Vol. 623 Thursday, No. 3 6 July 2006




Thursday, 6 July 2006.

Requests to Move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 31 ………………1193 Order of Business ………………………………1195 Visit of French Delegation ……………………………1217 Order of Business (resumed) ……………………………1218 Business of Da´il………………………………1219 Child Protection: Motions ……………………………1220 Standing Orders: Motion ……………………………1221 Broadcasting Legislation: Motion of Instruction to Joint Committee ……………1221 Estimates for Public Services 2006 …………………………1222 Vote 40 — Health Service Executive (Supplementary) …………………1222 Disposal of Shares in Aer Lingus Group plc: Motion …………………1240 Ceisteanna — Questions Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism Priority Questions ……………………………1293 Other Questions ……………………………1306 Adjournment Debate Matters ……………………………1319 Adjournment Debate Farm Waste Management……………………………1319 Schools Building Projects ……………………………1322 Remedial Works Grants ……………………………1325 Social and Affordable Housing …………………………1327 Questions: Written Answers ……………………………1333 1193 1194

DA´ IL E´ IREANN Mr. J. O’Keeffe: The Deputy should withdraw his support for the Government. ———— Mr. Timmins: Where is the Minister for Arts, De´ardaoin, 6 Iu´il 2006. Sport and Tourism when the Deputy needs him? Thursday, 6 July 2006. Ms McManus: I seek the adjournment of the ———— Da´il under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter of national importance, namely, the alarming Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar MRSA infection rates and the emergence of 10.30 a.m. similar and potentially life threatening infections in our hospitals. ———— Mr. Gogarty: I seek the adjournment of the Paidir. Da´il under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter Prayer. of national importance, namely, the increasing MRSA infection rates in our hospitals and com- ———— munities and the need to put in place a national surveillance system for measuring the extent of Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under health care associated infections to bring infec- Standing Order 31. tion rates under control.

An Ceann Comhairle: Before coming to the Dr. Cowley: I second Deputy Finian McGrath’s Order of Business I propose to deal with a appeal to the Minister for Justice, Equality and number of notices under Standing Order 31. Law Reform regarding Peter Preston, who has been outside the Da´il for the past 44 days on Mr. Connolly: I seek the adjournment of the hunger strike. Da´il under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter of national importance, namely, the lending An Ceann Comhairle: The Deputy cannot go restrictions imposed on credit unions in the Cre- off on a tangent. He is messing with Standing dit Union Act 1997, which restrict lending to 20% Orders. If he does not wish to pursue his matter, of the union’s loan book over five years and 10% I will move on. over ten years; the consequent stifling of the cre- dit unions ongoing growth and development, Mr. F. McGrath: It is a serious situation. It has whereby their limited lending capacity may force been going on for 44 days. Get off the stage. many families with minimal equity to resort to moneylenders who charge exorbitant interest Dr. Cowley: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il rates; and a call on the Minister for Finance to under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter of level the playing field for credit unions by issuing national importance, namely, how AIB Wexford a ministerial order revising the lending restric- could overcharge a small business, Tweedswood tions upwards from 20% to 40% over five years Ltd. in Wexford, so much that it almost went into and from 10% to 20% over ten years. bankruptcy last week; that AIB has admitted this overcharging but disputes the amount of \460,000 Mr. F. McGrath: I seek the adjournment of the on foot of overcharging calculated by a specialist Da´il under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter company Bank-Check of Belfast and is offering of national importance, namely, the very serious \66,000 as the amount overcharged; to ask how condition of a hunger striker, Peter Preston, who much overcharging is going on and how this can has been protesting at the Da´il gate for many happen, despite legislation and a financial regu- weeks; the urgent need for the Minister for lator; whether legislation can be brought forward Justice, Equality and Law Reform to meet this to protect the citizen who has little remedy before victim of crime; and to urgently support this per- he can take action, as the courts and the Ombuds- son and his family in this urgent situation. man can take at least a year to deal with such matters; and the lack of independent audit of the Mr. Healy-Rae: I seek the adjournment of the banks to ensure they are accountable. Da´il under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter of national importance, namely, to appoint a tem- Mr. Costello: I seek the adjournment of the porary teacher to a school in County Kerry in Da´il under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter which 118 pupils will be on the roll on 30 of national importance, namely, the recent report September 2006 and which will have three classes that showed that Ireland was second from bottom with 30 or more pupils before amalgamating in in a league table of 26 European countries in the 2007. As a result the school will not be able to delivery of health services and particularly the make this appointment and, therefore, it needs to total failure of the Government to address the be granted a temporary appointment with effect ongoing crisis in accident and emergency units from 1 September 2006. throughout the country. 1195 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1196

An Ceann Comhairle: Having considered the ance tell the House when it is expected we will matters raised they are not in order under Stand- discuss that? I raised this matter yesterday with ing Order 31. the Taoiseach and he personally did not have any objection to discussing it. The Minister for Order of Business. Justice, Equality and Law Reform was reluctant to allow any discussion on the Sullivan report, Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): It is pro- even within the committee being established to posed to take No a12a, motion re establishment deal with this matter. Will the House have an of joint committee on child protection; No. a12b, opportunity to discuss this report today? motion re membership of committee; No. 12, motion re Standing Order 121; No. 13, proposals for legislation on broadcasting — instruction to Mr. Rabbitte: I raised this matter on a number joint committee; No. 14, Supplementary Estimate of occasions with the Taoiseach. This issue con- for Public Services [Vote 40] — back from com- vulsed the country and it seems the Government mittee; and No. 14a, motion re proposed approval has deliberately contrived to hold over the Sulli- by Da´il E´ ireann of the disposal of shares in Aer van report until there is no opportunity for the Lingus Group plc by the Minister for Finance in House to debate it. People outside this House accordance with section 3(2) of the Aer Lingus have a genuine difficulty in appreciating why an Act 2004. issue which caused such tumult in the country It is proposed, notwithstanding anything in cannot be discussed in the Da´il before the sum- Standing Orders, that (1) the Da´il shall sit later mer recess. than 4.45 p.m. and business shall be interrupted I notice it is all over the newspapers this morn- on the conclusion of oral questions to the Mini- ing and that the Taoiseach was able to tell us the ster for Arts, Sport and Tourism, which shall be essence of the report as long ago as last taken for 75 minutes immediately on the con- Wednesday. This is in keeping with what hap- clusion of No. 14a; (2) Nos. a12a, a12b, 12 and 13 pened to the electronic voting report, where it shall be decided without debate; (3) the pro- was passed to the Minister, either knowingly or ceedings on No. 14 shall, if not previously con- otherwise, or perhaps because he was one of the cluded, be brought to a conclusion after 60 affected parties against whom adverse findings minutes, any division demanded thereon shall be were made. I do not know the rationale. taken forthwith, and the following arrangements The Taoiseach had the report and was able to shall apply: the speeches shall be confined to a tell us last Wednesday what is in it. His spin Minister or Minister of State and to the main doctors were able to tell whatever journalist is spokespersons for the Fine Gael Party, the covering the story for this morning’s newspapers Labour Party and the Technical Group, who shall what is in it. However, it is deliberately contrived be called upon in that order and who may share that it will be published to the Members of this time, and which shall not exceed 15 minutes in Da´il after the Order of Business. That is not each case; (4) the proceedings on No. 14a shall, if acceptable. not previously concluded, be brought to a con- I propose that, as the House is to conclude clusion at 4 p.m. today and the following arrange- business on No. 14a at 4 p.m., the Minister for ments shall apply: (i) the speech of a Minister or Finance agree to permit at least one hour for pre- Minister of State and of the main spokespersons liminary statements to be made in the House on for the Fine Gael Party, the Labour Party and the the Sullivan report and that Question Time be Technical Group, who shall be called upon in that taken after that. order, shall not exceed 15 minutes in each case; (ii) the speech of each other member called upon shall not exceed ten minutes in each case; (iii) Mr. Sargent: Will the Minister for Finance members may share time; (iv) a Minister or Mini- accede on behalf of the Government to extend ster of State shall be called upon to make a the time we have today so the Sullivan report can speech in reply which shall not exceed five be discussed and we can broaden the terms of minutes; and (5) the Da´il on its rising today shall reference of the committee, as is necessary, to adjourn until 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 27 include the Sullivan report? There is too much September 2006. de´ja` vu from beef tribunal days in the way matters are dealt with here. I also ask that we An Ceann Comhairle: There are five proposals consider membership of the committee. This to be put to the House. Is the proposal for the issue has constitutional implications—— late sitting agreed? An Ceann Comhairle: We are discussing the Mr. Kenny: The Sullivan report into the failure late sitting. in communications between the DPPs office and the Attorney General’s office in respect of the Mr. Sargent: We are indeed. constitutional crisis whereby a self-confessed child rapist walked free for a temporary period An Ceann Comhairle: We cannot go into will be published today. Will the Minister for Fin- every detail. 1197 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1198

Mr. Sargent: I am explaining why we need a Mr. Cowen: As I understand, in his reply to later sitting. At present, not all parties are to be Deputy Kenny, the Taoiseach mentioned that it represented on the committee which will deal would probably be raised at the joint committee with a constitutional matter. on child protection being established to deal with all issues surrounding child protection. One of the An Ceann Comhairle: The Deputy has made terms of reference will be to consider the impli- his point. cations arising from and the consequences of the Supreme Court decision of 23 May 2006 in the Mr. Sargent: It is the people’s Constitution, not CC case. The failure in communications to the that of a couple of larger parties. Attorney General on certain matters despite pro- tocols already in existence is the issue addressed Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: I formally second by the Sullivan report. These matters can be Deputy Rabbitte’s proposal that we have an taken in that context. extension of time today. It is the minimal request the Minister could expect in respect of addressing Mr. Kehoe: The Government can send the the Sullivan report. The hour indicated is hardly Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, adequate to deal with the import of the issue. We Deputy McDowell, on his weekly slot on the Pat should seriously consider reconvening in the Kenny Show. morning to give it the full address it properly deserves. However, in anticipation of opposition Mr. Rabbitte: An amendment has been pro- from the Government benches and to make it as posed that does not disrupt the schedule — it easy as possible for the Minister to agree, I join delays the rising of the House for one hour — so in the appeal for the extension of time to accom- that spokespersons will have an opportunity to modate that opportunity. make an initial statement.

Mr. Cowen: I am taking the Order of Business An Ceann Comhairle: The Deputy has made on the basis that it is outlined. The report due to his point. Only the Government can propose the be published today will be aired in full in the business. media and elsewhere. Question put: “That the proposal for the late (Interruptions). sitting be agreed.”

The Da´il divided: Ta´, 68; Nı´l, 58.


Ahern, Michael. Kelleher, Billy. Ahern, Noel. Kelly, Peter. Andrews, Barry. Kirk, Seamus. Ardagh, Sea´n. Kitt, Tom. Brady, Johnny. Lenihan, Brian. Brady, Martin. Lenihan, Conor. Browne, John. McDowell, Michael. Callanan, Joe. McEllistrim, Thomas. Callely, Ivor. McGuinness, John. Carey, Pat. Moloney, John. Cooper-Flynn, Beverley. Moynihan, Donal. Coughlan, Mary. Moynihan, Michael. Cowen, Brian. Mulcahy, Michael. Cregan, John. Nolan, M. J. Cullen, Martin. O´ Cuı´v, E´ amon. Curran, John. O´ Fearghaı´l, Sea´n. Davern, Noel. O’Connor, Charlie. de Valera, Sı´le. O’Donnell, Liz. Dempsey, Tony. O’Flynn, Noel. Dennehy, John. O’Keeffe, Batt. Devins, Jimmy. O’Keeffe, Ned. Ellis, John. O’Malley, Fiona. Fahey, Frank. O’Malley, Tim. Finneran, Michael. Parlon, Tom. Fitzpatrick, Dermot. Power, Peter. Fleming, Sea´n. Roche, Dick. Fox, Mildred. Sexton, Mae. Glennon, Jim. Smith, Brendan. Hanafin, Mary. Smith, Michael. Haughey, Sea´n. Treacy, Noel. Healy-Rae, Jackie. Wallace, Mary. Hoctor, Ma´ire. Walsh, Joe. Jacob, Joe. Woods, Michael. Keaveney, Cecilia. Wright, G.V. 1199 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1200


Allen, Bernard. McCormack, Pa´draic. Boyle, Dan. McGrath, Finian. Breen, James. McGrath, Paul. Breen, Pat. McManus, Liz. Broughan, Thomas P. Mitchell, Olivia. Bruton, Richard. Morgan, Arthur. Connaughton, Paul. Murphy, Catherine. Connolly, Paudge. Murphy, Gerard. Costello, Joe. Naughten, Denis. Cowley, Jerry. Neville, Dan. Crawford, Seymour. Noonan, Michael. Crowe, Sea´n. O´ Caola´in, Caoimhghı´n. Cuffe, Ciara´n. O’Dowd, Fergus. Deasy, John. O’Keeffe, Jim. Deenihan, Jimmy. O’Shea, Brian. Durkan, Bernard J. O’Sullivan, Jan. English, Damien. Pattison, Seamus. Enright, Olwyn. Perry, John. Gilmore, Eamon. Quinn, Ruairı´. Gogarty, Paul. Rabbitte, Pat. Gregory, Tony. Ring, Michael. Hayes, Tom. Sargent, Trevor. Healy, Seamus. Sherlock, Joe. Higgins, Michael D. Shortall, Ro´ isı´n. Hogan, Phil. Stagg, Emmet. Howlin, Brendan. Stanton, David. Kehoe, Paul. Timmins, Billy. Kenny, Enda. Twomey, Liam. Lynch, Kathleen. Upton, Mary.

Tellers: Ta´, Deputies Kitt and Kelleher; Nı´l, Deputies Kehoe and Stagg.

Question declared carried. Mr. Rabbitte: If the dysfunction among the jun- ior partner is so serious, it is a matter for the An Ceann Comhairle: Is the proposal for deal- Government overall, whose other party also has ing without debate with No. a12a, motion re the its difficulties. Are we to proceed to approve the establishment of a joint committee, No. a12b, committee on the basis that the Progressive motion re committee membership, No. 12 motion Democrats will not nominate a Member to serve re Standing Order 121, and No. 13, proposals for on the committee? legislation on broadcasting, agreed? Mr. Sargent: By contrast the Green Party Mr. Sargent: It is not agreed. would wish to nominate a Member to the com- mittee but is being denied that opportunity. I ask Mr. Rabbitte: Nos. a12a and a12b relate to the that the terms of reference for this establishment and membership of the special 11 o’clock Joint Committee on Child Protection committee on child protection. The names of the represent the political diversity in the proposed Members are before the House. I notice Chamber to the greatest extent possible, given there is no Member from the junior partner in that we are dealing with an issue that is pertinent Government, the Progressive Democrats. to the Constitution, which is the people’s Consti- tution and is not the preserve of any select group Mr. McDowell: I am on the committee. of political nominees. I ask the Government to recognise that the membership of the committee is too narrow to reflect the degree to which it (Interruptions). needs to deal with a matter that has constitutional implications. For that reason I oppose the mem- Mr. McCormack: We thought the Minister bership as outlined. The Green Party asks that was gone. our spokesperson, Deputy Cuffe, be allowed serve on the committee given that he has been Mr. Rabbitte: If the paralysis and dysfunction involved in the debate and in trying to resolve the in the Progressive Democrats is such that no difficulties to date. member will serve with the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, who is a member ex Ms F. O’Malley: He could be the Progressive officio, the House should be advised. Democrats nominee.

Mr. J. O’Keeffe: The new untouchables. (Interruptions). 1201 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1202

Mr. Stagg: The cat is out of the bag. wishes to exercise the same right of participation. Any other formula in moving forward with the Mr. Kenny: Perhaps Deputy Fiona O’Malley committee will be fundamentally flawed and will might like to serve on the committee herself. set off the work of the committee on the wrong foot. Mr. O’Flynn: She is too busy on other While we do not want to call for a division, we committees. may be forced to do so if we are excluded as the committee would not meet its purpose. I ask the Mr. Kenny: The Government has made a mis- Minister for Finance on behalf of the Govern- take in not allowing an hour’s debate on the ment to indicate acceptance to the right to matter this evening. Having deliberately sup- additional participation. I note that Minister and pressed the matter until today, we are now asked Minister of State nominated ex officio have full to give full sanction to the committee. Before we voting rights in any event. Does the formula of ex decide on whether to vote on the proposal, I ask officio offer a means of accommodating the need the Minister for Finance to guarantee that the to have voices from the Green Party and Sinn committee will be properly resourced in terms of Fe´in? It certainly does. back-up staff, in view of the outrage felt by the community at large by the constitutional crisis Mr. Cowen: The composition of the committee that was caused. What facilities will be available is based on proportionality of representation in to the committee? Why were the negotiations the House. It is also important to have a commit- concluded by the Minister of State with responsi- tee with such numbers as will lend itself to effec- bility for children instead of the Minister for tiveness so that it can get through the important Justice, Equality and Law Reform? business it needs to do. Obviously the committee will report back to a plenary session of the House Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: In line with the when every Member will have an opportunity to Taoiseach’s oft-repeated commitment to establish discuss and debate its deliberations. This compo- a committee representative of all parties in the sition of the committee meets with precedent on House, Sinn Fe´in nominated one of its number to the establishment of all such joint committees. serve on this committee but, like the Green Party, The Technical Group has nominated a Member. was denied that access and opportunity to play its The suggestion from Deputy Rabbitte that the part in what is a very important—— Progressive Democrats should have two out of the 11, which would suggest almost 20% rep- ´ ´ Eamon O Cuı´v: The Technical Group is rep- resentation, is not something that party would resented. seek anyway.

(Interruptions). Mr. McHugh: It is too much for a 3% party.

An Ceann Comhairle: Allow the Deputy to Mr. Cowen: Those nominated by the Govern- continue without interruption. ment represent both parties in Government. The main Opposition parties made their nominations ´ Caoimhghı´nOCaola´in: It is a serious issue and and the Technical Group made its. In the I find it bewildering that Members can find any- interests of efficacy, proportionality of represen- thing humorous within it. It is anything but tation, getting on with the important business and humorous. The issue of all-party participation is reporting back to this House so that we can make crucial to the success of the committee’s deliber- the necessary decisions, we propose proceeding ations. Like the Green Party, we have been as suggested. denied that opportunity and, as the Chief Whip can confirm, in repeated representations to An Ceann Comhairle: I will put the question. secure the right of access to participate in this committee, the establishment of which we have Mr. Sargent: This committee is comparable to fully endorsed from the outset, I now ask that an the All-Party Committee on the Constitution. It amendment be introduced to accommodate the is unacceptable to exclude smaller parties. full participation of all the identifiable groupings in this Chamber, including the Green Party, Sinn Question put: “That the proposal for dealing Fe´in and the Progressive Democrats, if it still with Nos. a12a, a12b, 12 and 13 be agreed.”

The Da´il divided: Ta´, 65; Nı´l, 16.


Ahern, Michael. Callely, Ivor. Andrews, Barry. Carey, Pat. Ardagh, Sea´n. Carty, John. Brady, Johnny. Cooper-Flynn, Beverley. Brady, Martin. Coughlan, Mary. Browne, John. Cowen, Brian. Callanan, Joe. Cregan, John. 1203 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1204


Cullen, Martin. McEllistrim, Thomas. Curran, John. McGuinness, John. Davern, Noel. Moloney, John. de Valera, Sı´le. Moynihan, Donal. Dempsey, Tony. Moynihan, Michael. Dennehy, John. Nolan, M.J. Devins, Jimmy. O´ Cuı´v, E´ amon. Ellis, John. O´ Fearghaı´l, Sea´n. Fahey, Frank. O’Connor, Charlie. Finneran, Michael. O’Donnell, Liz. Fitzpatrick, Dermot. O’Flynn, Noel. Fleming, Sea´n. O’Keeffe, Batt. Fox, Mildred. O’Malley, Fiona. Glennon, Jim. O’Malley, Tim. Haughey, Sea´n. Parlon, Tom. Healy-Rae, Jackie. Power, Peter. Hoctor, Ma´ire. Roche, Dick. Jacob, Joe. Sexton, Mae. Keaveney, Cecilia. Smith, Brendan. Kelleher, Billy. Smith, Michael. Kelly, Peter. Treacy, Noel. Kirk, Seamus. Wallace, Mary. Kitt, Tom. Walsh, Joe. Lenihan, Brian. Woods, Michael. Lenihan, Conor. Wright, G.V. McDowell, Michael.


Breen, James. Healy, Seamus. Connolly, Paudge. Higgins, Joe. Cowley, Jerry. McGrath, Finian. Crowe, Sea´n. McHugh, Paddy. Cuffe, Ciara´n. Morgan, Arthur. Boyle, Dan. Murphy, Catherine. Gogarty, Paul. O´ Caola´in, Caoimhghı´n. Gregory, Tony. Sargent, Trevor.

Tellers: Ta´, Deputies Kitt and Kelleher; Nı´l, Deputies Boyle and Crowe.

Question declared carried. Mr. Sargent: This matter was not put before the people at the last election. It is a matter of An Ceann Comhairle: Is the proposal for deal- great significance to my constituents and to other ing with No. 14 agreed? Agreed. Is the proposal Deputies. The decision needs to be based on a for dealing with No. 14a agreed? wider mandate than the one claimed by the Government as it stealthily proceeds along its Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: I do not agree. The proposed path. I ask that we postpone this motion proposes that the Da´il approves the dis- motion in order to allow for wider and longer posal of shares in Aer Lingus by the Minister for term consultations. The future of Aer Lingus con- Finance, in accordance with section 3(2) of the cerns not only the people working for it but also Aer Lingus Act 2003. It is not appropriate to put the country at large, which—— this motion before the House today. I vehemently oppose it, irrespective of how it presents and I An Ceann Comhairle: It would be more appro- object to the taking of it today. It is not appro- priate for the Deputy to wait until the motion priate for this House to approve the disposal of a comes before the House before making his point. critical and strategic national asset. Mr. Sargent: ——as an island nation, depends An Ceann Comhairle: We cannot discuss the on the viability of the company. I urge the Ceann content of the motion on the Order of Business. Comhairle to take that into account. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: The people of Ireland have given no mandate for the disposal of Aer Ms Shortall: There is widespread opposition to Lingus —— the taking of this motion. The general principles which were circulated to us provide completely An Ceann Comhairle: The Deputy will have an inadequate information on the terms of the trans- opportunity to speak on the motion. action being proposed by the Government. It is clear from the general principles that the Govern- Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: ——in any shape or ment is walking away from the commitments it form. I suggest the Minister should remove the made to the pensioners. Vague proposals were motion from today’s Order of Business. made with regard to—— 1205 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1206

An Ceann Comhairle: The Deputy will have an Mr. Sargent: It goes beyond that, it affects the opportunity to raise her issues when the motion whole country. is debated. Mr. J. Higgins: The Government is selling the company to the sharks. Ms Shortall: ——protecting strategic assets. Mr. Cowen: ——I would have expected sup- The Labour Party objects to the taking of this port for the development agenda outlined by motion today. management to ensure Aer Lingus plays a signifi- cant role in the economic life of north Dublin and Mr. Cowen: This is an important matter which the country. has to be dealt with by the House today in com- pliance with legislation. The necessary work in Mr. J. Higgins: The Minister should ask the terms of preparing for a successful IPO has been former sugar workers about that. ongoing for some time. Subject to legal con- straints and market sensitivities, the Minister of Mr. F. McGrath: The national airline is going Transport will outline for the House the substan- down the tubes. tial progress which has been made. Consultations Mr. Cowen: The voters will note his objection are ongoing between management and unions on to ensuring this matter proceeds. all outstanding issues. From a Deputy who rep- resents a constituency with great dependency on Question put: “That the proposal for dealing the company—— with No. 14a be agreed to.”

The Da´il divided: Ta´, 67; Nı´l, 52.


Ahern, Michael. Kelleher, Billy. Andrews, Barry. Kelly, Peter. Ardagh, Sea´n. Kirk, Seamus. Brady, Johnny. Kitt, Tom. Brady, Martin. Lenihan, Brian. Browne, John. Lenihan, Conor. Callanan, Joe. McDowell, Michael. Callely, Ivor. McEllistrim, Thomas. Carey, Pat. McGuinness, John. Carty, John. McHugh, Paddy. Cooper-Flynn, Beverley. Moloney, John. Coughlan, Mary. Moynihan, Donal. Cowen, Brian. Moynihan, Michael. Cregan, John. Nolan, M. J. Cullen, Martin. O´ Cuı´v, E´ amon. Curran, John. O´ Fearghaı´l, Sea´n. Davern, Noel. O’Connor, Charlie. de Valera, Sı´le. O’Donnell, Liz. Dempsey, Tony. O’Flynn, Noel. Dennehy, John. O’Keeffe, Batt. Devins, Jimmy. O’Keeffe, Ned. Ellis, John. O’Malley, Fiona. Fahey, Frank. O’Malley, Tim. Finneran, Michael. Power, Peter. Fitzpatrick, Dermot. Roche, Dick. Fleming, Sea´n. Sexton, Mae. Fox, Mildred. Smith, Brendan. Glennon, Jim. Smith, Michael. Hanafin, Mary. Treacy, Noel. Haughey, Sea´n. Wallace, Mary. Healy-Rae, Jackie. Walsh, Joe. Hoctor, Ma´ire. Woods, Michael. Jacob, Joe. Wright, G. V. Keaveney, Cecilia.


Boyle, Dan. Crowe, Sea´n. Breen, James. Cuffe, Ciara´n. Breen, Pat. Deasy, John. Broughan, Thomas P. Durkan, Bernard J. Bruton, Richard. English, Damien. Burton, Joan. Enright, Olwyn. Connolly, Paudge. Gogarty, Paul. Costello, Joe. Gregory, Tony. Cowley, Jerry. Hayes, Tom. Crawford, Seymour. Healy, Seamus. 1207 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1208


Higgins, Joe. O’Dowd, Fergus. Hogan, Phil. O’Keeffe, Jim. Howlin, Brendan. O’Shea, Brian. Kehoe, Paul. O’Sullivan, Jan. Kenny, Enda. Pattison, Seamus. Lynch, Kathleen. Perry, John. McCormack, Pa´draic. Rabbitte, Pat. McGrath, Finian. Ring, Michael. McGrath, Paul. Sargent, Trevor. McManus, Liz. Sherlock, Joe. Morgan, Arthur. Shortall, Ro´ isı´n. Murphy, Catherine. Stagg, Emmet. Murphy, Gerard. Stanton, David. Naughten, Denis. Timmins, Billy. Neville, Dan. Twomey, Liam. O´ Caola´in, Caoimhghı´n. Upton, Mary.

Tellers: Ta´, Deputies Kitt and Kelleher; Nı´l, Deputies Kehoe and Stagg.

Question declared carried. with other parliaments. This House sat 55 fewer days this year than the parliament in the neigh- An Ceann Comhairle: Is proposal No. 5, that bouring island. the Da´il on its rising today shall adjourn until 2.30 The Barr report on the shooting of John Carthy p.m. on Wednesday, 27 September, agreed? in 2000 has been completed for some time but has not been brought before the House and the Mr. Kenny: That is not agreed. Deputy Martin report on Pat Joe Walsh has not yet been made Brady informed me that Fianna Fa´il backbench- available to Deputies and ought to be debated ers are not just tired, they are exhausted. They here. The Barron report has not been discussed, it wish to get out of here. has been deliberately contrived that the Sullivan report will not be discussed and the e-voting Mr. Davern: The Deputy better tell Deputy report has not been discussed. The Dalton report Tom Hayes because he has his safari suit on. exposes the glaring inadequacy of political super- vision of the State company that runs greyhound Mr. Kenny: I propose an amendment to pro- ´ racing and the shenanigans associated with the posal No. 5, that Da´il Eireann on its rising on redevelopment of Shelbourne Park. Mr. Dalton Thursday, 14 July shall adjourn until 2.30 p.m. on has brought difficulties to light that were not Tuesday, 12 September 2006. Fine Gael and the included in his narrow terms of reference, follow- Labour Party published a joint document on Da´il ing a particular sequence of events leading to the reform calling for longer sitting periods. My dismissal of the chief executive. A great many amendment would shorten the summer recess by other matters have been brought to his attention three weeks. We must discuss the Sullivan report, and have now been passed to the Committee of the Barron report, the report on the Supreme Public Accounts. Court decision, published on Monday, and the Harris report. The Minister for Justice, Equality I ask the Minister to reflect on the proposal. and Law Reform has a new way of producing There is much business for this House to do next legislation by holding a press conference on draft week. We have spent the last three weeks rail- legislation on privacy and defamation. These roading important legislation through the House issues are of great importance to the population without giving it adequate scrutiny. Everybody is at large. I recommend that the Da´il sit next week aware of that. Legislation has been introduced and return on 12 September. Not only will that almost without notice and, in some cases, all arrangement give Members of the House time to Stages have been taken together with no discuss these important issues but it will also dem- adequate opportunity to scrutinise it. That this onstrate to the public that Da´il reform, efficiency House sit for an additional week and return in the and professionalism are matters we take middle of September is an eminently reasonable seriously. proposal and would avoid much of the negative commentary and coverage that the business of Mr. Rabbitte: It is a modest and reasonable politics will attract as a result of the Govern- proposal that the House sit for another week and ment’s decision to shut down the House until 27 return in the middle of September. I am always September. surprised that the Government appears to be insensitive to the inevitable snide commentary Mr. Sargent: The Government should acknowl- that going on leave today, as it will be presented, edge the widely held view that with the House until 27 September attracts for this House and rising today until 27 September the Government politics generally. It is immensely damaging that wishes to insulate itself from scrutiny and we are not seen to take a reasonable break in line accountability. Da´il E´ ireann is where account- 1209 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1210 ability takes place. We support the motion, Mr. Cowen: Obviously, I cannot accept the although we would prefer that the House return amendment. It is important to point out, as has on 5 September. Even that date is out of line with been mentioned by one speaker, that although we other parliaments. We would prefer to have par- are discussing closing the plenary session of the ity with the Westminster Parliament given that Da´il, the committee system will continue. we are part of a peace process and party to the Good Friday Agreement, one of whose objectives Mr. Gogarty: The education committee fin- is parity of esteem. Parity of esteem means one ishes today. must earn one’s esteem and that can be earned Mr. Cowen: The purpose of establishing a com- by having parity in the number of sitting days, for mittee system was to ensure there was the ability a start. What work takes place can be assessed to continue the accountability mechanism that after that. Parliament provides to the Government, as pro- Westminster sits for 55 more days that this Par- vided for in the Constitution. We should not sug- liament. How can the Da´il justify sitting 96 days, gest that this is not the case because it is the case. not even reaching 100, while across the water par- During this month and in September the House liament sitting another 55 days is considered nor- will sit in its respective committee formats and mal? That makes it difficult to secure parity of continue the work those committees decide must esteem in terms of accountability for the demo- be done as a matter of urgency, within their remit cratic process in this jurisdiction. If we are serious and terms of reference. about resolving matters in the North, we could start by getting our own house in order and Ms Burton: There are no Ministers at those ensure this House sits for the same length of time meetings. as the parliament across the water. Mr. Cowen: Those of us privileged to be Mini- Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: While accepting the sters will continue our work as a Government. argument for a shorter summer recess, it is This month will see the beginning of an Estimates important to emphasise that Members will attend process, the setting out of a budgetary strategy committee meetings during this month and in to be agreed by Government and preparations of September. Rather than that being seen as a way budgets for the following year. It is not a question of avoiding the responsibility of returning earlier of work ending after today; work will continue we should look on it as an opportunity. Many in the context of the continuing progress we are Members will be here in any event. It is important making. It is important that the committee system for the democratic process that the truth is put on is seen during July and September to provide the the record. level of accountability that has been ascribed to The majority of Members work extremely hard it. and for long hours. I do not know the compari- I ask that the motion put down by the Govern- ment be accepted. Deputy Sargent referred to the sons between this Chamber and the neighbouring esteem in which the Parliament should be held. island but we have left this House after midnight The Parliament will always be held in esteem over the past couple of nights. Those hours were when it conducts its business properly and appro- worked by people of all views. It is important not priately instead of trying to grab cheap headlines, to lose sight of those facts and not to peddle a like Deputy Sargent did last week, when he was false impression as to the extent of the input of abusing privilege in this House. He might reflect Members. That also applies to the staff of the on that during the summer. Houses of the Oireachtas who work with us over these long and difficult days. An Ceann Comhairle: Deputy Kenny has It should not be seen as one side arguing with tabled an amendment, that the Da´il on its rising the other about the number of days. We should today shall adjourn until 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, acknowledge to each other the extent of the input 12 September. and effort made by all Members in ensuring we have a vibrant, democratic Chamber. However, Question put: “That the words and figures pro- not everybody is heading away this weekend and posed to be deleted stand.” not everybody will be away throughout September. We could accommodate more sittings The Da´il divided by electronic means. to address many of the important points Mr. Kehoe: I would like to give the 16 back- Members have made. Rather than take the view benchers the opportunity to get closer to the that it will call their bluff, perhaps the Govern- Ministers before the summer recess. As a teller, ment should consider the argument and agree under Standing Order 69 I propose that the vote that things could be done differently and better. be taken by other than electronic means. More sittings and fewer long nights that stretch into the early hours of the morning might accom- Question again put: “That the words and fig- modate a better quality of deliberation as well. ures proposed to be deleted stand.” 1211 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1212

The Da´il divided: Ta´, 69; Nı´l, 55.


Ahern, Michael. Kelleher, Billy. Andrews, Barry. Kelly, Peter. Ardagh, Sea´n. Kirk, Seamus. Brady, Johnny. Kitt, Tom. Brady, Martin. Lenihan, Brian. Breen, James. Lenihan, Conor. Browne, John. McDowell, Michael. Callely, Ivor. McEllistrim, Thomas. Carey, Pat. McGuinness, John. Carty, John. McHugh, Paddy. Connolly, Paudge. Moloney, John. Cooper-Flynn, Beverley. Moynihan, Donal. Coughlan, Mary. Moynihan, Michael. Cowen, Brian. Mulcahy, Michael. Cregan, John. Nolan, M. J. Cullen, Martin. O´ Cuı´v, E´ amon. Curran, John. O´ Fearghaı´l, Sea´n. Davern, Noel. O’Connor, Charlie. de Valera, Sı´le. O’Dea, Willie. Dempsey, Tony. O’Donnell, Liz. Dennehy, John. O’Flynn, Noel. Devins, Jimmy. O’Keeffe, Batt. Ellis, John. O’Keeffe, Ned. Fahey, Frank. O’Malley, Fiona. Finneran, Michael. O’Malley, Tim. Fitzpatrick, Dermot. Power, Peter. Fleming, Sea´n. Sexton, Mae. Fox, Mildred. Smith, Brendan. Glennon, Jim. Smith, Michael. Hanafin, Mary. Treacy, Noel. Haughey, Sea´n. Wallace, Mary. Healy-Rae, Jackie. Walsh, Joe. Hoctor, Ma´ire. Woods, Michael. Jacob, Joe. Wright, G. V. Keaveney, Cecilia.


Allen, Bernard. McGrath, Finian. Boyle, Dan. McGrath, Paul. Breen, Pat. McManus, Liz. Broughan, Thomas P. Mitchell, Olivia. Burton, Joan. Morgan, Arthur. Connaughton, Paul. Murphy, Catherine. Costello, Joe. Murphy, Gerard. Cowley, Jerry. Naughten, Denis. Crawford, Seymour. Neville, Dan. Cuffe, Ciara´n. O´ Caola´in, Caoimhghı´n. Deasy, John. O’Dowd, Fergus. Deenihan, Jimmy. O’Keeffe, Jim. Durkan, Bernard J. O’Shea, Brian. English, Damien. O’Sullivan, Jan. Enright, Olwyn. Pattison, Seamus. Gilmore, Eamon. Perry, John. Gogarty, Paul. Quinn, Ruairı´. Gregory, Tony. Rabbitte, Pat. Hayes, Tom. Ring, Michael. Healy, Seamus. Sargent, Trevor. Higgins, Joe. Sherlock, Joe. Higgins, Michael D. Shortall, Ro´ isı´n. Hogan, Phil. Stagg, Emmet. Howlin, Brendan. Stanton, David. Kehoe, Paul. Timmins, Billy. Kenny, Enda. Twomey, Liam. Lynch, Kathleen. Upton, Mary. McCormack, Pa´draic.

Tellers: Ta´, Deputies Kelleher and Kitt; Nı´l, Deputies Kehoe and Stagg.

Question declared carried. Question, “That the Da´il adjourn until Wednesday, 27 September at 2.30 p.m.”, put and Amendment declared lost. declared carried. 1213 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1214

Mr. Kenny: Now that the House has decided to IwishSea´n Sheils all the best in his retirement adjourn today and return in September, I wish and thank him for his many long years of service. to take this opportunity to wish you, a Cheann I hope that during the summer the Government Comhairle, and your staff a relaxed time during might reflect on the need to sit down in a spirit the summer. I thank you for your efficiency and of consensus and work at Da´il reform in order courtesy during your time in the Chair, despite that we can agree on what makes for a good the fact that we might have had some alter- working democracy. cations. I also wish the staff of the House every good wish during the summer period. I thank Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: I join other colleagues them for their co-operation, courtesy and dedi- in extending good wishes to yourself and to all cation at all times. I thank all the Members for the elected representatives of all parties and none their participation in democracy and express the for the summer period ahead. It will be a busy hope that they will return here in September with time for all of us, perhaps more so than in pre- their loins girded for the hustings. vious summer recesses with the looming general election. Mr. Treacy: That is a bit premature. I wish the staff of the Houses of the Oireachtas similar good wishes, those who serve us directly Mr. Kenny: In particular, I pay tribute to Sea´n in the Chamber, those who record the daily pro- Sheils, one of the longest serving members of the ceedings, the ushers and all the support staff staff, who is retiring. Mr. Sheils has been the whose courtesy towards Members is very much senior bar manager here for the last 38 years. appreciated. I wish the members of the press well. With Denis Reid he has formed the longest work- I am sure they will be able to fill their column ing coalition within the Houses of the Oireachtas inches with other pursuits over the summer for a great number of years. I wish Sea´n every period rather than commenting on the affairs of success in his retirement. He has assured me that this Chamber and, maybe, that will be a rest for he will not write the book for some time because some of us as well. therein lies not one story, but many. I have no doubt that everybody has some little break planned. I just want to share with the Ms McManus: On behalf of the leader of the House before resuming my seat that I have it on Labour Party, I also want to convey our best good authority that a number have planned wishes to you, a Cheann Comhairle, for a good exotic destinations. I have it on good authority break. It is a pity we are taking such that the Progressive Democrats Party has made a 12 o’clock extended leave but that is nothing to very special holiday arrangement for its pres- do with you, Sir. Your staff have ident, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law been working very hard, particularly in recent Reform, Deputy McDowell. I understand its days with the late sittings. I thank the staff of the members have chipped in together and he is House for their endeavours. I also wish to con- being sent to Coventry for the summer where we gratulate Sea´n Sheils and wish him all the very hope he has a wonderful time. best. I think it is a pity he is not going to write the book. Not enough is written about political Mr. Cowen: On behalf of the Taoiseach I join life in Ireland. When one looks at our history, and leaders of political parties in wishing you and particularly as this year marks the 90th anniver- your staff a restful period ahead and thank you sary of the 1916 Rising, the literary works of for your co-operation and for discharging your many great leaders — those involved in 1916 and responsibilities so conscientiously during the before — are quite remarkable. That literary tra- course of the term. I look forward to everyone dition should be encouraged. If the barman wants coming back in good and robust health, ready for to write the story he will find an audience and I the fray. As one who is, perhaps, less frequently wish him well if he intends to do so. in the bar than many, I wish Sea´n Sheils a happy retirement. I thank Sea´n for his friendship, discre- Mr. Sargent: I join Deputies Kenny and tion, courtesy and professionalism. He will be McManus in wishing you a good restful summer missed by many of us. He has been a fixture for holiday. As you have advised us many times with a long time. When long-standing members of staff your medical hat on, it is important to take a leave there is always a sentimental aspect to it. I break. I am not sure whether you would recom- am sure he will enjoy his good health with his mend such a long break for health reasons. family and I have no doubt he will be very busy However, I appreciate that is not your choice but in the years ahead also. I wish him well and thank maybe the Government had its own reasons for him for the many times he poured a good pint. wanting a long break. I thank the staff and wish them well for the Ms O’Donnell: On behalf of the Progressive summer. No doubt we will bump into each other Democrats, I too wish colleagues on all sides a during the days and months ahead as the office good summer break, mindful of the fact that will remain open and we will meet more staff many of us will return to our constituencies and than Ministers. I hope we will all be safe and well come into the House on committee business. I rested when we meet in a full Da´il in September. thank you, a Cheann Comhairle, for your court- 1215 Order of 6 July 2006. Business 1216

[Ms O’Donnell.] A Deputy: Call a spade a spade. esy during the year and in particular for your chairmanship of the Houses of the Oireachtas Mr. Kehoe: When will the civil law Commission, of which I am privileged to be a (miscellaneous provisions) Bill come before the member. The commission has done significant House? Earlier, under Standing Order 31, a work in the first couple of years of its existence. Deputy raised an issue concerning a company in I congratulate the staff of the Houses of the Wexford. Is any legislation contemplated to pro- Oireachtas for putting in place many changes for tect a company that has been overcharged by the the benefit of the Houses and the Members. banking institutions? There have been significant improvements in the facilities for Members and the provision of extra An Ceann Comhairle: Is legislation promised? staffing resources for Members of both Houses. I thank all the staff, personal assistants, sec- Mr. Cowen: I am not aware of any specific retaries, clerical staff and the ushers who look legislation for Wexford in that respect. In regard after us so well, including our constituents when to the previous Bill it is ordered for Second Stage. they come to visit the House. All the reports from our constituents when they come to visit the Mr. Kehoe: I do not mean specific legislation Oireachtas confirm that they are treated with for Wexford. I think the Minister has misinter- tremendous courtesy and professionalism by the preted. I am referring to banks overcharging com- staff. I acknowledge that. panies in general. Is any legislation coming for- I wish Sea´n Sheils well as he goes into his ward to prevent banking institutions retirement. He is a good friend to all Members. I overcharging? wish all the staff and support staff in your office, a Cheann Comhairle, a good break for the summer. Mr. Cowen: In recent years we have estab- lished the Irish Financial Services Regulatory An Ceann Comhairle: I thank leaders and Authority which has a consumer protection remit. Members of the House for the kind remarks. I Any problems should be referred to that auth- thank the clerk, assistant clerk, ushers and all the ority where I am sure they will be dealt with com- staff in the House that we see and those we do petently. not see. I believe we run a very efficient parlia- ment. The contribution of each and everyone of Mr. Kehoe: What about the civil law the staff, along with the Members, ensures we (miscellaneous provisions) Bill? have a parliament of which we can be very proud. I join in the good wishes to Sea´n Sheils. I am Mr. Cowen: It is ordered for Second Stage. not surprised that everybody has a kind word to say about him because he is a native of Bailebor- ough in the constituency of Cavan-Monaghan so Ms Lynch: When the Ceann Comhairle said he it is only what I would expect. Is not that right was going to give us some advice, I thought he Seymour? was going to tell us to use sunscreen. That would probably be all we could legitimately call proper Mr. Crawford: Yes. advice. I wish to raise the issue of the Disability Act. Mr. Timmins: Deputy Crawford has a place As a former Minister for Health and Children, around there. the Minister for Finance had an interest in this and was probably the only Minister to do some- An Ceann Comhairle: At this time of year I thing constructive as Minister. put on my medical hat and advise Members to take a break. I know that Members will work in An Ceann Comhairle: Has the Deputy a ques- committees in July and September. I am sure the tion on legislation? public is unaware there are many Members who will take no break and will work every single Ms Lynch: I have a question on secondary week of the recess and have done so for many legislation relating to the Disability Act. Sectoral years. I advise all Members to take a break of at plans were to be put in place by every Depart- least two to three weeks. It will be good for them ment, including the Departments of Finance, and their health, good for their families and in the Health and Children, the Environment, Heritage medium term will be good for their constituents. and Local Government, and Communications, When you are away on your break, do not forget Marine and Natural Resources, which are all lead that your constituency colleagues of all parties Departments. These plans were to be put in place will be only too delighted to look after your work. by 31 July but were to be laid before the House I advise you to enjoy the recess. before then. The Minister knows that nothing can happen without the sectoral plans. It is now a Mr. Kehoe: The only Members who will take year since they were promised but we still have two or three weeks off are people with very safe not got them. Will anything happen before the seats such as Deputy Twomey. end of July and how will we deal with it? 1217 Order Of Business 6 July 2006. (Resumed) 1218

Mr. Cowen: I attended a Cabinet sub-commit- Cornu, vice-president of the committee. I hope tee yesterday where the matter was completed. they will find their visit enjoyable, successful and Sectoral plans will be provided before the to our mutual benefit. appointed date and will be laid before the Oireachtas for further consideration after that. Order Of Business (Resumed). Ms Lynch: Will they be dealt with in committee Mr. M. Higgins: When will the amending legis- or will they be laid before the Houses? lation necessary for changes in the lending limits of credit unions be introduced? Mr. Cowen: They will be laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas as required under the Mr. Cowen: I am not aware that legislation has legislation. How they will be taken is a matter for been promised. As the Deputy knows, that indus- the Whips who will decide whether that will be in try is regulated by the credit union regulator and committee or plenary session. It is a matter of an advisory council advises me on these matters procedure at that stage. They will be taken in as well. We have sought advice from those bodies whatever format is deemed appropriate. on what the situation should be. It is not a simple issue, but we will deal with it with due con- Ms McManus: To clarify, is the Minister saying sideration. that this matter will not be dealt with until we return in the autumn? Dr. Cowley: The first matter I wish to raise concerns the fact that we will have no facility to Mr. Cowen: I am saying the provisions of the ask parliamentary questions over the recess, even Disability Act will be complied with in full, the though the Ministers and the Civil Service will sectoral plans will be prepared and published and still be working. Everything will stop with regard laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas before to all the matters with which we want to deal. We 31 July, as is required under the legislation. cannot deal with them until we return in September because no questions will be Mr. Allen: It is no coincidence that with the answered. This is a major problem. Da´il going into recess today, a number of reports are being published. One of those reports will be An Ceann Comhairle: Has the Deputy a the report commissioned on the future funding of question? the terminal at Cork Airport. Given that we will not have an opportunity to discuss the report in Dr. Cowley: My question relates to a second the House, will it be published in full so that we matter. A letter in The Irish Times yesterday can make a rational assessment of the situation? sought information on alleged price fixing by the major oil companies in Roscommon. Is there any An Ceann Comhairle: Was the report promised legislation to deal with that? The Competition in the House? There is no provision under Stand- Authority has tried to deal with it, but it is still ing Orders to raise reports unless they have been happening. promised in the House. An Ceann Comhairle: Is legislation promised? Mr. Allen: We will not have an opportunity to discuss it in the House over the next three Mr. Cowen: The Competition Authority is in months. Will the report be published? place to deal with all allegations on price fixing.

Mr. Cowen: I do not know. I will ask the line Dr. Cowley: May I ask a final brief question? Minister to contact the Deputy’s office about the arrangements. An Ceann Comhairle: We cannot have a debate on these issues. We have moved well away Mr. Timmins: When will the defamation and from the Order of Business. privacy Bills be published? Dr. Cowley: My final query concerns Tweeds- Mr. Cowen: They were discussed at Cabinet wood Limited. It was overcharged \466,000—— last week. It is a matter for the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to make An Ceann Comhairle: We cannot discuss that arrangements for how and when they will be pub- on the Order of Business. There are other ways lished. I will ask his office to contact the Deputy. to raise the matter.

Visit of French Delegation. Dr. Cowley: The bank has admitted over- An Ceann Comhairle: Before proceeding, on charging —— my own behalf and on behalf of Members of Da´il E´ ireann I offer a ce´ad mı´le fa´ilte, a most sincere An Ceann Comhairle: I ask Deputy Cowley to welcome, to the Committee on Economic Affairs allow Deputy Durkan contribute. He has been of the French Senate, led by Monsieur Ge´rard waiting very patiently all morning. 1219 Child Protection: 6 July 2006. Motions 1220

Mr. Durkan: I am a very patient man, as the Child Protection: Motions. Ceann Comhairle knows. At Question Time yes- Minister of State at the Department of the terday, the Minister for Communications, Marine Taoiseach (Mr. Kitt): I move: and Natural Resources, Deputy Noel Dempsey, was a little coy about when the Deloitte & (1) That a select committee consisting of Touche report would be published. Perhaps the seven members of Da´il E´ ireann be joined with Minister for Finance will have more information a select committee to be appointed by Seanad as he is located in a constituency with consider- E´ ireann to form the Joint Committee on Child able interest in the energy area. Will the report Protection to:— be published before the circulation of the single electricity market Bill? — review the substantive criminal law I ask my next question by way of being helpful relating to sexual offences against and hope it will help address the communication children; issue between the backbenchers on the Govern- — examine the issues surrounding the age ment side of the House and the Ministers. Would of consent in relation to sexual offences; it be possible to bring forward the electronic communications (miscellaneous provisions) Bill — examine criminal justice procedures to offer a two-way system and equality of com- relating to the evidence of children in munication in both directions on the Government abuse cases; side of the House? It might help alleviate any ten- — consider the implications arising from sions that might erupt over the summer and calm and the consequences of the Supreme the troubled waters on that side so that every- Court decision of 23 May 2006 in the body goes home in a happy state of mind. CC case; Mr. Cowen: That Bill will be published within — examine the desirability or otherwise of the next few weeks. With regard to the other amending the Constitution to deal with matter, the question of when or if reports are the outcome of the CC case and-or to published is a matter to be decided by the line provide for a general right of protection Minister concerned. There is no requirement for for children; the publication of reports that advise Ministers on — make such other recommendations on Bills being prepared. That particular report has the protection of children as shall to the definite market sensitivity in terms of the infor- committee seem appropriate; mation available. the committee shall report back to each House Mr. Durkan: Has the Minister seen it? with recommendations in a final report by 30 November 2006; Mr. Cowen: Of course I have seen it. (2) The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Minister of State at the Business of Da´il. Department of Justice, Equality and Law An Ceann Comhairle: I bring to the attention Reform, the Department of Health and Chil- of Members an official website on inter- dren and the Department of Education and parliamentary EU information exchange called Science with special responsibility for children IPEX, developed on the recommendations of the shall be ex officio members of the committee Conference of Speakers of the EU national par- and shall be entitled to vote; liaments. IPEX will facilitate interparliamentary co-operation in the European Union by providing (3) The quorum of the joint committee shall a platform for the exchange of EU related infor- be four, of whom at least one shall be a ´ mation and views between national parliaments Member of Da´il Eireann and one a Member of and the EU institutions on parliamentary scrutiny Seanad E´ ireann; of EU affairs and related matters. (4) The joint committee shall have the In addition, from next September, the Euro- powers defined in Standing Orders 81(1) to (8) pean Commission will forward directly to inclusive and 91(2); national parliaments all legislative proposals and other significant EU documentation. I under- (5) The Chairperson of the joint committee stand that the modalities of this arrangement will shall be a Member of Da´il E´ ireann. be finalised soon. To maximise the benefits of this information Question put and agreed to. exchange, links will need to be developed with our own European information system. I am Minister of State at the Department of the arranging that this will be done as part of our Taoiseach (Mr. Kitt): I move: e-democracy and ICT process. If Members want more information, they can contact Anne-Marie That the following members be appointed to Fahy, clerk to the Joint Committee on Euro- the Select Committee on Child Protection: — pean Affairs. Deputies James Breen, John Curran, Olwyn 1221 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1222

Enright, Brendan Howlin, M.J. Nolan, Jim (a) cause the proposals, together with such O’Keeffe and Peter Power. related documents as it thinks fit, to be pub- lished to the Internet and advertise thereof in the national newspapers as soon as may Question put and agreed to. be after the proposals have been submitted to it; Standing Orders: Motion. (b) invite and accept submissions from Minister of State at the Department of the interested persons and bodies, in a format to Taoiseach (Mr. Kitt): I move: be decided by the joint committee, through That, notwithstanding anything in Standing the Internet and such other means as it con- Orders, with effect from 27 September 2006, siders appropriate in relation to the the following be adopted in substitution for proposals; Standing Order 121 of the Standing Orders of (c) consider submissions received (or a Da´il E´ ireann relative to Public Business: synopsis of such submissions) and, based on “121. When a Bill is to be considered in such consideration— Committee or on Report, (i) determine those elements of the pro- posals (or themes common to a number of (a) proposed amendments shall be in such elements), if any, that should be sup- writing signed by the member and shall plemented by oral evidence, and reach the Clerk not later than 11 a.m. on the fourth day preceding that on which the (ii) cause such submissions (or a synop- Bill or, if appropriate, the part thereof to sis of or extracts from such submissions) as which they are addressed, is to be con- it thinks fit to be published to the Internet; sidered and shall be arranged in the (d) then, pursuant to paragraph (c)(i), pro- proper order, ceed to hear such oral evidence as it thinks (b) proposed amendments to amend- fit in relation to the elements identified at ments shall be in writing signed by the a meeting or meetings to be held in public member and shall reach the Clerk not later and webcast; than 11 a.m. on the second day preceding (e) having regard to the foregoing, and to that on which the Bill or, if appropriate, views (or a summary or synopsis of such the proposed amendment to the Bill to views) expressed in such Internet forum as which they are addressed, is to be con- may be arranged in connection with the pro- sidered and shall be arranged in the posals for legislation and the joint commit- proper order: tee’s deliberations in the matter, report its opinions and observations on— Provided, nevertheless, that on an exceptional basis, or in circumstances (i) the issues raised in respect of the pro- where shorter scheduling of business of posals for legislation, and a Bill makes practical application of the (ii) the operation of the e-consultation deadline impossible, amendments, or process as comprehended by this Order, amendments to amendments, may be moved on shorter notice at the sole making such recommendations as it thinks ´ discretion of the Ceann Comhairle, or fit, and report back to Da´il Eireann. with the prior permission of the Chair without notice.”. Question put and agreed to.

Question put and agreed to. Estimates for Public Services 2006. Ms McManus: Will the Acting Chairman Broadcasting Legislation: Motion of Instruction explain the reason for the delay? to Joint Committee. Acting Chairman (Mr. McCormack): Under Minister of State at the Department of the Standing Orders a Minister is required to move Taoiseach (Mr. Kitt): I move: the Supplementary Estimate. That it be an instruction to the Joint Com- mittee on Communications, Marine and Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): I move the Natural Resources regarding proposals for following Supplementary Estimate: legislation in relation to broadcasting that may be submitted to it by the Minister for Vote 40 — Health Service Executive Communications, Marine and Natural (Supplementary). Resources, that it (or a sub-committee That a supplementary sum not exceeding appointed by it for that purpose) shall, prior to \340,000,000 be granted to defray the charge such legislation being published— which will come in course of payment during 1223 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1224

the year ending on 31 December 2006 for the solely by virtue of a contractual arrangement with salaries and expenses of the Health Service a former health board with effect from 9 Executive and certain other services adminis- December 2004. By way of a goodwill gesture, the tered by the executive, including mis- Government agreed to have ex gratia payments of cellaneous grants. up to \2,000 made to those wrongly charged and who were alive on 9 December 2004. The Health Minister of State at the Department of Health Service Executive made payments in excess of and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Health \21 million to approximately 10,800 individuals. (Repayment Scheme) Act 2006 was signed by the The Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2004 President on 23 June 2006. The Act provides a was passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas on clear legal framework for a scheme to repay 17 December 2004. The purpose of the Bill was recoverable health charges for publicly funded to provide a statutory basis for the imposition of long-term residential care. All those fully eligible charges on those to whom inpatient services were persons who were wrongly charged and are alive being provided in public long-stay institutions. It and the estates of all those fully eligible persons also contained a retrospective element which pro- who were wrongly charged and died since 9 vided that charges levied prior to the enactment December 1998 will have the charges repaid in of the legislation were also lawful. This Bill was full. referred to the Supreme Court for a decision on The decision to limit repayments to estates of its constitutionality. The retrospective element those who died since 9 December 1998 reflects provided that a relevant charge levied under the reference in the Supreme Court judgment to section 53 of the Health Act 1970 for long-stay the possible application of the Statute of Limi- care prior to the enactment of the legislation was tations: “The State has available to it a defence lawful. The Supreme Court decision of 16 of the Statute of Limitation i.e. a 6 year limit”. February 2005 found this retrospective element The Government has a responsibility, in light of of the Bill to be unconstitutional because of the the substantial sums involved, to have regard to property rights of citizens. what the Supreme Court said about the Statute The charging for long-stay care was put on a of Limitations to place appropriate limits on the statutory footing under the Health (Amendment) scale of total repayments which today’s taxpayer Act 2005 and is being implemented by way of the will have to fund. Health (Charges for In-Patient Services) Regu- Charges for publicly funded long-stay residen- lations 2005. These regulations were signed on 14 tial care have been raised by health boards from June 2005 and reinstated charges for inpatient people under two sets of regulations: the Insti- services and provided for the levying of a charge tutional Assistance Regulations 1954, as amended in respect of the maintenance of persons in in 1965, which applied to all, including those with receipt of such services. The regulations were pre- full eligibility, and the Health (Charges for In- pared following extensive consultation with the Patient Services) Regulations 1976, as amended Health Service Executive and others. in 1987, from which medical card holders and The Supreme Court in its decision of 16 those with dependants were exempt. February 2005 did not consider the exposure of The Supreme Court judgment in the the State, or the magnitude of the sums involved, McInerney case in 1976 narrowed very signifi- to justify the extinguishment of a property right. cantly the grounds on which a charge could be In light of the amount of repayment which would raised for institutional assistance. It could only be be due to individuals in certain cases and the made for shelter and maintenance without any overall amount of money involved, it was agreed medical or nursing care being provided. A circu- a repayment scheme to repay fully eligible indi- lar from the Department of Health to the health viduals who paid inpatient charges while in pub- boards in 1976 authorised a practice by which the licly funded residential care would be established chief executive officer of a health board could and placed on a statutory basis. The Government regard patients as not meeting the criteria for full agreed the key elements of the scheme for the eligibility while being maintained in an insti- repayment of these long-stay charges last year. tution, since necessary general practitioner and Extensive discussions have taken place with the surgical services were being provided for them Office of the Attorney General, the Department and so withdrew their medical card. The with- of Finance, the Office of the Revenue Commis- drawal of full eligibility in this way allowed a sioners, the Department of Social and Family charge for inpatient services to be raised. Affairs, the probate office of the High Court, the The health boards, with the knowledge of the office of the wards of court, the Law Reform Department of Health and Children, continued Commission, the Office of the Ombudsman, the to raise charges under both sets of regulations up Courts Service, the Data Protection Com- to 9 December 2004. On the basis of advice from missioner, the Mental Health Commission and the Office of the Attorney General, the Depart- the Health Service Executive regarding the pro- ment instructed the health boards to cease visions contained in this Act. In addition, the charging all fully eligible persons in receipt of national oversight committee which the Ta´naiste inpatient services in public long-stay institutions appointed, representative of service users, includ- and in contract beds in private nursing homes ing Age Action Ireland and the senior citizens 1225 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1226 parliament, has provided an independent input Consideration had been given to the involve- into the repayment scheme design. It will monitor ment of public sector staff to assist in adminis- the operation of the scheme to ensure it is tering the scheme. However, the HSE informed implemented quickly and in the most effective the Department that the time constraints of the way possible. The committee is chaired by Pro- procurement process and the potential for signifi- fessor J. Bernard Walsh, consultant physician, St. cant logistical difficulties and protracted delays, James’s Hospital, and reports directly to the with consequent implications for the commence- Ta´naiste. ment of the repayment scheme, did not allow for It is estimated that up to approximately 20,000 the implementation of this option. There would people who are still alive and a further 40,000 to also have been a requirement to assign dedicated 50,000 estates will benefit from repayments under HSE resources to train and supervise such staff, the scheme. The overall costs arising from the thereby removing them from their normal duties long-stay charges repayment scheme have been with a subsequent effect on service provision. estimated at approximately \1 billion However, in recognition of the importance of Owing to the nature, volume and complexity of progressing repayments, the Ta´naiste has asked the repayments involved, it was decided, in line the HSE to identify those living patients who with the Government decision, to appoint an out- were wrongfully charged and to calculate the side company with appropriate knowledge and details of the repayment due to them in as many experience in dealing with mass repayments. The cases as possible during the period prior to the HSE has selected a preferred service provider, a selection of the outside company. This will ensure consortium comprising KPMG accountancy a significant proportion of patients should receive group and McCann Fitzgerald solicitors, to man- their repayments as soon as possible, with the age the repayment scheme within the agreed repayment process commencing before the end Government parameters. This company will also of July. provide an independent assessment of the The national repayment scheme will refund all amount of repayment due to each applicant those fully eligible persons who were incorrectly under the scheme, which will help to reassure the charged for publicly funded long-stay residential public that the scheme is being operated in the care. Medical card holders, and those aged over most equitable and effective way possible. The 70 with effect from July 2001, are considered to tender was awarded to the most economically be fully eligible for the purpose of this scheme. advantageous tender. The award criteria was It has been agreed that those not having a based on cost, technical capacity, legal expertise medical card on admission but who fell within the and economic and financial capacity. income means threshold for a medical card, for The HSE has indicated that all EU guidelines example, those in receipt of the non-contributory and directives have been complied with in award- old age pension, will be regarded as having full ing the contract. The cost of the company will be eligibility for the purpose of this scheme. This is based on the number of repayments, but has been because of the vulnerability of those in long stay capped at \15 million exclusive of VAT. The care, and being cognisant that the former health HSE is satisfied the successful consortium met boards did not make a determination on eligi- the necessary criteria and is confident of the bility status in many instances, based mainly on ability to deliver all aspects of the scheme. The the incorrect assumption that full eligibility could HSE has worked directly with the Data Protec- be removed from long-stay care patients as set tion Commissioner to ensure that all necessary out in the Department of Health circular 7/76. measures are in place to protect the confiden- This action will ensure the scheme is broadly tiality of information. It is understood from the inclusive and is implemented in a fair and equit- HSE that a very small proportion of the work to able manner. be undertaken by the company will be sourced All those wrongly charged for inpatient outside the EU. This work is of a data entry nat- services will be repaid in full. For the purpose of ure and will not involve the operation of help this scheme, community hostels which provide lines, the provision of information or any related either medical or nursing care on a rostered basis matters, all of which will be performed within are considered inpatient services, and residents the State. will have any unlawful charges repaid in full. The HSE has supported the decision to engage Priority in making repayments will be given to an outside company, as the nature of the work is those who are still alive to allow these people to not one of its core functions. In any event, it benefit from the repayment by availing of com- would not be in a position to administer a repay- forts which they may not otherwise be able to ment scheme of this magnitude within existing provide. In the case of estates, it will not be those resources without having to divert staff from nor- who actually paid the charges that will receive the mal functions in the delivery of health services. repayment. Many of these living patients have The HSE is already committed to providing already been identified as a result of the ex gratia resources for the implementation of a unitary scheme which was announced in December 2004. system for the delivery and management of As mentioned earlier, at the Ta´naiste’s request, health services at local, regional and national the HSE had already begun proactively calculat- level, following its establishment in January 2005. ing the amount of repayments due to living 1227 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1228

[Mr. T. O’Malley.] there will also be an additional funding require- patients in advance of the selection of an outside ment for the outside company. The total cost of company. This advance work will help ensure the the outside company has been capped at \15 mil- repayments process will commence before the lion excluding VAT, but the actual cost of the end of July. company will be based on the number of overall It is important to note that the repayments will repayments and will not be known until all the include both the actual charge paid and an repayments have been completed. A costing of \5 amount to take account of inflation by reference million has been provided for 2006. to the consumer price index. The consumer price A further \33 million has been set aside for index is a widely accepted tool for monetary cal- other costs associated with the scheme, which will culation over an extended period of time. Data include the costs associated with any additional from the CPI is also available on a regular basis, repayments which may be issued in the current thereby facilitating a match with periods when year; establishing and resourcing the appeals pro- payments are due. The CPI is also used by the cess under the scheme; and the cost of employing Department of Social and Family Affairs in deal- staff from the probate office to process stream- ing with underpayments of social welfare lined applications for probate from estates. entitlements. The figures provided for the cost of the repay- The scheme will include a transparent and ments outlined above are based on estimates pro- user-friendly appeals process that will be inde- vided by the HSE, which indicate the average pendent of the HSE and the company engaged to repayment due to an individual is approximately administer the scheme. Suitably qualified inde- \20,000. This average figure will vary depending pendent appeals officers will be appointed to con- on length of stay and the amount of health charge sider appeals. The appeals process will allow both paid by the patient in the first instance. written and oral submissions to support an In conclusion, the total funding requirement appeal. Applicants to the scheme will be advised for 2006 has been revised downward from \400 of the outcome of their application as soon as million to \340 million, with the balance of the possible, and they will be provided with details of funding of \660 million required in 2007 and their entitlement to appeal if their application has 2008. been rejected or if they dispute the amount of the repayment. Applicants will also be informed of Dr. Twomey: I wish a good summer to their right to bring a complaint to the Office of Members and staff of the Houses, who work so the Ombudsman. The legislation allows for reg- well during the year. ular reports on the operation of the appeals pro- We have heard much debate on this matter cess, which will be laid before the Oireachtas. over the past 18 months, and we should reflect a The Department of Health and Children had little on it. Departments responsible for health previously indicated that funding of \400 million and justice matters are two major social bodies would be required for the health repayment in any country’s government. Fianna Fa´il, which scheme in 2006. It was originally anticipated that claims to represent two of every five voters in this repayments would begin in May of this year. Due country, has no control over these two Depart- to a prolonged tendering process and the exten- ments. The Progressive Democrats, as far as I am sive consultation required in the drafting of the concerned, does not have an ethos which allows Bill, repayments will not commence until late July it to empathise with the people who most need or early August of this year. It is now estimated the Department of Justice, Equality and Law that the total funding required to service the Reform and the Department of Health and health repayment scheme for 2006 is \340 million. Children. The revised estimate is based on a reduced vol- ume of repayments to be completed this year. Mr.T.O’Malley:I strongly resent that remark. As already indicated, approximately 20,000 people who are still alive, and approximately a Dr. Twomey: There has been a slump in the further 40,000 to 50,000 estates, will benefit from corporate governance of these Departments a repayment. In order to begin making repay- under the PDs. The attitude of Fianna Fa´il to the ments as soon as possible, the HSE has indicated slump is no surprise to us in the House. They that the details of 7,600 living patients have been have failed completely to provide political calculated. In addition, the HSE will also have leadership. completed 3,500 calculations in respect of those As Fine Gael spokesperson on health and chil- who are deceased, making an overall total of dren, there have been three major issues in which 11,100 calculations at an estimated cost of \222 I have had an interest in recent weeks: the statu- million. tory rape crisis, the report of the Commission on It is envisaged that these initial repayments will Assisted Human Reproduction and the legis- be made in the first two months of the service lation to which this motion refers. There a com- provider’s appointment, with a further 4,000 liv- mon theme running through these three issues. ing persons receiving payment in the current year The response time one would expect from the at a further cost of \80 million. In addition to the Government with regard to dealing with the cost of the actual repayments including interest, important issues I have just outlined is an 1229 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1230 absolute disgrace. Something else these three the age and the vulnerability of the people who issues have in common is that the Supreme Court are still alive. As Members will be aware, the is playing, or could potential play, a central role average length of stay of a person in a nursing in them. All that indicates to me is complete home is between two and three years. It will incompetence on the part of the Government. nearly be two years before the Department The Supreme Court pushed the statutory rape makes the first repayment, in other words, many issue, the Supreme Court is central to the legis- of the people of whom we spoke when we first lation referred to and it looks like the Supreme raised this issue are now dead. That is the sort of Court will decide on the report on the Com- useless foot-dragging government we have at mission on Assisted Human Reproduction present. because the Government is failing to do its job. This is the last sitting day before the summer That is incompetence. A constant factor in all of recess. During the recess the Minister of State, these issues is the involvement of the Progressive Deputy Tim O’Malley, might go to the trouble of Democrats. Although it has always claimed to be getting an answer to my question. Deputy good on corporate governance, the Progressive Harney’s predecessor in the Department of Democrats has been central in some of the great- Health and Children, the Minister, Deputy est messes we have witnessed in this House. Martin, not having read his briefing documents, told the Joint Committee on Health and Children Mr. T. O’Malley: These messes were there a that he had no responsibility for the illegal nurs- long time and Deputy Twomey’s party also was ing home charges. At that time the Minister of in Government, and he well knows that. State, Deputy Tim O’Malley acknowledged that he saw the importance of that memo when it was Dr. Twomey: The disengagement of Fianna shown to him and maybe he might have the intel- Fa´il from any of these issues is also of great con- lectual capacity to come back into this House and cern to the people. In fact, the only political tell us whether we are wrong on the issue of the slump that we are seeing at present is how the charges for those over 70 in private nursing coalition, of which Deputy Tim O’Malley is a homes. part, is governing the country. Some \340 million Deputy Harney is showing almost the same will be paid out this year to repay illegal nursing cavalier attitude of Deputy Martin to what poten- home charges. Some \600 million must be paid tially may be a considerable cost to the taxpayer out next year. next year. It just goes to show that the Progress- There is potentially another illegal nursing ive Democrats is infected with the Fianna Fa´il home charges issues, which I have constantly virus, that life begins and ends at election time. raised on this side of the House with both Deputy The Progressive Democrats has shown no con- Tim O’Malley and the Ta´naiste and Minister for sideration for what may happen to the public Health and Children, Deputy Harney, and to finances in the future. It has shown no consider- which I have never receive a clear answer. This ation to the people for whom it is supposed to be issue is private nursing home charges on those responsible and that is why I say that the Pro- over 70. Every time the Ta´naiste has been asked gressive Democrats ethos does not fit well with about this, her reply is that the courts will decide. looking after the elderly. It has a casual attitude What is our role here in this House? Are we legis- and does not quite understand the concerns of lators or do we take our diktat from the Supreme the elderly. It merely see all of this as a routine Court? The Department of Health and Children it must go through. That is why the people are officials have expressed concern about this issue, growing tired of it after five years. The people but not one Minister in the past 18 months or are growing tired of it because it’s competence in two years has shown the leadership he or she is providing good government is failing day by day. supposed to show in his or her Department or has One of the questions we asked on Committee come in here to tell me that I am wrong about Stage was why the Government was unable to the illegal nursing home charges for private look within the capacity of the Civil Service to patients in private nursing homes. Not one Mini- make these repayments. It seems amazing that ster has come in here to disclose the Depart- the HSE has the details of 10,500 people involved ment’s good advice on this and to state why the who it maintains are still alive and the Minister of Department is standing over this. When the State stated that there are approximately 20,000 Travers report was discussed in the Joint Com- people involved who are alive. As the HSE iden- mittee on Health and Children, we asked about tified these 10,500 last December, I am sure it has the charges in private nursing homes. The identified far more since. While, according to the Government has not answered in two years. I Minister of State, the Department will hand all suppose this should not surprise us because it has this information over to a private company, it taken the Government 18 months to come to seems all the company must do is sign the this point. cheques. How difficult could it be for the com- The Ta´naiste stated, when the legislation was pany to find the remaining people involved? The first thrown out by the Supreme Court, that both HSE has more or less done all the hard work for herself and the Taoiseach felt strongly that these the company, in the case of the people who are repayments should be made quickly because of alive. 1231 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1232

[Dr. Twomey.] this issue previously and I will continue to pursue The Department also has probably identified it. The Minister of State should not hide behind the vast majority of the 40,000 or 50,000 people the courts. As legislators, we do not have to wait involved who are deceased. No doubt a signifi- for courts to decide because if problems are iden- cant amount of work has already been done on tified, we can legislate to address them. Would that by the HSE. The HSE has identified those the Government parties wait, as they almost did, whose estates must undergo probate because it for the courts to decide to allow child rapists to has already identified what level of resources it walk free? Is their attitude that cavalier that they will need to do that. A considerable amount of do not care and they will wait for a diktat from this work has been done. the Supreme Court when it reaches a decision? While the Minister of State stated that the HSE The Opposition is concerned about account- would not have the resources to do this work, and ability, transparency and good corporate govern- I agree with him for a different reason, what of ance. These are buzz words Ministers throw out the other Departments? The Department of at press conferences before they run helter Agriculture and Food made significant payments skelter when there is trouble. Every strategy and on an annual basis and it does not make those document is launched at a press conference and payments any more. The Department of Social there is no question of anything being introduced and Family Affairs, which is more or less the in the House because the Ta´naiste is afraid of Government’s bank, makes significant payments accountability. However, when she was asked a every week. Is it really beyond the Government difficult question at the press conference for the to get the heads of these Departments together launch of the cancer strategy, the HSE chief to see if a solution could be reached, where the executive officer, Professor Drumm, who is not civil and public services could provide a signifi- part of the political Executive that is supposed to cant amount of the resources and back-up to respond to the people, jumped in to reply. make these repayments, rather than adopt the Ministers are disengaging from their duties and knee-jerk approach of contracting it out to a the public and that is why they are losing the con- company? fidence of the people. I recently watched a tele- I have serious concerns about the HSE. If half vision programme about Margaret Thatcher’s of the concerns expressed to me about the HSE government. Her Ministers became so arrogant are true, we will be back after the next election and incompetent towards the end, I had a sense looking at the Health Act 2004 which established of de´ja` vu as I was reminded of the behaviour of the HSE. I hope the Department of Health and our Ministers. The people are concerned about Children stays together and functions well health, justice, crime and public expenditure. The because it looks like it might take over many of issue of illegal nursing home charges has been dis- the functions of the HSE in the future. cussed thoroughly but the Government has been The Ta´naiste seems oblivious to what is hap- damn slow to address it. Are Ministers trying to pening in the HSE. She has really distanced her- cover up more banana skins in this regard self to an unbelievable extent. I recognise she is because they are afraid to acknowledge they may doing it for political reasons. She thinks that any have been responsible for incurring a significant scandal will not stick to her if she sets up all these liability on behalf of the taxpayer as well as treat- groups. The HSE has been established almost as ing vulnerable elderly people in a cavalier a semi-State company with little accountability, manner? and yet the Government seems to be almost try- ing to ignore the concerns that people are Ms McManus: It is important to acknowledge expressing about it. what happened and why \1 billion of the health While we in this House often criticise the budget is being set aside to make reparation to parliamentary affairs division, that division is just elderly vulnerable people and their families who a manifestation of the wider problems within the were robbed by the State. This is a lamentable HSE. If information encounters a difficulty in record, although I appreciate a number of flowing back to the chief executive’s office which Administrations are to blame. However, \1 responds publicly to Deputies in this House, what billion is being taken out of the health budget, problems are occurring behind closed doors? which could have been spent elsewhere. For Ministers need to wake up and smell the coffee example, an additional 350 hospital beds could because their only role is to run the health service have been provided and many other services competently. They are supposed to act as chief could have used this money. However, the State executive officers of their Departments, not as must repay money it took illegally from people television stars with big egos jockeying for posi- who were extremely vulnerable. tion within their respective parties. That is why it The bill should not be as high and that is the has taken 18 months for the Government to come Government’s responsibility. If the then Minister close to repaying people who were abused by the for Health and Children, Deputy Martin, had State. The Ta´naiste should get a move on and undertaken the simple task of reading his brief, make the repayments properly. as a Minister should, the cost would have been Are further problems regarding illegal nursing less. If his well paid political advisers had done home charges being covered up? I have raised what they were supposed to, the bill would be 1233 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1234 less. The most disturbing aspect of the increased To be fair to that Department, the improvements bill, which resulted from the Minister’s failure to made during the past ten years in terms of do his job, is that the Government, composed of efficiency and better service are quite remark- the Progressive Democrats, which is supposed be able. It seems the Ta´naiste and Minister for the watchdog, and Fianna Fa´il, has exonerated Health and Children is obsessed by some type of the Minister and rewarded him with a transfer to old fashioned or ideological thinking whereby she a more tranquil Department, where it is all good has no faith in anything the public sector does. It news for a change. The then Secretary General of must be private, otherwise it is no good. the Department of Health and Children took the We are paying a price for an extremely blink- hit and that is no way for a Government to ered Minister who does not understand the public operate. It highlights a paucity of leadership, service or the health service terribly well, and at which is both revealing and disturbing, not only every stage seizes the private sol- in the Department of Health and Children but 1 o’clock ution whether it is private hospitals throughout the Government. At the very least, or private companies managing rela- we need to ensure those who are in positions of tively simple processes or running GP services. It responsibility accept it and do not only accept the is an easy solution, but it is not the right solution. trappings of office such as the large salary, the To every difficult question, as HL Mencken minders, the driver, the advisers and all the praise stated, there is a quick, easy and wrong solution. and flattery that goes with the position. When The Minister has found the wrong solution yet they do not live up to their duties, the buck again in this instance. should stop with them. The Labour Party carried out a study of That attitude has pervaded the entire Govern- Deputy Harney’s first year in office and I noted ment. For a long time the Taoiseach managed to what she stated regarding these payments. On 14 deflect criticism but that is no longer the case. He April 2005 she stated, “I hope we will start to became knows as the Teflon Taoiseach but this make repayments towards the end of the year, culture has pervaded the Government in a corros- beginning in autumn. . .”. That referred to Aut- ive way. The Taoiseach’s attitude is not working umn 2005. We now hear it will be July and into any longer and, generally, the Government is the Autumn of this year before these repayments feeling the heat. The Minister for Justice, are made. It shows more lethargy, delay and pre- Equality and Law Reform, about whom there is varication. a touch of a school boy, uses a silly phrase in this Even when the Minister acts quickly, she does regard. However, support for both Government not get it right. When she introduced legislation parties has slumped but that was inevitable given their record. If there were ministerial account- after this scandal was unearthed, she refused to ability — I do not only refer to the former Mini- accept that constitutional issues were raised. It ster for Health and Children, Deputy Martin — was as if a pigheadedness drove her and she con- the public at least would feel a sense of security tinued regardless of the best advice given by this that some principle remained within politics and side of the House. Fortunately, the President the Government. referred the legislation to the Supreme Court The costs that have been added unnecessarily where it was struck down quickly and new legis- by privatising the process are questionable. Why lation had to be introduced. Even when she was a process embarked on to employ a private speeds up, the Minister does not seem to be suc- company to manage a simple set of procedures? cessful or productive. What is the big deal? Not only did the Govern- On a number of occasions, Deputy Twomey ment hire a private company, the company raised the issue of the rights of elderly people in tendered late and the process was repeated so the private nursing homes. I agree with him that it is company could win the contract worth \15 mil- important to hear the Government’s view on this lion. The appeals process cost \33 million and, issue. The previous Ombudsman, Kevin Murphy, therefore, a total of \48 million will be paid for produced a report in which he clearly stated that administration alone. We do not need to spend in his view a sizeable cohort of people are entitled money like that. The Civil Service has spare capa- to free care. Kevin Murphy came before the city. As Deputy Twomey pointed out, 400 Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children officials in the Department of Agriculture and and I remember asking about this matter. It was Food processed very complex payments, which clearly flagged and that was quite a number of were abolished following the introduction of the years ago. Mr. Murphy left office clear in his own single payment scheme. The Department of mind that this was the case. Social and Family Affairs made repayments when Since then, we have not heard from the the European Union decided that married Government what is its position or what is the women were being discriminated against. The advice of the Attorney General. What we do then Minister for Social Welfare, Proinsias De know is that cases are going through the courts Rossa, did not need to hire a private company as and eventually the courts will make a decision a crutch on which to lean. Payments of much and the Government will react. At that stage, greater amounts are made by the Department of another bill must be paid which, because of pro- Social and Family Affairs as a matter of course. longed inaction, will be higher than it should be. 1235 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1236

[Ms McManus.] of quality of life services which elderly people Debating an Estimate such as this also raises require. One may wait eight or nine months for a other issues regarding the care of the elderly. visit from an occupational therapist to approve Many people were shocked by the extremely a disabled person’s grant. That is the reality at revealing RTE programme on Leas Cross. We community level and it must be addressed. Mean- tend not to think too much about what happens while, we put this money aside to pay our debts. within nursing homes. Many nursing homes are excellent. My mother lived in a nursing home for Mr. Gogarty: I wish to share time with a number of years and I pay tribute to all those Deputies O´ Caola´in and Connolly. I speak on who looked after her. They did a wonderful job. behalf of my colleague, Deputy Gormley, the However, without proper scrutiny we do not health spokesperson of the Green Party, Com- have the confidence to state in all cases our eld- haontas Glas, who has raised the issue of con- erly are well looked after in nursing homes. I will ditions in nursing homes and patient care for quote the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and many years. He has called for more emphasis on Children again. On 31 May 2005 she stated, “The community care, an issue I will return to. relevant Bill to establish the social services My party welcomes the provision of the Sup- inspectorate on a statutory basis to deal with both plementary Estimate; that principle is established. private and public nursing homes will be pub- We are concerned, however, about the wider lished later this year”. The reality is this has been implication in terms of the delay, the fact the subsumed into another Bill and we have yet to President had to determine the position for the see it. Inspections with prior notice to nursing people, and the principle now established of eld- home owners are not good enough. Inspections erly people having to pay for their own care. That of public nursing homes are in-house in the sense is wrong. I have said previously in the House that they are not examined by an independent body. whatever about the measures being put in place That is not good enough. to pay for the money stolen in the past, there is a I do not want to pre-empt any investigation but wider problem in terms of what happens in the in a recent case, Hannah Comber regrettably future. I will not go into that now because my slipped in a chair and died from being choked by time is limited. a restraining belt. A group has been established My colleague, Deputy Gormley, asked me to to investigate that case and I welcome that inves- raise a number of issues, one of which is com- tigation. However, it seems indicative that all is munity care, which he described to me yesterday not right in terms of ensuring the elderly are pro- as being in a shambles. I am aware of that also in tected. I note a social worker is not in the group. my constituency. The position appears to be that The point was made to me that clear guidelines one hand of bureaucracy does not necessarily are required on the use of restraining belts and know what the other is doing. There is no co- restraints in psychiatric institutions or nursing ordination. For example, a relative of an elderly homes. That point has certain validity. The Irish patient who is in need of some community care Association of Social Workers produced an ethi- was told she would have to wait up to four years cal statement on the use of restraints in residen- before she could be assessed by an occupational tial hospital and institutional care settings. The therapist to determine if she would qualify to statement sets out clearly a framework whereby apply for a grant to install a shower. Thankfully, the use of restraints can be permitted in an ethical that case was sorted out fairly quickly. We found way which is protective of the patient. Will the out that if the person is over 80 the waiting list is Minister examine that short document to see a year, not four years. This individual, miracu- whether these measures, which I imagine are lously, found out that she would be served within commonplace when dealing with frail people or five or six weeks. I am delighted the highlighting within the psychiatric services, are appropriate? of that issue helped in some small way but there Reference must be made to another issue when are similar cases throughout the country where a discussing care for the elderly, which is com- lack of funding and targeted resources are affect- munity care and home care packages. This ing elderly people, no more so than in nursing Government promotes itself as one which cares homes. about the elderly. However, currently we have 41 The need for an independent inspectorate for public health nurse vacancies and 100 vacancies public nursing homes was raised earlier by out of 280 public health doctor posts. We have Deputy McManus. There is little point in fewer community nursing beds than we had in informing a nursing home that it is about to be 1997 and has seen a reduction of inspected because everything will be ship shape approximately 60 beds. The reality is that com- during that period, only to return to its normal munity services for the elderly are shrinking. way of operating following the inspection. Compared with Northern Ireland, we are a dis- I was invited to a particular nursing home to grace. Chiropody services are unavailable meet and talk to the constituents living in the because chiropodists are effectively on strike home. It was a very nice day. The residents of the regarding public patients. Chiropodists will not nursing home enjoyed the visit but when it came visit nursing homes and I fully understand why. to following up on the visit I found, from examin- What they are paid is pathetic. These are the type ing the marked register, that not one of the resi- 1237 Vote 40 — Health Service 6 July 2006. Executive (Supplementary) 1238 dents had voted. I suggest that is because the pro- missioner to ensure all necessary measures were prietors of the nursing home were more in place to protect the confidentiality of infor- interested in the photo-shoots and the publicity mation. Many questions arise about all of that surrounding the visit of a candidate but when it and there is fairly universal concern, and not just came to putting their money where their mouth on the Opposition benches. I ask the Minister to is, they did not bother arranging for a bus to bring address it substantively in his closing remarks. the residents to vote. That is just one example of Will the Minister indicate if serious consider- the sort of treatment residents are subjected to in ation was given to the carrying out of this work some nursing homes. by the HSE? What are the working conditions of We need more, smaller, community orientated the people in India who will be doing this out- facilities. I acknowledge the role the Government sourced work? Will Irish taxpayers’ money be has played in some situations but to reiterate on used to the benefit of employers who may be behalf of my colleague, Deputy Gormley, there is exploiting workers with pay and conditions we not sufficient funding. The available funding is would not tolerate in this country? not being targeted in the right areas. There is not The HSE has said it initiated the tendering pro- enough co-operation among various sections cess last July but the initial process was aban- within the Department of Health and Children doned and a second one started in February 2006. and also in terms of the Department of Social, What was the reason for that? That must be Community and Family Affairs. I have more explained. What was the difficulty with the first comments to make but as the time is limited I will tendering process? A reply from the HSE to a pass to my colleague. parliamentary question from the Minister’s col- league in Government, Deputy Glennon, stated Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: Sinn Fe´in will not be that after short-listing 12 expressions of interest, opposing this Estimate. We recognise it is neces- three companies were invited to submit a tender. sary for the long overdue payments to people The HSE further stated: who were wrongly charged for nursing home care The reason that the procurement process and also for their heirs in many cases. We oppose was terminated in 2005 was due to the fact that the referral to the committee without debate. Our one of these tenders arrived late for consider- position has been vindicated by its appearance on ation, a second tender was found to be materi- today’s Order Paper when the issues we raise will ally non-compliant and the third tender was be lost in the welter of all the other issues that materially compliant subject to some minor will be addressed today, the last day of the Da´il issues. With only one tender remaining in con- sitting. tention, it was decided to fold the process and Very serious issues have arisen regarding the to commence a second process with the possi- tendering process for the Health Service Execu- bility of a more competitive market response. tive contract to administer the repayment scheme for people wrongly charged for nursing home The KPMG consortium has confirmed it was care. During the debate on the legislation I raised excluded from the first tendering process because questions about the wisdom of contracting out its submission arrived late. It tendered again this contract to the private sector. Now we find when a second competition took place and was that the firm selected wanted to outsource the successful. Again, it is reasonable that people work to India and that this may be in breach of would ask if the process was abandoned and European Union regulations. Regardless of restarted to ensure the successful tender by whether it is in breach of EU regulations, this is KPMG? yet another farce. It is incredible in the context The Estimate before the House is for the \340 of the nursing home repayment debacle. million due to be refunded this year out of some Questions have also arisen about the way the \1 billion overall due to people who were over- tender was sought. It was reported on 28 June charged. That money must be allocated and paid that KPMG, the private consortium selected by out but we have every right to raise the questions the HSE to administer the refund of nursing that I and other Deputies have raised today. I home charges, is to be paid up to \15 million for hope the Minister will satisfy not only our intent the job. The HSE has confirmed that that figure at getting to the full facts but a much wider does not include value added tax, which means it public interest. will be much more. The HSE has also confirmed that the consortium plans to out-source some of Mr. Connolly: I welcome the opportunity to the work involved in the administration of the speak on this issue. The nursing home charges fia- refunds to India. sco has turned into a major issue but it would When that was first revealed, a question was have been a non-issue if there had been some raised about whether such outsourcing was per- honesty in high places. That is one of the traged- missible under EU regulations and data protec- ies of the whole process because there were tion. The HSE has claimed that EU law facilitates people who knew that what was happening was a the transfer of data outside the EU for processing con or a deceit. While people do not mind paying where certain contract clauses are used. It said it for a bed, they do not like being conned. People I had worked with the Data Protection Com- have met recognise that they do not get anything 1239 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1240

[Mr. Connolly.] the patient will be left in hospital occupying a without paying for it. To add insult to injury, the bed. instruction to the health boards was not to charge Too often we hear of the negative aspects, those creating a sufficiently big fuss, which was a which reflect badly on those working in nursing serious deception and a very shabby way to treat homes. We should acknowledge the brilliant a very vulnerable group of people at the end of work done by a large number of people in nursing their lives. homes. People feel that what happened in Leas Last week the Minister of State, Deputy Sea´n Cross has reflected badly on staff in all nursing Power, made a presentation to the Oireachtas homes, which is not the case. Many very happy Joint Committee on Health and Children during people are in nursing homes. When the Inspector which he referred to different levels of return to of Mental Hospitals was due to visit a psychiatric people. I detected that this might refer to people hospital, it was notified approximately three who had been in mental health institutions or months in advance which gave it the opportunity people of intellectual disability. I would like that to put its best foot forward. Nursing home inspec- issue clarified in the House today. I could not tions should be unannounced and regular. support such differences in repayment. ´ Deputy O Caola´in spoke about outsourcing, Acting Chairman (Mr. O’Shea): I must now put with which I also have major difficulties. When the question. the contract was agreed with the Health Service Executive I have no doubt that no reference was Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: Is there to be a made to the fact that part of the work would be response from the Minister of State? sent to India. We have no way of knowing whether these people are paid 50 cent an hour. Is Acting Chairman: No. That is not included in this another Gama? It sets a precedent which the order of the House. should be addressed. The work is not highly tech- nical. Many students here could do this type of Question put and agreed to. work during the summer and we would keep the money in the country. We cannot let this hap- pen again. Disposal of Shares in Aer Lingus Group plc: Some people who had worked for health Motion. boards left and got their superannuation. When Ms O. Mitchell: On a point of order, I wish to they had to return to work and repay their super- draw the attention of the House to a serious flaw annuation, the health board charged them a com- in the motion before us. On reading the motion pound rate of interest, which was a severe penalty yesterday, I noticed what seemed to be a disparity to those wanting to get back into the workforce between the terms of the motion and what is and wanted to buy back their pension rights. required under the primary legislation. I have People whose money was taken illegally are get- now received three separate sets of legal advice ting repayment which only reflects the consumer confirming that the motion is seriously flawed price index increase. There is a significant differ- and does not comply with what is required under ence between these two cases. I would like some the primary legislation, which states: “The Mini- consistency with the Health Service Executive in ster for Finance may not dispose of any shares in terms of returning money. the Company without the general principles of The issue for most people is getting a nursing the disposal being laid before and approved by home or acute hospital bed when they are sick. If Da´il E´ ireann.” The motion calls for our approval their lives are in danger, they need to be able to of the disposal of the shares and, therefore, any get a bed in an acute hospital. Upwards of 2,000 beds can be occupied by elderly people who are sale that might proceed on the basis of this flawed inappropriately left in general hospitals. A motion would be unlawful. I ask the Minister to general hospital costs approximately \700 per withdraw his motion. day. However, if the patient is transferred to a I had submitted an amendment on behalf of nursing home, \700 would pay for a bed for a Fine Gael yesterday. In view of this flaw in the week. Despite this, we have difficulties with dis- motion, I now wish to submit another amend- charge. Nursing staff know that a significant issue ment, which corrects that flaw. I hope the Acting when elderly patients are clinically fit for dis- Chairman will be willing to accept this amend- charge is where to send them. Should they be sent ment. While I realise it is not normal procedure home? Does the home need repair work? Do the to accept amendments on the hoof like this, it is patients need care hours which will cost? an unusual situation. This is the last slot on the Obviously it would be much cheaper and more last day of the Da´il session. satisfactory for patients if that were delivered in their own homes. The major issue is that of sub- Acting Chairman: The order has been agreed vention, which comes from a separate budget to and I intend to proceed with the debate. that for hospitals. In-house fighting takes place in However, I will seek clarification on the issue and the health services. If those responsible for com- the Deputy will receive a response during the munity-based services are not prepared to pay, debate. 1241 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1242

Ms O. Mitchell: May I lay the amended amend- helicopter operation, airframe maintenance and ment with the Chair now? engine overhaul companies, and other business. However, the company was adversely affected Acting Chairman: I would prefer if that were by the economic downturn of the early 1990s done later when we come back to the Deputy and resulting in serious financial losses. A restructur- the Chair will advise her on procedure. ing plan, Strategy for the Future, subsequently referred to as the Cahill plan, was introduced by Ms O. Mitchell: I thank the Acting Chairman. management in 1993 to return the group to profit- Perhaps the Minister might like to respond to ability. The plan entailed an injection of \222.2 the matter. million of new equity by the Government over a three year period and covered all the commercial Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): My and operational areas of the business. In sub- response to the Deputy is very straightforward. sequent years, the company was able to take What I have before me was drafted by all the advantage of the upturn in the industry and per- legal teams involved in the matter. I have no formed strongly. In the period from 1994 to 1999, reason to believe that there is any defect in the Aer Lingus implemented a major disposal of its Government motion, which is fully in accordance non-core assets, including CARA, Aer Turas, with the legislation. PARC and TEAM. The tragic events of 11 September 2001 acted Ms O. Mitchell: Even a non-expert can realise as the catalyst for a further financial crisis. Faced that the Minister is not doing what is required in with major threats to its viability, Aer Lingus the legislation. I find it astonishing that he has implemented a radical survival plan which had such eminent legal advice and could not included the reduction of over 2,000 staff, exten- come up with a motion in line with the terms of sive work practice changes, a pay freeze and the the primary legislation. sale of non-essential assets and remaining non- core subsidiaries. In addition to cutting costs, the Mr. Cullen: What I have before me is the legal company also implemented a new low fare opinion drafted by the legal experts. I am in their strategy and expanded its network within existing hands regarding that interpretation. resources. As a result of the implementation of I move: this plan and the commitment of management That Da´il E´ ireann, pursuant to section 3(5) and employees, the company turned around its of the Aer Lingus Act 2004, approves the dis- financial performance. Since then, the company posal of shares in Aer Lingus Group plc by the has continued to perform well in a particularly Minister for Finance in accordance with section challenging operating environment and has 3(2) of the Aer Lingus Act 2004, the general posted good results for 2005. principles of which were laid before Da´il Aer Lingus has a proud record of success in E´ ireann on 4 July 2006. serving the economic interests of the State. The airline’s history, which has been punctuated by The motion seeks the approval of the House for the need for radical rationalisation measures, the general principles of the disposal of shares in most notably in the 1990s and in the aftermath of Aer Lingus. The Aer Lingus Act 2004 contains a the 2001 terrorist attacks in the US, demonstrates provision requiring the approval of the Da´il for the need for the airline to be able to access equity the general principles of any proposed disposal of to fund growth. shares in Aer Lingus. A document setting out the Repeated calls have been made for the State to general principles was therefore laid before the invest in Aer Lingus. It is true that a State invest- House earlier this week. ment in a State company made in accordance Before addressing the general principles, I with the so-called market economy investor prin- would like to trace some of the background to ciple is capable of surviving a challenge under the the proposed public offering of shares. Aer European Union’s state aid rules. In practice, Lingus was founded by the Government in April however, the application of the principle is not 1936 to provide air services to and from Ireland. straightforward and investments in Aer Lingus From a modest beginning with a single aircraft, cannot be guaranteed to accord with it. The the fledgling airline grew steadily over the follow- guidelines published by the Commission in 1994 ing decades. A significant milestone in 1958 was on the application of the EU treaty provisions the inauguration of transatlantic services to New concerning State aids in the aviation sector states York using a fleet of three leased Lockheed air- the following in the conclusion of its introduction: craft. The 1960s saw the airline take delivery of a fleet of Boeing aircraft and, in the early 1970s, An important element in the Commission’s the iconic Boeing 747 was introduced and, judgement will be the fact that the company throughout the 1980s, continued to service the has already been granted State aid. Therefore north Atlantic. By the early 1980s, Aer Lingus the Commission will not allow further aid had diversified significantly. Its subsidiaries unless under exceptional circumstances, included hotels, a computer processing company, unforeseeable and external to the company. personnel and project management services, a Moreover, given the fact that Article 222 of the 1243 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1244

[Mr. Cullen.] Against this backdrop, the Government’s stra- Treaty is neutral with regard to property tegic aim for Aer Lingus is to ensure the company ownership, the Commission cannot impose the has access to sufficient resources over the long privatization of an airline as a condition of the term to enable it to compete successfully and State aid. However, the participation of private develop its business as market opportunities risk sharing capital will be taken into account emerge and to give it the strength in its balance in the Commission’s analysis. sheet to withstand industry downturns and exter- It will be recalled that the capital injection of nal shocks, both of which are recognised features \222.2 million, which was made by the State in of the airline industry. the company as part of the 1993 Cahill plan, had To provide the company with this certainty, I to be approved in advance by the European Com- brought proposals to Government last May on its mission and this approval was given on the under- investment requirements and future ownership standing that the investment would not be structure. These proposals took account of con- repeated. Any further State investment in Aer sultations with the trade unions in line with the Lingus could therefore be expected to be the sub- terms of Sustaining Progress. In its decision, the ject of a critical appraisal by the European Com- Government agreed to a reduction in the State’s mission. Challenges could also be brought before shareholding in Aer Lingus, while retaining a sig- the European Court of Justice by other member nificant stake of at least 25.1% to protect key states, airlines or even ferry companies. strategic interests, provided that the Minister for In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 2001 Finance and I are satisfied that this level of and the ensuing aviation industry downturn, it reduction is warranted on foot of the analysis pre- was clear from contacts with the European Com- pared by our advisers for the IPO. mission that the prospect of approval for a Following the Government’s decision, the Government investment to support the survival Minister for Finance and I appointed financial plan was remote, even though it was argued that and legal advisers to advise us on the most appro- there was compelling evidence that an investment priate investment transaction mechanism for Aer would satisfy the market economy investor prin- Lingus and the scale and timing of the proposed ciple. The rules pertaining to State aid are com- transaction. The advisers reported to us at the plex and give rise to issues, such as approval and end of last year. On the basis of the advice we susceptibility to legal challenge, which do not received, we brought proposals to Government apply to private sector investments. Even if an on 4 April for the implementation of an invest- investment by the Government in Aer Lingus ment transaction for Aer Lingus. Arising from withstood scrutiny, there could be no guarantee that meeting, we are proceeding on the following that this would always be the case. This absence basis. In line with the Government’s decision of of certainty in regard to the access to funds hin- May 2005, the Government intends to reduce its ders the ability of Aer Lingus to prepare effective shareholding in Aer Lingus while retaining a sig- business plans and puts it at a disadvantage in a nificant stake. The company will also issue new very competitive industry. shares to fund business development through an In these circumstances, even if competing initial public offering of the company’s shares on priorities facilitated Exchequer investment in Aer the Stock Exchange. The Government will retain Lingus, the possibility of an investment being a minimum stake of 25.1% in the company to made by the Government as and when needed protect the State’s key strategic interests. The without raising state aid concerns would be far transaction is to be implemented as soon as pos- less certain than would be the case if the company sible, subject to Stock Exchange rules and market could access investment through the international conditions. This will provide the company with capital markets. ongoing access to capital on the same basis as its The company’s potential to expand in existing main competitors and give it the means to and new markets improved markedly as a direct develop and grow in coming years to the benefit result of its turnaround and improvement in com- of the airline’s consumers and staff and the econ- petitiveness. The company has identified a range omy as a whole. of new and exciting opportunities for expansion Throughout the process, the importance of sec- and has launched a large number of new Euro- uring the support of Aer Lingus workers has been pean routes over the past few years. More to the forefront of our minds. I met the trade recently, it inaugurated its first ever east bound unions on a number of occasions over the past long-haul service to Dubai. The potential for year with regard to the future of Aer Lingus and growth has brought sharply into focus the need met them twice in the month before I finalised for new funding to finance business expansion. the proposals for a transaction. I am aware of the Recent history has shown that the airline busi- concerns of many staff in Aer Lingus with regard ness is becoming increasingly competitive and to the proposed IPO, particularly in respect of some well-known airlines have gone to the wall. issues such as job security and pensions. The emergence of a significant number of low However, I am confident these issues can best be cost carriers has brought new challenges to tradit- secured in the context of a strong, growing and ional industry structures and assumptions. competitive company. 1245 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1246

Arising from my consultations with the trade participation by members of the public in the unions, Aer Lingus management was mandated share offer. The allocations of shares to insti- to engage with the trade unions with a view to tutional and retail investors will be decided on addressing the issues identified by the unions. the basis of the demand for the shares established There has been an intensive process of engage- by the underwriters for the IPO. ment and a range of proposals have been tabled The process of offering shares for sale will com- and discussed to address the concerns expressed. mence with the issue of a prospectus. The pros- The proposals include measures pertaining to job pectus will include a price range for the shares, security, pensions and the ESOT shareholding. although the IPO share price could ultimately be There is now a basis for bringing these matters to above or below this range. Following the launch a satisfactory conclusion in the near future. of the offer, the underwriters will market shares I will now discuss the general principles of the to institutional investors in Ireland, the rest of IPO. For legal reasons, I am restricted in what I Europe and the United States and to Irish stock- can say about Aer Lingus and its business at this brokers acting as intermediaries for retail inves- stage in the privatisation process. Accordingly, as tors. These institutions then submit competing required by the Act, I am seeking the approval of bids to buy shares. Following this marketing or the House for the general principles of the sale. I bookbuilding process the Minister for Finance, in have clearly indicated in the general principles consultation with me and the company, will agree laid before the House that the Minister for Fin- the IPO share price with the underwriters. ance intends to dispose of a number of shares in The proceeds to the Government will depend Aer Lingus by way of an initial public offering. entirely on the number of shares disposed of and At the same time the company intends to issue the price per share. The proceeds will be paid into new shares to raise fresh equity for the business the Central Fund of the Exchequer. The com- to fund development. The shares will be listed on pany’s equity requirements, including require- the Irish and UK stock exchanges. As a practical ments for pension agreements, will be met matter in flotations of this nature, many of the through the issue of new shares as distinct from details will not be decided until much closer to the sale of the Government’s shares. The exact the IPO date and some issues such as the defini- amount of new equity to be raised by the com- tive offer price range and the exact structure of pany will be decided just before the IPO, having the offer will not be decided upon until closer to the marketing process. regard to its anticipated requirements and market demand for the shares. The primary objective of the share offer is to allow Aer Lingus to raise funds to ensure that it A shareholding of over 25% is significant has the financial strength to fund business under the provisions in company law, notably in development and to withstand the external enabling such a shareholder to prevent a compul- shocks and industry downturns that are a recog- sory takeover of 100% of a company and in deny- nised feature of the aviation industry. The possi- ing the remaining shareholders the ability to pass bility of raising new equity also affords the com- special resolutions. Examples of such resolutions pany the opportunity to address the concerns of are making changes to the memorandum and the Aer Lingus trade unions and workers arising articles of association. As a major shareholder, from the funding of the company’s main pension the State will also have representation on the scheme. board and thereby the opportunity to influence The Government is committed to selling shares key decisions subject to the fiduciary duties of so that a majority of the shares in Aer Lingus will directors. be held by institutional and private investors after Consideration has been given to the possible the transaction is completed. Without a commit- need for further safeguards over strategic ment to ensuring that a majority share of the interests in the context of the disposal of a company will be held by the private sector it majority shareholding in the company. London would be more difficult for the company to raise Heathrow Airport currently serves an important equity through the issue of shares. The Minister role in ensuring connectivity to and from Ireland. for Finance and I will decide on the actual The scarcity value of slots at Heathrow could give number of shares to be sold at a date much closer rise to the possibility of decisions being taken in to the IPO itself and this decision will take the commercial interest of Aer Lingus that are account of considerations such as market con- not in Ireland’s strategic interest. On the other ditions and the level of demand. The State will hand it must be acknowledged that the import- retain a shareholding of at least 25.1% with a ance of Heathrow as an international hub for view to protecting strategic interests. Ireland is expected to decline as other hubs such The offer structure will be an institutional offer as Amsterdam, Paris and Dubai gain in import- to both domestic and international institutions, ance. It will also become less relevant as the including institutions in Europe and the United range of destinations to which direct services States. In addition, there will be an offer through from Ireland are available increases and as financial intermediaries in Ireland. A minimum Dublin evolves as a hub airport in its own right. application amount of \10,000 will be set for The Government has mandated the Dublin Air- retail investors in Aer Lingus which will facilitate port Authority to proceed with a significant capi- 1247 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1248

[Mr. Cullen.] be exercised solely by the Government would be tal investment programme, including in particular regarded by the Commission as a special right the development of terminal 2 for this purpose. that would be challenged before the European I am optimistic about the potential for new Court of Justice. This is the reasonable and long-haul services both to the east and west and balanced approach to providing safeguards for I am in discussions with Singapore and Thailand Heathrow services while respecting the legal con- on new bilateral agreements. Aer Lingus is not straints of the treaty rules and the need for the subject to any obligation to provide services to company to protect its financial welfare. Heathrow Airport. It is doing so on a purely com- The final decisions with regard to the imple- mercial basis, as is the privately owned British mentation of the transaction will be sensitive to Midland. This speaks volumes about the commer- market considerations. The draft prospectus cial value of such services. relating to the company and the IPO will be Nevertheless, measures must be taken to lodged as soon as possible this month. The neces- ensure that sufficient slots are available for sary regulatory approvals under the prospectus services between Ireland and Heathrow to pre- rules will be completed over the summer period. serve access to the global network of connections The offer period will commence once the pros- available at Heathrow. New articles of associ- pectus is issued and is expected to last a number ation, adopted by the company as part of the IPO of weeks. This will depend on market conditions process, will, for the purpose of providing the and the level of demand. I expect this transaction required safeguard, provide that sales of slots at to be completed before the end of September. London Heathrow would be subject to a share- Certain issues have been identified by the trade holder’s resolution. In accordance with company unions as the key concerns of staff in Aer Lingus law, these provisions of the articles of association regarding the IPO. As well as engaging with the could not subsequently be changed if opposed by trade unions under the terms of Sustaining Pro- the State as a 25.1% shareholder in the company. gress prior to the Government decision last year It is intended to provide that a resolution relat- to proceed with an investment transaction for ing to the sale of slots may not be adopted if it is Aer Lingus, I met with the trade unions on a opposed by a defined percentage of shareholders. number of occasions earlier this year. The trade This percentage will be set at a level some 5% or unions identified the key concerns of staff as pen- so in excess of the Government’s retained share- sions, job security and dilution of the employee holding. In effect this mechanism will enable the shareholding with new shares being issued in the State with the support of other shareholders, or company. I then mandated the company to of a significant shareholder such as the employee engage with the trade unions to address these share ownership trust, ESOT, to block a slot sale concerns. Discussions between the company and that is against Ireland’s strategic interests. the trade unions on these issues are continuing It will also be necessary to set out the criteria and I am confident that these can be brought to that will be applied in considering any resolution a satisfactory conclusion soon. relating to the sale of slots. The criteria will While pension issues are primarily a matter for ensure sufficient services between the State air- the company and the staff, the Minister for Fin- ports and Heathrow to allow passengers connect ance and I stated that we were open to the com- throughout the course of the day with key long- pany using part of the proceeds from issuing new haul destination flights to and from Heathrow. shares in the IPO to supplement the funding posi- The connectivity requirements in each case would tion in the company’s pension scheme as an take account of services provided on the relevant element of an overall solution on funding involv- routes by other carriers and would also take ing increased employer and employee contri- account of the evolution of connectivity to and butions. The position of pensioners will also be from Ireland from other hubs, particularly Paris, addressed in any solution that is agreed. The final Amsterdam and Dubai. Exceptions to this would figure will be reached in measures to address the be allowed in the case of services that are loss- concerns of workers. The potential to raise funds making and not expected to return to profitability through the IPO process presents an opportunity and in respect of short-term leasing arrangements for both the company and staff to supplement the for slots. funding of the company’s main pension scheme There is no proposal to have a golden share, and in this way create a far healthier position namely, a provision for a Government veto over which is in the best interests of both the company company decisions that is not based on the and staff. Government’s shareholding and the associated I will now turn to the issue of the level of the voting rights under company law. Golden share employees’ shareholding in Aer Lingus and the arrangements have been found to run counter to potential impact of the IPO on that shareholding. EU law. The proposed approach to safeguarding The employee share ownership trust, ESOT, in slots has been developed following consultations Aer Lingus currently holds approximately 12.4% with the European Commission concerning the of the shares in the company while existing and treaty rules relating to free movement of capital. former employees hold approximately 2.5% of It is evident from these consultations that a pro- the shares. The issue of new shares by the com- tection mechanism for Heathrow slots that could pany in the IPO process will have the effect of 1249 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1250 reducing the proportionate shareholding in the Transport Council subject to sufficient progress company by the ESOT and employees. This by the US side on opening up ownership and con- reduction in proportional shareholding will not, trol of US airlines to EU investors. The formal of itself, dilute the value of this shareholding. US process of changing its ownership and control Rather, the value is likely to be enhanced as a rules was expected to be concluded early in 2006 result of the IPO both because of the provision so that a final decision could be taken at the June of new equity to the company and the increase in Transport Council. However, the rule-making the liquidity of the company’s shares. process has been extended and is now expected The terms of the existing ESOT agreement to be concluded in August and the matter will be which was negotiated a short number of years ago considered by the October Transport Council. in view of a potential third party investment, As part of the EU-US deal I met with US Sec- provide for substantial safeguards against dilution retary for Transportation, Mr. Norman Mineta, of the ESOT’s shareholding. The company is cur- on 9 November 2005 to negotiate transitional rently consulting with trade unions and the ESOT arrangements for Shannon which were included on further measures to counter potential dilution. in the EU-US text. This provided that the 1:1 This process does not entail, as speculated upon Shannon stop requirement, that is, one stop at in some sectors of the media, the granting of free Shannon for every stop at Dublin, would change shares to the ESOT. I understand there has been to 1:3 for the period November 2006 to end active dialogue on all of these issues and that a March 2008, after which the Shannon stop considerable level of progress has been made to requirement would end. During the transitional date. The company is making every effort to period access to three additional US destinations bring the outstanding matters to a satisfactory would be allowed. conclusion in a timely manner. It has been agreed that these transitional I wish to set out briefly the position on the measures will take effect at the end of October if negotiations between the EU and the US on an the necessary political agreement is reached at aviation agreement. the Transport Council earlier that month. The opportunities that an open skies agreement will Ms Shortall: On a point of order, how long is present will complement the possibilities for the Minister’s speaking slot? expansion of services from Ireland in an east bound direction as well. An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: The House The legal framework for the IPO and sale of ordered 15 minutes. shares in Aer Lingus and related matters is pro- vided for in the Aer Lingus Act 2004. Some parts Ms Shortall: He has taken almost 20 minutes. of the Act have already been commenced. I pro- pose to make arrangements for commencement Mr. Cullen: I have a page left. of the appropriate parts of the Act as and when required to implement the IPO. Most of the pro- Ms Shortall: We all wish to contribute on this visions will only need to be commenced immedi- and several other Members wish to speak later. It ately before implementation of the IPO. is unfair of the Minister to monopolise the time. Legal advisers to the Minister for Finance and I have made clear that financial securities laws Mr. Cullen: I am trying to set out all the details restrict the release of important information for the Deputy’s benefit. about Aer Lingus. Failure to observe the pub- licity restrictions could require postponement of Ms Shortall: The Minister is taking double the the offering or result in civil or criminal penalties. time he was allocated. I am advised that no opinions or speculation should be given concerning the success of the flo- Mr. Cullen: There is another two hours to tation or about the business, financial condition debate the motion. or future prospects of Aer Lingus. The prospec- Ms Shortall: I have no objection to the Minister tus to be issued of the transaction will set out speaking at length. We wish to hear some expla- comprehensively its investment case for shares in nations but other Members wish to speak. Aer Lingus. I commend the motion to Da´il E´ ireann. Mr. Cullen: I accept that. Ms O. Mitchell: I move amendment No. 1: Ms Shortall: The Minister insisted on the In the last line after “2006” to insert the guillotine at 4 p.m. If he is prepared to allow the following: debate to run on later, that is fine but it is unfair “, and furthermore, Da´il E´ ireann resolves of the Minister to take an undue amount of time. that— Mr. Cullen: In November 2005 EU and US — the Minister for Finance shall gain the negotiators concluded work on the text of a first approval of Da´il E´ ireann before phase EU-US open skies agreement. The text was allowing any reduction of the State’s unanimously endorsed at the December 2005 shareholding in Aer Lingus Group plc 1251 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1252

[Ms O. Mitchell.] and, finally, sheer petulance, when the Taoiseach below the 25.1% referred to in the refused to be pushed into a sale by a management general principles; increasingly desperate for a decision, took the initiative from a Government simply unwilling or — any approval granted by Da´il E´ ireann unable to make a decision. for the general principles of the disposal The Government lost the best airline manage- of shares in Aer Lingus Group plc shall, ment team in Europe. It was forced into another if not acted upon, expire within four year long delay while new management was months of the passing of this resol- found and got established. In the meantime, ution; and market conditions deteriorated, the price of air- — all shares in Aer Lingus Group plc to planes escalated, the price of fuel went through be issued or placed in the initial public the roof, other competing airlines positioned offering shall be valued and sold at an themselves on the best routes to the best desti- equal unit price per share to all inves- nations, restructuring at Aer Lingus stalled and tors and there shall be no price differen- the cost base of the airline grew to 50% more tial or distinction made between those than that of the average European airline. shares, the proceeds of the sale of which Desperation set in and the Taoiseach, who will go to the central fund of the Exchequer, do anything for a quiet life, sent word to the man- and those shares, the proceeds of the agement that it was to buy peace at any price. sale of which go to Aer Lingus Group That is precisely what the management did, with plc.” a generosity with the taxpayers’ asset that leaves us reeling. I am not the only one questioning if it I had hoped to withdraw this amendment and makes sense to pay \250 million to employees for submit a new amendment based on the flaw I permission to raise \400 million. It certainly identified earlier but I understand that is not per- devalues the airline in the eyes of a potential missible. I ask the Minister to consider what I say investor and even the employees must be won- before 4 p.m. and not to proceed with the motion dering if this package, with all its hostages to as published. fortune, is really in their long-term interests. Fine Gael has always believed that Aer Given that introduction, we can be forgiven for Lingus’s best interests are served by allowing it being a little wary of giving our unmitigated sup- access to private capital and the commercial free- port to the sale. With considerable prescience, we dom to respond quickly and appropriately to the were wary in 2004 when the Aer often volatile market conditions in the aviation 2 o’clock Lingus Act was passed. At that time sector. This is not an ideological position or Fine Gael requested that what would decision, it is purely practical. We are aware of amount to a White Paper in all but name be the extremely competitive, volatile and difficult presented to the House for detailed debate and environment in which any airline now operates, that this debate would take place early enough in subject to external shocks, local and global politi- the process to allow an input into the decision- cal conditions, natural disasters and fuel price making process. It was envisaged that there fluctuations, over none of which any airline has would be a comprehensive analysis of the poten- control regardless of whether it is in the public or tial gains and losses of a sale, if the gains would private sector. outweigh the losses or vice versa, identification of We do not believe private ownership is the the extent of the losses, for instance, in terms of panacea for a successful airline. There are no the country’s strategic interests, and how those guarantees but we believe that Aer Lingus’s best interests could be protected. The Minister of the chance to survive and prosper lies in private day thought this condition entirely reasonable, ownership. It is already competing with airlines saying: that have access to private capital and that can respond to rapidly changing market conditions I will produce a paper laying out the Govern- without reference to a lethargic, ponderous and ment’s position and the position of the com- cautious political system. We should not spancel pany in good time to allow for discussion on it or disadvantage Aer Lingus vis-a`-vis the other before finalisation of proposals for change of airlines with which it must compete. ownership . . . It is appropriate that any such However, from a position of support in prin- paper be published in time to make a differ- ciple we are now asking, as are many members of ence as opposed to it being published when the die is cast . . . There are serious issues, and it the public, if this sale makes any sense and is my intention to address them in the position whether it is, in fact, a sale or just a giveaway. It paper about which I am talking. I will produce is difficult to conceive of a less propitious prep- it in good time for members to consider it and aration for an IPO. Time and again, indecision, make a serious input into the process. lethargy and procrastination postponed a decision until the timing, the most crucial variable in a flo- That never materialised, no strategic analysis was tation, was no longer in the Government’s con- ever produced of why we were selling Aer Lingus trol. Foot and mouth disease, the events of 11 or how we would go about it while protecting our September 2001, a general election, a fuel crisis strategic interests. The Da´il has had no input into 1253 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1254 the nature of the sale. To compound that breach raised for the Exchequer. That is basic of faith, the general principles document, which information. the Minister agreed would be the basis for giving The share price will be determined by the us all the information, is an insult to the Da´il and amount needed to be raised by the new share to the taxpayers who own this company. issue. Raising the required capital for Aer Lingus The principles outlined here are nothing more is naturally a vital concern, but concern for Aer than an outline of the procedure to be followed Lingus should not cloud the Government’s judge- by any company in the placing and issuing of ment about the timing of the issue and about shares. We could get this information from any what would be an acceptable yield to the tax- text book or website. It adds nothing to our payer. I have said before that the Government knowledge and makes it impossible for us to play must have a predetermined floor price below our role as a watchdog for the public. which the sale becomes untenable. It is even worse than that. Not alone does the It is my job to defend and the taxpayers. In Minister tell us nothing, he cannot even get the doing that, I do not want their share of the pro- procedure right. The legislation requires that he ceeds to become the residual, perhaps offered at gets approval for the principles of disposal. They a lower price than the issue price to ensure the must be laid before the House and approved by success of the new issue in raising the target funds the Da´il, but the motion calls for the approval of for the airline. That is not acceptable to me or to the disposal of the shares. Legally the Da´il cannot Fine Gael. We will not tolerate a giveaway or a do that. The motion is not what is required by the fire sale of a national asset which has been legislation and we are bound by that. invested in and supported for more than 70 years In the sorry saga of the sale of Aer Lingus this by the people. We will support a sale, but not a is just another monumental mess — gross incom- sell out or giveaway. petence, gross indifference or gross carelessness. The only control the Da´il can exercise to Worse, it is yet another example of the arrogance prevent a knock-down price for the taxpayer, a of this Government, reflecting the view that the tactic which could be pursued by the Minister to Da´il does not really matter and anything is really ensure a successful new issue for the airline, is to good enough. It is not even necessary to have establish some kind of floor price below which it regard for primary legislation. becomes unacceptable. The Da´il cannot let the This is a dud motion. If the Minister pursues it Minister sell at any price. and clings to belief in its validity, any sale follow- On the other hand, we cannot nominate a floor ing this flawed approval will be unlawful. The price without jeopardising maximising its value. Minister should consider that before we vote on We can, however, demand that the price per this at 4 p.m. It will put PPARS and electronic share to the taxpayer would be no lower than the voting machines in the ha’penny place in terms of price per share to the airline. It may be that the the cost to the taxpayers. If he has faith in his shares will face a buoyant demand and I hope legal advisers, the Minister should go to his that is the case, but I cannot depend on it and my underwriters and ask them if they are willing to job is to be the watchdog of public assets on expose themselves to the loss of huge sums on behalf of the citizens of Ireland of whose asset we behalf of the taxpayer. This will be challenged are now disposing. and, at the very least, a judicial review will be That is one amendment I have submitted. The granted. second amendment also seeks to maximise the If the Minister wants approval today for a value for the taxpayer by ensuring that the sale September sale, he must accept my amendment occurs at the optimum time. Voting for disposal or introduce one of his own before he goes home by the Da´il is not voting for disposal at any price this evening or he will have egg on his face, the and, as the Minister is aware, the price may vary sale will be further delayed and the airline will be dramatically over time. Therefore, it is reason- in jeopardy and further exposed to swings in the able to place a time limit on the approval and notoriously volatile market for airlines. so avoid the pitfall of giving carte blanche to a To say that the principles are vague is to under- Government which may become desperate to sell, state it. There is simply no information on which even at the bottom of the market and at a price the Opposition or Government backbenchers can unacceptable to the shareholders. Therefore, if make an informed decision. We are acting on the Government fails to sell within four months behalf of the real owners of Aer Lingus, the citi- of today, the motion would require fresh Da´il zens of Ireland. If this were a plc sale of shares, approval for disposal. all information about the sale would have to be My final amendment clarifies and leaves out- made available to shareholders at a general meet- side any doubt the requirement to seek Da´il ing so that they could give their approval. We, approval should the Government, of whatever however, get nothing. In a few weeks the prospec- hue, wish to allow the dilution of the State’s tus will give all relevant information to the buyers 25.1% shareholding. This percentage, we are told, but, bizarrely, the seller cannot even be told how is the minimum required to protect our national much is to be sold. We do not know how much is strategic interest. If that is the case and the to be raised for Aer Lingus or how much is to be Government thinks it can guarantee that, it is 1255 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1256

[Ms O. Mitchell.] for our economy that those services are main- reasonable to require a vote of the Da´il if we are tained. The only sure way of doing that is by to abandon that objective. retaining the company in Irish public ownership. The Minister has indicated an intention to The Government’s justification for the sale of change the articles of association to prevent the Aer Lingus is that the airline needs investment so disposal of the Heathrow slots. I am not sure to it can continue to grow. No one denies that the what extent this attempt would be successful in company needs access to capital and we all cer- the longer term, but it is not the disposal of the tainly want to see the company expand. It is slots we should be worried about — the Minister important to note that the capital needs of the has missed the point. Aer Lingus does not own company have never been accurately quantified. the slots and we are not really concerned about Various figures have been tossed about, but at no their disposal. We are concerned about the stage have we seen any business plan setting out transfer of the use of the slots from the base in the investment needs over, say, the next ten Dublin to some other base which might be more years. valuable in future. The Minister should be honest It has been suggested that under the open skies and admit this is a real danger and that in the policy, Aer Lingus will need significant numbers longer term, there is probably little we can do to of new aircraft. We hope that will be the case but prevent it. the reality is that the open skies issue is far from The Minister has come to us with a flawed being resolved and has recently been set back by motion during the last Da´il slot on the last day of resolutions passed by the US Congress. the session. It may now be inconvenient for the We all accept that over the coming years the Government to accept that its motion is simply company will need a certain amount of capital. If not what the legislation calls for and that on an that is the case, however, one must ask why the important issue like this, on the disposal of some- Government is proposing to remove itself as a thing to which every citizen feels some sort of source of capital from the company. That is attachment, the Opposition must be allowed to exactly what it is proposing to do. If Aer Lingus speak and offer some protections for the public. needs capital, it has a number of options. It could We are not being irresponsible. We want a suc- easily borrow, based on its own performance. It cessful sale and a thriving airline. We understand could enter into long-term leases, which is what that sentiment in the market can change over- airlines generally do. Alternatively, the Govern- night and we appreciate commercial sensitivity. ment could invest in the company. We know We comprehend that the price will be set by there is no obstacle to the Government doing market demand at the time of offer and we do this, despite the erroneous impression that some not want to do anything that would jeopardise Government representatives have been trying to attaining the optimum price. However, the public give to the contrary. is entitled, before any sale, to know how much it If this is a good investment for the private sec- is intended to sell, how much it is expected to tor, then it is also a good investment for the raise and to be reassured that in no circumstances public sector. The Labour Party, as well as the will its airline be given away. Irish Congress of Trade Unions, have put forward The amendments I have submitted should go a proposals for a State holding company, a vehicle long way to ensuring that the public can be through which investment could take place while reassured. I ask the Minister to support the also ensuring critical commercial freedom for amendments and, more significantly, not to allow the company. the House to adjourn without considering the The traditional argument for flogging State nature of the flawed motion put before us. The assets has always been that there was a need to Minister has until 4 p.m. to consult his legal raise funds for the Exchequer, but that argument advisers. Otherwise he will be going home with does not hold up anymore because the Govern- serious problems. The Minister will expose the ment coffers are overflowing. The reality is that taxpayer to huge potential losses. The sale of the this right-wing Government is fundamentally airline will be jeopardised and the Minister will opposed to a commercial semi-State sector, and certainly have egg on his face. its motivation in doing this is entirely ideological. So what of the proceeds of this proposed sale? Ms Shortall: In the years to come, today will be What about the promises to invest in the pension seen as a bad day for the country and for Aer fund and new aircraft? We are not getting any of Lingus. Today, the Government is asking the that. The Government proposes to sell off up to House to approve the sell-off of our national air- 60% of Aer Lingus to raise between \300 million line. We all accept Aer Lingus has played a criti- and \400 million. It will take the money and run. cal role in the economy. As an island nation, we In the process there will be a buy-in by private are all heavily dependent on air travel for trade investors who will undoubtedly use the company and tourism. We are fortunate in the services that for their own interests. Private investors will act Aer Lingus has built up so that, as travellers and as private investors always do — they will seek to traders, we have direct access to many desti- get the best possible return on their investment. nations. In addition, we have access to almost In other words, they will try to make as much anywhere in the world, via Heathrow. It is critical money as they possibly can, as quickly as they 1257 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1258 can, and to hell with the consequences. The con- general principles starts with the words, “Pension sequences could, indeed, be very damaging for issues are primarily matters for the company and the company and for all of us who depend on the staff”. When I read that, I knew the Govern- good air transport links. It is quite possible that, ment was washing its hands of the issue. We are as a nation, we will lose control of our air travel told the pension shortfall is to be met through the services, as Aer Lingus becomes merely a vehicle issue of new shares, as well as higher contri- for profiteering, just like Eircom. butions from the company and the workforce. In the general principles, the Minister makes What about all the guarantees and promises that vague references to our strategic interests. He were made in this House by the Minister and the says that “sales or transfers of slots at Heathrow Taoiseach that the pensioners would be looked will be subject to a shareholder’s resolution” and after? that “provision will be made that the resolution will not be passed, if opposed by a defined per- Mr. Costello: Worthless. centage of shareholders”. The Minister goes on to say that “this will enable the State, along with Ms Shortall: Apart from the fact there is no other shareholders, to prevent the disposal of guarantee whatsoever that proceeds from the slots against Ireland’s strategic interests”. This is new share issue will be used to support the pen- patent nonsense. sion shortfall—— Apart from the fact the Minister does not even define the percentage he is talking about, there Mr. Cullen: What the Deputy is saying is are three other pertinent points. First, the EU is untrue. likely to rule against such a so-called controlling share. It is also interesting to note that the Ms Shortall: There is no guarantee of ensuring Government has made no formal approach what- that under a new ownership structure. soever to the European Commission on this issue. Second, while the State may retain a minimum Mr. Cullen: That is untrue. of 25.1% on the initial public offering, there are no proposals whatsoever to protect that share- Mr. Broughan: There is nothing in it. holding from dilution on the proposed new share issue. Mr. Cullen: The Deputies are past masters at playing with people’s jobs and lives. Third, if a mechanism was found to retain that kind of influence, it would so devalue the com- Ms Shortall: In addition to that, there is pany share price as to render this whole exercise nothing about—— worthless. There is no doubt we would end up in a position where the taxpayer was getting bad Mr. Cullen: They are past masters at it. value. This is a figleaf and the Minister should be honest enough to admit it. Mr. Costello: The Minister has renegued on As regards the importance of the Heathrow what he promised. slots, in recent weeks the Minister has spoken about the importance of Dubai becoming a hub, Mr. Cullen: They are past masters at disin- but that does not wash in an Irish context. Who formation. will be travelling via Dubai? It is nonsense when one thinks about it. Ms Shortall: There is nothing whatsoever——

Mr. Broughan: For the horse races. Mr. Cullen: Wrong information is all they have, permanently. Ms Shortall: The horse-racing set may do so, but not ordinary travellers. For most people try- Ms Shortall: ——in this for the existing pen- ing to trade in and out—— sioners and their separate concerns.

Mr. Cullen: Aer Lingus thinks there is a big Mr. Cullen: I am glad the workers know the market to Dubai, and so do other airlines. difference between reality and the Labour Party.

