Eclipsert in Helios.Pptx

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Eclipsert in Helios.Pptx EclipseRT in Helios Jeff McAffer Equinox and RT co-lead CTO EclipseSource Projects • Equinox • GEF • ECF • EMF • EclipseLink • Teneo • Riena • CDO • RAP • SwordfisH • JeBy • BIRT • PDE Equinox • Send arguments to running Eclipse • MulM-locale support in extension registry • Equinox Weaving Feature • Support for mulM-session Equinox console • New server side Features for products • Added Servlet filter support Base OSGi Run-me p2 • Introduced p2 API • MulMple instances of p2 in one VM • New Discovery UI • Revert support added to p2 director • Performance improvements in p2 Provisioning ECF • OSGi 4.2 Remote Services • Asynchronous Remote Services • OSGi Remote Services in SOA Package • REST and SOAP-Based Remote Services • ApacHe Zookeeper Discovery Support • Distributed Event Admin Message Bus Communicaons EclipseLink • JPA – AddiMonal query capabiliMes and performance opMmizaMons – EnHanced XML mapping – New SAPNetWeaver_7_1_Pla^orm Server & SymfowarePla^orm Database Pla^orm – OSGi JPA: Future compaMbility for Gemini JPA • MOXy/SDO – Externalize mappings in eclipselink-oxm.xml: JAXB without annotaMons – Mapping EnHancements for greater flexibility – SDO usage within WebSpHere and JBoss • Standards Compliance: JPA 2.0 (RI), JAXB 2.2, SDO 2.1 (RI) • WTP Dali: JPA 2.0 and enHanced EclipseLink capabiliMes Persistence Riena • Riena Toolbox – Edit Navigaon Structure – Generate View and Controller templates – Generate code as you edit View & Controller • Unit tesng support for UI Controllers • Refactored API, improved performance • Ridgets now single-sourced to work in RAP • InternaMonalizaMon • Ping all Remote Services Enterprise Client/Server Applica-on Framework JeBy • Added JSP 2.1 support • Increased OSGI support (delivered as bundles) • Updated many core components to support Servlet API 3.0-like features • Basis for JeBy 8’s Servlet 3.0 OSGi integraon Lightweight Web Server/Servlet Engine RAP Graphics context (GC): drawing in the browser with SWT API New theming / styling features: Rounded borders, gradients, sliding and fading animations, semi-transparency Browser Drag and drop history support Completed our coverage of APIs: JFace 3.6, Forms 3.6, cheat sheets, control decoration, and lots of additional SWT methods Integration with other Eclipse projects: EMF, Riena Rich WeB UI EMF Modeling CDO • Scalability • TransacMonality (ACID) • DistribuMon/SHaring • AudiMng • Pluggable storage back-ends (e.g., Hibernate) • Support for BrancHing and Merging • Clone Repositories for Offline Support / Groups • Master/Backup Servers for beer availability • Support for Models without Regeneraon • GMF IntegraMon and Team Support Model Repository 12 Teneo • Integrates EMF with Hibernate and EclipseLink • Supports all EMF features • Maps EMF models to relaMonal DB scHema • JPA annotaMons to control mapping logic • Teneo for model driven server/service systems • Use CDO for RCP with Hibernate (uses Teneo) Model-Rela-onal Mapping + DataBase Persistence PDE • OSGi console in Console view • API Tooling improvements • p2 support wHile running and debugging • Feature-based launcHes • Headless launcHing support • Import plug-ins from CVS • Improved Target Pla^orm support • Export Target Pla^orm content • Feature-based Target Pla^orm content Module Tooling Target Components Developer Entry Points Starter kits • EclipseRT OSGi Starter kit – Equinox, p2 • EclipseRT Web Starter kit – Equinox, p2, JeBy, EclipseLink – Servlet/JSP bundles, tradiMonal webapps, … Run-me Entry Points Conclusion • Many full-featured, mature tecHnologies • THe parts you need to make systems • IntegraMon and collaboraMon to “solve problems” – RAP and Riena and EMF, JeBy and EclipseLink, … • Virgo and Gemini will drive EclipseRT in more enterprise sengs for Indigo .
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