10 Finish hours

6 5 (seen here from Cat from (seen here The stunning conical conical The stunning 1 profile of Pike of Causey profile Bells) is hard to resist. to Bells) is hard miles 5 8 6¼ 5 Stoneycroft m/ k

You 0.1 4

1 6 that rises from 4 4 meet the road at NY232212 Causey Pike Causey 5 Stoneycroft and while the the while and Stoneycroft thrill of the walk is over, there is now an easy road walk north that provides time to reflect on the day. Look out for a footpath at NY233225 the road and skirts a wood to lead you back to through field easy paths. Causey Pike Causey 3

4 2

2 2 2 3 If that wasn’t enough Causey Pike’s position towards the end of the ridge allows a far more interesting 360-degree making panorama, even the ridge back to Scar enticing! look Crags Having enjoyed the view you are left to descend east, into the view – and what a joy it is. now You drop to Rowling End, from where the valley is more spectacularly observed, before steeply more descending to the road via the northern ridge of the . Stile End

Sail Pass Causey 1 0 0 Start 200 800 600 400

1400 1200 1000 MILES SEA Pike is a celebrated is a major path NY218208 NY204204 LEVEL ABOVE ABOVE METRES 4 3 GRADIENT PROFILE KILOMETRES summit but as it only stands at 637m/2,090ft it must have more than size attract to the alone walkers. It is in fact the mountain’s shape and position that make it so appealing. The ground to the north, south and east all slope away steeply, giving Causey Pike a position prominent most at the end of the high ridge ultimately that leads to and . It is this eastern slope that really gives the mountain a nudge in the right direction, as from almost any angle it is an enticing slope, narrow and steep enough to look challenge, good a like but without frightening frightening without but also It’s onlookers. this steep eastern extends that slope the view down softinto Newlands before Valley rising to the tops. fell junction and here a clear path leads over Scar to surprising is Crags. It realisethat Scar Crags than higher actually is Causey Pike, although I’m sure most walkers would view Causey Pike as the more interesting and a target peak for a walk. Scar Crags rises to 672m/2,205ft and its summit sits along a pleasant ridge with steep north and the to slopes south. The view is good too, with all the North Western Fellsfilling the for sadly panorama. But Scar Crags, the ridge to continues enticingly Causey Pike, whose provides even position more stunning views, so walkersmost scamper quickly onward.



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l l lll NY229235

10.1km medium-level OS Explorer through Braithwaite is a Wainwright but NY211214 NY229235 5 hours ROUTE STATS ROUTE 2 1

A small-ish peak with a stunning summit in the North . the Western in summit with a stunning peak A small-ish Start/finish Strenuousness Navigation Technicality Distance miles) (6¼ Total ascent 700m Time Wainwrights (1:50,000) 89; Harvey Superwalker (125,000) Lakeland West OS LandrangerOS (car park off B5292 close to Inn) Terrain fellwalk paths clear on Maps OL4; (1:25,000) on the B5292; as you leave the village turn left toward the Braithwaite Methodist and Church Coledale Inn, and a car park is available immediately on the left. From here you can walk past the inn and then turn right to follow the lane up past houses to High Coledale, from where a footpath up continues the fell. The path climbs steadily toward Stile End, but there are paths that break both left and right to avoid the highest little this ground of summit if you prefer to make the walk even easier. Having reached the ridge then follow this south-west over the Outerside. to heather at only 568m/1,863ft the view from the top is hampered by its loftier neighbours such as Causey , Pike and , which view the dominate leaving just a view north to and to test your Lakeland landscape knowledge. Continue walking south to join the circum-vents that path the summits and leads over High Moss to Sail Pass, the saddle between Sail and Scar Crags. in threedirections – 001/19 MEDIA SURVEY. ORDNANCE 2019 COPYRIGHT ©CROWN

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Causey Pike’s Causey Pike’s grouse. If you grouse.

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