The London Gazette, 2 February, 1915. 1027

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The London Gazette, 2 February, 1915. 1027 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2 FEBRUARY, 1915. 1027 4kth Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment; the 10?h Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge's Own undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains (Middlesex Regiment); the appointment of (temporary). Dated 25th December, Second Lieutenant Frederick W. Miller, 1914: — bears date 10th September, 1914, and not as Frank G. C. Fison. announced in the London Gazette of th© bth Philip W. Cobbold. November, 1914. The appointment of Second Lieutenant 6th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry; Stuart T. Ellice-Clark bears date 24th John Humphrey Warwick to be Second November, 1914, and not as announced in Lieutenant. Dated 9th December, 1914. the London Gazette of the 8th December, 1914. 6th (Renfrewshire) Battalion, Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland High- 82 k Battalion, The Prince of W ales's Own landers); Temporary Lieutenant George P. (West Yorkshire Regiment); Michael Laidlaw to be Captain (temporary). Dated Hubert Tetley to be Second Lieutenant. 3rd February, 1915. Dated 17th December, 1914. Second Lieutenant James A. Fife to be 4th Battalion, The Royal Scots Fusiliers; Cap- Lieutenant (temporary). Dated 3rd Feb- tain William Stewart to be Major (tempo- ruary, 1915. rary). Dated 2nd October, 1914. &th (City of London) Battalion, The London 7th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment; Regiment (London Rifle Brigade); Lieu- the undermentioned Second Lieutenants to tenant Julian F. C. Bennett to be Adjutant. be Lieutenants (temporary). Dated 15th Dated llth January, 1915. January, 1915: — Second Lieutenant George B. Vaile to be. Owen F. Grazebrook. Lieutenant (temporary). Dated 15th Ernest K. Hope-well. January, 1915. Charles L. Butcher. John C. Humphries. 9/.// (County of London) Battalion, The London William Hancocks. Regiment! (Queen Victoria's Rifles); Lieu- Martin S. Bigwood. tenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel Joseph A. Bradney, C.B., from the Territorial 'ith Battalion, The Essex Regiment; Captain Force Reserve, to be Lieutenant-Colonel Harry E. Liversidge to be Major (tempo- (temporary). Dated 26th January, 1915. rary). Dated 2nd January, 1915. Lieutenant Robert A. Stubbings to be (County of London) Battalion, The Adjutant. Dated 7th January, 1915. London Regiment (The Queen's); Private Serjeant Claude Russell, ,'from Inns of Paul Raymond Lurcott, from the Sussex Court Officers Training Corps, to be Second Yeomanry, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Lieutenant. Dated 3rd February, 1915. 3rd February, 1915. Private Charles Edward Gordon Hallett, Private William Stanley Lurcott, from from 4th Battalion, The Norfolk Regiment, the Sussex Yeomanry, to be Second Lieu- to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 3rd Feb- tenant. Dated 3rd February, 1915. ruary, 1915. The appointment of Quartermaster and The Kent Cyclist Battalion; the undermen- Honorary Lieutenant Robert Warner, bears tioned Second Lieutenants to be Captains date 20th October, 1914, and not as an- (temporary). Dated 28th December, ' nounced in the London Gazette of the 24th 1914. November, 1914. Collingwood Ingram. Gerald J. L. Batchelor. 7th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge's Own Kenneth G. Furley. (Middlesex Regiment); Charles William Hill to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 3rd The undermentioned Second Lieutenants February, 1915. to be Lieutenants (temporary) : — Fred Stafford Hodge to be Second Lieu- tenant. Dated 3rd February, 1915. Frederick H. Boulter. Dated 7th • Private Wilfrid Freeman Richardson, January, 1915. from 2nd County of London (Westminster Hugh S. Hurrell. Dated 7th January, Dragoons) Yeomanry, to be Second Lieu- 1915. tenant. Dated 3rd February, 1915. Clive S. Phillips. Dated 26th December, 1914. Sth Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment); the following! an- nouncement is substituted for that which ARMY SERVICE CORPS. appeared in the London Gazette of the 9th 1st South Midland Mounted 'Brigade; Captain December, 1914: — Arthur H. Moody is seconded. Dated 3rd Private Claude Jeffery Keeping, from the February, 1915. 28th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Artists' Rifles), to be East Lancashire Divisional Train; Second Second Lieutenant. Dated 10th December, Lieutenant C. G. Lomax to be Lieutenant 1914. (temporary). Dated 6th January, 1915..
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