Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 5 June 2019 at Longburrow Hall at 7.30 pm

Attendees: Cllr Vicki Nuthall (Chairman), Cllr Camilla Baker (Vice Chairman), Cllr Ian Chadwick, Cllr Dan Davis, Cllr Suzy Garrett, Cllr Chris Parkinson, Cllr Robin Thomas District : County: Cllr Carl Etholen Minutes : Mrs Heather Presland, Clerk Members of the Public : 1

1. Acceptance of Apologies for Absence Cllr Chris Saunders; Cllr Jen Powis; Cllr Neil Watson; Cllr Andy Preece; Cllr Shade Adoh; Cllr Saeed Saddique. 2. Declarations of Interest (agenda items) None. 3. To Confirm Minutes of 15 May 2019 Cllr Nuthall stated the Cllr Preece had asked for an amendment to 10. Correspondence (3) Lawn Cemetery which had been incorporated in the minutes. The minutes were agreed. Proposed : Cllr Garrett Seconded : Cllr Thomas. Cllr Parkinson abstained. 4. Matters Arising (information only) Cllr Davis said he had been in the office when a resident from Studley Green had called about a piece of land near his property. He believed the owners should be paying the Parish Council for access to the property and so Cllr Davis had visited the area to identify the problem. He met with the owner and discussed the matter but did not believe the land was owned by the Council. Cllr Baker confirmed this to be the case. Cllr Nuthall said this was not a Parish Council issue and the resident need to make a Land Registry application. Cllr Davis also spoke about two bags of aggregate stones which could be a hazard and the owners would be asked to move these. Cllr Davis said he, Cllr Baker and the Parish Warden had walked all around the conservation area the previous day looking at the trees as a result of the tree survey. Some trees needed to be removed all together and be replaced. Cllr Baker requested the stumps be ground and removed as well, which was agreed. She also raised the bonfire which just seemed to be dumped on and she believed was a risk and should be removed. Polaris will be asked to chip it up and take it away. There were also some electrical wires running through some trees and SSE was to be requested to come and cut the trees. Cllr Davis said when the trees were cut down, there would be a lot of surplus wood and he felt it should be offered to the residents. This was agreed. Cllr Garrett gave an update on the proposed bus service from Stokenchurch to Marlow. She had received sixty personal emails all supporting the proposals and gave some examples. A meeting with Bucks Transport would be taking place on 10 July and their feedback had been positive in relation to running a trial. Cllr Thomas said another two half plot allotments had recently been rented and it had been mentioned to him that one of the taps needs to be replaced by plot 52. He confirmed the Parish Warden had stated he would be happy to mow the main paths in the allotments. Cllr Baker – the cemetery and medical centre. Cllr Nuthall read an extract on behalf of Cllr Preece which reported a very successful Litter Pick on 18 May with 32 present. 40 bags of rubbish had been picked up and he wished to thank all those who had attended and those who had organised the teas and made cakes. He reported that both the Finance and Cemetery Committees had recently met. 5. Reports/Actions Cllr Nuthall asked for an update on the Finance Committee. Cllr Chadwick said the new rules and procedures had been discussed, including petty cash and travel expenses. The Clerk confirmed all these documents had been circulated that morning and would be on the agenda for approval at the next meeting on 19 June. Cllr Chadwick said he considered the Council would have a very good financial audit trail should they introduce all the recommendations. Also a quote for the folding doors had been agreed and this too would be for approval by Council on 19 June. The acoustics were currently on hold while Cllrs Preece and Chadwick made arrangements to visit a site in Milton Keynes. Cllr Nuthall mentioned the amount of time that Veronica Wood had invested in getting things accurate for the current audit and felt the Council was now in a good position. Cllr Nuthall asked Cllr Baker to give an update on the Cemetery Committee meeting. She talked through the new fees which were being proposed, which Cllr Nuthall read out in detail. The proposed fees were still half the cost of and a third cheaper than Aylesbury Vale. The “memorial fee” of £121 was to be included in the new fees and the additional inscription cost had been waived. A new proposal was put forward for fees for a former parishioner and this was agreed to be £1200 for a single plot. The fees were agreed, with 1 July as the introduction date. There was discussion about the website in relation to the cemetery which was out of date and Cllr Watson would be asked to amend and reflect the current regulations as it was confusing. Cllr Davis talked through his proposal that when individuals were given the new Regulations, that these should be signed for as understood and agreed. Discussion then took place on the car park works that had been submitted by Cllr Preece which would mean gaining five extra grave spaces. Cllr Parkinson was concerned there would be no turning area for the hearse which would cause difficulties. There were some health and safety issues in relation to how far a coffin could be carried. Discussion would continue on this, although Cllr Davis said he felt the proposal was a good idea. 6. Notification of Parish Matters (information only) Cllr Davis – Memorial Hall, camper van, bush at end of Wycombe Road, War Memorial, Library and Mudds Bank. Cllr Parkinson – VE Day, outside tap, training. Cllr Garrett – Mill Road, green in the middle which was being used for parking. Cllr Preece – weeds. Cllr Nuthall said the weeds, mud and vegetation needed to be cleared in Slade Road, Raven Road, A40 near the Tesco Crossing and outside the Memorial Hall Club. The Parish Warden would be asked to maintain this once the areas had been cleared by Polaris. 