Hope to Coge Detroit Lions to Be Extraditeil Members of the Detroit Lions Will Exchange Their Football Uni- Alexander Nagy
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9 N0TICE1 ! ! 15 Th«re are only 17 dayt l«tt until the drtwlnfl tor a new automobile Is held on March 10. Tlcketa for the drawing tor a new car fumlahed by the Lowell Automobile Dealera Association are one dollar each and are available from the State Savings Bank, many local buslnesaes and any Rotary Club member. PLEASE ... If SFRIRCPORT ••OK BINDERY you can help sell tickets to your friends, relatfves or fellow employees, contact Bev Hall at 897-8714, Keith HOAC I SONS Caldwell (State Savings Bank) at 897-0277 or Roger Brown (Grand Valley Ledger) at 897-9261. SPRINGPORT, MICH. 452S4 The Grand Valley Ledger Volume 4, luue 15 Serving Lowell Area £& Readers Since 1893 February 21, 1979 Saranac Man Hope To Coge Detroit Lions To Be Extraditeil Members of the Detroit Lions will exchange their football uni- Alexander Nagy. 20, of Saran- Officers from Clearwater forms for basketball uniforms hi ac will be going to Florida—to Fla., notified Michigan State when they return to Lowell to face charges of violation of Police and Ionia County Sher»- face the Lowell Broken Arrows. probation. iffs department that as soon as Never heard of the Broken Nagy was stopped last Thurs- travel arrangements could be Arrows, you say? Why that day afternoon by Michigan State completed, they would pick up famous (infamous?) group was MIGHTDE MONTH Police for not having a license Nagy for return to Florida, formed expressly to challenge March could well be ctDed Michigan's "mlghtte" month. It plate on the front of his vehicle. according to Trooper Don Huis- the Lions at the Lowell High "might" snow, it "might" rain, it "might" be snnny and mfld A routine check with National kens. School in a benefit basketball and/or all of the above. Criminal Information Computer game at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. It's certain that February has been the coldest month in many a (NCIO for State police indicated March 3. The Lowell Athletic year. The Associated Press reports that four of the five Great Lakes that Nagy was wanted by Pinel- Camp Rre Boosters are sponsoring the are frown over for the ftrat Une oa record. Lakes Superior, las County, Fla. sherifTs de- event hgsm this year. - - — - - * tl. - PnnVnM Michigan, Huron and Erie went solid across the top over the partment on violation of proba- i i£ATn memoert ox nic Drotcn weekend. The Flat and Grand Rhren are solid as well. Area tion charges. Award For Arrows win be coached by LHS enforcement agencies caothw that wafting on the toe, however, Nagy signed a waiver of ex- coach Bill Stouffer and include could be dangerous since it is frozen at uneven depths. tradition before Judge James Mike Connell and Peggy Mur- wmnam icTnpcniiifCJ> •re prcoicccG unt wee* our c* rcsiacnis Ward of Ionia County District phy from the YMCA; Rev. Dean are unsure whether their outdoor thermometers will register the Court and was remanded to Vera Keim Bailey, pastor of the United change. They may be permanently bent at 20 belowl Ionia County jail. Methodist Church; Bob EWnga - Vem Keim has been, of the State Savings Bank; and SPECTACULAI the Sebago award by the Kee- Curt Fonger of WOTV. Repre- One of nature's moat spedacular eveot»—a sdsr« wano Council of Camp Fire, in senting the LHS faculty on the Covple recognition of his outstanding Broken Arrows will be Robin visible from nearly all of North America including Monday, Feb. 26. contributions to lohg-range Wiest, Ned Henley. Phil Chris- Michigan residents won't get a perfect view of the moon Mocking planning for Camp Keewano, tiansen. Andy Beck. Preston the sbn because we are outside the belt c# the total ecBpte. la our Honored the resident camp near Hesper- McCracken and Dick Kerb. area it will be visible from 10:41 a.m. to 1:16 p.m. with 80 perceat of ia. The pin representing this Rounding out the team from the the si'.n covered about 11:57 a.m. Remember, it la not safe to look award, named for the LMS wfll be Art Bieri. Ren directly at the sun without proteciton. See last week's Ledger for Camp Fire Girls can Akers and Gary Griffin. instructions on safe viewing devices. By MMPA by Dr. and Mrs. Luther Gottck The lions are obviously wait- "stnra"er the 1978 between the Al in Maine in 1909, bears s sun ing for Lowell's line-up to be 5 Tri-Rlver reaches. 