Ms Shortall: ——of this country it is a complete Ms Shortall: On top of that, the staff’s signifi- and utter irrelevance. cant concerns in respect of job security and terms and conditions are far from being resolved. The Mr. Broughan: The Minister might have a tent detail of the general principles before us is sket- there. chy to say the least. One has to ask if the Mini- ster, Deputy Cullen, understands the gravity of Ms Shortall: As far as the promises to look what he is proposing. As recently as 31 May, the after Aer Lingus pensioners are concerned, it Minister told the Joint Committee on Transport, now appears the Government has reneged on “I clearly stated that the proceeds [of the IPO] them also. The Government is walking away from are for investment in Aer Lingus”. When pressed the pension issue entirely. This section in the on this he went on to say, “The reason we are 1259 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1260

[Ms Shortall.] Minister of State, Deputy Noel Ahern and putting Aer Lingus on the market is so the pro- Deputy Carey, Dublin North-West; Deputies ceeds will be invested in the company”. Haughey and Callely, Dublin North-Central; Deputies Martin Brady and Woods, Dublin Mr. Costello: What about that, Minister? North-East, my own constituency; Minister of State, Deputy Brian Lenihan, Dublin West; and Ms Shortall: When asked again what he the 11th member of this shameful team, the intended to do with the proceeds from the sale of Taoiseach, Dublin Central. Those 11 Members the State share, he repeated for a third time, “We have refused to stand up for the economic will invest them in the company”. interests of our region and have betrayed it. I hope the workforce of Aer Lingus, the former Mr. Costello: The Minister should answer that Aer Rianta and now the Dublin Airport Auth- point now. ority, and the 40,000 or 50,000 workers who depend on that region will remember this eight Mr. Cullen: That is correct. or nine months hence and will ensure those seats are filled by representatives who will truly rep- Ms Shortall: Either the Minister simply did not resent the people. know what he was talking about or else he was The three page document with which we were deliberately misleading the committee. I believe presented, which is uninformed and hides behind the former explanation is more likely, given the the scam of “we cannot talk”, or “we cannot give cock-ups he has caused and the wanton waste of you this or that information because of the legal public money he was responsible for concerning requirements of security”, and this disgraceful e-voting. speech leave us no wiser on the future of our great company, Aer Lingus, and its workforce. In Mr. Cullen: Another red herring. some ways, this contribution by the Minister for Mr. Costello: Exactly. Transport, Deputy Cullen, is laughable and ludi- crous in regard to the slots. It appears we will Ms Shortall: Aer Lingus is too important to the have to seek a new hub airport outside of economy and to the country generally to subject Heathrow. This is the Minister’s solution. Effec- it to the kind of incompetence we have become tively we are going to leave Heathrow. The Mini- used to from the Minister and his Cabinet col- ster has admitted we are going to Dubai and, per- leagues. We note that the Joint Committee on haps, we will have the Fianna Fa´il tent at the Transport is in the process of preparing a report Nations Cup in the years ahead. There is no sol- on the implications of the proposed sale and it is ution to the possible loss of these slots. There is entirely premature for the House to second-guess no reference to slot busting which is an important those deliberations. issue for airlines at every airport throughout the The Labour Party has maintained from the world. beginning that the proposal to privatise Aer There is nothing for workers in this. There is Lingus was ill-considered and ill-judged. This nothing in terms of their pension entitlements. move would serve neither the national interest They are being sold a pig in a poke and are being nor the interests of the travelling public. told that, down the road, there will be nego- However, it is clear the Government has not been tiations and that something will be done. There is honest with either the public or the Aer Lingus nothing on dilution. workers. This motion must, therefore, be We are aware that following the privatisation defeated. of Eircom there have been five sales. Eircom workers and its trade union, the Communication Mr. Broughan: Today is a day of shame and Workers Union, have desperately had to betrayal by the Fianna Fa´il Party, especially the retrench, weave and bob in the financial markets Fianna Fa´il representatives of Dublin’s north to try to hold on to their percentage, as they have side, and the Progressive Democrats Party. We done successfully in the latest sale. There have north side representatives in the Labour Party are been five sales and Eircom workers have had a used to those empty seats in Dublin Airport at very uncertain future. various meetings that have been called when The major turnaround in recent years in Aer none of the Fianna Fa´il north side Deputies has Lingus, which came about because of the fer- had the courage to come and explain why they ocious hard work and commitment of the work- believed in selling the workforce of Aer Lingus force, which was halved in size from what it was down the river into a privatised, ruthless world of a few years ago, is what has created a bright capitalism and ensuring, perhaps, that the great future for our State airline. Since I became a economic driver of the region may well be sacri- Member in 1992, it has been their work and sacri- ficed in the future and become a regional airport fices that have created a platform and now the served by regional airlines to a hub at London. Minister has the cheek to come into the House Those Deputies’ names should be noted at the and present this nonsense and lack of detail. outset — we have one in the House at least, I am delighted to have the opportunity to Deputy Glennon; Deputy Wright, Dublin North; reiterate my bitter opposition to the privatisation 1261 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1262 of our national airline, which I enunciated on the Mr. J. Breen: I wish to share time with second day after I became a Member. As an Deputies Finian McGrath, Sargent and Crowe. island people, a key part of our infrastructure The emergence in the mid-west as an advanced must be at least one airline that will service the industrial area has been aided greatly by the national strategic interest. We have before us the emergence and continued development of recent history of many state airlines that have Shannon Airport. The importance of the airport been privatised. There have been the remarkable to companies choosing to base themselves in and cases of countries similar to Ireland, in particular, around Shannon cannot be overstated. In Clare, New Zealand, which had to buy back the com- many companies, in particular American-owned pany, Air New Zealand, many years after priv- ones, have warned about their long-term future atisation. We have also had the experience of the in Ireland in the event of Shannon losing or Eircom privatisation. Throughout the history of reducing its transatlantic services. I would go so the Government there has been the disastrous far as to say that the future of the mid-west, from handling of the sale of strategic national assets to Limerick to to Galway, is dependent on an the private sector. increase of air routes at Shannon Airport and the I commend and salute the Aer Lingus work- continued improvement of the infrastructure in force. It has been promised a pay increase of the area. 3%, lump sum payments of up to \4,400 and a I am proud of the improvements made in the 7.5% profit sharing scheme to be transferred to road network in the mid-west in the past decade. the employee share ownership trust. That is sup- This must continue and I look forward to the posed to prevent their share being diluted from completion of the Ennis bypass in the near future. 14.9%. According to the Minister’s speech and Allied to this, the rail link from Limerick to his perspective, the workforce members are being Galway with a spur link to Shannon must now sold a pig in a poke. Privatisation of state airlines become a priority. There is no point in having an was a device concocted by right-wing parties, such excellent infrastructure in place unless Shannon as the Minister’s and the party from which he was Airport continues to hold its prominent position sprung, the Progressive Democrats Party. It is a in the air traffic industry. device to which the Minister has always It is a source of shame that the staff who helped adhered—— to turn Aer Lingus from a loss-making company in 2001 to the strong position it is in now should Mr. S. Ryan: Hear, hear. suffer. It is their hard work that has made the company an attractive option to privatise. I hope Mr. Broughan: ——and which allows manage- that the mistakes made in the privatisation of ments to destroy trade union representatives to Eircom are not repeated. reduce workers’ pay and conditions and, in this Similarly, I hope the situation at An Post is not case, to turn Aer Lingus into another low wage repeated where staff and pensioners still have not carrier, a yellow pack airline. received the increases due to them under Sustain- ing Progress despite an Post recently announcing Mr. Cullen: If that is the best argument the profits of \40 million. Workers at Aer Lingus Deputy can make, he is already losing the debate. deserve a guarantee that something similar will not happen to them. Mr. Broughan: That is what the Minister has The Government has stated it intends to hold done to one of our strategic national assets. on to a 25.1% share of Aer Lingus in any flo- tation. I would like the Minister to give a commit- Mr. Cullen: Personalisation will not make any ment to maintaining that share in the event of a difference and the Deputy knows that. new share issue and guarantee that the Govern- ment will buy new shares in such an event and Mr. Broughan: It is a disgrace and Deputy not allow its shareholding to diminish slowly. To Glennon and his Fianna Fa´il colleagues from the facilitate regional development, Shannon Airport north side of Dublin who do not have the guts to in the past lost money by deliberately setting be present will reap a bitter harvest whenever the prices too low in an attempt to attract investment, Government calls the day. Whether it is in knowing that the loss could be absorbed by the September or October, we are ready to fight. If high profits made on Dublin based routes. Dublin it is before or after Christmas or in the middle of Airport has now been boosted by the impending June, the Government cannot hide. In the north construction of a second terminal, whereas it side, the Government will pay severely—— would appear Shannon is to be simply cut adrift. An investment plan to secure the future of Mr. P. Power: It is all about electioneering. The Shannon should be put in place immediately Deputy’s position has nothing to do with priv- before any privatisation or disposal. Shannon atisation. Airport had revenue of approximately \95 mil- lion in 2004. To help increase this, the catchment Mr. Broughan: ——for privatising our national area needs to be made more attractive to indus- airline and for attacking our strategic economic try. Along with the Ennis bypass, the rail link asset at Dublin Airport. needs to be fast-tracked and a river crossing 1263 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1264

[Mr. J. Breen.] Lingus. We believe the Government should should be constructed to open up south Limerick invest in the company as a vital national asset. and Kerry to the airport. This would be in the best interests of the airline, The Minister is selling the workers of Aer the workers and the economy. Aer Lingus has Lingus, but I plead with him not to do it. We want proved that a publicly owned company can be Aer Lingus and Shannon and want viable air- both profitable and innovative. The Government ports. The Minister is also trying to sell the airline should consider this before selling off an asset so by the abolition of the bilateral agreement. There vital to the economic security of the State. is no demand on him to do this from America or The regularly repeated view that the European Europe, but he wants to do it because he wants Union would prevent the State from making such to pander to the Dublin lobby as the Government investment is incorrect. EU rules only prevent has done over the years. state investment in loss making state enterprises We had just one friend in Government, Charlie and would not bar us from investing substantially Haughey, who protected Shannon against priv- in Aer Lingus. We see no reason the Government atisation. He would not allow a change to the could not provide the necessary capital by bilateral agreement. The Government, however, investing directly in the company. has sold us out and continues to do so. I plead There is great uncertainty about how much the with the Minister to withdraw this foolish sale will raise, perhaps only \400 million. The proposal. amount raised will certainly fall far short of the \2 billion capital requirement for fleet renewal Mr. F. McGrath: I thank the Chair for the outlined by Dermot Mannion. With no invest- opportunity of speaking on the important issue of ment return to the Exchequer and no clear gain the general principles of the disposal of shares in in the form of better management of the company the Aer Lingus group. I am 100% behind the staff resulting from the flotation, it is difficult to see and pensioners of Aer Lingus. I gave a commit- the advantages of selling Aer Lingus. If the ment to support them on this important issue and Government pushes ahead with the flotation, as it today I stand by that commitment. Unlike other seems determined to do, it must not fail. A failed Deputies, I will not duck or dodge on this flotation, added to the insecurity the Government important matter. I commend and pay tribute to is bringing to Ireland’s position in the world econ- all Aer Lingus pensioners. They are part of the omy, would be a disaster. team that built up the airline and should be I understand the reason many workers are con- looked after in a fair and decent way. cerned about their futures and the future of the According to management and the Minister, airline. There is an air of great uncertainty about the effect of the flotation will be to raise only the flotation. If the Government could not make \400 million out of the \2 billion required for a success of floating Eircom, around which there capital investment and development. That being was an air of certainty, it cannot creditably claim the case, the Government would have to match a that it will make a success of this flotation. Sev- relatively small amount of money as an invest- eral factors exist that create uncertainty and they ment, particularly given that it has committed a seem to indicate that a flotation now is a reck- significantly larger sum of \34.4 billion to road less decision. and rail infrastructure under Transport 21. As is In September 2005, Senator Mary O’Rourke well established by virtue of EU competition said: “I have a gut feeling it won’t go ahead at rules since at least 1984, and subsequently the end of next year because we’ll be within three recently further clarified on foot of queries by a to four months of a general election”. I doubt the number of MEPs, the State is well capable of Government’s commitment to a successful flo- making such an investment on the market inves- tation, as do many workers and potential inves- tor principle within EU rules. tors. The Government’s priority is to cover its An alternative, which I support, was offered by own backside. the ICTU in the State holding company proposal, The Taoiseach’s attempt to ride two horses at but it has been effectively brushed aside without the same time by pushing for the flotation behind discussion by the Department of Finance. Never- the doors of the Cabinet room and publicly criti- theless, to date, no detail has been offered by the cising those who were planning a similar fate for Government as to the size of the retained share- the airline is disingenuous. While trying to hedge holding — conversely the amount to be divested his bets politically, he is undermining the chances — other than a commitment to retain a minimum of a successful flotation. Following two years of of 25.1%. prevarication, the Government’s lack of commit- I am opposed to the sale of our national airline, ment to its policy is creating further uncertainty. Aer Lingus. It would be bad for workers, the Major industrial relations issues, including the economy and damaging to the national interest. I pensions’ fund deficit, which affects many people urge all Deputies to support the Aer Lingus staff who built up the airline during a period of high and come out against privatisation. taxation — 60% in many cases, pay and staffing levels and the retention of employees’ shares Mr. Sargent: The Green Party has already have yet to be settled. How are workers expected stated its position on the privatisation of Aer to support a flotation with these issues still up in 1265 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1266 the air? Why should investors feel any confidence Mr. S. Ryan: When did the Government ever before they are settled? It is unreasonable to ask give it any money or put any equity into it? me as a representative of many Aer Lingus workers in north Dublin to support the flotation Mr. Sargent: The Minister should know that all before these issues are resolved. public transport is subsidised. I urge the Govern- As I said yesterday during the debate on social ment to pay heed to the current conditions and partnership, energy is the economy. There has to re-examine the retention of Aer Lingus as a already been speculation among stockbrokers strategic asset. If the Government is to close Aer and investors that rising oil prices may scupper Lingus, I urge it not to jeopardise its prospect the flotation. Some have said that if oil prices further for its own political purposes and to be even approach $80 a barrel, the flotation will be honest about the amount of control over Ireland’s in danger. Oil prices are currently above $72 a economic well-being that the Government is sur- barrel. rendering on behalf of the taxpayer. I ask The recent difficulties with the Air Berlin flo- Members to oppose the motion. tation demonstrate the power of oil prices. It had to go to the market with a reduced IPO and its Mr. J. Breen: I will oppose it. value has fallen 12% since its flotation last Mr. Crowe: This is both an historic and a sad month. Ryanair is down 13% since the beginning day. I have had telephone calls today from some of the year. In the past two months, Lufthansa is very upset Aer Lingus workers. It is a disgrace down 7.5%, SAS is down 30% and Iberia is down that we were informed of the sell-off by means 12%. Aer Lingus has only hedged 51% of its oil of a leak to the newspapers. The feelings of the exposure until the end of the year. Therefore, it workers were not taken into account, many of is exposed, as is the country. whom have given the best part of their lives to Other factors will influence the success of the trying to make a successful airline of Aer Lingus. flotation. The US Department of Justice’s investi- They have made many sacrifices over the years. gation into alleged cartel activity by the airlines, This Government in its wisdom leaked a story to including Aer Lingus, is yet to conclude. There a newspaper. This is how the workers found out has been a delay in agreeing a new open skies about their future. It is a scandal and a disgrace. agreement and there is increasing competition Sinn Fe´in has been consistent in its opposition to coming down the line for Aer Lingus on long the privatisation of our national airline. I express haul routes. Sinn Fe´in’s solidarity with those Aer Lingus It is not only about the success of the airline workers who are justifiably concerned about the that we must be concerned. This is a matter of future of their jobs. national economic security. Ireland is an island The Government has arrogantly pushed ahead nation and a globalised nation and transport is with its privatisation ideology. I have not heard critical for our economic security. We have yet any business plan and no real argument about the to receive a guarantee that the Government can sale of the national airline. Rumblings of oppo- secure the airline’s slots in Heathrow. With a sition to the sale have been heard. Many Fianna minority shareholding the Government will not Fa´il councillors in Dublin and beyond have sup- be able to give such guarantees, but there have ported motions at council level against the sale of been plenty of attempts to obfuscate this fact. our national airline and some members of Fine How will the Government address in its Gael have also been supportive. aviation policy the peak in oil production? How This issue highlights the unworkable coalition does surrendering its ambitions for Aer Lingus of Fine Gael and the Labour Party, with the contribute to this? A strategic approach to Labour Party against privatisation and Fine Gael Ireland’s medium term transport and economic in favour of it. Many workers are wondering what they will do in coalition. needs is vital. I have suggested to the Taoiseach that he should establish a Cabinet sub-committee Mr. S. Ryan: The Deputy need not worry about on peak oil to consider the impact of peak oil us. Sinn Fe´in should look after itself. on the economy, including the aviation sector and aviation dependent industries. I repeat that Mr. Crowe: This privatisation will only work suggestion now. for the benefit of a few. The general travelling I urge the Government to look at the experi- public and Aer Lingus workers will undoubtedly ence of another island nation. New Zealand’s lose out. The country and the taxpayers who have national airline was privatised, went bankrupt invested in the company over the years will also and was bought back by the state within a decade lose out. Aer Lingus is the property of the Irish at twice the price. It is now a successful publicly people and it should remain so. It is a profitable owned airline. State asset, not a liability. It was valued this week The Government does not have a mandate for at \1.1 billion. Aer Lingus is not a burden on the the sale of Aer Lingus. State and it can continue to make money for the people. Despite the negative media and Govern- Mr. Cullen: It is a heavily subsidised airline. ment spin, the future of Aer Lingus should not 1267 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1268

[Mr. Crowe.] Some would have us stay in the safety of the be bleak. It has a lower cost base than many of past. Aer Lingus management and workers have its competitors and made an operating profit last served the country well for many years. The old year of more than \70 million. It has continued model of giant carriers, slow decision making and to open up new routes and increase passenger lack of competitiveness may have worked in the numbers. It has an exceptional workforce who past but to stay there would be to abdicate care dearly about their company and its future. our responsibilities and ignore new aviation As an Irish republican, I believe that compan- practices. ies such as Aer Lingus should remain in public The aviation business is governed by its cyclical ownership and be administered effectively in the nature and by competitiveness. I refer to Ryanair, interests of the people. It should be used for the which is a home-grown airline. Like may others I benefit of the people, not sold off to a few inves- have had difficulties and problems with Ryanair. tors whose main interest will be profit and who However, the people of this country have voted may well ride roughshod over the rights of the with their tickets and with their e-mails in ever workers. Unknown to themselves, taxpayers have increasing numbers. They subscribe to an airline \ already invested 27 million in airlines all over that is extremely competitive even though it the globe, including British Airways and Ryanair, might cut a few corners here and there which yet the current Government refuses to invest in people may not like. It is an airline that makes Aer Lingus. The decision to sell off Aer Lingus quick decisions about buying aircraft when the is a political and not an economic decision. No market conditions are right. If Aer Lingus was in concrete plans exist on how the pensions shortfall \ a position to make the kind of decisions that it of more than 250 million will be resolved. This will now be able to make, it could be able to pur- will affect the current workforce of 3,600 and the chase aircraft and save at least \500 milliont. 8,000 retired employees. The ability to survive in modern aviation is This is an island nation and our economy inextricably linked to the access to ready capital depends on the national airline. How will our and flexible decision making. I would be the first goods be delivered to their markets? Irish Ship- to admit that the words “prevarication” and “de- ping was sold off and it is now proposed to sell lay” were used. This is the greatest argument in off the national carrier. Nobody should be fooled. favour of what the Government is doing. If the This Government is pushing the privatised Government takes five years to make a relatively agenda to enrich their high flying friends at the expense of the common good. It is a sell-off but simple decision about which people have differ- it is also a sell-out of workers and Irish taxpayers. ent views, or if it takes the Government two years to tell Aer Lingus to buy a new fleet, it might not Mr. P. Power: I compliment all those who be possible to buy the aircraft or the prices might appeared before the Joint Committee on Trans- be inflated. There may be a waiting list to acquire port, including the unions, management, workers, those aircraft. It is the inability to make quick retired aviation staff and individuals. decisions that characterises State ownership. I have much faith not just in the management, but Mr. S. Ryan: It was a waste of time. Where is in staff, to recognise the new environment, the report? embrace it and make the necessary decision to bring Aer Lingus forward. Mr. P. Power: They were invited in and we list- On the general principles the Minister has set ened carefully to the divergent and opposing out, I welcome that a strategic share of at least views. The debate was constructive, even though 25.1% is being retained in the airline. We have there would never be agreement on this matter. all listened carefully to the very important argu- People made their contributions and there was a ments made on the Heathrow slots. Deputy good discussion at the meeting. I refer in part- Broughan made a passionate case arguing that we icular to the pensioners. All Members will share are abdicating these slots. Significant protections a common view that irrespective of the Govern- remain, arising from the 25.1% share and the ment’s proposal, the pensioners who built up the inability to change the articles of association of company over many years and decades should be the company by way of special resolution. taken care of. This has not been the case because Even if it were possible to sell off the slots willy of the unfortunate set-up of their pension scheme. nilly, does anybody believe it makes sense for a The long-term interests of Aer Lingus, the commercial airline, which has seen increased country and the workers, are served by today’s commercial movement in recent years, to sell the historic decision. We have a choice to make. Do slots? Would it make sense for Aer Lingus to do we recognise what has been recognised by every so, as the slots are among the most profitable in other country and airline, that a completely new the company? The opposite would be true also. aviation environment exists? It is an ultra-com- We should face up to the reality that if those slots petitive and difficult environment, an envir- were not making money tomorrow morning, even onment where ready access to capital, to aircraft though hundreds of thousands of people are and to quick decision making are more essential being transported from Dublin to Heathrow on than anything else in the aviation industry. them, the company would part with them quickly. 1269 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1270

If the slots caused a loss, the company would not Mr. P. Breen: I welcome the opportunity to subscribe to them. speak on the motion this afternoon. It is an important motion for any Deputy in the mid-west Ms Shortall: If the price is right they will be region. In recent months Shannon Airport and its sold. They will not be protected. future have been to the fore in radio interviews and newspaper reports. The issue does not just Mr. P. Power: To ignore that fact is to ignore concern the future sale of Aer Lingus, but the reality of the way an aviation company works. military flights etc. I welcome the plans to expand routes both The focus on the airport is sometimes very eastwards and westwards. I compliment every- wrong. Deputy Peter Power knows that Shannon body involved in doing so. In Dermot Mannion Airport is the second-largest airport in the coun- we have a chief executive who recognises the try, and it is the key economic driver for business realities of world aviation. He is the person to and tourism in the mid-west region. It is a bring Aer Lingus forward in the new market. counterbalance to the immense growth in the Deputy Broughan spoke passionately of his bit- eastern region. ter opposition to this. Deputy Shortall expressed Aer Lingus, our national carrier, has served her opposition at the Joint Committee on Trans- Shannon well down through the years. It has been port. On the other hand, Deputy Olivia Mitchell very much a part of the success story of Shannon generally subscribed to the idea of the Govern- Airport. This is partly because there is a bilateral ment’s proposal. agreement in place which protects the transatlan- tic services going through Shannon Airport. Mr. Connaughton: It was only in general. That The airline business has changed dramatically should be remembered. in recent years, and particularly since 9/11 and the Iraq war. Shannon Airport was the main loser Mr. P. Power: I accept that. It begs the obvious when Aer Lingus decided to cut its services in the question. If the motion tabled by the Opposition reaction to 9/11. We lost in the region of 64 flights last night relating to the Government’s record in Shannon Airport. Since then there has been a had been successful and we had a general election continual erosion of services. tomorrow morning, the first question the people One only has to look at the Cara magazine pro- would ask is, if they voted for the putative duced monthly by Aer Lingus. I looked at last Government would they get the Fine Gael option month’s copy, and the route map in the magazine or the Labour option? shows no European route for the airport, and there is only one cross-channel route to England. Mr. Connaughton: Maybe they would get the The rest of the services go to America, but even PD option. that service has been cut back in recent years. This year we have only four direct flights a week Mr. P. Power: They would be two completely from Shannon to the US. The rest of the services divergent and opposing views. The people would originate in Dublin and go onwards to Shannon. not have a clue. That cuts back capacity for people coming in Mr. Connaughton: If I were the Deputy, I through our airport. would not worry too much about what the people There has been great change in airlines, not will think. alone in Ireland but internationally. Boeing and Airbus are facing troubles, and two of the Airbus Mr. S. Ryan: The company would not be chiefs resigned last week over delays in pro- privatised. duction of the A380, the new flagship of the com- pany. That is causing untold problems for the Mr. P. Power: The words “selling a pig in a company. Boeing has also had severe problems in poke” were used here earlier on. Is that not the competing with Airbus. It now seems to be com- ultimate pig in a poke? ing back on the market with a new airliner, the 787, which is very fuel-efficient. Ms Shortall: It would not be privatised. I listened to an airline analyst recently who told people that they should travel the world now, as Mr. Connaughton: Deputy Peter Power will in a few years they will not be able to because of have a long summer to decide on what will the price of fuel and other charges which will be happen. imposed, including environmental charges. This is the future we are facing in the airline business. Mr. P. Power: The people would not have a People wish to travel, and the success of Ryan- notion of what would come down the line. That air in recent years can be considered in this will ultimately focus people’s mind in the next regard, along with Southwest Air in America. election when they reject the Mullingar discord They have been the exceptions to the rule with rather than accord that is evident across the floor. regard to the success of airlines. However, although Ryanair had its highest profits ever this Mr. S. Ryan: The Deputy could have done year, the share price is down approximately 15% better than that. since the beginning of the year. The share price 1271 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1272

[Mr. P. Breen.] region. One of the three flights from Dublin last has been flat over the past three years. One might Wednesday could have been routed through question if this is the correct time to have an IPO Shannon, but once again we were the victims of in the airline. the policy of Aer Lingus and Mr. Mannion to Naturally, Aer Lingus is on a sound footing at operate a hub out of Dublin. the moment. It must spend much money if Mr. Mannion, in an interview in the monthly services are to be expanded into the US and if it Cara magazine celebrating the 70th anniversary is to open 20 new routes, as the Minister, Deputy of Aer Lingus, stated that he wanted Dublin to Cullen, has indicated. I do not believe that will become a hub. There was no mention whatsoever happen. When the Minister went to the US last of Shannon Airport in that interview. I protested year to negotiate the bilateral agreement, he in writing to Mr. Mannion a month ago asking made a fatal mistake in negotiating the three-for- what was Aer Lingus’s plan for the future of one rule. Shannon Airport but I have not heard a word in The effects of this have already been seen in reply. I believe Aer Lingus has no plan for the Ireland, not just in Shannon Airport but in future of Shannon Airport. Its plan is to leave the Dublin Airport. Four US airlines now serve airport with just a feeder service in winter and to Ireland. They are Continental, US Air, Delta and cherry pick the routes in the summer when there American Airlines. I can only speak for Shannon is business. because I represent the constituency, but there Shannon must be protected in the interests of were queues out the door last year at the Aer balanced regional development. The Govern- Lingus check-in desk at the airport. Those queues ment has refused to commission an economic are not there anymore. The other airlines are impact study. The report by Sorensen and the gobbling up business. As a result of Aer Lingus former Minister, Mr. Dukes, on the impact of being so small, in a post open skies scenario the open skies concluded that Shannon would be the company could be swallowed by the big carriers, biggest loser and Aer Lingus and the Dublin such as British Airways and Lufthansa. That will lobby would gain in this. be a problem. We in Shannon have much to fear. The I wish to comment on the services provided by workers fear for their future. That is why I am Aer Lingus at Shannon Airport. The company here today, to try to protect the workers in has not operated any new services from the air- Shannon whom I represent. They must have job port in recent years. At the same security, which is so important. Their pension 3 o’clock time, it has opened many new services from Dublin and Cork. I rights must be settled. worry about the future of the workers in Shannon Aer Lingus does not have a manager at Airport. These are the people who protected the Shannon Airport. The man who manages airport through the years and they will be the vic- Shannon Airport is the manager from Cork. Do tims of what will happen in Aer Lingus in the they call that commitment to Shannon, to the future. I worry about the future of those working mid-west and to balanced regional development? in the Airbus A330 hangar at Shannon Airport. Whereas four American airlines are servicing With a privatised Aer Lingus these jobs could be Shannon Airport and have faith in the airport’s at stake and could be transferred elsewhere. In a future, at the same time Aer Lingus is eroding privatised Aer Lingus, the jobs of workers at services. check-in desks at Shannon Airport could be at There are other issues I wished to raise, partic- stake because a new owner could decide to sub- ularly the commitment which the Minister for contract this work. These are my worries as a Transport, Deputy Cullen, received that Aer public representative in the Shannon area. Lingus would put 400,000 passengers through Last week saw the withdrawal of World Air- Shannon each year. I do not believe he got that ways from Shannon Airport. It will have a devas- commitment in writing. Transatlantic business is tating effect on the region and in particular on worth \25 million a year to Shannon. Whatever the catering workers in Shannon Airport. Where happens, that must be protected. The Minister of 3,000 meals a day were being prepared by them, State, Deputy Gallagher, must look at the the figure has now been reduced to 800. Government’s policy on balanced regional Another example of what happens in Shannon development. with Aer Lingus occurred last Wednesday. Once a year Aer Lingus operates a charitable flight to Mr. Glennon: I will be relatively brief and try America for Northern Ireland children with dis- to focus on the issues at hand. Aer Lingus is abilities, and I have no difficulty with that. obviously an issue which gives rise to much pas- However, the company cancelled this flight EI111 sion on all sides. It is a company which, since its and there was no scheduled flight from Shannon foundation 70 years ago, has held a special place on Wednesday. There were three flights from in the hearts of all Irish people. I say so, not in Dublin to New York but we had no direct service. the usual cliche´d way but genuinely. Aer Lingus As my colleague, Deputy James Breen, pointed means different things to different people. out, Aer Lingus’s direct daily flights to the US As someone born and reared in north County are strategically important for industry in the Dublin like generations of my family before me, 1273 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1274

I have strong memories of the development of The major issue in this transaction is the deficit Dublin Airport on the back of Aer Lingus. in the company’s pension fund. It has been sug- gested that the deficit has been introduced as an Ms Shortall: Why did Deputy Glennon not turn opportunistic lever to secure the flotation but that up to the meeting? is untrue. The first meeting I attended as an Oireachtas Member six years ago concerned the Mr. Glennon: The development of Dublin Air- pension deficits faced by Aer Lingus, the Dublin port happened on the back of the company that Airport Authority and SR Techniques. The issues is Aer Lingus. Over many years the workforce are complex but it is fundamental to this trans- has shown remarkable loyalty and attachment to action that the deficit should be resolved satisfac- the company—— torily before it proceeds.

Ms Shortall: Unlike Deputy Glennon and his Ms Shortall: There is no guarantee that will colleagues. happen.

Mr. Glennon: ——and a commitment far above Mr. Glennon: I did not say there was a guaran- and beyond the call of duty. That has been mani- tee but the issue must be dealt with equitably to fest in the way in which direct financial sacrifices the satisfaction of the pensioners and the cur- have been made by staff at various times of diffi- rent employees. culty within the company, and particularly in what has now proved to be one of the major Ms Shortall: If not, what will the Deputy do? issues as we deal with the proposed investment in the company, that is, pensions. Mr. Glennon: I will proceed with my contri- In a way, today is a sad day but it is also a bution. Job security is another issue of major con- proud one. What decides whether it is a sad or cern to employees. The simplest way to guarantee proud day depends really on where one is coming jobs and, hopefully, create jobs on the long haul from in this discussion and on whether one sees and transatlantic routes is to procure the neces- the glass as half empty or half full. It is sad that sary funding to enable the company to move for- we are debating the probability of Aer Lingus ward. The new business generated by long haul moving out of State ownership at all. State routes should result in additional jobs and such ownership has served Aer Lingus well for a long expansion will be funded by the flotation. number of years. The stock required to generate the funds Equally, it is a proud day in that it is one on required for the expansion should not be at the which a major step will be taken for Aer Lingus levels mentioned earlier. The Government has to take its place among the airlines of the world the power to sell up to 60% of the stock but I with its own financial foundation in place, regard- hope sufficient funds can be generated from the less of State aid. I wonder how the founders of sale of a lower volume of stock to implement the Aer Lingus 70 years ago would look on it. I ambitious business plan of Aer Lingus manage- believe they would look on it as a proud day, ment. It is important not only that the 25% share from which the airline can go forward with pride, is retained, which is fundamental to the entire building on the tradition and on the brand recog- transaction, but that a sufficient cushion is pro- nition generated over the years and building also vided for options in the future. on the loyalty of the workforce which is in no way Deputies James Breen, Pat Breen and Peter diluted since the early days. Power made passionate contributions about Today is a difficult one for many of the individ- Shannon Airport. Passion has never been monop- ual issues of the proposed transaction, the con- olised on the football fields by one province or siderable detail of which, unfortunately, we are of county. People have a different way of expressing necessity lacking. It is by no means over the line their passion for particular institutions. The yet. There are several issues remaining and I people of Clare and the mid-west are passionate believe these will be dealt with. As I stated, the about Shannon Airport but the airport’s survival staff have made significant sacrifices over the is not dependent on the development of Dublin years and, equally, have shown remarkable com- Airport. Since the abolition of the Shannon stop- mitment in the work ethic. We need not look too over, Dublin Airport has experienced what it was far into the past. In recent years, post 9/11, when missing during the years Shannon Airport was Aer Lingus, with many other airlines, was looking protected. Shannon Airport should stand on its over the precipice, it was the staff, with good own two feet and go for it in the same way as management, strong ideals and a strong ethic, Dublin Airport. who rescued the airline. In addition, the Cahill plan was implemented approximately ten years Mr. Connaughton: I wish to share time with ago. On each occasion Aer Lingus was rescued Deputy Deenihan. by the commitment of the staff and those who Ireland and Aer Lingus have come a long way were prepared to make sacrifices. Ten years ago since 1936 when the Government decided to the company had a staff of 7,000 and 3,500 pen- establish a national airline. The company instilled sioners, while the reverse is the case today. pride and confidence in a fledgling State which, 1275 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1276

[Mr. Connaughton.] so many people prefer to travel to and from as with most new democracies, had to stumble Ireland with it rather than other airlines. It also before it walked. For many years, the only visible has a great safety record and the pilots it trains international symbol of Ireland was the famous are of a high standard. It must be recognised that shamrock on the company’s airplanes as millions Aer Lingus has become respected throughout of people were transported to and from the State. the world. Most people like to think that Aer Lingus will Despite the fact that Aer Lingus was in trouble maintain a connection with the public, irrespec- in recent years, it has turned around. Recently, I tive of what happens when the company is read in the newspapers that it will make a profit partly privatised. of approximately \85 million this year. Willie As Deputy Olivia Mitchell outlined, because it Walsh and those who came after him deserve will be difficult for the company to attract invest- great credit for that turnaround. ment in future years and for the Government to It is important for the economic future of this make the necessary investment, we can only hope country, particularly tourism which is my area of that the Minister’s proposal pays off. I salute the responsibility, that Aer Lingus is strong. Many men and women who kept the company going parts of the country are dependent on tourism, down through the years. Great pain was experi- especially the west, and Aer Lingus has a critical enced during the various redundancy schemes but role to play. The airline must expand, buy more I hope the Minister will protect the pensions people believe they are entitled to as of right. Can aircraft and service more cities not only in he ensure the pensions will be guaranteed follow- Europe but also in the United States. I under- ing the flotation? stand 21 cities in the United States seek an Aer Many issues arise. Deputy Olivia Mitchell Lingus service. I am familiar with San Jose´—— referred to the validity of the motion and I hope the Minister will clarify the legal position. The Mr. Cullen: As is the Taoiseach. Deputy has put in a great deal of effort into researching the procedures and the Minister Mr. Deenihan: A delegation is here from San would do her a great disservice if the procedures Jose´ at present, seeking Aer Lingus flights to that he is following were wrong. There has been city. It is in the middle of Silicon Valley, which enough messing over Aer Lingus over the past has contributed so much to Ireland. Major IT ten years and it would be nothing short of a disas- companies based here want a dedicated service to ter if the Minister started out on the wrong road San Jose´ airport. That is the demand which exists on the first day of the flotation procedure. and the company needs money to meet that Like other Members, I would like the Minister demand. to guarantee the slots at Heathrow Airport. He From where will the money come? It will come cannot do so but they are critically important for from either State investment, which we do not the future. The people have a connection with have, or private investment. It is important that Aer Lingus and they would like the aircraft to be we make this an attractive package in which based in Ireland. The flotation could lead to the people will invest. I hope for as much Irish invest- company setting up a hub on the Continent, with ment as possible because there must be a sense Dublin being used as a remote location. I hope of ownership here. The concern is that it could that does not happen. The flotation of Air Berlin be owned by international investment companies a couple of months ago caused many headaches. and banks. We could lose the connection with the I can only hope the Minister has his homework country. The UK is concerned at present because done on this issue. It took him and his prede- British Airways will no longer be owned by Brit- cessors a long time to do it and had the long ish people. Similar concerns will be raised about unnecessary five-year delay in taking action on Aer Lingus. Aer Lingus not happened we would now be in a different position. I agree with previous speakers that we should have had a White Paper on the flotation of Aer I ask the Minister not to turn Shannon Airport into a helicopter pad. We will not accept that Lingus. The matter should have had more con- from a regional development point of view. If I sideration in this House. More discussion should had enough time I would spend an hour on that have taken place. It should have been discussed subject. It would not look good and we will not at the Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, allow the Minister or Aer Lingus to do it. Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs on which I sit. We discussed many issues, but not Mr. Deenihan: I am glad to have the oppor- this. Neither the discussion on this matter nor the tunity to speak on this motion. Aer Lingus is syn- preparations are acceptable. Now we have con- onymous with this country. It is a well-known fusion on whether we should agree the principles brand throughout Europe and other parts of the of the motion rather than the sale of Aer Lingus. world. It has been the flag-carrier for Irish tour- That is a critical issue. ism for years. It is important to recognise that the How much time do I have remaining? high standards of hospitality of Aer Lingus and the friendliness of its air hostesses are the reason Acting Chairman (Dr. Cowley): Six seconds. 1277 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1278

Mr. Deenihan: This is indicative that we do not promise it has made. It should ensure that the have enough time to discuss the matter. The southern region, which is vital to the country’s efforts of the employees of Aer Lingus in bring- economy, has the ability to expand. This issue is ing about this change must be recognised. Their not only about a terminal. It is about apron space concerns regarding pensions and so on must be and runway capacity, which must be provided as addressed, and I mean that sincerely. well, but it will now have a burden of debt I share Deputy Pat Breen’s concerns about whereby further expansion will be impossible. Shannon Airport. This has nothing to do with the Passenger charges will increase and therefore Minister, but with the future policy of Aer Lingus passenger numbers will reduce, when every other on Shannon Airport. I hope a new Aer Lingus airport is expanding. That is outrageous. will see Shannon Airport as a critical catalyst in the development of regional Ireland. We have a Mr. Glennon: We are talking about Aer major disparity between east and west. Lingus.

Ms Lynch: I wish to share time with Deputies Ms Lynch: Aer Lingus is a key part also. I am O’Sullivan and Costello. surprised the Deputy has mentioned Aer Lingus—— Acting Chairman: Is that agreed? Agreed. Ms O. Mitchell: That is what we are discussing. Ms Lynch: We must bring this issue back to basics, as many people have done during this Ms Lynch: ——because he is supposed to be debate. Last Monday morning, I attended a meet- representing the employees but they are being ing in Cork Airport. Sometimes the regional air- sold a pup. ports get forgotten in this debate. It was a worth- while meeting with the south west regional Mr. Glennon: The Deputy has not. Somebody authority. It boiled down to the fact that Aer had to represent them. The Deputy has not men- Rianta did not ask to be broken up. It did not tioned Aer Lingus. make that request, nor is that what it wanted. It was a political, ideological decision forced upon Ms Lynch: This is a company which, if it has to the company. As part of that decision the then expand, has two ways of doing so. It could borrow Minister, Deputy Brennan, stated Cork Airport or the Government could invest in it. There is would be left debt-free to allow it the capacity nothing stopping the Government investing in it and ability to develop. Development at Cork Air- but the only argument that is accepted is that it port is badly needed. has to be sold. This is the only time a profitable, We now have a terminal about to be opened well run, slimmed down State sector company has and the debt issue is unclear. The current Mini- had to be sold, and we all know what will happen. ster appears to be claiming that making it debt- The carpetbaggers will come in and stop it. free could not possibly be done under the Com- As for the poor pensioners, they are being sold panies Act. This House legislates and we can do a pup. When they realise that the profits from this it under the Companies Act. That Act may need venture are going into the general coffers, with to be changed, but the Government has changed none of them being directed towards solving their enough Acts to allow us to do it again. pension problem, I hope Deputy Glennon will be knocking on doors to explain it to them. Mr. Cullen: We would discredit the entire Irish financial sector if we were to change our company Mr. Glennon: That is not true. law to suit public companies. Mr. Cullen: That is nonsense. What debate is Ms Lynch: As a member of Fianna Fa´il, the Deputy Lynch listening to? Minister knows a lot about discrediting financial institutions. Let us not go there. That is not what Ms O’Sullivan: I agree with my colleagues that I came here to debate. this is a sad day for the country. We are selling off a strategic asset, Aer Lingus, for the price of Mr. Cullen: It would undermine every com- four planes. pany, public and private. Mr. Cullen: The Deputy should go back to Ms Lynch: If the Minister wants to discuss dis- primary school and learn to add. crediting people in terms of financial implications we can have that debate another day. Ms O’Sullivan: That money will not be put into To allow Cork Airport, which has the highest buying planes, nor does the Minister intend to charges of any airport in the country, to carry this fulfil his commitment to the pensioners. We are burden would cripple it. It will not be a level play- an island nation yet we are selling our airline. ing pitch, as the Minister promised it would. The When New Zealand sold its airline it had to buy Government should live up to its promise, but it back because it could not flourish as a private why should I be surprised if this promise is company. We have the example of Eircom also broken? God knows it has broken every other yet the Government is gung ho on selling off this 1279 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1280

[Ms O’Sullivan.] Deputy Parlon, in the key Office of Public Works, asset. It makes no economic sense and it makes is busily engaged in selling all the State properties no regional sense from the point of view of my he can lay his hands on and buying property area. It is interesting that so few Government throughout the country at exorbitant prices for representatives have come into the House to his so-called programme of decentralisation. We speak on the motion and defend their regions. It have the ex officio fourth PD Minister, Deputy appears only the Opposition Members, partic- Cullen, engaged in the sale of the century but Aer ularly those from the Shannon region, with the Lingus is very different. This sale is an issue of exception of Deputy Power, have any interest in the utmost national importance and it is disin- the Shannon region. There is no doubt that Aer genuous of the Government to say it will retain Lingus in State ownership is a crucial factor for 25.1% of the shares to protect key strategic Shannon, as it is for the entire country, but I am interests. concerned for Shannon in particular. When the Irish Sugar Company was privatised I agree with both Deputies Breen who spoke some years ago the State retained 30.4% of the earlier that Aer Lingus has not shown much con- shares. However, it had to dispose of all of those cern for Shannon and does not even have a man- shares within two years. If it was not able to pro- ager in Shannon. At the same time, the fact it tect its own shareholding it had little chance of is a national airline means it must have national protecting the strategic interest of the Irish sugar interests at heart and give some service to industry, its employees and the sugar beet farm- Shannon, as it has done in recent years. When it ers. The entire industry has gone to the wall. is no longer a national airline, however, it will not There is scarcely any need to rehearse the more have any obligation. We know there is no guaran- recent debacle of Eircom when the citizens of this tee the so-called golden share the State is sup- country were induced into purchasing worthless posed to be retaining will last in perpetuity and, shares and venture capitalists, or vulture capital- as Deputy Lynch said, the carpetbaggers will have ists, took control, fragmented the company and their way. That is what we face with a national instead of injecting the promised equity, starved airline that we have been so proud of, that turned it of funds and left the telecommunications indus- around its economic position and that is profit- try here in a shambles. able. There is no need to sell it off. The case for This is a real scandal of privatisation. This not selling it was well made by my colleague, Government is on its last legs. Next year, with a Deputy Shortall, but on the last day of the Da´il little luck, we will be burying it and a suitable session we are providing for it to be sold. That is epitaph would be, “In a time of plenty it sold all very sad. the family silver it could get its greedy hands on”. The strategic and regional interests of Shannon Airport are crucial to our half of the country. This Ms C. Murphy: I wish to share time with provision to allow a sell off is just one element of Deputies Boyle and Morgan. what the Government is doing; the open skies deal is another but I do not have time to develop Acting Chairman: Is that agreed? Agreed. that point. Ms C. Murphy: The Irish Independent headline Mr. Costello: This is a very bad day for Aer this morning read: “Aer Lingus for sale: public Lingus and the country. It is strange that Fianna can buy stake”. If we rowed back to 1999 and Fa´il could only bring in one backbencher from substituted “Eircom” for “Aer Lingus”, that the northside to speak in the debate. Only one of headline would not look out of place. Less than a the 11 backbenchers has turned up. There is a year after Eircom was floated, the headline read: Government slot after we speak going a begging “Eircom stock price dives on share dump”. Not but where are all the Government backbenchers? only were small investors stung badly, there was It is obvious they are not too happy to stand a failure to invest in broadband and the State had behind what the Minister, Deputy Cullen, is to shore up the industry, which meant a doubling doing. of the cost. Given the experience with Eircom, I This proposal is not out of character when one expect the public will be rightly sceptical in this considers what has been done in the past nine case. years. The Fianna Fa´il-Progressive Democrats Aer Lingus was set up in 1936 and 70 years Government is privatisation mad. The PD tail has later it is strategically more important than it was been wagging the Fianna Fa´il poodle for over at its inception, with air traffic at an all-time high. nine years. The Ta´naiste, Deputy Harney, has There have been very few events in the past 70 done an inventory of all lands in the Department years that the public has been proud of and while of Health and Children with a view to selling this sale impacts on Aer Lingus staff and pen- them for a private sector tax incentive develop- sioners, many of them living in north Dublin, the ment. The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law decision has a national impact also. Reform, Deputy McDowell, sold his offices in St. The proposal before the House is a disgrace. Stephen’s Green for \52 million and now he is a The fact we are an island nation is critical in wandering Minister getting temporary accom- terms of its strategic importance. The company modation down the street. The Minister of State, is in profit, largely because the workers made it 1281 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1282 profitable, and the public has confidence in the in Sinn Fe´in absolutely supported them in their services it provides. The staff have every reason industrial action this morning. to be sceptical also because while it appears a Privatisation of Aer Lingus will benefit no one, good deal on paper, the experience of workers apart from those who have fat wallets anyway. seconded to TEAM Aer Lingus tells a very differ- The public will suffer and the workers will suffer. ent tale. For some workers it has been a 16 year My party has continually opposed the privatis- court battle, which is not over. The Supreme ation of Aer Lingus and wholeheartedly sup- Court issued a judgment in King and ors v. Aer ported the opinions of the trade unionists, the Lingus PLC on 22 March this year. The question workers, the local authorities and even the of damages and back pay was referred back to Fianna Fa´il councillors who were willing to voice the High Court by the Supreme Court but Aer their concern regarding this ridiculous manoeuvre Lingus is repudiating the Supreme Court order by the Government. Those Fianna Fa´il council- that those engineers be paid the same as engin- lors are in stark contrast to that party’s Deputies eers who did not second. Months later, however, from the area who have not come out in support that has not occurred. Highly trained engineering of the workers. staff seconded to TEAM Aer Lingus, who Privatisation in itself threatens job security; it returned to Aer Lingus, have been deployed costs only the taxpayer and will inevitably lead to since 1998 in baggage handling and wash-up the same “race to the bottom” scenario we wit- duties, and have had their pay withheld. The nessed with Irish Ferries. The Government would Supreme Court judgment states: have us believe that the objective of privatising I conclude therefore on this issue that on Aer Lingus would be to save a floundering com- returning to Aer Lingus in 1998, the claimants pany, when in fact the only objective in privatis- were at that point entitled to do so as if Team ing this semi-State body is to profit a few at the had never existed, that they were then entitled expense of many. Aer Lingus should remain in to be paid the same levels of remuneration as the hands of Irish people and this valuable asset mechanical engineers employed by Aer Lingus should not be so wantonly distributed to those who had not been seconded. They were further who care not for the public Aer Lingus serves or entitled, in my view, to have their seniority the workers it employs, but only for those who fully recognised and be placed on the appro- want to make a quick buck. It is an absolute scan- priate incremental scale as though they had dal that the Government would even utter such never left Aer Lingus. an idea and then try and fool us into believing That clearly has not happened. What possible that it is of great benefit for not only the com- commitments can be given by the Government pany, but also the State as a whole. It is not when that has been the practice of the company? working. I heard Deputy Glennon say that this was one of Regardless of the Government’s idea that priv- the matters that needed to be resolved. It also atisation will somehow magically raise the shows the shameful practice of the company in amount of money that is required for capital terms of a commitment that was given. The com- investment and development, which it will not, it mitment was not just given by the company to the remains a mystery to my colleagues and me that workers. It was made here in the Da´il in a reply if Aer Lingus is good enough for a private inves- to a parliamentary question by the then Minister tor to invest in, then what is the problem with the for Public Enterprise, Senator O’Rourke. It is a State investing? disgraceful decision and a disgraceful practice in terms of how the workers were treated. While Acting Chairman (Mr. Sherlock): Only three this issue in its own right needs to be resolved, it minutes remain in the slot and Deputies Joe also sends a very strong message to the pen- Higgins and Cowley wish to speak. sioners and workers of Aer Lingus, who need to consider the matter very carefully. Mr. Morgan: The Aer Lingus pensioners also need to be looked after. They paid through the Mr. Morgan: The motion brought forward by nose in huge taxation throughout their working the Government regarding the privatisation of lives and now at the time when they most need Aer Lingus is an absolute insult not only to the some financial support the Government is letting general public but also and especially to the Aer them down and it should not be tolerated. Lingus staff who have been invaluable in building up the company. They have been internationally Mr. J. Higgins: Is this not a new slot of ten commended for building up the airline as one of minutes before the Minister replies? the foremost airlines globally and for their major contribution in returning the company to record Acting Chairman: No. The Deputy has three profitability. Many of the Aer Lingus staff will minutes left in this slot. justifiably view the proposed sale as a betrayal of all their sacrifices and success in rescuing the air- Mr. J. Higgins: Is the Minister speaking after line and restoring it to a healthy position, and we that? 1283 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1284

Acting Chairman: No. If no Member from the ling public and international access to the coun- Government side offers it crosses to Fine Gael. try, and the critical benchmarks we need to achieve to make it a success. However, none of Mr. J. Higgins: I come here in haste, as we are this is contained in the position paper. One year very engrossed in the Committee of Public ago Aer Lingus had a superb management team Accounts today. The privatisation of Aer Lingus in place and the company had successfully over- is an act of gross treachery by the Government come huge difficulties within an opportunity for against the people, the Aer Lingus workers and great development. When we asked the Govern- the communities that depend on the national air- ment how the company could get access to capital line. This privatisation is not driven by the for its development we were met with a deafening interest of the welfare of the workers or the silence. There was no suggestion of State money national airline but by the right wing neo-liberal or of agreeing to a flotation. Twelve months later, agenda of the Government representing capital- the company has lost the management team, the ists’ interests. The normal fraud is repeated again environment is nothing like as propitious and the today with the front page of the Irish Independent Government is pushing ahead. I cannot under- giving the impression that ordinary working stand why it has not proposed a well thought out people can invest in Aer Lingus. The people will strategy that could be laid before the Da´il that not be fooled this time as some of them were with could give us confidence that the Government the Telecom E´ ireann privatisation when they knew what it was doing on the matter. My confi- were badly burned. The proprietor of Indepen- dence in the Government’s handling of this dent News and Media was one of those who matter was dramatically undermined when the handsomely gained from that privatisation, Taoiseach accused the former management of sweating that national asset of the people for trying to steal the company’s assets. That sort of huge profits and with very detrimental effects on thinking suggests the Government is trying to the investment that was necessary in broadband drive on both sides of the road at the same time, and in other aspects of that industry. Privatisation the natural result of which will be a crash. I worry is detrimental to workers’ interests. All we need that the ordinary stakeholders — workers, the to do is consider Irish Sugar here which was once travelling public and Irish taxpayers — will be a thriving industry and is now completely wiped made the patsies because the matter was not out in favour of sweated sugar from Brazil. That properly thought through. I am disappointed we is the logic of capitalist privatisation. It benefits do not have a position paper which could pass only the sharks. muster in terms of addressing and analysing the I commend the workers of Aer Lingus, who did issues we are debating. We will probably not get not want to discommode passengers this morning, another opportunity to debate these issues. but had no option except to show in a small way the huge power they carry and the extremely Mr. S. Ryan: This is a sad day. The decision to important role they play in the transport infra- privatise Aer Lingus is wrong, unnecessary and structure. The workers of Aer Lingus can only contrary to the strategic interests of the company. rely on their own power. I urge them to carry on and to go forward with more developed industrial Dr. Cowley: On a point of order—— action to stop the Government carrying on in this completely undemocratic way. The Government Acting Chairman: I am not in a position to has no mandate for this action. In the last general accept a point of order. election campaign neither of the Government parties proposed the privatisation of Aer Lingus Dr. Cowley: ——I left the Chair to speak. My if the people returned them to power. time was to be shared with Deputy Joe Higgins but another speaker has taken my slot. Acting Chairman: I call Deputy Bruton. Mr. S. Ryan: This is the subsequent slot. Mr. Morgan: In light of the switch that has taken place, can the Acting Chairman confirm Acting Chairman: I ask Deputies to address the that the Government is so ashamed of this grubby Chair. Deputy Cowley was not present when his deal that it is not putting up speakers to fill its slot was available. slots? Dr. Cowley: This debate concludes at 4 p.m. Ms O. Mitchell: Exactly. Mr. S. Ryan: The Deputy is wasting time. He Mr. Bruton: I wish to share time with Deputy is aware of Standing Orders. Sea´n Ryan. The position paper presented by the Minister today is a joke. I would have expected Acting Chairman: I call on Deputy Sea´n Ryan an approach that would have made a serious to continue. attempt to set out a White Paper addressing the strategic issues, the tests of success of the project Mr. S. Ryan: The decision is not in the strategic from the point of view of the taxpayer, the travel- interests of this island nation. 1285 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1286

Dr. Cowley: On a point of order, how much Acting Chairman: The Deputy should time remains for Deputy Sea´n Ryan to speak? conclude.

Ms Shortall: Deputy Cowley should stay quiet. Mr. S. Ryan: With the honourable exception of Deputy Glennon, none turned up. The remainder Acting Chairman: He has two minutes, after have failed to raise the issue in this House, yet which the Minister will speak. they will vote to sell Aer Lingus. That is an utter disgrace and a dishonour to the people who voted Mr. S. Ryan: As a Deputy for Dublin North, I for Fianna Fa´il over the years. consider it a disgrace that in the Government’s haste to put the final touches to the Aer Lingus Acting Chairman: I call the Minister. Act 2004, it allowed me only two minutes to describe the disgust and anger felt by former Aer Mr. S. Ryan: The Government was never given Lingus employees and the general public. Since it a mandate for the sale. Why does it not put the was founded in 1936, Aer Lingus has made a matter to the electorate next June? major contribution to the economic and social development of Ireland. Generations of Aer Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I thank Lingus workers can be proud of the contributions Members for their contributions to this debate, in they made to the economy and the north Dublin particular those who made constructive com- region over the past 70 years. However, compli- ments. I was saddened by the Deputies who ments will not put food on the table or provide a offered nothing but political slogans, jargon and reasonable quality of life to the people who cliches to the workers of Aer Lingus. I have seen worked for the company. Pensioners have no many instances of companies which could have guarantees with regard to consumer price index been saved but for politicians who played popu- increases and, in other semi-State schemes, have list politics. fallen behind by 50% in the past ten years and have been fobbed by this Government for the Mr. Quinn: Give us examples. past nine years. Mr. Cullen: Some of the attitudes expressed in This morning at Dublin Airport, while express- this debate were about “me and my seat” and had ing opposition on behalf of the Labour Party to little to do with Aer Lingus and its staff or the the privatisation of the company, I appealed to development of aviation services. It is extraordi- the trade unions to negotiate with management nary that the expansion to Dubai, which is the on outstanding issues. They have to address work most significant new route opened by Aer Lingus related issues because the political decisions have since the foundation of the company—— already been made and are being copperfastened here this afternoon. I asked the unions to ensure Ms Shortall: The Minister should not talk the interests of pensioners are made part of the about Dubai as if it could replace Heathrow Air- package and I am sure that will be the case. port as a hub. This Government, and Fianna Fa´il in part- \ icular, is selling Aer Lingus for as little as 400 Mr. Cullen: I did not shout Deputy Shortall million. Willie Walsh and company told us Aer \ down and I expect her to respect me when I Lingus would require 1 billion. The current speak. CEO, Dermot Mannion, informs us the company will require \2 billion. If another CEO is \ Acting Chairman: I ask the Minister to address appointed, that figure may increase to 3 billion. the Chair. However, the State will give a mere \400 million to the company and the balance will have to be Ms Shortall: It is nonsense to suggest it can secured from other sources. replace Heathrow. The advocates of privatisation take it as given that only private companies can be efficient and Mr. Cullen: The route offers fantastic economic profitable but Aer Lingus is both thanks to the opportunities in terms of tourism and the efforts of its staff. We are told privatisation is the development of aviation in this country. I did not only way by which companies can raise capital portray Dubai as an alternative to London, to fund future investment. These arguments are despite Deputy Shortall’s best efforts to portray untrue and they ignore the strategic importance that. of Aer Lingus and other semi-State companies to the future of the economy. Ms Shortall: The Minister knows he cannot Fianna Fa´il Deputies should lower their heads protect the Heathrow slots. in shame as they vote through the sale of our national carrier. A recent meeting was held at Mr. Cullen: I am long enough in politics to Dublin Airport, to which 11 Fianna Fa´il Deputies remember the Labour Party’s slogans in the elec- were invited, including Deputies Martin Brady, tions in 1973 and the 1980s. Woods, Haughey, Callely, Carey, Noel Ahern, Glennon, Wright, Brian Lenihan and Fitzpatrick. Mr. Quinn: Look at our record. 1287 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1288

Mr. Cullen: We are in the 21st century, and I Department of Finance have commissioned stud- note the contrast between the Labour Party’s lack ies on the matter. Throughout this time, the of advancement in political and economic think- board, management and staff of Aer Lingus have ing and their European counterparts. The same done a fantastic job in maintaining the airline’s old tired slogans, scaremongering and nonsense competitiveness and expanding its business in an that characterised the party’s former election- industry which is widely regarded as one of the eering continue to be rolled out. world’s most dynamic. The quick turn around of the company’s performance following the events Ms Shortall: We were right about Eircom. of 11 September 2001 is a testament to the com- mitment of all involved. Standing still and seeking Mr. Cullen: It was all about the party’s lust for to preserve the status quo is not an option for Aer power and nothing to do with the reality of econ- Lingus or any other airline. omics and development in this country. I was described as an ideologue on privatisation but I Ms Shortall: The Minister should stop mis- was the Minister who stood in the gap to prevent representing the issue. the Dublin Airport Authority from being taken over by private interests. Mr. Cullen: We could continue to debate the issues indefinitely but that would not be fair to Ms Shortall: Why did the Minister lie to the the company or its staff. The company needs cer- Committee on Transport about the sale? tainty if it is to plan effectively for its future.

Mr. Cullen: I have been consistent in my views Ms Shortall: The Minister is throwing Aer with regard to State assets. Lingus to the wolves. Ms Shortall: Did he not know what he was talk- Mr. Cullen: At least I stand for something and ing about or was he trying to deceive us? have the courage to make the right decision. Acting Chairman: The Minister to speak with- out interruption. Mr. S. Ryan: The Minister is no longer a member of the Progressive Democrats. Mr. Cullen: Deputy Shortall is addressing the Minister who kept Dublin Airport in State Mr. Cullen: My decision is in the interests of ownership and who will insist on that in the the airline, its staff and the people of this country. future. My career will not be characterised by the old political slogans and jargon of this debate. Ms Shortall: That is rubbish. I thank Deputy Mitchell for raising an important legal point. As a result I sought further Mr. Cullen: This motion seeks the approval of legal advice and it has been considered by the the House for the general principles of the dis- Attorney General’s office. The posal of a significant portion of the State’s share- 4 o’clock approval sought in the motion, pur- holding in Aer Lingus. suant to section 3(5) of the Act, clearly refers to approval of the general principle Ms O. Mitchell: Will the Minister clarify of the transaction. I am not proposing an amend- whether he intends to amend the motion? ment to the motion. I commend the motion to the House. Mr. Cullen: I will address that issue presently. The future funding requirements and ownership Acting Chairman: Is that acceptable to structure of Aer Lingus have been the subject of Deputy Mitchell? extensive analysis and debate over the past number of years. The future of the company is Ms O. Mitchell: It certainly is not. It makes no being considered by a dedicated Cabinet sub- reference to the general principles. committee and has been debated in the House on a number of occasions. My Department and the Amendment put.

The Da´il divided: Ta´, 57; Nı´l, 67.


Allen, Bernard. Cowley, Jerry. Boyle, Dan. Crowe, Sea´n. Breen, James. Cuffe, Ciara´n. Breen, Pat. Deasy, John. Broughan, Thomas P. Deenihan, Jimmy. Bruton, Richard. Durkan, Bernard J. Burton, Joan. English, Damien. Connaughton, Paul. Enright, Olwyn. Connolly, Paudge. Gogarty, Paul. Costello, Joe. Gregory, Tony. 1289 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1290


Hayes, Tom. O´ Caola´in, Caoimhghı´n. Healy, Seamus. O’Dowd, Fergus. Higgins, Joe. O’Shea, Brian. Higgins, Michael D. O’Sullivan, Jan. Hogan, Phil. Pattison, Seamus. Howlin, Brendan. Penrose, Willie. Kehoe, Paul. Perry, John. Kenny, Enda. Quinn, Ruairı´. Lynch, Kathleen. Rabbitte, Pat. McCormack, Pa´draic. Ryan, Sea´n. McGrath, Finian. Sargent, Trevor. McGrath, Paul. Sherlock, Joe. McHugh, Paddy. Shortall, Ro´ isı´n. McManus, Liz. Stagg, Emmet. Mitchell, Olivia. Stanton, David. Morgan, Arthur. Timmins, Billy. Murphy, Catherine. Twomey, Liam. Naughten, Denis. Upton, Mary. Neville, Dan.


Ahern, Michael. Kelly, Peter. Andrews, Barry. Kirk, Seamus. Ardagh, Sea´n. Kitt, Tom. Brady, Johnny. Lenihan, Brian. Brady, Martin. Lenihan, Conor. Browne, John. McDowell, Michael. Callanan, Joe. McEllistrim, Thomas. Callely, Ivor. McGuinness, John. Carey, Pat. Moynihan, Donal. Carty, John. Moynihan, Michael. Coughlan, Mary. Mulcahy, Michael. Cowen, Brian. Nolan, M. J. Cregan, John. O´ Cuı´v, E´ amon. Cullen, Martin. O´ Fearghaı´l, Sea´n. Curran, John. O’Connor, Charlie. Davern, Noel. O’Dea, Willie. de Valera, Sı´le. O’Donnell, Liz. Dempsey, Tony. O’Donoghue, John. Dennehy, John. O’Flynn, Noel. Devins, Jimmy. O’Keeffe, Batt. Ellis, John. O’Keeffe, Ned. Fahey, Frank. O’Malley, Fiona. Finneran, Michael. O’Malley, Tim. Fitzpatrick, Dermot. Parlon, Tom. Fleming, Sea´n. Power, Peter. Fox, Mildred. Roche, Dick. Glennon, Jim. Sexton, Mae. Hanafin, Mary. Smith, Brendan. Haughey, Sea´n. Smith, Michael. Healy-Rae, Jackie. Treacy, Noel. Hoctor, Ma´ire. Walsh, Joe. Jacob, Joe. Woods, Michael. Keaveney, Cecilia. Wright, G. V. Kelleher, Billy.

Tellers: Ta´, Deputies Kehoe and Stagg; Nı´l, Deputies Kitt and Kelleher.

Amendment declared lost. Government speaking slots and no Government or Fianna Fa´il Members offered and only two Question put: “That the motion be agreed to.” backbench Members spoke, we are anxious to ensure that even if the Fianna Fa´il Members run The Da´il divided by electronic means. they cannot hide. We are giving them an oppor- tunity to walk up to be seen. As a teller, I call for Mr. Stagg: Conscious of the fact that there was a vote other than by electronic means. an important meeting at Dublin Airport on 27 April and no Fianna Fa´il TD was capable of turn- Question again put: “That the motion be ing up, and conscious that today there were two agreed to.” 1291 Disposal of Shares in Aer 6 July 2006. Lingus Group plc: Motion 1292

The Da´il divided: Ta´, 68; Nı´l, 54.


Ahern, Michael. Kelly, Peter. Andrews, Barry. Kirk, Seamus. Ardagh, Sea´n. Kitt, Tom. Brady, Johnny. Lenihan, Brian. Brady, Martin. Lenihan, Conor. Browne, John. McDowell, Michael. Callanan, Joe. McEllistrim, Thomas. Callely, Ivor. McGrath, Finian. Carey, Pat. McGuinness, John. Carty, John. Moynihan, Donal. Coughlan, Mary. Moynihan, Michael. Cowen, Brian. Mulcahy, Michael. Cregan, John. Nolan, M. J. Cullen, Martin. O´ Cuı´v, E´ amon. Curran, John. O´ Fearghaı´l, Sea´n. Davern, Noel. O’Connor, Charlie. de Valera, Sı´le. O’Dea, Willie. Dempsey, Tony. O’Donnell, Liz. Dennehy, John. O’Donoghue, John. Devins, Jimmy. O’Flynn, Noel. Ellis, John. O’Keeffe, Batt. Fahey, Frank. O’Keeffe, Ned. Finneran, Michael. O’Malley, Fiona. Fitzpatrick, Dermot. O’Malley, Tim. Fleming, Sea´n. Parlon, Tom. Fox, Mildred. Power, Peter. Glennon, Jim. Roche, Dick. Hanafin, Mary. Sexton, Mae. Haughey, Sea´n. Smith, Brendan. Healy-Rae, Jackie. Smith, Michael. Hoctor, Ma´ire. Treacy, Noel. Jacob, Joe. Walsh, Joe. Keaveney, Cecilia. Woods, Michael. Kelleher, Billy. Wright, G. V.


Allen, Bernard. Lynch, Kathleen. Breen, James. McCormack, Pa´draic. Breen, Pat. McGrath, Finian. Broughan, Thomas P. McGrath, Paul. Bruton, Richard. Mitchell, Olivia. Burton, Joan. Morgan, Arthur. Connaughton, Paul. Murphy, Catherine. Connolly, Paudge. Naughten, Denis. Costello, Joe. Neville, Dan. Cowley, Jerry. O´ Caola´in, Caoimhghı´n. Crowe, Sea´n. O’Dowd, Fergus. Cuffe, Ciara´n. O’Shea, Brian. Deasy, John. O’Sullivan, Jan. Deenihan, Jimmy. Pattison, Seamus. Durkan, Bernard J. Penrose, Willie. English, Damien. Perry, John. Enright, Olwyn. Quinn, Ruairı´. Gogarty, Paul. Rabbitte, Pat. Gregory, Tony. Ryan, Sea´n. Hayes, Tom. Sargent, Trevor. Healy, Seamus. Sherlock, Joe. Higgins, Joe. Shortall, Ro´ isı´n. Higgins, Michael D. Stagg, Emmet. Hogan, Phil. Stanton, David. Howlin, Brendan. Timmins, Billy. Kehoe, Paul. Twomey, Liam. Kenny, Enda. Upton, Mary.

Tellers: Ta´, Deputies Kitt and Kelleher; Nı´l, Deputies Kehoe and Stagg. 1293 Priority 6 July 2006. Questions 1294

Question declared carried. ies in a sensitive and thoroughly professional manner. Ceisteanna — Questions. I express my gratitude, and that of my Govern- ment colleagues, to Mr. Taggart for his many Priority Questions. years of service to the greyhound industry. As Deputies will be aware, Mr. Taggart has advised ———— me that he will step down as chairman of Bord na gCon with effect from tomorrow. His outstanding achievements in transforming the greyhound State Boards. industry will long be remembered. 1. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he intends to implement the Mr. Deenihan: I join the Minister in acknowl- recommendations of the Dalton report in full; edging the contribution Mr. Paschal Taggart and if he will make a statement on the matter. made to the greyhound industry since being [27233/06] appointed by the rainbow Government back in the mid-1990s. Whereas I welcome the publi- 2. Mr. Wall asked the Minister for Arts, Sport cation of this report, I find the process that was and Tourism the action he proposes to take aris- carried out in publishing it to be unacceptable. ing from the report of the Dalton inquiry into cer- First, the letter that was sent by the chief execu- tain events within Bord na gCon; if he intends to tive officer to the Minister’s office back in make changes to members of the board arising January was leaked to the press, by whom we do from the conclusions of the report; and if he will not know. In April, the conclusions and recom- make a statement on the matter. [27234/06] mendations contained in the report were leaked to Jody Corcoran, a high profile journalist with Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. the Irish Independent, and to The Sunday Trib- O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. une. We had the report’s conclusions and recom- 1 and 2 together. mendations back in April.

An Ceann Comhairle: Not more than 12 An Ceann Comhairle: Does the Deputy have minutes are allotted for both questions. a question?

Mr. O’Donoghue: In assenting at its meeting Mr. Deenihan: When the Minister was asked in on 4 July to the publication of the Dalton report, this House why he had not published the report the Government also approved my proposals for earlier, he said it was because he wanted due pro- the implementation of the main recom- cess. Was there due process when these leaks were carried out? In most cases they were very mendations made by Mr. Dalton. These address, selective. As regards the report’s recom- inter alia, the need for the creation of an indepen- mendations, I produced a Bill two weeks ago dent doping control structure for the regulation which was rejected by the Minister. I was accused of greyhound racing; a comprehensive review of of pre-empting this report. Does the Minister existing legislation governing the operations of accept that the same independent regulatory pro- Bord na gCon to bring legislation into line with cess is being recommended in the Dalton report? best current practice; changes concerning the ten- I said it would be because it was included in one ure of the chairman and members of the board, of those leaks. with each now to be restricted to a maximum of I have previously raised the absence of female two terms of five years in the case of the chair, board members in Bord na gCon. Has the Mini- and three years for board members; and an ster ever appointed a woman to that board? increase in the size of the board from seven to There are certainly no women on the board now. nine members. This came out very strongly in the report. It is my intention to progress the drafting of Does Bord na gCon have a rule book and a list amending legislation as rapidly as possible. I will of prohibited substances? engage fully with the board of Bord na gCon in carrying out this change agenda and I am certain An Ceann Comhairle: I ask the Deputy to be I will have its full support in this process. I will brief because we will run out of time for the Mini- also request the board to review its corporate ster’s reply. governance procedures and to address issues of low staff morale, which were also highlighted in Mr. Deenihan: I will conclude but this is very the Dalton report. important. Does Bord na gCon have a rule book, The implementation of the report’s recom- like they have in England? Will the Minister mendations will be of benefit to the greyhound classify steroids as being a prohibited substance, industry, bringing it in line with best current prac- as recommended in the report? tice for State boards, and will bring about a greater stability in this important sector. I am Mr. O’Donoghue: Yes, I believe that due pro- grateful to Mr. Dalton for conducting his inquir- cess was administered. In so far as I was con- 1295 Priority 6 July 2006. Questions 1296

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] be increased. We will provide that the chairman cerned, I followed up on my promises to the letter may serve for no longer than two terms. We will all the way from the time when Mr. Dalton was also make similar provision for ordinary first appointed to the date when the report was members. published. I repeat that neither I nor my depart- mental officials were responsible for any leak, Mr. Wall: I too wish to be associated with the anywhere, at any time. previous speakers in regard to the work Mr. Taggart did during his 11 years stewardship of Mr. Deenihan: Who was? Bord na gCon. Does the Minister accept that the Dalton report, even with its limited terms of ref- Mr. O’Donoghue: I do not know. erence, is a damning indictment of mismanage- ment, inadequate corporate governance and Mr. Deenihan: Who is the mysterious unsatisfactory controls against doping and poor individual? staff relations in the organisation and has led to Mr. Dalton stating that morale is at a very low Mr. O’Donoghue: How in the name of good- level? Does he accept that urgent steps are ness could I possibly know who leaked it? needed to restore confidence among those involved in the industry, be it the staff of Bord na Mr. Deenihan: There should be an inquiry gCon, the owners or those who patronise it? into it. What steps does the Minister intend to take in providing a new chair and filling vacancies on the Mr. O’Donoghue: The Deputy is asking the board, bearing in mind the gender factor, as wrong person. raised by Deputy Deenihan? Mr. Deenihan: There should be an inquiry Mr. O’Donoghue: There are five recom- into it. mendations under the heading of corporate Mr. O’Donoghue: If Deputy Deenihan wants governance, all of which we will seek to to call for an inquiry, that is his business. I am implement. In so far as the whole question of afraid, however, that I must be practical about it. doping is concerned, the report makes it clear I know very well from past experience that an there should be an independent agency governing inquiry would not get us too far. In any event, I this matter. We are taking that recommendation followed due process from the moment that Mr. on board. With regard to the issue of morale Dalton was appointed right to the day the docu- within Bord na gCon, naturally following all the ment was published. There can be no question traumatic events that have occurred since the dis- but that neither I nor my departmental officials missal of Mr. Tynan, there is a difficulty. were responsible for any leak at any time during However, it is a difficulty we shall resolve. Prior that period. to this difficulty erupting, morale in Bord na With regard to the question of Deputy gCon was quite good. The board of Bord na Deenihan’s Bill, he complains about leaks, which gCon, together with the Government, has suc- is fair enough. It appears, however, that his Bill ceeded in transforming the industry right across has resulted from the leaks because one of the the country. Much of this was due to the work of leaks related to the question—— the chairman and the board and could not have been done without substantial Government fund- Mr. Deenihan: I read it all in the newspaper ing, particularly since 2001, when the horse and in April. greyhound racing fund was set up.

Mr. O’Donoghue: ——of a doping control Mr. Deenihan: A Cheann Comhairle—— agency. That is what Deputy Deenihan’s Bill suggested. An Ceann Comhairle: We were almost eight minutes into the question before I could call Mr. Deenihan: I suggested the Bill in 1997. Deputy Wall and we have to give him a chance.

Mr. O’Donoghue: It was not sufficient and, Mr. Wall: I wish to ask about certain infor- unfortunately, we could not take that Bill on mation to which Mr. Dalton has referred that was board. It is my intention, in accordance with the not within his remit to comment on but has been Government decision, to implement the recom- passed on to the Minister. It relates to the mendations the Government has agreed. I development of Shelbourne Park. I listened to appointed a woman to the board of Bord na the debate in the Committee of Public Accounts gCon, Ms Helen Nugent from the Department of today on that matter. What mechanism will the Arts, Sport and Tourism, and, unfortunately, she Minister put in place to restore confidence in that subsequently resigned. We will move on to bring aspect? Did he receive the Pricewaterhouse- in new legislation. The Greyhound Industry Act Coopers report much discussed at the Committee 1958 is out of date in so far as modern conditions of Public Accounts? We know what has been are concerned. The membership of the board will determined by Mr. Dalton in a limited reference. 1297 Priority 6 July 2006. Questions 1298

Given its huge significance throughout the coun- Every effort is made to achieve a balanced geo- try, will there be wide-scale investigation of this graphical spread of funds throughout the country, industry to include all the people and all the while also affording priority to projects in areas tracks involved and the benefits to local com- of social and economic disadvantage. In relation munities in those areas as well as nationally? to the 2006 sports capital programme, a total of 1,338 applications were received nationally, of Mr. Deenihan: I remind the Minister that the which 1,211 were for projects classified as local Bill I proposed the last day was the one I had and 127 as non-local, that is, projects which were ready for publication in 1997, just before we left categorised as national, regional or municipal and office, and that was not pursued by the multi-sport. Government. I recently announced provisional grant allo- cations under the 2006 programme in relation to Mr. O’Donoghue: Our intention is to introduce the local applications totalling \53.745 million to new legislation which should come before the House in the not too distant future. Everybody 719 projects and I will announce the provisional will acknowledge that the base Act of 1958 is out allocations for the non-local projects in the near of date and does not apply to modern conditions. future, for which five applications were received There is a need for a revamp of the legislation in from Kildare. so far as it affects Bord na gCon and the entire Of 28 applications from County Kildare for sector. On the question of how we will achieve local projects this year, 17 were provisionally allo- this, I will follow the recommendations in the cated funding totalling \1.41 million. My Depart- report as closely as possible. If there are any ment has written to the remaining 11 applicants further points that occur to Members or others enclosing a copy of their assessment and that appear to be a good idea we will examine explaining why they were unsuccessful on this those suggestions carefully. occasion, in order to assist with any future appli- With regard to the matters outside the scope of cations which they might submit. Ten of these the investigation which were drawn to Mr. applicants failed to meet basic minimum qualify- Dalton’s attention on the basis that they might ing conditions as outlined on the application form merit further examination, these issues have been and the guidelines, terms and conditions of the brought to the attention of the Comptroller and programme. Auditor General who, I understand, will exam- A salient point, of which the Deputy may not ine them. be aware, is the reduction in the number of appli- cations received from Kildare this year compared Sports Capital Programme. with previous years. The overall number of appli- 3. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Arts, cations from Kildare this year was down by 25% Sport and Tourism the way in which the popu- on the number of applications made in each of lation criteria was used to arrive at the decisions three previous years, 2003, 2004 and 2005. The in view of the recent sports capital grants allo- Deputy will appreciate that the programme can cation and the fact that Kildare received the low- only respond to the applications received from est per capita allocation; and if he will make a any particular county in any particular year. A statement on the matter. [27236/06] reduced number of applications, taken with the quality of those applications and the amount of Mr. O’Donoghue: The national lottery-funded funding sought, affects the overall level of fund- sports capital programme allocates funding to ing allocated to a county. sporting and to voluntary and community organ- Nevertheless, sports capital funding to County isations at local, regional and national level Kildare amounts to \59 per capita since 2003 and throughout the country. The programme is adver- the national average over that time is \60 per cap- tised on an annual basis. ita. Since 1998 a total of over \23.4 million in All applications received under the programme sports capital funding has been allocated to are assessed on an individual basis by my Depart- County Kildare. This means that the county, with ment in accordance with a detailed set of assess- less than 4.2% of the population, has been allo- ment criteria as specified in the guidelines, terms and conditions that accompany the application cated over 5.2% of the total national funding form for the programme. Following the assess- since 1998. ment process, each application receives a score, which gives its order of priority within its own Additional information not given on the floor of county. the House. The assessment process takes into account I am satisfied that County Kildare has been factors such as the existing level of facilities in an treated more than fairly in the administration of area, the number and quality of the applications the sports capital programme and I believe that received, the amount of funding being sought by the Deputy will agree with me that the funding each applicant and the strategic positioning of provided has made a major difference to the major facilities that may be required as well as range and quality of the sports facilities available the most recent Census of Population figures. throughout the county. 1299 Priority 6 July 2006. Questions 1300

Ms C. Murphy: I have looked at our appli- Sport and Tourism the timeframe for the merging cations for the past four years. Is the Minister say- of regional tourism authorities with Fa´ilte ing it is all down to expertise which is particularly Ireland, in view of the refusal by the north-west good in certain countries? For example, County RTA to wind up the company; and if he will Kerry has done extraordinarily well over a make a statement on the matter. [27535/06] number of years. If we compare that county with Meath, a county with almost exactly the same Mr. O’Donoghue: As I have advised the House population, in 2002 County Kerry got almost four on a number of occasions this year, most recently times the amount. The same happened with on 31 May, individual actions and measures relat- regard to swimming pools. Kerry got funding for ing to tourism promotion or development at four swimming pools, but there are some counties regional level are day-to-day functions of the that got no funding allocation. The same hap- State tourism agencies. pened also with regard to arts grants. Six coun- I have previously informed the House of my ties, including Kildare, got nothing under the full support for the proposed changes in regional access programme since 2002. What is the reason structures and the establishment of five new for this? Why do some counties do dispro- regional development boards for tourism. As the portionately well? Kerry does exceptionally well. Deputy is aware, this initiative emerged from a Is the Minister aware there is a particular diffi- major study of regional tourism structures under- culty in developing areas? In places where many taken by PricewaterhouseCoopers at Fa´ilte houses are built it takes time for the area to func- Ireland’s request and supplemented by the work tion as a community and it is more difficult for of a small independent group, chaired by Mr. such growing communities to make an appli- John Travers. The PWC Report highlighted the cation for funds as they are not established. need for a much wider brief for regional tourism, Counties like Kildare, Meath and Fingal are with more emphasis on its strategic rather than disadvantaged in that regard. administrative role and contributing more I see no rationale for the census of population directly to national policy. It recommended a having a bearing on this. If it does not have a greatly increased emphasis on targeted market- bearing, what is the basis for allocations to a ing, product development and enterprise support county? Is whoever represents the county the key and suggested establishing an integrated linkage factor in terms of how well a county does in terms between regional tourism strategy and national of lottery grants. policy and exploiting avenues to leverage increased resources. I am confident the new Mr. O’Donoghue: Last year Kerry finished in regional tourism arrangements, with enhanced the middle of the table, but this year it did not. functions being put in place at local level, will The grants announced to date represent grants enable tourism to grow in the regions to a greater for local clubs, not grants to major regional infra- extent than at present. structure projects which are normally in more In the case of four tourism regions, namely, the urbanised centres. When the regional grants are south-east, south-west, west and midlands-east added in, the picture will probably change. While regions, the resolutions necessary to allow the the number of applications from County Kildare reorganisation to proceed have been passed. I was down this year by 25%, the number of appli- have also given my consent, on foot of a request cations from Kerry was quite high. from Fa´ilte Ireland, to the delegation of increased Department officials do their best in terms of functions from the authority to the four new what are limited funds and use certain criteria in development boards for these regions. coming to an assessment of the scores. The The position with regard to the north-west criteria include the extent to which the projects tourism region is that the regional tourism auth- increase active participation and result in ority has adjourned its extraordinary general improved standards of sport, the need to achieve meeting until 19 July. I understand Fa´ilte Ireland an equitable geographical spread of funds and an is in contact with that authority. equitable spread over different sports and com- My officials met the chief executive of Fa´ilte munity groups while prioritising designated Ireland as recently as last Monday, 3 July. At that disadvantaged areas, the financial viability of the meeting Fa´ilte Ireland advised that it is still work- project and the extent to which applicants have ing towards the end of summer target as the date consulted with other clubs, community groups, when the change in regional structures will be schools, the local authority and the national gov- delivered. This is in line with the target I gave to erning bodies in order to prioritise proposed the House previously. improvements and facilities. The chairperson and chief executive of the With regard to the disbursement of grants for Irish Tourism Industry Confederation conveyed various disciplines, in the round they are far more the full support of the industry for this initiative equitable than the Deputy imagines. when I met them earlier this week. Mr. Deenihan: In the event of the north-west Tourism Promotion. regional tourism agency refusing to wind down its 4. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Arts, company, is any legal process open to Fa´ilte 1301 Priority 6 July 2006. Questions 1302

Ireland or the Department to direct it to wind chased by the Arts Council and CIE under the down? If it does not wind down, will the whole art partnership scheme; if he will further indicate process cease or can the other four authorities go and publish the names of such pictures from this ahead? Will the Minister clarify what the position collection which were subsequently given to the will be if it refuses to wind down at the meeting? CIE group of hotels; the location of all of these The Minister’s reply indicated that the role of items of art which constitute an important part of the RTAs has been greatly diminished and they Ireland’s cultural heritage; and if he will make a have been stripped of their main role of tourism statement on the matter. [27235/06] promotion. He said they will have a strategic role. What exactly does “strategic role” mean? Mr. O’Donoghue: The Arts Council is a statu- Nobody has yet explained what they will be tory body under my Department’s aegis. It is the doing. principal channel through which State support is directed to the arts. It is understood Mr. O’Donoghue: Neither the Minister nor 5 o’clock from the council that there are 143 Fa´ilte Ireland require the consent of any regional works in the collection in question, tourism authority to enable that authority to be which were jointly funded under the Arts disbanded. Even if the authority votes to stay in Council’s joint purchase scheme. These include situ, the State tourism authority, Fa´ilte Ireland, works by Gerard Dillon, Patrick Collins, Louis le can go to the High Court to ensure the policy is Brocquy and Basil Blackshaw. These were pur- adhered to. However, as in all matters such as this chased primarily in the 1960s and 1970s, at a cost it is always best to try to find a solution which then to the council of £7,233. The total cost of does not require a stricture or imposition. There- these works at the time came to £14,466.71. fore, I had a meeting this week with the chair- The Arts Council is aware of the issues arising person of north-west tourism to discuss the part- from potential sale of these works and is in con- icular difficulties it appears to have with the tact with CIE and the chief executive officer of concept. the Great Southern Hotel Group in this regard. I explained to the chairperson that far from this In that context, I have asked the following being a diminution of the powers of the regional questions of the Arts Council. What part of CIE’s tourism authorities, it is quite the reverse. I have collection was passed on to the Great Southern been concerned in recent times about the growth Hotels and where are these now? Which parts of of tourism numbers in large urban centres rela- the collection were jointly purchased by the Arts tive to what is happening in the regions. I know Council and where are they now? Which paint- there are various factors involved, including ings were or are now owned by CIE and where people taking shorter breaks, a major increase in are they now? Which paintings in which the Arts low price access to the country, people going to Council has an interest were not offered to the urban centres for shorter periods of time and State and where are they now? short notice bookings. Nonetheless, there is a dis- The Arts Council has given my Department parity which is a cause of concern. Therefore, I preliminary responses to these questions and I have given far greater powers to the regions have asked that its efforts to establish the full under this initiative than ever before. facts of the matter be redoubled. When I say that their powers will be more stra- On my instructions, my Department also tegic, I mean they will be less administrative. For brought the matter to the attention of the chief the most part, everybody would agree that executive officer of the Dublin Airport Authority regional tourism authorities have been involved in early June and asked for a full report on the in administration. They did that well, but I want matter. I understand that potential vendors are to see them involved strategically in tourism, tar- obliged to notify such intended sales to the State geted marketing, product development and so that first option on such items may be exer- enterprise support. I want them to have a more cised by the State collecting institutions. The active role in terms of attracting people into the Dublin Airport Authority has responded to my regions than they have ever had. Department confirming that it will consult in full This method, which follows closely on a report with it and the Arts Council before any decisions commissioned from PricewaterhouseCoopers will are taken. The DAA has also confirmed that it enable us to do that. I am also confident the prob- will comply fully with all State guidelines. I have lems with regard to north-west tourism will be also asked the aforementioned questions of the resolved and that by the end of the summer we Dublin Airport Authority and await its full will have the five new development boards in response. place. Additional information not given on the floor of the House. Arts Council. These works of art are part of our national 5. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for Arts, heritage and belong, in effect, to the people. They Sport and Tourism if, in the public interest, he should not be disposed of for short-term pecuni- will seek and publish information from the Arts ary gain and should be returned to the national Council giving the full list of pictures jointly pur- collecting institutions and the OPW, who will 1303 Priority 6 July 2006. Questions 1304

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] This is an urgent matter. It is urgent that the retain them in public ownership for continued full list is provided. We must be given the full list public viewing and enjoyment. The sale of these of those purchased by CIE to go into the CIE works is totally at variance with the original hotels. What happened those paintings that were intent of the scheme, that being to provide a plat- on exhibition in the four hotels that were sold, in form for Irish artists to display their works. It was Kenmare, Mulrany, Sligo and Bundoran? Was never the intention of the scheme that the public the 50% returned to the Arts Council and will bodies involved would seek to commercially the files in that matter be made available to the exploit these works. public?

Mr. M. Higgins: I am grateful to the Minister Mr. O’Donoghue: This matter was first brought for his reply. Will he indicate when he anticipates to my attention by people working in the Parkna- being in a position to publish the lists referred to? silla Great Southern Hotel. Subsequently I read The full list of what was acquired by CIE under that Deputy Higgins had also raised the matter. the purchase scheme at the end of the 1960s and Following upon the discussion I had with some 1970s is contained in the appendix to the excel- staff members in the Parknasilla Great Southern lent exhibition of CIE’s own collection, Art on Hotel, I wrote to the chief executive of the Wheels. Dublin Airport Authority, advising him of the There is a problem. The reason the full list wonderful collection that was in the Parknasilla must be put in the public realm arises from the Great Southern Hotel. I stated to him that some fact that these paintings are a crucial part of the of that art had been removed recently with a view cultural heritage. In the appendix, a painting by to its possible sale on the market. I pointed out Jack Yeats entitled “Something Happened in the that there was a circular from the Department of Transport some years ago which specified that in Street”, is listed as national loan exhibition 1945, \ returned in 1973 and Arts Council subsidy the event of art valued at more than 10,000 refunded. Where is that painting now? being put on the market by a State entity, the State through either the OPW or the national col- My second question relates. Have any of the lecting institutions, must be given first option on pictures that were 50% assisted been offered for that art. sale, either in Ireland or outside the jurisdiction? I also stated that I understood that receipt of With reference to the second part of his reply, this notification was acknowledged at the time by who owns these pictures which are 50% assisted the commercial State companies, including the by the Arts Council and the other 50% paid for then Aer Rianta. I also pointed out that I under- by a semi-State body, Irish Rail, who in turn dis- stood that some of those paintings may be jointly bursed them to the Great Southern Hotel Group? owned by the Arts Council and that the paintings Are they not in the ownership of the State? Why included some by Arthur Armstrong, Norah could that ownership not be transferred to McGuinness, Daniel O’Neill, George Campbell, public galleries? Gerard Dillon and others. I asked what was the The scheme introduced in 1953 suggested the intention of the Dublin Airport Authority in purpose of the scheme is to have them on display respect of those paintings and whether it was the to the Irish public, to introduce Irish artists to the intention to put those paintings on the market public, and so forth. The purposes of that scheme and if so, what plans existed to give the national cannot possibly be met by a sale to private col- collecting institutions first option on what I lections. regarded as these heritage works. I refer to the list of the Great Southern Hotel I received a reply from the Dublin Airport collection, of which the paintings in the Arts Authority, dated 16 June in which it was stated Council assisted purchase scheme may only be that some paintings had been removed by art part. Where are these paintings? I put it to the specialists De Vere in order to have them prop- Minister that it is in the interest of pointing out erly valued, these being the precise words used. to the Dublin Airport Authority that they are not The reply also stated that as a natural matter of its paintings to sell. For the Dublin Airport Auth- course the Dublin Airport Authority would com- ority to say the OPW would be given first option ply fully with all relevant State guidelines and is saying to the Irish people that they will be given would consult the relevant Ministers and the Arts first option on purchasing half of that which they Council as necessary regarding the future of the own themselves already. paintings. The issue of public scrutiny which is involved Deputy Higgins and I have discussed this issue is that if I and my colleagues had not raised this in which we both have a great interest. These issue, would we have known where this heritage works of art are part of our national heritage and was? I am dissatisfied with the reply stated pub- belong to the people. They should not be dis- licly that paintings were removed from the Great posed of for short term pecuniary gain and they Southern Hotel for appraisal and storage and should be returned to the national collecting insti- were not being prepared for auction. My infor- tutions and the OPW who will retain them in mation is not so, that people were asked to tender public ownership for continued public viewing for appraisal, storage and preparation for sale. and enjoyment. The sale of these works is com- 1305 Other 6 July 2006. Questions 1306 pletely at variance with the original intent of the text of the current project. The list provided by scheme which was to provide a platform at that the Arts Council to the Department is the out- time for Irish artists to display their works. God come of research into the CIE collection, which knows they had little enough places to display was undertaken by Jane Eckett in 2006 and based their work or customers to which to sell them. on the Arts Council’s record of the scheme. It was never the intention of the scheme that It represents the complete body of works pur- the public bodies involved should seek to exploit chased through the joint purchase scheme by these works which are part of the heritage of this either CIE or the Great Southern Hotel group. nation and which in truth and in justice are the They are listed as a single collection and the Arts property of the Irish nation. I have set in train an Council is establishing the distinction between inquiry through the Arts Council and through the works published by the Great Southern Hotels Dublin Airport Authority to ascertain which of and those purchased by CIE. these are jointly owned by the Arts Council and On its part, the Great Southern Hotel group CIE as it then was, which of these have been dis- has transferred a number of works to de Vere- posed of and where they are located. These rel- Whyte’s for safe keeping. Some 54 works have evant questions have been put into the process been transferred in total, of which approximately which I hope will yield the necessary results. Like 30 are from the original CIE collections. Inaccur- Deputy Higgins I am extremely sceptical that the acy in various painting titles leads to some con- list on the catalogue is exhaustive which is fusion. For example, de Vere-Whyte’s list Anne impossible to believe. Yeats’s Eggs in a Basket and this might corre- spond with what is on the Arts Council record as Mr. M. Higgins: It is important that I thank the Anne Yeats’s Eggs in a Hat. One man’s hat is Minister for his very full reply. I am glad we share another man’s basket. the concern about what should happen to these The Arts Council, in co-operation with the pictures. We should also consider those paintings Great Southern Hotel group, is establishing the of regional significance, such as those of Maurice provenance and location of the remaining works. McGonigle, for example, in the west of Ireland, The current research will establish if, and to what and others that would be appropriate to Dublin. extent, works were sold on. However, the organ- We should consider how best the purposes of the isations and agencies that purchased works under 1953 scheme might be achieved by the paintings the joint purchase scheme were not contractually being placed for public view. It is of interest that obliged to offer works for sale to the State. the Heritage Council has offered to be of assist- ance in this regard and we should use its Other Questions. expertise. We should establish the provenance of the ———— paintings involved, especially in light of the other implications which arise. That is another question Sports Facilities. which I am happy to have the Minister investi- gate, namely, regarding any paintings which may 6. Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Arts, have been offered for sale within the jurisdiction Sport and Tourism the position regarding the or outside it. I gave the particularly worrying roll-out of the nationwide audit of sports facili- example of the last painting listed in the appen- ties. [26955/06] dix, the Jack Yeats work, Something Happening in the Street. A remarkably similar painting was Mr. O’Donoghue: The proposed nationwide offered for sale in Christie’s many years after it is audit of sports facilities is being carried out in noted here as being returned to the Arts Council stages to help speed up the availability of infor- in 1973. That was in the 1980s. mation. The first phase of the audit will establish I am very happy with the Minister’s reply and a record of national and regional sports facilities I suggest he use the resources of the Heritage and is being carried out within my Department. Council. I put it to him that it is in all our interests The work being undertaken is a data gathering that we bring the matter to as speedy a conclusion exercise in conjunction with the main sporting as possible. The Minister would agree. bodies and local authorities to identify the facili- ties for inclusion in this phase. Having identified Mr. O’Donoghue: The Arts Council has in excess of 100 sports facilities of national or engaged the visual arts specialist consultant, regional significance funded under my Depart- Oliver Dowling, to establish beyond reasonable ment’s sports capital programme since 1999, my doubt the location and provenance of works pur- Department has written to 16 of the main sport- chased under the joint purchase scheme with a ing bodies seeking their input before finalising view to providing conclusive answers to the ques- this list of national and regional sports facilities. tions outlined earlier. This draft list, which will also include details of The Arts Council does not have a conclusive third level educational institutions and swimming list of works from CIE’s collection that were pools, will be sent to local authorities for their passed on to the Great Southern Hotel group. I input before it is completed. Following this, a sincerely hope this will be addressed in the con- detailed questionnaire seeking the necessary 1307 Other 6 July 2006. Questions 1308

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] ful in other European countries. In this country it information on the sports facilities will issue to is different. One is being built in Drogheda, but facility owners and managers, and this will be there is none for Dundalk. There is one planned used to establish a comprehensive database. for Swords, but none for Balbriggan. Work has commenced on the content of this There is a selective and insufficient provision questionnaire, which should be ready for issue by of quite basic facilities, which are important in the the end of the summer. first instance because of the issue of childhood It is expected that the detailed information to obesity, but are also important for the basic qual- be provided in response to the questionnaire will ity of life we expect for people. Does this fall be collated and stored on a database by the end through the net, given the Minister’s comments of the year. By ascertaining and mapping what is about the Olympics and other high level sport already in place at a national and regional level, activity? an important part of developing a strategic There was a promise when the Minister’s pre- approach to future facility provision is put in decessor, Deputy McDaid, was responsible for place. such matters, that there would be an indoor ath- This is also of critical importance in the context letic area in Santry for people who depend on of maximising opportunities around the London Santry’s stadium at the moment. Many of those Olympics in 2012. It is clear that decisions on athletes now have to go abroad. One of our top where to locate their final pre-Olympic training athletes, who was from Donabate, was tragically camps are likely to be taken by many of the lead- killed in a road accident abroad recently. There ing sporting teams over the next two to three are many athletes — although not many of her years. The president of the Olympic Council of high standard — who have to go abroad for train- Ireland of Ireland, Mr. Pat Hickey, has advised ing. Appropriate indoor training facilities do not me that he has already received inquires from exist in this country. several high profile countries. Is that a priority? When the audit is done, will In addition to key national facilities such as the there be a priority on the absolute needs, National Aquatic Centre, Morton Stadium and especially based on promises made and which national centres for other sports such as rowing, badly need to be fulfilled? Morton Stadium does basketball, hockey and tennis, this first phase of a fantastic job, but an indoor athletic arena is the audit will also include universities. The badly needed. location of a wide range of sporting facilities, along with living accommodation in a campus Mr. O’Donoghue: It is difficult to know when style setting, may be an important requirement an effective and comprehensive national audit of for visiting teams. local facilities will be completed. It is a major The enormity of completing the audit of sports undertaking. The Sports Council in Northern facilities, even in this initial phase, should not be Ireland embarked on a similar exercise in recent underestimated. Given the experience of other years, and it has taken between two and three countries, it is likely to take a number of years to years to identify the facilities. I am pleased with complete. The benefits will be considerable, and the progress of the sports capital programme in establishing the level of need that still exists in since 1998. We have now financed approximately the sports sector and helping to determine future 5,600 projects in every city, town, village and par- priorities, it will underpin a strategic approach to ish in the country. That has improved facilities facility provision. enormously. With regard to other facilities, criteria which Mr. Sargent: This question arises from prom- I outlined earlier are used by the Department’s ises in the programme for Government, and the officials in assessing various applications. This audit was to be carried out. When is the expected year, more than 700 applications were successful date for its conclusion and publication? I appreci- from a total of almost 1,400. That equates to an ate that considerable funding has come from the approximate 50% success rate. Regional grants Minister’s Department, which has been helpful. have not yet been announced but we hope to For example, a swimming pool in Skerries would announce them in the not too distant future. not be built, along with many other projects, only The indoor arena to which Deputy Sargent for such funding. I also acknowledge co-operation referred is obviously a concept in which I have a with the Department of Education and Science to great interest. Phase one of Abbotstown should ensure that facilities are used to their maximum be completed by the end of 2010 or thereabouts, capacity. and I certainly hope the question of an indoor Nevertheless, there is a growing reliance in arena can be addressed in the context of the next communities on private funding for facilities. As phase of Abbotstown. long as facilities are provided, any funding is good funding. There are a number of projects that slip Mr. Sargent: What about skateboard parks? through the net. Speaking to constituents, the Minister and I know how fairly basic facilities, Mr. O’Donoghue: To the best of my know- such as a skateboard park costing approximately ledge, skateboard parks, playgrounds etc., are \40,000, are not in place. They seem to be plenti- under the remit of the Department of the Envir- 1309 Other 6 July 2006. Questions 1310 onment, Heritage and Local Government or the RFC; and if he will make a statement on the Department of Health and Children. matter. [26929/06]

Mr. Sargent: It is a sport. Mr. O’Donoghue: I propose to take Questions Nos. 7, 25 and 40 together. Mr. O’Donoghue: My Department’s objective In January 2006, the Lansdowne Road Stadium is to provide infrastructure for competitive sport. Development Company — LRSDC — the com- pany charged with delivery of this project, sub- Mr. Sargent: Skateboarding is competitive. mitted a planning application to Dublin City Council and then provided a detailed response to Mr. Deenihan: Will the Department’s audit questions raised by the city council about that include the level of facilities available in primary application. In the process of preparing the plan- schools throughout the country? If not, why? ning application the company engaged in exten- Facilities in schools are important. sive consultations with relevant interests and specialists, including local resident groups. The Mr. O’Donoghue: It will. application lodged endeavoured to address, to the maximum extent possible, the issues identified by Mr. Wall: We all agree with and fully under- expert advisors and the concerns expressed by stand the reason the amount of funding that has those groups consulted. been provided through the national lottery for The issue raised by the Deputy relates to the facilities right around the country. Will the audit house at No. 70 Shelbourne Road, which it is pro- check that those facilities are being used to posed to demolish in order to allow for a new maximum effect or will it merely state there is a access point to the stadium. I understand the facility in Athy, in Kilorglin in Kerry or company had this house surveyed and was wherever? Will it go further than the basics of advised that it was not listed and, indeed, is of noting the facilities or will the questionnaires of insufficient heritage value for listing. Further, it which the Minister spoke involve an audit into was the opinion of the heritage architect expert participation in the context of the facilities? Is it consulted that the house has no special architec- an audit of existing facilities or of the use made tural merit, as it presented only a veneer of auth- of the facilities? enticity and did not contribute to the streetscape in a positive manner. I understand that in dis- Mr. O’Donoghue: The audit is to ascertain cussions with Dublin City Council there was no what is available at present, and then to identify indication to the contrary as regards this issue. any facilities which are lacking in various areas It seems that recently a number of local coun- and any existing gaps. This, in turn, will enable cillors, through the local area committee, have the Minister to fill those gaps. objected to the demolition of the house and have intimated they will seek advice and attempt to National Stadium. have this house and the terrace in which it stands 7. Mr. Quinn asked the Minister for Arts, Sport listed. This is a matter for the councillors con- and Tourism his views on the decision of Dublin cerned and for Dublin City Council and it would city councillors to seek advice on preserving a be inappropriate for me to comment on the building due to be demolished under the plan to initiative. redevelop Lansdowne Road; if this development The deadline for a decision from Dublin City will delay the redevelopment of the stadium; his Council on the planning application is also a further views on whether the building can be pre- matter for the Council, although a response to the served without altering the design of the stadium; planning application is due by the end of July. and if he will make a statement on the matter. The dispute between the IRFU and the named [26928/06] football club, as I have indicated previously, is a matter between the IRFU and the clubs in ques- 25. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Arts, tion. It is clear that ultimately the issues must be Sport and Tourism if progress is on schedule resolved by the parties directly involved. Dis- regarding the new Lansdowne Road stadium; the cussions between those parties are still ongoing. deadline for a decision from Dublin City Council To date, the project has proceeded on schedule on the planning application; and if he will make and while no one can say what length of time will a statement on the matter. [26964/06] be required to obtain planning permission, I am hopeful the planning process will not delay that 40. Mr. Quinn asked the Minister for Arts, schedule. I believe a solution will be found to the Sport and Tourism the position on the redevelop- dispute between the IRFU and Wanderers Foot- ment of Lansdowne Road as the new national ball Club and, equally, I am hopeful the local resi- stadium; if the project remains on schedule dents will not delay the redevelopment of the despite objections to the original planning appli- stadium. I put my views on the record on a cation; the concerns expressed by local residents; number of occasions that if this project does not the dispute between the IRFU and Wanderers go ahead at Lansdowne Road, it might ultimately 1311 Other 6 July 2006. Questions 1312

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] and at the same time not consider the status of result in other, and perhaps less attractive, devel- this house? opments on the site. Can the city council look for further infor- With a view to resolving the dispute between mation at the end of the month or has the time the IRFU and Wanderers Football Club, I may for seeking further information expired? Will the have to intervene in the matter. If I can help, I decision, whether or not to grant planning per- will do that. mission, at the end of the month be the final one? That is an important factor because that is the Mr. Wall: On this record of protected struc- timeframe envisaged by the company set up to tures, according to The Irish Times the executive provide the stadium. If further information is manager within the council’s planning depart- requested and the process is protracted, the entire ment stated there could be a legal issue raised by project would be thrown off schedule. the stadium developers if the councillors added the affected properties — initially, it was stated Mr. O’Donoghue: I must take it that Dublin Nos. 4 to 70 Lansdowne Road were being deter- City Council will listen to its own heritage archi- mined here and now there is probably only one tect and determine whether this particular issue building which may be preserved. If a legal posi- should interfere with it in deciding whether to tion will be taken by the stadium developers and grant planning permission, and what conditions also an independent opinion will be sought from might apply. As far as I am concerned we, or at least the development group, replied to the issues the Civic Trust and An Taisce, it must be a cause which were raised by Dublin City Council. Those of concern. Can something be done to alleviate replies were comprehensive. I look forward to a the concerns of the councillors involved or is decision from Dublin City Council by the end of there any part the Minister can play in trying to this month. If planning permission is granted, I overcome a problem which could develop into a assume an appeal will be made to An Bord long legal action if these houses or, in particular, Pleana´la but that has been factored into the time- the house at No. 70 Shelbourne Road, is recorded frame. We remain on course for construction to as a protected structure? commence in 2007 and it is estimated to take 29 months. I do not have a crystal ball but every Mr. O’Donoghue: I have given Deputy Wall deadline has been met thus far. my Department’s perspective. However, a group of councillors operating through the local area National Theatre. committee does not agree with this and they have intimated that they will seek to have the house 8. Mr. McEntee asked the Minister for Arts, and the terrace on which it stands listed. Of Sport and Tourism the position regarding the course, their efforts so far have been unsuccess- relocation of the Abbey Theatre; and if he will ful, as the council heritage architect agreed the make a statement on the matter. [26672/06] house was not of sufficient heritage value to be listed. 19. Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for The council legal executive has taken legal Arts, Sport and Tourism if the examination of the advice on the matter and advised the councillors possible PPP procurement models for the concerned that they should have the backing of a redevelopment of the Abbey Theatre at Georges technical architectural statement before continu- Dock has been completed; if a report has been ing. This group has now asked the executive to sent to Government on the preferred option; and commission An Taisce and the Civic Trust to if he will make a statement on the matter. [26678/06] carry out another heritage study and I understand that Dublin City Council is due to respond to this 21. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Arts, matter on or before Monday next. Sport and Tourism the timetable for the redevel- It is not for me to comment on all of these opment of the Abbey Theatre on a site in the matters other than to say that we are just trying Dublin docklands; and if he will make a state- to build a world-class stadium at Lansdowne ment on the matter. [26937/06] Road. It seems there are people who, for one reason or another, are seeking to prevent that Mr. O’Donoghue: I propose to take Questions happening. They should carefully consider the Nos. 8, 19 and 21 together. alternative again. The alternative is a concrete In July 2005, the Government authorised jungle, which is what will go into Lansdowne investigative surveys to be carried out at the Road if the stadium does not go in. Many of the George’s Dock site to inform further decisions on people actively pursuing objections today may the development of the theatre there. At my well be sorry in the future that they did not request, the Office of Public Works arranged listen now. detailed examination of the site, including archae- ological, geotechnical and structural surveys. On Mr. Deenihan: Will the problem with this part- the basis of the favourable conclusions emerging icular house hold up the planning process? Will from these studies the Government in December the council be able to grant planning permission 2005 approved the redevelopment of the Abbey 1313 Other 6 July 2006. Questions 1314

Theatre at George’s Dock and agreed that my is proposed to proceed on the basis that the new Department, in conjunction with the Minister for theatre will not provide car parking facilities, Finance, the OPW and the National Develop- given that adequate car parks exist within the ment Finance Agency, would examine possible vicinity of George’s Dock. procurement models, including PPP options. KPMG was commissioned to carry out a cost Tourism Promotion. effectiveness study of the proposed relocation of the national theatre under various procurement 9. Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for Arts, options. The conclusions of the KPMG study are Sport and Tourism his views on the establishment being evaluated by my Department in consul- of a tourism product and business innovation tation with the other agencies to which I have fund to facilitate innovation and research and referred and I expect to report back to Govern- development in the area of tourism, in line with ment on the issues in the very near future. I am the recent Irish Tourist Industry Confederation not yet in a position to specify commencement report; and if he will make a statement on the and completion dates. matter. [26939/06]

Mr. Deenihan: What procurement model will 11. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Arts, be adopted? It is decision time regarding the pro- Sport and Tourism if his attention has been posed new national theatre because the existing drawn to a new report by the Irish Tourist Indus- theatre is outdated and the facilities are very try Confederation on competitiveness in the tour- poor. The saga surrounding the provision of a ism industry; if his attention has further been new building must reach a conclusion sooner drawn to its conclusion that pricing is one of the rather than later. We profess and boast about factors adversely affecting the competitiveness of being a modern country and, therefore, a building the tourism market; and if he will make a state- that represents the progress we have made, as the ment on the matter. [26938/06] Minister has often said, is needed. Further delays cannot be tolerated regarding the procurement 14. Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for Arts, model that should be used and a decision should Sport and Tourism if he will introduce a soft loan be made. A site has been secured and while a scheme as outlined in the recent ITIC report, number of people have issues with it, it is gener- Ireland’s Competitive Position in Tourism; and if ally agreed this is the best location, particularly he will make a statement on the matter. since the Carlton Cinema site and other sites [26671/06] were not available. A timescale should be set down. What procurement model might be used? 342. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, What are the expected commencement and com- Sport and Tourism the cost factors currently pletion dates? The Minister stated previously the affecting the development of the tourism indus- project would cost \180 million. Is that estimate try; if he has in mind proposals to address the still valid? Was construction inflation factored issues; and if he will make a statement on the into the estimate? matter. [27615/06]

Mr. O’Donoghue: KPMG has been com- 343. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, missioned to carry out a cost effectiveness analy- Sport and Tourism if he is satisfied that tourism sis of the proposed relocation of the national locations here are sufficiently competitive with theatre, the key objective of which was to estab- similar locations in Europe and worldwide; and if lish the most effective way to achieve the redevel- he will make a statement on the matter. opment of the Abbey Theatre at George’s Dock. [27616/06] In February, KPMG provided an outline of its report, which we made available to the NDFA Mr. O’Donoghue: I propose to take Questions and the OPW. The outline, inter alia, examines Nos. 9, 11, 14, 342 and 343 together. a number of procurement solutions, including a As I have often said, maintaining and growing DBFM-PPP structure and traditional procure- competitiveness is the major challenge facing the ment assessed against the key procurement objec- tourism industry. The industry operates in a fier- tives of cost effectiveness, value for money, time cely competitive environment and faces major and design requirements and operational control. challenges if it is to remain on the path of sus- I cannot outline a timeframe but consultations tainable and well dispersed growth. Tourism on the issue are continuing with a view to the policy has been reviewed and re-invigorated fol- circulation of a memorandum to the Government lowing the report of the tourism policy review seeking approval to bring the project to procure- group in autumn 2003. The challenges facing the ment stage at the earliest date. industry have been well described and the path With regard to the capital cost of redeveloping towards addressing them laid out in the New Hor- the theatre based on its current accommodation izons report on Irish tourism policy. New Hor- brief, which is 12,500 sq. m., the estimate is izons identified the restoration of competitiveness between \150 million and \155 million, using a as one of the greatest challenges facing the indus- conventional model, exclusive of car parking. It try. It set out a practical action plan with more 1315 Other 6 July 2006. Questions 1316

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] more efficient uses of resources employed with a than 70 recommendations. Good progress on the knock-on benefit in operating costs. Fa´ilte implementation of these recommendations was Ireland has a range of programmes to help the reported on in the final report of the tourism industry in this area. action plan implementation group, which was At more than \140 million, Exchequer support published in March 2006 and is available on my for tourism are at unprecedented levels this year. Department’s website. The Irish Tourist Industry The needs of the industry are increasingly Confederation was closely involved with the work reflected in Government policies and analyses of the implementation group. across a wide spectrum. In addition to its econ- I have welcomed the Irish Tourist Industry omic benefits, tourism plays an important role in Confederation’s Report on Ireland’s Competitive supporting the peace process where it is the lead- Position in Tourism, which is an intelligent contri- ing area of North-South economic co-operation. bution to the debate on the state of Irish tourism, Despite all of the shocks and uncertainties in the as it reflects many of the issues and challenges international marketplace over the past four that surfaced in the New Horizons report. The years and the destructive nay-saying that is all too ITIC report puts forward a useful agenda for the common in certain media circles, Irish tourism tourism industry to lift its game and the various has managed to weather the storm and continues players involved need to give it careful attention. to grow. The official CSO tourism and travel fig- The tourism strategy implementation group, ures for the first four months of 2006 reflect the which I have recently appointed, will work with healthy state of the industry. Visitor numbers the industry and Departments and agencies to increased by almost 13%. This follows on a address a number of key areas, in particular, com- record visitor number performance in 2005 with petitiveness, productivity and skills, sus- almost 7 million overseas visitors. However, tainability, regional spread and product develop- despite the record performance, we cannot be ment. ITIC is closely involved with this process. complacent. As for specific recommendations in the ITIC The industry, not the Government, delivers vis- report on a tourism product and business inno- itors. The industry has to aim, at all times, to vation fund and a soft loan scheme, I will await operate at optimum competitiveness and to seek the outcome of the work of Fa´ilte Ireland on its to deliver value for money and a good visitor new Tourism Product Development Strategy experience. The Government have given an 2007-2013, which is being finalised by the high unprecedented level of commitment and support level group set up by the body and chaired by Mr. for the Irish tourism industry. It is working in Dan Flinter and which will be a valuable input to partnership with the industry to help it meet its the work of my Department on the next national current challenges and will continue to do so in development plan. The tourism agencies continue the future. to monitor Ireland’s competitiveness as a tourism destination. Overall Ireland is not perceived as an Mr. Wall: The report mentioned in the ques- expensive destination to get to but that there are tion states an estimated \1 billion is required for issues about the relative cost of some on-the- the lifetime of the development plan. What is the ground amenities. situation regarding such figures compared with In 2005, Tourism Ireland undertook a pilot the last development plan? In his press release of project that focused on benchmarking Ireland’s June 20 the Minister stated he would call on all availability on-line against our key competitors in players identified in the report to give careful the top four markets — Great Britain, the USA, consideration to the actions proposed. France and Germany — regarding cost avail- During the past week the “Morning Ireland” ability and choice of flights, hotels and car hire. programme on RTE has had a regular investig- Overall Ireland is very competitive in these sec- ative spot on tourism. The overall picture is that tors in the on-line arena. Fa´ilte Ireland’s visitor in many instances local authorities fail regarding attitude survey shows that the area of value, price signposts and tourist facilities. How can we relate and good all-round value for money remains an the international marketing worth \325 million to important prerequisite for visitors when consider- what is required at local level? Local authorities ing Ireland as their holiday destination, as does have a major role to play. How does that bill com- the availability of reasonably priced accom- pare with what we spent previously? How will the modation and competitively priced air and sea Minister, local authorities and the Minister for fares. the Environment, Heritage and Local Govern- The reality is that Ireland is not a cheap or low ment try to improve basic tourist facilities such as cost destination. The economy operates on a part- signposting and the cost of food? According to nership basis and tourism is a services industry, “Morning Ireland”, these issues upset tourists. which relies heavily on labour. Economic and We spent \325 million on marketing and \210 social policy operates on the basis of seeking to million on developing tourist spots and other ensure those in employment are paid fair wages, products. How will those amounts be related and which impacts on costs. No one wants to turn is it feasible? What is the breakdown for local back the clock in this regard. Nevertheless better authorities? A proposal was made regarding management can secure greater productivity and development and training involving an amount of 1317 Other 6 July 2006. Questions 1318

\175 million. A need for training was also men- improve and provide a quality holiday tioned during the debate on “Morning Ireland”. experience. The Minister stated he must wait for Fa´ilte Ireland’s proposals. How realistic are these fig- Mr. Deenihan: Is the Minister concerned that ures in terms of the national development plan? according to recent figures, the US market seems What connection can be made between the to have decreased and the trend of bed night Departments of Arts, Sports and Tourism and the losses in the west seems to be continuing? In that Environment, Heritage and Local Government context, the ITIC report specifically mentioned and local authorities to implement this package business tourism. At present, one does not pay which would give us a competitive edge in VAT when one attends a business conference in tourism? Northern Ireland. However, one does so in the Republic of Ireland. Will the Minister entertain Mr. O’Donoghue: I will answer the final ques- proposals put forward by the industry for a VAT tion first. The group established to examine the refund for business tourists who come here? It is tourism industry and bring forward specific a lucrative market and we do not fully capitalise recommendations made more than 70 recom- on it. mendations in its final report, New Horizons for Regarding the soft loan proposal, a large Irish Tourism. This includes the question of inter- number of our tourism products have gone stale. action with State agencies, including local auth- They need upgrading and to be made more orities, with a view to improving the product interesting, and they require the use of modern which also includes signage. technology. Many of them were put in place in The implementation group I subsequently the 1980s and 1990s when we did not have the established engaged with the authorities, agencies and Departments concerned with a view to pro- same methods of presenting products and holding gressing the recommendations contained in the exhibitions. Those centres need a grant scheme original report. I recently appointed a new imple- and they may also need a loan scheme. It should mentation group which will not be as intensive as seriously be considered. In 2004 the west coast the previous group but which, nonetheless, will region had 3.2 million or 3.3 million fewer holiday monitor progress to ensure the recommendations bed nights than in 1999. How will that be are implemented. addressed? The previous implementation group had a con- siderable degree of success and I expect the same Mr. O’Donoghue: I stated I was very pleased level of success from this group. Therefore, a with the Central Statistics Office figures pub- group is in place which has the objective of liais- lished earlier this month which showed a double ing with State agencies, local authorities and digit growth in overall visitor numbers for the Departments to ensure the recommendations first four months of the year, driven by the British contained in New Horizons for Irish Tourism are market which represented a growth of 12% or implemented. It is pointless to have such an elab- 127,000 visitors, which was quite considerable. orate report if it is not implemented. It is a waste The number of European visitors increased by of time and money. This report is being more than one fifth, leading to an additional implemented. It is good value for money and is 97,000 visitors during the same four-month not a waste of time. period. It is simply not correct to state the North Regarding how the request for \1 billion in the American market was down for the first four ITIC report compares with the past, I imagine months of the year. In fact, the year to date has during the past ten years between the public and shown an increase in the number of North private sectors anything up to \4 billion was spent American visitors of 1.7%. It was particularly on building up the Irish tourism product. That is pleasing that in the last month of the four month a ballpark figure. The figure mentioned by ITIC period examined by the Central Statistics Office, may not be achieved in the context of what will the increase was a whopping 12.6% from North be provided in the new national development America. plan. However, we will seek to have an elaborate These figures overall confirm a pick-up of con- tourism policy and strategy and funding for it siderable proportions and even long-haul markets contained in the plan. were up by over 3% after a slow start to the year. It is important to await the outcome of the I am not saying these figures are reflected in analysis taking place to be input into the plan every region but we are showing continued strong before we state precisely what we seek. Our plans growth for the first four months of the year. That will be ambitious and we will seek to improve the is not reflective of a stale product or one which product considerably. We do so because we face people reject. It is the opposite. It is reflective of increasing competitiveness from eastern Euro- a product chosen by discerning visitors because pean countries in the immediate future. If we are of its quality. I have never denied the need to to continue with the progress we have made, and improve that. As I said to Deputy Wall, we will I am encouraged by the early results for this year seek to do so through the new national develop- which show a 13% increase, we must continue to 1319 Farm Waste 6 July 2006. Management 1320

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] this matter I am very conscious of the Govern- ment plan but we should not talk down our ment’s commitment to agriculture and the excel- product. lent work being done by the Minister for Agri- culture and Food, Deputy Coughlan. I Written Answers follow Adjournment Debate. compliment her on her attention to her portfolio. That contribution is recognised by farm leaders Adjournment Debate Matters. and others throughout the country. It is obvious that her negotiating skills and interaction with her An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: I wish to advise opposite numbers at the Council of Ministers and the House of the following matters in respect of in the Commission are bearing fruit in the best which notice has been given under Standing interests of Irish agriculture. Order 21 and the name of the Member in each The Government brought forward a new farm case: (1) Deputy Hayes — that the Minister out- pollution grant scheme, which was cleared by the line the current status of the proposed sewerage European Commission. That was necessary in the scheme for Golden, County Tipperary; (2) context of the need to put in place a nitrates Deputy McHugh — the decision of the Health directive and give farmers an opportunity to meet Service Executive to cap the monthly allocation future stringent regulations regarding farmyard towards the purchase of incontinent wear for resi- pollution. That is an excellent scheme, with a dents of nursing homes in County Galway; (3) 60% grant available. I raise this matter because Deputy Connolly — the remedial works scheme the scheme’s grants are based on 2004 costings. I at Mullaghmatt in Monaghan; (4) Deputy Cowley call on the Minister and the Government to — that the Minister explain the reason Ballina update those to 2006 levels. Numerous represen- Urban District Council has encroached upon a tations have been made to me by individual farm- special area of conservation for a car park; (5) ers and the farm organisations outlining the Deputy Lowry — to discuss the urgent need to major gap showing between the grant and the include a post-primary school in the school build- tender prices being received by farmers. In some ing programme; (6) Deputy Stanton — to debate cases the grant is being reduced to 50%, and I am the need to ensure that respite care grants are all aware that in some cases it was lowered to 40% paid without undue delay; (7) Deputy Naughten and 45%. — that the Minister ensure that Irish beet grow- ers receive a fair allocation of funds under the I am conscious that contractors and those in sugar restructuring budget; (8) Deputy O’Dowd the construction industry generally have an enor- — that the Minister discuss the findings of the mous amount of work available to them. For that second report on electronic voting machines pub- reason they can price different projects at a very lished this week; (9) Deputy Pat Breen — that high level. That may be reflected in some cases the Minister sanction an extension to two schools in the estimated tender prices farmers are getting and fast track the process in view of the rapid but, irrespective of that, we must update the way population growth in the area; (10) Deputy Perry the grant is calculated. The calculation at 2004 — that the Minister appoint a full-time endrocrin- levels does not reflect the cost to the individual ologist in Sligo General Hospital; (11) Deputy farmer today or the 60% grant this Government Finneran — that the Minister update the costings has agreed with the European Commission and to 2006 levels in determining the grant level the farm bodies to put in place these important under the new farm pollution grant scheme; (12) measures. Deputy Broughan — the need to provide far I am aware this issue has been discussed in the greater numbers of affordable and social houses social partnership talks. I do not know how far it on the northside of Dublin; and (13) Deputy has gone or whether it can be finalised but I want Costello — that the Minister address the recent to add to the debate the concerns of farmers in report showing that Ireland was second from the Roscommon-south Leitrim and the farm organis- bottom in a league table on quality of health ations in that area with whom I have an excellent services. working relationship. My raising of this matter The matters raised by Deputies Finneran, should not be viewed in any way as a criticism of Lowry, Connolly and Broughan have been selec- the scheme or the excellent work being done by ted for discussion. the Minister but it is important that farmers are in a position to take up this scheme. I believe they will take it up if we upgrade the costings to 2006 Adjournment Debate. levels. I make that request to the Minister and her Department. ———— Minister of State at the Department of Agri- Farm Waste Management. culture and Food (Mr. B. Smith): I thank Deputy Mr. Finneran: I welcome the Minister of State Finneran for raising this important issue and to the House. I call on the Minister for Agri- making such a positive contribution. I am pleased culture and Food to update the costings to 2006 to have this opportunity to clarify the current levels in determining the grant level under the position regarding the updating of the Depart- new farm waste management scheme. In raising ment’s standard costings for the purposes of grant 1321 Schools Building 6 July 2006. Projects 1322 payments under the new farm waste management review at that time. The revised costings will scheme. Deputy Finneran has been in constant therefore be introduced by the Department as contact with the Minister, Deputy Coughlan, and soon as this review is completed. The Minister, myself on this important matter. Deputy Coughlan, has already given a commit- The new scheme was launched by the Depart- ment that the revised costings, when introduced, ment last March to assist farmers to meet the will be applied to all approvals issued under the additional requirements of the nitrates directive. scheme since 1 January 2006. Accordingly, farm- The amendments to the scheme included, in part- ers can be assured that developments in relation icular, an increase in the standard grant rate from to the cost of materials or labour used in the con- the previous 40% to 60%, with 70% being avail- struction of farm buildings will be taken into able in the four zone C counties, namely, Cavan, account when the grants come to be paid to them Donegal, Leitrim and Monaghan. I am partic- under the revised scheme. For reasons of confi- ularly pleased that the new scheme recognises the dentiality, the individual costings have never been special issues arising for farmers in the zone C made available by the Department to farmers or region as far as compliance with the new nitrates their advisers. directive provisions is concerned. The new I assure Deputy Finneran that I am confident scheme also provides for an increase in the that the Minister will be in a position to announce maximum eligible investment ceiling from the introduction of the revised costings in the \75,000 to \120,000 and removes any minimum very near future. I thank Deputy Finneran for income requirements from farming from the giving me the opportunity to clarify the current scheme, so that all small farmers can participate. position on what is a matter of great importance This latter change was particularly welcomed by to farming. me. As the current European Union rural develop- Schools Building Projects. ment round closes at the end of this year, appli- cations under the scheme must be received by the Mr. Lowry: At the heart of the matter in Scoil end of 2006. For this reason, the Department of Ruain, Killenaule, is the frustration being experi- Agriculture and Food has also agreed to accept enced by students, by teachers and by parents. It applications under the new scheme as soon as is the frustration of waiting 20 years for a facility application has been made to the relevant local to which they are entitled. The school manage- authority for any required planning permission. ment is looking for a basic sports facility, a sports This administrative change will ensure that all hall. Despite many promises, nothing has hap- farmers wishing to avail of the revised scheme pened. It is the second term of office of the will be in a position to submit applications by the Government parties and the school authorities, end of year deadline. parents and students are still waiting. The school The financial commitment of this Government moved into a new building approximately 20 to the scheme is substantial. A sum of \43 million years ago, without a sports hall or an assembly has been made available for the scheme in this area. To date, this oversight has not been year’s Estimates and up to \250 million has been corrected. ear-marked for the scheme over its projected It is important to note that the school is widely three year period of operation as farmers gener- known as one where students and school manage- ally have until the end of December 2008 to com- ment work in a spirit of co-operation. The man- ply with this particular element of the new agement and staff of the school are nitrates regulations. 6 o’clock very proud of their students and are There has been huge interest by Irish farmers assured that they can take their in the new scheme since its launch. Over 4,600 students on any trip, foreign or otherwise, in the applications were received from farmers during full knowledge that they will not cause trouble or the second quarter of 2006, that is, a three month misbehave. In view of the difficulties associated period, compared to just over 3,000 under the with discipline and behaviour at post primary preceding version of the scheme during the full level this is a testament to the commitment and calendar year of 2005. These figures, as Deputy respect ingrained in the school’s culture. Finneran mentioned, confirm that farmers have The tremendous support from the loyal parents found the new scheme particularly attractive and who continue to send their children to the school, that the scheme will have a vital role in ensuring despite the fact that there are no indoor sports that the required infrastructure is in place on Irish facilities, must be acknowledged. Parents have farms to ensure compliance with the nitrates such faith in the school and the ability of the directive by the relevant European Union teachers and management that the school is see- deadlines. ing the second and third generation of students As far as the standard costings are concerned, from many families. This demonstrates the level my Government colleague, the Minister for Agri- of belief which the parents and local community culture and Food, Deputy Coughlan, indicated, have in the school in Killenaule. when launching the revised scheme last March, On behalf of the school authorities I extend an that the costings used to determine the level of invitation to the Minister for Education and grant payments under the scheme were under Science, Deputy Hanafin, to visit the school. The 1323 Schools Building 6 July 2006. Projects 1324

[Mr. Lowry.] given the legacy of decades of under-investment management has expressed the view to me that it in this area as well as the need to respond to would like her to visit during an assembly time. emerging needs in areas of rapid population At present, there is an assembly area in the growth. Nonetheless, since taking office, the middle of the school that is used for guest speak- Government has shown a sincere determination ers, open evenings, parents’ night, graduation to improve the condition of our school buildings Masses and other events. Many of the classrooms and to ensure that the appropriate facilities are in open on to this assembly area. As one can place to enable the implementation of a broad imagine, this becomes a chaotic scene when the and balanced curriculum. bell chimes and classes pour into an already occu- The Government has invested in the largest pied assembly area. The level of disruption, inter- school building programme in the history of the ruption and pandemonium is unimaginable and State. Between 1998 and the end of 2004, almost inexcusable. Daily routine in Scoil Ruain is diffi- \2 billion was invested in school buildings and in cult for everyone, yet staff and students continue the region of 7,500 large and small projects were with the daily grind in the hope that one day the completed in schools, including 130 brand new promises of the Government might be realised. schools and 510 large-scale refurbishments and Scoil Ruain is in a disadvantaged area. It is extensions. Funding for school building and reno- acknowledged that if the school were in a city, vation projects has increased fivefold since 1997. facilities and resources would be made available. In 2006, \491 million will be spent on school This is a rural school in Tipperary which feels it building projects, compared with just \92 million is invisible and considered to be off the map as in 1997. The 2006 allocation is, in its own right, far as resources from the Government is con- an increase of more than 9% in real terms on the cerned. In effect, the sporting and assembly needs 2005 allocation. of the school have been ditched and ignored by As the Deputy will be aware, at the end of last the Government. year the Department of Education and Science The school caters for approximately 400 outlined its spending plans for primary and post- students. All sporting activities take place out- primary schools for 2006. With \491 million to be doors regardless of the weather. The students of spent on school buildings, there will be over 1,300 Scoil Ruain are at a complete disadvantage by projects active in schools all over the country. comparison with students who have easy access This significant investment will allow the Depart- to indoor facilities. On several occasions during ment to continue to progress its major prog- the year, students need to travel to use the facili- ramme of school building and modernisation ties of other schools. They need to borrow or rent which includes improving equipment needed for these facilities. On wet and rainy days, there is new technologies and ICT. no physical education, no exercise and no fitness The school in question applied to the Depart- programme in the school. How does this ment of Education and Science for capital fund- unacceptable omission square with the Minister’s ing for the development of a PE hall. The Depart- health and fitness programme to combat obesity ment fully recognises the crucial role of physical and diabetes? exercise within the school environment and it is If the Government is serious about combating committed to funding the provision of PE, these problems, adequate sporting and assembly general purpose and outdoor play areas in facilities must be provided for schools such as schools as part of the schools’ capital investment Scoil Ruain. Considering the immense financial programme. As with any application for capital resources available to the Minister and the funding, applications for the provision of PE or unspent funds at her disposal, how can she justify sports facilities in existing schools must be con- the exclusion of this school from the building sidered in the context of all other applications on programme? I urge the Minister in the strongest hand for capital investment, such as applications possible terms to sanction immediately the neces- for new schools, refurbishment projects, exten- sary funding for the sports hall in Scoil Ruain, sions, new sites, remediation programmes and so Killenaule. on. This is done in the context of available resources and the published criteria for prioritis- Mr. B. Smith: I apologise for the absence of ing school building projects. the Minister for Education and Science, Deputy I will briefly explain and summarise these Hanafin, who is unavoidably absent owing to criteria which show the self-evident logic of how other commitments. I thank Deputy for raising projects are selected for inclusion in a school the matter of the application for capital funding building programme. There are four band ratings for Scoil Ruain, Killenaule, County Tipperary. I under the criteria, with band 1 being the highest am happy to be able to outline to him where the and band 4 the lowest in terms of priorities. Band project stands in the context of the huge amount 1 consists of projects for new schools and exten- of capital works being undertaken by the Depart- sions to schools in rapidly developing areas, ment of Education and Science under the schools accommodation for special needs students, pro- building and modernisation programme. jects for schools that are structurally unsound and Modernising facilities in our 3,200 primary and rationalisation projects. Band 2 projects range 750 post-primary schools is not an easy task, from major extensions to address mainstream 1325 Remedial 6 July 2006. Works Grants 1326 accommodation deficits and extensive to moder- owners whose houses need refurbishment will not ate refurbishments to existing schools to maintain apply for funding because they cannot afford the the integrity of buildings. Band 3 projects deal repayments. The people who can afford to pay with the provision of ancillary accommodation for refurbishments have already done so. Full use and improvement works for other than special should be made of these funds because it would education accommodation. Band 4 includes all defeat the purpose if only two out of ten houses other project types, for example PE halls, general in a row installed new windows. People do not purpose rooms, etc. desire a patchwork arrangement of that nature. Not alone are these criteria open and trans- The committee is concerned that some of the parent but they were revised in recent times fol- money assigned for refurbishments will be lowing consultation with the education partners returned unused and is investigating whether soft to ensure that they are tuned to meet the many loans could made available. Some of the people challenges presenting for the school building concerned are unemployed and unable to take up programme. These include the needs of rapidly this generous offer. The committee has ideas on developing areas where little or no accom- progressing the project and is seeking a meeting modation exists, the accommodation require- with the NBA. ments for the massive expansion in teacher The estate is improving and investors are start- numbers, the need to cater for both diversity and ing to buy houses in it, which sends out the right our special needs pupils, not to mention tackling type of signal. A visit to the estate would be the historical under investment in our existing worthwhile in order to see the work already com- school building stock. pleted in part one of the project. I urge the Mini- The PE hall project for the school in question ster of State to allow the committee to become been assigned a band 4 rating under the prioritis- part of the decision-making process. ation criteria. Over the past five years, however, enrolments have fallen at the school by 15%. The Minister of State at the Department of the Department of Education and Science is Environment, Heritage and Local Government revisiting the school’s application for the pur- (Mr. B. O’Keeffe): I acknowledge the Deputy’s poses of drawing up long-term projected enrol- interest in raising this matter, which was also ment. While this will not have the effect of chang- raised with me by the Minister of State, Deputy ing the band rating for the PE hall project, it will Brendan Smith. The Mullaghmatt housing estate ensure that the project is properly assessed for in Monaghan town has been designated for fund- inclusion in the school building and modernis- ing under my Department’s remedial works ation programme at the appropriate time. scheme. I am strongly committed to regeneration and remedial works programmes. The first phase Remedial Works Grants. of the Mullmaghmatt redevelopment, which is currently underway, involves the refurbishment Mr. Connolly: I thank the Ceann Comhairle for of 25 rented houses and some works to six tenant agreeing to an impromptu meeting with a del- purchased houses at an estimated cost of over egation last week. I want to discuss the remedial \2 million. works scheme at Mullaghmatt estate in The extensive refurbishment of the rented Monaghan town. There are 170 houses on the houses includes the provision of new windows estate, half of which are in private ownership and and doors, installation of central heating and the remainder in council ownership. The estate, associated insulation and rewiring. Effectively, which is more than 40 years old, is beginning to these houses will be brought up to modern stan- show its age and needs a face lift. The remedial dards. I understand work is well advanced on the works scheme will help to regenerate the estate project and this phase will be complete by the end in that regard. of August. A pilot scheme being operated in the estate is It is normal practice in refurbishment schemes nothing short of excellent and people are pleased of this size that a pilot or an initial phase is under- with the work being done by the contractors. taken to test the efficacy of the works proposed. However, an estate committee, which is working A report is then prepared by the local authority towards rebuilding the estate, wants to play a part for its own assessment and for subsequent sub- in the planning process but feels it is being left mission to my Department for consideration with out of the loop. Much would be gained by giving regard to progression to further phases. the committee some form of ownership of the Monaghan Town Council will shortly prepare an project. The council has passed the contract to evaluation report on the first phase of the regen- the National Building Agency but people on the eration of Mullaghmatt in conjunction with the estate also have ideas for the project. National Building Agency, which is the council’s Funding is available, to a maximum of 50%, for consultant on the project. The evaluation report replacing windows and other refurbishments but will cover a number of issues, including whether private owners will have to pay upwards of the works carried out have adequately addressed \3,000. Many people would consider that small the problems presented in the estate and identify money but it is a significant expense to many the implications for the remaining phases. The people on the estate. Approximately 70% of the cost effectiveness of the refurbishment works 1327 Social and 6 July 2006. Affordable Housing 1328

[Mr. B. O’Keeffe.] ing district statistics. While a large number of undertaken will also be subject to critical families are awaiting housing on Dublin’s north- evaluation. side, few houses have been provided under the The extent of tenant satisfaction associated social and affordable housing programme. The with improvements in the management of the Minister of State appeared rather put out by my estate will be an important feature of how the comments but the fact is that those figures are a overall project will advance. The timeline for the shocking indictment of this Government’s record implementation of further phases of remedial on housing. These figures were revealed at a time works to remaining houses in the estate is a of record housing production, some 80,000 hous- matter to be determined by the town council in ing units were completed last year and 77,000 in conjunction with my Department in light of the 2004. More than 20,000 units were built in my outcome of the initial phase of implementation. constituency. I would like to address an issue that has been I represent many constituents who have been raised by the Deputy and others in respect of on the housing lists for more than ten years with work on tenant purchased private houses in the no hope of accommodation in the last year of the estate. It is a condition of the remedial works Fianna Fa´il Progressive Democrats Government. scheme that tenant purchasers of houses in a The housing list figures released to my colleague remedial works project may be included in a pro- Councillor Anne Carter at the end of last year ject where it is considered by the local authority showed that almost 3,000 families were on the that the undertaking of external works to these social and affordable housing lists for the north dwellings is necessary to avoid an unacceptable central area alone, including the Donaghmede, or incongruous result to the refurbishment of the Artane and Clontarf city council wards. This is estate as a whole. Eligible work to tenant pur- approximately 5% of housing applicants in chased houses is confined to the exterior elev- Ireland. There are 1,569 families and individuals ation of the houses and would typically include on the housing list, including 229 families on the the provision of new windows and doors, replace- priority list. The number of north central house- ment of facias and soffits and new boundary holds on the housing transfer list was 871. There walls. were an additional 124 families and individuals Tenant purchasers are required under the on the area B homeless list. The number of appli- scheme to contribute 50% of the cost of eligible cants for the city council area B affordable hous- works to their houses. There are no proposals to ing list is now well more than 400. The number alter the terms of the scheme with regard to con- of city council housing vacancies for area B is tributions from tenant purchasers. The Deputy derisory by comparison. In 2003 only 157 vacanc- will recognise that these are now privately owned ies became available for letting and there were houses. It is a matter for the town council at local only 116 vacancies for households on the transfer level to secure the participation of any private list. In 2004 and 2005 available vacancies householders on the basis that they make a 50% decreased. This year, the Department has pro- contribution to improvement works to the front vided funding for only 100 older homes for of their houses. I hope the Deputy will acknowl- tenants. edge this is a generous contribution to the reju- It is extraordinary that thousands of families venation of privately owned houses. remain on the housing lists of Dublin north east I assure the Deputy that I support the regener- and other similar regions when nearly 250,000 ation of this particular estate. However, an eval- houses and apartments have been built since mid- uation of the first phase is necessary in order to 2003. The Taoiseach, the Minister of State, ensure that the refurbishment work properly Deputy Noel Ahern, outgoing city manager, John addresses the various problems in the estate Fitzgerald, and outgoing county manager, John before proceeding to the next phase of redevelop- Tierney, who is the incoming city manager, have ment. I will ask the National Building Agency failed lamentably in a key objective of any and the town council to report to my Department reasonably caring Government, namely the pro- on their experience of the first phase and their vision of a home for every family and citizen. proposals for the further redevelopment of the All housing policy seems to be directed at facil- estate. I assure the Deputy that my Department itating developers and investors rather than the has supported the redevelopment of this estate. urgent needs of thousands of ordinary citizens. Fingal County housing manager, Mr. Alan Carthy, seems to be solving the lack of accom- Social and Affordable Housing. modation for social and affordable housing by Mr. Broughan: Late last year I raised the hous- simply removing longstanding housing applicants ing issue in my constituency with the Minister of from the list. I have encountered at least six such State at the Department of the Environment, cases in recent months and have referred a Heritage and Local Government, Deputy Noel number of them to the office of the Ombudsman. Ahern and his brother and colleague, the The personal suffering of many individuals and Taoiseach. I stated that both should hang their families on the homeless, housing and affordable heads in shame at the publication of the Dublin lists is evident to public representatives every north central area B, Malahide and Howth hous- weekend. The distress of the applicants removed 1329 Social and 6 July 2006. Affordable Housing 1330 from the list is palpable. Families are distraught authorities. It is the responsibility of local auth- as they go from house to house as private rented orities to assess the need for housing in part- tenants supported by rent supplements living at icular locations. the whim of greedy landlords. Mothers, fathers In supporting local authorities in their stra- and children trying to exist in hopelessly over- tegies for delivery, this Government has been crowded accommodation, often with elderly innovative in its approach to developing policies parents with serious medical conditions, are living and ambitious in setting national targets. It anxious lives as the long years on the housing list ensured strong programmes of social and afford- pass slowly by. able housing through the provision of substantial Individual men and women, often in their 40s resources on a multi-annual basis. In 2006, some and 50s, who have become homeless are desper- \2 billion is provided for investment in social and ately trying to survive in bed and breakfast affordable housing across the country, more than accommodation or hostel accommodation. They double the expenditure in 2000. may, as evidenced by some cases I met last week- As a result of the investment in recent years end, be living on the streets. This is the legacy of and vacancies arising in the social housing stock, the Government of the third richest country on the needs of some 100,000 households have been the planet and its ineffectual, inefficient housing met over the period 1997 to 2005. This includes policies. more than 18,700 households in the Dublin city Last month the Minister of State, Deputy Noel area and 3,700 households in the Fingal area. Ahern, announced additional funding of \100 Continued increases in the supply of housing million for social and affordable housing. Never- has improved access to housing for first time buy- theless, it is clear that the Government will miss ers, which is a Government priority. In the Fingal its modest social housing targets despite the extra area the overall growth in housing supply in 2004 funding. Under the National Development Plan was 280% higher than in 1996. Further increased 2000-2006 35,000 social and affordable homes output in north Dublin will arise from devel- were to be completed by the end of this year but opments now under way following the provision on current trends the number of completions will of the north fringe sewer. In addition to private fall well short of this target. My colleague Deputy units, significant numbers of social and affordable Gilmore has stated that the Government is homes will become available through Part V. The spending more money but delivering fewer establishment of the affordable homes partner- houses. This is because of the Government’s fail- ship to co-ordinate and add impetus to the deliv- ure to deal with skyrocketing house prices over ery of affordable housing in and around the capi- the past decade. tal is an example of the Government’s innovative None of the 10,000 affordable houses to be arrangements to deliver affordable housing. delivered under the Sustaining Progress agree- Building on progress achieved from our invest- ment has been delivered. Part V of the Planning ment to date, we announced an increased social and Development Act, which came into oper- and affordable housing programme when launch- ation in 2001, should have delivered 30,000 homes ing our new housing policy framework, Building by now. Only 2,000 have been delivered due to Sustainable Communities, last December. In the this Government’s collapse in front of its devel- draft social partnership agreement, Towards oper friends when it changed the legislation con- 2016, we have committed to further additional cerning Part V. The target under the National investment in social housing with 27,000 new Development Plan 2000-2006 for the voluntary units to be started or acquired over the period housing sector was 4,000 units but so far the sec- 2007 to 2009. Continued growth is expected in tor has only been permitted to provide 1,400 units affordable housing, particularly in the Dublin a year. More than 44,000 families remain on local region. authority housing lists and perhaps another The main strategy for delivery of the Govern- 100,000 citizens and their families are completely ment’s social and affordable housing programme priced out of the affordable and general housing is through the five year action plans for social and market. I urge dramatic action on housing, start- affordable housing developed by each local auth- ing in my constituency, which is a microcosm of ority. The Government made record financial urban Ireland. allocations in 2006 to respond to these action I wish the Leas-Cheann Comhairle and the plans, with some \150 million made to the two Minister of State a restful and happy holiday, local authorities mentioned for the main local even though we are not on holiday for most of authority social housing programme, traveller that time. I wish the same to our valiant staff on accommodation programmes and remedial works another late evening. excluding major regeneration projects. The action plans are currently at the midway stage and are Mr. B. O’Keeffe: I thank the Deputy for his being reviewed. We must ensure that local auth- good wishes for the season ahead. Policy issues orities are capable of integrated planning and on the provision of social and affordable housing delivery of social and affordable housing. The may be decided at national level but the detailed Government has put in place the policy frame- implementation of those policies and the delivery work and is making available the necessary of projects is a matter for the individual local resources. Local authorities have a key role in 1331 The 6 July 2006. Adjournment 1332

[Mr. B. O’Keeffe.] interests. That council is in the control of the ensuring that action plans are implemented by Labour Party—— bringing forward quality projects which respond Mr. Broughan: The Labour Party does not con- to local need. trol the management. The Government places great emphasis on Mr. B. O’Keeffe: ——and a councillor close to building sustainable communities. That is the the Deputy was to the fore in progressing the sale reason it brought forward a policy framework set- of that property to a private investor. I remind ting down these principles last year. The prin- the Deputy that a councillor who is well known ciples include building good quality housing, hav- to the Minister of State, Deputy Noel Ahern, was ing a good tenant mix and investing heavily in opposed to selling that land to a private investor good social integration. Fundamentally, it means on the basis that the land should be available for building homes in communities where people social and affordable housing. Unfortunately, as want to live and enjoy living. I urge local council- a result of the Labour Party majority on that lors to be aware of these issues and of the import- council, it was sold to private investors. ance of progressing this agenda in the course of their deliberations in the council chambers. Mr. Broughan: It was the Minister’s colleagues who approved high density private development There are few strategic areas in the city council on the north fringe. area available for housing. It was extraordinary that the council sold land that could have been The Da´il adjourned at 6.30 p.m. until 2.30 p.m. used for social and affordable housing to private on Wednesday, 27 September 2006. 1333 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1334

Written Answers.


The following are questions tabled by Members for written response and the ministerial replies as received on the day from the Departments [unrevised].


Questions Nos. 1 to 9, inclusive, answered Collins, Louis le Brocquy and Basil Blackshaw. orally. These were purchased primarily in the 1960’s and 1970’s, at a cost to the Council of £7,233. The Great Southern Hotels. total cost of these works came to £14,466.71. The Arts Council is aware of the potential 10. Mr. Wall asked the Minister for Arts, Sport issues arising from the sale of these works and is and Tourism the efforts he is making to ensure in touch with the CEO of the Great Southern that the valuable assets, paintings, fixtures and fit- Hotel Group in this regard. On my instructions, tings of the Great Southern Hotels chain are my Department has also written on the matter to retained in State ownership; if he will clarify the the CEO of the Dublin Airport Authority and ownership of all the paintings, fixtures and fit- has asked for a report on the matter. I understand tings of the chain; and if he will make a statement that potential vendors are obliged to notify such on the matter. [26924/06] intended sales to the OPW so that first option of such items may be exercised by the state col- 13. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for Arts, lecting institutions. The Dublin Airport Auth- Sport and Tourism the estimated value of paint- ority has responded to my Department and has ings hanging in the Great Southern Hotels chain; confirmed that it will comply fully with State what will happen to these paintings following the guidelines in this matter. Furthermore, the DAA decision to sell-off the hotel group; and if he will has confirmed that it will consult fully with my make a statement on the matter. [26926/06] Department on the issue.

47. Ms B. Moynihan-Cronin asked the Minister Question No. 11 answered with Question for Arts, Sport and Tourism if his attention has No. 9. been drawn to the removal of 54 paintings from the Great Southern Hotels earlier in 2006 and Swimming Pool Projects. their subsequent valuation by auctioneers in Dublin; the reason these paintings were sent for 12. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Arts, valuation; if he will clarify the precise ownership Sport and Tourism if the expenditure review of of these paintings; if he has had discussions with the current swimming pool programme will be the Dublin Airport Authority and the Arts completed at the end of July 2006, as expected; Council regarding these paintings; and if he will and if so, when will the issue of whether to re- make a statement on the matter. [26925/06] open the programme be looked at, in view of the demand for swimming pools across the country, Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. including for example Lucan, which has recently O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. had a pool sanctioned by the local authority, 10, 13 and 47 together. which is committed to funding it, but for which a The Arts Council is a statutory body under my part-grant from his Department would be put to Department’s aegis, and is the principal channel good use and may even speed up the delivery through which State support is directed to the process. [26951/06] Arts. The Council is operationally independent of my Department, but it is understood from the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Council that there are 143 works in the collection O’Donoghue): The Expenditure Review of the in question, which were jointly funded under the Local Authority Swimming Pool Programme Arts Council’s Joint Purchase Scheme. These which my Department is carrying out is examin- works include works by Gerard Dillon, Patrick ing, among other things, how the programme has 1335 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1336

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] — there was little or no evidence to support worked to date and what changes, if any, are the contention that this route had been a required to ensure its effective and efficient deliv- public right of way and, in fact, the strong ery. A draft of the Expenditure Review has been weight of evidence suggested that very prepared and will be considered shortly by the few “outsiders” or hill-walkers ever used Steering Committee which is overseeing the pro- the route in question, and ject with the intention of having it finalised in a — there is a long established principle in law matter of months. that, for a public right of way to exist, the On completion of the Review, the question of start and finish points of that way have to re-opening the programme can be considered. If be on publicly accessible land. There are the Pool Programme is re-opened, it will be open one or two exceptions to this rule in to all local authorities including South Dublin relation to the finishing point. In this case, County Council, which my Department has been however, I understand that the Court held informed has recently completed a Review of its that the route in question was, in fact, sur- Water Leisure Strategy, to submit applications rounded by private land and the start and under the terms that will apply. finish points were not ones to which there Question No. 13 answered with Question was public access by right. It, therefore, No. 10. failed a basic and long-established test for the existence of a public right of way. Question No. 14 answered with Question I have not been advised that the judgement in No. 9. question represents a departure from long-estab- lished and well-understood principles of law or High Court Ruling. has any particular implications for tourism. I have not, therefore, discussed the matter with my col- 15. Ms McManus asked the Minister for Arts, league the Minister for Community Rural and Sport and Tourism if his attention has been Gaeltacht Affairs although our two Departments drawn to a recent High Court ruling against walk- continue to keep in contact on developments ers on a route in Enniskerry County Wicklow; his relating to rural tourism including access to the views on the fact that a large number of other countryside. routes may be affected by this ruling; his further For the information of the House, I understand views on whether now that these routes will be that Fa´ilte Ireland will, in the very near future, closed to the general public, it will have an impact launch a major new initiative in relation to the on local tourism; and if he will make a statement development and promotion of walking tourism, on the matter. [26940/06] details of which will be made available on its websites. 23. Mr. McEntee asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he had discussions with the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs regarding the Wicklow High Court ruling Tourism Promotion. on 19 June 2006, which could have implications 16. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Arts, Sport for the leisure tourism industry here; and if he and Tourism if his attention has been drawn to will make a statement on the matter. [26673/06] the submission from the Irish Tourist Industry Confederation to the National Development Plan Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. that the Government needs to invest nearly \1 O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. billion into the tourism sector; his views on this 15 and 23 together. estimate; his further views on the need to spend Responsibility for legislation relating to public significantly on international marketing and to rights of way does not rest with my Department. develop particular tourist spots; and if he will Certain legislation bearing on public rights of make a statement on the matter. [26943/06] way, under the Road Act 1993, is under the aegis of the Minister for Transport and, as the House 46. Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for Arts, is aware, the issue of public access to the country- Sport and Tourism if he will ensure that at least side for recreation purposes is being dealt with by \250 million be allocated to tourism product a group established by the Minister for Com- development under the National Development munity Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. Plan 2007 to 2013; and if he will make a statement Neither I nor my Department nor any Agen- on the matter. [26670/06] cies under my aegis were involved in the case referred to by the Deputies and I am reluctant to Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. get involved in commenting on its merits. I under- O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. stand that the case at issue was about the alleged 16 and 46 together. existence of a public right of way on a particular I am, of course, aware of the submission from piece of land and that the High Court held that the Irish Tourist Industry Confederation in there was no such public right of way on two relation to the National Development Plan 2007 grounds: — 13, a copy of which has been provided to my 1337 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1338

Department. Indeed, I met the Chairperson and 45. Ms Lynch asked the Minister for Arts, the Chief Executive of ITIC earlier this week to Sport and Tourism when it is intended to appoint discuss the submission and other issues. a new chief executive officer to Bord na gCon in Work in relation to the preparation of the next view of the fact that it is almost six months since National Development Plan is being co-ordinated the removal of the former CEO (details by a High Level Inter-Departmental Committee supplied); if his approval is required for such an chaired by the Department of Finance. My appointment; and if he will make a statement on Department is represented on this group which is the matter. [26934/06] overseeing the drafting of the Plan and the prep- aration of material in respect of the various econ- 48. Mr. Costello asked the Minister for Arts, omic areas involved. As part of a broad consul- Sport and Tourism further to the receipt of the tation process, the Department of Finance has Dalton Report, his views on whether there is a invited submissions from the social partners, need for an independent inquiry into activities of including ITIC. Bord na gCon not covered within Mr. Dalton’s Tourism is an important economic sector which terms of reference; and if he will make a state- has had a high level of visibility in the current and ment on the matter. [26931/06] earlier such Plans. My objective is to ensure that there is appropriate provision in the next NDP Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. to provide for the necessary future investment in O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. marketing, product development and human 17, 31, 39, 45 and 48 together. resource development and training to help As I have stated already earlier in reply to deliver our ambitious targets for the Tourism priority questions number 1 and 2, it is my inten- sector. tion to fully implement the recommendations A good deal of preparatory work has already contained in the Dalton Report on Certain been carried out in relation to the Plan, including Matters Affecting Bord na gCon. I intend to pro- a detailed submission from Tourism Ireland on ceed immediately to appoint a new Chairman, marketing while a major report on a Tourism following which appropriate arrangements will be Product Development Strategy is nearing com- put in place by the Board for the early selection pletion by a group under the auspices of Fa´ilte of a Chief Executive Officer. Ireland. The precise levels of funding involved for Internal staff matters and the day to day busi- the different areas will be determined by Govern- ness of the organisation are the direct responsi- ment later in the year as the NDP process bility of Bord na gCon as the statutory body unfolds. responsible for the industry. However, arising from the recommendations in the Dalton Report, new standards and procedures in relation to cor- Greyhound Industry. porate governance and internal management 17. Mr. O’Shea asked the Minister for Arts, systems will now be enforced within the Sport and Tourism if his Department received a organisation. copy of the PricewaterhouseCooper report, com- The PricewaterhouseCooper Report referred missioned by Bord na gCon in August 2002, into to was commissioned by the Board and was not alleged improprieties in the course of a develop- received by my Department. During the course ment of Shelbourne Park; if his Department was of Mr Dalton’s investigation a number of matters aware that the terms of reference given to PWC outside the scope of his investigation were drawn were subsequently narrowed significantly; the to Mr. Dalton’s attention on the basis that they action his Department has taken as a result of the might merit investigation by the Comptroller and report; and if he will make a statement on the Auditor General. Mr. Dalton submitted these matter. [26932/06] documents to my Department. Following con- sideration, these documents were referred to the 31. Mr. O’Shea asked the Minister for Arts, Comptroller and Auditor General who has Sport and Tourism if his Department has recently informed my Department that in order received complaints in relation to issues regard- to try to establish the factual position in relation ing staff relations within Bord na gCon; the action to the issues having a significant financial dimen- he has taken or plans to take on foot of such com- sion, he has concluded that an examination by his plaints; and if he will make a statement on the office is warranted. However, he indicated that he matter. [26935/06] would await the publication of the Dalton Report before finalising the scope of his examination. Copies of Mr Dalton’s report have been provided 39. Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Arts, to the Comptroller and Auditor General. Sport and Tourism if he has satisfied himself that Bord na gCon has at all times complied with all EU rules and State guidelines in regard to pro- National Aquatic Centre. curement policy and appropriate corporate 18. Mr. Costello asked the Minister for Arts, governance procedures; and if he will make a Sport and Tourism the position regarding the statement on the matter. [26933/06] management of the National Aquatic Centre; if 1339 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1340

[Mr. Costello.] Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. a date for the hearing of the appeal by Campus O’Donoghue): The Local Authority Swimming Stadium Ireland Development Limited has been Pool Programme, which is administered by my set; and if he will make a statement on the Department, provides grant aid to local auth- matter. [26946/06] orities in respect of the capital costs of a new swimming pool, a replacement pool or the refur- Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. bishment of an existing pool. The closing date for O’Donoghue): The National Aquatic Centre is receipt of applications under the current round operated under lease given by Campus and of this Programme, which now involves some 57 Stadium Ireland Development Ltd. CSID issued projects, was 31 July 2000. legal proceedings for the forfeiture of the lease A further 8 projects were submitted by local due to the failure of the operators to comply with authorities after the 31st July, 2000 but were not their obligations under the lease. A stay has been valid as they were received after the final date placed on the Order and Judgement of the High for submission and therefore were not processed. Court, and the case currently awaits allocation of These projects were located in Douglas and a date for hearing of an appeal in the Supreme Mitchelstown in Cork City and County respec- Court against that Order and Judgement. It tively, Kells and Trim in Co. Meath, Roxboro in would be inappropriate for me to make any Limerick City, Portnoo in Co. Donegal and further comment in advance of the Supreme Cloghran in Co. Dublin. One replacement project Court proceedings. in Monaghan was accepted into the Programme after the closing date, as an exceptional measure, Question No. 19 answered with Question because it had to close for safety reasons in 2001 No. 8. notwithstanding the fact that it was the only local authority pool in the county. Sports Campus. An Expenditure Review of the Local Auth- ority Swimming Pool Programme which my 20. Ms Burton asked the Minister for Arts, Department is carrying out is examining, among Sport and Tourism the position in regard to the other things, how the programme has worked to development of the Abbotstown sports campus; date and what changes, if any, are required to if he has received the inter-agency study for the ensure its effective and efficient delivery. On site that is being undertaken; and if he will make completion of this Review, the question of re- a statement on the matter. [26945/06] opening the programme will be considered.

Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Question No. 23 answered with Question O’Donoghue): In November 2005 the Govern- No. 15. ment gave its assent to the commencement of phase one of the development of the national Tax Code. sports campus at Abbotstown. The estimated cost 24. Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Arts, of the project is \119m with a 4 to 5 year delivery Sport and Tourism his plans to carry out a review schedule (2006-2010). The refurbishment of the of the tax exemption scheme for artists following State Laboratory as the new headquarters for the changes introduced under the Finance Bill FAI Ireland is taking place and planning and 2006; and if he will make a statement on the preparation for the main development is cur- matter. [26675/06] rently in progress. The inter agency study referred to by the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Deputy is in progress and I expect that it will be O’Donoghue): I have no plans at this time to delivered in the Autumn. This study, once agreed carry out any further review of the tax exemption and completed will be a blueprint for the plan- scheme for artists. The scheme will continue to ning process under which the development of be of great benefit to artists in Ireland. An adjust- facilities at Abbotstown will take place. able cap of \250,000 on annual tax-exempt earn- ings has been applied, but this will have no impact Question No. 21 answered with Question whatsoever on the vast majority of artists, who No. 8. earn well below that amount. The feedback avail- able to me indicates that artists in general very Swimming Pool Projects. much welcome the retention of the scheme, not- withstanding the adjustments to it. 22. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he has received applications Question No. 25 answered with Question for grant aid for swimming pool developments No. 7. since the current scheme closed prior to 2001; the locations by county; the way in which it is intended to deal with such applications in the Departmental Reports. absence of a new grants scheme; and if he will 26. Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Arts, make a statement on the matter. [25632/06] Sport and Tourism the number of publicly avail- 1341 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1342 able reports commissioned by his Department Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. since 2002; the key recommendations arising out O’Donoghue): My Department has com- of each; if these recommendations have been missioned a total of 12 reports for publication rolled out in each case; and if he will make a since it was formed in June 2002 which are statement on the matter. [26960/06] listed below.

Title of Report Year

Report of the Tourism Policy Review Group: New Horizons for Irish Tourism: An Agenda for Action 2003 First Progress Report of the Tourism Action Plan Implementation Group 2004 Second Progress Report of the Tourism Action Plan Implementation Group 2005 Third and Final Progress Report of the Tourism Action Plan Implementation Group 2006 Department’s Annual Report 2002-2003 2004 Department’s Statement of Strategy 2003-2005 2003 Department’s Statement of Strategy 2005-2007 2005 Department’s Annual Report 2004 2005 Sports Capital Programme Expenditure Review 2003 Evaluation of Local Sports Partnership Programme 2005 Independent Report on certain matters affecting Bord na gCon 2006 Public Art: Per Cent for Arts Scheme — General National Guidelines 2004 2004

The above reports can be obtained from my Sports Funding. Department’s website or by contacting the 27. Ms Burton asked the Minister for Arts, Department directly. Sport and Tourism if he has had meetings with In the case of the Report of the Tourism Policy the Gaelic Players Association regarding their Review group — New Horizons for Irish Tour- proposed Government-funded grant scheme; if ism: An Agenda for Action, progress on the he has received representations from either the implementation of its recommendations is set out GPA or the GAA on this issue; his views on such in the three progress reports listed in the table Government grants; and if he will make a state- and published on my Department’s website. ment on the matter. [26927/06] The Departments Statements of Strategy iden- tify a series of objectives and planned actions in Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. the arts, sport and tourism sectors to deliver on O’Donoghue): I met with the Gaelic Players the commitments in these areas as set out in the Association (GPA) on 8th March, 2006 to discuss Agreed Programme for Government, the their proposed grant scheme for GAA players. I National Development Plan 2000-2006, “Sustain- also met with the President of the GAA and ing Progress”, the Social Partnership Agreement officials on 16th May last. At both of these meet- 2003-2005 and North-South cooperation under ings, I indicated that this issue is, in the first the Good Friday Agreement etc. Progress on the instance, a matter for the governance structures delivery of these objectives and actions is within the GAA itself, to determine how best the reported in my Department’s Annual Reports important contribution of its own elite players which are available on the Department’s website. should be recognised. The Sport Capital Expenditure Review Report was approved by Government in September 2005 and the recommendations in the report across ten Performing Arts. headings have been prioritised in my Depart- 28. Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Arts, ment’s Business Plan for 2006 which is also avail- Sport and Tourism the position regarding the able on the website. academy for the performing arts; and if he will The implementation of the recommendations make a statement on the matter. [26674/06] on the Evaluation of Local Sports Partnership Programme is a matter for the Irish Sports Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Council. O’Donoghue): I refer the Deputy to my reply of The Government approved the publication of 13th October 2005 in which I stated that responsi- the Independent Report on certain matters bility for the establishment of a third-level Irish affecting Bord na gCon on 4 July 2006. I will be Academy for the Performing Arts was trans- taking action on implementing the key recom- ferred from the Department of Education and mendations made in the report. Science to my Department in 2003. However, no The publication on the Per Cent for Arts transfer of capital funding for the project Scheme — General National Guidelines 2004 occurred. Capital funding is not currently avail- provided a set of guidelines and as such did not able to me to progress the development of an contain recommendations for implementation. Irish Academy for the Performing Arts. 1343 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1344

Tourism Industry. The fact that all regions and sectors are not benefiting to the same extent from our tourism 29. Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Arts, success continues to be a matter receiving atten- Sport and Tourism the measures that he intends tion from my Department and the State tourism to put in place to address the growing imbalance agencies as we evolve our tourism policy and in regional distribution of tourism demand which programmes. I am confident, however, that the has resulted in west coast regions having new regional tourism arrangements will enable 3,298,000 fewer holiday makers bed nights in 2004 tourism to grow in the regions to a greater extent compared with 1999 and attracting 50 per cent than at present, and that the various region spec- of all overseas holiday maker bed nights in 2005 ific initiatives introduced this year by Fa´ilte compared to 75 per cent in 1999; and if he will Ireland and Tourism Ireland Ltd will further help make a statement on the matter. [26668/06] to address this situation.

Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Tourism Industry. O’Donoghue): CSO statistics for overseas tour- ism for 2005 show a very positive result both in 30. Mr. Wall asked the Minister for Arts, Sport terms of overseas numbers — up 6% (400,000 and Tourism if his attention has been drawn to additional visitors) to almost 7 million — and recent criticisms from the chairperson of Fa´ilte revenue earnings — up almost 8% to \3.455 Ireland regarding the potential danger to tourism billion (excluding carrier receipts and cross here that would be caused by the sale of some of border tourism). On both counts, we are ahead Aer Lingus landing slots at Heathrow Airport; if of targets for the year. As global competition he has had discussions with the Department of intensifies and consumer preferences evolve, Transport on this issue; and if he will make a these results represent a very robust performance statement on the matter. [26923/06] by the sector and confirm how dynamic and Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. responsive the Irish tourism sector is. Perform- O’Donoghue): On 26 June last, the Chairperson ance to date in 2006 is very encouraging. The of Fa´ilte Ireland Ms Gillian Bowler, restated the CSO figures for the first four months of the year organisation’s view that the maintenance of the show over 2 million visits to Ireland in the period Aer Lingus slots at Heathrow is of great import- — an increase of almost 13% over 2005 which is ance for Irish tourism growth as Heathrow is the well ahead of Tourism Ireland’s target of 4.9%. world’s busiest airport for international passen- It is widely acknowledged within the tourism gers and one of the key conduits for long-haul sector that growing the pure holiday component visitors to Ireland. of the overseas tourism business has proven diffi- I concur with the view that the maintenance of cult in recent years, both at a regional and a the Heathrow slots is of strategic importance for national level. In 2005, the holiday segment of all the further development of Irish tourism, partic- overseas travel to Ireland grew by 2.7% in ularly to long-haul markets, and my Department revenue terms, significantly lower than the 8% has communicated this view in the inter-Depart- overall revenue earnings growth. This clearly mental fora which have examined the issue of the impacts on the holiday business at a regional flotation of Aer Lingus. level. Both Tourism Ireland and Fa´ilte Ireland are working to help the industry to address the Question No. 31 answered with Question issues behind this trend which is very much a glo- No. 17. bal phenomenon. It is also important to empha- sise that the so-called “VFR” — visiting friends Equal Employment Opportunities. or relatives — component of the overall tourism 32. Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Arts, business continues to be of immense strategic Sport and Tourism his views on the expected importance and grew by over 17% in revenue impact of the decentralisation of his Department terms in 2005. to Killarney in 2007 in terms of the numbers of I also wish to draw the Deputy’s attention to persons with disabilities employed by the Depart- the home market. The home holiday market is an ment in the short term; the transfer rate of per- increasingly important component of the tourism sons with disabilities from Dublin to Killarney business in Ireland particularly in terms of sea- compared with other employees; and if he will sonal and regional spread. Eighty-six per cent of make a statement on the matter. [26958/06] holiday trips and 89% of holiday nights by domestic tourists are now spent outside the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Dublin area. This offsets, to some extent, the O’Donoghue): Currently, over 4% of staff in my relative strength of Dublin in the overseas visitors Department are persons with disabilities which market. In 2005, expenditure on domestic tourism exceeds the 3% requirement under the Disability was up across all regions — albeit at different Act 2005. However, all staff transferring into the rates. In the West it grew by \20m which is equiv- Department with a view to decentralising to alent to a 9.5% increase and offset the decrease in Killarney are recruited through the Central revenue for overseas visitors for the same period. Applications Facility (CAF) conducted by the 1345 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1346

Public Appointments Service. The protocol for The national lottery-funded sports capital prog- assigning officers from the CAF was agreed cen- ramme, which is administered by my Depart- trally and my Department is complying with this ment, allocates funding to sporting and com- protocol which operates largely on a seniority munity organisations at local, regional and basis. national level throughout the country. The prog- It is possible therefore that, in the short-term, ramme is advertised on an annual basis. the overall number of persons with a disability Applications for funding under the 2006 prog- ramme were invited through advertisements in employed in my Department may fall below 3%. the Press on November 27th and 28th last. The However, the Deputy may rest assured that, in closing date for receipt of applications was the longer term, my Department will take all January 20th 2006. A total of 1,338 applications necessary steps to increase the percentage to at for projects costing \670 million and seeking least comply with the requirement under the Dis- funding of \312 million were received before this ability Act. deadline, of which 1,211 were classified as local projects and 127 as national, regional or Sports Capital Funding. municipal/multi-sport. Applications were evalu- ated against the programme’s assessment criteria, 33. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Arts, which are outlined in the guidelines, terms and Sport and Tourism the number of applications for conditions of the programme. sports capital grants in 2005 and 2006 by county; I was pleased on 6th June last to announce pro- the amount applied for in 2005 and 2006 by visional grant allocations under the 2006 prog- county; the amount allocated in 2005 and 2006 by ramme totalling \53.745 million to 719 projects county; and if he will make a statement on the classified as local. Information on the number of matter. [25631/06] applications for sports capital grants, the amounts applied for and the amounts allocated by county for both 2005 and to date in 2006 is contained in 332. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Arts, the attached schedule as requested by the Sport and Tourism the value of capital grants Deputy. The information relating to 2006 is in sought under the Sports Capital Programme 2006 respect of applications classified as local only in each county; and the value of grants awarded details of which were amended last month. in each county. [27400/06] I intend to announce the provisional allo- cations under the 2006 programme for projects Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. classified as national, regional or municipal/multi- O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. sport in the near future. Details of 2005 and 2006 33 and 332 together. Sports Capital funding by county.

Details of 2005 and 2006 Sports Capital funding by county

County 2005 2006 (local only)

No. of Sought Allocated No. of Sought Allocated Applications Applications

\\ \\

Carlow 22 1,491,237 446,000 15 3,414,075 652,500 Cavan 20 2,696,519 785,000 26 3,730,321 1,315,000 Clare 33 3,571,094 1,356,000 28 3,399,619 1,340,000 Cork 151 34,637,133 8,172,000 143 27,137,595 6,449,500 Donegal 59 15,216,346 1,572,000 57 6,085,277 1,672,500 Dublin 268 65,161,582 15,739,419 190 38,847,477 10,959,200 Galway 100 30,634,135 5,760,000 84 15,359,521 3,333,500 Kerry 81 12,843,156 3,603,000 81 8,169,236 3,427,500 Kildare 44 11,439,604 1,550,000 28 4,248,782 1,406,500 Kilkenny 26 3,026,455 1,284,000 34 4,409,982 1,691,000 Laois 22 2,241,361 771,000 24 2,601,492 768,000 Leitrim 23 3,192,360 660,000 26 2,076,670 703,000 Limerick 59 12,483,119 3,092,000 49 5,007,556 2,119,000 Longford 19 3,593,184 499,000 15 1,777,408 551,000 Louth 42 9,178,560 1,347,000 31 2,930,624 1,144,000 Mayo 53 18,008,417 1,422,000 47 6,509,843 1,765,000 Meath 28 5,927,863 1,576,000 26 2,793,802 1,645,000 1347 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1348

[Mr. O’Donoghue.]

County 2005 2006 (local only)

No. of Sought Allocated No. of Sought Allocated Applications Applications

\\ \\ Monaghan 39 3,569,612 744,000 33 2,899,873 1,274,500 Offaly 35 6,291,964 1,260,000 25 2,177,365 869,000 Roscommon 32 3,942,171 880,000 28 3,776,258 1,098,000 Sligo 21 6,500,486 2,020,000 28 3,793,242 1,211,000 Tipperary 56 7,827,134 2,177,000 56 8,455,221 2,061,000 Waterford 39 5,869,388 1,425,000 40 7,057,015 1,642,000 Westmeath 25 6,251,948 1,305,000 19 2,180,776 747,000 Wexford 38 7,860,440 2,267,000 51 10,020,234 2,087,500 Wicklow 27 8,683,200 1,527,000 27 4,536,495 1,813,000

Totals 1,362 290,647,232 63,239,419 1,211 183,395,759 53,745,200

Hotel Prices. was held in the Belfry, room yields in Birmingham increased by 36.5% in the period 34. Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Arts, around the competition. Sport and Tourism his views on whether it is My Department wrote to the Director of Con- acceptable that hotels in Dublin, Kildare and sumer Affairs last November requesting that a counties surrounding the K Club in Kildare special initiative be undertaken around the time should increase rack rates by 25 percent during of the Ryder Cup to ensure that price lists in res- the period of the Ryder Cup; if so, his further taurants and public houses are displayed promin- views on whether there will be knock-on effect ently. The Director of Consumer Affairs has whereby local businesses put up prices accord- informed me that appropriate checks will be ingly; his views on whether this will damage carried out. Ireland’s image to visitors; and if he will make a I believe that Ireland will deliver value for statement on the matter. [26944/06] money during the staging of the Ryder Cup. The vast majority of visitors will have purchased pack- Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. ages that have been priced now for quite some O’Donoghue): The approval of hotel and time. Nevertheless, I will continue to raise these guesthouse accommodation is the responsibility issues, as appropriate, in my regular contact with ´ of Failte Ireland. In accordance with the Tourist the industry, and in the media, in the build up to Traffic Acts, which govern this area, approved the Ryder Cup. accommodation providers are obliged to display In particular I would urge all tourism service their registered charges in bedrooms. These providers to take a long-term perspective on the charges are also published in relevant accom- benefits of the event. The value of word of mouth modation guides. However, the upper and lower publicity cannot be overestimated and we want limits on accommodation charges are set by the our visitors to return home with glowing reports accommodation provider who can also set about their stay here and confirmation that the charges for a number of time periods. Fa´ilte hospitality and friendliness for which we are Ireland has no role in this regard. If a guest is renowned really does exist. More importantly, we charged more than the relevant upper limit there want them to be able to say that the golf was is a formal process that is followed and the matter excellent, that they received value for money and is investigated. In practice this is very rare and that they will want to come back again. the overcharge has to be refunded. I am aware that concerns have been expressed National Museum. about the risk of excessive prices being charged by certain elements of the Irish tourism and hos- 35. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for Arts, pitality industry in the context of the Ryder Cup Sport and Tourism the position regarding the taking place in Ireland. The State Tourism Agen- proposed extension to the National Museum at cies are being particularly vigilant in this area, Collins Barracks; and if he will make a statement and in all of their dealings with the industry are on the matter. [26676/06] taking the opportunity to encourage a common- sense approach to the pricing of our tourism Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. products. That said, given free market forces, it is O’Donoghue): The proposed extension to the not surprising to see some increase in prices as National Museum of Ireland at Collins Barracks was the case at other Ryder Cup venues. I under- will house the Military History Exhibition. The stand, for example, that when the competition building is on schedule to be handed over to the 1349 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1350

National Museum later this month and work will National Theatre. then be carried out on the mounting of the exhi- 37. Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for Arts, bition. It is planned that the exhibition will open Sport and Tourism if, prior to the decision to to the public in September, 2006. locate the new Abbey Theatre on George’s Dock, The Military History Exhibition will be the the acquisition of Eden House was considered as largest single exhibition ever mounted by the part of a plan to redevelop the Abbey on its National Museum of Ireland and will deal with the complete story of the Irish soldier. The exhi- present site; if his attention has been drawn to the bition, consisting of nine galleries, will cover top- fact that Eden House is for sale; and if he will ics as diverse as 18th century battles in Ireland, make a statement on the matter. [26936/06] garrison life in the 19th century, the Irish Wild Geese in France and America, the Irish Regi- Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. ments in the British Army, as well as in World O’Donoghue): The current combined area of the War I and World War II, the struggle for the Abbey and Peacock Theatres is 4950 Sq Metres. Independence of Ireland and the evolution of the The Accommodation Brief for the new Abbey Irish Defence Forces. Theatre requires approximately 12,220 Sq Metres. It has long been clear that the existing Tourism Promotion. site would not accommodate the requirements of the Abbey and Peacock after redevelopment. 36. Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Arts, Accordingly, at my request, the Office of Public Sport and Tourism if he will appoint a successor Works (OPW) investigated the suitability and body to the Tourism Action Plan Implementation feasibility of expanding the space available at the Group; and if he will make a statement on the existing site by acquiring adjacent properties. matter. [26669/06] OPW concluded in this context that the necessary expansion would require the acquisition of Nos Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. 15-25 Eden Quay. This would have included O’Donoghue): I have already appointed a suc- Eden House (Nos 15-17). cessor body to the Tourism Action Plan Imple- In 2003, OPW commissioned Hamilton mentation Group. It is called the Tourism Strategy Implementation Group and was Osborne King to examine the feasibility of these appointed by me on 28 May 2006. The new High acquisitions. This study concluded that acquiring Level Group will continue the important work of the various interests in these properties would the Tourism Action Plan Implementation Group cost well in excess of reasonable market price and which completed its two-year term in March. would take a considerable time to assemble. At The full membership of the Implementation the time of the report, there were approximately Group is as follows: twenty-six interests in these properties on Eden Quay. Ten were investors/owner occupiers and • John Travers (Chairman) the remaining sixteen were tenants. In addition, • Paul Tansey, Economist eight of these properties were listed buildings under the Dublin City Development Plan. This • Margaret Jeffares, Managing Director, Les report concluded that the “most practical, econ- Routiers, Ireland omic, and timely solution to re-housing the • Dan Flinter, ex Chief Executive, Abbey would be to move the theatre to a pre- Enterprise Ireland assembled site”. Following careful and thorough examination of • Nancy Moran, Moran’s Seaside a number of alternatives, the Government Farmhouse, decided that the Abbey should be redeveloped at • Luke Moriarty, Chairman of the Moriarty a site at George’s Dock, which was offered free of Group charge for this purpose by the Dublin Docklands • Philip Furlong, Secretary General, Depart- Development Authority (DDDA). ment of Arts, Sport and Tourism Policy Directives. • Shaun Quinn, Chief Executive, Fa´ilte Ireland 38. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if his Department lays down • Paul O’Toole, Chief Executive, Tourism policy priorities or guidelines to the Arts Council Ireland or other bodies or agencies which receive funding I addressed the inaugural meeting of the Group from his Department; the policy directives; if which took place on 28 June 2006. The press specific reference is made to a particular type or releases associated with the appointment of the category of application or if the recipient bodies Group and its first meeting are available on my or agencies have autonomy in deciding such Department’s website http://www.arts-sport-tour- issues; and if he will make a statement on the ism.gov.ie. matter. [26949/06] 1351 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1352

Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Board of CSID on a number of occasions to dis- O’Donoghue): The Arts Act 2003 provides that cuss policy issues and give directives for example I, as Minister, may in relation to the performance asking the Board to do the development plan by the Arts Council of its functions, other than for Abbotstown. those relating to funding of the arts, give a direc- The National Sports Campus Development tion in writing to the Council requiring it to com- Authority Bill 2006 which has recently been con- ply with such policies of the Minister or Govern- sidered by the Oireachtas sets out the functions ment as are specified in the direction. I have of the National Sports Campus Development never in practice used this power. Authority that will replace CSID. The Bill pro- In addition, I, as Minister, may by direction in vides that the Minister may give general policy writing require the Arts Council to establish one directions to the Authority. or more Special Committees to advise it on such matters relating to the arts as are specified in the Fa´ilte Ireland: direction. Such Special Committees shall The role of Fa´ilte Ireland is set out in Section 8 comprise: of the National Tourism Development Authority Act 2003. The company has full autonomy in • A Chairperson appointed from among the undertaking the functions conferred on it by the members of the Council by the Minister Da´il. • Four ordinary members, two appointed by National Policy on Tourism is set out in “New the Minister and two by the Arts Council Horizons for Irish Tourism — An agenda for Only one such Special Committee has been Action” which was presented to Government and appointed to date, to advise the Arts Council on published in September 2003. In keeping with the the support of the Traditional Arts. The Arts Government’s policy on partnership the agenda Council is statutorily independent under the Arts was drawn up by a group comprised of experts Act 2003 regarding its funding of the arts. from across the Tourism industry including the chief executives of Fa´ilte Ireland and Tourism The Irish Film Board: Ireland and the Chairperson of Fa´ilte Ireland. In The functions of the Irish Film Board are set drawing up the policy the group met with 17 key out in the Irish Film Board Act of 1980, and the representative groups across the industry, Board is independent in the discharging of those The Tourism Strategy Implementation Group functions. monitors progress on the implementation of the The Arts Act 2003 provides that the Minister policy. The Group advises me on the implemen- may give directions to the Arts Council requiring tation of the recommendations of the New Hor- the Council to comply with specified policies of izons report and responds to evolving issues as the Minister or of the Government. However, the they arise in the course of the development of Minister has not issued any such direction. The the tourism industry in a dynamic international 2003 Act also provides that the Arts Council shall context. It works with the tourism industry and be independent with regard to the funding of other Government Departments and Agencies to the arts. address a number of key areas. Both Fa´ilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland Ltd are represented Cultural Institutions: on the Group. In general, the autonomous National Cultural Both my officials and I regularly meet with the Institutions such as the National Library of management of Fa´ilte Ireland to review imple- Ireland and the National Museum of Ireland mentation of Tourism Policy and to discuss issues operate a policy established by their Statutory relevant to the Industry and work with each other Boards. However, my Department’s provision of to ensure Ireland achieves its full tourism poten- capital funding to the National Cultural Insti- tial. My department keeps Fa´ilte Ireland fully tutions is provided subject to that funding being informed of Government policy and decisions on expended in accordance with my Department’s matters pertaining to Corporate Governance and cultural priorities. Staffing in the National Cul- the general management of State agencies.” tural Institutions is of course subject to overall Government policy in relation to staff numbers. Tourism Ireland: Tourism Ireland does not administer any grant Irish Sports Council: schemes. As a North-South Body, it receives The functions of the Irish Sports Council are funding from both Irish and British Exchequer provided for under the Irish Sports Council Act and policy direction is provided jointly through 1999 and the Minister approves their Strategy the North-South Ministerial Council. In practice, Statement every three years. this means that my Ministerial counterpart in Northern Ireland and I jointly approve Tourism Campus and Stadium Ireland Ltd: Ireland’s 3 year Corporate and Annual Business Campus and Stadium Ireland Ltd is in receipt Plans as well as our respective funding contri- of funding from my Department. I have met the butions to support delivery of these plans. The 1353 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1354

Agreed Programme for Government provides the full range of project documents, which will very specific policy direction for Tourism require review and approval by the Contracting Ireland’s activities. In addition, National Authority. I look forward to the timely com- Development Plan contains a specific Tourism pletion of the next stages and hope to be in a Marketing Measure in the Productive Sector position to bring the matter to Government for Operational Programme which describes the final decision in the coming months. objectives, targets and activities which can be Subject to the successful completion of the supported. More recently, the New Horizons remaining stages of the procurement process and Report on Irish Tourism provides a very clear assuming no unexpected developments, I would policy backdrop to Tourism Ireland’s marketing hope that construction of the National Con- activities — containing as it does, very specific ference Centre would begin next year and that recommendations for action in the tourism mar- the Centre would be operational during 2009. keting area. Sports Funding. Question No. 39 answered with Question No. 17. 44. Mr. Broughan asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the criteria by which capital Question No. 40 answered with Question sports funding is allocated to local sports clubs No. 7. and facilities around the country; if the geo- graphic location of the sports club or facility is taken into account when the allocation is made; Tourism Promotion. and if he will make a statement on the matter. 41. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Arts, [26930/06] Sport and Tourism the timeframe for the merging of Regional Tourism Authorities with Fa´ilte Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Ireland in view of the refusal by the northwest O’Donoghue): The national lottery-funded sports RTA to wind up the company; and if he will capital programme, which is administered by my make a statement on the matter. [26965/06] Department, allocates funding to sporting and community organisations at local, regional and Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. national level throughout the country. The prog- O’Donoghue): I refer the Deputy to my earlier ramme is advertised on an annual basis. reply to priority question number 4. All applications received under the sports capi- tal programme are assessed on an individual basis Question No. 42 answered with Question by officials in the sports unit of my Department No. 9. in accordance with a detailed set of assessment criteria as specified in the guidelines, terms and National Conference Centre. conditions for the programme, which accompany the application form for the programme. Follow- 43. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for Arts, ing the assessment process, each application is Sport and Tourism if the provisional preferred given its order of priority within its own county. tenderer has been appointed as preferred The assessment process takes into account tenderer for the provision of the National Con- factors such as the existing level of facilities in an ference Centre; the timeframe for the remaining area, the number and quality of the applications stages; and if he will make a statement on the received, the amount of funding being sought by matter. [26677/06] each applicant and the strategic positioning of major facilities that may be required as well as Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. the most recent Census of Population figures. O’Donoghue): Engagement between the Con- Every effort is made to achieve a balanced geo- tracting Authority, the Office of Public Works, graphical spread of funds throughout the country, and the Provisional Preferred Tenderer, Spencer while also affording priority to projects in areas Dock International Conference Centre Ltd, in of social and economic disadvantage. accordance with the competition process, is con- tinuing. As I previously informed the House, The criteria could be summarised as covering most recently on 31 May last, these negotiations the following: are detailed and complex and, by their nature, • the need to achieve an equitable geographi- time consuming. Nevertheless, I am assured that cal spread of funds and an equitable spread the Contracting Authority is pressing to have of funds among different sports and com- them concluded as soon as possible. munity groups; Assuming that these negotiations prove suc- • the extent to which projects increase active cessful, the next step will be the appointment of participation and result in improved stan- the Provisional Preferred Tenderer as Preferred dards of sport; Tenderer. During the Preferred Tenderer phase, the Preferred Tenderer will develop and provide • the financial viability of the project; 1355 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1356

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] — the design, development and implemen- • the extent to which applicants have con- tation of a new computerised registration sulted with other clubs, community groups, system; schools, the Local Authority and the — organisational reform and National Governing Bodies — reform of the legislation governing Civil in order to prioritise proposed improvements and Registration to underpin the delivery of a facilities. Highest priority is afforded to projects modernised service to meet the needs of a in disadvantaged areas aimed at increasing par- modern society and to facilitate the wider ticipation. High priority projects include those eGovernment agenda. which are essential or integral to sports partici- pation or performance, e.g. pitch development, The reform of the legislation has been completed floodlighting, changing rooms and showers. and the Civil Registration Act, 2004 now provides In relation to the 2006 sports capital prog- the statutory basis for the administration of the ramme, a total of 1,338 applications were service. The various sections of the Act are being received nationally, of which 1,211 were for pro- commenced on a phased basis and progress to jects classified as local and 127 as non-local, that date includes the commencement in December is, projects which were categorised as national, 2005 of Parts 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 of the Act, which regional or municipal and multi-sport. relate to the administration of the service and the I recently announced provisional grant allo- civil registration of births, stillbirths and deaths. cations under the 2006 Programme in relation to Before the outstanding provisions of the Act the local applications totalling \53.745 million to can be commenced, a substantial body of work needs to be completed. Currently, the require- 719 projects and I will be announcing the pro- ments for the commencement of the marriage visional allocations for the non-local projects in provisions are being addressed. This entails a sig- the near future. nificant amount of work including drafting and publication of regulations, guidelines and detailed Question No. 45 answered with Question procedures; establishment of a register of solem- No. 17. nisers in consultation with religious bodies; estab- lishment of a register of approved venues for civil Question No. 46 answered with Question marriages; and the further development of the No. 16. computer system to facilitate the administration of the new marriage provisions introduced in the Question No. 47 answered with Question Act. No. 10. A dedicated research facility has been estab- lished in Dublin to cater for the needs of Question No. 48 answered with Question members of the public and genealogists wishing No. 17. to carry out family research. Plans are currently being made to relocate the research room to a Advisory Committees. new purpose-built facility in Dublin city-centre 49. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Minister and it is intended that this facility will include for Health and Children the position regarding electronic access to records. This will greatly the implementation of the Civil Registration Act improve services to genealogists and other 2004, with particular reference to the creation of members of the public in carrying out family two non-statutory advisory committees to which research. It is intended that the relevant organis- a commitment was given to establish when the ations will be consulted as part of this process. Act was commenced. [27463/06] At the moment, it is vital that all available resources are devoted to working towards the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children commencement of the remaining provisions of (Ms Harney): Statutory responsibility for the the Civil Registration Act, 2004 and that the pro- administration of the Civil Registration Service in cesses and procedures established by the pro- Ireland rests with an tArd-Chla´raitheoir visions commenced in December 2005 are (Registrar-General). I have made inquiries of an allowed to develop fully prior to review. tArd-Chla´raitheoir regarding the matters raised With regard to the creation of the two non- by the Deputy and he advises as follows: The statutory advisory committees on civil regis- Civil Registration Service has been engaged in a tration and family research issues, the Deputy major programme of modernisation in recent may be aware that it has been decided to transfer years, the main features of which are: the functions of the General Register Office from my Department to the Department of Social and — the capture and storage in electronic for- Family Affairs. Accordingly, the position in mat of all historical paper records from relation to the establishment of these committees 1845 to date; will be reviewed in the context of that Depart- 1357 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1358 ment’s structures and frameworks in relation to Minister of State at the Department of Health customer consultation and consultative panels. and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): Adoptions in Feedback on all aspects of the Civil Regis- Ireland commenced on 1 January 1953 with the tration System is received by an tArd-Chla´rai- enactment of the Adoption Act 1952. This Act theoir both directly, as a result of the Office’s has been amended six times since 1952-in 1964, constant interaction with the public through it’s 1974, 1976, 1988, 1991 and 1998. Over this period Public Research Facility, located at Joyce House adoption in Ireland has undergone major change. in Dublin, and with members of the public, their In 1996, Ireland signed the Hague Convention on legal representatives and various groups having the Protection of Children and Cooperation in an interest in the work of the Office, and respect of Intercountry Adoption. Ratification of indirectly through monthly meetings with the Convention requires legislative amendment Superintendent Registrars of Births, Deaths and and the designation of a Central Authority. Marriages, who are responsible for the direct A consultation process with people affected by delivery of registration services to members of adoption and working in that field was under- the public. Generally speaking, feedback from taken in the second half of 2003 at the request of members of the public, their legal representatives the Minister for Children. This included consider- and genealogists in relation to the services pro- ation of legislative proposals relating to the ratifi- vided is positive. Processes and procedures for cation of the Hague Convention and issues relat- dealing with the public are kept under review and ing to adoption information and post adoption revised as necessary within the statutory contact. The Bill currently being prepared will framework. provide, inter alia, for the creation of the Adop- I should like to assure the Deputy that the tion Authority (replacing the Adoption Board) as General Register Office is fully committed, in line the Central Authority required under the terms with the key principles of Quality Customer of the Convention to oversee the implementation Service, which are enshrined in my Department’s of the Convention in effecting intercountry adop- Customer Charter and in line with customer tions. The Bill will also include miscellaneous expectations, to the development and provision provisions concerned with domestic adoption of an equitable, high quality, customer friendly arrangements including putting current adminis- and increasingly efficient service to those who trative information and tracing arrangements on wish to avail of its services and that staff at its a statutory footing. Offices strive at all times to ensure that these The Heads of Bill on the Adoption (Hague principles are adhered to. Convention Adoption Authority and Miscellaneous) Bill are currently being drafted in Disabled Drivers. the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office. It is antici- pated that a Bill will be published in Autumn 50. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Minister 2006. for Health and Children the number of primary medical certificates applications received in each Child Care Services. of the past five years for the disabled driver pass- enger tax concessions scheme; the number of 52. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste these applications that were refused; and if she and Minister for Health and Children the number will make a statement on the matter. [27556/06] of places being provided under the Equal Oppor- tunities Childcare Programme in June 2006 com- Minister of State at the Department of Health pared to the number in 2005; and if she will make and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s a statement on the matter. [28077/06] question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are Minister of State at the Department of Health the responsibility of the Health Service Executive and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): As the deputy under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my will be aware I now have responsibility for the Department has requested the Parliamentary Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000- Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to 2006 and the follow on programme the National have this matter investigated and to have a reply Childcare Investment Programme 2006-2010, issued directly to the Deputy. which are being implemented by the newly estab- lished Office of the Minister for Children. The number of new places created under the Adoption Services. Programme is not yet available for the period 51. Mr. English asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- requested by the Deputy. However, I have set out ster for Health and Children if there are plans to in the table below the figure for the most recent make changes to the adoption laws or procedures period available, to end December 2005, for the for both Irish adoptions and foreign adoptions; total number of new child care places created up and if she will make a statement on the to that point as well as the projected number of matter. [27673/06] places to be created on the basis of the funding 1359 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1360

[Mr. B. Lenihan.] December 2004, 2003 and 2002 for comparative approved over the same period. I have also pro- purposes. vided similar figures for the periods ended

Period to end December 2002 2003 2004 2005

Actual number of new places created 8,063 18,320 24,636 28,852 Projected number of new places being created 20,894 27,327 33,321 41,030

The deputy will please note that the original tar- priate to my brief. In addition, I attend meetings get for the Programme was the creation of an of the Government. This gives a strong voice for additional 28,402 new child care places. This tar- the interests of children and young persons at get was revised upwards at the mid term point Cabinet level. following the early success of the Programme and now stands at 31,332 new places. Health Services. 54. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- 53. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste ster for Health and Children the steps she has and Minister for Health and Children the extent taken to establish a National Diabetes Regis- of her Department’s responsibility for child care; ter. [27275/06] if there have been any changes in allocation of responsibilities between Departments, Ministers and Ministers of State in the area of child care in 55. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- the past year; and if she will make a statement on ster for Health and Children if she will make a the matter. [28078/06] commitment to establishing a National Diabetes Strategy. [27276/06] Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): The Office of the 57. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Minister for Children was established in accord- ster for Health and Children the estimated figure ance with the Government decision of 7th and percentage of national health expenditure December, 2005 to place the interests of children that is spent on diabetes care and care of diabetes at the heart of Government and to build on the related illness. [27278/06] successes already achieved in the context of the National Children’s Strategy. The Office is an 112. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- integral part of the Department of Health and ster for Health and Children if she will report on Children. The responsibilities of the new office diabetes services in Cork, recent improvements comprise the following: the Equal Opportunities and planned improvements in the next six Childcare Programme — EOCP (transferred months. [27569/06] from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform); the new National Childcare Invest- 113. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ment Programme which was announced in ster for Health and Children if her Department Budget 2006 as part of the new National Child- collected data on regional disparities in diabetes care Strategy for the next 5 years; the prog- services; and the information that this shows. rammes and activities of the former National [27570/06] Children’s Office; policy and legislative work on Child Welfare and Protection (Department of Minister of State at the Department of Health Health and Children); Implementing the Chil- and Children (Mr. S. Power): I propose to take dren Act (2001). Questions Nos. 54, 55, 57, 112 and 113 together. The new Youth Justice Service of the Depart- The Deputy’s question relates to the manage- ment of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and ment and delivery of health and personal social the Early Years Education Policy Unit of the services, which are the responsibility of the Department of Education and Science will be co- Health Service Executive under the Health Act located at the new office. The purpose in bringing 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested these various responsibilities together is to max- the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- imize the co-ordination of policies for children tive to arrange to have this matter investigated and young persons and to provide a strong focus and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. at the highest level. The Office of the Minister for Children also maintains a general strategic 56. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- oversight of bodies with responsibility for ster for Health and Children the measures that developing and delivering children’s services. she is taking to slow the growth in type two dia- As Minister for Children, I hold delegated betes. [27277/06] responsibilities in the Departments of Health & Children, Education & Science, and Justice, Minister of State at the Department of Health Equality & Law Reform for those areas appro- and Children (Mr. S. Power): Type 2 diabetes 1361 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1362 accounts for 90% of all cases and affects mainly to prevent mental ill health; and the plans that middle aged or older people. The prevalence of will be implemented in 2006. [27282/06] type 2 diabetes is increasing due to a number of factors including the aging population and life- Minister of State at the Department of Health style factors such as obesity. It is estimated that and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): I propose to there are approximately 140,000 people with dia- take Questions Nos. 59 and 61 together. betes in Ireland. The majority of patients, partic- As the Deputy may be aware, the future direc- ularly those with type 2 diabetes, receive their tion and delivery of all aspects of our mental care in the primary care setting. In this setting, health services were considered in the context of there are obvious benefits of convenience, conti- the work of the Expert Group on Mental Health nuity of care and immediate access. Policy. The Government published the Group’s Diabetes has been acknowledged as a priority Report entitled “A Vision for Change” on 24th issue and the 2006 HSE Service Plan has iden- January 2006. Extensive consultation with service tified that current policy guidelines will be trans- users, carers and service providers informed “A lated into specific action plans with the initial Vision for Change”. This included formal sub- focus on the development of a national diabetes missions, questionnaires, public meetings and an service framework. The Department of Health in-depth survey of service users. The findings and Children is currently implementing a number from the consultative process were published in of strategies, the health promotion aspect of two separate reports: “Speaking Your Mind” and which is of direct benefit to diabetics. These stra- “What We Heard”. tegies include the Cardiovascular Health The Report proposes a holistic view of mental Strategy, the Health Promotion Strategy and illness and recommends an integrated multi- more recently the Obesity Strategy. The HSE is disciplinary approach to addressing the biologi- treating the matter as a priority. It is currently cal, psychological and social factors that contrib- considering the report of the National Diabetes ute to mental health problems. It proposes a Working Group and is putting in place a structure person-centred treatment approach which to implement its recommendations. addresses each of these elements through an inte- grated care plan, reflecting best practice, and Question No. 57 answered with Question evolved and agreed with service users and their No. 54. carers. Special emphasis is given to the need to involve service users and their families and carers 58. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- at every level of service provision. The Report ster for Health and Children the number of major also recommends that interventions should be incidents that have been declared in hospitals aimed at maximising recovery from mental ill- between 30 June 2005 and 30 June 2006; and the ness, and build on the resources within service users and within their immediate social networks reasons for same, in each case. [27279/06] to allow them to achieve meaningful integration and participation in community life. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children The recommendations in the Report have been (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to accepted by Government as the basis for the the management and delivery of health and per- future development of our mental health services. sonal social services, which are the responsibility In this connection, an additional \26.2 million of the Health Service Executive under the Health was made available this year to the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has Service Executive for the further development of requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of our mental health services, bringing the total the Executive to arrange to have this matter revenue spend to in excess of \800 million in investigated and to have a reply issued directly to 2006. The Health Service Executive has recently the Deputy. established an Implementation Group to ensure that the recommendations are realised in a timely Mental Health Services. and coordinated manner. It is chaired by the 59. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Ta´naiste and National Care Group Manager for Mental Minister for Health and Children if she accepts Health. In addition, I have established an inde- that persons with mental health problems and pendent monitoring group to oversee the imple- their families have the right to participate in all mentation of the recommendations in the Report. of the decision making that affects them on a per- sonal, local, regional and national level. Youth Services. [27280/06] 60. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children if she will sup- 61. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Ta´naiste and port the Tramore Youth and Family Project, Tra- Minister for Health and Children if she accepts more, County Waterford in their efforts to that everyone needs the highest attainable stan- employ another member of staff in order to man- dard of mental health including the best possible age and co-ordinate the services and programmes measures to promote their mental well-being and in their youth cafe. [27281/06] 1363 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1364

Minister of State at the Department of Health therefore does not qualify for surgery under the and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): My Office is cur- National Treatment Fund. [27286/06] rently developing a recreation policy for young people aged 12-18 in conjunction with a number Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children of Government Departments and agencies (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to directly involved in the provision of recreation the management and delivery of health and per- facilities and programmes for young people. The sonal social services, which are the responsibility policy will be available this year. It is intended of the Health Service Executive under the Health that the issue of youth cafes will be dealt with in Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has the policy. The Deputy’s question relates to the requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of management and delivery of health and personal the Executive to arrange to have this matter social services, which are the responsibility of the investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Health Service Executive (HSE) under the the Deputy. Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division 65. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Ta´naiste and of the Executive to arrange to have this matter Minister for Health and Children the reason a investigated and to have a reply issued directly to person (details supplied) in Dublin 3 was denied the Deputy. a mobility allowance for people with disabilities; and to give them the maximum advice and sup- Question No. 61 answered with Question port. [27288/06] No. 59. Minister of State at the Department of Health Health Services. and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery 62. Mr. Ring asked the Ta´naiste and Minister of health and personal social services, which are for Health and Children when a general prac- the responsibility of the Health Service Executive titioner (details supplied) in County Mayo will be under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my replaced; and the position in this recruitment pro- Department has requested the Parliamentary cess. [27284/06] Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children issued directly to the Deputy. (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery of health and per- Mental Health Services. sonal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health 66. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Act 2004. This includes responsibility for GP con- for Health and Children further to Parliamentary tracts under the General Medical Services Question No. 204 of 28 February 2006, in relation Scheme. Accordingly, my Department has to the death by suicide of a person (details requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of supplied) in County Cork; and the outcome of the the Executive to arrange to have this matter Mental Health Commission Report on the cir- investigated and to have a reply issued directly to cumstances of this death. [27291/06] the Deputy. Minister of State at the Department of Health 63. Mr. Ring asked the Ta´naiste and Minister and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): I am informed for Health and Children when a person (details that the Mental Health Commission expects to be supplied) in County Mayo will be called for an in a position to furnish me with a review of the ultra sound scan. [27285/06] circumstances surrounding the death of the named person shortly. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to Housing Aid for the Elderly. the management and delivery of health and per- 67. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister sonal social services, which are the responsibility for Health and Children the reason a person of the Health Service Executive under the Health (details supplied) in County Limerick was refused Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has application for work to be completed to their requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of house under special housing aid for the eld- the Executive to arrange to have this case investi- erly. [27292/06] gated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- 64. Mr. Allen asked the Ta´naiste and Minister tion relates to the management and delivery of for Health and Children the reason a person health and personal social services, which are the (details supplied) in County Cork has been told responsibility of the Health Service Executive by Cork University Hospital that they will not get under the Health Act 2004. This includes an out-patient appointment for three years and responsibility for the provision of the Housing 1365 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1366

Aid Scheme for the Elderly, on behalf of the was also allocated to home care packages (\30m Department of Environment, Heritage and Local for 2006 and a further \25m for 2007), with an Government. Accordingly, the Department has additional 2,000 packages to be delivered by the requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of end of this year. the Executive to arrange to have this matter Home care, including the home help service, is investigated and to have a reply issued directly to delivered through the Health Service Executive the Deputy. in partnership with a range of providers including the Health Service Executive itself, voluntary 68. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister groups and the private sector. This has long since for Health and Children when central heating will been a policy in relation to home care. There are be installed for a person (details supplied) in no plans to privatise the home help service or County Limerick under the special housing aid give priority to private companies over public or for the elderly scheme. [27293/06] other home care providers, and no directive has been issued in this regard. An initial meeting took Minister of State at the Department of Health place between officials from the Department and and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- the company concerned, regarding the provision tion relates to the management and delivery of of home help services, and this company was health and personal social services, which are the directed to liaise with the Health Service responsibility of the Health Service Executive Executive. under the Health Act 2004. This includes The most important factor in delivering home responsibility for the provision of the Housing care and home help is not who provides the Aid Scheme for the Elderly, on behalf of the service, but that an appropriate level of service is Department of Environment, Heritage and Local delivered in as flexible a manner as possible Government. Accordingly, the Department has which is highly responsive to the real needs of requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the individual, and there is no reason why private the Executive to arrange to have this matter providers should not work in partnership with the investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Health Service Executive to this end, as they have the Deputy. been doing in the past and continue to do.

Health Services. Mental Health Services. 69. Mr. Perry asked the Ta´naiste and Minister 70. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the number of home for Health and Children if an action plan has helps employed in County Sligo and north been put in place to progress the issues identified Leitrim for the years 2003 to 2006; the directive in the Report of the Working Group on the Role she has issued in relation to the privatisation of of Psychotherapy in the Health Service including the Irish home help services: if she or her officials exploration of issues relating to the development has had negotiations with a service (details of an appropriate model of service. [27295/06] supplied) regarding setting up operations here; the priority steps she has taken to provide proper Minister of State at the Department of Health resourcing to the homehelp service; if she will and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s give a firm commitment that it will not be priv- question relates to the management and delivery atised as there are many hardworking home helps of health and personal social services, which are in this country who feel they are not being given the responsibility of the Health Service Executive a fair deal by the Government; and if she will under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my make a statement on the matter. [27294/06] Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children have this matter investigated and to have a reply (Ms Harney): The number of home helps issued directly to the Deputy. employed in County Sligo and north Leitrim for the years 2003 to 2006 relates to the management Health Services. of human resources which is the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health 71. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has for Health and Children the details of continuing requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of care guidelines in respect of consideration by the the Executive to arrange to have this matter department of medicine for the elderly in their investigated and to have a reply issued directly to examination of request for continuing care at St. the Deputy. Ita’s and Camillus Hospital, Limerick. As the Deputy will be aware, additional fund- [27296/06] ing of \150m was allocated to Services for Older People/Palliative Care in the 2006 Budget. Of Minister of State at the Department of Health this, an extra \33m was allocated to the Home and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- Help Service, \30m of which is provided for 2006 tion relates to the management and delivery of and will deliver 1.75m home help hours. \55m health and personal social services, which are the 1367 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1368

[Mr. S. Power.] Kilcolman, Newcastle West, Broadford and responsibility of the Health Service Executive Rathkeale are in a position to provide the neces- under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the sary service in the constituency. [27299/06] Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to Minister of State at the Department of Health have this matter investigated and to have a reply and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): As the Deputy issued directly to the Deputy. will be aware, I have responsibility for the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000-2006 Housing Aid for the Elderly. (EOCP) and the National Childcare Investment 72. Mr. Ring asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Programme 2006-2010 (NCIP), which are being for Health and Children when a schedule of implemented by the newly established Office of works promised to a person (details supplied) in the Minister for Children. County Mayo under the special housing aid for The four projects referred to by the Deputy the elderly scheme in January 2006 will be carried have been approved a total of \ 4.5 million in out. [27297/06] capital grant assistance. These approvals are sub- ject to further development of the proposals and Minister of State at the Department of Health external appraisal by a building specialist. All and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- four groups have been in contact with and are tion relates to the management and delivery of receiving support from Limerick County Child- health and personal social services, which are the care Committee. I understand that they are work- responsibility of the Health Service Executive ing together to reduce the costs of their projects. under the Health Act 2004. This includes I have also met with representatives from the responsibility for the provision of the Housing Groups and discussed how they might further Aid Scheme for the Elderly, on behalf of the progress their projects. Department of Environment, Heritage and Local I am advised that two of the projects in ques- Government. Accordingly, the Department has tion have submitted applications for additional requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of funding and these requests are currently under the Executive to arrange to have this matter appraisal. Each application undergoes a thorough investigated and to have a reply issued directly to assessment by Pobal, formerly known as Area the Deputy. Development Management Ltd., who administers the Programme. Following these assessments, 73. Mr. McGuinness asked the Ta´naiste and applications are considered by the Programme Minister for Health and Children if she will Appraisal Committee, before a decision is made expedite a response to an application under the regarding funding. The Groups will be informed housing aid for the elderly scheme in the name of of the outcome of their request for additional a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny; funding in due course. the timeframe for a decision in the case; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27298/06] Medical Cards. 75. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Minister of State at the Department of Health for Health and Children when a medical cared and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- will be granted to a person (details supplied) in tion relates to the management and delivery of County Limerick. [27300/06] health and personal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children under the Health Act 2004. This includes (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to responsibility for the provision of the Housing the management and delivery of health and per- Aid Scheme for the Elderly, on behalf of the sonal social services, which are the responsibility Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Accordingly, the Department has of the Health Service Executive under the Health requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has the Executive to arrange to have this matter requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Executive to arrange to have this matter the Deputy. investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Child Care Services. Suicide Incidence. 74. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the position regarding 76. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister adjournment debate of 6 April 2006 in relation for Health and Children the number of suicides to community child care groups funding in West by gender per 100,000 in the Health Service Limerick and the need for increased resources to Executive regional areas and county for each of ensure that the community child care groups from the years 2002 to 2005. [27301/06] 1369 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1370

77. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister County Total Male Female for Health and Children the number of deaths by suicide by county, gender and age group for each Kerry 19 16 3 of the years 2002 to 2005. [27302/06] Kildare 13 12 1 Kilkenny 13 12 1 Minister of State at the Department of Health Laois 3 2 1 and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): I propose to take Questions Nos. 76 and 77 together. Leitrim 0 0 0 According to the Central Statistics Office, the Limerick 28 24 4 number of registered deaths by suicide by county Longford 2 2 0 and gender for the years 2002 to 2005 is as fol- Louth 14 12 2 lows: Deaths from Suicide classified by year, Mayo 12 10 2 county of residence of deceased and gender Monaghan 13 12 1 2002 Meath 16 15 1 Offaly 11 7 4 County Total Male Female Roscommon 3 2 1 Sligo 7 7 0 Carlow 3 3 0 Tipperary 25 16 9 Cavan 10 8 2 Waterford 14 10 4 Clare 16 15 1 Westmeath 9 8 1 Cork 62 46 16 Wexford 22 20 2 Donegal 20 17 3 Wicklow 15 14 1 Dublin 103 77 26 Galway 26 23 3 Total 497 386 111 Kerry 13 11 2 Kildare 21 19 2 2004 Kilkenny 11 11 0 Laois 6 6 0 County Total Male Female Leitrim 7 5 2 Limerick 30 22 8 Carlow 6 5 1 Longford 4 2 2 Cavan 9 7 2 Clare 14 8 6 Louth 14 10 4 Cork 69 51 18 Mayo 18 16 2 Donegal 18 15 3 Monaghan 4 4 0 Dublin 104 81 23 Meath 19 13 6 Galway 15 12 3 Offaly 11 11 0 Kerry 21 17 4 Roscommon 4 4 0 Kildare 13 13 0 Sligo 4 3 1 Kilkenny 10 9 1 Tipperary 22 19 3 Laois 3 2 1 Waterford 12 8 4 Leitrim 4 3 1 Westmeath 6 6 0 Limerick 25 20 5 Wexford 17 15 2 Longford 5 3 2 Wicklow 15 13 2 Louth 12 8 4 Mayo 11 8 3 Total 478 387 91 Monaghan 8 7 1 Meath 24 20 4 2003 Offaly 12 8 4 Roscommon 1 1 0 County Total Male Female Sligo 10 8 2 Tipperary 17 12 5 Carlow 6 4 2 Waterford 16 12 4 Cavan 5 4 1 Westmeath 7 6 1 Clare 15 9 6 Wexford 11 10 1 Cork 80 56 24 Wicklow 12 10 2 Donegal 19 13 6 Total 457 356 101 Dublin 107 77 30 Galway 26 22 4 1371 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1372

[Mr. T. O’Malley.] Mental Health Services. 2005 78. Mr. Neville asked the Ta´naiste and Minister County Total Male Female for Health and Children the position regarding the application in full of the Mental Health Act 2001; and if she will make a statement on a delay Carlow 8 6 2 in introducing all provisions of the Act. Cavan 11 10 1 [27303/06] Clare 15 12 3 Cork 53 46 7 Minister of State at the Department of Health Donegal 12 9 3 and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Mental Health Act 2001 provides a modern framework Dublin 101 79 22 within which people who have a mental disorder Galway 26 20 6 and require treatment or protection can be cared Kerry 12 8 4 for and treated. It puts in place mechanisms by Kildare 19 17 2 which the standards, care and treatment in mental Kilkenny 7 6 1 health services can be monitored, inspected and regulated. Sections 1 to 5, 7 and 31 to 55 inclusive Laois 6 6 0 were commenced on the 5 April 2002. The com- Leitrim 6 5 1 mencement of the other sections of the Act was Limerick 16 13 3 delayed due to protracted negotiations with the Longford 4 3 1 consultants’ representative bodies which con- Louth 7 6 1 cluded earlier this year. My Department, the Mental Health Commission and the Health Mayo 11 10 1 Service Executive are preparing for the com- Monaghan 10 9 1 mencement of the remaining sections of the Act Meath 13 11 2 which will take place later this year. Offaly 8 6 2 Roscommon 5 4 1 Tuberculosis Incidence. Sligo 3 2 1 79. Ms Shortall asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Tipperary 23 20 3 for Health and Children if she will provide infor- Waterford 13 10 3 mation on the incidence of tuberculosis in each of the past 10 years; the number of isolation beds Westmeath 12 10 2 available for public patients diagnosed with Wexford 13 12 1 tuberculosis and their location; and if there are Wicklow 17 13 4 guidelines or protocols in place in respect of the treatment of such patients in order to minimise Total 431 353 78 the possibility of spreading the disease. Source: Central Statistics Office. [27348/06]

The number of registered suicides by age for each Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children of the years 2002 to 2005 is as follows: (Ms Harney): The incidence of TB in Ireland has declined dramatically since its peak at the begin- Age Group 2002 2003 2004 2005 ning of the twentieth century. The Health Protec- tion Surveillance Centre (HPSC) monitors rates 1-40000of TB in Ireland on an on-going basis and iden- tifies any increases in rates or clusters of the dis- 5-14 3423 ease. According to data provided by the HPSC 15-24 105 112 93 80 TB notifications in Ireland between 1991 and 25-34 127 91 94 94 2003 are as shown in the following table. 35-44 77 107 98 90 45-54 74 80 79 80 Year Number of TB Notifications 55-64 52 63 61 44 1991 640 65-74 28 23 21 29 1992 604 75+ 12 17 9 11 1993 598 Total 478 497 457 431 1994 524 Source: Central Statistics Office 1995 458 1996 434 In relation to the other information requested by 1997 416 the Deputy, I have asked the National Office for 1998 424 Suicide Prevention (NOSP) to investigate the matter and to reply to the Deputy directly. 1999 469 1373 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1374

Year Number of TB Notifications criteria of the Programme. All applications are processed as speedily as possible. Following this 2000 395 assessment, the application will be considered by 2001 381 the Programme Appraisal Committee, before a 2002 408 decision is made regarding funding and the appli- cant in question will be informed of the outcome 2003 407 in due course. 2004 437 *Figures for 2004 are provisional. Cancer Screening Programme. The Health Service Executive has advised that 81. Mr. Ring asked the Ta´naiste and Minister there are 3 negative pressure rooms fully oper- for Health and Children the reason a service ational at St James’s since 2 April 2006. They (details supplied) was discontinued in County have also advised that the development of Mayo; when this service was last provided; the additional beds will be dealt with as a priority plans of the Health Service Executive to reintro- item in the context of the Capital Programme duce this service; her plans to introduce a for 2007. national screening programme in view of the The Health Act 1947 and the Infectious Dis- obvious benefits of same; and if she will make a eases Regulations 1981 (as amended) provide the statement on the matter. [27372/06] legislative basis for the control of infectious dis- eases, including Tuberculosis (TB), in Ireland. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children My Department’s strategy in relation to the pre- (Ms Harney): I wish to see the Irish Cervical vention and treatment of TB is guided by the Screening Programme (ICSP) rolled out recommendations of the “Report of the Working nationally by 2008, based on an affordable model Party on Tuberculosis” (1996) which covers a and in line with international best practice. Sig- wide range of issues including epidemiology, sur- nificant preparatory work is well underway veillance, screening, preventative therapy, clinical involving the introduction of new and improved management and laboratory diagnosis. Responsi- cervical tests, improved quality assurance training bility for the implementation of the recom- and the preparation of a national population mendations rests with the Health Service Execu- register. An additional \9m is available to the tive. As recommended in the Report, a Executive for cancer services development in permanent committee — the National Tubercu- 2006, including the continuation of preparations losis Committee — was established to advise on for the roll out. a detailed strategy for the control and manage- As part of my response to the Strategy for Can- ment of TB. The Committee meets when neces- cer Control, I recently announced my intention sary to review all relevant issues. to establish a National Cancer Screening Board to amalgamate BreastCheck and the ICSP to Child Care Services. deliver both programmes nationally. This will maximise the expertise in both programmes, 80. Mr. Penrose asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ensure improved efficiency and develop a single ster for Health and Children when an application governance model for cancer screening. The plan for grant aid for Montessori preschool by a per- is to have cervical screening managed as a son (details supplied) in County Westmeath will national call/recall programme via effective be determined; and if she will make a statement governance structures that provide overall leader- on the matter. [27358/06] ship and direction, in terms of quality assurance, accountability and value for money. All elements Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): As the Deputy of the programme, call/recall, smear taking, lab- will be aware, I have responsibility for the Equal oratories and treatment services must be quality Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000-2006 assured, organised and managed to deliver a sin- (EOCP) and the National Childcare Investment gle integrated service. Programme 2006-2010, which are being The Deputy’s questions in relation to services implemented by the newly established Office of in Co. Mayo relate to the management and deliv- the Minister for Children. With regard to the ery of health and personal, social services, which application for capital grant assistance under the are currently the responsibility of the Health National Childcare Investment Programme 2006- Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. 2010 referred to by the Deputy, I understand the Accordingly, my Department has requested the person in question submitted an application for Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive funding recently through Westmeath County to respond directly to the Deputy in relation to Childcare Committee. the matters raised. I understand from enquiries I have made that this application for funding has been received by Health Services. Pobal, formerly known as Area Development 82. Mr. Ring asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Management Ltd. who administer the Prog- for Health and Children if she will carry out an ramme. Each application undergoes a thorough audit into the way that children are assessed and assessment by Pobal to ensure that it meets the 1375 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1376

[Mr. Ring.] are set out in the following table. This figure rep- deemed eligible or otherwise by the Health resented approximately 1.1% of my Depart- Service Executive for orthodontic treatment; her ment’s gross 2005 Vote. plans to review the assessment process in order To date in 2006, 181 applications for National that people who are dissatisfied with the initial Lottery funding have been received by my assessment could get a second opinion from Department. 24 of these applications have been another orthodontic consultant; and if she will assessed of which 7 have not been approved. The make a statement on the matter. [27369/06] remainder of the applications have been issued to the relevant line divisions for assessment and on Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children receipt of their recommendations I will make a (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question regarding decision with regard to the provision of funding the way that children are assessed and deemed in the case of each application. \1.544m has been eligible for orthodontic treatment relates to the paid out by my Department to date in 2006 under management and delivery of health and personal the National Lottery discretionary scheme. social services, which are the responsibility of the Details of the amount paid to each organisation Health Service Executive under the Health Act are set out in the following table. \3.815m has 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested been allocated to my Department in 2006 in the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- respect of the National Lottery discretionary tive to arrange to have this matter investigated grant scheme. This figure represents 1% of my and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Department gross 2006 Vote. The aim of my Department is to promote the In general, applications for National Lottery development of the treatment capacity of ortho- funding received in my Department are not suc- dontics in a sustainable way over the longer term. cessful for three main reasons: they relate to pro- Given the potential level of demand for ortho- jects closely associated with the delivery of health dontic services, the provision of those services services, thereby more appropriate to the HSE; will continue to be based on prioritisation of cases they relate to projects that are non-health related based on treatment need — as happens under the and more appropriate to other Government existing guidelines. These guidelines were issued Departments; and following assessment of appli- in 1985 and are intended to enable the Health cations by the relevant line divisions of my Service Executive, to identify in a consistent way Department they are not prioritised for funding those in greatest need and to commence timely in the context of the limited National Lottery treatment for them. My Department has no plans funding allocated to my Department. at present to review these guidelines. Hospitals Building Programme. Non-governmental Agencies. 84. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister 83. Ms C. Murphy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- for Health and Children if she will ensure that ster for Health and Children the non-govern- the Health Service Executive do everything pos- mental agencies or organisations her Department sible to bring forward the date for the invitation has provided funding to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; of tenders for phase 3C of Naas General Hospital the amount of funding provided to each in each from its present target date of the last quarter year; the number of applications for funding sub- of 2006 in view of the continuing problems with mitted to her Department in total; the number of patients on trolleys in Naas General Hospital these applications which were refused; the reason accident and emergency. [27394/06] for same; the percentage of her Department’s overall annual budget such funding equates to; Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children and if she will make a statement on the (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to matter. [27380/06] the management and delivery of health and per- sonal social services, which are the responsibility Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children of the Health Service Executive under the Health (Ms Harney): In total, 203 applications for Act 2004. This includes responsibility for con- National Lottery Funds were received by my sidering new capital proposals or progressing Department in 2004, of which 105 applications those in the health capital programme. Accord- were not approved. \3.631m was paid out by my ingly, my Department is requesting the Department under the National Lottery dis- Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive cretionary grant scheme in 2004. Details of the to arrange to have this matter investigated and to amounts paid by my Department to each organis- have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. ation are set out in the following table. This figure represented 1.2% of my the Department’s gross Cancer Screening Programme. 2004 Vote. In total, 206 applications for National Lottery Funds were received by my Department 85. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister in 2005, of which 99 were not approved. \3.727m for Health and Children the reason for the delay was paid out by my Department under the in providing the information sough under National Lottery discretionary grant scheme in Parliamentary Question No. 241 of 8 November 2005. Details of amount paid to each organisation 2005. [27396/06] 1377 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1378

Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the shortage of speech and language therapists (Ms Harney): BreastCheck in conjunction with (details supplied) in County Louth; and if she will my Department is preparing an estimate of the make a statement on the matter. [27750/06] costs of extending the breast screening prog- ramme nationally to women over the age of 64. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children My Department expects to be in a position by (Ms Harney): I propose to take Questions Nos. the end of this month to forward the information 88 and 152 together. requested by the Deputy. Let me say at the outset that there is no embargo on the recruitment of staff in the public Health Services. health service. Nor does my Department set employment quotas at national level for any 86. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister grade in the public health service. It is a matter for Health and Children the reason for the delay for the Health Service Executive, as part of its in issuing a response to Parliamentary Question management of its employment ceiling, to deter- No. 98 of 11 May 2006. [27397/06] mine the appropriate staffing mix required to deliver its service plan priorities, including speech Minister of State at the Department of Health and language therapy services. I have consistently and Children (Mr. S. Power): I have been advised emphasised the importance of prioritising the fill- that the Health Service Executive (HSE) issued ing of front line vacancies in complying with a reply to the Deputy on the 18th May, 2006, in approved employment levels. I have also empha- relation to Question No. 98. sised the need to achieve an appropriate balance between clinical and non-clinical posts. 87. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Approved employment levels for the health for Health and Children the reason additional service have been adjusted since 2002 in line with opticians are not being hired to reduce the wait- Government policy on public sector employment ing times for eye tests for children in Maynooth and also to take account of specific policy Health Centre, which stands at 12 months and measures aimed at increasing service levels. My Naas Health Centre, which stands at 11 months, Department is currently in discussions with the in view of the fact that the public service recruit- Department of Finance and the Health Service ment embargo does not affect the health service Executive to agree revisions to the health service and that the waiting time in Newbridge Health employment ceiling to take account of service Centre is only three months and the recent exer- developments, including disability services. cise in improving administrative efficiency in the A priority for the HSE in 2006 is to increase optical service has increased waiting times. service provision in the area of multi-disciplinary [27399/06] supports to meet obligations to children with developmental delay, in the home, in the com- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children munity and in other appropriate settings. The (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to investment package will facilitate the recruitment the management and delivery of health and per- of up to 200 extra therapists, particularly speech sonal social services, which are the responsibility and language, occupational therapy and physio- of the Health Service Executive under the Health therapy. Due to the current limited supply of Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has these grades it is acknowledged that in the short requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of term recruitment from overseas will be required. the Executive to arrange to have this matter The HSE has put in place a project plan for this. investigated and to have a reply issued directly to In regard to the recruitment of speech and lan- the Deputy. guage therapists generally, the Deputies will be pleased to note that the Health Service Personnel 88. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister Census shows a total of 596 wholetime equivalent for Health and Children if her attention has been (WTE) staff at end March, 2006. This represents drawn to the fact that due to imposition of staff an increase of 315 WTE staff or 112% since end ceilings in 2003 the community speech and langu- December, 1997. The number of training places age therapy service in Kildare and West Wicklow in speech and language therapy has increased by were advised that all vacant posts were frozen 300% since 2001. and that no recruitment could take place, despite her assurance that recruitment in the public 89. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister health service is not affected by the public sector for Health and Children the number of times a recruitment embargo, and as a result of this the general practitioner, a nurse, a physiotherapist service is short 14 additional therapists and the and a chiropodist have been in attendance at the waiting time for assessment for speech and langu- weekly clinic in Carbury in the 26 weeks since 1 age therapy is now 20 months; and the action she January 2006. [27408/06] intends to take regarding this service which is now at collapsing point. [27402/06] Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- 152. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- tion relates to the management and delivery of ster for Health and Children if she will address health and personal social services, which are the 1379 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1380

[Mr. S. Power.] investigated and to have a reply issued directly to responsibility of the Health Service Executive the Deputy. under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the Department has requested the Parliamentary Health Services. Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply 93. Mr. P. Breen asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- issued directly to the Deputy. ster for Health and Children the estimated number of children who suffered irreversible Care of the Elderly. damage to their teeth, gums and faces following the cessation of the orthodontic regional training 90. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister programmes in 1999 and before their treatment for Health and Children if the primary, com- resumed; the number of those children wore munity and continuing care directorate of the orthodontic appliances without the appropriate Health Service Executive have concluded their supervision for a year or longer; if the parents of assessment of long term care needs of older those children were informed that their children people; and if their recommendations will include the provision of additional public nursing had been damaged; the measures which have homes. [27429/06] been taken to rectify the situation; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27433/06] Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children tion relates to the management and delivery of (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to health and personal social services, which are the the management and delivery of health and per- responsibility of the Health Service Executive sonal social services, which are the responsibility under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the of the Health Service Executive under the Health Department has requested the Parliamentary Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of have this matter investigated and to have a reply the Executive to arrange to have this matter issued directly to the Deputy. investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Health Services. 91. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister 94. Dr. Cowley asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the number of children for Health and Children the reason there is cur- awaiting orthodontic treatment in County Kildare rently no audiologist in County Mayo to test as of 30 June 2006. [27430/06] hearing for the elderly; when one will be appointed; and if she will make a statement on Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the matter. [27438/06] (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery of health and per- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children sonal social services, which are the responsibility (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to of the Health Service Executive under the Health the management and delivery of health and per- Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has sonal social services, which are the responsibility requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of of the Health Service Executive under the Health the Executive to arrange to have this matter Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has investigated and to have a reply issued directly to requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Deputy. the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Ambulance Service. the Deputy. 92. Mr. Stagg asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children if there has been pro- Cancer Screening Programme. gress in identifying a site for the new ambulance 95. Dr. Cowley asked the Ta´naiste and Minister base in Maynooth, County Kildare, funding for for Health and Children if she will encourage which is provided in the 2006 Health Service BreastCheck to outsource this essential service in Executive capital programme. [27431/06] order to save women’s lives in view of the fact Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children that breast cancer is a terrible killer, that health (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to care apartheid exists here, that 260 more women the management and delivery of health and per- will die needlessly in the west and south before sonal social services, which are the responsibility BreastCheck is up and running and that she has of the Health Service Executive under the Health stated that it is not possible to get an alternative Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has venue to carry out these essential checks; and if requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of she will make a statement on the matter. the Executive to arrange to have this matter [27441/06] 1381 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1382

140. Mr. Deenihan asked the Ta´naiste and concluded that the clinic in question would not be Minister for Health and Children when in a position to provide a screening programme in BreastCheck will become available to women in line with BreastCheck standards. County Kerry; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27737/06] Health Services.

169. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- 96. Dr. Cowley asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children if her Department will ster for Health and Children when BreastCheck \ will be available to patients from the Waterford release 400,000 necessary funds to advance a constituency. [27863/06] nursing home in Ballinrobe, County Mayo to the design and planning stage, in view of the fact that Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children development of such a project is being discussed (Ms Harney): I propose to take Questions Nos. with her Department since 1971; if she will agree 95, 140 and 169 together. that it is a priority case; and if she will make a A breast screening programme is a complex statement on the matter. [27442/06] multidisciplinary undertaking that requires con- siderable expertise and management involving Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children population registers, call/recall systems, mam- (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to mography, pathology and appropriate treatment the management and delivery of health and per- and follow up. A programme must be quality sonal social services, which are the responsibility assured and acceptable to women who attend for of the Health Service Executive under the Health screening. The first phase of the programme is of Act 2004. This includes responsibility for con- a high quality and a similar quality in the West sidering new capital proposals or progressing and South is essential. those in the health capital programme. Accord- I have met with representatives of BreastCheck ingly, my Department is requesting the and they are fully aware of my wish to have a Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive quality assured programme rolled out to the to arrange to have this matter investigated and to remaining regions in the country as quickly as have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. possible. For this to happen, essential elements of the roll out must be in place including adequate Hospital Services. staffing, effective training and quality assurance 97. Dr. Cowley asked the Ta´naiste and Minister programmes. I have made additional revenue for Health and Children if her Department will funding of \2.3m available to BreastCheck to evaluate the need for a wet hostel in County meet the additional costs of roll out. I have also Mayo; and if she will make a statement on the approved an additional 69 posts. BreastCheck matter. [27444/06] recently interviewed for Clinical Directors for the Southern and Western regions and appointments Minister of State at the Department of Health have been made; both will take up their positions and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- later this year. Both are currently undergoing tion relates to the management and delivery of additional training in relation to their roles as health and personal social services, which are the Clinical Director. BreastCheck will begin responsibility of the Health Service Executive recruiting Consultant Radiologists, Consultant under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Surgeons and Consultant Histopathologists for Department has requested the Parliamentary both centres this week. Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to BreastCheck also requires considerable capital have this matter investigated and to have a reply investment in the construction of two new clinical issued directly to the Deputy. units and in the provision of five additional mobile units and state of the art digital equip- Health Services. ment. I have made available an additional \21m capital funding to BreastCheck for this purpose. 98. Dr. Cowley asked the Ta´naiste and Minister BreastCheck is in the process of short-listing for Health and Children when a rheumatology applicants to construct its two new clinical units at department will be established at Mayo General the South Infirmary/Victoria Hospital, Cork and Hospital; and if she will make a statement on the University College Hospital Galway. matter. [27449/06] BreastCheck is confident that the target date of next year for the commencement of roll out to Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the Southern and Western regions will be met. (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to Any proposal received by BreastCheck to sup- the management and delivery of health and per- port the roll out of its screening programme will sonal social services, which are the responsibility be carefully examined to assess the extent to of the Health Service Executive under the Health which it complies with existing standards. Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has BreastCheck recently conducted an evaluation of requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of a proposal from a private screening service and the Executive to arrange to have this matter 1383 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1384

[Ms Harney.] supplied) in County Wexford; the action she investigated and to have a reply issued directly to took, or the advice she gave, oral or written in the Deputy. relation to same; the outcome of such advice or actions; and if she will make a statement on the 99. Ms C. Murphy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- matter. [27489/06] ster for Health and Children her views on estab- lishing or funding a missing persons helpline in Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children order to provide a much needed communication (Ms Harney): Oral representations were made to service for missing persons, their families, and me on behalf of a person (details supplied) in Co. people with information on the whereabouts of Wexford. An Adviser was requested to establish the missing persons in view of the number of where spinal stimulation could be made available. missing persons that suffer from some form of The Spinal Cord Stimulation Budget at the psychological illness; and if she will make a state- Department of Anaesthetics of St. Vincent’s Uni- ment on the matter. [27487/06] versity Hospital, Dublin was accessed, as was the service of an appropriate consultant. This is part Minister of State at the Department of Health of a public pain service paid for by the State. and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): Whilst I acknowledge that a number of missing persons may suffer from mental illness, the establishment Cancer Incidence. or funding of services for missing persons, their 102. Mr. Costello asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- families and people with information on their ster for Health and Children the type of cancers whereabouts is not a matter for my Department. that people have in each of the district electoral I understand that the Department of Justice, divisions in the city of Dublin; the incidence of Equality and Law Reform will consider any appli- each type of cancer in each DED; and if she will cations for the funding of such services. make a statement on the matter. [27490/06]

100. Ms C. Murphy asked the Ta´naiste and Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Minister for Health and Children if she will intro- (Ms Harney): Statistics in relation to cancer incid- duce a registration system in order to regulate the ence are collated by the National Cancer Regis- chiropractic profession and provide protection try. My Department has asked the Director of the from unqualified practitioners for the public; and Registry to examine this matter and to reply if she will make a statement on the matter. directly to the Deputy. [27488/06]

Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Health Services. (Ms Harney): The Health and Social Care Pro- 103. Mr. Kehoe asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- fessionals Act 2005 provides for the establish- ster for Health and Children further to ment of a system of statutory registration for the Parliamentary Question No. 122 of 28 June 2006, following health and social care professionals — if she has fixed a date to visit Wexford; if not, if clinical biochemists, dietitians, medical scientists, she will be visiting Wexford General hospital in occupational therapists, orthoptists, physiothera- the next three months; and if she will make a pists, podiatrists, psychologists, radiographers, statement on the matter. [27491/06] social care workers, social workers and speech and language therapists. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Section 4 of the Act provides for the inclusion, (Ms Harney): I wish to advise the Deputy that I by Regulation, of additional professions in the will be visiting Wexford on Monday 10th July proposed system of statutory registration. This 2006 and it is my intention to visit Wexford section also sets out the criteria the Minister shall General Hospital as part of my official itinerary have regard to in considering the designation of that day. further professions under the Act. It would be a matter for the Health and Social Care Pro- fessionals Council, in the first instance, to advise 104. Mr. Durkan asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- the Minister on whether a profession should be ster for Health and Children the action which is regarded as a health and social care profession proposed to reinstate the home heating works and be considered for regulation under the Act. undertaken under the aegis of the Health Service I favour the programmed and orderly inclusion of Executive in the provision of heating facilities in additional health and social care professionals in the home of a person (details supplied) in County this new statutory framework and I will consider Kildare under the special home refurbishment the case in relation to chiropractors in that light. scheme; if her attention has been drawn to the professional opinion to the effect that the works 101. Dr. Twomey asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- involved are a health and safety risk, that part of ster for Health and Children if she has received facilities exploded and that the dwelling has no representations, oral or written, or has been heating; and if she will make a statement on the approached on behalf of a person (details matter. [27492/06] 1385 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1386

Minister of State at the Department of Health of the Health Service Executive under the Health and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has tion relates to the management and delivery of requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of health and personal social services, which are the the Executive to arrange to have this matter responsibility of the Health Service Executive investigated and to have a reply issued directly to under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the the Deputy. Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to Health Services. have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. 107. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children her proposals for improving community health services in the Hospitals Building Programme. North Tipperary area; and if she will make a 105. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- statement on the matter. [27512/06] ster for Health and Children the process in the selection of a site for the new acute hospital in Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the north east; the timetable proposed; if sub- (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to missions can be made by the public; and if she the management and delivery of health and per- will make a statement on the matter. [27510/06] sonal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has (Ms Harney): I presume that the Deputy is refer- requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of ring to a recommendation contained in a report the Executive to arrange to have this matter by consultants who were engaged by the Health investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Service Executive (HSE) to undertake a review the Deputy. of acute hospital services in the former North Eastern Health Board area. The review, which Health Service Staff. commenced in March 2006, has recently been 108. Mr. Timmins asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- completed and the report has been considered by ster for Health and Children the number of the Board of the HSE. It concludes that the general medical practitioners there are per head present system, where five local hospitals deliver of population for Counties Carlow, Wicklow, acute care to relatively small populations, is Kildare and Meath; and if she will make a state- exposing patients to increased risks, that it is not ment on the matter. [27516/06] serving the community well and is not sus- tainable. The consultants believe that there is an Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children unprecedented opportunity over the next 10 (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to years to develop a very high quality responsive the management and delivery of health and per- emergency and planned care service, in line with sonal social services, which are the responsibility international standards, by developing local of the Health Service Executive under the Health services within existing hospitals and other local Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has centres supported by a new Regional Hospital. requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of The HSE is to establish a North East Steering the Executive to arrange to have this matter Group to quickly address the issues that require investigated and to have a reply issued directly to immediate attention and at the same time the Deputy. develop a longer term strategy to deliver a world class health service during the next 10 years. The Hospital Accommodation. Group will have representation from key stake- holders such as clinicians and primary care pro- 109. Mr. Timmins asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- viders. There will also be a widespread public ster for Health and Children the number of beds engagement on the issues highlighted in the and staff in St. Vincent’s, St. Colmcille’s Lough- report. linstown, Naas, Tallaght and Letterkenny Hospitals; and if she will make a statement on the Hospital Services. matter. [27517/06] 106. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children ster for Health and Children her proposals for (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to improving acute hospital services in the North the management and delivery of health and per- Tipperary area; and if she will make a statement sonal social services, which are the responsibility on the matter. [27511/06] of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to the Executive to arrange to have this matter the management and delivery of health and per- investigated and to have a reply issued directly to sonal social services, which are the responsibility the Deputy. 1387 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1388

Respite Care. 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- 110. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- tive to arrange to have these matters investigated ster for Health and Children if essential regular and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. permanent services will be provided by the Health Service Executive for a person (details supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make Health Services. a statement on the matter. [27567/06] 111. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children if she has recently 114. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- met representatives of a group (details supplied) ster for Health and Children if respite care will in County Cork; or if she has plans to do so. be provided for a person (details supplied) in [27568/06] County Louth; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27571/06] Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The issue the Deputy is referring 125. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- to relates to the management and delivery of ster for Health and Children if essential regular health and personal social services, which is the permanent services can be provided by the responsibility of the Health Service Executive Health Service Executive for a person (details under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make Department has requested the Parliamentary a statement on the matter. [27721/06] Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange for relevant officials from the Health Service Execu- 126. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- tive to meet with the group concerned. ster for Health and Children if essential regular permanent services can be provided by the Questions Nos. 112 and 113 answered with Health Service Executive for a person (details Question No. 54. supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27722/06] Question No. 114 answered with Question No. 110. 127. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children if essential regular Hospital Waiting Lists. permanent services can be provided by the 115. Ms Shortall asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Health Service Executive for a person (details ster for Health and Children the reason for the supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make delay for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 11 a statement on the matter. [27723/06] in obtaining an appointment with a consultant; the public clinics provided by this consultant 128. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- between May and September 2006; and the steps ster for Health and Children if essential regular she will take to ensure that there is no further permanent services can be provided by the delay in arranging an appointment for this per- Health Service Executive for a person (details son. [27572/06] supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27724/06] Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to 129. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- the management and delivery of health and per- ster for Health and Children if essential regular sonal social services, which are the responsibility permanent services can be provided by the of the Health Service Executive under the Health Health Service Executive for a person (details Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of a statement on the matter. [27725/06] the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to 174. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- the Deputy. ster for Health and Children if essential regular permanent services can be provided by the Clinical Drugs Trials. Health Service Executive for a person (details supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make 116. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and a statement on the matter. [27918/06] Minister for Health and Children the number of participants who take part in clinical or drug trials Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children each year here; the percentage of this number (Ms Harney): I propose to take Questions Nos. who are not Irish nationals; the number of people 110, 114, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 and 174 together. who have been paid compensation from drug tri- The Deputy’s questions relate to the manage- als gone wrong here; the highest amount of com- ment and delivery of health and personal social pensation that has been awarded to a person who services, which are the responsibility of the participated in a clinical or drug trial that went Health Service Executive under the Health Act wrong in Ireland; the way in which the partici- 1389 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1390 pants were recruited; and if she will make a state- are not prioritised; her plans to address these ment on the matter. [27573/06] issues; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27575/06] Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): Clinical trials conducted in Ireland Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children generally involve the testing of new drugs on per- (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to sons who actually suffer from the condition for the management and delivery of health and per- which the drug is being developed. Clinical trials sonal social services, which are the responsibility are regulated by the Clinical Trials Acts 1987 and of the Health Service Executive under the Health 1990 and by the European Communities (Clinical Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use) requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of Regulations 2004 (SI No 190 of 2004) which the Executive to arrange to have this matter implement Directive 2001/20/EC of the European investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 the Deputy. on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States Health Services. relating to the implementation of good clinical 119. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste practice in the conduct of clinical trials on med- and Minister for Health and Children if her atten- icinal products for human use. tion has been drawn to reports that the Health Information in regard to the numbers of par- Service Executive office for the north west ticipants taking part in clinical trials is being Dublin region is difficult to contact by telephone assembled and I will arrange to have it forwarded as the phones frequently ring out; and the steps to the Deputy when it becomes available. Partici- she will take to address this problem. [27576/06] pants in clinical trials are generally recruited by the clinician treating them for a pre-existing Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children condition. (Ms Harney): My Department has contacted the There is no requirement on those conducting HSE regarding the matter raised by the Deputy clinical trials to forward information on the and it is not aware of reports that the Health nationality of those taking part in clinical trials to Service Executive office for the north west any official agency. In regard to any compen- Dublin region is difficult to contact by telephone sation that might have been paid, this would be or that the phones frequently ring out without a private matter between those involved in any reply. settlement and no information is available to my The HSE advises that all calls are queued until Department on this issue. answered by the switchboard operator and are forwarded to the relevant extension. The Execu- Community Care. tive has pointed out that as the switchboard at Rathdown Road covers an extensive range of 117. Mr. Crowe asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- services and due to the volume of calls coming ster for Health and Children if the Health Service into it, there would be an occasional backlog of Executive pays subcontractors in Portarlington to calls from time to time. The switchboard is care for disabled and handicapped people; her manned from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each workday views on whether it is appropriate for the latter including lunchtime and arrangements are in to have to fund-raise even though each person is place for unanswered calls to be routed back to allegedly 100 per cent funded. [27574/06] the switchboard for further assistance. As the Deputy did not provide details regard- Minister of State at the Department of Health ing the particular difficulties which gave rise to and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s his question, the HSE was unable to comment on question relates to the management and delivery the reports referred to by him. My Department of health and personal social services, which are has been informed that the HSE has contacted the responsibility of the Health Service Executive the Deputy’s office with a view to obtaining under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my details to enable it to investigate the matter Department has requested the Parliamentary further. Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply Departmental Correspondence. issued directly to the Deputy. 120. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Medical Cards. ster for Health and Children her views on the issues raised in recent correspondence from a 118. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste group (details supplied); and if she will make a and Minister for Health and Children the reason statement on the matter. [27577/06] for the delays in issuing or responding to medical card applications; the further reason the required Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children documentation is not listed on the application (Ms Harney): I am aware of the issues raised in form; the reason patients with serious illnesses the correspondence referred to by the Deputy. 1391 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1392

[Ms Harney.] sonal social services, which are the responsibility My Department is awaiting a report on the of the Health Service Executive under the Health matter. When the report has been received, the Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has issues raised in the correspondence will be taken requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of into account in my consideration of the matter. the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Nursing Home Charges. the Deputy.

121. Mr. Kehoe asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- 123. Mr. Hayes asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children when her Depart- ster for Health and Children the number of ment will make the refunds to patients who had people from South Tipperary requiring renal unfair deductions from their pensions and social dialysis treatment who are required to travel welfare payments in order to pay for their keep between the hours of 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. to receive in nursing homes; and if she will make a state- such treatment. [27580/06] ment on the matter. [27578/06] 124. Mr. Hayes asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children ster for Health and Children the number of (Ms Harney): The Health (Repayment Scheme) people living in South Tipperary who are cur- Act 2006 was signed by the President on 23 June rently receiving renal dialysis treatment. 2006. This Act provides a clear legal framework [27581/06] for a scheme to repay recoverable health charges for publicly funded long term care. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children The Health Service Executive (HSE) have (Ms Harney): I propose to take Questions Nos. announced the appointment of a preferred 123 and 124 together. service provider, a consortium comprising of The Deputy’s questions relate to the manage- KPMG accountancy group and McCann ment and delivery of health and personal social Fitzgerald solicitors, to administer this repayment services, which are the responsibility of the scheme. The consortium has already commenced Health Service Executive under the Health Act its preparatory work and intends to launch the 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested scheme publicly in mid-July. The HSE has indi- the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- cated that the consortium will, within four weeks tive to arrange to have these matters investigated of appointment, begin to issue application forms and to have replies issued directly to the Deputy. and begin notifying approximately 7,600 living patients of the amount of repayment due to them. Questions Nos. 125 to 129, inclusive, answered The HSE has indicated that the details of these with Question No. 110. repayments have been prepared in advance of the appointment of the company. On submission of Health Services. an application and receipt of notification of the 130. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- calculated amount of repayment due, the appli- ster for Health and Children if the Health Service cant will have a period of 28 days in which to Executive will provide immediate improvement appeal or reject the calculated amount of repay- of essential early intervention services for a per- ment due prior to the issuing of money by the son (details supplied) in County Louth; and if she HSE. will make a statement on the matter. [27726/06] Repayments will be made as soon as possible, with priority given to living persons, and pro- Minister of State at the Department of Health vision has been made for repayments to continue and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s up to 2008 . It is anticipated that all repayments question relates to the management and delivery will have been completed within this period, of health and personal social services, which are however if required the cut off date for receipt of the responsibility of the Health Service Executive applications can be extended. under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Hospital Services. Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to 122. Mr. Hayes asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- have this matter investigated and to have a reply ster for Health and Children the number of wards issued directly to the Deputy. which are closed at present in Health Service Executive run hospitals and other facilities in Hospital Staff. South Tipperary; and the number of beds which 131. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste are taken out of the system as a result of closed and Minister for Health and Children the action wards in South Tipperary. [27579/06] she will take to ensure the renegotiation of the consultants’ common contract to deliver equity of Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children access for public hospital patients; if she will sup- (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to port the Health Service Executive in proceeding the management and delivery of health and per- with the appointment of consultants on a public 1393 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1394 hospital service only basis; and if she will make a Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children statement on the matter. [27727/06] (Ms Harney): Following receipt last February of the report “Children’s Health First”, which was Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children prepared by McKinsey & Co, a joint Health (Ms Harney): A new Hospital Consultants’ Con- Service Executive/Department of Health and tract is a key element of the Government’s health Children Task Group was established to advise reform programme. It is management’s intention on the optimum location of the proposed new that the new contract will be underpinned by the hospital. principle of equity. In this context, a position Following extensive examination, discussion paper outlining proposals on a new employment and consultation among the relevant stakeholders contract for consultants working in the public the Report of the Task Group was completed, health system was tabled by management at a ple- and was presented to the Board of the HSE on nary meeting on 26 January 2006. The proposals 1st June. The Report and its recommendations include a commitment to public sector service were endorsed by the Board. At its meeting on alone. The implementation of the proposals 8th June, the Government strongly endorsed the tabled by management in relation to the consult- recommendations of the Board of the HSE, in ants’ contract will ensure that patients’ access to line with the recommendation of the Report of care and the speed at which care is delivered will the Task Group, that the new paediatric hospital be determined only by clinical need. The HSE- be developed as an independent hospital on a site Employers Agency has been attempting to restart to be made available by the Mater Misericordiae the stalled negotiations with the medical organis- Hospital. ations for some time, most recently last week. The Government mandated the HSE to move Contact is being maintained with the Chairman, forward with the development of the new Mark Connaughton, S.C., in an effort to find a national tertiary paediatric hospital and associ- basis for a resumption of negotiations. ated urgent care centres, and to explore any phil- anthropic proposals in relation to its Departmental Properties. development. ´ The governance arrangements that will arise in 132. Caoimhghı´nOCaola´in asked the Ta´naiste the context of the amalgamation of the three chil- and Minister for Health and Children the number dren’s hospitals will also be pursued, in particular and location of public hospital sites where it is the measures needed to ensure that the new chil- proposed to construct private hospital facilities; dren’s hospital is multi-denominational and and if she will make a statement on the pluralist in character. matter. [27728/06] My Department has requested the Parliamen- tary Affairs Division of the Executive to reply to Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the Deputy directly in relation to its plans for (Ms Harney): The Health Services Executive has progressing the development of the new national advertised for expressions of interest for the con- paediatric hospital. struction and operation of private hospitals on the campuses of 11 publicly funded hospitals. The 11 publicly funded hospitals are: Limerick Community Care. Regional; Waterford Regional; Cork University 134. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Hospital; St James’ Hospital; Beaumont Hospital; ster for Health and Children when the urgent Connolly Hospital (Blanchardstown); care centres planned for three locations in Dublin Adelaide & Meath Hospital Incorporating the will open at each centre; the staff to be appointed National Children’s Hospital (Tallaght); Sligo to each, and the hours of opening; and the reason General; University College Hospital, Galway; they did not open in 2005 as promised at Letterkenny General; Our Lady of Lourdes, Estimates time. [27731/06] Drogheda. Interested parties have been invited to express Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children an interest for one or more projects. Pre-qualifi- (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to cation questionnaires have been received by the the management and delivery of health and per- Health services Executive and will be evaluated sonal social services, which are the responsibility over the coming weeks. of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act, 2004. Accordingly, my Department has Hospitals Building Programme. requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter 133. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- investigated and to have a reply issued directly to ster for Health and Children the cost, the capa- the Deputy. city, the specialties and the time scale of the pro- posed new Children’s Hospital at the Mater site; the facilities for children which will be available Medical Aids and Appliances. elsewhere in the city for urgent care and admis- 135. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- sion. [27729/06] ster for Health and Children when the new MRI 1395 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1396

[Mr. Bruton.] tims of stroke in Kerry; and if she will make a scanner promised for Beaumont Hospital will be statement on the matter. [27735/06] available to the public; the expected annual usage of the scanner; and the reason there has been a Minister of State at the Department of Health delay. [27732/06] and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children of health and personal social services, which are (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to the responsibility of the Health Service Executive the management and delivery of health and per- under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my sonal social services, which are the responsibility Department has requested the Parliamentary of the Health Service Executive under the Health Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has have this matter investigated and to have a reply requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of issued directly to the Deputy. the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Community Care. the Deputy. 139. Mr. Deenihan asked the Ta´naiste and Hospital Accommodation. Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the provision of the community nursing 136. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- unit on the grounds of Kerry General Hospital, ster for Health and Children the plans she envis- Tralee, County Kerry; and if she will make a ages for the development of facilities at St. statement on the matter. [27736/06] Joseph’s Hospital in Raheny and if they were included in the five year capital programme Minister of State at the Department of Health which she recently announced. [27733/06] and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- tion relates to the management and delivery of Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children health and personal social services, which are the (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to responsibility of the Health Service Executive the management and delivery of health and per- under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the sonal social services, which are the responsibility Department has requested the Parliamentary of the Health Service Executive under the Health Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has have this matter investigated and to have a reply requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of issued directly to the Deputy. the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Question No. 140 answered with Question the Deputy. No. 95.

Accident and Emergency Services. Medical Cards. 137. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- 141. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Ta´naiste and ster for Health and Children the proportion of Minister for Health and Children the way in patients treated within one hour, within four which a couple with two children earning hours and so on, in different categories of approximately \63,400 a year can as suggested in urgency at each of the Dublin, Cork, Galway, her statement of 26 June 2006 qualify for a Limerick, Waterford and Kilkenny accident and general practitioner only medical card and in emergency departments in the most recent years particular if she will give details of what are taken for which data is available. [27734/06] into consideration as typical outgoings for any such application. [27738/06] Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the management and delivery of health and per- (Ms Harney): In my Department’s press release sonal social services, which are the responsibility of 26 June 2006 I announced the increase in the of the Health Service Executive under the Health basic income guidelines for the GP Visit Card to Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has 50 per cent above the medical card income guide- requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of lines. The press release listed a range of examples the Executive to arrange to have this matter based on persons with different earnings and investigated and to have a reply issued directly to expenses and in different family situations. the Deputy. I attach a table for the Deputy’s information which gives details of these and other sample Health Services. cases outlining the weekly income and outgoings 138. Mr. Deenihan asked the Ta´naiste and which would allow persons to be entitled to a GP Minister for Health and Children if additional visit card on foot of these recently increased speech therapy services will be provided for vic- income guidelines. 1397 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1398

Departmental Investigations. (GMS) Scheme was established under the Health Act, 1970 to provide publicly funded general 142. Mr. Hogan asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- practitioner services to eligible people. Under the ster for Health and Children the progress which GMS Scheme general practitioners hold one of has been made by the Working Group on Cystic two contract types i.e. the Fee per Item contract Fibrosis since its inception; when its recom- (first introduced in 1972) or the Capitation con- mendations will be published; and if an imple- tract (effective from 1989). These contracts mentation plan will be published in conjunction reflect the agreed outcome of negotiations with the recommendations. [27739/06] between the Department of Health and Children and the GP representative body, the Irish Medi- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): I wish to see significant improve- cal Organisation. Both contract types contain ment in the level of services available to persons provisions which were agreed between the parties with cystic fibrosis. I am aware of the current on a range of issues, including retirement age. service deficits in this area which are widely Under the Fee-per-Item contract it was agreed acknowledged and which have been identified that a GP might hold the contract up to age 70. most notably in the Pollock Report, and by the The terms of the Capitation contract which was Health Service Executive Working Group which agreed between the parties provides that GPs is looking at this issue. who entered into contracts on the date of its com- My Department is advised that the Working mencement could hold the contract up to age 70 Group is being finalised and will be making spec- and in all other cases the GP would hold the con- ific recommendations in relation to a range of tract to age 65. Any changes to these arrange- service improvements required for persons with ments would require to be agreed between the CF, in particular the need to increase the level parties involved and would have to include con- of clinical, nursing and allied health professional sideration of all relevant factors, including the staffing in CF units around the country. As part pension arrangements for GMS GPs. General of the overall funding for health services in 2006, Practitioners may, of course, and subject to con- additional revenue funding of \4.78m was allo- tinued registration with the Medical Council, con- cated specifically for the development of cystic tinue to practice and to treat private patients fol- fibrosis services. lowing retirement from the GMS Scheme. A review of the contractual arrangements for the provision of services under the GMS and Departmental Correspondence. other publicly funded schemes commenced in 143. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste October 2005 and is being conducted under the and Minister for Health and Children when a auspices of the Labour Relations Commission reply will issue from the Health Service Executive (LRC). The Government wishes the new contrac- to Parliamentary Question No. 98 of 1 June tual arrangements to provide open access to 2006. [27740/06] public contracts for all qualified GPs registered with the Irish Medical Council. I am also open to Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children considering whether it would be appropriate to (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to change the present arrangements in relation to the management and delivery of health and per- the age at which GPs must cease to hold con- sonal social services, which are the responsibility tracts. I have therefore, asked my Department, of the Health Service Executive under the Health in conjunction with the Health Service Executive Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department requested (HSE), to consider this matter in the context of the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- the joint review process being conducted under tive to arrange to have this matter investigated the auspices of the LRC. and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. I am committed to ensuring there is an My Department has now requested that the adequate supply of doctors to meet future Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Health national GP manpower needs. Following consul- Service Executive expedite the issue of a reply to tation with the Irish College of General Prac- the Deputy on the matter. titioners, in 2004, it was agreed to increase the number of GP trainee places on GP vocational General Practitioner Co-operatives. training schemes nationally from 84 to 150, on a phased basis. I have provided additional funding 144. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- of \2 million in 2005 and an additional \4 million ster for Health and Children the retirement in 2006 has been provided to the HSE for this policy for general practitioners; if the retirement measure. date can be extended for general practitioners in areas where there is a shortage of doctors (details Departmental Correspondence. supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27742/06] 145. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children if her atten- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children tion has been drawn to the fact that fewer than (Ms Harney): The General Medical Services fifty percent of parliamentary questions from this 1399 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1400

´ [Caoimhghı´nOCaola´in.] Consultancy Contracts. office referred by her to the Health Service 147. Mr. Deenihan asked the Ta´naiste and Executive are replied to within a 20 working day Minister for Health and Children the position period and before a follow up parliamentary regarding the provision of the services for a full- question has been tabled; that interim replies are time senior consultant cardiologist at Kerry not issued as a matter of routine when the 20 General Hospital; and if she will make a state- working day period is exceeded; that the tabling ment on the matter. [27745/06] of a follow-up parliamentary question usually prompts an immediate reply from the Health Minister of State at the Department of Health Service Executive, indicating that the delay was and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- not due to inaccessibility of the information tion relates to the management and delivery of sought; if she considers this acceptable; and if she health and personal social services, which are the will make a statement on the matter. [27743/06] responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Department has requested the Parliamentary (Ms Harney): My Department has been informed Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to by the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the have this matter investigated and to have a reply Executive (PAD) that during the period 1st issued directly to the Deputy. September 2005 to 30 June 2006 the HSE received 46 questions for direct reply to the Medical Cards. Deputy and that considerably more than 50% of these questions were responded to within the 20 148. Mr. Kehoe asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- working day time frame. The Deputy may wish to ster for Health and Children the reason medical have his office contact the manager of the PAD card patients travelling to Dublin for angiograms central office at 01-6352505 in regard to its figures are being obliged to stay in bed and breakfast on replies issued to him. accommodation following the procedure; the In relation to the Deputy’s point about follow- reason the Department of Social Welfare and not up questions, the HSE has assured my Depart- her Department are refunding patients for these ment that responses are issued as soon as the expenses; if an improved system can be devised information is gathered and finalised. in this regard; and if she will make a statement The Health Service Executive is conscious of on the matter. [27746/06] the need to improve its performance in replying directly to Deputies on matters raised in Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children parliamentary questions, including the issue of (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to interim replies. In that connection the HSE is the management and delivery of health and per- increasing the number of staff assigned to the sonal social services, which are the responsibility PAD’s central office and is developing the oper- of the Health Service Executive under the Health ation of its area offices. The Deputy will be aware Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has from the recent meeting which the CEO of the requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of HSE arranged with Oireachtas members, that the the Executive to arrange to have this matter expansion of the PAD’s staffing is part of a range investigated and to have a reply issued directly to of initiatives by the HSE aimed at enhancing the the Deputy. provision of information to Oireachtas members. Hospital Accommodation. Orthodontic Service. 149. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Ta´naiste and 146. Mr. Deenihan asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the position in Minister for Health and Children her views on relation to the long promised extension to Ban- the waiting time for orthodontic assessment and don Community Hospital, west Cork and if a the waiting time for orthodontic treatment for design team has yet been appointed. [27747/06] persons in need of orthodontic assessment and Minister of State at the Department of Health treatment in Kerry; and if she will make a state- and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- ment on the matter. [27744/06] tion relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children responsibility of the Health Service Executive (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the the management and delivery of health and per- Department has requested the Parliamentary sonal social services, which are the responsibility Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to of the Health Service Executive under the Health have this matter investigated and to have a reply Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has issued directly to the Deputy. requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Medical Cards. the Deputy. 150. Mr. Durkan asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- 1401 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1402 ster for Health and Children if a medical card will weeks, delivered in approximately seven clinical issue giving retrospective cover in respect of sites at different periods over the four years of hospital treatment to a person (details supplied) the degree programme. in County Kildare who has undergone several I do not accept that the comparison between medical and surgical procedures; and if she will the clinical training of nurses and physiothera- make a statement on the matter. [27748/06] pists in relation to payment is a valid one. Physio- therapy students are supernumerary while on Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children clinical placements (1000 hours) and are not part (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to of the work force. The clinical training compon- the management and delivery of health and per- ent of the nursing degree is 2300 hours sonal social services, which are the responsibility (equivalent to 74 weeks) and is laid down by EU of the Health Service Executive under the Health Directive. Clinical training for nurses is more Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has than double that of physiotherapists. In addition, requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of it should be noted that the model for the training the Executive to arrange to have this matter of physiotherapists in Ireland (including the clini- investigated and to have a reply issued directly to cal component) is in line with best practice inter- the Deputy. nationally. It is important to clarify that student nurses are Health Services. not paid when on supernumerary clinical place- 151. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ments. A continual rostered placement ster for Health and Children if speech and langu- (internship) takes place towards the end of the age services will be provided for a person (details nursing degree programme. During this period supplied) in County Louth; and if she will make the student is a paid employee of the health a statement on the matter. [27749/06] service and receives a salary based on 80% of the staff nurse salary. These students replace staff Minister of State at the Department of Health nurses on an agreed ratio. and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s A range of measures have been put in place to question relates to the management and delivery support the training of physiotherapists in the of health and personal social services, which are past number of years including a new physio- the responsibility of the Health Service Executive therapy course in the University of Limerick under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my which commenced in 2002 with 25 places. Essen- Department has requested the Parliamentary tial to the successful roll-out of these additional Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to training places was the provision of sufficient, have this matter investigated and to have a reply quality clinical placements in physiotherapy. issued directly to the Deputy. Over the last two years, the Department, along with the Health Service Executive, has worked to Question No. 152 answered with Question put in place the enhanced structures necessary to No. 88. ensure that students have access to a sustainable, high-quality clinical training model. A national Departmental Correspondence. implementation group co-chaired by the Depart- ment and including representation from the 153. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Higher Education Institutes, therapy professional ster for Health and Children if she has received bodies and professional managers, is in place to correspondence from a person (details supplied) address the on-going requirements to source in relation to the employment for physiothera- clinical placements in the longer term. pists; if she intends to address the issues raised A significant level of funding, secured by the therein; the way in which she intends to proceed Minister for Health and Children, totalling with these concerns; if an outcome will be soon; \5.18m (including \2.75m announced in the and if she will make a statement on the Budget 2006) has been allocated since 2004 for matter. [27751/06] the development of therapy clinical training. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Medical Research. (Ms Harney): I wish to inform the Deputy that correspondence has been received in my office 154. Mr. Gormley asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- from the individual concerned and a reply was ster for Health and Children if an inspector from issued to indicate that the matter is receiving her Department last made a visit to a register attention. The correspondence concerned relates user establishment licensed for animal exper- to the issue of why student nurses are paid while iment; the report of such an inspector; and if she working on placement in hospitals while student will make a statement on the matter. [27753/06] physiotherapists on placement are not. Students on the four physiotherapy courses Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children provided in our university sector are required to (Ms Harney): Inspections of registered user undergo clinical training for a period of 1,000 establishments are carried out in accordance with hours which is equivalent to approximately 26 Section 10 of the Cruelty to Animals Act 1876, 1403 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1404

[Ms Harney.] personal, social services, which are currently the as amended. The Act provides for all registered responsibility of the Health Service Executive establishments to be from time to time visited by under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my inspectors for the purpose of securing compliance Department has requested the Parliamentary with the provisions of the Act. Veterinary staff Affairs Division of the Executive to respond of the Department of Agriculture and Food have directly to the Deputy in relation to the matter acted as inspectors under a long standing arrange- raised. ment with that Department: however, this arrangement is currently under discussion. 156. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- It is a function of the inspector to report to the ster for Health and Children the number of Authority (Minister for Health and Children) any people who have been referred from Waterford case of non-compliance with the provisions of the Regional Hospital to Dublin and Cork to receive Act. My Department has received no such notifi- radiotherapy treatment every year from 2000 to cations in the past four years. 2005; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27756/06] Hospital Services. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children 155. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to ster for Health and Children when she expects the management and delivery of health and per- radiotherapy services to be made available at sonal, social services, which are the responsibility Waterford Regional Hospital; if the Government of the Health Service Executive under the Health will provide funding for public patients seeking Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has radiotherapy treatment at a clinic (details requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of supplied) when it is completed; and if she will the Executive to respond directly to the Deputy make a statement on the matter. [27755/06] in relation to the matter raised. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Government’s plan is for a MRSA Incidence. national network of radiation oncology services 157. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- consisting of four large centres in Dublin, Cork ster for Health and Children the arrangements and Galway and two integrated satellite centres being made at Waterford Regional Hospital to at Waterford Regional Hospital and Limerick prevent people from being infected by MRSA; Regional Hospital, conditional on their conform- and if she will make a statement on the ity to certain quality assurance arrangements. matter. [27762/06] The capital investment involved in providing the national network is estimated at over \400 Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children million, most of which is to be funded through a (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to Public Private Partnership (PPP). There is a sig- the management and delivery of health and per- nificant amount of work to be done in prep- sonal social services, which are the responsibility aration for a PPP. Towards this end, my Depart- of the Health Service Executive under the Health ment is working closely with the HSE and the Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has National Development Finance Agency (NDFA). requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of The NDFA has assembled a team to progress the the Executive to arrange to have this matter financial and procurement aspects and the HSE investigated and to have a reply issued directly to has appointed a Project Manager to lead on its the Deputy. input. A Clinical Output Specification Group, which includes leading experts in the field, is well Garda Investigations. advanced in specifying the clinical aspects of the development. Technical advisors will be 158. Dr. Twomey asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- appointed shortly to advise on the construction ster for Health and Children if she has been and other technical aspects of the project. informed of the progress to date on a Garda The precise planning of the development at investigation regarding missing files from Our Waterford and at the other locations will be Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, which she addressed when the output specifications have recommended following the publication of the been drawn up as part of the PPP process. The Neary Report; if this investigation has begun; if it aim is to have the national network in place in has been completed; if actions have been taken 2011. This is an ambitious target but I am deter- following the investigation; and if she will make mined that the access to radiotherapy services for a statement on the matter. [27767/06] people in the Waterford area will be enhanced at the earliest possible date. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children The Deputy’s question in relation to the pro- (Ms Harney): Following publication of the vision of funding for public patients seeking Lourdes Hospital Inquiry Report in February last radiotherapy treatment at a private clinic relates my Department furnished An Garda Sı´ocha´na to the management and delivery of health and with a copy of the report. I have no function in 1405 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1406 relation to the action, if any, which the Garda As Section 6 of the Health Act, 2004 states that authorities may take in relation to this matter. the Health Service Executive is a corporate body, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Departmental Expenditure. Affairs Division of the Executive to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. 159. Dr. Twomey asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children the amount paid to 160. Mr. Boyle asked the Ta´naiste and Minister a company (details supplied) to date; the amount for Health and Children the budgetary allocation paid for each of the past three years; and if she for each of the public bodies, executive agencies, will make a statement on the matter. [27769/06] advisory bodies and taskforces operating under her Department. [27794/06] Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): I presume that the Deputy is refer- (Ms Harney): The 2006 budgetary allocation for ring to any payments made by the Health Service public bodies, executive agencies, advisory bodies Executive to the company in question within the and taskforces operating under the Department specified period. of Health and Children are as follows:

2006 Allocation


Health Research Board 30.541 National Cancer Registry 1.947 Irish Medicines Board 4.025 Postgraduate Medical and Dental Board 8.580 Food Safety Authority of Ireland 17.430 National Council on Ageing and Older People 1.485 National Social Work Qualifications Board 0.526 Women’s Health Council 0.631 Institute of Public Health 1.505 National Council for Professional Development of Nursing & Midwifery 4.348 Crisis Pregnancy Agency 8.055 Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council 2.812 Mental Health Commission 12.000 BreastCheck 13.693 Office of Tobacco Control 2.291 Irish Health Services Accreditation Board 3.497 Special Residential Services Board 2.215 The Social Services Inspectorate 0.615 Health Information & Quality Authority 3.500 Other — Miscellaneous grants to bodies who request assistance 9.089 Food Safety Promotion Board 6.580 The National Treatment Purchase Fund 78.644

Ministerial Appointments. the aegis of my Department in respect of which only the Chairperson receives a fee. This brings 161. Mr. Boyle asked the Ta´naiste and Minister the total number of persons affected by the for Health and Children the number of positions change to 66. in State bodies under the aegis of her Department which are affected by the increase in non-execu- tive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies recently Departmental Bodies. sanctioned by the Government. [27808/06] 162. Mr. Boyle asked the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the number of taskforces Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children which have been created by her Department and (Ms Harney): At present, the board membership their function, size, membership, reporting mech- of six agencies under the aegis of my Department anism and period of existence since 1997. are in receipt of fees in respect of their service on [27816/06] the board and will, therefore, be affected by the Governments decision to increase these fees. The Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children total number of positions involved is 59. In (Ms Harney): Enquiries are being made within addition, there are a further seven agencies under my Department in relation to the information 1407 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1408

[Ms Harney.] Health Boards was received in the Public Health requested by the Deputy and I will forward this Division of my Department on 3 April 2006 and to him as soon as possible. is being assessed. My Department is also in dis- cussion with the Health Service Executive in Nursing Home Subventions. relation to its implementation. 163. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children the cost of private Medical Cards. nursing home subventions granted in each year 166. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- since 2002; and the number of beds in each year ster for Health and Children the number of since 2002. [27829/06] general practitioner only medical cards that have been granted to people in Waterford City and Minister of State at the Department of Health County; and if she will make a statement on the and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- matter. [27845/06] tion relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children responsibility of the Health Service Executive (Ms Harney): The Health Service Executive have under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the provided the figure of 444 for the total number Department has requested the Parliamentary of GP visit card holders in Waterford City and Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to County as at 1 June 2006 to my Department. have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Care of the Elderly. Accident and Emergency Services. 167. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children the number of home 164. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- help hours allocated in County Waterford for ster for Health and Children if defibrillators are each year since 2000; the number of persons ben- available in every fire station in County Water- efiting in each year; the budget allocated in each ford; if not, if she intends to make this possible; year in County Waterford; it the allocation was the timeframe for same; and if she will make a used in each year; and if she will make a state- statement on the matter. [27832/06] ment on the matter. [27846/06] Minister of State at the Department of Health Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. S. Power): The question of and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- making defibrillators available to fire stations tion relates to the management and delivery of would be a matter for the Health Service Execu- health and personal social services, which are the tive in consultation with the fire services. Accord- responsibility of the Health Service Executive ingly, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the to arrange to have this matter investigated and to Department has requested the Parliamentary have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Health Services. 165. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Health Services. ster for Health and Children if there is a universal newborn hearing screening programme available 168. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- in the paediatric and maternity department at ster for Health and Children the number of first Waterford Regional Hospital; if there is not such responder schemes in the City and County of a programme, if she intends to introduce one; the Waterford; and if she will make a statement on timeframe for same; and if she will make a state- the matter. [27862/06] ment on the matter. [27833/06] Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery of health and per- the management and delivery of health and per- sonal social services, which are the responsibility sonal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. the Deputy. The report of the Universal Neo-natal Hearing Question No. 169 answered with Question Screening Group commissioned by the former No. 95. 1409 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1410

Hospitals Building Programme. The supports paid by the HSE vary from person 170. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- to person and region to region, depending on ster for Health and Children the levels of funding prices for example. that are being allocated to Health Service Execu- The recently published Health (Nursing tive South for the development of Waterford Homes)(Amendment) Bill 2006 is designed to Regional Hospital over the next 10 years; and if ensure that the existing subvention scheme for she will make a statement on the matter. private nursing home care is grounded in primary [27864/06] legislation and to help the HSE to implement the scheme on a standardised basis across the coun- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children try. In addition, national guidelines on nursing (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to home subvention are currently being developed the management and delivery of health and per- by the HSE to ensure an even and equitable sonal social services, which are the responsibility application of the regulations nationally. of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. This includes responsibility for con- Inter-Country Adoptions. sidering new capital proposals or progressing 172. Mr. Costello asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- those in the health capital programme. ster for Health and Children the reason for the Accordingly, my Department is requesting the delay in processing inter-country adoption appli- Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive cations in here; the further reason there is little to arrange to have this matter investigated and to accountability in the system; and if she will make have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. a statement on the matter. [27883/06]

Nursing Home Subventions. Minister of State at the Department of Health 171. Mr. Deasy asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): The Deputy’s ster for Health and Children if her attention has question relates to the management and delivery been drawn to the difficulties being experienced of health and personal social services, which are where nursing home subvention does not match the responsibility of the Health Service Executive charges being presented by private nursing homes (HSE) under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, and the delays being experienced by patients who my Department has requested the Parliamentary have to lodge an appeal; if she will streamline the Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to system to ensure an automatic top up payment is have this matter investigated and to have a reply examined based on the income details supplied issued directly to the Deputy. with the original application, which is not the case The process of assessment of applicants for in Waterford at present. [27869/06] inter-country assessment is set out in a Frame- work for Inter-country Adoption Assessment Minister of State at the Department of Health introduced in 1999 to streamline assessments and and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Nursing Home to provide a transparent system centred on the (Subvention) Regulations, 1993 are administered child’s best interests. Inter-country Adoption by the Health Service Executive. There are cur- applications are received by and assessed by the rently three rates of subvention payable, i.e. Health Service Executive and PACT, who are a \114.30, \152.40 and \190.50 for the three levels recognised adoption agency. Assessment involves of dependency which are medium, high and a number of stages and would generally include maximum. Additional funding of \20 million was an initial assessment, a considerable level of provided for the administration of the Nursing education/preparation work (including an explor- Home Subvention Scheme in 2006, bringing the ation with prospective adoptive parents of the total available budget to \161 million. The \20 challenges and issues that are likely to arise when million is to support more basic nursing home undertaking adoption) and a home study assess- subventions and reduce waiting lists for enhanced ment. The length of the assessment process can subventions: it is also to bring more consistency vary between applicants depending on the part- to subventions support throughout the country. icular circumstances of each case, bearing in mind The Deputy may wish to know that the Nursing at all times the best interests of the child. Appli- Home Subvention scheme was never intended to cants found to be suitable to be adoptive parents cover the full cost of a private nursing home bed. are granted a Declaration of Eligibility and Suit- The HSE has discretion to pay more than the ability by the Adoption Board, and may then pur- maximum rate of subvention relative to an indi- sue the adoption of a child abroad with the selec- vidual’s level of dependency in a case, for ted sending country. example, where personal funds are exhausted. The application of these provisions in an individ- Community Care. ual case is a matter for the HSE in the context of meeting increasing demands for subvention, sub- 173. Mr. Costello asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ject to the provisions of the Health Act, 2004. The ster for Health and Children if a person (details average rate of subvention paid by the HSE gen- supplied) in Dublin 7 can be moved permanently erally exceeds the current approved basic rates. from Peamount Hospital to an apartment in 1411 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1412

[Mr. Costello.] Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children order that they can live independently but with (Ms Harney): I propose to take Questions Nos. the necessary support services; and if she will 176 and 177 together. make a statement on the matter. [27884/06] My Department understands from the Health Service Executive that its priority in 2006 is to Minister of State at the Department of Health increase service provision in the area of multi-dis- and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s ciplinary supports to meet obligations to children question relates to the management and delivery with developmental delay, in the home, in the of health and personal social services, which are community and in other appropriate settings. In the responsibility of the Health Service Executive this regard \12.5m was made available by the under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my HSE from the 2006 investment programme to Department has requested the Parliamentary provide multi-disciplinary supports to people with Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to intellectual, physical and sensory disability have this matter investigated and to have a reply and/or autism. issued directly to the Deputy. The Deputy’s questions relate to the manage- ment and delivery of health and personal social Question No. 174 answered with Question services, which are the responsibility of the No. 110. Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested Services for People with Disabilities. the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- tive to arrange to have these matters investigated 175. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. ster for Health and Children the financial sup- ports available from her Department directly or Hospitals Building Programme. indirectly to assist a physically disabled person to build their first home in a rural area; if no sup- 178. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ports are available her views on introducing such ster for Health and Children the stage projects a measure; and if she will make a statement on (details supplied) are at; if funding has been allo- the matter. [27919/06] cated; if funding is contingent upon revenue implications; when building will begin; and if she Minister of State at the Department of Health will make a statement on the matter. [27922/06] and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to of health and personal social services, which are the management and delivery of health and per- the responsibility of the Health Service Executive sonal social services, which are the responsibility under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my of the Health Service Executive under the Health Department has requested the Parliamentary Act 2004. This includes responsibility for con- Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to sidering new capital proposals or progressing have this matter investigated and to have a reply those in the health capital programme. issued directly to the Deputy. Accordingly, my Department is requesting the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive Health Services. to arrange to have this matter investigated and to 176. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. ster for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the difficulties in schools due to Care of the Elderly. the long delays in accessing speech and language 179. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- therapy for primary and post-primary students; ster for Health and Children the funds available her proposals to tackle this year long waiting list; to elderly day care centres to provide transport and if she will make a statement on the to day patients; and if she will make a statement matter. [27920/06] on the matter. [27923/06]

177. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Minister of State at the Department of Health ster for Health and Children if her attention has and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- been drawn to the problems in accessing support tion relates to the management and delivery of services for post-primary pupils such as speech health and personal social services, which are the and language therapy, behavioural therapists, responsibility of the Health Service Executive social workers, and so on; the measures she under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the intends taking to ensure that these services can Department has requested the Parliamentary be accessed in the shortest possible time by all Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to schools; and if she will make a statement on the have this matter investigated and to have a reply matter. [27921/06] issued directly to the Deputy. 1413 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1414

Departmental Correspondence. Regional Health Authority, the Area Health Boards and a number of other statutory agencies 180. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- were transferred to the HSE with effect from 1 ster for Health and Children the number of January 2005. This fundamental reform in the parliamentary questions referred to health boards structure of the country’s health and personal or other agencies for direct answer to Deputies social service system resulted in a body which has for each year from 2002 to date in 2006; the statutory responsibility for the management and number answered directly by her Department delivery of services not only at the local and each year since 2005; the number referred to the regional levels but also at national level. The Health Service Executive for answer since its information provided in the table below in establishment. [27924/06] respect of 2005 and 2006 reflects this fundamen- tally changed situation. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children The information available in my Department (Ms Harney): Pursuant to the Health Act 2004, in relation to the Deputy’s question is contained the functions of the Health Boards, Eastern in the following table:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Year Total no. of Number of questions Number of questions Number of questions questions where no referral to a referred to Health referred to Health answered health board or the HSE Boards/HSE for full Boards/HSE for part was involved reply reply

2003 3,837 2,633 1,096 108 2004 4,132 2,676 1,338 118 2005 5,305 2660 2,388 257 (of which 25 were referred to other bodies for full reply and 19 for part reply) 2006 January to June 3469 1,472 1,701 296 (of which 13 were referred to other bodies for full reply and 8 for part reply)

This information was not routinely collected by Departmental Funding. my Department prior to the establishment of its 182. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Parliamentary Affairs Unit in 2005. The figures ster for Health and Children the amount of fund- for 2003 and 2004 have since been retrospectively ing allocated to the Health Service Executive compiled and only identify questions referred to Mid-western and South Eastern region towards health boards for direct reply. Consequently, the the homecare package; the amount allocated to figures in column (3) of the table for these two north and south Tipperary; the number of per- years include referrals to bodies other than health sons in north and south Tipperary that has been boards but do not provide a breakdown of same. approved the homecare package; the average Figures for 2002 are not readily available within length of time taken per application in north and my Department. south Tipperary. [27926/06]

Consultancy Contracts. Minister of State at the Department of Health 181. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- ster for Health and Children if consultants were tion relates to the management and delivery of employed to develop the Health Service Execu- health and personal social services, which are the tive logo; if as part of this work, a policy docu- responsibility of the Health Service Executive ment on the use of the HSE logo was drafted and under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the circulated; the cost associated with this project; Department has requested the Parliamentary and if she will make a statement on the Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to matter. [27925/06] have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): Section 6 of the Health Act, 2004 Health Services. states that the Health Service Executive is a cor- 183. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- porate body. Accordingly, my Department has ster for Health and Children the number of requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of people waiting for orthodontic treatment in each the Executive to have a reply issued directly to area of the Health Service Executive mid-western the Deputy. area; the average length of waiting time in each 1415 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1416

[Mr. Lowry.] I would like to take this opportunity to assure area; the way this compares with other regions of Irish Rural Link that the achievement of consist- the HSE; and if she will make a statement on the ency in the standard and range of services avail- matter. [27927/06] able in each region of the country is a key objec- tive of the health service reforms. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to Health Services. the management and delivery of health and per- sonal social services, which are the responsibility 185. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- of the Health Service Executive under the Health ster for Health and Children her views on the Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has recent report completed on proposed changes to requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of Shannon-doc; and if she will make a statement on the Executive to arrange to have this matter the matter. [27929/06] investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to Departmental Strategy Statements. the management and delivery of health and per- sonal social services, which are the responsibility 184. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- of the Health Service Executive under the Health ster for Health and Children her views on the Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has proposal put forward by Irish Rural Link that a requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of rural health strategy is urgently needed; her views the Executive to arrange to have this matter on such a strategy; if she will provide resources investigated and to have a reply issued directly to toward implementation of same; and if she will the Deputy. make a statement on the matter. [27928/06] Suicide Prevention. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): The National Health Strategy 186. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Quality and Fairness — A Health System for You ster for Health and Children if an additional \60 was announced by the Government in 2001 to million for suicide prevention will be made avail- provide vision and strategic direction for the able; and if she will make a statement on the health and personal social services. The Strategy matter. [27930/06] sets out the key objectives for the health system up to the year 2010, which are centred on four Minister of State at the Department of Health national goals: and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): As the Deputy may be aware, Reach Out — a National Strategy • Better Health For Everyone for Action on Suicide Prevention 2005-2014 was • Fair Access launched in September last. Four levels of action • Responsive and Appropriate Care comprise the main body of the Strategy, i.e., Delivery general population approach; targeted approach; responding to suicide; and information and • High Performance. research. The Health Strategy is now in its sixth year of During the two years developing the strategy, ongoing implementation and I do not see a need wide ranging consultation took place throughout for a rural health strategy as proposed by Irish the country to draw on the experience, perspec- Rural Link. tives and ideas of the key stakeholders and The Health Act, 2004 sets out in broad terms interested parties. This consultation process, com- the performance framework for the Health bined with continuous monitoring of evidence Service Executive (HSE) which was established and best practice, allowed the project team to on 1st January, 2005, as a corner stone of the take both an evidence-based and pragmatic Health Reform Programme. As part of the per- approach in prioritising actions to be undertaken formance framework, the HSE must submit to by the various agencies and groups in order to the Ta´naiste, for approval, a Corporate Plan and effect real change over the next 5 to 10 years. an Annual Service Plan. The HSE corporate plan Following the publication of the Strategy, the for 2005-2008 commits it “to develop a consistent Health Service Executive (HSE) established the approach to access to service throughout the National Office of Suicide Prevention (NOSP) to country, based on identified need”. The service oversee the implementation of the Strategy. The plan format is currently being revised within the Office has primary responsible for implementing Department. The 2007 Plan will, very specifically, the Strategy and will coordinate suicide preven- include a section devoted to Consistency and tion activities across the State, consult widely in Social Inclusion which is to contain details of relation to the planning of future initiatives and initiatives being pursued by the HSE to ensure, ensure best practice in suicide prevention. amongst other things, a geographical equity in the An additional \26.2m development funding has provision of services. been allocated to the HSE for the further 1417 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1418 development of our mental health services in The DPS protects against excessive medical costs 2006. Some \1.2m of this additional funding is and significantly reduces the burden for families specifically for suicide prevention initiatives. In and individuals incurring ongoing expenditure on the region of \800m will be spent on mental medicines. The introduction of the scheme saw health services this year. The additional funding substantial growth in the State bill, and the cost will be used to enhance the level and range of of the scheme has risen significantly since its multidisciplinary services available to adults and inception in 1999. The threshold was not children with mental illness. It will also fund the increased between the scheme’s introduction in provision of additional community based mental 1999 and 2002 although the cost of the scheme health facilities, including mental health day rose by 73% during that period. The number of centres, day hospitals and community residential claimants under the scheme rose by 40% between facilities. 2000 and 2002. As of 31 December 2003, 48% of Future funding for suicide prevention initiat- the eligible population was registered under the ives will be considered in the context of the Scheme. Only 15% of those registered exceeded annual estimates process. the monthly threshold in that year, indicating that the scheme was successfully targeting patients 187. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- with higher drugs costs. The number of eligible ster for Health and Children given the high rates persons for the DPS as at 31 December 2004 was of suicide per capita in County Tipperary her almost 1.47 million representing 36.33% of the views on making funds available for a project population. Government expenditure on the (details supplied); and if she will make a state- scheme in that year was \226.83 million, an ment on the matter. [27931/06] increase of \22.41 million on the previous year. The threshold increases have been in line with Minister of State at the Department of Health Government policy to provide reasonable assist- and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s ance for patients, within available resources. question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are Health Insurance. the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my 189. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Department has requested the Parliamentary ster for Health and Children her views on the Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to proposed VHI rate increase; if her attention has have this matter investigated and to have a reply been drawn to the fact that the proposed issued directly to the Deputy. additional 12 per cent increase will be on top of a 42 per cent increase since 2002; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27933/06] Drugs Payment Scheme. 188. Mr. Lowry asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children ster for Health and Children the threshold in the (Ms Harney): I was notified by letter dated 22 drug payment refund scheme each year since June 2006, of the intention of the VHI Board to 2002; the reason for such increases in the qualify- increase premiums by an average of 12.5% from ing threshold; her views on lowering the thres- 1 September 2006. VHI have highlighted in the hold to ensure that more people qualify for the notification a number of cost drivers, including scheme; and if she will make a statement on the the costs associated with an ageing population, matter. [27932/06] increasing drug costs and accelerated technology innovation. VHI state that the proposed premium Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children increase will also finance new benefits and (Ms Harney): Under the Drug Payment Scheme services for its members. I am aware of the level (DPS), at present, no individual or family unit of increases in VHI premiums including 2002. pays more than \85 per calendar month towards Under VHI legislation, the VHI Board is the cost of approved prescribed medicines. responsible for setting premium rates. The legis- On its introduction on 1 July 1999, the thres- lation obliges the Board to fix premiums to hold was £42, and in subsequent years this was provide sufficient revenue to meet claims costs increased as follows: and to make provision for reserves. For the finan- cial year ended February 2006, VHI will be • from £42 (\53.33) to \65 with effect from 1 reporting a loss of \32.3 million leading to a fall August 2002 in its reserve ratio. I wrote to the Chairman of • from \65 to \70 with effect from 1 the VHI Board at the end of 2005, highlighting January 2003 the need for the Board to build up its reserves. It is a matter for the VHI Board, to take account of • from \70 to \78 with effect from 1 all the key considerations in discharging its January 2004 responsibilities as regards setting premium levels. • from \78 to \85 with effect from 1 The Board states that the increase proposed is January 2005. the absolute minimum increase required. The 1419 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1420

[Ms Harney.] from January 2006 to date for media purposes or premium increase notification is being considered advertising; where the money was spent, that is, against this background. national papers, provincial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios and so on; the amounts spent on a Accident and Emergency Services. yearly basis for years of the pervious three years; if money was spent on videos, for promotional, 190. Mr. Bruton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- educational or advertising purposes. [27958/06] ster for Health and Children the reason the reports by a company (details supplied) on the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children operation of individual hospitals’ accident and (Ms Harney): The information, involving many emergency departments have not been pub- divisions of my Department, is not readily avail- lished. [27949/06] able in the format as requested by the Deputy. I have requested my Department to retrieve the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children relevant data and to assemble it and to present it (Ms Harney): The National Hospitals Office of in the format as requested. the Health Service Executive commissioned Tri- bal Secta to undertake a process mapping exer- cise across 10 acute hospitals. The project Health Services. focussed on the maximum utilisation of existing 193. Mr. Naughten asked the Ta´naiste and acute capacity and in particular, the blockages, Minister for Health and Children the steps she causes and potential solutions in the patient’s intends to take to address the patient transport journey from the decision to admit to discharge. crisis in the western region; if she believes that The 10 hospitals examined included the major it acceptable that the senior management in the Dublin academic teaching hospitals. Health Service Executive is unaware of the crisis; The HSE has published the Overview Tribal if she further believes that it is acceptable that the Secta Report on its website at www.hse.ie. The HSE has failed to respond to the issue following a Executive has advised that copies of the reports recent meeting (details supplied); the steps she is on individual hospitals can be obtained from the taking to make the HSE responsive and account- HSE on request. able; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27972/06] Health Insurance. 191. Mr. Kenny asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children ster for Health and Children the position on the (Ms Harney): My Department is advised by the provision of medical cover for Alzheimer’s Health Service Executive that it intends to con- patients and the unit provided for them and for duct a comprehensive review of patient transport families at an institution (details supplied); and if arrangements as an element of its 2006 service she will indicate if medical cover exists; and if she plan. It is envisaged that this review will examine will make a statement on the matter. [27952/06] the service currently delivered nationally and make recommendations for its future develop- 208. Mr. Kenny asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ment. Accordingly, my Department has ster for Health and Children her views on the requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of provision of medical cover for Alzheimer’s the Executive to arrange to have this matter patients and the unit provided for them and for investigated and to have a reply issued directly to families at an institution (details supplied); the the Deputy. medical cover that exists presently; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [28023/06] Departmental Business Plans. 194. Mr. Naughten asked the Ta´naiste and Minister of State at the Department of Health Minister for Health and Children further to and Children (Mr. S. Power): I propose to take Parliamentary Question No. 192 of 20 June 2006, Questions Nos. 191 and 208 together. when she intends to publish her Department’s The Deputy’s question relates to the manage- 2006 business plan; if she will include plans for a ment and delivery of health and personal social vaccine damage compensation scheme; the services, which are the responsibility of the reason for the delay in establishing such a Health Service Executive under the Health Act scheme; and if she will make a statement on the 2004. Accordingly, the Department has requested matter. [27974/06] the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- tive to arrange to have this matter investigated Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. (Ms Harney): The Business Plan for 2006 is avail- able on the Department’s website. The business Departmental Advertising. plan for Public Health Division includes the 192. Mr. Ring asked the Ta´naiste and Minister examination of the feasibility of a vaccine damage for Health and Children the amount which was compensation scheme. Consideration of the issue spent in her Department for the years 2005 and is at an advanced stage. 1421 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1422

National Treatment Purchase Fund. labelling terms non GM and GM free; the dis- cussions she has had at European level on the 195. Mr. Naughten asked the Ta´naiste and issue; and if she will make a statement on the Minister for Health and Children if funding is matter. [27996/06] approved under the national purchase scheme for the supply of digital hearing aids to clients in the Minister of State at the Department of Health west of Ireland; the reason for the delay; and if and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Food Safety she will make a statement on the matter. Authority of Ireland (FSAI) is the competent [27989/06] authority in Ireland for the enforcement of EU Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children legislation regarding food derived from Geneti- (Ms Harney): The National Treatment Purchase cally Modified Organisms (GMOs) — generally Fund (NTPF) was established as one of the key referred to as GM food. actions for dealing with public hospital waiting The authorisation and labelling of GM food lists arising from the 2001 Health Strategy. The within the EU is governed by the GM Food and NTPF is used for the purpose of treating public Feed Regulation (EC No. 1829/2003). The label- patients who have been waiting longest for sur- ling terms ‘non GM’ and ‘GM free’ are not gery. It is not intended to expand the remit of the defined in EU legislation and are used voluntarily NTPF to funding the type of treatment referred by the food industry. However, the use of these to by the Deputy. terms is subject to Article 2.1(a) of the General Labelling Directive (2000/13/EC) which stipulates Pension Provisions. that labelling must not mislead the purchaser as to the characteristics of the foodstuff and, in part- 196. Mr. Naughten asked the Ta´naiste and icular, as to its nature, identity, properties, com- Minister for Health and Children when a person position, method of production and manu- (details supplied) will be issued with a pension facturing. from the Health Service Executive west; the By carrying out regular surveys of the food sup- reason for the delay; and if she will make a state- ply, the FSAI monitors the level of compliance ment on the matter. [27990/06] with GM food legislation and ensures that only authorised and correctly labelled GM ingredients Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children are on the Irish market: a positive result of the (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to FSAI GM food surveys to date is that while GM the administration and management of superan- ingredients have been detected in a proportion of nuation payments for former employees of the foods tested, no breaches of the EU GM food health boards, which are the responsibility of the legislation have been identified. Health Service Executive. Accordingly, my In May of this year, the FSAI published the Department has requested the Parliamentary results of its most recent survey — the GM Food Affairs Division of the Executive to have this Survey 2005. In this survey a total of 60 food matter investigated and to issue a reply directly samples were analysed, with six samples being to the Deputy. found to contain low levels of GM at less than the 0.9% labelling threshold provided for in EU Health Services. legislation. However, three of these samples con- 197. Mr. Naughten asked the Ta´naiste and tained GM soya while carrying the claim ‘made Minister for Health and Children the reason the from non GM soya’ on their label. The UK based GMS list in Strokestown, County Roscommon is company producing these foods has been iden- frozen; if patients have a right to choose their tified in a number of FSAI surveys as carrying general practitioner; and if she will make a state- potentially misleading claims relating to non GM ment on the matter. [27991/06] status, and despite representations by the FSAI, the problem has not been addressed. As a result, Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children the FSAI has discussed this issue with the retail (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to trade in Ireland and requested that a long term the management and delivery of health and per- solution be developed to prevent the persistent sonal social services, which are the responsibility misleading of consumers by these products. Ulti- of the Health Service Executive under the Health mately, the accuracy of food labels is the Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has responsibility of the food industry which must requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of ensure that all food labels and claims are accurate the Executive to arrange to have this matter so that consumers are not mislead. investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. Unaccompanied Minors. 199. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and Food Labelling. Minister for Health and Children the number of 198. Mr. Naughten asked the Ta´naiste and unaccompanied minors referred to the Health Minister for Health and Children the plans she Service Executive between the years 2000 and has to ensure that there is a legal basis to the 2006; the number that remain in the care of the 1423 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1424

[Ms McManus.] relation to separated children seeking asylum was HSE; the number that have gone missing or not routinely collected by my Department prior remain unaccounted for while under the care of to 2001. The information held in this Department the HSE; if this information is collated; and if she on Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum col- will make a statement on the matter. [28005/06] lected as part of the Interim Dataset is set out in the table below. Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): Information in

Year No. of UAMS Coming to No. Reunited with No. Placed in No. Found not Other Arrangements Attention of HSE Family Care of HSE to be Minor Made

2001 1,151 445 560 32 114 2002 779 427 282 13 57 2003 858 456 285 50 67 2004* 679 450 176 13 40** *The Interim Dataset for 2004 has yet to be validated and as such all figures for 2004 are provisional. Figures for 2005 are not yet available. **Contains outcomes for 11 Separated Children yet to be confirmed by HSE Western area.

