Chaplain Chase Down to One

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Chaplain Chase Down to One NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE ATOM DRIVE: IBM RESEARCH COULD PUT INFO STORAGE ON TIP OF YOUR FINGER PAGE 3 PAID BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT FRIDAY, SEptEMBER 7, 2007 Chaplain chase down to one By Jackie Hyland The chaplain selection com- tant for us that the whole com- decides, Oliver said. “so much more diverse” now Reporter mittee consists of two faculty munity has a chance to come Burleson addressed his than when he attended. members, two students, two and participate and ask ques- potential role as chaplain along “In (Baylor’s spiritual) diver- Moments of contempla- representatives from Student tions,” Oliver said. with his own personal experi- sity there is some kind of gift tion, remembrance and laugh- Life. Dr. Dub Oliver, Vice Presi- Oliver also stressed a deep ences and views on spirituality to us. Affirming these histori- ter filled the Barfield Drawing dent of Student Life, serves desire to be faithful to God dur- in the university environment cal perspectives can enrich our Room in the Bill Daniel Stu- as committee chair. For the ing the selection process and to in his presentation, “Nurtur- faith,” Burleson said. “And to dent Center on Thursday as past year, the committee has “pray and seek where the Lord ing the Spiritual Formation of be without them is to possibly university chaplain finalist Dr. reviewed resumes, discussed is leading us.” Students within the Context leave us with an impoverished Burt Burleson spoke to Baylor candidates and considered Surveys were handed out to of Diverse Constituencies at faith.” students and faculty. who will be the next university all attendees of Burleson’s lec- Baylor.” He described these differ- Baylor alumnus Burleson, chaplain. Burleson made many tures. Oliver said the commit- “Baylor has shaped me in ences as being essential and the pastor of DaySpring Baptist appearances Thursday on Bay- tee will review the responses of some very significant ways,” enriching to academic, social Laurisa Lopez/Lariat staff Church in Waco, is the only lor’s campus to give students the Baylor community and see Burleson said. and spiritual life at Baylor. finalist in the University Min- and faculty a chance to interact if there is a general consensus. He shared his memories of Dr. Burt Burleson, the university chap- lain finalist, addresses spiritual formation istries search for a permanent with him. This, along with prayer, will Baylor, how they impacted his Thursday in Barfield Drawing Room. chaplain. “In a role like this, it’s impor- determine how the committee life journey and how Baylor is see CHAPLAIN, page 4 Progress by degrees Geology By Anita Pere Women earning more, ing, President Lilley even comment- Staff writer ed on decreased male college atten- building enrolling in college dance rates, calling it “a real societal in higher numbers problem.” Decades after women first broke out The Population Reference Bureau’s on the career scene, their accomplishments findings reflect upon torn down in the professional and academic are- college degree,” Mencken said. Baylor’s gender gap. nas are still continuing. He said that men can get high-paying yet In Spring 2007, Social Technologies, a consult- risky jobs without a degree. Women may 5,656 men and 7,513 Music school has tentative plans ing and research firm with offices need a college degree when men may not women attended to use space for adding on to around the globe, released a study because women sometimes cannot take jobs Baylor, meaning Glennis McCrary Music Building Aug. 29 titled “Women Bread- involving hard physical labor. 57.1 percent of the winners: More women are out- In this sense, Mencken said, America’s student population earning their male partners.” shift from a manufacturing economy to was female. By Roger Lara The study cites a 2007 an information economy “created jobs for Male Baylor stu- Reporter Census Bureau report stat- females.” dents had mixed ing approximately 25.3 per- Women are also tackling professional opinions on having The Carlile Geology Research Building, also cent of working married careers formerly associated with men. a wife who earned known as the annex, was demolished last week females now earn more Dr. Maxwell Shauck, professor and direc- a higher income due to termite damage, and its flat roof which than their husbands. tor for the Institute for Air Science, said the than them. collected water. Dr. Carson Menck- aviation program has had female students “I wouldn’t tell “We were sad to see it go,” said Dr. Steve Dri- en, professor of soci- since the program’s inception in 1991. He my wife to stop ese, professor and