miss Francenca Gott 02148/00001/002 02149Ms J Firth 02149/00001/002 02150Mrs G M Russ 02150/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

39 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02151Mr Stuart Courtney 02151/00001/002 02153Mr And Mrs Terry And Helen 02153/00001/002 Wright 02154Mr And Mrs R G Bishop 02154/00001/003 02155Mr Vernon Attwell 02155/00001/002 02156Mr And Mrs J R Mainwaring 02156/00001/002 02157Ms Lisa Lavis 02157/00001/002 02158Miss V Parrotte 02158/00001/002 02159Miss Stephanie Leeson 02159/00001/002 02160Mr And Mrs Andrews 02160/00001/002 02161Mr Jonathan Cantrell 02161/00001/002 02162Miss Katherine Bradbury 02162/00001/002 02163Mrs E Harris 02163/00001/002 02164Mrs Lillian Drake 02164/00001/002 02165Mr And Mrs Wright 02165/00001/002 02166Mr And Mrs Gerard And Patricia 02166/00001/002 Moore 02167Miss Ann Mabbutt 02167/00001/002 02168Mr And Mrs John And Elena 02168/00001/002 Goodwin 02178Ms Vivien C Brunner 02178/00001/002 02179Mr And Mrs Christopher And 02179/00001/002 Carole Brown 02180Miss J M Barwick 02180/00001/002 02182Miss Emma Hoskins 02182/00001/002 02183Miss Tracey Jones 02183/00001/002 02184Ms Krys Pickersgill 02184/00001/002 02185Miss Naomi Thorne 02185/00001/002 02186Mr Daniel Johnson 02186/00001/002 02187Mr Norman Reid 02187/00001/002 02188Ms Jane Dobson 02188/00001/002 02189Mr M Peazold 02189/00001/002 02197Miss Feroze Nudy 02197/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

40 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02199Mr Shireen Jathoonha 02199/00001/002 02200Mr P Gleed 02200/00001/002 02202Mr Roger Hall 02202/00001/002 02203Miss Amanda Cope 02203/00001/002 02204Mr Michael Brown 02204/00001/002 02205Mr And Mrs Peter And Karen 02205/00001/002 Sparkes 02206Mr And Mrs Andrew And Lauren 02206/00001/002 Bray 02207Mr And Mrs B Eades 02207/00001/002 02208Mr S Barwell 02208/00001/002 02209Mr Keith Miller 02209/00001/002 02210Mr And Mrs Mark And Kelly 02210/00001/002 Stewart 02211Mr And Mrs Geoffrey And Allison 02211/00001/002 Matthews 02212Ms Ann Lamond 02212/00001/002 02213Ms D Berry 02213/00001/002 02214Ms Kathryn Carstens 02214/00001/002 02215Mr J C Weatherhead 02215/00001/002 02216Miss G Bond 02216/00001/002 02217Mr And Mrs Graham And Sarah 02217/00001/002 Richardson 02218Mr I Ogilvy 02218/00001/002 02219Miss N Warrington 02219/00001/002 02220Mr Trevor Jones 02220/00001/002 02221Mr Richard Olney 02221/00001/002 02222Mr G F Goodchild 02222/00001/002 02223Mrs D A Goodchild 02223/00001/002 02224Miss Rea Goodchild 02224/00001/002 02225Mr And Mrs Cole 02225/00001/002 02231Mr And Mrs M Heron 02231/00001/002 02232Mr And Mrs A Robson 02232/00001/002 02234Mr And Mrs Denyer 02234/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

41 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02236Mr And Mrs S Agass 02236/00001/002 02246Mr J I Saunders 02246/00001/002 02247Mr Nick Gerrell 02247/00001/002 02248Mr Dean Hurley 02248/00001/002 02249Mr And Mrs C Brown 02249/00001/002 02251Mrs C Fuller 02251/00001/002 02253Mr Stuart Fuller 02253/00001/002 02254Mr And Mrs Barry And Rosemary 02254/00001/002 Corner 02255Mr And Mrs Michael And Victoria 02255/00001/002 Townsend 02257Mrs Esther Leonard 02257/00001/002 02259Mr And Mrs S Morgan 02259/00001/002 02260Mr And Mrs Glenda And Sinead 02260/00001/002 Sullivan 02261Mr And Mrs Andrew And Sarah 02261/00001/002 Snow 02262Mr And Mrs L Otley 02262/00001/002 02263Dr A Blume 02263/00001/002 02265Mrs Barbara Carstairs 02265/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

42 Q6b The following list made the comments:

• Denmead is more than twice the size of Wickham and is a market town in the Local Plan. Denmead should be a Key Hub. • Wickham should be a Local Hub • Wickham is much smaller than the other Key Hubs. Major development in Wickham would have a disproportionate effect on the settlement. • Wickham only just has the requisite number of shops for a Key Hub • Wickham could be a key gateway to the National Park, as long as development does not overwhelm its strong identity. • Significant development in Wickham is not sound in sustainability terms, due to aging population and inadequate public transport

Each response has been counted as an individual comment.

Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 00949Mr And Mrs Debbie Holley And 00949/00002/003 Family 00951Mr And Mrs Philip And Wendy 00951/00002/003 Greenish 00954Mr And Mrs P D And L Spake 00954/00003/003 00956Mrs M Wheeler 00956/00002/003 00978Mr G J Wilkins 00978/00002/003 00990Mr And Mrs E Jakob 00990/00002/003 00994Mrs Evelyn Warwick 00994/00002/003 00995Mr N R Turner 00995/00003/003 00999Mrs B Davis 00999/00002/003 01003Mr And Mrs B P And E S Winter 01003/00002/003 01004Mr And Mrs Leslie And Rita 01004/00002/003 Coker 01008Mr And Mrs Anthony And Helen 01008/00002/003 Drury 01009Dr Robert C Sexton 01009/00002/003 01014Mr And Mrs M D Henderson 01014/00002/003 01015Mr Keith F Barnard 01015/00002/003 01017Mr Richard Y C Sharp 01017/00002/003 01020Mr Anthony Clark 01020/00002/003 01023Mr C S Hodge 01023/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

43 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01026Ms Lisa Morey 01026/00002/003 01027Mrs M Whiffin 01027/00001/004 01028Ms Fiona Allen 01028/00002/003 01031Mr And Mrs John And Patricia 01031/00002/003 Hartley 01032Mrs D Brown 01032/00001/004 01034Ms Sara Day 01034/00002/002 01034Ms Sara Day 01034/00002/003 01036Mr And Mrs Brian And Sheila 01036/00002/003 Harfield 01037Mr D Gamblin 01037/00002/003 01042Ms Linda Mary Tomlin 01042/00002/003 01043Mr And Mrs Charles And 01043/00002/003 Deborah Smith 01045Mrs J Hirst 01045/00002/003 01046Mr And Mrs Andrew And Tamsin 01046/00002/003 Goodman 01050Mr And Mrs K Melsome 01050/00002/003 01054Mr Brian Oswald 01054/00002/003 01055Ms Heather Oswald 01055/00002/003 01056Ms Patricia Fray 01056/00002/003 01064Mr And Mrs Colin And Jennifer 01064/00002/003 York 01067Mr And Mrs Simon And Lisa 01067/00002/003 Rustell 01068Mr And Mrs Ian And Rosemary 01068/00002/003 Riches 01070Mrs Joan Botten 01070/00002/003 01081Mr Michael Green 01081/00002/003 01082Mr And Mrs S H And P M Cooper 01082/00002/003 01084Mr Modesty Hunter 01084/00002/003 01085Mr Kevin Tappin 01085/00001/003 01085Mr Kevin Tappin 01085/00002/003 01086Ms Ruth Edwards 01086/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

