Readers Survey * PM Pro4preview Aking Midi * Classified * News Best of PD HD Guide * * Jay Miner Society

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Readers Survey * PM Pro4preview Aking Midi * Classified * News Best of PD HD Guide * * Jay Miner Society Where did I ut the September Issue ? * Readers Survey * PM Pro4Preview aking Midi * Classified * News Best of PD HD Guide * October IBsue 11 * Jay Miner Society Amiga Products Price Crash Limited to on shelf stock Only,No Rainchecks, No other discounts. SOFTWARE HARDWARE GREEN MOUSE $ 25.00 AMINET CD $ 25.00 HYPER MOUSE II $ 35.00 AMINET SETS $55.00 ROCFIRE JOYSTICK $ 24.00 EURO CD $ 24.95 PEN MOUSE $ 24.00 MONUMENT PRO V3 $ 460.00 HAND SCANNER 64 GS $150.00 AD OR AGE $160.00 WITH OCR & TOUCHUP 4 ANIMAGE $150.00 SECUREKEY $ 64.95 CLARISSA $ 265.00 880K EXTERNAL DRIVE $ 99.00 MON CREATIVE SET $ 60.00 $ 50.00 ROCGEN AGA $180.00 LOADER PACK GIF & JPEG $145.00 ADORAGE PREMIUM F/X $ 40.00 ROCGEN A600/500/2000 $ 60.00 DSS8+ SOUND SMPLER $130.00 TOUCHUP 4 WITH MERGE CALL IMAGE MASTER V1.5 $ 55.00 FLATBED AMIGA SCANNER $ 39.95 A2000 A600/1200 INT DVE $ 90.00 XETEC CDFS BLITZ BASIC $ 54.95 COLOUR HiSCANNER $ 400.00 $ 30.00 GVP SIMMS MODULES $165.00 BLITZ SUPPORT SUITE AWEB III $ 69.95 RAM & ACCELERATORS !BROWSE $ 69.95 MODEMS 33.6 FROM $185.00 A500 $ 299.00 512K RAM + CLOCK $ 60.00 INTERNET 1 YR UNLIMITED PRINT STUDIO $ 99.00 A2000 3.1 KITS ALL MODELS CALL RAPIDFIRE SCSI + RAM $ 265.00 WILDFIRE 060 + SCSI $1799.00 PLUS LOTS MORE TITLES CALL FOR AVAILABILITY A3000/A4000 SPITFIRE SCSI $ 145.00 GAMES A600 LOTS OF NEW AND RERELEASES 2 MB PCMCIA $135.00 BIG RED ADVENTURE $ 39.95 68030 40 MHZ + 4MB $ 300.00 AKIRA CD32 $ 5.00 68030 40MHZ + 8 MB $ 360.00 GULP CD32 $ 5.00 A1200 CALL FOR DETAILS ON NEW STOCK COBRA 28+FPU $ 250.00 FLICKER FIXER/SCAN DOUBLERS COBRA 33 $ 260.00 LIMITED STOCKS ARE ON THEIR WAY COBRA 33+FPU $ 300.00 VIDEO MAGICIAN - A2000/3000A/4000 COBRA 33+FERRET $ 360.00 ARRIVING LATE OCT COBRA33+FPU+FERRET $ 400.00 $ 380.00 COBRA 40 $ 270.00 PRO SCAN SCAN DOUBLER EXTERNAL COBRA 40+FPU 33 Mhz $ 320.00 $ 210.00 DUE EARLY NOV COBRA 40+FERRET $ 370.00 FLICKER FIXER FOR PRO SCAN COBRA 40+FERRET+FPU 33 $ 420.00 $1 85.00DUE EARLY NOV FERRET SCSI FOR COBRA $150.00 ORDER NOW STOCKS ARE LIMITED VIPER 42Mhz - 68030 + 4 MB $170.00 BLIZZARD 50 -68 030 $ 280.00 LAST CHANCE SPECIAL BLIZZARD 50 - 030+FPU50 $ 380.00 DKB1 202 RAM EXPANSION, AND REAL TIME APOLLO 25Mhz - 68040 $ 355.00 CLOCK FOR A1 200 $120.00 APOLLO 33Mhz -68 040 $ 405.00 OR $140.00 WITH 6888216 MHZ BLIZZARD 50Mhz - 68060 $ 895.00 A1200 4MB RAM CARD WITH CLOCK OTHER SPECIALS AND FPU SOCKET $ 10500 OVER 300 AMIGA ITEMS IN STOCK, AND LASER POINTER PEN $ 49.00 NEW STOCK ARRIVES ALL THE TIME 80 W PMPO SPEAKERS $ 55.00 FROM OVERSEAS. PC OPTICAL MOUSE $ 39.00 E&QE PRICES SUBJECT 7i)CHANGE Computa Magic Pty. Ltd. 44 Pascoe Vale Road, Moonee Ponds, Vic. 3039. Phone (03) 9326-0133 Fax (03) 9370-8352 email [email protected] Bankcard, Mastercard,Visa,Amex,Diners, Eftpos, direct Deposit, COD, even Cash Editorial Dribble 4 * August's Amy-X-word solution .. 23 Michael tries to explain why Let us know if you would like to September's Mag was aborted. have a regular cross word page. * Amiga News 6 * "The Jay Miner Society" 24 Michael Gruber hosts the Amiga News Michael Gruber rounds off this series Pages with the latest Amiga action. with the final part in the JM Society. Web Watch 8 * The Best of Public Domain .... 26 Our editor goes roaming the net Daniel Hajduk throws us into some in search for a nifty site to review. graphic & extractor programs. Making MIDI 10 * Amiga HardDrive Guide Part 2 ..28 Direct from England Geoff is back to Peter Hutchison is back with part two teach us all about MIDI. of the "A-Z" on Hard Drives. * Reader Survey 16 Getting Involved 30 Please take the time to fill out and send Michael Gruber gives us a rundown of in the survey, Getting to know You! the UG conference at the Sydney show. * Picture Manager Pro Preview ...20 Amiga + Video + Sound 32 This is the ultimate in graphics utilities Words of wisdom from Paul about falling and gets the AAG thumbs up. j over while holding a video camera. * Readers Classified 22 * Dear Dianna 34 Because you asked for it! Free readers Dianna is thwarted in her shopping Amiga for sale and items wanted page. endeavours. flru.tma.ltaa timer; ryagette deta8e.c97 3 Editorial Dribble Sorry No September Issue The Australian Amiga Gazette are joining forces which will create a greater impact on the W a grassroots pttiicatior My apologies to all for the computer market as a whole. anted for the pupose of absence of a September issue. The PPC boards are selling well keeping the Amiga S'en alive With the closure of Amadeus overseas