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ITY THERE IS STRE IN UN NGTH ING TOGE RK TH O E W TIO R RA N E O D F E L F A B A AFL-CIO O W R AFL-CIO O I F A O F IO S R L-C N ALL IOWA NEWS IVolume 20, Issue 2 WAOfficial Publication of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO September 2020 The President's View . The Working Class Will Save Us, Again and health and safety measures in our economy shows. We are in the will end. The working class of this place. Sadly, some of those work- worst recession that most people nation will save it, again, as it al- ers died, needlessly. There is no alive have seen, and this pandemic ways has. Through all the things acceptable number of workers that has shown just how important our that America has endured, it’s al- need to be sacrificed for the profit unemployment program is and ways been the working class, not IFL President Charlie Wishman This Labor Day, we have a lot to reflect on when thinking of what workers have been through this year, more than any year I can re- member. With crisis after crisis that has hit our nation and our state, it is always workers who are making sure our communities continue to run. With the devastating storms that just blew through Iowa, it is working class workers, public and private sector, that are cleaning up damage, restoring power as quick- ly as possible, and ensuring that our streets and neighborhoods are safe. Earlier this year, when the COV- ID-19 crisis first hit this nation, we saw that many workers continued to leave their homes and perform “essential” work, despite not hav- ing proper protective equipment of a company. Somewhere along why it needs to be protected. It also the 1% that has saved us. Let us re- the line, “essential” became “ex- shows that the sooner people take member those that have left us this pendable” to some employers. We public health measures seriously, year in the name of keeping our na- have also seen that people who are the sooner things can get back to as tion’s economy running, and vow sometimes paid the least have kept normal as possible. to create better working conditions our communities running through We do not know exactly how all of for everyone going forward. all of this. People who work in re- this started, but I do know how it In Solidarity. PAID tail, at grocery stores, hospitality, nursing homes, food production, U.S. POSTAGE U.S. PRESORT INC PRESORT health care and more, have sacri- NON-PROFIT ORG. NON-PROFIT ficed, and many have gotten sick. While it is nice to call them heroes (they are) and show our apprecia- tion for them, what they need are higher wages. No one should have to risk their life to work, let alone not be compensated fairly for it. We have also seen that all workers are essential to our economy. With Iowa’s current unemployment rate higher than it’s been in a genera- tion, those workers missing from IFL 2020 Election IFL 2020 Election Inside This State Elections IFL 2020 Election Issue Matter Endorsements ................................Page 3 ...........................Pages 4-5 Iowa AFL-CIO Iowa News AFL-CIO Federation of Labor, Iowa A St., Suite 2000 Walker 50317 Des Moines, Iowa Page 2 IOWA AFL-CIO NEWS September 2020 Election Day is Coming By Julianne Frosolone, sa Greenfield. Theresa is here be- tinue to have our backs. Rita Hart make at least 1 full pass through IFL Political Director cause unions had her back when is running to replace Representa- our universe of targeted voters. We We say this every year, but 2020 her late husband, Rod, an IBEW tive Loebsack in Iowa’s 2nd Con- need over 1400 volunteer shifts be- truly might be the most important lineman died on the job. Social se- gressional District. She’s running tween now and Election Day to get election of our lifetime. curity and union benefits got her against Marianette Miller Meeks through our program, so I hope you Leading our ticket here in Iowa through that difficult time, and who has consistently sided against will join us in member-to-member is Vice President Biden. The Vice Theresa has never forgotten that. workers during her time in the phone banking and texting. We are President has stood with workers She couldn’t be more different State Senate. We have JD Scholten also asking each local to send out his entire life. This fight is person- from Joni Ernst, who throughout running against Randy Feenstra in three pieces of local union mail to al for him. As AFL-CIO President her career in the Iowa Legislature Iowa’s 4th Congressional District. members. We know this is an in- Richard Trumka said in the AFL- and the United States Senate, has Like Mariannette Miller Meeks, credibly effective way to get our CIO’s endorsement of Vice Presi- consistently backed anti-worker Randy Feenstra has a history of message out. We can help write dent Biden, “Our members know legislation. Ernst recently voted being anti-worker during his time these letters, and you can use our Joe has done everything he could against paid sick leave for Iowa in the State Senate. Scholten has bulk mail permit if it’s helpful. to create a fairer process for form- workers during COVID-19. And, always stood with workers. Election Day will be here before ing and joining a union, and he is she was caught knowingly ac- And at the state level, we must we know it. Early Voting starts on ready to fight with us to restore cepting illegal contributions from break the Republican trifecta at October 5th, October 24th is the last faith in America and improve the corporations and had to pay the the Capitol. House Democrats day to request a ballot, and No- lives of all working people.” largest penalty ever for an Iowa give us a tremendous opportunity vember 2nd is the Absentee Ballot Our labor-endorsed candidate politician. Polls are showing this to do that as they are now just 4 Postmark Deadline. From October for United States Senate is There- race as a toss up. That means ev- seats away from taking back the 31st through Election day, Novem- erything we do between now and majority. And the Senate Demo- ber 3rd, we will “Get Out the Vote” IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH election day has the potential to crats have a great opportunity to to make sure all our members ei- ING TOGE RK TH O E W TIO R RA N E O D F E L F A change the balance of the United pick up seats. Both chambers are ther return their absentee ballots B A AFL-CIO O W R AFL-CIO O I States Senate and elect Theresa running strong labor-endorsed or vote in person. Please encourage F A O F IO S R L-C N ALL IOWA NEWS I WA Greenfield as our next United candidates in winnable districts, your fellow union members to re- New inside masthead States Senator. many with union backgrounds. quest absentee ballots and return The Iowa AFL-CIO News is the We also have great labor-en- As you can see, we have great their ballots early. official IN UNIT Y publicationTHERE IS STRE NGofT Hthe dorsed congressional candidates opportunities to elect pro-worker If we do this right, Joe Biden will ING TOGE RK TH O E W TIO R RA N E O D F E L F A B A like Representative Abby Finke- candidates at all levels. Due to CO- be our next President of the Unit- AFL-CIO Iowa FederationO of Labor, AFL-CIO W R AFL-CIO O I nauer in Iowa’s 1st Congressional VID-19, like the rest of the political ed States. Theresa Greenfield will A 2000 Walker St., Suite A F O F IO S R L-C N ALL IOWA NEWS IVolume 20, Issue 2 WAOfficial Publication of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO September 2020 District. Abby is the daughter of a world, we will be relying heav- be our next United States Senator, New masthead 9-20 Des Moines, Iowa 50317 proud UA member. She was one ily on mail, digital, and phones helping Democrats retake the ma- and is published quarterly. of our biggest champions during to communicate our message to jority. Representatives Finkenauer (515) 262-9571 her time in the Iowa House and our members. We are excited to and Axne will return to Congress, during her first term in congress. be working with a local mail and and Hart and Scholten will join iowaaflcio.org She’s running against State Rep- digital firm to put together a plan them. We will take back the Iowa resentative Ashley Hinson. Rep- for our statewide targeted legisla- House, and gain seats in the Iowa resentative Cindy Axne faces a tive candidates. A big thank you to Senate. We will put Iowa and our rematch against David Young in all of our generous affiliates who nation back on the right track for Officers Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District. chipped in. working people. Cindy has consistently stood with If we are going to be successful To sign up to help with Labor & Staff workers time and time again and in both voter persuasion toward 2020, email Julianne Frosolone at we need her in Congress to con- and voter turnout, we need to [email protected] President CHARLIE WISHMAN [email protected] Thank You for All Your Help By Rick Moyle, So many unions and their mem- on their own.