44 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01091Mr James Haywood 01091/00002/003 01092Mr Graham Haywood 01092/00002/003 01094Ms Rosemary Crane 01094/00002/003 01096Ms Melanie Boylett 01096/00002/003 01099Ms Lauren Burton 01099/00002/003 01101Mr Basil Bultitude 01101/00002/003 01104Mrs Rosemary Hilton 01104/00002/003 01106Mr E M Smith 01106/00002/003 01110Mrs C Bond 01110/00002/003 01111Mr And Mrs Neil And Lorraine 01111/00002/003 Masson 01113Mrs D E Hammond 01113/00002/003 01114Ms Margaret Van Den Broek 01114/00002/003 01115Mr E Barringer 01115/00002/003 01119Mr And Mrs C B And J L Estell 01119/00002/003 01126Mrs C Blackman 01126/00002/003 01128Mr And Mrs J Crick 01128/00002/003 01130Mrs Elizabeth Hardinge 01130/00002/003 01136Mr And Mrs Vollentine 01136/00001/004 01138Mrs R Chambers 01138/00002/003 01139Mr A Chambers 01139/00002/003 01142Mrs E Pack 01142/00002/003 01143Mrs Christine Beardshaw 01143/00002/003 01144Mr And Mrs S And I P Tasker 01144/00001/004 01152Mr And Mrs Russell And 01152/00002/003 Catherine Chisnall 01154Mr And Mrs Edmund Charles 01154/00002/003 And Shirley Waring 01158Mr And Mrs Thorne 01158/00002/003 01159Mrs And Mrs M Toole 01159/00001/004 01165Mr And Mrs Ross 01165/00002/003 01173Mrs L H G Bonnor 01173/00002/003 01174Ms Sandra Foulkes 01174/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

45 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01176Mr And Mrs Laws 01176/00001/004 01179Mr M J Willers 01179/00002/003 01180Ms Carole Unser 01180/00002/003 01183Mr And Mrs Michael And Judith 01183/00002/003 Oakes 01184Mrs Jean E McKay 01184/00002/003 01185Mr M J Coombs 01185/00002/003 01188Mr And Mrs R Harwood 01188/00002/003 01191Mr Matthew Bailey 01191/00002/003 01193Mr And Mrs Tollerfield 01193/00002/003 01196Mr B Wingate 01196/00002/003 01198Mr P Locke 01198/00002/003 01202Ms Dorothy Johnson 01202/00002/003 01204Mr And Mrs G J Aiken 01204/00002/003 01206Mrs M R Dear 01206/00002/003 01208Mr And Mrs Knight 01208/00002/003 01209Mr And Mrs Mike And Anne 01209/00002/003 Gosney 01210Mrs B Benson 01210/00002/003 01212Mr And Mrs Gulliford 01212/00001/004 01217Mrs G Butters 01217/00002/003 01223Mr And Mrs Kevin Coker 01223/00002/003 01228Mr And Mrs D J Gray 01228/00002/003 01230Mr Anthony Richard Johnson 01230/00002/003 01235Mr And Mrs H K White 01235/00002/003 01239Mr Andrew Burton 01239/00002/003 01240Mr Dennis Pilcher 01240/00002/003 01242Mr And Mrs Laing 01242/00002/003 01245Mr William Hobbs 01245/00002/003 01247Mr Kenneth Edwards 01247/00002/003 01248Mr P J Noble 01248/00002/003 01249Mr D M Vear 01249/00002/003 01250Mrs S Gillanders 01250/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

46 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01253Ms Wendy Burton 01253/00002/003 01257Mr And Mrs P J Duddridge 01257/00002/003 01261Ms Sheila Elizabeth Campbell 01261/00002/003 01268Mr William Bryn Foulkes 01268/00002/003 01272Mr H W Lockey 01272/00002/003 01274Dr Mark Du Boulay 01274/00002/003 01278Mr And Mrs Colin And Janet 01278/00002/003 McIntosh 01279Ms Alana Burton 01279/00002/003 01285Mrs Barbara McCallion 01285/00002/003 01290Mr And Mrs Roy And Susan 01290/00002/003 Perry 01294Mr Terry Caister 01294/00002/003 01295Mr And Mrs Coker 01295/00002/003 01299Mr And Mrs Kemp 01299/00002/003 01301Mr And Mrs George And Sylvia 01301/00002/003 Mercer 01303Mr And Mrs Theuma 01303/00002/003 01304Mr And Mrs O'Neill 01304/00002/003 01305Mr And Mrs Ray And Bez 01305/00002/003 Richards 01308Mrs M E Manuel 01308/00002/003 01309Mr Keith Robinson 01309/00002/003 01311Mrs Toni Smith 01311/00002/003 01313Mr And Mrs Bert And Joan 01313/00002/003 Parkins 01314Mr And Mrs L S Towlson 01314/00002/003 01315Mr Richard Warwick 01315/00002/003 01317Mr Paul Healy 01317/00002/003 01320Mrs Rosalind McAllister 01320/00002/003 01321Mr G Barrett 01321/00002/003 01322Mr And Mrs Raymond And Joyce 01322/00002/003 Offen 01323Mr Duncan Phelps 01323/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

47 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01329Mr John Bain 01329/00002/003 01330Ms Jennifer Bradley 01330/00002/003 01331Ms Sylvia Wells 01331/00002/003 01332Ms Carol Batterson 01332/00002/003 01333Mrs Angela Avonda 01333/00002/003 01335Ms C Chapman 01335/00002/003 01336Mrs P June Harper 01336/00002/003 01337Mr And Mrs George And Ann 01337/00002/003 Condie 01338Mrs Vivien Harper 01338/00002/003 01339Ms Mary J Burgess 01339/00002/003 01340Mr Robert Goble 01340/00002/003 01341Mr V B Hunter 01341/00002/003 01349Mr And Mrs D Burgess 01349/00002/003 01351Mr And Mrs R Powell 01351/00002/003 01353Dr J Goodey 01353/00002/003 01355Mrs E S Goodey 01355/00002/003 01358Mrs A T Cobb 01358/00002/003 01359Mr P G Taylor 01359/00002/003 01360Mrs J Brackenbury 01360/00002/003 01366Mr Michael Kerley 01366/00002/003 01368Mr B J Turvey 01368/00002/003 01371Mr And Mrs Arthur And Diana 01371/00001/004 Shadwell 01372Mrs Peggy L Anderson 01372/00002/003 01373Ms Judith Masterson 01373/00002/003 01374Mrs S Byles 01374/00001/004 01375Mr And Mrs Ray And Susan 01375/00002/003 Austin 01376Mr And Mrs Bentley 01376/00002/003 01377Mrs Joyce V Johnston 01377/00002/003 01378Mr And Mrs Anthony And Gillian 01378/00002/003 Balcombe

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

48 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01379Mr Beryl Olwen Alexander 01379/00002/003 01382Mrs Betty Bellis 01382/00002/003 01383Ms Pat Matthews 01383/00002/003 01387Mr P F Donohue 01387/00002/003 01391Mr Matt Browning 01391/00002/003 01393Mrs G Tuffs 01393/00002/003 01395Mr And Mrs P Bennett 01395/00002/003 01396Mr And Mrs Keith And Gillian 01396/00002/003 Towlson 01401Mr J Marshall 01401/00002/003 01402Mr And Mrs Robert And 01402/00002/003 Margaret Goodrich 01405Mr And Mrs J Leach 01405/00002/003 01406Mrs T J Beale 01406/00002/003 01408Mr And Mrs G G And J R 01408/00002/003 Sessions 01410Mr And Mrs Michael And Victoria 01410/00002/003 Betts 01416Mr Patrick Hole 01416/00002/003 01419Ms Iris Bartlett 01419/00002/003 01420Ms Jennifer Steeples 01420/00002/003 01425 Mrs B E Quantrill 01425/00002/003 01427Mr And Mrs Malcolm And Karen 01427/00002/003 Lipscombe 01431Mr And Mrs B Hearn 01431/00002/003 01433Mr And Mrs Brian And Margaret 01433/00002/003 Edgworth 01436Mr And Mrs C K Couch 01436/00002/003 01438Mr And Mrs S Wood 01438/00002/003 01441Mr R C Smith 01441/00002/003 01443Mr Anthony White 01443/00002/003 01444Mr Reg Betts 01444/00002/003 01449Mr A Clark 01449/00002/003 01450Mrs Doris Goodall 01450/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