chair of the geology depart- ology, said he thinks encouraged women to join the pilot-training working if she ment. the nationwide program. Shauck was a Navy pilot in the late made more than The annex was located near the Glennis increase may be in 1950s. At that time, the Navy did not accept me, but it would McCrary Music Building and had housed rock order for women female pilots, he said. just be weird,” samples, drilling and seismic equipment since to get ahead Mencken said a woman’s ability to enter said Plano senior 1981. financially. the job field of her choosing has definitely Sean McGee. “Buildings are just like people; they have a “Some peo- drawn more women to college. Mike Brown, a lifespan,” said Dr. Don Parker, a professor of ple will argue “When my mom went to college, there seminary student geology. “I think you can look at that building that a female were basically four jobs (for women): social from Tampa, Fla., as something that helped us a lot, and now its needs a col- worker, librarian, nurse or teacher.” disagreed. gone.” lege degree More women than men attend college also. “I just like Even with these problems, the building to make The Population Reference Bureau composed the idea of being served as an important resource for the geol- as much a report revealing that in 2005, 43 percent of married to some- ogy department, which agreed to take up less a s a women ages 18-24 were enrolled at a college one who’s as space in the Baylor sciences building because m a n versus 35 percent of men in the same age driven as I am to of it. with- group. succeed in life,” “The structure was further deteriorated out a At Thursday’s student government meet- he said. than we originally thought,” Driese said. “But also the campus master plan was revised.” The music department has plans to expand the Glennis McCrary Music building into the space. “Now we’re divided on two separate sides of campus,” said Dr. William V. May, dean of the School of Music. “Its not just an inconve- nience, but its very divisive as far as our faculty is concerned. “The whole notion would be to bring us together under one roof by adding on to the McCrary building,” he added. May’s proposal would expand Glennis McCrary Music Building into the grassy areas currently surrounding the building. “There’s limited space around the McCrary building, which means that we’ve had our eyes on (the geology building) for a long time,” May said. For Lariat coverage of the A parking garage between Glennis McCrary Rice could Rice game, please visit Officials: Virus likely Music Building and the power plant would also be built to provide parking for students and on Saturday evening. concertgoers as well as act as a sound barrier cause Bears cause of outbreak for the power plant. Preliminary estimates from the university architect put the cost at around $40 million. trouble damage Baylor’s elusive bowl hopes be- By Selena Mejia correlation of these sicknesses The timetable is also vague at this point and fore conference play even begins. Reporter and McAlister’s Deli where the largely depends on whether someone comes The added emphasis on winning fundraiser was held, Davis said. forward to donate a “significant amount” for By Will Parchman this one is unmistakable. And teeter- The Waco-McLennan County Gastroenteritis is one illness the building, but May said he hopes that under Sports editor ing on the brink of a 13th straight year P ubl ic He a lt h Di st r ict i s cont i nu- that can cause nausea, vomiting ideal circumstances, the whole project could without an appearance in a bowl game ing to investigate the cause of and diarrhea. be completed in three years. Head coach Guy Morriss probably is not where Morriss and his staff want an outbreak of sickness among Davis said both viral and “I’d feel a lot better about that three years if I didn’t expect to be confronted with a to be. Baylor students last week. bacterial gastroenteritis have had $40 million already in the bank; of course critical crossroads just one game into “If I was (Rice head) coach (David) After a Phi Kappa Chi fund- the same symptoms, but the two I don’t,” May said. the season. Bailiff or I was a player at Rice and I was raiser Aug. 28, several students versions vary by the incubation The addition to the Glennis McCrary Music Thus is the life of a college football watching us play, I’d have to believe visited the McLane Student Life period. Bacterial gastroenteritis Building is one of a number of new propos- coach. they feel like they can come up here Center with complaints of nau- has a shorter incubation period als which will be formally announced at the The Bears have dealt all week with and get after us,” Morriss said.
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