ICE DANCE Date of birth: 13.06.1997 Tina GARABEDIAN Place of birth: Montreal CAN Height: 163 cm ARM Home town: Montreal CAN Profession: student Hobbies: swimming, music Start sk. / Club: 2002 / Armenia Internet / Social Media contact (couple): Facebook: Ice Dance Former Partners Alexandre Laliberte Date of birth: 06.12.1991 Simon PROULX-SENECAL Place of birth: Lasalle CAN Height: 186 cm ARM Home town: Montreal CAN Profession: student Hobbies: swimming, music, biking Start sk. / Club: 1998 / Armenia Internet / Social Media contact (couple): Facebook: Ice Dance Former Partners Melissandre Dumas Coach: Elise Hamel, Shawn Winter Choreographer: Former Coach: Shae Zukiwsky Practice low season: 25 h / week Montreal/CAN Practice high season: 25 h / week Montreal/CAN Music Short Program / Short Dance as of season 2016/2017 Blues Swing Music Free Skating / Free Dance as of season 2016/2017 Pearl Harbour (soundtrack) by Hans Zimmer Personal Best Total Score 139.28 07.12.2016 ISU CS Golden Spin 2016 Personal Best Score Short Dance 53.94 18.11.2016 ISU CS Warsaw Cup 2016 Personal Best Score Free Dance 87.54 07.12.2016 ISU CS Golden Spin 2016 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 Olympic Games World Champ. 27. European Champ. 18. 19. Four Continents World Juniors 16.(1) National Champ. 11.J(3) 11.J(3) 15.J(2) 9.J(1) / 11.S(4) 1.S(1) / 12.S(4) 1.S S=Senior; J=Junior; N=Novice International Competition Year Place Internation Competition Year Place ISU CS Ice Challenge 2015 Graz 2015 6.
PROTOCOL ISU Challenger Series competition Finlandia Trophy Espoo 2016 October 6-9, 2016 PROTOCOL 21 st FINLANDIA TROPHY part of the Challenger Series Competitions October 6-9, 2016 organizer Finnish Figure Skating Association authorized by International Skating Union place Metro Areena, Espoo, Finland INTERNATIONAL SKATING UNION Council President Jan Dijkema NED 1st Vice President SS Tron Espeli NOR 2nd Vice President FS Alexander Lakernik RUS Members FS Junko Hiramatsu JPN Patricia St. Peter U.S.A Marie Lundmark FIN Benoit Lavoie CAN Maria Teresa Samaranch ESP SS Yang Yang CHN Jae Youl Kim KOR Stoytcho G. Stoytchev BUL Roland E. Maillard SUI Sergio Anesi ITA Director General Fredi Schmid SUI ISU FS Sports Directors Charles Z Cyr USA Krisztina Regöczy HUN ISU SS Sports Director Hugo Herrnhof ITA Technical Committees Single & Pair Skating Chairperson Fabio Bianhetti ITA Members Susan Lynch AUS Yukiko Okabe JPN Rita Zonnekeyn BEL Appointed Skater Patrick Meier SUI Appointed Coach David P Kirby U.SsA Ice Dance Chairperson Halina Gordon-Poltorak POL Members Shawn Rettstatt U.S.A Alla Shekhovtsova RUS Hilary Selby GBR Appointed Skater Sylwia Nowak-Trebacka POL Appointed Coach Maurizio Margaglio ITA Synchronized Skating Chairperson Christopher Buchanan GBR Members Mika Saarelainen FIN Petra Tyrbo SWE Lois Long U.S.A. Appointed Skater Helena Ericson SWE Appointed Coach Cathy Dalton CAN FINNISH FIGURE SKATING ASSOCIATION President Laura Raitio Vice Presidents Anne-Mari Jussila Mika Saarelainen Members Kirsi Greis Jaana Juhola Janne Korhonen
I N T E R N A T I O N A L S K A T I N G U N I O N HEADQUARTERS ADDRESS AVENUE JUSTE-OLIVIER 17 - CH 1006 LAUSANNE - SWITZERLAND PHONE (+41) 21 612 66 66 FAX (+41) 21 612 66 7 E-MAIL Press release 23 November 2017 ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Series 2017/18: Bridgestone Skate America Preview The last spots for the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final are on the line at Bridgestone Skate America this week in Lake Placid (USA). Among those competing for a spot are two-time World Champions Meagan Duhamel/Eric Radford (CAN), two-time World