Argo Newspaper Stockton State College Pomona, NJ 08240 Office: G-206 (609) 652-1776 ext. 560/5 73 First Class Mail

Argo is not an official publication of Stockton State College but is published by an independent corporation licensed in New Jersey

Volume 29, Number 10 November 29, 1984 POMONA, N.J. Kleinman Acts On Promotions

By John Coughlin The tenure and promotion process In a decision which shocked faculty begins with the faculty review committee, and students Monday, Vice-president of comprised of five students and five faculty Academic Affairs Neil Kleinman reversed members. The committee examines each the recommendations for tenure among candidates file, which contains creden- half of the candidates made eligible by tial^ letters of recommendation, student college procedures. evaluation scores (SET's) and other The recommendations reached Klein- pertinent data. man's desk after extensive review of The committee then makes recom- each candidates file by-the faculty Re- mendations to the candidate's division view Committee and respective Divi- Chairperson, who reviews the file before sional Chairpersons. Final approval of submitting it to the Academic Affairs Kleinman's decision, is determined by office. President Farris, who will then present Of the 16 tenure candidates whose the recommendations to the Board of files reached Kleinman, only eight were Trustees. recommended to the president's office. Kleinman's actions caused immediate In the same procedure, 16 out of 21 controversy as the Faculty Assembly requests for promotion were denied. called an emergency meeting and students Some of the candidates for tenure re- began drafting petitions to voice their ceived unanimous approval of the Faculty outrage. Photo by Diane Adams continued on Page 3

The mysterious missing forms. TjT-1 j t Not Ordered Fatal

By Brigid-Rose Callahan books on this subject were disregarded, A carton full of more than a hundred Grant responded, "I don't know!" Accident I book request forms submitted by the The explanation offered by Grant for By Sue Humphrey I faculty that have apparently been ignored the books not having been ordered is that There were two motor vehicle accidents by library officials was recently discovered. the two faculty members had exhausted on campus last week, one involving the The box contained book purchase their entitled allocations and were making fatality of a Delaware woman. forms submitted for order by faculty excessive purchasing requests. According At 12:45 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 21 „ the vehicle operated by Grace Gazzara members from as far back as 1982. The to Grant, Gilmore and Constantelos of Hammonton struck three trees, causing bulk of the forms had been submitted by recommended 34% of the Arts and it to break into three pieces. The driver Dr. Demetrios Constantelos and by Dr. Humanities book allocation expenditures was traveling north on College Drive at a William J. Gilmore, both of Arts and in fiscal year 1983. speed "too fast to negotiate a turn" when Humanities faculty. When questioned as to the fairness of she lost control of her car, according to It is of great concern that the library the situation, Arts and Humanities Detective Sergeant Joseph Mangiello. maintain a balance of resources spread Library Divisional Representative Joshua Stockton Police were assisted by para- over many subjects, according to Director Cabet responded, "Some faculty mem- medics from ACMS's Medic 7 Intensive of Library Services, George Grant. bers are more 1x>ok oriented' than others. Care Unit, who used the Jaws of Life However, many of the books requested Then again, some are just more involved." apparatus to extricate the driver and were along such diverse subject lines as Indeed, these statements are accurate. front passenger from the car. The Gal- Daily Life in Louisianna 1815 - 30, Both ordered very broadly in many fields loway Twp. Police, the Galloway Twp. The A rt of Thomas Couture and Corpus beyond their own. In fiscal year 1982, West Ambulance Squad, and the Mays of Dated Illuminated Greek Manuscripts the total amount of book purchases in the Landing Volunteers Rescue Squad are to the year 1453. One group of the Arts and Humanities division was $ 1,300 also to be commended for their assistance. ignored requests made by Prof. Gilmore less than the $23,000 they are allocated. The three occupants of the car were was along one thematic line; New Jersey In fiscal year 1983 the total amount of transported to ACMC's Mainland Divi- History. When questioned as to why the continued on Page 6 continued on Page 2 Achievement List By Monique Turoff proved by the Dean of Students, Peter The Student Senate passed a resolution Mercado, by President Farris, and finally G. Gordon Liddy speaks at PA C. Inside This Issue... for two academic achievement lists on by the Board of Trustees. Bob Moore Photo by Jonathan Snyder Nov. 20 in G-208. The resolution as is would like to see this program imple- Night of the mented by the fall of '85 includes full time students with the Iguana Page 6 stipulation that part-time students will The Outstanding Academic Achieve- Liddy Speaks be considered. ment list would be for full-time students The lists would be unpublished. At the who receive straight A's or H's. The Jay Phillip Profile Page 4 end of each semester a letter would be Academic Acheivement list would be By Bob Mangeruga sent to each student who was placed on for full time students who receive all A's "We are living a life of illusion," the list. Bob Moore, President of the and B's or three A's and one C. warned speaker G. Gordon Liddy at a Editorial Page 4 Student Senate said that the purpose of The resolution reads "Student opinion lecture at the Performing Arts Center Personals Page 7 has voiced an overwhelming interest in Monday night. "America likes to act like Arts & Entertainment Page 6 the list is to provide "recognition of Sports Page 7 the existence of such academic recogni- achievement for the student." an adolescent," he said. "Europe and Creative Writing Page 5 To become official school policy, the tion." Senator Timothy Nolan said 123 Asia view us as being a very naive Academics Resolution must first be ap- continued on Page 2 continued on Page 2 •Page 2 ARGO November 29. 1984 Ortiz Captures Wanted Man dalizing of the new ice cream parlor, the also still under investigation. On November 25 Officer Ed Ortiz charged with possession of stolen pro- Pine Cone, on Nov. 20. Vandals stole Nov. 15 : Red Camaro owned by Kyle stopped a vehicle on College Drive to perty, and possession of a fire arm by a the sign and all the plants behind the Brendle, stolen from Stockton several run a routine check for possible violations. person with a previous record. At press counter. weeks earlier, was recovered in the woods Ortiz ran a check on the driver, Scott time Ireland was still in county jail and On Nov. 16 Thomas Douglas found in Hammonton by local police. The car Ireland of Galloway Township and dis- unable to make bail. that a black equalizer had been stolen had been stripped and,is inoperable. covered that there was a warrant for his Reported at 1:52 a.m., Nov. 23, was a from his car in parking lot B. The mer- Chief William Long asks that students arrest in Absecon concerning multiple burglary in B-Court. A neighbor, aware chandise was valued at $110. become more aware of where their keys motor vehicle violations. Ireland was that residents of the apartment were not Nov. 19: Several professors had books are, as their were 57 lockouts on campus then taken into custody. A subsequent home, called police and knocked on the stolen from their offices. The offices during the period of Nov. 12, through search of the car revealed credit cards door. Police did not find the suspects, were located in C-Wing. This matter is Nov. 21. Opening apartments for students and checks that had been stolen in two but confirmed that a window had been is time consuming and quite unnecessary. seperate burgalaries in Ventnor. It was pryed open. Taken by the burglars also found that Ireland had a previous was a Sony Walkman, however, $300 arrest record. In the car was found an in cash was not stolen. The matter is WLFR Off The Air antique weapon that is still being tested under investigation. to see if it is operable. Ireland was Also under investigation is the van- By Steve Burke WLFR, the Stockton State radio QEI Corporation for repairs. Fortunately Honors List station, experienced what they call in the for the radio station, the equipment is continued from Page 1 Achievement list will not pursue those industry, "technical difficulties" this past still under warranty and the repairs will students were polled in 1983 by the courses which may help them expand holiday weekend, according to Jay not create a burden on their budget. Student Senate: 100 approved, 23 ob- both academically and emotionally, in Hamowitz, Program Director. When asked about the possibility of a jected. "Out of a campus population of favor of achieving status." On Friday morning at 9:00 a.m.. Jay similar disruption of service in the future, approximately 5,000 students, 123 stu- Timothy Nolan feels that "the list is had come in to do his radio program, Mark Orell, General Manager, felt that dents .isn't statistically sound," Nolan not detrimental to the individual but is to "Pseudoprune," and discovered that he it was "not uncommon" for such sophis- said. All students who attended the the Stockton community. With this list was not transmitting. He then called ticated equipment to have a few defects meeting, but were not senators, opposed Stockton is moving away from the original chief engineer Tim Waldron to come in discovered during the first months of the resolution. ideas on which it was founded and and take a look at the system. broadcasting. Once the problem is re- President Farris said that Academic moving toward a more traditional vein of During his inspection of the radio ctified, the system should "function Achievement lists would give students academia. tower, Waldron discovered the transmitter normally" says Orell. "a better chance to be competitive for Senator Eric Newman feels it is im- had broken down. The transmitter, able The station went back on the air at the best jobs and graduate schools," and portant to recognize professors for their to be moved fairly easily, was taken to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon. also that it could "lead to more raising of achievements, but at Stockton they forego scholarship money." Bob Moore said the formal "Dr." prefix because it may the lists "will instill initiative in the be a barrier between themselves and the student." Henry Glickel said that the students. A published Achievement list Fatal Accident lists would be "inner motivational" for may put a barrier between the students students. themselves, haves and have nots." continued from Page 1 25, when Robert Tichaz's jeep crossed Bob Fehon, a student senator opposed The last full Senate meeting before sion where Monica Gondolfo, the right the left lane on College Drive and crashed to the academic achievement lists said break will discuss if part-time students front passenger, died at 2 a.m. from into the woods. The driver lost control of these lists might "take away from any should be put on the list with full-time multiple injuries. The driver suffered a the vehicle after veering to the right risk students might want to pursue in students or if they should have different lacerated knee, and the back passenger, shoulder. The vehicle was later dis- their education." Bob Kozachek, a criteria all together. This meeting will be Jill Marghella of Vineland, sustained covered by Campus Police, yet Tichaz student attending the meeting, later stated on Dec. 18 at 4:30 in G-208. Students minor injuries. himself had fled the scene. Tichaz, who "People concerned or forced to concern are encouraged to attend and voice an The three individuals were not Stock- was not injured, was issued two sum- themselves with getting on the Academic opinion. ton students. monses; one for careless driving and one The other accident occurred Sat., Nov. for lack of registration. Liddy Speaks