49 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01453Mrs Joan D Smith 01453/00002/003 01455Mr Joyce M Tuffill 01455/00002/003 01456Ms Dorothy Lilian Kendrick 01456/00002/003 01457Mr F R Edwards 01457/00002/003 01458Mr D Copeland 01458/00002/003 01459Mr Robert Brown 01459/00002/003 01464Mr Mark Ashton 01464/00002/003 01466Ms Sue North 01466/00002/003 01468Mr And Mrs David And Greta 01468/00002/003 Weston 01474Mr David E Blake 01474/00002/003 01475Mr Stephen P Drake 01475/00002/003 01476Mr Brian Davies 01476/00002/003 01477Ms Denise Davies 01477/00002/003 01478Mr Oliver Davies 01478/00002/003 01479Ms Helen Manuel 01479/00002/003 01482Mrs Jennifer Bass 01482/00001/004 01483Mr Gerald Banks 01483/00001/004 01484Mr Ian Goddard 01484/00001/004 01486Mr Graham Smith 01486/00001/004 01487Mrs Janet Langford 01487/00001/004 01489Mr And Mrs Norman And 01489/00001/004 Christine Beckett 01492Mrs Angela Fay Wilson 01492/00001/004 01494Mrs Tania Hall 01494/00002/003 01501Revd David Simpson 01501/00002/003 01502Mr And Mrs Angus And Margaret 01502/00001/004 McGilp 01508Mr Douglas Aylward 01508/00002/003 01509Mr Peter Frankpitt 01509/00001/004 01511Ms J A Restall 01511/00002/003 01514Mr Robert Goulson 01514/00002/003 01516Mrs Jane Goulson 01516/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

50 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01517Mr And Mrs Derek And Barbara 01517/00002/003 Watson 01518Mr And Mrs Maurice And Myrtle 01518/00002/003 Cooper 01521Mr J Comerford 01521/00001/003 01524Mr Godfrey Harper 01524/00002/003 01525Mr And Mrs Pierre And Tina 01525/00001/004 Allison 01528Mr Brian Hall 01528/00002/003 01529Mr Derek Charles Someruille 01529/00001/004 01531Mrs Janet Bingham 01531/00001/004 01532Mrs Lisa Foster 01532/00002/003 01533Dr Morgan O'Connell 01533/00002/003 01536Mrs Carrie Mandley 01536/00002/003 01537Mrs Barbara Webb 01537/00002/003 01538Mr Jack Stickland 01538/00002/003 01545Mr And Mrs Louis And Susan 01545/00001/004 Nash 01547Mrs Olive Trotman 01547/00001/004 01548Mrs Daksha Mistry 01548/00001/004 01549Mr And Mrs Barry And Christine 01549/00001/004 Samways 01551Mrs Daphne Kingsland 01551/00001/004 01552Mr Sean McCallion 01552/00002/003 01555Mr And Mrs John And Margaret 01555/00001/004 Wheeler 01556Miss Maxine Wheeler 01556/00001/004 01559Mr Iain McAllister 01559/00002/003 01563Mrs Susan Hemsworth 01563/00001/004 01564Mrs R Cane 01564/00001/004 01565Mr And Mrs Maclean 01565/00002/003 01566Mr William John Baldwin 01566/00002/003 01569Mr Frank Knight 01569/00001/004 01570Captain Rn. Gerrard Andrewes 01570/00002/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

51 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01571Mrs June Gibbons 01571/00001/004 01572Mr Damon Daysh 01572/00001/004 01573Miss Jane England 01573/00002/003 01575Mr Edward Piercy-Jones 01575/00001/004 01576Mrs Jean Ockenden 01576/00001/004 01578Mr Henry Butters 01578/00001/004 01582Lt Cdr And Mrs Michael And 01582/00001/004 Barbara Berry 01584Mr Keith Davies 01584/00001/004 01586Ms Lisa Hymers 01586/00001/004 01590Mrs Melba Boultwood 01590/00001/004 01593Mrs Karen Percival 01593/00001/004 01595Mr Neale V Fray 01595/00001/004 01597Mrs Betty Mitchell 01597/00002/003 01598Mr And Mrs Wayne And Sally 01598/00001/004 Beck 01600Mr And Mrs Peter And Joy Curry 01600/00001/004 01602Mrs Anne Mitchell 01602/00001/004 01603Mrs Constance Gordon 01603/00001/004 01606Mr Barry Evers 01606/00001/004 01615Mrs Susan Hoare 01615/00001/004 01624Mr Roger Partridge 01624/00001/004 01628Mrs Doreen Ettling 01628/00001/004 01630Mrs Eleanor Watts 01630/00001/004 01633Mrs Christine Wilkins 01633/00001/004 01635Mrs Dorothy Usher 01635/00001/004 01636Mr Phillip Perry 01636/00001/004 01637Mr Arthur Cleeve 01637/00001/004 01643Mr Robert John Wheeler 01643/00001/004 01644Mrs Pamela Ray 01644/00001/004 01648Mr Gerald Andrew Day 01648/00001/004 01650Mr And Mrs Barry And Beverley 01650/00001/004 Jones

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

52 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01651Mr Winnie Metcalf 01651/00001/004 01653Mr Adam Weald 01653/00001/004 01655Mr And Mrs Michael And 01655/00001/004 Miranda Hughes 01660Mrs June Astridge 01660/00001/004 01662Mr And Mrs Frank And Jean Cox 01662/00001/004 01664Mr And Mrs Malcolm And Norma 01664/00001/004 Short 01666Mrs Lindsay Glasspool 01666/00001/004 01667Mr Steven Shott 01667/00001/004 01675Mrs Susan Doherty 01675/00001/004 01676Mrs Marjorie Butterfield 01676/00001/004 01682Mr And Mrs Anton And Susan 01682/00001/004 Hanney 01685Mr Ian Wright 01685/00002/003 01687Mr And Mrs William And 01687/00001/004 Penelope Agnew 01692Mrs Anne Driver 01692/00001/004 01693Mrs Pauline Betts 01693/00002/003 01694Mrs Isabel Short 01694/00001/004 01695Mrs Margaret White 01695/00002/003 01697Mr Stanley Quantrill 01697/00002/003 01698Mr Graham Russell 01698/00002/003 01700Mr And Mrs John And Betty 01700/00001/004 Brosnan 01703Mr And Mrs Michael And Claire 01703/00001/004 Barnes 01705Mrs Lucy Marson 01705/00001/004 01706Mr Cedric Hunt 01706/00001/004 01707Mr Anthony Driver 01707/00001/004 01710Mr R W Merritt 01710/00001/004 01714Mr Graham Pike 01714/00001/004 01719Mrs Susan Roger-Jones 01719/00001/004 01720Mr Robin Dudley 01720/00003/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

53 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01725Ms Claire Steeples 01725/00001/004 01730Mr And Mrs Graham Knight 01730/00001/004 01731Mr Graham Laut 01731/00001/004 01734Lady Dorothy Tidbury 01734/00001/004 01735Miss Katherine Richards 01735/00001/004 01737Mr Peter Fooks 01737/00001/004 01738Mr Derek Hunt 01738/00001/004 01739Mrs Lisa Ashley 01739/00001/004 01740Mrs Christine White 01740/00001/004 01744Mr And Mrs Michael And 01744/00001/004 Rosemary O'Leary 01748Mr And Mrs Charles And 01748/00001/004 Daphne Gale 01749Mr Eugene O'Connor 01749/00001/004 01751Ms Jane Shearsmith 01751/00001/004 01754Mr David Pitt 01754/00001/004 01755Mr Brian Dell 01755/00001/004 01756Mr Brian Morgan 01756/00001/004 01757Mr Stanley Money 01757/00001/004 01758Mr And Mrs William And Mary 01758/00001/004 Puttock 01759Mr Brian Orvis 01759/00001/004 01761Dr Charlotte Groves 01761/00001/004 01770Miss Elizabeth Austin 01770/00001/004 01772Mr James Freemantle 01772/00001/004 01775Mr Neil Botten 01775/00001/004 01777Mr And Mrs Jack And Joan 01777/00001/004 Eddles 01778Mrs Angela Clear 01778/00001/004 01780Mr Martin Rogers 01780/00001/004 01781Mr And Mrs Roy And Karen 01781/00001/004 Jeffrey 01783Mr Bruce Howard Crook 01783/00001/004 01785Mr David Buckle 01785/00001/004

