EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 15, 1984 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS the NATIONAL PEACE ACADEMY the Future That We Could Provide Today Christopher J

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 15, 1984 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS the NATIONAL PEACE ACADEMY the Future That We Could Provide Today Christopher J 16772 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 15, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE NATIONAL PEACE ACADEMY the future that we could provide today Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut. STRONGLY ENDORSED BY would be to prove our determination to David Durenberger of Minnesota. LEADERSHIP GROUPS ACROSS strengthen our knowledge of peace and our Thomas F. Eagleton of Missouri. AMERICA ability to maintain it ... through establish­ J . James Exon of Nebraska. ment of the United States Academy of Wendell H. Ford of Kentucky. Peace."-Milton C. Mapes, Jr., Miami John Glenn of Ohio. HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH Herald Newspaper, December 31, 1983. Gary Hart of Colorado. OF WEST VIRGINIA "Many good ideas, like seeds with tough Mark Hatfield of Oregon. shells, must be hardy in order to survive H. John Heinz, III of Pennsylvania. IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE until conditions are right for it to take root Ernest F . Hollings of South Carolina. Friday, June 15, 1984 and grow. I believe that the concept of a Walter D. Huddleston of Kentucky. U.S. Peace Academy is such an idea. I sup­ Daniel K . Inouye of Hawaii. e Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, the port the proposed legislation."-Dr. Guthrie Roger W. Jepsen of Iowa. U.S. Academy of Peace bill, S. 564, S. Birkhead, Dean. Maxwell School of Citi­ J. Bennet Johnston, Jr. of Lousiana. awaiting action in the U.S. Senate, is zenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse Uni­ Nancy L. Kassebaum of Kansas. strongly endorsed by more than 60 versity. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. leadership organizations, 14 State leg­ "We must match our growing physical Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey. islatures, and numerous newspaper power with spiritual and moral power. We Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont. editors all across America. must wage peace as energetically and as Carl Levin of Michigan. I have excerpted endorsements from imaginatively as this nation has waged its Russell B. Long of Louisiana. several of those organizations, and wars. Peace involves the skillful manage­ Charles Mee. Mathias, Jr. of Maryland. ment of conflict. This skill has to be learned Spark M. Matsunaga of Hawaii. quote as follows: and organized."-Editorial. Desert News. John J. Melcher of Montana. "The Academy should be a tremendous Salt Lake City, Utah, December 24, 1982. Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio. boon to education and training in interna­ " If this country can pump millions into, George J. Mitchell of Maine. tional affairs. I look forward to my own say, an M-1 tank, which even the Army ac­ Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York. Center's collaboration with the Academy."­ knowledges does not work, surely it can Frank T. Murkowski of Arkansas. David M. Abshire, Chairman, The Center afford an academy dedicated to peace in the Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. for Strategic and International Studies, world."-The Asheville Citizen, Asheville, Larry Pressler of South Dakota. Georgetown University, May 12, 1982. NC, April 14, 1982. David Pryor of Arizona. "We believe the bill to establish the U.S. "A national Peace Academy obviously will Jennings Randolph of West Virginia. Academy of Peace could constitute a genu­ not bring peace in a world plagued by inces­ Donald W. Riegel, Jr. of Michigan. ine national resource and serve as a focal sant conflict. What it will do is provide a William V. Roth of Delaware. point to advance this nation's commitment focus for increasingly sophisticated studies Paul S. Sarbanes of Maryland. to peace."-Charles B. Saunders, Jr., VP for in conflict resolution. Congress should move Jim Sasser of Tennessee. Govt. Relations, American Council on Edu­ to final passage next year.-The Baltimore Alan K. Simpson of Wyoming. cation on behalf of 7 Associations for Public Sun, Sept. 19, 1982. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. and Private Higher Education, May 11, " If we can afford $1.5 trillion to build a Robert T. Stafford of Vermont. 1983. - machine to make war, we can afford $60 John C. Stennis of Mississippi. "Its an idea whose time has come from million 1 to establish a National Academy to Paul E. Tsongas of Massachusetts. sheer necessity. War has become unthink­ make peace ... it needs President Reagan's <Senator Gordon Humphrey of New able in the nuclear age, but it may become . endorsement and a public groundswell."­ Hampshire has agreed to become the 56th inevitable unless we have the kind of skilled Chicago Sun Times, April 18, 1982. Cosponsor of the bill, S. 564, as amended.>• negotiators who can protect national inter­ "We do not have the luxury of waiting. ests without resort to military force."