medalists Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani (USA) and Four Continents Champion Nathan Chen (USA). Bridgestone Skate America is the sixth and last event in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating series that culminates in the Final. A total of 57 skaters/couples from 9 ISU members compete in Lake Placid. Overview of the top contenders The battle for the last tickets to the Grand Prix Final will be exciting in the Men’s event. Four Continents Champion Nathan Chen (USA) comes with a gold from Rostelecom Cup while Sergei Voronov (RUS) won NHK Trophy earlier this month. NHK Trophy silver medalist Adam Rippon (USA) and Audi Cup of China silver medalist Boyang Jin (CHN) as well have a good shot at the Final. Other contenders include Han Yan (CHN), Kevin Reynolds (CAN), Takahito Mura (JPN), Ross Miner (USA) and Maxim Kovtun (RUS). In the Ladies, 2016 World silver medalist Ashley Wagner (USA) and Polina Tsurskaya (RUS) both have a bronze medal from their first event and can secure a spot in the Final if they win in Lake Placid.
SUBSCRIBE NOW (313)343-5578 S14.50 OFF THE NEWSSTAND PRICE Orosse romteM t 5 JOK - NewsA T VOL. 75, NO. 15, 26 PAGES APRIL 10,2014 o n e d o l l a r (d e l iv e r y 71<2) One of America’s great community newspapers since 1940 grossepointe , Mic h ig a n Complete news coverage of all the Pointes Neighbors review Judge says: Liggett ‘I’m having field plans By Kathy Ryan trouble finding StaffWriter GROSSE POINTE counsel for WOODS — In anticipa tion of the first shovel go ing into the ground, University Liggett School B ashara’ officials met with the neighbors to discuss the By Kathy Ryan The judge said she is upcoming renovation of StaffWriter “limited to assignment the athletic fields. list” attorneys, meaning Only a handful of DETROIT — Wayne those attorneys who will neighbors attended the FILE PHOTO County Circuit Court take cases for indigent April 3 meeting, but Judge Vonda Evans an clients with their fee paid those who did had lots of nounced at a hearing in by Wayne County. questions for architects, her courtroom Friday, The announcement landscapers and school April 4, she is having brought a flash of temper officials. Egg hunt trouble finding an attor from Bashara when With construction of ney willing to take on Evans asked him if he The Rivers project nearly Owen Rennick and his father, Marshall, get chummy with Peter Cottontail at Neff Bob Bashara as a client was all right. complete, it came as no Park. They met last year at the annual City of Grosse Pointe Spring Egg Hunt.
ISU Junior Grand Prix 2010 Great Britain Sheffield
Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2010/2011 Sheffield, Great Britain September 29 – October 2, 2010 Protocol Protocol of the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2010 / 2011 organized by the National Ice Skating Association of UK with the authorization of the International Skating Union held in Sheffield / Great Britain September 29 to October 2, 2010 The events of the Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating took place at the “IceSheffield” an artificial and heated indoor ice surface. International Skating Union (ISU) Council President: Ottavio Cinquanta Italy 1st Vice President Figure Skating: David M. Dore Canada 2nd Vice President Speed Skating: Jan Dijkema Netherlands Members Figure Skating: Marie Lundmark Finland Junko Hiramatsu Japan Phyllis Howard U.S.A. Tjasa Andrée-Prosenc Slovenia Speed Skating: György Martos Hungary German Panov Russia Lan Li China Roland E. Maillard Switzerland ISU Director General Fredi Schmid Switzerland ISU Chair Sports Directorate Peter Krick Germany ISU Speed Skating Sports Director Hugo Herrnhof Italy Technical Committees Single & Pair Skating Chairperson: Alexander Lakernik Russia Members: Fabio Bianchetti Italy Rita Zonnekeyn Belgium Susan Lynch Australia Appointed Skater: Patrick Meier Switzerland Appointed Coach: David P. Kirby U.S.A. Ice Dance Chairperson: Halina Gordon-Poltorak Poland Members: Robert Horen U.S.A. Gilles Vandenbroeck France Alla Shekhovtsova Russia Appointed Skater: Sylwia Nowak-Trebacka Poland Appointed Coach: John Dunn Great Britain Synchronized Skating Chairperson: Christopher
