Security Council Official Records
UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR 232r MEETING: 21 DECEMBER 1981 NEW YORK CONTENTS Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/232 1) . 1 Adoption of the agenda I..II.I.II*I.lllll..I~,~IIIII..IIII....,IIII.... 1 Date of elections to fill a vacancy in the International Court of Justice (S/14799) , , 1 Statement by the Presider,: regarding the 2306th meeting I**,II,I,,****,,,1 1 Statements by representatives of outgoing members.. , . , . , , , , . , . , , , . 1 Statement by the Secretary-General IIIIII.III,I,,I.,.I...II....,........ 6 Statement by the President II..III.II..,IIIII.,,....I....,II,.,,..,,,.,. 7 S/l’V.2321 1; -2.050 ? NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates n refcrencc to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Comlcil (symbol S/ . , a) are normally published in qtuuIcrly .YII/~/~/~~III(~II/.\ of the ~?~licitrl l2~wmls o/‘/lrc .Srcrrri/y C‘ouucd. The date of the document intlicatcs the supplcmcnt in which it appears or in which infor- mation about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in ;~ccorclancc with II system adopted in 1964. are published in yeerly volumes of Nc.wdo/icmy od IhYsi,uc.\ r:/’ /lrc, .Swrwic,v C’rwwil. The new system. which has been applied retloxtively to resolutions xlopted before I January 1905. became fully opefiitivc 011 that date. 2321st MEETING Held in New York on Monday, 21 December 1981, aa 4.30 p.m. ! President: Mr. Olara A, OTUNNU (Uganda). 5. His loss has been deeply felt by the Government and the people of Egypt, by the International Court Pleserl!: The representatives of the following States: of Justice and by the international community.
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