I have requested the Health Service Executive to County No. of persons holding a provide you, if possible, with more recent figures GP visit card and the further information relating to Unac- companied Minors Seeking Asylum sought by Kildare 283 you. Kilkenny 492 Laois 383 Medical Cards. Leitrim 240 200. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and Limerick 524 Minister for Health and Children the number and Longford 213 percentages of general practitioner only cards Louth 739 that have been issued since the introduction of Mayo 850 these cards; the breakdown per region; and if she Meath 657 will make a statement on the matter. [28006/06] Monaghan 345 Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Offaly 435 (Ms Harney): The Health Service Executive Roscommon 307 (HSE) have informed my Department that they Sligo 372 are unable to provide the figures in the format Tipperary Nr 162 (breakdown by four HSE regions) required by Tipperary Sr 596 the Deputy and that they are currently working on their database system to enable the collection Waterford 444 of this information in that format going forward. Westmeath 312 The HSE have provided figures on the number Wexford 727 of GP visit card holders in each county as at 1st Wicklow 391 June 2006 and these are shown on the table below. The percentage of the population holding Total 16,875 either a medical card or GP visit card as at 1 June, 2006 was 29.15% (this figure is based on the Cen- tral Statistics Office official population estimate Hospital Services. in 2005 — 4,130,700). 201. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and County No. of persons holding a Minister for Health and Children the position of GP visit card the proposed dialysis unit at Beaumont; the cost of this unit; the proposed date for completion of Carlow 447 this project; and if she will make a statement on Cavan 370 the matter. [28007/06] Clare 335 Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Cork 2,431 (Ms Harney): The Deputy’s question relates to Donegal 1,205 the management and delivery of health and per- Dublin 1,641 sonal social services, which are the responsibility Galway 1,129 of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has Kerry 845 requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of 1425 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1426 the Executive to arrange to have this matter The Health Promotion Policy Unit of my investigated and to have a reply issued directly to Department has also engaged directly with the the Deputy. national sporting organisations. The GAA has, in association with the Unit appointed a dedicated 202. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and project officer to address the issue of alcohol and Minister for Health and Children her proposals drug use. The officer will be responsible for carry- in relation to calls for increased funding of neuro- ing out a number of initiatives including the surgery in the public sector; her plans to provide development of a Code of Conduct for local clubs such funding; and if she will make a statement on and a review of drug and alcohol issues arising at the matter. [28008/06] club level. The Health Promotion Policy Unit and the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Health Service Executive are now entering into (Ms Harney): At the request of my Department, discussions with the Football Association of a committee was established by the former Ireland regarding alcohol related issues. Comhairle na nOspide´al, to review arrangements for the provision of neurosurgical services and Departmental Investigations. consultant staffing nationally, and following con- sultation with the interests concerned, to make 204. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and recommendations on the future organisation and Minister for Health and Children the date for the development of neurosurgical services. publication of the report into the death of a per- My Department has been informed that the son (details supplied); and if she will make a report will be published shortly. statement on the matter. [28010/06] The future development of neurosurgery services will be considered in the light of the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children report and resources available. (Ms Harney): Following the death of Mr. Patrick Walsh in Monaghan Hospital on the 14th October, 2005 the Health Service Executive Sports Sponsorship. (HSE) commissioned Mr. Declan Carey, a con- 203. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and sultant surgeon at Belfast City Hospital, and an Minister for Health and Children her views on honorary senior lecturer at Queen’s University reports from the European Commission that and Professor John Monson, Professor of Sur- believe that sponsorship of sporting contests by gery, University of Hull, to carry out an indepen- drinks companies should be banned as it encour- dent and external review. ages youth drinking; the steps she intends to take The Health Service Executive has advised my in this regard; and if she will make a statement Department that a report has been prepared by on the matter. [28009/06] the Consultants and is now going through a necessary legal process prior to completion. This Minister of State at the Department of Health is normal procedure. and Children (Mr. S. Power): A number of the My Department is advised by the Executive recommendations contained in the Interim that it has been in touch with the family of Mr. Report of the Strategic Task Force on Alcohol Walsh and briefed them fully on the current concern a reduction in the exposure of children situation. and adolescents to alcohol advertising, marketing I have not received the report and it would be and sponsorship. In response to these, my inappropriate for me to speculate on its contents. Department entered into negotiations with the broadcasting, media and drinks industries while Hospital Waiting Lists. at the same time pursuing the development of legislation to restrict alcohol advertising, sponsor- 205. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and ship and sales promotions/marketing practices. It Minister for Health and Children if her attention was agreed that the industry would respond on has been drawn to the fact that the State’s only an incremental basis. This has resulted in the obesity clinic at St Colmcille’s Hospital in Lough- establishment of Central Copy Clearance Ireland linstown is no longer taking referrals due to the which addresses the issue of the content of adver- length of waiting time to see a specialist; the wait- tisements, the development of a Voluntary Code ing times that currently exist; the steps she of Practice on Advertising which addresses the intends to take to rectify this situation partic- issue of placement and the establishment of the ularly in view of the growing numbers of people Alcohol Marketing and Communications Moni- who are obese; and if she will make a statement toring Body to oversee the implementation of the on the matter. [28011/06] Voluntary Code. As the Ta´naiste has previously indicated, she will await the Annual Report of Minister of State at the Department of Health the Monitoring Body before deciding on future and Children (Mr. S. Power): The Deputy’s ques- actions in relation to legislation on this issue. tion relates to the management and delivery of Negotiations with the industry stakeholders are health and personal social services, which are the ongoing and will include the issue of sponsorship. responsibility of the Health Service Executive 1427 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1428

[Mr. S. Power.] 214. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Ta´naiste under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my and Minister for Health and Children if her atten- Department has requested the Parliamentary tion has been drawn to the practice of some chi- Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to ropodists charging a levy on medical card holders have this matter investigated and to have a reply to recoup costs not covered by the Health Service issued directly to the Deputy. Executive; if her attention has further been drawn to the fact that more chiropodists are planning to Ambulance Service. introduce such a levy and that others are leaving Ireland to practice abroad; and if she will make a 206. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and statement on the matter. [28037/06] Minister for Health and Children the position in relation to the ambulance control centre in Town- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children send Street, Dublin; when the report into this (Ms Harney): I propose to take Questions Nos. situation will be published; her plans to end the 209 and 214 together. duplication of services between the Health Board There is no statutory obligation on the Health and the DFB staff; and if she will make a state- Service Executive (HSE) to provide chiropody ment on the matter. [28012/06] services to GMS patients; however in practice Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children arrangements are made to provide these services. (Ms Harney): Pre-hospital emergency care Before the establishment of the HSE the nature services in the greater Dublin area are provided of the arrangements for chiropody and the level by both the Health Service Executive (HSE) and of service provided was a matter for individual Dublin City Council through Dublin Fire Brig- health boards and so a degree of variation in ade. The HSE has advised that the review of practice developed over time. Priority is usually Command and Control arrangements, referred to given to certain groups of people, including by the Deputy, is being undertaken by represen- people who are medical card holders aged 65 tatives from the Executive and Dublin City years and over. In several regions the service is Council. The Executive has advised that the provided by private chiropodists by arrangement review is in the process of being finalised. with the HSE. Accordingly, my Department has requested the I consider that it is inappropriate for private Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive chiropodists who are providing services on behalf to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy on of the HSE to charge patients a top-up fee, and I this matter. have conveyed this view formally to the HSE. My Department requested the HSE to review the fee Hospital Staff. arrangements in place for the provision of chirop- ody services, with a view to ensuring that such 207. Ms McManus asked the Ta´naiste and additional fees will no longer be levied on persons Minister for Health and Children the number of in receipt of this service; and this process is well hospital consultants appointed each year since underway with the aim of expediting appropriate 1997; the specialities and regions these consult- agreement at the earliest opportunity. ants have been appointed to; her plans for further appointments; if these appointments will be on a 210. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Ta´naiste public only contract basis. [28013/06] and Minister for Health and Children the steps which have been taken to establish a school and Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children an associated degree course for students to study (Ms Harney): The information requested by the chiropody here. [28033/06] Deputy is collated by the Health Service Execu- tive. My Department has requested the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Health (Ms Harney): Given the importance of securing a Service Executive to provide you with the infor- supply of chiropodists/podiatrists domestically to mation directly. match the growth in demand for chiropody services, I am conscious of the need to establish Question No. 208 answered with Question a school of podiatry in the State. No. 191. Although responsibility for the establishment of a school of podiatry will be a matter, in the Health Services. final instance, for the Department of Education 209. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Ta´naiste and Science, the delivery of clinical training, and Minister for Health and Children when a which is a significant core component of the review will take place of the current agreement course, has been the subject of discussions with the Society of Chiropody Ireland in relation between officials of my Department and the to payment for treatment of medical card Department of Education and Science in terms of patients; the terms of reference and the report how best it could be facilitated in an integrated deadline; and if she will make a statement on the fashion with Health Service Executive (HSE) matter. [28032/06] services. The HSE has submitted its proposals on 1429 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1430 how to provide the clinical training associated Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children with a podiatry degree programme and these pro- (Ms Harney): The Government is fully commit- posals were discussed at the most recent meeting ted to the implementation of the principles con- between officials which took place on 21 June. tained in the Primary Care Strategy and this Both Departments are continuing to progress includes the development of primary care teams the matter. and networks. The implementation process at operational level is a function of the Health 211. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Ta´naiste Service Executive, whose Chief Executive Officer and Minister for Health and Children the number has identified as a priority the development of of registered chiropodists here; the number of multidisciplinary primary care services, both as Irish students of chiropody attending English the appropriate service to meet people’s health colleges; and if she will make a statement on the and social care needs and to complement the matter. [28034/06] services provided by acute hospitals. The 2006 Estimate for the HSE includes an Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children additional \10 million in revenue funding to (Ms Harney): There are no statutory registration enable the establishment of up to 100 new requirements for chiropodists in Ireland. primary care teams. This will enable the provision However, the Deputy may wish to note that the of some 300 additional frontline personnel to Health Service Executive is responsible for the work alongside GPs in order to provide inte- maintenance of a list of chiropodists considered grated and accessible services in the community. eligible to practise in the public health service. Work by the HSE to establish these teams is There are 228 chiropodists on this list. underway. In planning for the establishment of An assessment process to update this list is cur- these teams, the Executive intends to focus where rently under consideration by the Health Service possible on areas of disadvantage and with signifi- Executive and is likely to commence shortly. cant health inequalities. My Department does not hold any information The HSE will also, as part of the ongoing on the numbers of Irish people studying chirop- restructuring and reorientation of resources ody in English colleges. The Deputy may wish to nationally, work towards the establishment of note that officials from my Department are work- primary care networks of health and social care ing closely with officials from the Department of professionals that will include chiropodists. Education and Science with a view to establishing Ongoing implementation of the Primary Care a school of podiatry in the State. Strategy will focus on the reorganisation of the resources already available to the health service 212. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Ta´naiste and on developing new ways of working in line and Minister for Health and Children when the with the service model described in the Strategy. payment to chiropodists who treat medical card This whole-system approach to implementation patients will be benchmarked; when the payment means change will be required in many sectors in from the Health Service Executive will be the health service, and not solely within primary increased in line with inflation in general and care. It is within this context that additional medical inflation in particular. [28035/06] resources can be deployed to best effect.

Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Question No. 214 answered with Question (Ms Harney): I assume that the Deputy is refer- No. 209. ring to fees paid by the Health Service Executive to private chiropodists for providing services to Departmental Funding. medical card holders as opposed to chiropody grades employed by the Executive. Pay increases 215. Mr. Gogarty asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- recommended by the Public Service Bench- ster for Health and Children the funding given to marking body have been implemented for chirop- a group (details supplied) in County Dublin in odists employed in the public service. These pay the past 12 months; if it is intended to continue increases are not applicable to private chi- with this funding; and if she will make a statement ropodists. on the matter. [28044/06] My Department requested the HSE to review the fee arrangements in place for the provision of Minister of State at the Department of Health chiropody services and this process is well and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s underway. question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are 213. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Ta´naiste the responsibility of the Health Service Executive and Minister for Health and Children the role she under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my sees for chiropodists in the primary care networks Department has requested the Parliamentary proposed by the Health Service Executive; and if Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to she will make a statement on the matter. have this matter investigated and to have a reply [28036/06] issued directly to the Deputy. 1431 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1432

Child Care Services. onstrated need. Key stakeholders have been asked to come forward with proposals for 216. Mr. Stanton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children the assistance and services, shaped around their particular local supports available to parents and to childcare needs. Schools, groups or individuals interested in providers respectively from her Department to applying for school age childcare funding should improve the provision of after-school care for contact their local CCC. school-going children; and if she will make a Full contact details for the CCCs are available statement on the matter. [28053/06] on the OMC website at www.omc.gov.ie.

Minister of State at the Department of Health 217. Mr. Stanton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): The new ster for Health and Children the progress to date National Childcare Investment Programme in the provision of 5,000 after-school places as (NCIP) 2006-2010 will provide a proactive outlined in the National Childcare Investment response grounded in an understanding of local Programme; and if she will make a statement on needs, to the development of quality childcare the matter. [28054/06] supports and services, including services for school going children. As the Deputy will be Minister of State at the Department of Health aware, I have responsibility for the NCIP and the and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): As the Deputy Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme will be aware, I have responsibility for the Equal (EOCP) 2000-2006, which are being implemented Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000-2006 by the newly established Office of the Minister (EOCP) and the National Childcare Investment for Children. The NCIP builds on the success of Programme 2006-2010 (NCIP), which are being the EOCP which will conclude in 2007. implemented by the newly established Office of The need to support the further development the Minister for Children. of childcare services for children of school going The need to support the further development age, including before school, after school hours of childcare services for children of school-going and during school holidays, is an important objec- age, including before and after school hours and tive of both the NCIP and the EOCP. One of the out of school terms, is an important objective of key objectives of the NCIP is the creation of both the EOCP and the NCIP. 50,000 additional childcare places, including 5,000 The NCIP aims to provide a proactive response after-school places. to the development of quality childcare supports School Age Childcare was examined in detail and services which will be planned for and by a Working Group of the National Childcare developed locally and centred on the needs of the Co-ordinating Committee, set up under the child and the family. EOCP, resulting in the publication of the Report At present, there is a transition period between “School Age Childcare in Ireland”, in June 2005. EOCP funding and NCIP funding, and a number The Report made a number of recommendations of applications for the new Programme have been for the development of School Age Childcare to provisionally approved, and are expected to go to support the childcare needs of parents, including contract shortly. the use of school premises, where appropriate, as Increased resources have also been approved a location to develop a quality School Age Child- for the 33 City and County Childcare Commit- care service, as well as laying down Guidelines tees, to enable them play their enhanced role for the delivery of a quality service. It is hoped under the Programme. that its publication and on-going promotion at local level by the City and County Childcare Committees (CCCs), will give greater impetus to 218. Mr. Stanton asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- the development of these important services. A ster for Health and Children the progress to date special allocation of funding was made available in developing a new training strategy for child- to each CCC to enable the Committee to organise care workers as outlined in the National Child- local conferences aimed at raising awareness of care Investment Programme; and if she will make the initiative and the supports that are available. a statement on the matter. [28055/06] Funding is available under the NCIP and the EOCP for the development of childcare facilities, Minister of State at the Department of Health including facilities with a specific focus on school and Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): Proposals for the age childcare, subject to qualifying conditions. process of development of the National Childcare Grants are available for renovating and upgrad- Training Strategy are currently under consider- ing identified spare capacity within a school ation. It is envisaged that this process will build premises and for the furnishing of such facilities. on the work of the Certifying Bodies Subgroup Community not for profit and private sector of the National Childcare Co-ordinating Commit- childcare providers may apply for grant assistance tee, which drew up a Model Framework for child- of up to \1 million and \100,000 respectively, care training in 2002. The process will be fully towards the capital cost of developing a childcare inclusive of all stakeholders who will provide a service in a catchment area where there is a dem- vital input into the development of the strategy. 1433 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1434

Health Services. developmental delay, in the home, in the com- 219. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Ta´naiste and munity and in other appropriate settings. The Minister for Health and Children the additional investment package will facilitate the recruitment funding available to shorten the length of time of up to 200 extra therapists, particularly speech parents are waiting for provision under the com- and language, occupational therapy and physio- munity school age services in relation to speech therapy. Due to the current limited supply of and language services. [28057/06] these grades it is acknowledged that in the short term recruitment from overseas will be required. Minister of State at the Department of Health The HSE has put in place a project plan for this. and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): My Department In regard to the recruitment of speech and lan- understands from the Health Service Executive guage therapists generally, the Deputies will be that its priority in 2006 is to increase service pro- pleased to note that the Health Service Personnel vision in the area of multi-disciplinary supports to Census shows a total of 596 wholetime equivalent meet obligations to children with developmental (WTE) staff at end March, 2006. This represents delay, in the home, in the community and in other an increase of 315 WTE staff or 112% since end appropriate settings. In this regard \12.5m was December, 1997. The number of training places made available by the HSE from the 2006 invest- in speech and language therapy has increased by ment programme to provide multi-disciplinary 300% since 2001. supports to people with intellectual, physical and sensory disability and/or autism. 221. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Ta´naiste and The Deputy’s question relates to the manage- Minister for Health and Children the number of ment and delivery of health and personal social speech therapists in each county. [28059/06] services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested (Ms Harney): I wish to advise the Deputy that my the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Execu- Department’s Health Service Personnel Census tive to arrange to have this matter investigated collects data on an employing agency basis rather and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. than on a county by county basis. As the Deputy’s question relates a human resource management Health Service Staff. issue which is the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004, the 220. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Ta´naiste and Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive Minister for Health and Children if it is possible has been asked to respond directly to the Deputy to employ extra speech therapists. [28058/06] in regard to the information sought. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children (Ms Harney): Let me say at the outset that there Mental Health Services. is no embargo on the recruitment of staff in the 222. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Ta´naiste public health service. Nor does my Department and Minister for Health and Children her plans set employment quotas at national level for any to address the inadequate number of long term grade in the public health service. It is a matter facilities for young adults with severe neurologi- for the Health Service Executive, as part of its cal disorders; if there are no such facilities, when management of its employment ceiling, to deter- consideration will be given to addressing this mine the appropriate staffing mix required to problem; and if she will make a statement on the deliver its service plan priorities, including speech matter. [28071/06] and language therapy services. I have consistently emphasised the importance of prioritising the fill- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children ing of front line vacancies in complying with (Ms Harney): As part of the Estimates for health approved employment levels. I have also empha- services in 2006, additional funding of \3m was sised the need to achieve an appropriate balance allocated specifically for the further development between clinical and non-clinical posts. of neurology and neurophysiology services. This Approved employment levels for the health funding was provided to allow the Health Service service have been adjusted since 2002 in line with Executive to further progress the implementation Government policy on public sector employment of the recommendations made by the former and also to take account of specific policy Comhairle na nOspide´al in respect of these measures aimed at increasing service levels. My services. Department is currently in discussions with the Accordingly, my Department has requested the Department of Finance and the Health Service Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive Executive to agree revisions to the health service to arrange to have this matter investigated and to employment ceiling to take account of service have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. developments, including disability services. A priority for the HSE in 2006 is to increase Medical Cards. service provision in the area of multi-disciplinary supports to meet obligations to children with 223. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste 1435 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1436

´ [Caoimhghı´nOCaola´in.] guidelines for GP visit cards and they are now and Minister for Health and Children the number 50% higher than those used for medical cards. of medical card holders in the state in 1997; the number of 2002 and the number in 2006. 224. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Ta´naiste [28079/06] and Minister for Health and Children if she con- ducted a survey of the number of general prac- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children titioners per head of population on an area basis (Ms Harney): The numbers of medical card hold- in the State; the implications of this for the medi- ers in the state as requested by the Deputy are cal card scheme and for the delivery of primary as follows: 1997, 1,219,852; 2002, 1,168,745; and care in general; the results of such a survey; and 2006, 1,187,370. if she will make a statement on the matter. The figure shown for 2006 is the most recent [28080/06] figure provided by the Health Service Executive (HSE) to my Department and refers to the posi- Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children tion as at 1 June, 2006. (Ms Harney): I wish to inform the Deputy that The decrease in the number of medical card such a survey has not been conducted by my holders since 1997 can be attributed to a number Department. In 2004, following consultation with of factors including the improvement in the econ- the Irish College of General Practitioners it was omic circumstances of the population resulting in agreed to meet short to medium term needs to less people requiring a medical card on means increase the number of GP trainee places on GP grounds. Also the ongoing management and vocational training schemes nationally from 84 to review of the medical card databases by the HSE 150, on a phased basis. I have provided additional \ has resulted in the reduction of the perceived funding of 2 million in 2005 and an additional \ numbers who hold medical cards. The database 4 million in 2006 for this measure. cleansing exercise undertaken by the then health My Department, the Health Service Executive boards in 2003 in relation to the over 70’s medical and the College are in the process of putting in cards, resulted in the removal of 80,000 cards place arrangements to consider the most appro- from the medical card database. These cards priate way in which to address the longer-term included duplicate cards, cards for persons who GP manpower and training needs, in the context were deceased or cards for people who had left of such factors as the projected growth of the the relevant health board area. population, the demographic profile of the GP The Health Strategy commits to making workforce, the changing nature of general prac- improvements in the income guidelines in order tice and primary care, and future service require- to increase the number of persons on low incomes ments generally. who are eligible for the medical card and to give priority to families with children. In November, Accident and Emergency Services. 2004 I set out my priorities for new health initiat- 225. Ms Enright asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ives in 2005 including the provision of medical ster for Health and Children the plans she has to cards to an additional 30,000 people and GP visit tackle the A & E crisis; and if she will make a cards to 200,000 people. Funding of \60 million statement on the matter. [28096/06] has been provided to the HSE for these measures. The two initiatives greatly assist those Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children on low incomes accessing GP services and also (Ms Harney): Tackling the problems that exist in help in removing disincentives to people taking some of the country’sA&Edepartments is the up work or progressing to better paying work. In Government’s top priority in health. Our objec- June, 2006, 42,287 more people have medical tives are to reduce the numbers waiting for cards than in January, 2005 (1,145,083). admission, the time spent waiting for admission, In recent years there have been significant and the turnaround time for those who can be improvements to the way in which people’s eligi- treated inA&Eanddonotrequire admission. bility for medical cards and GP visit cards is The Health Service Executive has put in place assessed. In January 2005, the income guidelines a number of measures to build on the actions con- used in the assessment of medical card appli- tained in the A & E Action Plan. These include cations increased by 7.5%. In June 2005, the in particular the setting of performance targets means test for both medical cards and GP visit for individual hospitals. Over the last three cards was simplified. It is now based on an appli- months there has been a consistent improvement cant’s and spouse’s income after tax and PRSI, in the numbers of patients on trolleys inA&E and takes account of reasonable expenses awaiting admission, when compared to the same incurred in respect of rent or mortgage payments, period in 2005. In June, for example, there were child-care and travel to work. I believe that this on average 39% fewer patients on trolleys is much fairer to applicants. In October, 2005 I awaiting admission than in June 2005. increased the income guidelines for both medical The numbers of patients who are waiting cards and GP visit cards by an additional 20% longer than 24 hours for admission have also and on 26 June, 2006 I again increased the income decreased. The HSE is continuing to focus on the 1437 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1438 interim target that no patient will wait longer Food Labelling. than 24 hours, with the ultimate target being to 227. Mr. Naughten asked the Ta´naiste and ensure that no patient waits any longer than six Minister for Health and Children the number of hours for admission. inspectors within the Food Safety Authority of The hospitals are being assisted in achieving Ireland that enforce the food labelling legislation; their targets by theA&ETask Force which was the other functions of these inspectors; and if she established by the HSE. The Task Force has will make a statement on the matter. [28136/06] focused on those hospitals that have persistent challenges in relation to the delivery of A & E Minister of State at the Department of Health services and has undertaken site visits to those and Children (Mr. S. Power): Section 49 of the hospitals to identify initiatives that will have a Food Safety Authority of Ireland Act 1998 pro- high impact onA&Eperformance. vides that the Board or Chief Executive of the One of the first initiatives to be progressed has Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) may been the fast-tracking of admissions beds and appoint, in writing, persons to be authorised other facilities to improve the patient experience officers for the purposes of the Act. Authorised by ensuring that patient privacy, dignity and com- officers enforce food law, which is defined within fort is preserved as far as possible while awaiting the Act and set out in detail in the FSAI Act 1998 admission to an acute bed. (Amendment of First and Second Schedules) Tackling the issue of care for older people is Order 2006 (S.I. No. 320 of 2006). Food law as an important and integral part of the A & E described within the Order includes several regu- strategy. We have provided additional intermedi- lations on food labelling and food labelling pro- ate care beds and home care packages to facilitate visions within many other regulations. the discharge in 2006 to date of more than 700 The FSAI has appointed twenty eight of its patients who have completed the acute phase of own staff as authorised officers under the 1998 their care. Some 400 additional private nursing Act, which allows them to enforce food law — home beds have been provided for those who including regulations on food labelling. However, require long-term care. the bulk of day-to-day enforcement of food label- Given the emerging capacity challenges in the ling regulations is carried out by the authorised private nursing home sector, and having regard officers of official agencies — the Health Service to the specific needs of high acuity patients, the Executive, the Department of Agriculture and HSE is currently examining the possibility of pro- Food, the Department of Communications, viding a significant number of additional long- Marine and Natural Resources, the local auth- term care beds, both in Dublin and elsewhere, at orities and the Office of the Director of Con- a number of health service locations. All avail- sumer Affairs. able mechanisms will be used to accelerate the Some of the twenty eight authorised officers process to allow for the earliest possible introduc- within the FSAI are involved in occasional survey tion of these additional facilities. The initiative is work or audits which include checks on food being overseen by a HSE dedicated project team. labelling. Audits and surveys have included I want to reiterate the Government’s commit- checks on labelling and traceability of meat and ment to improving the delivery of A & E services. fish, genetically modified food, fruit juice, honey By adopting a system-wide approach I am confi- and infant formulae. Such work is usually carried dent that the services will continue to be out in conjunction with staff in the official agen- improved, and that those improvements will be cies. Depending on the particular audit or survey, sustained. FSAI staff involved are drawn from various div- isions within the Authority but all have a wide range of other duties apart from checks on food Hospital Charges. labelling. 226. Mr. Kehoe asked the Ta´naiste and Mini- ster for Health and Children the reason a person Communications Masts. (details supplied) in County Wexford has to pay 228. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for a hospital for medical attention; and if she will Finance if he has satisfied himself that the new make a statement on the matter. [28108/06] mast erected at Coolock Garda station is safe; and if he will support the local residents in their Minister of State at the Department of Health efforts on health and safety issues. [27264/06] and Children (Mr. T. O’Malley): The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery Minister of State at the Department of Finance of health and personal social services, which are (Mr. Parlon): The Commissioners of Public the responsibility of the Health Service Executive Works have granted licences to three mobile under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my phone companies to install telecommunications Department has requested the Parliamentary equipment on the mast at Coolock Garda Station. Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to Under the terms of their licence agreement with have this matter investigated and to have a reply the Commissioners, the mobile phone operators issued directly to the Deputy. are obliged to install and operate all equipment 1439 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1440

[Mr. Parlon.] 231. Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for within current standards and E.U. regulations, Finance the reason a commitment given to the including Health and Safety regulations, and residents of John’s Quay, Kilkenny (details adhere to the guidelines on exposure limits to supplied) has not been honoured; if a timeframe emissions, issued by the International Com- for completion of the repairs will be given to the mission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection residents; if a contractor is to be appointed to (ICNIRP). In addition, the Commissioner’s con- complete the work; if he will expedite the sultants monitor all such developments on behalf matter. [27268/06] of the Commissioners to ensure compliance with the regulations is achieved from the outset and is Minister of State at the Department of Finance continuous during the term of the licence agree- (Mr. Parlon): The Commissioners of Public ment. This compliance with Health and Safety Works are in ongoing contact with the residents legislation etc., required under the Licence of John’s Quay, regarding arrangements to repair Agreement, also applies to any future relevant damage to their houses. The Commissioners legislation/regulations and ICNIRP guidelines. understand arrangements, which they agreed with The Commissioners assure me that the mast at the residents are acceptable to them and that they Coolock Garda Station has been constructed, and are being honoured. is being operated, in compliance with all the rel- In the light of the Deputy’s question, the Com- evant legislation and that there are adequate missioners will contact the residents again next measures in place to ensure this compliance is week to ensure that if there are any misunder- continuous. standings about what was agreed they will be resolved. Tax Code. The Commissioners did not engage the consult- 229. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Finance ants referred to by the Deputy. It is understood if a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary they may have been engaged by some of the resi- qualifies for the back to work tax allowance; the dents to advise them. reason for the reduction in combined tax credits from \6051.99 in 2005 to \4620 in 2006. Site Acquisitions. [27266/06] 232. Mr. Walsh asked the Minister for Finance the reason the acquisition of a site for a gaelscoil Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Iam informed by the Revenue Commissioners that the (details supplied) has not yet been finalised by Back to Work Allowance is administered by the the Office of Public Works; and if he will make a Department of Social and Family Affairs and the statement on the matter. [27269/06] person concerned should make enquiries with that Department as regards qualification for the Minister of State at the Department of Finance allowance. (Mr. Parlon): Contract documents were signed The position is that \6,051.99 was the total of for the acquisition of the site in question on 23rd the person’s tax credits for 2005 and the corre- may 2006. The closure of the sale is expected to sponding figure for 2006 is \6,425.80. However, be completed within the next two weeks. the person’s net credit is \4,620 and takes account of tax due on the person’s taxable pension from Waterways Access. the Department of Social and Family Affairs. 233. Mr. S. Ryan asked the Minister for Fin- ance if his attention has been drawn to the fact Flood Relief. that a person (details supplied) has infilled part 230. Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for of Gulladoo Lake, County Leitrim; if he will con- Finance the number of compensation claims sub- firm that the State own the lake up to the high mitted following the River Nore flood relief water mark; the action he proposes to take to scheme; the number of claims settled; the ensure that the position is rectified and that amounts involved; the number of claims in dis- access to the middle lake is restored to the public pute and their value; and if he will make a state- in view of same; and if his attention has further ment on the matter. [27267/06] been drawn to the fact that a similar question on this issue has been passed from the Minister of Minister of State at the Department of Finance the Environment, Heritage and Local Govern- (Mr. Parlon): Seven claims have been received to ment to the Office of Public Works. [27345/06] date. Four have been settled at a cost of \259,979.02. The three outstanding claims are for Minister of State at the Department of Finance \3,150,121.98. The Commissioners of Public (Mr. Parlon): The Title to the property (Gulladoo Works anticipate that these claims will be settled Lake) is currently being investigated. Further through negotiation or if necessary arbitration for action to be taken can only be determined on a figure significantly below the amount claimed. confirmation of the Title. 1441 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1442

Public Procurement Contracts. preparing bids and that tender documents should have an appropriate reference to this. 234. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Finance My officials have had extensive and construc- his views on whether the new public procurement tive consultations with the construction industry contract gives appropriate recognition of and over the last year on the content of the contracts. transfer and fair payment conditions; and if he During this process, there has been very signifi- will make a statement on the matter. [27363/06] cant movement on the part of the State to help meet the industry’s concerns without compromis- Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The ing core policy in this area. Following a very use- Government in mid 2004 decided to reform con- ful exchange of views with representatives of the struction procurement to help achieve greater construction industry in early June, I am aware cost certainty, better value for money and more that there are a small number of outstanding con- cost effective delivery of public works projects. cerns for the industry. It would not be appro- My Department, with the assistance of the priate for me to comment further on the details at Government Contracts Committee for Construc- this time. However, let me say that I have listened tion (GCCC), specialist legal drafters and exter- carefully to the industry’s comments and views nal technical expertise, has now developed a suite and I am currently reflecting on the points made of Standard Forms of Construction Contract. with a view to finalising the contracts in the com- The fundamental change in the new construc- ing weeks. tion contracts is the re-balancing of risk to change Departmental Agencies. from existing practice where the State bears a dis- 235. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Fin- proportionate level of risk to the situation where ance the non-Governmental agencies or organis- capital projects are tendered for by contractors ations his Department has provided funding to on a fixed price lump sum basis to include iden- in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding tified and appropriate risks. The new draft con- provided to each in each year; the number of tracts also require contractors to ensure that pay applications for funding submitted to his Depart- and conditions of employment comply with the ment in total; the number of these applications law and are no less favourable than the terms of which were refused; the reason for same; the per- the Registered Employment Agreements for centage of his Department’s overall annual those employees to whom the agreements apply. budget such funding equates to; and if he will The new draft contracts also include provisions make a statement on the matter. [27381/06] which give some support to strengthening Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): My Depart- enforcement arrangements in the construction ment’s Vote provides for Grants-in-Aid to two sector. More generally, the public procurement non-Governmental bodies, the Institute of Public guidelines issued by my Department, require that Administration and the Economic and Social all contracting authorities ensure that tenderers Research Institute. These bodies have been pro- have regard to minimum pay and other legally vided with the following funding in the period in binding industrial or sectoral agreements when question.

Year Agency/Organisation Amount


2004 Economic and Social Research Institute 2,944,000 2005 Economic and Social Research Institute 3,026,000 2006 (year to date) Economic and Social Research Institute 1,315,000

2004 Institute of Public Administration 3,237,000 2005 Institute of Public Administration 3,318,000 2006 (year to date) Institute of Public Administration 1,415,000

In addition, two non-Governmental bodies My Department also operates a scheme to applied to the National Public Procurement make available, from the proceeds of the Policy Unit of my Department for funding. The National Lottery, funds to supplement the Irish Congress of Trade Unions received \15,383 income of promoters of private charitable lotter- in 2005 for the publication of a document on ies competing directly with National Lottery Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and to support products. In the period in question, my Depart- a seminar on PPPs for its members. Another non- ment received 35 applications for funding. Three Governmental body made an application but this of those were refused, on the grounds that the was rejected as the proposal would have resulted applicants were not operating a lottery under the in a duplication of training services relating to provisions of the Gaming and Lotteries Acts on Public Private Partnerships. or before 1 January 1997, which is one of the 1443 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1444

[Mr. Cowen.] applicants in the years 2004 and 2005. No funding criteria for eligibility. The following table sets out has been provided yet this year. the funding provided to each of the successful

Year Agency/Organisation Amount


2004 REHAB Lotteries 5,951,569 Gael Linn 442,993 Irish Cancer Society 389,043 Polio Fellowship 389,043 West of Ireland Alzheimer Foundation 92,878 Drogheda Community Services Centre 80,640 The Hanly Centre 75,626 Longford Cathedral Circle 50,744 Associated Charities Trust 49,411 Asthma Society of Ireland 34,174 Irish Wheelchair Association 31,997 Mulranny Day Centre Housing Co. Ltd. 15,599 Cappoquin Community Development Co. Ltd. 13,281 The Liffey Trust 1,430

2005 REHAB Lotteries 5,314,136 Gael Linn 407,162 Irish Cancer Society 358,684 Polio Fellowship 358,684 Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 350,632 Irish Lung Foundation Limited 219,886 Irish M.E. Trust 176,137 Asthma Society of Ireland 141,773 The Hanly Centre 101,180 Drogheda Community Services Centre 82,042 West of Ireland Alzheimer Foundation 80,210 Longford Cathedral Circle 50,270 Associated Charities Trust 38,427 Irish Wheelchair Association 22,063 Mulranny Day Centre Housing Co. Ltd. 15,649 Cappoquin Community Development Co. Ltd. 12,236 Cope Foundation 152 The Liffey Trust 145

The amount of funding for relevant bodies men- Works, with the assistance of the Public Appoint- tioned above (i.e. in the text and the table) rep- ments Service, is in the process of recruiting resented 11% of my Department’s Vote for 2004. additional staff to deal with the increased work- The amount for 2005 represented 14% of my load arising from it’s designation as the lead Department’s Vote. The amount of expenditure agency to implement the Government’s policy for the year to date in 2006 represents 2% of my on flooding. Department’s Vote for this year. The Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) study for the Rye River Departmental Staff. will be undertaken by Consultants under the direction of a Steering Committee, which will 236. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Finance comprise representatives from the Office of if additional staff have being hired in the Office Public Works and Kildare County Council and of Public Works; and when the catchment flood will commence later this year. The Office of risk assessment and study report for the Rye Public Works is currently preparing tender docu- River will commence. [27407/06] ments for the appointment of Consultants. Minister of State at the Department of Finance Schools Building Projects. (Mr. Parlon): The Commissioners of Public 237. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Finance 1445 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1446 if the contract has been awarded for the roof of the years 2001 to 2005; the investment in each repairs to a school (details supplied) in County of these sites for each of the years 2001 to 2005 Kildare; the cost of the project; and the time- and the corresponding figure spent on promotion frame for construction. [27413/06] of these sites; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27437/06] Minister of State at the Department of Finance (Mr. Parlon): A contract has been awarded for Minister of State at the Department of Finance the replacement of the roof at the school in ques- (Mr. Parlon): There are 36 monument sites in the tion. The total project budget is \2.45m. It is care of the Office of Public Works in County expected the project will be completed by the end Clare. The following table outlines expenditure of October 2006. on conservation work at these sites from 2001 to 2005. Routine maintenance of the sites Site Acquisitions. (cleaning/grasscutting etc) is carried out by the 238. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Finance staff from the National Monuments Depot in if the contract documents for the purchase of a Athenry but it is not possible to give a breakdown site for a school (details supplied) in County for individual sites. Kildare have been signed. [27414/06] Expenditure at National Monuments in for period 2001-2005 Minister of State at the Department of Finance (Mr. Parlon): Contract documents for the pur- Monument 2001-2005 chase of a site for the school in question were signed by the Department of Education and Burren Monuments* 687,355.04 Science on 3rd July 2006. 241,808.30 Architectural Heritage. Cathedral 1,237,608.40 654,618.25 239. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Fin- Scattery Island 1,254,436.63 ance the number of historical sites in County Clare maintained by the Office of Public Works; Poulnabrone 246,309.98 the annual number of visitors to each site for each

Annual Breakdown

Monuments 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Burren Monuments* 224,812.00 88,022.93 185,433.80 60,241.33 128,844.98 Ennis Friary 112,775.00 96,954.57 22,722.21 0 9,356.52 48,000.00 342,990.56 408,153.84 238,786.50 199,677.50 Quin Abbey 264,511.00 274,647.24 115,460.01 0 0 Scattery Island 168,359.00 460,214.84 327,862.93 297,999.86 0 Poulnabrone 33,820.00 102,225.49 39,210.49 28,503.98 42,550.02 * Monuments Strategy includes projects at the following sites: • Stone Fort, and • Cahermo´ r Stone Fort

A Guide Service is provided seasonally at the Scattery Island monastic site and at Ennis Friary. The numbers of visitors to the non-staffed sites The number of visitors to those sites in each of are not recorded. the years from 2001 to 2005 is shown on the fol- In line with its marketing strategy, heritage lowing table: sites that are managed by OPW are promoted collectively in partnership with the Regional Year Total Visitors Tourism Authorities and Shannon Development. Brochures that provide necessary visitor infor- Scattery Island Ennis Friary mation are distributed at staffed OPW-managed heritage sites and through the Tourist Infor- 2001 1,803 14,539 mation Offices network. The sites are, in 2002 1,267 15,201 addition, promoted through a website, heritage- 2003 1,524 15,226 ireland.ie. The OPW-maintained sites in County 2004 2,004 13,379 Clare are promoted collectively in partnership 2005 1,722 15,896 with Shannon Development. It is not possible, 1447 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1448

[Mr. Parlon.] ance if he will ensure that all back tax is paid to therefore, to quantify the expenditure on the a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and marketing of individual OPW-managed heritage if he will make a statement on the matter. sites in County Clare. [27452/06]

Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Iam Garda Stations. advised by the Revenue Commissioners that they have examined the person’s income tax affairs for 240. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Fin- the years 2005 and 2006 and have ascertained that ance the stage of development the Leixlip Garda the one parent family credit has been correctly station; the length of time he anticipates it will be included in her tax credits for the years in before construction will commence and is com- question. pleted; and if he will make a statement on the However as she is in receipt of a lone parent matter. [27450/06] allowance (which is a taxable source of income) her annual tax credits have been reduced to Minister of State at the Department of Finance reflect this income. Accordingly, the inclusion of (Mr. Parlon): A formal decision by the Commis- this income in the calculation of her credits has sioners of Public Works in respect of Planning the effect of reducing her net take home pay. Consultation under Part 9 on the proposed new As she has received her correct entitlements Garda Station for Leixlip is expected in a number there is no refund due to her. of weeks. Commencement of the tendering process is dependent on the outcome of the Commis- Departmental Properties. sioners decision. 243. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Finance further to Parliamentary Question No. 149 of 28 Flood Relief. June 2006 if he will name each property owned by the Office of Public Works that was rented to 241. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Fin- private companies; the name of the private com- ance the stage the local catchment flood risk pany that rented such property; the price they assessment and management plan for the Rye paid in each of the years 2000 to 2005 and to date River, encompassing Leixlip, Maynooth, and in 2006; and if he will make a statement on the Kilcock is at; if the study has commenced; if not, matter. [27453/06] if he has a timeframe as to when this will occur; the length of time such a study usually takes; and Minister of State at the Department of Finance if he will make a statement on the matter. (Mr. Parlon): The information sought by the [27451/06] Deputy will take some time to collate as it involves providing details on possibly thousands Minister of State at the Department of Finance of individual transactions over the years in ques- (Mr. Parlon): The Catchment Flood Risk Assess- tion. I will write to the Deputy directly with the ment and Management (CFRAM) Study for the information as soon as it is available. Rye River, will be undertaken by consultants under the direction of the Steering Committee, which will comprise representatives from the Departmental Staff. Office of Public Works and Kildare County 244. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Finance Council and will commence later this year. The the positions coming available or available in the Office of Public Works is currently preparing Office of Public Works in County Wexford; and tender documents for the appointment of con- if he will make a statement on the matter. sultants. [27454/06] The length of time required to complete a Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Manage- Minister of State at the Department of Finance ment Study varies with the extent of the area to (Mr. Parlon): The Office of Public Works con- be studied and the complexity of the water- stantly reviews its ongoing operational needs and courses as well as of the environmental, archaeol- recruits staff as needed within the parameters of ogical and other issues, which have to taken into budget and Government policy on numbers. account. At present, the Office of Public Works does I expect that the Rye River Study, which will not envisage recruitment in County Wexford. provide a comprehensive basis for dealing with However, on an annual basis, the Office of Public all of the flood related issues in the sub catchment Works commences recruitment in the which includes the towns of Leixlip, Maynooth Autumn/Winter for guides/information officers and Kilcock could be completed within 12 to 18 for the relevant visitor season for built heritage months. sites including those in County Wexford.

Tax Collection. Primary Medical Certificates. 242. Mr. G. Murphy asked the Minister for Fin- 245. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Finance 1449 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1450 the number of applications for primary medical 2004 and 2005. The main change arising from certificates under the Disabled Drivers Medical these was that an increased number of members Board of Appeal that were granted on appeal could be appointed to the Appeal Board, which over the last 5 years; and if he will make a state- facilitated a far greater number of appeal hear- ment on the matter. [27556/06] ings than had been the case prior to the Report’s publication. Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Under the In respect of the long-term recommendations, Disabled Drivers and Disabled Passengers (Tax including the qualifying disability criteria, given Concessions) Scheme, the number of appeals the scale and scope of the scheme, further determined and the number granted by the Dis- changes can only be made after careful consider- abled Drivers Medical Board of Appeal during ation. For this reason, the Government decided the last 5 years is set out in the following table. that the Minister for Finance would consider the recommendations contained in the Report of the Year Appeals determined Appeals granted Interdepartmental Review Group in the context of the annual budgetary process having regard to 2001 160 30 the existing and prospective cost of the scheme. 2002 96 17 This consideration is undertaken on a regular 2003 25 7 basis. 2004 27 7 2005 243 96 Architectural Heritage. 2006 231* 70* 247. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Finance *Figures as at 30 June 2006. his plans for the future conservation, restoration or re-use of a fort (details supplied) in Dublin 8; Following a period of difficulty in organising and if he will make a statement on the matter. sufficient meetings of the Medical Board of [27558/06] Appeal, the Board was reconstituted in early 2005, and the panel of doctors has been Minister of State at the Department of Finance incrementally expanded from three to the current (Mr. Parlon): The Office of Public Works under- seventeen members. This has facilitated more fre- takes maintenance and repairs to the Magazine quent meetings of the Board, thus enabling pro- Fort, including security works, to preserve the gress to be made in reducing the backlog of fabric of the Fort and improve security of the appeals that had arisen. premises, on an ongoing basis. The Commissioners are very much open to the Disabled Drivers. suggestion of discussions with Dublin City 246. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Finance Council and other appropriate bodies on this when he expects to complete his review of the issue, with a view to formulation and consider- inter-Departmental review group of the disabled ation of realistic proposals for this heritage site in drivers passengers tax concession scheme; and if the Phoenix Park. he will make a statement on the matter. [27557/06] Special Savings Incentive Scheme. Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The oper- 248. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister ation of the Disabled Drivers and Disabled Pass- for Finance the approximate amount of the engers (Tax Concessions) Scheme was reviewed Government’s SSIA top-up contribution which by a special Interdepartmental Review Group. will have gone to each income decile of the popu- The terms of reference of the Group were to lation when all payout have been made (details examine the operation of the existing scheme, supplied). [27559/06] including the difficulties experienced by the var- ious groups and individuals involved with it, and 249. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister to consider the feasibility of alternative schemes, for Finance the income distributional impact of with a view to assisting the Minister for Finance SSIA’s that is if these schemes resulted in the in determining the future direction of the scheme. redistribution of wealth towards lower income or The Group’s Report, published on my Depart- towards higher income households or earners; ment’s website in July 2004, sets out in detail the and if he will make a statement on the matter. genesis and development of the scheme. It exam- [27560/06] ines the current benefits, the qualifying medical criteria, the Exchequer costs, relationship with Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): I propose other schemes and similar schemes in other coun- to take Questions Nos. 248 and 249 together. tries. The Report also makes a number of recom- It is not possible to give the income decile mendations, both immediate and long-term, analysis requested as the scheme has 10 months encompassing the operation of the appeals pro- to run and in that period the data are subject to a cess and options for the possible future develop- number of variables including for example where ment of the scheme in a series of regulations in 1451 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1452

[Mr. Cowen.] redistribution. However, some data is available participants voluntarily withdraw from the on the income levels of those who are availing of scheme or vary their monthly contributions. the scheme. The following are the income levels I am informed by the Revenue Commissioners for SSIA holders who were matched with the that it is not possible to give a definitive answer Revenue income distribution tables, based on the as to the impact of the SSIA scheme on wealth latest information available.

Low Income* Medium Income* High Income*

SSIA holders 27% 49% 24% * Band Ranges — Low < or = \20,000, Medium >\20,000 and <\50,000, High >\50,000.

However individuals on social welfare benefit or be saved per month and provides a standard rate on pension will not necessarily feature on the tax of tax credit so that every person saving the same based income records. amount will get the same benefit. As the Deputy will be aware the specific goal Tax Yield. of the scheme is to encourage people to save over a period of at least five years. In order to provide 250. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance an incentive to save for this period, the Govern- the number of persons that will pay tax at the ment provides a generous 25% top up on savings, 42% rate in 2006; the number that will pay at a in the form of a tax credit. While it is a tax credit, maximum of the 20% rate; and the total number there is a redistributive element in that it is paid of income tax payers. [27706/06] to all participants even where they do not have Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Iam taxable income. advised by the Revenue Commissioners that the To ensure that the scheme has a broad appeal information requested by the Deputy is as and broad benefits, it limits the amount that can follows:

Numbers of income earners on income tax record

Year Exempt Marginal Relief 20 per cent Rate 42 per cent Rate Total

2006 741,100 15,700 647,500 658,100 2,062,400

The numbers of income earners above have been Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Section 128 rounded to the nearest hundred as appropriate. Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (as amended) The numbers of income earners are based on charges to income tax the gain made by directors actual data for 2002 projected forward in accord- of companies and employees on the exercise of ance with macro-economic data relating to actual rights granted to them to acquire shares or other and expected growth in incomes and assets. Section 128A, which was enacted in 2000, employment. provided for the deferral, subject to conditions, It should be noted that a married couple who of this tax charge for a period of up to seven has elected or has been deemed to have elected years. Section 519 of, and Schedule 12 C to, the for joint assessment is counted as one tax unit. Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 provides for the waiving of the income tax charge in the case of Tax Code. approved share option schemes. The law relating to share options has been 251. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance amended on three occasions since 2002. the value of the capital gains tax exemption; the Section 11 of the Finance Act 2002 amended changes that have been made in this limit in the Section 128 to take account of the alignment of course of the past five years; and if he will make the tax and calendar years. The filing date for a statement on the matter. [27707/06] making a return of share options granted or exer- cised was changed from 30 June to 31 March. In Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The annual addition, the amendment provided that where a capital gains tax exemption for individuals is company is not resident in the State but operates \1,270. Changes to the exemption have not been here through a branch or agency, the responsi- made in the last 5 years. bility for making the return of share options granted or exercised will rest on the company’s 252. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance representative in the State. the changes in the tax treatment of share options Sections7&8oftheFinance Act 2003 abol- that have been made since 2002; and if he will ished, with effect from 6 February 2003, the right make a statement on the matter. [27708/06] to defer payment of the income tax charged in respect of share options. Instead a new section — 1453 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1454

Section 128B — was introduced into the Taxes The introduction of multi-annual capital envel- Consolidation Act to provide that, where an indi- opes in Budget 2004 has progressed and con- vidual exercises an option on or after 30 June tinues to progress investment in infrastructure, 2003, the income tax due under Section 128 in thereby ensuring continued economic progress, respect of any realised gain must be paid to the national competitiveness and better quality of life Collector-General within thirty days of that for the public in general. event. The Government is committed to maintaining Finally, Section 16(1) of Finance Act 2005 this level of investment. Under the 2006-2010 extended the charge to income tax under Section capital envelope, some \43.5 billion is being made 128 to gains arising from the exercise of share available, an increase of \7.2 billion on last year’s options by individuals who are not resident in the capital envelope. State at the date the option is granted. The legis- Transport 21 will deliver \34 billion of infras- lation is subject to a commencement order and tructural improvements in the transport sector will apply to options granted on or after the date over the 10 years 2006-1015. the commencement order is signed. The reason The next National Development Plan covering for this is to allow time for consultation with a the period 2007-2013, which sets out the Govern- number of representative bodies with a view to ment’s investment strategy and indicative finan- the Revenue Commissioners issuing a Statement cial allocations for enhancing Ireland’s infrastruc- of Practice on how the legislation will be applied. ture, human resources, enterprise sector as well I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners that as promoting social inclusion will be launched these consultations are ongoing. next November. Besides these developments it should be noted that monies from the Central Bank and the sale Departmental Programmes. of State assets would be taken in by the 253. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance Exchequer as Non-Tax Revenue and would if it remains Government policy to establish a therefore be available for investment having National Transformation Fund into which once regard to the Government’s capital investment off revenues accruing to the State would be framework. In this context, the Central Bank placed. [27709/06] restructured its reserves and investment portfolio in the period 2000 to 2003 and the proceeds were Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Under the paid into the Exchequer as part of the normal objective Delivering Major Capital Programmes, payment of surplus income of the Central Bank. the Programme for Government states: This has contributed to the achievement of the sound public finances strategy pursued by the Where significant once-off revenues accrue Government. to the state through for example, the sale of In all these circumstances, the objectives which assets or the restructuring of the Central Bank, were envisaged for a National Transformation we will use these revenues to create a National Fund are being achieved. Transformation Fund. This fund, which will be managed by the NTMA, will be used to finance Tax Code. multi-annual infrastructural development programmes. 254. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance the number of persons that are earning the mini- The proposal to establish a National Transform- mum wage or less who will be subjected to ation Fund was aimed at facilitating the delivery income tax in 2006. [27710/06] of major capital programmes in a coherent man- ner while maximising efficiency, value for money Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The current and appropriate risk transfer across complex minimum wage is \7.65 per hour. On an annu- multi-annual programmes. This has been over- alised basis, this is equivalent to \15,515 assuming taken by events and while a National Transform- a 39 hour working week. ation Fund has not been established it is clear The present entry point to income tax under that the overall objective behind the proposal is the PAYE system is \15,600 per annum for a sin- being achieved. gle person under 65. There have been a number of developments The position is, therefore, that no employee since the proposal was made which meet the who benefits from entitlement to the employee overall objectives envisaged. These devel- (PAYE) tax credit in addition to the basic per- opments include: sonal tax credit will be subjected to income tax • The multi-annual capital framework in 2006. However, a small number of persons with • Transport 21 income at or below the current minimum wage annualised who do not have entitlement to the • The National Development Plan. employee tax credit are likely to be liable for a For some years now, public capital investment small amount of income tax in 2006. This group under the capital envelopes has been about 5% of comprises, essentially, proprietary directors and GNP. This is around twice the EU average level. certain pensioners. 1455 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1456

Departmental Staff. Airport. This monitoring is done on the basis of 255. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Fin- risk analysis. ance the procedures that are in place for the In relation to the monitoring by Revenue of removal of a person who is employed by or under days spent in Ireland by individuals with an Irish the State; if an outside body can terminate such domicile who claim non-resident status for tax employment or instruct it to be terminated; and purposes, the High Wealth Individual’s Unit of if he will make a statement on the matter. Revenue’s Large Cases Division have monitored [27711/06] a number of such cases, as part of their 2005 audit programme, for compliance with the statutory Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): I under- residence rules. I am advised that part of that stand that the Deputy’s question relates specifi- exercise involved checking certain data available cally to the situation regarding civil servants. to Revenue in relation to the movements of There are a number of grounds on which a civil private aircraft. servant may be removed from office: Tax Code. (a) Under the Civil Service Regulation Act 1956, the Government may dismiss or dis- 257. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister cipline an established civil servant for miscon- for Finance if he will support the introduction of duct or fraud. There is a disciplinary code a Tobin Tax on international currency specu- which sets out the procedures under which this lation and similar unproductive transactions and action can take place; the Code also provides the use of the proceeds for progressive develop- for an appeal process to allow the officer the ment and elimination of hunger and poverty in opportunity to state a defence. In the case of the poorer regions of the world; if he has dis- an unestablished civil servant, dismissal may be cussed this proposal with his counterparts at EU decided by the relevant Minister. or UN level; and if he will make a statement on (b) The Civil Regulation Act 1956 also the matter. [27714/06] allows for compulsory retirement on grounds of ill-health at the initiative of the employing Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The Deputy Department or Office. may be aware that the issue of a currency trans- actions tax (Tobin tax) has been considered in a (c) Under the 1909 and 1963 Superannuation number of fora, including the informal Ecofin and Pensions Acts, an officer may be retired meeting at Liege on 22 September 2001. The early on grounds of organisational efficiency or Belgian Presidency indicated that it wished to effectiveness and receive a pension before the pursue the matter in the context of a general normal pension age. study to be carried out by the Commission on the Before the commencement on 4 July, 2006 of the issue of globalisation. However, it would be fair Civil Service Regulation (Amendment) Act 2005, to say that most EU Finance Ministers at that the termination of employment of an established time had reservations about the Tobin tax pro- civil servant was decided by the Government. posal, and believed that it was not clear that a With the commencement of the Act, the relevant further examination of the issue by the Com- Minister has powers of discipline for the grades mission would ensure that satisfactory answers of Principal upwards and Secretaries-General and would be given to the many real questions con- Heads of Office have responsibility for grades cerning the tax including: the difficulties relating below Principal. to practical implementation of the tax; its doubt- Where a civil servant is working for an agency ful effect on short-term speculative capital move- or board, the chief executive or the board of the ments; its conflict with the basic tenet of free organisation would have a role in advising the capital movement in the EU; its disproportionate Minister or Government on the background to effect on small business and consumers; the prob- the proposed removal from office. ability that the tax would simply drive partici- pants into other (non-taxable) alternatives; and Tax Collection. the negative impact on liquidity in the foreign 256. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister exchange market. I am of the same view. for Finance if flights home by Irish tax exiles Nevertheless, at a formal Ecofin meeting on 16 though Dublin Airport’s private aircraft terminal October 2001, it was agreed that the Commission are being monitored by the Revenue Commis- would carry out a study on globalisation and that sioners. [27713/06] this study would examine the arguments for and against a Tobin tax. This study, “Responses to the Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Iam Challenges of Globalisation”, was published on informed by the Revenue Commissions that in 14 February 2002. On the matter of the Tobin tax, the context of implementing import controls, the study concluded that “while as a source of Revenue’s Customs Service monitors all flights additional revenue a currency transaction tax and passengers, including passengers in private may look appealing, its feasibility is, however, aircraft, coming into the country through Dublin not demonstrated”. 1457 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1458

This issue has also been raised at EU level in relation to the charging system; and if he will 2005 in the context of the financing of develop- make a statement on the matter. [27718/06] ment aid but was dismissed by the EU Com- mission for reasons such as those already Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The current outlined. annual rate of stamp duty on credit card and As indicated in replies to previous questions on charge card accounts is \40. The stamp duty on this matter, I do not propose to introduce such a ATM and debit cards is \10 per annum. In the tax as I remain unconvinced of its feasibility. case of combined cards (cards which have both ATM and Debit functions), the stamp duty is \20. State Airports. The Deputy will be aware that I introduced changes in this year’s Finance Act to alter the 258. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Finance way that stamp duty is charged on combined if the NDP/CSF evaluation unit located within his cards. The stamp duty on a combined card was Department have or will carry out a cost-benefit reduced to \10 per annum where the card is only analysis in relation to the proposed new runway used for one function (either ATM transactions at Dublin Airport; and if he will make a state- or debit transactions) throughout the year. ment on the matter. [27716/06] Stamp duty on credit / charge card accounts has existed since 1982 and stamp duty on ATM cards Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Under my has existed since 1997. Stamp duty on debit cards Department’s Guidelines for the Appraisal and was only introduced in December 2002. Management of Capital Expenditure Proposals in the Public Sector, as amended by my Depart- The number of credit card and charge card ment’s Value for Money Circular Letter of 26 accounts that were liable to stamp duty for 2005 January 2006, all semi-state bodies with responsi- was 1,596,499. In the case of debit and ATM bility for developing capital projects are required cards, the number liable to stamp duty in 2005 to carry out an appropriate cost benefit analysis was: of projects costing over \30 million. If a semi state company proposes to proceed Number with such a project on the basis of its cost benefit analysis and if the project is to be funded from ATM 1,992,615 Exchequer capital under the multi-annual capital Combined 1,012,147 envelopes, the semi-state company concerned is Debit 57,437 required to submit the cost benefit analysis to the relevant sanctioning authority for approval to Total 3,062,199 proceed with the project. The sanctioning auth- ority would normally be the relevant Govern- The yield from credit card / charge card accounts ment Department with responsibility for the in 2005 was \63.8m. sector. The yield from stamp duty on ATM, debit and If the semi-state company is a commercial com- combined cards in 2005 was: pany funding the project from its own resources the cost benefit analysis would include an assess- ment of the commercial viability of the project. It ATM Cards Combined Debit Total Cards Cards would be the responsibility of the board of the company concerned to decide whether the pro- \22.4m \12.15m \3.3m \37.9m ject should proceed on the basis of the cost benefit analysis. As the responsibility to carry out cost benefit Stamp duty exists on various financial cards in analysis rests with the relevant semi-state com- order to provide Exchequer revenue. The stamp pany the evaluation unit located within my duty on cheques, bills of exchange and promiss- Department has not and will not carry out a cost- ory notes has existed for many years and when benefit analysis in relation to the project referred electronic means of money transfers were sub- to in the question. sequently introduced, stamp duty was gradually extended to these products to ensure that the Tax Code. stamp duty from cheques etc. was not eroded. The stamp duty applies irrespective of the volume 259. Mr. Cregan asked the Minister for Finance of bank transactions made. the situation in relation to start up and annual Stamp duties on financial cards are significant taxes, stamp duty on credit and debit cards; when contributors to the Exchequer and are in accord- these charges commenced; the number of cards ance with the overall taxation policy of widening which exist and annual revenue from same; the the tax base in order to keep direct tax rates gen- reason tax charge was raised in the first case; if erally low. such charges are made by other governments in I am not aware of any other EU Member the EU; if many complaints are received in States imposing taxation on financial cards. 1459 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1460

[Mr. Cowen.] deposit, increases in the limits for the amount I do not receive many complaints in relation to that can be nominated and increases in the limits this stamp duty given the very large number of for small payments on death. My Department in financial cards involved. tandem with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel is drafting the necessary Statutory Flood Relief. Instruments to bring these changes into effect as soon as possible. 260. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Finance if he will provide funding for works to prevent annual flooding of the main Tramore to Water- Tax Code. ford road; and if he will make a statement on the 262. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Finance matter. [27760/06] the estimated cost of making the home carer’s tax credit refundable. [27776/06] Minister of State at the Department of Finance (Mr. Parlon): The Deputy will be aware that the Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Iam Tramore Road phase of the John’s River flood advised by the Revenue Commissioners that the relief scheme has a negative cost benefit ratio and most recent estimated cost of making the home the decision was therefore taken to omit this carer tax credit refundable when it is unused is phase from the scheme as it does not meet the broadly in the region of \42 million annually. basic requirement that a flood relief scheme be The estimate of \42 million relates only to the economically viable. While flooding of the Tra- cost of extending refundable tax credits to all more Road causes considerable disruption and those on the Revenue Commissioners’ tax files. inconvenience, it is not the only access route between Tramore and Waterford and I could not If a refundable tax credit system were to be intro- justify including this phase in the scheme while duced, one would have to consider those who are other cost beneficial schemes to relieve flooding not on the tax files, such as those who are of of houses and other property awaited attention. employable age but not working, including those The position can be re-considered if the expen- on social welfare. This would increase the cost. diture required to protect the road can be shown to be cost beneficial. Departmental Bodies. The Commissioners of Public Works are in 263. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Finance consultation with Waterford City Council with a the budgetary allocation for each of the public view to advancing the cost beneficial elements of bodies, executive agencies, advisory bodies and the proposed Waterford Flood Relief Scheme. task forces operating under his Department. [27796/06] Financial Services Regulation. 261. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Finance Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The follow- if he has submitted both the credit union regis- ing budgetary allocations from the Department of trar’s proposals for the new investment frame- Finance Vote in 2006 have been made to the work and the Irish League of Credit Union’s pro- bodies of the type referred to by the Deputy. posals for regulatory and legal changes to the Credit Union Advisory Committee; and if they Body 2006 have reviewed the operating restrictions. Budgetary [27773/06] Allocation \,000 Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): In April of this year I submitted the Credit Union Registrar’s Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) 20,449* proposals for a new investment framework to the Ordnance Survey Ireland 9,265 Credit Union Advisory Committee (CUAC) Public Service Benchmarking Body 1,900 requesting them to provide advice on an appro- priate investment framework for credit unions. I Review Body on Higher Remuneration 300 understand that the Committee has completed its Disabled Drivers Medical Board of Appeal 300 review of this issue and has recently submitted its Decentralisation Implementation Group 100 advice which is now being assessed by my Civil Service Arbitration and Appeals Department. Boards etc 70 The Advisory Committee were also asked for Committee for Performance Awards 50 advice on the Irish League of Credit Union’s pro- Credit Union Advisory Committee 30 posals for regulatory and legal changes and have recommended certain amendments to the regu- Top Level Appointment Committee 19 latory framework for credit unions under the Cre- *Of this total, \1.411m is allocated for the running costs of the dit Union Act, 1997 which can be implemented SEUPB and the remaining \19.038m relates to programmes by Statutory Instrument. The recommendations (Peace II and Northern Ireland Interreg) administered by include increases in the limits that can be held on the SEUPB. 1461 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1462

264. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Finance The fees payable to members of State boards the number of positions in State bodies under the depend on the size and complexity of the bodies aegis of his Department which are affected by the they govern. In order to determine what level of increase in non-executive chairpersons’ fees of fee is appropriate, State bodies are divided into State bodies recently sanctioned by the Govern- four categories, depending on the pay of their ment. [27810/06] chief executives. The level of remuneration of the chief executive is an objective assessment of the Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The relative importance and complexity of the number of positions in State bodies under the bodies concerned. aegis of my My Department which have been In some instances fees are not payable to ordi- affected as a result of the recently sanctioned nary board members and directors of State Government increase in non-executive chair- bodies. Where fees are payable, the Government person’s fees is three. The bodies affected are has decided that the following revised fee rates Ordnance Survey Ireland, the Public Appoint- should apply: ments Service and the Financial Services Ombudsman Council. \

Departmental Agencies. Category 1 Director 17,500 Category 2 Director 14,000 265. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Finance Category 3 Director 9,000 the new levels of fees payable to ordinary board Category 4 Director 7,000 members of State agencies as were recently agrees upon by the Government. [27811/06] Departmental Bodies. Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The level of the fees payable to members of the boards of 266. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Finance State bodies was revised by Government at its the number of task forces which have been meeting on 20 June 2006. The revised fees are created by his Department and their function, payable with effect from 1 January 2006. size, membership, reporting mechanism and The Government decided to increase the fees period of existence since 1997. [27814/06] payable to ordinary board members and directors Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The follow- of State bodies by roughly the amount of the ing table sets out task forces established in the increase payable to senior civil servants in the Department since 1997. It is the most comprehen- period since the last review of fees was conducted sive list which could be prepared in the time in 2001. available. 1463 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1464 published in August 2000 the Government Group has produced aof number reports to theFinance Minister for ir ´ Law Reform, Dept. of An Taoiseach, Dept. of Justice, Equality and Chief State’s Solicitor’s Office State Claims Agency Mr. Fred Devlin Mr. Dermot Quigley Ms Jane Williams Mr. Eddie Sullivan Mr. Sean Benton Dr. Sean Barrett Dr. Donal de Buitle Ms Anne Nolan Mr. Liam O’Reilly Mr. Tom O’Connell Mr. Richard Shine Mr. Martin Maloney Mr. Diarmuid Collins Mr. Pat Farrell Mr. Tommie Gorman Mr. George Mansfield Mr. Jim McCaffrey Mr. Michael McLoone Mr. Dermot Smyth Mr. Maurice Tempany the State’s legal costs followed by consideration by Decentralisation Programme Decentralisation and the affecting the structure of banking and related financial services in Ireland practices and procedures throughout the health services possible future developments Mr. David Doyle Name of Taskforce Function Membership Reporting Mechanism Set up Ceased GroupManagement and ControlSystems in the Health Service Government’s relevant make financial recommendations systems, on Legal Costsfacing the Irish Banking Sector Finance on issues relating to the Cabinet sub-Committee Finance, on first instance, expected to be Decentralisation Implementation To drive forward theCommission on Financial Mr. Finbarr Flood To examine, evaluate and The Chair reports periodically to Prof. Niamh Brennan Dec. 03Working Group on the State’s Still Report in published existence To report to the Minister for Officials from theWorking Dept. Group of on Strategic Issues Apr. 02 To consider:— Report to Minister for Finance in May 05 Report published Jun 03 Mr. Noel O’Gorman Ongoing Report Published Nov. 99 The Group’s report was 1465 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1466 Department of Finance received Government approval for the Final ReportSpring in of the 2002 committee who reported toSteering a Committee of sectoral Assistant Secretaries. The hAircheallaigh ´ draic Carolan ´ na Nı ´ Mr. Johnny Bliss Mr. Brian Looney Mr. Jim Kelly Mr. Pat Granahan Mr. John Power Mr. Nicholas O’Loughlin Ms Dolores Rooney Mr. Gary Holohan Mr. Frank Smyth Mr. Michael O’Driscoll Mr. Pa Mr. Michael McDaid Mr. Charlie Hardy Mr. Tony McMahon Mr. Gerry McMahon Mr. Niall McCabe Mr. Jim Fox Mr. Pat Granahan Mr. Nicholas O’Loughlin Ms Dolores Rooney Mr. Billy Noone Mr. Michael McCarthy Mr. Philip Andrews Mr. John O’Donovan Mr. Johnny Bliss Ms U Ms Mary Donohoe the e-procurement strategy sectoral co-ordination Name of Taskforce Function Membership Reporting Mechanism Set up Ceased Force Procurement Task Force To help the development of Mr. Gavan McGirrOrganisation & Change Task The taskforce reported to a ditto 2000Legal & Regulatory Task Force Oct. 01 ditto Mr. Brian Kearney Grieve ditto Ms Sarah Johnson ditto 2000 Oct. 02 2000 Oct. 01 1467 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1468

[Mr. Cowen.] Ms Patricia Stack Mr. Tony Reilly Mr. Gerry McMahon Mr. Micheal Delaney Mr. Sean Fay Mr. Ronan McCarthy Ms Catherine Carmody Mr. John Sydenham Capt Gerry McMahon Ms Catherine Curley Ms Siobhan O’Higgins Mr. Tom O’Reilly Ms Siobhan Masterson Ms Karen Hynes Ms John Bolton Mr. George Hennessey Ms Miriam Kearney Ms Adrian Devitt Ms Julie Burke, Solicitor Mr. James Jennings Ms. Suzanne Kelly Mr. Sean Moriarty Mr. Michael Mullins Mr. Roderick Ryan to the RevenueCommissioners to establish tax liabilities, including powers to investigate withview a to the prosecutiontax of offences deals with major decisionsitems of strategic importance in relation to MIF matters to the Minister for Finance Secretaries General Name of Taskforce Function Membership Reporting Mechanism Set up Ceased Framework (MIF) ConsultativeCommittee Group Consultative Committee at Assistant Secretary level Management Subgroup of the implementation Group of Technology Task Force dittoEconomics Working Group Mr. David Lee dittoRevenue Powers Group ditto To Ms review Rachael the Morgan powers available Justice FrancisManagement Murphy Information ditto The Revenue 2000 Cross Powers Departmental Group Report Mar. 03 All Departments & Offices Oct. 01 Dec. 03 Reports to the Financial 2000 Dec. 99 Oct. 01 Still in operation 1469 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1470 Trade & Employment, IDAForfas & of the NDP. PPPs to GovernmentRevenue Commissioners,Department of Social, Community & Family Affairs and the Pension Board Pensions (Amdt) Act 2002 NDP of MIF and co-ordinatesdevelopment the and implementation of all MIF related activities recommendations made inthe ‘Mullarkey Report’ higher from Finance Units abuses that may arise Department of Enterprise resident accounts Attorney General Name of Taskforce Function Membership Reporting Mechanism Set up Ceased Framework (MIF) ProjectManagement Group both project management(MIG) and cost management aspects Development Plan (NDP) 2007-2013 NDP 2007-2013information between the CentralBank and the RevenueCommissioners exchange of in information Depts/Offices ofimplementation of 12.5%Corporation tax rate all Government Departments Committee Department of Finance, Team and Dept/Office general Cabinet — 12.5% Committee usually rate APPRSAs of or Corporation tax and Accounting possible Officers Revenue Department Commissioners, of Finance, of PAC DIRT inquiry until the completion Revenue Commissioners and this contributing pension to product the preparation Central PAC Bank inquiry into bogus non on Infrastructure, Housing and the Department of Finance & Department of Finance, consequent legislation, and launch of the next Management Information This group is responsible forMullarkey Implementation Group All Departments & Offices To oversee the implementation One memberHigh from Level each Group on Reports National to MIF Consultative To overseeWorking the Mar. group drafting 00 on of Members the report exchange back of to their Examine the issue of High the Level representativesWorking Jan from group 03 to Still examine in operation Through Cross Departmental Contained representatives from Jul 05 Examine the Oct. introduction 05 &Working group on the taxation of Contained representatives from Consider Revenue rules for Will Report continue to as Minister required for FinanceWorking Contained group representatives on from implementation 2000 Report Report on to implementation Minister of for Finance & 2000 Contained representatives from 2001 2003 2002 2002 2000 2000 1471 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1472

[Mr. Cowen.] Organisations Mr. Maurice O’Connell Mr. Dermot Quigley Mr. Liam Barron Mr. Tom Considine Mr. John Corcoran Ms Carmel Foley Mr. Roger Kenny Mr. Dermot McCarthy Mr. Joe Moran Mr. Maurice Tempany Mr. Jim O’Brien targets approved by Government for the 2003 pre-Budget Estimates process of Finance with aimproving view their to simplicity and transparency external experts Department of Finance inthe preparation of therevenue tax forecast for budgetary purposes Commissioners Name of Taskforce Function Membership Reporting Mechanism Set up Ceased Regulatory Authority for theFinancial Services Sector jointlyset up with theEnterprise, Minister Trade for and Employment Services Authority Sector for the Financial Enterprise, Trade and Employment CommitteeImproving Public FinanceStatements to achieve the expenditure financial statementsReview Group Finance, NTMA, published Department by the DepartmentIreland of Group Public on Enterprise Improving and Public three methodologies usedon by the the establishment of a Finance Single Statements Finance and of the a Revenue single Regulatory Finance 1998 Changeover report to Minister representatives of Relevant Minister for Finance Ministers for Finance and Independent Estimates Review To assess the options available Mr. Kevin BonnerExpert Working Group on To examine and analyseTax the Forecasting Report Methodology sent to the Minister for Officials from the Department of Jul. To 02 examine the Report tax of forecasting the Expert Working Officials ofEuro the Changeover Department Board of of Mar. 98 Oct. Report 02 publishedImplementation in Advisory November Group To oversee the Jan/Feb. Euro To 98 advise on Sep the 98 establishment on presentation of Mr. Michael McDowell Nov. 98 Public servants and Report submitted to the Published a report to Oct the 98 May 98 May 99 May 02 1473 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1474 na na ´ ´ ocha ocha ´ ´ Services Commissioners Affairs Science Services Board Commissioners Affairs Marine and Natural Resources Heritage and Local Government and Law Reform Commissioners Department of Transport Central Statistics Office Eastern Health Shared Services Department of Finance An Garda Sı Local Government Computer Executive Office of Public Works Office of the Revenue Department of Social and Family Department of Education and Department of Finance Health Services Executive Local Government Computer Office of the Revenue Department of Social and Family Department of Communications, Defence Forces Department of Environment, Department of Finance Fire Brigade An Garda Sı Department of Justice, Equality Office of the Revenue in the public service Data Centre services for ICT Implementation Group network. oversight of their operation define processes for the Name of Taskforce Function Membership Reporting Mechanism Set up Ceased Government Virtual PrivateNetwork and operation of a Food Government telecomms Data Centres Policy approaches Unit to CMOD the usage of FoodNational Digital Radio ServicesProcurement the procurement of national digital Decentralisation radio services and to Policy Unit CMOD Interdeptl. Working Group on To oversee the procurement Department of Agriculture and Reports to Principal Technical Early 2000Interdeptl. Working Group on Ongoing To investigate possible Department of Agriculture and Presentations to theInterdeptl. Working Group on Jul. 04 To develop specifications for Ambulance Service Ongoing Reports to Principal Technical Dec. 04 Ongoing 1475 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1476

[Mr. Cowen.] Science Services Commissioners Affairs Children and Law Reform Commissioners Affairs Department of Education and Department of Finance Health Services Executive Local Government Computer Executive Office of the Revenue Department of Social and Family Department of Finance Department of Foreign Affairs Department of Health and Health Services Executive Department of Justice, Equality Office of the Revenue Department of Social and Family Department of the Taoiseach aggregated procurementframeworks for ICT services and products Foodthe provision Policy of Unit public services CMOD Name of Taskforce Function Membership Reporting Mechanism Set up Ceased Protection. privacy protection policy for Identity Management & Privacy identity management and Interdeptl. ICT Procurement To devise and implement Department of Agriculture and Reports to Principal TechnicalInterdeptl. Working Jul. Group 05 on To examine proposals for an Ongoing Central Statistics Office To Government Jun. 06 N/A Ongoing 1477 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1478

Decentralisation Programme. State in each of the past 10 years;; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27910/06] 267. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Finance the position with regard to the proposed decen- 278. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Finance tralisation of Ordnance Survey Ireland to Dun- the extent of inheritance tax collected by the garvan, County Waterford; and if he will make a State in each of the past 10 years; and if he will statement on the matter. [27848/06] make a statement on the matter. [28020/06]

Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): As part of Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): I propose the Decentralisation Programme it is intended to take Questions Nos. 269 and 278 together. that Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) will The yield on inheritance tax over the last 10 decentralise to Dungarvan, County Waterford. I years is: am informed by OSI that arrangements are pro- ceeding in accordance with their implementation Year Yield plan. A site has been acquired in Dungarvan by the Office of Public Works (OPW). A detailed \ plan of the OSI requirements in the new location 1996 61,127,644 has been developed and submitted to the OPW 1997 81,270,994 for consideration. 1998 98,455,375 1999 133,731,623 Financial Services Regulation. 2000 154,723,513 268. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Finance 2001 121,504,568 if he will comment on the estimated amount of 2002 128,062,522 moneys lent by credit unions to banks and other 2003 130,653,240 financial institutions in 2006; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27909/06] 2004 171,293,533 2005 196,654,582 Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): I presume the Deputy is referring to the high proportion of credit union savings that are currently invested in House Prices. banks and other financial institutions. This largely 270. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Finance reflects the strong performance of credit unions the estimated value of housing stock at current in attracting savings. It also reflects the highly market value in the country; if he can estimate competitive environment for lending in which the proportion of such properties owned by per- credit unions operate. sons in excess of 50 years of age; and if he will The Irish League of Credit Unions (ILCU) make a statement on the matter. [27911/06] contends that the current limits in the Credit Union Act, 1997 on longer-term lending by credit Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): There are unions are affecting the competitiveness of credit no official figures available for the value of the union lending, as credit unions are not in a posi- entire housing stock. There is only limited data tion to compete with the banking sector in one available on legal ownership of houses by age of the more demand driven areas of the lending profile. The CSO has advised that a 2004 survey market overall. The Registrar of Credit Unions indicated that about two thirds of owner occupied in the Financial Regulator does not favour any houses are owned by persons over 50. This pro- change in the lending limits at this time, primarily portion does not include other houses owned by because of the scope for increased credit risk. respondents such as holiday homes or houses Given the divergence of views between credit bought to rent, and the survey does not cover vac- unions and the Registrar in relation to this ant houses. Please note that in households where important issue, I referred the matter to the two people are were responsible for the accom- expert statutory advisory body on credit union modation, the age of the eldest was used. matters, the Credit Union Advisory Committee There are no data available on the profile of (CUAC) requesting their advice as to whether a owners of rented dwellings or vacant or holiday review of the current limits on longer-term lend- homes. However common experience suggests ing by credit unions should be initiated. The that property ownership rises with age and that it recommendation of the Committee is expected tends to be higher in the older age groups. shortly. National Development Plan. Tax Collection. 271. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Finance if he will report on the progress to date on the 269. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Finance drafting of the National Development Plan 2007- the extent of inheritance tax collected by the 2013; when the plan is expected to be complete; 1479 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1480

[Mr. Lowry.] framework for development of the Rural the main areas of focus of the plan; the existing Economy. strategies, papers and plans that the new NDP • Promotion of better North/South economic will take account of; if any organisations or cooperation and of the all-island economy. bodies have been invited to make submissions for consideration; if it is intended to put a draft plan • Investment in the environment to promote on public display; and if he will make a statement environmental sustainability accompanied on the matter. [27912/06] by a general objective that investment in general is compatible with this goal. Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The prep- • The plan will also have a number of hori- aration of the NDP for the period 2007-2013 has zontal themes as follows: been in progress since the Government announcement last August. The plan is due to be • Balanced regional development through launched next November. It is not intended to the implementation of the National Spa- publish any drafts of the Plan before its pub- tial Strategy. lication. • The all-island dimension. The Plan will be a high level strategic docu- ment setting out the overall investment frame- • Environmental sustainability. work for the next seven years. The Plan will not • The promotion of social inclusion. be a list of projects. Projects will flow over the An extensive consultation process has been period of the Plan from the investment frame- undertaken. An invitation to make submissions work set out in the Plan. was extended to the Social Partners, Regional The Plan will build on and embrace existing Bodies and bodies representing key stakeholders policies in areas such as Transport under T21, such as the Western Development Commission, Science and Technology under the SSTI, the the Heritage Council, Comhar and the Combat strategy on higher education already announced Poverty Agency. A number of meetings have also by Government and other relevant Government taken place with organisations making sub- policies, including as appropriate commitments missions. A consultation seminar for the South- made under social partnership. ern and Eastern Region will take place on 20th The final structure and content of the plan will July next and for the BMW Region on 7th ultimately be a matter for Government but I September next. Each Government Department would anticipate that the next Plan would involved was also asked to consult with bodies encompass the following key features: and agencies within their aegis in order to inform • An overriding commitment to economic the material submitted by them. and budgetary sustainability; the invest- The ESRI was commissioned to carry out an ment allocations set out in the next Plan ex-ante evaluation of the investment priorities for will be dependent on the availability of the period 2007-2013. I understand that the eval- resources. uation is nearly complete. When finished, it will then be submitted to Government for consider- • A commitment to a further major enhance- ation with publication expected sometime ment of our economic and social infrastruc- thereafter. ture, notably in key areas of Transport, Environmental Services, Social and Afford- Tax Code. able Housing, Health, Education, Broad- band and Energy. 272. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Finance the rate of stamp duty rates on cheques and laser • Investment in support of the Strategy for cards with ATM function; the number of ATM Science Technology and Innovation. cards and credit cards each year since 2002; the • Investment in Education at all levels with a income to the exchequer each year on each; to particular emphasis on the 3rd and 4th lev- review these rates; if consideration will be given els in tandem with continued investment in to removing the stamp duty on each; and if he labour force training and lifelong learning. will make a statement on the matter. [27913/06] • Support for the productive sector including Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The rate of enterprise, agriculture, the marine sector, stamp duty on cheques is 15c per cheque. The tourism and services generally. rate of stamp duty on debit cards (laser) with an ATM function (combined cards) is \20 per • The promotion of social inclusion. annum. • A substantive investment framework to The Deputy will be aware that I introduced promote a better balance in regional changes in this year’s Finance Act to alter the development in line with the template of way that stamp duty is charged on combined the National Spatial Strategy including a cards. The stamp duty on a combined card was 1481 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1482 reduced to \10 per annum where the card is only The number of ATM, combined and debit used for one function (either ATM transactions cards chargeable to stamp duty for 2002 et seq. is: or debit transactions) throughout the year.

Card Type 2005 2004 2003 2002

ATM 1,992,615 2,240,090 2,105,152 2,169,591 Combined 1,012,147 642,985 587,976 458,119 Debit 57,437 255,952 244,167 178,165

Totals 3,062,199 3,139,027 2,937,295 2,805,875

The number of credit card/charge card accounts liable to stamp duty for 2002 et seq. is:

Card Type 2005 2004 2003 2002

Credit Cards 1,433,585 1,340,411 1,177,759 1,093,011 Charge Cards 162,914 133,442 113,913 109,491

Totals 1,596,499 1,473,853 1,291,672 1,202,502

The yield to the Exchequer for each year is:

Year Credit/charge cards ATM/debit cards

\m \m 2002 51.7 32.64 2003 22.9 14.04 2004 59.0 35.25 2005 64.8 36.9

All stamp duties, including the stamp duties on cars between 1901cc and 2000cc inclusive (these financial cards and bank transactions are had previously been taxed at 25%). reviewed in the context of the annual Budget and The VRT rates and bands are reviewed in the Finance Bill. annual Budgetary process. For example, in last year’s Budget, I introduced a 50% VRT relief for 273. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Finance flexible fuel vehicles and a similar relief was the rate of vehicle registration tax on each cate- already in place for hybrid electric cars. I have no gory vehicle since 2002; if consideration will be plans to introduce a general reduction of VRT. given to reducing the level of VRT in the next As for the elimination of VRT over a period of budget; the reasons to date for not reducing VRT; time, I have no plans at present to do so. The if VRT will be eliminated completely over a five European Commission published a proposal for year period; and if he will make a statement on a directive in relation to car taxes in July 2005 the matter. [27914/06] which supports the gradual abolition of regis- tration taxes which it believes impacting on the Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The rates functioning of the internal market. However, the aim of the proposal is that such registration taxes of VRT on each category vehicle are as follows: would be replaced by circulation taxes which Private Cars would have a CO2 element. At EU Council discussions, Ireland has pointed A1 Cars under 1,400cc 22.5% of Open Market Selling Price — OMSP out that we regard VRT as a national tax that falls within the national competence — a position A2 1,400 to 1,900cc 25% of OMSP shared by several other Member States. Our view is that the mix of taxes, their levels and rates are A3 Cars over 1,900cc 30% of OMSP matters for EU Member States based on legit- Small vans and some jeeps 13.3% of OMSP imate choices. Other Vehicles \50 — flat rate Within the EU Single Market, the facility is available for Member States to raise revenue through internal taxation subject to certain pro- In Budget 2003, the band to which the highest visos such as the following: VRT rate (30%) applies, was widened to include 1483 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1484

[Mr. Cowen.] society. The Plan is implemented through seven (1) the measures do not give rise to border Operational Programmes comprising 30 sub- controls, programmes and 147 measures. In the first six years of the NDP (2000-2005) (2) there is no discrimination as between over 44 billion euro has been invested nation- home produced goods and those imported wide. Significant progress continues to be made from other Member States, and in the implementation of the NDP in the Regions. (3) the measures are not of the nature of The latest information indicates that overall gross quantitative restriction on imports or exports. expenditure in the Border, Midlands and West VRT has been examined by the European Court (BMW) region is running at 12.1 billion euro for of Justice and has been found to be compatible the six year period 2000-2005, with the Exchequer with EU legislation. Motor vehicle taxes have component running at 10.7 billion euro. In the been a traditional source of revenue in Ireland Southern and Eastern (S&E) region overall gross for decades and provide significant revenue to the expenditure is running at 32.8 billion euro, with Exchequer which is used to fund vital public the Exchequer element at 28 billion euro. services. For example, VRT yielded approxi- The information also indicates that the overall mately \1,149 million in 2005. As regards the outturn for the NDP is expected to be near to balance of taxation, Ireland has prioritised tax forecast by the end of 2006, but with some over- reductions on income earned by employees, in performance and underperformance of expendi- preference to other tax areas, and this policy has ture taking place within the Operational Prog- helped create record employment levels. rammes that support the NDP. However, it is also expected that co-funded measures under the NDP will achieve their full entitlement to Struc- National Development Plan. tural Funds in both Regions by the end of 2008, 274. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Finance the timetable set out in the Regulations. if he will report on the implementation of the Performance indicators at programme and National Development Plan 2000-2006; the priority level are included in the Operational number of projects which were earmarked for Programme documents and at measure (and sub- completion in the life-time of the plan; the measure) level in the programme complement number which have actually been completed; the documents. The monitoring indicators allow pro- number of projects currently in progress; the gress to be measured in terms of reaching objec- number expected to be completed by the end of tives and targets, the impact and results of expen- 2006; and if he will make a statement on the diture and the progress of the financing plan. matter. [27915/06] Each Operational Programme has a Managing Authority which monitors financial and physical Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): The output targets. Each Implementing Agency is National Development Plan/Community Support required to supply physical and financial progress Framework (NDP/CSF) 2000-2006 set out to to the Operational Programme Monitoring Com- ensure that Ireland remained competitive in the mittee meetings held in the Spring and Autumn. global international marketplace and that the The Progress reports for these are available from fruits of our economic success would be shared the respective Managing Authorities for the more equally at regional level and throughout our Operational Programmes as set out as follows.

Operational Programme Managing Authority

Economic and Social Infrastructure OP Department of Environment and Local Government Employment and Human Resources OP Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Productive Sector OP Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment S&E Regional OP Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly BMW Regional OP Border, Midland & Western Regional Assembly Peace OP Special EU Programmes Body Technical Assistance OP Department of Finance

The Operational Programme Monitoring Com- non co-financed expenditure, national contri- mittee reports include a description of physical butions, EU contribution and private financing. progress of each measure for the six month These reports are collated and presented to the reporting period and since the beginning of the NDP/CSF Monitoring Committee which is Programme, accompanied by the appropriate chaired by my Department. This Committee table of physical indicators. They also include a plays an active role in the monitoring of the standard financial table which provides infor- NDP/CSF and meets at least twice yearly to mation of each measure by EU co-financed and review progress being made towards achieving objectives and targets. The Committee is made 1485 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1486 up of a wide partnership of interests, including implementing Departments, the social partners, Locations No. of Temporary sectoral interests, and members of local auth- Vacancies orities representing the regional assemblies. This Committee reviews the progress being Athlone 7 made towards achieving objectives and targets. Blackrock 20 Monitoring is carried out by reference to physical Castlebar 10 and financial indicators at the level of prog- Cork 27 ramme, sub-programme and measure but not at Dublin 167 project level. Dundalk 15 In addition to the ongoing monitoring, mid Ennis 11 term evaluations of the NDP/CSF and of the indi- Galway 15 vidual Operational Programmes were carried out in 2003 the purpose of which was to provide an Kilkenny 5 analysis of both progress under the programmes Letterkenny 10 and of developments in the external environment. Limerick 96 An update evaluation of the CSF was completed Nenagh 31 in December 2005 which provided a synthesis of Rosslare 2 overall CSF progress in both financial and physi- Sligo 6 cal terms to end 2004. Thurles 7 My Department has also recently published a Tralee 6 report entitled Progress on the National Develop- Waterford 16 ment Plan 2000-2006. The Report is available on my Department’s website or on the NDP website Wexford 8 and provides greater detail on the achievements Total 459 to date under the National Development Plan.

Departmental Advertising. Tax Collection. 275. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Finance 277. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Fin- the amount which was spent in his Department ance the VAT collected to date under the WEEE for the years 2005 and from January 2006 to date scheme on a monthly basis since its introduction; for media purposes or advertising; where the the plans he has to review the charging of VAT money was spent, that is, national papers, provin- on an environmental tax; and if he will make a ´ cial papers, RTE radio, local radios and so on; statement on the matter. [27988/06] the amounts spent on a yearly basis for years of the pervious three years; if money was spent on Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Iam videos, for promotional, educational or advertis- informed by the Revenue Commissioners that ing purposes. [27959/06] VAT returns are not compiled in a manner which would allow the yield from particular goods or Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): As the services to be identified. Furthermore, since it is Deputy will appreciate, in the time available for also not possible to distinguish in VAT returns answering the question it has not been possible the amount of VAT charged on the environmen- to compile the information sought. However, it tal levy under the WEEE scheme, which is will be forwarded to him as soon as possible. included in the consideration for the supply of goods, there is no basis on which an estimate of Departmental Appointments. the VAT collected to date in respect of the levy can be compiled. 276. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Fin- Regarding the application of VAT to the ance further to Parliamentary Question No. 252 environmental levy under the WEEE scheme, of 23 May 2006, the number and location of tem- Section 10 of the Value Added Tax Act 1972 (as porary clerical posts filled to date; the plans to fill amended) provides that VAT is chargeable on posts in the various locations in the coming the total consideration including all taxes, com- weeks; and if he will make a statement on the missions, costs and charges in respect of the sup- matter. [27981/06] ply of goods and services.

Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): Iam Question No. 278 answered with Question informed by the Revenue Commissioners that the No. 269. table below is an estimate of the number of tem- porary posts that have been filled and are likely Tax Code. to be filled in the Revenue Commissioners in the 279. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Finance coming weeks. the number of student accommodation devel- 1487 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1488

[Ms Shortall.] con Review of Property-Based Tax Incentive opments which have been granted section 23 type Schemes” which was prepared in 2005 and pub- tax relief each year since the inception of this lished in February 2006. This report was com- scheme; if he will provide details of the number missioned by the Department of Finance and is of such units approved by each of the third level available on the Department’s website. It colleges each year for the same period; the man- includes an estimate of the aggregate gross tax ner in which student use is verified on an ongoing foregone of \214m and other information the basis; the value of the tax foregone to the State Deputy may find useful. in each of these years; and if he will make a state- I should explain that for the tax year 2003 and ment on the matter. [28070/06] earlier years, claims for section 50 relief were aggregated in tax returns with other claims and 280. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Finance could not be distinguished from the reliefs if he will provide information on the number of claimed in respect of different schemes. Accord- student accommodation developments which ingly, the specific information on costs for 2003 have been granted section 23 type tax-relief each and earlier years is not available to Revenue. Pro- year since the inception of this scheme; if she will visions were included in the Finance Act 2004 to further provide details of the number of such allow this data to be obtained separately for the units approved by each of the third level colleges tax years 2004 et seq. each year for the same period; the manner in Based on the information that has been which student use is verified on an ongoing basis; received and collated to date in respect of the tax if he will estimate the value of the tax foregone year 2004, I am informed by the Revenue Com- to the State in each of these years; and if he will missioners that a total of approximately \180 mil- make a statement on the matter. [28085/06] lion was included in the relevant income tax returns for that year as section 50 claims. This Minister for Finance (Mr. Cowen): I propose figure would correspond to a maximum to take Questions Nos. 279 and 280 together. Exchequer cost for 2004 of some \75 million in I am informed by the Department of Edu- terms of income tax forgone. These figures are cation & Science that as at 31st December 2005, preliminary estimates and may change as further in excess of 5,500 Section 50 student accom- returns are processed. I should also point out, modation units have been certified by the however, that Revenue are concerned at prelimi- Department of the Environment, Heritage and nary indications that in some instances the new, Local Government since the inception of the separately categorised data on property incen- scheme. Data relating to the number of Section tives may not have been correctly entered on the 50 units approved by each third level college is 2004 Income Tax returns. Revenue is engaging not readily available. with the tax practitioner bodies to draw attention As regards the manner in which student use (as to these deficiencies and to rectify them. Revenue required by this scheme) is verified on an ongoing has also increased awareness among its own staff basis, I am informed that there are no figures involved in processing tax returns of the need to available of the proportion of the 14,000 or so ensure, through closer examination of the Revenue audits carried out in 2005 that looked returns, that they are correctly completed. specifically at claimants to relief for the construc- Data for the tax years 2005 and 2006 is not yet tion of student accommodation. Revenue are available as the income tax returns for those years aware that a number of such claims were exam- are not due for filing until October 2006 and ined in the normal course of audit in 2005 and October 2007 respectively. that, in those cases examined, there was no evi- dence to suggest that the guidelines as regards Energy Conservation. student use were not complied with or that the relief had been abused. 281. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for However, Revenue have noted recent news- Communications, Marine and Natural Resources paper reports of claims made by the Union of if his Department has conducted studies on Students in Ireland that some “Section 50” apart- potential financial and environmental benefit of ments are being let to non-students during college increased insulation in the domestic property sec- terms. I am informed that Revenue have followed tor; and his views on implementing a grants up with the person making the claim and will be scheme, similar to the greener homes operated by meeting the USI shortly to discuss their concerns. Sustainable Energy Ireland, aimed at subsidising If there is evidence of abuse in this area, I am those homeowners who invest in increased insu- assured that Revenue will take appropriate lation levels for their homes. [27339/06] action. As regards the value of the tax foregone from Minister for Communications, Marine and section 50 relief, the Deputy will be aware that Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): Ireland’s reference to this relief is included in a report by housing stock is proportionately the youngest and economic consultants INDECON entitled “Inde- fastest growing in Europe, and therefore Building 1489 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1490

Regulations, under the mandate of the Depart- my Department, in conjunction with SEI will be ment of the Environment, Heritage & Local examining options for maximising consumer Government, have represented an important response and financial and environmental policy instrument for ensuring satisfactory stan- benefits in this regard. dards of thermal insulation and other energy per- formance features in new housing stock. Coastal Protection. Approximately half of the national housing stock, or some 800,000 units, was constructed 282. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for before 1980 and without insulation originally. Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Today, however, on the basis of the substantial his plans to progress the draft Coastal Zone Man- study conducted for the Irish National Survey of agement Plan from 1998; and if he will make a Housing Quality, it is estimated that significant statement on the matter. [28038/06] upgrading of the older housing stock has occurred. It also estimated that the average Minister of State at the Department of annual rates of upgrading with new windows, wall Communications, Marine and Natural Resources insulation and roof insulation were 4.2%, 1% and (Mr. Browne): The Report to which I take it the 1.4% respectively. In 2002, across the housing Deputy refers — “Coastal Zone Management — stock as a whole, 76% had wall insulation and a Draft Policy for Ireland” was published in 82% had roof insulation of some kind. December 1997, by the three Government Other studies are providing important baseline Departments concerned, as a discussion information on the profile of energy consumption document. in the housing stock. Sustainable Energy Ireland The Department has general responsibility, in (SEI) has published a report “Energy Consump- conjunction with other relevant Departments, for the development of an integrated coastal zone tion and CO2 Emissions in the Housing Sector”. Such baseline information, while incomplete, is management strategy for Ireland. important in informing the assessment of the In May, 2002, a recommendation on integrated potential impact of insulation and other technical coastal zone management was adopted by the EU options for improving the housing stock. A Council of Ministers for the Environment. This further study commissioned by SEI on a sample called on Member States, inter alia, to draw up a of the Irish housing stock, to be published shortly, national strategy or strategies for integrated coas- will give an indication of the actual improvements tal zone management and established a number in energy performance of Irish housing over time of broad principles on which such strategies arising from, amongst other items, progressive should be based. The Department will continue increases in thermal insulation standards at the to pursue the objective of developing a strategy time of construction. for Ireland having regard to our overall priorities. The Warmer Homes Scheme, which is part of Such a strategy will take account of experience Sustainable Energy Ireland’s Low Income Hous- elsewhere and ongoing national and international ing Programme, aims to improve the energy research in this area. efficiency and comfort conditions of homes occu- pied by low-income households and provides Communications Masts. funding for the provision, by approved installers, of insulation and other energy efficiency 283. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for measures in around 2,000 eligible homes each Communications, Marine and Natural Resources year. if he plans to draft legislation regarding telecom- Regarding the possibility of introducing a grant munications masts in accordance with the recom- scheme for homeowners to subsidise insulation mendations of the Joint Committee on measures similar to the Greener Homes Scheme Communications, Marine and Natural Resources for renewable energy technologies, different cir- in May 2005 that planning guidelines and plan- cumstances apply. The Greener Homes Scheme ning exemptions be examined in order that no is focussed on achieving an early deployment of masts giving off radiation would be permitted new, innovative and unfamiliar technologies in near such places as health centres, schools, play- the housing sector with a view to stimulating the grounds, pitches and so on and the Committee’s creation of a viable and active industry. In con- observation that the planning process for the trast, the thermal insulation industry is an estab- erection of masts would not appear to be open lished and mature sector. No studies specifically and transparent; and if he will make a statement directed at the introduction of a grants scheme in on the matter. [27242/06] this sector have been carried out in recent times. However, in the context of effective implemen- Minister for Communications, Marine and tation of the EU Energy Performance of Build- Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): Legis- ings Directive, which includes the aim of stimulat- lation in relation to planning issues is a matter for ing investment by householders in upgrading the the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and poorer performing segments of the housing stock, Local Government in the first instance. 1491 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1492

Alternative Energy Projects. energy and CO2 performance standards relative to the Building Regulations 2002. 284. Mr. Eamon Ryan asked the Minister for SEI’s experience with the programme, Communications, Marine and Natural Resources especially over the past year, shows a growing the reason the State’s renewable energy infor- appetite and capacity in both the house building mation centre in Bandon is operated by a com- sector and local authorities to adopt and apply pany which is itself operating a renewable energy the standards set in this programme. The task of supply business; and if he will make a statement improving building standards is an evolving and on the matter. [27243/06] progressive one and indeed, proven experience Minister for Communications, Marine and on House of Tomorrow schemes will itself help Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): Sus- to drive regulatory change. tainable Energy Ireland’s Renewable Energy The House of Tomorrow programme itself is Information Office is a national service of Sus- subject to frequent review. Since its inception, the tainable Energy Ireland (SEI). This service has programme has been reviewed and modified been successfully delivered under contract for a three times, the most recent being in January of number of years. this year. A further review, taking account of the overall portfolio of approved projects, of experi- The current contract was awarded following an ence with completed projects, and of regulatory OJEU tendering process during 2000/2001. South and market developments, including energy Western Services (SWS) in Bandon, Co. Cork prices, is planned over the next three months. was the successful tenderer on the basis of defined award criteria and demonstrated expert- ise in the required areas. This tendering process Alternative Energy Projects. would also have included appropriate provision 286. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for to ensure no conflict of interest in the delivery of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the service. if his Department has conducted studies on the The contract for the delivery of this infor- costs and potential capacity of domestic renew- mation service operates under a Memorandum of able energy power generation; his plans to intro- Understanding between SEI and SWS which sets duce a grants scheme, similar to the greener out the high level objectives and operating princi- homes scheme for renewable heat generation, for pals and is subject to annual contract for the those wishing to invest in domestic wind and solar delivery of an agreed work programme. power generation technologies; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27245/06] Building Regulations. Minister for Communications, Marine and 285. Mr. Eamon Ryan asked the Minister for Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): I am com- Communications, Marine and Natural Resources mitted to developing the necessary structures when the house of tomorrow building scheme will required to ensure that householders can avail of be reviewed to introduce higher energy efficiency renewable electricity generating technologies. standards reflecting recent increases in oil and gas There are however, a number of technical and prices and the advances in building technology administrative issues which require to be here which means that higher energy savings are addressed in order to pursue this objective. achievable. [27244/06] Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) has pub- lished a study on the metering options for Small Minister for Communications, Marine and Scale Renewable electricity and Combined Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): House of Heat & Power Generation (CHP) in Ireland. The Tomorrow is a research, development and dem- study identified a number of areas which require onstration programme with a focus on stimulating further analysis including the ability of such pro- widespread uptake of more sustainable energy cesses to secure adequate payment for their planning, design, specification and construction exports; connection standards and processes for practices in the Irish housing market. The aim is smaller generators, and the implications of the to develop capability in the building industry and single electricity market for small-scale electricity create a growing network of visible model generation. SEI is commissioning work to address examples of such superior practices, so as to lever these issues in 2006 which will inform future influence across the housing market as a whole. policy decisions in this area. To date 84 demonstration projects, comprising 3,900 housing units across all counties, have been Salmon Management Report. approved by Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) for funding, as well as a further 23 projects in the 287. Mr. Neville asked the Minister for fields of research, development, training and Communications, Marine and Natural Resources international collaboration. It is a condition of further to Parliamentary Question No. 368 of 8 the programme that these demonstration projects November 2005, the position regarding his exam- show an improvement of at least 40% in thermal ination of all recommendations including those 1493 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1494 relevant to drift netting within the fish industry stock fisheries pose particular threats to the status here made by the Salmon Commission in this of individual stocks and that fisheries operated in regard. [27246/06] estuaries and rivers are more likely to fulfil national requirements and international Minister of State at the Department of obligations. Communications, Marine and Natural Resources In line with this the National Fisheries Man- (Mr. Browne): I first announced in March last agers Executive and the Marine Institute have that I had decided to adopt the recommendations agreed an expansion of the ongoing Genetic made to me by the National Salmon Commission Stock Identification (GSI) project during the in relation to the total allowable salmon catch for coming salmon fishing season, in order to deter- 2006. This will involve reductions in the quota mine the tendency of certain identified inshore available to both commercial fishermen and ang- fisheries to impact on multiple stocks. lers in 2006. In doing so I also reaffirmed the It is important that decisions to close or to keep Government’s commitment to fully align with the open individual inshore commercial fisheries on scientific advice provided on the management of the basis of their propensity to capture multiple the wild salmon fishery by 2007. Reductions in stocks, particularly stocks that are below conser- the overall fishing effort are required in order to vation limits, would be made on the best available sustain and rebuild salmon stocks nationwide. scientific information. I have also amended the Conservation of If the results of genetic analysis show that some Salmon and Sea Trout Bye-law (No. 797, 2004) estuarine drift net fisheries exploit individual to restrict the annual angling bag limit to 10 fish salmon stocks or salmon stocks from a number of per angler for 2006. While the Salmon Com- rivers in home estuaries, these nets could con- mission had recommended a limit of 15 fish per tinue to operate provided the rivers entering angler, I believe the lower level to be necessary those estuaries were above conservation limits. to contain the total harvest by anglers, given that It is also proposed to undertake a study on the there has been no appreciable reduction in the survival of salmon caught and released by differ- average angling catch over the past five years and ent methods of capture in a number of Irish rivers in the interest of balanced treatment of all stake- again on the recommendation of the Salmon holders. I have also introduced a new bye-law to Commission. This information would be very provide for the introduction of compulsory catch valuable in providing confidence in the practice and release from 1st September in 8 identified of catch and release in Irish rivers. The study will fishery districts that are not meeting conser- also be important in promoting a proper code of vation limits. practice for catch and release. Catch and release I recognise the considerable efforts made by of salmon by anglers in Ireland will, I understand, the commercial fishing industry over the past become increasingly important as a conservation number of years to build a sustainable fishery and measure in the coming years. they have endured large cuts in the quotas avail- These projects should yield important infor- able to them. I realise that these reductions have mation about the commercial and recreational caused them difficulty and that full alignment fishery to guide policy towards restoring salmon with the scientific advice will likely compound stocks in threatened catchments while permitting these problems. For these reasons I decided to the harvest of salmon where stocks are abundant. appoint an independent group to examine the implications of the new regulations for the com- Departmental Expenditure. mercial sector in 2007 and beyond and to make recommendations on the options available to 288. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for address any financial hardship that may arise. Communications, Marine and Natural Resources I understand that the Group has engaged in the non-Governmental agencies or organisations appropriate consultation with relevant stake- his Department has provided funding to in 2004, holders and is expected to present its report to 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding provided me in September 2006. to each in each year; the number of applications I have also accepted the Salmon Commission’s for funding submitted to his Department in total; recommendation that measures should be con- the number of these applications which were sidered to deal with the exploitation of multi-sea refused; the reason for same; the percentage of winter salmon stocks, including consideration of his Department’s overall annual budget such the length of the angling season. The fisheries funding equates to; and if he will make a state- managers, having considered the scientific advice, ment on the matter. [27382/06] will identify appropriate measures in time for application in spring 2007. The scientists will also Minister for Communications, Marine and be asked to tender advice on the management of Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): In the time sea trout stocks over the coming months. available, it has not been possible to identify and The National Salmon Commission’s Standing assemble the information requested. My Depart- Scientific Committee has indicated that mixed ment is compiling the data sought by the Deputy 1495 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1496

[Mr. N. Dempsey.] orities, in the major towns and cities. These in this regard and I shall forward it to her as soon Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) will allow as possible. the private sector to offer world-class broadband services at competitive costs. Aquaculture Development. Twenty-seven MANs are now completed, including Clonmel. The second phase of the prog- 289. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for ramme involves the building of MANs in over 90 Communications, Marine and Natural Resources towns with a population of 1,500 and above that if he will intervene and support the proposals of do not have a satisfactory broadband offering local mussel carriers in the Killary area; his views from the private sector. South Tipperary County on whether an independent facilitator should be Council is developing projects in respect of the appointed who will hear the views of all the farm- following towns: Cahir, Cashel, Tipperary and ers to enter into a long term sustainable plan for Carrick-on-Suir under Phase Two. The appoint- the industry and an agreed structure to ensure ment of project managers and works contractors that such a plan is implemented; and if he will is expected towards the end of this year. Con- make a statement on the matter. [27541/06] struction on these projects will commence in early 2007, with an estimated completion date of quar- Minister of State at the Department of ter 3 2007. Communications, Marine and Natural Resources My Department administers a group broad- (Mr. Browne): The Co-ordinated Local Aquacul- band scheme which delivers broadband to many ture Management Systems (CLAMS) is the pro- underserved areas. Under the second phase of the cess put in place by the Department, in conjunc- scheme projects were approved for Fethard, Ard- tion with BIM, the Marine Institute and the finnan, Annacarthy, Ballingarry, Ballinure, Cleri- industry, to facilitate the management and the han, Ballyneal, Ballypatrick, Ballyporeen, Boher- development of aquaculture, at local level, in lahan, Burncourt, Cappawhite, Clogheen, bays and inshore waters throughout Ireland. BIM Clonoulty, Drangan, Dualla, Gortnahoo, Holly- continue to provide assistance to individual ford, Kilcash, Killenaule, Kilsheelan, Moyglass CLAMS groups to support them in their role. and Newcastle, South Co.Tipperary. I am fully supportive of the CLAMS initiatives Furthermore, a joint industry/Government around the coast, which are a valuable tool in the fund of \18 million has been established for the local management of aquaculture. As the Broadband for Schools Programme, which should CLAMS are local management structures, the provide every school in the country with broad- proposals referred to by the Deputy, are a matter band in 2006. This is a crucial strand in the for the Killary CLAMS group. strategy of integrating ICT into teaching and learning, and my Department’s wider vision of promoting the use of broadband technologies in Telecommunications Services. local communities around the country. The instal- 290. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for lation phase is now almost complete, with over Communications, Marine and Natural Resources 90% of all schools broadband enabled. if broadband is universally available in South Tipperary; if not, the reason for same; and when Postal Services. it will be available. [27542/06] 291. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Minister for Communications, Marine and the precise nature of the technology used and the Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): The pro- information obtainable to the holders and vision of telecommunications services, including through the holders to a wider group under the broadband, is a matter in the first instance for proposed post code system; and if he will make a the private sector companies operating in a fully statement on the matter. [27619/06] liberalised market, regulated by the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), the Minister for Communications, Marine and independent regulator. Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): In order My Department’s website www.broadband.go- to examine the introduction of a postcode system v.ie lists all service providers offering broadband in Ireland, I established a Working Group which services in all towns in South Tipperary, and gives published its report last year. contact details for each company, together with Following from the group’s report, I asked prices for the various service levels on offer. ComReg to appoint consultants with the special- It has been clear for some time that the sector ist expertise to provide technical and economic has failed to invest at the level necessary to keep advice including assessing the costs and benefits pace with the demand for broadband, so my of the introduction of a postcode. ComReg Department’s regional broadband programme is appointed both technical and economic consult- addressing the infrastructure deficit by building ants. I appointed a National Postcode Project high speed, open access broadband networks, in Board, comprising representatives of Govern- association with the local and regional auth- ment departments, together with public and 1497 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1498 private sector organisations to oversee the work on this extension. The dredging contractor was and output of the consultants. appointed in December 2005 and work is cur- Both the technical and cost benefit advisors to rently in progress. It is not possible to stop this the project engaged are now finalising their works during the summer months. reports to the postcode board outlining the most I am not aware of restrictions in place. appropriate postcode system for Ireland, the costs However, there will be some disruption to access and benefits arising from its introduction along resulting from the dredging works, and in part- with a detailed implementation plan. I expect the icular during drilling, blasting and dredging of the board to present its recommendation to me approach channel during the summer months. shortly. Priority must be given to working fishing vessels using the harbour. Harbours and Piers. The situation will be kept under review in order to facilitate as many users of the harbour 292. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for as possible. Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if his attention has been drawn to the concerns Departmental Agencies. expressed in relation to yachts being restricted 293. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for from berthing at the pier or anchoring in the Communications, Marine and Natural Resources inner harbour in Castletownbere in West Cork, the budgetary allocation for each of the public due to the dredging in the harbour; and if he will bodies, executive agencies, advisory bodies and ensure that this restriction is relaxed for July and taskforces operating under his Department. August 2006 in order that at least limited facilities [27792/06] are made available. [27620/06] Minister for Communications, Marine and Minister of State at the Department of Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): My Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Department is responsible for a number of com- (Mr. Browne): The Castletownbere harbour mercial, non-commercial and regulatory State development project involves dredging, construc- bodies. The following table details the budgetary tion of the existing wharf at Dinish Island and the allocations for each of these bodies, as contained provision of a suitable harbour service building in my Department’s Vote for 2006.

Body 2006 Current 2006 Capital 2006 Total Allocation from Allocation from Allocation from D/CMNR Vote D/CMNR Vote D/CMNR Vote

\000 \000 \000

RTE´ (Grant for Broadcasting Licence Fees) 187,627 — 187,627 RTE´ (Deontas I Leith Theilifı´s na Gaeilge) 28,632 1,259* 29,891 An Post (Payment for collection of Broadcasting Licence Fees) 11,480 — 11,480 Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board 460 — 460 Bord Iascaigh Mhara 19,738 29,752* 49,490 Broadcasting Commission of Ireland 6,380 — 6,380 Central and Regional Fisheries Boards 24,340 693 25,033 Digital Hub Development Agency 2,100 — 2,100 Marine Institute 19,151 7,000 26,151 Sustainable Energy Ireland 6,338 11,000 17,338 Loughs Agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission 1,646 998 2,644 Commission for Energy Regulation (Grant for All Island Energy) 2,500 — 2,500 * Includes some unspent capital carried over from 2005.

In the annual Revised Estimates Volume, individ- Departmental Bodies. ual budgetary allocations are not provided for 294. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for specific advisory bodies and task forces operating Communications, Marine and Natural Resources under my Department. Provision for this type of the number of positions in State bodies under the expenditure is made under Subhead A7 aegis of his Department which are affected by the (Consultancy Services) in my Department’s Vote. increase in non-executive chairpersons’ fees of The total allocation contained under Subhead State bodies recently sanctioned by the Govern- A7, for my Department’s Vote, in the 2006 ment. [27806/06] Revised Estimates Volume is \2.891M. 1499 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1500

Minister for Communications, Marine and 295. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): The Communications, Marine and Natural Resources number of positions in State bodies under the the number of public appointments made to aegis of this Department which are affected by boards of State-sponsored bodies in the period the increase in non-executive chairpersons’ fees is 1997 to 2002 under the aegis of the former fifteen. The relevant bodies are listed as follows: Department of the Marine and Natural ALAB (Aquaculture Licensing Appeals Resources and the former Department of Public Body) Enterprise. [27812/06] An Post Minister for Communications, Marine and Bord Gais Eireann Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): In the time Bord Iascaigh Mhara available it was not possible to gather the Bord na Mo´ na requested information. It is currently being com- piled by my Department and will be forwarded Broadcasting Commission of Ireland to the Deputy when available. Broadcasting Complaints Commission of Ireland 296. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Central Fisheries Board Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Digital Media Lab the number of taskforces which have been created by his Department and their function, EirGrid size, membership, reporting mechanism and ESB period of existence since 1997. [27818/06] INPC Minister for Communications, Marine and Marine Institute Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): The table RTE below contains requested details of two Task Sustainable Energy Ireland. Forces created by my Department.

Taskforce on Function Size and Membership Reporting Period of Mechanism Existence

The Management To comprehensively assess 18 — Representatives of fishing Report published November 1997 to and Marketing of the management and industry (including catching March 1998 March 1998 Herring marketing of herring with and processing sectors), the objective of Marine Institute, Bord maximising the returns for Iascaigh Mhara and the the catching, processing Department of Marine and exporting sectors of the Irish fishing industry Training and To examine and advise on 16 Members — Representatives Report published October 1999- employment in the factors impacting on of the fishing industry in February February 2001 the Irish Seafood the creation and (Catching sector, Processing 2001 Industry maintenance of sector, Aquaculture sector), employment in the Marine Institute, Bord seagoing and land based Iascaigh Mhara, IBEC, Fa´s, elements of the sea fishing ICTU and the Departments of and aquaculture Marine, Social Welfare and industries Finance

Harbours and Piers. The review concluded that there was a signifi- cant need for development at the harbour. The 297. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for main shortcomings identified in the review were Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the limited draft at the mouth of the harbour, the if he will provide funding for the redevelopment limited extent of the outer breakwater, the lim- of Dunmore East Harbour which is expected to \ ited berthage and siltation difficulties. cost in the region of 50 million; and if he will In 2003 Kirk McClure and Morton were make a statement on the matter. [27834/06] appointed by the Department to carry out the preliminary design and an environmental impact Minister of State at the Department of assessment for a harbour development project at Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Dunmore East. They noted that the existing har- (Mr. Browne): In November 2000 KPMG Con- bour at Dunmore East is currently too small to sulting undertook a comprehensive technical and cater for the number and size of fishing vessels socioeconomic review of the infrastructure using it. This leads to congestion problems at requirements at Dunmore East in association busy periods when larger vessels can be berthed with Posford Duvivier on behalf of the up to four abreast along the East Pier. The con- Department. sultants noted that during the summer months 1501 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1502 smaller vessels can be berthed up to nine abreast Foreshore Licences. along the pontoons at the southern end of the 299. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for West Wharf. In addition, there is increased Communications, Marine and Natural Resources demand for sheltered mooring facilities for the number of applications for foreshore licenses leisure craft in Dunmore East. The consultants concluded that the present harbour set-up doesn’t that are pending; and if he will make a statement permit development of this type and therefore is on the matter. [27858/06] restricting development of the port and its facilities. Minister of State at the Department of Following a lengthy public consultation process Communications, Marine and Natural Resources in 2004 on development options for the harbour, (Mr. Browne): The number of applications for a planning application for a harbour development foreshore licences in the process of being together with an environmental impact statement assessed, at present, is currently 190. The Deputy were prepared and submitted to Waterford will understand that the precise number of appli- County Council. Planning permission for the cations on hand can vary from one day to the next development of the Fishery Harbour Centre was as applications are determined. received in late 2005. The cost of providing the new harbour facility Departmental Programmes. is estimated at \50 million. In 2006, \300,000 is \ 300. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for provided for further design and 300,000 for site Communications, Marine and Natural Resources inve stigation to progress the development. A the major projects or programmes funded under cost benefit analysis will also be carried out this the National Development Plan; the physical year. A decision on funding of this project will be indicators of the output of these projects and made in due course in accordance with the guide- programmes; and the way in which these outputs lines for Appraisal and Management of Capital compare to the original targets. [27889/06] Expenditure Proposals in the Public Sector taking into account the amount of funding made avail- able for fishery harbours and overall national Minister for Communications, Marine and priorities. Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): It has not been possible, in the time available, to assemble all the relevant material as required by the Post Office Network. Deputy. 298. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for I have asked my Department to compile the Communications, Marine and Natural Resources information and I will issue a comprehensive the number of post offices that have been closed reply directly to the Deputy as early as possible. in the City and County of Waterford in each of the years from 1999 to 2005 and to date in 2006; Harbours and Piers. the number of post offices that have been downgraded in the same period; and if he will 301. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for make a statement on the matter. [27842/06] Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the expenditure proposed by him for 2006 and Minister for Communications, Marine and 2007 on the development of piers and slipways in Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): The table County Mayo; the locations and piers involved; below sets out the total number of post offices and if he will make a statement on the matter. closed down or converted to agencies in Water- [27953/06] ford (city and county) in each of the years from 1999 to 2006 (to date): Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Year Closures Conversions to (Mr. Browne): Under the Department’s Fishery Agencies Harbours Development Programme for 2006 funding has been allocated to Mayo County 1999 0 0 Council for the projects listed below. Two of the 2000 0 0 projects are being co-funded with the Depart- ment of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs 2001 2 0 and this Department under the CLA´ R scheme. 2002 0 0 This scheme is to facilitate minor repairs and 2003 1 1 safety works on small piers, and slipways in 2004 0 0 CLA´ R areas, including Gaeltacht areas and 2005 0 1 islands. The balance of the funding is being pro- 2006 0 1 vided by Mayo County Council. The question of providing funding for projects in county Mayo in Total 1999 to 3 3 2007 will be considered in the context of the 2006 (to amount of Exchequer funding available for works date): at fishery harbours generally and overall national priorities. 1503 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1504

[Mr. Browne.]

Mayo 2006 Projects

Location Description DCMNR Cost DCRGA Cost Total Cost


Purteen New development options study 75,000 100,000 Newport Repairs to quay and dredging 37,500 50,000 Roigh Pier New slipway 75,000 75,000 200,000 Cloghmore Re-deck old pier and structural improvements 56,250 56,250 150,000

Totals 243,750 131,250 500,000

Coastal Protection. instance for the private sector companies operating in a fully liberalised market, regulated 302. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for by the Commission for Communications Regu- Communications, Marine and Natural Resources lation (ComReg), the independent regulator. the extent of moneys provided in 2006 either directly from his Department or through Mayo My Department’s website www.broadband.go- County Council for coastal protection works in v.ie lists all service providers offering broadband County Mayo for 2006; the location and the services in all towns in Mayo, and gives contact works involved; and if he will make a statement details for each company, together with prices for on the matter. [27954/06] the various service levels on offer. It has been clear for some time that the sector Minister of State at the Department of has failed to invest at the level necessary to keep Communications, Marine and Natural Resources pace with the demand for broadband, so my (Mr. Browne): Under the Department’s Coastal Department’s regional broadband programme is Protection Programme for 2006 total funding of addressing the infrastructure deficit by building \100,000 is approved for repairs to the causeway high speed, open access broadband networks, in and bridge at Mulranny Beach. This project is association with the local and regional auth- being co-funded with the Department of Com- orities, in the major towns and cities. These munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs under the Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) will allow CLA´ R scheme with each Department contribu- the private sector to offer world-class broadband ting 37.5% and Mayo County providing the services at competitive costs. balance of 25%. Twenty-seven MANs are now completed, including Ballina and Kiltimagh. The second phase of the programme involves the building of Telecommunications Services. MANs in over 90 towns with a population of 303. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for 1,500 and above that do not have a satisfactory Communications, Marine and Natural Resources broadband offering from the private sector. Mayo the areas in County Mayo in which broadband is is developing detailed route designs in respect of now available; if his attention has been drawn to the following towns: Claremorris, Knock and Bal- the difficulties being experienced by business in linrobe. The appointment of project managers acquiring broadband services throughout sections and works contractors is expected towards the of the county; the action he proposes to deal with end of this year. Construction on these projects this; and if he will make a statement on the will commence in early 2007, with an estimated matter. [27957/06] completion date of quarter 3 2007. My Department administers a group broad- 307. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for band scheme which delivers broadband to many Communications, Marine and Natural Resources underserved areas. Under the first phase of the the areas in County Mayo in which broadband is scheme a project was approved for Clare Island, now available; if his attention has been drawn to Inisturk, and Inisboffin, Co.Mayo. This scheme is the difficulties being experienced by business in now fully operational and providing a broadband acquiring broadband services throughout sections service. Under the second phase of the scheme of the county; his plans to deal with this; and if he projects were approved for Clew Bay, Foxford, will make a statement on the matter. [28028/06] Ballyvary, Straide, Charlestown, Ballyhearne, Newport, Kilmeena, Glenhest, Crossmolina, Minister for Communications, Marine and Aghamore, Ballyhaunis, Tooreen, Balla, Kilkelly Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): I propose and Ardagh, Co.Mayo. to take Questions Nos. 303 and 307 together. The most recent call for proposals has now The provision of telecommunications services, closed and I expect to launch further schemes of including broadband, is a matter in the first this nature shortly. 1505 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1506

Furthermore, a joint industry/Government Fisheries Protection. \ fund of 18 million has been established for the 305. Mr. O’Shea asked the Minister for Broadband for Schools Programme, which should Communications, Marine and Natural Resources provide every school in the country with broad- his proposals to conserve the hibernation areas band in 2006. This is a crucial strand in the of eels; and if he will make a statement on the strategy of integrating ICT into teaching and matter. [28002/06] learning, and my Department’s wider vision of promoting the use of broadband technologies in Minister of State at the Department of local communities around the country. The instal- Communications, Marine and Natural Resources lation phase is now almost complete, with over (Mr. Browne): I would refer the Deputy to my 90% of all schools broadband enabled. reply to his question No 270 of 20th June 2006, in which I referred to the EU Commission’s pro- Departmental Advertising. posal to introduce a regulation designed to assist 304. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for in the recovery of the stock of European eel ( Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Anguilla anguilla). The EU regulation will the amount which was spent in his Department require the preparation of management plans for for the years 2005 and from January 2006 to date the recovery of eels in river basin districts as for media purposes or advertising; where the defined under the EU Water Framework money was spent, that is, national papers, provin- Directive. It is too early to say what will be the cial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios and so on; precise content of such plans. the amounts spent on a yearly basis for years of I am advised that the genetic evidence avail- the pervious three years; if money was spent on able at this time suggests that all, or at least most, videos, for promotional, educational or advertis- European eels belong to a single (panmictic) ing purposes. [27960/06] spawning stock, which means that international co-operation is essential if eel stocks are to be Minister for Communications, Marine and effectively managed. The drastically reduced Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): Advertis- numbers of juvenile eels reaching all western European coastal areas, following their larval ing by my Department is the subject of a draw- trans-Atlantic migration from the Sargasso Sea down contract which is put out to tender on a spawning area, is well documented. Those that regular basis by the Government Supplies arrive in Ireland do so in the period from Agency (GSA). The Department’s advertising is November to March. They arrive off the coast as placed under the GSA contract with the selected a glass eel and subsequently migrate into fresh advertising agency, except for recruitment notices water between May and September as elver or , which are placed through the Public Appoint- slightly older bootlace eel. ments Service and certain other advertisements, The EU Habitats Directive on the conservation which go through the Office of Public Works or of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora the Government Publications Office. and the Water Framework Directive establishing The table below shows the total amounts spent a framework for Community action in the field of on advertising each year on behalf of my Depart- water policy as transposed into Irish law are each ment. It has not proved possible to provide a intended, inter alia, to protect, conserve and breakdown between individual newspapers in enhance the aquatic environment where eels which the advertisements appeared. There has spend the significant part of their life cycle. The been no expenditure on radio or TV advertising. \ success of measures for the recovery of the Euro- My Department has spent 53,229 to date on a pean eel stock depends on close cooperation and promotional and training DVD which is still in coherent action at Community, Member State preparation and is not included in the table. and local and regional level. Primary responsi- bility for the implementation of these directives Advertising Spend from 2002 to June 2006 in Ireland is a matter for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Year Amount paid Foreshore Licences. 2002 536,000.00 2003 443,323.59 306. Mr. O’Shea asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources 2004 282,965.47 the position regarding the foreshore licence for 2005 352,283.60 the proposed sewerage scheme at Cheelepoint, 2006 53,914.55 County Waterford; and if he will make a state- Notes ment on the matter. [28003/06] 2002: new Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources was created in June, 2002. Minister of State at the Department of 2002 to 2004 include expenditure by the Forestry Service Communications, Marine and Natural Resources (transferred to Department of Agriculture & Food on 1st (Mr. Browne): As I indicated to the Deputy in January, 2005). my reply to his previous question in this matter 1507 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1508

[Mr. Browne.] Police Ombudsman with regard to the case. (5591/05) it was necessary to put the revised pro- Officials have also remained in contact with Mrs posals received from Waterford County Council O’Loan as she continues her investigation into for the storm water overflow pipe element of the this and other related cases. The Government will overall scheme to public consultation and to have continue to assist the families in any way it can. the submissions received, together with the County Council’s responses to them, examined by Human Rights Issues. the Department’s Engineering Division. It was also necessary to put the matter before the 310. Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Marine Licence Vetting Committee (MLVC), an Foreign Affairs his views on the resolution passed expert group that advises me on proposals of this by the Cortes in March 2006, calling for the nature. As I previously indicated to the Deputy, release of a person (details supplied); and his the issues to be considered by the Committee in further views on the part of the resolution which this case included possible impacts on fishing and urged the Government to take the necessary for- fisheries, as well as possible implications for the malities and steps in relation to same. [27270/06] navigation channel for the port of Waterford. I am advised that the MLVC has examined the 311. Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for issue thoroughly with particular reference to Foreign Affairs his views on the report under- shellfish growing areas downstream from the taken by the Committee on Legal Affairs and overflow pipe, and that it has approved draft Human Rights of The Parliamentary Assembly of specific conditions for this revised scheme. These the Council of Europe and the accompanying res- conditions have been notified to the Council. olutions on the case of persons (details supplied); if he has considered this report; if so, his further Question No. 307 answered with Question views on its resolutions. [27271/06] No. 303. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): I Decentralisation Programme. propose to take Questions Nos. 310 and 311 together. 308. Mr. Perry asked the Minister for I have noted the contents of Resolution 1418 Communications, Marine and Natural Resources of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of when a person (details supplied) will be trans- Europe and the report prepared for the Assembly ferred to Cavan; and if he will make a statement by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human on the matter. [28104/06] Rights. While the Resolution is not binding on the State concerned, we would expect that Russia Minister for Communications, Marine and would take due notice of the recommendations Natural Resources (Mr. N. Dempsey): The officer contained therein. Russia will also be aware of in question has made a Central Applications the interest shown by the Cortes in this matter. Facility (CAF) application to decentralise with The Government continues to keep itself my Department to Cavan. The relocation of my informed of developments in this matter and Department’s Headquarters to Cavan is currently officials from my Department have recently met scheduled to take place at the end of 2009. with a legal representative of Mr. Khodorkovsky. The precise timing of her transfer has not yet been finalised. Diplomatic Representation. Northern Ireland Issues. 312. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if there are plans to open an Irish 309. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Embassy in Cuba. [27272/06] Foreign Affairs if he will raise the new evidence on the Loughin Island massacre in the North with Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): the British Government; and if he will support Ireland currently has diplomatic relations with the families on this mater. [27249/06] Cuba on a non-resident basis. The Irish Ambassa- dor to Mexico is also accredited to Cuba. The Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): opening of Irish Missions abroad is considered by The Department of Foreign Affairs has raised the the Government on an ongoing basis. Any expan- murders in Loughin Island on 18 June 1994 with sion of our diplomatic network is considered and the British Government through the British Irish undertaken having regard to clear priorities. In Intergovernmental Secretariat. With regard to this regard, there are no plans to change the the recent reports in question, an update from the status of our representation in Cuba at this time. PSNI on this and other aspects of the case has been requested, as well as details of steps being Foreign Conflicts. taken to keep the families informed of developments. 313. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Officials have discussed the case with local Foreign Affairs if he will focus the attention of public representatives, who assisted the families the UN and EU on the tragedy taking place in making a complaint to the Northern Ireland among the people of the Democratic Republic of 1509 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1510

Congo; if he will support the Congolese com- heavily in ensuring that the forthcoming elections munity here in their demands; and if he will make are successful, given the major organisational a statement on the matter. [27340/06] challenge they represent for a country the size of western Europe with extremely poor basic infra- 318. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for structure and ongoing security problems. The EU Foreign Affairs if he will withdraw support to the and its Member States alone are contributing structures leading the Democratic Republic of some \235 million towards the overall cost of the Congo and restrain their help to the minimum elections which are estimated at well over $300 through serious non-governmental organisations million. The EU will also deploy a 250-strong operating in the country; if he will request the electoral observation mission, including two trial of all the criminals involved in the Congo observers from Ireland, to monitor the elections. tragedy; if he will not recognise the Government Nationally, Ireland is also actively supporting in place in Kinshasa; if he will request the the electoral process in the DRC. The Govern- Government and fellow EU members to with- ment has contributed a total of \1.3 million in draw their 2000 soldiers sent to protect the support of the DRC elections. The Government regime currently in place, against the will of the has also decided to provide five Permanent Congolese citizens; if he will further request the Defence Force personnel to serve with the departure of all Rwandese citizens occupying EUFOR RDC mission which the EU is huge eastern portions of the Congo national terri- deploying, at UN request, to provide support, if tory since the assassination of a person (details required, to the UN MONUC peace-keeping mis- supplied); if he will request that the UN, EU and sion during the electoral period. Ireland also pro- other international organisations recognise the vides three members of the PDF who serve with Congo tragedy as a crime against humanity and MONUC. commemorate it as it does with the Holocaust of The DRC will continue to face considerable the Jewish people; and if he will ask the Govern- challenges in the post-election period and it will ment to use the clean and humane image of the be important for the international community to country to ensure that the Congo tragedy will not remain engaged in support. Greater progress be forgotten by the world. [27566/06] needs to be made in tackling impunity and estab- lishing an effective system of justice. The DRC Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): I government and its armed forces need to con- propose to take Questions Nos. 313 and 318 tinue collaborating closely with MONUC in con- together. fronting and removing the threat posed by illegal The situation in the Democratic Republic of armed militias in eastern DRC. Particular chal- the Congo (DRC) is a matter of high priority for lenges will be security sector reform and complet- Ireland, the EU and the United Nations. Since ing the integration of national armed and police the 2002 Sun City peace accords, major strides forces. The EU is already offering extensive sup- have been made in re-establishing a democratic port in this area though the EUSEC and EUPOL and effective system of government in the DRC. ESDP missions. The successful holding of the The Transitional National Government and Par- second Summit of the Great Lakes Conference, liament have operated effectively since 2003. A now provisionally scheduled for next December new Constitution was approved by an over- in Nairobi, would also help to underpin security whelmingly majority in a referendum held in in the DRC and throughout the region. A UN December 2005 and was formally promulgated on Security Council mission visited the DRC last 18 February 2006. month and raised some of these themes in its dis- Presidential and parliamentary elections are cussions with the DRC government and parties. now scheduled to take place on 30 July 2006. Up to five million people have died from the These will be the first multi-party elections in the direct or indirect consequences of the conflict in DRC in over forty years. A total of 33 candidates DRC since 1998. There are over 1.6 million dis- will contest the presidency while some 260 politi- placed persons in the country while 80% of the cal parties and over 9,300 candidates will compete population live below the absolute poverty line. for the 500 legislative seats in the new parliament. The UN has launched a 200 6 Action Plan for the Over 25 million people out of an estimated poten- DRC that calls for \570 million in funding for tial electorate of 28 million have registered to humanitarian programmes. Since 2002 the vote. Successfully conducted elections are abso- Government has contributed over \11 million for lutely critical to the consolidation of peace and emergency and recovery activities in the DRC, security in the DRC and in the Great Lakes almost \5 million of which has been provided to Region as a whole. It is essential that all parties date in 2006. This funding is provided via Irish in the DRC should respect the verdict of the Con- NGOs such as TROCAIRE and OXFAM golese people, when delivered on 30 July, and Ireland and international organisations such as work together subsequently to further national the UN World Food Programme (WFP), reconciliation and build a more stable and pros- UNICEF and UNHCR, not directly to the perous country. The international community, Government of the DRC. Since Ireland recog- including Ireland and its EU partners, is investing nises States, not Governments, the issue of with- 1511 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1512

[Mr. D. Ahern.] Departmental Bodies. drawal of recognition from the Government of 315. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the DRC does not arise. Officials from my Foreign Affairs the non-governmental agencies Department meet regularly with representatives or organisations his Department has provided from the Congolese community living in Ireland funding to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the funding to brief them on Ireland’s position in relation to provided to each in each year; the number of the DRC. applications for funding submitted to his Depart- ment in total; the number of these applications Middle East Peace Process. which were refused; the reason for same; the per- 314. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for centage of his Department’s overall annual Foreign Affairs the action he will take regarding budget such funding equates to; and if he will Israeli troops in the occupied territories; and if he make a statement on the matter. [27383/06] will raise this issue with the EU, UN and the Israeli Consul here. [27341/06] Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): The work of this Department is funded through Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): two Votes: Vote 28 (Foreign Affairs) and Vote 29 (International Cooperation). With regard to The Government is very concerned at the \ increasingly serious situation in the Occupied Vote 28, total funding of 21,217,604 was dis- Palestinian Territories, and especially at the pros- bursed to non-governmental agencies or organis- pect of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We, and ations between 2004 and 2006. our EU partners, are firmly convinced that this crisis must be resolved through dialogue and dip- 2004 2005 2006 (to date) lomacy. The Government has been active in the EU and at the UN in the promotion of a peaceful Vote 28 \8,102,567 \11,379,258 \1,735,778 outcome. Over the past week, we have also main- tained direct contacts with the Israeli and In percentage terms, this represents 3.91% and Palestinian authorities, through our Embassy in 4.99% of the total gross budget for Vote 28 in Tel Aviv and the Representative Office in Ram- 2004 and 2005 respectively. Funding was provided allah, and through their diplomatic representa- to a range of non-governmental organisations or tives in Dublin. We have conveyed the clear agencies under several programmes or initiatives message that the kidnapped Israeli soldier should — (1) the Department’s Reconciliation Fund; (2) be released immediately and unconditionally, and support for Irish emigrants abroad; (3) raising that all parties should continue to use every awareness of EU issues; (4) assistance given to diplomatic option to ensure there is no further human rights NGOs and to the Irish United escalation of the situation in the Occupied Terri- Nations Association; (5) projects or actions that tories. We have called for an end to all violence support Ireland’s objectives under the Common in the Occupied Territories, including the firing Foreign and Security Policy of the EU; and (6) of rockets at Israeli territory. This message has support for the Irish Cultural Centre, Paris. also been conveyed by the EU, both publicly and Details of the funding provided for each of the in private. years 2004, 2005 and 2006 to date are outlined In appealing to all parties to act now with in Annexes 1-6 attached. I hope the Deputy will maximum restraint, the Government has appreciate that, given the depth and breadth of expressed its serious concern at the effect of applications received, it is not possible to provide recent Israeli military actions on the already detailed information on the number of appli- serious humanitarian situation of the Palestinian cations received and refused across all of the people, especially the destruction of essential programmes mentioned above. However, all suc- infrastructure. We believe it is essential that the cessful applicants were selected for support on Israeli Government ensures that all military oper- the basis of their meeting the prescribed criteria ations are fully in accordance with international of the specific programme or funding in question. law. We, and our EU partners, have also Under Vote 29, Irish Aid, the government’s expressed our concern about the detention by the official aid programme, funds a wide array of non Israeli authorities of democratically-elected governmental, civil society organisations, Irish members of the Government of the Palestinian and non-Irish, including missionaries in their Authority and the Palestinian Legislative development work. This work includes provision Council. It remains the clear view of the EU that of basic needs, emergency assistance and the pro- only a negotiated two-State solution can bring motion of human rights and governance. The peace and security to the Israeli and the annual report for the aid programme in 2004 Palestinian people. It is now more important than includes a full list of all organisations funded and the amounts involved. In 2004, NGO and civil ever that all parties demonstrate a genuine com- \ mitment to the search for such a solution, based society funding amounted to 89.9 million or on the principles set out in the Quartet Roadmap. approximately 23% of the aid funding under the control of my Department. 1513 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1514

The Irish Aid annual report for 2005 will be that year. In 2006 to date approximately \94 mil- published in due course and will include the full lion has been expended through NGOs. I have list of funded organisations. It is estimated that arranged for Irish Aid’s 2004 Annual Report to \117million, 24.9% of the aid funding under the be for warded to the Deputy, as well as the 2005 control of Irish Aid, was expended on NGOs in Annual Report, when published.


Reconciliation Fund

Groups receiving grant-aid from the Reconciliation Fund in 2004

Organisation Amount


174 Trust, Belfast 40,000 An Teach Ba´n, Co. Donegal 15,000 A´ ras Colmcille Trust, Derry 10,000 Ardoyne Fleadh Cheoil Project, Belfast 15,000 Ardoyne Youth Club, Belfast 20,000 Armoy Community Association, Co. Antrim 20,000 Ashton Community Trust, Belfast 20,000 Auchnacloy and Knockonan Summer Scheme, Monaghan 6,500 Ballybeen Women’s Centre, Belfast 14,000 Belleek and District Community Partnership, Co. Donegal 20,000 Bridging Programme, The, Derry 60,000 C.A.L.M.S. Derry 20,000 Churchtown Community Association, Co. Tyrone 20,000 Clonmacnoise Foundation, The, Co. Westmeath 30,000 Clonmacnoise Foundation, Co. Westmeath 100,000 Comhchoiste na Gaeilge Aontrim Thuaidh / Committee for the Irish Language, Co. Antrim 10,000 Comhlacht Imeall Teo, Co. Du´ nnanGall 40,000 Community Foundation for Northern Ireland 100,000 Connaught Rangers Association, The, Co. Roscommon 10,000 Cookstown Benefit Uptake Campaign, Co. Tyrone 5,000 Cookstown Gateway Club, Co. Tyrone 10,000 Co-operation Ireland 300,000 Creggan Country Park, Derry 25,000 Creggan Youth Drop-in Centre, Derry 25,000 Discovery 80 Ltd Share, Co. Fermanagh 12,000 Doneen Community Association, Co. Fermanagh 30,000 Drogheda Community Forum 15,000 Encounter 75,000 Falls Community Council, Belfast 50,000 Federation of Ulster Local Studies, Belfast 13,000 Fermanagh Trust 50,000 Foran, Mr. Gerard, Co. Louth 3,750 Gaelscoil Dr. Uı´ Shu´ illeabha´in, Co. Cork 1,000 Gasyard Wall Fe´ile, The, Derry 10,000 Geography Publications, UCD 10,000 Glenarm Village Committee, Co. Antrim 5,000 Glenbank Community Association, Belfast 25,000 Glencree Centre for Reconciliation 175,000 Glencree Centre for Reconciliation 100,000 Greencastle District Development Co., Co. Donegal 15,000 Guild of Ancient Uriel, Co. Louth 10,000 1515 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1516

[Mr. D. Ahern.]

Organisation Amount

\ Harmony Community Trust, (Glebe House), Co. Down 15,000 Highfield Partnership, Belfast 10,000 Inner East Youth Project, Belfast 20,000 Institute for British-Irish Studies, UCD 2,000 Integrated Education Fund 20,000 International School for Peace Studies, Derry 20,000 Irish Association, The 10,000 Irish Congress of Trade Unions 100,000 Irish Peace Institute, Limerick 40,000 Irish Peace Institute, Limerick 20,000 Killenard National School, Co. Laois 500 Killyrammer and District Management Co., Co. Antrim 10,000 Lartigue Monorail Restoration, Co. Kerry 30,000 Linfield Football Club, Belfast 10,000 Ligoniel Family Centre, Belfast 15,000 Limerick International Band Festival 2,500 Linen Hall Library, The, Belfast 25,000 Maiden City Festival, Derry 40,000 Meath Peace Group 20,000 Military Heritage Tours, Co. Mayo 5,000 Moy Circle of Friends 2,000 Newhill Youth and Community Centre, Belfast 15,000 New Ireland Group, The, Co. Antrim 1,500 Northern Ireland Trade Union Education and Social Centre Ltd 45,000 North Leitrim Glens Development Co. 30,000 North West Rural Development Co. Ltd, Co. Donegal 15,000 O’Neill Pipe Band, Co. Monaghan 7,500 Parishes of Ballyroan / Drumcree 1,250 Pat Finucane Centre, Derry 20,000 P.E.A.C.E — Prayer, Enterprise and Christian Effort, Co. Cork 2,500 Relatives for Justice, Belfast 20,000 Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Dublin 5,000 Schomberg Society, The, Co. Down 20,000 Shankill / Shankill Project 20,000 Short Strand Community Forum, Belfast 15,000 Somme Association, Co. Antrim 20,000 Sligo Presbyterian Church, Celebrations of Christmas Peace 5,000 S.P.R.I.N.G Trust Ltd, Armagh 25,000 Tim Parry/Jonathon Ball Trust 30,000 Tipperary Peace Convention 2,000 University of Ulster 50,000 West Belfast Partnership Board 70,000 West Ferrard Boyne Rural Development Group, Co. Louth 5,000 Westgate Foundation, Co. Cork 25,000 Westgate Foundation, Co Cork 80,000 Youth Action N.I, Derry 20,000

Total \2,502,000 1517 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1518

Groups receiving grant-aid from the Reconciliation Fund in 2005

Organisation Amount


174 Trust, Belfast 80,000 Ardoyne Festival 20,000 Ardoyne Youth Club 35,000 Arts for All, Belfast 25,000 Aughnacloy & Knockconan Summer Scheme 5,000 Ballybay Fivemiletown Partnership 10,000 Ballybeen Women’s Centre 20,000 Ballymacarrett Arts & Cultural Society 15,000 Ballysillan Youth for Christ Community 15,000 Belfast Together 7,500 CALMS, Derry 20,000 Carnany Community Association, Co. Antrim 12,500 Castlederg Youth Forum 10,000 Causeway Volunteer Bureau, Coleraine 20,000 Caws 2000 Community House 25,000 Changing Perceptions 2,000 Community Relations Forum 5,000 Co-operation Ireland 440,000 Corpus Christi Youth Centre 15,000 Creggan Youth Drop-in Centre, Derry 25,000 Cross Border International Arts, Cultural & Sports Week 2006 (c/o Ra´snahE´ ireann C’ttee) 7,000 Cross Border Orchestra* 50,000 Cultures of Ireland 5,000 Dovehouse, Derry 15,000 Downpatrick / Listowel Linkage Group 10,000 East Belfast Small Projects C/O ICTU 25,000 Econi (Centre for Contemporary Christianity in Irl.) 23,000 Encounter 75,000 Farset Inishowen 10,000 Fe´ile an Phobail 20,000 Fe´ile Gasyard Wall 10,000 Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation 510,000 Guild of Ancient Uriel 5,000 Habinteg Pensioners 1,000 Hard Gospel — 40,000 I.N.O.U 30,000 Imeall Tı´r Teoranta 30,000 Institute for British-Irish Studies, UCD 2,500 Integrated Education Fund 25,000 Inter-Action Belfast 20,000 Kilcooley Women’s Education & Development 1,000 Kilkeel Parish Bridge Association 15,000 Lartigue Monorail Restoration Limited, Kerry 25,000 LINC — Clondara Research Project 25,000 Little Acorn’s Community Pre-school 5,000 Maiden City Festival, Derry 40,000 Marrowbone Community House 10,000 Meath Peace Group 20,000 1519 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1520

[Mr. D. Ahern.]

