T R r C 'A R 0 L I N A T I M E S 9-ft-SATURD4r/ rmmniAiQr |», vim * qyiyiAM, n. c. Plans For CIAA Tnree Day nent upens Toursday in Wiflslofl'SaKRi CoKsewii WINSTON-SALEM — Final Walker explained that the arrangements were made here tournament committee approved last Sunday for the 16th renewal the elimination of a reserved of the CIAA baskettiall tourna- section as an experiment for this fnent. year’s games. The tournament opens here on He added that a section would next Thursday, M arch 1, and prpbably be reierved next year. ^iU end on Saturday, M arch 3. At stake in the three day Scene of I ho event wiU t>e the event will be chance for the 9,000 Kcat Winston-Salem winning team to t^ke part in poliaeum. ooe 0/ the two national post The eight top teams the seaAon tOMmaments, the N C ^ conference will partioipate. At' Small College tournament or press time, only five berths had the l^AIA tourn^ei)t. |>een virtually assured A.soram- Under cQn?t««*nce rplps, tfte he among six teams .under-‘ ragplar season visitation champ­ {bvay for the remainij^ three ion has the chqice of electing ^rths with this week's, iraiultsi which toprnament it will ehter, IT. AUO CAOIR»<-L*lt to right Kannalh Armstrong, Statistician, Mon4» Wyc'ha, Eir«iw jiolding the key to outroipaa- I and the remaining choicf ,l« qjh knatling art William Eaxtar, William Thompaon, Charlat Ran> Babby Davit, ind Oterga Wil­ (See related story this sijtped to ^ Nawbold and Alfred dall, Mward Cettrall, Lauls liam*. page). champion. ^^^var. Left to right standing: Balehar, Hanry Lhndsay, Ls> The conference’s tournament The past two vi