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

54 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01787Mrs Dorothy Pope 01787/00001/004 01789Ms Lynda Cussons 01789/00001/004 01790Mr And Mrs John And Gloria 01790/00001/004 Roux 01792Mr And Mrs Ian And Diane 01792/00001/004 McKay 01795Mr And Mrs Paul And Joan 01795/00001/004 Hymers 01796Mr And Mrs Robert And Marlene 01796/00001/004 Randell 01797Mr And Mrs Alfred And June 01797/00001/004 Feast 01798Mrs Joyce Daysh 01798/00001/004 01800Mr And Mrs Chris And Deborah 01800/00001/004 Queen 01801Mr Werner Zacker 01801/00001/004 01802Mr Christopher May 01802/00001/004 01803Mr Stephen Kay 01803/00001/004 01805Mrs Bev Wetherill 01805/00001/004 01806Mr Colin Pratt 01806/00001/004 01807Mrs Hazel Fleming 01807/00001/004 01808Mrs Fran Hall 01808/00001/004 01809Mrs Alberta Simmons 01809/00001/004 01812Mr And Mrs Paul And Ann De 01812/00001/004 Ste-Croix 01822Mrs J Cleife 01822/00002/003 01912Dr And Mrs Steven And Fiona 01912/00001/004 Reeves 01913Sir John Forbes 01913/00001/004 01914Mrs Joan Stubbington 01914/00001/004 01917Mrs Dawn Toomey 01917/00001/004 01919Dr Mark Hunter 01919/00002/004 02281Mr And Miss Steve And Rachel 02281/00001/009 Hodgkinson And Christopher 02282Miss Annette Blackman 02282/00001/009

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

55 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02284Mr Barry Hirst 02284/00001/009 02286Mrs Sandra Hallt 02286/00001/009 02287Mr Brian Brotherton 02287/00001/009

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

56 Q6b The following list made this comment:

Wickham should be a Local Hub, for the following reasons – • By far the smallest population of all the Key Hubs • Inadequate facilities, services and infrastructure (limited range of shops, no secondary school, health facilities overwhelmed, no dentist, mobile library only, inadequate recreational space, no industrial employment, inadequate public transport)

Each response has been counted as an individual comment.

Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01501Revd David Simpson 01501/00004/001 01503Mrs L Simpson 01503/00003/001 02072Mr Roger Hylaid 02072/00001/002 02073Mr Jonathan Corner 02073/00001/002 02074Miss Sandra Semmens 02074/00001/002 02076Mr Robert Ayling 02076/00001/002 02077Miss Helen Marsh 02077/00001/002 02078Miss G Barnes 02078/00001/002 02080Mrs Ann Watson 02080/00001/002 02081Miss B Mintram 02081/00001/002 02083Mr Chris Upsher 02083/00001/002 02085Miss S Hiscock 02085/00001/002 02086Mr Andrew Hughes 02086/00001/002 02087Miss Amanda Bellairs-Wray 02087/00001/002 02089Mr Brian Williams 02089/00001/002 02090Mrs Maureen Williams 02090/00001/002 02140Ms Linda Wallace 02140/00001/002 02141Mr Steven Brackstone 02141/00001/002 02142Mr R Lee 02142/00001/002 02143Miss Sandy Phillips-Lee 02143/00001/002 02144Mr And Mrs Ron Brown 02144/00001/002 02145Mr And Mrs Sally And James 02145/00001/002 Eldridge 02147Mr Christopher Brennan 02147/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

57 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02148Miss Francenca Gott 02148/00001/002 02149Ms J Firth 02149/00001/002 02150Mrs G M Russ 02150/00001/002 02151Mr Stuart Courtney 02151/00001/002 02153Mr And Mrs Terry And Helen 02153/00001/002 Wright 02154Mr And Mrs R G Bishop 02154/00001/003 02155Mr Vernon Attwell 02155/00001/002 02156Mr And Mrs J R Mainwaring 02156/00001/002 02157Ms Lisa Lavis 02157/00001/002 02158Miss V Parrotte 02158/00001/002 02159Miss Stephanie Leeson 02159/00001/002 02160Mr And Mrs Andrews 02160/00001/002 02161Mr Jonathan Cantrell 02161/00001/002 02162Miss Katherine Bradbury 02162/00001/002 02163Mrs E Harris 02163/00001/002 02164Mrs Lillian Drake 02164/00001/002 02165Mr And Mrs Wright 02165/00001/002 02166Mr And Mrs Gerard And Patricia 02166/00001/002 Moore 02167Miss Ann Mabbutt 02167/00001/002 02168Mr And Mrs John And Elena 02168/00001/002 Goodwin 02178Ms Vivien C Brunner 02178/00001/002 02179Mr And Mrs Christopher And 02179/00001/002 Carole Brown 02180Miss J M Barwick 02180/00001/002 02182Miss Emma Hoskins 02182/00001/002 02183Miss Tracey Jones 02183/00001/002 02184Ms Krys Pickersgill 02184/00001/002 02185Miss Naomi Thorne 02185/00001/002 02186Mr Daniel Johnson 02186/00001/002 02187Mr Norman Reid 02187/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

58 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02188Ms Jane Dobson 02188/00001/002 02189Mr M Peazold 02189/00001/002 02197Miss Feroze Nudy 02197/00001/002 02199Mr Shireen Jathoonha 02199/00001/002 02200Mr P Gleed 02200/00001/002 02202Mr Roger Hall 02202/00001/002 02203Miss Amanda Cope 02203/00001/002 02204Mr Michael Brown 02204/00001/002 02205Mr And Mrs Peter And Karen 02205/00001/002 Sparkes 02206Mr And Mrs Andrew And Lauren 02206/00001/002 Bray 02207Mr And Mrs B Eades 02207/00001/002 02208Mr S Barwell 02208/00001/002 02209Mr Keith Miller 02209/00001/002 02210Mr And Mrs Mark And Kelly 02210/00001/002 Stewart 02211Mr And Mrs Geoffrey And Allison 02211/00001/002 Matthews 02212Ms Ann Lamond 02212/00001/002 02213Ms D Berry 02213/00001/002 02214Ms Kathryn Carstens 02214/00001/002 02215Mr J C Weatherhead 02215/00001/002 02216Miss G Bond 02216/00001/002 02217Mr And Mrs Graham And Sarah 02217/00001/002 Richardson 02218Mr I Ogilvy 02218/00001/002 02219Miss N Warrington 02219/00001/002 02220Mr Trevor Jones 02220/00001/002 02221Mr Richard Olney 02221/00001/002 02222Mr G F Goodchild 02222/00001/002 02223Mrs D A Goodchild 02223/00001/002 02224Miss Rea Goodchild 02224/00001/002 02225Mr And Mrs Cole 02225/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

59 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02231Mr And Mrs M Heron 02231/00001/002 02232Mr And Mrs A Robson 02232/00001/002 02234Mr And Mrs Denyer 02234/00001/002 02236Mr And Mrs S Agass 02236/00001/002 02246Mr J I Saunders 02246/00001/002 02247Mr Nick Gerrell 02247/00001/002 02248Mr Dean Hurley 02248/00001/002 02249Mr And Mrs C Brown 02249/00001/002 02251Mrs C Fuller 02251/00001/002 02253Mr Stuart Fuller 02253/00001/002 02254Mr And Mrs Barry And Rosemary 02254/00001/002 Corner 02255Mr And Mrs Michael And Victoria 02255/00001/002 Townsend 02257Mrs Esther Leonard 02257/00001/002 02259Mr And Mrs S Morgan 02259/00001/002 02260Mr And Mrs Glenda And Sinead 02260/00001/002 Sullivan 02261Mr And Mrs Andrew And Sarah 02261/00001/002 Snow 02262Mr And Mrs L Otley 02262/00001/002 02263Dr A Blume 02263/00001/002 02265Mrs Barbara Carstairs 02265/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

60 Q6b The following list made the following comment:

Bishops Waltham should not be a ‘Key Hub’

The key hub designation for Bishops Waltham. is simplistic and misleading and does not reflect its limited capacity to support significant additional development.

Each response has been counted as an individual comment.

Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 02834Mrs Vicki Hastings 02834/00002/003 02904Mrs Ruth Croger 02904/00002/002 02948Canon Norman Chatfield 02948/00001/002 02970Mrs A L Smith 02970/00001/002 03002Mrs Jane Inder 03002/00001/002 03004Mr Martin Livermore 03004/00001/002 03013Mrs Sue Palma 03013/00001/003 03014Mr Neil Gibbons 03014/00001/003 03023Ms Nancy Walter 03023/00001/002 03024Mr P Chase 03024/00001/002 03025Mr P Rigby 03025/00001/002 03026Ms Ann Rigby 03026/00001/002 03027Mr Kenneth Wilson 03027/00001/002 03041Mr P G Walker 03041/00001/002

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

61 Q6b The following list made this comment:

'Wickham should be a Local Hub, to allow limited growth. Key hub status would lead to substantial development, changing the character of the village. Denmead should be a Key Hub'

Each response has been counted as an individual comment. Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 00948Mr And Mrs Wilkes 00948/00001/003 00948Mr And Mrs Wilkes 00948/00001/008 00949Mr And Mrs Debbie Holley And 00949/00001/003 Family 00950Dr Charlotte 00950/00001/003 00951Mr And Mrs Philip And Wendy 00951/00001/003 Greenish 00952Mr And Mrs Mears 00952/00001/003 00953Mr And Mrs John And Kay 00953/00001/003 Shillitoe 00954Mr And Mrs P D And L Spake 00954/00001/003 00955Mr And Mrs E J Pink 00955/00001/003 00956Mrs M Wheeler 00956/00001/003 00957Ms Ann Sharp 00957/00001/003 00958Ms Vera M Collins 00958/00001/003 00959Mr Richard Skipwith 00959/00001/003 00960Mr And Mrs Dennis William And 00960/00001/003 Joan Brenda Springate 00961Mr R Zacher 00961/00001/003 00962Mrs K J Hole 00962/00001/003 00971Mr Ray Russell 00971/00001/003 00975Mr A M Blight 00975/00001/003 00976Mr Chris Wilkins 00976/00001/003 00977Ms Margaret Souch 00977/00001/003 00978Mr G J Wilkins 00978/00001/003 00979Mr And Mrs R E Gardner 00979/00001/003 00980Mr And Mrs RM And SJ Haskett 00980/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

62 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 00981Ms Hertha Smith 00981/00001/003 00982Mrs S A Milner 00982/00001/003 00983Mr And Mrs R A Burt 00983/00001/003 00984Mr Clive P Clare-Barker 00984/00001/003 00985Mr And Mrs M J Henty 00985/00001/003 00986Mr J H Weald 00986/00001/003 00987Mr L M Barnett 00987/00001/003 00988Mr And Mrs Carl And Sarah 00988/00001/003 Walker 00989Mr Kan De Souza 00989/00001/003 00990Mr And Mrs E Jakob 00990/00001/003 00991Mr And Mrs Patrick And Brenda 00991/00001/003 Frampton 00992Mr J Broomfield 00992/00001/003 00993Mr And Mrs K Sainsbury 00993/00001/003 00994Mrs Evelyn Warwick 00994/00001/003 00995Mr N R Turner 00995/00001/003 00995Mr N R Turner 00995/00002/003 00996Mrs D H Phelps 00996/00001/003 00997Mrs L Carter 00997/00001/003 00998Ms Helena Mary Trent 00998/00001/003 00999Mrs B Davis 00999/00001/003 01000Mrs D Barker 01000/00001/003 01001Mr John Pratt 01001/00001/003 01002Mr And Mrs J Woolldridge 01002/00001/003 01003Mr And Mrs B P And E S Winter 01003/00001/003 01004Mr And Mrs Leslie And Rita 01004/00001/003 Coker 01005Ms Eileen Conduct 01005/00001/003 01006Mr Alan Blake 01006/00001/003 01007Mr And Mrs F G And D Usher 01007/00001/003 01008Mr And Mrs Anthony And Helen 01008/00001/003 Drury

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

63 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01009Dr Robert C Sexton 01009/00001/003 01010Mr And Mrs R F Blackman 01010/00001/003 01011Mr B Vale 01011/00001/003 01012Ms Amy Fisher 01012/00001/003 01014Mr And Mrs M D Henderson 01014/00001/003 01015Mr Keith F Barnard 01015/00001/003 01016Mr Lawrence Beardshaw 01016/00001/003 01017Mr Richard Y C Sharp 01017/00001/003 01018Ms Sonia Richels 01018/00001/003 01019Ms Susan D Kitchen 01019/00001/003 01020Mr Anthony Clark 01020/00001/003 01021Ms Nicola Richards 01021/00001/003 01022Mr John W Jarvis 01022/00001/003 01023Mr C S Hodge 01023/00001/003 01024Mrs S Dix 01024/00001/003 01025Miss S Short 01025/00001/003 01026Ms Lisa Morey 01026/00001/003 01027Mrs M Whiffin 01027/00002/009 01028Ms Fiona Allen 01028/00001/003 01029Mrs J Buckle 01720/00001/003 01031Mr And Mrs John And Patricia 01031/00001/003 Hartley 01032Mrs D Brown 01032/00002/009 01033Mr G J Gibbs 01033/00001/003 01034Ms Sara Day 01034/00001/003 01035Mr Brian Oruis 01035/00001/003 01036Mr And Mrs Brian And Sheila 01036/00001/003 Harfield 01037Mr D Gamblin 01037/00001/003 01038Mrs D Gale 01038/00001/003 01039Mr C Drew 01039/00001/003 01040Mrs N Champion 01040/00001/003 01041Mr And Mrs Pope 01041/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

64 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01042Ms Linda Mary Tomlin 01042/00001/003 01043Mr And Mrs Charles And 01043/00001/003 Deborah Smith 01044Ms M A Sessions 01044/00001/003 01045Mrs J Hirst 01045/00001/003 01046Mr And Mrs Andrew And Tamsin 01046/00001/003 Goodman 01047Mr And Mrs Frank And Sylvia 01047/00001/003 Morant 01048Mr And Mrs W And Patricia 01048/00001/003 Toogood 01050Mr And Mrs K Melsome 01050/00001/003 01051Mr And Mrs B And D Bailey 01051/00001/003 01052Mr M Hilton 01053/00001/003 01054Mr Brian Oswald 01054/00001/003 01055Ms Heather Oswald 01055/00001/003 01056Ms Patricia Fray 01056/00001/003 01057Mr Robert Kneller 01057/00001/003 01058Mr K Hartington 01058/00001/003 01059Mr NRW Astbury 01059/00001/003 01060Mr And Mrs R W And H A North 01060/00001/003 01061Mr And Mrs Peter And Helen 01061/00001/003 Asteris 01062Mr And Mrs Robert And Barbara 01062/00001/003 Tyler 01063Mr And Mrs M J And G Goddon 01063/00001/003 01064Mr And Mrs Colin And Jennifer 01064/00001/003 York 01065Mrs J M Lucas 01065/00001/003 01066Mr And Mrs Paul And Katie 01066/00001/003 Reynolds 01067Mr And Mrs Simon And Lisa 01067/00001/003 Rustell 01068Mr And Mrs Ian And Rosemary 01068/00001/003 Riches

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

65 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01069Mr And Mrs D J And S C Hunt 01069/00001/003 01070Mrs Joan Botten 01070/00001/003 01071Mr D W Rhind 01071/00001/003 01073Mr And Mrs Hughes 01073/00001/003 01074Mr C G Bingham 01074/00001/003 01075Mr And Mrs Tony And Kelly 01075/00001/003 Maria Ryder 01076Mr And Mrs Ian And Carole 01076/00001/003 Roger 01077Mr Phil Mandley 01077/00001/003 01078Mr Kenneth Freivokh 01078/00001/003 01079Mr And Mrs G C Hazzard 01079/00001/003 01080Ms Elizabeth Windsor 01080/00001/003 01081Mr Michael Green 01081/00001/003 01082Mr And Mrs S H And P M Cooper 01082/00001/003 01083Ms Elizabeth Robinson 01083/00001/003 01084Mr Modesty Hunter 01084/00001/003 01086Ms Ruth Edwards 01086/00001/003 01087Mr K Moran 01087/00001/003 01088Mr And Mrs E W Furnell 01088/00001/003 01089Mr D Haywood 01089/00001/003 01090Mr Charles Haywood 01090/00001/003 01091Mr James Haywood 01091/00001/003 01092Mr Graham Haywood 01092/00001/003 01093Mrs Angela Robinson 01093/00001/003 01094Ms Rosemary Crane 01094/00001/003 01095Ms Joanne Dulson 01095/00001/003 01096Ms Melanie Boylett 01096/00001/003 01097Mr A Mc Taggart 01097/00001/003 01098Mr Tim Allen 01098/00001/003 01099Ms Lauren Burton 01099/00001/003 01100Mr Richard Griffiths 01100/00001/003 01101Mr Basil Bultitude 01101/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

