9/22/2021 Military History: Rise and Fall of : Second Battle of - FlexiPrep

FlexiPrep Military History: Rise and Fall of Mughal Empire: Second Battle of Panipat (For CBSE, ICSE, IAS, NET, NRA 2022)

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Babur՚s successors , , , made great efforts to not only consolidate their empire but also to expand its borders. They had exceptional military as well as administrative skills. The Mughals easily adapted to this new environment and were prepared to guard against their newly built empire in India.

Babar was a great military leader. He employed innovative tactics and use of gun powder to build a fearsome Army. Fighting in India required tactics and strategies which had mountains, forests, marshlands and built up area on mountains.

The Mansabdari System This system was first introduced by Akbar for military administration. The army man above the position of a common soldier became a mansab (a rank or position in army) . A Mansab belonged to both civil and military administration and could be transferred from one department to another. This system gave ranks or positions in the military depending upon how many armed men they could hold under them.

e. g. The highest mansab was that of commander of 7000 men.

This system had a clear picture of deficiency of Men, Horses, Elephants, Equipments etc. The matters of Pay and allowances, matters of Leave, pension, death, illness were also paid attention grade wise. Awards, Robes of Honor, title etc. were also decided on the basis of this method.

Second Battle of Panipat The Second Battle of Panipat was fought in 1556 between Akbar and Hem Chandra Vikramaditya ( of suri dynasty) for territorial expansion.

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Hemu attacked and won over Akbar՚s forces in the Battle of Delhi 1556 again in the same year Akbar counter attacked Hemu at Panipat and took over the rule of Delhi.

Hemu՚s forces were numerically superior to those of Mughals. Akbar entered with a strong cavalry unit to destroy the train of Hemu՚s artillery which was weakly guarded. Panipat witnessed another fierce battle which says that numerical superiority is not sufficient to attain victory in wars, it is battlefield tactics that matters.

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