Organisation Amount

\ New Ireland Group, Co Antrim 750 New Lodge Festival, Belfast 10,000 NIPPA The Early Years Organisation 20,000 North Leitrim Glens Development Company Limited 30,000 North West Marketing, Derry 10,000 Old Library Trust 5,000 Omagh Support & Self Help Group 20,000 Parishes of Ballyroan & Drumcree Friendship Group, Dublin 1,250 Pat Finucane Centre for Human Rights & Social Change 20,000 PLACE Initiative 30,000 R.E.A.C.T. North-West 16,000 REACH Across, Derry 3,500 SAVER / NAVER 10,000 Schools of Religions & Theology, Trinity College, 1,700 Shankill / Shankill Project 20,000 Shankill Surestart — ‘Dads Matter Project’ 50,000 Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebrations 5,000 Suffolk Historical Society 5,000 Tara Counselling & Personal Development Centre 200,000 Terry Enright Foundation 25,000 The Irish Peace Institute 40,000 The Nucleus, Derry 25,000 Tim Parry / Jonathan Ball Trust 30,000 Tipperary Peace Convention 2,000 Toome & District Senior Citizen’s Group 3,000 WAVE 30,000 Whiterock Festival 5,000 Wisemen of the East Network, Belfast 10,000 Youth Action Northern Ireland 30,000 Youth Board of the Presbyterian Church 15,000

Total 2,534,700

Groups receiving grant-aid from the Reconciliation Fund in 2006

Organisation Amount


Aughnacloy & Knockconan Summer Scheme, Tyrone 5,000 Ballykeel 11 Residents Association — Community House, Antrim 5,000 Ballyroan & Drumcree Parishes Friendship Group, Rathfarnham 2,500 Bawn Development Association, Tyrone 5,000 Belleek & District Community Partnership, Fermanagh 20,000 Belleek Cross Border Childcare Ltd, Fermanagh 3,000 Bloody Sunday Trust/ Museum of Free Derry 25,000 British-Irish Rights Watch, London 25,000 Cathedral Youth Club,The Fountain, Derry 20,000 Churchtown Community Association Ltd, Castlederg, Co,Tyrone 30,000 Comhchoiste na Gaeilge Aontroim Thuaidh, Dunloy, Antrim 7,000 Coolcreaghy Community Association, Tyrone 10,000 1521 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1522

Organisation Amount

\ Corpus Christi Youth Centre, Ballymurphy Rd, Belfast 25,000 Creggan County Park Enterprises Limited, Derry 25,000 Cross Border Orchestra, Dundalk, Co. Louth** 75,000 Deanby Youth Centre, North Belfast 12,500 Dooneen Community Education Centre, Fermanagh 25,000 Downpatrick Listowel Linkage Group, Down 10,000 Downs Sydnrome Association N.I., Belfast 10,000 East Belfast Community Focus, Newtownards Rd., Belfast 5,000 Four Castles Orange Cultural Society, Larne, Co. Antrim 750 Harryville Ulster Scots, Ballymena, Co. Antrim 15,000 Highfield Partnership, Highview Cresent, Belfast 4,000 Holy Family Youth Centre, Limestone Rd., Belfast 25,000 Integrated Education (N.I) 20,000 Inishowen Women’s Information Network, Donegal 25,000 International School for Peace Studies C/o Maydown Ebrington Group, Derry 20,000 Irish Peace Institute, Limerick 25,000 Irish School of Ecumenics Trust, Belfast* 70,000 Kiddies Castle, Belfast 20,000 Little Wombles Cross-Community Playgroup, Draperstown, Co. Derry 5,000 Lawrencetown Community Enterprise Co., Ltd, Galway 3,500 Newhaven Trust, Newry, Co. Down 25,000 Nimma — N.I. Mixed Marriage Association, Belfast 20,000 North Belfast Women’s Initiative & Support Group, Belfast 7,000 Northwest Rural Development Ltd, Greencastle, Co. Donegal 20,000 Old Library Trust, Creggan, Derry 7,500 Omeath District Dev. Co. Ltd, Louth 10,000 Organisation of the Unemployed, N. I., Belfast 20,000 Pat Finucane Centre for Human Rights & Social Change, Derry 25,000 Roe Valley Forum, Limavady, Co. Derry 3,500 St. John Vianney Youth Centre, South Belfast 15,000 St. Macartan’s Pipe Band, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan 10,000 Sandy Row Amateur Boxing Club, Belfast 15,000 Shankill / Shankill Project, Dublin 25,000 Shankill Stress & Trauma Centre, Belfast 30,000 The Playhouse Derry 30,000 South Belfast Malecare, Belfast 3,000 Springvale Training Ltd, Belfast 25,000 Star Neighbourhood Centre, Hillman Street, Belfast, 10,000 The Saints Youth Centre, Twinbrook, Dunmurray, Belfast 15,000 Tipperary Peace Convention, Tipperary 2,000 Tirgan Community Association, Moneymore, Magherafelt, Derry 3,500 West Belfast Partnership Board, Belfast 30,000 Willowfield Parish Community Association, My Lady’s Rd, East Belfast 25,000 Youthcom, Belfast 50,000 Youthlink, Belfast 25,000

Total 1,029,750 1523 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1524

[Mr. D. Ahern.]


Support for Irish Emigrants Abroad

Grants 2004

Name of Organisation \

Irish Emigrant Groups in Britain Acton Homeless Concern, North London 67,560 Age Concern Ealing 51,600 Age Concern Hackney Borough 26,160 Aisling Return to Ireland project, Camden 49,980 Arlington Action Group, Camden 36,420 Birmingham Irish Community Forum 40,500 Blackfriars Advice Centre 47,580 Brent Irish Advisory Service 120,000 Broadway — Day Centre & Night Shelter London 44,800 Cairde na nGael — Newham & District Friends of Ireland 61,920 Camden Elderly Irish Network 66,660 CARA Irish Housing Association 27,120 Coventry Irish Society 93,240 Cricklewood Homeless Concern 215,560 Federated Irish Association, Nottingham & Notts (Fiann) 43,680 Federation of Irish Societies 403,080 Finsbury Park Street Drinkers Initiative 39,600 GAA London Schools Project 38,400 Gloucester Emergency Accommodation Resource 15,600 Haringey Irish Cultural & Community Care Centre 99,420 Immigrant Counselling & Psychotherapy (ICAP) 110,400 Irish Centre Housing / Job Powerhouse 39,120 Irish Charitable Trust/ ISAS Hammersmith 124,000 Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas 132,000 Irish Community Care Manchester 128,320 Irish Community Care Merseyside 130,620 Irish Democratic League Clubs Yorkshire and Lancashire 45,000 Irish in Greenwich Project (incl Lewisham 1993-97) 111,120 Irish Travellers Movement (ITM) 56,580 Irish Welfare and Information Centre, Birmingham 181,620 Kilburn Irish Pensioners Club 3,600 Leeds Irish Health and Homes 100,440 Leicester Irish Forum 25,200 Lewisham Irish Community Centre 35,640 London Gypsy and Traveller Unit, Hackney 77,400 London Irish Centre Charity Camden 291,580 London Irish Elders Forum 50,400 London Irish Women’s Centre 104,760 Luton Irish Forum 42,180 New Horizon Youth Centre 38,400 NOAH Enterprise (Luton Day Centre for the Homeless) 67,320 Northampton Irish Support Group 49,980 RehabCare, Coventry 65,760 Safe Home Programme Ltd. (Based in Ireland. Grant in respect of services to emigrants resident in Britain) 132,000 Safe Start Foundation 46,260 1525 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1526

Name of Organisation \

Sandwell Irish Society, West Midlands 42,360 Sheffield Gypsy and Traveller Support Group 22,080 Sheffield Irish Peoples’ Support & Devel. Group 53,280 South London Irish Welfare Society, Wimbledon 82,860 Southwark Irish Pensioners Project 79,680 Southwark Travellers’ Action Group (STAG) 70,500 St. Mungo’s Housing Association 34,500 Tara Irish Pensioners Club 3,600 The Connection at St. Martin’s 28,440 The Emerald Circle, Harrow 3,600 The Maya Centre 21,840 The Passage 55,210 The Simon Community 56,890

Irish Emigrant Groups in the USA Irish Pastoral Center, Boston 71,010 Boston Irish Immigration Center 94,110 Emerald Isle Immigration Center, New York 78,441 Project Irish Outreach, New York 61,927 Aisling Irish Center, New York 49,542 Irish Immigration and Pastoral Center, Philadelphia 49,542 Irish Immigration and Pastoral Centre, San Francisco 41,285 Irish Outreach, San Diego 14,863 Seattle Irish Immigrant Support 1,651 Chicago Irish Immigrant Support 35,505 Fa´ilte Irish Immigration Center, Washington DC 12,385 Ocean City Irish Student Outreach 1,239 New York Irish Centre 23,100

Irish Emigrant Groups in Australia Australian Irish Welfare Bureau, Melbourne 28,300 Irish Australian Welfare Bureau and Resource Centre 16,800 Australian Irish Welfare Bureau, Wollongong 2,900 Emigrant Services based in Ireland Safe Home Ltd. (in respect of services outside of Britain) 25,000 Emigrant Advice 35,488 Dermot Daly (Irish representative, Europeans Throughout the World) 531 E´ AN 40,000 Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas 30,000

Total 5,047,038

Grants 2005

Name of Organisation \

Irish Emigrant Groups Britain Acton Homeless Concern 55,128 Age Concern Ealing 50,776 Aisling Return to Ireland 87,045 Angel Drug Service 40,621 Arlington House 7,330 Batley Irish Democratic League Club 14,507 Birmingham Irish Club 53,833 1527 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1528

[Mr. D. Ahern.]

Name of Organisation \

Birmingham Irish Community Forum Ltd. 87,045 Blackfriars Advice Centre 54,403 Bolton Irish Community Association 53,678 Brent Adolescent Centre 14,660 Brent Irish Advisory Service (bı´as) 130,643 Brian Boru Irish Democratic League Club 29,015 Broadway Homelessness and Support 36,269 Cairde na nGael 50,776 Camden Elderly Irish Network 63,989 Cara 28,044 Celtic & Irish Cultural Society C.I.C.S 7,254 Comhaltas Ceolto´ irı´ E´ ireann 79,791 Conradh na Gaeilge 29,015 Coventry Irish Society 117,672 Cricklewood Homeless Concern 305,492 Croy Historical Society 1,451 Cumann na mBunscoil 43,522 Dundee Dalriada GAA 7,330 Equinox Care 14,507 Federation of Irish Societies 870,448 Feis Ghlaschu´ 2,932 Fiann (Nottingham and Notts) 39,170 Finsbury Park Street Drinkers Initiative 36,269 Fireside Day Centre 47,225 GEAR Projects 29,015 Greenwich Irish Pensioners 2,932 Halifax Irish Amateur F.C. 1,451 Halifax Irish Amateur Rugby League Club 1,451 Halifax Irish Centre 10,155 Halifax Irish Junior FC 1,451 Halifax Irish Society 7,254 Hammersmith Irish Centre 36,269 Haringey Irish Cultural & Community Centre 217,612 Harringey Irish Pensioners 4,398 Harrow Emerald Circle 2,932 Hillingdon Borough Irish Society 59,481 Huddersfield Irish Centre 14,507 Immigrant Counselling & Psychotherapy (ICAP) 142,355 Irish Democratic League Club Haslingden Davitt Branch 93,058 Irish Association High Wycombe 14,507 Irish Centre Housing 21,761 Irish Chaplaincy in Britain (IECE) 4,000 Irish Chaplaincy Traveller Outreach 58,258 Irish Charitable Trust, Hammersmith 90,022 Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas 151,040 Irish Community Care Manchester 184,245 Irish Community Care Merseyside 188,597 Irish Diaspora Foundation 47,875 Irish Heritage in Haslingden 5,658 Irish in Greenwich 137,972 Irish Music Project Leeds 29,015 Irish National Institute 14,507 1529 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1530

Name of Organisation \

Irish Travellers Movement in Britain 60,048 Irish Welfare and Information Centre, B’ham 174,595 Irish World Heritage Centre 14,507 Kilburn Irish Pensioners Club 4,352 Kingdom Kerry Gaels 7,330 Lancashire Federation of Irish Democratic League Clubs 21,822 Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (GATE) 52,328 Leeds Irish Health & Homes 180,805 Leicester Irish Forum 35,906 Lewisham Irish Community Centre 53,678 Lichen Films — Tattie Hokers’ film 10,262 London Gypsy and Traveller Unit 111,435 London Irish Centre 399,930 London Irish Elders Forum 17,825 London Irish Pensioners Choir 1,466 London Irish Women’s Centre 101,552 Luton Irish Forum 295,970 Manchester Irish Festival 21,761 Marian Senior Citizens Club 7,254 New Horizon Youth Centre 47,951 Noah Enterprise 84,786 Northampton Irish Support Group 82,693 Oldham Irish Society 7,254 Pendle and District Irish Society 1,451 Queens Park Senior Citizens Group 4,398 Rehab Irish Elders Centre Coventry 101,552 Round Towers and Treacy Minor GAA 9,865 Safe Home Programme Ltd. (Based in Ireland. Grant in respect of services to emigrants resident in Britain) 124,743 Safe Home Programme Ltd. — related bank charge 405 Safe Start Foundation 72,537 Sandwell Irish Society 20,501 Shalloe Pearses GFC 7,330 Sheffield Gypsy & Traveller Support Group 21,625 Sheffield Support & Development Group 90,763 South London Irish Association 29,091 South London Irish Welfare Society 89,946 Southwark Irish Pensioners 83,135 Southwark Irish Youth 4,352 Southwark Travellers Action Group (STAG) 87,045 St. Anne’s Seniors Citizen Club 2,932 St. James the Great, Branch Comhaltas 5,803 St. Mary’s Social Club & Parochial Hall 14,507 St. Michael’s Irish Centre, Liverpool 42,264 St. Mungo’s 45,535 St. Patrick’s Festival Committee 14,529 St. Patricks Traditional Music Group 2,901 St. Theresa’s House, Peterborough 43,979 Tara Irish Pensioners 3,661 The Connection at St. Martin’s 21,761 The Irish Club 10,764 The London Irish Network 5,513 The Maya Centre 26,552 1531 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1532

[Mr. D. Ahern.]

Name of Organisation \

The Passage 55,833 The Simon Community 52,208 Tı´r Conaill Harps 29,015 Tuesday Club 4,352 Tyneside Irish Centre 58,030 Tyneside Irish Cultural Society 14,507 Warwickshire GAA 29,015 Payments in 2005 in respect of grants approved in 2004 Lancashire & Yorkshire Irish Democratic League Clubs 10,000 Tara Irish Pensioners Club 600 Emerald Circle, Harrow 600 Coventry Irish Society 15,535 Irish in Greenwich (Refund) (18,515) Irish Emigrant Groups USA Aisling Irish Centre 69,684 Emerald Isle Immigration Centre 106,575 New York Irish Centre 69,684 Project Irish Outreach 75,422 Irish Immigration and Pastoral Centre, Philadelphia 69,684 Irish Apostolate 9,838 Ocean City 820 Coalition of Irish Immigration Centres 32,792 Irish Immigration Centre, Boston 106,575 Irish Pastoral Centre, Boston 95,917 IIPC, San Francisco 59,846 Seattle 1,640 Irish Immigrant Support, Chicago 51,648 IECE Mediation San Diego 2,500 Irish Cultural Centre, Boston 10,000 Irish Emigrant Groups Australia Australian Irish Welfare Bureau, Melbourne 40,816 Australian Irish Welfare Bureau, Wollongong 4,396 Irish Emigrant Groups Canada Emerald Isle Seniors’ Society, Toronto 14,599 Emigrant Services based in Ireland Dermot Daly (Irish representative Europeans throughout the world) 395 E´ an Conference 20,000 E´ an 100,000 Emigrant Advice — Research grant 8,000 Emigrant Advice 65,000 Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas 60,000 Safe Home (in respect of services in countries other than Britain) 60,000

Total 8,203,576

Grants January to June 2006

Name of Organisation \

Irish Emigrant Groups in the United States Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform 69,882 Coalition of Irish Immigration Centres 29,474 1533 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1534

Name of Organisation \

Irish Emgirant Groups in Australia Australian Irish Welfare Bureau, Sydney 40,350

Emigrant Services based in Ireland Emigrant Advice (Research grant) 7,000 Ultan Cowley — Men who Built Britain Exhibition 2,000 Safe Home Ltd. (in respect of services in countries other than Britain) 62,000 Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas 45,000 Emigrant Advice 93,000

Total to Date 348,706

ANNEX 3 The Communicating Europe Initiative (CEI) was estab- lished in 1995 to raise awareness about the European Union Awareness raising — European Union and to improve the quality and accessibility of public infor- The European Movement Ireland (EMI) received funding mation on European issues. During the period in question, of \127,000 in 2004 and in 2005, and has received \100,000 to this Department funded the following organisations or agen- date in 2006. cies through the CEI:

Communicating Europe Initiative — 2004

Name of Organisation \

National Adult Literacy Agency 40,000 Irish Countrywomen’s Association 19,130.04 European Youth Parliament 6,000 National Forum on Europe 21,725.66 Oireachtas Scrutiny Information Officer 18,174 Institute for European Affairs 2,500

Total 107,529.40

Communicating Europe Initiative — 2005

Name of Organisation \

Oireachtas Scrutiny Information Officer 9,544 UCD Law Faculty 9,600 Galway Mayo Institute of Technology 4,461.94 Institute of European Affairs 16,348 Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice 10,300 North Tipperary VEC 650 European Youth Parliament 20,000 Irish Countrywoman’s Association 20,000 European Consumer Centre 1,850 Irish Times Business 2000 13,422.25 Soroptimist Society 1,500 National Adult Literacy Agency 57,500 Genealogical society 1,000 SIPTU 31,000

Total 197,176.19

Communicating Europe Initiative — 2006 (to date)

Name of Organisation \

Oireachtas Scrutiny Information Officer 2,207.72 1535 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1536

[Mr. D. Ahern.]

Name of Organisation \

People’s College, Dublin 500.00 European Anti-poverty Network 6,000.00 Centre for European Studies (CEUROS), University of Limerick 5,000.00 St. Andrew’s College Model European Parliament 5,000.00

Total to Date 18,707.72

ANNEX 4 2006 to facilitate participation of NGOs in international human rights fora. No such funding was provided in 2004. Human Rights and IUNA Some funding was made available in 2005 and to date in


Organisation Event Amount


Amnesty International CHR 61 919.20 Forum for People with Disabilities AHC 6 4,848.01 Banu´ lacht CEDAW 900 Women’s Human Rights Alliance CEDAW 700 National Women’s Council of Ireland CEDAW 860

Total 8,227.21

2006 (to date)

Forum for People with Disabilities AHC 7 1,614.16


The Irish United Nations Association (IUNA) received \44,000 in 2004, \43,000 in 2005 and has received \38,000 to date in 2006.


Projects in support of Ireland’s CFSP Objectives

Expenditure 2004

Item Amount


Glencree Middle East Peace Project 100,000 Landmine Monitor Report 30,000 Geneva Forum 15,000

Total 145,000

Expenditure 2005

Item Amount


Glencree Middle East Peace Project 100,000 The Landmine Monitor Report 20,000 Geneva Forum 15,000 Flights and Accommodation for representative of Irish NGO community at the 578.87 1537 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1538

Item Amount

\ Council of Europe Forum on the Future of Democracy

Total 135,578 .87

Expenditure 2006 (to date)



Geneva Forum 29,000 International Action Network on Small Arms 10,000 Landmine Action 30,000

Total 69,000

ANNEX 6 and the Department of Education and Science, Support for the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris in relation to arrangements for the inspection of In 2004, 2005 and 2006, the Department provided annual institutions for which they are responsible. funding of \130,000 towards the cultural and educational programme of the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, France. Northern Ireland Issues. 317. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for International Agreements. Foreign Affairs his views on this Deputy’s con- 316. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Foreign cerns regarding the activities of MI5 and the Affairs when he expects the ratification of the peace process; the position regarding the case of optional protocol to the UN Convention Against a person (details supplied); and if he will ensure Torture; and if he will make a statement on the the maximum support is given for the peoples matter. [27564/06] peace process. [27565/06]

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): On 18 December 2002, the Third Committee of The question of appropriate accountability mech- the United Nations General Assembly adopted anisms for the activities of the police and security the Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention services is of particular importance. Specifically against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or in the context of the decision of the British Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OP-CAT). Government to transfer primacy for national Ireland, along with other EU partners, fully sup- security matters in Northern Ireland to MI5 from ported the draft Optional Protocol and worked 2007, the Government shares concerns that have for its adoption at the UN General Assembly and been raised, including those recently expressed by the Commission on Human Rights. The object of the Oversight Commissioner for policing. In his the Protocol is to establish a system of regular latest report, the Oversight Commissioner con- visits undertaken both by an independent inter- firmed that the primary institutions of policing — national body and by national bodies to places of the Policing Board, the PSNI and the Police detention with a view to preventing torture and Ombudsman — have largely accomplished the other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or implementation of Patten and have demonstrated punishment. The international body is to be a their ability to fulfil their governance and subcommittee of the UN Committee Against accountability mandates. However, with regard to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading the envisaged primacy role of MI5, he expresses Treatment. At the national level, States may concern that this might diminish the robust maintain, designate or establish one or several accountability mechanisms currently in place and bodies for the prevention of torture at the might affect the ability of the Police Service to domestic level. As regards our signature of the combat organised crime effectively. Optional Protocol, with a view to subsequent I raised this issue with the Secretary of State, ratification, the Minister for Justice, Equality & Peter Hain MP at the meeting of the British-Irish Law Reform informed the Da´il on Tuesday, 8 Intergovernmental Conference in May. The Brit- November 2005 that he is reviewing national ish Government indicated that it is prepared to legislation to ascertain whether legislative discuss further with the political parties in changes would be required before signature and Northern Ireland and with the Irish Government ratification of the Optional Protocol. I under- the exact details of how the new arrangements stand that he has commenced consultations with will work in practice. Discussions have also taken other Government Departments and Bodies, place between my officials and their British including the Department of Health and Children counterparts with a view to ensuring that 1539 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1540

[Mr. D. Ahern.] concerns about the human rights implications of adequate accountability mechanisms remain in Israeli security policies and the need to ensure place, and that the Police Ombudsman continues full compliance with international law. to have jurisdiction over the actions of police officers seconded to MI5. Protocols are currently Departmental Bodies. being agreed between the office of the Ombuds- man and the security service to facilitate this. In 320. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Foreign the context of the current political process, the Affairs the budgetary allocation for each of the two Governments are making every possible public bodies, executive agencies, advisory bodies effort to ensure the restoration of devolved insti- and task forces operating under his Depart- tutions to Northern Ireland by 24 November. The ment. [27785/06] Taoiseach and Prime Minister Blair jointly set out a detailed programme of work to this end on 29 Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): June, including provision for discussions with the Four bodies come under the aegis of this Depart- parties on support for, and devolution of, ment. Two of these, namely, the Advisory Board policing. This will be an important opportunity for Irish Aid and the Development Education for the political parties in Northern Ireland to Advisory Committee are funded under Vote 29 raise their concerns on the issue of MI5 primacy (International Cooperation) as part of the Irish and appropriate accountability mechanisms. With Aid Programme. In 2006, their budget allocations \ \ regard to the person mentioned, the PSNI have are 1.2million and 25,000 respectively. The stated that they will begin proceedings to request Dı´on Committee is an advisory committee to the his extradition from the United States. Irish Government on the welfare of Irish people in Britain. With the exception of the Chair and Question No. 318 answered with Question Secretary, who are serving in the Embassy of No. 313. Ireland in London, the Committee members serve in a voluntary capacity. While there is no specific budgetary allocation for the Dı´on Com- Middle East Peace Process. mittee, the Department of Foreign Affairs covers 319. Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for the administration expenses that arise from the Foreign Affairs the issues the Government raised Committee’s activities, including the travel and with the Israeli authorities; the response it has accommodation costs of Committee members. received; the action the Government has taken to The Ireland-United States Commission for ensure that Israel complies with the right of a per- Educational Exchange (Fulbright Commission) is son (details supplied) to a fair trial; and if he will a statutory body established under the Edu- make a statement on the matter. [27754/06] cational Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1991. Under the Programme, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): I awards are made annually, through open compe- refer the Deputy to my replies of 30 May, 14 June tition, to post-graduate students and post-doc- and 29 June 2006 to Questions on this matter. I toral scholars and to established leaders of pro- remain concerned about this case, which has been fessional, academic and artistic excellence who raised with the Israeli authorities by our Embassy are recognised in their fields. The Irish and US in Tel Aviv. The Embassy is continuing to moni- governments both financially contribute to the tor the situation closely, in cooperation with the operation of the Fulbright Commission. This Embassies of other EU Member States. The per- year’s grant-in-aid to the Commission is \254,000 son concerned was arrested on 23 May 2005, and and is funded under Vote 28 (Foreign Affairs). on 16 June 2005 the Israeli authorities ordered his administrative detention for six months. This 321. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Foreign order was renewed for a further six months in Affairs the number of positions in State bodies November, but reduced to four months on review under the aegis of his Department which are in December 2005. On 20 March 2006, the deten- affected by the increase in non-executive chair- tion was renewed until 20 July. An appeal against persons’ fees of State bodies recently sanctioned the renewal was turned down on 10 May. I under- by the Government. [27799/06] stand that the final stage of this appeal process is being heard by the Israeli High Court today. The Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): Government, and our EU partners, have serious No fees are paid to the chairpersons of the Advis- concerns about the practice of administrative ory Board for Development Cooperation Ireland, detention in Israel and the Occupied Territories. the Development Education Advisory Commit- We are working to ensure that they are addressed tee or the Board of the Ireland — United States in the EU’s continuing political dialogue with Commission for Educational Exchange Israel. Most recently, our concerns about admin- (Fulbright Commission). In the case of the fourth istrative detention were raised at the meeting of body under the aegis of the Department, an the EU-Israel Association Council which took official of the Embassy in London acts, without place in Luxembourg on 13 June. In direct con- additional remuneration, as chairperson of the tacts with Israel, and in cooperation with its EU Dı´on Committee (an advisory committee on Irish partners, the Government continues to raise its emigrants in Britain). This Department is, there- 1541 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1542 fore, not affected by the increase in fees referred Joe Harrington Department of the Envir- to by the Deputy. onment and Local Government Professor Mary Hickman Professor of Irish 322. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Foreign Studies & Sociology, University of North Affairs the number of task forces which have London been created by his Department and their func- tion, size, membership, reporting mechanism and Gerry Mangan Department of Social and period of existence since 1997. [27825/06] Family Affairs Ma´ire McCluskey Chairperson, Dı´on Com- Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): mittee, Embassy of Ireland, London and During the period in question, two task forces Department of Enterprise, Trade and were created to inform specific areas of the work Employment of this Department. Both have since completed Joe McDonagh Chief Executive Officer, their work and reported back to the Department. Foras na Gaeilge In December 2002, the then Minister of State, Mr. Tom Kitt, set up a Task Force on Infor- Monsignor James Murray Project Irish Out- mation and Communication Technologies (ICT) reach, New York to provide advice regarding how best to integrate The alternate members were Adrian Flannelly of ICT across the Irish Aid programme. The Task the Emerald Isle Immigration Centre, New York Force comprised twenty representatives from the and Sea´n Hutton, Community Care Coordinator, private sector, academia, development NGOs, Federation of Irish Societies in Britain. Enterprise Ireland and the Departments of the Taoiseach, Communications and Foreign Affairs. Illegal Emigrants. Mr. Aidan Eames was appointed as its chair. The Task Force met seven times and had additional 323. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Foreign meetings with representatives of the private sec- Affairs the number of Irish citizens who are awaiting deportation from the US; the circum- tor, NGOs and Civil Society. Members of the stances of each case; and if he will make a state- Task Force undertook familiarisation visits to ment on the matter. [27859/06] Uganda and Tanzania and to the World Bank in Washington. The Task Force presented its report 324. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Foreign in December 2003. A number of ICT activities Affairs the number of Irish citizens who have are now being funded by Irish Aid, and ICT and been deported from the United States for each of development will also be reflected in the forth- the years from 1997 to 2005 and to date in 2006; coming White Paper on development and if he will make a statement on the matter. cooperation. [27860/06] The Task Force on Policy regarding Emigrants was established by my predecessor in December Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): I 2001 to recommend a coherent long-term policy propose to take Questions Nos. 323 and 324 approach to meeting the needs of Irish emigrants. together. Its terms of reference required that special con- My Department is aware of two Irish nationals sideration be given to pre-departure services, awaiting deportation from the United States. services for emigrants abroad and services for These people are currently being held by the US emigrants considering returning to Ireland. Part- authorities and are being provided with consular icular emphasis was placed on addressing the assistance by the Consulates in New York and needs of vulnerable emigrants. The Task Force San Francisco. The US Department of Homeland operated from December 2001 until it presented Security advises that there were 446 Irish its Report — ‘Ireland and the Irish Abroad’ — to nationals deported from the United States my predecessor in August 2002. Since then, sig- between 1997 and 2005. Of these, 302 are, we nificant progress has been made on initiatives believe, likely to have arisen from immigration which benefit our Irish community abroad. The offences. To date in 2006 the Department is following twelve people gave of their time and aware of 16 Irish nationals who have been expertise as members of the Task Force (with deported from the US. I would like to stress that their titles reflecting the positions they held dur- there is no evidence of any particular targeting of ing the period of operation of the Task Force): the Irish undocumented in the US. I should also emphasise that the Embassy in Washington and Paddy O’Hanlon Chairman our network of Consulates are, of course, avail- David Begg General Secretary, Irish Con- able to offer assistance in all consular cases. gress of Trade Unions Overseas Development Aid. Rev. Paul Byrne, O.M.I. Director, Irish Epis- copal Commission for Emigrants 325. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on the progress that has Mahon Hayes Former Ambassador and been made in the African Union initiative in Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs encouraging political dialogue in Zimbabwe; the 1543 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1544

[Mr. Lowry.] vided to a number of Non-Governmental Organ- amount of development aid allocated to projects isations, including Concern, Goal and Tro´ caire, in this country since 2002; the type of projects as well as United Nations organisations working funded; and if he will make a statement on the to alleviate humanitarian suffering in that coun- matter. [27916/06] try. Zimbabwe is also one of the countries most affected by HIV/Aids with an estimated 25% of Minister of State at the Department of Foreign the population infected. Life expectancy has Affairs (Mr. C. Lenihan): I refer the Deputy to fallen below 40. Since 2002 Ireland has provided my answer given on Thursday 29 June 2006 \4.5 million to mitigate the impact of the regarding the African Union (AU) initiative on pandemic, through partnerships with aid agencies political dialogue with Zimbabwe. Since then, I and civil society organisations. understand that former President Mkapa of Tan- zania has been appointed mediator. The Visa Application. Zimbabwean Government failed to co-operate with President Chissano’s efforts and, in 2005, 326. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for refused even to facilitate a visit by Mr. Tom Foreign Affairs if he has received representations Nyanduga, an earlier appointee to the post. This from a person (details supplied) with regard to attitude is highly regrettable. Nonetheless, I fer- their application for a visa; the status of this appli- vently hope that this new attempt will yield posi- cation; and the further information they are tive results. I note that UN Secretary General required to provide. [27917/06] Annan met with President Mugabe on the occasion of the AU summit in Banjul, The Gam- Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): bia on 1-2 July. They agreed that President The Department of Foreign Affairs is not aware Mkapa should be given time and space to do his of any current application for an Irish visa being work. The Government, with our EU partners, made by the applicant mentioned by the Deputy. will continue to work with all those in the inter- Visa applications made in Zimbabwe are lodged national community seeking to promote demo- by applicants with the Irish Embassy in Pretoria, cratic change in Zimbabwe. I would encourage South Africa and are normally referred to the the AU and its member States to continue to use Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform what influence they have to urge the for decision. I am informed that no record has Zimbabwean government to alter its current been found in that Department, or in the failed policies and move to a path of internal dia- Embassy, of receiving a current application in logue and peaceful, democratic change in respect of the person concerned. Zimbabwe. Senior officials from my Department availed of recent political consultations with Departmental Advertising. South Africa in Pretoria on 22-23 June to outline 327. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Foreign the serious concerns which we have regarding Affairs the amount spent by his Department in Zimbabwe. 2005 and from January 2006 to date for media Ireland has committed approximately \16 mil- purposes or advertising; where the money was lion in aid to Zimbabwe since 2002. Despite the spent, that is, national papers, provincial papers, difficult operating environment, we will continue RTE´ radio, local radio and so on; the amount to deliver assistance directly to those most in spent on a yearly basis for the pervious three need, through a broad range of civil and aid years; if money was spent on videos, for pro- organisations. I also welcome the increased motional, educational or advertising purposes. engagement by the UN Security Council and the [27961/06] efforts of Secretary General Annan and his Humanitarian Coordinator, Jan Egeland, to high- Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): light the serious humanitarian situation in The following table shows the total amounts Zimbabwe. Funding support of \11,527,000 has spent on advertising under Votes 28 (Foreign been provided for humanitarian operations in Affairs) and 29 (International Cooperation) for Zimbabwe since 2002. This funding has been pro- 2003 to date:

Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 (to end June)


Vote 28 (Foreign Affairs) 79,527 228,410 132,925 37,368 Vote 29 (International Cooperation) 104,417 44,547 123,531 91,153

Total (Votes 28 & 29) 183,944 272,957 256,456 128,521

Advertising undertaken by this Department typi- opportunities that arise in the Department from cally includes advisory notices on public opening time to time, as well as public information notices hours over holiday periods, changes in passport relating to developments in the European Union application procedures and fees, employment or in regard to Ireland’s official Development 1545 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1546

Aid Programme. The Department uses a wide rammes. The cost of the programmes was range of national newspapers, both daily and \311,711 in 2004 and \293,367 in 2005. Sunday publications. The choice of particular newspapers to be selected on each occasion is White Paper Promotional Video Presentation dependent on a number of factors, including the As part of the preparation of the Government specific context and subject matter, the target White Paper on Irish Aid, a series of public meet- audience and, of course, value for money con- ings were held around the country during the siderations. The placing of official notices and second half of 2005. A short video presentation Departmental advertisements is the subject of was prepared and shown at the beginning of each tender arrangements organised for all Govern- of the meetings. The video was produced by ment Departments by the Government Supplies Animo Television using footage from the Far Agency. The firm which holds the current con- Away Up Close programmes and cost \20,146. tract is Brindley Advertising Ltd. From 2003 to date, the Department has pro- Simon Cumbers Media Challenge Fund duced or contributed to the production of several The purpose of the Simon Cumbers Media videos, television programmes and DVDs for the Challenge Fund (named after Simon Cumbers purpose of informing and educating citizens who was tragically shot while filming for the BBC about overseas development assistance and about in Saudi Arabia in June 2004) is to financially the European Union. Details of the various pro- assist journalists, media organisations and ductions are as follows: development practitioners in producing feature media pieces on themes relating to international The European Union development. The Communicating Europe Initiative (CEI) Over the last three years, the funding awarded funded the production of one media series and a was as follows: number of DVDs/Videos in 2003 and 2004. All of 2003 \130,170 these were produced with the intention of informing viewers about the nature and role of 2004 \193,360 the European Union. In 2004, the CEI allocated 2005 \121,604 \21,725.66 to the National Forum on Europe for the development of a DVD entitled “Towards a Development Education Constitution for Europe”. It also provided \ The Development Education Grants scheme 19,374.15 as part-funding for the production of provides funding, in two annual rounds, to a DVD entitled “The Day of Welcomes” contain- approximately 70 organisations working in edu- ing highlights of the ceremonies marking the cation. Development education activities funded enlargement of the EU at A´ ras an Uachtara´in on \ under the grant scheme include, on occasions, the 1 May 2004. In 2003, the CEI provided 23,493.54 production of audio visual material of a general towards the production costs of the National development nature. An annual budget of \4.54 Forum on Europe’s “Journey of Discovery” edu- million has been allocated for Development Edu- cational video which examined EU enlargement, cation in 2006. Finally, the Deputy may wish to the institutional make-up of the EU and the note that, in addition to visual media productions, debate on the future of Europe. In addition, the \ the Department has for many years supported the CEI provided funding of 86,999 towards the pro- Worlds Apart documentary series on RTE radio duction of “Europe — How are You?”, a TV ser- which covers the issues and challenges facing ies which addressed enlargement, EU institutions developing countries. and the debate on the future of Europe. VHS copies of these programmes were circulated to every secondary school in the country. Diplomatic Representation. 328. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for Overseas Development Assistance Foreign Affairs the progress made on the case of Irish Aid has co-funded two TV documentary an individual (details supplied) who has been on series entitled Far Away Up Close, which were hunger strike and his complaints regarding mis- broadcast on RTE in 2005 and 2006 respectively. treatment in the United States. [28072/06] The programmes, produced independently by Animo Television, were designed to give Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): people an introduction to how their tax money is As I believe the Deputy will appreciate, this is being spent on development programmes around primarily a legal issue and the person’s legal the world. They looked at Irish Aid programmes advisors are best placed to advise him on the in the areas of HIV/AIDS, recovery assistance options open to him in the US justice system. after conflicts, food security and support for civil However, officials in my Department recently society. To accompany the series, there was a met with the person to discuss his case and to dedicated website with further information on the offer him every possible consular assistance. The topics and themes covered in the TV prog- person, who previously resided in the United 1547 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1548

[Mr. D. Ahern.] cies or organisations his Department has pro- States, has stated that he is on hunger strike in vided funding to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the protest at his perceived victimisation by the US amount of funding provided to each in each year; justice system. Following from this meeting and the number of applications for funding submitted at the person’s request, officials from my Depart- to his Department in total; the number of these ment contacted the US authorities to ascertain applications which were refused; the reason for what, if anything, could be done to assist this per- same; the percentage of his Department’s overall son. We await a response from the US auth- annual budget such funding equates to; and if he orities. I would like to assure the Deputy that my will make a statement on the matter. [27384/06] Department will continue to do everything pos- sible to assist this person. Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. O’Donoghue): My Department is responsible for Sports Capital Programme. the administration of three major grant prog- rammes — the Sports Capital Programme, the 329. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Arts and Culture Capital Enhancement Scheme Arts, Sport and Tourism if he will support the (ACCESS) and the Local Authority Swimming application from a club (details supplied) in Pools Programme. Of these the first two prog- Dublin 3 for lottery funding; and if he will give rammes attract a significant number of appli- them the maximum support and advice. cations from non-governmental agencies and [27241/06] organisations. All unsuccessful applicants receive Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. a letter of notification from the Department. In O’Donoghue): The national lottery funded sports addition, my Department makes allocations to capital programme, which is administered by my projects of strategic importance to non-govern- Department, allocates funding to sporting and mental agencies and organisations in the sports, community organisations at local, regional and arts and culture sectors. The tables below con- national level throughout the country. The prog- tains details of the non-governmental agencies ramme is advertised on an annual basis. 1,338 and organisations to which my Department has applications for funding under the 2006 were provided funding from 2004 to date. Details of received by my Department, including one from the bodies that receive allocations under the the organisation in question. All were evaluated Sports Capital Programme are available on the against the programme’s assessment criteria, Department’s website. In relation to grants pro- which are outlined in the guidelines, terms and vided to other major sporting bodies, in 2006 I \ conditions of the programme. Following this have made an allocation of 65,000 to the IRFU assessment, the organisation in question was for completion of works on Lansdowne Road due unsuccessful and this decision together with a to fire damage. In 2005 I allocated funding to copy of the assessment conducted on the appli- some of the National Governing Bodies in cation, was conveyed by my Department to the respect of their equipment requirements, to a organisation in a letter dated 13 June 2006. I range of regional and national projects as well as intend to advertise the Sports Capital Programme additional funding to a number of projects pre- for 2007 later this year and it will be open to the viously allocated funding that year, as follows: \ club in question to re-apply if they so wish. Pearse Stadium 1.5m; Limerick Gaelic Grounds \1m; Salthill Devon FC \1m; DCC — Irishtown \ \ 330. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Arts, Stadium 930,000; An Rı´ocht A.C. 625,000; Irish Sport and Tourism if funding will be provided to Amateur Boxing Association — National \ \ upgrade the sports hall floor in a school (details Stadium 500,000; Basketball Ireland 500,000; \ supplied) in County Mayo. [27379/06] Markievicz Park, Sligo 400,000; Bunclody AFC \400,000; Tennis Ireland — National Develop- Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. ment Centre \330,000; Athletic Association of O’Donoghue): The national lottery-funded sports Ireland \209,278; Ennis Town Council Lees Road capital programme, which is administered by my Centre \200,000; Duneske Leisure Centre, Cahir Department, allocates funding to sporting and \200,000; Football Association of Ireland community organisations at local, regional and \150,000; Irish Amateur Rowing Union \125,141; national level throughout the country. The prog- Mayo Association Football League \100,000. An ramme is advertised on an annual basis. On the allocation of \85,000 was also made to the FAI 6th June last, I announced the grant allocations in respect of development works at Derry City for the local projects under the 2006 programme FC. In 2004, I made allocations of \100,000 and I am pleased to inform you that a grant of towards development at Mosney for the Com- \30,000 was allocated to the project in question munity Games and of \650,000 to the Olympic for the re-surfacing of the hall floor. Council of Ireland towards the provision of a new headquarters. I also allocated \33,014 as an 331. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Arts, additional allocation to the NUIG Galway Sport and Tourism the non-governmental agen- Regional Sports Centre. 1549 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1550

Organisation Amount 2004 Amount 2005 Amount 2006


Allocations made to Cultural Institutions The Irish Architectural Archive 600,000 334,000 330,000 Marsh’s Library 300,000 330,000 350,000 The Hunt Museum 270,000 290,000 350,000 Irish Genealogy Ltd. 380,000 395,000 150,000 Foynes Flying Boat Museum 200,000 1,420,000 80,000 Maritime Institute 17,000 24,104 22,000 National Print Museum 75,000 95,000 125,000 Merriman Summer School Nil 20,000 Nil University of Ulster 63,000 103,015 123,000 EU (Lund Agreement) 701 Nil 10,000 United Nations (International Centre for the Preservation of Cultural Goods — ICCROM) 11,000 11,630 15,000 Irish College Rome 50,000 100,000 100,000 Irish Museums Association Nil 10,000 Nil Axa Dublin International Nil Nil 8,000 The Crawford Gallery Nil Nil 15,000

Sub-total 1,966,701 3,132,749 1,678,000

Allocations made under ACCESS The Glen Theatre (Banteer Old School Heritage & Drama Trust) 20,000 Nil Nil National Association of Youth Drama 9,533.59 Nil Nil Pavee Point Travellers’ Centre 5,915.65 Nil Nil Andrew’s Lane Theatre 21,940.15 Nil Nil Irish Film Institute 27,000 Nil Nil Gleneagle Concert Band 15,000 Nil Nil Siamsa Tı´re 56,185.46 120,000 Nil Tech Amergin 1,020,000 Nil Nil Tipperary Excel Heritage Co. Nil 1,560,000 Nil Irish Chamber Orchestra Nil 100,000 Nil Garter Lane Arts Centre Nil 100,000 Nil Spraoi Nil 40,000 Nil CREATE Nil 5,968 Nil Graffiti Theatre Company Nil 10,000 Nil Tintea´n Theatre Nil 350,000 Nil Triskel Arts Centre Nil 220,000 Nil Strand Theatre Nil 250,000 Nil Caherciveen Arts Centre Nil 1,600,000 Nil Bell Table Arts Centre Nil 320,000 Nil Du´ n Mhuire Theatre Nil 375,000 Nil Gaiety Theatre Nil 4,000,000 Nil Lighthouse Cinema Nil Nil 1,000,000 Pı´obairı´ Uilleann Nil Nil 1,000,000

Sub-total 1,175,575 9,050,968 2,000,000

Other Allocations Abbey Theatre Centenary 1,000,000 Nil Nil Abbey Theatre Emergency Works 278,914 546,327 Nil Patrick Kavanagh Centenary Nil 52,000 Nil Paddy Bushe Nil 2,500 Nil Centre Culturel Irlandais Paris Nil 75,000 Nil 1551 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1552

[Mr. O’Donoghue.]

Organisation Amount 2004 Amount 2005 Amount 2006

\\\ National Association of Deputy Principals Nil 60,000 Nil Anna Livia Opera Festival Nil 250,000 Nil Seanchaı´ Kerry Literary & Cultural Centre Nil 1,000 Nil Kerry Tenors Nil Nil 5089 Cultural Relations Committee 700,000 Nil Nil Special Olympics World Summer Games Ltd 1,000,000 Nil Nil

Sub-total 2,978,914 986,827 5,089

Allocations made under Sports Capital Programme 61,000,000 54,385,000 53,745,200 All Other Grants Provided to Major Sporting Bodies 61,783,014 63,239,419 53,810,200

Total Funding to non-Governmental agencies 128,904,204 130,794,963 111,238,489

Department Vote* 439,471,000 455,779,000 568,186,000

Total Funding to non-Governmental agencies as a % Department Vote 29.3% 28.7% 19.6%

Question No. 332 answered with Question announced provisional grant allocations under No. 33. the 2006 Programme in relation to the local appli- cations totalling \53.745 million to 719 projects 333. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Arts, and I will be announcing the provisional allo- Sport and Tourism if there were indicative total cations for the non-local projects in the near grant allocations imposed per county in regard to future, for which five applications were received the sport capital grant allocation 2006; the way he from Kildare. Of twenty-eight applications from can justify the fact that Kildare only received County Kildare for local projects this year, seven- \8.58 per head of population whilst the national teen were provisionally allocated funding total- average was \13.72 per head of population. ling \1.41 million. My Department has written to [27401/06] the remaining eleven applicants enclosing a copy of their assessment and explaining why they were Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. unsuccessful on this occasion, in order to assist O’Donoghue): The national lottery funded sports with any future applications which they might capital programme allocates funding to sporting submit. Ten of these applicants failed to meet and to voluntary and community organisations at basic minimum qualifying conditions as outlined local, regional and national level throughout the on the application form and the guidelines, terms country. The programme is advertised on an and conditions of the Programme. annual basis. All applications received under the There was a significant reduction in the programme are assessed on an individual basis by number of applications from Kildare this year, my Department in accordance with a detailed set which was down 25% on the number in each of of assessment criteria as specified in the guide- three previous years, 2003, 2004 and 2005. The lines, terms and conditions that accompany the Deputy will appreciate that the Programme can application form for the programme. The assess- only respond to the applications received from ment process takes into account factors such as any particular county in any particular year. A the existing level of facilities in an area, the reduced number of applications, taken with the number and quality of the applications received, quality of those applications and the scale of the the amount of funding being sought by each projects which apply, affects the overall level of applicant and the strategic positioning of major funding allocated to a county. Nevertheless, I facilities that may be required as well as the most should point out to the Deputy that sports capital recent Census of Population figures. Every effort funding to County Kildare amounts to \59 per is made to achieve a balanced geographical capita since 2003 and the national average over spread of funds throughout the country, while that time is \60 per capita. Indeed, since 1998 a also affording priority to projects in areas of total of over \23.4 million in sports capital fund- social and economic disadvantage. ing has been allocated to County Kildare. This In relation to the 2006 sports capital prog- means that the county, currently with 4.19% of ramme, a total of 1,338 applications were the population, has been allocated 5.22% of the received nationally, of which 1,211 were for pro- total national funding since 1998. I am satisfied jects classified as local and 127 as non-local, that that County Kildare has been treated more than is, projects which were categorised as national, fairly in the administration of the Sports Capital regional or municipal and multi-sport. I recently Programme and I believe that the Deputy will 1553 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1554 agree with me that the funding provided has It is expected that work on this strategy will be made a major difference to the range and quality completed later this year. of the sports facilities available throughout the county. Arts Funding. 335. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if his Department is willing to Sports Facilities. grant aid the construction or running of com- 334. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Arts, munity-based theatres; and if he will make a Sport and Tourism if there is cooperation statement on the matter. [27608/06] between his Department and the Department of Education and Science to provide or enhance Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. indoor sports facilities in schools; and if such O’Donoghue): The ACCESS Scheme, which ran cross-Departmental co-operation exists, the from 2001, allocated capital grants of \45.71m for achievements to date. [27540/06] the development of 44 arts and cultural facilities around the country. ACCESS was a follow on to Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. the CDIS programme that ran from 1994 to 1999 O’Donoghue): The sports capital programme, and under which some \26 million was allocated which is administered by my Department, allo- to 38 projects. In the coming weeks I will cates funding to sporting and community organis- announce details of a scheme to succeed ations and, in certain circumstances, schools and ACCESS. Once details are announced, appli- colleges, throughout the country. Projects must cations will be invited by public advertisement. be of a capital nature and be directly related to Applications, including any received from com- the provision of sporting and physical recreation munity-based theatres, will be considered on their facilities. merits in line with Guidelines which will be pub- Applications to the programme from primary lished in advance. “Revenue” or current support and post-primary schools and colleges must be for arts venues is a matter for the Arts Council. made jointly with local sports clubs or community groups and must as a minimum demonstrate that Sports Capital Programme. the local community will have significant access to the proposed facility when it is not being used 336. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, by the school or college itself. In this regard, the Sport and Tourism the amount of national lottery significant access is a requirement for a minimum funding awarded by his Department and drawn of at least 30 hours a week throughout the year. down by recipient groups in 2005; the expected Under the 2006 sports capital programme, allocation in 2006; the projections for 2007; and if some 30 applications involving schools were he will make a statement on the matter. received and following consultation with the [27609/06] Department of Education and Science, grants tot- alling \1.4 million have been allocated in respect 344. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, of 12 of these projects. My Department has com- Sport and Tourism the extent to which he expects menced work on the development of a sports to be able to assist the various local sporting facilities strategy that will advocate a planned organisations by way of allocation of capital approach to the provision of sports facilities at grants for the provision of facilities throughout both local and national level. An inter-agency the country; the amount expected to be spent steering group has been established to oversee under this heading in 2006 and in 2007; and if he this work. It includes representation from the will make a statement on the matter. [27617/06] Department of Education & Science. One of the key areas being examined as part of this strategy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. is community access to school facilities. This O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. relates to both optimising usage by local com- 336 and 344 together. munities of existing school facilities outside The national lottery funded sports capital prog- school hours and how this Department might ramme, which is administered by my Depart- provide funding to planned sports halls in schools ment, is the primary means of providing capital to enhance the facilities where necessary to facili- funding for sports facilities to clubs and voluntary tate a wide range of sports. and community organisations in every county However there are clearly genuine concerns throughout the country. The Programme is adver- within schools relating to issues such as security, tised on an annual basis. Since 1998, the Govern- insurance and running costs which can be barriers ment has provided unprecedented levels of capi- to facilitating community access which will need tal funding for sporting infrastructure throughout to be addressed. Where schools benefit from the country, a total of \448.56 million has been funding to enhance their facilities on the basis of allocated to 5,642 projects developed by sporting the wider benefit to the local community, there and community organisations. In 2005, almost needs to be a mechanism to ensure that this \63.24 million in sports capital funding was allo- access is provided and maintained into the future. cated to 644 projects. Of this amount, \14.95 mil- 1555 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1556

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] motion or encouragement of the film industry lion has been drawn down to date. I recently here in each of the past 10 years; and if he will announced the allocation of \53.745 million to make a statement on the matter. [27612/06] 719 projects categorised as local under the 2006 Sports Capital Programme. I will be making a Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. further announcement of allocations under the O’Donoghue): I propose to take Questions Nos. 2006 Programme to projects categorised as 337 and 339 together. national, regional and municipal/multi-sport in The promotion of film making in the State is due course. The Local Authority Swimming Pool primarily a matter for the Irish Film Board, an Programme, which is also administered by my independent statutory agency under the aegis of Department, provides grant aid towards the capi- my Department. Funding provided by my tal costs of a new swimming pool, a replacement Department to the Board since 1996 was as pool or the refurbishment of an existing pool. follows: While my Department’s multi-annual capital envelope has been approved for the period 2006- Year \m 2010, individual subhead allocations have been agreed in respect of 2006 only. Pending final 2006 17.126 agreement of the 2007 provision, I am not yet in 2005 15.95 a position to state how much funding will be available for allocation under the above capital 2004 11.846 programmes in 2007. A total of \67.724 million 2003 10.768 has been provided towards payments for sports 2002 12.265 capital grants and \32.3 million for local authority 2001 11.494 swimming pool grants in my Department’s 2006 2000 10.16 Estimates. 1999 6.89 Film Industry Development. 1998 6.065 1997 5.256 337. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number of films being 1996 4.33 filmed on location here in 1996; the number being filmed or are expected to be filmed in 2006; and My Department’s direct role relates to the if he will make a statement on the matter. administration of elements of the section 481 tax- [27610/06] based scheme for investment in film production. Details of the numbers of projects certified since 339. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, 1996, and of the finances associated with these Sport and Tourism the funding spent in the pro- projects, were as follows:

Total of projects certified Total Certified Spend of which Irish Spend Section 481 Amount

\m \m \m

1996 31 106.9 67.557.6 1997 32 216.6 99.982.4 1998 32 191.8 104.193.8 1999 35 114.5 72.060.8 2000 28 173.4 92.679.4 2001 23 239.3 110.575.4 2002 22 142.9 87.9 62.2 2003 25 282.7 135.684.8 2004 22 119.6 66.558.1 2005 28 125.5 63.954.8

Total 278 1,713.2 900.5709.4

To date in 2006, 13 projects, with a total certified stadium Ireland complex; the full or expected cost spend of \94.1m, and an Irish spend of \58.5m, of the development when completed; and if he have been certified. will make a statement on the matter. [27611/06]

National Stadium. Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. O’Donoghue): Campus and Stadium Ireland 338. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, Development Limited, the company charged with Sport and Tourism the position in regard to the developing the Sports Campus project, have cost to date and the expected costs of the campus drawn up a detailed proposal for the develop- 1557 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1558 ment of the sports campus at Abbotstown in a \50m global destination campaign for Tourism series of phases. Planning work for Phase One of Ireland which reflects Ireland’s core strengths. It the Development Control Plan is already also responds to a clearly identified need among underway and will provide a National Field potential visitors for more information about Sports training centre, catering for rugby, soccer, what a holiday in Ireland might involve. This Gaelic games and hockey; a National Indoor campaign has been rolled out in key markets and Training Centre which will provide world class the initial feedback has been positive. In terms of training facilities for over 30 Governing Bodies of the overall performance of the sector, 2005 fig- Sport; accommodation for sports men and ures show overseas visitor numbers increased by women; sports science and medical facilities; all- 6% to almost 7 million and a significant rise in weather synthetic pitches for community use; and revenue — up almost 8% to \3.455 billion, renovation of existing buildings to cater for needs excluding carrier receipts. On both counts, the identified by sports bodies. Funds for the delivery 2005 targets were exceeded. Against a backdrop of the project have been provided in my Depart- of intense global competition and constantly ment’s capital envelope for 2006-2010. The esti- evolving consumer preferences, these results rep- mated cost of the project is \119m with a 4 to 5- resent a good performance by the sector and year delivery schedule (2006 to 2010). An amount underline the significant return which Tourism of \9.5m has been provided in the Vote of my Ireland achieves from its investment in overseas Department for work on the project during 2006. marketing. The National Aquatic Centre, the first facility The targets set for 2006 are to grow overall visi- developed on this site, was completed in 2003 at tor numbers by 4.9% and revenue by 6.7%. The a capital cost of \71m. latest overseas visitor data from the CSO covers the first four months of 2006. This shows that the Question No. 339 answered with Question number of overseas visitors to Ireland increased No. 337. by 12.7% in the year to April — well ahead of target. This strong level of growth was spread Arts Policy. across the main markets, with Britain up 12%, 340. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, Europe up over 20%, North America up almost Sport and Tourism the way in which policy on the 2% with “Other” markets up over 3%. While the arts is formulated; if it is directly by his Depart- experience of various international shocks in ment or through subsidiary agencies; and if he recent years teaches us to be prudent in our will make a statement on the matter. [27613/06] expectations and the most recent data only relates to the early part of the season, I do note Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. that the trade, in general, is looking forward to O’Donoghue): I wish to refer the Deputy to the remainder of the year with a stronger sense Parliamentary Questions Nos. 92 and 93 on 31st of optimism than for some years past. May 2006. Questions Nos. 342 and 343 answered with Tourism Promotion. Question No. 9. 341. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, Question No. 344 answered with Question Sport and Tourism if he has satisfied himself that No. 336. sufficient steps have been taken to market this country as a tourist destination; and if he will Departmental Bodies. make a statement on the matter. [27614/06] 345. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Arts, Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. Sport and Tourism the budgetary allocation for O’Donoghue): Responsibility for marketing the each of the public bodies, executive agencies, island of Ireland overseas as a tourism destination advisory bodies and task forces operating under rests with Tourism Ireland Limited. Tourism his Department. [27795/06] Ireland is a North-South body, established under the Good Friday Agreement. It is jointly funded Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. by the Irish and British Exchequers — to the sum O’Donoghue): In relation to the budgetary allo- of \64m this year. Significant additional resources cations for bodies and agencies under the aegis of were secured for Tourism Ireland in 2005 and the Department, this information can be found again this year, to improve the effectiveness of in the Department’s published Estimates and the its marketing programmes overseas. In particular, associated agency statements. With regard to the these resources enabled the company to under- budgetary allocation for any task forces or similar take extensive research, in consultation with the groups established by my Department, the mem- trade and industry, aimed at reviewing the effec- bership of such groups is normally drawn from tiveness of the destination brand — Tourism relevant Departments, State Agencies and sec- Brand Ireland — the suite of communication and toral organisations and as such, no specific marketing materials which underpin its desti- additional budgetary allocation is made as any nation campaigns in overseas markets. In expenses arising are covered under general December 2005, I launched a new, three-year, subheads of the Department’s vote. 1559 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1560

346. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Arts, locations for a 65,000 to 80,000 seater Stadium. Sport and Tourism the number of positions in This was presented to the Working Group on the State bodies under the aegis of his Department National Stadium in August 2002. which are affected by the increase in non-execu- tive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies recently 2. Name of Task force: Assessment Panel for sanctioned by the Government. [27809/06] Expressions of Interest in the National Stadium Function: To evaluate expressions of interest Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. from the private sector with regard to the O’Donoghue): A total of 12 chairpersons of state National Stadium Project bodies under the aegis of my Department are affected at present by the increases referred to by Membership: The assessment panel included the Deputy. representatives from the Office of Public Works, Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd., 347. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Arts, National Treasury Management Agency, Depart- Sport and Tourism the number of task forces ment of Finance including the Public Private which have been created by his Department and Partnership Unit, the Attorney General’s Office their function, size, membership, reporting mech- and the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism, anism and period of existence since 1997. supported by a technical sub-group. [27815/06] Name Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. O’Donoghue): A number of task forces and Sec. General Philip Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism similar groups have been created in my Depart- Furlong (Chair) ment since its establishment in 2002 and details Con Haugh Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism in respect of the more important such groups are Helen Nugent Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism set out below. Sean Benton Office of Public Works Kevin Connolly Office of Public Works 1. Name of Task force: Working Group on the Jim O’Brien Department of Finance National Stadium Function: Eamonn Kearns Department of Finance To make a recommendation to the Govern- Cormac Gilhooly Department of Finance ment regarding the size, cost, design and specifi- Pat O’Neill Department of Finance PPP Division cation of a National Stadium Jim Farrell National Treasury Management Agency Membership: It consisted of the Special Oliver Whelan National Treasury Management Agency Advisers to the Taoiseach and the Ta´naiste, and Christopher O’Toole Office of the Attorney General representatives of the Office of Public Works and Donagh Morgan Campus and Stadium Ireland Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd, Development Ltd. under the Chairmanship of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism. Reporting Mechanism: The group provided advice to the Department. Name Period of Existence: October-November 2002. Secretary General Philip Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism Furlong (Chair) 3. Name of Taskforce: Expenditure Review- Assistant Secretary Con Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism Sports Facilities Steering Group. Haugh Commissioner Sean Office of Public Works Function: To complete an Expenditure Review Benton that would assess the expenditure and approach Gerry Hickey Special Adviser to the Taoiseach, to the provision of Sports facilities. Department of the Taoiseach Membership: Maurice Roche Special Adviser to the Tanaiste, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Name Donagh Morgan Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd. Mr. Con Haugh (Chair) Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism Mr. Frank Griffin Department of Finance Reporting Mechanism: The working group Mr. Peter Smyth Irish Sports Council drafted a report for consideration by the Govern- Ms Helen Nugent Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism ment in September 2002. In light of this report, Mr. Paddy Heffernan Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism the Government decided that it was not in the Mr. Denis Breen Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism position to provide any Exchequer funding, in the Dave Spratt Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism medium term, for a National Stadium. Finian Judge Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism Period of Existence: Up to August 2002. Chris Flynn Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism In addition to the above working group, there was another OPW and Department task force, Reporting Mechanism: The group held a which drafted a report evaluating sites as possible number of meetings and produced an Expendi- 1561 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1562 ture Review which was sent to the Oireachtas and Name published on the Department’s website. Mr. John Treacy Irish Sports Council Period of Existence: March 2003 to November Ms Teresa Griffin Department of Education & Science 2003. Ms Helen Nugent Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism 4. Name of Taskforce: Lansdowne Road Mr. Paddy Heffernan Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism Stadium Steering Group. Function: To keep the Government aware of Reporting Mechanism: The group have held a the development of the Lansdowne Road number of meetings and agreed the priority areas Stadium Redevelopment Project, and to keep in of work to be completed before a report is pro- contact with any issues which might arise in the duced. Their work is ongoing. course of the delivery of the facility. Period of Existence: June 2005 to date. Membership: The Steering Group consists of 6. Name of Taskforce: Inter-Departmental representatives from the FAI, IRFU, OPW, Public Art Coordination Group. Department of Finance, Lansdowne Road Stadium Development Company Ltd and the Function: To publish a set of general national Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism. guidelines in relation to the Public Art: Per Cent for Art Scheme. Name Membership: Group consisted of 14 members,

Philip Furlong (Chair) Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism representing various Government Departments and organisations. Con Haugh Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism Helen Nugent Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism Name Orlaith Gleeson Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism

John Delaney FAI Chair: Christine Sisk Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism Michael Cody FAI Mary Cloake Arts Council David Blood FAI Annette Moloney Arts Council Michael Greene LRSDC Michael McKenna/Betty Department of the Environment, Philip Browne IRFU Moriarty Heritage and Local Government Noel Murphy IRFU Niall Bradley City and County Managers Association John Hussey IRFU Paul de Fre´ine Department of Health & Children Sean Benton Office of Public Works Helen O’Neill Department of Education & Science Claire McGrath Office of Public Works Angela Rolfe, OPW Jacquie Moore, OPW Kevin Connolly Office of Public Works Dick McKeever Department of Communications, Marine Frank Griffin Department of Finance and Natural Resources Richard Evers National Roads Authority Comdt David Department of Defence Reporting Mechanism: The Steering Group McGonnell meets on a regular basis and members provide Shay Kirk Court Services Board the Secretary General with regular updates regarding the project. Reporting mechanism and period: The group Period of Existence: February 2004 to date. was established in August 2002 and the Guide- lines were published in December 2004. 5. Name of Taskforce: Sports Facilities Strategy Steering Group. 7. Name of Taskforce: Special Committee on Function: To oversee the development of a the Traditional Arts. strategy document that will outline a planned Function: to advise the Arts Council on matters approach to the provision of Sports facilities. relating to the traditional arts. Membership: Membership:

Name Name

Mr. Philip Furlong Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism (Chair) Jerome Hynes Mr. Donagh Morgan Campus Stadium Ireland Development Philip King Ltd. Michea´lO´ hEidin Mr. Brian Millane Department of Community, Rural & U´ na O´ Murchu´ Gaeltacht Affairs Katie Verling Mr. Kevin Ring Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government Mr. Dermot Quigley Department of Finance Reporting mechanism and period: The Commit- Mr. Michael Malone Kilkenny County Manager tee was established in December 2003 and pub- 1563 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1564

[Mr. O’Donoghue.] 10. Name of Taskforce: Tourism Strategy lished its report entitled Towards a Policy for the Implementation Group. Traditional Arts in September 2004. Function: To continue the work of reviewing and monitoring implementation of the New Hor- 8. Name of Taskforce: Tourism Policy Review izons Report of the Tourism Policy Review Group. Group. Function: To review and report on tourism Membership: policy to the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism. Name Membership: Chair: John Travers Name Philip Furlong Paul Tansey Chair: John Travers Paul O’Toole Patrick O’Donoghue Shaun Quinn Gillian Bowler Luke Moriarty Peter Cassells Nancy Moran Tony Kelly Margaret Jeffares Pat McCann Dan Flinter Paul O’Toole Paul Bates Brian Patterson Reporting mechanism and period: May 2006-to Shaun Quinn date. Niall Reddy 11. Name of Taskforce: Beckett Centenary Frank Roche Council. Paschal Taggart Function: Oversee Beckett Centenary Festival.

Reporting mechanism and period: January Membership: 2003-September 2003. Produced the Report of Name the Tourism Policy Review Group: New Horizons for Irish Tourism: An Agenda for Action. Chair: Philip Furlong 9. Name of Taskforce: Tourism Action Plan Michael Colgan Implementation Group. Edward Beckett Mary Cloake Function: To review and report progress on the Cathal Goan implementation of the New Horizons Report of John Hegarty the Tourism Policy Review Group. Membership: Reporting mechanism and period: Novembr Name 2005-April 2006.

Chair: John Travers 12. Name of Taskforce: Beckett Centenary Fes- Philip Furlong tival Committee. Michael O’Donoghue Function: Implement Beckett Centenary Paul Tansey Festival. Jim Murphy Members: Eileen O’Meara Walsh Raymond J Rooney Name

Chair: Michael Colgan Reporting mechanism and period: January Paul Bates 2004-January 2006. Published three implemen- Fionnuala Croke tation reports. Chris Flynn First Progress Report of the Tourism Action Alan Gilsenan Plan Implementation Group. Anne Graham Second Progress Report of the Tourism Lorelei Harris Action Plan Implementation Group. John Hutchinson Dennis Kennedy Third and Final Progress Report of the Tour- David McKenna ism Action Plan Implementation Group. 1565 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1566

Name date in 2006; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27765/06] Bernard Meehan Patrick Murphy Minister of State at the Department of Niall O´ Donnchu´ (Deputy Chair) Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Mr. Aongus O´ hAonghusa Killeen): The Labour Inspectorate of the Depart- Marie Rooney ment of Enterprise, Trade and Employment is Judith Woodworth and responsible for monitoring certain employment Laura Barnes conditions for all categories of workers in Ireland, including foreign workers. The Inspectorate operates without any differentiation with regard Reporting mechanism and period: November to worker nationality as statutory employment 2005-May 2006. rights and protections apply to foreign workers in exactly the same manner as they do to other Irish workers. Accordingly, the Labour Inspectorate Departmental Advertising. does not record its cases in a format that would 348. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Arts, facilitate the statistics requested. Sport and Tourism the amount which was spent For the avoidance of doubt Section 20 of the in his Department for the years 2005 and from Protection of Employee’s (Part-Time) Work Act, January 2006 to date for media purposes or 2001 provides that all employee protection legis- advertising; where the money was spent, that is, lation on the Statute Book in Ireland applies to national papers, provincial papers, RTE´ radio, workers posted to work in Ireland in line with local radios and so on; the amounts spent on a Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament yearly basis for years of the pervious three years; and Council of 16 December 1996. if money was spent on videos, for promotional, Section 20 of the 2001 Act also provides that educational or advertising purposes. [27962/06] all employee protection legislation applies to a person, irrespective of his or her nationality or Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism (Mr. place of residence, who has entered into a con- O’Donoghue): The total cost for advertising since tract of employment that provides for his or her the establishment of my Department in June being employed in the State or who works in the 2002, including advertising by the Cultural Insti- State under a contract of employment. Thus all tutions, was as follows. Employment Rights Legislation applies to migrant workers engaged to work in Ireland \ under a contract of employment. In instances where foreign workers are paid June-December 2002 186,797 less than Irish workers for comparable work and 2003 393,352 there are no other relevant differentiating fea- tures, it may be appropriate to refer the matter 2004 392,178 to the Equality Authority for consideration under 2005 200,824 Equality Legislation. 2006 to date 31,449 Foreign Trade Links. In addition my Department spent \67,760 earlier 350. Mr. O’Connor asked the Minister for this year on an Educational Pack for the Beckett Enterprise, Trade and Employment further to the Centenary Festival of a box set of DVDs which recent visit of his Minister of State to the was distributed to post-primary schools through- Ukraine, the short term intentions and steps to out the country. be taken to increase business and trade between My Department’s statistics on advertising Ireland and the Ukraine; if his attention has been expenditure are not retained on a basis that drawn to the interest of the Ireland/Ukraine would allow me to provide the breakdown Parliamentary Friendship Group in the matter; requested by the Deputy. However a significant and the growing interest of Irish businesses who element of the expenditure was incurred in are in need of good quality assistance; and if he relation to advertising and promotion by the will make a statement on the matter. [27258/06] National Museum of Ireland and National Library of Ireland which formed part of my Minister of State at the Department of Department until they were established as separ- Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Mr. M. ate legal entities in May 2005. Ahern): Currently, the level of Irish trade with Ukraine is relatively small. Irish exports to Employment Conditions. Ukraine were only \23.7m in 2005, however this was an increase of 49% on 2004 figures. At the 349. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for same time, Ukrainian exports to Ireland Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number increased by 161% to \8.6m between 2004 and of cases involving exploitation of foreign workers 2005. that have been taken in 2003, 2004, 2005 and to 1567 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1568

[Mr. M. Ahern.] in encouraging closer links with Ukraine are Despite the low level of trade, Enterprise very welcome. Ireland has, on average, personnel “in-market” in Ukraine every five to six weeks to support the Work Permits. endeavours of Irish companies seeking to estab- 351. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for lish a foothold in that country. This approach Enterprise, Trade and Employment the reasons builds on an awareness raising seminar on the for a person (details supplied) in County Dublin Ukraine market, held in Dublin in June 2005, and being refused a work permit; and if he will sup- culminated in my leading Ireland’s first ever port their request. [27289/06] Trade Mission to Ukraine last month. This Trade Mission attracted 21 Irish companies and organis- Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- ations and resulted in over 100 buyer and partner ment (Mr. Martin): The Work Permit Section of meetings brokered by Enterprise Ireland with my Department returned an application in this Ukrainian counterparts. case recently on the basis that the Department Enterprise Ireland has, over the past 18 believes that a suitable employee from within the months, built up a substantial network of Ukrain- enlarged EU can fill the position. The employer ian contacts and support resources, and has was notified of this decision in writing. The focused its efforts on sectors such as IT and Tele- employer may appeal this decision to my coms, Financial Services and Banking Systems, Department. Education, Medical Devices and Agricultural Machinery, which have been identified as 352. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for markets likely to generate the most opportunities Enterprise, Trade and Employment the final in the short to medium term for Irish industry. decision on a work permit for a person (details Linkages have been developed with local trade supplied) in County Galway. [27290/06] and business associations and with private con- tractors, to provide logistic support for Enterprise Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- Ireland clients when they visit the Ukrainian ment (Mr. Martin): The Work Permit section of market. Enterprise Ireland has also recently my Department informs me that there is no launched a Russian language website to promote record of a valid work permit application having Irish indigenous industry and the Irish economy been received in respect of the above named indi- vidual. Incomplete or incorrect applications are in the former Soviet Union, and it is readily returned to the employer to be amended. accessible as a valuable information resource for the large section of the Ukrainian population who 353. Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for are native and second language Russian speakers. Enterprise, Trade and Employment the reason an In addition, I am aware that a number of private application for a work permit in respect of a per- Irish companies and organisations are actively son (details supplied) was not proceeded with, promoting Ukraine for production and manufac- despite the fact that the vacancy was registered turing relocation purposes, which, though outside on the FA´ S recruitment network; if same will be the remit of Enterprise Ireland, is another indi- reconsidered; and if he will make a statement on cator of increased Irish Ukrainian economic the matter. [27357/06] interaction. Aside from Enterprise Ireland, the National Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) has estab- ment (Mr. Martin): The Work Permit section of lished a relationship with the State Committee of my Department took a decision to refuse this Ukraine for Technical Regulation and Consumer application on the basis that it is not for a highly Policy (DSSU), and are expected to sign a Mem- paid or highly skilled job. Since the accession of orandum of Understanding with the DSSU later the 10 new member states employers should look this year, in the field of Standardisation, Con- to the wider EU in the first instance to source formity Assessment and Metrology. labour needs that are not highly skilled or highly Irish investment in Ukraine increased signifi- paid. cantly in 2006, with a number of high profile transactions that will further increase Irish confi- Departmental Expenditure. dence in the Ukrainian market. Discussions have 354. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for been ongoing for some time to conclude a Double Enterprise, Trade and Employment the non- Taxation Agreement, which would significantly Governmental agencies or organisations his reduce the barriers to international business and Department has provided funding to in 2004, trade between Ireland and the Ukraine. 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding provided I am, of course, aware of and support the to each in each year; the number of applications efforts of the Ireland/Ukraine Parliamentary for funding submitted to his Department in total; Friendship Group in fostering and developing the number of these applications which were better political, social and business ties between refused; the reason for same; the percentage of Ukraine and Ireland. The activities of this group his Department’s overall annual budget such 1569 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1570 funding equates to; and if he will make a state- Departmental Agencies. ment on the matter. [27385/06] 356. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the annual Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- cost in 2005 for Shannon Development to main- ment (Mr. Martin): The information requested by tain its vacant factories and industrial units in the Deputy is being compiled by my Department County Clare; the cost of same for each of the but is not yet complete. Given the broad range of areas; and if he will make a statement on the organisations and activities involved, my Depart- matter. [27436/06] ment is unable to supply the material sought by the Deputy within the timescale requested. Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- Officials in my Department are however, well ment (Mr. Martin): The issue of property main- advanced in bringing together the information tenance is a day-to-day issue for the enterprise sought by the Deputy which I will forward to development agencies of my Department and is her shortly. one in which I have no direct function. The figures for County Clare as set out below Construction Industry. cover maintenance expenditure on both vacant and occupied property. Given the significant 355. Mr. Costello asked the Minister for number of property units Shannon Development Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number has in County Clare, the sub county breakdown of people who are employed in the construction covers Shannon Free Zone / Shannon / Smiths- industry according to work category; the number town, and the rest of County Clare. The descrip- of inspectors employed per thousand workers; the tion maintenance covers landscaping, public light- number of employers prosecuted for breaking the ing, security, staff costs and general building conditions of employment; the number of sub- maintenance. Shannon Development does not contractors in the industry; and if he will make a break down its maintenance expenditure figures statement on the matter. [27406/06] between vacant property and occupied property, given the ongoing change to that status as a result Minister of State at the Department of of new lettings etc. Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Mr. Killeen): I understand from the most recent Maintenance Expenditure 2005 for County Clare statistics available from the Central Statistics \ Office that there are 253,800 people employed in the construction industry. I do not have details according to work category within the sector. Shannon / SFZ / Smithstown 436,152 The assignment of previously announced Rest of County Clare 104,153 additional Labour Inspectors was completed in Total 540,305 November 2005. That brought the complement of serving Inspectors to 31 Officers. The current complement of inspectors provides for a ratio of one inspector for each 8,200 workers in the con- Job Creation. struction industry. However, the Deputy will be 357. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for aware that Labour Inspectors carry out their Enterprise, Trade and Employment the progress duties in all sectors of the economy. A major to date in the provision of employment in the package of measures has been agreed by the par- North Tipperary area by location for each year ties at the recent Partnership negotiations, includ- since 2002; and if he will make a statement on the ing the establishment of a new, statutory Office matter. [27524/06] dedicated to employment rights compliance and a trebling in the number of Labour Inspectors. Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- The primary function of the Labour Inspector- ment (Mr. Martin): The issue of job creation in ate is to seek compliance and rectification of any North Tipperary is a day-to-day issue for the breaches identified, including payment of any enterprise development agencies of my Depart- arrears due to employees. Inspectors pursue alle- ment, namely IDA Ireland, Shannon Develop- gations of worker mistreatment and seek redress ment and the North Tipperary County Enterprise for the individual/s concerned and, if appropriate, Board and is one in which I have no direct a prosecution is initiated. Successful prosecution function. can be dependent on adequate support from wit- IDA Midwest region consists of Counties nesses. In the past two years one employer in the Clare, Limerick, North Tipperary and North construction sector was prosecuted for a breach Kerry. The attractiveness of North Tipperary for of Employment Rights legislation. I understand inward investment has to be seen within a from the Revenue Commissioners that there are regional context, and particularly by reference to approximately 85,000 sub-contractors currently Shannon airport, its proximity to Limerick and operating in the construction industry. Cork and to its location along the corridors of Limerick/Dublin and Cork/Dublin. The National 1571 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1572

[Mr. Martin.] Development initiative established in partnership Spatial Strategy (NSS) provides a framework for with the Local Authorities in the region. the achievement of this goal. IDA Ireland’s Tipperary North County Enterprise Board regional strategy reflects the NSS, with an empha- (CEB) was set up in 1993 as a source of support sis on the gateway and hub locations. In addition for the micro-businesses sector. The role of the IDA actively promotes the County town of Board is to develop indigenous enterprise poten- Thurles. IDA is committed to the development tial and to stimulate economic activity and an of North Tipperary and is actively promoting the enterprise culture in North Tipperary. This is County for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), as done through both direct financial assistance and part of an integrated Mid West region. IDA has non-financial assistance. Subject to certain eligi- six supported companies in North Tipperary, bility criteria enterprises may qualify for support employing 717 in December 2005. in the form of feasibility, employment and capital In moving North Tipperary to a more know- grants while there is also a broad range of non- ledge based economy, IDA Ireland is partnering financial supports available such as mentoring, with educational institutions in the region, in business advice and management development particular University of Limerick, Limerick and training. While such non-financial supports Institute of Technology and Tipperary Institute, may not directly generate jobs in an enterprise in developing the skill sets necessary to attract they contribute positively to the wider objective high value added employment particularly in of building an enterprise culture which, in time, added value activities, such as R&D, corporate can result in job creation without direct financial services, shared services, supply chain manage- assistance from the State. Employment in the ment, treasury management, etc. enterprise development agencies in North Both IDA Ireland and Shannon Development Tipperary for each year since 2002 is set out in are members of the Thurles Marketing Group the table below. IDA Ireland and Tipperary which was established in 2002 with a view to North County Enterprise Board do not break developing a pilot marketing initiative in North down employment figures by location. Tipperary as part of the implementation of the Employment in North Tipperary County Economic and Cultural Strategy 2002- 2012. The focus of the marketing initiative is “to Shannon Development Client Companies promote Thurles as a location for business investment”. Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Initiatives undertaken by Shannon Develop- ment include the development of the Tipperary Nenagh 1,025 1,058 1,148 1,167 Technology Park in Thurles, one of a network of Roscrea 654 674 545 586 five such Parks in the region. There are currently Thurles 465 469 428 472 four businesses operating out of the Park in areas Other 520 582 595 589 such as Software Development, Marketing, IT and Health & Safety. Shannon Development and Total 2,654 2,783 2,716 2,814 North Tipperary Enterprise Board also operate offices in the Park. Three further companies occupy the larger expansion spaces on the park. IDA Client Companies From a base of zero in 2002 there are currently over 80 people employed on site across 8 com- Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 panies. In addition Shannon Development con- tinues to support the existing industrial base in North Tipperary 946 714 762 717 Thurles. Shannon Development has a 51 acre Business Park in Lisboney, Nenagh and the Company is Tipperary North County Enterprise Board marketing this as an attractive investment location and demand for sites is buoyant. The Client Companies private sector is also responding to the increasing demand and currently a 30,000 sq.ft. Advanced Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Technology Unit is under construction at Stere- ame, Nenagh. This development was promoted Full time Jobs 510 556 580 601 and encouraged by Shannon Development and Part time Jobs 223 183 187 196 was supported under the BES scheme. This facility (due for completion this month) will add Labour Inspectors. to the attractiveness of the town as an invest- ment location. 358. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number The Company is also working to ensure that of labour inspectors who are currently employed North Tipperary has a world-class telecom- by the State; his plans to increase their number; munications infrastructure. This initiative is pro- and if he will make a statement on the matter. moted by Shannon Broadband, a Shannon [27548/06] 1573 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1574

Minister of State at the Department of he will make a statement on the matter. Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Mr. [27550/06] Killeen): The assignment of previously announced additional Labour Inspectors was Minister of State at the Department of completed in November 2005. That brought the Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Mr. complement of serving Inspectors to 31 Officers. Killeen): Primary responsibility for policy in The increase in staffing represents almost a relation to equal pay is a matter for my colleague doubling of the number of Labour Inspectors in the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law the last 2 years. Reform. Addressing the factors behind the gen- A major package of measures has been agreed der pay gap is, however, a multi-faceted task by the parties at the recent Partnership nego- involving a number of Government Departments. tiations, including the establishment of a new, The Department of Enterprise, Trade and statutory Office dedicated to employment rights Employment undertakes the following actions. compliance; a trebling in the number of Labour The National Framework Committee on Inspectors; greater coordination among organis- Work/Life Balance Policies, which is chaired by ations concerned with compliance; new require- the Department, undertakes a range of activities ments in respect of record keeping; enhanced to raise awareness and encourage the provision employment rights awareness activity; the intro- of work/life balance arrangements at the level of duction of a new and more user friendly system the enterprise. The committee’s activities include of employment rights compliance; increased the provision of financial assistance to organis- resourcing of the system; and higher penalties for ations, information dissemination activities, sem- non-compliance with employment law. inars, and research activities. As agreed in the Partnership negotiations, the The introduction of the national minimum wage has also had an impact in addressing the number of Labour Inspectors will be progres- gender pay gap. In this regard, I accepted the sively increased from 31 to 90 by end-2007, as Labour Court recommendation and increased the part of an initiative to increase the staffing minimum wage to \7.65 per hour with effect from resources of the Employment Rights Bodies gen- 1 May 2005. Furthermore, the new Social Part- erally. Inspectors will be specially selected and nership agreement provides for a further adjust- trained and will be deployed on a regionalised ment to the minimum wage with effect from 1 basis. In addition, the new Office will be provided January, 2007. with legal, accounting and other administrative “Expanding the Workforce”, which is run by support to ensure its effective functioning. FA´ S, is aimed at proactively encouraging women to return to work. The initiative facilitates women Work Permits. returnees by ensuring that training is provided in 359. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for a flexible manner and is tailored to meet business Enterprise, Trade and Employment further to requirements and skills needs of employers. Parliamentary Question No. 153 of 21 June 2006, if officials in his Department have reviewed a Industrial Development. case and contacted the person involved (details 361. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for supplied); and if he will make a statement on the Enterprise, Trade and Employment the measures matter. [27549/06] which are in place within the IDA to promote the products and services of indigenous Irish com- Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- panies to foreign direct investors establishing ment (Mr. Martin): The Work Permit section of business here; the steps an indigenous company my Department took a decision to refuse this can take to ensure a multinational establishing application on the basis that it is not for a highly here is made aware of their services; and if they paid or highly skilled job. Since the accession of can receive information to allow them to the 10 new member states employers should look approach these companies directly. [27551/06] to the wider EU in the first instance to source labour needs that are not highly skilled or highly Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- paid. The Work Permit Section is in a position to ment (Mr. Martin): IDA Ireland is the agency consider issuing a work permit in respect of this with statutory responsibility for the attraction of individual under the new Spousal Work Permit foreign direct investment (FDI) to Ireland and its Scheme. An official from the work permit section regions and Enterprise Ireland has responsibility has written to the employer seeking additional for the development of indigenous industry. Both information for the application to be processed. Agencies work in close cooperation with one another and are actively working with a range of Pay Differentials. other bodies, including county development boards, private developers, educational institutes 360. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for and FAS towards maximizing the potential of Enterprise, Trade and Employment the steps he individual areas and counties for new investment is taking to address gender pay inequality; and if and expansion projects. 1575 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1576

[Mr. Martin.] • Arranging initial introductions to potential IDA Ireland is acutely aware that overseas business partners and providing help with fol- investors not alone bring high wage jobs to indi- low-up contacts. vidual regions and areas but also have knock-on In addition, the Enterprise Ireland website benefits in other sectors such as supply, distri- (www.enterprise-ireland.com) hosts an electronic bution and transport, thus creating further search engine entitled “Source Ireland”, which is investment/employment opportunities for local a business directory of leading Irish suppliers, people in the immediate vicinity and surround- providing national/international buyers with com- ing areas. prehensive and up to date information. The availability of indigenous support services capable of sustaining their investment is an 362. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for important issue for overseas investors, with Enterprise, Trade and Employment the efforts potential investors regularly enquiring about the which have been made in 2006 to attract invest- availability of indigenous services that are inter- ment into South Tipperary. [27552/06] national in focus. In this context it is also an important ingredient for IDA Ireland in both Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- marketing sites at local level for new investment ment (Mr. Martin): The promotion and facili- or presenting a case to existing investors for tation of industrial development is a day to day expansion projects. matter for the industrial development agencies While it would not be appropriate for IDA and relevant county enterprise boards, and not Ireland to engage in marketing an individual one in which I am directly involved. company’s products or services, the Agency can IDA Ireland informs me that it continues to and does make overseas investors aware of the market South Tipperary as a potential location availability of products and services that may be for new foreign direct investment, in order to secure new investment and additional jobs for the of interest or necessary to sustain the potential region. In marketing South Tipperary, IDA investment and where the investor so requests Ireland is focussed on attracting overseas com- IDA Ireland can also facilitate introductions. panies in the services and knowledge based indus- Ultimately it is the investor who decides on where tries, including advanced manufacturing. Key sec- to locate, including where to visit as a potential tors of focus for IDA in the region are location and what services or products he or she international services, healthcare and pharma- wishes to source locally to support the enterprise. ceuticals. Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland are cur- IDA’s strategy for South Tipperary is to con- rently in discussion on the issue of allowing each centrate future economic development in other preferential access to each other’s company Clonmel and to develop the town as a first-class information systems. This will facilitate develop- location for overseas investment. This strategy ment of a more effective ability to identify oppor- has been agreed with the South Tipperary County tunities for developing relationships at various Development Board. IDA has purchased c. 50 levels between Indigenous and Foreign owned acres of land in the Ballingarrane Estate in companies. Clonmel to develop a Business and Technology Enterprise Ireland actively assists companies Park. The future development of the Ballingar- from all over the world to create business rane Estate will be a key asset in attracting over- relationships between potential buyers and Irish seas investment into the county. Recent signifi- suppliers. The Agency also provides support for cant investments by IDA supported companies in strategic alliances, product licensing, collabor- the region include Guidant in Clonmel and Alza ative research and joint ventures, and is actively in Cashel. I understand from IDA that Guidant endeavouring to maximise interactions between will be looking to recruit circa 200 staff per annum over the next five years. global buyers and suppliers in a number of ways Enterprise Ireland continues to encourage including: investment and foster job creation in Tipperary • Meeting and consulting with potential South. Enterprise Ireland job creation activity is customers and building an understanding of focussed on the creation of new jobs, through their purchasing requirement, including pro- supporting entrepreneurs, setting up new high vision of free confidential support services to potential start-up companies, the retention and meet those requirements creation of new jobs in existing companies and enhancing the innovation capability of Ireland at • Supplying detailed reports on Irish suppliers a national and regional level, through support of and information on how potential customers research in companies and third level institutions. can benefit from doing business with Irish Enterprise Ireland continues to work with com- suppliers panies in its portfolio to assist them grow their • Organising visits to meet with Irish suppliers sales and exports and improve innovation, in order that they can compete on world markets. and manufacturers In addition to direct finance, Enterprise Ireland 1577 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1578 has a range of service offerings to encourage the training; and if he will make a statement on the set up of high tech, high opportunity, indigenous matter. [27704/06] enterprises including business and marketing advice, mentoring, product development etc as Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- well as incubation space. ment (Mr. Martin): Funds are in place to address As part of its regional development role, the requirements to which the Deputy refers. I Enterprise Ireland works with other agencies in am informed by FA´ S that its High Support Pro- South Tipperary to develop the business infra- cess (HSP) is a flexible process designed to assist structure. Enterprise Ireland infrastructural pro- FA´ S Employment Services Officers (ESOs) in jects include Community Enterprise Centres, implementing a range of responses to meet the which foster the development of micro needs of individuals who are experiencing major enterprises, which in turn can grow into larger employability barriers in progressing from unem- enterprises. Enterprise Ireland approved support ployment to employment in the open labour of \702,547 under its CEC Schemes to Com- market. HSP budget for 2006 is \950,000. munity Enterprise Centres in Carrick-on-Suir, Under the HSP a total of \2,500 per person is Clonmel and Tipperary town. All of these centres available to ESOs to source the relevant inter- are operating at almost full capacity. ventions such as counselling, supplemental train- The South Tipperary County Enterprise Board ing, etc. It is a multi-agency, case-conferencing (CEB) is pro-actively involved in the develop- approach where FA´ S ESOs and Department of ment of indigenous enterprise in the region. In Social and Family Affairs (DSFA) Job Facilita- 2006 Tipperary South CEB received a total tors, in conjunction with a number of other agen- budgetary allocation from my Department of cies such as Health Services Executive, Local \766,995 (which is a 6.1% increase over the 2005 Employment Services, Vocational Educational allocation). This has enabled South Tipperary Committees, Probation and Welfare Services, etc. CEB to be actively involved in the economic source agreed supports for individuals based on development of County Tipperary and to ensure identified barriers. that available funds are targeted to maximise entrepreneurial development throughout the The HSP is available to: locality. In the first half of 2006 South Tipperary • individuals referred through the Employ- CEB has made available in excess of \250,000 to ment Action Plan (EAP) who would 12 micro businesses in South Tipperary with the benefit from this intervention potential to create 25-30 jobs. • ex-Job Initiative (JI) participants or current participants who wish to explore alterna- Work Permits. tive training and/or employment options 363. Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the position • any individual presenting and identified in in relation to work permits in respect of two per- need of ‘high support’ such as those experi- sons (details supplied) in County Wicklow; and if encing homelessness, individual made he will make a statement on the matter. redundant, ex-offenders, members of the [27702/06] traveller community, disabled people, etc. In addition to the HSP, FA´ S also operates a ‘Cus- Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- tomised Training Fund’ which has a budget of ment (Mr. Martin): The Work Permit Section has \1,261,000 for 2006. This fund was set up to confirmed that applications for work permits in provide flexibility in responding to the identified respect of the individuals concerned were refused training needs of jobseekers. In situations where on the 4th May, 2006 in line with my Depart- an individual, during the course of a guidance ment’s policy to only consider work permit appli- interview with a FA´ S ESO, identifies a specific cations for highly skilled and highly paid positions ‘specialised’ training need that cannot be met by that are not possible to fill from within the EEA. FA´ S, or where there would be an unacceptable Following an appeal by the employer, this delay before the next scheduled FA´ S course is decision was upheld by the work permit section due to start, this fund may be used to ‘purchase’ on 22nd June, 2006. The employer was notified of the required training. In certain circumstances the this decision in writing. Arrangements are being fund may used to offer group support or individ- made for the fees to be returned to the employer. ual counselling. The cost of training is set at \635 to \1,270 per individual. ´ FAS Training Programmes. As part of FA´ S’ guidance process, both HSP 364. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for and the Customised Training Fund are available Enterprise, Trade and Employment his views on to individuals experiencing employability barriers the establishment of a training fund which will be to use for appropriate training, etc. Consequently, at the personal disposal of individuals experienc- there would appear to be no need for a ‘third’ ing employability barriers to use for appropriate fund to meet such needs. 1579 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1580

Job Creation. Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- ment (Mr. Martin): The number of positions in 365. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for State bodies under the aegis of the Department Enterprise, Trade and Employment his plans to of Enterprise, Trade and Employment that are bring new industry into Dungarvan in view of the affected by the increase in non-executive chair- fact that since the closure of the Waterford Crys- persons’ fees of State bodies recently sanctioned tal’s factory no replacement industry has been by the Government is 15. found for the town; and if he will make a state- ment on the matter. [27763/06] Departmental Bodies. Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- 367. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for ment (Mr. Martin): The Industrial Development Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number agencies are promoting County Waterford in of taskforces which have been created by his Department and their function, size, membership, order to increase the flow of potential investors reporting mechanism and period of existence for the County and to convert any suitable invest- since 1997. [27813/06] ment projects into job opportunities particularly for Dungarvan and the surrounding area where Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- possible. This is being done in conjunction with ment (Mr. Martin): The information requested by an inter agency forum which was established by the Deputy is provided in the table below. A the Waterford County Manager following the number of Task Forces were established between closure of the plant in Dungarvan. 1997 and 2001 in response to job losses in part- Under the extension of Enterprise Ireland’s icular areas. However, the practice of creating Community Enterprise Centre Scheme which I such Task Forces changed after the establishment announced in January of this year, Dungarvan is of County Development Boards, as the Boards receiving a total of \500,000 from EI and the were seen to be best placed to oversee any Waterford County Enterprise Board for the con- additional response required to job losses over struction of a new Enterprise Centre. I am satis- and above the work of the Industrial Develop- fied that the ongoing work of the Development ment Agencies under the auspices of my agencies, together with the provision of the new Department. Enterprise Centre will provide good employment In addition, while it is not strictly a task force, opportunities for Dungarvan. and is therefore not listed in the table below, there is currently an Inter-Departmental Group, Departmental Bodies. under the chairmanship of the Secretary-General of my Department, which is considering a broad 366. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for range of issues relevant to the future develop- Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number ment of Co. Donegal. Finally, in the time avail- of positions in State bodies under the aegis of his able, my Department cannot provide the details Department which are affected by the increase in of the exact period of existence for each of the non-executive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies Task Forces established to address particular job recently sanctioned by the Government. losses, however, each would have had a life span [27797/06] of an average of 12 months. 1581 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1582 9 1999 and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and local and worker interestsand local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and submitted to Minister and local and worker interestsand local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and local and worker interestsand local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and submitted to Minister and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and submitted to Minister Taskforces established since 1997 Name of Taskforce Function Size Membership Reporting mechanism Date of Establish-ment InitiativeGroup Group (Avonmore / Waterford)Group InitiativeForce Force Force and local and worker interestsInitiative and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and submitted to Minister and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister North Mayo EnterpriseTullamore Inter-Agency AddressTralee Job Inter-Agency Losses Task Address Job LossesAWG South East Task Force Address Job Losses 20Clonmel Approx. Task Address Force Job Losses 20 State Approx. DevelopmentLeitrim agencies, Enterprise local Project authorities, State 20 Development Approx. agencies, Report local prepared authorities,Donegal by Employment Chairman 20 Approx. State Address Address Development Job Job Report agencies, Losses Losses prepared July local by 1997 authorities, ChairmanMullingar State Inter-Agency Development Task agencies, local Report July authorities, prepared 1997 by Chairman AddressLimerick Address Report Job Inter-Agency Job prepared Losses Task Losses by August Chairman 1997 20 20 Approx. Approx. DecemberLongford 1997 Address Inter Job Agency State State Losses Group Development Development agencies, agencies, local local authorities, authorities, AddressBallinrobe Job 20 20 Inter-Agency Losses Approx. Approx. Task Report Report prepared prepared by by Chairman Chairman State Address State Development JobLaois Development agencies, Losses Task agencies, 20 local December Force April local Approx. authorities, 1997 1998 authorities, Report Report 20 StateNorth prepared prepared Approx. Development Tipperary by by agencies, Enterprise Chairman Chairman local authorities, State October September Development 1998 20 1998 agencies,Wexford Report Approx. local Enterprise prepared authorities, Address Initiative by Job Chairman Losses State Report Development Address prepared November Address agencies, Job by 1998 Job local Losses Chairman Losses authorities, December Report 1998 prepared by Chairman 20 Approx. January 199 20 20 Approx. State Approx. Development agencies, local authorities, State State Development Development agencies, agencies, local Report local authorities, prepared authorities, by Chairman Report Report prepared prepared by March by Chairman 1999 Chairman March September 1999 1583 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1584

[Mr. Martin.] l 1 and local and worker interestsand local and worker interests and submitted to Minister and local and worker interests and submittedand to local Minister and worker interests and submitted to Minister and submitted to Minister Safety Authority, Labour Relations Commission, Labour Court, Equality Authority and local and worker interestsand local and worker interests and submittedthe to social Minister partners and submitted to Minister Taskforces established since 1997 most at risk Appeals Tribunal, IBEC, ICTU, Health & Consumer Affairs. programmes and strategies to prevent workplace bullying ordinated response from State Agencies and to report to the Minister. learning constituencies and members nominated by 2. To develop practical 3. To produce a co- Name of Taskforce Function Size Membership Reporting mechanism Date of Establish-ment of Workplace Bullying problem and the sectors Equality & Law Reform, Employment for Labour, Trade and 2001 Placement Initiative and local and worker interests and submitted to Minister Group Group Learning framework for lifelong representatives of the education and training for Labour Affairs Task Force on the Prevention 1. To identify the size of the 10 Private Sector, Department of Justice,Macroom Task ForceDrogheda Inter Agency Report submitted toDunmanway Minister Inter Address Agency Job Losses September 1999-Apri Address JobDundalk Losses Inter Agency Group Address Job Losses AddressTaskforce Job on Losses Lifelong 20 Approx. 20 Approx. State Development agencies, local 20 authorities, Approx. StateStrategy Development Waterford agencies, local 20 To Report authorities, Approx. develop prepared State a by Development strategic Chairman agencies, local Report authorities,Thurles State prepared Inter Development by August Agency agencies, Chairman 2001 Group local Report authorities, prepared by August Chairman 2001 North Report 21 Dublin Address prepared Training Job by and January Losses Chairman Address Job 2000 Job Losses Address July Job 2000 Losses Government 20 Departments, Approx. State 20 Agencies, Approx. 20 State Approx. Development agencies, State local Development authorities, agencies, Report local State submitted authorities, Development to agencies, Minister Report local prepared authorities, by Report Chairman prepared by Spring Chairman Report 2001- prepared May April by 2002 2001 Chairman February 2001 November 200 1585 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1586

Departmental Agencies. pied or redeveloped during the period, which would have the potential to reduce this amount. 368. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number Departmental Advertising. of factories in the City and County of Waterford, on which the IDA have long term lease agree- 369. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for ments, which are empty; the cost to the State of Enterprise, Trade and Employment the amount long-term lease agreements for premises; and if which was spent in his Department for the years 2005 and from January 2006 to date for media he will make a statement on the matter. purposes or advertising; where the money was [27847/06] spent, that is, national papers, provincial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios and so on; the amounts Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- spent on a yearly basis for years of the pervious ment (Mr. Martin): At present there are 7 vacant three years; if money was spent on videos, for properties in Waterford on which IDA Ireland promotional, educational or advertising pur- has long term lease agreements. All these prem- poses. [27963/06] ises are located in the Waterford Industrial Estate. These leases, which are 35-year leases, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- were entered into between 1983 and 1989. The ment (Mr. Martin): My Department incurs outstanding balance of the leases is 11 years on expenditure in relation to media and advertising average. The outstanding amount due on the mainly to comply with statutory requirements. balance of the leases is \5,195,810. It is hoped Since 2002 the expenditure incurred by my that a number of these properties might be occu- Department is listed below:

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


National Newspapers 170,297 261,797 116,858 232,599 83,509 Provincial Newspapers 2,386 175 2,733 4,090 272 Magazines Nil Nil 2,178 39,927 Nil RTE Radio/TV} Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Local Radio } Eircom Phone Book 19,914 19,914 20,807 21,410 Nil

The expenditure in relation to the Eircom Phone enterprise sector during the years 2000 to 2005; Book was in relation to the Department’s entry and if he will make a statement on the matter. in the State Directory part of the Eircom Phone [28097/06] Book since 2002. No expenditure was incurred on videos for promotional, educational or advertis- Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- ing purposes by my Department since 2002. ment (Mr. Martin): State support for enterprise and job creation is channelled through the indus- FA´ S Training Programmes. trial development agencies. Both EI and IDA are actively promoting and encouraging new invest- 370. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for ments and jobs for Counties Laois and Offaly and Enterprise, Trade and Employment the funding are also working with existing clients in the given to a group (details supplied) in County county with a view to helping them expand and Dublin in the past 12 months; if it is intended to or move their activities up the value chain. In the continue with this funding. [28042/06] period from 2000 to 2005 agency-assisted firms created a total of 2,883 new full time jobs in Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employ- Counties Laois (735) and Offaly (2048). In ment (Mr. Martin): Between the period 1st July, addition the County Enterprise Boards have 2005, to 31st December, 2005, FA´ S grant-aided created a total of 449 jobs in Laois and 421 in the Lucan Disability Action Group Social Econ- Offaly over the same period. \ omy Programme a total of 52,656.07. Infor- IDA Midlands Region consists of Counties mation concerning funding provided for the Laois, Longford, Offaly, Westmeath and remainder of the twelve month period, and Roscommon. The locations of emphasis for IDA agreed in the future, would be available from in these counties are the NSS Gateway Towns of Pobal. Athlone, Tullamore, and Mullingar. In addition IDA actively promotes the County towns of Port- Job Creation. laoise, Longford and Roscommon. IDA Ireland’s Strategy for the Midlands Region: 371. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number • Is to progress the development of a know- of jobs created in Laois and Offaly in the ledge economy, in order that the Region 1587 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1588

[Mr. Martin.] Shannon Development Company is an active can compete both nationally and inter- member of a broad based marketing initiative — nationally for foreign direct investment. “Invest in Offaly” which actively promotes the attractiveness of the agency owned Birr Tech- • To work with the existing client base in the nology Centre and the wider South West Offaly Counties and to expand their presence in area to potential investors. the various Counties; The County Enterprise Boards (CEB) provide • To provide modern property solutions with a source of support in these counties for small supporting infrastructure; businesses with 10 employees or fewer, providing a single point of contact at local level for new and • To work with Local Authorities and rel- established small businesses. Subject to certain evant infrastructure providers to influence eligibility criteria, enterprises may qualify for sup- the delivery of appropriate infrastructure port from the CEBs primarily in the form of capi- to the various Counties. tal and feasibility grants. The development of IDA Ireland is working closely with educational entrepreneurship in Laois and Offaly is being institutions in the Region, in developing the skill achieved not just by direct grant aid to businesses sets necessary to attract high value added but also through the provision of a range of other employment. IDA is also working with FAS to important business supports such as mentoring, provide guidance in developing the skill sets business training and business advice. needed by those already in the workforce who I am confident that the strategies and policies are interested in upskilling. being pursued by the Development Agencies in Enterprise Ireland has a wide range of supports Laois and Offaly, together with the ongoing com- for start up companies. As part of its strategy mitment of Government to regional development launched in May 2005, Enterprise Ireland is will bear fruit in terms of additional sustainable working more intensively with High Potential investment and jobs for the people of these Start-ups (HPSUs) at their initial start up phase counties. in order to accelerate their growth, help build management capability, provide direct financial Employment Appeals Tribunal. support, provide business advice and mentoring 372. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for and assist HPSUs through its overseas network to Enterprise, Trade and Employment if his Depart- develop their exports. ment has ever been requested by the Employ- Community Enterprise Centres provide a much ment Appeals Tribunal to refer a matter on a needed business infrastructure and incentive for point of law to the High Court; if so, the number small new company start-ups in disadvantages of occasions; if his Department has facilitated the areas. Working in partnership with the local com- request on each occasion; and if he will make a munity, Enterprise Ireland has approved over statement on the matter. [28105/06] \469,000 in support of the development of Laois based Community Enterprise Centres. This Minister of State at the Department of includes capital support of over \400,000 towards Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Mr. the Mountmellick Development Centre for Phase Killeen): This Department has not in the last 20 One, which is completed and fully occupied, and years been asked by the Employment Appeals for Phase Two on which construction commenced Tribunal to refer a matter on a point of law to in May 2005 and is expected to be completed the High Court. The tribunal established by shortly. section 39 of the Redundancy Payments Act, In January 2006, I was pleased to announce the 1967, known as the Redundancy Appeals Tri- extension of the Enterprise Ireland Community bunal was changed to the Employment Appeals Enterprise Centre Scheme, which will provide Tribunal by section 18 of the Unfair Dismissals \7m of Capital funding in the period 2006-2008. Act, 1977. The Department is unable to trace any Under this competitive scheme, Portarlington request for a case stated prior to 20 years ago. Enterprise Centre was approved \400,000 for an expansion to its existing centre. This first phase 373. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for of this Centre is fully occupied. Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number The South West area of Offaly comes within of District Court orders obtained to enforce the remit of Shannon Development who have Employment Appeal Tribunals orders under the provided Capital support towards the develop- Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1994 ment of Community Enterprise Centres in Fer- and 2001; the number which have been against bane and Kilcormac. The company is also Government Departments and State agencies; involved with Local Authorities in the Region, in and if he will make a statement on the matter. working to ensure the development of world-class [28107/06] telecommunications infrastructure in the region including Broadband facilities. Broadband area Minister of State at the Department of networks have been approved for Nenagh, Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Mr. Roscrea/Birr, Templemore and Banagher. Killeen): The Prosecution and Enforcement Unit 1589 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1590 of the Department. deals with the enforcement of 375. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Social determinations of both Labour Court and and Family Affairs the reason a person (details Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT). Eight supplied) in County Clare was refused rent sup- applications seeking enforcement of a determi- plement; and if he will make a statement on the nation of the EAT under the Terms of Employ- matter. [27351/06] ment (Information) Act 1994 have been received since this Act came into force. None have been Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. in respect of a Government Department or a Brennan): The supplementary welfare allowance State Agency. scheme, which includes rent supplement, is Determinations of the EAT generally relate to administered my behalf of the Department by the payment of compensation. Efforts are made by community welfare division of the Health Service the Enforcement Unit, to obtain payments with- Executive. Neither I nor my Department has any out resource to legal proceedings. The Deputy function in relation to decisions on individual should be aware there are a few cases where it is claims. not possible to enforce a determination of the Rent supplements payments are subject to a EAT or the Labour Court where, for example, maximum amount of rent in respect of which a the employer, as a company, is no longer a legal supplement is payable. The Executive has advised entity i.e it is dissolved, or is in liquidation, or that the person concerned was awarded rent sup- legal searches show that the employer has no dis- plement in excess of the maximum limit applic- cernible assets. Four cases were referred to the able in her circumstances as an exceptional Chief State Solicitors Office for the institution of measure for a defined three month period from legal proceedings. Two of these cases were 20th March 2006. resolved without a court hearing. This three month period was granted in order to allow her time to secure accommodation within the prescribed limits. The Executive has Social Welfare Benefits. further advised that her rent supplement claim is 374. Ms F. O’Malley asked the Minister for currently suspended pending a full review of her Social and Family Affairs if subvention for free circumstances. If the person in question has any travel is provided to both Bus E´ ireann and further information which she feels is relevant to private bus operators on the same route; if so, if her claim she should contact the community wel- equal payment per passenger is given to the fare officer directly. private operator and Bus E´ ireann; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27325/06] 376. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if he will extend free travel to Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. older Irish emigrants, at the very least to Irish Brennan): My Department welcomes the pro- pensioners living in the UK, in view of the vision of transport services provided by private announcement in June 2006 of extending this to operators, whether alongside CIE services or pensioners in Northern Ireland; and if he will otherwise, for pensioners and other groups eli- make a statement on the matter. [27446/06] gible under the free travel scheme. There is a number of routes where my Department pays for 385. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for Social independent services in respect of the free travel and Family Affairs if he will extend free travel to scheme operated by more than one operator. older Irish emigrants, at the very least to Irish pensioners living in the UK in view of the My Department has contract arrangements announcement in June 2006 by his colleague of with some 90 private operators participating in extending this to pensioners in Northern Ireland; the free travel scheme at an expected cost of and if he will make a statement on the matter. \4.35m during 2006. Payments are made to the [27447/06] participating private operators of the scheme for an initial 12 to 18 months on the basis of dis- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. counted fares forgone following which time the Brennan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 376 rate of payment is fixed subject to review by and 385 together. survey. The free travel scheme is available to all people My Department pays the CIE Group centrally living in the State aged 66 years or over. All in respect of the free travel scheme. The carers in receipt of carer’s allowance and carers apportionment of payment between the three of people in receipt of constant attendance or constituent companies, Bus E´ ireann, Iarnro´ d prescribed relative’s allowance, regardless of E´ ireann and Dublin Bus, is a matter for the CIE their age, receive a free travel pass. It is also Group to determine. Payment rates are based on available to people under age 66 who are in historical surveys of usage indexed by subsequent receipt of certain disability type welfare pay- approved fares increases and by expansions of ments, such as disability allowance, invalidity categories of clients eligible under the free Travel pension and blind person’s pension. People resi- scheme. It is expected that payments in the region dent in the State who are in receipt of a social of \48.5 million will be made to CIE during 2006. security invalidity or disability payment from a 1591 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1592

[Mr. Brennan.] number was merged with that of their husband, country covered by EU Regulations, or from a the computer records in his Department include country with which Ireland has a bilateral social all social welfare contributions made by these security agreement, and who have been in receipt people and social insurance stamps purchased by of this payment for at least 12 months, are also them prior to their marriage; if same is updated eligible for free travel. on to their personal records and that there are no The scheme provides free travel on the main instances of records being lost in his Department; public and private transport services for those eli- and if he will make a statement on the matter. gible under the scheme. These include road, rail [27591/06] and ferry services provided by companies such as Bus A´ tha Cliath, Bus E´ ireann and Iarnro´ d Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. E´ ireann, as well as Luas and services provided by Brennan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 377 over 80 private transport operators. and 389 together. The free travel scheme applies to travel within Prior to April 1979, each individual worker the State and point to point cross border journeys liable for social insurance deductions was given between here and Northern Ireland. The Prog- a unique social insurance number, regardless of ramme for Government contains a commitment marital status, and this was the key identifier for to a scheme of all-Ireland free travel for pen- recording of social insurance contributions sioners resident in all parts of the island of deducted in respect of their employment(s). Ireland. The scheme will enable pensioners resi- The social insurance number was replaced by dent here to travel free of charge on all bus and the Revenue and Social Insurance (RSI) number rail services in Northern Ireland. Likewise, pen- which was then used for both social welfare and sioners in Northern Ireland will travel free of PAYE purposes. The management and allocation charge on services in this State. of numbers remained primarily the responsibility Discussions in relation to the introduction of of the Revenue Commissioners and, at that time, the proposed all-Ireland free travel scheme have it was the practice to link the records of spouses taken place between officials from my Depart- using the same RSI number but with an ment and their counterparts. Discussions have additional character (“w”) to enable their also been held at ministerial level, and the matter employment and contribution details to be was raised by the Taoiseach with the Prime Mini- recorded separately. Therefore, while there was a ster. I am also meeting the Commissioner this similarity between the numbers, the recording of week to further explore the issue. social insurance and other relevant details was There have been a number of requests and maintained on the basis of two distinct records. enquiries in relation to the extension of entitle- Quality control measures were put in place to ment to free travel in Ireland to Irish born people ensure that contributions received on behalf of living outside Ireland, or to those in receipt of a person were not inadvertently updated to the pensions from my Department, particularly in the records of his or her spouse. Procedures were also UK, when they return to Ireland for a visit. introduced to rectify any errors or omissions that Officials from my Department met with Euro- might occur from time to time. pean Commission officials in April in an effort to Since June 2000, following the introduction of clarify the legal issues involved. In the past few the current Personal Public Services (PPS) weeks the Commission’s response to the issues number, my Department has sole responsibility raised at that meeting has become available and for the PPS number registration process. The PPS is currently being examined by my officials. number is a unique reference number for all deal- ings with Government Departments and public Departmental Records. bodies and the Department is committed to the highest standards of control in the allocation of 377. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Social numbers and the maintenance of accurate records and Family Affairs if he will confirm his Depart- into the future. I would like to mention that, if ment’s computer records include all social wel- the Deputy is aware of any specific case where fare contributions made by married women who there is concern over the recording of contri- had a PRSI number in their own name prior to butions, I will arrange to have the matter investi- their marriage and then that number was merged gated on receipt of the relevant details. with that of their husband and social insurance stamps purchased by them prior to their marriage is updated on to their personal records and that Social Welfare Benefits. there are no instances of records being lost in the 378. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Social Department; and if he will make a statement on and Family Affairs the number of people in the matter. [27717/06] receipt of rent allowance in Waterford City and County for each year since 2000; and if he will 389. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Social make a statement on the matter. [27849/06] and Family Affairs if, with regard to married women who had a PRSI number in their own Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. name prior to their marriage and then that Brennan): The supplementary welfare allowance 1593 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1594 scheme, which includes rent supplement, is and employee during the years 1954 to 1974 on administered on my behalf by the Community an annual basis. [27317/06] Welfare division of the Health Service Executive. Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. A detailed breakdown of rent supplement recipi- Brennan): The rates of contribution payable in ents is unavailable for the years prior to 2001. respect of various insurable employments are set The number of people in Waterford in receipt out in the following table. During that period, the of Rent Supplement rose from about 1,300 in rates of contribution or ‘stamp’ payable were not 2001 to just over 1,800 in 2005 and has since fallen calculated as a percentage of earnings, but rather to 1,721 at present. The attached tabular state- paid on a fixed rate. Contributions payable under ment shows the number of recipients of rent sup- the Social Welfare Acts, the Occupational Injur- plement in Waterford County and nationally ies Act, the Redundancy Payments Acts and the from 2001 to date. Health Contributions Act were payable by means of an adhesive stamp to be fixed to the social wel- Number of Recipients of Rent Supplement in Waterford and fare insurance cards of employees. Different rates Nationally, 2001 to date of contributions applied to public and civil ser- vants, women and outworkers, amongst other. Year Waterford Nationally The rate of contribution shown below refers to a stamp which would have been payable by a man 2001 1,292 45,028 who was employed under a contract of service, or 2002 1,409 54,213 apprenticeship, and was either engaged in manual labour, or his employment was below the 2003 1,563 59,976 remuneration limit for insurability. The remuner- 2004 1,578 57,874 ation limit was removed with effect from 1st 2005 1,804 60,176 April 1974. 2006* 1,721 60,206 The employer was liable for the occupational injuries contribution, but social insurance and * 30/6/06 redundancy contributions due were divided Social Welfare Code. between the employer and the employee. The health contribution was payable by the employee. 379. Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Social During this period, the social insurance fund was and Family Affairs the percentage of the social subvented annually from the exchequer to meet welfare contributions paid by both the employer the cost of benefits and pensions payable.

Period Social Occupational Redundancy Health Total % er/ee Insurance Injuries Payments Con.s

s. d. s. d. s. d.s.d.

2/2/53-2/9/56 4 8 — — — - -4850 3/9/59-1/1/61 5 6 — — — - -5650 2/1/61-6/1/63 9 0 — — — - -9050 7/1/63-5/1/64 10 6 — — — - -10650 6/1/64-2/1/66 11 10 — — — - -111050 23/1/66-30/10/66 14 8 — — — - -14850 31/10/66-30/4/67 14 10 — — — - -141050 1/5/67-31/12/67 14 10 2 1 — - -161156/44 1/1/68-5/1/69 18 0 2 1 1 0-21155/45 6/1/69-4/1/70 21 4 2 1 1 0-24554/46 5/1/70-4/10/70 25 1 2 2 1 0-28354/46 5/10/70-14/2/71 30 6 2 2 1 0-33853/47 15/2/1971-3/10/71 £1.53 £0.11 £0.05 — £1.69 53/47 4/10/71-1/10/72 £1.72 £0.11 £0.05 £0.15 £2.03 49/51 2/10/72-1/7/73 £2.12 £0.11 £0.08 £0.15 £2.46 49/51 2/7/73-31/3/74 £2.69 £0.11 £0.13 £0.15 £3.08 49/51

Departmental Staff. Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. 380. Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Social Brennan): The Respite Care Grant is payable and Family Affairs the number of people pro- automatically to recipients of Carers Allowance, cessing applications for the respite care grant; and Carers Benefit and Prescribed Relatives Allow- if he will make a statement on the matter. ance, and in cases where a Constant Attendance [27342/06] 1595 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1596

[Mr. Brennan.] investigation. Upon completion of enquiries a Allowance is in payment in respect of the person decision will be made and he will be notified of being cared for. the outcome. Under Social Welfare legislation Budget 2005 extended entitlement to the Grant decisions in relation to claims must be made by to all full-time carers irrespective of means or Deciding Officers and Appeals Officers. These contribution record but subject to certain con- officers are statutorily appointed and I have no ditions relating to the provision of full-time care role in regard to making such decisions. and attention. A section was set up in my Depart- ment to process applications from people in this 383. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and newly entitled category. Family Affairs if he will undertake a complete This section currently has a staff of 15, made review of the free travel pass scheme, in conjunc- up of 1 Assistant Principal, 1 Higher Executive tion with the Department for Health and Chil- Officer, 5 Executive Officers (4 posts) and 8 dren and introduce a voucher system which will Clerical Officers. 2 of the Executive Officers enable people living in rural isolated areas to work reduced hours and share one post. The total avail of transport such as taxis to transport them number of whole time equivalent posts allocated to hospital outpatient appointments and admis- to the Respite Care Grant Scheme is 14. sion, and so on; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27375/06] Social Welfare Benefits. 381. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. Family Affairs if a person (details supplied) in Brennan): The free travel scheme is available to County Mayo will be approved retrospectively all people living in the State aged 66 years or for fuel allowance. [27370/06] over. All carers in receipt of carer’s allowance and carers of people in receipt of constant attend- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. ance or prescribed relative’s allowance, regard- Brennan): One of the conditions for receipt of a less of their age, receive a free travel pass. It is fuel allowance from my Department is that the also available to people under age 66 who are in claimant’s heating needs are not covered under a receipt of certain disability type welfare pay- Deed of Transfer. In October 1987, the person ments, such as disability allowance, invalidity concerned transferred his holding to his son pension and blind person’s pension. under such a Deed. This legally binding docu- The scheme provides free travel on the main ment obliged the son to provide for the heating public and private transport services for those eli- needs of his parents. gible under the scheme. These include road, rail In April 2006, the Deputy wrote to my Depart- and ferry services provided by companies such as ment enclosing correspondence from the pen- Bus A´ tha Cliath, Bus E´ ireann and Iarnro´ d sioner’s solicitors to the effect that his son had E´ ireann, as well as Luas and services provided never supplied his parents with domestic fuel. by over 80 private transport operators. The vast Following investigation of the matter by a social majority of private contractors providing services welfare inspector, my Department is satisfied that under the scheme operate in rural areas, includ- the son is in employment and is therefore capable ing those in the Rural Transport Initiative. The of providing fuel to his parents as required by the underlying feature of the scheme is the use of Deed. On this basis, the person concerned is not spare capacity on these transport services. I am eligible for the fuel allowance. always willing to consider applications from licensed private transport operators who may 382. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and wish to participate in the free travel scheme. Family Affairs when a person (details supplied) Various alternatives to the existing system, in County Mayo will be approved and awarded including the use of vouchers, have been exam- unemployment assistance. [27368/06] ined. A study, “A Review of the Free Schemes,” published in 2000 under the Department’s prog- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. ramme of expenditure reviews concluded that a Brennan): The person concerned had been in voucher type system, which would be open to a receipt of unemployment assistance since 1987. wide range of transport providers including taxis Following a review, a Deciding Officer disallowed and hackneys, would be extremely difficult to his unemployment assistance claim from 28 administer, open to abuse and unlikely to be December 2005, on the grounds that he was not sufficient to afford an acceptable amount of genuinely seeking, or available for work. The per- travel. This position remains unchanged. son concerned appealed this decision. However, The issue of access to public transport in rural the Appeals Officer was not satisfied that he had areas is being addressed at present through the made sustained efforts in genuinely seeking work Rural Transport Initiative, which is being man- and accordingly disallowed his claim. aged by Pobal, formerly Area Development Man- The person concerned re-applied for unem- agement (ADM) on behalf of my colleague, the ployment assistance on 2 June 2006. His claim is Minister for Transport. My Department contrib- currently with the social welfare inspector for uted EUR 500,000 to the initiative in 2004, EUR 1597 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1598

750,000 in 2005 and is contributing EUR 850,000 information providers towards the cost of spec- for the initiative in 2006, to ensure that free travel ific projects. passholders continue to have access to com- An amount of \1.142m, representing some munity based transport services. I will continue 0.01% of the overall estimate for my Department, to review the operation of the free travel scheme was allocated under the programme in each of the with a view to identifying the scope for further years 2004 and 2005 to 27 and 19 organisations improvements as resources permit. respectively. In 2006 \1.362m has been made available to my Department for the scheme. Departmental Expenditure. Details of the applications received and the organisations funded in each of the years 2004, 384. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for 2005 and to date in 2006 under the scheme are Social and Family Affairs the non-Governmental set out in the attached table. agencies or organisations his Department has From time to time my Department administers provided funding to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the special schemes of grants to support specific amount of funding provided to each in each year; initiatives in relation to promoting social the number of applications for funding submitted inclusion by voluntary and community organis- to his Department in total; the number of these ations. In 2005, the Irish Senior Citizens Parlia- applications which were refused; the reason for ment and the European Anti Poverty Network same; the percentage of his Department’s overall (EAPN) Ireland received \740.55 and \21,000 annual budget such funding equates to; and if he respectively for initiatives relevant to the E.U. will make a statement on the matter. [27386/06] social inclusion programme for community action to encourage co-operation between member Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. states in combating social exclusion. Brennan): The principal programme through In 2004, an additional allocation of \950,000 which my Department provides funding to volun- was provided to my Department in the Budget tary and community groups is the scheme of for a special awards scheme for local voluntary Grants for the Development and Promotion of and community groups to mark the 10th anniver- Information and Welfare Rights. The purpose of sary of the United Nations International Year of the scheme is to enable my Department to con- the Family. Under the scheme some 800 groups tribute towards the funding of a number of received once off funding for initiatives celebrat- nationally-based information organisations, ing the role of the family. A letter will issue to including those involved with advice to emigrants. the Deputy shortly with the detailed information It also provides once-off funding to non-statutory requested in relation to the scheme.

Grants for the Development and Promotion of Information and Welfare Rights

Applicant Organisations 2006 Amount

\ Irish Episcopal Commission for Emigrants 6,250 Irish Immigration & Pastoral Centre, USA 21,160 Immigrant Council of Ireland 14,000 Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed 164,500 Kerry Emigrant Support Housing Association Ltd 9,000 Northside Community Law Centre (formerly Coolock C.L.C.) 360,000 Young Social Innovators 25,000 Southside Partnership 3,100 Emigrant Advice 193,947 The Safe-Home Programme 40,000 Athy Community Development Project Ltd. 0* St. Mary’s School, Rathfarnham 0* National Adult Literacy Agency ** Age Action Ireland ** One Family ** Limerick Travellers Development Group ** Mayo Emigrant Liaison Committee **

Total 836,957 *Did not meet the scheme criteria. **Currently under consideration. 1599 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1600

[Mr. Brennan.]

Applicant Organisations 2005 Amount

\ Coalition of Irish Immigrant Centres USA 25,000 Irish Congress of Trade Unions 80,000 Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed 160,000 The Safe-Home Programme 80,000 Coolock Community Law Centre 360,000 Emigrant Advice 150,000 Southside Partnership 3,100 Aisling Irish Centre New York 18,000 National Adult Literacy Agency 36,909 Age Action Ireland 30,000 Emigrant Advice Network (E´ AN) 13,500 Mayo Emigrant Liaison Committee 20,000 Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas 32,000 Care Alliance 7,000 Donegal Integrated Services Project 80,000 One Family 1,350 Irish Sign Link 15,000 The Polish Information & Cultural Centre 15,000 Migrant Rights Centre Ireland 15,141 Community Creations 0* The Irish Emigrant Liaison Committee 0*

Total 1,142,000 * Did not meet the scheme criteria.

Applicant Organisations 2004 Amount

\ Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed 150,000 Emigrant Advice 117,610 Irish Congress of Trade Unions 80,000 Irish Episcopal Commission for Emigrants 29,268 School Street/Thomas Court Bawn Family Resource Centre 2,500.00 Coolock Community Law Centre 215,000 The Carers Association 18,000 Donegal Integrated Services Project 80,000 Clondalkin Partnership 11,000 Immigrant Council of Ireland 60,000 Southside Partnership 2,800 The Safe-Home Programme 18,500 Social Inclusion Unit, Cork County Council 3,000 Cosgallen E Mayo Comm Dev Project 2,460 Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas 32,000 Mayo Emigrant Liaison Committee 25,000 Community Creations Ltd. 25,000 Emigrant Advice Network (E´ AN) 50,000 Tallaght Welfare Society 1,000 South Inner City Development Association (SICCDA) 20,000 National Adult Literacy Agency 17,222 Clare Youth Service 3,000 1601 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1602

Applicant Organisations 2004 Amount

Irish Sign Link Ltd 68,640 Young Social Innovators 25,000 The Wheel 55,000 Irish Immigration Pastoral Centre 20,000 Kerry Emigrant Support Housing Association Ltd. 10,000 T.C.D. Psychology Department 0*

Total 1,142,000 * Did not meet the scheme criteria.

Question No. 385 answered with Question Under Social Welfare legislation decisions in No. 376. relation to claims must be made by Deciding Officers and Appeals Officers. These officers are Social Welfare Appeals. statutorily appointed and I have no role in regard to making such decisions. 386. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if an appeal was heard for a per- 388. Mr. Howlin asked the Minister for Social son (details supplied) in County Mayo in relation and Family Affairs the average waiting period for to unemployment assistance; and if so, the out- an oral hearing in the context of social welfare come of this appeal. [27464/06] appeals; if he is satisfied that such waiting period affords an acceptable level of service to appel- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. lants; if he will take steps to ensure that appeals Brennan): An oral hearing for the person con- requiring oral hearing will be dealt with more cerned was arranged for 3rd May 2006. However, expeditiously; and if he will make a statement on the person concerned did not attend the hearing. the matter. [27590/06] She telephoned the Social Welfare Appeals Office on 4th May 2006 and said that she had not Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. received the letter of notification as she had Brennan): The average length of time taken to moved address. She undertook to write in giving deal with all appeals (i.e. those decided summar- details of her new address. ily and by way of an oral hearing) by the Social As no letter was received, the Appeals Officer Welfare Appeals Office in 2005 was 20 weeks. has deemed the case to be withdrawn. If the per- However, if allowance is made for the 25% most son concerned forwards her new address to the protracted cases, the average time falls to 13 Social Welfare Appeals Office her appeal can be weeks. re-opened. The processing time for appeals covers all Under Social Welfare legislation decisions in phases of the appeal process including the sub- relation to claims must be made by Deciding mission by the Department of Social and Family Officers and Appeals Officers. These officers are Affairs of its comments on the grounds for the statutorily appointed and I have no role in regard appeal, further examinations by the Depart- to making such decisions. ment’s Medical Assessors in certain sickness related cases, and the holding of oral hearings 387. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and which are currently afforded in two out of every Family Affairs the reason a person (details three cases determined by Appeals Officers. supplied) in County Mayo is not allowed to sign Circumstances can arise, normally outside of for credits in view of the fact that this person is the control of the Social Welfare Appeals Office, due to commence work in mid July 2006 and has which can have the effect of unduly prolonging provided proof of same. [27589/06] the time taken to process appeals. For example, delays can occur where the appellant furnishes Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. new evidence which requires investigation at a Brennan): To qualify for credited Social late stage in the proceedings or where an Insurance contributions while unemployed adjournment of an oral hearing may be sought by (unemployment credits) a person must be avail- the appellant or his or her representatives. able for full-time employment, capable of work An oral hearing is granted at the discretion of and must be genuinely seeking work. the Appeals Officer usually in circumstances A Deciding Officer disallowed the unemploy- where there is a conflict in the evidence presented ment credits application of the person concerned by both parties or where an oral hearing is from 29 May 2006, on the grounds that she is not requested by the appellant in order to present his genuinely seeking work. or her case adequately. Given the logistics It is open to the person concerned to appeal involved in organising oral hearings, the average this decision and a form for this purpose may be length of time is increased by about 8 weeks obtained from her Local Social Welfare Office. where an oral hearing is involved. 1603 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1604

[Mr. Brennan.] For pension qualification purposes, class S self The Social Welfare Appeals Office deals with employment contributions are treated like any about 14,000 appeals on an annual basis and the other full rate social insurance. The statistics processing time in relation to oral hearings is kept available relate to the numbers of people who fail under constant review. The nature of the service to qualify on the general grounds listed above. provided is judicial and the procedures in place These general reasons do not identify people by for determining appeals are designed to ensure reference to their class of employment, and that each case receives full and satisfactory con- accordingly, the specific statistics requested sideration. Consequently, improvements in pro- cannot be supplied. cessing times must be achieved in a manner which With regard to class S refunds, a 53% pension is consistent with justice being seen to be done element refund of PRSI paid by self-employed and the need to ensure that every appeal is fully contributors may be payable where: investigated and determined on all its cir- • the contributor was aged 56 or over when cumstances. they paid class S PRSI for the first time and were not insured at an earlier date as an Question No. 389 answered with Question employee, and the contributor does not No. 377. have an entitlement to either a contribu- tory or a non contributory pension, and Social Welfare Benefits. • the contributor has no outstanding liability 390. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Social with the Revenue Commissioners. and Family Affairs the number of self employed people who failed to qualify for a contributory To date, 3,412 such refunds have issued from my pension who would have paid PRSI for a few Department. years after the commencement of the PRSI Information on PRSI Refunds is available from scheme for self employed; the number of people my Departments PRSI Refund Section, 2/3 Par- who have received refunds of their PRSI as a nell Square East, Dublin 1 or from the Self result of their failure to qualify for a contributory Employment and Voluntary Contributions old age pension; and if he will make a statement Section, Social Welfare Services, Cork Road, on the matter. [27592/06] Waterford and from the Departments Freedom of Information (FOI) guidelines which is avail- 397. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Social able on the website, www.welfare.ie and in the and Family Affairs if he will state the steps his Information Leaflet SW 74. A copy of the guide- Department have taken to inform people who lines in this regard was recently forwarded to paid PRSI but failed to qualify for contributory the Deputy. old age pension that they are entitled to a refund Where a self-employed person is refused an old of their contributions; and if he will make a state- age contributory pension, they are normally ment on the matter. [27694/06] advised to contact the Revenue Commissioners to establish their correct PRSI liability for the Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. period of their self employment. They are also Brennan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 390 given the option of applying for an old age non and 397 together. contributory pension. Pay related social insurance (PRSI) was extended to self employed people from 6th April Social Welfare Code. 1988, as class S PRSI. Class S benefits cover 391. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister Widow or Widower’s Contributory Pension, for Social and Family Affairs the amount of Orphan’s Contributory Allowance, Old Age Con- revenue which would be raised if the PRSI cut- tributory Pension, Maternity Benefit, Adoptive off ceiling was removed. [27593/06] Benefit, Bereavement Grant and Old Age Con- tributory Pension. In the case of old age contribu- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. tory pension, a person must satisfy certain quali- Brennan): The current employee PRSI ceiling fying conditions. These conditions include that a stands at \46,600 per annum. The abolition of this person must have: (1) entered into insurable ceiling would yield an estimated \238.2 million in employment before age 56; (2) at least 260 weeks additional revenue to the Social Insurance Fund. full-rate contributions paid; (3) a yearly average Any changes to PRSI exemptions, thresholds and of at least 10 contributions recorded (taking paid the ceiling would have to be considered in a and credited PRSI Contributions into account) budgetary context. from 1953 or from the date of entry into insurance (whichever is the later) to the end of Social Welfare Benefits. the last complete contribution year before reach- ing pension age, in order to qualify for the 392. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Social maximum rate a yearly average of 48 contri- and Family Affairs if he will consider allowing butions is required; and (4) paid all liabilities to persons who are in receipt of both the disability the Revenue Commissioners in respect of PRSI. benefit and the blind pension continued payment 1605 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1606 of both when they reach the age of 66 years in \35,000 in capital and still qualify for a pension view of the financial hardship that immediate loss at the maximum rate. A specific earnings dis- of one of these payments cause; if he will have regard of \100 per week is also added which is the matter reviewed with a view to providing con- intended as an initial incentive to encourage tinued payment in view of the problems incurred longer work amongst older people. I will continue by the disability; and if he will make a statement to keep the issue raised under review and for con- on the matter. [27676/06] sideration in the context of the wider budgetary package. Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. Brennan): The qualifying conditions for the pay- 393. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social ment of Disability Benefit are that a person is and Family Affairs the number of cases in 2004 under 66 years of age, unfit for work due to illness where the pensions officer raised overpayments and satisfies the PRSI contribution conditions. and where the next of kin claimed that assets re- Persons over the age of 66 are not insurable assessed were accrued partly or in total from sav- under the Social Welfare Acts at a class reckon- ings from the non-contributory pension of the able for Disability Benefit purposes and the age person. [27677/06] limit for receipt of Disability Benefit is thus 66 years. 404. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social There is a general rule in the social welfare and Family Affairs the amount of overpayments code whereby a person who is entitled to more recouped from the estates of deceased non-con- than one income maintenance payment at any tributory pensioners in each of the years from one time may only receive one of these payments. 2000 to 2005 inclusive. [27778/06] However, there are some exceptions to this rule which includes the treatment of persons in receipt 405. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social of Blind Pension. and Family Affairs if, in view of the decision of A person in receipt of a blind pension aged less the appeals officer in a case (details supplied) he than 66 years who has sufficient PRSI contri- will review previous such cases to ensure that the butions may also be eligible to receive disability correct procedures were carried out by deciding benefit, unemployment benefit, maternity officers in accordance with the legislative pro- benefit, adoptive benefit, or health and safety visions for consideration of the circumstances of benefit. Alternatively, they may concurrently each case. [27779/06] receive widow or widower’s pension or one parent family payment. However, once a person 406. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social reaches 66 years of age, only one payment may and Family Affairs the measures he is taking to be made. ensure that similar cases of injustice will not arise The payment rate of Blind Pension increases at in the future in view of the decision of the social age 66 years or over from a maximum personal welfare appeals office in a case (details rate of \165.80 per week to a maximum rate of supplied). [27780/06] \182.00, with increases per week for qualified adults and/or dependants. This payment rate is 407. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social equivalent to the rate of Old Age (Non and Family Affairs the reason his officials did not Contributory) Pension. If the person qualifies for adhere to the procedures they outlined to the payment of the Old Age Contributory Pension, Joint Committee on 17 May 2005 for the this is paid at a higher rate. Entitlement to extra exclusion of funeral and legal expenses when cal- benefits such as the Free Travel Pass and House- culating the overpayment they pursued in a case hold Benefits Package also applies to these (details supplied) that they lost at appeal to the payments. social welfare appeals office. [27781/06] In cases of exceptional need, assistance is avail- able under the Supplementary Welfare scheme, 408. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social administered by the Health Services Executive. and Family Affairs if officials dealing with estate As part of the Social Welfare Budget package cases are paid a performance related bonus com- 2006, I am introducing a standard State (Non- mensurate with the amounts recouped from over- Contributory) Pension, with effect from payments and the operation of the bonus scheme September, which will replace the Old Age Pen- in the Pensions Office. [27782/06] sion and, for recipients age 66 and over, will replace Blind Pension, Widow/er’s Pension, One 409. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social Parent Family payment, Deserted Wife’s Allow- and Family Affairs the reason non-contributory ance and Prisoner’s Wife Allowance. The new pension payments due to residents of welfare scheme will provide a standard non-contributory homes but made to the directors of nursing in pension with an increase in the means disregard these homes prior to the Supreme Court from the current level of \7.60 per week to \20 judgment are counted by his Department when per week which will mean that a single person, calculating the assets of the estates of these pen- with no other means will be able to have up to sioners. [27783/06] 1607 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1608

Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. were incurred by the next-of-kin in finalising the Brennan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 393 affairs of the deceased. The question of such a and 404 to 409, inclusive, together. deduction did not arise in this case in that there The number of estates cases in 2004 where the were sufficient assets to cover such expenses Pension Services Office of my Department raised apart from the amount of the overpayment overpayments was 335. There are no statistics assessed. available on the number of cases where the next- Under Social Welfare legislation it is possible of-kin of the deceased pensioners in question for a pensioner to appoint an agent who will cash stated that the overpayments arose partly or in his/her payment book at a nominated post office total from savings accumulated from non-con- if the pensioner is unable to do so for whatever tributory pensions. reason. In circumstances where a pensioner The amount of overpayment recouped from enters into a long-stay residential care centre, it the estates of deceased non-contributory pen- is not uncommon for him/her to apply to my sioners in each of the years from 2000 to 2005 is Department for the director of nursing of the as follows: centre to be appointed as an agent for this pur- pose. In addition, the pensioner has the right to Year Amount of overpayments recouped rescind the agency arrangement at any time or to appoint another person as the agent. \ Pension payments made under an agency 2000 4,397,872 arrangement as outlined above are not, per se, taken into account when my Department is 2001 5,767,027 reviewing the means of a deceased non-contribu- 2002 5,016,542 tory pensioner. Instead, my officials seek to 2003 5,081,195 establish the full extent of the assets which were 2004 5,462,235 owned by the pensioner during the period when 2005 5,157,038 he or she received their non-contributory pen- sion. This is then compared against the means which the pensioner declared to the Department There have always been procedures in place in during the same period. If a discrepancy between my Department to address situations where a the two arises, this may result in the person being person feels that an injustice has occurred arising overpaid on his or her pension and this would be from a deciding officer’s decision. Before any recoverable from any estate at the time of death. decision is made by a deciding officer to raise an Officials of my Department who deal with overpayment of pension against the estate of a estates cases are not paid a performance related deceased non-contributory pensioner, the next- bonus on the lines outlined in the question. I am of-kin are given an opportunity to provide any satisfied that deciding officers operate to a very new facts or fresh evidence regarding the case. If, high standard in their interpretation and admini- on re-examination of the case the deciding officer stration of the legislation in this area and in carry- makes a decision which results in an overpayment ing out their duties generally. of pension, the next-of-kin have the right to seek a review of that decision. The next-of-kin also 394. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and have a legal right of appeal to the Social Welfare Family Affairs the way in which the estate of a Appeals Office if they are not satisfied with the person (details supplied) in County Mayo was deciding officer’s decision. assessed; and if he will provide a detailed break- Where appeals are lodged against deciding down of the assessment in view of the recent test officer decisions, the facts of each case are inde- case in the Courts and that this case now be reas- pendently examined by an appeals officer and a sessed. [27689/06] ruling is given based upon the particular circum- stances which apply in each case. As the circum- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. stances in each case appealed are rarely similar, Brennan): The pensioner in this case who is now the ruling that is given in any one case does not deceased was in receipt of an old age non-con- necessarily provide a basis for making decisions tributory pension from my Department since in relation to other cases. 1982. Following her death in September 2003, her In dealing with the particular case raised by the schedule of assets indicated that she had a sub- Deputy, the appeals officer considered, in the stantial amount of savings which she did not light of the circumstances of the case, that there declare to the Department as she was legally were very reasonable grounds that the decision obliged to do. should take effect from the date of the pen- Her circumstances were investigated by a social sioner’s death and that the overpayment which welfare inspector of my Department who has occurred was not refundable. reported that an overpayment of pension total- In seeking to recover an overpayment of pen- ling EUR 28,325.00 would appear to be due by sion from the estate of a deceased pensioner, my her Estate for the period from February 1993 to Department normally deducts from the value of August 2003. A detailed breakdown of this over- the estate any funeral and legal expenses which 1609 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1610 payment was sent to the Deputy recently along resources are used to improve the position of all with a letter outlining the facts of the case. Dis- pensioners. cussions are currently taking place between the The Government is committed to increasing Department and the solicitors who represent the the level of the basic State pension to \200 per estate concerning the amount of the overpayment week by 2007. Further significant progress and its recovery. This process is expected to be towards achieving this target was made in Budget finalised shortly. 2006, which provided for increases in pensions of up to \14 and \16 per week. The maximum rate 395. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and of the old age contributory pension is now Family Affairs the way in which the estate of a \193.30 per week with the non-contributory pen- person (details supplied) in County Mayo was sion paid at \182 per week, whereas two years assessed; if he will provide a detailed breakdown ago, the corresponding rates were \167.30 and of the assessment in view of the recent test case \154. in the Courts and that this case now be reas- sessed. [27690/06] Question No. 397 answered with Question No. 390. Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. Brennan): The pensioner in this case who is now 398. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Social deceased received an old age non-contributory and Family Affairs the reason rent allocation for pension from my Department between the month of May has not been paid in the case September 1976 and the time he died in July of a person (details supplied) in County Kildare; 2005. Following his death, his schedule of assets and if he will make a statement on the matter. indicated that he had a substantial amount of sav- [27696/06] ings in four separate financial accounts. His circumstances were investigated by a social Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. welfare inspector of my Department in recent Brennan): The supplementary welfare allowance months who reported that an overpayment of scheme, which includes rent supplement, is pension totalling EUR 87,655.00 appeared to be administered on my behalf by the Community due by the Estate for the period from July 1983 Welfare division of the Health Service Executive. Neither I nor my Department has any function in to July 2005. A detailed breakdown of this over- relation to decisions on individual claims or oper- payment was sent to the Deputy recently along ational matters. with a letter outlining the facts of the case. An The Health Service Executive has advised that, offer in settlement of the overpayment has been due to an administrative error, the rent sup- made by solicitors representing the estate and this plement payment for May 2006 of \411 did not is currently under consideration by my Depart- issue to the person concerned. It has further ment. The solicitors will be notified of the out- advised that this payment will be issued to the come as soon as possible. person concerned as soon as possible.

396. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for Social 399. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if his Department has any and Family Affairs if mortgage support will be plans to increase the living alone allowance; and awarded in the case of a person (details supplied) if he will make a statement on the matter. in County Kildare; and if he will make a state- [27692/06] ment on the matter. [27698/06]

Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. Brennan): The living alone allowance or living Brennan): The supplementary welfare allowance alone increase as it is now known, is an additional scheme, which includes mortgage interest sup- payment of \7.70 per week made to people aged plement, is administered on my behalf by the 66 years or over who are in receipt of certain Community Welfare division of the Health social welfare payments and who are living alone. Service Executive. Neither I nor my Department It is also available to people under 66 years of has any function in relation to decisions on indi- age who are living alone and who receive pay- vidual claims. ments under one of a number of invalidity type The Health Service Executive has advised that schemes. The increase is intended as a contri- the person concerned was refused a mortgage bution towards the additional costs people face interest supplement in April 2005 on the grounds when they live alone. that she could afford to meet the cost of her mort- The living alone increase is a targeted measure gage interests from within her own resources aimed at a particular group of pensioners. including maintenance payment. The Executive However, the policy in relation to support for has further advised that the decision of the com- pensioners has been, for many years, to give munity welfare officer to refuse payment of mort- priority to increasing the personal rates of pen- gage interest supplement to the person concerned sion rather than focusing on payments such as the was upheld by the HSE Appeals Office in living alone increase. This approach ensures that November 2005 and by the independent Social 1611 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1612

[Mr. Brennan.] claiming social welfare payments and one or both Welfare Appeals Office in March 2006. The of the claimants is in receipt of unemployment Executive has confirmed that it has not received assistance, farm assist or pre-retirement allow- an application for mortgage interest supplement ance their combined payments cannot exceed the since this date. amount which would be payable if only one per- It is open to the person concerned to re-apply son was being paid with an increase for a quali- for a mortgage interest supplement should any fied adult dependant, where appropriate. In this changes in her circumstances take place that may situation one or both of the payments would be have an impact on her entitlement. limited to ensure that the relevant household rate of payment would not be exceeded. The removal Social Welfare Code. of the limitation for the approximately 3,400 cases affected would have a direct cost of EUR 6.60m 400. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Social in a full year. and Family Affairs the number of PPS numbers The removal of the limitation would also allocated to migrants from the 10 new EU provide an incentive to all those for whom quali- accession countries up to June 2006; the break- fied adult allowance is currently in payment to down of the different nationalities involved; and claim UA in their own right, subject to satisfying if he will make a statement on the matter. the genuinely seeking work condition, which in [27764/06] the majority of cases would result in an increase Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. of EUR 55.80 per week. This development would Brennan): The Personal Public Service (PPS) have significant implications, both in terms of number is a unique personal identifier for trans- increased cost and live register numbers as it actions between individuals and Government would apply (subject to means assessment) to Departments as well as other public bodies speci- qualified adults of working age across a range of fied in the Social Welfare Acts. The number is schemes in addition to those currently affected required for a significant number of dealings with by the limitation rule. There are a total of 57,400 public agencies including, but not limited to, payments in this grouping, with additional poten- employment-related purposes. tial costs estimated at up to EUR 163m per A person applying for a PPS number is annum if there was full take-up. required to present appropriate documentation My department has recently published a regarding age, photographic ID, such as a driving Government discussion paper: Proposals for Sup- licence, passport or identity card issued by the porting Lone Parents. Under these proposals for Garda National Immigration Bureau, and evi- reform of income support arrangements for lone dence of address. Nationality of applicants is parents and low income families, a new parental recorded by reference to the documentation sup- allowance for all low income families with chil- plied in support of the application. dren under a specified age would replace both the From the 1st of May 2004 to the 30th June current one-parent family payment and the social 2006, 232,483 PPS numbers were issued to assistance qualified adult allowance. In these cir- nationals of the 10 Accession States as follows: cumstances no limitation would apply where a Poland: 133,749; Lithuania: 38,507; Slovakia: parental allowance recipient cohabits with a per- 19,470; Latvia: 19,446; Czech Rep: 9,666; Hun- son in receipt of a social assistance payment, e.g. gary: 6,746; Estonia: 4,330; Malta: 324; Slovenia: unemployment assistance. 182; and Cyprus: 63. Lifting limitation for this limited period of time would have the effect of increasing household 401. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social income in such situations by up to EUR 58 per and Family Affairs the estimated cost of paying week, recognising the higher costs associated with all the qualified adult social welfare payments at a care of young children. It would also assist in hundred percent of the full adult rate. [27774/06] addressing the problem of poverty among chil- dren in low income families. Any proposal to Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. abolish the limitation rule in full could only be Brennan): The cost of increasing the maximum considered in a budgetary context and in the light weekly rate of all qualified adult allowances to of competing priorities. the relevant maximum weekly personal rate of payment is estimated at \311 million in a full 403. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social year. and Family Affairs the cost of introducing retro- spective credits for all women who have lost out 402. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social on cover due to the civil service marriage bar. and Family Affairs the expected cost of abol- [27777/06] ishing the limitation rule based on the number of cases where it is currently enforced. [27775/06] Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. Brennan): In general, the social insurance class Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. paid by those affected by the marriage bar was a Brennan): Where both members of a couple are modified rate which now gives coverage for 1613 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1614 widow(er)’s and orphan’s pensions and occu- Questions Nos. 404 to 409, inclusive, answered pational injury benefit, bereavement grant and with Question No. 393. carer’s benefit only. This class reflected their occupational pension position and general con- Departmental Agencies. tract of service at that time. Accordingly, even if 410. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social they had continued in employment, contributions and Family Affairs the budgetary allocation for paid at this class would not have entitled them to each of the public bodies, executive agencies, an old age pension under the social welfare advisory bodies and taskforces operating under system. his Department. [27789/06] That said, in line with the Government’s com- mitment to ensure that as many people as pos- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. sible can qualify for pensions in their own right, Brennan): The five statutory agencies operating a number of measures have been introduced over under the aegis of my Department are the Pen- the years which make it easier for people to qual- sions Board, the Combat Poverty Agency, Comh- ify for pensions. These include the reduction in airle, the Social Welfare Tribunal, and the Family the yearly average number of contributions Support Agency. The budgetary allocation for required for pension purposes from 20 to 10 and 2006 for each agency is as follows: the special half rate pension based on pre-53 insurance contributions. Pro-rata pensions are Board/Agency Allocation for 2006 also available to allow people with mixed rate insurance. This set of measures is of particular \ benefit to women who may have less than com- Pensions Board 1,300,000 plete social insurance records due to working in the home. Combat Poverty Agency 4,869,000 It is estimated that approx 88% of women aged Comhairle 24,362,000 65 years of age are at present receiving social wel- Social Welfare Tribunal 4,100 fare support, either in their own right or as quali- Family Support Agency 28,025,000 fied adults on the pension of their spouse or partner. In addition, the homemaker’s scheme, which 411. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social was introduced in 1994, is intended to mitigate and Family Affairs the number of positions in the effect of periods spent on caring duties when State bodies under the aegis of his Department a person’s insurance record is being averaged for which are affected by the increase in non-execu- pension purposes. The scheme allows up to 20 tive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies recently years spent on caring duties to be disregarded sanctioned by the Government. [27803/06] when a person’s insurance record is being aver- aged to assess entitlement for contributory pen- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. sion purposes. However, it must be borne in mind Brennan): The following are the number of posi- that the scheme will not of itself qualify a person tions affected by the increase in non-executive for a pension. The standard qualifying conditions chairpersons’ fees recently sanctioned by the for pensions, which require a person to enter Government: The Pensions Board, 1; Comhairle, insurance 10 years before pension age, pay a 1; The Family Support Agency, 1; and Combat minimum of 260 contributions at the correct rate Poverty Agency, 1. and achieve a yearly average of at least 10 contri- butions on their record from the time they enter Departmental Task Forces. insurance until they reach pension age, must also 412. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Social be satisfied. Accordingly, the scheme will not and Family Affairs the number of taskforces benefit someone whose social insurance record which have been created by his Department and includes only modified rate contributions. their function, size, membership, reporting mech- It is not, for a number of reasons, possible to anism and period of existence since 1997. estimate the cost of providing pensions to persons [27821/06] affected by the marriage bar. Some of those affected may have returned to the workforce and Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. have become eligible for a social welfare pension Brennan): The information requested is currently on foot of such employment or may already be being compiled within the Department and will receiving social welfare support as non-contribu- be made available to the Deputy shortly. tory pensioners or as qualified adults on the pen- sion of their spouse or partner. Social Welfare Benefits. I will continue to look for ways, within the cur- rent social welfare structure, in which the needs 413. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Social of older people who are at present outside the and Family Affairs the reason a person in receipt social welfare pensions system may be addressed of widows pension must forfeit that payment in further. order to claim carer’s allowance; if he will con- sider disregarding widows pension for claimants 1615 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1616

[Mr. Lowry.] mum rate of carer’s allowance as well as free of carer’s allowance; if the current carers allow- travel, the household benefits package and the ance means test discriminates unfavourably respite care grant. against widows; and if he will make a statement Complete abolition of the means test for on the matter. [27944/06] carer’s allowance would cost an estimated EUR140 million in a full year. The view of some Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. support organisations is that if this level of Brennan): The carer’s allowance is a social assist- resources were available, it would be more ance payment which provides income support to beneficial to carers if it were invested in further people who are providing certain elderly or inca- increases to carers allowance and in the type of pacitated persons with full time care and atten- community care services which would support tion and whose incomes fall below a certain limit. them in their caring role, such as additional res- The primary objective of the social welfare pite care facilities, more home helps, public system is to provide income support and, as a health nurses and other such services. general rule, only one weekly social welfare pay- I am always prepared to consider changes to ment is payable to an individual. This ensures existing arrangements where these are for the that resources are not used to make two income benefit of recipients and financially sustainable support payments to any one person. Persons within the resources available to me. Those qualifying for two social welfare payments always recommendations involving additional expendi- receive the higher payment to which they are ture can only be considered in a budgetary entitled. context. According to Census 2002 there are over 48,000 people providing personal care for over 4 hours Departmental Advertising. per day and of these just over 2,400 are widowed people. There are currently over 26,800 people 414. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and in receipt of either carer’s allowance or carer’s Family Affairs the amount which was spent in his benefit. It is likely that a proportion of the Department for the years 2005 and from January balance is in receipt of another social welfare pay- 2006 to date for media purposes or advertising; ment, including widow(er)’s pension. where the money was spent, that is, national pap- In Budget 2006, I provided for a significant ers, provincial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios increase in the rate of carer’s allowance. From and so on; the amounts spent on a yearly basis January this year, the rate of carer’s allowance for years of the pervious three years; and if increased to \200 per week for carers aged 66 money was spent on videos, for promotional, edu- years and over. This rate of payment may be cational or advertising purposes. [27964/06] higher in many instances than the rate of widower(er)’s pension payable to a person. Such Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. a person who is providing full time care and Brennan): My Department uses a mix of advertis- attention to a person who requires such care may ing media including national and provincial news- be entitled to receive this higher rate of carer’s papers, radio and television, information leaflets, allowance. I would urge any person in this posi- fact sheets, posters and direct mailshots to ensure tion to make enquiries with my Department. that people are aware of their social welfare In addition, from June 2005, the annual respite entitlements and are notified about improve- care grant was extended to all carers who are pro- ments and changes affecting their payments and viding full time care to a person who needs such services. The amount spent on advertising in any care regardless of their income. Those persons in one year is determined by the number of specific receipt of other social welfare payments, exclud- advertising campaigns which are undertaken. ing unemployment assistance and benefit, are To date in 2006, my Department has spent over entitled to this payment subject to meeting the \340,000 on advertising which comprised of full time care condition. This arrangement was \177,000 on print advertising and \163,000 on introduced to acknowledge the needs of carers broadcast media. Print media expenditure com- especially in relation to respite. Provision was prised of \58,000 on national newspapers, made in Budget 2006 to increase the amount of \103,000 on provincial newspapers and \16,000 the respite care grant from EUR1,000 to on posters. Broadcast media expenditure EUR1,200 from June. amounted to \101,000 on television advertising, In line with other social assistance schemes, a \17,000 on national radio advertising and \45,000 means test is applied to the carer’s allowance so on local radio advertising. The principal element as to ensure that limited resources are directed to of the expenditure incurred to date this year those in greatest need. This means test has been related to the Family Income Supplement entitle- eased significantly over the years, most notably ments awareness campaign which resulted in a with the introduction of the disregards of spouses’ significant increase in the numbers of new earnings. Following Budget 2006, since April, a applications. couple with two children can earn up to EUR32, The total amount spent by my Department on 925 per annum and still receive the maximum rate advertising in 2005 was over \300,000 of which of carer’s allowance. The same couple will be able \240,000 was on print media comprised of to earn up to EUR54, 400 and receive the mini- \130,000 on national newspapers and \110,000 on 1617 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1618 provincial newspapers. Approximately \60,000 tive to the different local arrangements. I have was spent on electronic display advertising. Two asked my Department to keep this issue under major information campaigns were undertaken in review. 2005; the first was on the Respite Care Grant scheme and the second was a general advertising Family Support Services. campaign carried out across credit unions throughout the country, which highlighted the 416. Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Social range of social welfare benefits, schemes and and Family Affairs the details of the input indi- services available. vidual lone parents have had in the development Expenditure on advertising, both print and of the lone parent proposals and their input since broadcast media, for the previous three years, the publication of the Government Discussion was in the region of \1.3m in 2002, \0.286m in paper; the way in which his Department has 2003 and \0.475m in 2004. facilitated same; the impact the views and Expenditure in 2002 covered a wide range of opinions expressed by individual lone parents will my Department’s schemes and services and have on the development of future lone parent included specific campaigns such as promotion of policies; and if he will make a statement on the the Farm Assist Scheme, the introduction of the matter. [28050/06] Euro, promotion and awareness of the Personal Public Service Number and an information cam- Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. paign in relation to improvements in the 2003 Brennan): The Government discussion paper, Budget. Costs of \80,000 were incurred on the “Proposals for Supporting Lone Parents” which I production and transmission of a video in relation launched in March this year, addresses the social to the Farm Assist campaign. exclusion and risk of poverty faced by many such Most of the advertising expenditure in 2003 families and their children. arose in connection with general advertising The process which led to the publication of the regarding office closures, staff vacancies, etc., and discussion paper included a number of sub- a Budget information campaign. missions from organisations around the country Two information campaigns were undertaken representing lone parents as well as other in 2004. The first campaign promoted the Carers interested parties. All submissions received were Benefit scheme and the second campaign alerted considered as part of the process. people coming up to pension age that they should The discussion paper puts forward proposals apply for their pension at least three months for reform of the income support system for all before they reach pension age. Advertising is a parents on a low income. The report proposes the key part of my Department’s information expanded availability and range of education and strategy to ensure that people are aware of and training opportunities for lone parents, the exten- claim their social welfare entitlements. sion of the National Employment Action Plan to focus on lone parents, focused provision of child- care, improved information services for lone Social Welfare Code. parents and the introduction of a new Parental 415. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Allowance for low income families with young Social and Family Affairs the plans he has to put children. measures in place to assist the elderly with the The Government has asked the Senior Officials cost of bin charges; if it is acceptable that those Group on Social Inclusion to draw up an imple- who are in employment can claim tax relief but mentation plan to progress the non-income those on old age pensions get no assistance; and recommendations of the discussion paper, includ- if he will make a statement on the matter. ing those related to childcare, education, training [27977/06] and activation measures and work on this has already commenced in consultation with the Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. Departments and agencies concerned. Brennan): The setting of waste management As a follow-up to the publication of the dis- charges and the introduction of waivers in respect cussion paper, I hosted a National Consultative of waste charges is, as stated by my colleague the Forum on 27th April 2006. This Forum was Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local attended by social partners, organisations rep- Government, a matter for each local authority. resenting lone parents and the unemployed, rep- Tax credits are a matter for my colleague, the resentatives of Government departments and Minister for Finance. State agencies who will be responsible for the The introduction of a national social welfare implementation of the proposals in the discussion scheme to address the issue would be complex paper and members of the Oireachtas. At the given the wide range of charging regimes and cost Forum, I heard the views of each organisation on structures that exist in respect of waste manage- the proposals including their comments on the ment throughout the State. Charges vary across proposed parental allowance and invited them to local authorities and some local authorities make a formal written submission setting out already operate waiver schemes. Any system put those views. I also briefed the Oireachtas Com- in place to assist people who rely on private mittee on Social Affairs and debated the issue in domestic waste collection would have to be sensi- the Seanad. 1619 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1620

[Mr. Brennan.] The cost of ECS for non resident children cur- Since the Consultative Forum, I have received rently in receipt of Child Benefit in 2006 is submissions from a number of the organisations approximately \105,000. The cost of ECS pay- representing lone parents and have met with ments to these children in 2007 is estimated at these organisations. \420,000. My Department acts as agent for the I have received a considerable number of rep- office of the Minister for Children in this regard. resentations from individual lone parents during There are approximately 8,500 Child Benefit the consultation process. Officials from my claims on hand yet to be processed. The majority Department have indicated their willingness to of these claims (almost 90%) are from Polish meet individual lone parents in cases where this nationals working in Ireland but whose family has been requested. reside in Poland. The Government will listen closely to the views In recent weeks when processing such claims it expressed and will give very serious consideration has been found that a significant number of to them. As soon as I am convinced that we have customers have either left Ireland or have had reached conclusions that are fully workable and their families join them here. As a result they will equitable, it will be my intention to bring forward proposals for legislation in the course of this year. either be paid under domestic legislation or will only qualify for the payment of Child Benefit and ECS for the period of their employment in Social Welfare Benefits. Ireland. It is too early yet to accurately establish 417. Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Social the extent of this development, but it will influ- and Family Affairs the number of applications his ence the overall amounts of benefit payable for Department has received to date for the early non resident children. childcare supplement in respect of children who are resident outside the State; the breakdown of Education Schemes. same by nationality; the number that have been processed to date; the estimated cost of the ECS 418. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for in respect of these children to date in 2006; the Social and Family Affairs if he will consider estimated cost of same for 2007; and if he will extending the third level grant scheme to enable make a statement on the matter. [28051/06] students who have used the back to education scheme where they qualify to proceed to post Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. graduate work other than the h.dip; if he will Brennan): There is no application process for recognise the considerable achievement by such Early Childcare Supplement (ECS). The Early students and their potential contribution to Childcare Supplement will be paid in respect of society; their particular experience and their valu- those qualified children who receive Child able contribution to society. [28063/06] Benefit from my Department. Currently Child Benefit is in payment to 737 Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr. non resident families for 1332 children. Of these, Brennan): The Back to Education Allowance or 481 children are under 6 years and would qualify BTEA is a second chance education oppor- for ECS. The detailed statistics are as follows. tunities scheme designed to encourage and facili- tate people on certain social welfare payments to Country Number of Number of Number of improve their skills and qualifications and, there- Families Children Children under 6 fore, their prospects of returning to the active work force. UK 687 1238 449 The BTEA is not payable to people pursuing post-graduate qualifications because people with Sweden 4 3 2 a primary degree are already in possession of a Spain 7 8 1 third level qualification and their academic quali- Belgium 4 10 5 fications should impact positively on their Austria 1 2 1 employment prospects. However those wishing to France 15 23 10 take up a Higher Diploma (H.Dip) in any dis- Netherlands 1 3 1 cipline or a Graduate Diploma in Primary School Teaching may claim BTEA as a post-graduate Poland 10 23 4 qualification is necessary for employment in Greece 1 1 1 their case. Germany 3 8 3 The conditions of the scheme focus it towards Italy 2 8 3 people who most need additional training or Portugal 1 3 1 qualifications in order to gain a foothold in the labour market. In the circumstances, I have no Switzerland 1 2 0 plans to extend the BTEA scheme to persons Total 737 1,332 481 pursuing other types of postgraduate courses at this time. 1621 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1622

Road Safety. 423. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- port if a company (details supplied) have 419. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Trans- reported to him on efficiencies within existing port if he will make financial provision for the ports; and if a copy of reports will be made avail- appointment of road safety officers in each able. [27831/06] county council; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27486/06] Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I propose to take Questions Nos. 421 and 423 together. Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The The Government’s Ports Policy Statement, National Safety Council, in consultation with my which I launched in January 2005, aims to better Department, the Department of the Envir- equip the port sector and its stakeholders to meet onment, Heritage and Local Government, and national and regional capacity and service needs. the City and County Managers Association is One of the key challenges that lie ahead is the developing a template for road safety action plans provision of adequate in-time port capacity, which will be piloted in 10 chosen local authority particularly for unitised trade. The Policy State- areas. The results of these pilots will inform the ment sets out a framework to ensure that capacity development of models which can subsequently needs are identified, planned and progressed in a be applied in all local authority areas throughout coordinated manner. the country. This project includes an examination As part of this process, in September 2005, my of the role of local authority Road Safety Officers Department appointed a firm of consultants by the National Safety Council in consultation expert in this field, Fisher Associates to help with relevant Departments and agencies. determine whether the anticipated capacity It is a matter for local authorities to appoint requirement to 2014 and beyond can be Road Safety Officers in their area, to develop efficiently and adequately met through the suc- work programmes for those officers, where neces- cessful advancement and implementation by the sary and to develop road safety plans. Road port sector of some combination of the various Safety Officers and road safety plans already exist proposals currently under development in the in a number of local authorities. sector. Matters relating to the funding of local auth- Submissions outlining proposals for new capa- orities is a matter for the Department of Envir- city were received from the following ports on the onment, Heritage and Local Government. east coast: Greenore, Dublin, Drogheda and Rosslare. Submissions were also received from State Airports. ports at Cork, Shannon Foynes and Waterford. The final report of Fisher Associates was com- 420. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Trans- pleted recently. It is intended to publish the port if the proposed new runway at Dublin Air- broad conclusions of the report in the coming port will form part of the next National Develop- months, following its submission to Government. ment Plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27715/06] Noise Pollution. Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The pro- 422. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Trans- vision of a second runway at Dublin Airport is a port the steps he proposes to deal with noise pol- key element of the capital development prog- lution emanating from private vehicles with ramme prepared by the Dublin Airport Auth- modified engines and exhaust systems; and if he ority (DAA) in order to ensure the provision of will make a statement on the matter. [27766/06] capacity to meet expected demand in the coming year. It is envisaged that this programme will be Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): It is a funded by the DAA from its own resources. requirement for the registration and entry into The National Development Plan 2007-2013 is service of new motor vehicles in the European being prepared under the aegis of the Depart- Union that they have type-approval in accord- ment of Finance and the Government. It is envis- ance with Directive 70/157/EEC as amended by aged that the plan will take account of investment Directive 1999/101/EC, which sets down the per- planning of commercial state bodies including missible sound levels and exhaust systems for the DAA. motor vehicles. Vehicle in-service standards are specified in the Road Traffic (Construction, Ports Sector. Equipment and Use of Vehicles) Regulations 1963 which requires vehicles to be fitted with a 421. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- silencer or other device that is suitable and port when the proposals for the development of sufficient for reducing to a reasonable level the ports on the east coast have been received by his noise caused by the escape of exhaust gases from Department; the capacity expansion envisaged by the engine. Article 85 of these Regulations pro- each; and if he has evaluated or approved these hibits the use in a public place of a vehicle which proposals. [27730/06] causes excessive noise. 1623 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1624

[Mr. Cullen.] In the period since 2002, some 575 licences for An examination of the silencer to assess its new passenger licences for regular scheduled effectiveness in reducing noise is part of the NCT. services or amended bus services have been It is an offence to use in a public place a vehicle issued. In addition to issuing new Annual which causes excessive noise. Enforcement of the licences, each year my Department processes law in this regard is a matter for the Garda applications for new Occasional passenger Sı´ocha´na. licenses for once off events. My Department also processes amendments to existing annual passen- Question No. 423 answered with Question ger licenses which in turn can lead to a new No. 421. licence being issued if the amendments are sub- stantial. Public Transport. As well as new licences, my Department is also required to process applications for the renewal 424. Ms F. O’Malley asked the Minister for of existing Annual Passenger licenses which fall Transport the number of times since 1997 Section due for renewal on the 31st August (Seasonal 25 of the Transport Act 1958 has been utilised by licences) or the 31st October (Continuous him to give direction on the licensing of passenger licences) each year. road services; and if he will make a statement on There are currently 364 Annual Continuous the matter. [27324/06] Licenses that fall due for renewal on 31st October 2006 and 253 Annual Seasonal Licenses, the Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Section 25 majority of which will fall due for renewal on the (1) of the Transport Act 1958 provides that the 31st August, 2006. In addition, to date this year consent of the Minister for Transport is required ´ 33 Occasional Licenses have been issued. where either Bus Eireann or Dublin Bus wish to Based on the above data and taking into introduce or alter a passenger road service where account the licences which may not be renewed such service would compete with a licensed pass- or are withdrawn by private bus operators, there enger road service provided by a private bus are between 600 and 650 valid passenger licences operator. In accordance with section 25 (2), the currently in operation. decision made by the Minister under section 25 (1) is final. 426. Ms F. O’Malley asked the Minister for Services provided by private bus operators are Transport the estimated number of passengers licensed under the Road Transport Act, 1932. carried per annum by Bus E´ ireann, Dublin Bus In the absence of any competing service, my and licensed private bus operators; and if he will Department notes the introduction of new make a statement on the matter. [27327/06] services or alterations to existing services by Bus E´ ireann and Dublin Bus and section 25 of the Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Iam 1958 Act does not apply. informed by Bus E´ ireann that the number of The directions under section 25 that have been passengers carried by the company in 2005 was given in respect of Bus E´ ireann operations relate 48.3 million, exclusive of schoolchildren, and in to the services connecting Cavan/Dublin, the case of Dublin Bus the number of passengers Monaghan/Dublin, Galway/Shannon Airport and carried by the company in 2005 was 146 million. Dundalk/Dublin. No directions under section 25 My Department does not have statistics from have been issued to Dublin Bus in that time individual bus operators on the number of pass- period. engers carried by them.

425. Ms F. O’Malley asked the Minister for 427. Ms F. O’Malley asked the Minister for Transport the number of licences issued to Transport the measures which are taken to private bus operators since 2002; and if he will ensure that State subvention of Bus E´ ireann is make a statement on the matter. [27326/06] never used in an anti-competitive manner to the detriment of private bus operators; and if he will Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The Road make a statement on the matter. [27330/06] Transport Act, 1932 provides the legislative basis for entry to the public transport market by Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): State sub- private bus operators. In accordance with this vention is provided to Bus E´ ireann in respect of legislation, private bus operators apply to my public service obligations only and is not pro- Department for Passenger Licences to operate vided in respect of commercial services. It is the coach and bus services within the State. responsibility of the Board of CIE to ensure the There are three types of passenger licences allocation of funds for loss making services is issued: Annual Continuous Licence (operates all done in accordance with relevant EU Regulations year round); Annual Seasonal Licence (operates governing compensation in respect of public for the season to which it relates i.e. a school or service obligations in the transport sector. college service, a tour, etc.); Occasional Licence (issued for a specific event i.e. a concert, a sport- 428. Ms F. O’Malley asked the Minister for ing event, race week etc.) Transport the average processing time of individ- 1625 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1626 ual private bus licences from issuing an area to increase efficiency and the speed with acknowledgment of receipt to issuing or not of which applications are processed. the license; the action which is underway or It has long been recognised that the Road planned to reduce this time; and if he will make Transport Act 1932, as amended, is in need of a statement on the matter. [27331/06] significant reform so that the legislative pro- visions better reflect the realities of modern Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The Road transport services. The reform programme for the Transport Act, 1932 provides the statutory basis public transport market that I am pursuing will for regulating the provision of public bus services address these needs. My proposals include pro- by private bus operators in Ireland. Operators are vision for independent regulation, and the intro- issued annual passenger licences in accordance duction of a new legislative basis for the award of with the provisions of the Act for the services that bus route licenses that will be applied in respect they provide on a regular basis. The Act also pro- of all operators. In the meantime, my Depart- vides for the issuing of occasional licences for ment will continue to promote improvements in once off occasions such as major sporting events, the administration of the bus licensing service concerts etc. There are between 600 and 650 pass- based on the principles of due process and fair enger licences currently in operation. procedures. In the case of occasional passenger licence applications for a once-off event e.g. hurling final, 429. Ms F. O’Malley asked the Minister for these applications are processed immediately pro- Transport the consideration which is being given vided that all the appropriate documentation is to extending the validity time of private bus in order. licences; and if he will make a statement on the It is difficult to say with certainty the length of matter. [27332/06] time it takes to process an annual passenger licence application. Applications are generally 437. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Transport dealt with on a first come, first served basis. if he has concluded his review of the reform of However, pressing or exceptional circumstances the bus market; and when he will make a decision can be taken into account in determining the on Dublin Bus’s application for funding. order in which applications are dealt with as for [27421/06] example in the case of ‘time bound’ applications e.g. services for school or college services or tours 463. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- that are required to start by a certain date. port the timetable for the introduction of bus The processing time for applications can vary competition on the Dublin metropolitan network for a number of reasons, such as the complexity transport; if it is his intention to establish Iarnro´ d of the application, the number of prior appli- E´ ireann as a separate independent State com- cations on hand, lack of prompt responses from pany; the impact this will have on the existing relevant third parties contacted for their obser- CIE holding company and the two other subsidi- vations on the proposed service, and where rel- aries, Dublin Bus and Bus E´ ireann. [27881/06] evant information is not provided by the appli- cant, such as a valid Road Passenger Transport Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I propose Operators Licence, current Vehicle Insurance to take Questions Nos. 429, 437 and 463 together. Certificates, Public Service Vehicle Licences or I have given a public commitment to moderniz- approvals for proposed bus stops from the Garda. ing the regulatory framework governing public In addition, in some circumstances, while the pre- transport, not just in Dublin, but nationally. liminary work may have been completed on a In advancing the regulatory agenda, discussions particular application, a final decision cannot be have taken place with the key stakeholders, made until other relevant applications received including the CIE Companies and the Unions. prior to it have been finalised. These discussions form part of a process of The continuing increase in the number of engagement that will facilitate and inform the licence applications from private operators and determination of the appropriate structure for the notifications of proposed new or amended bus new framework and supporting legislation. services from Bus E´ ireann and Dublin Bus This process is also being informed by the work received in my Department has also impacted in of the team which I appointed to make recom- the determination of licence applications mendations on the remit, structures and human generally. resource requirements of the proposed Dublin My Department regularly reviews ways in Transport Authority. I have received the report which to improve the administration of the 1932 of the team and I expect to bring my proposals in Act in so far as resources permit. Recent inno- the matter to Government in the near future. It vations include the standardisation of renewal is also my intention that these proposals deals dates for licence applications and the provision of with a reorganization of the corporate govern- guidance notes on the various licensing processes. ance arrangements within CIE with the objective In addition, the Department is engaged in a pro- of allowing greater independence to the boards ject to upgrade IT systems in the bus licensing of each of the operating subsidiaries. However, 1627 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1628

[Mr. Cullen.] applications which were refused; the reason for establishing Iarnro´ dE´ ireann as a separate inde- same; the percentage of his Department’s overall pendent entity does not form part of these cur- annual budget such funding equates to; and if he rent proposals. will make a statement on the matter. [27387/06] My Department is currently considering an application from Dublin Bus for funding for 200 Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The infor- additional buses to be delivered in 2006 and 2007. mation requested by the Deputy is being com- The application is being considered in the context piled will be forwarded. of Transport 21, the bus network review com- pleted recently by Dublin Bus and the bus market Railway Stations. reform process. I expect to make a decision on the application in the coming weeks. 433. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Transport if a tender has been awarded for the construction of the new Docklands rail station; and the details Harbours and Piers. of same. [27404/06] 430. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Trans- port the progress he has made on the provision Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Iam of a new building for the Doolin Coastguard and informed by Iarnro´d E´ ireann that some of the Rescue Service; if he expects negotiations for the contracts have been let for work on the Dock- acquisition of a site to end soon; and if he will lands station, while others will be let over the make a statement on the matter. [27333/06] coming months. It is expected that the station will be operational in summer 2007. Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I have in the recent past indicated to the House in response Road Network. to similar questions that I regard the provision of a new station house for the Doolin Coastal Unit 434. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Transport as a very high priority. The negotiations with a if he will introduce shadow tolling on the M50 until open road tolling is introduced in view of landowner about a site, also previously referred \ to, are still taking place and are at an advanced the fact that the State received over 190 million stage. in EU funding towards the cost of the construc- I have also indicated to the House that I do tion of the M50. [27416/06] not consider it judicious to elaborate upon these Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The statu- negotiations in public at this time. I would again tory power to levy tolls on national roads, to emphasise that as soon as a suitable site has been make toll bye-laws and to enter into toll agree- acquired my Department’s objective is to proceed ments with private investors in respect of national as quickly as possible to develop the station roads, including the M50, is vested in the National house. Roads Authority (NRA) under Part V of the Roads Act 1993 (as amended by the Planning and State Airports. Development Act 2000). 431. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Trans- As the Deputy is aware, in January of this year, port if arrangements are being made to extend the NRA decided to replace the West-Link toll the INS service at Shannon Airport with the US on the M50 by a single-point free flow toll in authorities to include customs and agriculture to 2008. The installation of free flow tolling is a facilitate all flights; and when will this come into crucial element of the M50 upgrade which is operation; and if he will make a statement on the underway at present. matter. [27376/06] In that context, the NRA will bring forward specific proposals for the single-point free flow Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I under- toll arrangement for consideration later this year. stand that in co-operation with the US Auth- At this stage, I would not wish to pre-empt the orities, the Dublin Airport Authority is hoping to content of those proposals. extend the existing US Immigration Pre-clear- ance service to full Pre-clearance of immigration, Rail Services. customs and agriculture requirements for all US bound flights. 435. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Transport further to Parliamentary Question No. 346 of 27 June 2006, his views on whether the continued Departmental Expenditure. removal of rail freight infrastructure throughout 432. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the rail system indicates that Iarnro´ dE´ ireann is Transport the non-governmental agencies or serious in its intention to remain in and develop organisations his Department has provided fund- the rail freight business. [27417/06] ing to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding provided to each in each year; the Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I refer the number of applications for funding submitted to Deputy to my reply to Da´il Question number 213 his Department in total; the number of these which was answered on the 5th April, 2006 which 1629 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1630 sets out the position regarding the development sons; and if he will make a statement on the of the rail freight business by Iarnro´ dE´ ireann. matter. [27501/06]

436. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Transport Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I propose the position on the granting of the railway order to take Questions Nos. 439 and 440 together. for the Kildare route project. [27418/06] The Deputy will be aware that Aer Lingus cur- rently provides a range of transatlantic services 472. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Trans- from Shannon carrying some 400,000 passengers port his views on submissions made on the per annum on a commercially viable basis. Kildare Route project; where the full report can However, in November last year I secured agree- be accessed; and if he will make a statement on ment with the US authorities on transitional the matter. [28047/06] arrangements for Shannon in the context of pro- posals for an EU/US ‘open skies’ agreement. At Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I propose that time, I sought and received assurances from to take Questions Nos. 436 and 472 together. Aer Lingus that, in the context of a level playing The report of the Inspector, Mr. Pat Butler field for the airline and its competitors, it would S.C., of the public inquiry (24th January 2006-2nd maintain the current level of transatlantic traffic February 2006.) in relation to the Railway Order with regular year round scheduled services for the Kildare Route Project was received in my between Shannon and Boston and New York. I Department on 5 May 2006 and the report was did not request or receive these assurances in published on 23 May 2006. writing from the company. As the Deputy will be It is available on the Department of Transport aware the discussions on a new EU/US ‘Open website at www.transport.ie and also from the Skies’ agreement are ongoing. Government Publications Office. I am currently considering the report of the Inspector and Road Network. associated documents and I will make a decision 441. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for in the matter shortly. Transport if his Department will make arrange- ments for the anticipated increase in traffic on Question No. 437 answered with Question and around the M50 due to the imminent opening No. 429. of the Dublin Port Tunnel; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27503/06] Railway Stations. 438. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Transport 442. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the position on the provision of additional car Transport if the National Roads Authority has parking facilities at Hazelhatch Rail Station, Cel- applied for funding to make provision for the bridge, County Kildare; if funding for the project anticipated increase in traffic numbers on the is included under the DTO rail based park and M50 and the roads leading to it upon the opening ride strategy; and when the project will com- of the Dublin Port Tunnel; and if he will make a mence. [27422/06] statement on the matter. [27504/06]

Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I under- 468. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- stand from Iarnro´ dE´ ireann that Hazelhatch port when the deal for the purchase of the Station will be upgraded as part of the overall Westlink will be completed; and the tolling Kildare route improvement project. Plans for the regime that will apply on the M50 thereafter. station include a park and ride facility with 396 [27999/06] car parking spaces, incorporating taxi rank, three bus lay-bys and bus and cycle shelters. This work Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I propose is being done in addition to the DTO rail based to take Questions Nos. 441, 442 and 468 together. Park and Ride strategy. The planning, design and implementation of national road improvement projects, including the M50 upgrade, is a matter for the National Air Services. Roads Authority (NRA) and the local auth- 439. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Trans- orities concerned. port if, in view of the guarantee of 400,000 trans- The allocation of funding in relation to the con- atlantic passengers made by Aer Lingus through struction or maintenance of national roads is also Shannon Airport post open skies, he has received a matter for the NRA under section 19(1)(f) of this guarantee in writing; and if he will make a the Roads Act 1993, together with the tolling of statement on the matter. [27500/06] roads under Part V of the Roads Act 1993 (as amended by the Planning and Development Act 440. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Trans- 2000). port the number of Aer Lingus daily direct depar- Traffic management in general is a matter for tures from Shannon Airport to the US, post open the appropriate local authority and in the case of skies, during both the winter and summer sea- the M50, that authority is Dublin City Council. 1631 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1632

Public Transport. vided from EU sources; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27505/06] 443. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Trans- Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): While port if it is envisaged that the policy of operating there has been significant progress in the buses that are not wheelchair accessible on Bus development of accessible buses for urban, com- E´ ireann’s inter-urban and long distance com- muter and other local inter-urban services, I muter routes is to be allowed continue by the understand that the availability of accessible national bus company; the number of new coaches from vehicle manufacturers for intercity coaches which have been provided by Bus services has not kept pace with these ´ Eireann on inter-urban and long distance com- developments. muter routes since 1997; the number which are I have been informed by Bus E´ ireann that the wheelchair accessible; the amount which has been number of new coaches which have been pro- allocated to Bus E´ ireann from the National vided by the company on inter-urban and long Development Plan to provide new coaches on distance commuter routes since 1997 and the long distance commuter and inter-urban routes; number which are wheelchair accessible is as set and the percentage of that funding which is pro- out in the following table.

No. of new coaches purchased for inter-urban routes 322 No. of new coaches purchased for commuter routes 107 No. of new double deck buses purchased for commuter routes 20 No. of Wheelchair accessible coaches 0 No. of Wheelchair accessible double deck buses purchased for commuter routes 20

Some \19 million Exchequer funding has to date Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Transport been allocated under the National Development 21 provides for the re-opening of the Western Plan to provide for new coaches on some inter- Rail Corridor in 3 phases, Ennis to Athenry urban routes. There was no funding provided (2008), Athenry to Tuam (2011) and Tuam to from EU sources. However, Expressway coaches Claremorris (2014). These projects are to be are not funded by the Exchequer; these are implemented in conjunction with rail commuter funded from within the company’s own resources. services from Athenry and Tuam serving a new As regards the future, my Department’s Sec- station in Oranmore en route to Galway. toral Plan under the Disability Act 2005 will be The current position regarding the Western published shortly and it will address the question Rail Corridor is that Iarnro´ dE´ ireann has submit- of accessible coaches in the light of the COST ted detailed business proposals to my Depart- 349 Report. The Report, based on a major 4-year ment relating to Phase 1 (the reopening of the European research project, made recom- Ennis to Athenry section) and Phase 2 (re-open- mendations in October 2005 in respect of accessi- ing of the Athenry to Tuam section). These pro- bility matters for coach type vehicles. A number posals have been assessed in my Department and of manufacturers are now beginning to put the I hope to make an announcement in the matter recommendations into practice in the design of as soon as possible. their vehicles and such vehicles are only now In addition, Iarnro´ dE´ ireann is working with coming on the market. the Department of Community, Rural and Gael- My Department with assistance from a team tacht Affairs, to agree arrangements and funding under the Public Transport Accessibility Commit- under the CLA´ R Programme for the preser- tee (PTAC) including Bus E´ ireann and the vation of the alignment from Claremorris to National Disability Authority is monitoring Collooney. developments in the design and availability of accessible coaches and the outcome of these dis- Driving Tests. cussions will determine future procurement policy. I will address the issue of accessible 445. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Trans- coaches in the context of my Departments’ forth- port the number of drivers currently holding a coming Sectoral Plan under the Disability Act. provisional licence; the number currently waiting for a driving test; the average weekly wait for a driving test; and the average of the longest wait- Rail Network. ing times at test centres. [27597/06] 444. Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for Trans- port the discussions he has had with Irish Rail on Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The a project (details supplied) in County Galway; the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local progress which has been made on the project; if Government, who hold and administer the the timescale for the project will be expedited; National Driver File, has advised that there were and if he will make a statement on the matter. 418,981 provisional licences current at 30 June [27506/06] 2006. 1633 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1634

Information in relation to the numbers waiting Centre Average Numbers on and waiting times for a driving test on 5 July 2006 Weeks Hands are set out in the following table. The national Waiting average waiting time for a driving test is just under 31 weeks. Sth. West Cork 25 7,957 Centre Average Numbers on Weeks Hands Killarney 23 1,846 Waiting Kilrush 25 603 Limerick 39 4,918 Nth. Leinster Mallow 27 2,211 Finglas 43 12,680 Newcastle West 25 1,901 Dundalk 35 4,135 Shannon 32 975 Mullingar 40 2,185 Navan 43 5,740 Skibbereen 13 1,632 Raheny 43 8,464 Tralee 18 1,739

Sth. Leinster Churchtown/Rathgar 44 13,111 Road Traffic Offences. Gorey 42 2,569 446. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Trans- Naas 42 6,417 port if failure to obey a traffic sign indicating a Tullamore 39 2,144 three tonne limit restriction on a road will incur Wicklow 41 3,000 penalty points. [27598/06] Tallaght 40 11,010 Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Provisions West for imposition of a weight restriction on large Athlone 20 1,454 vehicles entering a public road are set out in Birr 34 1,546 Article 17 of the Road Traffic (Traffic and Castlebar 24 2,168 Parking) Regulations 1997 (SI No. 182 of 1997). Clifden 15 486 It is a matter for each local authority to deter- Ennis 33 1,709 mine if, and where, such restrictions should apply in its area. Galway 38 3,649 Article 17 operates as imposing a restriction on Loughrea 22 1,310 entry to the specified road as opposed to an out- Roscommon 20 1,164 right prohibition on entry. This policy is required Tuam 20 1,203 to cover circumstances where it is necessary for a large vehicle (of a weight that exceeds whatever Nth. West threshold is indicated on the regulatory sign) to Ballina 29 1,104 enter a road if this is necessary solely for the pur- Buncrana 34 822 pose of gaining access or egress from premises Carrick-on-Shannon 19 1,143 accessible only from that road. Cavan 16 1,686 The regulation operates in such a way that a Donegal 34 1,184 vehicle such as, for example, the driver of an oil Letterkenny 27 2,373 tanker delivering heating oil or a large furniture Longford 36 1,212 removal/delivery truck, is legally permitted to pass the regulatory weight restriction sign if the Monaghan 13 1,208 premises on the road that they were delivering to Sligo 26 1,934 could only be accessed from that entry point. Sth. East On the other hand, the driver of a large vehicle such as a truck or a passenger coach that passed Carlow 36 2,635 the regulatory sign and used that road as a Clonmel 37 2,055 through traffic route as a shortcut, etc would be Dungarvan 33 1,353 in breach of Article 17. Kilkenny 23 2,410 The offence of contravening article 17 is not Nenagh 35 925 scheduled in the Road Traffic Act 2002 to be a Portlaoise 25 1,510 penalty point offence. Penalty points offences are Thurles 35 1,324 targeted at offences that are based on road safety Tipperary 52 1,239 considerations. It is not intended to schedule the Waterford 20 3,121 Article 17 offence to be a penalty point offence and the policy consideration behind this is that Wexford 22 2,356 since access to the road is permitted in limited 1635 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1636

[Mr. Cullen.] lahill to Cashel scheme is due to begin construc- circumstances the issue of large vehicles being on tion later this year with an expected completion the road is not of itself a road safety issue. date of 2009. I extended the fixed charge system from 3 Iarnro´ dE´ ireann has begun to renew track on April 2006 to a wide range of non-penalty point the Limerick Junction-Waterford line which offence including the offence of contravening serves Carrick-on-Suir, Clonmel, Cahir and Article 17. Enforcement is a matter for the Garda Tipperary stations. This track renewal work and Sı´ocha´na and a driver who breaches Article 17 is related improvements to signalling, level cross- now liable to be issued with a fixed charge notice ings and fencing will improve the operational to pay \60 within 28 days or pay \90 within the safety of this line and will reduce the journey following 28-day period. times. If a fixed charge payment is not received the Garda bring a prosecution to court where a per- Road Safety. son, shall be liable, on summary conviction: 448. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Trans- (a) in the case of a first offence to a fine not port if schools outside designated CLA´ R areas exceeding \800 are automatically entitled to flashing amber (b) in the case of a second offence, or a third warning lights outside primary schools; and if not, or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding the reason therefor. [27601/06] \1,500 and Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The pro- (c) in the case of a third or subsequent vision of road traffic signs, including the flashing offence which is the third or subsequent amber warning lights in the vicinity of schools, is offence in any period of twelve months, to a a matter to be determined by each road authority fine not exceeding \1,500 or, at the discretion under section 95 of the Road Traffic Act, 1961. of the court, to imprisonment for any term not An automatic entitlement to have any particular exceeding 3 months or to both fine and type of traffic sign provided at any location does imprisonment. not arise. The Road Traffic Bill 2006 provides that the \800 The allocation of funding under the CLA´ R fine be increased to \1,000 and that the fine programme is administered by the Minister for amounts of \1,500 referred to be increased to Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in \2,000. These measures should pose a greater relation to physical, community and social infra- deterrent against breach of Article 17. structure measures in the relevant designated areas. Departmental Strategy Statements. I am aware that funding under the CLAR prog- ramme has been allocated in the past year to local 447. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Trans- authorities towards the provision of traffic warn- port the progress which has been made in imple- ing signs at specified schools in designated areas menting Transport 21 in South Tipperary since but this provision does not give rise to an entitle- the plan’s official launch. [27599/06] ment for a funding programme for the corre- sponding measures in other areas. Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Transport 21 was launched in November 2005 and a number of projects related to South Tipperary are now Departmental Expenditure. under way. The National Roads Authority 449. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Trans- (NRA) has allocated a total of \43.2 million to port the budgetary allocation for each of the South Tipperary County Council to progress the public bodies executive agencies, advisory bodies national roads programme in 2006. The upgrade and taskforces operating under his Depart- of the N8 Cashel to Mitchelstown scheme (which ment. [27784/06] forms part of the South West Corridor that links Limerick and Cork to Dublin) to motorway stan- Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Details of dard began in March this year. The funding will the 2006 budgetary allocations for administration also allow a number of schemes to progress and general expenses from the Department of through various stages of planning. These Transport Vote for the agencies and advisory include: N24 Carrick-on-Suir By-Pass; N24 bodies under the auspices of the Department are Clonmel to Cahir By-Pass (Rathkeevin); N8 in the following table. Funding for task forces is Cashel to Mitchelstown; N24 Bansha/Tipperary provided from the relevant sections of the Vote /Oola By-Pass; N24 Cahir to Bansha; The N8 Cul- as the need arises. 1637 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1638

Public Bodies/Agencies/Taskforces Allocations operating under Department of Transport

Allocation (000’s)

National Roads Authority 13,080 National Safety Council 5,559 Medical Bureau of Road Safety 9,397 Railway Safety Commission 1,786 Railway Procurement Agency 11,000 Royal National Lifeboat Institute 175 Marine Casualty Investigation Board 300 Commissioners for Irish Lights 7,355 Adventure Activities Standards Authority 230 Dublin Transport Office 1,082

Departmental Bodies. affected by the increase in non-executive chair- person’s fees recently sanctioned by the 450. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Trans- Government. port the number of positions in State bodies under the aegis of his Department which are 451. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Trans- affected by the increase in non-executive chair- port the number of taskforces which have been persons’ fees of State bodies recently sanctioned created by his Department and their function, by the Government. [27798/06] size, membership, reporting mechanism and period of existence since 1997. [27826/06] Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): A total of Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Six task 20 non-executive chairperson positions in State forces have been created, the details of which are Bodies under the aegis of my Department are outlined as follows. 1639 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1640 2001. Butler (Chair) Report published 1997-1999 ´ Institute of Ireland Resources Prof. Peter Mitchell Dr. Brenda Healy Officials from Radiological Protection Marine Institute Dept. of Marine and Natural Dept. of Public Enterprise Mr. David Glynn Mr. Reg McCabe Capt. Michael McCarthy Mr. Barry Foley Mr. Tim O’Sullivan Mr. Eddie Breen Mr. Derek Sloan Mr. Stephen Aherne Mr. Enda Connellan Mr. Jack Nash Mr. Edward O’Connell Mr. Sean Lanigan Mr. Kevin Hannigan (Facilitator) monitoring and management measuresmaximum so protection as to to ourrestore ensure marine public resources confidence and inenvironment. the quality of the marine generated freight traffic fromdevelopment road of to rail rail head including facilities the at existing ports; peak; pipeline, and to otherDublin. less congested ports outside which is transported by rail and the transfer of port 2. The prospects of the transport of freight3. by Opportunities night/off for traffic diversion including by rail, by 1.The prospects for increasing the volume of port traffic Ms Mary Gallagher Task Force Function Size / Membership Reporting Period Radioactive Material in theMaritime Area on the dumping of radioactive materials in the maritime area and based on this review, to advise on survey / December 1999 connection with ports. Transport Logistics in Task Force on the Dumping of To review and assess the information becoming available Ms Nualaı Ministerial Task Force on Examine and report on: Dr. John Mangan (Chairman) Report published in 2001. 1641 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1642 later. 2003 Adviser Rail & an IndependentAdviser Railway Mr. Michael Walsh Mr. Seamus Monaghan Mr. Ian Scott Mr. Jerry Killeen Mr. Sean Benton Mr. Pat Magner Mr. David Glynn Ms Noelle Canton Mr. Kevin Hannigan (Facilitator) Dept. Transport Dept. Finance Irish Rail & an Independent Railway reacquisition/reversion (Section 157 (2)1946 Harbours refers)); Act potential for imaginative useoptimal of development available of port facilitiesfacilities) estates; (including to multi-user create capitalactivity for or investment income in streamsreclamation port-related to opportunities support to port underpindevelopment operation; the opportunities creation for of port-relatedbeneficial or purposes; other the scopepartnership for venture public option; private andforeshore development within of or State adjoiningto the generate jurisdiction capital of funding the for port port investment. Safety in Ireland”. issues identified in theConsultants Report led by by Independent IRMS entitled “A Review of Railway representatives from2004-2008 reported directly to from 1997 to 1998 the Minister Transport, Dept Finance, Irish the Minister • the ports authorities’ plans for the future including the the property base:• leases extant and the possibility of Mr. Ronan Webster Mr. Terry Durney Task Force Function Size / Membership Reporting Period Harbours of Port Estates in Commercial Seafarer Training and Employment. convened) prioritised Railway Safety Programme for the period representatives from Dept reported directly to from 2002 to 2004 Task Force on the Development Examine and report on:Ministerial Task Force on Mr Paul Tansey (Chairman)Task Force on Rail Safety Details to be provided later. Report published in To prepare prioritised recommendations to 2001-2003. address theTask Force on Rail Safety (Re- Membership comprised of To make recommendations to Government for a second Membership comprised of Details The to Task be Force provided later. The Task Force The existed Task Force Published in 1998. The Details task to Force be existed provided 1643 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1644

Haulage Industry. Waterford and number of fatal collisions and number of casualties in the city of Waterford. 452. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- port if he has made a decision on the use of super- cubes within the canal cordon in Dublin; the Rural Transport Services. number of supercubes in operation here; and the 455. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- impact of supercubes on roads here. [27827/06] port if a rural transport initiative has been estab- lished in all counties; and the counties where this Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I presume is operating and the latest passenger numbers the Deputy is referring to the Heavy Goods served by the initiative in each county. Vehicle (HGV) Management Strategy. [27873/06] Preparation and adoption of the HGV Man- agement Strategy to ensure optimum use of the Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The Rural Dublin Port Tunnel by HGV traffic is a matter in Transport Initiative (RTI) is a pilot scheme, the first instance for Dublin City Council. I under which funding is made available to thirty- understand that this Strategy will deal with a four community-based organisations across the range of issues relating to HGVs, including the country to address the transport needs of their use of over-height vehicles within the planned rural areas through the provision of local trans- cordon. port services. This scheme is now operational in My officials and I are keeping in touch with all all counties except Louth, from which there was stakeholders, including Dublin City Council, to no application. ensure that a co-ordinated strategy is developed Pobal administers the initiative on behalf of the for the opening of the Dublin Port Tunnel. The Department of Transport and together with the HGV Management Strategy is an important part individual project groups is solely responsible for of this process. My Department’s formal role will all the operational aspects of the initiative. be to put in place the necessary regulations I have asked Pobal to forward to the Deputy regarding traffic and related matters to support the information requested concerning passenger the strategy. This work is underway and will be numbers carried in each county. completed in good time before the opening of the Tunnel. Public Transport. 456. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- Public Transport. port his timetable for the introduction of inte- 453. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- grated ticketing and if this will include Luas, port the number of buses currently in the Dublin DART, Dublin Bus, and Bus E´ ireann in a single Bus fleet. [27828/06] system. [27874/06]

Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Dublin Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The Rail- Bus has informed me that the company’s fleet way Procurement Agency (RPA) has been the currently comprises 1,082 buses. statutory body responsible for the delivery of a multi-operator system of integrated public trans- Road Traffic Accidents. port ticketing using smartcard technology. The RPA were introducing the system on a phased 454. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Trans- basis in line with international experience, port the number of fatal road accidents recorded initially in the Dublin area, and in consultation in the City and County of Waterford for each of with public transport providers. the years 1995 to 2005; and if he will make a state- As part of the phased introduction of smart- ment on the matter. [27868/06] card-based integrated ticketing, Morton’s Coaches, in conjunction with the RPA and as a Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Statistics ‘proof of concept’, successfully launched smart- relating to road accidents, based on information cards on its services in April 2004. Another step provided by the Garda Sı´ocha´na, are currently was taken in March of last year with the launch of published by the National Roads Authority smartcards on Luas services. The Luas smartcard (NRA) in their annual Road Accident Facts deployment continues to help in obtaining reports. The reports for 1995 to 2002 are known important feedback from passengers and provide as “Road Accident Facts” and for 2003 onwards operational experience for the next stage of inte- are entitled “Road Collision Facts”. grated ticketing. In excess of 11,000 smartcards The most recent report is in respect of 2004 and have been purchased to date for use on Luas that report, along with reports relating to pre- services. vious years, are available in the Oireachtas Following an inconclusive procurement pro- library. The reports in respect of 1998 to 2004 are cedure in 2005, the RPA, in consultation with the also available on the NRA website and can different State and private transport providers, provide the information requested by the Deputy presented proposals to my Department in in relation of numbers of persons killed in County January 2006. My Department has now com- 1645 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1646 pleted an examination of these proposals and has Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The plan- also considered the recommendations of an inde- ning, design and implementation of national road pendent high-level Review of the project and the improvement projects, including the Dublin Port recommendations of a Peer Review initiated in Tunnel, is a matter for the National Roads Auth- accordance with Department of Finance guide- ority (NRA) and the local authorities concerned. lines on the management of major ICT projects. I have no function in relation to day-to-day Arising from these considerations, I am now in matters associated with the operation of the the process of putting in place enhanced govern- Tunnel. ance arrangements for the completion of the pro- ject. These arrangements will include the estab- 459. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Trans- lishment of a Project Board with responsibility port the percentage of capacity the Dublin Port for delivering the project. The Project Board will Tunnel will be allowed operate; when it will be comprise senior representatives of the main open; and if he will make a statement on the transport stakeholders. One of the immediate matter. [27877/06] tasks of the Project Board will be to report to me with revised timelines for the delivery of the 460. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Trans- project. port when it is proposed to open the Dublin Port Tunnel; the estimated cost of the project; the Departmental Bodies. additional traffic implications for volume of traffic on the Westlink Bridge which will follow 457. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- from the opening; the percentage of trucks that port his position on the establishment of a greater will be facilitated in using the tunnel; the impli- Dublin land use and transport authority, indicat- cations for traffic flow, of trucks being obliged ing the reasons the land use appears no longer to to cross into the left lane; and if he will make a be a part of the proposal; if he intends to provide statement on the matter. [27878/06] statutory authority for an integrated Dublin Transport Authority; and the functions that he Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I propose now intends to invest in this authority. to answer Questions Nos 459 and 460 together. [27875/06] At the outset I should say that overall responsi- Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): I received bility for the planning, design and implemen- the report of the Dublin Transportation Auth- tation of national road improvement projects is a ority Establishment Team on the 28th of March. matter for the National Roads Authority (NRA) I had asked the Team to: make recommendations and the local authorities concerned. In the case on the establishment of a transport authority for of the Dublin Port Tunnel, that authority is the Greater Dublin Area, addressing the remit of Dublin City Council. the authority, its powers, structure, organisation The latest indications from Dublin City and human and other resource requirements and Council and the NRA are that the main construc- such other matters as the Team considered tion and installation work in the Tunnel is appropriate; give advice on the content of legis- expected to be completed shortly with the Tunnel lation required to establish the proposed auth- opening to traffic in the Autumn. However, in the ority on a statutory basis; and make recom- interest of public safety, the exact opening date mendations on what interim arrangements should will be contingent on satisfactory completion of be put in place pending the enactment of the the testing and commissioning of the tunnel’s legislation. operational and safety features, including the training of operational and emergency staff. Significant work has been undertaken by my Department in the interim in relation to the legis- Traffic management in general is a matter for lative measures required to establish such an the appropriate local authority. In this instance, Authority on a statutory basis. It remains my the traffic management and control arrangements intention to submit the matter to Government for that will apply following the opening of the decision in the near future and I expect to be in Dublin Port Tunnel are a matter for Dublin City a position to publish legislation as soon as is prac- Council. ticable following that decision. It would clearly My Department is keeping in touch with all not be appropriate to outline details of my pro- stakeholders, including Dublin City Council, to posals for the new Authority pending consider- ensure that a co-ordinated strategy is developed ation of the matter by the Government. for the opening of the Tunnel. Dublin City Council’s Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) Manage- ment Strategy is an important part of this process. Road Network. My Department’s formal role will be to put in 458. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Trans- place the necessary regulations regarding traffic port if the Dublin Port Tunnel will only be per- and related matters to support the strategy. This mitted to function at 20% of capacity; and if he work is underway and will be completed in good will make a statement on the matter. [27876/06] time before the opening of the Tunnel. 1647 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1648

[Mr. Cullen.] rammes being assisted by the EU under the cur- I understand from the NRA that the estimated rent National Development Plan. The sectors of cost of the Tunnel remains at \751 million, which the Operational Programme for which bodies has been the estimate for some time. under the aegis of my Department have responsi- bility are national roads and public transport. The EU Directives. most recent information on the physical outputs in relation to the indicators for each of these sec- 461. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Trans- tors is included in the ESIOP Progress Report on port if he has satisfied himself that all of the con- Implementation to end 2005. In this regard, I wish ditions of Directive 2000/56/EC are being met by to advise the Deputy that a copy of the report Ireland in particular in relation to heavy goods may be viewed on my Department’s website: vehicles driver testing; and if he will make a state- www.transport.ie. Details of the original targets ment on the matter. [27879/06] are contained in the original Programme Com- plement, prepared in relation to the ESIOP, Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The tech- which may be viewed on the National Develop- nical checks which form part of the driving test ment Plan website, www.ndp.ie. were introduced on the 14 February 2005 to meet In relation to maritime transport, funding is our obligations under EU Directive 2000/56/EC available under the Seaports Infrastructure and on driver licensing. Capacity Submeasure of the National Develop- Additional technical checks relating principally ment Plan 2000-2006. The objective of the Sea- to trucks and buses have not yet being intro- ports Measure is to provide grants for the com- duced. They will be introduced when suitable off- mercial ports sector for new infrastructure road compounds become available at selected needed for growth where deficiencies have been test centres around the Country. The Office of identified/projected and also for upgrading exist- Public Works is in consultation with my Depart- ing infrastructure. ment concerning the provision of such Total expenditure for 11 projects is projected compounds. to be \86.32 million, of which \24.70 represents grant aid. To date, grant aid expenditure is Pension Provisions. \14.533. Two projects have already been com- 462. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- pleted. A number of projects will continue to the port if his Department has made undertakings or end of 2006, with a projected remaining grant aid issued advice to Aer Lingus in respect of the pen- expenditure of \10.06. sion cover of employees who transferred from the As the programme remains ongoing, the final company to Team (details supplied); and if he has outputs from the projects cannot yet be quant- satisfied himself that the pension position of these ified, but the Department will carry out a review employees maintain equivalence to Aer Lingus of progress against targets at the closure of the employees and will continue to do so in the event programme. The Department reports, on a bi- of the part flotation of Aer Lingus. [27880/06] annual basis, to the Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly and the Border, Midlands Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): In accord- and Western Regional Assembly in respect of ance with Government Policy, in respect to Com- performance indicators, based on the number of mercial State Bodies, my Department has no projects completed, the number of ports involvement in the funding of this pension improved and the volume increase in tonnage scheme. Pension entitlements for employees of from the projects. commercial State bodies are matters primarily for the Trustee, the members of the relevant scheme Road Safety. and the company or companies involved. 465. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Trans- Question No. 463 answered with Question port if his attention has been drawn to a safety No. 429. device compulsory in other jurisdictions for motor-cyclists; his views on the device; if he has plans to introduce the device here and if subsidies National Development Plan. will be provided for same; if he will liaise with the 464. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform port the major projects or programmes funded concerning equipping Garda motorcyclists with under the National Development Plan; the physi- such devices (details supplied); and if he will cal indicators of the output of these projects and make a statement on the matter. [27945/06] programmes; and the way in which these outputs compare to the original targets. [27890/06] Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Iam aware that such personal protective devices for Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): My motorcyclists are on the market. However, at this Department is the Managing Authority for the stage, I have no plans to make their wearing com- Economic and Social Infrastructure Operational pulsory by motorcyclists nor to make funding Programme (ESIOP), which is one of the prog- available to assist with their purchase. I am not 1649 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1650 aware of any EU Member State in which their cial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios and so on; wearing is compulsory. It would be a matter for the amounts spent on a yearly basis for years of the Garda Commissioner to decide whether the pervious three years; if money was spent on Garda motorcyclists should wear the devices. videos, for promotional, educational or advertis- ing purposes. [27965/06] Departmental Advertising. Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The amount of money spent by my Department on 466. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Transport advertising that includes public information the amount which was spent in his Department notices and official notices in newspapers each for the years 2005 and from January 2006 to date year since June 2002 (when this Department was for media purposes or advertising; where the established) up to the end of May 2006 is as money was spent, that is, national papers, provin- follows.

Year Amount paid Newspaper

2002 \78,192.03 (Ads) The Irish Times \4,723.07 (Govt. notices) Irish Independent Irish Examiner Financial Times 2003 \36,410.65 (Ads) The Irish Times \24,038.31 (Govt. notices) Irish Independent Irish Examiner Star Evening Herald Foinse 2004 \68,209.60 (Ads) The Irish Times \20,441.04 (Govt. notices) Irish Independent Irish Examiner Sunday Independent Foinse Sunday Tribune 2005 \45,022.06 (Ads) The Irish Times \9,086.17 (Govt. notices) Irish Independent Irish Examiner Star Foinse Evening Herald Sunday Business Post Sunday Tribune 2006 \84,806.61 (Ads) The Irish Times \9,086.17 (Govt. notices) Irish Independent Irish Examiner Star Sun Foinse Evening Herald Marine Times Irish Skipper Fleet Management Local papers

In addition, the Department has spent \46,000.00 Heavy Goods Vehicles. (plus VAT) since 2002 on publicising road safety 467. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- for educational purposes under the Business 2000 port his plans for the banning of supersize trucks programme and \46,000.00 (plus VAT) including and the rules that will apply during the transition the production costs on video/DVD/CD material period to a full ban. [27998/06] for Transport 21. 1651 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1652

Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): EU law If a fixed charge payment is not received the on maximum weights and dimensions for vehicles Gardai bring a prosecution to court where a per- is set out in Directive 96/53/EC. Under that son, shall be liable, on summary conviction: Directive, which has been fully implemented by (a) in the case of a first offence to a fine not Ireland, a Member State may not prohibit the exceeding \800 use, in its territory, of vehicles from another Member State which comply with the authorised (b) in the case of a second offence, or a third maximum weight and dimension limits set down or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding in the Directive. \1,500 and The Directive specifies four metres as the limit (c) in the case of a third or subsequent value for vehicle height. Consequently, provided offence which is the third or subsequent a vehicle registered in a Member State is four offence in any period of twelve months, to a metres or less in height, every Member State fine not exceeding \1,500 or, at the discretion must permit that vehicle to operate on its terri- of the court, to imprisonment for any term not tory. A Member State may, however, prescribe a exceeding 3 months or to both fine and higher limit on its territory. imprisonment. There is currently no height limit for goods vehicles in Ireland. However, I am considering The Road Traffic Bill 2006 provides that the \800 the introduction of a height limit for vehicles tak- fine be increased to \1,000 and that the fine ing account of the wide-ranging submissions amounts of \1,500 referred to be increased to received arising from the public consultation on \2,000. the matter last year. I expect to make a decision in this matter shortly. Road Safety. In the event that it is decided to introduce a 470. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Trans- statutory height restriction for vehicles, it will be port his plans to ensure the availability of child necessary to submit the draft Regulations to the restraints in taxis and hackneys; and if he will European Commission for consideration and for make a statement on the matter. [28031/06] referral to other Member States in accordance with the Technical Standards and Regulations Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): On 5 May Directive (Directive 98/34). 2006 I made Regulations entitled the European Communities (Compulsory Use of Safety Belts Question No. 468 answered with Question and Child Restraint Systems in Motor Vehicles) No. 441. Regulations 2006 transposing into Irish law Directive 2003/20/EC relating to the compulsory 469. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Trans- wearing of safety belts and child restraint systems port the penalty for breach by HGVs of bans in motor vehicles. from specified roads and his views on whether Essentially, the Directive provides that: these penalties are sufficient to police the new HGV restriction. [28001/06] • where safety belts have been fitted they must be worn, Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Provisions • children under 3 years of age may not for imposition of a weight restriction on large travel in a car or goods vehicle (other than vehicles entering a public road are set out in a taxi) unless restrained in an appropriate Article 17 of the Road Traffic (Traffic and child restraint, Parking) Regulations 1997 (SI No. 182 of 1997). It is a matter for each local authority to deter- • children aged 3 years or over who are mine if, and where, such restrictions should apply under 150 centimetres in height and weigh- in its area. ing less than 36 kilograms must use an Article 17 operates as imposing a restriction on appropriate child restraint when travelling entry to the specified road as opposed to an out- in cars or goods vehicles fitted with safety right prohibition on entry. This policy is required belts, to cover circumstances where it is necessary for a • children over 3 years of age must travel in large vehicle (of a weight that exceeds whatever a rear seat in vehicles not fitted with threshold is indicated on the regulatory sign) to safety belts, enter a road if this is necessary solely for the pur- pose of gaining access or egress from premises • rear-facing child restraints must not be accessible only from that road. used in seats protected with an active fron- I extended the fixed charge system from 3 tal air-bag, and April 2006 to a wide range of non-penalty point • child restraint systems must conform to the offence including the offence of contravening standard for these systems set down in the Article 17. Enforcement is a matter for the Garda relevant EU type-approval directive or Sı´ocha´na and a driver who breaches Article 17 is UN-ECE Regulation for such systems. now liable to be issued with a fixed charge notice to pay \60 within 28 days or pay \90 (being 50% The Directive permits children to travel without greater) within the following 28-day period. child restraints in the rear of small public service 1653 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1654 vehicles (taxis, hackneys and limousines) if In line with the NSS, the central theme of appropriate child restraints are not available. Transport 21 is the connectivity of all regions with Given that child restraint systems come in five each other. One of the objectives of Transport separate weight classes, it would be unreasonable 21 is the improvement of a number of national to expect small public service vehicles to always secondary routes including the N52 from Dun- have the appropriate child restraint available in dalk to Nenagh and the N80 from Moate to Enni- their vehicle. For that reason, in making the regu- scorthy. The construction of the N6 Kinnegad to lations to transpose the Directive into Irish law Athlone which is a major interurban scheme is the option in the Directive permitting children to underway for completion at the end of 2008. travel without child restraints in the rear of small public service vehicles was reluctantly exercised. Notwithstanding the legal position, it would be Road Safety. my desire that owners of small public service vehicles would endeavour to provide child 474. Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for restraints in so far as it is practicable to do so. It Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the is my intention to write to the Commission for amount allocated in CLA´ R areas for the pro- Taxi Regulation requesting that he engage with vision of flashing amber safety lights outside of the industry with a view to devising guidelines on schools each year to date, since the introduction best practice in relation to the carrying of chil- of this scheme; the reason this scheme is not dren as passengers in small public service available nationwide; his views on extending the vehicles. scheme to all areas of the country; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27485/06] Light Rail Projects. 471. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Trans- Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht port the timescales for the rollout of a LUAS to Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): The CLA´ R Prog- Lucan and Clondalkin. [28046/06] ramme, which was launched in October 2001, is a targeted investment programme for rural areas. Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): Transport In April this year, I extended the areas covered 21 provides for a new Luas Line from Lucan to by the Programme and as a result, it now covers the City Centre and for Metro West, an orbital over 726,700 people in 23 counties. line connecting Tallaght to Metro North at Under the CLA´ R Non-National Roads Ballymun serving Clondalkin, Liffey Valley and Measure, which was co-funded with the Depart- Blanchardstown. The Railway Procurement ment of the Environment, Heritage & Local Agency (RPA) is at present progressing both these projects, which are at the preliminary plan- Government, local authorities had the option to ning stage. install flashing amber safety lights at primary schools within the original CLA´ R areas. In this The Luas Line from Lucan to the City Centre ´ is scheduled for completion in 2013. The Metro context, CLAR funding in the amount of \ West line is scheduled for completion on a phased 310,850 was approved for 17 local authorities in basis by 2014. respect of 73 sets of lights, between 2002 and 2004. Question No. 472 answered with Question In 2005, I introduced a fully funded Flashing No. 436. Amber Safety Lights measure for schools under CLA´ R and all proposals received from the local Road Network. authorities in the original CLA´ R areas were approved at a total cost of just over \1.7m for 473. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Trans- 242 schools. Any residual projects in the original port the policy direction given to the National areas, which may have been inadvertently omit- Roads Authority to ensure that there is con- nectivity between the gateway towns of Athlone, ted by the local authorities in the first round, can Mullingar and Tullamore; and if he will make a continue to be submitted. statement on the matter. [28094/06] Further to this, in May 2006 I announced that funding of \3m for 2006/2007 is being made avail- Minister for Transport (Mr. Cullen): The plan- able for the provision of Flashing Amber Safety ning, design and implementation of national road Lights at all primary schools in the extended improvement projects is a matter for the National CLA´ R areas that do not already have them. Roads Authority (NRA) and the local auth- This measure is fully funded under the CLA´ R orities concerned. programme and all the relevant local authorities The National Spatial Strategy (NSS) which have been asked to submit proposals for 2006. In identified the towns of Athlone, Tullamore and this regard, my Department is currently examin- Mullingar as gateways provides for a twenty year ing proposals received and announcements will planning framework designed to achieve a better be made in due course. As this is a CLA´ R balance of social, economic, physical develop- Scheme it is confined to CLA´ R areas. ment and population growth between regions. 1655 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1656

´ ´ [Eamon O Cuı´v.] provided from his Department under the LDSIP Flashing Amber Safety Lights funded under the 2002-2004 programme or other programmes for the 2006 Non-National Roads, Lights & Bridges Co-Funded Schemes and 2007 academic year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27344/06] County 2002-2004 Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Cavan 8,950.00 Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): Payment of education Clare grants to for third level students, including the Cork 35,000 Millennium Partnership Fund for Disadvantage, Donegal 63,000 is a matter in the first place for my colleague, the Galway 20,000 Minister for Education and Science. I am Kerry 28,000 informed that under the Local Development Social Inclusion Programme (LDSIP), some Leitrim 25,000 funds at local level are allocated to supplement Limerick 7,000 the Millennium Partnership Fund for Disadvan- Louth tage. The Deputy will be aware that at present Mayo 38,500 the LDSIP is area based and does not cover the Meath entire county of Laois. Monaghan The Deputy will also be aware that my inten- tion is to establish integrated local delivery struc- Roscommon tures for local development programmes and Sligo 63,600 rural development programmes, which will be Tipperary 14,800 capable of delivering programmes such as the Waterford LDSIP on countrywide basis, which will, in turn, Westmeath 7,000 enable the consideration of the payment of top up grants to students based on circumstances Total 310,850.00 rather than the areas where they reside.

Rural Social Scheme. Flashing Amber Safety Lights at Primary Schools 2005 476. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Com- 100% Funded under CLA´ R Programme munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of people who are currently employed on the County No. of Primary Total rural social scheme on a county basis; the costs Schools Allocation involved; if he will provide details of the esti- \ mated scheme participation; and costs for the next twelve month period. [27366/06] Cavan 32 248,500 Clare 13 87,500 477. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Com- Cork 42 294,000 munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number Donegal 13 91,000 of applicants who have been refused participation Galway 26 182,000 on the rural social scheme in each county since the scheme was introduced; the category of their Kerry 6 42,000 refusal; the number of people who have been Leitrim 32 224,000 refused an extension of their employment con- Louth 8 53,120 tract on the rural social scheme in each county, Meath 1 7,000 in each refusal category; and if he will make a Monaghan 10 70,000 statement on the matter. [27365/06] Roscommon 15 105,000 Sligo 32 214,500 483. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Com- munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs further to Tipperary North 5 35,000 Parliamentary Question No. 455 of 30 May 2006, Tipperary South 1 7,000 if in view of the fact that his Department now Waterford 2 14,000 pays the full rate of QAA, it will not now pay a Westmeath 4 28,000 full child dependent allowance rate; the cost of implementing such a measure; if he will review Total 242 1,702,620 the current policy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27985/06]

Grant Payments. Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): I propose to take Ques- 475. Mr. Fleming asked the Minister for Com- tions Nos. 476, 477 and 483 together. munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if top up Currently, there is provision for 2,500 partici- grants for third level education will be available pant places and a further 125 supervisor positions to all students in County Laois under funding 1657 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1658 on the Rural Social Scheme RSS). Table 1 sets out the geographical spread of both participants County Total Numbers Employed and supervisors currently employed on the on RSS Scheme. The total figure (2,496) includes 112 supervisors currently employed on the RSS. Donegal 218 Table 2 provides the geographical spread of Dublin 0 applications for the Scheme which have been Galway 269 refused participation, along with the reasons for Kerry 268 those refusals. The table also outlines the number Kildare 17 of RSS participants who have been refused an Kilkenny 19 extension to their contract under the RSS, along Laois 23 with the reasons involved. Leitrim 100 It is anticipated that the 2,500 participant places will be filled in the autumn. An amount of Limerick 66 \43.322m has been provided for the RSS this Longford 59 year. While no decisions have yet been made Louth 9 regarding funding for the Scheme, or the number of places that will be available, in 2007, I can assure the Deputies that I will be keeping this County Total Numbers Employed matter under close review over the coming on RSS months. In accordance with the Social Welfare code, Mayo 554 one of the qualifying conditions for entitlement Meath 14 to the full rate child dependant increase is that Monaghan 35 there must also be an entitlement to an increase Offaly 43 for a qualified adult dependent. Therefore, any Offshore Islands 18 RSS participant currently entitled to, and receiv- Roscommon 150 ing, an increase for an adult dependent is also receiving the full rate child dependent increase. If no QAA is paid only the half rate child depen- County Total Numbers Employed dent allowance is payable as previously. on RSS

Table 1: Numbers employed on the RSS Sligo 118 Tipperary 60 County Total Numbers Employed on RSS Waterford 10 Westmeath 33 Carlow 17 Wexford 38 Cavan 78 Wicklow 16 Clare 113 Totals 2,496* Cork 151 *Includes 112 supervisor positions.

Table 2 — RSS applications and refusals

County No. of RSS Category of refusal of No. of RSS Category of refusal of contract applicants application Participants refused extension refused contract extension

Carlow 2 Declined to take a place (2) Nil Cavan 2 Participant refused place 1 On credits (1) which was offered (2) Clare 15 Not eligible (13) Nil Circumstances changed after applying (2) Cork 75 Not eligible (74) 2 Limited work availabilities on Declined to take a place (1) project (2) Donegal 23 Not eligible (21) 2 Reached retirement age (2) Declined to take a place (2) Dublin Nil Nil 1659 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1660

[E´ amon O´ Cuı´v.]

County No. of RSS Category of refusal of No. of RSS Category of refusal of contract applicants application Participants refused extension refused contract extension

Galway 24 Not eligible (22) Nil Declined to take a place (2) Kerry 33 Not eligible (33) Nil Kildare 11 Not eligible (11) Nil Kilkenny Nil Nil Laois 5 Not eligible (5) Nil Leitrim 56 Not eligible (56) 2 Reached retirement age (1) Refused to undertake work offered (1) Limerick 20 Not eligible (20) Nil Louth Nil Nil Longford Nil 2 On credits (2) Mayo 73 Not eligible (60) 9 On credits (7) Refused to take place offered Not suitable for work (1) (13) Became ineligible (1) Meath Nil Nil Monaghan Nil Nil Offaly 7 Not eligible (7) Nil Roscommon 43 Not eligible (41) 1 Reached retirement age (1) Declined to take a place (2) Sligo 8 Not eligible (8) Nil Tipperary 15 Not eligible (15) Nil Waterford 5 Not eligible (5) Nil Westmeath 4 Not eligible (4) Nil Wexford Nil Nil Wicklow 3 Not eligible (3) Nil Offshore Islands Nil Nil

• the Appropriation Account for 2004 and Departmental Expenditure. 2005 478. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Both the REV and Appropriation Account can Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the be located in the Da´il Library and at www.finan- non-Governmental agencies or organisations his ce.gov.ie and at www.audgen.gov.ie respectively. Department has provided funding to in 2004, Expenditure to end June 2006 is set out in the 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding provided appendix. to each in each year; the number of applications The Deputy will also be aware that expenditure for funding submitted to his Department in total; within these programme areas takes place across the number of these applications which were a wide range of schemes and projects country- refused; the reason for same; the percentage of wide, descriptions of which are available on my his Department’s overall annual budget such Department’s website at www.pobail.ie. funding equates to; and if he will make a state- Additional details may also be found on the ment on the matter. [27388/06] Pobal (formerly ADM) website at www.pobal.ie It is the practice of both my colleague, Minister Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht of State Noel Ahern. T.D., and myself to make details of all announcements relating to grant Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): The information sought approvals and other expenditure-related by the Deputy can be found in:— decisions available on the Department’s website. • the Revised Estimates Volume (REV) for If the Deputy would like information in the Department for the years 2004, 2005 relation to a particular scheme, I would be glad and 2006 to provide details to her. 1661 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1662


Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs Provisional Programme 1 January — 30 June 2006

Subhead REV Allocation Total Expenditure

\000’s \000’s

BI´ocaı´ocht leis an bhForas Teanga 15,568 6,619 CI´ocaı´ocht le Ciste na Gaeilge 4,454 1,293 D An Coimisine´ir Teanga 731 336 E Tithe Gaeltachta 4,000 1,375 F Sce´imeanna Cultu´ rtha agus So´ isialta 8,350 1,844 G Sce´imeanna Feabhsu´ cha´in sa Ghaeltacht 15,750 5,297 G Feabhsu´ cha´in Carryover 2,900 2,900 H Oilea´in 17,139 2,669 H Oilea´in Carryover 2,000 1,113 I.1 U´ dara´s na Gaeltachta — Admin 11,056 5,520 I.2 U´ dara´s na Gaeltachta — Current 3,720 1,860 I.3 U´ dara´s na Gaeltachta — Capital 21,500 10,500 I.4 U´ dara´s na Gaeltachta — Election 50 33 J Advanced Irish Language Skills Initiative 1,000 0 K.1 Grants for Community and Voluntary 11,548 1,856 K.2 Community Services Programme 42,000 24,815 L.1 Local Development and Community Development 74,381 30,946 L.2 Improved Co-ordination of Local & Community Development Schemes 4,273 1,668 M Programme for Peace and Reconciliation/INTERREG 23,395 7,613 N Drugs Initiative/YPFSF 43,006 19,513 O RAPID (a) 9,166 2,381 P.1 Western Development Commission 2,200 1,054 P.2 Western Investment Fund 4,000 2,950 Q.1 Rural Development Schemes 1,629 678 Q.2 Leader/NRDP 25,000 14,619 Q.2 Carryover 2,000 2,000 Q.3 Rural Social Scheme 27,322 17,037 Q.4 Rural Social Scheme (Dormant Accounts) 16,000 0 R CLA´ R 22,950 3,828 S Grant to Waterways Ireland 34,700 13,075 T.1 Dormant Accounts-Administration 2,000 690 T.2 Initiatives Tackling Economic and Social Disadvantage (Dormant Accounts Funded) 12,000 0 U Charities Regulation 100 0 Current Total 329,820 133,218 Capital Total 155,550 52,864 GROSS TOTAL (Inc. Capital Carryover) 465,888 186,082 Less Appropriations-in-aid receipts 49,250 15,451

Net Total 416,638 170,631

Departmental Bodies. Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): I would refer the 479. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Com- Deputy to the Revised Estimates Volume (REV) munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the budget- for my Department, which lists the Budgetary ary allocation for each of the public bodies, allocations for each of the public bodies and executive agencies, advisory bodies and executive agencies operating under my Depart- taskforces operating under his Department. ment. The REV can be located in the Da´il [27786/06] Library and at www.finance.gov.ie 1663 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1664

Departmental Bodies. on the extent and specific location of illicit drug use in the region; 480. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Com- munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number • To prepare a development plan to respond of positions in State bodies under the aegis of his to regional drug issues for assessment by Department which are affected by the increase in the National Drug Strategy Team (NDST) non-executive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies and approval by the joint NDST-IDG; recently sanctioned by the Government. • To develop regionally relevant policy pro- [27800/06] posals in consultation with the NDST; and Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht • To provide information and regular reports Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): The number of posi- to the NDST in the format and frequency tions in State bodies under the aegis of my requested by the NDST. Department which are affected by the increase in Size: non-executive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies Average of 27 members per Task Force. recently sanctioned by the Government are as follows (1 position in each body): Membership: Each Task Force is chaired by an Independent Western Development Commission (WDC) Chairperson. Membership includes representa- National Drug Strategy (NACD) tives of relevant agencies such as the HSE, the Departments of Health and Children; Justice, Dormant Accounts Board Equality and Law Reform; Probation and Wel- An Coimisiu´ n Logainmneacha, fare Service; Education and Science; the Gardaı´; Local Authority; FAS; Youth Service; Area Bord na Leabhar Gaeilge, Based Partnerships; Public Representatives; U´ dara´s na Gaeltachta Public Representatives; Customs and Excise Div- Arramara Teoranta. ision of the Revenue Commissioners; VEC; Com- munity Sector; Voluntary Sector; and an NDST Liaison. 481. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Com- munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number Reporting Mechanism: of taskforces which have been created by his RDTFs report through the RDTF structure of Department and their function, size, membership, the NDST, in addition to which each member of reporting mechanism and period of existence the NDST acts as an NDST Liaison to a Task since 1997. [27824/06] Force; The NDST report to the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and to Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht the Interdepartmental Group on Drugs, which is Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): The following infor- chaired by Minister of State, Noel Ahern; The mation relates to taskforces which have been IDG reports to the Cabinet Committee on Social created by my Department since its inception in Inclusion which is chaired by the Taoiseach. June 2002: Year: 2003 Year: 2002 No. of Taskforces Created: No. of Taskforces Created: 9 Regional Drugs Task Forces. 1 Regional Drugs Task Force. Function, Size, Membership and Reporting Function: Mechanism: There are 14 Local Drugs Task Forces and 10 As per 2002 data above. Regional Drugs Task Forces, ensuring that all areas of the country are serviced by a Drugs Years 2004, 2005 and 2006: Task Force. No taskforces were created by my Department The 10 Regional Drugs Task Forces were in the years 2004, 2005 and to date in 2006. established in the period between Dec 2002 and Dec 2003. Their functions are as follows: Departmental Advertising. • To ensure the development of a co- 482. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Com- ordinated and integrated response to illicit munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the amount drug use in the region; which was spent in his Department for the years 2005 and from January 2006 to date for media • To create and maintain an up-to-date data- purposes or advertising; where the money was base on the nature and extent of illicit drug spent, that is, national papers, provincial papers, use in the region and to provide infor- RTE´ radio, local radios and so on; the amounts mation on drug-related services and spent on a yearly basis for years of the pervious resources in the region; three years; if money was spent on videos, for • To identify and address gaps in service pro- promotional, educational or advertising pur- vision, having regard to evidence available poses. [27966/06] 1665 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1666

Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht 487. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): Due to the diverse nat- Agriculture and Food the manner in which single ure of my Department’s activities, I am not in a payment entitlements are calculated; and if she position to provide a comprehensive response to will review her decision in the case of a person the Deputy’s question within the time available. (details supplied) in County Cork where an out- My Department is collating the material for reply break of BSE in one of the reference years and I will forward the material directly to the appears to be adversely affecting the level of sin- Deputy when it is complete. gle payment. [27237/06]

Question No. 483 answered with Question Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary No. 476. Coughlan): Entitlements under the Single Pay- ment Scheme are calculated using the average Community Development. number of animals (hectares in the case of Arable Aid Schemes) on which payment was made in the 484. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Com- 2000 to 2002 reference years, multiplied by the munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the funding 2002 payment rate. which exists for community radio stations inside The person named submitted an application on and outside of RAPID areas. [28039/06] 29 October 2004 for consideration of his circum- stances under the 2nd tranche of the Force 485. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Com- Majeure/Exceptional Circumstances measure of munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if a radio the Single Payment Scheme. The person named station which covers part of a RAPID area can was subsequently advised that his application was claim part funding under the scheme available; deemed unsuccessful on the grounds that the cir- and if he will make a statement on the matter. cumstances outlined did not fulfil the force [28040/06] majeure criteria laid down in Article 40 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003. Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht The person named has recently submitted an Affairs (E´ amon O´ Cuı´v): I propose to take Ques- application to appeal this decision to the Single tions No. 484 and 485 together. Payment Appeals Committee. A formal letter Funding for community radio stations is a detailing the outcome of the Committee’s delib- matter in the first place for the stations them- eration will issue to the person named within the selves. I am informed that some funding has been coming weeks. made available for community radio stations under the Local Development Social Inclusion Milk Quota. Programme and the Community Development Programme. The decision to fund such operations 488. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for rests with the relevant Area Partnership or Com- Agriculture and Food the arrangements she pro- munity Partnership Company or the Community poses to put in place to deal with the future sale Development Project within the parameters of or lease of milk quota; when the new regime will the programme being delivered. The possibility apply; the way in which she proposes to protect of funding for community radio under the Com- the interests of small farmers who have their munity Services Programme also exists. quota leased; the persons with whom she is con- My Department does not provide funding for sulting on this matter; and if she will make a state- community radio stations under the RAPID ment on the matter. [27238/06] Programme. Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Grant Payments. Coughlan): In March I announced my intention to move to a more open market system for trans- 486. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Com- ferring milk quotas, which will come into effect munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the funding on the 1st April 2007. I made this decision given to a group (details supplied) in County because the current restructuring model will not Dublin in the past 12 months; if it is intended to meet the future needs of the industry and a more continue with this funding. [28043/06] effective response is required in order to meet future competitive pressures. Minister of State at the Department of Com- My Department and I are progressing with the munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (Mr. N. ongoing consultation process on the detailed Ahern): The group concerned was approved for arrangements to give effect to my decision. This a grant from dormant accounts in October 2004 has comprised of meetings with the relevant farm for the specific purpose of providing a wheelchair organisations and with representatives of the accessible vehicle for use by members of the milk-processing sector and individual co-ops. The group. In this regard, the group received the full issue of future milk quota policy has also been grant of \21,075 during 2005 to purchase the discussed with the participating farm organis- vehicle. ations at the partnership negotiations. 1667 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1668

[Mary Coughlan.] The second element of the compensation pack- I will shortly bring forward more detailed pro- age is the restructuring aid covering the econ- posals on the design of an appropriate transfer omic, social and environmental costs of restruc- mechanism. Further consultations will take place turing of the sugar industry involving factory before finalising the new system, and the oper- closure and renunciation of quota. In Ireland’s ational details will be announced in good time to case, this would be worth up to \145m. The allow for all parties concerned to make appro- restructuring aid, as provided for in Council priate plans before the start of the 2007/2008 milk Regulation (EC) No 320/2006, is subject to the quota year. submission by the processor of a detailed restruc- The concerns of all dairy farmers are being turing plan for the industry following consul- considered in this process, including those with tations with the beet growers. The Regulation leased quota. also provides that at least 10% of the restructur- ing aid shall be reserved for sugar beet growers Grant Payments. and machinery contractors in order to compen- 489. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for sate for losses resulting from factory closure Agriculture and Food when a person (details under the restructuring scheme. That percentage supplied) in County Cork will be approved and may be increased by Member States after consul- awarded the installation aid grant. [27239/06] tation of interested parties provided that an econ- omically sound balance between the elements of Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary the restructuring plan is ensured. In that context, Coughlan): The person concerned submitted an my Department in May issued an open call for application for payment (IAS 2) under the Instal- submissions which will be subject to scrutiny by lation Aid Scheme to my Department on 16 May Indecon International Economic Consultants, 2006. Additional information in relation to that who have been appointed by the Government to application has, however, been requested from provide me with independent expert advice on the person concerned and the application cannot matters relating to the implementation of the be further progressed until that information is restructuring aid. A final decision on the percent- received. age will be made shortly having regard to the independent expert advice and following the 490. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Agri- recent publication of the Commission Regulation culture and Food the position in the case of a laying down detailed rules for the implemen- person (details supplied) in County Tipperary in relation to their entitlement to sugar beet com- tation of the restructuring aid. pensation. [27240/06] The third element of the package is the diversi- fication aid, worth almost \44m in Ireland’s case, Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary which would be drawn down in the framework of Coughlan): The compensation package nego- a national restructuring programme to be pre- tiated as part of the agreement on reform of the pared and submitted to the Commission by the EU sugar regime contains three elements. end of the year. The first element is the compensation to beet growers of up to 64% of the reduction in the 491. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agri- minimum price for beet. This compensation, culture and Food the position regarding the 3 per which will be incorporated in the existing Single cent modulation funds which were deducted from Payment Scheme from 2006, is worth approxi- farmers under the single farm payment; if this mately \123m to Irish beet growers over the next fund has been divided out; if not, when same will seven years. My Department is currently working happen; the parts of the country that will benefit on the inclusion of the sugar beet compensation from it; the numbers who received payment from in the 2006 Single Payment Scheme. The task of the fund or the expected numbers who will establishing the number of additional entitle- benefit; and if she will make a statement on the ments for each producer is almost complete. The matter. [27364/06] number of additional entitlements established for the person named, following the processing of the Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary amendments submitted by him, is 4.86 entitle- Coughlan): \18.6 million in modulated funds is ments. Work will shortly commence on estab- lishing the additional amount of compensation to available this year. I have decided that this fund- be added to the Single Payment. When this work ing should be used in 2006 as a top up payment is complete, the number of additional entitle- under the compensatory allowance scheme. ments and amount due to farmers will be incor- Farmers in the disadvantaged areas, which porated in their existing entitlements and Single account for 75% of the country will, therefore, Payment. Payment under the 2006 Single Pay- benefit from a once-off payment under the ment Scheme will commence, in accordance with scheme this year. Payments will commence in the provisions of the relevant EU Regulations, on September and will involve some 100,000 ben- 1 December 2006. eficiaries. 1669 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1670

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. will sign the documentation in the very near future. 492. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agri- culture and Food when a decision will be made Departmental Expenditure. in the Galway Regional Office of her Department 493. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for as to whether an estate (details supplied) in Agriculture and Food the non-Governmental County Mayo can be included for REP scheme; agencies or organisations her Department has and if this matter will be expedited. [27367/06] provided funding to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding provided to each in each year; Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary the number of applications for funding submitted Coughlan): At a public meeting on 24 April 2006 to her Department in total; the number of these my Department facilitated an agreement on the applications which were refused; the reason for apportionment of land between rights holders. same; the percentage of her Department’s overall The necessary legal documentation to give effect annual budget such funding equates to; and if she to this agreement has been with a local solicitor will make a statement on the matter. [27389/06] acting on behalf of the farmers concerned and has Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary already been signed by the majority of the farm- Coughlan): Funding to non-Governmental agen- ers concerned. It is expected that the remainder cies and organisations.

2004 2005 2006 (year to date)

\\ \

Forestry Development Association Co-Operative Society 72,000 59,343 44,000 Ltd Western Forestry Co-Operative Society 90,000 64,000 — Irish Timber Growers Association 41,600 32,000 26,000 Crann 12,800 6,200 3,000 Irish Forestry Contractors Association 2,434 — — Society of Irish Foresters 2,400 8,000 2,000 Tree Council of Ireland 13,500 9,500 2,000 Woodlands of Ireland 28,700 24,000 21,800 Conservation Volunteers of Ireland 9,769 — — Country Markets 4,000 4,200 4,450 *Muintir na Tı´re 19,000 0 0 Irish Countrywomen’s Association 10,000 10,200 10,550 National Co-op Farm Relief Services 7,000 7,200 8,000 Macra na Feirme 24,000 24,400 25,000 ICBF 888,000 888,000 500,000 ICOS 13,000 13,000 — Irish Farriery Authority 23,206 2,438 — Irish Equine Centre (IEC) — NDP Funding 334,294 312,097 97,514 Racing Academy and Centre of Education (RACE) 1,300,000 — — Irish Horse Board 951,548 1,348,240 445,024 Irish Thoroughbred Breeders Association 29,873 31,355 — International Equine Institute 309,832 252,207 71939 Gorta 9,244 13,646 —

Total 4,196,180 3,110,026 1,261,277

In addition to the above \1,000,000 was paid to expenditure of my Department in 2004 and 83 animal welfare organizations in 2004 and 0.32% in 2005. 1,206,000 was paid to 86 such organizations in Responsibility for the grant to Muintir na Tı´re 2005. Payments have not been made yet in was transferred to the Department of Com- respect of 2006. In 2004, 4 applications were munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs on 31 refused because they did not meet the eligibility March 2005 criteria. 3 applications were refused in 2005 for the same reason. Grant Payments. Expenditure on non-governmental agencies 494. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Agri- and organizations amounted to 0.38% of the total culture and Food the criteria and details of the 1671 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1672

[Mr. Kehoe.] 498. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Agri- advisory service which farmers are to receive culture and Food the position with regard to an when they are in receipt of \15,000 pus on single application by a person (details supplied) in farm payments; and if she will make a statement County Wexford to the national reserve under on the matter. [27455/06] force majeure; if a decision has been made on the application; when the person can expect to 497. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Agri- receive a response; and if she will make a state- culture and Food further to a proposed policy as ment on the matter. [27530/06] reported recently in the press whereby under the modulation fund farmers with a single farm pay- Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary ment in excess of \15,000 will be entitled to avail Coughlan): My Department has no record of of a free farm advisory service, the situation receipt of an application form for the National regarding this policy; the position of the Govern- Reserve measure of the Single Payment Scheme ment and the Minister in relation to this policy; from the person named. and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27529/06] Animal Diseases. 499. Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Agri- Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary culture and Food the action her Department has Coughlan): I propose to take questions 494 and taken in relation to a reported outbreak of botu- 497 together. lism in cattle (details supplied); the tests which Under the new EU Rural Development Policy have been carried out on her behalf to confirm if Framework an advisory service providing advice the animals died from botulism; the number of to farmers on meeting cross-compliance require- animals which were reported to have died from ments, which are compulsory for those receiving suspected animal botulism; the results which are direct payments, must be introduced in Member available; if tests were carried out; the other States by 1 January 2007. The service will provide investigations which have been carried out to advice on meeting statutory European require- establish the origins of the reported outbreak; her ments in relation to the environment, food safety, views in relation to the disposal of chicken litter animal and plant health and animal welfare. Par- as a fertiliser in the area; the tests which have ticipation by farmers is voluntary but priority been carried out on the chicken litter in an effort must be given to those receiving more than to establish if it is contaminated with the suspect \15,000 annually under the Single Farm Payment. organism; and if she will make a statement on the The body/bodies selected to provide the service matter. [27531/06] must have the appropriate resources in the form of qualified staff, administrative and technical Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary facilities and advisory experience. Detailed Coughlan): Botulism is not a notifiable disease arrangements, including the level of fees to be under the Diseases of Animals Acts. However, charged, for the provision of the service will be samples from animals may be submitted for test- considered in the context of the new rural ing to my Department’s Central Veterinary Lab- development programme which is being drawn oratory or Regional Veterinary Laboratories at up for the period 2007-2013. the discretion of a Private Veterinary Practitioner or on request by a herd owner through a Private Grant Payments. Veterinary Practitioner. Bovine Botulism can be contracted through 496. Mr. G. Murphy asked the Minister for contact with contaminated decomposing organic Agriculture and Food if she will consider a person material such as poultry litter which contains (details supplied) in County Cork as a new poultry carcass material when spread on land entrant for calculation of entitlements and grazed by cattle. In relation to the case referred national reserve; and if she will make a statement to by the Deputy, the position is that my Depart- on the matter. [27457/06] ment received reports in early May 2006 of a sus- pected botulism outbreak involving animals on Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary two farms. Investigations carried out to date by Coughlan): Following a review of this case, it has my Department into the spreading of litter in the been determined that the New Entrant measure area have not established a definitive origin for is more beneficial to the person named. A sup- the litter. Laboratory records show that two ani- plementary payment reflecting this position will mals were submitted for postmortem from one of issue to the applicant shortly. My Department has the herds concerned in the context of botulism. no record of receipt of an application form for the Post mortem examinations on these animals National Reserve measure of the single payment revealed no significant findings. Samples of feed scheme from the person named. and drinking water submitted by the owner as well as abomasal and ruminal contents collected Question No. 497 answered with Question at post mortem examination were frozen and No. 494. retained in the Regional Veterinary Research 1673 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1674

Laboratory for further testing for botulinum In the absence of further details, it is not possible toxin at the Central Veterinary Research to comment on his potential eligibility for the Laboratory. Early Retirement Scheme. In addition, a blood sample was submitted from the same herd, to rule out certain other con- Grant Payments. ditions which could be linked to the clinical signs presented. Test results did not show any evidence 501. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Agri- of such conditions. The Animal By-Products culture and Food when the first payments under Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002) the reform package agreed in November 2005 will allows poultry litter to be applied to land under be made to beet farmers; if it is guaranteed to go certain conditions. Under this Regulation, the out with the single premium payment in 2006; and manager of a poultry unit is obliged to remove if she will make a statement on the matter. any carcasses from poultry litter and to send these [27602/06] to an approved plant for rendering. In May 2006, and in previous years, my Depart- 509. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Agri- ment wrote to dairy processors advising them culture and Food the number of people who were about this issue and asked them to distribute to in receipt of beet grants in Waterford County for their producers an information/advisory note 2006; and if she will make a statement on the entitled “Good Farming Practice with regard to matter. [27850/06] Spreading Poultry Litter on Land”. Poultry pro- cessors were also circulated with a similar Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary information/advisory note. An “Information Coughlan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 501 Note on Botulism for Veterinary Practitioners” and 509 together. My Department is currently and “Instructions for Practitioners when dealing working on the inclusion of the sugar beet com- with Suspected cases of Botulism on Farm” were pensation in the 2006 Single Payment Scheme. also circulated to Private Veterinary Prac- The task of establishing the number of additional titioners. Copies of an information/advisory note entitlements for each producer is almost com- entitled “Good Farming Practice with regard to plete. Work will shortly commence on estab- Spreading Poultry Litter on Land” are available lishing the additional amount of compensation to to farmers from District Veterinary Offices. My be added to the Single Payment. When this work Department also published, in the farming press, is complete, the number of additional entitle- a notice to farmers on the spreading of poultry ments and amount due to farmers will be incor- litter on land and the precautions which should porated in their existing entitlements and Single be taken. Payment. Payment under the 2006 Single Pay- In addition to the above, my Department’s vet- ment Scheme will commence, in accordance with erinary staff has held meetings with the industry the provisions of the relevant EU Regulations, on to raise awareness on the issue. I believe that the 1 December 2006. poultry industry is well aware of the issues with regard to their obligations on the safe disposal of 502. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Agri- litter and carcass material in accordance with EU culture and Food when a decision will be made Regulation 1774/2002. Indeed, sections of the on the single payment appeal by a person (details industry have been very proactive in dealing with supplied) in County Kerry. [27603/06] this issue and have adopted good practice procedures. Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary My Department will be undertaking random Coughlan): The person named submitted an inspections on poultry producers’ premises to application for an allocation of entitlements from ensure that the necessary procedures are being the Single Payment Scheme National Reserve followed. Where there is evidence that this is not under CategoriesA&D.Category A caters for the case, the Department can require that all farmers who inherited land or received land free poultry litter from those premises be sent for of charge or for a nominal sum from a farmer rendering. who had retired or died by 16 May 2005 and who had leased out his/her holding to a third party during the reference period 2000-2002. Category Farm Retirement Scheme. D caters for farmers who commenced farming 500. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Agri- after 31 December 2002 or who commenced culture and Food if a person (details supplied) farming in 2002 but who received no direct pay- in County Tipperary will qualify under the early ments in respect of that scheme year. retirement pension scheme; and if she will make It should be noted however that the rules gov- a statement on the matter. [27537/06] erning the Single Payment Scheme stipulate that an applicant who is found to be eligible under Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary more than one category in the Reserve may only Coughlan): According to my Department’s receive an allocation of entitlements under records the person named has not submitted an whichever category is most beneficial to him/her. application under the Early Retirement Scheme. My Department requested additional information 1675 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1676

[Mary Coughlan.] omic, social and environmental costs of restruc- from the person named. On receipt of the turing of the sugar industry involving factory additional information requested this case will be closure and renunciation of quota. In Ireland’s examined and a formal letter setting out my case, this would be worth up to \145m. The third Department’s decision will issue to the person element of the package is the diversification aid, named. worth almost \44m in Ireland’s case, which would If he is dissatisfied with my Department’s be drawn down in the framework of a national decision in relation to the National Reserve, he restructuring programme to be prepared and sub- then has the opportunity to appeal this decision mitted to the Commission by the end of the year. to the Independent Payment Appeals Commit- Regarding the second element, the restructur- tee. An appeals application form is available from ing aid provided for in Council Regulation (EC) any of my Department’s offices or on the Depart- No 320/2006 is subject to the submission by the ment website at www.agriculture.gov.ie. processor of a detailed restructuring plan for the industry following consultations with the beet Sugar Beet Industry. growers. The Regulation also provides that at least 10% of the restructuring aid shall be 503. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Agri- reserved for sugar beet growers and machinery culture and Food when she expects that her contractors in order to compensate for losses Department will have finalised the agreement resulting from factory closure under the restruc- with beet growers and contractors with regard to turing scheme. That percentage may be increased the capital compensation for loss of beet quota; by Member States after consultation of interested the position with regard to farmers in the retire- parties provided that an economically sound ment scheme who would have leased their land balance between the elements of the restructur- prior to the reference years; if provision is being ing plan is ensured. In that context, my Depart- made for these people for compensation in ment in May issued an open call for submissions respect of the loss of their quota; and if she will which will be subject to scrutiny by Indecon Inter- make a statement on the matter. [27604/06] national Economic Consultants, who have been appointed by the Government to provide me with 510. Dr. Twomey asked the Minister for Agri- independent expert advice on matters relating to culture and Food when a decision will be made \ the implementation of the restructuring aid. on the 130 million compensation to sugar beet Those who made submissions were subsequently farmers; and if she will make a statement on the invited to a series of consultation meetings to matter. [27886/06] afford them the opportunity to make any sup- plementary points regarding their submissions. 511. Dr. Twomey asked the Minister for Agri- This consultation process is separate from any culture and Food if she will give a breakdown of \ consultations engaged in by the processor. A final the people who will receive the 130 million com- decision on the percentage will be made shortly pensation for sugar beet farmers; and if she will having regard to the independent expert advice make a statement on the matter. [27887/06] and following the recent publication of the Com- mission Regulation laying down detailed rules for 516. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Agri- the implementation of the restructuring aid. culture and Food the progress to date on compen- The timescale for implementing the restructur- sation payment negotiations in respect of the ing aid is very tight where, as in Ireland’s case, sugar industry; if she will ensure that beet grow- restructuring takes place in the first year of the ers and contractors will receive the maximum new regime. The Council Regulation requires amount of payment available; the measures pro- that the application for restructuring aid must be posed for distributing compensation; and if she made by the processor by 31 July 2006. The appli- will make a statement on the matter. [27895/06] cation must include a detailed restructuring plan for the industry. A decision on the application Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary must then be made by the Member State by 30 Coughlan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 503, September 2006 at the latest. It is my intention 510, 511 and 516 together. The compensation that the restructuring aid will be implemented in package negotiated as part of the agreement on a fair and equitable manner and strictly in accord- reform of the EU sugar regime contains three ance with the relevant EU regulations. elements. The first element is the compensation to beet Grant Payments. growers of up to 64% of the reduction in the minimum price for beet. This compensation, 504. Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for Agri- which will be incorporated in the existing Single culture and Food the reason a person (details Payment Scheme and will be payable from 2006, supplied) in County Westmeath has not been is worth approximately \123m to Irish beet grow- paid farm entitlements to date; and if it is the ers over the next seven years. position that they are being penalised twice, in The second element of the compensation pack- relation to their arable aid payments, and also as age is the restructuring aid covering the econ- a result their farm entitlements; if same can be 1677 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1678 set out in full so as to allow this person to take was found and the person named was deemed to steps to ensure that their farm entitlements are have over-declared by 100%. Following an appeal duly paid out; and if she will make a statement by the person named, the proposed penalties on the matter. [27605/06] were confirmed. These are the appropriate penal- ties that must be applied as per the governing Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary EU regulations. Coughlan): An application under the 2005 Single Farm Payment Scheme was received from the Farm Retirement Scheme. person named on 13 May 2005. Under EU legis- 505. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Agri- lation, in order to draw down his or her full Single culture and Food the stage on an application for Payment, an applicant must declare an eligible early retirement scheme 2000 for a person hectare to accompany each entitlement. In this (details supplied) in County Wexford; when the case 42.98 entitlements had been established dur- first payment will be received; and if she will ing the reference period with a unit value of make a statement on the matter. [27606/06] \205.55 giving a gross amount of \8,834.54. As the person named declared 40.61 hectares of eli- Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary gible land on the 2005 application form, the net Coughlan): An application from the person amount due to him in 2005 was \8,096.97. named was received in my Department on 12 However, the payment which issued to the person May 2006 and is currently being examined. As named on 16 December 2005, \1,963.08, was net soon as this examination has been completed the of the following sums, which fell due to be reco- person named will be notified of the outcome. uped: \5,153.22, in respect of penalties under the Arable Aid Scheme, and \980.67 in respect of Departmental Bodies. penalties under the Rural Environment Protec- 506. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Agri- tion Scheme. culture and Food the budgetary allocation for Under the 2003 Arable Aid Scheme, the per- each of the public bodies, executive agencies, son named declared 6.86 hectares of arable silage; advisory bodies and taskforces operating under however, following a field inspection, no arable his Department. [27790/06] silage was found. The person named was, there- fore, deemed to have over-claimed by 100%. Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Under the 2004 Arable Aid Scheme, the person Coughlan): Budgetary allocations were made named declared 7.60 of arable silage; however, through my Department’s Revised Estimates for again following field inspection, no arable silage 2006 for the following public bodies:

Organisation Expenditure Details 2006 Estimate Total Amount


Teagasc Grant-in-Aid for General Expenses — training 134,028 courses under the National Development Programme 2000/06 An Bord Bia Grant-in-Aid for General Expenses 22,403 Council for Forest Research and Development To support research and development 3,800 (COFORD) administered by COFORD Irish Horse Board Development and promotion of the Non-Thorough 836 Bred horse industry, operation of the Irish Horse Register and administration

Allocations were also made for the following:

Organisation Expenditure Details 2006 Estimate Total Amount


Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) Grant Assistance for ICBF cattle breed 888 improvement activities The Dairy Research Trust (Established by ICOS, IFA To part-fund research projects for improving 440 and ICMSA) competitiveness at both producer and processor level in the dairy sector

There was also a total allocation of \20 million Food Institutional Research Measure (FIRM) provided for Research and Development grants (NDP 2000/06) (\14 million) and the Research for third level institutions and Teagasc under the Stimulus Fund (\6 million). 1679 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1680

507. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Agri- • Defence Forces culture and Food the number of positions in State • Garda Sı´ocha´na bodies under the aegis of her Department which are affected by the increase in non-executive • Revenue Commissioners (Customs) chairpersons’ fees of State bodies recently sanc- • Aer Rianta tioned by the Government. [27804/06] • Civil Defence. Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Coughlan): There are five non-executive chair- 2. Government Taskforce on Avian Influenza persons of State bodies under the remit of my In response to the threat posed by the spread Department affected by the increase. of avian influenza and the need to coordinate the development of a robust range of contingency Departmental Bodies. measures, a Government Taskforce on Avian Influenza was established earlier this year. It is 508. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Agri- chaired by the Minister for Agriculture & Food culture and Food the number of taskforces which and, apart from this Department, includes senior have been created by her Department and their representatives from the following Departments/ function, size, membership, reporting mechanism Agencies and period of existence since 1997. [27820/06] • Arts, Sports & Tourism Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary • Health & Children Coughlan): The task forces listed below have been set up on issues relating to my Department. • Environment, Heritage & Local Government 1. Government Taskforce on Foot and Mouth • Transport Disease (FMD) During the 2001 outbreak, a Government Task • An Garda Sı´ocha´na Force was established at an early stage to address • Taoiseach the question of inter-Department/inter-agency coordination. The Task Force was chaired by An • Defence Forces Taoiseach or, in his absence, by the Minister for • Foreign Affairs Agriculture and Food, and met early each day during the active part of the campaign and, sub- • Defence sequently, as required. The role of the Task Force • Finance included mobilisation of resources and the imple- mentation and coordination of appropriate • Health Service Executive measures. The Task Force received up-to-date • Health Protection Surveillance Centre briefings on the position from the Minister/DAF and from other ministers, departments and agen- • Justice. cies on issues within their areas of responsibilities. 3. Task Force on Agricultural Education & It is envisaged that a similar Task Force will be Training established in the event of any future threat of The Task Force was established in November FMD to the island of Ireland 1999 to examine the training needs of agriculture The Task Force comprised senior representa- in the context of a changing economic and social tives from the following Departments and environment and to make recommendations, Agencies: where appropriate, to address those needs. The • Agriculture and Food report was presented to the Minister and pub- • An Taoiseach lished in July 2000. There were ten members including the Chair- • Finance man. The Chairman was a former Secretary of • Arts, Sports and Tourism the Department of Agriculture, Food & Rural Development and the other members included • Communications, Marine and Natural representatives from the Department of Agri- Resources culture, Food & Rural Development, ICMSA, • Defence Teagasc, IFA, Waterford Institute of Technology, Macra na Feirme, FA´ S, Farm Apprenticeship •Du´ chas Board and the Association of Private Agricul- • Enterprise, Trade and Employment tural and Horticultural Colleges.

• Environment and Local Government 4. The Beef Task Force • Foreign Affairs The Beef Task Force was set up in November 1998. The remit of the group was to examine and • Justice, Equality and Law Reform make recommendations on the future of the Beef • Transport Industry by drawing up a strategic plan of action 1681 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1682 for the sector covering the complete range of and for those who are not; the level of payments; activities from on-farm production to processing her views on whether different rates of payment and marketing. create an inequality for sheep farmers on the There were 17 members on the Force, these same mountain range; the action she will take to included representatives from the Department of rectify this; and if she will make a statement on Agriculture, the IFA, the Irish Meat Association, the matter. [27891/06] ICMSA, ICOS, An Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland, SIPTU and Teagasc. The Task Force reported on Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary the 17th June 1999. Coughlan): All hill sheep farmers in REPS are paid in accordance with their REPS contracts. 5. The Mushroom Task Force The REP Scheme Terms and Conditions provide The task force was set up in December 2003 to that REPS farmers must comply fully with Com- arrive at a consensus on the major issues facing monage Framework Plan requirements and the mushroom sector and to devise a timebound consequently no further REPS payments are due action plan to address those issues in order to for destocking. secure the future viability of the sector. The task The question of additional benefits for actions force published its report in May 2004. A Review over and above the requirements of the Com- Group has met four times to oversee the imple- monage Framework Plans is a matter for the mentation of the recommendations in the report. Department of the Environment, Heritage and The Task Force was comprised of 14 members Local Government. I am aware that because of a from the following Departments and Agencies: European Court of Justice judgment, that Department is introducing additional manage- • Department of Agriculture and Food ment requirements in the Owenduff/Nephin Beg • Enterprise Ireland complex and that my officials have given advice on an appropriate level of payment to REPS • Commercial Mushroom Producers farmers to compensate them for the actions now • Producer required of them that are not covered by the • Bord Bia REPS payment. The question of additional benefits for actions • Bord Glas over and above the requirements of the Com- • Walsh Mushrooms monage Framework Plans for farmers not in REPS is also a matter for the Department of the • Sylvan Ireland Environment, Heritage and Local Government. I • Consultant have met farmers from the area concerned and they outlined their position to me in detail. I have • Irish Mushroom Growers Association since conveyed the views of this group to the • Teagasc Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. • Monaghan Mushrooms. Live Exports. Question No. 509 answered with Question No. 501. 513. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Agri- culture and Food the levels of live exports of Questions Nos. 510 and 511 answered with cattle for each of the past five years; the value to Question No. 503. the Irish economy of such exports; the markets that are currently served by such exports; and if Rural Environment Protection Scheme. she will make a statement on the matter. [27892/06] 512. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Agri- culture and Food the level of compensation avail- Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary able to sheep farmers in the Neiphin Beg area, Coughlan): The following table set out details of Newport, Co. Mayo as a consequence of having the export of live cattle for the last 5 years. The to take sheep off the mountains due to ecological live export trade is an important competitive and environmental damage; if her attention has element in the livestock and meat trade and as been drawn to the different levels being proposed such has my full support as an integral part of for those who are currently in the REP scheme the sector.

Destination 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Belgium 0 0 2,263 1,496 1,268 France 1,030 221 84 340 4,724 Great Britain 0 1,993 1,786 1,203 1,202 Northern Ireland 48,643 40,830 38,055 44,814 26,450 Germany 5 2 63 6 95 1683 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1684

[Mary Coughlan.]

Destination 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Greece 274 645 574 54 151 Italy 5,360 8,901 19,444 19,474 47,253 Netherlands 1,067 4,623 34,492 30,595 44,062 Portugal 0 0 75 0 0 Spain 32,421 59,203 87,335 20,675 50,108 Poland 0 0 0 80 Other EU 0 6 0 0 0

Total EU 88,800 116,424 184,171 118,657 175,393

Egypt 0 0 0 0 Lebanon 11,657 31,402 36,706 11,422 9,436 Libya 0 0 0 0 0 Saudi Arabia 0 0 0 0 0 Yemen 000 00 Other 3rd Countries 0 268 216 268 438

Total 3rd Countries 11,657 31,670 36,922 11,690 9,874

Total Live Exports 100,457 148,094 221,093 130,347 185,267

The exports were valued at almost \58 million tunities to secure their future. Full-time farmers in 2005. are looking to the new flexibility offered to them under decoupling to develop and intensify their Farm Household Incomes. commercial farm enterprises while many small- scale producers are finding that combining farm- 514. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Agri- ing with off-farm employment is an effective way culture and Food the supporting measures she to ensure the viability of their holdings. intends to bring forward in view of the fact that This Government is focused on ensuring that almost 80 percent of farmers are part-time farm- farming families have the best possible options ers; her views on the state of agriculture in this available for them to stay on the land. That may country in view of the high proportion of part- mean as full-time farmers, if their farm size and time farmers; if her Department has undertaken resources are sufficient, and if they choose that an analysis of full-time farmers; the measures she option. Alternatively it may be through the com- will bring forward to ensure that the massive bination of on-farm and off-farm income, which decline in full-time farming is abated; and if she many small-scale producers are finding as the will make a statement on the matter. [27893/06] best route to a viable life on the land. This Government is committed to supporting and Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary encouraging our farm families in whichever Coughlan): The Teagasc National Farm Survey option they choose. The approach by this shows that on 78% of farm holdings the farmer Government, and my own approach within CAP and/or spouse have some source of off-farm and WTO negotiations, is in keeping with this income be it from employment, pensions or social commitment. assistance. This is not the same as saying that 80 per cent of farm holdings are part-time. The same Farm Waste Management. survey indicates that 62% of farms (defined by Teagasc in terms of labour units) were part-time. 515. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Agri- By contrast, the latest figures from the Central culture and Food her views on the increasing Statistics Office indicate that by their measure- level of grant assistance under the farm waste ment (farm work is not the sole occupation of the management grants where steel structures will farm owner) that 42% of farms in the State were form a major part of any development; and if she defined as part-time. The growth of part-time will make a statement on the matter. [27894/06] farming is not unexpected. For some time, farm- ers have been choosing to maximise their incomes Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary through a combination of farming and off-farm Coughlan): Increased grant-rates under the Farm employment. This Government is committed to Waste Management Scheme were introduced by maintaining a core of competitive, full-time farm- my Department with effect from 24 March last as ers, while at the same time providing an economic follows: (a) a new standard grant-rate of 60%, environment which enables smaller scale pro- with 70% being available in the four Zone C ducers to avail of both on and off-farm oppor- counties (Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim and 1685 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1686

Monaghan) for both animal housing and slurry on the future of Irish agriculture; and if she will storage. The previous standard grant-rate for make a statement on the matter. [27897/06] such work was 40%; (b) increase in the maximum eligible investment ceiling from \75,000 to Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary \120,000 per holding; (c) introduction of a new Coughlan): The current negotiations on a new 40% grant-rate for specialized equipment with WTO Agreement, which cover a broad trade lib- specific environmental advantages subject to a eralisation agenda, have been under way since maximum eligible investment of (i) \80,000 in the they were launched in Doha in November 2001. case of decanter centrifuge systems and dry feed- Significant progress towards concluding an agree- ing systems for pigs, and (ii) \40,000 in the case of ment was made in the Framework Agreement specialized slurry spreading tankers and related which was reached in August 2004 and at the equipment; (d) increase in the maximum eligible Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong in investment for standard mobile equipment from December 2005. A further WTO Ministerial \11,000 to \15,000 with the grant-rate remaining meeting, held from 29 June to 1 July in Geneva, at 20%. The price of steel used in the construc- failed to make progress on outstanding issues. tion of farm buildings grant-aided under the The Director General of the WTO has now been Scheme is taken into account in my Department’s requested to undertake intensive and wide-rang- Standard Costings which are used to determine ing consultations over the coming weeks with a the grants payable under the Scheme. These view to facilitating agreement on these issues by Costings are currently under review. Pending the the end of July. Given the wide divergences outcome of that review, my Department’s current which exist between the positions of the main Standard Costings are being used. I have already negotiating partners, such agreement will be diffi- confirmed that the revised Costings, when intro- cult to achieve. duced, will be applied to all approvals issued In accordance with the Doha mandate, among under the Scheme since 1 January 2006. the aims of the negotiations is to reduce substan- tially the levels of support and protection for agri- Question No. 516 answered with Question culture. A new agreement will determine the lev- No. 503. els of support which can be provided to EU agriculture, both domestically and on exports, as Waste Disposal. well as the level of tariff protection which can be 517. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Agri- applied to imports. This in turn affects the nature culture and Food the measures she is taking to and level of competition which EU producers, ensure the back-log of farm plastics is collected; processors and exporters will face on EU and and if she will make a statement on the third country markets. The WTO negotiations matter. [27896/06] represent a major challenge therefore for the future of the CAP and Irish and European Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary agriculture. Coughlan): The disposal of waste materials gen- While I am committed to securing a new WTO erally is covered by the Waste Management Acts agreement, at the same time, I am determined 1996 to 2005, which apply to all sectors of society that this will not prevent Ireland from enjoying including the agricultural sector, and is a matter the benefits of a CAP and EU rural development for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage policy that protects the agriculture and food sec- and Local Government. tor and which underpins the viability of rural Under the Waste Management (Farm Plastics) communities. Accordingly my objective is to Regulations 2001, manufacturers and importers ensure that any new WTO agreement can be of farm plastics, that is, silage bale wrap and accommodated within the terms of the recent sheeting, are required to take steps to recover CAP reforms and that further reform will not be farm plastics waste which they have placed on the required. This represents the limit of the EU market or alternatively to contribute to and par- Commission’s negotiating mandate as agreed, ticipate in compliance schemes to recover the and endorsed on several occasions, by the waste in question. The Irish Farm Film Producers Council of Ministers. Group, IFFPG, is currently the sole approved I will continue to take an active role in the body in Ireland for the purposes of implementing negotiations and to work with like-minded a compliance scheme for the recovery of farm Member States in seeking the best possible out- plastics waste. My Department has no involve- come for Irish and EU agriculture. My specific ment in the running of the scheme. priorities are On domestic supports, to ensure that the EU’s system of decoupled direct pay- ments to farmers continue to qualify as non- World Trade Talks. trade-distorting payments under the so-called 518. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Agri- WTO Green Box and so remain exempt from culture and Food her views on the state of the reductions under the new round, On Export Sub- World Trade Talks; if she has an assessment of sidies, to ensure that full parallel elimination of the potential impact that any agreement will have all forms of export subsidies is undertaken by all 1687 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1688

[Mary Coughlan.] on commonage lands need to be resolved before WTO member countries, as agreed in the WTO any of the claimants concerned can be paid. Simi- Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong, and to larly, cases where given parcels are subject to secure the most flexible phasing-out arrange- dual-claims must also be resolved, before any of ments for EU export refunds, On Market Access, the parties concerned can be paid. to retain the maximum possible level of protec- It will be noted that the sum of the cases paid tion against increased imports into the EU, and those awaiting payment differs from the fig- especially in sectors in which Ireland has part- ures supplied in the reply to previous questions. icular interests, through minimising tariff cuts, As explained, these differences are accounted for establishing sensitive product status where neces- by cases, which previously had no entitlements, sary and through the continuation of an effective being awarded entitlements following the pro- Safeguard Clause. cessing of applications under the Inheritance, Force Majeure etc measures of the Single Pay- Grant Payments. ment Scheme, which were recently submitted to my Department. 519. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Agri- culture and Food her views on the number of County Code No. of SPS Apps No. of SPS farmers awaiting payment under the 2005 single paid Apps not farm payment scheme in each county; the most paid common reason for delay in making payment; and if she will make a statement on the Carlow 1,712 17 matter. [27898/06] Cavan 4,912 36 Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Clare 6,150 85 Coughlan): The following table sets out the Cork 13,180 138 number of farmers in each county whose pay- Donegal 7,954 52 ments under the 2005 Single Payment Scheme Dublin 675 7 had issued by 5 July 2006. The number of appli- Galway 12,245 110 cations with outstanding problems, which must be solved prior to payment, is also set out. Payments Kerry 7,672 73 are continuing to issue to farmers as their appli- Kildare 2,149 22 cations are processed to completion, in accord- Kilkenny 3,585 37 ance with the EU legislation governing the Single Laois 3,055 31 Payment Scheme. Under this legislation, Member States may commence payment under the Single Leitrim 3,433 31 Payment Scheme on 1 December of the year of Limerick 5,345 49 application, with payments being fully processed Longford 2,430 20 by the following 30 June. My priority in 2005, the Louth 1,573 12 first year of this new Scheme, was to maximize Mayo 11,605 116 the number of payments to eligible applicants by the earliest date possible of 1 December and I am Meath 3,895 33 satisfied that this was achieved. Since then, it has Monaghan 4,062 39 been my absolute priority to ensure that the Offaly 3,101 26 issues that are holding up the remaining cases are Roscommon 5,837 59 resolved with the applicants concerned and that Sligo 4,025 32 payments are made without undue delay. To this end, I have arranged that payments issue on a Tipperary 7,199 72 very regular basis, as soon as the problems with Waterford 2,465 31 the outstanding cases are resolved. Westmeath 3,018 23 In common with the coupled schemes, which Wexford 4,249 56 the Single Payment Scheme replaced, delays in processing can be caused by many factors, includ- Wicklow 2,149 24 ing incomplete application forms, errors on appli- Totals 127,675 1,231 cations and discrepancies highlighted following computer validation, which must be resolved via correspondence with the applicant. In many cases, payment could not be made because appli- Departmental Staff. cants did not submit an application to transfer the 520. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Agri- Single Payment entitlements, with lands, by way culture and Food the number of temporary meat of inheritance, gift, lease or purchase. Many of inspectors employed by her Department in fac- these applications were only received after my tories throughout the country; if it is proposed to Department made direct contact with the farmers fill further permanent positions for such categor- in question, during recent weeks, and some have ies; the number involved; and if she will make a yet to be submitted. In other cases, over-claims statement on the matter. [27955/06] 1689 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1690

526. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Agri- Advertising — 2004 culture and Food the number of temporary meat inspectors employed by her department in factor- \ ies throughout the country; her plans to fill further permanent positions for such categories; Advertising (including display/general the number involved; and if she will make a state- advertising and Statutory Notices) 648,543 ment on the matter. [28026/06] Video on TB & Brucellosis Eradication Schemes, promotional video on the Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Beef Assurance Scheme 122,811 Coughlan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 520 and 526 together. Total 771,354 My Department engages approximately 700 part-time Temporary Veterinary Inspectors (TVIs) to augment the permanent Veterinary Advertising — 2005 Inspectors employed by my Department at EU export-approved meat plants. TVIs are engaged \ to carry out duties as and when required by the permanent Veterinary Inspector in charge at each Advertising (including display/general such plant. I have no proposals to change the cur- advertising and Statutory Notices) 913,167 rent status of TVIs. Radio Advertising 1,659 Video on TB & Brucellosis Eradication Departmental Advertising. Schemes, promotional video on the Beef Assurance Scheme 99,118 521. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agri- culture and Food the amount which was spent in Total 1,013,944 her Department for the years 2005 and from January 2006 to date for media purposes or advertising; where the money was spent, that is, Advertising — 2006 to Date national papers, provincial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios and so on; the amounts spent on a \ yearly basis for years of the pervious three years; if money was spent on videos, for promotional, educational or advertising purposes. [27967/06] Advertising (including display/general advertising and Statutory Notices) 646,927 Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Radio Advertising 1,626 Coughlan): The details sought by the Deputy in Video on TB & Brucellosis Eradication relation to the value of advertising placed by the Schemes, promotional video on the Department each year since 2002 is set out as Beef Assurance Scheme 13,568 follows: Total 662,121 Advertising — 2002 In a typical year, the Department’s advertising \ consists mainly of regulatory display advertising and statutory notices. The increase in press adver- Advertising (including display/general tising in 2004 and 2005 is due largely to increased advertising and Statutory Notices) 638,440 expenditure on forestry advertising, responsibility Promotional videos for disease for which came within the remit of my Depart- eradication and beef assurance ment in 2004. schemes 3,086 Food Safety Standards. Total 641,526 522. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Agri- culture and Food the plans she has to upgrade Advertising — 2003 her Departments facilities at Dublin Airport; the volume of product collected and seized by her \ officials at the airport in the last available 12 month period; the origin of flights where such product has been seized and volumes involved; Advertising (including display/general advertising and Statutory Notices) 442,887 and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27992/06] Radio Advertising 1,233 Video on TB & Brucellosis Eradication Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Schemes, promotional video on the Coughlan): The facilities are provided by the Beef Assurance Scheme and production of educational video on Dublin Airport Authority in order to enable my agriculture 186,892 Department carry out its statutory functions for the protection of animal and public health and Total 631,012 food safety. The airport facilities include office, interview and examination areas for the oper- 1691 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1692

[Mary Coughlan.] Airport Kgs. ation of control checks by Department person- nel on: Vilnius 8 — personal import of animal products by Zurich 139 passengers; Total 2,520.75 — the licensed import of samples of animal products, including pathogens, for research and testing; Forestry Sector. — the Border Inspection Controls on import 523. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Agri- from third countries of live animals, culture and Food if the high level steering group — export certification requirements for trade has completed its consideration of recom- in live animals, and mendations on the future development of the for- — the operation of necessary bio-safety estry sector; when the report will be published; measures for prevention of the transmission and if she will make a statement on the of animal diseases. matter. [27993/06] The Office of Public Works is currently carrying Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary out refurbishment work on the Department office Coughlan): The senior Departmental group, facilities at the airport in accordance the Dublin which has been examining forestry strategy, has Airport Authority’s development plan. As there largely completed its review and the content of are few direct third country flights that land in its report is being finalized at present. While it is Dublin airport my Department therefore carries not planned to publish this report in the formal out checks on passengers arriving on flights com- sense, it is my intention, once the report has been ing from hub airports. The total volume of animal considered, that it will be made available to products seized at the Airport during 2005 was interested parties on request. 2,520.75 kgs. The data includes animal products seized from passengers who commenced their Energy Resources. journeys in another Member State of the EU where no health or traceability marking was 524. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Agri- attached to the animal products. culture and Food if she intends to establish a During 2005 the following quantities have been scheme for the planting of willow and other seized from passengers who commenced their biomass crops; if she will include a facility to journeys in the following airports: assist with the purchase of harvesters and chip- pers; if she further intends to increase the rate of Airport Kgs. the energy crop payment; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27994/06] Amsterdam 514.75 Berlin 27.5 Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Brussels 12.5 Coughlan): Plans for the introduction of a scheme to support the planting of willow are at an Budapest 15 advanced stage, but will require EU approval. I Chicago 10.5 am also aware of renewed interest among some Copenhagen 87 producers in growing ‘miscanthus’ as a feedstock Dubrovnik 3.5 for bioenergy purposes. My Department has Dusseldorf 13.5 received a number of proposals for the introduc- Frankfurt 192.5 tion of establishment grants for miscanthus and these are currently being considered. Heathrow 629.5 In relation to biomass harvesting machinery, Madrid 9 such as harvesters and chippers for processing of Manchester 10 forest biomass, plans to introduce a special Milan 30 scheme of supports are also at an advanced stage. Moscow 23.5 Again, the introduction of any such scheme will New York 2.5 require EU approval. Paris 433.75 Currently, support for the growing of energy crops is provided by way of the Energy Crops Prague 96.5 Scheme which was introduced under the reform Rome 33.5 of the CAP. Under this scheme, energy crops may Split 3.5 qualify for aid of \45 per hectare provided they Toronto 8 are intended primarily for use in the production Tunisia 4 of biofuels and electric and thermal energy pro- Unknown 10.5 duced from biomass. In addition to this scheme, set aside land can be used for a variety of non- Warsaw 202.75 food uses including the growing of crops for 1693 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1694 energy purpose and will therefore qualify to acti- completely ceases. This aid, worth almost \44m, vate set-aside entitlements under the Single Pay- would be drawn down in the framework of a ment Scheme. The EU has agreed that sugar beet national restructuring programme. Under the will be eligible for aid under the scheme and may Commission implementing regulation, which was also be grown as an energy crop on set aside land. published recently, Ireland will be required to The aid of \45 per hectare available under the provide a restructuring plan to the Commission Energy Crops Scheme has proven not to be by the end of this year. sufficiently attractive in itself to stimulate the I am also working closely with my colleague growing of such crops. For this reason at the the Minister for Communications, Marine and February Council of Agriculture Ministers meet- Natural Resources to promote the development ing I called for a review of the premium and I of biofuels which could provide an alternative am pleased to say that the EU Commission has land use for farmers. undertaken to review the operation of the scheme. Nitrates Directive.

Genetically Modified Organisms. 528. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Agri- culture and Food the status of the Nitrates 525. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Agri- Directive; and if she will make a statement on the culture and Food the plans she has to ensure that matter. [28089/06] there is a legal basis to the labelling terms non GM and GM free; the discussions she has had at Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary European level on the issue; and if she will make Coughlan): The implementation of the Nitrates a statement on the matter. [27995/06] Directive is a matter in the first instance for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary Local Government. The Minister, Deputy Roche, Coughlan): My Department is the competent sent proposals to the European Commission in authority in Ireland for the enforcement of EU May for amendments to the Regulations he had legislation regarding genetically modified (GM) made in December 2005 giving legal effect to animal feed. The authorization and labelling of Ireland’s Nitrates Action Programme. The new GM feed is governed by the GM Food and Feed proposals, which the Minister has outlined pub- Regulation (EC No.) 1829/2003. The labelling licly, were developed in conjunction with my terms non GM and GM free are not defined in Department and with the input of Teagasc. They EU legislation and are terms that are used volun- address a range of important issues identified by tarily by the feed industry. However, these terms submission and raised by the farming bodies. are subject to general labelling requirements of There have since been direct discussions and animal feed which stipulates that labelling must other contacts between officials of the two not mislead the purchaser as to the characteristics Departments, Teagasc representatives and the of the feedingstuffs. I have not been engaged in European Commission. I understand that those any discussions at EU level on amending this discussions are now close to being concluded suc- Regulation and I am not aware of any proposals cessfully. I am satisfied that the outcome will be to do so. of major benefit to Irish farmers, in that the changes being discussed with the Commission will Question No. 526 answered with Question provide them with greater flexibility in complying No. 520. with fertiliser limits and simplify certain aspects of the Regulations. Sugar Beet Production. Once the discussions on the Regulations are 527. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Agri- concluded, my priority is to proceed with nego- culture and Food if she has plans to support the tiations on a derogation to allow certain farmers efforts of beet growers to diversify into other to operate, under appropriate conditions and con- areas of agriculture; if the necessary funding will trols, up to a level of 250 kgs of organic nitrogen be provided; and if she will make a statement on per hectare. The derogation proposal was given the matter. [28087/06] an initial presentation to the EU Nitrates Com- mittee in December 2005 and there were bilateral Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary discussions with the Commission in January, but Coughlan): Following the introduction of the Sin- no further progress was possible while the Regu- gle Payment Scheme last year, farmers now have lations were under review. The proposal will have the freedom to choose whatever farming to be discussed further at future meetings of the enterprise is most appropriate to their circum- Nitrates Committee before approval can be stances. Under the agreement on reform of the obtained. EU sugar regime, the Single Payment Scheme is being extended to cover sugar beet compen- Beef Exports. sation. The sugar reform agreement also provides for the introduction of aid for diversification 529. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Agri- measures in the event that sugar beet production culture and Food the controls to be put in place 1695 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1696

[Ms Enright.] following a period of consultation with the in order to support the Irish beef industry against Brazilian competent authorities. These reports, as the threat of imports from developing countries; well as all previous FVO reports on inspection of and if she will make a statement on the third countries’ controls for export, may be matter. [28090/06] accessed from the EU Commission’s website. The reports comment on the structure, organis- Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary ation and tasks of the Brazilian Competent Auth- Coughlan): In the current WTO discussions in the orities and have listed a number of recom- Council, I have pressed very strongly the non- mendations to the authorities to address trade aspect of market access, which I regard as a deficiencies, some of which are of long standing, crucial element in the overall negotiations. I have recorded in the course of the FVO audits. The taken every opportunity to remind the Com- Commission has confirmed to my Department mission of the importance of equivalence in stan- that the action plans in question have now been dards, particularly in relation to all exporting received and that they are being assessed by the countries, including Brazil. FVO. The FVO will report on its assessments to As a member of the EU and the World Trade the European Commission and, where action is Organisation (WTO) Ireland is in a position to considered necessary to ensure the safety of food avail of opportunities for trade that are essential and the protection of consumers and animals in for the development of our open economy. Mem- the EU, that appropriate proposals would be for- bership of these organizations also brings recipro- mulated and submitted to the Standing Commit- cal trade obligations. All imports into the EU tee of the Food Chain and Animal Health on must come from third countries or areas of third which My Department is represented. countries that have been approved by the EU I have more recently brought to the attention authorities for export to the EU. of the Commission the findings of an Irish del- I fully support the policy that animal products egation of farmers and journalists who visited the imported into the EU from Third Countries meet meat producing regions in Brazil and my Depart- standards at least equivalent to those required for ment is seeking assurances from the Commission production in, and trade between, EU Member that the FVO will undertake further missions to States. In this context I have been in direct con- Brazil to evaluate the implementation of its tact with the Commissioner for Health and Con- action plan. At a recent meeting of the Standing sumer Protection, Mr Markos Kyprianou con- Committee on the Food Chain and Animal cerning the sanitary rules applying to the import Health where the matter was again raised by of livestock products, especially beef, into the Ireland, the Commission indicated to Ireland that European Union. a FVO mission is being planned to take place The Commissioner has assured me that the some time before the end of the summer. Commission will not hesitate to take the appro- priate protection measures if a product, imported Disadvantaged Areas Scheme. from a third country or produced in the domestic 530. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Agri- market represents a risk for the health of EC con- culture and Food if her attention has been drawn sumers, livestock or plants. He has pointed to the to the fact that only approximately 3 percent of adoption of safeguard measures in relation to the Border, Midlands and Western Regions is not imports, for example in the matter of dealing with included in the disadvantaged areas, but that a the risk to the EU of the spread of high patho- significant portion of this is in Laois and Offaly; genic avian influenza, in the finding of residues of if she plans to address this issue;; and if she will unauthorised substances in poultry meat and in make a statement on the matter. [28095/06] the quick and proportionate protective measures applied to imports of beef as a result of the recent Minister for Agriculture and Food (Mary outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Coughlan): The position is that the possible demonstrate the Commission’s primary objective extension of Ireland’s Disadvantaged Areas to of maintaining the high sanitary status of the include the Border midland Western region was Community and respecting the EU’s commitment raised with the European Commission in 2003 under the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phy- and in early 2004. The Commission cautioned tosanitary Measures (SPS agreement). however, that a formal request for an extension An EU Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) of the Disadvantaged Areas could lead to Ireland inspection to evaluate animal health and public being asked for justification as to whether or not health control systems, traceability and certifi- all if its existing areas classified as Disadvantaged cation procedures in place in Brazil was carried continue to meet the criteria. out in September of last year. In December the In mid 2004 the Commission published a draft FVO completed a second mission that year to Regulation on Rural Development which evaluate the control of residues and contaminants included a new Disadvantaged Areas definition in live animals and animal products, including concentrating on significant natural handicaps, controls on veterinary medical products in that notably a low soil productivity or poor climate country. The FVO recently published its findings conditions and where maintaining an extensive 1697 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1698 farming activity is important for the management Employment Quota. of the land. The proposals did not mention the 532. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, current criteria such as low productivity (as Equality and Law Reform if he has plans to legis- measured by farm incomes) and percentage of late for an employment quota in the Civil and the working population in farming. Public Service for persons with a disability. Following negotiations at the Council of Mini- [27682/06] ster the Council agreed on 20 June 2005 a new framework for rural development for the period Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform 2007-2013 which provided for the maintenance of (Mr. McDowell): Employment targets for people the existing arrangements for Disadvantaged with disabilities within the civil and public service Areas until 2010. Before then, the Commission have been put on a statutory footing in Part 5 of will present a report and proposals to the Council the Disability Act 2005. The employment quota concerning the future payments system and desig- specified in Section 47(4) of the Act is 3%, unless nation of these areas. The question of extension a different target is set by order of the Minister of the Disadvantaged Areas to include all of for Finance, in consultation with the relevant Border Midland Western regions in Ireland can Minister, under Section 47(3) of the Act. Part 5 be considered in the context of that review. of the Disability Act 2005 has been in force since 31 December 2005. Road Traffic Offences. 531. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Justice, Rights of People with Disabilities. Equality and Law Reform the number of speed 533. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, camera which are presently functioning in South Equality and Law Reform if he has established a Tipperary; the number of vehicles the cameras national centre for universal design to improve have detected speeding each year since their access for people with disabilities. [27684/06] installation; and the number of prosecutions which have taken place arising from detections by Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the speed cameras. [27600/06] (Mr. McDowell): The statutory basis for the establishment of a Centre for Excellence in Uni- 562. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Justice, versal Design is in Part 6 of the Disability Act Equality and Law Reform the number of Garda 2005. The Centre will be established within the speed checks which took place at accident black National Disability Authority. Part 6 comes into spots in South Tipperary in the years 2002, 2003, force on 1 January 2007, and preparations for the 2004, 2005 and to date in 2006. [27587/06] establishment of the Centre are ongoing.

