“Alcohol Use in of . A Baseline Survey on Magnitude, Causes and Effects from the perspective of Community Members and Individual Users” Policy Brief No 4/2011

INTRODUCTION effects in Central province. The ultimate Alcohol abuse, which is the excessive goal was to gather data and information and/ or unhealthy consumption of that would assist in formulation and alcoholic drinks, has emerged as a implementation of effective prevention major hindrance to the health, social and control policies and programmes. and economic development of the This study was conducted by NACADA people of Kenya. In a nationwide survey Authority in the year 2010. conducted by NACADA Authority in 2007, statistics indicated that lifetime METHODOLOGY prevalence rate for alcohol was 39% This was a cross-sectional survey and current prevalence rate was 13% targeting community members and for people aged between 15 – 64 years. individual alcohol users from Central Kenya. The study sites were , The number and frequency of deaths Kirinyaga, Murang’a, Nyandarua, , resulting from consumption of and Maragua (1999 Census). The adulterated alcoholic drinks have sample was 500 households per District reached alarming levels. Many people totaling to 3,500 respondents. have lost their lives and many more lost their sight after consuming adulterated KEY FINDINGS alcohol. 12 people died in ’s  Magnitude: alcohol abuse in Shauri Moyo Estate in April 2010, 5 died Central Kenya is perceived to be a in Thindigwa, in July major problem due to high levels of 2010, 23 people died in Kibera in August consumption, ease of availability, 2010 and 5 died in Laikipia in August affordability and accessibility. 2010.  Level of alcohol consumption: About two thirds of community Alcohol consumption and abuse is members reported high levels of influenced by factors including gender, alcohol consumption across the family history and parental influence. region. This ranged from a low of Men are at a higher risk of heavy 51.5% in Nyandarua to a high of drinking and developing alcohol use 75.4% in Kirinyaga. disorders. However, the number of  Trends: More than 80% of the women who drink, abuse, and become respondents felt that second dependent on alcohol is on the rise. generation1 alcohol consumption

The purpose of this study was to 1 investigate the magnitude of alcohol use Second generation alcoholic brands refer to and the underlying causative factors and alcoholic beverages that have been lately introduced which are low priced and have high


was increasing. 58% felt that first the second generation alcoholic generation alcohol was decreasing. drinks and chang’aa.  Availability, affordability and accessibility: Second generation RECOMMENDATIONS alcohol is the most available, The study makes the following affordable and accessible in the recommendations; Region. Chang’aa and traditional  Increased community education on liquor were reported to be the least the adverse effects of alcohol at the available and accessible alcoholic individual, household and drinks. community level. This may include  Drinking time: Nearly 60% the provision of Information reported that alcohol is consumed Education and Communication (IEC) before noon; the most productive materials, mass media especially the hours of the day. local FM Radio Stations, games and  Alcohol usage by age and sports as well as other initiatives gender: Consumption of alcohol targeting the youth. among people aged under 18 years  Enhanced enforcement of the is “high”. “Very high” usage was Alcoholic Drinks Control Act, 2010 reported for ages 25 – 34 years controlling the production, (males 79% and females 15%) and manufacture, sale, labeling, 19 – 24 years (males 77% and promotion, sponsorship and females 14%). Alcohol consumption consumption of alcoholic drinks. among males aged 35 – 54 years  Pro-active engagement of the was rated as “very high”. However, community leaders in the alcohol usage declined with campaign against alcohol and drug reference to ages 55 years and abuse in Central Kenya. above.  Working with relevant Agencies to ensure that the youth are positively INDIVIDUAL USAGE OF ALCOHOL engaged in productive activities.  Life time prevalence: 29.6% of the community members surveyed had consumed alcohol at least once in their lifetime. However, the lifetime prevalence rate was higher among males than females with 53% and 8% respectively.  Current usage (last 30 days): Consumption was estimated at 18% with a male rate of 34% while the female rate stood at 3%.  Type of alcohol: Less than 50% of the respondents were consuming first generation alcohol, 40% second generation and 10% consumed other alcoholic beverages.  Frequency of use: Individuals who reported to have consumed alcohol before noon were clustered under

alcohol content. Examples; Senator Keg, Kenya Cane, Iceberg, Marry Cane, Konyagi etc. 2