and became available h Australia and beyond Computers, the withdrawal of the in Australa late month (We hope Show advertising and not receiv- to do a review on The opiNons expressed one next ing a number of articles from h editorials, article, reviews month). Many developers have and letters aie solely the writers the September issue was stated release dates for PPC not physically possible. To add to resspor>sdaty of the authors ports of their programs. The all this the Paula chip in the soon to be released Amiga ver- aid do not necessarily rtflect the position of AAG. A4000 blew up taking with it part sion of 'Myst' and 'OnEscapee' of Sept issue. will really show off the power of the PPC boards. In the August Lettes to the edto• are A note to A4000 owners issue I remarked that the light at hvited lettes may be eited the Paula chip in the A600 works the end of the tunnel was a to meet editorial rcgtremerts in the A4000, just be very careful bloody small light, well I have taking it off the A600 upgraded that light to a 200w motherboard. light globe. Edton. Michael Busk To make up for September I will be either extending everyones No Melbourne Show ? Writes subscription or producing a Michael Busk Double size December issue or Over the past month I have Daniel Hajduk possibly both. received phone calls seeking en- Dear Dine lightenment regarding the Niched Grebe The scent of Amiga in the air postponement of the Show in Pal Gahan Melbourne. After speaking to Pete Hatdison Now for the good news. It seems Michael Gruber, one of the show Geoff Mures that Gateway have decided that organizers, and at length with the Amiga is a very valuable Basil Flinter and Darreck Lisle Advetisng asset to own. Amiga Inc (Amiga Inc USA) I cannot shed (Research and Developement any further light as to why the Advetkiy rate available on division of Amiga International) show did not go ahead. At this application AI copy may be has started to employ ex- point a new date for the show sited condensed or reused Commodore staff. A number of has not been set. Please contact for ptticatiort third party contracts have been the organisers directly for further granted to devepolpers creating details. much activity. Amiga businesses 4 ,~Fualutl6aa tf.u6ga ÿagette Oetagea97 I'm your host Michael Gruber and here is the new Management would like to Computers in Ferntree Gully, apologise for the disruption in Victoria. Give Gordon a ring your regular scheduled program- (03) 9752-3991 ming. Thank you for tuning into the late edition of AAG News. Amadeus - No More will see a closer relationship be- tween all the Australian User First the Local News ... Unfortunately, Amadeus has Groups. closed it's doors after many years Melbourne Show Delayed of supporting the Amiga. Due to Co-ordinating with Mr Lisle, the financial difficulties, Amadeus has world could see the establishment The Australian Amiga Gathering gone into liquidation. of the first major node in this net- Mark II Amiga Expo, which was work, linking the Australian scheduled for October 11th in Many distribution rights which groups together. Melbourne at Albert Park has Amadeus held have now been been delayed until early next year. severed. We must now wait to Now to International News ... see which of the other Amiga The organisers (Michael Gruber, Dealers will pick these up. AAG New Game: OnEscapee Paul Graham and Darren will announce the new Australian Robertson) after talking with Basil Distributors as they come to hand. OnEscapee is a new action Flinter and Darreck Lisle (Public adventure game for the Amiga Relations and Events Co- Directory Opus Patch Available and PC. The game will mix the ordinator for Amiga Incorporated) styles of Flashback and Another have agreed to delay the GP Software announce patches World together with many new ori- Australian show until early next for Directory Opus. Versions 5.62 ginal ideas. OnEscapee contains year. and 5.65 are now available free. superb graphics, amazing atmos- Contact GP Software via email at pheric music and sound effects. An Australian Representative will [email protected] or phone/fax The animation is superb and the by flying to Computer '97 (the at 07 33661402 game play is unreal! OnEscapee German show in November) to is being coded by the Hungarian talk with Amiga International and User Group Network developers,'Invictus Team'. Amiga Incorporated about the Australian show. In a conversation with Michael OnEscapee will require an Amiga Gruber (me), Darreck Lisle of with at least an M68020, AGA, The organisers, again, wish to Amiga Incorporated discussed his 2+2Megs, CD-ROM and apologise for their change in plans to develop a User Group Harddrive.
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