66 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01102Ms Joan W Law 01102/00001/003 01103Mr W R Castle 01103/00001/003 01104Mrs Rosemary Hilton 01104/00001/003 01105Mr L Mallard 01105/00001/003 01106Mr E M Smith 01106/00001/003 01107Mr And Mrs Derrick And Iris 01107/00001/003 Oliver 01108Mrs M Stanfield 01108/00001/003 01109Ms Georgina Bullimore 01109/00001/003 01110Mrs C Bond 01110/00001/003 01111Mr And Mrs Neil And Lorraine 01111/00001/003 Masson 01112Mr Brian Daysh 01112/00001/003 01113Mrs D E Hammond 01113/00001/003 01114Ms Margaret Van Den Broek 01114/00001/003 01115Mr E Barringer 01115/00001/003 01116Mr Paul Knight 01116/00001/003 01117Miss A Halter 01117/00001/003 01118Mr And Mrs David And Catherine 01118/00001/003 Beach 01119Mr And Mrs C B And J L Estell 01119/00001/003 01120Ms E C Edwards 01120/00001/003 01121Mr I S Hall 01121/00001/003 01122Mr And Mrs D Heathfield 01122/00001/003 01123Ms Georgia Banks 01123/00001/003 01124Mrs Morwen Gwyneth Burch 01124/00001/003 01125Mr Denise Caws 01125/00001/003 01126Mrs C Blackman 01126/00001/003 01127Ms Meriel Cowan 01127/00001/003 01128Mr And Mrs J Crick 01128/00001/003 01129Mr T Webb 01129/00001/003 01130Mrs Elizabeth Hardinge 01130/00001/003 01131Mr Edgar T Allen 01131/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

67 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01132Mr And Mrs G D Hazzard 01132/00001/003 01133Mr And Mrs J Reeves 01133/00001/003 01134Mr Florence Ivy Bryant 01134/00001/003 01135Mrs D J Hemingway-Rice 01135/00001/003 01136Mr And Mrs Vollentine 01136/00002/009 01137Mr And Mrs M F Hardy 01137/00001/003 01138Mrs R Chambers 01138/00001/003 01139Mr A Chambers 01139/00001/003 01140Mr E Bright 01140/00001/003 01141Ms Sheena Bright 01141/00001/003 01142Mrs E Pack 01142/00001/003 01143Mrs Christine Beardshaw 01143/00001/003 01144Mr And Mrs S And I P Tasker 01144/00002/009 01145Mr And Mrs D Bowater 01145/00001/003 01146Ms Paula Lyons 01146/00001/003 01147Mr Martyn Edmiston 01147/00001/003 01148Ms Wendy Watt 01148/00001/003 01150Mrs B Dean 01150/00001/003 01151Mr C H Dore 01151/00001/003 01152Mr And Mrs Russell And 01152/00001/003 Catherine Chisnall 01154Mr And Mrs Edmund Charles 01154/00001/003 And Shirley Waring 01155Ms Dina De Souza 01155/00001/003 01156Mrs E White 01156/00001/003 01157Ms Marilyn Warn 01157/00001/003 01158Mr And Mrs Thorne 01158/00001/003 01159Mrs And Mrs M Toole 01159/00002/009 01161Mrs M Carter 01161/00001/003 01162Ms G E J Crane 01162/00001/003 01163Ms Jean Peet 01163/00001/003 01164Mrs S G Bell 01164/00001/003 01165Mr And Mrs Ross 01165/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

68 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01166Mr And Mrs Pink 01166/00001/003 01167Ms J Marrington 01167/00001/003 01168Mr L Malley 01168/00001/003 01169Ms Dorothy Marrington 01169/00001/003 01170Mr R Marrington 01170/00001/003 01171Miss R James 01171/00001/003 01172Mr And Mrs Guy 01172/00001/003 01173Mrs L H G Bonnor 01173/00001/003 01174Ms Sandra Foulkes 01174/00001/003 01176Mr And Mrs Laws 01176/00002/009 01177Mr F G Atkins 01177/00001/003 01178Mr Graham Shrive 01178/00001/003 01179Mr M J Willers 01179/00001/003 01180Ms Carole Unser 01180/00001/003 01181Mrs V R White 01181/00001/003 01182Mr T G Astbury 01182/00001/003 01183Mr And Mrs Michael And Judith 01183/00001/003 Oakes 01184Mrs Jean E McKay 01184/00001/003 01185Mr M J Coombs 01185/00001/003 01186Ms Paula Bilbie 01186/00001/003 01187Ms K R Joslin 01187/00001/003 01188Mr And Mrs R Harwood 01188/00001/003 01189Ms Rosemary E Campbell 01189/00001/003 01190Mr And Mrs H Jones 01190/00001/003 01191Mr Matthew Bailey 01191/00001/003 01192Mr And Mrs R P And H L Parkin 01192/00001/003 01193Mr And Mrs Tollerfield 01193/00001/003 01194Mr And Mrs Roger And Patricia 01194/00001/003 Blake 01195Mr And Mrs Dismore 01195/00001/003 01196Mr B Wingate 01196/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

69 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01197Mr And Mrs Andrew And Kerry 01197/00001/003 Campbell 01198Mr P Locke 01198/00001/003 01199Ms Diane Carpenter 01199/00001/003 01201Ms M Holden 01201/00001/003 01202Ms Dorothy Johnson 01202/00001/003 01203Ms S Weand 01203/00001/003 01204Mr And Mrs G J Aiken 01204/00001/003 01205Mr And Mrs Simpson 01205/00001/003 01206Mrs M R Dear 01206/00001/003 01207Mr Ian Norgate 01207/00001/003 01208Mr And Mrs Knight 01208/00001/003 01209Mr And Mrs Mike And Anne 01209/00001/003 Gosney 01211Mrs K Norgate 01211/00001/003 01212Mr And Mrs Gulliford 01212/00002/009 01213Ms Nicola Bradford 01213/00001/002 01214Ms Janet Young 01214/00001/003 01215Mrs Thelma Sessions 01215/00001/003 01216Ms Laura Marchant 01216/00001/003 01216Ms Laura Marchant 01216/00002/003 01217Mrs G Butters 01217/00001/003 01218Mrs Christine Le Brun 01218/00001/003 01219Mr Brian Walter 01219/00001/003 01220Dr And Mrs Breen 01220/00001/003 01221Ms Michelle Featherstone 01221/00001/003 01222Mr And Mrs Noel And Pauline 01222/00001/003 Hooper 01223Mr And Mrs Kevin Coker 01223/00001/003 01224Mr G Woodward 01224/00001/003 01225Ms Eleanor Hodgson 01225/00001/003 01226Mr And Mrs McCartney 01226/00001/003 01227Mrs Margaret Stickland 01227/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

70 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01229Ms Mary Knight 01229/00001/003 01230Mr Anthony Richard Johnson 01230/00001/003 01231Mr R J Moth 01231/00001/003 01232Mr N J Moth 01232/00001/003 01233Mr D Houghton 01233/00001/003 01234Mr And Mrs Patrick And 01234/00001/003 Margaret Spence 01235Mr And Mrs H K White 01235/00001/003 01236Mr And Mrs Nairn And Rory 01236/00001/003 Maclean 01237Mr And Mrs MacFeeters 01237/00001/003 01238Mr And Mrs Keith And June 01238/00001/003 Brown 01239Mr Andrew Burton 01239/00001/003 01240Mr Dennis Pilcher 01240/00001/003 01241Ms D A Wise 01241/00001/003 01242Mr And Mrs Laing 01242/00001/003 01243Ms Serita Campbell 01243/00001/003 01244Miss S Gudgeon 01244/00001/003 01245Mr William Hobbs 01245/00001/003 01247Mr Kenneth Edwards 01247/00001/003 01248Mr P J Noble 01248/00001/003 01249Mr D M Vear 01249/00001/003 01250Mrs S Gillanders 01250/00001/003 01251Mr And Mrs Robin And Shirley 01251/00001/003 Scovell 01252Mr And Mrs George And Dorothy 01252/00001/003 Boardman 01253Ms Wendy Burton 01253/00001/003 01254Mr M O Cooper 01254/00001/003 01255Mrs V A Aspey 01255/00001/003 01256Mrs M H Davey 01256/00001/003 01257Mr And Mrs P J Duddridge 01257/00001/003 01258Ms B Jordan 01258/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