continued from Page 1 55% of our young men will have to nation." He cited the cause of a lack of volunteer. Does Congress know this? Of respect as being a decrease in our in- course they do! Why should they tell telligence sources and military strength everyone and get them upset?" since World War II. "How many of you in here think that In his presentation which lasted for social security is secure?" he asked. three hours, Liddy gave some chilling "Don't be fooled; its a big pyramid EVERY THURSDAY statistics concerning our military might scheme! You've heard the story of the STOCKTON COLLEGE NITE with as compared to the Soviet Union. "Our man who took $ 100 from his friends and army has 20 divisions. The Soviet's promised to give them back $300 in 90 DOOB CATS have 194. We have 13,00 tanks. The days? He was taking money from the last FREE ADMISSION WITH STOCKTON ID Soviet's have 50,000. And our air force people and giving it to the first people. It pilots receive 76 practices a year as was only a matter of time before it compared to 376 practices for the collapsed! When social security started, plus Soviet's, and 600 practices for the 16 people were paying for every one FRIDAY DJ/VJ jlsraelis. " receiving. Now the ratio is down to 3 to> Greg 'O' "We hear a lot nowadays about how 1, and its going to get worse as the iHYTOWN quickly our military is building up. I'll population ages. Anyone who is under tell you, we just started rebuilding in 35 who thinks he or she is going to SATURDAY 2 BANDS 1980. Since World War II, the Soviets receive anything under the current system SPECIAL 104 WMGM LADIES' NITE have never stopped building." is being completely unrealistic." hosted by "Your young men are living a life of Mr. Liddy is one of the most contro- DJ PATDEMARCO illusion if they think that the U.S. ian't versial figures of our time. He has written going to have a draft," Liddy warned. the book WILL, and was recently por- $1.04 drinks for the Ladies 9-11 FM "Don't be fooled. Think logically. Forget trayed in a television movie. An attorney, LIVE MUSIC BY about increasing the number of volunteers Liddy spent much of his life working as a THE BLEE HEARTS in our armed forces for a minute. If we spy for the FBI, and during the Nixon were to keep our military at the same administration, he was put on the White plus Special Guest Band J TUESDAY level, with only volunteers, given the House staff. It was he who organized the MONDAY SUNDAY CASINO NITE decline in the birthrate means that, to break in of the Democratic, national s QUEEN OF STEEL NITE FREE ADMISSION maintain the current level, by 1995, continued on Page 3 plus DJ "TRAITOR" DAN FOOTBALL with ID FREE ADMISSION FREE ADMISSION LIVE MUSIC BY DRINK SPECIALS .. DRINK SPECIALS DOOB CATS CARRIAGE HOUSE w WEDNESDAY 104 WMGM LADIES NITE hosted by Mike Boyle ^ PIZZA ^ FREE ADMISSION and $1.04 Drinks for the Ladies FREE delivery to Stockton Students LIVE MUSIC BY SMASH PALACE open from Sunday - Friday 4 p.m. - 11 p.m. Saturday 2 p.m. - 12 midnight HAPPY HOUR DAILY 4- 8 PM ^ 1 Mile South ofSmithville Jf* on Route 9 652-2888 J^L

