DDMS P OBUL REDDY PUBLIC SCHOOL JAYANTI 2020 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as was a pivotal figure in the Indian Independence Movement. The Mahatma’s principles of non violence and compassion continue to influence us in all walks of life. The school celebrated the Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi by holding a special assembly week dedicated to the remembrance of the great soul. The activities stretched from 28 September to 3 October. Students from the different domains presented stories, speeches, songs and presentations in honour of the great Mahatma. Even though all this was on virtual mode, the happiness and excitement of the young children brings a smile on our faces. Gandhiji’s simplicity is reflected in the innocent faces of our primary tots!

Special assembly was conducted for the whole week under the theme – Mahatma’s tenet that shook the world. Students of Classes IV and V dressed up like Gandhiji and spoke about Gandhian philosophy. They shared the quotes of Gandhiji on education, ahimsa, etc. They spoke about how Gandhiji’s ideals have remained indestructible till date. They emphasized on the importance of adopting Gandhian principles and their relevance for global peace.

Grades VI, VII and VIII presented their assemblies on the theme, along with PPTs extolling the greatness of Mahatma Gandhi.

The senior students presented PPTs on Gandhiji’s tenets.

All in all, the event evoked an enthusiastic response from students, proving that one can and must, never forget one’s history.