71 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01259Mr And Mrs S Reeves 01259/00001/003 01260Mrs R Woodward 01260/00001/003 01261Ms Sheila Elizabeth Campbell 01261/00001/003 01262Ms Vicki Woodward 01262/00001/003 01263Mr And Mrs L And D Shepherd 01263/00001/003 01264Ms P McIntosh 01264/00001/003 01265Ms N A Holladay 01265/00001/003 01266Mrs Carol Wright 01266/00001/003 01267Dr And Mrs Richard And 01267/00001/003 Elizabeth Greaves 01268Mr William Bryn Foulkes 01268/00001/003 01269Mrs Haley Russell 01269/00001/003 01270Mr H A Leonard 01270/00001/003 01271Mr E Chamberlain 01271/00001/003 01272Mr H W Lockey 01272/00001/003 01273Mr And Mrs B And R Whitehorn 01273/00001/003 01274Dr Mark Du Boulay 01274/00001/003 01275Mr And Mrs M Faux 01275/00001/003 01276Dr M C Nixon 01276/00001/003 01277Mr E W Fletcher 01277/00001/003 01278Mr And Mrs Colin And Janet 01278/00001/003 McIntosh 01279Ms Alana Burton 01279/00001/003 01280Ms A Metcher 01280/00001/003 01280Ms A Metcher 01280/00001/014 01281Mr And Mrs G Ashley 01281/00001/003 01282Ms Lucy Elizabeth Fry 01282/00001/003 01283Mr And Mrs Roy And Jill Phillips 01283/00001/003 01285Mrs Barbara McCallion 01285/00001/003 01286Mrs J M Pool 01286/00001/003 01287Ms Heather Watts 01287/00001/003 01288Ms Susan Jones 01288/00001/003 01289Mr Allan Miller 01289/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

72 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01290Mr And Mrs Roy And Susan 01290/00001/003 Perry 01291Mr Andrew MacLeod 01291/00001/003 01292Mrs Karen Hollingsworth 01292/00001/003 01293Mr And Mrs Charles And Alison 01293/00001/003 Sherborne 01294Mr Terry Caister 01294/00001/003 01295Mr And Mrs Coker 01295/00001/003 01296Mr And Mrs R And F M Bradberry 01296/00001/003 01297Ms Ann Sadler Forster 01297/00001/003 01298Ms Anne Kershaw 01298/00001/003 01299Mr And Mrs Kemp 01299/00001/003 01300Mrs J P Young 01300/00001/003 01301Mr And Mrs George And Sylvia 01301/00001/003 Mercer 01302Mr K R Dredge 01302/00001/003 01303Mr And Mrs Theuma 01303/00001/003 01304Mr And Mrs O'Neill 01304/00001/003 01305Mr And Mrs Ray And Bez 01305/00001/003 Richards 01306Mrs Alison Hall 01306/00001/003 01307Mr R H Richards 01307/00001/003 01308Mrs M E Manuel 01308/00001/003 01309Mr Keith Robinson 01309/00001/003 01310Mr And Mrs P Gamblin 01310/00001/003 01311Mrs Toni Smith 01311/00001/003 01312Mr And Mrs John And Sandra 01312/00001/003 Willsher 01313Mr And Mrs Bert And Joan 01313/00001/003 Parkins 01314Mr And Mrs L S Towlson 01314/00001/003 01315Mr Richard Warwick 01315/00001/003 01316Mr And Mrs Paul And Valerie 01316/00001/003 Shuttleworth

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

73 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01317Mr Paul Healy 01317/00001/003 01318Ms Leslie Jones 01318/00001/003 01319Ms Karen Bodenham 01319/00001/003 01320Mrs Rosalind McAllister 01320/00001/003 01321Mr G Barrett 01321/00001/003 01322Mr And Mrs Raymond And Joyce 01322/00001/003 Offen 01323Mr Duncan Phelps 01323/00001/003 01324Mr C Smith 01324/00001/003 01325Ms G Porter 01325/00001/003 01326Ms Sidney Edmonds 01326/00001/003 01327Mrs Susie O'Connell 01327/00001/003 01328Mr P K Ruffell 01328/00001/003 01329Mr John Bain 01329/00001/003 01330Ms Jennifer Bradley 01330/00001/003 01331Ms Sylvia Wells 01331/00001/003 01332Ms Carol Batterson 01332/00001/003 01333Mrs Angela Avonda 01333/00001/003 01334Mr And Mrs E A Smith 01334/00001/003 01335Ms C Chapman 01335/00001/003 01336Mrs P June Harper 01336/00001/003 01337Mr And Mrs George And Ann 01337/00001/003 Condie 01338Mrs Vivien Harper 01338/00001/003 01339Ms Mary J Burgess 01339/00001/003 01340Mr Robert Goble 01340/00001/003 01341Mr V B Hunter 01341/00001/003 01342Mr And Mrs Malcolm And Diana 01342/00001/003 Frost 01343Mrs D Young 01343/00001/003 01344Mrs Annette Andrews 01344/00001/003 01345Ms Joanna Uffendell 01345/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

74 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01346Mr And Mrs Tom And Penelope 01346/00001/003 Andrews 01347Mrs Betty Small 01347/00001/003 01348Dr Victoria Hunter 01574/00001/003 01349Mr And Mrs D Burgess 01349/00001/003 01350Mrs E Gadd 01350/00001/003 01351Mr And Mrs R Powell 01351/00001/003 01352Mr P J Gadd 01352/00001/003 01353Dr J Goodey 01353/00001/003 01354Mr And Mrs John And Betty 01354/00001/003 Brasner 01355Mrs E S Goodey 01355/00001/003 01356Miss K L Webb 01356/00001/003 01357Mr R A Byng 01357/00001/003 01358Mrs A T Cobb 01358/00001/003 01359Mr P G Taylor 01359/00001/003 01360Mrs J Brackenbury 01360/00001/003 01361Miss Joanne Stuper 01361/00001/003 01362Ms Ann Johnson 01362/00001/003 01363Mr And Mrs Sean And Sarah 01363/00001/003 Gaudion 01364Mr Philip L Peters 01364/00001/003 01365Mr And Mrs Richard And 01365/00001/003 Rebecca Whitehead 01366Mr Michael Kerley 01366/00001/003 01367Mr Alan T Ediss 01367/00001/003 01368Mr B J Turvey 01368/00001/003 01369Ms Lambley 01369/00001/003 01370Ms Elizabeth Jane Rowe 01370/00001/003 01371Mr And Mrs Arthur And Diana 01371/00002/009 Shadwell 01372Mrs Peggy L Anderson 01372/00001/003 01373Ms Judith Masterson 01373/00001/003 01374Mrs S Byles 01374/00002/009

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

75 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01375Mr And Mrs Ray And Susan 01375/00001/003 Austin 01376Mr And Mrs Bentley 01376/00001/003 01377Mrs Joyce V Johnston 01377/00001/003 01378Mr And Mrs Anthony And Gillian 01378/00001/003 Balcombe 01379Mr Beryl Olwen Alexander 01379/00001/003 01380Ms Margaret Carter 01380/00001/003 01381Mr And Mrs Eric And Ann Tucher 01381/00001/003 01382Mrs Betty Bellis 01382/00001/003 01383Ms Pat Matthews 01383/00001/003 01384Ms Jan Lodge 01384/00001/003 01385Ms Pat Golding 01385/00001/003 01386Mr Gary Callaghan 01386/00001/003 01387Mr P F Donohue 01387/00001/003 01388Mr E Fitzgorald 01388/00001/003 01389Mrs D S Harris 01389/00001/003 01390Ms Clare Cooperthwatte 01390/00001/003 01391Mr Matt Browning 01391/00001/003 01392Cdr G E Shannon 01392/00001/003 01393Mrs G Tuffs 01393/00001/003 01394Miss Christine G Letcher 01394/00001/003 01395Mr And Mrs P Bennett 01395/00001/003 01396Mr And Mrs Keith And Gillian 01396/00001/003 Towlson 01397Mr Clive Gamblin 01397/00001/003 01397Mr Clive Gamblin 01397/00001/008 01398Ms Gwen Harper 01398/00001/003 01399Mr Ian Jackson 01399/00001/003 01401Mr J Marshall 01401/00001/003 01402Mr And Mrs Robert And 01402/00001/003 Margaret Goodrich 01403Mrs Margaret Gwynn 01403/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

