Mr. D'oyly Carte's No. 1 Patience Company 6Th March – 16Th
Mr. D’Oyly Carte’s No. 1 Patience Company 6th March – 16th December 1882 6 – 11 Mar. Brighton THEATRE ROYAL AND OPERA HOUSE . – Proprietrix, Mrs. H. Nye Chart. — The expectation excited by the announced visit of Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan’s æsthetic opera Patience was fully realised on Monday last, the performance being in every way a complete success. The leading parts were most ably sustained, the singing of Miss Fanny Edwards, as Lady Jane, and Mr. Arthur Rousbey, as Grosvenor, being especially worthy of praise. Mr. George Thorne was an amusing Bunthorne, and caricatured the eccentricities of the “utterly too too” school splendidly. In Miss Ethel Pierson, Patience found a naïve and charming exponent. Messrs. Byron Browne, J. B. Rae, and James Sydney were acceptable representatives of the officers, their trio in the second act, after adopting the æsthetic style, earning a double recall. Most elaborate dresses and pretty new scenery, by Messrs. Lennox and Pilbeau, contribute to the success. The piece is mounted in the style for which Mrs. Chart’s theatre is renowned, and has been witnessed by houses that have taxed the energies of the courteous manager, Mr. T. Phillips, jun., to the utmost. [ The Era (London, England), Saturday, March 11, 1882; Issue 2268.] ———————————————————— 13 – 18 Mar. Norwich ———————————————————— 20 – 25 Mar. Sheffield “PATIENCE” AT THE THEATRE ROYAL Probably the “Patience” of Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan will, like the patience of the hero of the Welsh milkmaid’s song in the Ingoldsby Legends, have an end at last, but that end is, we are inclined to believe, a long way off.
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