Dutch Harbor 1 * .___
OCTOBER,1927 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 477 Ocean gales and storn~s,October, 1927-Continued - Voyage Position Rt time of Direc- Direction Direc- I lowest bnrometer Low- tion of and force tion of - I Gale est wind of wind wind Vessel ended ba- when at time of when Latitude rom- gde lowest gal e rpmm- To- Longitud eter began barometer ended I-- - __ __ NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN-Continued I 01 Inchea Steel Mariner, Am. S. S-- Kobe_____.__ Port Town- 1 4; 4N. 172 15 W 25 ______ Noon. 30. 29.09 ENE-. NNE.-.-. WNW N., 9______ NE.-N. send. Columbia Maru, Jap. Yokohama.. Benttle _______ 42 20 N. 158 21 E. 27 _.____Ra., 29 _.._ 29.4s NW..- NNE ...-. NNW NNE., 8.. 1 pt. 8. 8. I 1 MayebRshi Maru, Jap. _____do.___.__ San Francisco' 46 03 N. 146 53 M' 29 ______ 5p., 31 ___. 29.45 E--.-- sw.,i.... W----- 8E ., 8.-... 8W.-WSW. 8. 8. ! SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN Sonoma, Am. 8. 6 .______Ban Francisc Bvdney ......1 30 3 8. 158 a2 E. 29. io SSW SSW.. 13.. S.----- HPW.. IL- steady. Sen Nazario, Br. 6.S ____ Buenos Aires Sin Pedro ....I 52 28 8. 70 10 W 29.48 NW ... WNW., 9 W..... WN W ., 10 WNW .-SW. SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN San Nazario, Br. 6. 6 ___.Buenos .\ires San Pedro .... 4i 00 8. 63 55 w 7 ____._.II3..8...__ 20.39 WNW---. WNW N.,8______ -______I NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN ward-that the American Steamer President Jefferson,in 50' N.,176' 25! E., reported a pressure reading of 28.Q7 By WILLISE.
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