You 7/ corne for the fun of itll\ frfrfr^frfrifrifrfrfrTfrTfrTfr -fr & Jk W •ARGO November 29, 1984 Page 3 Kleinman LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To The Argo, Brigid-Rose, why don't you come, sit continued from Page 1 moderator of the assembly. When you allow an article to be back, relax and enjoy the Edge for more Review Committee before the recom- A letter was then sent by the assembly printed on the front page (or any page for than a few minutes at one show before mendations were reversed at the higher to Kleinman and Farris expressing the that matter) of your newspaper it would you condemn it or write a misleading level. faculty's concern for their colleagues. be wise to make sure a clear, unbiased, article about it. Forget it, I'm sure you The faculty Assembly convened Tues- The letter emphasized the significance fully representative article is provided. would rather see the last regularly day afternoon "in response to the tre- of the Faculty Review Committee and The article, "Edge Goes On?" neglected scheduled free program available to the mendous outpouring of concern, anger, requested that the administration care- to speak specifically of anything! The students cut-out and pay for the next resentment and outrage to determine fully reconsider the recommendations one comment that was supposed to be a event you attend or don't attend and what kind of actions we should take as before making a final decision on hard home-hitting "fact" was that the write about it by whim. faculty," according to John Searight, December 6. Edge "is given well over 10% of the Janice Waters, budget for Campus Activities." It would Coffeehouse Manager SOBL Tenure Promotion be nice Argp hut Uy .again! The Edge (Editor's Note: The only mistake in the receives r3.3% of the Programming article that we found was that "Campus Vice-president Kleinm'an's recommendations for budget although it is 1/5 of the organiza- Activities" was used instead of "Pro- (yes) and against (no) tenure and promotion.* Lyons no tion. The Programming Board consists Alpan gramming Board" in reference to where no of concerts, films, coffeehouse (The Edge), Margarita ves no the money was coming from. In some This information comes second-hand from a SCAT and special events. This is an verbal report by President Farris to William Emmons yes insignificant amount considering it is a circles, 13.3% is "well over 10%." Gilmore, Argo Faculty Advisor. It is not legal at Ghorashi yes Furthermore, to repeat the editorial Montanino yes program offered on a regular basis and this point in the process for the President to give of Nov. 15, the Argo is not a student the Argo a copy of the data summary. Prof. the only one of that kind remaining service, it is a student newspaper. It is Gilmore apologizes in advance for any errors NAMS which is completely entertaining and derived from his notes. FREE! up to the full discretion of the editors Santos no If the "journalist" in charge of the which pictures and articles get printed, Slate no Geller no article would have bothered to get in and which do not.) PROS TENURE PROMOTION Mueller no touch with me, the manager of the Paul no coffeehouse, I would have provided her To The Editor, no Beverly yes — Runningwolfe with this information. Last week's article on The Edge no Eisele yes Stiles I agree with the fact that coffeehouse Coffeehouse (Edge Goes On?), incor- Hufana Taylor no yes — crowds have decreased, however this is rectly stated that The Edge is "given Kubricki Wildfogel yes yes well over 10% of the budget for Campus Massie no more of a reflection of changing tastes in Berry — no GENS society along with an alcohol policy Activities." The Edge Coffeehouse is a Thomas no which discourages attendance. presentation of the S.S.C. Programming no Lafleur Last week's show with Scott Jones Board, a student-run organization ad- Schwartz yes yes ARHU headlining had an approximate turnout vised by the Office of Campus Activities, but funded by our own Studenty Activity Lemakis no no Library of 100 people despite the fact that the Brandfon no Argo left out an article written on the Fee, by way of the Student Senate. The yes — Corpus Cohen yes Edge which was handed in two days "discussion" of this particular program Birdwhistell — no before deadline—I guess accuracy and of late has been an attempt to weigh it's no Cabot organization threw the Argo off balance. cost-effectiveness. Gilmore no Grasso no Totals: Tenure Promotions And, I am sure that this coming Edge, It is the responsibility of the Pro- Hollis no Tuesday, November 20, with comedian/ gramming Board to entertain as many Mench — no 34 individuals 8 yes, 8 no 5 yes, 16 no musician Chip Franklin will go over well students as possible within it's $50,000 (50%) (24%) despite the fact that the Argo omitted the annual budget, with a great variety of picture of Chip submitted with the Edge programs, including concerts, films, bus Liddy article. continued on Page 4 continued from Page 2 headquarters, and who incidently was "If you have been hired to kill me, make arrested and jailed for his involvement in sure I'm alone. I don't want my wife and the Watergate scandal. He proved to be kids to be in any danger." The SSC Programming Board too intelligent to be jailed, however. In the question/answer session that r r- When the warden mistreated him, Liddy followed, Liddy offered some solutions wiretapped his office and cracked the to the problems he pointed out. Social- Proudly Presorts jail's safe, then brought the warden to security needs to be completely restruc- trial for mismanaging the prison. At the tured if it is to remain in existence. THE trial, he served as the prosecuting at- Spending for military weapons must be torney. Liddy is now on parole, and is continued if the Soviet Union is to be :urrently lecturing across America, and held at bay. "Don't underestimate the he will be speaking in Europe next week. Soviets," he warned. "Believe me, if "Some of the things I've learned are they felt they had to attack us, they HOOTERS the most classified secrets in the world," would not hesitate to do so." He ad- Liddy said. "Some of the information is vocated President Reagan's "Star Wars" Philadelphia's Premiere so top secret that it is known by only five proposal saying that it provided the best men in the entire world. If I wanted to way to prevent a nuclear missle attack Rook-n-Roll Band release some of the information I have, I on the U.S. could cause this nation to collapse within In closing, Mr. Liddy repeated the 24 hours. Forty-eight hours if its a theme he had stressed throughout his weekend." With this type of knowledge lecture. "Do not live a life of illusion," Sunday in his head, Liddy acknowledges that he he said. "Know what is reality. We must is a likely target for assassination. He be aware of what is happening around us accepts this fact with chilling.sobriety. if we are to exist in this day and age." December 2, 1984 CORNER RESTAURANT 8:00 p.m. SSC Gym GOOD FOOD IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Advance tickets on sale ira G-Wing Gallery $7.00'Each 75c OFF ANY PLATTER Tickets will he sold eat in or take out bring this ad at door, $10,00 each. Food, Beverages, Camera * Philly Steaks * and Recording Equipment Subs Juke Box *t is prohibited. Lunch Specials * ' TP* n^nn