76 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01404Ms Sandra Edwards 01404/00001/003 01405Mr And Mrs J Leach 01405/00001/003 01406Mrs T J Beale 01406/00001/003 01407Mr G Cooper 01407/00001/003 01408Mr And Mrs G G And J R 01408/00001/003 Sessions 01409Mrs E K Collier 01409/00001/003 01410Mr And Mrs Michael And Victoria 01410/00001/003 Betts 01411Mrs Eva Dennis 01411/00001/003 01412Ms Camilla Meek 01412/00001/003 01413Ms Jean Ockenen 01413/00001/003 01414Mr And Mrs Dennis And Edna 01414/00001/003 Wake 01415Ms Paula Friis 01415/00001/003 01416Mr Patrick Hole 01416/00001/003 01417Ms Claire Steeples 01417/00001/003 01418Mr John Steeples 01418/00001/003 01419Ms Iris Bartlett 01419/00001/003 01420Ms Jennifer Steeples 01420/00001/003 01421Mr And Mrs Simon And Rebecca 01421/00001/003 Harvey 01422Ms D Boylan 01422/00001/003 01423Mrs J Pratt 01423/00001/003 01425 Mrs B E Quantrill 01425/00001/003 01426Mr And Mrs Catling 01426/00002/009 01427Mr And Mrs Malcolm And Karen 01427/00001/003 Lipscombe 01428Mr And Mrs Mark And Kim Way 01428/00001/003 01429Ms R H Bryant 01429/00001/003 01430Mr John F T Harris 01430/00001/003 01431Mr And Mrs B Hearn 01431/00001/003 01432Mr M Franklin 01432/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

77 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01433Mr And Mrs Brian And Margaret 01433/00001/003 Edgworth 01434Ms J A Samways 01434/00001/003 01435Mr Vincent Rowley 01435/00001/003 01436Mr And Mrs C K Couch 01436/00001/003 01437Mr And Mrs M Bagshaw 01437/00001/003 01438Mr And Mrs S Wood 01438/00001/003 01439Mr And Mrs Griffiths 01439/00001/003 01440Mrs Nina Newlyn 01440/00001/003 01441Mr R C Smith 01441/00001/003 01442Mr B Wetherin 01442/00001/003 01443Mr Anthony White 01443/00001/003 01444Mr Reg Betts 01444/00001/003 01445Miss Elizabeth Guy 01445/00001/003 01446Mrs Eiley Guy 01446/00001/003 01447Ms Sara Davies 01447/00001/003 01448Mrs G Dean 01448/00001/003 01449Mr A Clark 01449/00001/003 01450Mrs Doris Goodall 01450/00001/003 01451Mr R Greene 01451/00001/003 01452Mrs E Standen 01452/00001/003 01453Mrs Joan D Smith 01453/00001/003 01454Mr Jack Stubbington Ford 01454/00001/003 01455Mr Joyce M Tuffill 01455/00001/003 01456Ms Dorothy Lilian Kendrick 01456/00001/003 01457Mr F R Edwards 01457/00001/003 01458Mr D Copeland 01458/00001/003 01459Mr Robert Brown 01459/00001/003 01460Mr Michael John Bennett 01460/00001/003 01461Mrs S Davis 01461/00001/003 01462Mr And Mrs Michael And Victoria 01462/00001/003 Pawlyn 01463Ms Anne Bennett 01463/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

78 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01464Mr Mark Ashton 01464/00001/003 01465Mr And Mrs R A Rawson 01465/00001/003 01466Ms Sue North 01466/00001/003 01467Mr James Ashton 01467/00001/003 01468Mr And Mrs David And Greta 01468/00001/003 Weston 01469Mr And Mrs Kevin And Mary Pratt 01469/00001/003 01470Ms R G Parkins 01470/00001/003 01471Ms J Head 01471/00001/003 01473Mr Laurie Foster 01473/00001/003 01474Mr David E Blake 01474/00001/003 01475Mr Stephen P Drake 01475/00001/003 01476Mr Brian Davies 01476/00001/003 01477Ms Denise Davies 01477/00001/003 01478Mr Oliver Davies 01478/00001/003 01479Ms Helen Manuel 01479/00001/003 01480Mr Craig Miller 01480/00001/003 01494Mrs Tania Hall 01494/00001/003 01501Revd David Simpson 01501/00001/003 01503Mrs L Simpson 01503/00001/003 01504Dr M A Hadley 01504/00001/003 01505Mr Victor Lee Hodgson 01505/00001/003 01508Mr Douglas Aylward 01508/00001/003 01511Ms J A Restall 01511/00001/003 01512Ms Marjorie Brown 01512/00001/003 01514Mr Robert Goulson 01514/00001/003 01515Mr Albert Percy Preston Durant 01515/00001/003 01516Mrs Jane Goulson 01516/00001/003 01517Mr And Mrs Derek And Barbara 01517/00001/003 Watson 01518Mr And Mrs Maurice And Myrtle 01518/00001/003 Cooper 01520Ms Edna May Holan 01520/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

79 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01521Mr J Comerford 01521/00002/003 01522Ms C Comerford 01522/00001/003 01523Ms R Comerford 01523/00001/003 01524Mr Godfrey Harper 01524/00001/003 01528Mr Brian Hall 01528/00001/003 01532Mrs Lisa Foster 01532/00001/003 01533Dr Morgan O'Connell 01533/00001/003 01536Mrs Carrie Mandley 01536/00001/003 01537Mrs Barbara Webb 01537/00001/003 01538Mr Jack Stickland 01538/00001/003 01552Mr Sean McCallion 01552/00001/003 01559Mr Iain McAllister 01559/00001/003 01565Mr And Mrs Maclean 01565/00001/003 01566Mr William John Baldwin 01566/00001/003 01570Captain Rn. Gerrard Andrewes 01570/00001/003 01573Miss Jane England 01573/00001/003 01597Mrs Betty Mitchell 01597/00001/003 01679Mr Barry Smith 01679/00001/003 01685Mr Ian Wright 01685/00001/003 01693Mrs Pauline Betts 01693/00001/003 01695Mrs Margaret White 01695/00001/003 01697Mr Stanley Quantrill 01697/00001/003 01698Mr Graham Russell 01698/00001/003 01773Mr And Mrs Kenneth And 01773/00001/003 Elizabeth Tyrrell 01784Ms Kimberley Phillips Saville 01784/00001/003 01793Ms Lyse Lemieux 01793/00001/003 01820Mrs C M Andrewes 01820/00001/003 01822Mrs J Cleife 01822/00001/003 01823Ms Yvonne Dole 01823/00001/003 01825Mr David Banks 01825/00001/003 01826Mr Derek W Carter 01826/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)

80 Customer Customer Comment Reference Name Reference 01827Ms Emma Matouu 01827/00001/003 01828Ms A Georgiou 01828/00001/003 01829Mr Nigel Fyffe 01829/00001/003 01831Mrs J McManus 01831/00001/003 01832Mr P Kirly 01832/00001/003 01833Ms Su Bicknelle 01833/00001/003 01834Mr And Mrs Murray And Ann 01834/00001/003 Halley 01907Ms Deana Tarrant 01907/00001/003 01908Mr Liam Holley 01908/00001/003 01909Ms Sophie Holley 01909/00001/003 01910Ms Amy Holley 01910/00001/003 01911Mr Chris Watson 01911/00001/003 01919Dr Mark Hunter 01919/00001/003 02266Mrs S Bartlett 02266/00001/003 02267Mr B Barrett 02267/00001/003

Summaries of responses to Core Strategy Issues and Options (October 2008)