-Jack We must realize that continuing wars of Anderson Column, Washington Post, greater devastation will be in a sense, a part Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1983. of our collective failure if we fail now to THE BULGARIAN CONNECTION "Some, of course: will protest that the pass this legislation."-Senator Jennings idea of a national peace academy is a Randolph, Huntington <WV> Herald-Dis­ HON. HENRY J. HYDE dreamy, utopian scheme. But what better patch, April 19, 1984. way could there possibly be of demonstrat­ OF ILLINOIS ing to the world that we in this country are Mr. President, the measure about IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the "peace-loving" people we claim to be?" - which I speak, S. 564, has been report­ Huntington <WV> Herald-Dispatch, Sunday, ed by the Committee on Labor and Thursday, June 14, 1984 April 19, 1984. Human Resources, with 55 cosponsors • Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, in last "Peacemaking is an instrument of power, on the legislation. Those sponsors, in Sunday's edition of the New York because it puts the United States on the Times, Claire Sterling reveals excerpts side of the highest aspirations of mankind, alphabetical order, are as follows: and not just the pursuit of its own self-in­ 55 SENATE COSPONSORS OF S. 564, JUNE 1984 from a secret 78 page report by Italian terest."-Hon. Harold Saunders, Former As· Mark Andrews of North Dakota. State Prosecutor Antonio Alabano sistant Secretary of State. Max Baucus of Montana. that links the Bulgarian secret service "Our times demand the kind of creative Joseph R. Biden, Jr. of Delaware. to the plot to kill the Pope. Sterling, response to the questions of war or peace Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico. an American author and foreign corre­ that the Peace Academy proposal provides. Rudy Boschwitz of Minnesota. spondent, has been investigating the In fact, never has there been a time when Bill Bradley of New Jersey. attempted assassination of the Pope we have needed to be more earnest in-and Dale Bumpers of Arizona. for some time and is considered one of inject more urgency in-our efforts to Quentin N. Burdick of North Dakota. achieve lasting peace."-Ray Denison, Di· Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia. the foremost authorities on terrorism. rector, Dept. of Legislation-AFL-CIO. John Chafee of Rhode Island. The disclosures in Sterling's story "Peace deserves a chance. So does a na­ Lawton Chiles of Florida. also raise questions as to whether the tional academy devoted to studying the art Thad Cochran of Mississippi. Soviet Union may have been involved and science of making the world safer."­ Alan Cranston of California. in the conspiracy to assassinate the Editorial, Concord Monitor, "Time to Wage John C. Danforth of Missouri. Pope. It is generally acknowledged Peace" Thursday, Feb. 9, 1984. Dennis DeConcini of Arizona. that Bulgaria has an especially close "The United States has always been a relationship with the U.S.S.R., and country whose visions of the possible have 1 The $60 million figure refers to the Study Com· inspired the world. The most dynamic dem­ mission's recommended spending for a 4-year clears everything it does with its onstration of world leadership and faith in period. Soviet mentors. The pervasive nature e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. June 15, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16773 of this relationship was spelled out by We still do not know whether Tolubeev largely successful in preventing diversion of Paul Henze in recent testimony before may have departed from Sofia last year in Turkish-grown products into illegal chan­ some form of mild disgrace-for the Bulgari­ nels. Turkish mafia leaders had meanwhile the House Foreign Affairs Commit­ an connection to the plot to kill Pope John steadily expanded their operations, were tee's Task Force on International Nar­ Paul II had been exposed only a few months permitted to make high profits by the Bul­ cotics Control. before. at the end of 1982. Earlier the same garians, and had connections with smug­ According to Henze, a former staff year extensive Bulgarian connections with gling interests in the countries to the south member of the National Security the Italian Red Brigades <including the kid­ and east: Arabs of many kinds, Armenians, Council and an author, consultant, napping of U.S. General James Dozier> and Cypriots, Iranians, Pakistanis. The Bulgar­ and specialist on international terror­ with arms and narcotics smuggling in Italy ians took this whole shady underworld ism, "nothing Bulgaria does can be re­ as well as penetration of the Italian labor under their protection, offered transit facili­ garded separately from the larger movement through Luigi Scricciolo, had ties, warehouses, support for forming been exposed. These cases are still being in­ dummy commercial enterprises with legal framework of pernicious and destruc­ vestigated and evidence of Bulgarian entan­ seats in Germany, Belgium and many other tive Soviet operations directed against glements is expanding steadily. 2 Chances countries. Narcotics supplies were drawn the free world. They range from prop­ are that Tolubeev was simply extricated from as far away as the "Golden Triangle".
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