7. Planning : (1) 19/05469 - Application for erection of one block of 5 x 2 bed flats as affordable housing, with associated parking, external works, bin/cycle stores & 3 additional parking spaces to side of 1 to 11 Britnell Court - Land Adj to 38 t0 42 & Adj to 1-11 Britnell Court (Mr Finley Wood) – Council did not believe there were any significant changes to the original submission and resolved to object on the same points as previously. Proposed : Cllr Chadwick; seconded : Cllr Parkinson. (2) 19/06011 - Householder application for construction of part single, part two storey front, side and rear extension and insertion of 1 x roof light to roof space - 34 Eastwood Road, Stokenchurch HP14 3SW (Care of Agent) – No objection. Proposed : Cllr Parkinson; seconded : Cllr Davis. (3) 19/06133 - Householder application for construction of a single storey front extension, carport to side, insertion of 1 x lantern roof light to conservatory and 2 x roof lights to front, replacement windows to dwelling and patio to side and rear - 51 New Road, Stokenchurch HP14 3SQ (Mr Terry Hunt) – No objection. Proposed : Cllr Baker; seconded : Cllr Thomas. (4) 19/06059 - Application for erection of 1 x 4 bed detached dwelling with associated driveway - Land between school and the Harrow, Old Studley Arms, Water End Road, Studley Green (Mr Zak Williams) – There was discussion that the planned dwelling was too close to the school and there would be even more parking issues. Concern over the trees and it was an over-development of the land which would add to car parking problems. Resolved to object. Proposed: Cllr Thomas; seconded : Cllr Garrett. (5) 19/06093 - Householder application for canopy to the front, single storey side and rear extension with dropped kerb, associated parking and decking to the rear with steps - Alimar, Wycombe Road, Studley Green HP14 3XA (Mr Raymond Baker) – Cllr Chadwick said the proposed extension went right up to the pavement leaving absolutely no space whatsoever. He felt it was out of character for the area and made it look like a terraced back to back house. There was already traffic congestion down the road and more development would add to it. Resolved to object. Proposed : Cllr Chadwick; seconded : Cllr Baker. (6) 19/06123 - Application for extension to existing livestock barn - Mudds Bank Stud Farm, City Road, Stokenchurch HP14 3EW (Mrs Jill Clark) – Cllr Nuthall read out Cllr Preece’s comments on this application. He was of no doubt the applicant was building an agricultural business there and felt if the applicant could take more of the Mudds Bank land, that would be a good thing. He said each Mudds Bank application needed to be considered on its merit and had no objection to this application. He believed it was genuine in its intent and the matter should be for the agricultural experts to decide who would also take into account the application for a Goods Operation Licence and whether the site was solely in agricultural use. The Council agreed with this view and resolved no objection. Proposed : Cllr Garrett; seconded : Cllr Baker. 8. District & County Councillors Cllr Etholen updated the Council on the bollard that had been knocked over at CJ Stores and he was progressing a replacement. The next LAF meeting was taking place on 11 June at Village Hall. He talked through the major road changes in High Wycombe and the new road layout. This month the first meeting of the new shadow Authority moving towards the unitary had taken place at Adams Park and 236 Councillors had been present. It could be viewed on line. A resident had reported some fly tipping in Stokenchurch and this was being followed up as fly tipping was definitely on the increase with the demise of recycling centre and the introduction of charging at other centres. It was Armed Forces Day at Booker Air Park on 29 June and tickets could be obtained on line. Cllr Davis asked for an update on Mudds Bank and Cllr Etholen said he would chase for this. Cllr Nuthall said the container had been there for over two months since it was originally reported. 9. Finance  Bills Payable These were agreed. Proposed : Cllr Chadwick; Seconded : Cllr Thomas  Monthly Accounts for May 2019 Cllr Nuthall explained these and answered some queries. The accounts were agreed. Proposed : Cllr Chadwick; Seconded : Cllr Baker. 