Open 6:30 am Mon. thru Sat. 101 Jimmy Leeds Rd. ^

. Sun. 9:po a.m. _ ,, .75$ D.EJJVERY. fEE . . 652-173v- -27 *? Page 4 ARGO November 29, 1984- EDITORIAL of these recommendations are reversed Vice-president Kleinman's total pack- lifeblood of Stockton. What is missing is (This editorial was submitted by Argo within a week, some of our best faculty age of recommendations is so detrimen- a sense of the big picture, leading to Faculty Advisor William Gilmore-Lehne). are to be fired this June and many more tal to Stockton's vital spirit that it places balance and perspective in his recom- Vice-president Neil Kleinman, in his are not to be promoted, therefore pro- in serious jeopardy the faculty's willing- mendations. job barely three months, has just re- hibited from progressing in their pro- ness to continue making an extraordinary The reward structure of Stockton must ndered his first big decision. With it he fessional development. Several of the (extra contractual) commitment to the be brought in line with the rhetoric of its has shown the Stockton community that promotion candidates have been held institution. If the faculty were ever to administrative leadership. What does it he does not yet understand the ingredients back now for two or more years. pull back Stockton would quickly become say to the senior faculty about Klein- of this college's vital spirit. Kleinman At many institutions a large proportion an ordinary institution in an isolated man' judgment when just one (8%) of has also demonstrated that he fails to of faculty pay attention only to their few environment. That would be a dreadful thirteen tenured faculty seeking promo- understand the historical position of best students. The vast bulk of the student result, so I ask you 4 our students, to act tion is recommended? What does it say Stockton and the context in which the body is treated with at best mild, super- now, this week. Look at the chart, and if to all junior faculty when just half of the institution finds itself. As a result, many ficial concern. Stockton is truly different. there are faculty members you have had sixteen tenure candidates are recom- of his recommendations are derived from A large majority of our faculty share a whom you wish to see stay on, tell mended. What does it say to all students a view that is too narrow, literal, and commitment to the goals and achieve- President Farris by next Wednesday. and faculty when fifteen positive review lacking in balanced concern for the ments of all of our students. The student December 5, at the latest. Do so by committee recommendations are reversed cement which holds this institution faculty review committees in each division stopping by K-203 or calling ext. 521, by the Vice President, all from yes to no. together. attest to the seriousness with which we making an appointment, or by writing I count at least nine necessary reversals Without well blended mortar, the view a close knit student faculty relation- her care of the President's Office. Tell by President Farris. bricks for a building are worthless. ship. My students have had an equal say President Farris why one or more of Perhaps Vice-President Kleinman Stockton has been evolving over the past (5 votes) in my retention, tenure, and your faculty should be retained (tenured) should not have participated so actively decade but it remains a special college: promotion with my faculty peers. In my or promoted. Be specific wherever pos- in a decision making process he is so new vastly different from the run of the mill case, my, students have voted with con- sible. Your words are essential at this to, in such a very unusual college. It state college. What has made us special sistent wisdom for fourteen years. crucial crossroad in Stockton's history. takes time to catch the complex rhythm is the unique, full scale commitment of The driving force behind Stockton's We have consistently been told by of Stockton's tune. The vibrant core of the faculty to quality undergraduate excellence has been the willingness of so President Farris that we are a very good, Stockton, its faculty and students, look? education. I have never even heard of many faculty to forego the narrowest high quality, excellent, etc., faculty. We like hell, raises hell, and shares a com- another college with half of the quality route to professional success—the isola- believe these statements because we mitment to a hell of a good under- college teachers we have hired and tion a commitment to regular publication work at certifying their validity every graduate education. Neil, we believe retained. demands—in favor of a steady feeling of class day, and on many other days as that you are one of us, Stocktonian in Students care about teachers who be- real accomplishment in undergraduate well. Vice President Kleinman no doubt your vision, sense of interactive com- come excited not just about their own teaching. This is a stunning achievement has what he believes are good reasons for mitment, and, in your heart. Courage research but about their student's educa- in an age of rampant self-centeredness. his recommendations, case by case. But necessitates a sober second look at the tional and personal growth. Many of Because we have believed the institution's what his recommendations add up to is a negative recommendations and the ap- these faculty appear on the chart (see distinctiveness is worth fostering we each serious misjudgment. In three short plication of a fuller wisdom by you and Page 2) summarizing Kleinman's recom- decide, privately, to enhance it in our months he has not learned, not "grocked" President Farris. Stockton deserves no mendations. Unless a sizeable number own way through extra time and effort. those essential criteria constituting the less. MORE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

continued from Page 3 the Programming Board. To say that the ecutive Cabinet of The Programming tenure was signed by 95% of the tenured trips, lectures, a student theatre com- N-Wing Cafeteria is "not accessible to Board, perhaps in liason with the Student faculty. Another statement was signed pany and endless special events. Any- many" is ridiculous; are quite Senate. by 50 women faculty and staff, also in time the cost of an event is dispro- wide and always unlocked when an support of her tenure. portionate to the number of students event is taking place, particularly one Thank you, Michael Thomas We support Ingie Lafleur for tenure entertained, it is not successful. that charges no admission. And suc- President, S.S.C. Programming Board because of the crucial and central role Attendence at the Edge has decreased cessful events occur almost exclusively she plays at the college administering the over the past few years, as has audience on weeknights at Stockton, ask any week- To the Editor of the Argo: General Studies curriculum, the Liberal diversity, while the program's budget of ender on campus. Although we are on leave from Stockton B.A. (which graduates at least twelve $7,000 a year remained nearly intact. Evaluation of The Edge Coffeehouse this semester, we keep in close contact students yearly and has 50 declared or The explanation offered by your article is not complete, particularly in light of with the college. We were shocked to intended majors), Academic Advising, are the same ones offered by anyone recent changes; an attempt to draw more learn that Ingrun Lafluer, Chairperson the BASK Program, the Skills Center, defending the program, but these reasons new customers. And any decision on the of General Studies, was turned down for and the Writmg Program. Ingie Lafleur are not sufficient for some members of future of The Edge belongs to the Ex- tenure by Academic Vice President Neil inspires faculty to work over and above Kleinman. their contractual obligation in these pro- As an economist, a physicist, and a grams which benefit students. mathematician, we spend our time looking We hope President Farris reverses at numbers since they are indicators of Vice President Kleinman's decision and what is valued and represent physical grants tenure to Ingie Lafleur. If she reality. Ingrun Lafleur had over 100 doesn't, the Stockton we return to will ARC© letters in her tile from faculty and staff not be the same lively, innovative college recommending her tenure. Twenty-seven we left. outside evaluators across the country Ken Harrison, -Co-Editors- from U.C.L.A. to the University of Associate Professor of Economics Dims Adams, Michael Finnen Michigan to Columbia University wrote Doug Lesie, -Associate Editor- -Managing Editor- testifying to her worth as a scholar and Associate Professor of Physics John Coughlin Richard Zicker . historian. A statement in support of her Don Plank, Professor of Mathematics -Arts And Entertainment Editor- -Stqjf Writers- Jeff Sharkey Steve Burke, Brigid Rose Callahan Fred DiTecco, Dr. Vera King Farris, _ . ... Susan Humphrey, Bob Mangeruga, Peter Manic, ^BALLOONS ABOVE ATLANTIC CIT^ -Creative Writing Editor- ^ skeeter Yates George Arias

-Business Manager- -Contributing Writers- Lisa Masterson Brian Grieglik, Ed Lott, Liz Johnson

1 -Advertising Manager- -Photography Editor- Karyn McNicholas Jonathan Snyder

-Advertising Stajf- -Photographers- Mike Calandra -Typesetting- Cameron Williams Kate Brock -Graphics- -Typing- -Faculty Advisor- Rapidly expanding scenic design shop, Vincent O'Dowd Timothy Nolan Bill Gilijiore - Lehne Balloon decorating and delivery service Rick Colella in need of employees Full & Part-Time The above people are the only ones qualified to represent the Argo unless othervv i«,e ». erified b> an Argo staff member singing, dancing, phone sales, & design ~ Argo is a student newspaper published by the Argo Corporation, licenced h\ the State of N'e* Jersey. Subscriptions are $12 per school year The Argo Office is located in G 20(> (t>0M| b52 h work available. Earn $4 - $25 per hour, A 1776. extension 560 and 573 g make your own hours. Dial 347-7040 a ARGO November 29, 1984 Page 5 0 * fc a Ï