1W • prwved la he eeeh fon aed n OONG-O-O-O-IJ-G James B. and Berdie Lou symbol to depict the out-of- announced before they decide Athletic t Mm. 3 You still have time to get your act together. Audrtioos for the Cook of Lowell have been nam- doors. who to send. They plan to field March 23 Gong Show will be held Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 26, ed 1979 Outstanding Young Mr. Keim has been a member nine players from this tentative 27, and again on Man* 7 at the Middle School. Cafl 897-7116 or Dairy Couple in an annual of the Board of 'Directors of the list: Greg Landiy. Dexter Bus- 897-9310 for more information. AO proceeds go towards fepbdag contest sponsored by Michigan Keewano Council for five years, sey, Levi Johnson, Horace 10-year-old band uniforau that have seen better days. Milk Producers Association serving recently as treasurer, King, Paul Naumcff, Charlie Man Charged With Child Abuse (MMPA). and is now retiring ftrm these Weaver, FdO'Neil. Tom Skied- •ummage Cooks' fttmuugoperation con- volunteer duties. His wife. Mar- any, Leonard Thompson, Al A Lowell man faces chargcs of Wright's home. Wright struck after he kept vomiting, deputies cruelty to a child after he his stepson. David Morris, after said. David underwent surgery _ IV* * IS leader csH i!i«y Th^.fcWM wet his pamc. accorcT' "fftr Imci ftol injuries and wnl Rummage and Me Sale en-fhertday Jim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. years. Their three oldest daugh- iHin die abdomen, caus- ing to deputies. released from the hospital Mon- East Main St. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. James Cook Sr., Lowell, the ters, Diana, JoAnne, and Shar- ing injuries that required sur- The child's mother. Judy day. farm to east of Grand Rapids. on. have all been active in Camp gcry Wright, took David to Butter- The child is to be placed in a UBGALS The couple was chosen Feb. Fire and have assisted their John E. Wnght, 37, demand- worth Hospital the next day foster home. Notices of haportanoe to area residents arc indndnd ia this 12 from among four finalists mother with the Blue Bird group 1897-8182. eSltf ed 63rd District Court examina- Final day for payment of Summer and Winter taxes for the city of narrowed from a field of 11 in which their younger sister, tion before Judge Joseph White Lowell is this Wednesday, Feb. 28, and it to also the last day tn contestants representing Linda, is a member. and was released on a $2,000 Those from Lowell attending TAD SERVICE — DAK personal recognizance bond. Area Cancer Drive purchase 1979 dog licenses. Boards of Review for the city of Lowell, MMPA's 11 geographic dis- Vergennes Township. Ormttan Township and Lowell Township will tricts. They will officially receive the annual meeting of Keewano H 118 j, Ph. 897-8638, Hra. 6 Kent County Sheriff's depu- meet March 12 and 13. See the Legal page for the award at the MMPA annual Council on February 12, where •-. 1. 7 ^m. M-iai Sslm ties said that the alleged offense delegate meeting in East Lan- leadership awards were made day, cia* occurred in mid-January at were Gloria and Randy Osse- Head Announced FIEE PLATES sing March 17, and will repre- vennen Chrysler-Dodge to in the last 10 days of Ms annual free sent the state and MMPA at waarde, Ruth Jones, Beth and license plate sale with special deals qn used cars. One way for various functions during the Harold Kettner, Dolores Dey, In a recent announcement by hubby to beat the winter blafas ... year. Cooks represent MMPA Thehna Rittenger. and Betty Assigimieiit Chfltiyss officials of the Kent County unit District 6, consisting of Ionia, Coons. The speaker was the new of the American Cancer Sodety, ANNTVE1SAKY Clinton and Shiawassee coun- National Executive Director of Mrs. Gifford Tengelsen was Jack Cooley marked his 30th year as Lowdl's river observer ties. • Camp Fire, Roberta van der named as chairperson in the recently. He to part of a network of reporters nattawkle who aid the Contestants were judged on Voort. For Buck Matthews Ada. Lowell. Cascade. Ver- National Weather Service by tnUag readtafs of river lereto 315 days their form operations, commun- TO BUY, SE1L, RENT, gennes. Paris area for the a year. Cooley takes Ms readings near the south bridge over the ity and farm-related activities OR TRADE USE THE Buck Matthews, one of West Matthews, who wUl still be society's annual Cancer Cru- Grand River and also keepa track of predptatlon leveh at kto hone and leadership abilities. HEDGSR CLASSOTEDS Michigan's television personeh- reporting the weather weekdays sade fund drive April 1-30. As in The information to vital to the Bureau in making ha ties win be assuming new at 7:25. 8:25 and Noon, win be the past, the city of Lowell will Threats posed by ice damming and water content of the responsibilities starting March producing and starring in pro- be under the guidance of the snow-pack are also noted.