10. Correspondence (1) CCTV Service Agreement Renewal – Bronze maintenance was approved. (2) Consideration of Kings Hotel car park for the installation of a charger for electric vehicles – Council were not interested in pursuing this. (3) Open Spaces - Request for donation - £50.00 agreed. (4) Request for removal of tree – After some discussion, it was agreed the Parish Warden and a Councillor would look at the tree and come back with a recommendation about what could be done. To be re- considered at the next meeting. (5) Stokenchurch Primary School - Request to advertise in their School fete programme. It was agreed a half page A5 colour advert at a cost of £60 would be submitted advertising the hiring of Longburrow Hall. 11. The Commons Cllr Davis said there had been some difficulties for Polaris with vehicles parked on the verges on Marlow Road plus some cut hedging had just been left on the verges in Pigeon Farm Road. Polaris had informed him they now had the posts but did not know when they could fit these. It was agreed the Common was looking really good now it had been hoovered. There was discussion about making comments on social media and Cllr Nuthall said she did not feel anyone involved in Council work/activities should be making comment. Discussion then followed on where Polaris would be leaving all the grass cuttings. Cllr Nuthall said they were not to be left at Longburrow and Polaris needed to take them away, even though it would cost some money. 12 . The Medical Centre Cllr Baker quoted an extract sent by the Council’s solicitor from Mr Marshall in relation to the Inclosure Award relating to land numbered 171 and 409. These had been found in the SPC’s records but they were written in a complex way and a professional who understood the language would be required to interpret them. The solicitor had asked to look at this with Mr Marshall also being present. Cllr Nuthall said they should be invited to the office to look at the information and get it interpreted. She then went on to read out an earlier email she had sent Council – money had been paid out for legal advice plus a survey, the issue had been discussed at length, the surveyor had concluded no breach had occurred and he – as the professional – should be believed. This was public money and she did not wish SPC to go down the litigation route. She would like the matter to be closed with the hope that Mr Brown would reinstate the hedgerow. If Mr Marshall wished to continue challenging this, then he could but it would be without the Council’s support and without further monies being spent by the Council on legal fees. The matter should be concluded. This was agreed unanimously. If Mr Marshall wanted to continue to challenge this, then he would be responsible for picking up the legal costs of the Council’s solicitor with immediate effect. 13. Other Parish Matters (1) Cllr Davis asked for agreement that the Memorial Hall could install an outside tap so a hose could be used to water all the plants. Approved. (2) Cllr Davis spoke about the two camper vans that appeared to be moved around the village with “for hire” notices on them, one of which had been parked in the King’s car park for the last five days. The Clerk said this was in hand with TVP. (3) Cllr Davis said there was a tree on the Wycombe Road near the pedestrian crossing that needed to be cut back. The Parish Warden would be asked to do this. (4) Cllr Davis said the railings and flagpole at the War Memorial required re-painting. It was agreed the Parish Warden be requested to do this. (5) Also the library path was looking quite a mess and the Library would be requested to tidy up their path. (6) Cllr Parkinson asked whether the Council would be doing anything for VE Day after the information the Clerk had circulated. There needed to be some forward planning and Council needed to start talking about it now so there was time to do something. Cllr Baker agreed and suggested something was done in the hall for the public. (7) Cllr Davis said he thought it a good idea to apply to the Educational Charity for some funding towards the War Memorial, which might help towards the purchase of the bench he had spoken about at a previous meeting. This was agreed. (8) Cllr Parkinson asked about the outside tap at the hall which he felt needed to be turned on. He said Council had previously agreed it was to be left on but he understood the Parish Warden turned it off because the youth kept turning it on. Some discussion took place and Cllr Nuthall asked the Clerk to find out what was going on and report back. (9) Cllr Parkinson asked about the training information the Clerk had sent out and said no training times had been included. She said he needed to click on the links where he would that information. (10) Cllr Garrett spoke about the problems in Mill Road/Wormsley Road with car parking. There was regular parking on the green and it was not necessary. Cllr Nuthall asked that a generic letter be writing to all those residents in the area asking them not to park on the green. (11) Cllr Garrett talked about an encroachment of approx. 1.5-2.0 m on land in Mill Lane and she explained how this had come about. It was agreed the parishioner would be asked to put the fence back to the original boundary line. (12) A parishioner spoke about street lighting in George Road and said columns 1 and 2 were out and column 3 in Britnell Court stayed on all day, which needed rectifying. He confirmed that when the original road was put in the cemetery with the turning area, it was because the coffin bearers were not supposed to carry the coffin for more than a certain distance and he felt he should remind Council of this as it was an H&S issue. He spoke about the national campaign regarding charging points being run with Tescos. He reminded Council that should they replace the allotment taps, they needed to have double check valves and he was pleased to see the Studley Green bus stop foliage had been cut back. Meeting finished at 2120