BLACK CORVETTE At last family I took the bandages You remind me of a black corvette. off my eyes Picasso's hand brushed faintly aside When I found you I was thrilled to and I discovered the hair from his eyes to reveal get behind your wheel. love didn't leave me blind a portrait. Wax you with desire. only wiser Fill you up with high-test love. Circles, squares, triangles of colour, love was not untrue sharp and fading, just unkind whisted and blent with the blacks, All the guys were awed by your beauty I can now see and of course wanted to borrow you. greys whites of rectangles; thru the thin sheet of ice father and daughter. But I parked you in my garage of no, love didn't leave me blind monogamy; Melting grip hand holding solitude only wiser... large soulful dark eyes gazing. your key tucked safely under my pillow. Sire cupping the curls of the child, GEORGE ARIAS mischevous, not as serious, ADRIAN ADELMAN little lady type eyes. Wondering, wandering, Monday morning crept softly through the window defying lovely lovely but; A DREAM Picasso frowns, locks again fall soft particles of air could be seen in disarray, floating so obscurely on their way. Sometimes at night he clears these frolickers. my eyes struggled to focus, my mind wanders far again a portrait. into a world Third figure: squares, triangle, circle while my mind, separated from my being, began to drown me with thoughts of you. where people can see gayly coloured, mistly though there. themselves 'Mother, wife, 1 I question the reasons as they really are stablizer of the elements, and how truly oppressive bearer of fruit; the whys and argue with the stupidity I feel the world they live in portraiture gains life with this new entry; really is. molding, melding movement just knowing you are more of me than I am of you. to and fro. Eyes locking, searching, ROADSIDE APPLES Then I awake fading, learning, teaching, into reality. crying, searching, growing. I destroy myself with the very thought of you. Ain't done nuthin' for over a year now, Six eyes become two, 'magine that? MICHAEL WITMER father, madonna and child. why does my mind allow my heart to behave this way? Most folks says I's dumb "n Lazy • Picasso smiles. But they jest don't understand; On this eighth day he has done well, What matters is I do all shall rest; do I leave this A LOVE LETTER behind me or hold on And if they ain't gettin' it though the child still watches. Well, all's I can say is everythings got to the fullness inside To all good men it's season; put there by you. who like Sigmund Freud lessard If a mule don't wanna move, that's it. and use ideas should I just close off part of my life There ain't no arguin' with 'em. Note from the Editor: thanks again, such as these forgetting you exist? Danny! Now I knows I don't sound educated to justify without you their partial lives and all that. I don't know if I can. split up in bits But I do know one thing; and pieces of self. Y'all be settin' store in things PIE I'm tired of the fight, To all of you That's as important as a bunch of afraid of winning who fear yourselves reluctant to lose. roadside apples. I wish I could tell you I 'spose that's your business and project on us All the joy 1 have inside GLORIA But I still gotta get this load off my chest those fears so deep. All the love I have to share 'Cause it bothers me to watch y'all Who want, and take But as you've found out- Stompiri' in them nasty things Great Earth Mother It's hard for me to share LOVE IS WARM Lookin' for God knows what. and use her strength Feelings of happiness and despair to bind her up I just wish I could tell you Love is as plain as the sun in a cloudless Mind you now, 'cause I'm no college in a rationale That I'm not hiding from you sky. 'fessor . that is carefully designed I'm really trying to break free And the warmth of love within your But if y'all would pay less 'tention to let you enjoy Of these silence barriers that are holding heart To what's on the side of the road "unconscious instinct," me Is warm enough to give warmth to all. And more to where it's headin' and yet control I've never said that I was truly sorry We just might get that darn mule movin' with narrow intellect Nor has an "1 love you" passed with Cold are many when all is dark; yet. your own Earth Mother. feeling Hie only one who knows is a sunny To kll of you 1 just want so bad to tell you I say, "Fuck off." heart And that's fo'rcal. How I feel and it' I could I'd say But will you hide behind a cloud of flesh? I love you... No, for your love will give all sweet rest. R. CLARK SYDNEY PATTON L. MAE PAUL M. LOVETT