2 0 2 SUOMEN TAITOLUISTELULIITTO 0 2020 VUOSIKERTOMUS VUOSI- KERTOMUS ILO KUKISTAA KORONAN PUHEENJOHTAJAN KATSAUS.............................................. 3 Vuosi sitten istuimme Laura Raition kanssa EM-kisakatso- mossa Grazissa kannustaen innokkaina luistelijoitamme. SUOMEN TAITOLUISTELULIITTO PÄHKINÄNKUORESSA.............. 4 Suomessa ei ollut tuolloin tavattu vielä yhtään Covid-19- tapausta, emmekä vielä tienneet, kuinka vakavan asian TOIMINTASUUNNITELMA 2020............................................. 6 äärellä vuosi tulisi jatkumaan. Suurta iloa ehdimme kuiten- kin kokea maaliskuussa, kun Team Fintastic toi Suomeen muodostelmaluistelujunioreiden MM-kultaa. Paljon, mutta VIESTINTÄ JA MARKKINOINTI............................................. 8 toisaalta hyvin vähän, on tapahtunut tuon hetken jälkeen. Koronaepidemia, joka sävytti toimintaa lähes koko vuoden ALUE- JA SEURATOIMINTA................................................. 10 ajan, aiheutti inhimillisen kärsimyksen lisäksi haittaa erityisesti lasten ja nuorten harrastus- ja kilpailutoiminnassa tavalla, LUKUJA 2020....... ......................................... .................. 11 jota on hankala ymmärtää. Alkusyksyn hieman parantunut tilanne vaihtui loppuvuodesta jälleen lähes kaikkien kilpailujen LEIRITOIMINTA ............................................................... 16 perumiseen. Kuitenkin luistelijoiden kasvoilta sekä kehonkie- lestä näkyvä ilo ja innostus, heidän päästessään jäälle, antaa KILPAILUTOIMINTA..........................................................
Mercoledì 5 ottobre 2011/Anno II n° 22/Newsletter settimanale a cura Ufficio Stampa FISG SPONSOR FORNITORI FA TAPPA A MILANO L’ISU JUNIOR GRAND PRIX (6-9 OTTOBRE) ISTITUZIONI PRIMA PAGINA FIGURA: Ottimi i risultati della squadra italiana alla 19esima edizione dell'Ondrej Nepela Memorial, che ha fatto registrare i secondi posti nella gara a coppie con Berton/Hotarek e nella Danza con Alessandrini/ Vaturi, ed il terzo posto di Contesti fra gli uomini. Nell'individuale maschile, podio per l'Azzurro Samuel Contesti, che con 204,72 punti (sesto nello Short e primo nel Libero) ha raggiunto il terzo posto finale. Il secondo Azzurro, Paul Parkinson, ha chiuso nono la sua gara con 156,37 punti (quinto e tredicesimo). Successo per il giapponese Daisuke Murakami con 213,37. Nell'individuale femminile in gara per l'Italia Roberta Rodeghiero e Alice Garlisi, che hanno chiuso rispettivamente in ottava e 15esima posizione con 103,82 (14esima e sesta) e 92,73 (12esima e 16esima) punti. Vittoria per la francese Mae Berenice Meite con 136,58. Podio per gli Azzurri anche fra le Coppie, con Stefania Berton e Ondrej Hotarek secondi al termine della gara con 163,83 punti ed un terzo ed un secondo posto nello Short e nel Libero. Gara vinta dalla coppia russa Tatiana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov con 190,15. Secondo posto e podio per l'Italia anche nella Danza, con la coppia Lorenza Alessandrini/Simone Vaturi (124,76 punti, frutto di due secondi piazzamenti nello Short e nel Libero) battuti solamente dalla coppia tedesca Nelli Zhiganshina/Alexander Gazsi (142,10).