European List Trade Union Institute Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5, box 4 of country B-1210 Brussels Benchmarking codes + 32 (0)2 224 04 70
[email protected] AT Austria Working Europe BE Belgium European BG Bulgaria Trade Union Confederation Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 CH Switzerland B-1210 Brussels 2018 CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic + 32 (0)2 224 04 11
[email protected] DE Germany DK Denmark EE Estonia ES Spain FI Finland FR France GR Greece HR Croatia HU Hungary IE Ireland IT Italy LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg LV Latvia MT Malta NL Netherlands NO Norway PL Poland PT Portugal RO Romania SE Sweden SI Slovenia SK Slovakia UK United Kingdom US United States EA EU Member States (19) that adopted the euro before 2016 EU13 EU ‘new’ Member States that joined the EU after 2004 EU15 EU Member States that joined the EU before 2004 EU27 EU Member States that joined the EU ISBN: 978-2-87452-469-1 before 2012 D/2018/10.574/04 EU28 EU Member States that joined the EU before 2014 List The European The European of country Trade Union Institute Trade Union Confederation codes (ETUI) (ETUC) AT Austria BE Belgium The ETUI conducts research in areas of The institute’s work is organised in The European Trade Union The ETUC is the only social partner BG Bulgaria relevance to the trade unions, including accordance with the following five common Confederation (ETUC) exists to speak representing workers at European CH Switzerland the labour market and industrial relations, priorities: with a single voice, on behalf of the level in the framework of the European and produces European comparative — Policies and actions for the future of common interests of workers, at social dialogue.