ABSECON PIZZA ATTENTION STUDENTS • FREE DELIVERY* (Please take care of our delivery person) Part-time job openings at Atlantic City Thriftway Supermarket Last Call for Delivery Service Sunday - Thursday 11:20 Cashiers, clerks, deli-help, needed Friday - Saturday 12:20 Now! NOW!. NOW! No experience needed - we will train! Please allow 60-75 mins. for Delivery Apply in person at Absecon Blvd. CALL ABSECON PIZZA (White Horse Pike) and Tennessee Ave. daytime. 646-8306 Page 6 ARGO November 29, 1984 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT LIZARD UNLEASHED IN PAC By Jeffrey P. Sharkey you draw a logical conclusion for their Sexual quirks, perseverence, decay purpose in it. You wonder why Mr. and emasculation are just a few of the Williams inserted them into the show. themes and ideas Tennessee Williams Another side attraction is the badgering meshes together in the Studies in the Miss Judith Fellowes, the irate leader of Arts Program production of The Night the tourists who promises Shannon she'll of the Iguana. The late Mr. Williams get him fired for not adhering to the tour was a powerful and witty playwright who map. She also intends to press rape penned some of our finest dramas like charges in connection with his debauching Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar of teenaged Charlotte Goodall who wants Named Desire and The Glass Menagerie. Shannon to marry her. However, Night of the Iguana, as a These events comprise most of the whole, does not quite rank up there with show and unfortunately they don't de- the elite. Although the play has its velop any further until the final act. You meritous points and moving scenes, wish for something more to happen. This they're sparse and generally condenced notion is capsulized in Hannah's com- into the final act. ment about her .senile grandfather's Principle cast of Iguana from L. to R. Maureen O'Dowd, Michael Laird, The action in the first two-thirds of the mumbling of poetry: "It's like a blind- Lee Layton and John Alvarez. Photo by Jonathan Snyder. play stalls. Nor does the plot take any man climbing a staircase that goes to certain direction. nowhere." The audience feels as though The opening introduces defrocked they are being lead along a similar itinerary. ROCK REPORT minister and beleaguered tour guide T. Although the small audience was By Michelle McCIellend a lv2" disc containing "Born In The Lawrence Shannon, comfortably por- generally appreciative of the show and Local talent makes good: NJ-based USA," three "B" side tracks, "Pink trayed by Michael Laird, who is seeking also willing to be more engaged by it, DB's (minus leader Chris Stamey) opt Cadillac," "Jersey Girl," "Shut Out reposement at a Mexican hotel owned their willingness was taxed during the for a pop-synth sound of their first major The Light," and the inimitable "Santa and operated by the lustful (although leaner and distracting parts of the show. label release for Sire Records; album is Claus Is Coming To Town" just in time recently widowed) Maxine Faullc played But our patience is rewarded in the titled "Like This"...Look for Laurie for Christmas...Fred Schneider (B 52's) by Maureen O'Dowd. Maxine's seduction Final act when Hannah and Shannon Anderson's latest, "United States Live" has released a new LP on Warner Bros. of Shannon is threatned by the arrival of dramatically come to terms with their on Warner Bros. Records. It's a five LP Records titled "Fred Schneider and the travelling sketch artist Hannah Jelkes dispair and resolve to accept their bleak set, and features just about everything Shake Society."...Check out Devo's and her poet grandfather Nonno. Although futures. Hannah's, dignified acquiescence Anderson has done from "Oh Superman" covers of Jimi Hendrix's "Are You the tandem is financially broke, the towards her fate is moving and Lee through her last LP, "Mr. Heartbreak"... Experienced" and James Brown's "Sex charming and resourceful Hannah per- Layton's poignant portrayal of her is The do a cover of the Machine" on their new LP "Shout." suades a suspicious Maxine to let them especially noteworthy. Hannah's per- Hooter's Blood From A Stone on their stay the night. servering attitude and affectionate sen- "Schizophrenic Circus" LP: Both Eric MORE Also staying at the hotel is a party of sitivity designate her as * a character Brazilian and Rob Hyman guests on this Germans who frolic about and guzzle study of vintage Williams. The moving one. Also check out their version of ROCK champagne in celebration of the Nazi and poetically inclined final act coupled "Eve of Destruction" (the old Barry The rockin' at Stockton continues. bombing of London. Their presence with the tactful interspersing of Nonno's McGuire tune}...Congrats are in order There will be a Dhaktari Dance Party doesn't serve any major purpose to the poetry made the evening a worthwhile for Nils Lofgren, who has been signed to benefitting the Stockton Jazz band Friday slow development of the plav. Nor can affair. (Springsteen's label). night at 9:00 p.m. in the N-Wing cafeteria. No. word yet on when production will Also the winners of the WLFR Logo begin—but don't expect anything much Contest will be announced. The big prize before the fall of'85 since the E Streeters is the "Hooters Party Package" which begin their six month European tour late includes two tickets and back stage January ...Speaking of Springsteen, Col- passes to Sunday night's show. Admission umbia has announced its plans to release is only $1. HOOTERS ON HORIZON By Jeffrey P. Sharkey are coming! The Hooters Good things seem to be in store for the are coming! Yes, the Philadelphia based band. Not only have they just signed New Wave band (whatever new wave is with a major label, but founding Hooter considered these days) invades S.S.C. Rob Hyman and Eric Brazilian co-wrote on Sunday night at 8 p.m. in the I-Wing with Cyndi Lauper, her hit single "Time gym. Riding high off the crest of their After Time." And to see the Hooters T ."Amore" albums success and recently perform their version is a special treat. rrr x rr~r x 1 1 fAUDIOPHILIfll— i 1—•—|—1 |—L-'W'^j^- signing with Columbia Recordsthe band Also the band expects to release their as should be fired up for an awesome show. yet untitled second album after the new Recorded live in England. IncludesHZlnterviews with key executives Having had the pleasure of witnessing year, possibly by February. You can their hit single "TalkTalk" and muchlCabout career challenges and op- them in concert, I can testify that they'll also catch the Hooters in a special New more. 30 min. 1 1 1—Tiportunities facing today's college*- J—i . iTT a i ii T~students. | '1 ; j I T i be sure to blow you away. Year's Eve Party at the Tower Theatre T I MuH- i i ' i i rrrr •II lillMI | I | III il, » "J*"*""j -Sensational x -I—J—I Car-taons Seventies 7Q'sc Book Mystery "Tokio Jokio" (1943), "The Sinking-7— Part I. Topics covered: Jimmy L this situation, or stating explicitly that of the Lusitania" (1918), "Private-,—Haffa's disappearance, Russian/C continued from Page 1 the Director of Library Services must Snafu" (1944), and more. 30 min. American space link-up, go-go C book purchases were $1,000 less than make a faculty member aware that his or ' I ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' I ' l dancers and more. 30 min. £ their allocation. Despite these excess her requests are not being- met. Past funds, many requests for book purchases practice from 1971-82 has been that all by Gilmore and Constantelos were requests not ordered are returned to the ignored. faculty member submitting them as soon as a refusal has been made. Grant con- Neither Constantelos nor Gilmore tended that past practice before his dir- T 1 1 1 had any knowledge that some of their i I l 1 1 ' 1 • » r ectorship is irrelevant to the present New progressive musicvideo show requests have been shunned since 1982. Student films from Northwestern situation. Fortunately, this is not a wide- 1 Grant said that he "held the orders with including: top 10 count down, #1 EZU., Evergreen State College SSuny/ spread problem. "I have only held up the intention of telling them," (faculty club videos, special guests andj^Purchase respecitvely. 30 min.-r^ orders in three or four instances," stated 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 members) but he "just didn't get around more. 60 min. 1 ' 1 I 1 1 1 i —» • • 1 r-Sr—1 'n n<—J Grant. A few orders by other faculty T~~~T X TTT rrT to it." It was not until Prof. Cabot wrote T 1=3 were included in the carton. X a memo to the faculty members, stating X X Speaking of his negligence in making 'Campus Network (CN) I , I that their orders had not been placed, CN can currently be viewed at locations 11» that the faculty members were alerted to the faculty members involved aware of 'First a look at a handicapped re-- on TV monitors in G and N-wings the situation. Prof. Cabot, aware of the his decision. Grant said "If they want to creational therapist, then a por-I during regular school hours. Ranee Cat- circumstances since last Spring; would take it personally, they can. If they feel I trayal of a delicatessen owner. 301 isolated them, I can live with that." Prof. lin encourages reactions' to the pro- . ,1 ... , i ,, i , ! t 1 I t I ». have alerted the faculty members in- Gilmore's comment was "It figures." gramming. >tk>iMàL,*i*LLU*JiU> - T _ , UÈiMA* volved earlier, but "George (Grant) said he would deal with it, and I assumed he When initially contacted, other library would." staff members were under orders not to There is no written procedure covering talk to this reporter. ARGO November 29, 1984 Page 7 BULLETIN BOARD

ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT RACQUETBALL TOURNAMENT D.J. TRAINING TOYS FOR TOTS The Athletic Department is looking There will h?e a Racquetball Tourna- WLFR will be conducting D.J. Training - The Veterans Organization in co- for an EMT to be a team assistant for ment Saturday, Dec. 1. Anyone interested Seminars beginning Monday, Dec. 3. operation with the 177th FIG is spon- 1984-85. Anyone interested in the posi- in participating should be at the gym at Initial training seminars will take place soring the annual Toys For Tots drive on tion should stop in at the Athletics Office 10:00 a.m. Dec. 3 and 6th. For more infor contact the Stockton campus. Boxes for dona- J-216. CRAFT FAIR WLFR in G-205 or ext. 780. tions are located in A-wing, G-wing, and CELEBRATION N-wing. Toys collected will be distributed Two o'clock p.m., Nov. 29 in front of The 10th Annual Craft Fair, sponsored EARTH CARE LEADERS to children in the local area. Please drop the G-Wing cafeteria for the "uncanning" by the Stockton State College Accounting Good work—we can really do it, along the toys off by Dec. 17th. of S.A.V.E.'s recycling Aluminum Can and Finance Society, will take place with going to Skoal, everything went Project. Dec. 4-6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the well. The workshops were really creative Come to the celebration for refresh- G-wing Common Area. and imaginative. Real nice seminar! CLASSIFIED ments, speeches, music and fun. It's Christmas crafts will highlight many For; one people, one plantet, one been a long time comine. wood carvings, art prints, pottery, stained destiny...Earth Care, we care. Stockton's For Sale: One pair of 1979 K2 Exibition SUPPORT GROUP glass, and stitchery crafts which are for "Active" Volunteers for the Environment. skis with Salomon bindings, 180cm, If you have been away from the educ- sale. $80. Contact Tom Reilly at 65 2-7043 or ational system for awhile, you may find a The event is free and open to the REFEREES NEEDED the ski club. newly formed support group for reentry public. Anyone interested in refereeing Intra- Help Wanted: Domino Pizza wants to women students helpful. Meeting weekly mural Basketball should sign up in HOOTERS CONCERT hire 20 energetic and ambitious delivery during the fall semester, the support Athletics and Recreation located in Upper people. Must be 18 yrs old and have a group will provide social contact with The Stockton State College Program- J-Wing. valid drivers license and an insured car. peers for sharing of common concerns ming Board will present "An Evening Contact Terry or Don at 645-0202, BASKETBALL MEETING and interests. with The Hooters," Sunday, Dec. 2 at 8 between 12 and 4 n m. The support group will meet each p.m. in the college gymnasium. Tickets There will be a Basketball Captains Help Wanted: Person to sell quality oil Tuesday in the Women's Coalition are $7 for Stockton students with I.D. meeting at 4:30 p.m. in J-201 on Tuesday, paintings in the Cumberland Mall. Vine- Lounge G-202, 9:30-10^30 a.m. and $10 for non-students. Dec. 18. All captains must attend. land. $5/hr. Tues and Thurs, 10AM- 10PM. Need own transportation. Con- To the Personal Crasher. tact Michelle Fuerst. Box 3828. PERSONALS Do I sense a bit of jealousy behind your, Leave name and number. Interesting .. poor pun. because I'm going out with the Greek, Ski Bum. Dear Rachel. hottest lady on campus'.' work with lots of room for creativity. 1 am so incredibly sorry about forgetting For Monday night you were out of sight Thanks for the ride, or should I say rides. this personal. It's free, just for you. Please A ten plus even though the sun didn't show. You always show up when I need you. With love from the General and his Trusty For Sale: Low pressure sales in helping forgive me. You're a sweetheart. I'm making you dinner. Uzi you to find the new or used car you want, Beach Bum P.S. Wanna play? Lisa P.S. My freckle does not move! The Happy Hitchhiker available only through Rose Callahan at To the following culinary experts - Gwen, To the Brothers of Alpha Chi Rho, K.T. < 2 more issues! Harbour Buick. AMC/GMC, 646-7700. Debbie. Val, Bob-O. Chris. Beth. Mark, You know who you are: The Wedding is MARCH 9. 1985 (a Karen, Joe Data, Joe' Mamma, Bert, Earl, go shave your ears (Don't cut Saturday). For more info, you know the Albany Ave. Blvd. West A.C. Joe Mamma, Virginia, Greek and Glenn - B-Court has yourself). Joan, watch your breast, Chester phone number. Call. We haven't heard Where have you and your ugly bird To Everyone Else, Porcupine. never seen so many gourmet cooks! When is the molester is on the loose, that horny little from some of you in a while. Do you think hanging out lately'' We heard a rumor you SO WHAT il' I have blonde hair, a Curlers in the layout room shame on you! Christmas Dinner? chipmunk! we fell off the face of the Earth'' have started a relationship with your mustache. stand about 5'11' Accounting book. Well better late than wear white sneakers and weigh 170 ibs! Me. Me 2 Love, Pam LSD Tracey and Jewels never! At least you have I friend P.S. A special thanks to Tom Turkey and Me 2 Name changed lor protection Mr. Mushroom! Sandy and Participant. Congradulations fellow Phi Chi Phi sisters BOOMERANG! 4 for originality Birdnappers Inc. Hout, in becoming affiliated with the National Dear Mildred Glenn, 3 for enthusiam I'll skip the poem and fancy bullshit. Sorority of Phi Sigma Sigma Diokete I swear to God the freckle moves. For a little more than 2 dollars we'll give 10 for not falling asleep! To me the typesetter trainee. Congrads for quiitin! Hupsala! you something to remember! may we give you lessons? Good luck you'll need it! Love Jeramia Kato Me and Me 2 The Other Participants Chris SPORTS Jay Phillips: 20 Gets Him A 1,000 By Ria Irmiere Team in South Jersey, All Group 4 and achieved many awards that he might not bably the best summer league team in the Most people acheive excellence in 1st Team All Conference. have received if he went to a big school nation. It is here where he gets to play his/her sport by way of participating in it With all these awards, one might like La Salle or Kentucky. His awards against Division 1 men and get experience for many years. But there are exceptions. wonder why a big division 1 school over the past four years include starting playing with them. One exception is Jay Philips. This out- wouldn't want this talented athlete. Jay each games for four years, Captain, All In sum, this senior political science standing senior basketball player has explained that he was not mentally ready College Team, 1st Team All Conference major is a very intelligent and talented surprisingly been playing basketball only for a Division 1 school and in order to get two years, Most Valuable Offensive young man. He is an exceptional basket- since his junior year of high school. there, he would have to attend an Players in a Christmas Tournament when ball player and Stockton is very lucky to "I had been playing basketball before Academy school in Virginia to acquire he was a Sophomore, and ECAC player have him. Does he have any regrets that, but it was in my junior year of high experience in basketball. But Jay did not of the week. Some statistics on Jay about not going to a big school? I think school that I started to think and play want to attend the school; he wanted to include an incredible 42" verticle leap, Jay put it best: "1 feel sometimes that I serious basketball," Jay explained. And stay in the area. So he had a choice of an average of 15 points per game and 8 should be treated better because I'm at a serious he did. Even though the 1980 attending a junior college or one of the rebounds per game. He is also about 20 small school, and it sometimes makes Cherry Hill East graduate started varsity three state schools in South Jersey. Jay points short of 1,000 points in his me regret not being at a big school—but in his senior year, he achieved many chose Stockton because of the friendly, Stockton State Colllege career. look at it this way, if I was at a bigschool. awards for only one year's play, some of home-like atmosphere. He likes being When Jay isn't in school, he is still I might not be playing—so I'm very the awards were: Captain, Most Valuable treated as an individual. playing basketball. He plays in the Sunny happy to be here." Player, 1 st Team Courier Post, All Star Jay is right. In four years Jay has Hill Basketball League which is pro- 3rd Argo Bowl

By Ria Irmiere the East. Hey all you dedicated sports fans out The remaining time in the first half there, the time has come to announce the was played at midfield with no scoring. % results of the Third Annual Argo Bowl. The second half saw more action. The East won this year over the West 6- Five minutes into the half the Ogres 0. The game took place at the main field brawny defensive back Roy Heck picked last Tuesday. off a pass and ran it back 20 yards to the The Argo Bowl teams are made up of West 25. Quick as lightning, Quarter- the all-stars from the flag football season. back J-ohn Sneed hurled a TD pass to The game featured some outstanding Cameron "AJ" Williams for the game's defensive play, and some wide open, but only score. often disorganized offensive action. Overall, in the 40 degree weather, the The All Star spectacular began with game was exciting. Anyone who was the East steering to the West 40 on a 20 brave enough to bear the cold saw some illSlSP yard pass from the Maulers ace quarter- tough SSC football. if»*. y* „ v. * back Dean Nelson to his wide receiver Well, that's it for SSC football this and buddy Ricky Barret. Barret is also a season. Now everyone gets to watch boring NFL and USFL football. Until Who's going to get the ball? Photo by Jonathan Mauler. The drive stalled there because next year, have fun and stay tuned! Snvder. of some outstanding defensive work by Page 8 ARGO November 29, 1984 - ———— ______THE FARRIS WHEEL

Dear Dr. Farris, there among the readers have any terrific to take courses that are detrimental to faculty felt that the course would not Stockton, I think, wastes a tremendous ideas for cutting down on litter? my current credit standings. By no means reflect the high standards of the courses amount of electricity. In the evenings, am I '"downing" our Chemistry Depart- offered during the regular academic year. for instance, it is not unusual to see lights VKF ment; I just would like to enlighten you to The other problem of concern to the on in empty classrooms. Dear Dr. Farris, the fact that some of the science majors college is the number of students who Shouldn't an attempt be made in our I would sincerely appreciate it if you are disturbed simply because intermediate might wish to enroll. Summer courses fiscally conscious age to conserve elec- would respond to a question that several science courses, particularly chemistry, are not offered unless there are enough tricity? of my fellow classmates, as well as are not offered in the summer. When will students registered. myself, are very perturbed about. It has this change? Even so, I have asked Neil Kleinman M.J.L., Senior come to our attention that there is going Thank you for your attention. to look into your request and to consider to be only introductory chemistry courses the feasibility of offerning at least one Dear M.J.L., offered in the summer of '85. I am a Mr. Dictionary advanced or intermediate Chemistry In an effort to improve our conservation Chemistry major who is attempting to Dear Mr. Dictionary, course for the summer term 1985. of energy, Lynn Stiles, Director of Energy get some of those advanced and inter- In the past, the Chemistry faculty Studies, and Associate Professor, was mediate courses out of the way. How- have felt that it is difficult for students to VKF hired this past summer to make recom- ever, because of the current status of our absorb the content of intermediate and Letters for the Farris Wheel must be mendations for reducing electrical use Chemistry Department, with no one to advanced chemistry courses in the submitted to the Argo by 12 Noon on through lighting modifications of our teach one or more advanced chemistry shortened summer term. With long labs Friday. No exceptions! academic buildings and outdoor lighting courses over the summer, I will be forced and a great deal of material to cover, the system. Currently, his report is in the final dr^ft stage, but we look forward to his expertise in this area. In the past, we have replaced 40 watt bulbs with 34 watt bulbs, raised com- ©I» Come M QJe... munity consciousness by using reminder stickers on light switches and turned out every third light in the common areas. We have also researched motion de- TO: OUR SANTA-SEASON tectors and timers for classrooms- but have found that they are not compatible SAVINGS BASH!! with our present system. (This was a very interesting experiment last summer). Whatever methods we adopt in the next year to conserve energy, it is clear FOR: MEMORIES OF to me that this will require an all out THEHOUDAYS 1984 FOR., STUDENTS & community effort. ELEGANTLY CURVED LEXERS ftUKEI 20% Off SELECT OFF ctftai DESIGNER PICTURE FRAMES!! VKF 20°/o P0RTf0U0S \ect'»on ot REEERENCE TITLES Dear Dr. Farris, SPECIAL PRICE It is my understanding that State As- in 3 sizes ! /wai liable 8x10 — $4.79 semblyman Byron Baer has introduced a genu»ne ea 5x7 — $2.99 vinyl- bill (A-1278) which, if enacted, would de\u*e 5Vax8V» (holds 2-5x3'/? photos) — $2.99 provide for student representation on the FOR: PRECIOUSLY- Board of Trustees of New Jersey State DECORATED HOLIDAY Colleges. GIFT-GIVING Do you support the concept of student FOR: THE SOUNDS representation on the Stockton Board of _ in 4 Models TO — >] PEACOCK PAPERS' OF CHRISTMAS-PAST, M AIR choose from. ; CURLING RIBBON Trustees, and more specifically, do you COINL^ - ^ Rebates!! support Assemblyman Baer's bill? ow Available in 9 PRESENT & FUTURE!! Unbelievably Low k vibrant colors! 10% OFF SELECT R ÏÏ25o£« turbo d^er, eg. $1.29/roll Jim Connelly ONLY Sanyo Sharp General Electric ideal tor travel WW ONLY 99C each Dear Jim, ONLY ?2.00 (mail-in rebate) Mini & Micro Personal S1 I will always obey the law. If As- S(mail-in rebate) $5.99 HNAL PR^E Cassette AM/FM $5.99 FINAL PRICE semblyman Baer's bill becomes law it Recorders Cassette Head NEW TWIST COMBO will be interesting to implement it. A Slimline Sets CURLS & CURLS Hot Brush and FOR: _L|flhtwelgM curling luting iron all-in-one! AM/FM Phones and student on a Board of Trustees poses and sWl^9 wand ONLY THE SHARPEST Cassette Accessories ONLY % certain logistical problems. A Trustee l f0 (mail-in rebate) PERSON ON Players And Much S 9 term is six years. When should a student 2 00 (mail-in rebate) $7.99 FINALPR^E Clock Radios More! YOUR UST!! 99 FINAL PRICE be appointed to go on the Board (i.e., $3 The SHARP EL-533 . . - The pockët-sized Junior year, Senior year) and for how BUSINESS/FINANCIAL long? At the present time, our Board has FOR: A BRIGHTER CALCULATOR that fits an alumna on it (Ms. Anne Ronne) who FOR: SUPERIOR in the palm of your hand. is very knowledgeable about the college SOUND PERFORMANCE! HOLIDAY SEASONt! NEW DURABEAM Includes 2 AA Batteries Everyday Low Price: ONLY from a variety of points of view. It seems TDK — SA-90 Cassette Tapes $39.95 COMPACT $2.69 to me that having an Alumnus is an 2-Pack Reg. $6.86 NOW ONLY $5.99 FLASHLIGHT - .50 (mail-in rebate) NOW ONLY: $34.95 excellent idea. from DURACELL $2.19 Final Price AND ThSOLAR-POWEREe SHARP 335S D. . 8. -The FOR: THAT PERSON ON EVERY UST WHO FOREVER ASKS: DIGIT SLIM SEMI DESK 9 -TOP CALCULATOR Dear Dr. Farris, VKF "WHAT DAY IS IT, ANYHOW?' 1985 CALENDARS . . . that can be carried The college campus always seems to TO HUMOR, TO INFORM, TO INTRIGUE ... TO ENJOY! anywhere! Everyday Low Price: be strewn with litter. Does Stockton Swsi^'W' XI IX HON S24.95 have any litter laws which might dis- Sierra Club 1985 NOW ONLY: $19.95 Wilderness Calendar . . $6.95 courage people from throwing trash gtt? The 365 Trivia Facts A-Year around? Calendar. . . $5.95 Check Out Our SB® Audubon Nature Calendar 1985 . . .$6.95 Tremendous Calendar A Concerned Student The Teddy Bear 1985 Selection ... You're Calendar . . . $5.95 sure to find the perfect Dear Concerned, French Impressionists gift for everyone on I love the natural beauty of our campus The 365 Rock N Roll • Norman Rockwell 1985 Audubon Wild The 365 New Words A Engagement or Wall Facts-AYear Engagement Book/ Bird Calendar.. Year Calendar. Calendars . . . $7.95 each your Gift List!! and I think our maintenance crew does Calendar.. $7.95 Calendar . . $7.95 $6.95 $5.95 an outstanding job. In fact, as I walk SPECTACULAR STOCKING-STUFFER SAVINGS!! around the campus or down the halls I M ,tems A e also pick up papers, bottles, etc. for I, FOR: OUR CUSTOMERS ^^ L ^ too, do not like litter. There is a N.J. State Motor Vehicle statute against littering under which FOLLETTS campus police may issue a ticket to anyone throwing litter from a car. There STOCKTON STATE is also a township ordinance against littering under which police may issue a ticket to anyone who litters our campus. BOOKSTORE However, our police are far too busy to spend a great deal of time writing SALE PRICES GOOD THROUGH DEC. 24. tickets for littering. Does anyone out