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Road Traffic Offences. (Mr. McDowell): I propose to take Questions 534. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Nos. 531 and 562 together. Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will I am informed by the Garda authorities that report on the number of summonses issued and there are no fixed speed cameras in operation in convictions obtained in relation to the illegal use the Garda Districts of Clonmel, Cahir and of Kennelsfort Road, Palmerstown in regard to Tipperary town. Portable speed laser equipment the three tonne limit to date in 2006. [27256/06] is used by Garda personnel to detect speeding offences and a GATSO mobile unit operates 535. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for within the areas referred to. Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of I am further informed that in the Tipperary prosecutions which have taken place for Garda Division, as in every Garda Division, cer- breaching the three tonne limit on Kennelsfort tain areas are identified as collision prone Road, Palmerstown, in 2006; the way in which locations. This information is incorporated into this compares to the four previous years; and if he the collision prevention programme whereby An will make a statement on the matter. [27257/06] Garda Sı´ocha´na, in conjunction with the local authority, examines each location from an Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform enforcement and engineering perspective. This (Mr. McDowell): I propose to take Questions location may then require action on the part of Nos. 534 and 535 together. the local authority or increased enforcement by I am informed by the Garda authorities that to An Garda Sı´ocha´na. date in 2006 sixty summonses have been issued Statistics are not compiled in such a way as to for breaches of the three tonne limit on Ken- establish the number of speed checks conducted nelsfort Road. I am further informed that since 3 by An Garda Sı´ocha´na in the areas referred to, April, 2006 this offence is captured by the Fixed and it would require a disproportionate expendi- Charge Processing System (FCPS). Thirty three ture of Garda time and resources to collate the fixed charge offences have been detected at Ken- information requested. nelsfort Road since that date. 1699 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1700

[Mr. McDowell.] will be finalised shortly. I am further informed To date in 2006 twenty eight cases have that some applications from the 2004 competition appeared before the courts resulting in seventeen are still being processed. convictions or the offence being taken into I should add that the current recruitment drive account with other offences being prosecuted. to increase the strength of the Garda Sı´ocha´na to The number of detections for the years 2002-2005 14,000 members, in line with the commitment in are set out in the table. the Agreed Programme for Government, is fully on target. This will lead to a combined strength, Year Number of summonses issued of both attested Gardaı´ and recruits in training, of 14,000 by the end of this year. The first group 2005 80 of newly attested Gardaı´ under this accelerated 2004 2 recruitment programme came on stream in 2003 2 March and the second such group did so on the 8th of June. Further tranches of approximately 2002 9 275 newly attested Gardaı´ will follow every 90 days thereafter until the programme is complete.

Courts Service. Departmental Reports. 536. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Justice, 538. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for Equality and Law Reform the threshold for Justice, Equality and Law Reform further to pre- claims that can be taken to the Small Claims vious parliamentary questions the position in Court; his views on whether this is a suitable relation to a project (details supplied) in County level; and if he will make a statement on the Galway; if the evaluation report into the project matter. [27304/06] has been published; if he has an indication of the report’s findings; if the scheme is to be re- Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform launched; and if not, if a replacement scheme is (Mr. McDowell): Following consultations envisaged. [27346/06] between my Department, the Courts Service and other interests, I concluded that the maximum Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform award limit for the Small Claims Court required (Mr. McDowell): The evaluation report referred to be increased. I accordingly requested the Dis- to by the Deputy is complete and is currently trict Court Rules Committee to amend the rel- being considered by the Garda authorities with a evant Rules. view to taking appropriate action. The small claims limit was subsequently \ \ increased from 1,269.74 to 2,000 with effect Garda Investigations. from 7th February 2006 (SI 4 of 2006). While I am satisfied that the new limit is appropriate, the 539. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, matter will be kept under review in my Equality and Law Reform if an investigation into Department. the death of a person (details supplied) launched following a petition opened by the deceased per- Garda Recruitment. son’s father, is now investigating other matters unrelated to the death of the person; and if he 537. Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for will make a statement on the matter. [27359/06] Justice, Equality and Law Reform if there is a problem in proceeding with the recruiting of 540. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, Garda trainees, in particular a person (details Equality and Law Reform when the investigation supplied); if the process has been slowed down; if into the death of a person (details supplied) will those who were interviewed 12 months ago are be completed; and if he will make a statement on being called; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27360/06] the matter. [27306/06] 541. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Equality and Law Reform if video recordings (Mr. McDowell): At the outset I should advise taken at a location in County Offaly in relation the Deputy that the Public Appointments Service to the death of a person (details supplied) have (PAS) is responsible for the administration of the been located. [27361/06] application process as well as Stage 1 (aptitude testing) and Stage 2 (interview) of the Garda Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform recruitment process. Stage 3, which includes a (Mr. McDowell): I propose to take Questions medical examination and physical competence Nos. 539 to 541, inclusive, together. test, is administered by the Garda authorities. I am informed by the Garda authorities that a However, I can advise the Deputy that the review into the death of the person concerned is Garda authorities have informed me that a file being conducted by a senior Garda officer. The regarding the person referred to is currently review is ongoing and all matters arising, includ- being processed and it is anticipated that the file 1701 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1702 ing any video evidence available, will be fully authorities that the information requested by the examined. The review is at an advanced stage and Deputy is not readily available and is currently the investigation file will be submitted to the Law being researched. I will contact the Deputy again Officers as soon as it is completed. when the information is to hand.

Residency Permits. Garda Deployment. 542. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Justice, 545. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when permission to Equality and Law Reform the number of gardaı´ remain in the State on the basis of being part of in the Carlow and Kildare division on 30 June a family unit where the adult of the family unit 2006. [27428/06] has been granted residency will be approved for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 11. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform [27371/06] (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the Garda Commissioner that the personnel strength Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform of An Garda Sı´ocha´na increased to a record (Mr. McDowell): I refer the Deputy to my reply 12,641 (all ranks) on Thursday 8 June with the to his Parliamentary Question No. 174 of 1 June attestation of 273 new members. This compares in relation to the person in question. The position with a total strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 as stated in that reply remains unaltered. The June 1997 and represents an increase of 1,939 (or Deputy should also be aware that no written rep- 18.1%) in the personnel strength of the Force resentation has been received to date from the during that period. person concerned to have their application I have been further informed that the person- expedited. nel strength of the Carlow/ Kildare Division as at 30 June, 2006 was 361 (all ranks). This compares Departmental Expenditure. to a personnel strength of 281 (all ranks) as at 31 December, 1997 which represents an increase of 543. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for 80 (or 28%) in the number of Garda personnel Justice, Equality and Law Reform the non- assigned to the Carlow/ Kildare Division during governmental agencies or organisations his that period. In addition, I would point out to the Department has provided funding to in 2004, Deputy that the Division’s resources are further 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding provided augmented by a number of Garda National Units to each in each year; the number of applications such as the Garda National Drugs Unit, the for funding submitted to his Department in total; Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB), the the number of these applications which were Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) and other refused; the reason for same; the percentage of specialised units. his Department’s overall annual budget such funding equates to; and if he will make a state- It is the responsibility of Garda management to ment on the matter. [27390/06] allocate personnel to and within Divisions on a priority basis in accordance with the require- Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform ments of different areas. These personnel allo- (Mr. McDowell): I wish to refer the Deputy to cations are determined by a number of factors my answer to question number 444 of 20 June, including demographics, crime trends, adminis- 2006 which cited some of the areas where my trative functions and other operational policing Department has made substantial funding avail- needs. Such allocations are continually monitored able to areas of Irish life in which non-govern- and reviewed along with overall policing arrange- mental organisations operate. In light of the very ments and operational strategy. This ensures that broad range of areas in question and the large optimum use is made of Garda resources, and number of bodies involved, the detailed infor- that the best possible service is provided to the mation sought by the Deputy is not readily avail- public. able and could only be obtained by the appli- I should add that the current recruitment drive cation of a disproportionate amount of staff time to increase the strength of the Garda Sı´ocha´na to and resources. 14,000 members, in line with the commitment in the Agreed Programme for Government, is fully on target. This will lead to a combined strength, Public Order Offences. of both attested Gardaı´ and recruits in training, 544. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Justice, of 14,000 by the end of this year. The first group Equality and Law Reform the number of success- of newly attested Gardaı´ under this accelerated ful closure orders obtained under Section 4 of the recruitment programme came on stream in Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 2003 in 2006 March and the second such group did so on the in County Kildare; and the details of same. 8th of June. Further tranches of approximately [27409/06] 275 newly attested Gardaı´ will follow every 90 days thereafter until the programme is complete. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform The Garda Commissioner will now be drawing up (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda plans on how best to distribute and manage these 1703 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1704

[Mr. McDowell.] additional resources, and in this context the needs additional resources, and in this context the needs of the Clare Division will be given the fullest con- of Carlow/ Kildare Division will be given the full- sideration. est consideration. Crime Levels. 546. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for 547. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of Garda personnel stationed in each of the County arrests made for drunk and disorderly, common Clare divisions; the number in 2005; and if he will assault and public order offences in 2003, 2004, make a statement on the matter. [27432/06] 2005 and the first four months of 2006 in each of the Garda districts of County Clare; and if he will Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform make a statement on the matter. [27434/06] (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the Garda Commissioner that the personnel strength Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform of An Garda Sı´ocha´na increased to a record (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda 12,641 (all ranks) on Thursday 8 June with the authorities that the information requested by the attestation of 273 new members. This compares Deputy is not readily available and is currently with a total strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 being researched. I will contact the Deputy again June 1997 and represents an increase of 1,939 (or when the information is to hand. 18.1%) in the personnel strength of the Force during that period. Garda Complaints Procedures. I have been further informed that the person- nel strength (all ranks) of the Clare Division as 548. Mr. Costello asked the Minister for at 31 December, 2005 and as at 4 July, 2006 was Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his attention 261 and 268, respectively. The personnel strength has been drawn to the allegations that a person of the Clare Division as at 31 December, 1997 (details supplied) in Dublin 1 was assaulted in a was 219 (all ranks) which represents an increase Garda station recently; and if he will make a of 49 (or 22%) in the number of Garda personnel statement on the matter. [27458/06] assigned to the Clare Division during that period. In addition, I would point out to the Deputy that Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the Division’s resources are further augmented (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda by a number of Garda National Units such as the authorities that on 28 June, 2006 the person con- Garda National Drugs Unit, the Garda National cerned was detained under the provisions of Immigration Bureau (GNIB), the Criminal section 23, Misuse of Drugs Acts 1977-1984, and Assets Bureau (CAB) and other specialised units. was brought to a Garda station for the purposes It is the responsibility of Garda management to of a drug search. I am further informed that no allocate personnel to and within Divisions on a complaint of assault or ill treatment was made by priority basis in accordance with the require- the person concerned, or any person on his ments of different areas. These personnel allo- behalf, at the time of his release or subsequently. cations are determined by a number of factors including demographics, crime trends, adminis- Garda Operations. trative functions and other operational policing 549. Mr. Costello asked the Minister for needs. Such allocations are continually monitored Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason a and reviewed along with overall policing arrange- Garda helicopter is employed regularly in the ments and operational strategy. This ensures that north inner city; if his attention has been drawn optimum use is made of Garda resources, and to the fact that residents are complaining about that the best possible service is provided to the loud, intrusive noise at all hours of the night; the public. number of arrests made in Dublin 1 as a result I should add that the current recruitment drive of helicopter surveillance; and if he will make a to increase the strength of the Garda Sı´ocha´na to statement on the matter. [27459/06] 14,000 members, in line with the commitment in the Agreed Programme for Government, is fully Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform on target. This will lead to a combined strength, (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the of both attested Gardaı´ and recruits in training, Garda authorities that since January 1, 2006 the of 14,000 by the end of this year. The first group Garda Air Support Unit (GASU) has made 39 of newly attested Gardaı´ under this accelerated specific flights to the North Central Division and recruitment programme came on stream in has assisted in the arrest of 18 persons during March and the second such group did so on the these deployments. 8th of June. Further tranches of approximately I am further advised that there has been a small 275 newly attested Gardaı´ will follow every 90 number of complaints regarding over-flying by days thereafter until the programme is complete. the Garda helicopter to date in 2006. One com- The Garda Commissioner will now be drawing up plaint was received, in recent days, from a resi- plans on how best to distribute and manage these dent in the North Central Division, relating to the 1705 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1706 noise of a Helicopter. At that time the helicopter Equality and Law Reform the action he will be was assisting in the DMR North Central with the taking in relation to correspondence received investigation of a serious road traffic collision from a person (details supplied) in County involving a child. The Superintendent with Wexford; and if he will make a statement on the responsibility for the GASU spoke directly to the matter. [27462/06] individual concerned and explained in full the details of the operation. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform It is Garda policy to minimise noise pollution (Mr. McDowell): It is my intention to reply to the by Garda aircraft to the greatest extent possible. correspondence in question shortly. However, as the Deputy can appreciate, it is not always possible to do so for operational reasons. Asylum Applications. 552. Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Visa Applications. Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will 550. Mr. G. Murphy asked the Minister for expedite a decision in the case of a person (details Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will grant supplied) in County Kilkenny; and if he will make an extension to a holiday visa for a person a statement on the matter. [27526/06] (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform make a statement on the matter. [27460/06] (Mr. McDowell): The person in question made a family reunification application in June 2005. The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform application was forwarded to the Refugee Appli- (Mr. McDowell): The person concerned was cations Commissioner for investigation as granted a C visit visa to enter the State for a required under Section 18 of the Refugee Act period of three months. It now appears that she 1996. This investigation is completed and the is seeking an extension of her permission to Commissioner has forwarded a report to my remain in the State. An examination of the pap- Department. ers in relation to the case indicates that the per- Applications of this type are dealt with in son concerned sought an extension of her C Visit chronological order. This application will be con- Visa with the Immigration Division of my sidered by my Department and a decision will Department and was refused. Notification of this issue in due course. decision issued on the 28th June 2006. A wrap-around information sheet accompanies Garda Deployment. every visa application form. That sheet makes it clear to the applicant that, in general, persons 553. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for granted visas for particular purposes are not per- Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of mitted to remain in the State for any purpose Gardaı´ based in each Garda station in the North other than that for which the visa was granted. Tipperary area for the years 2002 to date in 2006; Every visa applicant is required to state on the if he intends to increase the numbers in any application form the dates on which he or she location; and if he will make a statement on the proposes to enter and leave Ireland. He or she matter. [27528/06] is also required to declare that the information supplied is correct and complete. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform A C Visa is granted for visits of less than 90 (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the days. As a consequence it is not the general policy Garda Commissioner that the personnel strength to extend permission to remain to persons who of An Garda Sı´ocha´na increased to a record are admitted initially for a period of 90 days or 12,641 (all ranks) on Thursday 8 June with the less on a C visa, save in very exceptional and attestation of 273 new members. This compares unforeseen circumstances. The person concerned with a total strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 must leave and reapply from outside the State June 1997 and represents an increase of 1,939 (or should she wish to return. She should include in 18.1%) in the personnel strength of the Force her new visa application the purpose and dur- during that period. ation of her intended stay. I have been further informed that the person- nel strength (all ranks) of each Garda Station in the 3 Garda Districts of North Tipperary as at 31 Departmental Correspondence. December, 2002-2005, inclusively, and as at 4 551. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Justice, July, 2006 was as set out in the table.

Stations 31/12/02 31/12/03 31/12/04 31/12/05 4/07/06

Thurles 62 59 63 67 67 Ballingarry South 11111 Holycross 22111 Killenaule 23221 1707 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1708

[Mr. McDowell.]

Stations 31/12/02 31/12/03 31/12/04 31/12/05 4/07/06

Ballinure ————— Johnstown 22211 Urlingford 22222 Littleton 11111 Nenagh 32 32 32 30 33 Ballingarry North 1 — — — — Borrisokane 55544 Cloughjordan 21111 Dolla 11111 Portroe 22222 Toomevara 12222 Ballinderry/ Terryglass 11111 Templemore 26 26 25 24 27 Templetuohy 11111 Roscrea 18 19 18 19 19 Moyne 22222 Templederry 21111 Borrisoleigh 22111 Shevry 1111— Moneygall 11111

In addition, I would point out to the Deputy that of North Tipperary will be given the fullest con- the Division’s resources are further augmented sideration. by a number of Garda National Units such as the Garda National Drugs Unit, the Garda National Northern Ireland Issues. Immigration Bureau (GNIB), the Criminal 554. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister Assets Bureau (CAB) and other specialised units. for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if, in view It is the responsibility of Garda management to of the continuing refusal of the British Govern- allocate personnel to and within Divisions on a ment to initiate a public inquiry into the murder priority basis in accordance with the require- of Pat Finucane and therefore into the activities ments of different areas. These personnel allo- of the Force Research Unit, he has satisfied him- cations are determined by a number of factors self that he has received all potentially relevant including demographics, crime trends, adminis- information from the British authorities in the trative functions and other operational policing North and the PSNI regarding the 1991 murder needs. Such allocations are continually monitored of Councillor Eddie Fullerton and the possible and reviewed along with overall policing arrange- involvement of the Force Research Unit in that ments and operational strategy. This ensures that murder. [27532/06] optimum use is made of Garda resources, and that the best possible service is provided to the 555. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister public. for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if, in view I should add that the current recruitment drive of the emerging evidence of special branch to increase the strength of the Garda Sı´ocha´na to informers within loyalist paramilitaries, he has 14,000 members, in line with the commitment in satisfied himself that he has received all poten- tially relevant information from the British auth- the Agreed Programme for Government, is fully orities in the North and the PSNI regarding the on target. This will lead to a combined strength, 1991 murder of Councillor Eddie Fullerton and of both attested Gardaı´ and recruits in training, the possible involvement of special branch in that of 14,000 by the end of this year. The first group murder. [27533/06] of newly attested Gardaı´ under this accelerated recruitment programme came on stream in 556. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Minister March and the second such group did so on the for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if, in view 8th of June. Further tranches of approximately of the reply given by him over a year ago to a 275 newly attested Gardaı´ will follow every 90 parliamentary question from Deputy Aengus O´ days thereafter until the programme is complete. Snodaigh which stated that the Garda review of The Garda Commissioner will now be drawing up the investigation into the 1991 murder of Council- plans on how best to distribute and manage these lor Eddie Fullerton was drawing to a close, he additional resources, and in this context the needs will make that review available to his family and 1709 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1710 if he will make a statement on its findings. Section 185 of the Bill amends section 19 of the [27534/06] Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994 in order to apply the existing offence of assaulting or Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform obstructing a peace officer (or any person assist- (Mr. McDowell): I propose to take Questions ing them) to other emergency workers. Section Nos. 554 to 556, inclusive, together. 185 of the Criminal Justice Bill expands the cur- I would refer the Deputy to my reply to rent definition of ‘peace officer’ which is a Parliamentary Question No. 295 of 1 February, member of the Garda Sı´ocha´na or the Defence 2006. The extensive Garda review of the case was Forces or prison officers acting in the execution substantively completed in March 2005, at which of their duty, to include members of the fire brig- point I received an interim report from the Garda ade and ambulance personnel in order to put authorities. Nothing has emerged as a result of them on the same footing as, for example, the that Garda review which would justify the hold- Gardaı´ and give them the same protection. ing of an inquiry, public or private, into the mur- In addition the Bill further amends section 19 der. I caused this and other information to be in order to create specific offences of threatening, communicated in writing to both the solicitor act- assaulting, resisting, wilfully obstructing or ing on behalf of the victim’s family and directly impeding doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, to a family member in October and November pharmacists, other health service workers and any 2005, respectively. I do not propose to publish or persons assisting them in or at a hospital. otherwise release the interim Garda report. The penalties in relation to an offence under In relation to the outstanding matter of a mut- section 19 of the 1994 Act are also being ual assistance request made of the British auth- increased. The maximum penalty on indictment orities, this has not yet been executed. However, for assault or threats to commit assault will be a I understand that the Garda Sı´ocha´na has been in fine and/or 7 years imprisonment, up from 5 direct contact with the Police Service of Northern years. The penalty on summary conviction will be Ireland and that the Garda authorities anticipate a fine of up to \5,000 (currently £1,000) and/or 12 that all information sought will be made available months imprisonment. With regard to the offence in due course. I have already given a commitment of wilful obstruction or impeding health service to the family’s solicitor and a family member that workers the maximum penalty on summary con- I will be in further contact with the solicitor as viction will be a fine of \2,500 (currently £500) soon as all additional information is available and and/or 6 months imprisonment. has been assessed and a final Garda report sub- Although the law already provides for a range mitted to me. of assault type offences, for example, under the I can assure the Deputy that the Garda investi- Non-fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997, gation into the murder remains open and that any I believe the special demands of acting in an further lines of inquiry arising from new infor- emergency situation necessitate explicit statutory mation from whatever quarter will be actively protection for this essential group of workers and pursued by the Garda Sı´ocha´na. those assisting them. That is why I brought for- Finally, the Government remains committed, in ward my proposals to extend the existing offences close co-operation with the Finucane family, to relating to assaulting or obstructing peace officers seeking to secure the holding of a full public to other workers providing emergency services. I inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane. More- am pleased that the Houses have agreed my pro- over, the Government remains concerned about posals. I intend to commence these provisions persistent reports of collusion between security without delay once the Bill has been signed by forces and paramilitaries in Northern Ireland, and the President. these issues are consistently raised with the Brit- ish Government. Crime Prevention. 558. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for Proposed Legislation. Justice, Equality and Law Reform if a definitive, 557. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for cross-Departmental strategy is being developed Justice, Equality and Law Reform when legis- to address and combat the increasing numbers lation will be brought in regarding the categoris- and severity of attacks on emergency personnel; ation of attacks on emergency personnel, an the elements of this strategy; the timeframe which increase in penalties for people convicted of has been set for the development of this strategy; attacks on emergency personnel, and plans for and if he will make a statement on the matter. the implementation of such legislation; and if he [27583/06] will make a statement on the matter. [27582/06] Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda (Mr. McDowell): As the Deputy will be aware authorities that in recent times there have been the Criminal Justice Bill 2004 which has been three incidents of a particularly serious nature passed by both Houses makes specific provisions involving attacks on emergency personnel. These in relation to attacks on emergency workers. incidents are being actively investigated by the 1711 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1712

[Mr. McDowell.] needs. Such allocations are continually monitored Garda authorities, and a person has been arrested and reviewed along with overall policing arrange- and charged in respect of one of these incidents. ments and operational strategy. This ensures that In October 2000 Gardaı´ met Dublin Fire Brig- optimum use is made of Garda resources, and ade personnel regarding the issue of Garda that the best possible service is provided to the response to fire brigade personnel under attack public. or threat of attack. This resulted in an action plan I should add that the current recruitment drive being drawn up to ensure a rapid and effective to increase the strength of the Garda Sı´ocha´na to response to deal with incidents where Dublin Fire 14,000 members, in line with the commitment in Brigade personnel find themselves under attack the Agreed Programme for Government, is fully or threat of attack. I am assured by the Garda on target. This will lead to a combined strength, authorities that there is a good working relation- of both attested Gardaı´ and recruits in training, ship between the Garda authorities and the Dublin Fire Brigade service, with immediate of 14,000 by the end of this year. The first group assistance and support provided to the service of newly attested Gardaı´ under this accelerated when requested. recruitment programme came on stream in March and the second such group did so on the Garda Deployment. 8th of June. Further tranches of approximately 275 newly attested Gardaı´ will follow every 90 559. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Justice, days thereafter until the programme is complete. Equality and Law Reform the number of gardaı´ The Garda Commissioner will now be drawing who are stationed in South Tipperary towns up plans on how best to distribute and manage (details supplied); the number of extra gardaı´ these additional resources, and in this context the who have been allocated to each town listed since needs of the towns referred to by the Deputy will ´ 2002; the number of gardaı who have been taken be given the fullest consideration. away from each town listed since 2002, and the number of gardaı´ who are located in each of the towns per thousand citizens. [27584/06] Garda Stations. 560. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Justice, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Equality and Law Reform the number of Garda (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the stations in South Tipperary which are without a Garda Commissioner that the personnel strength full-time Garda presence; and the stations where of An Garda Sı´ocha´na increased to a record this is the case. [27585/06] 12,641 (all ranks) on Thursday 8 June with the attestation of 273 new members. This compares Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform with a total strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the June 1997 and represents an increase of 1,939 (or 18.1%) in the personnel strength of the Force Garda Commissioner that the personnel strength during that period. of An Garda Sı´ocha´na increased to a record I have been further informed that the person- 12,641 (all ranks) on Thursday 8 June with the nel strength (all ranks) of Clonmel, Carrick-On- attestation of 273 new members. This compares Suir, Tipperary Town, Cahir, Fethard and Cashel with a total strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 Garda Stations as at 31 December, 2002 and 4 June 1997 and represents an increase of 1,939 (or July, 2006 is as set out in the table. The table also 18.1%) in the personnel strength of the Force sets out the population of each of the towns in during that period. question based on figures from the 2002 Census I have been further informed that the Garda of Population. Stations in South Tipperary as shown in the tables have Garda members attached to the Station and Station 31/12/2002 4/07/2006 Pop. are open for specified hours on a weekly basis, but are not open to the public on a 24-hour basis. Clonmel 39 45 20,129 Where personnel in Sub-District Stations are not Carrick-On-Suir 16 16 7,284 available, Gardaı´ attached to the relevant District Tipperary Town 30 32 7,999 Headquarters Station patrol the Sub-District and attend to calls requiring attention. Cahir 25 30 5,125 Fethard 3 2 3,857 Clonmel District Cashel 12 14 5,030

Fethard It is the responsibility of Garda management to Mullinahone allocate personnel to and within Divisions on a priority basis in accordance with the require- Kilsheelan ments of different areas. These personnel allo- Piltown cations are determined by a number of factors Grangemockler including demographics, crime trends, adminis- trative functions and other operational policing 1713 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1714

Cahir and Tipperary in South Tipperary since Cahir District 1997. I have been further informed that there are currently no plans to close any Garda Stations in Ardfinnan the Tipperary Division. Ballyporeen Clogheen Question No. 562 answered with Question No. 531. New Inn Decentralisation Programme.

Tipperary Town District 563. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the progress which has Bansha been made on the decentralisation of sections of Cappawhite his Department to Tipperary town. [27588/06] Doon Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Dundrum (Mr. McDowell): The timetable for my Depart- Golden ment’s decentralisation programme has been Oola published in the most recent Report from the Emly Decentralisation Implementation Group to the Galbally Minister for Finance, dated 30 June 2005. The programme runs from 2004 to 2009. As the Deputy will be aware, the Private Secur- It is the responsibility of Garda management to ity Authority has been up and running in allocate personnel to and within Divisions on a Tipperary Town since October, 2004. A further priority basis in accordance with the require- 186 posts from the Irish Naturalisation and Immi- ments of different areas. These personnel allo- gration Service (INIS) are also scheduled to move cations are determined by a number of factors in 2008 and a site for this office in the town has including demographics, crime trends, adminis- been identified. The Office of Public Works have trative functions and other operational policing informed me that the contracts are now in place needs. Such allocations are continually monitored and it is expected that the sale of the site will and reviewed along with overall policing arrange- close shortly. ments and operational strategy. This ensures that optimum use is made of Garda resources, and that the best possible service is provided to the Asylum Support Services. public. 564. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, I should add that the current recruitment drive Equality and Law Reform if an accommodation to increase the strength of the Garda Sı´ocha´na to transfer request will be granted in the case of a 14,000 members, in line with the commitment in person (details supplied) in County Meath; and if the Agreed Programme for Government, is fully he will make a statement on the matter. on target. This will lead to a combined strength, [27669/06] of both attested Gardaı´ and recruits in training, of 14,000 by the end of this year. The first group Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform of newly attested Gardaı´ under this accelerated (Mr. McDowell): In June 2005 the family men- recruitment programme came on stream in tioned in the Question were accommodated in March and the second such group did so on the Birchwood House in Waterford. They made a 8th of June. Further tranches of approximately request for a transfer to more suitable accom- 275 newly attested Gardaı´ will follow every 90 modation supported by documentation from a days thereafter until the programme is complete. clinical psychologist. They were subsequently The Garda Commissioner will now be drawing up transferred to Mosney Accommodation Centre. plans on how best to distribute and manage these In June 2006 the Reception and Integration additional resources, and in this context the needs Agency received a request to transfer to self- of South Tipperary will be given the fullest con- catering accommodation again supported by the sideration. original documentation. A reply issued on 30th June 2006 requesting an up to date consultant’s 561. Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Justice, or registrar’s report. Equality and Law Reform the number of Garda Further medical documentation, when stations in South Tipperary which have closed received, will be considered by a medical referee since 1997; and the number which are due to be who will assess the requirement for self-catering closed in the coming five years. [27586/06] accommodation. The Reception and Integration Agency has a limited supply of self catering Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform accommodation within its portfolio and there are (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the currently a number of families who are awaiting Garda authorities that there have been no Garda placement at such centres. Stations closed in the Garda Districts of Clonmel, 1715 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1716

Refugee Status. issue of certification fees is a matter for these 565. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, bodies and not for this Department. Equality and Law Reform if he will review the decision to refuse an application by a person Retirement Age. (details supplied) to have their Irish born child 568. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for named on their travel documents; and if he will Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he has given make a statement on the matter. [27671/06] due consideration to extending the retirement age for members of An Garda Sı´ocha´na to 60; if Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform he accepts that such an approach would provide (Mr. McDowell): The person in question was an additional pool of experienced officers at little granted refugee status in the State. His son was cost because of deferment of pension costs; and if not included in his application for asylum and as he now proposes to make this change. [27675/06] such was not granted refugee status. As the child does not have refugee status he cannot be Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform included on the person in question’s 1951 UN (Mr. McDowell): The current position is that Convention travel document. members of ranks in the Garda Sı´ocha´na up to It is open to the person in question to make an and including Inspector, who were recruited to application for a travel document on behalf of his the Force prior to 1 April, 2004, must retire at 57 son. Such an application would be considered years of age. Members recruited after that date with due regard to the particular circumstances in may serve until 60, subject to an annual check this case. after the age of 55 on fitness to serve. In the context of the establishment of a Garda Crime Prevention. Reserve, I have said that I see merit in consider- 566. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, ing an increase in the retirement age of pre-2004 Equality and Law Reform if, in this country or members of Garda, Sergeant and Inspector ranks throughout the EU, efforts are being made to from 57 to 60 to facilitate the supervision and deter the use of the internet for the pursuit of mentoring of reserve members by members of child pornography or people trafficking; and if he those ranks. I will be discussing this with the will make a statement on the matter. [27672/06] Commissioner in finalising preparations for the establishment of the Reserve. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I refer the Deputy to my reply Refugee Status. to Parliamentary Question No. 381 (ref: 26719/06) of the 5th July 2006. 569. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position or expected residency status in the case of persons Private Security Services. (details supplied) in County Meath; and if he will 567. Mr. English asked the Minister for Justice, make a statement on the matter. [27705/06] Equality and Law Reform if his attention has been drawn to the high costs involved in Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform obtaining certification under the I.S. EN 50131 (Mr. McDowell): As the Deputy will be aware, Part 1997 Certification Scheme for intrusion applications for refugee status in the State are system; if this cost is excessive and could prevent determined by an independent process compris- certain entrants due to the high costs; and if he ing the Office of the Refugee Applications Com- will make a statement on the matter. [27674/06] missioner and the Refugee Appeals Tribunal which make recommendations to the Minister for Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Justice, Equality and Law Reform on whether (Mr. McDowell): From 1 August, 2006, all con- such status should be granted. tractors installing intruder alarm systems will It is not the practice to comment in detail on require a Private Security Authority (PSA) individual asylum applications. However, I am licence to continue providing this security service. advised that the finalisation of the cases referred The PSA is a statutory agency of this Department to by the Deputy must await the outcome of with responsibility for the licensing and regu- judicial review proceedings. lation of the private security industry in this State under the provisions of the Private Security Crime Levels. Services Act, 2004. All licences issued by the PSA are underpinned 570. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, by standards. The standard for issue of an Equality and Law Reform the number of armed installer of intruder alarms licence is EN 50131. robberies that have taken place in the city and Certification for EN50131 may be obtained from county of Waterford every year from 2000 to an accredited certification body, all of which are 2005; and if he will make a statement on the listed on the PSA website at www.psa.gov.ie. The matter. [27757/06] 1717 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1718

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform 581. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda Equality and Law Reform the number of Gardai authorities that the information requested by the that were stationed in the City and County of Deputy is not readily available and is currently Waterford for each year from 2000 through to the being researched. I will contact the Deputy again present number in 2006; and if he will make a when the information is to hand. statement on the matter. [27843/06] 583. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of Gardaı´ Garda Deployment. serving in the City and County of Waterford for 571. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, each of the years from 1997 to date in 2006; and Equality and Law Reform the number of Gardaı´ if he will make a statement on the matter. stationed in the Dungarvan district every year [27855/06] from 2000 to 2005 and to date in 2006; and if he Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform will make a statement on the matter. [27758/06] (Mr. McDowell): I propose to take Questions Nos. 571 to 573, inclusive, 581 and 583 together. I have been informed by the Garda Com- 572. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, missioner that the personnel strength of An Equality and Law Reform the number of An Garda Sı´ocha´na increased to a record 12,641 (all Garda Sı´ocha´na stationed in the Tramore District ranks) on Thursday 8 June with the attestation every year from 2000 to 2005 and to date in 2006; of 273 new members. This compares with a total and if he will make a statement on the matter. strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 June 1997 [27759/06] and represents an increase of 1,939 (or 18.1%) in the personnel strength of the Force during that 573. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, period. Equality and Law Reform the number of An I have been further informed that the person- Garda Sı´ocha´na stationed in the Waterford City nel strength of each Garda District in the District every year from 2000 to 2005 and to date Waterford/ Kilkenny Division as at 31 December in 2006; and if he will make a statement on the 1997-2005, inclusively, and as at 4 July, 2006 was matter. [27761/06] as set out in the table hereunder:

District 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 4/7/06

Waterford 130 142 142 138 144 145 150 149 147 160 Dungarvan 43 43 47 48 49 49 47 48 47 51 Tramore 34 34 36 37 39 38 37 41 42 41 Kilkenny 66 69 68 75 79 77 79 78 73 80 Thomastown 33 34 34 34 35 34 33 34 34 35

Total 306 322 327 332 346 343 346 350 343 367

This represents an increase of 61 (or 20%) in the that the best possible service is provided to the number of Garda personnel assigned to the public. Waterford/ Kilkenny Division during that period. I should add that the current recruitment drive In addition, I would point out to the Deputy to increase the strength of the Garda Sı´ocha´na to that the Division’s resources are further aug- 14,000 members, in line with the commitment in mented by a number of Garda National Units the Agreed Programme for Government, is fully such as the Garda National Drugs Unit, the on target. This will lead to a combined strength, Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB), the of both attested Gardaı´ and recruits in training, Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) and other of 14,000 by the end of this year. The first group ´ specialised units. of newly attested Gardaı under this accelerated recruitment programme came on stream in It is the responsibility of Garda management to March and the second such group did so on 8 allocate personnel to and within Divisions on a June. Further tranches of approximately 275 priority basis in accordance with the require- newly attested Gardaı´ will follow every 90 days ments of different areas. These personnel allo- thereafter until the programme is complete. The cations are determined by a number of factors Garda Commissioner will now be drawing up including demographics, crime trends, adminis- plans on how best to distribute and manage these trative functions and other operational policing additional resources, and in this context the needs needs. Such allocations are continually monitored of Waterford/Kilkenny Division will be given the and reviewed along with overall policing arrange- fullest consideration. ments and operational strategy. This ensures that optimum use is made of Garda resources, and Garda Investigations. 574. Dr. Twomey asked the Minister for 1719 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1720

[Dr. Twomey.] 577. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Justice, Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his attention Equality and Law Reform the number of posi- has been drawn to a Garda investigation into tions in State bodies under the aegis of his missing files at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Department which are affected by the increase in Drogheda; if such an investigation has taken or is non-executive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies taking place; if it has been completed; if actions recently sanctioned by the Government. have been taken on foot of the investigation; and [27802/06] if he will make a statement on the matter. [27768/06] Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I can inform the Deputy that Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the following State Bodies under the aegis of my (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda Department are affected by the recent increase in authorities that a full Garda investigation into non-executive Chairpersons’ fees: missing files at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Private Security Authority Drogheda, County Louth was previously carried out and a file forwarded to the Law Officers. The National Disability Authority Law Officers directed that there should be no Equality Authority prosecution. Commission for the Support of Victims of The subsequent report of Judge Harding Crime Clarke has been examined by the Gardaı´ with a view to ascertaining if the enquiry has identified Internet Advisory Board any other area that should be examined in order Land Registry and Registry of Deeds to advance the criminal investigation. One area has been identified and investigations concerning Legal Aid Board this matter are currently being conducted. Garda Sı´ocha´na Complaints Board

Asylum Support Services. Parole Board 575. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, The Deputy may also wish to note that, although Equality and Law Reform the number of asylum the Children’s Act Monitoring Committee is one of the bodies listed in the recent Department of seekers housed in the city and county of Water- Finance circular on this subject, the Committee is ford in each year from 2000 to 2005 and to date currently chaired by an Assistant Garda Com- in 2006; and if he will make a statement on the missioner, who does not receive additional matter. [27772/06] remuneration for this role. Similarly, the Courts Service, although listed as one of the bodies Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform affected, is chaired by the Chief Justice, who also (Mr. McDowell): The information sought in this does not receive additional remuneration for question is not compiled on a city or county basis. this role. Accordingly it is not readily available and cannot be supplied from existing records within the time 578. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Justice, allowed for this PQ. The information requested Equality and Law Reform the number of is being specially compiled, insofar as it is pos- taskforces which have been created by his sible to do so while avoiding the use of dispro- Department and their function, size, membership, portionate resources, and will be forwarded to the reporting mechanism and period of existence Deputy as soon as possible. since 1997. [27822/06]

Departmental Agencies. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): One entity established under 576. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Justice, my Department’s aegis since 1997 was described Equality and Law Reform the budgetary allo- as a taskforce — the Youth Justice Taskforce. cation for each of the public bodies, executive The remit of the taskforce was to: examine the agencies, advisory bodies and taskforces scope for rationalising and restructuring the operating under his Department. [27788/06] State’s youth justice services; carry out an analyti- cal review and scoping exercise, nationally and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform internationally; consult with relevant Depart- (Mr. McDowell): I wish to refer the Deputy to ments, Government Agencies and Non-govern- the Revised Book of Estimates for 2006, specifi- mental bodies; examine developments at national cally Votes 19 to 23, which set out in some detail and international level with a focus on youth the allocations to the principal bodies and agen- crime and appropriate interventions; make cies operating under my Department’s aegis. In recommendations for any reforms for the deliv- the case of certain of the smaller entities, a spec- ery of a seamless service in the youth justice area. ific subhead is not provided for and in many of In October 2004 the Government endorsed a these cases any expenditure arising will be sub- joint initiative by myself and the Minister for sumed within the Department’s overall budget. Children to set up an internal project team to 1721 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1722 review the Irish youth justice system which was Equality and Law Reform the number of cases to report by Summer 2005. The team was headed handled by the Probation Service from 2000 to by Ms. Sylda Langford, now Director General of date in 2006; and the number of staff employed the Office of the Minister for Children, and com- by the Probation Service for the same period. prised a small number of officials from my [27830/06] Department. The taskforce completed it’s work and submitted it’s report in 2005. Following Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform examination of it’s recommendations by the (Mr. McDowell): I wish to advise the Deputy that Cabinet Committee on Social Inclusion and a the number of cases handled by the Probation subsequent submission to the Government, the Service from 2000 to date in 2006 are as set out report was published in January 2006. in the tables. The Deputy should be aware that The Deputy may also wish to refer to previous the statistics for 2005 are subject to review due to Parliamentary Questions regarding working groups and other such groups, for example, refinements and upgrading currently underway Parliamentary Question Number 305 of 17 May, on the case tracking system of the Probation 2005. Service. The final outturns for 2005 are expected to be confirmed in the coming weeks. The Probation and Welfare Service. Deputy should also be aware that the figures for 579. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, 2006 to date are provisional.

Reports Prepared for Courts

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Pre-Sanction Reports 5,617 4,881 5,056 5,101 6,130 6,385 3,505 Community Service Reports 1,732 1,467 1,560 1,541 1,307 2,040 1,287 Victim Reports 52 64 57 60 78 64 40

Total number of reports 7,401 6,412 6,673 6,702 7,515 8,489 4,832

Supervision Undertaken

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Probation Order 1,345 1,228 1,265 1,217 1,878 1,274 887 Community Service Order 998 756 916 893 843 1,167 850 Post Release Supervision 116 118 155 207 129 81 99 Supervision during deferment of penalty 2,625 2,373 2,334 3,048 5,623 5,230 2,100

Total 5,084 4,475 4,670 5,365 8,473 7,752 3,936

The total number of staff employed by the Pro- bation Service for the same period was as follows:

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Number Serving * 247.00 307.5 328.5 329.1 341.2 342.88 357.26 *It should be noted that these figures are inclusive of administrative staff.

In addition to the above, the Service currently orities that there are a total of 11 hand-held employs 79 Community Service Supervisors 23 of devices allocated to Gardai in the following whom are employed on a full-time basis. Garda Districts in Waterford:

Garda Equipment. Total 580. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of hand- Waterford City 6 held devices to record penalty points offences Dungarvan 3 held by Gardaı´ in County Waterford; and if he Tramore 2 will make a statement on the matter. [27835/06]

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Question No. 581 answered with Question (Mr. McDowell): I am advised by the Garda auth- No. 571. 1723 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1724

Closed Circuit Television Systems. Crime Levels. 582. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, 586. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when the proposed Equality and Law Reform the crime statistics in closed circuit television systems for Waterford each area (details supplied) for each years since City and Dungarvan are to be installed and oper- 2000 under each headline, including the total ational; and if he will make a statement on the number recorded and detected; the way in which matter. [27851/06] these figures compare nationally; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27934/06] Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I wish to refer the Deputy to Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform my reply to Parliamentary Questions No. 577 and (Mr. McDowell): Headline crime statistics for the 578 of Tuesday, 4 July, 2006. years 2000 to 2005 for the Garda Divisions of Tipperary and Clare, which include the Garda Question No. 583 answered with Question Districts of Thurles, Templemore, Nenagh, No. 571. Tipperary, and Killaloe, are contained in the rel- evant Garda Annual Reports. These reports are available in the Oireachtas Library. Crime Prevention. 584. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, Visa Applications. Equality and Law Reform the level of active sup- 587. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for port for Neighbourhood Watch initiatives across Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he has Waterford City; the number of active committees received representations from a person (details which are working currently with the Gardaı´; the supplied) with regard to their application for a approximate proportion of the city covered by visa; the status of this application; and the further same; and if he will make a statement on the information they are required to provide. matter. [27861/06] [27935/06]

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): Neighbourhood Watch was (Mr. McDowell): My Department has no record established in 1985 as a crime prevention measure of a current application in respect of the person for urban areas. There are approximately 2,600 in question. Neighbourhood Watch schemes in operation throughout the country. Since its establishment, Garda Equipment. the Garda authorities have sought to encourage the active participation of the public in Neigh- 588. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his plans to allocate bourhood Watch by encouraging and supporting cycle equipment to Shankill Garda Station; if he communities to establish and maintain such will give details of such an application; and if he initiatives. An Garda Sı´ocha´na has been a stra- will make a statement on the matter. [27936/06] tegic partner in driving and supporting Neigh- bourhood Watch through its Community Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Relations Section and local Garda management, (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the and has deployed Crime Prevention Officers and Garda Commissioner that the personnel strength Liaison Gardaı´ to assist schemes. of An Garda Sı´ocha´na increased to a record I am informed by the Garda authorities that 12,641 (all ranks) on Thursday 8 June with the there are approximately 30 active Neighbourhood attestation of 273 new members. This compares Watch schemes in Waterford City, which cover with a total strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 most of the city. All of these schemes are actively June 1997 and represents an increase of 1,939 (or supported by the Garda Sı´ocha´na. 18.1%) in the personnel strength of the Force during that period. Drug Seizures. I have been further informed that there is cur- rently one (1) Mountain bike allocated to Shank- 585. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Justice, ill Garda Station and two (2) members of An Equality and Law Reform the amounts and esti- Garda Sı´ocha´na have been trained and are fully mated value of drug seizures in the City and equipped to utilise this bike within the Sub- County of Waterford in each of the past five District. years to 2005. [27866/06] 589. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Equality and Law Reform the details of all cycle (Mr. McDowell): It has not been possible, within equipment provided to the Garda stations in Du´ n the timeframe available, to collate the infor- Laoghaire-Rathdown since January 2003; and if mation required by the Deputy. I will contact the he will make a statement on the matter. Deputy directly when the information is to hand. [27937/06] 1725 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1726

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the (Mr. McDowell): I wish to refer the Deputy to Garda authorities, who are responsible for the my reply to Parliamentary Question No. 558 of detailed allocation of resources, including person- Tuesday, 4 July, 2006. nel, that since January, 2003 the number of Garda Mountain Bikes allocated to the Garda Stations Missing Persons. concerned was as set out in the table hereunder: 593. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will reconsider Station Bikes the funding application submitted by the Missing in Ireland Support Service for \71,000 to estab- Du´ n Laoghaire 2 lish, staff and operate a helpline for missing per- Bray 2 sons; and if he will make a statement on the Shankill 1 matter. [27941/06] Blackrock 2 Dundrum 1 Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I refer the Deputy to Stepaside 1 Parliamentary Questions Nos. 436 to 443, inclus- ive and 445 and 446 together which were answered on 20 June, 2006 in which I advised that 590. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, I had established a new Commission for the Sup- Equality and Law Reform if he will consider port of Victims of Crime in March 2005 to devise making cycle training a compulsory part of train- an appropriate support framework for victims of ing for every member of An Garda Sı´ocha´na; and crime into the future and to disburse funding for if he will make a statement on the matter. victim support measures. [27938/06] I take it that the request to me to reconsider the funding application submitted by the Missing Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform in Ireland Support Service for \71,000 as men- (Mr. McDowell): Mountain Bike Units are tioned in the question refers to the funding appli- engaged in mainstream policing, in conjunction cation made by that organisation to the Com- with the Community Policing Units, concentrat- mission for the Support for Victims of Crime ing on areas such as parks and laneways, which rather than to any application made to me or are more easily accessed by such transport and my Department. supplement beat and other mobile patrols. The I am advised that the Commission received a Mountain Bike Units have been very successful in funding application in April 2005 from Missing in tackling anti-social disorderly behaviour in local Ireland Support Service for \71,600 to establish, parks and estates. They work well in conjunction staff and operate a helpline for missing persons. with other Units due to their ability to respond After careful consideration of the application the quickly and effectively and provide a high visi- Commission decided to offer funding of \25,000. bility presence. However, this offer was rejected by the Missing I am advised by the Garda authorities that in Ireland Support Service. No request was made arrangements are in place for training in the use to the Commission from Missing in Ireland Sup- of Garda mountain bikes to be delivered port Service to reconsider the funding allocated nationally. I am not aware that the Commissioner in 2005. The funding allocation from the Com- has any plans to make cycle training a compulsory mission for 2005 was fully allocated in that year. part of training for every member of An Garda It should be borne in mind in this context that Sı´ocha´na. the Commission is charged with funding support services for victims of crime, and that, while some 591. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, persons who are missing are crime victims, most Equality and Law Reform when anti-stab vests are not. will be distributed to all members of An Garda I am also advised that the Commission for the Sı´ocha´na as promised some time ago; and if he Support of Victims of Crime in April, 2006 will make a statement on the matter. [27939/06] invited applications from organisations providing services to victims of crime, for a funding allo- Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform cation for 2006. It was open to the Missing in (Mr. McDowell): I wish to refer the Deputy to Ireland Support organisation to make such an my reply to Parliamentary Question No. 557 of application. I am advised that no application has Tuesday, 4 July, 2006. been received by the Commission to date. I understand that although the closing date for applications has passed, if the Missing in Ireland 592. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, Support Service organisation wished to make a Equality and Law Reform his plans to provide late application and make a case for the allo- pepper spray to all members of An Garda Sı´och- cation of some funding for 2006 from the Com- a´na; and if he will make a statement on the mission for the Support of Victims of Crime, any matter. [27940/06] 1727 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1728

[Mr. McDowell.] have yet to be implemented; and if he will make such application would be carefully considered on a statement on the matter. [27943/06] own its merits by the Commission. I should point out that the Commission is Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform entirely independent in the performance of its (Mr. McDowell): The Inspector of Prisons and functions and I am sure that the Deputy will Places of Detention report on St Patrick’s Insti- appreciate that it would not be appropriate for tution contained 14 recommendations. me to comment or intervene in any way with a Eight of these have been implemented. Two of decision taken by the Commission in relation to the remaining recommendations, i.e. that remand the allocation of funding. inmates be kept separate from convicted inmates, As indicated in an earlier Parliamentary Ques- and that St Patrick’s be replaced with a new tion No. 701 of 23 March 2006 it remained open building which has proper open space, playing to Missing in Ireland Support Service to make an fields, activities and regimes suitable for the age application to my Department for assistance if it group, will be achieved through the development so wished. As I understand it no request for fund- of the proposed new prison complex at Thornton, ing by Missing in Ireland Support Service has County Dublin. been made to my Department to date. If my The remaining four recommendations relate to Department is approached with a good business the opening of the new workshops and the B Div- case and tight financing proposals, the proposal ision facilities. An enhanced industrial staffing will be carefully considered on its merit. structure for the newly refurbished workshops has been agreed. The agreed structure comprises of an Industrial Manager, four Industrial Super- Garda Ombudsman. visors and twelve Assistant Industrial Super- 594. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, visors. Arrangements to fill the posts in question Equality and Law Reform the timeframe in which are now in train. The Industrial Manager has the Garda Ombudsman Commission will com- already been appointed while the four Industrial mence its work; and if he will make a statement Supervisors will be in position shortly. Of the on the matter. [27942/06] twelve Assistant Industrial Supervisors, three are already in place. The remaining vacancies will be Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform filled by way of internal competitions over the (Mr. McDowell): The Garda Sı´ocha´na Ombuds- coming weeks. man Commissioners were appointed by the Pres- With regard to the B Division, talks have ident on 10 February 2006, following nomination recently commenced regarding staffing and by the Government and recommendations by regimes issues between management at St both Houses of the Oireachtas. The Commission Patrick’s Institution, the local branch of the is in a preparatory stage at present. I understand Prison Officers’ Association and the Irish Prison that the initial work of the Commission has Service. involved study visits to their counterparts in Northern Ireland and the UK and initial meetings Stardust Disaster. with the various stakeholders involved in the 596. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, Garda complaints system, such as Garda manage- Equality and Law Reform the progress made on ment, the Garda representative bodies and investigating the new evidence presented by the officials of my Department. Stardust relatives and in meeting their other This process is aimed at enabling the Com- requests. [27950/06] mission to establish principles regarding its approach to investigating complaints and to work Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform on the development of operational protocols with (Mr. McDowell): As the Deputy will be aware, the Garda Sı´ocha´na. Consultations are also on- my Department has indicated on several going between the Commissioners, my Depart- occasions that it would arrange for the expert ment and the Department of Finance in regard to examination of any further submission that the staffing matters. The Commission is aiming to be Stardust Victims Committee chooses to make. I in a position to receive complaints as soon as pos- understand that such a submission has in fact now sible in 2007. been submitted to the Taoiseach’s office within the last day and I will consider this question Prison Accommodation. further as soon I receive a copy. 595. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the details of the Closed Circuit Television Systems. number of recommendations of the Inspector of 597. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Justice, Prisons (details supplied) in his report on St Equality and Law Reform when he intends to Patrick’s Institution which have been provide closed circuit television for Castlebar implemented to date; if he will give a timetable town; and if he will make a statement on the for implementation of the recommendations that matter. [27951/06] 1729 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1730

601. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Justice, the type in question. Information regarding the Equality and Law Reform when he intends to breakdown of payments under the headings listed provide closed circuit television for Castlebar by the Deputy is not readily available and could Town; and if he will make a statement on the not be collated without the allocation of a dispro- matter. [28022/06] portionate amount of staff time.

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Visa Applications. (Mr. McDowell): I propose to take Questions Nos. 597 and 601 together. 599. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Castlebar is one of the 17 remaining locations Justice, Equality and Law Reform further to nationwide which form part of the Garda CCTV Parliamentary Question No. 171 of 9 February programme. As part of this programme 17 Garda 2006, if he will provide an update on the appli- Town Centre CCTV Systems will be cation; if he will expedite the case; and if he will implemented in the following locations: Athlone, make a statement on the matter. [27983/06] Ballyfermot, Carlow, Castlebar, Clondalkin, Clonmel, Drogheda, Dungarvan, Ennis, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Kilkenny, Kinsale, Mullingar, Portlaoise, Sligo, (Mr. McDowell): I informed the Deputy in Tallaght, Tullamore and Waterford City. response to Parliamentary Question No. 171 on 9 As I indicated previously I am anxious to accel- February 2006 that the application of the person erate the implementation of this CCTV prog- refereed to would be processed in or around the ramme and reduce as far as possible the workload end of 2007. Due to the increasing volume of of the Garda Sı´ocha´na in this regard. I believe applications being received, it may well be early that the answer is to outsource the installation of 2008 before the application of the person con- Garda CCTV systems to the greatest extent pos- cerned is dealt with. sible, making use not only of the technical but There are over 6,000 applications awaiting pro- also of the project management expertise in the cessing before that of the individual concerned. private sector. The Deputy has not put forward any reasons why I am informed that the Garda authorities are I should give consideration to dealing with the currently finalising a comprehensive and detailed application of the individual concerned before Request for Tender (RFT) for the outsourced the other applications on hands. Consequently, I service provision of these 17 Garda CCTV do not consider it appropriate to expedite the systems, including Castlebar. Once finalised, this case in question. RFT will be subject to a peer review process by the Department of Finance. My Department and Asylum Applications. the Garda authorities have consulted with the 600. Mr. O’Shea asked the Minister for Justice, Department of Finance with a view to preparing Equality and Law Reform if he will grant resi- for the required peer review process in respect of dency to persons (details supplied) in County this procurement. Following the successful con- Waterford; and if he will make a statement on the clusion of this review it is intended to issue the matter. [28004/06] Request for Tender. My ambition is to have a Garda CCTV system Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform operating in Castlebar and in the other 16 (Mr. McDowell): The persons concerned arrived locations at the earliest opportunity, subject to in the State on 1 October, 2001 and applied for compliance with relevant procurement legislation asylum. Their applications were refused following and procedures. consideration of their cases by the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner and, on Departmental Advertising. appeal, by the Refugee Appeals Tribunal. 598. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Justice, Subsequently, in accordance with Section 3 of Equality and Law Reform the amount which was the Immigration Act, 1999, as amended, they spent in his Department for the years 2005 and were informed by letters dated 13 May, 2004, that from January 2006 to date for media purposes or the Minister proposed to make deportation advertising; where the money was spent, that is, orders in respect of them. They were given the national papers, provincial papers, RTE radio, options, to be exercised within 15 working days, local radios and so on; the amounts spent on a of making representations to the Minister setting yearly basis for years of the pervious three years; out the reasons why they should be allowed to if money was spent on videos, for promotional, remain temporarily in the State; leaving the State educational or advertising purposes. [27968/06] before orders are made or consenting to the mak- ing of deportation orders. Representations have Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform been received on behalf of the persons (Mr. McDowell): I wish to refer the Deputy to concerned. my response to Parliamentary Question No. 405 These persons’ case files, including all rep- (ref: 27037/06) yesterday, Wednesday, 5 July, resentations submitted, will be considered under which sets out the Department’s expenditure of Section 3(6) of the Immigration Act, 1999, as 1731 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1732

[Mr. McDowell.] 603. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for amended, and Section 5 of the Refugee Act, 1996 Justice, Equality and Law Reform the specific (Prohibition of Refoulement). I expect the file to criteria and guidelines used in determining be passed to me for decision in due course. whether to grant a visa for family reunification; the specific criteria and guidelines used in Question No. 601 answered with Question determining whether to grant a visa for family vis- No. 597. its; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28074/06] Visa Applications. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform 602. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for (Mr. McDowell): Comprehensive information Justice, Equality and Law Reform if the data and guidelines outlining the visa application pro- requested by the Immigrant Council of Ireland in cess and the documentation required for family a letter dated 14 September 2005 regarding family reunification and, indeed, all visa types can be reunification, has been made available; if he will found on my Department’s website at supply the requested information; if not, the steps www.justice.ie. he is taking to improve data collection so that such information can be made available. 604. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for [28073/06] Justice, Equality and Law Reform the specific criteria and guidelines used to determine if some- Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform one has sufficient finances to allow them to be (Mr. McDowell): I wish to advise the Deputy of joined by a family member on holiday; the the current policy regarding family reunification. criteria and guidelines used for residency pur- He will be aware that at present there is no spec- poses; and if he will make a statement on the ific legislation governing family reunification for matter. [28075/06] migrants who are not refugees. There is a set of administrative procedures in place for non-refu- Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): Comprehensive information on gees. There was a review of the provisions regard- all visa types can be found on my Department’s ing family reunification for migrant workers in website (www.justice.ie). Details of the docu- February of this year and the current arrange- mentation required to establish that the applicant ments for the processing of such applications are has sufficient financial resources to finance the as follows: a non-EEA national who is not visa duration of the proposed stay are contained required and is working in the State on an therein. employment permit or under the work authoris- Further in relation to those applicants who ation scheme may apply for family reunification intend to reside in Ireland the criterial set by the (spouse, minor child) immediately; a non-EEA Department of Social and Family Affairs for national who is visa required and working in the Family Income Supplement Payment (FIS) is State under the Working Visa Scheme may apply used. The criteria, which may change from time for family reunification (spouse, minor child) to time, are available on that Department’s web- immediately; a non-EEA national who is visa site www.welfare.ie/publications/sw22.html. required and is working on an employment per- mit and working in an occupation included in the 605. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for working visa/work authorisation scheme may Justice, Equality and Law Reform the specific apply for family reunification (spouse, minor criteria and guidelines used to determine whether child) immediately; a non-EEA national who is someone has the potential to overstay their visa; visa required and is working in the State on an the proof or assurances needed to allow them to employment permit may apply for family reunifi- join a family member on holiday; and if he will cation (spouse, minor child) on condition that make a statement on the matter. [28076/06] he/she has been working here for at least 12 months and is likely to remain so for a similar Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform period, i.e. the work permit has been renewed. (Mr. McDowell): Comprehensive information on The earnings criteria which apply to such appli- making a holiday visa application is available on cations are detailed on my Department’s website. my Department’s website (www.justice.ie). Data is not currently collated in a manner Details of the evidence required by the applicant, which would allow my Department to provide to establish a commitment to return home after definitive figures in this area. I will be considering the proposed visit, is contained therein. the issue of family reunification in the context of the forthcoming Immigration and Residence Bill. Crime Levels. Work is at an advanced stage in INIS on the 606. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, delivery of a number of major IT projects which Equality and Law Reform the crime statistics for will substantially enhance the area of data the Tullamore area of County Offaly for the years collection. 2000 to 2005 under each headline including the 1733 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1734 total recorded and detected; and if he will make being researched. I will contact the Deputy again a statement on the matter. [28099/06] when the information is to hand.

607. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, Visa Applications. Equality and Law Reform the crime statistics for 612. Aengus O´ Snodaigh asked the Minister for the Edenderry area of County Offaly for the Justice, Equality and Law Reform the Govern- years 2000 to 2005 under each headline, including ment policy or policies which are referred to or the total recorded and detected; and if he will affected when a visa application for a family make a statement on the matter. [28100/06] member’s visit is refused or an application for family reunification is denied; and if he will make 608. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, a statement on the matter. [28112/06] Equality and Law Reform the crime statistics for the Portlaoise area of County Laois for the years Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform 2000 to 2005 under each headline; including total (Mr. McDowell): A Visit Visa is refused only recorded and detected; and if he will make a when the applicant does not meet the specific statement on the matter. [28101/06] criteria necessary. The requirements are clearly outlined in my Department’s website 609. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, www.justice.ie Equality and Law Reform the crime statistics for Family Reunification applications for refugees the Abbeyleix area of County Laois for the years are examined as required by section 18 of the 2000 to 2005 under each headline; including the Refugee Act, 1996 and a decision is made based total recorded and detected;; and if he will make on the criteria contained within its provisions. An a statement on the matter. [28102/06] information leaflet on Family Reunification is also available on my Department’s website. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I propose to take Questions 613. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Nos. 606 to 609, inclusive, together. Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will Headline crime statistics for the years 2000 to examine the position of a person (details 2005 for the Garda Division of Laois/Offaly, supplied) in County Galway regarding their which includes the Garda Districts of Abbeyleix, application to remain here. [28113/06] Portlaoise and Tullamore, are contained in the relevant Garda Annual Reports. These reports Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform are available in the Oireachtas Library. Edend- (Mr. McDowell): I would refer the Deputy to the erry is a sub-District of Tullamore Garda District. replies I gave to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 325 of Tuesday, 9 May, 2006; 193 of Thursday, 18 Visa Applications. May, 2006; 200 of Thursday, 29 June, 2006; and 610. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Justice, 582 & 599 of Tuesday, 4 July, 2006. The position Equality and Law Reform the status of an appli- is unchanged. cation to remain here by a person (details The person in question consented, in writing, supplied) in County Offaly; and if he will make a to the making of deportation orders in respect of statement on the matter. [28110/06] her and her children. A decision in this case will issue in the near future. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform The person referred to by the Deputy is a citi- (Mr. McDowell): The Immigration Division of zen of Brazil and is not visa required to enter this my Department has recently been in correspon- State. As a non-visa required national seeking to dence with the person concerned requesting work in Ireland, the applicant is advised to refer documentation regarding his current position in to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and the State. On receipt of this documentation his Employment’s website (www.entemp.ie) for case will be further considered. details of the Work Authorisation and Work Per- mit Schemes, under which the applicant may be Crime Levels. eligible for consideration. 611. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of persons Family Law Cases. who have been arrested or convicted in the 614. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, Dublin area in the past three years for providing Equality and Law Reform if a report on trends in or paying for prostitution services; the breakdown decisions in family law cases has been presented by geographical area; and if he will make a state- to him; and if he will provide details of the find- ment on the matter. [28111/06] ings. [28114/06]

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda (Mr. McDowell): I assume the Deputy is referring authorities that the information requested by the to any outcomes under provisions in the Civil Deputy is not readily available and is currently Liability and Courts Act 2004 which allow for the 1735 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1736

[Mr. McDowell.] I can assure the House that I am in regular con- reporting of family law court proceedings and for tact with the Garda Commissioner to ensure that persons approved for such purposes to attend and all of the measures and resources required for be present at family law court sittings. Operation Anvil are made available. I am informed that the Court Service, in the context of its proposal to commence family law Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. reporting arrangements on a pilot basis in a selec- ted number of High, Circuit and District Courts, 617. Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for has recently invited proposals from suitable per- Justice, Equality and Law Reform further to sons for the provision of family law reports, Parliamentary Question No. 191 of 18 May 2006 judgments, trends and other statistical infor- if he will ask the Garda Authorities to review this mation in those courts. I look forward to reports matter as local residents and the local neighbour- etc being made available in due course. hood watch group are adamant that they have As the Deputy may be aware, I relaxed the in made regular complaints to the Gardaı´ on the camera rule on 1 July 2005 by making the Civil matter. [28117/06] Liability and Courts Act 2004 (Section 40(3)) Regulations 2005 (S. I. No. 337 of 2005) which Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform allow certain classes of persons to attend family (Mr. McDowell): I have been informed by the court sittings, subject to Ministerial approval, in Garda authorities that further examination of order to draw up and publish reports. Approval their records has established that a number of is subject to certain safeguards including a complaints were made to Gardaı´ on patrol duty in requirement that the parties to a case or any rel- the area concerned. The error is regretted. These evant child would not be identifiable. Under the complaints were immediately addressed by the scheme, I have already approved several persons Gardaı´, resulting in 14 arrests to date this year. engaged in family law research who were nomi- I am further informed by the Garda authorities nated by a body specified in the Schedule to S.I. that in order to maintain a visible Garda presence No. 337 of 2005 and while I have not yet received in the area concerned it is regularly patrolled by any reports on this basis I expect to do so in due uniformed and plain clothes Gardaı´ sup- course. plemented by Divisional Crime Task Force, Mountain Bike and Community Policing Units. Court Sittings. Additional Garda patrols are planned by local 615. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, Garda management during the summer to Equality and Law Reform the present network of prevent and detect incidents of public disorder night and weekend Courts that are in place; if he and anti-social behaviour in the area concerned. is of the opinion that they are adequate to the needs. [28115/06] Community Service Orders. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform 618. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, (Mr. McDowell): At present, the District Court in Equality and Law Reform the number of com- Dublin sits each Saturday and on Bank Holidays. munity service projects that were in operation in Provincial District Courts sit outside of normal 2005; the number of supervisors operating these hours at weekends and at night to deal with emer- projects; the number of probation and welfare gency matters, as required. Experience of the officers carrying CSO caseloads. [28118/06] operation of court sittings continues to be reviewed. This is being done in conjunction with Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform legislative measures aimed at increasing the effec- (Mr. McDowell): The Criminal Justice tiveness of the courts. I have in this context pro- (Community Service) Act, 1983 provides for the vided in the Criminal Justice Bill 2004 for the use performance of unpaid work in the community by of a fixed penalties procedure in relation to cer- a person who is 16 years or over, who has been tain public order offences which will reduce the convicted of an offence, for which the appropriate need to bring offenders before the courts. penalty would be an immediate custodial sen- tence and who has given his/her consent to the Garda Operations. Court. 616. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for I can advise the Deputy that during 2005 the Justice, Equality and Law Reform the cost, Probation Service operated 122 Community additional to normal expenditure of Operation Service projects throughout the country. The Anvil for the first six months of 2006. [28116/06] number of Community Service Supervisors employed in the same period was 20 full time Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform officers and 59 part time officers. I can further (Mr. McDowell): I am informed by the Garda advise that during the same period 103 Probation authorities that the cost of Operation Anvil for Officers were involved with community service 2006 (up to 30 June) is \7,206,309. clients. 1737 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1738

619. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, this will require further registration by individual Equality and Law Reform the distribution of the members; and if he will make a statement on the 595 community service orders by type of com- matter. [28121/06] munity service project and by the duration of the work specified in the order. [28119/06] Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): Under section 16 of the Data Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Protection Act 1988, certain categories of data (Mr. McDowell): I refer the Deputy to my reply controller are required formally to register with to Question number 259 of the 17th May, 2006. the Data Protection Commissioner. This require- As I indicated in that reply, persons the subject ment currently applies to public representatives of Community Service Orders are engaged on a who retain sensitive personal data relating to range of unpaid work for the benefit of the com- identifiable individuals. However, section 16 of munity. I am advised by the Director of the Pro- the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003 bation Service that it is possible for a person to makes provision for revised registration require- be transfer between projects during the course of ments. In particular, it provides that registration completing their hours under a community will not apply to categories of data controller service order and it is therefore not possible to specified in regulations to be made by the Mini- provide the statistics in the manner requested by ster for Justice, Equality and Law Reform follow- the Deputy. ing consultation with the Data Protection Com- As the Deputy is already aware the range of missioner. work generally carried out by those on com- I have recently approved the drafting of new munity service includes painting, decorating, registration regulations and they are currently landscaping, clearing/maintenance of community being prepared by the Office of the Parliamen- facilities (indoor and outdoor) restoration or tary Counsel. They will provide, inter alia, that enhancement of existing facilities such as com- candidates for and holders of elective political munity centres, youth clubs, grass cutting and office who process personal data for the purpose cleaning graveyards. of electoral activities or for the purpose of provid- ing advice or assistance will be exempt from 620. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, registration. Equality and Law Reform the number of persons It should be noted that the provisions of the on community service orders in 2005 and who Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 apply to all completed the full number of hours specified in data controllers whether or not they are required the order. [28120/06] formally to register with the Data Protection Commissioner. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell): The Criminal Justice Visa Applications. (Community Service) Act, 1983 provides for the 622. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, performance of unpaid work in the community by Equality and Law Reform when a green card will a person who is 16 years or over, who has been issue to a person (details supplied) in Dublin 15; convicted of an offence, for which the appropriate and if he will make a statement on the matter. penalty would be an immediate custodial sen- [28122/06] tence and who has given his/her consent to the Court. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform I wish to advise the Deputy that the number of (Mr. McDowell): I refer the Deputy to my reply community service orders made during 2005 was of 20 June 2006 to his Parliamentary Question 1,167. As the Deputy will be aware, section 7(2) No. 397 and advise that the position remains of the Criminal Justice (Community Service) Act, unchanged. It should be noted that no reply to 1983 allows an offender, in respect of whom a the request for further information from the legal community service order is made, twelve months representatives of the person concerned has been to complete his/her specified hours beginning on received to date. the date an Order was made. During 2005, I can confirm that of the 1,167 orders made a total of Refugee Status. 449 persons completed the full number of hours specified in their Order. This figure of 449 does 623. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, not include situations where orders were carried Equality and Law Reform if he will review the forward to 2006 or revoked. decision to refuse refugee status or grant extended residency status in the case of a person Data Protection Act. (details supplied) in Dublin 5; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28123/06] 621. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if provision was made Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform for the registration of the Houses of the (Mr. McDowell): The person concerned arrived Oireachtas for the purposes to meeting the in the State on 19 December, 2002 and applied requirements under the Data Protection Act; if for asylum. Her application was refused following 1739 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1740

[Mr. McDowell.] Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform consideration of her case by the Office of the (Mr. McDowell): The first named applicant Refugee Applications Commissioner and, on arrived in the State on 10 July 2003 and applied appeal, by the Refugee Appeals Tribunal. for asylum on 11 July 2003. She was granted refu- Subsequently, in accordance with Section 3 of gee status on 14 September 2004. The second the Immigration Act, 1999, as amended, she was named applicant arrived in the State on 8 informed by letter dated 8 September, 2005, that November 2003, applied for asylum on 11 the Minister proposed to make a deportation November 2003 and was granted refugee status order in respect of her. She was given the options, on 12 August 2004. Both persons applied for cer- to be exercised within 15 working days, of making tificates of naturalisation on 28 January 2005. representations to the Minister setting out the Section 15 of the Irish Nationality and Citizen- reasons why she should be allowed to remain ship Act 1956, as amended, provides that an temporarily in the State; leaving the State before applicant for naturalisation must have one year’s an order is made or consenting to the making of period of continuous residence in the State before a deportation order. Representations have been the date of the application and a total amounting received on behalf of the person concerned. to four year’s residence in the State in the eight This person’s case file, including all represen- year’s preceding that period. tations submitted, will be considered under Section 16(g) of that Act provides that I may, Section 3(6) of the Immigration Act, 1999, as in my absolute discretion, waive the statutory amended, and Section 5 of the Refugee Act, 1996 conditions in certain circumstances, including (Prohibition of Refoulement). I expect the file to where the applicant is a person who is a refugee be passed to me for decision in due course. within the meaning of the United Nations Con- vention relating to the Status of Refugees. In con- Visa Applications. sidering applications under this provision, I am 624. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, generally disposed to waive two years of the nor- Equality and Law Reform the position in regard mal residency requirement, thereby requiring to an application to remain here by a person such applicants to have been resident in the State (details supplied) in Dublin 24; and if he will for three years at the time of application. The cal- make a statement on the matter. [28126/06] culation of the three year period commences from the date the applicant arrived in the State Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to seek refugee status. (Mr. McDowell): The first named person in the As there were no circumstances apparent in details supplied by the Deputy applied for per- either application which would lead me to depart mission to remain in the State on the basis of from the general policy outlined above, I decided being a parent of an Irish citizen child, born to refuse the applications based on the fact that before 1 January 2005, in accordance with the the applicants were not in the State three years revised arrangements announced by me on 15 at the time of the application. The reason for my January 2005, commonly referred to as the refusal was disclosed to the first and second IBC/05 scheme. named applicants in the letters of 22 November It is a requirement under this scheme that each 2005 and 19 October 2005 respectively informing applicant is the parent of an Irish child born them of my decision. before 1 January 2005. The first named person did not provide evidence of being the parent of Assuming that both individuals have been resi- an Irish born child. On this basis, his application dent in the State continuously since their arrival for permission to remain in the State under the here in 2003, the first named person will have the IBC/05 scheme was refused. The first named per- necessary residency on 11 July 2006. The second son was notified of this decision on 14 November named person will have the necessary residence 2005. When the first named person’s immigration on 8 November 2006. If the two persons con- status is being reviewed, he will then have an cerned decide to submit new applications in the opportunity to make representations as to his future, any such applications will be considered continued presence in the State. against the statutory and administrative pro- The second named person in the details sup- visions in operation at the time the applications plied was granted permission to remain in the are submitted. State on the basis of parentage of an Irish born child in August 2002. Asylum Applicaitons. 626. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, Citizenship Applications. Equality and Law Reform if he will reopen the 625. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, application for family reunification in the case of Equality and Law Reform if he will grant per- a person (details supplied) in Dublin 15 in view mission for renewal of application for naturalis- of the unconvincing declaration from UNHCR in ation in the care of a person (details supplied) in regard to their age; and if he will make a state- Dublin 15. [28127/06] ment on the matter. [28128/06] 1741 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1742

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform The position in relation to the person con- (Mr. McDowell): As I stated to the Deputy in my cerned is that she has failed to present herself to answer to his previous Parliamentary Question the Garda National Immigration Bureau, as she is 23282/06 answered on the 15 June 2006, infor- legally obliged to do, and, as such, she is currently mation became available to my Department residing illegally in the State. which raised serious doubts as to whether the In the interests of clarity, I wish to emphasise daughter of the person concerned was a minor at again that the person concerned is not being the date of application for family reunification. returned to her country of origin, Rwanda, but As part of an investigation into this matter the rather is being transferred to the United daughter was interviewed in 2005 when it was Kingdom where she previously lodged an asylum concluded that she was in fact more than 18 years application. In accordance with the Dublin II of age at the date of application. Regulations, and to uphold the integrity of the A conclusion was reached therefore that the asylum and immigration processes in this State, it person previously approved for a visa could not is entirely appropriate that the person concerned have been a minor daughter of the person con- should be transferred to the United Kingdom to cerned at the date application for family reunifi- have her asylum claim determined there. cation. Without substantial new information I see In relation to the medical and protection needs no reason to review this decision. of the person concerned, it can hardly be argued that the United Kingdom’s welfare, medical and 627. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, social protection systems are inferior to ours or Equality and Law Reform the progress to date in that any international protection she requires respect of the application for family reunification cannot be provided by the authorities in the in the name of a person (details supplied) in United Kingdom. Dublin 8; and if he will make a statement on the Given the Deputy’s concerns for the medical matter. [28129/06] condition of the person concerned, I can assure the Deputy that her transfer to the United Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Kingdom will be handled with sensitivity and (Mr. McDowell): The person in question made a care. Indeed, if the Deputy has up to date infor- family reunification application on behalf of his mation on the medical status of the person con- wife and daughter in February 2004. cerned, my Officials will be happy to pass on any Consideration of this application is ongoing such medical reports to the authorities in the and the Family Reunification section of my United Kingdom, prior to her transfer, so that her Department is currently awaiting a response to a medical needs can be taken fully into account in query raised with the legal representative of the the context of her transfer to the United person concerned. Kingdom. Furthermore, if necessary, I would be On receipt of an answer the application will be happy to provide the person concerned with considered further and a decision will issue in medical escorts during her journey. due course. As regards the Deputy’s contention that the person concerned left the United Kingdom and Refugee Status. returned to Rwanda, such information should 628. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, have been presented to the Office of the Refugee Equality and Law Reform the reason he con- Applications Commissioner, which is the siders it is inappropriate to have a person (details determining body in the context of cases falling supplied) in Dublin 15 claim for refugee status within the terms of the Dublin II Regulation, made from the UK when they have already done prior to that Office’s determination in the case of so and returned to their own country and then the person concerned. It might be noted that quite appropriately applied in this jurisdiction when the person concerned was asked in her when they arrived in Ireland; further to his reply Applicant Questionnaire if she had ever travelled to previous parliamentary questions if he will outside of her country of origin before, she indicate if their application can be processed and answered ‘No’. Equally, in responding to the they be granted temporary residency status in question as to whether she had applied for refu- view of the need for urgent medical treatment gee status anywhere else, she answered ‘No’. which they cannot receive in their native Rwanda; Clearly these responses reflect a lack of truthful- if the application for residency status here in con- ness on the part of the person concerned as she junction with their health status should supersede had previously claimed asylum in the United any previous application; and if he will make a Kingdom on 4 March 2003, albeit under a differ- statement on the matter. [28130/06] ent name and date of birth. The Deputy might wish to note that my role, and the role of my Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Department, in the Dublin II process is to effect (Mr. McDowell): I would refer the Deputy to my transfers on the basis of determinations made by Replies to Dail Questions Nos. 244 of 25 May the Office of the Refugee Applications Com- 2006 and 180 of 22 June 2006. missioner. 1743 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1744

[Mr. McDowell.] Minister for Education and Science (Ms The decision to transfer the person concerned Hanafin): The information sought by the Deputy to the United Kingdom to have her asylum claim is not readily available in my Department. Infor- examined in that State is in strict accordance with mation is recorded on a project by project basis. the provisions of the Dublin II Regulation and, The deputy can be assured that My Depart- as such, it is my intention to have this transfer ment fully recognises the key role of physical effected at an early date. exercise within the school environment and con- tinues to respond to the need to improve PE Visa Applications. facilities for all pupils attending primary and post- primary schools. The provision of such facilities 629. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, is an integral part of the design process for new Equality and Law Reform the progress in the school buildings or where an existing school application for residency in the case of persons (details suppled) in Dublin 6 in view of the medi- building is undergoing major refurbishment. cal needs, ongoing treatment and the urgent need In primary schools new PE equipment such as to consider the case on humanitarian grounds; balancing benches and gym mats are funded as and if he will make a statement on the matter. part of any major building programme. Regard- [28131/06] ing specific sports equipment grants, in recent years, my Department has provided in excess of \ Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform 5.5 million in grant aid to primary schools (Mr. McDowell): I refer the Deputy to the replies specifically for this purpose to enable them to I gave to his previous Parliamentary Questions of provide coaching or mentoring in connection with 21 March 2006, 6th December 2005, 1 December physical education or to purchase resource 2005, and 20 October 2005) in relation to the per- materials associated with the provision of physi- sons concerned. The position remains unchanged. cal education. Such materials and equipment would normally have a useful life of several years. 630. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice, Schools may use their general capitation fund- Equality and Law Reform if a review has been ing to support the implementation of curricula undertaken in the matter of residency application including Physical Education. Also, all primary in the name of a person (details supplied) in schools with permanent recognition receive an Dublin 22; and if he will make a statement on the annual Minor Works Grant from my Depart- matter. [28132/06] ment. Each school gets a standard rate of \3,809 together with a per pupil rate of \12.70. Special Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Schools and schools with special classes receive (Mr. McDowell): I refer the Deputy to an enhanced per pupil rate of \50.80 It is open to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 468 of Tuesday, school management authorities to use this 31st January, 2006; 147 of Thursday, 27th April, devolved grant for the purchase of equipment, 2006; and 427 of Tuesday, 16th May, 2006, and including physical education equipment, provided the written replies to those Questions. The posi- it is not required for more urgent works. tion is unchanged. Primary schools that establish a class for special needs pupils receive a once-off grant of \6,500 School Placement. per class to purchase equipment, including physi- cal education equipment, that they feel best 631. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Edu- meets the needs of the pupils attending the class. cation and Science the number of children, who having failed to obtain a school place for the next My Department also considers applications for school year, have been approved for home tuition additional grant aid for such equipment where provision; and if she will make a statement on the schools can demonstrate that the minor works matter. [27468/06] grant funding is insufficient for this purpose.

Minister for Education and Science (Ms Centre for the Visually Impaired. Hanafin): My Department has not approved 633. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Edu- home tuition grants for the 2006/2007 school year cation and Science if she has established a at this point. Applications for this grant are pro- national centre for excellence for visually cessed nearer the beginning of the new school impaired persons. [27685/06] year. Minister for Education and Science (Ms School Accommodation. Hanafin): Revised plans for the National Centre 632. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- for the Visually Impaired are currently being con- cation and Science the percentage of schools, sidered by the Departments of Education and both primary and post-primary, in Laois and Science and Health and Children. The two Offaly that do not have sports hall facilities; and departments are working together to agree a plan if she will make a statement on the matter. for the centre that has the right elements from an [27607/06] educational and a health point of view and that 1745 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1746 best meets the needs of children and young cation and Science when she will make available people with visual impairment into the future. the statistics on a county basis of the parental occupation or classes of occupation of third level Early Childhood Education. grant holders for universities and institutes of technology as repeatedly promised by her for the 634. Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Edu- past year in response to parliamentary questions cation and Science the progress to date in testing by this Deputy and as promised by her in corre- and evaluating the CECDE framework document spondence; the reason for the delay in view of her relating to standards and quality of early child- repeated assurances over the past year that the care and education; and if she will make a state- figures were almost ready; if she will supply the ment on the matter. [28056/06] figures for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and to date in 2006; and if she will make a statement on the Minister for Education and Science (Ms matter. [27247/06] Hanafin): The draft quality framework for early childhood education prepared by the Centre for Minister for Education and Science (Ms Early Childhood Development and Education Hanafin): I expect that the available information was launched on 30 May last by my colleague, the will be issued to the Deputy this week. Minister for Children. My Department is cur- rently exploring options for the testing and eval- School Names. uation of the framework in a range of early child- hood settings. 637. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Science her views on the proposals Foreign Students. to name a new college in Sea´n McDermott street after a person (details supplied). [27248/06] 635. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Education and Science the regulations which Minister for Education and Science (Ms apply to the accommodation arrangements for Hanafin): It is open to the authority of any school young foreign students coming to and staying in to apply to my Department to allow a name Ireland for and other summer schools; if there is change. It may make such an application to an assessment and registration process for such School Planning Section in my Department’s accommodation; her proposals to up-date offices in Tullamore. same. [28109/06] Home-School Liaison Scheme. 693. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Education and Science the regulations which 638. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- apply to the running of language and other sum- cation and Science the number of schools in mer schools for foreign students; and if she has which home school community liaison is offered; proposals to update same. [27629/06] the number of persons employed as home school liaison officers; the budget devoted to home Minister for Education and Science (Ms school community liaison for each year since Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 635 2002; and if she will make a statement on the and 693 together. matter. [27250/06] The Advisory Council for English Language Schools (ACELS) operates under the aegis of my Minister for Education and Science (Ms Department to control quality standards in Hanafin): The Home/School/Community Liaison English Language Schools, including English lan- Scheme (HSCL) is a major mainstream prevent- guage summer schools, through an ative strategy targeted at pupils at risk of not inspection/recognition scheme. ACELS adminis- reaching their potential in the educational system ters the scheme which leads to school recognition because of background characteristics which tend by my Department. Recognition of schools arises to affect adversely pupil attainment and school from their satisfying certain minimum standards retention. The scheme is concerned with estab- in relation to premises, learning and teaching pro- lishing partnership and collaboration between vision and facilities, and the regulations govern- parents and teachers in the interests of children’s ing this are set out on the ACELS website learning. It focuses directly on the salient adults (www.acels.ie). The regulations also set out the in children’s educational lives and seeks indirect requirements for student accommodation, includ- benefits for the children themselves. ing host family accommodation and residential Currently, 370 local co-ordinators are assigned accommodation. Accommodation is subject to to 309 primary and 204 post primary schools in inspection by ACELS at any reasonable time. disadvantaged areas to work with school staff, The regulations are reviewed and amended by parents and relevant community agencies in ACELS as necessary. advancing the educational interests of children. Each co-ordinator acts as a link between home and school, encouraging parents to become more Higher Education Grants. involved in their children’s education. The co- 636. Ms Burton asked the Minister for Edu- ordinator organises locally based activities aimed 1747 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1748

[Ms Hanafin.] ties and the findings of a number of evaluation at encouraging greater contact between parents reports on Early Start prepared by the Education and teachers and liaises with local voluntary and Research Centre will be taken into account in statutory groups in the area. A Co-ordinator usu- this regard. ally services more that one school in an area. The In December 2005, the Office of the Minister total cost of the HSCL scheme in 2005 was in the for Children was established to maximise the co- region of \21.9 million. ordination of policies for children and young Under DEIS, the new Action Plan for Edu- people and will have a range of functions pre- cational Inclusion, HSCL services will be viously under the Departments of Health and extended to the 200 post primary and 320 Children; Justice Equality and Law Reform; and urban/town primary schools, serving communities Education and Science. A new Early Years Edu- with the highest concentration of disadvantage, cation Policy Unit has been established within my that do not currently have the service. The whole Department and will be co-located with the rationale behind the new DEIS programme is to Office of the Minister for Children. This Unit will ensure that the most disadvantaged schools oversee the preparation of plans for phased benefit from all of the available supports. implementation of the early childhood education dimension of DEIS in the targeted school com- Early Start Scheme. munities, starting in the next school year, and this will be pursued within an overall strategic policy 639. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- framework developed by the Office of the Mini- cation and Science the number of schools in ster for Children. which early start is offered; the number of per- sons employed as part of the early start scheme; the budget devoted to early start for each year State Examinations. since 2002; the number of places available on 640. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- early start; and if she will make a statement on cation and Science the most recent statistics on the matter. [27251/06] school retention and leaving certificate com- pletion; and if she will make a statement on the Minister for Education and Science (Ms matter. [27252/06] Hanafin): The Early Start pre-school project operates in 40 primary schools in designated Minister for Education and Science (Ms areas of urban disadvantage in Dublin, Cork, Hanafin): The primary source of information on Limerick, Waterford, Galway, Drogheda and retention available within my Department is the Dundalk. There are 56 teachers and 56 childcare Post-Primary Pupil Database. Cohort analysis of workers employed and a total of 1680 places in the pupil records on this database allows for Early Start centres. The total expenditure in 2005 monitoring of retention through the publicly- on the project was \4.96m. aided second-level school system. To date, two Targeted early childhood education provision retention reports have been published covering is a key element of the School Support Prog- four cohorts of students — those who entered ramme (SSP) under the new action plan for edu- second-level education between 1993 and 1996. cational inclusion DEIS (Delivering Equality of Of those students who entered in 1996, 94.6% of Opportunity in Schools), which provides for a them sat the Junior Certificate examination. standardised system for identifying levels of dis- When adjustments were made to account for advantage. As a result of the identification pro- departure to private institutions, the Leaving Cer- cess, 840 schools have been invited to participate tificate retention rate for the 1996 cohort of in the new Programme. These comprise 640 students was 81.3%. primary schools (320 urban/town schools and 320 As regards those who complete the Junior Cer- rural schools) and 200 second-level schools. tificate but who depart from second-level edu- The objective in relation to early childhood cation prior to the Leaving Certificate, the avail- education is to concentrate actions initially on able statistical evidence indicates that the those children aged from three up to school increasing range of further education and training enrolment, who will subsequently attend the 180 opportunities available for these students is hav- urban/town primary schools serving the most ing a positive impact. Data provided by Eurostat disadvantaged communities. My Department will show that the educational profile of 20-24 year work in partnership with other departments and olds in Ireland has improved steadily over the last agencies to complement and add value to existing five years, as increasing opportunities have been childcare programmes in disadvantaged com- made available in the further education and train- munities, with a view to ensuring that the overall ing sector. By 2005, according to the latest Euro- care and education needs of the children con- stat figures, a provisional estimate of 86.1% of cerned are met in an integrated manner. The 20-24 year olds had attained upper second-level Centre for Early Childhood Development and education (or equivalent), up from 82.4% in 2000. Education will provide advice on the future This indicates that there has been an increase in development and direction of pre-school the proportion of young people with at least the measures for children in disadvantaged communi- Leaving Certificate or equivalent. Indeed, the 1749 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1750 level of educational attainment of Irish young classrooms and on reporting to parents. These people is ahead of the EU average on that will be available during the 2006/7 school year. measure. The NCCA is also developing guidelines in The Government has taken a number of initiat- specific subjects which will provide teachers with ives in recent years to encourage more of our information on what to assess in individual sub- young people to finish school, including the set- jects of the Primary School Curriculum and how ting up of the National Education Welfare Board to use assessment information to plan for chil- and the provision of extra supports for those at dren’s future learning in that subject. risk of dropping out through the School Com- A national report card for recording and pletion Programme and Home School Com- reporting data on pupils’ attainment to parents is munity Liaison Scheme. Also, under the new also being developed by the NCCA. This will be action plan for educational inclusion (DEIS piloted in a number of schools in 2006/7 and initiative) which I launched in May 2005, extra available to all schools in the following year. Sig- resources are being provided to schools serving nificant funding to support the initiative has been the most disadvantaged communities to help provided for in the 2006 Estimates. them to improve their retention rates. My Department is making ongoing progress in This Government has pursued a dual strategy exploring potential implementation models, of both encouraging more young people to finish including dates, for the introduction of the school and ensuring much greater second chance requirement in schools. Another key consider- and further education opportunities for those ation is how the in-service needs of teachers with who left school early. This kind of strategy regard to standardised testing can best be met. ensures that young people are empowered to My intention is that we will proceed carefully but achieve their full potential, be that by sitting the as quickly as possible to ensure that the recom- Leaving Cert or by pursuing qualifications mendations proposed by the NCCA are through other pathways such as Youthreach or implemented in a way that has positive benefits FAS apprenticeships which may be more appro- for children, parents, teachers and the system as priate to their individual interests. Thus, it is a whole. important that the Deputy appreciate that look- ing at just the level of retention in the formal school system is not a fair assessment of the edu- Special Educational Needs. cational attainment of our young people 642. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science the educational services which Standardised Testing. will be provided for a child (details supplied) in County Kildare; if funding will be made to the 641. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- school to provide a place for the child; and if she cation and Science when standardised testing will will make a statement on the matter. [27254/06] be introduced at primary level; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27253/06] Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): As the Deputy is aware, the National Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): The National Council for Curriculum Council for Special Education (NCSE) is now and Assessment, in its advice submitted to me in operational. A specific function of the NCSE, April 2005, recommends that the practice of through its network of local special educational standardised testing which is currently well estab- needs organisers (SENOs), is to identify appro- lished in primary schools should be built upon priate educational placements for all children and that all pupils should be tested in literacy and with special educational needs. The SENO is a numeracy at the end of first or beginning of focal point of contact for parents and schools. second class and at the end of fourth or beginning My officials have liaised with the NCSE in of fifth class. relation to the child referred to by the Deputy. I fully agree with the NCCA’s advice since I The NCSE has advised that is has not received believe that standardised testing, carried out on a any application for assistance with the enrolment systematic basis, has great potential to enhance in question. It is open to the parent(s) or school the quality of teaching and learning for our to contact the relevant SENO. Contact details for students at classroom level, and to provide valu- the SENO may be sourced from the NCSE at able information for parents about their chil- (046) 9486400. Alternatively, these details may be dren’s learning. However, to reap the full benefits accessed on the NCSE website at www.ncse.ie. of standardised testing, it is essential that a range The school referred to in the correspondence of supports are put in place for teachers and currently has significant resources. The staffing parents in advance of introducing a requirement level consists of a principal, 8 teachers and 20 on schools to conduct tests. special needs assistants supporting 42 pupils. The In that context, the NCCA is preparing guide- provision of therapy support for pupils in the lines which will assist schools in developing and school is a matter for the Health Service implementing a policy on assessment practice in Executive. 1751 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1752

School Staffing. rapidly developing areas to ensure that there is sufficient capacity in terms of primary school 643. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Edu- places; and if she will make a statement on the cation and Science if teachers employed under a matter. [27336/06] contract of indefinite duration are entitled to a career break. [27255/06] Minister for Education and Science (Ms Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): The demand for additional accom- Hanafin): Details of the career break scheme are modation in schools has risen significantly over set out in my Department circular letters 22/99 the last number of years mainly due to the rapid for Post-Primary teachers and 10/03 for primary expansion in teacher numbers particularly in the teachers. Contract of indefinite duration teachers area of special needs, the growth in the school- shall have access to the career break scheme on going population in rapidly developing areas the same basis as permanent teachers within their including the impact of inward migration and the sector. As is the case with permanent teachers, demands to cater for diversity through the recog- applicants for the scheme will have their appli- nition of new Gaelscoileanna and Educate cations assessed and approved by the managerial Together schools. authority. In this regard, the managerial auth- In planning for school provision to meet these orities are required to develop a policy for grant- demands my Department has adopted an area ing career breaks specific to the needs of the part- based approach which involves a public consul- icular school/scheme. In developing a policy the tation process involving all interested parties. managerial authorities will take account of the This leads to the production of a blueprint for objectives of the scheme including due regard to schools’ development in an area for a timeframe the exigencies of permitting a number of career of approximately ten years. The exercise recently breaks from the same school at the one time. The completed on the N4-M4 corridor is an example welfare and educational needs of the pupils will of this and the rapidly developing areas of north take precedence over all other considerations Dublin, south Louth, east Meath will be exam- when considering applications under this scheme. ined this year. This structured process will ensure a more proactive approach to school planning Schools Building Projects. than had been the case in the past. Apart from the area development planning 644. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Edu- process my Department is also proactively cation and Science if she has received a sub- engaged with local authorities on a continual mission from an association (details supplied) in basis in relation to specific areas. This is being Dublin 24, requesting a detailed school numbers done through improved contacts and communi- projection for the new town centre in Tallaght cation protocols to ensure that the Department is and the periphery of this area; if it is intended to better alerted about new and expanding residen- respond to the request made; and if she will make tial areas and afforded an opportunity to ensure a statement on the matter. [27335/06] appropriate zoning provision for educational purposes. 670. Mr. O’Connor asked the Minister for Edu- For example in the case of the Strategic cation and Science if she has received correspon- Development Zone (SDZ) at Adamstown my dence from an association (details supplied) in Department is working closely with South Dublin Dublin 24 regarding planning for a school in the County Council and the developers to produce an new Tallaght town centre; if she will give con- integrated solution to education and community sideration to the issues; and if she will make a facilities that matches the delivery of new hous- statement on the matter. [27496/06] ing. Under the SDZ arrangements there is a requirement that schools are in position ahead of Minister for Education and Science (Ms or in line with demand, and I think it is one that Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 644 should be adopted by other planning authorities and 670 together. in relation to major new housing schemes. My Department is not in receipt of any corre- My Department is working particularly closely spondence from the association to which the with Fingal County Council to develop a joint Deputy refers. approach to the timely provision of schools in an However, my Department has made a sub- area of the country subject to extremely rapid mission to the local authority on estimated school development. This work is likely to provide requirements arising from its local area plan for innovative approaches to partnership which I the proposed new town centre in Tallaght. believe can be used to advantage across the coun- try in future. School Accommodation. My Department prioritises school buildings for 645. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Edu- rapidly developing areas. This is achieved by cation and Science if she is satisfied that proper assigning them a band one priority rating under procedures are in place within her Department the published prioritisation criteria for large scale with regard to monitoring population growth in building projects. Whenever possible, my Depart- 1753 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1754 ment implements a standardised design model or on those schools that have a great number of chil- a design and build process to fast track delivery dren whose first language is not English. of the buildings themselves. Not alone does this The Deputy may also be aware that two weeks result in speedier delivery of projects but it also ago I met with officials in London to discuss their achieves savings in design fees and land use aris- experience of meeting the needs of non-English ing from the use of the two storey design. Among speaking students. I also visited two London schools completed using one of these processes is schools to look at their policies in action. I was Griffeen Valley in Lucan which was completed in particularly interested to learn about which stra- a 13 month timeframe. tegies have been successful in terms of engaging The level of work being done under the schools with these children’s parents as I am conscious building programme is at an all-time high. While that language difficulties are just one aspect of increased investment is a central reason for this this issue. — \500m this year alone — radical changes in As with all children, the interest that their how projects are planned and managed have also parents show in their education is so important made a major difference in ensuring that pro- and so it is crucial to find ways of empowering vision is delivered in line with or ahead of them to get involved. Issues that have arisen in demand. the context of the review include the different expectations of parents of different nationalities Special Educational Needs. and the fact that the child may be in the only 646. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Edu- English speaker in the household. In relation to cation and Science the procedures which are in the latter issue, the Deputy may be interested to place to assist primary schools in dealing with know that a DVD explaining the primary school substantial numbers of new Irish pupils for whom system for parents was produced in several differ- English may not be their first language; her views ent languages earlier this year. on whether there may be a case for English as a Other issues that have arisen in the context of foreign language in some such schools; and if she the review include the current cap on the number will make a statement on the matter. [27337/06] of language support teachers available to a school and on the length of time for which an individual Minister for Education and Science (Ms student can access language support. I am Hanafin): Ensuring that all children get the sup- delighted to be able to inform the Deputy that port that they need to do well at school is a major the draft new Social Partnership Agreement priority for this Government. In order to ensure includes the provision of an extra 550 language that children whose first language is not English support teachers by 2009 and the reform of the can succeed at school, my Department gives current limit of two additional teachers per additional support to their schools which can take school. This major increase in investment will the form of financial assistance, additional tem- make a big difference to schools. porary teacher posts or portions of teacher posts. The level of extra financial or teaching support Schools Building Projects. provided to any school is determined by the numbers of non-English speaking students 647. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Edu- enrolled. Recent years have seen a significant rise cation and Science the progress in developing a in the number of language support posts being new school for a school (details supplied); the provided by my Department. In the 2005-06 number of students enrolled in the school; the age school year, 563 whole-time equivalent language of the building in which the school is currently support teachers were in place at primary level housed; if her attention has been drawn to the and 263 whole-time equivalent teachers were in poor conditions at the school in its current accom- place at second level to support such pupils, rep- modation; and if she will make a statement on the resenting an investment of \47 million. matter. [27349/06] This compares to 149 and 113 teachers respec- tively in the school year 2001/02. Thus, there has Minister for Education and Science (Ms been a four-fold increase in language support Hanafin): The Property Management Section of teachers at primary level in just 4 years. the Office of Public Works which acts on behalf So the Government has been increasing of my Department in relation to site acquisitions resources in this area in line with rising demand. generally has been requested to source a site for However, this is a relatively new area and as such the Gaelscoil in question. That Section is at must be kept under review to ensure that children present assessing a site option in the Coonagh are getting the support that they need and that area. this support is proving effective in helping them The school has an enrolment of 229 pupils. My to make the most of their time at school. Department is aware of the need to provide a My Department is currently reviewing the sup- new school building and as soon as the site issue ports available to schools to support children is resolved the project will be considered for whose first language is not English. In that con- advancement under School Building and modern- text we are particularly looking at the pressures isation Programme 2006 to 2010. 1755 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1756

Higher Education Grants. additional post where a school experiences rapid 648. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Edu- growth in its enrolment. In such cases, an cation and Science the reason a person (details additional post, referred to as a developing school supplied) in Dublin 24 has been deemed ineli- post, may be sanctioned provisionally where the gible for a grant for a course; and if she will make projected enrolment at 30th September of the a statement on the matter. [27350/06] school year in question equals or exceeds a speci- fied figure. If the specified figure is not achieved Minister for Education and Science (Ms on 30th September, sanction for the post is with- Hanafin): I understand that the person referred drawn. Application(s) for an additional post(s) to by the Deputy is due to commence a post- under developing school criteria must be submit- graduate course of study in the U.K. in ted on or before 10 October, 2006. September, 2006. The enrolment of the school referred to by the The Third Level Student Support Schemes, Deputy on 30th September 2005 was 10 pupils, administered by the Local Authorities and which warrants a staffing of Principal for the Vocational Education Committees, on behalf of 2006/2007 school year. my Department do not extend to postgraduate To ensure transparency and openness in the study outside of the island of Ireland. system an independent Appeals Board is now in Any extension of the current arrangements to place to decide on any mainstream staffing provide for students pursuing postgraduate appeals. The criteria under which an appeal can courses outside of the island of Ireland could only be made are set out in Primary Circular be considered in the light of available resources 0024/2006, which is available on my Department’s and other competing demands within the edu- website. The closing date for receipt of appeals cation section. for the next Appeals Board meeting is 18th However, the Deputy may be aware that October 2006. Section 21 of the Finance Act 2000, as amended by Section 29 of the Finance Act 2001, provides Schools Refurbishment. for the introduction of tax relief for postgraduate 650. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- tuition fees paid in third level colleges outside of cation and Science when sanction will be given Ireland. This relief, which has been available for a new college building (details supplied) in from the tax year 2000/01 onwards, applies at the County Tipperary; the reason for the delay to standard rate of tax. It is available to full-time date; and if she will make a statement on the and part time postgraduate students and includes matter. [27354/06] distance education courses offered here by pub- licly funded colleges in other EU Member States. Minister for Education and Science (Ms Further details and conditions in relation to this Hanafin): An application for an extension/ refur- tax relief are available from local Tax Offices. bishment has been received from the school referred to by the Deputy. The building project School Staffing. required to address the schools accommodation 649. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- needs is being considered in the context of the cation and Science if a second teacher will be School Building and Modernisation Programme granted to a school (details supplied) in County 2006-2010. Laois; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27353/06] Schools Building Projects. 682. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- 651. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if she will sanction an cation and Science the input a parents association additional post at a school (details supplied) in are invited to make in the design of the new County Laois which has an enrolment of 25 pupils public private partnership schools; and if she will for September 2006. [27545/06] make a statement on the matter. [27355/06]

Minister for Education and Science (Mary Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 649 Hanafin): Public Private Partnerships differ from and 682 together. traditional procurement in that substantial risk is The staffing of a primary school is determined transferred to the private sector in the areas of by reference to the enrolment of the school on design, construction, operation and maintenance the 30th September of the previous school year. of the projects generally over a twenty-five year The actual number of mainstream posts sanc- contract period. In order to achieve value for tioned is determined by reference to a staffing money under PPP it is necessary to bundle a schedule which is issued annually to all primary number of schools into a single project that is schools. The relevant circular (0023/2006) issued offered to the private sector usually on a design, to all schools in March 2006. build, finance and operate basis. Although each Under the staffing arrangements for primary individual design in any school bundle will vary schools there is provision for the allocation of an due to the specific site context, my Department’s 1757 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1758 primary aim is and stated requirement to bidders dent mature candidate the candidate to have is to provide the quality and character of envir- been ordinarily resident in the administrative onment appropriate to the educational aims, phil- area of the Local Authority from the 1st October osophy and the ethos of each school. 2004. The person to whom the Deputy refers has Before procurement begins the Department confirmed to my Department and to Galway enters into a Stakeholder consultation process County Council that she resided in Scotland for that includes management, teaching and ancillary the past number of years. Accordingly she is not staff, students, parents and other local interested eligible to be considered for a Higher Education parties to explain in detail the PPP process and maintenance grant in the state. its objectives. The particular clause which applies in this case is Clause 4.1.2 of the 2005 Higher Education Higher Education Grants. Grant Scheme which states as follows: “Candid- ates who are E.U. nationals and who do not 652. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Edu- satisfy the residency requirement are eligible to cation and Science the reason a person (details apply for a means-tested fees only grant in supplied) in County Galway has been deemed respect of approved courses in the Republic of ineligible for a higher education grant in respect Ireland, provided they have been ordinarily resi- of their course in human rights law run by the dent, for a purpose other than wholly or mainly National University of Ireland, Galway in con- to receive full-time education, in an E.U. Member junction with Queens University Belfast; and if State from 1 October, 2004. Such candidates shall she will make a statement on the matter. apply to the Local Authority in which the college [27356/06] they propose to attend is situated.” As the course is effectively a Queen’s Univer- Minister for Education and Science (Ms sity, Belfast course, to which the fees are payable, Hanafin): The three Third Level Student Support it does not meet the criteria of an approved Schemes, administered by the Local Authorities course in this state for the purposes of Clause and the Vocational Education Committees on 4.1.2. behalf of my Department, offer financial assist- ance to eligible students attending approved third level courses. Students entering approved courses Summer Works Scheme. for the first time are, generally speaking, eligible 653. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Edu- for grants where they satisfy the relevant con- cation and Science the number of schools in ditions as to age, residence, means and County Clare that have qualified for the summer nationality. job scheme; and if she will make a statement on Under the Free Fees Initiative, my Department the matter. [27378/06] meets the tuition fees of eligible students who are attending full-time undergraduate courses in the Minister for Education and Science (Ms State, which must be of at least two years dur- Hanafin): I am pleased to inform the Deputy that ation, at an approved college. Where a candidate the total number of applications approved under is pursuing an approved course at Postgraduate the 2006 Summer Works Scheme for schools in level in an institution listed as an approved insti- County Clare is 17. This comprises thirteen tution for the purpose of my Department’s primary schools and four post primary schools. Higher Education Grant Scheme and VEC Schol- arship Scheme the Awarding Body may award a Departmental Expenditure. full or part grant in respect of the candidate’s lec- ture fee subject to the terms of the Scheme. 654. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Edu- My Department has examined the details of cation and Science the non-governmental agen- the course which the person is attending to deter- cies or organisations her Department has pro- mine whether or not an application could be con- vided funding to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the sidered for assistance under the 2005 Higher Edu- amount of funding provided to each in each year; cation Grant Scheme. the number of applications for funding submitted My Department is aware that the first semester to her Department in total; the number of these of the LLM Human Rights Cross Border course applications which were refused; the reason for is completed in Queen’s University, the second in same; the percentage of her Department’s overall NUI Galway and the third can be spent in either annual budget such funding equates to; and if she Queen’s University or NUIG. The person the will make a statement on the matter. [27391/06] deputy refers to chose to remain in NUIG for the third semester. However, my Department under- Minister of State at the Department of Edu- stands that all fees are paid to Queen’s University cation and Science (Miss de Valera): The main who in turn make a payment to NUIG in respect schemes of funding from my Department to non- of the period of study there. governmental organisations are those funded by The residency requirement, under the pre- the Youth Affairs Section in support of the youth scribed provisions of the 2005 Higher Education work activities of voluntary youth work Grant Scheme, requires in the case of an indepen- organisations/projects. The main schemes funded 1759 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1760

[Miss de Valera.] cation and Science the number of under nines are the Youth Service Grant Scheme, the Special included in the 17, 319 national school pupils Projects for Youth, the Young Peoples Facilities being taught in County Kildare national schools and Services Fund, Youth Information Centres, in the class sizes 25 to 29, 30 to 34 and 35 to 39; and the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme. and the way in which she intends to meet her Officials in my Department are preparing a list Government commitment in relation to class of organisations and projects funded under the sizes. [27398/06] schemes during the years in question and I will send this list directly to the Deputy when it is Minister for Education and Science (Ms complete. The information requested by the Hanafin): Because of the way in which data are Deputy in relation to the percentage of my collected from schools it is not possible to provide Department’s budget that is allocated to non- the information requested by the Deputy in governmental organisations is not readily relation to nine-year olds. available. The most recent information on class sizes in primary schools for County Kildare is for the Special Educational Needs. 2005/2006 school year and is as follows: 655. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- Classes of up to 9 — 0 pupils; cation and Science if additional finance which will Classes of 10 to 19 — 990 pupils; be required by schools is the reason for her delay in commencing the relevant sections of the Edu- Classes of 20 to 24 — 3761 pupils; cation for Persons with Special Educational Classes of 25 to 29 — 10437 pupils; Needs Act 2004 in relation to the provision of a mandatory education plan for each pupil with Classes of 30 to 34 — 6351 pupils; special educational needs. [27395/06] Classes of 35 to 39 — 531 pupils; Minister for Education and Science (Ms Classes of 40 or over — 0 pupils. Hanafin): I can assure the Deputy that the matter of finance is not the reason why the relevant As the Deputy will be aware, major improve- sections of the Education for Persons with Special ments have been made in primary school staffing Educational Needs (EPSEN) Act 2004 relating to in recent years. Next September there will no less Individual Education Plans (IEPs) have not yet than 4000 extra teachers in our primary schools, commenced. compared with 2002. Not only is the average class While many sections of the Act have already size in our primary schools down to 24, but there commenced, the remaining sections cannot come is now one teacher for 17 pupils at primary level, into effect without the National Council for including resource teachers etc. Special Education (NCSE) having an opportunity Children with special needs and those from to present an implementation report to my disadvantaged areas are getting more support Department, which it must do by October 2006. than ever before to help them to make the most This plan will enable me to decide on the com- of their time at school. Indeed, with the thou- mencement of the remaining sections of the Act, sands of extra primary teachers hired by this including the sections related to IEPs. Government, recent years have seen the largest As provided for in the EPSEN Act, an edu- expansion in teacher numbers since the expan- cation plan for each individual pupil with special sion of free education. Over the next two school educational needs will become mandatory when years even more teachers will be put in place both the relevant sections of the Act are commenced. for the above priority areas of disadvantage and In preparation for this, the NCSE has drawn up special education and also under a reduction in guidelines on the IEP process and these guide- the mainstream staffing schedule. lines were published on 20th June last. The guide- As you know all schools are staffed on a lines present a checklist of the essential elements general rule of at least one classroom teacher for required for an IEP for a child with special edu- every 29 children. Of course, schools with only cation needs as envisaged by the EPSEN Act one or two teachers have much lower staffing 2004. ratios than that — with two teachers for just 12 These guidelines will provide advice and assist- pupils in some cases and so on — but the general ance to schools, teachers and parents on devising rule is that there is at least one classroom teacher and implementing IEPs. It is expected that for every 29 children in the school. Next year this schools will use these guidelines to draw up is being reduced to 28 children per classroom school policies and procedures in relation to IEPs teacher and in 2007/2008 it will be reduced to 27 in advance of the mandatory requirement for children per classroom teacher. them. So, as I have pointed out the general rule in the current school year is that at least one classroom teacher is provided for every 29 pupils. Further- Pupil-Teacher Ratio. more, the actual average class size nationally is 656. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- 24. 1761 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1762

It is important to appreciate that there are a 659. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- number of different reasons why a particular cation and Science if a design team has been school may have a large class in a given year. appointed for a school (details supplied) in Reasons why there are large classes include a sig- County Kildare. [27411/06] nificant fluctuation in enrolments from one year to the next and/or a decision by the school princi- Minister for Education and Science (Ms pal not to have multi-grade classes. Hanafin): I am pleased to inform the Deputy that Regardless of the reason why there is a large the Design Team has recently been appointed to class in a particular school one year, it should be the proposed building project at the school in noted that in the majority of cases this is not the question. The architectural planning phase of the situation in the following year. In the main, the new building will commence with immediate same schools do not have large classes year after effect. year and so the same children are not in large Progression of projects to tender and construc- classes year after year. tion will be considered in the context of the Where some classes in a school have class sizes School Building and Modernisation Programme of greater than 29, it is often because a decision 2006-2010. has been taken at local level to use their teaching resources to have smaller numbers in other 660. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- classes. I appreciate that splitting classes may not cation and Science when a design team will be always be an option for a particular school, sought for the required extension to a school because for example there might be a large group (details supplied) in County Kildare. [27412/06] in junior infants and a small group in sixth class and so on. But where it is possible, I believe that Minister for Education and Science (Ms principals should consider the benefits of having Hanafin): The process of appointing a design smaller multi-grade classes as against having large team to the building project referred to by the differences in class sizes at different levels in the Deputy is under way. An advertisement seeking school. design team consultants will shortly be posted on This Government has clearly demonstrated its the public procurement portal: www.etend- commitment to improving staffing in our primary ers.gov.ie. schools by hiring thousands of extra teachers in recent years and we will continue to make pro- 661. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- gress on this issue. cation and Science when work on a school (details supplied) in County Kildare will com- Schools Building Projects. mence. [27415/06] 657. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science the date of signing of the con- Minister for Education and Science (Ms tract for a school (details supplied) in County Hanafin): I am pleased to advise the Deputy that Kildare; the value of the contract; and the time- a suitable site for the school in question has been frame for construction. [27403/06] identified. Contract documents for the purchase of the site are in the process of being signed and Minister for Education and Science (Ms are with the Vendor at present. Progress on the Hanafin): I am pleased to advise the Deputy that new school development will be considered in the a tender of \3.8 million was accepted in May 2006 context of the School Building and Modernis- for the building project for the school in question. ation Programme 2006-2010. The project is on site and should be completed in 12 to 15 months. Psychological Service. 658. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- 662. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if a design team has been cation and Science further to Parliamentary appointed for a school (details supplied) in Question No. 212 of 1 June 2006, if additional County Kildare. [27410/06] educational psychologists are being assigned to schools in County Kildare; and if they are the Minister for Education and Science (Ms schools in question. [27425/06] Hanafin): I am pleased to inform the Deputy that the Design Team has recently been appointed to Minister for Education and Science (Ms the proposed building project at the school in Hanafin): The position remains unchanged from question. The architectural planning phase of the that outlined in my reply of 1 June 2006. The new building will commence with immediate recruitment process in question is still underway. effect. It is expected that the additional psychologists Progression of projects to tender and construc- will be in place by the end of 2006. At that stage, tion will be considered in the context of the the needs of schools in Co. Kildare will be looked School Building and Modernisation Programme at again in the context of overall priorities of 2006-2010. NEPS for the deployment of additional resources. 1763 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1764

Schools Building Projects. requirement that schools are in position ahead of 663. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Edu- or in line with demand, and I think it is one that cation and Science when the school building pro- should be adopted by other planning authorities ject for a school (details supplied) in County in relation to major new housing schemes. Kildare will be allowed to proceed through archi- My Department is working particularly closely tectural planning. [27427/06] with Fingal County Council to develop a joint approach to the timely provision of schools in an Minister for Education and Science (Ms area of the country subject to extremely rapid Hanafin): My Department has no record of an development. This work is likely to provide application for the provision of additional facili- innovative approaches to partnership which I ties from the school authority referred to by the believe can be used to advantage across the coun- Deputy. try in future particularly in the area of shared community facilities. School Accommodation. My Department prioritises school buildings for rapidly developing areas. This is achieved by 664. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for Edu- assigning them a band one priority rating under cation and Science if her attention has been the published prioritisation criteria for large scale drawn to the fact that there are no community building projects. Whenever possible, my Depart- facilities available and insufficient school places ment implements a standardised design model or for the children of the areas where there is high a design and build process to fast track delivery density of housing; and if she will make a state- of the buildings themselves. Not alone does this ment on the matter. [27440/06] result in speedier delivery of projects but it also achieves savings in design fees and land use aris- Minister for Education and Science (Ms ing from the use of the two storey design. Among Hanafin): The demand for additional accom- schools completed using one of these processes is modation in schools has risen significantly over Griffeen Valley in Lucan which was completed in the last number of years mainly due to the rapid a 13 month timeframe. expansion in teacher numbers particularly in the The level of work being done under the schools area of special needs, the growth in the school- building programme is at an all-time high. While going population in rapidly developing areas increased investment is a central reason for this including the impact of inward migration and the — \500m this year alone — radical changes in demands to cater for diversity through the recog- how projects are planned and managed have also nition of new Gaelscoileanna and Educate made a major difference in ensuring that pro- Together schools. vision is delivered in line with or ahead of In planning for school provision to meet these demand. demands my Department has adopted an area based approach which involves a public consul- Schools Building Projects. tation process involving all interested parties. This leads to the production of a blueprint for 665. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for Edu- schools’ development in an area for a timeframe cation and Science her views on whether a school of approximately ten years. The exercise recently (details supplied) in County Mayo is within the completed on the N4-M4 corridor is an example accordance of the published prioritisation criteria of this and the rapidly developing areas of north and that this project should be a priority in view Dublin, south Louth, east Meath will be exam- of the length of time the application has been ined this year. This structured process will ensure submitted; when this school can expect an a more proactive approach to school planning announcement in the context of the school build- than had been the case in the past. ing and modernisation programme 2006 to 2010; Apart from the area development planning and if she will make a statement on the process my Department is also proactively matter. [27443/06] engaged with local authorities on a continual basis in relation to specific areas. This is being Minister for Education and Science (Ms done through improved contacts and communi- Hanafin): The provision of PE Halls at post- cation protocols to ensure that the Department is primary level is considered an integral part of the better alerted about new and expanding residen- design stage for any major refurbishment prog- tial areas and afforded an opportunity to ensure ramme of existing school buildings. All appli- appropriate zoning provision for educational cations received in my Department are banded in purposes. accordance with the prioritisation criteria put in For example in the case of the Strategic place following consultation with the Education Development Zone (SDZ) at Adamstown my partners. The PE Hall project at the school Department is working closely with South Dublin referred to by the Deputy has been assessed in County Council and the developers to produce an accordance with the published prioritisation integrated solution to education and community criteria, and the project is being considered in the facilities that matches the delivery of new hous- context of the School Building and Modernis- ing. Under the SDZ arrangements there is a ation Programme 2006-2010. 1765 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1766

Departmental Programmes. ordinated through the Department’s regional offices and the Inspectorate. In the primary sec- 666. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for Edu- tor, the identification process was based on a sur- cation and Science the reason rural areas of vey carried out by the ERC in May 2005, from County Mayo have not been included in the cur- which a response rate of more than 97% was rent DEIS programme in view of the continuing achieved. deprivation there; the reason these changes occurred; and if she will make a statement on the The analysis of the survey returns from primary matter. [27445/06] schools by the ERC identified the socio-economic variables that collectively best predict achieve- ment, and these variables were then used to iden- Minister for Education and Science (Ms tify schools for participation in the School Sup- Hanafin): The new DEIS programme will be of port Programme. The variables involved were: huge benefit to schools in Mayo. I am sure the Deputy would agree that it is important to make % unemployment sure that schools serving the most disadvantaged % local authority accommodation communities get all the extra support possible and will welcome the extra resources that DEIS % lone parenthood will provide for Mayo schools. I can assure the % Travellers Deputy that there is no reason for schools that haven’t been identified for the new programme % large families (5 or more children) to worry as they will continue to get support in % pupils eligible for free books. line with the level of disadvantage among their pupils. Not one of these schools has been told In the case of second-level schools, the Depart- that they will lose any resources as a result of ment supplied the ERC with centrally-held data DEIS. from the Post-Primary Pupils and State Examin- DEIS is designed to ensure that schools serving ations Commission databases. Based on an analy- the most disadvantaged communities benefit sis of these data, the variables used to determine from the maximum level of support available. eligibility for inclusion in the School Support Over the years, no less than 8 separate schemes Programme were as follows: for disadvantaged primary schools have been put • Medical card data for Junior Certificate in place. Some schools were benefiting from just candidates (including Junior Certificate one or two of these and others were benefiting School Programme candidates) from more. The DEIS initiative is designed to ensure that the most disadvantaged schools • Junior Certificate retention rates by school benefit from a comprehensive package of sup- • Junior Certificate exam results aggregated ports, while ensuring that others continue to get to school level (expressed as an OPS — support in line with the level of disadvantage “Overall Performance Scale” — score). among their pupils. This was based on each student’s perform- 59 rural primary schools in Mayo have been ance in the seven subjects in which s/he invited to benefit from resources available under performed best the new programme. Nearly 20% of all the rural schools invited to benefit from the new prog- • Leaving Certificate retention rates by ramme nationally are in Mayo. school. I am sure the Deputy will agree that the extra A review process has been put in place for both supports being made available will be of great primary and second-level schools. The review value to those primary schools in Mayo which, process applies only to those primary schools that based on the information submitted by their prin- participated in the ERC survey in May 2005 and cipals, have been selected to benefit from the only to those eligible second-level schools for new programme. which data were available from the relevant data- While the whole rationale behind the new bases. The closing date for receipt of review programme is to ensure that the most applications was Friday, 31st March, 2006. disadvantaged schools benefit from all of the The review process is nearing completion and available supports, schools that are benefiting the review group will shortly be making recom- from pre-existing schemes will keep the extra mendations to my Department in the case of each resources — financial and human — that they are school that has sought a review after which each getting under these initiatives for the 2006/07 school will be written to as regards the outcome school year. After that they will continue to get of their application. support in line with the level of socio-economic disadvantage among their pupils. In relation to how schools were identified to School Placement. benefit from the new programme, this process 667. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Edu- was managed by the Educational Research cation and Science the number of children who Centre (ERC) on behalf of my Department and will have reached or exceeded the age of six by supported by quality assurance work co- September 2006 and who have not been allocated 1767 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1768

[Ms C. Murphy.] and the fact that the requirements of health and a school place; and if she will make a statement safety regulations cannot be met. [27497/06] on the matter. [27493/06] Minister for Education and Science (Ms Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): The Patron has offered to provide a Hanafin): My Department is not aware of any site to accommodate the new school to which the child that will have reached or exceeded the age Deputy refers and communications are ongoing of six that will not have a school place for next with the Patron on the matter. As soon as the site September. issues are finalised the building projects required to deliver the appropriate accommodation will be School Accommodation. considered in the context of the School Building and Modernisation Programme 2006-2010. 668. Mr. Costello asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if she will make a building (details supplied) in Dublin 9, available to the Site Acquisitions. local Educate Together school in Glasnevin; and 672. Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for Edu- if she will make a statement on the matter. cation and Science the position in relation to a [27494/06] project (details supplied) in County Galway; the progress which is being made in acquiring a site; Minister for Education and Science (Ms if it has been established that the only site which Hanafin): My Department will be discussing the would allow an extension is not available; if, in issue of the future use of the property in question view of same, a site for a new building has been with the Office of Public Works to see if it has acquired; and the option which is now being pur- any potential for development as education infra- sued to bring the project to completion. structure. [27498/06]

School Transport. Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): Site acquisition is at an advanced stage. 669. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Edu- When finalised the school building project will be cation and Science if she will reinstate the funding considered in the context of the School Building for the operation of a minibus for the preschool and Modernisation Programme 2006-2010. in a centre (details supplied) in Dublin 11 in order that seven children will be able to access the service. [27495/06] School Placement. 673. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for Edu- Minister for Education and Science (Ms cation and Science if it is possible to maintain Hanafin): My Department had provided funding home support hours for a person (details towards the operation of a pre-school transport supplied) in County Mayo; and if she will make a service to the centre referred to by the Deputy. statement on the matter. [27499/06] The transport service was discontinued in 2005 due to a decrease in the number of children avail- Minister for Education and Science (Ms ing of the service. Hanafin): I can confirm to the Deputy that the My officials have recently made contact with child in question has a full-time school placement the Chairperson of the pre-school in question and is in receipt of 5 hours resource teaching sup- concerning the matter raised by the Deputy. I port per week together with full-time special understand that 7 children are due to start in the needs assistant support in the school. The child pre-school in September 2006. The Chairperson is also receiving support from my Department’s has undertaken to submit a request for funding a Visiting Teacher Service. I regret that it is not transport service for these children to my Depart- possible to provide additional tuition in the ment. The request will be considered as soon as home. possible following receipt and a decision will be conveyed directly to the pre-school management. Question No. 674 withdrawn.

Question No. 670 answered with Question Site Acquisitions. No.644. 675. Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if she has had a request from a Schools Building Projects. college (details supplied) or Wicklow Vocational 671. Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for Edu- Educational Committee seeking additional land cation and Science if she will allow a project at a proposed new site to facilitate the develop- (details supplied) in County Galway to proceed ment of new schools; and if she will make a state- as a separate project; if the site has been acquired ment on the matter. [27515/06] from the patron; the status of the project and if she will allow the project to proceed in view of Minister for Education and Science (Ms the substandard condition of one of the buildings Hanafin): The proper channel for a request of the 1769 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1770 type referred to by the Deputy is through the lion funding allocated to assist students in school authority which, in this case, is County attending the Gaeltacht in 2006 is being dis- Wicklow VEC. I can confirm that, to date, a for- persed; to whom it is being dispersed; the location mal request has not been submitted by it. where an eight year old can attend a Gaeltacht course; and if she will make a statement on the Teaching Qualifications. matter. [27519/06]

676. Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for Edu- Minister for Education and Science (Ms cation and Science the number of the 55 tempor- Hanafin): The funding to assist students in ary teachers at primary level who are affected by attending Irish summer college courses is being the four year rule enabling them to obtain long disbursed as follows in 2006:- Under the scheme term contracts that are qualified secondary school for payment of tuition grants to Irish Summer teachers; and if she will make a statement on the Colleges, which is administered by my Depart- matter. [27518/06] ment, grants are paid to Colleges based on course attendance. The estimated expenditure in 2006 Minister for Education and Science (Ms is \1,175,000. Hanafin): Discussions on the implementation of My Department also administers a separate the Protection of Employees (Fixed Term) Act, scheme for trainee teachers in the Colleges of 2003 in the education sector are continuing with Education who are required to attend a three the assistance of a facilitator. The discussions week course in the Gaeltacht as part of their include representatives of the Departments of teacher training programme. Grants are paid to Education & Science and Finance, the manage- the Irish Colleges based on the attendance of ment authorities of schools and the Institutes of Technology and the teacher unions. these students. It is estimated such grants will cost in the region of \825,000 this year. One of the more significant provisions of the legislation relates to the use of successive fixed Under Sce´im na bhFoghlaimeoirı´ Gaeilge, term contracts. Essentially a fixed term employee which is administered by the Department of can be employed by his/her employer on two or Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, grants more continuous fixed term contracts, the aggre- are paid to Gaeltacht households who accommo- gate of which must not exceed four years. Where date Irish students while they attend recognised Irish courses in the Gaeltacht. The estimated any term of a fixed term contract purports to con- \ travene this provision, that term shall have no overall expenditure in 2006 is 4,250,000. effect and the contract concerned shall be Under my Department’s Rules for the payment deemed to be a contract of indefinite duration of grants to Irish Summer Colleges, provision is (C.I.D.). made for the payment of grants in respect of Agreement was reached in October, 2005 to students between 8 and 18 years of age attending issue contracts of indefinite duration (C.I.D.s) to approved Irish courses in colleges outside the fully qualified primary school teachers with four Gaeltacht. The colleges are privately run insti- years successive temporary teaching service at 1 tutions and the age group for which courses are September, 2005, unless objective grounds had provided is a matter for the individual colleges been set out at renewal of temporary contract. concerned. In practice, most courses cater for All schools were circularised by my Department pupils in the secondary education age group. with this information at that time. If the Deputy wishes to get information on the In June, 2006 it was decided that this agree- courses provided by individual colleges, I would ment would also comprehend post primary quali- suggest that he contacts Comhchoiste na gCola´istı´ fied teachers as recognised by the Teaching Samhraidh (CONCOS), Baile an Fheirte´araigh, Council (B.A. and H.Dip) and receiving Tra´ Lı´, Co. Chiarraı´. CONCOS is a federation of incremental salary, with more than four years suc- 42 Irish Summer Colleges both inside and outside cessive teaching service in a primary school and the main Gaeltachtaı´, as well as Residential where no objective ground existed. 55 such Colleges in the provinces. teachers working in full-time temporary posts in primary schools at 1 September, 2005 were iden- Schools Building Projects. tified as eligible for C.I.D.s. having regard to their 678. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for Edu- entitlements under the legislation. cation and Science the progress to date in the Arrangements are currently underway in my provision of primary education in the North Department for a circular to issue to all schools Tipperary area by location; and if she will make outlining the further agreement reached on issues a statement on the matter. [27522/06] related to the implementation of the Protection of Employees (Fixed Term) Act, 2003. 679. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science the progress to date in the Summer Colleges. provision of secondary education in the North 677. Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for Edu- Tipperary area by location; and if she will make cation and Science the way in which the \6 mil- a statement on the matter. [27523/06] 1771 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1772

Minister for Education and Science (Ms in question included in the main contract is cur- Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 678 rently being considered by my Department’s and 679 together. Technical Staff. It is anticipated that a decision I presume the information sought by the will be made shortly on this matter. Deputy relates to applications from schools to my Department in relation to school building Question No. 682 answered with Question projects. No. 649. I would like to draw the Deputy’s attention to the series of announcements I have made so far this year as part of the 2006 School Building Special Educational Needs. Programme and details of which are available on 683. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Edu- my Department’s website at www.education.ie. cation and Science if she has formally requested These announcements, which were published in support therapies for a person (details supplied) county order, outline: in County Kildare under Section 40 of the Edu- • Schools authorised to commence architec- cation for Persons with Special Educational tural planning Needs Act 2004; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27546/06] • Details of schools with projects approved under the 2006 Summer Works Scheme Minister for Education and Science (Ms • School with major building projects Hanafin): My Department has not formally allowed to move to tender and con- requested support therapies for the person in struction question under Section 40 of the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act • Schools invited to deliver their building 2004. projects on the basis of devolved funding. As the Deputy is aware, the National Council Applications for capital works from schools in for Special Education (NCSE) is now oper- North Tipperary which are not included in these ational. A specific function of the NCSE, through announcements are being assessed and con- its network of local special educational needs sidered for inclusion in further announcements as organisers (SENOs), is to identify appropriate part of the 2006-2010 School Building and Mod- educational placements for all children with ernisation Programme. Should the Deputy have special educational needs. The SENO is a focal queries about any specific school officials in the point of contact for parents and schools. School Planning Section of my Department My officials have liaised with the NCSE in would be happy to assist in dealing with same. relation to the child referred to by the Deputy. The NCSE has advised that it has not received Schools Refurbishment. any application for assistance with the application in question. It is open to the parent(s) to contact 680. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- the relevant SENO who can assist in accessing an cation and Science if her attention has been appropriate educational placement for the child. drawn to the standard and essential work at a Contact details for the relevant SENO may be school (details supplied) in County Westmeath sourced from the NCSE at (046) 9486400. Alter- which has been excluded; if she will reconsider natively, these details may be accessed on the this decision and have the works included; and if NCSE website at www.ncse.ie. she will make a statement on the matter. Meanwhile, I understand that the child is cur- [27543/06] rently in receipt of 20 hours home tuition per week pending the identification of a suitable Minister for Education and Science (Ms school placement. Hanafin): The school’s request to have the works in question included in the main contract is cur- Speech Therapy Services. rently being considered by my Department’s Technical Staff. It is anticipated that a decision 684. Mr. O’Dowd asked the Minister for Edu- will be made shortly on this matter. cation and Science the number of graduates in speech and language and occupational therapy Schools Building Projects. for the years 2004 and 2005; the number of third level places in speech and language and occu- 681. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- pational therapy for the years 2006 to 2007; and cation and Science if her attention has been if she will make a statement on the matter. drawn to the standard and essential work at a [27547/06] school (details supplied) in County Westmeath which has been excluded; and if she will make a Minister for Education and Science (Ms statement on the matter. [27544/06] Hanafin): In 2004 there were 21 Speech and Lan- guage Therapy graduates and 32 graduates from Minister for Education and Science (Ms Occupational Therapy. The figures for the 2005 Hanafin): The school’s request to have the works graduates are not yet fully available. 1773 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1774

As the Deputy may be aware, in May 2002 my Within this provision there was an increase of Department approved the provision of 175 75 places on new courses in Speech and Language additional therapy training places to tackle Therapy and an additional 75 places on new shortages of physiotherapists, occupational thera- Occupational Therapy courses. These increased pists and speech and language therapists as iden- intakes will result in a significant increase in the tified in the report “Current and Future Supply number of Speech and Language Therapists and Demand Conditions in the Labour Market graduating from the third level sector. I have for Certain Professional Therapists”, which was attached a chart detailing the number of students undertaken by Dr. Peter Bacon and Associates enrolled on these courses. Future entrants are in 2001. expected to be in line with these numbers.

Source Year Course Title Institution Award Type Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

2003 B.Sc. Occupational Therapy CK Degree 26 0 0 2004 B.Sc. Occupational Therapy CK Degree 30 24 0 2005 B.Sc. Occupational Therapy CK Degree 27 30 22 2003 B.Sc. Speech & Language Therapy CK Degree 26 0 0 2004 B.Sc. Speech & Language Therapy CK Degree 27 26 0 2005 B.Sc. Speech & Language Therapy CK Degree 28 25 25 2003 B.Sc. Occupational Therapy GY Degree 22 0 0 2004 B.Sc. Occupational Therapy * GY Degree 25 19 0 2003 B.Sc. Speech & Language Therapy GY Degree 25 0 0 2004 B.Sc. Speech & Language Therapy * GY Degree 24 24 0 2004 M.Sc. In Occupational Therapy ** LM Masters 21 21 2005 M.Sc. In Occupational Therapy LM Masters 2004 MSc. In Speech and Language LM Masters 27 23 Therapy** 2005 MSc. In Speech and Language Therapy LM Masters 2003 B.Sc. Occupational Therapy TR Degree 42 46 38 32 2004 B.Sc. Occupational Therapy* TR Degree 38 39 46 38 2003 B.Sc. Speech & Language Therapy TR Degree 25 28 28 21 2004 B.Sc. Speech & Language Therapy* TR Degree 29 25 28 28 Note: *Figures for 2005/2006 not yet available for these courses **These courses are of two years duration

stream posts for the 2006/2007 school year. It is School Staffing. open to the Board of Management to submit an appeal under certain criteria to an independent 685. Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Edu- Appeal Board which was established to adjudi- cation and Science the directive she has issued cate on appeals on mainstream staffing allo- in relation to the appointment of a concessionary cations in primary schools. Details of the criteria teacher in a school (details supplied) in County and application dates for appeal are contained in Sligo in view of the fact it will have up to 90 the staffing schedule. They are also available in pupils in 2006 and 2007 and in 2005 and 2006 it Circular 0024/2006 (Appeal Board for Main- had four teachers with an enrolment of 78 pupils; stream Staffing in Primary Schools). Hard copies if she will give a firm commitment that a teacher will be appointed; and if she will make a state- of this circular have been issued to all primary ment on the matter. [27621/06] schools. Appeals must be submitted to Primary Pay- Minister for Education and Science (Ms ments Section, Department of Education and Hanafin): The staffing of a primary school is Science, Athlone, on the standard application determined by reference to the enrolment of the form, clearly stating the criterion under which the school on the 30th September of the previous appeal is being made. The standard application school year. The actual number of mainstream form is available from Primary Payments Section posts sanctioned is determined by reference to a or on the Department’s website. staffing schedule which is issued annually to all The Appeal Board operates independently of primary schools. The relevant circular the Minister and the Department and its decision (0023/2006) issued to all schools in March 2006. is final. The enrolment in the school referred to by the I am sure the Deputy will appreciate that it Deputy on 30th September 2005 was 78 pupils, would not be appropriate for me to intervene in which warrants a staffing of Principal plus 2 main- the operations of the Independent Appeal Board. 1775 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1776

Schools Building Projects. traveller children and for those with special needs. 686. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if she has received a request The Early Start pre-school project operates in for a meeting from the board of management of 40 primary schools in designated areas of urban a school (details supplied) in County Laois; if she disadvantage in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Water- is in a position to meet with the representatives ford, Galway, Drogheda and Dundalk. There are of this school to discuss their concerns and diffi- 1,680 places in these centres. Although the Early culties being experienced at the school; and if she Start project itself has not been extended in will make a statement on the matter. [27622/06] recent years, targeted early childhood education provision is a key element of the School Support Minister for Education and Science (Ms Programme (SSP) under the new action plan for Hanafin): Officials in the School Planning and educational inclusion DEIS (Delivering Equality Building Unit of my Department have no record of Opportunity in Schools), which provides for a of a request for a meeting from the school to standardised system for identifying levels of dis- which the Deputy refers. The school authority advantage. The objective in relation to early should contact that section directly if it has con- childhood education is to concentrate actions cerns which it wishes to discuss. initially on those children aged from three up to school enrolment, who will subsequently attend the 180 urban/town primary schools serving the Special Educational Needs. most disadvantaged communities. My Depart- 687. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Edu- ment will work in partnership with other depart- cation and Science if she will support the pro- ments and agencies to complement and add value vision of an ABA unit for autistic children in to existing childcare programmes in County Kerry; and if she will make a statement disadvantaged communities, with a view to ensur- on the matter. [27623/06] ing that the overall care and education needs of the children concerned are met in an integrated Minister for Education and Science (Ms manner. A strong emphasis will be placed on Hanafin): The Deputy will be aware of my com- adding value to the work of other providers by mitment to ensuring that all children, including embedding quality early learning within childcare those with autism receive an education appro- provision. The Centre for Early Childhood priate to their needs, preferably through the Development and Education will provide advice primary and post primary school network. on the future development and direction of pre- My Department supports an eclectic approach school measures for children in disadvantaged to the education of children with autism where a communities. range of teaching methods can be applied specific My Department currently funds 46 pre-schools to the needs of individual pupils. Provision in this for Traveller children. With an increasing empha- regard in County Kerry includes pre-school/early sis on integrated provision, there has been no intervention special classes for children with increase in the number of separate pre-schools autism, special classes for children with autism for Traveller children in recent years. attached to special and mainstream schools plus In the special needs sector, there are currently a range of supports for pupils with autism inte- 15 pre-school classes for children with autism grated in mainstream classes. No application has located throughout the country. The number of been made to my Department to establish an such classes has increased from three in 2001. In ABA unit for autistic pupils in County Kerry. addition to this, 12 stand-alone autism facilities that provide an applied behavioural analysis Early Childhood Education. (ABA) model of response to children with autism cater for a number of children of pre-school age 688. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Edu- — there were 3 such facilities in place in 2001 and cation and Science the number of State funded approval has been given for the establishment of early education places; and the way these have a further two facilities. My Department sanctions increased in the past five years. [27624/06] home tuition grants for children with autism who are of pre-school age and for whom a home edu- Minister for Education and Science (Ms cational programme is considered appropriate — Hanafin): Early Years Education in Ireland grants for some 380 such children are currently in covers the period from birth to six years. Almost payment, costing in the region of \7m per annum. all five year olds and half of four year olds attend While it is not possible to confirm the number of junior infant and senior infant classes in primary pre-school age children with autism in receipt of schools. Provision for children below the age of home tuition grants in 2001, I can confirm that four is targeted at specific groups. there has been a substantial increase in the Outside of junior classes in primary schools, my number of such grants sanctioned in recent years. Department’s main role in the area of early child- In a small number of cases, my Department allo- hood education encompasses pre-school pro- cates funding to service providers to assist them vision for children from disadvantaged areas, for in providing an educational component to pre- 1777 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1778 school age children in Child Educational The Tasks carried out by students taking the Development Centres (CEDCs) and some Leaving Certificate Applied to demonstrate the \300,000 per annum is currently provided in this knowledge and skills they have acquired are also regard. This funding arrangement was initially externally assessed. sanctioned in 2002. The Leaving Certificate Business syllabus has The bulk of pre-school places in the country a strong focus on enterprise. The syllabus covers are financed by the Office of the Minister for marketing and starting a business, the domestic Children and previously by the Department of and international environment, handling conflict, Justice, Equality and Law Reform, which has pro- enterprise skills and their application to different vided unprecedented levels of funding for child- situations. In 2005, Leaving Certificate Business care in recent years. \499.3m has been allocated was taken by 20,502 candidates. to the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme In the context of the future development of (EOCP) 2000-2006. The original target of 28,000 senior cycle, I have also asked the National new childcare places has already been exceeded Council for Curriculum and Assessment to and it is anticipated that some 41,000 places will design, as an exemplar, a short course in have been created by the time the programme enterprise education, building on the existing finishes. Links Modules. I have also requested that a The Department of Health and Children also review be undertaken of all Leaving Certificate provides grants to childcare groups, including to subjects to embed key skills such as critical think- community groups in areas of social and econ- ing and working with others and to add a second omic disadvantage. assessment component, where it does not already exist, to ensure that the objectives of the sylla- School Curriculum. buses are well assessed.

689. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Edu- Medical Education and Training. cation and Science if she has introduced a prog- ramme on enterprise for all pupils; and if she will 690. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Edu- make a statement on the matter. [27625/06] cation and Science when a common science degree as an entry route to medical, veterinary Minister for Education and Science (Ms and so on, will be put in place. [27626/06] Hanafin): One of the principles underpinning the Primary School Curriculum is that the child’s Minister for Education and Science (Ms higher order thinking and problem solving skills Hanafin): On the 1 February 2006 the Ta´naiste are developed. Through the curriculum the child and I published the report of the Fottrell Work- is encouraged to observe, to ask relevant ques- ing Group on Undergraduate Medical Education tions, to recognise the essence of a problem, to and Training. In addition the Ta´naiste published suggest solutions and to make informed judge- the report of the Postgraduate Medical Education ments. These skills are fundamental to engen- and Training Group. These reports represent the dering enterprise in our young people. most significant review of medical education and At second level, students taking the Transition training ever undertaken in Ireland and are Year option, the Leaving Certificate Vocational aimed at responding to the needs of a changing programme and the Leaving Certificate Applied health system and ensuring that medical edu- cation in Ireland is sufficiently resourced and are provided with specific opportunities to developed to maintain our reputation for produc- acquire enterprise skills. These programmes place ing quality doctors into the future. a strong focus on action learning, community- based approaches, personal development and Among the recommendations of the Fottrell teamwork. Students also engage in work Group was that a graduate stream of entry to medicine be introduced and that all graduates of experience. honours Bachelor degree programmes should be Typically, Transition Year students engage in eligible to apply. It has been decided that gradu- mini-company activities whereby they plan, ate entry will be open to such graduates of all develop and manage a mini enterprise or organise disciplines. The provision of a graduate entry a major event such as a trade fair or fashion show. stream is an important development in reducing Teamwork, multi-disciplinary learning, interper- pressures on aspiring medical students who until sonal and communications skills, planning, eval- now have effectively had one chance of entry, uation, and mastery of business concepts are all based on their Leaving Certificate performance. part of this process. Approximately, 25,000 This will allow students to make a decision to students take the Transition Year annually. enter medicine at a more mature age and should One of the Link Modules within the Leaving result in a more diverse range of entrants into Certificate Vocational programme is on the profession. Enterprise Education. This is externally assessed and the results can be used for CAO points pur- School Staffing. poses. In 2005, the Link Modules were taken by 14,281 candidates. 691. Mr. Cregan asked the Minister for Edu- 1779 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1780

[Mr. Cregan.] classes. Indeed, I often find that when I look into cation and Science the registered number of why a particular school has a class of 35 in a part- pupils and staffing level in a school (details icular grade, the answer is because there is supplied) in Dublin 9; if the school has received another class in the same school with a much additional teachers in the past five years; if her lower than average number of pupils in it. attention has been drawn to the fact that several I appreciate that splitting classes may not classes have up to 35 pupils; the maximum always be an option for a particular school, number of pupils allowed per class; and if she will because for example there might be a large group make a statement on the matter. [27627/06] in junior infants and a small group in sixth class and so on. But where it is possible, I believe that Minister for Education and Science (Ms principals should consider the benefits of having Hanafin): The staffing of a primary school for a smaller multi-grade classes as against having large particular school year is determined by reference differences in class sizes at different levels in the to the enrolment of the school on the 30th school. September of the previous school year and by ref- The enrolment of the school referred to by the erence to a staffing schedule. This staffing sched- Deputy on 30th September 2005 was 261 pupils, ule for the 2006/07 school year is outlined in which warrants a staffing of Principal plus 9 main- Primary Circular 0023/2006 which was issued to stream posts for the 2006/2007 school year. The all primary schools. school will also have two permanent learning sup- As you know all primary schools are staffed on port resource posts and the services of a tempor- a general rule of at least one classroom teacher ary shared learning support resource post based for every 29 children. Of course, schools with only in the school. one or two teachers have much lower staffing For the current school year, 2005/06, the ratios than that — with two teachers for just 12 number of mainstream posts in the school was pupils in some cases and so on — but the general reduced by 1 compared to 2004/05. However, this rule is that there is at least one classroom teacher reduction in staffing was offset by the creation of for every 29 children in the school. Next year this the second permanent learning support resource is being reduced to 28 children per classroom post and the temporary shared learning support teacher and in 2007/2008 it will be reduced to 27 resource post referred to above. There have been children per classroom teacher. no further posts allocated to the school in the last Major improvements have been made in five years apart from these two additional posts. primary school staffing in recent years. Next This Government has clearly demonstrated its September there will no less than 4000 extra commitment to improving staffing in our primary teachers in our primary schools compared with schools by hiring thousands of extra teachers in 2002. Not only is the average class size in our recent years and we will continue to make pro- primary schools down to 24, but there is now one gress on this issue. teacher for 17 pupils at primary level, including resource teachers etc. Pension Provisions. So, as I have pointed out the general rule in the 692. Mr. Cregan asked the Minister for Edu- current school year is that at least one classroom cation and Science the situation in relation to teacher is provided for every 29 pupils. Further- pensions for caretakers in primary schools partic- more, the actual average class size nationally is ularly with regard to a person (details supplied) 24. in Dublin 11; if pensions exist for some caretakers Nonetheless, some schools do have classes with or other non-teaching staff; if such a scheme is more than 30 children in them. It is important to being worked on; the target date for commence- appreciate that there are a number of different ment; if it will apply to staff who have recently reasons why a particular school may have a large retired or to all existing retired staff; and if she class in a given year. Reasons why there are large will make a statement on the matter. [27628/06] classes include a significant fluctuation in enrol- ments from one year to the next and/or a decision Minister for Education and Science (Ms by the school principal not to have multi-grade Hanafin): Caretaking staff in schools are classes. employed by the individual school authorities. Regardless of the reason why there is a large My Department provides funding under two sep- class in a particular school one year, it should be arate schemes towards the cost of employing noted that in the majority of cases this is not the these staff. One scheme is the 1979 scheme for situation in the following year. In the main, the the employment of full-time caretaking staff in same schools do not have large classes year after primary schools. Under this scheme my Depart- year and so the same children are not in large ment meets the full cost of pay. The person in classes year after year. question is employed as a caretaker under the Where some classes in a school have class sizes 1979 Scheme. of greater than 29, it is often because a decision My Department has recently introduced a has been taken at local level to use their teaching superannuation scheme for caretaking staff resources to have smaller numbers in other employed under the 1979 scheme. The Superan- 1781 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1782 nuation Scheme provides that membership will establishment of a school (details supplied) in be effective from 1 September 2001 in the case of West Cork; the catchment arrangements between eligible caretakers in service at that time. Mem- schools in Bantry and the new school; and the bership terminates at the end of the school year way the Dunbeacon Goleen area near Schull was in which the caretaker reaches age 65. Caretakers not included in the catchment area of the school who had already reached age 65 prior to 1 when it was established. [27630/06] September 2001 are not eligible for membership of the Scheme. Minister for Education and Science (Ms The scheme is a contributory scheme and Hanafin): As has previously been advised to the ongoing deductions from pay of eligible person- Deputy catchment boundaries have their origins nel commenced with effect from 7 March 2006. in the establishment of free post-primary edu- Arrears of contributions are payable in respect cation in the late 1960’s and were determined fol- of the period from 1 September 2001 to the date lowing consultation with local educational ongoing deductions commenced, or the date interests. In particular in cases such as Schull membership ended if earlier. Eligible staff will be where a new postprimary school is established in notified in due course of the arrears due in an area where previously there was none, it has respect of that period. In accordance with stan- been the practice as part of the discussions and dard public service arrangements, there is also arrangements concerned with the establishment provision for reckoning service given prior to 1 of the school to review the existing adjacent September 2001 subject to verification of the catchment areas in order to establish the appro- service concerned and payment of the appro- priate catchment and feeder primary schools for priate contributions. the proposed new post-primary school. Eligible personnel and school authorities were My Department has been unable to locate any informed of the introduction of the superannu- records of those discussions but will pursue the ation scheme prior to the commencement of matter to establish if any records are held locally deductions from pay. A circular setting out either by the school or the VEC committee. further details regarding the superannuation In any event it is evident that since the incep- scheme, including the provisions for payment of tion of the Schull post-primary school that school arrears of contributions, is being prepared and transport has not been provided on the basis that will be issued shortly. the Dunbeacon Goleen is within the Bantry The person in question was eligible for mem- catchment area. bership of the scheme until 31 August 2002 — the My Department will write directly to the end of the school-year in which he reached age Deputy with any information obtained from its 65. He has continued in employment until further inquiries in relation to any records that recently in a non-pensionable capacity. Subject to may exist of the discussion held at the time. the payment of appropriate contributions in respect of his reckonable service, he will be eli- gible for pension with effect from the date of his Third Level Education. retirement in 2006. A Retirement Gratuity will 695. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Edu- also be payable based on his annual rate of pay cation and Science the proportion of people in on his last day of reckonable service on 31 August the 18 to 25 age group participating in full-time 2002. Contributions owing to the scheme may be third level education in each local authority area paid by deduction from the Retirement Gratuity. in each of the years 1997 to date in 2006; the The 1979 scheme is being phased out. It has breakdown of the figures between university, been superseded by an extensive grant scheme institute of technology and other third level insti- now referred to as the Ancillary Services grant. tution; and if she will make a statement on the The Ancillary Services grant provides funding for matter. [27770/06] primary schools towards the cost of secretarial and caretaking services. The Scheme, by its nat- Minister for Education and Science (Ms ure, is flexible and gives Boards of Management Hanafin): Information on participation in full- discretion as to the manner in which secretarial time third-level education is not available in the and caretaking services are provided. Staff exact format requested by the Deputy. However, engaged by schools under the Ancillary Services I attach tabular statements containing extensive grant are paid by the managerial authorities of and very relevant information on the subject of the schools and are non-pensionable. access to higher education by individual county and by postal districts within Dublin for 1998 and Question No. 693 answered with Question 2004. These data are derived from a recently pub- No. 635. lished HEA report entitled “Who Went to College in 2004? A National Survey of New School Catchment Areas. Entrants to Higher Education (2006), O’Connell, 694. Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Clancy and McCoy” and the 1998 data are taken Education and Science the details of the catch- from the earlier studies on access to higher edu- ment boundary review that took place on the cation by Prof. Patrick Clancy. 1783 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1784

[Ms Hanafin.] higher education is defined as the flow of new The Deputy might note that these data refer to entrants to higher education divided by the popu- admission rates to higher education rather than lation at typical age of entry to higher education participation rates per se. The admission rate to (i.e. 17 to 19 years).”

Rates of Admission (%) to Higher Education by County and Type of College 2004

All Colleges Universities Institutes of Colleges of Other Colleges Technology Education

%% %%%

Carlow 60.3 22.7 30.4 3.2 4.1 Cavan 52.5 19.4 27.9 3.7 1.5 Clare 59.3 30.1 23.4 5.2 0.6 Cork 58.1 32.6 22.7 2.4 0.4 Donegal 46.3 15.1 27.9 2.7 0.5 Dublin 50.8 26.4 17.9 1.4 5.2 Galway 67.4 34.2 28.5 3.9 0.7 Kerry 67.0 27.1 35.0 4.3 0.6 Kildare 54.0 28.0 20.3 1.3 4.4 Kilkenny 51.1 20.9 25.0 2.8 2.4 Laois 52.2 23.2 23.7 2.4 2.9 Leitrim 64.2 23.0 35.3 4.2 1.6 Limerick 53.2 26.9 20.6 5.0 0.7 Longford 60.3 26.2 28.4 4.3 1.4 Louth 53.9 16.2 33.7 1.7 2.2 Mayo 66.8 27.0 34.8 3.8 1.3 Meath 60.7 25.6 28.5 2.4 4.2 Monaghan 44.5 14.9 25.4 2.8 1.4 Offaly 47.1 18.3 24.5 2.0 2.3 Roscommon 57.8 23.4 30.6 2.9 0.9 Sligo 70.5 26.5 38.5 4.2 1.2 Tipperary 56.3 24.4 23.0 4.5 4.4 Waterford 48.7 20.6 25.3 1.7 1.2 Westmeath 40.8 13.0 23.7 1.9 2.0 Wexford 54.1 17.6 31.9 2.8 1.8 Wicklow 49.6 23.5 21.0 1.1 4.0

State 55.0 25.4 24.3 2.6 2.6

Rates of Admission (%) to Higher Education by County in 2004 with Comparative Data for 1998

County Admission Rate Admission Rate


2004 1998 Carlow 60.3 44.4 Cavan 52.5 45.3 Clare 59.3 50.0 Cork 58.1 48.9 Donegal 46.3 35.1 Dublin 50.8 37.7 Galway 67.4 56.7 Kerry 67.0 52.7 Kildare 54.0 41.1 Kilkenny 51.1 40.9 Laois 52.2 38.5 1785 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1786

County Admission Rate Admission Rate

%% Leitrim 64.2 52.8 Limerick 53.2 50.3 Longford 60.3 49.1 Louth 53.9 42.6 Mayo 66.8 55.7 Meath 60.7 45.4 Monaghan 44.5 40.7 Offaly 47.1 37.8 Roscommon 57.8 50.2 Sligo 70.5 55.6 Tipperary 56.3 48.6 Waterford 48.7 41.2 Westmeath 40.8 48.9 Wexford 54.1 43.8 Wicklow 49.6 41.0

State 55.0 44.4

Trend in Admission Rates to Higher Education by Dublin Postal District 1998-2004

Postal District Rate in Rate in Change in rate % change in % change in 2004 1998 1998-2004 (% new entrants pop. cohort Points) 1998-2004 1998-2004


14 (Rathfarnham, Dundrum, Churchtown, 86.5 68.4 18.1 17.1 −13.9 Clonskeagh) 9 (Whitehall Drumcondra, Santry, Beaumont) 55.3 40.1 15.2 7.7 −27.5 6 (Rathmines, Rathgar, Sandymount, Harolds Cross) 85.5 70.4 15.1 6.7 −18.4 15 (Castleknock, Clonee, Clonsilla, Blanchardstown) 55.5 40.5 15.0 47.9 0.4 24 (Tallaght, Oldbawn, Jobstown, Firhouse) 40.0 26.1 13.9 15.5 −30.0 11 (Finglas, Cremore, Wadelai, Ballymun) 27.6 14.2 13.4 28.6 −38.7 1 North Inner City 22.0 8.9 13.9 135.3 −11.2 8 (Kilmainham, Dolphins Barn, Portobello, 32.6 21.2 11.4 54.2 −7.1 Inchicore) 3 (Clontarf, Dollymount, East Wall, Marino) 65.6 54.4 11.2 16.3 −10.4 4 (Ballsbridge, Ringsend, Sandymount, 69.9 59.3 10.6 23.7 −2.5 Donnybrook) 22 (Clondalkin, Bawnogue, Neilstown) 22.8 12.7 10.1 71.1 −11.5 2 South Inner City 29.5 19.5 10.0 33.3 −18.1 12 (Crumlin, Walkinstown, Drimnagh, Kimmage) 29.3 19.9 9.4 30.0 −17.7 5 (Raheny, Artane, Harmonstown) 47.0 38.3 8.7 20.9 −8.4 7 (Cabra, Phibsboro, Four Courts, Arran Quay) 28.0 19.8 8.2 30.0 −14.4 17 (Priorswood, Balgriffin, Clonshaugh, Darndale) 16.6 8.4 8.2 57.1 −26.1 16 (Ballyboden-Ballinteer) 63.7 55.5 8.2 −0.2 −19.1 20 (Palmerstown, Chapelizod) 24.4 17.3 7.1 38.4 −9.0 18 (Foxrock, Sandyford, Cabinteely, Glencullen) 83.2 77.1 6.1 1.8 −12.4 10 (Ballyfermot) 11.7 7.1 4.6 76.0 −0.5 13 (Howth, Donaghmede, Baldoyle, Sutton) 42.1 39.8 2.3 −19.3 −29.1 1. Caution is needed in interpreting county admission rates due to the small numbers involved.

Departmental Expenditure. each of the public bodies, executive agencies, advisory bodies and taskforces operating under 696. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Edu- her Department. [27791/06] cation and Science the budgetary allocation for 1787 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1788

Minister for Education and Science (Ms Departmental Budget. Hanafin): I wish to refer the Deputy to the 2006 701. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Edu- Revised Estimates for Public Services and in part- cation and Science the amount allocated to her icular to Vote 26: Education and Science which Department for the third level maintenance contains the 2006 budgetary allocations for the grants scheme in County Waterford for 2004, various bodies and agencies under the aegis of 2005 and 2006; the number of students in receipt my Department. of such grants for 2006, itemised as full, 75 per However, I would be glad to provide infor- cent, 50 per cent of 25 per cent recipients; and if mation on any specific bodies or agencies in she will make a statement on the matter. which the Deputy has a particular interest. [27839/06]

Departmental Bodies. Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): The statistical information requested 697. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Edu- by the Deputy is not immediately available in my cation and Science the number of positions in Department. The information requested is being State bodies under the aegis of her Department compiled, in so far as it is available, and will be which are affected by the increase in non-execu- issued directly to the Deputy as soon as possible. tive chairpersons’ fees of State bodies recently sanctioned by the Government. [27805/06] Special Educational Needs. Minister for Education and Science (Ms 702. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Edu- Hanafin): There are no positions in State bodies cation and Science the number of special needs under the aegis of my Department affected by the teachers and assistants that have been recruited increase in non-executive chairpersons’ fees of nationally since 1998; the number that have been State bodies recently announced by the placed in positions in the City and County of Waterford since 1998; and if she will make a Government. statement on the matter. [27865/06]

Departmental Taskforces. Minister for Education and Science (Ms 698. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Edu- Hanafin): The specific information requested by cation and Science the number of taskforces the Deputy relating to the level of special needs which have been created by her Department and teachers at primary level in the City and County their function, size, membership, reporting mech- of Waterford is not readily available in my anism and period of existence since 1997. Department. I can confirm however that there [27819/06] are currently 189.89 whole-time equivalent special needs assistants (SNAs) employed in schools in Waterford and a total of 7,241.02 Minister for Education and Science (Ms whole-time equivalent SNAs employed nation- Hanafin): The information requested is not read- wide, up from 300 in 1998. ily available in my Department. However, I will I can confirm also that at primary level there arrange for the information to be forwarded to are now approximately 5,000 teachers in our the Deputy as soon as possible. primary schools working directly with children with special needs, including those requiring Schools Refurbishment. learning support. This compares to fewer than 699. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Edu- 1,500 in 1998. Indeed, one out of every five cation and Science the steps she intends to take primary school teachers is now working specifi- to upgrade primary schools in County Waterford; cally with children with special educational needs. and if she will make a statement on the At second level approximately 1,654 whole matter. [27836/06] time equivalent additional teachers are currently in place to support pupils with special educational needs. This compares to approximately 200 700. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Edu- teachers that were in place in 1998 for such cation and Science the steps she intends to take pupils. Of these 1,654 teachers, 35.87 whole time to upgrade secondary schools in County Water- equivalents are based in second level schools in ford; and if she will make a statement on the Waterford. In addition, there are 532 whole time matter. [27837/06] equivalent learning support teachers in our second level schools nationwide. Minister for Education and Science (Ms Applications for special educational needs sup- Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 699 ports for the 2006/2007 school year are now being and 700 together. processed by the special educational needs organ- The information is not readily available in the isers (SENOs). The SENOs will convey their format requested by the Deputy. If the Deputy decisions on the applications directly to the has a query on a particular school, my Depart- schools as soon as this process has been com- ment will be happy to provide the details. pleted. Responsibility for the recruitment and 1789 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1790 employment of the relevant staff rests with the to the next and/or a decision by the school princi- individual school authorities and will be deter- pal not to have multi-grade classes. mined by the level of need. Regardless of the reason why there is a large class in a particular school one year, it should be Pupil-Teacher Ratio. noted that in the majority of cases this is not the situation in the following year. In the main, the 703. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Edu- same schools do not have large classes year after cation and Science the number of students in each year and so the same children are not in large class in primary schools (details supplied) in classes year after year. County Tipperary; the number of main stream teachers in each school; her views on the class Where some classes in a school have class sizes sizes as calculated using main stream teachers of greater than 29, it is often because a decision only in these schools; the measures she will take has been taken at local level to use their teaching to reduce class sizes in these schools;; and if she resources to have smaller numbers in other will make a statement on the matter. [27901/06] classes. I appreciate that splitting classes may not Minister for Education and Science (Ms always be an option for a particular school, Hanafin): My Department is examining the prac- because for example there might be a large group ticalities of providing such information in relation in junior infants and a small group in sixth class to individual classes in specified numbers of and so on. But where it is possible, I believe that schools. A reply will be forwarded to the Deputy principals should consider the benefits of having on completion of that examination. smaller multi-grade classes as against having large As the Deputy will be aware, major improve- differences in class sizes at different levels in the ments have been made in primary school staffing school. in recent years. Next September there will no less This Government has clearly demonstrated its than 4000 extra teachers in our primary schools, commitment to improving staffing in our primary compared with 2002. Not only is the average class schools by hiring thousands of extra teachers in size in our primary schools down to 24, but there recent years and we will continue to make pro- is now one teacher for 17 pupils at primary level, gress on this issue. including resource teachers etc. Children with special needs and those from Speech Therapy Services. disadvantaged areas are getting more support 704. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Edu- than ever before to help them to make the most cation and Science if her attention has been of their time at school. drawn to the difficulties in schools due to the long Indeed, with the thousands of extra primary delays in accessing speech and language therapy teachers hired by this Government, recent years for primary and post-primary students; her pro- have seen the largest expansion in teacher posals to tackle this year long waiting list;; and if numbers since the expansion of free education. she will make a statement on the matter. Over the next two school years even more [27902/06] teachers will be put in place both for the above priority areas of disadvantage and special edu- cation and also under a reduction in the main- Minister for Education and Science (Ms stream staffing schedule. Hanafin): My Department provides a range of As you know all schools are staffed on a supports to second level school management to general rule of at least one classroom teacher for enable schools to cater for pupils with special every 29 children. Of course, schools with only educational needs. The supports in question one or two teachers have much lower staffing include remedial and additional teaching support, ratios than that — with two teachers for just 12 special needs assistant support and funding for pupils in some cases and so on — but the general the purchase of specialised equipment. rule is that there is at least one classroom teacher As the Deputy is aware, there has been enor- for every 29 children in the school. Next year this mous progress made over the past number of is being reduced to 28 children per classroom years in relation to increasing the number of teacher and in 2007/2008 it will be reduced to 27 teachers in our schools who are specifically dedi- children per classroom teacher. cated to providing education for children with So, as I have pointed out the general rule in the special educational needs. current school year is that at least one classroom At second level, approximately 1,654 whole teacher is provided for every 29 pupils. Further- time equivalent additional teachers are in place more, the actual average class size nationally is to support pupils with special educational needs. 24. This compares to the approximately 200 teachers It is important to appreciate that there are a that were in place in 1998 for such pupils. In number of different reasons why a particular addition, there are 532 whole time equivalent school may have a large class in a given year. learning support teachers and approximately Reasons why there are large classes include a sig- 1,102 whole time equivalent special needs assist- nificant fluctuation in enrolments from one year ants (SNAs) in our second level schools. 1791 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1792

[Ms Hanafin.] The provision of speech and language thera- The precise model of provision made available pists and other health related supports is a matter at second level will depend on the assessed needs for the Health Service Executive. of the pupils involved. Some pupils are capable of attending ordinary classes on an integrated Psychological Service. basis with additional teacher and/or special needs assistant support. In other cases, placement in 705. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Edu- special dedicated classes or units attached to the cation and Science if her attention has been school may be the more appropriate response. drawn to the problems in accessing support Such special classes operate at significantly services for post-primary pupils such as speech reduced pupil teacher ratios. Pupils attached to and language therapy, psychologists, behavioural these special classes may be facilitated in therapists, social workers and so on; the measures attending ordinary subject classes on an inte- she intends to take to ensure that these services can be accessed in the shortest possible time by grated basis wherever possible. all schools;; and if she will make a statement on With effect from 1 January 2005, the National the matter. [27903/06] Council for Special Education (NCSE) has taken over key functions from my Department in Minister for Education and Science (Ms relation to special educational provision. The Hanafin): My Department provides a range of NCSE was formally established as an indepen- supports to second level school management to dent statutory body on the 1st October 2005 enable schools to cater for pupils with special under the Education for Persons with Special educational needs. The supports in question Educational Needs Act 2005. The Council acts include remedial and additional teaching support, under the broad policy direction of my Depart- special needs assistant support and funding for ment but has the resources and the remit to play the purchase of specialised equipment. the leading role in the delivery of education There has been enormous progress made over services to children with disabilities/ special the past number of years in relation to increasing needs. the number of teachers in our schools who are The NCSE co-ordinates with the health specifically dedicated to providing education for services, schools and other relevant bodies children with special educational needs. regarding the provision of education and related At second level, approximately 1,654 whole support services to children with time equivalent additional teachers are in place disabilities/special needs. to support pupils with special educational needs. The responsibilities of the NCSE include the This compares to the approximately 200 teachers following: that were in place in 1998 for such pupils. In • Deciding on applications for additional addition, there are 532 whole time equivalent teaching support in respect of children with learning support teachers and approximately disabilities with special educational needs 1,102 whole time equivalent special needs assist- at second level; ants (SNAs) in our second level schools. The precise model of provision made available • Deciding on applications for special needs at second level will depend on the assessed needs assistant (SNA) hours; of the pupils involved. Some pupils are capable • Processing applications for school place- of attending ordinary classes on an integrated ment in respect of children with disabilities basis with additional teacher and/or special needs with special education needs. assistant support. In other cases, placement in special dedicated classes or units attached to the Under the new arrangements, the Council, school may be the more appropriate response. through the local Special Educational Needs Such special classes operate at significantly Organiser (SENO) will process the relevant reduced pupil teacher ratios. Pupils attached to application for resources and inform the school these special classes may be facilitated in of the outcome. It is important to note that in the attending ordinary subject classes on an inte- case of decisions on additional teaching and SNA grated basis wherever possible. support, the SENO will outline the process to the With effect from 1 January 2005, the National school and parents, where appropriate, and will Council for Special Education (NCSE) has taken at the end of the process outline the basis on over key functions from my Department in which the decision was made. relation to special educational provision. The I am confident that the advent of the NCSE NCSE was formally established as an indepen- will prove of major benefit in ensuring that all dent statutory body on the 1st October 2005 children with special educational needs receive under the Education for Persons with Special the support they require, when and where they Educational Needs Act 2005. The Council acts require it. My Department will continue to ensure under the broad policy direction of my Depart- that the necessary resources are made available ment but has the resources and the remit to play for the education of all children including those the leading role in the delivery of education with special needs. services to children with disabilities/special needs. 1793 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1794

The NCSE co-ordinates with the health The provision of speech and language thera- services, schools and other relevant bodies pists and other health related supports is a matter regarding the provision of education and related for the Health Service Executive. support services to children with disabilities/ special needs. 706. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Edu- The responsibilities of the NCSE include the cation and Science the number of assessments following: carried out in each county each year by the National Education Psychological Service since • Deciding on applications for additional its establishment; the number of private assess- teaching support in respect of children with ments carried out in the same period; the number disabilities with special educational needs and grades of professional staff employed by at second level; NEPS; the average number of schools each indi- • Deciding on applications for special needs vidual NEPS psychologist caters for; the amount assistant (SNA) hours; of funding provided by her Department to NEPS each year since establishment;; and if she will • Processing applications for school place- make a statement on the matter. [27904/06] ment in respect of children with disabilities with special education needs. Minister for Education and Science (Ms Under the new arrangements, the Council, Hanafin): The information sought in relation to through the local Special Educational Needs numbers of assessments is not readily available Organiser (SENO) will process the relevant on a per county basis from the records of my application for resources and inform the school Department’s National Educational Psychologi- of the outcome. It is important to note that in the cal Service (NEPS). However, this information is case of decisions on additional teaching and SNA being collated at present as part of a general support, the SENO will outline the process to the review of information systems in NEPS and I shall provide the Deputy with a copy of the infor- school and parents, where appropriate, and will mation when it becomes available. at the end of the process outline the basis on Meanwhile, according to existing information, which the decision was made. the following is the total number of assessments, In addition, my Department’s Teacher Edu- by school year, carried out by NEPS psychologists cation Section has developed a strategy designed for the years in question: to meet the continuing professional development needs of personnel working with children with Year Number special educational needs. This involves a major expansion of the range of post-graduate pro- 1999/00 3,051 fessional training programmes available to teachers in the special needs area and the ongoing 2000/01 2,978 development of the Special Education Support 2001/02 4,536 Service (SESS) to support schools staff locally. 2002/03 4,837 The Deputy will be aware that my Depart- 2003/2004 5,024 ment’s National Educational Psychological 2004/2005 5,986 Service (NEPS) provides direct contact and services to children and young adults who need the support of an Educational Psychologist. Not all assessments involved full cognitive 1Q NEPS encourages a staged assessment process, assessments. The figures relating to the period whereby each school takes responsibility for 2002/2003 to 2004/2005 may be subject to some initial assessment, educational planning and changes in the context of the information review remedial intervention, in consultation with their exercise to which I have referred. assigned NEPS psychologist. Only if there is a In 2004, NEPS was also involved in a verifi- failure to make reasonable progress in spite of cation process of over 5,000 children for the school’s best efforts, will a child be referred additional resources prior to the appointment of for individual psychological assessment. This Special Education Needs Organisers (SENOs) by system allows the psychologists to give early the National Council for Special Education attention to urgent cases and also to help many (NCSE) and prior to the new general allocation more children indirectly than could be seen indi- model put in place for schools in the context of vidually. additional teaching resources. My Department will continue to ensure that In addition to the above figures, in excess of the necessary resources are made available for 15,000 children were assessed under the SCPA the education of children with special needs. I am scheme since its inception in 2001 to the end of confident that the advent of the NCSE will prove the calendar year 2005. of major benefit in ensuring that all children with The numbers and grades of professional staff special educational needs receive the support currently employed in NEPS is as follows: they require, when and where they require it. Acting Director — 1 1795 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1796

[Ms Hanafin.] fact that the mediation process in this particular Regional Director — 8 case (details supplied) has not succeeded; if her attention has further been drawn to the urgency Senior Psychologist — 50 of taking action now; and if she will make a state- Educational Psychologist — 60 ment on the matter. [27956/06] Ex National Rehabilitation Board (NRB), 1 713. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Edu- Principal Psychologist and 2 Senior cation and Science her plans in relation to a Psychologists — 3 school dispute where enrolment for September 2006 has dropped from approximately 80 to less Total — 122. than 20; if her attention has been drawn to the This total includes 1 psychologist serving with fact that the mediation process in this particular another Section in my Department. Also, a case (details supplied) has not succeeded; if her number of these posts are filled on a work-shar- attention has further been drawn to the urgency ing basis. The Public Appointments Service of taking action now; and if she will make a state- recently concluded a new recruitment compe- ment on the matter. [28027/06] tition for the appointment of Educational Psy- chologists to NEPS. Regional panels have been Minister for Education and Science (Ms established to allow my Department give greater Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 707 priority in filling vacancies to areas with the and 713 together. greatest need. It is expected that a further 9 psy- Under the provisions of the Education Act, chologists will be in place before the end of 2006. 1998, the board of management is the body NEPS psychologists are assigned to schools on charged with the direct governance of a school. the basis of total school population, the geo- In general, the Board has the responsibility to graphical distribution of schools and on the basis ensure that the school operates efficiently and of a weighting given to schools designated as effectively and also has responsibilities in relation disadvantaged. Therefore, the number of schools to the action of its employees. allocated to a psychologist in a highly urbanised The board, as manager of the school must man- area will differ from the number of schools allo- age the staff in the school and intervene when it cated where there is a wide dispersal of small considers necessary to resolve matters relating to schools. In that context, an average figure is not the actions of its employees. The Board of Man- meaningful. In urbanised areas the range in the agement is the employer and has similar powers number of schools can vary typically from 15 to any other employer. I should clarify that my schools to 20 schools. In a rural area the range Department is not the employer of teachers and will vary between 25 and 40. These figures do not therefore does not have an employer/employee take into account psychologists availing of work relationship with the teachers in a school. My sharing schemes where the numbers of schools Department cannot therefore perform functions are allocated accordingly. which are proper to the Board in relation to the The financial outturn for NEPS for each year management of the teaching staff of the school. since its establishment was: With regard to the specific case referred to by the Deputy, the position is that, on 13th March, 2006, the Patron of the school dissolved the Year \ million Board of Management and, with my approval, appointed a single manager to manage the school 1999 1.3 for a period of six months in accordance with the 2000 3.6 relevant provisions of the Education Act 1998. I 2001 6.2 am aware that the single manager in this instance 2002 11.1 is making strenuous efforts to address the diffi- 2003 13.4 culties at the school. A meeting has been arranged for Thurdsay 6th 2004 13.4 July between the single manager and a senior 2005 14.0 official in my Department to discuss the current position in the school and to explore ways of resolving the situation. The financial provision for 2006 for NEPS in my Department’s Estimates is \15.425 million. Departmental Advertising. School Enrolments. 708. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Education and Science the amount which was spent in her 707. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Edu- Department for the years 2005 and from January cation and Science the intervention she proposes 2006 to date for media purposes or advertising; to make in a school dispute where due to part- where the money was spent, that is, national pap- icular circumstances enrolment for September ers, provincial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios 2006 has dropped from approximately 80 to less and so on; the amounts spent on a yearly basis than 20; if her attention has been drawn to the 1797 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1798 for years of the pervious three years; if money Additional Stage 2 (Sketch Scheme) docu- was spent on videos, for promotional, educational mentation was requested from the school auth- or advertising purposes. [27969/06] orities and is currently being examined by the Technical Staff in my Department. Minister for Education and Science (Ms Department officials will be in contact with the Hanafin): The cumulative value of advertising school authorities when this examination has placed by my Department in print media in each been completed. of the years sinces 2002 was as follows: A decision on which school building projects will advance to tender and construction will be Year \ considered in the context of the School Building and Modernisation Programme 2006-2010. 2006 (to end June) 426,000 Schools Building Projects. 2005 504,000 2004 790,000 711. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if she will approve additional 2003 416,000 funding for a project (details supplied); and if she 2002 1,007,000 will make a statement on the matter. [27980/06]

A breakdown of the type of advertising placed is Minister for Education and Science (Ms not readily available in my Department. Hanafin): As part of the expansion of the Additionally my Department spent the follow- devolved scheme for primary school building \ ing sums on media services which principally works, a grant of 150,000 was sanctioned in relate to expenditure on electronic press clipping March 2005 to enable the management auth- services and news alerts: orities of the school in question to extend and refurbish their school. \ Devolving funding to school management auth- Year orities allows them to have control of their pro- jects, assists in moving projects more quickly to 2006 (to end June) 19,000 tender and construction and can also deliver 2005 64,000 better value for money. The Schemes are not structured on the basis In the timeframe available my Department is that the Department funding must be sup- unable to provide expenditure figures for media plemented by local fundraising. They do however services prior to 2005. allow a school to supplement the funding from local resources if they so wish. The critical element is that with devolved authority the school Teaching Qualifications. must set the scope of works to match the funding 709. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- allocated. The Department does not define the cation and Science if she will review a determi- precise works to be carried out. A school can nation by her Department in relation to the post- make choices within the budget allocated. primary teaching qualifications of a person Setting the scope of works is the critical first (details supplied) in County Laois in view of a step. Clearly where a school has a known level of letter from a professor of mathematics; and if she resources apart from the Department funding or will make a statement on the matter. [27975/06] knows its capacity to raise additional resources it is open to that school to extend the scope of Minister for Education and Science (Ms works to include additional facilities. However if Hanafin): The position in the case to which the the scope of works is not set appropriately from Deputy refers is as set out in my reply on this the outset based on the budget available there is same matter to the Deputy on 25 April 2006. I a risk that the school will be faced with a funding am not in a position to alter the decision of an gap when the project is at construction. independent statutory body, the Registration The choices to be made within these devolved Council. schemes rest with the school and that is the cor- nerstone of any policy of devolution. The school Schools Building Projects. authority knows the budget and must decide what it is capable of building with that budget. The 710. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Edu- time to identify a problem is at the outset before cation and Science further to Parliamentary entering any contract. Schools can raise with my Question No. 221 of 8 June 2006, the status of the Department any site specific problems or unusual project; and if she will make a statement on the planning stipulations that impose additional costs matter. [27979/06] and these will be examined. Otherwise schools must reduce the scope of intended works so as to Minister for Education and Science (Ms remain within budget. Hanafin): The proposed refurbishment and A school does not have to accept the invitation extension project for the School referred to by to participate in a devolved scheme and instead the Deputy is at an early stage of architectural be considered for inclusion in the mainstream planning. 1799 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1800

[Ms Hanafin.] increases in population in the area and that this school building programme in line with the pro- rapid population increase is set to continue; and ject’s priority band rating. if she will make a statement on the matter. The management of school in question recently [28048/06] submitted an appeal to my Department for additional funding which was considered by the Minister for Education and Science (Ms Appeals Board. I am pleased to inform the Hanafin): There are two primary school in the Deputy that the funding allocated to the School Carrigtwohill area — a boys’ and a girls’ primary was increased and the School informed of the school. The Patron of both schools has advised decision. that both boards of management have agreed to amalgamate the schools. In order to determine Schools Refurbishment. the accommodation requirements of the amalga- mated school the long term projected staffing on 712. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for Edu- which the accommodation needs will be based, cation and Science if a schedule of works has has to be determined. Officials in the School been decided for the refurbishment of a school Planning Section are engaged in this process at (details supplied) in Dublin 9; when the works present and will consult with the school auth- will be completed. [27997/06] orities before a final determination is made. Factors which will be considered in arriving at the Minister for Education and Science (Ms long term projected staffing include current and Hanafin): As the Deputy will be aware, my projected enrolment, demographic trends and the Department intends to permanently accommo- likely impact of ongoing and proposed housing date the school to which he refers in a building developments in the area. which it expects to be vacated post an amalgama- When this assessment is complete a decision tion of three other schools. will then be made on how best to provide for the The Boards of Management of these schools accommodation needs of the amalgamated recently sent a proposal to my Department in school. As the Deputy will appreciate, in the relation to its requirements to effect the amalga- interest of obtaining best value for money, my mation. This is being examined in School Plan- Department must give due consideration to the ning Section and a response will issue the Boards possibility of utilising one of the existing buildings as soon as possible. The outcome of this matter before pursuing a greenfield site option. In order will dictate the timeframe for advancing any capi- to inform this decision a technical inspection of tal project. both existing school sites and buildings will be undertaken by my Department to establish Question No. 713 answered with Question which, if either, building would be suitable as a No. 707. host for an amalgamated school. As part of my Department’s ongoing liaison Physical Education Facilities. with local authorities in order to plan for edu- 714. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Edu- cational provision, Cork County Council was cation and Science her plans to make the sports requested, in the context of the Special Local facilities at a school (details supplied) in Dublin Area Plan for Carrigtwohill to reserve a three 20 available to the community. [28041/06] acre site for a primary school in the area. While there are no immediate plans to acquire a site, it Minister for Education and Science (Ms is likely that it will be required for the provision Hanafin): My Department has provided nine dual of a primary school in the coming years. The use halls with enhanced facilities, attached to situation is being monitored on an on-going basis, post-primary schools. Eight of the halls, including having regard to existing overall provision in the the hall referred to by the Deputy, are in Dublin area. and one is in Cork. My Department is aware that an association The halls in question have been built as part of under the auspices of Educate Together is plan- a joint programme to develop community sports ning to seek recognition for a new multi-denomi- facilities in drugs task force areas. At present, national school in the area in the coming years. issues relating to the funding, management and There are established criteria and procedures for staffing of the halls to facilitate community usage groups seeking recognition for new primary are being considered by my Department with a schools and any application from the patron body view to making the facilities more widely avail- concerned will be considered in that regard. able. My Department will be in contact with the I am satisfied that adequate primary education individual school authorities as soon as these provision is being planned for the area over the issues have been resolved. coming years.

School Enrolments. After School Care. 715. Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Edu- 716. Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science the steps she intends to take to cation and Science the steps she has taken to ensure that there will be sufficient primary school facilitate making school facilities available for places for children in Carrigtwohill, County Cork after-school care of school-going children; the in the coming years, in view of the recent action she has taken or intends to take to improve 1801 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1802 after-school care provision; and if she will make ramme. These comprise 640 primary schools (320 a statement on the matter. [28052/06] urban/town schools and 320 rural schools) and 200 second-level schools. Minister for Education and Science (Ms School Completion Programme services will be Hanafin): I believe that school facilities should be extended to all 320 urban/town primary schools available to the community outside of school and 200 second level schools participating in the hours — whether for childcare, for adult edu- SSP not already benefiting from these services. cation courses or as somewhere for local com- munity groups to meet — provided this is School Completion Programme. feasible. Indeed, my Department issued a circular to the 717. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Edu- trustees, boards of management and principals of cation and Science if her attention has been primary and voluntary secondary schools in drawn to the funding crisis in a programme March 2005 encouraging them to make their (details supplied) in Dublin 9 in view of the con- facilities available to local community groups out- siderable success of this project; if her further side of school hours. attention has been drawn to the fact that there has been a shortfall of \35,000 for the group It should be borne in mind, however, that the involved for a number of years, and that while State does not in fact own the vast majority (more this has been made up by the local drugs task than 95%) of our schools. Most would be owned force, this body is no longer in a position to by the religious. They are owned by their trustees provide this funding; if, in view of the fact that and managed by their boards of management, the group provides education services for a high whose right it is to decide on the use of school risk group, all of whom have been in trouble with facilities outside of school time, subject to the the law, she will make arrangements to fully fund terms of any existing lease on the property. this project and guarantee this funding on an Many schools already make their premises ongoing basis. [28066/06] available to the local community outside of school hours and schools profit from the Minister for Education and Science (Ms improved relationship with the wider community. Hanafin): As I indicated to the Deputy in the Good relations between the school and the com- Da´il last night the School Completion Prog- munity can be beneficial when it comes to seeking ramme is a very successful programme targeted placements for work experience, outlets for com- at children and young people who are at risk of munity service or when schools seek to access early school leaving. It is targeted at those in local services and expertise. danger of dropping out of the education system While my Department does not operate a spec- or those who may have already dropped out. It is ific national scheme for the provision of after- a broadly based programme which is cross-com- school projects, it supports a range of prog- munity and cross-sectoral. It works between the rammes which target additional resources at primary schools and the second level schools and pupils from educationally disadvantaged back- involves the community to ensure the maximum grounds in order to facilitate their full partici- participation by as many people as possible. It pation in the education system. generally targets four to 18 year olds who are 82 projects (108 Post Primary schools and 302 both in and out of school to ensure the best out- Primary schools) participate in the School Com- come for them. pletion Programme, which aims to develop local There are currently 82 School Completion strategies to ensure maximum participation levels Programme (SCP) sites in 21 counties (108 post in the education process. It entails targeting indi- primary schools and primary schools) with 53 vidual young people of school going age, both in second level schools in the Stay in School Reten- and out of school, and arranging supports to tion Strand (SSR) of the School Completion Pro- address inequalities in education access, partici- ramme in 17 counties. The sites for participation pation and outcomes. Each project site must were selected on the basis of a detailed analysis devise a collaborative programme of in-school of the pupil retention rates at second level using and out-of-school actions, which provide after- the Department’s post primary pupil database. school, holiday time, home, family and com- This analysis also identified their main feeder munity supports to enhance the young person’s primary schools. readiness to benefit from education. \24.7 million has been allocated to the School Measures under DEIS the new Action Plan for Completion Programme for 2006. Educational Inclusion, (Delivering Equality of The programme referred to by the Deputy pro- Opportunity in Schools) range from pre-school vides general support for almost 1,600 primary interventions, supports for tackling children’s lit- students and approximately 600 post primary eracy problems, reduced pupil teacher ratios, students. Intensive targeted supports are pro- increased capitation grants, measures to tackle vided for 201 primary students and 52 post early school leaving and strengthen ties between primary students. In addition it also caters for 6 the school, the family and the community. pupils who are out of school in ‘the School As a result of the identification process, 840 Group’. schools, serving communities with the highest The Local Management Committee has sub- concentrations of disadvantage, have been invited mitted its Retention Plan for 2006-2007 to my to participate in the new School Support Prog- Department. The Retention Plan outlines all of 1803 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1804

[Ms Hanafin.] school. The 2005/2006 funding allocation to each its proposed activities for the coming year includ- project site represented an increase of 4% in the ing the estimated cost of retaining the support for 2004/2005 allocation. It is anticipated that there the six pupils who are out of school. will be an additional increase of 4% in the \402,000 was allocated to the programme in 2006/2007 allocation. 2005/2006. In addition to this a further \35,000 was allocated by the Drug Task Force on a once Schools Refurbishment. off basis. That is on top of extra supports which the schools in the programme avail of such as 719. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Edu- home school, community liaison, resource cation and Science if funding will be provided to teachers, as well as additional capitation and a school (details supplied) in Dublin 9, for fencing lower pupil teacher ratios. to protect neighbours from anti-social activity in The programme’s funding allocation for the school yard; if this funding will include the 2006/2007 is currently being considered in my cost of netting as well as fencing; and if she will Department in the context of available resources ensure that this work is completed without for the rest of the programmes around the coun- further delay. [28068/06] try. The local management committee will be notified directly on the matter. 721. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if funding has been provided Early School Leavers. to a school in Dublin 9 (details supplied) for fenc- ing to protect neighbours from anti-social activity 718. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Edu- in the school yard; if this funding includes the cost cation and Science the funding provided to the of netting as well as fencing; and will she ensure school completion programme for each year since that this work is completed without any further its inception, with a breakdown on the allocation delay. [28083/06] to each school; if it is her policy to index link this funding in line with inflation; if not, how these Minister for Education and Science (Ms projects can survive without progressively reduc- Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 719 ing the level of service; and if she will make a and 721 together. statement on the matter. [28067/06] An application for palisade fencing to secure the sports area of the school to which the Deputy Minister for Education and Science (Ms refers has been approved for funding and the Hanafin): The objective of the School Com- works are due to commence shortly. The pro- pletion Programme is to provide a range of inter- vision of netting was not included. ventions in areas of disadvantage that support the retention of young people in education. It is Disadvantaged Status. based on the project model of an integrated approach involving primary and post primary 720. Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Edu- schools, parents, relevant statutory, voluntary and cation and Science the reason a school (details community agencies. supplied) in Dublin 11 has been excluded from The programme is funded on a multi-annual the DEIS Programme, in view of the fact that all basis under the National Development Plan other 11 disadvantaged schools in the local area (NDP) with assistance from the European Social have been included; if her attention has been Fund (ESF). The funding allocation to the Prog- drawn to the fact that staff in the school feel they ramme since 2003 is as follows: are being penalised because of the success of their work to date; and if she will agree to review this Year \ million decision on the grounds of fairness to the pupils and staff concerned. [28069/06] 2003 23 Minister for Education and Science (Ms 2004 23.5 Hanafin): DEIS (Delivering Equality of Oppor- 2005 24 tunity in Schools), the action plan for educational 2006 24.7 inclusion, provides for a standardised system for identifying levels of disadvantage and a new inte- grated School Support Programme (SSP). The There are currently 82 School Completion Prog- School Support Programme will bring together, ramme (SCP) sites in 21 counties (108 post and build upon, a number of existing inter- primary schools and 302 primary schools) with 53 ventions in schools with a concentrated level of second level schools in the Stay in School Reten- disadvantage. The process of identifying primary tion Strand (SSR) of the School Completion and second-level schools for participation in the Programme in 17 counties. The sites for partici- SSP was managed by the Educational Research pation were selected on the basis of a detailed Centre (ERC) on behalf of my Department and analysis of the pupil retention rates at second supported by quality assurance work co- level using the Department’s post primary pupil ordinated through the Department’s regional database. This analysis also identified their main offices and the Inspectorate. As a result of the feeder primary schools. As funding allocations identification process, 840 schools were invited to are made on a site basis it is not possible to participate in the SSP. These comprised 640 provide a breakdown of the allocation to each 1805 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1806 primary schools (320 urban/town schools and 320 Schools Refurbishment. rural schools) and 200 second-level schools. I am 723. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- delighted to say that 833 of the schools invited to cation and Science the plans for the rebuilding of join the new programme accepted the invitation. a secondary school (details supplied) in County Schools that did not qualify for the new prog- Offaly; and if she will make a statement on the ramme will keep the extra resources they are get- matter. [28092/06] ting under pre-existing schemes for the 2006/07 school year and after that they will continue to get support in line with the level of disadvantage Minister for Education and Science (Ms among their pupils. A review process has been Hanafin): Following a fire at the school to which put in place for both primary and second-level the Deputy refers, the insurance proceeds were schools. The review process applies only to those used by the management authority for the rental primary schools that participated in the ERC sur- and installation of a significant amount of tem- vey in May 2005 and only to those eligible porary accommodation, re-instatement works and second-level schools for which data were avail- for the upgrading of external areas. The tempor- able from the relevant databases. The closing ary accommodation in question is of a very high date for receipt of review applications was Friday, quality and has a long life span. Consequently, 31st March, 2006. The school referred to by the the Department purchased it outright. It was Deputy has submitted a review application. The made clear to the school’s management authority review process is nearing completion and the at that time that this accommodation, combined review group will shortly be making recom- with the re-instatement works, would be expected mendations to my Department in the case of each to meet the schools accommodation needs for the foreseeable future. Since the fire in 2001, my school that has sought a review after which each \ school will be written to as regards the outcome Department has invested almost 1m in the of their application. school buildings for roof repairs, an upgrade of its gas system and for certain demolition works Question No. 721 answered with Question for health and safety reasons. Notwithstanding No. 719. this level of investment, I stated publicly on a number of occasions that the provision of a new building for the school is not off the agenda. This School Staffing. project has been assigned a Band 2 rating under 722. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- the published prioritisation criteria for large scale cation and Science the number of males entering building projects. Progress on the project is being primary level teaching; the numbers entering considered in the context of the School Building primary teaching; and if she will make a state- and Modernisation Programme from 2006 ment on the matter. [28091/06] onwards.

Minister for Education and Science (Ms Schools Building Projects. Hanafin): In the current school year, of the 1749 permanent and temporary qualified teachers 724. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- appointed for the first time at primary level, 189 cation and Science the criteria used by her are male. I am aware of the decreasing numbers Department for the sanction of new primary of males entering the teaching profession, and it schools; if her attention has been drawn to the is an issue that is of concern to me. I believe that need for a new primary school in Edenderry, it is important to attract more men into teaching County Offaly; and if she will make a statement for a number of reasons, not least of which is the on the matter. [28093/06] positive role models that teachers provide in chil- dren’s lives and the desirability of having both Minister for Education and Science (Ms male and female role models in our schools. Dur- Hanafin): There is an open and transparent pro- ing the current school year I launched a pro- motional campaign aimed at encouraging more cess in place for the recognition of new primary men to consider primary teaching as a career schools. As part of the process, the New Schools choice. Studies have shown that decreasing Advisory Committee (NSAC), which is an inde- numbers of men are applying to become primary pendent body, assesses all applications for recog- school teachers, both in Ireland and across the nition against published criteria. These criteria developed world. The first phase of the Men As include: There must be evidence that: The pro- Teachers and Educators campaign has seen news- posed school meets a need that cannot reasonably paper and radio advertisements highlighting the be met within existing provision. key attributes and strengths of primary school The local community is consulted in advance. teachers. The campaign is seeking to remind The patron has been registered as such by the parents, students, teachers, guidance counsellors Minister for Education and Science. and all those thinking about career options about the valuable and rewarding work undertaken A board of management will be appointed in each day in our primary schools. I hope this cam- accordance with the requirements of the Depart- paign will make young men take a look at the ment of Education and Science. valuable contribution they can make through a The Rules for National Schools will be com- career as a primary school teacher. plied with. 1807 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1808

[Ms Hanafin.] Birr — 24 places. The proposed school has a minimum initial In addition, there are 60 Youthreach training enrolment of 17 junior infants and a minimum projected enrolment of 51 pupils for the third places approved in Roscrea which is situated 19.6 year of operation. kilometres from Birr. Training, travel and meal All pupils are at least four years of age on 30th allowances are payable, as necessary, to partici- September of the year in which the school is due pants. My Department has no plans at present to to commence operation. approve further funding for Youthreach in Co. In accordance with section 10(2)(e) of the Edu- Offaly. cation Act 1998, Proposed interim school accom- modation must comply with the Planning and Departmental Expenditure. Development Act, 2000, the Planning and 726. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for Development Regulations: 2001, the Building Defence the non-Governmental agencies or Regulations 1991 to 1997 (including the Building organisations his Department has provided fund- Control Regulations) and the Health, Safety and ing to in 2004, 2005, and 2006; the amount of Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations: funding provided to each in each year; the 2001 and any modifications, statutory instruments number of applications for funding submitted to or orders made in accordance with these Acts. his Department in total; the number of these The school will follow the Primary School Cur- applications which were refused; the reason for riculum of the Department of Education and same; the percentage of his Department’s overall Science. annual budget such funding equates to; and if he The school will employ recognised primary will make a statement on the matter. [27392/06] school teachers. The NSAC’s annual programme of work culminates in a report to the Minister Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): In general with recommendations on the granting or other- my Department does not provide funding of the wise of recognition in individual cases. Appeals against a refusal to grant recognition can be made kind envisaged in the Question. However, a to an independent Appeals Board. grant-in-aid is paid each year from the Defence Vote to the Irish Red Cross Society. The amounts With regard to the application for the recognit- \ \ ion of a new school for Edenderry for next paid in 2004 and 2005 were 866,000 and 880,000 September, this application was processed respectively. The amount provided in this year’s \ through the independent process which I have Estimate is 910,000. The Department also bears outlined. Having assessed the application, the the cost of military personnel seconded to the NSAC recommended that recognition be refused Defence Forces Representative Associations as and this decision was upheld by the Independent well as the cost of office accommodation and Appeals Board. My Department acknowledges postal and telecommunications services. the need for extra primary provision in Edend- erry and it will be assessing this need within the Departmental Agencies. framework of the recommendation of the N4/M4 727. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Defence Area Development Plan which was published last the budgetary allocation for each of the public year following widespread public consultation. bodies, executive agencies, advisory bodies and taskforces operating under his Department. Youthreach Programme. [27793/06] 725. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Edu- cation and Science if she has any plans to review Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): The her decision not to approve funding for a new budgetary allocation for each of the bodies Youthreach Centre in Birr; and if she will make operating under my Department are outlined in a statement on the matter. [28098/06] the following table:

Minister of State at the Department of Edu- Name of Body 2006 Budgetary cation and Science (Miss de Valera): At present, Allocation my Department has approved 109 training places \ in Co. Offaly. These places are distributed by Co. Offaly Vocational Educational Committee as Civil Defence Board 5,928,000 follows: Irish Red Cross Society 910,000 Youthreach Coiste an Asgard 749,000 Clara — 25 places Army Pensions Board 102,000 Edenderry — 25 places The Defence Forces Ombudsman 350,000 Senior Traveller Training Centres Defence Forces Canteen Board 445,000 Tullamore — 35 places 1809 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1810

728. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Defence State bodies recently sanctioned by the the number of positions in State bodies under the Government. aegis of his Department which are affected by the increase in non-executive chairpersons’ fees of 729. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Defence State bodies recently sanctioned by the Govern- the number of taskforces which have been created by his Department and their function, ment. [27807/06] size, membership, reporting mechanism and period of existence since 1997. [27817/06] Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): There are currently no positions in State bodies under the Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): The aegis of my Department which are affected by the taskforces that have been created within my increase in non-executive chairpersons’ fees of Department since 1997 are as follows:


1. Interdepartmental Task Force on the Future Management and Development of the Curragh of Kildare. Function: The primary function of the Task Force was to report and make recommendations on the future management and development of the Curragh. Size: 12 Members Membership: The Task Force was Chaired by the former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Major- General P. Nowlan, officials of the Department of Defence (both civilian and military) and the following Departments/State Agencies were represented on the Task Force: Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands Department of the Environment & Local Government Department of Finance Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform Kildare County Council Midlands East Regional Tourism Authority Reporting Mechanism: Report submitted to the Minister for Defence. Period of Existence: The Task Force was established, following Government approval, in July 1998 and completed its report in May 1999.

2. Government Task Force on Emergency Planning. Function: The primary function of the Task Force was to co-ordinate emergency planning and response arrangements across those Government Departments that lead and support the State’s response in an emergency. Size: See membership. Membership: The Task Force is Chaired by myself and membership includes Ministers, Senior Officials of Government Departments, Senior Officers of the Defence Forces and An Garda Sı´ocha´na, and Officials of other key public authorities. Reporting Mechanism: Not applicable. Period of Existence: The Task Force was established, in October 2001.

3. Steering Group to Review the Reserve Defence Forces. Function: The purpose of the Group was to set out an approach for the future development of the Reserve Defence Force Size: 8 Members Membership: Mr Dermot Rochford (Chairman), officials of the Department of Defence (civilian and military), and an officer of the FCA Reporting Mechanism: Report submitted to the Minister for Defence Period of Existence: Established in January 1998 by the Minister for Defence and report submitted on 31 August 1999

4. External Advisory Committee on the Defence Forces. Function: An External Advisory Committee was established to report on the nature and extent of any harassment, bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment in the Defence Forces Size: 6 Members Membership: Dr. Eileen Doyle (Chairman) Liam Kelly (Employee Relations Specialist) Marie Rock (Employee Relations Manager) Major General James Sreenan (Deputy Chief of Staff (Support), Defence Forces) Commandant Maureen McEnrey (Curragh Training Camp) Reporting Mechanism: Report titled “The Challenge of a Workplace” submitted to the Minister for Defence Period of Existence: The Advisory Group was established in October 2001 and reported in March 2002. 1811 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1812

[Mr. O’Dea.]


5. Independent Monitoring Group. Function: The Monitoring Group was established to co-ordinate and manage the implementation of the recommendations of the “Doyle Report” concerning harassment, bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment in the Defence Forces. Size: 5 Members. Membership: Dr. Eileen Doyle (Chairman) Mr. Michael Howard (Assistant Secretary General Department of Defence) Major General James Sreenan (Deputy Chief of Staff (Support) — later succeeded by Major General Dermot Earley Mr. Brian O’Keeffe General Secretary RACO Mr. Gerry Rooney General Secretary PDFORRA Reporting Mechanism: Reportsubmitted to Minister for Defence Period of Existence: The Independent Monitoring Group was established in May 2002 and submitted its report “Response to the Challenge of a Workplace (2004) to the Minister of Defence in September 2004.

6. Interdepartmental Committee on the Military Archives. Function: The Committee’s functions are to examine and advise upon the best means of protecting and safeguarding the national Military Archives by way of securing their removal from Cathal Brugha Barracks to new premises. Size: 7 Members. Membership: Membership of the Committee is drawn from the Department of Defence (civilian and military), the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism, the Office of Public Works, the National Archives, the National Museum and the Military Heritage Trust. Reporting Mechanism: Report to be submitted to Minister for Defence Period of Existence: The Committee was established in early 2003 and is still in existence as its work has not yet concluded.

Departmental Expenditure. the pervious three years; if money was spent on videos, for promotional, educational or advertis- 730. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Defence ing purposes. [27970/06] the amount which was spent in his Department for the years 2005 and from January 2006 to date Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): The for media purposes or advertising; where the amount spent by my Department and by the money was spent, that is, national papers, provin- Defence Forces for media purposes and advertis- cial papers, RTE´ radio, local radios and so on; ing in 2005 and in 2006 (to date) is set out in the the amounts spent on a yearly basis for years of following table.

Year National Provincial Other publications TV/Radio Total Yearly Newspapers Newspapers (periodicals, journals) Expenditure

\\ \ \\

2006 89,005 20,099 40,477 110,273 259,854 2005 335,800 27,580 32,180 60,220 455,780

The amounts spent on a yearly basis for the pre- ment of Finance through the Change Manage- vious three years is as follows: ment Fund. A video of the recent Stand Down Parade of Year Total amounts spent the Civil Defence Board at Ratra House, Phoenix Park was professionally recorded. The total cost \ involved was \3,412. The video was recorded for historical reasons rather than for promotional, 2004 296,827 educational or advertising assistance. \28,294 was 2003 183,655 spent by the Defence Forces in relation to Pro- 2002 243,367 motional Recruitment material in 2005 and 2006.

Road Network. An informational training film about the Depart- ment of Defence was produced in 2003. The film 731. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the is used for the induction of new staff and is avail- Environment, Heritage and Local Government the progress on rolling out a high standard sign able for staff to view on my Department’s posting system for the network of non-national Intranet. The total cost of the film was \52,831.47 roads; and the number of years it will take before and the project was partly funded by the Depart- 1813 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1814 a satisfactory integrated system is in place. Environment, Heritage and Local Government [27882/06] the directive he has made on the proposal submit- ted by Sligo County Council for the regeneration Minister for the Environment, Heritage and of an estate (details supplied) in County Sligo; if Local Government (Mr. Roche): Local auth- he will give a commitment that it will be sanc- orities are responsible for the provision of road tioned; the money that will be allocated; the time- traffic signs on non-national roads. However, in scale involved; when it will commence; and if he line with a commitment in the Programme for will make a statement on the matter. [27260/06] Government to put in place a new 5 year plan to ensure that non-national roads are properly sign- Minister of State at the Department of the posted, my Department introduced a new Environment, Heritage and Local Government Regional Roads Signposting Programme for non- (Mr. N. Ahern): My Department approved pro- national roads in 2003. It is proposed that direc- posals in April, 2006 from Sligo County Council tional signposts on all significant junctions on all for the first phase of the regeneration of the regional roads in county council areas will be estate in question involving the construction of 20 upgraded under the programme. To the end of new dwellings. I understand that the Part 8 plan- 2005, grants totalling \2,767,800 were paid to ning approval process has been completed and local authorities under the Programme and in the Council are preparing tender documentation 2006 a sum of \6.64 million has been allocated to seek tenders with a view to commencing con- under the Programme. Progress under the struction on site by end 2006. An initial capital scheme is a matter for the relevant local auth- allocation of \200,000 has been provided to the ority. Local authorities may also use discretionary Council for the project under the Remedial improvement and block grants provided by my Works Scheme in 2006 and further capital fund- Department towards the cost of providing sign- ing will be provided in 2007. posting on non-national roads. In 2006, the dis- cretionary improvement grant allocation to 734. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for the county councils is \24.27 million and the block Environment, Heritage and Local Government if, grant allocation to City, Borough and Town further to Parliamentary Question No. 438 of 13 Councils is \15.51 million. June 2006 he has received a review statement from Galway City Council in relation to the Housing Grants. action plan for housing for the period 2004 to 2008; and if he will provide the information 732. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for the sought in that question and Parliamentary Ques- Environment, Heritage and Local Government tion No. 437 of 13 June 2006. [27261/06] the financial supports available from his Depart- ment directly or indirectly to assist a physically 735. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for the disabled person build their first home in a rural Environment, Heritage and Local Government area; if no supports are available his views on further to Parliamentary Question No. 438 of 13 introducing such a measure; and if he will make June 2006, the proposals his Department have a statement on the matter. [27899/06] received in relation to social and affordable hous- ing from Galway City Council in the past three 812. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for the years; the number currently at his Department; Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number awaiting sanction; the projected dates the financial supports available from his Depart- for sanction; and the number of social housing ment directly or indirectly to assist a physically units expected to be provided in 2006, 2007, and disabled person build their first home; if no sup- 2008. [27262/06] port are available his view on introducing such a measure; and if he will make a statement on the Minister of State at the Department of the matter. [27906/06] Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. Minister of State at the Department of the 734 and 735 together. Environment, Heritage and Local Government As indicated in reply to Question No. 438 of 13 (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. June 2006, my Department has recently met with 732 and 812 together. Galway City Council to discuss their Action Plan Under the disabled persons grant scheme, a for Social and Affordable Housing. A Review local authority may pay a new house grant of up Statement is currently being finalised by Galway \12,700 towards the additional cost of providing City Council: this will update detailed targets for a new dwelling specifically to meet the needs of numbers of social housing units to be provided a disabled person. The administration of the by the local authority over the coming years. In scheme, and decisions on individual applications, relation to Question No. 437 of 13 June 2006, the are the responsibility of the relevant local information promised on the number of local authority. authority housing schemes sanctioned and under consideration by my Department from the begin- Local Authority Housing. ning of 2004 has been supplied to the Deputy by 733. Mr. Perry asked the Minister for the letter of 22 June 2006. In addition to the local 1815 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1816

[Mr. N. Ahern.] and also on the Department’s website at authority projects, my Department has 14 pro- www.environ.ie. jects under the voluntary and cooperative sector social housing programme for Galway City over Local Authority Housing. the above period, with 50 units to be yielded by 736. Mr. Fleming asked the Minister for the these projects. Proposals for the acquisition or Environment, Heritage and Local Government construction of affordable housing do not require the position regarding information provided to be submitted to my Department for specific under Parliamentary Question No. 582 of 4 April prior approval; consequently the question of 2006, regarding the number of housing estates awaiting my Department’s sanction for these pro- which are expected to be taken in charge by local posals does not arise. Information on activity, authorities in 2006 and so on; the most recent including units in progress and proposed, under information on a county basis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27334/06] the various social and affordable housing schemes in each local authority area is published in my Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Department’s Housing Statistics Bulletins, copies Local Government (Mr. Roche): The information of which are available in the Oireachtas Library requested is set out in the following table.

12 3 4 Number of housing Number of houses Number of housing Number of houses estates to be taken in estates in answer estates not yet taken in in estates in answer in charge in 2006 to Q.1 charge for which to Q.3 planning permission expired more than 2 years ago

County Councils Carlow County Council 13 564 11 456 Cavan County Council 8 320 25 684 Clare County Council 9 360 100 3,250 Cork County Council 40 2,000 210 6,769 Donegal County Council 20 410 201 3,700 Du´ n Laoghaire Rathdown County 10 Not supplied 42 2,500 Council Fingal County Council Information not Information Not Information not Information not available available available available Galway County Council 6 Not available 163 2,720 Kerry County Council Not supplied Not supplied 200 Not available Kildare County Council 49 5,534 109 5,666 Kilkenny County Council 18 744 Information not Information not available available Laois County Council 16 1,174 19 863 Leitrim County Council 6 131 15 Not available Limerick County Council 47 1,216 62 2,748 Longford County Council 5 Not supplied 28 223 Louth County Council 12 Not supplied 51 Not supplied Mayo County Council 10 222 78 Not available Meath County Council 15 907 112 4,187 Monaghan County Council 7 190 18 190 Offaly County Council 3 258 30 621 Roscommon County Council 6 109 6 Not supplied Sligo County Council 20 233 25 507 South Dublin County Council 16 2,046 35 4,000 Tipperary North County Council 0 Not available Not available Not available Tipperary South County Council 15 280 11 0 Waterford County Council 8 360 3 160 Westmeath County Council 18 1,096 26 1,824 Wexford County Council 8 160 150 3,000 Wicklow County Council 19 402 62 1,459

City Councils 1817 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1818

12 3 4 Number of housing Number of houses Number of housing Number of houses estates to be taken in estates in answer estates not yet taken in in estates in answer in charge in 2006 to Q.1 charge for which to Q.3 planning permission expired more than 2 years ago

Cork City Council 16 835 30 1,147 Dublin City Council 1 325 121 5,039 Galway City Council 15 647 47 2,198 Limerick City Council 16 950 70 800 Waterford City Council 11 919 16 882

Borough Councils Clonmel Borough Council 10 422 14 309 Drogheda Borough Council 8 655 24 Not supplied Kilkenny Borough Council 2 20 8 158 Sligo Borough Council 6 281 13 517 Wexford Borough Council 5 166 19 Not supplied

Town Councils Ballina Town Council 8 340 9 360 Ballinasloe Town Council 3 14 287 Birr Town Council 1 Not supplied 3 Not supplied Bray Town Council Not known 5 542 Carlow Town Council 4 140 0 0 Carrickmacross Town Council 4 190 1 49 Castlebar Town Council 3 Not supplied 25 Not supplied Castleblaney Town Council 0 0 0 0 Clonakilty Town Council 5 121 10 157 Clones Town Council 1 9 1 Not supplied Dundalk Town Council 5 350 33 2,517 Ennis Town Council 5 219 28 2,228 Listowel Town Council 6 111 8 112 Longford Town Council 4 211 2 22 Macroom Town Council 3 100 2 80 Monaghan Town Council 3 282 6 141 Nenagh Town Council 3 160 11 560 New Ross Town Council 0 0 1 8 Skibbereen Town Council 2 50 1 20 Templemore Town Council 2 83 2 Not available Thurles Town Council 1 122 8 501 Tipperary Town Council 0 0 6 149 Tullamore Town Council 2 40 13 Not available Westport Town Council 2 28 16 384 Wicklow Town Council 24 928 16 618 Youghal Town Council 2 29 12 378

Total 587 27,449 2,387 65,690

Regional Road Network. from this funding in each of the stated years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. 737. Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for the [27352/06] Environment, Heritage and Local Government the funding allocated to the low cost safety Minister for the Environment, Heritage and improvement works scheme of grants for non- Local Government (Mr. Roche): The Low Cost national roads for each year from 2000 to date in Safety Improvement Works scheme of grants for 2006; the number of locations which benefitted non-national roads was introduced by my Depart- 1819 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1820

[Mr. Roche.] the non-governmental agencies or organisations ment in 2000 as an extension of the scheme his Department has provided funding to in 2004, operated on national roads under the auspices of 2005, and 2006; the amount of funding provided the National Roads Authority (NRA). The NRA to each in each year; the number of applications assesses applications for grant assistance under for funding submitted to his Department in total; the non-national roads scheme on behalf of my the number of these applications which were Department. The criteria for grant approval are refused; the reason for same; the percentage of based on accident data, inspection of sites, his Department’s overall annual budget such locations showing demonstrable hazard and dis- funding equates to; and if he will make a state- cussions between the local authority and the ment on the matter. [27393/06] NRA. The following table gives details of grant pay- Minister for the Environment, Heritage and ments from 2000 to 2005, and allocations for 2006, Local Government (Mr. Roche): The following to local authorities under the scheme and details table details the funding by my Department to of the number of projects in receipt of funding: non-governmental agencies or organisations in 2004, 2005 and 2006. For 2005, the most recent full year, the total funding provided was Year Grant Number of \ Payments schemes which 3,448,018, which comprised 0.45% of my received funding Department’s current budget for the year. The data does not include substantial capital and 2000 666,243 55 other funding provided by my Department under 2001 1,971,621 135 schemes which are administered by local auth- orities with involvement of voluntary bodies, e.g. 2002 2,276,550 146 voluntary housing projects. 2003 2,335,640 157 To date my Department has received 234 appli- 2004 2,480,011 168 cations for funding for the 3 year period. 9 of 2005 2,703,900 197 these have been refused of which 6 have been 2006 (Allocation) 3,560,399 199 (Estimated) redirected to other Departments where funding may be available. Of the other 3 that were refused, 1 was on the basis of there being no funds available under the Environment Fund for Departmental Expenditure. that particular initiative in 2005 and the other 2 738. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the refusals where as a result of the organisations fail- Environment, Heritage and Local Government ing to meet the required criteria

Agency/Organisation Funding Received (to date)

2004 2005 2006

I.S.P.C.A. 40,000.00 40,000.00 42,500.00 (Ecological) NGOs Core Funding Limited 253,946.00 235,832.00 100,000.00 An Taisce 177,710.09 91,093.82 50,000.00 An Taisce (National Spring Clean) 280,000.00 324,448.00 — Arlington Novas Ireland — 8,000.00 — Bat Conservation Ireland — 1,000.00 — Birdwatch 12,760.00 11,100.78 1,300.00 Birdwatch Ireland — — 10,000.00 British Trust for Ornithology 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 CARA 30,000.00 40,000.00 — Carbery 10,000.00 8,000.00 — Cashin Printing Services Ltd. for NGO 720 — — Circle VHA 10,000.00 15,000.00 — City Housing Initiative 30,000.00 35,000.00 — Coastwatch — 500 6,000.00 Coastwatch Ireland 4,000.00 — 1,000.00 Cobh (Great Island) Community Centre Ltd. — 450,000.00 — Cope 12,000.00 20,000.00 — Cork Environmental Forum 15,000.00 12,500.00 — Crann 1,200.00 400 — Deer Alliance Development Committee — 1,500.00 5,000.00 Dundalk Chamber of Commerce 9,000.00 — 9,000.00 1821 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1822

Agency/Organisation Funding Received (to date)

2004 2005 2006

Eco-Unesco 38,863.00 33,796.75 1,620.00 Focus Ireland 90,000.00 95,000.00 — Fold Ireland 15,000.00 — — Greenland White-fronted Goose Study — 500 — Grian — 9,331.00 — Groundwork — Irish Wildlife Trust 11,564.00 12,789.00 — Habitat for Humanity — 35,000.00 — IBAL (Anti-Litter League) 75,000.00 100,000.00 — Irish Council for Social Housing 370,000.00 395,000.00 — Institute of Public Administration — 63,000.00 — Irish Biogeographical Society 635 2,000.00 3,000.00 Irish Blue Cross 12,000.00 13,000.00 12,500.00 Irish Peatland Conservation Council 4,400.00 6,617.63 — Irish Peatland Conservation Council (applied for in 2003 6,500.00 — — not paid until 2004) Irish Raptor Group — 800 900 Irish Seed Saver Association 200 684 — Irish Whale and Dolphin Group 10,563.00 15,000.00 2,000.00 Irish Wildlife Trust — 3,419.34 — Leave No Trace Ireland — — 10,000.00 Mulranny Day Care 10,000.00 — — National Association of Building Co-operatives 180,000.00 192,000.00 — National Association of Regional Game Councils — — 1,575.00 Networks for Nature 1,077.00 — — Newgrove 4,000.00 — — North & East Housing — 25,000.00 — North & West Housing 11,000.00 — — Organic Centre — 786.5 — Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 73,723.80 — — Royal Irish Academy — 160,000.00 165,000.00 Rural Resettlement Ireland 135,000.00 145,000.00 89,138.00 Safe Home 60,000.00 62,000.00 — Sea Turtle Trust — 605 — Sherkin Island Marine Station 44,226.00 85,955.60 53,300.00 Simon Communities 60,000.00 67,000.00 — Slı´ Eile HA 10,000.00 — — Society of St. Vincent de Paul — 80,000.00 — Sonas 20,000.00 25,000.00 — Sustainable Ireland 26,499.00 26,245.00 20,980.00 Threshold 270,000.00 300,000.00 — Tı´r an Droichead 10,000.00 — — Tree Council — 14,990.71 — Wader Study Group — — 10,000.00 Waterford Chamber of Commerce 5,000.00 — — Woodlands of Ireland 30,100.00 31,600.00 — Zoological Society of Ireland — 6,000.00 100 Agri Aware 2,540.00 2,540.00 — ESAT BT Young Scientist 3,630.00 — 3,630.00 UCD (for MSc in Meteorology) 43,719.00 134,983.00 —

Totals 2,529,575.89 3,448,018.13 606,543.00 1823 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1824

Water and Sewerage Schemes. with local government interests regarding the creation of new town councils under the Local 739. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for the Government Act 2001. [27423/06] Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he has approved the contract documents for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Lower Liffey Valley sewerage scheme; and the Local Government (Mr. Roche): I am consider- details of the scheme. [27419/06] ing the steps necessary to commence the pro- visions of the 2001 Act in respect of new town 746. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the councils. The creation of new town councils and Environment, Heritage and Local Government their prospective functional responsibilities under the stage of development the expansion of the the Act also feature in my discussions with local Leixlip waste water plant is at; and if he will make government interests as the opportunity arises. I a statement on the matter. [27470/06] will continue to keep the position under review, in tandem with consolidating progress on quality 753. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the customer service measures, with the aim of ensur- Environment, Heritage and Local Government ing good accessible local government service the stage the Lower Liffey Valley sewerage delivery for all towns. scheme is at; if construction has commenced; when he anticipates the relevant works will be completed and the problem of persistent sewage Local Authority Staff. odour in Leixlip will be resolved; and if he will 742. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for the make a statement on the matter. [27477/06] Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the serious anom- Minister for the Environment, Heritage and aly in the ratio of local authority staff to popu- Local Government (Mr. Roche): I propose to lation in Counties Kildare and Meath in the take Questions Nos. 739, 746 and 753 together. Great Dublin Area which respectively have one The Lower Liffey Valley Sewerage Scheme has local authority staff member for every 200 people been approved for construction in my Depart- in County Kildare and one local authority staff ment’s Water Services Investment Programme member for every 215 people in County Meath; \ 2005-2007 at an estimated cost of 31 million. The his views on whether these counties saw the larg- scheme, which includes the expansion of the est growth in population in the State between Leixlip waste water treatment plant and the 1996 and 2002 at 21.4 per cent and 22.1 per cent upgrading and improvement of the wastewater respectively compared to the State growth in collection systems in Leixlip, Kilcock, Straffan, population of 8 per cent; if his attention has Celbridge and Maynooth, also includes measures further been drawn to the fact that in counties to eliminate odours from the existing collection such as Kerry there is a local authority staff system in Leixlip’s main street. member for every 124 people, Cavan a local auth- In May 2005 I approved Kildare County ority staff member for 124 people, Clare a local Council’s proposals to proceed with work on an authority staff member for every 123 people; his advance section of the scheme at Straffan, which views on whether the pressures of population I understand is now completed. Kildare County growth in County Kildare and County Meath Council’s Contract Documents for the major require him to lift the public service recruitment elements of the scheme are under examination in embargo in these local authority areas in view of my Department and a decision will be conveyed the demands from the public for services; and if to the Council shortly. Approval of the Contract he will discuss this matter with the Department Documents will enable the Council to invite of Finance. [27424/06] tenders for the carrying out of the works. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and 740. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for the Local Government (Mr. Roche): Under Section Environment, Heritage and Local Government if 159 of the Local Government Act 2001, it is a he will approve the Upper Liffey Valley sewerage matter for the manager of each local authority to Scheme; and the details of the scheme. make such staffing and organisational arrange- [27420/06] ments as may be necessary for the purposes of carrying out the functions of the local authorities Minister for the Environment, Heritage and for which he/she is responsible. However, man- Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the agers must have regard to Government policy on reply to Question No. 440 of 13 June 2006. the control and regulation of numbers in the public sector, including local authorities, which Town Councils. was announced in the Minister for Finance’s 741. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for the Budget statement of 7 December 2005. Local Environment, Heritage and Local Government authority staffing overall increased by over 25% the timeframe for the conclusion of consultations in the period 1997 to 2003, and there were signifi- 1825 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1826 cantly higher percentage increases in Kildare and when the proposed increase in abstraction levels Meath County Council staffing levels over the at Ballymore Eustace, County Kildare will take same period. I am keeping the overall position in effect; and if he will make a statement on the the local government sector under regular review, matter. [27469/06] in consultation with the Minister for Finance. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Housing Grants. Local Government (Mr. Roche): The Ballymore Eustace Water Treatment Plant Expansion 743. Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for the Scheme is included in my Department’s Water Environment, Heritage and Local Government Services Investment Programme 2005-2007 as a when he expects the review of the disabled per- scheme to commence construction this year. sons grant scheme to be concluded. [27426/06] Dublin City Council’s tender recommendations for both the civil and mechanical and electrical 769. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- contracts for the scheme are under examination onment, Heritage and Local Government if he in my Department and are being dealt with as will extend the disabled persons housing grant to quickly as possible. cover 100 per cent of the actual cost of building work; if he will put in place standard qualification Question No. 746 answered with Question criteria to apply throughout the State; and if he No. 739. will make a statement on the matter. [27637/06] 747. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of applications for works which have (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. been made to his Department in the context of 743 and 769 together. the water services investment programme; the The level of grant available and the issue of number of these which were granted, refused, qualifying criteria have been considered in the commenced and completed; and if he will make context of the overall review of the disabled per- a statement on the matter. [27471/06] sons grant scheme which was recently finalised. Proposals for the future operation of the scheme 748. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the are being prepared in my Department and I hope Environment, Heritage and Local Government to be in a position to announce these shortly. the number of counties which have applied for the construction or expansion of water and waste Water and Sewerage Schemes. water treatment plants each year since 2000; the 744. Dr. Cowley asked the Minister for the number of these applications which have been Environment, Heritage and Local Government granted; the extent of funding allocated for such the steps being taken by his Department to works; the number of these projects which have ensure a sewerage scheme is installed in the been completed; if there were unsuccessful appli- Achill Sound area of County Mayo which will cations; if so, the reason for their failure; and if he serve the full community, which will be affordable will make a statement on the matter. [27472/06] to the community and which will serve future generations; his views on whether these steps are 749. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the necessary in view of the fact that it is on the cards Environment, Heritage and Local Government if for 15 years and in view of the fact that the pol- his attention has been drawn to any county luter pays principle means that it is making the experiencing water shortages due to increased scheme economically impossible; if he will exam- demand for service; the way in which such ine the situation; his views on meeting with the shortages are to be resolved; the measures he has group to outline the possibilities available; and if taken to ensure that such shortages are prevented he will make a statement on the matter. from occurring; and if he will make a statement [27448/06] on the matter. [27473/06]

Minister for the Environment, Heritage and 750. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the Environment, Heritage and Local Government reply to Question No 250 of 29 June 2006. the number of households approximately which My Department is in discussions with Mayo derive their water supplies from each local auth- County Council in relation to the scheme and will orities water supply network at present; the water consider urgently revised proposals which the services infrastructural upgrades which have been Council has undertaken to submit within the next made in each county since 1996; the increases in few weeks. the volume of water abstracted from sources which have occurred in each county since 1996; 745. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the and if he will make a statement on the matter. Environment, Heritage and Local Government [27474/06] 1827 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1828

751. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the priorities have been taken into account in the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if, framing of subsequent phases of the Water regarding the water services investment prog- Services Investment Programme. The current ramme, census figures pertaining to population phase of the Programme, which sets out my increases will be taken into account when plan- Department’s investment strategy for the years ning for development of the water services 2005 to 2007, including details of all approved system; if the national level of housing construc- schemes and the associated funding, is available tion has been taken into account when devising in the Oireachtas Library. Information in relation the investment programme; if the programme is to other scheme proposals may appropriately be sufficiently flexible to accommodate significant sought from individual local authorities. fluctuations in housing construction which may Local authorities have recently been asked by affect the level of water supply required; and if he my Department to produce updated water will make a statement on the matter. [27475/06] services needs assessments and to review their infrastructural priorities in light of economic, 752. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the demographic and other developments, including Environment, Heritage and Local Government if housing, that have taken place since the previous there is an established minimum level of service assessments were completed in 2003. These pertaining to water provision that must be pro- assessments will identify requirements for vided to households who source their water via additional water production, treatment, storage or distribution capacity and will inform future local government mains supply; if so, the way in phases of the Water Services Investment Prog- which this level of service is guaranteed; if he has ramme. In addition, should there be an urgent satisfied himself that it is maintained; if not, his need to expedite an individual proposal in views on introducing guidelines in this regard; response to particular circumstances new schemes and if he will make a statement on the matter. may be added to the Programme at any time. [27476/06] Some \3.7 billion will be spent under the National Development Plan 2000-2006 on the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and provision of water services infrastructure. A total Local Government (Mr. Roche): I propose to of 334 water services schemes were completed take Questions Nos. 747 to 752, inclusive, under the Water Services Investment Programme together. in the period 2000 to 2005. Management of public drinking water supplies Information regarding households whose water is the responsibility of the local authorities, which supplies are provided by local authorities is avail- have a range of instruments and measures avail- able in Table 13 of Volume 13 of the 2002 Census able to them to produce and conserve sufficient of Population published by the Central Statistics stocks to meet anticipated needs. New infrastruc- Office, a copy of which is available in the ture projects including water conservation works, Oireachtas Library. Details of public water sup- are approved for funding under my Department’s ply schemes completed in the period 1996 to Water Services Investment Programme mainly on 2005, which have produced additional drinking the basis of priorities identified in regular assess- water treatment capacity equivalent to the needs ments of needs undertaken by local authorities, of a population of 1.1 million, are set out in the at my Department’s request, as an input to the following tabular statement. The increase in stor- overall strategy for meeting public water supply age capacity over the same period was sufficient and waste water requirements. The latest assess- to meet the requirements of a population of over ments were carried out in 2003 and the resulting 1.6 million.

Table: Water Supply Schemes completed 1996-2005

County Scheme

1996 Cork Macroom Water Supply Du´ n Laoghaire/Rathdown Du´ n Laoghaire Water Supply Fingal Blanchardstown Water Supply Phase 2 Kerry Dingle Water Supply Leitrim South Leitrim Regional Water Supply Stage 4 Phase 1 Limerick City Limerick City Water Contract 9 Mayo Lough Mask RWS Stage 2 (Ballinrobe/Claremorris) Tipperary South Tipperary Town Water Supply Augmentation (Reservoir) Wicklow Roundwood (Vartry) Water Works 1829 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1830

County Scheme

1997 Clare Water Galway Tuam Regional Water Scheme Galway Inish Oirr Water Meath East Meath (Kiltrough Tower) Water Kildare Naas Water Sligo Lough Talt Water Mayo Westport Water (Leakage Control) Mayo Westport Water Meath Trim Water Roscommon Boyle/Ardcarne Water Tipperary Nenagh Water Wicklow Arklow Water (Goldmines)

1998 Galway Spiddal/Rossaveal Water Mayo Erris (Ext. to Bangor) Water Limerick Askeaton/Pallaskenry (Phase 1) Water Du´ n Laoghaire/Rathdown Ballyboden/Stillorgan Water Du´ n Laoghaire/Rathdown Du´ n Laoghaire Water Phase II Fingal Howth Water Kildare Castledermot Water Kildare Leixlip NE Kildare Water Donegal Buncrana (Pollan Dam) Water Laois Portlaoise Water Kilkenny Gowran/Paulstown Water (Source Protection) Meath Ashbourne/Dunshaughlin Water Offaly Clara Water Tipperary South Galtee Water Westmeath Tyrellspass Water Cork City Chetwynd Water

1999 Cork City Glen/Bride/Kiln River — Phase 3 & 4 Cork Cork City Water — Chetwynd Main Meath East Meath Regional Water Scheme Meath East Meath Regional Water Scheme (Kiltrough Water Tower) Monaghan Castleblayney Water Supply Improvement Scheme Monaghan Monaghan Water Contract 1 — Pipelines Roscommon North East Roscommon Water Ext. to Ballagh/Ballybeg Roscommon North East Roscommon Water Ext. to Tarmonbarry Roscommon North Roscommon Water Supply Scheme Intake Sligo North Sligo Regional Water Scheme Tipperary Ardfinnan Water Supply Scheme Waterford East Waterford Water Supply Scheme — Contract 5, 6 &7 Waterford East Waterford Water — Emergency Contract (Civil Works) Waterford East Waterford Water — Emergency Contract (M & E) Wexford Fardystown Water Supply Scheme Contract 2

2000 Cork Blarney Water Cork Fermoy Water Du´ n Laoghaire/Rathdown Du´ n Laoghaire Water Supply Contract 7 Telemetry 1831 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1832

[Mr. Roche.]

County Scheme

Fingal Leixlip Water (Phase II) (4,5,6,7,& 9) Galway Oughterard Sludge Facilities (Water Scheme) Kildare Monasterevin Water Limerick Limerick Trunk Mains Rosbrien North Tipperary Templemore Water Waterford East Waterford Water Supply Stage 2 Phase 1 Cork Ballincollig Water Supply Cork Ballyvinter Water Scheme Cork Glanmire Water Supply, Castlejane Cork Glashaboy Water Supply, Caherlag Cork Kinsale Water Supply Ardbrack Kerry Caherciveen Water Supply Ext. Water Kildare Castlecomer Road to Glendine WS Kildare Kildare/Rathangan Water Supply Laois Water Supply Mains Knockmay Longford Ardnacassa Louth Clogherhead Water/Sewerage Mayo Castlebar Road, Ballinrobe Meath Kilmessan Water Supply SLI Offaly Cloncollig WSS Offaly Kilcormac (W+S) Offaly Silver River (Collins Lane/Arden)WSS

2001 Cavan Bailieborough RWS St. 1 Galway Tuam RWS (Phase III) W Galway Tuam RWS Ext. to Athenry Louth Drogheda WS Limerick Limerick Environs & Shannon Estuary WSS Phase 1 Mayo Ballina RWS (Wherrew) Mayo Erris RWS ext. to Mullet Peninsula Mayo Lough Mask Sludge Treatment (dewatering @ Tourmakeady ) Monaghan Monaghan Water North Tipperary Roscrea Water Roscommon Roscommon North RWSS (Fairymount/Loughlynn) Sligo Sligo & Environs Water Westmeath Mullingar Water (Taughmon) Donegal Dungloe Water Supply SLI Kerry Brosna/Knocknagoshel WS Kerry Cahermoneen & Knocknacuig W& S SLI Kildare Kildare Planning and Dev. of Phases 1A and 1B of Water Supply Strategy Louth Greenhills W&S SLI Mayo Killala Water SLI Mayo Newport/Mulranny Water Augmentation SLI Sligo Curry WS RTVI (Rhue/Curry/Bellaghy WSS)

2002 Galway Ballinasloe (Laurencetown) Water Meath Longwood Water Offaly Ferbane Water Cavan Tanderagee/Curkish Water & Sewerage Cork Blarney — Water supply and Sewerage at Station Cork Buttevant WS — RTVI 1833 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1834

County Scheme

Galway Inishmore Water Kildare Kilcock Water Improvement Kildare Kilcullen Water Kildare Nurney Water Mayo Westport Rd., Louisburgh — Water Ext

2003 Wexford Fardystown Water Supply Clare Newmarket-on-Fergus (Advance) Cavan Bailieboro R W S S — Stage 2 Mayo Lough Mask RWS (Knock — Ballyhaunis) Meath Navan Water (Interim Works) Limerick Foynes Water Supply Galway Galway Water (Phase 3) Ext of Tuam Regional Water to Galway) Waterford East Waterford Water Supply Contracts 17A&B 1** Westmeath South Westmeath Regional Water Supply Scheme Advance Works Augmentation of Supply to Moate Westmeath Mullingar Regional Water Supply Scheme — Treatment (Lough Owel) Monaghan Clones Water Scheme Carlow Hacketstown WS RTVI Mayo Ballycastle Water. SLI Meath Longwood Water Supply Scheme

2004 Dublin City Water Source Dev Planning Short Term Sources Leitrim North Leitrim Rural Water Supply Scheme Louth Dunleer/Mid-Louth RWSS Advance Works Limerick Southern Ring Watermain Mayo Lough Mask RWSS — Extension Balla to Ballyheane Galway Gort RWSS Advance Works Kildare Castledermot Water Stage 2 RTVI Wicklow Baltinglass Water Supply Tipperary NR N52 Outer Ring Watermain SLI

2005 Westmeath Mullingar RWSS Sth Western High Level Area Dublin City Bohernabreena Spillways South Dublin Lucan High Level WSS Mayo Achill 4C Kildare South Kildare Water Supply Scheme RTVI Dubin Pelletstown W&S Scheme SLI Notes WS = Water Supply SLI = Serviced Land Initiative RTVI = Rural Towns & Villages Initiative

Question No. 753 answered with Question funding; the stage of development of the refuge; No. 739. and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27478/06] Women’s Refuges. 755. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the 754. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if Environment, Heritage and Local Government he will provide funding for the establishment of the number of women’s refuges which have a women’s refuge in County Kildare; and if he received funding from his Department; if he will will make a statement on the matter. [27479/06] provide funding for the establishment of a refuge in County Kildare; if such funding has been allo- 794. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the cated, when same occurred; the extent of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government 1835 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1836

[Ms C. Murphy.] authorities which have adopted the Barcelona the number of women’s refuges which have Declaration, as advised to my Department by the received funding from his Department; if he will National Disability Authority (NDA), are provide funding for the establishment of a refuge included in the table below. The NDA intends to in County Kildare; if such funding has been allo- write to each of the outstanding local authorities cated, when same occurred; the extent of the to determine whether further adoptions of the funding; the stage of development of the refuge; Declaration have taken place. Implementation and if he will make a statement on the matter. measures are a matter for the individual local [27662/06] authorities. As required under the Disability Act 2005, my Minister of State at the Department of the Department’s sectoral plan will be laid before the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Houses of the Oireachtas no later than 28 July (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. 2006. It will set out national objectives and guide- 754, 755 and 794 together. lines for access to local authority public buildings, Capital funding is available through my services, facilities, amenities, and information. Department’s Capital Assistance Scheme to Each local authority will be required to draw up approved voluntary housing bodies to provide an implementation plan within nine months of accommodation to meet special housing needs, the statutory approval of the sectoral plans by the such as elderly, homeless or persons with dis- Houses of the Oireachtas, on the basis of a abilities and may include accommodation for vic- detailed accessibility audit. The implementation tims of domestic violence. My Department’s plans, drawn up in consultation with organis- involvement with the scheme relates primarily to ations representing people with disabilities, will the provision of funds for eligible projects. To set out a programme of actions to give effect to date 4 projects have been approved under the the commitments and objectives contained in the scheme for victims of domestic violence. 2005 Act, in order to promote and pro-actively The administration of the scheme and the certi- encourage equal opportunities for persons with fication that particular projects comply with the disabilities to participate in the economic, social terms of the scheme is the responsibility of the and cultural life of the community. appropriate local authority. An application for funding for such a project has not yet been County Councils Carlow received by my Department from Kildare Cavan County Council. Clare Cork Noise Regulations. Donegal Du´ n Laoghaire 756. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the Rathdown Environment, Heritage and Local Government if Fingal Galway he will introduce regulations which incorporate Laois environmental noise resulting from movements Leitrim into and out of small airfields and aerodromes; Limerick and if he will make a statement on the matter. Longford [27481/06] Louth Kerry Kildare Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Kilkenny Local Government (Mr. Roche): In the case of a Mayo small airfield or aerodrome which is located in an Meath Monaghan agglomeration to which the provisions EU North Tipperary Directive 2002/49/EC (concerning assessment and Offaly management of environmental noise) apply, it is Roscommon a matter for the local authority concerned to con- Sligo sider any noise issues in the context of its noise South Dublin South Tipperary mapping functions under the Environmental Waterford Noise Regulations 2006. Westmeath Wexford Social Inclusion. Wicklow 757. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for the City Councils Environment, Heritage and Local Government Cork Dublin the local authorities which have signed the Barce- Galway lona Declaration and which have action plans in Limerick place to implement the declaration in their Waterford administrative areas. [27482/06] Borough Councils Clonmel Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Drogheda Local Government (Mr. Roche): The 101 local Kilkenny 1837 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1838

Sligo Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Wexford Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the Town Councils reply to Question No. 607 of 30 May 2006. Ardee Further documentation relating to this scheme Arklow has not been received from Galway County Athlone Council in the meantime. Athy Balbriggan Ballina 759. Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for the Ballinasloe Environment, Heritage and Local Government if Ballybay he has received all the documentation required Ballyshannon from Galway County Council for a project Bandon Bantry (details supplied) in County Galway to proceed; Birr when he will approve the project; and when the Boyle construction work will proceed. [27484/06] Bray Buncrana Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Bundoran Carlow Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the Carrickmacross reply to Question No 557 of 16 May 2006. The Carrick on Suir information received from Galway County Castlebar Council on 12 May, 2006, was incomplete in some Castleblaney respects and my Department is in touch with the Cavan Clonakilty Council regarding the outstanding information. Clones Dundalk Development Plans. Dungarvan Edenderry 760. Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for the Ennis Environment, Heritage and Local Government if Enniscorthy Fermoy the submission made by his Department to vari- Gorey ation number three of the Wicklow County Granard Development Plan in recent weeks took into con- Killarney sideration the guidelines on one-off rural housing; Kilkee if so, if a rural area is defined as a town or village Kilrush Kinsale with a population of under 1,500; and if he will Leixlip make a statement on the matter. [27520/06] Letterkenny Lismore Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Listowel Local Government (Mr. Roche): Under the Plan- Longford Macroom ning and Development Act 2000, the Minister for Mallow the Environment, Heritage and Local Govern- Mountmellick ment is a prescribed body for the giving of notice Muinebheag by planning authorities of the preparation of draft Mullingar development plans and proposed variations to Naas Nenagh development plans. New Ross On 16 May 2006, my Department sent com- Passage West ments for consideration by Wicklow County Portlaoise Council in relation to Proposed Variation No. 3 Shannon to the Wicklow County Development Plan 2004- Tipperary Tralee 2010. The Proposed Variation deals with Tramore revisions and amendments to Chapter 3 of the Trim Development Plan — Population/Settlement Tuam Strategy. My Department’s comments included Tullamore that the Proposed Variation generally accords Skibbereen Westport with the Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines Wicklow for Planning Authorities which issued in April 2005. For the purposes of these Guidelines, rural Planning Issues. areas are defined as those areas outside of urban areas with a population of 1,500 or over. 758. Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Election Management System. the position in relation to a project (details supplied) in County Galway; if documentation 761. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the has been received recently from Galway County Environment, Heritage and Local Government Council in relation to same; and when the project the status of the security and risk assessment of will be allowed to proceed. [27483/06] all aspects of the electronic voting system; the 1839 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1840

[Mr. Deasy.] Environment, Heritage and Local Government additional hardware and software which will be the status of the Waterford grouped towns and required to address the issues raised by the Com- villages sewerage scheme; when the sewage mission on Electronic Voting; if he will indicate scheme in each of the towns and villages con- the cost of such additional hardware and cerned will be operational; and if he will make a software; and if he will make a statement on the statement on the matter. [27555/06] matter. [27553/06] Minister for the Environment, Heritage and 762. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the Environment, Heritage and Local Government reply to Question No. 244 of 29 June 2006. the measures he proposes to undertake to reduce the annual cost of storing the electronic voting Recreational Facilities. machines; the cost of buying out lease agreements operational in each constituency for their storage 764. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for the in order that they could be moved to a central Environment, Heritage and Local Government location; and if he will make a statement on the the number of playgrounds here; and his plans matter. [27554/06] to increase their number; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27631/06] Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr. Roche): I propose to Minister for the Environment, Heritage and take Questions Nos. 761 and 762 together. Local Government (Mr. Roche): Information on The Commission on Electronic Voting con- the total number of local authority playgrounds cludes in its Second Report on the Secrecy, Accu- is not available in my Department. However, racy and Testing of the Chosen Electronic Voting Service Indicators in Local Authorities 2004, pub- System, which was presented and published on 4 lished last year by the Local Government Man- July and circulated to members of the House, that agement Services Board, reported on perform- it can recommend the voting and counting equip- ance across 42 indicators covering the broad ment for use at elections in Ireland, subject to range of local authority activities. Two of the further work it has recommended, but that it is indicators relate to playgrounds and these enable unable to recommend the election management comparisons to be made across local authorities software. The Commission makes it clear that on their performance in this area. Specifically, the many of its recommendations involve only rela- indicators show the number of children’s play- tively minor modifications or additions to the grounds per 1,000 population provided directly by system and that it is likely that alternative elec- the local authority; and facilitated by the local tion management software could be developed at authority. Copies of this publication are available a reasonable relative cost; however, the report in the Oireachtas Library. does not provide specific costings in this regard. Ready, Steady Play: A National Play Policy, In response to the report, I have indicated that which was published in 2004, provides a frame- I intend to propose to Government the establish- work for the development of public play facilities ment of a Cabinet Committee, which I will chair in Ireland, with the overall aim of ensuring that and which will consider the report and other children have access to a range of quality play assessment work in detail; report to the Govern- opportunities to enrich their childhood. As part ment on the full implications of the Commission of the implementation of this policy, my Depart- recommendations; consider the composition of a ment provided over \2 million in grant aid to peer review group (drawn from international County and City Councils in respect of 32 new or electoral reform bodies and the IT industry) to refurbished playground projects under the Local supervise any software redesign work; report to Authority Playground Grants Scheme 2004. In the Government on confidence building 2005, a further \2 million was allocated to local measures; and identify any other improvements authorities for the development of playground that might be built into the system. facilities, in particular to meet the cost of pur- I welcome the Commission’s view regarding chase and delivery of playground equipment. I local storage arrangements for the electronic vot- expect to announce details of further funding for ing equipment. Now that the Commission has such facilities in 2006 in the near future. examined the issue and reached its conclusion, work will be advanced to bring the voting Local Authority Housing. machines to a central location. It would not be appropriate to comment at this stage on detailed 765. Ms C. Murphy asked the Minister for the costs that might be involved in the buy-out of Environment, Heritage and Local Government if leases given the commercial considerations he will bring forward amending legislation to involved. change the provisions of Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 in order that devel- opers may be required to construct purpose built Water and Sewerage Schemes. childcare facilities within large-scale housing 763. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the developments and sell them to the local auth- 1841 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1842 orities at cost price thus introducing a system houses to single persons and other categories on whereby community childcare providers can their waiting lists in accordance with their reduce cost and pass these savings on to young Schemes of Letting Priorities, my Department families; and if he will make a statement on the continues to advise local authorities of the need matter. [27633/06] to provide a reasonable mix of dwellings suited to the different kinds of households already on Minister for the Environment, Heritage and waiting lists and to plan their future programmes Local Government (Mr. Roche): Planning auth- taking account of the estimated size and type of orities currently require the provision of at least households likely to be seeking housing in the one childcare facility for each 75 dwellings in a future. new housing area, in accordance with the Child- In December 2005, the Government launched care Guidelines for Planning Authorities pub- a new Housing Policy Framework: Building Sus- lished in April 2001. Under the Planning and tainable Communities which outlines key prin- Development Act 2000 planning authorities have ciples underpinning housing policy and invest- extensive powers to provide or facilitate the pro- ment over the coming years. Substantial vision of childcare facilities in their functional increased investment in social and affordable area, through appropriate strategic planning housing is outlined in the framework amounting through the development plan, the setting of to close to \4 billion in Exchequer capital spend- appropriate conditions on planning permissions ing over the period 2006 to 2008. The Govern- and the use of development contributions to pay ment have committed in the draft social partner- for the capital cost of community facilities. I am ship agreement, Towards 2016, to further satisfied that these powers, used proactively, will additional investment in social housing with facilitate an adequate supply of childcare places 27,000 new units to be started or acquired over through the planning process. Accordingly, I do the period 2007 to 2009. It is envisaged that these not propose to amend the Act in this respect. new units will be delivered through a combi- nation of local authority social housing, voluntary Social and Affordable Housing. and co-operative sector social housing prog- 766. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- ramme and long-term contracts for new supply onment, Heritage and Local Government the under the Rental Accommodation Scheme. measures he is undertaking to redress the pre- Further households will benefit from the full dicament whereby single persons, in particular implementation of the Rental Accommodation single men, find it virtually impossible to secure Scheme involving contractual arrangements with social housing; and if he will make a statement on landlords for existing properties transferring from the matter. [27634/06] rent supplement. Over the same period it is expected that some 17,000 units of affordable 770. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- housing will be delivered. onment, Heritage and Local Government his pro- As a result of the various social and affordable posals to address the housing waiting lists with housing measures the needs of some 60,000 new particular reference to the families on local auth- households will be met over the period 2007-2009. ority lists and a further number who are disquali- The housing policy framework also proposes a fied from such lists on income grounds but do not package of reforms to improve equity, efficiency qualify for an adequate mortgage from financial and effectiveness. The focus is on improving com- institutions; and if he will make a statement on munity participation, improving services to the matter. [27638/06] ensure personal choice, autonomy and responsi- bility. The overall impact of these measures will 776. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- impact positively on waiting lists for social and onment, Heritage and Local Government his affordable housing. plans to address the issue of the long waiting lists The affordable and shared ownership schemes for local authority houses; if he has issued direc- benefit low income house purchasers and those tions to the local authorities with a view to tack- households having difficulties securing loans from ling this housing crisis; and if he will make a state- financial institutions. Last year some 2,700 trans- ment on the matter. [27644/06] actions were completed under these initiatives and it is anticipated that increased output levels Minister of State at the Department of the will be achieved in 2006. Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. Housing Grants. 766, 770 and 776 together. Single persons who are unable to provide hous- 767. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- ing for themselves from their own resources are onment, Heritage and Local Government the entitled to apply for social housing which is pro- action he intends to take in view of the alarmingly vided by either a local authority or a voluntary high levels of radon in homes here; and if he will housing body. While it is a matter for individual reintroduce a grant system to assist those wishing local authorities to decide on the allocation of to fit radon barriers to their homes. [27635/06] 1843 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1844

775. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- incorporate radon protection measures at the onment, Heritage and Local Government if he time of construction. In October 2004, my will introduce free testing for radon gas in areas Department published an updated edition of of high radon. [27643/06] Technical Guidance Document C on Part C of the Building Regulations (Site Preparation and Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Resistance to Moisture) incorporating enhanced Local Government (Mr. Roche): I propose to radon prevention measures for new buildings take Questions Nos. 767 and 775 together. commencing on or after 1 April 2005. This new During the period 1992 to 1999, the Radiologi- guidance document is aimed at ensuring that the cal Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) carried 1997 radon protection measures are carried out out a nationwide survey of radon gas in domestic more effectively. dwellings. The survey involved the measurement On the question of grant assistance, and as of radon in some 11,000 houses nationwide. stated in reply to Questions Nos. 82 and 98 of 13 Based on the results of this survey, the RPII esti- June 2006, increasing the awareness of the public mated that some 91,000 houses nationally, equiv- is considered to be a more effective approach alent to about 7% of the national housing stock, than the provision of State financial assistance have radon concentration levels in excess of 200 schemes to householders for radon testing of Becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3). This is the their homes or for radon remediation works. National Reference Level adopted by Govern- Such schemes of assistance are not operated by ment in respect of houses, and is the level above the majority of EU Member States. It would be which it is recommended that radon remediation difficult for a demand-led scheme of domestic works should be considered. radon grants to ensure appropriate and cost effec- The RPII’s website — www.rpii.ie — contains tive targeting of remedial action. Furthermore, a comprehensive map which shows the location such a scheme could require very significant of High Radon Areas throughout the country, public expenditure and administrative resources. i.e., areas where 10% or more of the houses are The testing of houses for radon is a relatively estimated to have radon levels in excess of the straightforward, non-invasive and inexpensive National reference Level. County radon maps (approximately \50) process. and survey results can be viewed also on that As is clear from the above, considerable web-site by clicking on the county by name. resources are being expended by Government on Of the approximately 30,000 houses tested to promoting public awareness of radon. Govern- date by the RPII for radon, some 200, or about ment efforts and resources, together with the 1%, had radon concentrations in excess of 800 RPII, will continue to focus on highlighting public Bq/m3, a level considered by RPII as extremely awareness of radon and on improving infor- high. Such householders are strongly urged by the mation to householders and employers so as to RPII to undertake immediate radon remediation enable and encourage them to address monitor- measures on their house. ing or remedial requirements effectively and The Government, largely through the RPII, economically. has for many years now committed significant resources to assessing the extent of the radon House Prices. problem throughout the country and to high- 768. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- lighting public awareness of radon and the health onment, Heritage and Local Government the risks associated with prolonged exposure to high assessment his Department has undertaken of the radon concentrations. Householders, particularly potential impact on house prices as a result of the those in high radon areas, have been strongly development levy; and if he will make a state- encouraged to have their homes tested for radon ment on the matter. [27636/06] and to undertake radon remediation works where necessary. Minister of State at the Department of the Technical guidance on radon remediation tech- Environment, Heritage and Local Government niques is available in a booklet issued by my (Mr. N. Ahern): House prices are not determined Department called Radon in Buildings — Correc- solely by the cost of building, but by the interac- tive Options and which is available on my tion of supply and demand in the market. The Department’s website at www.environ.ie. The revised system of levying development contri- RPII has also issued guidance entitled Under- butions under the Planning and Development standing Radon Remediation — A House- Act 2000 has not affected the level of supply, as holders’ Guide. This is available on the RPII is demonstrated by the fact that housing output website, as is a list of companies who can provide reached a new record level of almost 81,000 in a radon remediation service and can offer specific 2005. This very large increase in housing output advice and recommendations. has helped to restrain house price increases in the In June 1997, my Department introduced face of continuing very strong demand pressures upgraded building regulations which required all and increased mortgage lending. new buildings, including new houses, which com- The Government will continue to prioritise menced construction on or after 1 July 1998 to effective action to maintain current high levels of 1845 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1846 supply in the housing market and in particular, co-operative housing to ensure good integration will accelerate measures to assist those who of tenures. The exact mix is a matter for the rel- cannot access affordable housing without assist- evant local authorities in developing the land, and ance. A key component of this strategy is ensur- I understand, for example, that the plan for the ing a supply of serviced land for housing which Clonakilty and former Magee Barracks (Kildare) the development contribution system helps to sites envisage such a mix. fund. If developers were not required to contrib- ute part of the cost of servicing the land that they Waste Management. use to build houses, servicing new land would become more difficult or an even greater burden 773. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- would fall on taxpayers. onment, Heritage and Local Government if he intends to establish a national waiver scheme for Question No. 769 answered with Question low income households to coincide with the No. 743. increased waste charges expected with the imple- mentation of the EU Waste Management Question No. 770 answered with Question Directive; the progress made to date in regard to No. 766. his discussions with the Department of Social and Family Affairs regarding difficulties faced by Housing Grants. those on low incomes in paying service charges, especially in cases in which there is no waiver 771. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- scheme; and if he will make a statement on the onment, Heritage and Local Government his matter. [27641/06] plans to introduce a grant scheme to encourage the upgrading of septic tanks in areas in which it Minister for the Environment, Heritage and has been shown that the qualify of ground water Local Government (Mr. Roche): In accordance is deteriorating. [27639/06] with section 52 of the Protection of the Envir- onment Act 2003, the determination of waste Minister for the Environment, Heritage and management charges, and the provision of any Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the waivers in respect of those charges, is a matter reply to Questions Nos. 448 and 449 of 13 June, for the relevant local authority where it acts as 2006. the service provider. Similarly, where a private operator provides the collection service, it is a Social and Affordable Housing. matter for that operator to determine charges. 772. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- My Department has no statutory function in the onment, Heritage and Local Government the determination of waste charges and waivers and number of units of social housing which have it is not proposed to establish a national waiver been built on State land since 2002; and if he will scheme in respect of waste collection charges. make a statement on the matter. [27640/06] However, in order to assist low income house- holds, I have asked local authorities to engage Minister of State at the Department of the with commercial waste collectors with a view to Environment, Heritage and Local Government agreeing on a scheduling of payments, that is a (Mr. N. Ahern): Details in relation to the number pay-as-you-go system, rather than a periodic of social houses built each year are set out in my lump sum payment. Department’s Housing Statistics Bulletins, copies The issue of waste charges has been raised in of which are available in the Oireachtas library, the context of social partnership. In this context, and also on the Department’s website at www.en- my Department engaged last year with the viron.ie. The majority of these units are built on Department of Social and Family Affairs to land in the ownership of the local authority. explore the issues involved. However, these dis- Social housing units are now also being acquired cussions did not identify a role for the social wel- by local authority from development through fare system in providing income support in arrangements under Part V of the Planning and relation to waste charges. Development Acts 2000 to 2004. The bulletins also provide information on activity by the volun- Social and Affordable Housing. tary and co-operative housing sector. Some of these developments would be on land provided 774. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- by the local authority, but it is not possible to onment, Heritage and Local Government the specify the extent of such arrangements. action plan he has to increase the output of local A number of State lands have been identified authority social and affordable housing; and if he as part of the Affordable Housing Initiative. will make a statement on the matter. [27642/06] While the primary objective is to deliver increased output of affordable housing on the 782. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- State lands provided to the Affordable Housing onment, Heritage and Local Government the Initiative, the development of the lands may also action he intends to take to ensure that local include a mix of private, social and voluntary and authorities construct more social and affordable 1847 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1848

[Mr. Ring.] Private Rented Accommodation. housing; and if he will make a statement on the 777. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- matter. [27650/06] onment, Heritage and Local Government the numbers employed by the Private Residential Minister of State at the Department of the Tenancies Board; its annual budget; and if he will Environment, Heritage and Local Government make a statement on the matter. [27645/06] (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. 774 and 782 together. 784. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- In December 2005, the Government launched onment, Heritage and Local Government the a new Housing Policy Framework: Building Sus- number of reports he has received from the tainable Communities which outlines key prin- Private Residential Tenancies Board on regis- ciples underpinning housing policy and invest- tration of landlords since the enactment of the ment over the coming years. Substantial Residential Tenancies Act 2004; and if he will increased investment in social and affordable make a statement on the matter. [27652/06] housing is outlined in the framework amounting Minister of State at the Department of the to close to \4 billion in Exchequer capital spend- Environment, Heritage and Local Government ing over the period 2006 to 2008. (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. The Government has committed in the draft 777 and 784 together. social partnership agreement, Towards 2016, to There is currently a total of 43.5 staff working further additional investment in social housing in the Private Residential Tenancies Board with 27,000 new units to be started or acquired (PRTB), which also receives support from staff in over the period 2007 to 2009. It is envisaged that my Department but is currently in the process of these new units will be delivered through a com- a transition to a fully stand-alone operation. The bination of local authority social housing, volun- PRTB has also engaged a panel of 175 mediators tary and co-operative sector social housing and and adjudicators to assist with its dispute resol- long-term contracts for new supply under the ution functions. An increased provision of \3.707 Rental Accommodation Scheme. million is available to fund the PRTB’s admini- Further households will benefit from the full stration and services in 2006, compared with an outturn of \1.737 million in 2005. implementation of the Rental Accommodation Statutory responsibility for the registration of Scheme involving contractual arrangements with tenancies and the provision of information relat- landlords for existing properties transferring from ing to this and other aspects of the private rented rent supplement. Over the same period it is sector rests with the PRTB under the Act. expected that some 17,000 units of affordable Requests for information relating to the PRTB’s housing will be delivered. As a result of the var- business may appropriately be directed to the ious social and affordable housing measures the Board at Canal House, Canal Road, Ranelagh, needs of some 60,000 new households will be met Dublin 6. My Department maintains close over the period 2007-2009. ongoing contact with the PRTB regarding pro- The main strategy for delivery of the Govern- gress on the implementation generally of the pro- ments social and affordable housing programme visions of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004. An is through the local authority 5-year Action Plans update on the number of registration applications for social and affordable housing. The Action processed by the PRTB is provided to my Plans, now at their midway stage, are currently Department generally on a monthly basis. being reviewed. The reviews are focussing on examining how targets have been met in the first Land Registry. two years of the plan and on incorporating any 778. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- adjustments required for the remaining years of onment, Heritage and Local Government the the plan, in light of performance including progress to date in compiling a comprehensive expected 2006 outputs, and the results of the register of land owned by local authorities as recent Housing Needs Assessment. recommended by the Committee of Public The outcome of the reviews will ensure that Accounts; and if he will make a statement on the local authorities continue to have a framework matter. [27646/06] for the integrated and cohesive planning and Minister of State at the Department of the delivery over the coming years of specific social Environment, Heritage and Local Government and affordable housing measures based on their (Mr. N. Ahern): There are no plans to produce a relevant housing strategy. register of all local authority lands, and there was no formal recommendation by the Public Question No. 775 answered with Question Accounts Committee to undertake such a task. No. 767. Given the range of purposes for which local auth- orities may own land, and the continuous changes Question No. 776 answered with Question in their land holdings which arise through, acquis- No. 766. itions, disposals or development, it would be 1849 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1850 impractical for my Department to establish and less than 30,000 units as a result of the central keep updated a comprehensive register of land heating programme introduced by my Depart- owned by each local authority. However, the new ment in 2004, which provides funding for the accounting and financial management system in installation central heating in existing local auth- place in local authorities provides for the creation ority dwellings which lack such a facility. I noti- of asset registers for this purpose. fied local authorities of their 2006 capital allo- I am conscious of the crucial importance of cations under this programme of almost \32 local authorities planning ahead to ensure that million in January, 2006, which will enable central they have sufficient land available to meet the heating facilities to be installed in more than requirements of their Social and Affordable 6,000 local authority dwellings in 2006. My Housing Action Plans. In that regard, my Depart- Department will continue to support this ment has written to local authorities emphasising important programme with capital funding. the importance of engaging in a process of active Cases of households without a hot water land management on an ongoing basis. Infor- facility have not been brought to the attention of mation received as part of that exercise, although my Department. However, any such cases will be not fully complete, indicates that, at end-2005, dealt with through the implementation of the cen- local authorities had access to land capable of tral heating programme. supporting the delivery of some 43,000 social and affordable housing units. Local Authority Staff. 780. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- Local Authority Housing. onment, Heritage and Local Government the numbers employed by each local authority for the 779. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- years 2002 to 2005; the category under which they onment, Heritage and Local Government the were employed; and if he will make a statement number of local authority units which do not have on the matter. [27648/06] either hot water or central heating; and the fund- ing which is and which will be made available to Minister for the Environment, Heritage and address this issue. [27647/06] Local Government (Mr. Roche): Based on the information supplied by local authorities, the Minister of State at the Department of the numbers of staff, expressed in whole time equiv- Environment, Heritage and Local Government alents, employed by each local authority (Mr. N. Ahern): It is estimated that at the end of (including town councils) for the years 2002 to 2005 the number of local authority rented dwell- 2005 and the categories are set out in the follow- ings without central heating has been reduced to ing tables:


Local Authority Managerial/Admin./Clerical Professional/Technical Outdoor Overall Total

County Councils 1 Carlow 114 47 216 377 Cavan 168.5 47.4 330 545.9 Clare 290 114 487 891 Cork 782 426 1,282 2,490 Donegal 358.5 201 706 1,265.5 Du´ n Laoghaire/Rathdown 507 238 670 1,415 Fingal 577 336 711 1,624 Galway 315 126 758 1,199 Kerry 416 173 660 1,249 Kildare 350 185 530 1,065 Kilkenny 199 72 346 617 Laois 167.5 66.5 255 489 Leitrim 137 59 208 404 Limerick 277 113 545 935 Longford 138 49 137 324 Louth 263 79 380 722 Mayo 301 89 916 1,306 Meath 273 113.5 339 725.5 Monaghan 172 63 121 356 Offaly 159.5 77 223 459.5 1851 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1852

[Mr. Roche.]

Local Authority Managerial/Admin./Clerical Professional/Technical Outdoor Overall Total

Roscommon 132 59.5 276 467.5 Sligo 228 85 278 591 South Dublin 663 160 619 1,442 North Tipperary 171 55 239 465 South Tipperary 228 97 459 784 Waterford 166 68 397.5 631.5 Westmeath 185.5 64.5 280 530 Wexford 334 94 357 785 Wicklow 288 114 523 925

City Councils Cork 382 146 914 1,442 Dublin 2,752 * 3,906 6,658 Galway 149 53 269 471 Limerick 185 41 324 550 Waterford 174 48 256 478 *Dublin City figure for Man./Admin includes Prof./Tech. 1 includes urban authorities.


Local Authority1 Managerial/Admin/ Professional/Technical Outdoor †Other Overall Clerical Total

County Councils Carlow 112 47 144 27 330 Cavan 160.6 56 215.5 17 449.1 Clare 279 111.5 428 144 962.5 Cork 744.74 360 1,172.91 130 2,407.65 Donegal 338 145 492.5 132 1,107.5 Du´ n Laoghaire/ Rathdown 471 232 584 102 1,389 Fingal 595 260 640 68 1,563 Galway 304.82 125.8 471.55 75.5 977.67 Kerry 378.5 136.4 533 144.6 1,192.5 Kildare 322 110 361 146.33 939.33 Kilkenny 167 76 312 38 593 Laois 167.5 71 153 20 411.5 Leitrim 113.5 47 126.5 22 309 Limerick 255 109 366 76 806 Longford 140.9 45 142.2 9 337.1 Louth 228.47 94.5 305.57 76 704.54 Mayo 229 167 613.5 176 1,185.5 Meath 206.5 109 269 143 727.5 Monaghan 157.4 63.6 179.63 24.1 424.73 Offaly 160 59.5 221 40 480.5 Roscommon 137 59 281 79 556 Sligo 200.66 78 218.03 30 526.69 South Dublin 620.9 144.8 522 43 1,330.7 North Tipperary 152 52 219 76 499 South Tipperary 216 85 372 27 700 Waterford 170 64 289 28 551 Westmeath 167.5 66 227 83.5 544 Wexford 299 80 363.45 92 834.45 1853 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1854

Local Authority1 Managerial/Admin/ Professional/Technical Outdoor †Other Overall Clerical Total

Wicklow 258.5 114 373.5 69.83 815.83

City Councils Cork 366 143 907 172 1,588 Dublin 1,958.4 509.8 3,866.5 233 6,567.7 Galway 126.5 52 244 33 455.5 Limerick 184.5 45.6 316 76 622.1 Waterford 141 39 201 34 415 †Includes certain contract posts, temporary & seasonal workers (not separately collected in 2002) 1 includes urban authorities


Local Authority1 Managerial/ Admin/ Professional/ Outdoor Other* Overall Clerical Technical Total

County Councils Carlow 114 45 145 23 327.00 Cavan 165.6 59 215.5 27 467.10 Clare 279 113.5 428 144 964.50 Cork 764.89 359.4 1,145.27 193 2,462.56 Donegal 339 141 503 191 1,174.00 Du´ n Laoghaire/ Rathdown 475 232 581 100 1,388.00 Fingal 517 334 605 27 1,483.00 Galway 321.21 122.5 456.67 101.92 1,002.30 Kerry 403.2 149.4 519.66 145.04 1,217.30 Kildare 329 127 335.5 154 945.50 Kilkenny 169 77 295 45 586.00 Laois 160.1 66 158 19 403.10 Leitrim 118 48 125 20 311.00 Limerick 255 109 366 60.5 790.50 Longford 145 45 126.2 13 329.20 Louth 234.77 98.5 289.49 58.3 681.06 Mayo 229 164 613 209 1,215.00 Meath 237 117.1 273 73 700.10 Monaghan 161.2 62.6 177.63 43 444.43 Offaly 153.8 56 204 56 469.80 Roscommon 141 63 275 79 558.00 Sligo 198.16 78 221.97 51 549.13 South Dublin 662.46 143.6 527.5 32 1,365.50 North Tipperary 161 50 212 116 539.00 South Tipperary 221 89 372 21 703.00 Waterford 170 64 289 45 568.00 Westmeath 181 70 218.5 92.5 562.00 Wexford 294.5 80 370.35 87 831.85 Wicklow 274.75 112 377.9 91.3 855.95

City Councils Cork 366 145 905 119 1,535.00 Dublin 1,993.8 445.1 3,841.15 314.25 6,594.30 Galway 131.5 53 254 18 456.50 Limerick 169.7 40.6 287 61 558.30 Waterford 139 38 198 56 431.00* *Includes certain contract posts, temporary & seasonal workers (not separately collected in 2002). 1includes urban authorities 1855 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1856

[Mr. Roche.] 2005

Local Authority1 Managerial/ Professional/ Outdoor Other* Total Administrative/ Technical Clerical

County Councils Carlow 120 45 139 33 337.00 Cavan 180.6 69 215.5 30 495.10 Clare 279 113.5 433 172 997.50 Cork 783.52 359.35 1,145.98 253 2,541.85 Donegal 339.5 150.5 456 235 1,181.00 Du´ n Laoghaire/ Rathdown 454 227 564 59 1,304.00 Fingal 539 300 626 113 1,578.00 Galway 328.99 117.3 461.3 125.53 1,033.12 Kerry 407.2 151.4 512.88 151.22 1,222.70 Kildare 337.5 141 337.5 207.5 1,023.50 Kilkenny 167 84 301 59 611.00 Laois 166.9 70 155.2 15.5 407.60 Leitrim 125.25 51 116.75 30 323.00 Limerick 260 113 361 39.5 773.50 Longford 151.6 54 127.8 31 364.40 Louth 230.23 104.5 291.97 84.3 711.00 Mayo 288.4 145.2 629.6 137.8 1,201.00 Meath 253.7 107.4 247.56 139.34 748.00 Monaghan 162.8 67.6 177.78 34 442.18 Offaly 160 59.5 204 67.5 491.00 Roscommon 155.5 66.5 279 80 581.00 Sligo 206.66 76 219.03 57 558.69 South Dublin 670.8 127.8 527.5 44 1,370.10 North Tipperary 168 58 204 83 513.00 South Tipperary 217.5 85 358 45 705.50 Waterford 170 63 288.5 63 584.50 Westmeath 183 66 220.5 109.5 579.00 Wexford 304.5 85 372.46 98.06 860.02 Wicklow 274.75 107 373.9 78.25 833.90 City Councils Cork 371 154 894 92 1,511.00 Dublin 2,082.1 488.4 3,701.95 463 6735.45 Galway 136.5 49.5 236.5 35 457.50 Limerick 159.8 40.3 295.5 59 554.60 Waterford 136 38 206 56 436.00* *Includes certain contract posts, temporary & seasonal workers (not separately collected in 2002). 1Includes urban authorities

Planning Issues. road users, as well as the substantial investment in national roads. The policy was restated 781. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- recently in my Department’s Draft Development onment, Heritage and Local Government the Management Guidelines, which are expected to plans he has to introduce legislation in this to be issued in final form before the end of this year. ensure that a fairer system is available to all plan- These Guidelines state that, as a general policy, ning applicants. [27649/06] the location of new means of access to national primary roads, or residential, commercial, indus- Minister for the Environment, Heritage and trial or other development dependent on such Local Government (Mr. Roche): Policy as means of access should not be permitted except regards development on national roads has been in areas where a speed limit of 30-40 m.p.h. consistent for many years; it was developed in applies or in case of infilling, in the existing built- consideration of the need to protect the safety of 1857 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1858 up areas. It is also stated that the same consider- In addition, 6,000 prospective RAS households ations apply to national secondary roads. have had their cases reviewed. Work is ongoing Under the Planning and Development Regu- on interviewing tenants, the inspection of proper- lations 2001, the National Roads Authority must ties and meeting and negotiating with accom- be consulted in relation to all planning appli- modation providers. The aim is to have 5,000 cations where the proposed development would cases transferred to the RAS by the end of the involve the formation or widening of an access to year. The total cost of the scheme to date is a national road — except in a built up area — or \2.48m of which \1,592,000 has been spent in the where it might give rise to a significant increase current year. Some \19 million has been provided in the volume of traffic using a national road. to support the implementation of the scheme in Any submissions made by the NRA on a plan- 2006. ning application must, as with all submissions, be Implementation of the scheme will accelerate taken into account by the planning authority in as local authorities procure new accommodation making its decision. It is open to the NRA, as it through the development of new public private is to any person or body who made a submission, partnership (PPP) arrangements and through to appeal the decision of a planning authority to partnering arrangements with the Voluntary and An Bord Pleana´la. Cooperative Housing sector. The system in place as regards development on national roads is fair and transparent. It is not Question No. 784 answered with Question proposed to introduce amending legislation in No. 777. this area. Departmental Staff. Question No. 782 answered with Question No. 774. 785. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- onment, Heritage and Local Government the Local Authority Housing. number of consultants or public relations person- nel appointed by his Department in each of the 783. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- past three years; the details of the tender process onment, Heritage and Local Government the for each project; the costs of the consultants; the number of households in the rental accom- number of consultants currently advising his modation scheme; the cost of the project to date; Department; and if he will make a statement on and if he will make a statement on the matter. the matter. [27653/06] [27651/06] Minister for the Environment, Heritage and 809. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Local Government (Mr. Roche): The information Environment, Heritage and Local Government requested is being compiled and will be for- the number of people who have been housed to warded to the Deputy as soon as possible. date in Waterford City and County under the rental accommodation scheme in the past five Local Authority Housing. years to 2005. [27867/06] 786. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Envir- Minister of State at the Department of the onment, Heritage and Local Government the Environment, Heritage and Local Government number of dwellings delivered to date under Part (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. V of the Planning and Development Act 2000; 783 and 809 together. the number of such units which were for social Under the Rental Accommodation Scheme housing and for affordable housing; the number (RAS), local authorities are providing accom- of private house completions since the com- modation for certain recipients of SWA rent sup- mencement date of the Planning and Develop- plement who have been assessed as having a long- ment Act 2000; and if he will make a statement term housing need. The RAS is an additional on the matter. [27654/06] housing option and eligible persons can indicate their preference to be accommodated by local Minister of State at the Department of the authorities under the RAS or social housing, or Environment, Heritage and Local Government to be considered under both. (Mr. N. Ahern): Information on the number of Over 1,200 cases have been transferred to RAS private house completions and the number of since the initial transfers in September 2005. Of housing units provided under Part V of the Plan- these cases some 160 cases have been transferred ning and Development Act 2000-2004 is pub- in Waterford City and County. A further 770 lished in my Department’s Housing Statistics households which were recipients of Rent Sup- Bulletins, copies of which are available in the plement have been provided with local authority Oireachtas Library and also on the Department’s housing. website at www.environ.ie. 1859 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1860

[Mr. N. Ahern.] my Department, my predecessor declined to In the first quarter of 2006 under Part V, 184 grant consent for the development. affordable and 167 social houses were acquired. While I understand that the promoters of a golf In the same period, there were 21,894 private course development at Inch may be considering house completions, many of which would not the preparation of a revised proposal, no such have been subject to Part V e.g. of this total over proposal has been submitted to my Department 5,600 were one-off units and exempted from Part or to the planning authority concerned. V. Other exemptions include social and afford- able schemes or smaller developments of 4 units Property Register. or less or built on unzoned land or with planning permissions granted prior to the introduction of 789. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the Part V. Environment, Heritage and Local Government Total output under Part V amounted to 1,371 the amount of lands entered on the national units in 2005 compared to 591 units in 2004. I am public property register as property suitable for satisfied that Part V is operational in all planning housing development. [27657/06] authorities and that output is gathering momen- Minister of State at the Department of the tum as evidenced by the statistics. Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr. N. Ahern): My Department is not in a posi- Water and Sewerage Schemes. tion to supply the information requested, as the 787. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for the updating of a national property register is a Environment, Heritage and Local Government matter for the Office of Public Works. the position regarding the provision of sewerage schemes in Milltown and Boolteens, County Proposed Legislation. Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the 790. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the matter. [27655/06] Environment, Heritage and Local Government if Minister for the Environment, Heritage and he has issued a directive to local authorities to Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the stop the practice of establishing management reply to Question No. 536 of 3 May, 2006, in companies in respect of standard houses and con- relation to the Boolteens scheme. Milltown is part fine them only to multiple unit buildings; and of Phase 1 of Kerry County Council’s proposal to when he intends to publish a legislative frame- refurbish a number of village sewerage schemes work for these companies. [27658/06] which has been included in my Department’s Water Services Investment Programme 2005- 824. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for the 2007. Environment, Heritage and Local Government I understand that the Council is currently his plans to regulate housing management com- assessing tenders received for the sewage collec- panies through the Planning Process or otherwise; tion system for Milltown and has advertised for and if he will make a statement on the matter. expressions of interest from prospective tenderers [28014/06] for the treatment plant which is part of a grouped Minister of State at the Department of the Design/Build/Operate project. Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. Planning Issues. 790 and 824 together. 788. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for the I refer to the reply to Question No. 549 of 5 Environment, Heritage and Local Government if July 2006. The position is unchanged. With regard he will permit a golf course to be developed at to the attachment of planning conditions requir- Inch, County Kerry; and if he will make a state- ing management companies in housing devel- ment on the matter. [27656/06] opments, a survey in late 2005 showed that plan- ning authorities do not generally attach planning Minister for the Environment, Heritage and conditions regarding management companies in Local Government (Mr. Roche): Outline pro- the case of conventional housing estates, that is, posals for the development of a golf course at estates of houses with their own gardens. They Inch, Co Kerry were presented to my predecessor might do so only in exceptional circumstances, for in 2003, against the background that this develop- example to maintain shared private facilities such ment would need ministerial consent under the as sewage treatment. The 2000 Planning Act con- Habitats Regulations 1997; the area in question tains explicit provisions regarding the responsi- forms part of a candidate Special Area of Con- bility of planning authorities for the taking in servation. charge of such estates. On the basis of the outline proposals then sub- My Department has advised planning auth- mitted and of a detailed assessment of these by orities that it is not appropriate to attach planning 1861 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1862 conditions requiring management companies to While the concept of producer responsibility is maintain the roads, services, etc., in the case of well embedded in waste management policy and traditional type housing estates. However, as I practice there is a need to build on this experi- have stated previously, the related issues of plan- ence with regard to the contribution which it can ning conditions regarding management compan- make to waste prevention and the reduction of ies and taking in charge can be complex, partic- negative environmental impacts. Extended Pro- ularly in the newer mixed estates which contain ducer Responsibility involves the assignment of apartments, duplex houses and terraced houses, increased responsibility to the producer and pro- with shared facilities such as car-parking and gar- vides producers with a direct financial incentive dens exclusively for the development. Genuine to incorporate environmental considerations in questions arise as to whether it is appropriate that the design of products. It deals not just with the all facilities on these estates, which may include waste phase, but addresses upstream issues in high specification paving and landscaping, should relation to resource selection and product design. be taken in charge and maintained at public This focus on design is already incorporated in expense. Many of these facilities are replacing the EU legislation on End-of-Life Vehicles and traditional gardens, which, in a conventional Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment housing estate, would fall to be maintained by the (WEEE) and the Restriction of Hazardous Sub- residents rather than the local authority. stances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment My Department is at present updating the resi- (RoHS) Directives, all of which are now trans- dential density guidelines following on the publi- posed in Irish law. cation of the Housing Policy Framework: Build- Also relevant is the overall National Waste ing Sustainable Communities, last December. It Prevention Programme currently being developed and implemented by the Environmen- will be appropriate to examine further the issues tal Protection Agency (EPA) and which involves of taking in charge and management companies the development of waste prevention and mini- in this context. misation strategies aimed at reducing negative environmental impacts. The EPA have been allo- Waste Management. cated an initial budget of \2m to fund the 791. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the Programme. Environment, Heritage and Local Government the areas to which the producer responsibility Waste Management. initiative for waste recovery has been put in 792. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the place. [27659/06] Environment, Heritage and Local Government the national waste prevention targets he has Minister for the Environment, Heritage and set. [27660/06] Local Government (Mr. Roche): A key compon- ent of waste management policy in Ireland in Minister for the Environment, Heritage and recent years has been the development of pro- Local Government (Mr. Roche): An effective ducer responsibility initiatives (PRIs). Such basis for addressing our waste management initiatives are in line with EU and national policy responsibilities has been put in place through my on waste management which is firmly grounded Department’s policy statements Changing Our on the internationally recognised waste manage- Ways, Delivering Change (1998), and Taking ment hierarchy which prioritises respectively Stock Moving Forward (2004); through statutory waste prevention and minimisation: increased waste management plans (largely prepared on a levels of reuse, recycling and biological treat- regional basis), and the comprehensive regulatory ment; energy recovery; and finally, utilising land- framework now in place in relation to waste. fill as the last resort for residual waste that cannot The Government’s approach is based on the otherwise be recovered. This approach is internationally recognised waste management reflected in my Department’s policy statements hierarchy of prevention/minimisation, signifi- Changing Our Ways (1998), Delivering Change cantly increased levels of recycling, energy recov- (2002), and Taking Stock and Moving Forward ery and, finally, utilising landfill as the last resort (2004). for residual waste that cannot otherwise be Successful PRIs are already operating in recovered. Ireland in the areas of packaging, farm plastics, A key priority currently is the development and waste electrical and electronic equipment. I and roll out of a National Waste Prevention Prog- recently signed regulations for a further producer ramme. A Core Prevention Team was established responsibility initiative in relation to an EU in 2004 in the Environmental Protection Agency Directive on end-of-life vehicles and work is (EPA) to develop and drive the Programme. The ongoing in developing a producer responsibility Core Prevention Team is in the process of initiative for waste tyres. developing baseline studies as part of the initial 1863 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1864

[Mr. Roche.] a waste water plan for all towns and population phase of the Programme. The five-year prog- over 1,000 has been put in place. [27661/06] ramme also envisages mandatory waste and material audits, waste prevention pilot schemes Minister for the Environment, Heritage and etc. The initial budget for the National Waste Local Government (Mr. Roche): All population Prevention Programme is \2m. centres over 1,000 either already have in place A key component of the waste management secondary wastewater treatment facilities or have system in Ireland has been the development of schemes included in my Department’s Water producer responsibility initiatives. In recent Services Investment Programme 2005-2007. years, successful producer responsibility initiat- ives have been introduced in the areas of packag- Question No. 794 answered with Question ing waste, waste electrical and electronic equip- No. 754. ment and farm plastics. I recently made regulations for a further pro- Animal Breeding Regulations. ducer responsibility initiative in relation to an EU 795. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for the Directive on end-of-life vehicles. These initiatives Environment, Heritage and Local Government are based on the promotion of waste prevention the reasons he ignored the minority report sub- and minimisation objectives. Work is also mitted by the Irish Kennel Club on breeding underway in developing producer responsibility establishments; the further reason it was not initiatives for waste tyres and for newsprint. available on the Government website when two Waste prevention and minimisation has also other minority reports were available to those been actively promoted in the Race Against wishing to take part in the public consultation Waste campaign. The media campaign has process; and if he will make a statement on the focused on the prevention of waste and the need matter. [27663/06] to reduce, reuse and recycle and aims to turn awareness on waste issues into action to reduce 796. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for the the amount of waste being sent to landfill. Environment, Heritage and Local Government The campaign has also worked closely with the reason he ignored the minority report submit- Environmental Awareness Officers in all of the ted by the Irish Kennel Club as they are the prin- local authorities, who work locally with house- cipal organisation for pedigree dogs in this coun- holders, schools, businesses and community try and the dogs produced by puppy farms are groups. It has encouraged communities to mini- generally pedigree; and if he will make a state- mise, recycle and compost their waste through the ment on the matter. [27664/06] national Tidy Towns competition’s Race Against Waste module. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and In addition, waste prevention targets for biode- Local Government (Mr. Roche): I propose to gradable waste were recently set out in the take Questions Nos. 795 and 796 together. National Strategy on Biodegradable Waste. The The report of the Working Group which was projections of biodegradable waste arising in established to review the management of dog future years in the Strategy are based on an breeding establishments was submitted to me on expectation that the waste prevention initiatives 7 September 2005. The report contained a outlined above will yield benefits in reducing the number of recommendations, including in quantity of biodegradable municipal waste which relation to the introduction of statutorily enforce- would be generated in their absence. able standards for the dog breeding industry in They are a: Ireland, and proposed the introduction of a regis- tration system for dog breeding establishments. • 3% reduction factor in projected Biodeg- However, three of the members of the Working radable Municipal Waste (BMW) gener- Group disagreed with the main recommendations ation each year from 2005 to 2007; and submitted three separate minority reports. • 4% reduction factor in projected BMW On 30 May, I announced my intention to pro- generation in the period 2008 to 2010, ceed with implementation of the majority recom- mendations of the Working Group. This decision • 5% reduction factor in projected BMW followed consideration by me of the majority generation from 2011 to 2013, and a report and all three minority reports and the con- • 6% reduction factor in projected BMW clusion of an extensive public consultation pro- generation in the period 2014 to 2016. cess on the matter which showed that, while there is some opposition to the majority recom- mendations, there is general support for regu- Water and Sewerage Schemes. lation in this area. 793. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the The Working Group report, including all three Environment, Heritage and Local Government if minority reports, is available on my Department’s 1865 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1866 website and copies are posted to members of the ing and rearing of dogs; and if he will make a public on request. In addition, a copy of the statement on the matter. [27667/06] report, including the three minority reports, and the public advertisement inviting submissions Minister for the Environment, Heritage and were sent to every individual or organisation who Local Government (Mr. Roche): The Working had made a submission when the Working Group Group which was established to review the man- was initially set up in 2004. agement of dog breeding establishments com- prised representatives from a cross section of rel- Animal Identification Scheme. evant organisations. Regrettably, no woman was among the representatives nominated by these 797. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for the organisations, and in view of the urgency of Environment, Heritage and Local Government if advancing the work the group as constituted was he intends to introduce universal micro-chipping mandated to proceed. for all dogs as most local authorities and veterin- There were two separate public consultation ary surgeons would support this policy; and if he processes associated with the review. As part of will make a statement on the matter. [27665/06] its deliberations, the working group itself invited submissions from interested persons and bodies Minister for the Environment, Heritage and by way of public notice in the national news- Local Government (Mr. Roche): The Control of papers. In addition, following receipt of the Dogs Regulations 1998 require the owner or group’s report, an advertisement inviting sub- other person in charge of a dog to ensure that the missions was also placed in the national news- dog at all times wears a collar bearing the name papers by my Department. The responses and address of the owner on an attached plate, received included many submissions from women badge or disc. The regulations contain penalties and I am satisfied that all interested persons had for non-compliance with this requirement or for adequate opportunity to make their views known defacing or rendering illegible the above part- to me. iculars. These arrangements followed consider- ation of all practicable options for ensuring Register of Electors. identification of dogs, including that of micro- chipping, and are being kept under review. 800. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Environmental Policy. the preparations in hand to correct and update the voters register; when he expects the process 798. Mr. Morgan asked the Minister for the to be completed; and if he will make a statement Environment, Heritage and Local Government if on the matter. [27668/06] his Department’s submission in respect of the new National Development Plan 2007-2013, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and which is currently being prepared, contains pro- Local Government (Mr. Roche): In law, the prep- posals in relation to the establishment of an all- aration of the Register of Electors is a matter for Ireland environmental protection agency; and if each local registration authority. It is their duty such a proposal was not included, if he would sup- to ensure, as far as possible and with the co-oper- port such a body. [27666/06] ation of the public, the accuracy and comprehen- siveness of the Register. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and I recently announced a package of measures, Local Government (Mr. Roche): As the inclusion to be implemented over the coming months, of proposals in the National Development Plan aimed at assisting local authorities to improve the 2007-2013 will be a matter for decision by Register. The measures include the use of Census Government immediately prior to publication it enumerators or other temporary personnel to would not be appropriate to comment on any support local authorities in preparing the next such proposals which have been made or which Register. I am also prepared to make increased, could be made in advance of the Government ring fenced financial resources available to local decision. authorities this year to update the Register. In order to facilitate an early start to the local Departmental Bodies. authority campaigns in respect of the 2007/8 799. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for the Register, my Department has distributed stocks Environment, Heritage and Local Government of registration forms to the authorities and they the reason he appointed no women to the work- have been asked to proceed with their campaigns ing group which he established to examine breed- as soon as possible. The Electoral Act 1992 ing establishments and puppy farms as there are requires that the draft Register is published not a large number of women involved in the breed- later than 1 November each year. 1867 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1868

Local Authority Housing. Local authorities receive substantial funding from the Department under a wide range of prog- 801. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the rammes. Payments are made to local authorities Environment, Heritage and Local Government in some cases on the basis of definitive allocations the number of people on housing waiting lists in for the year or in some cases on the basis of each local authority area in each of the years 1997 claims for recoupment having regard to indicative to date in 2006; and if he will make a statement allocations notified to them. Many payments are on the matter. [27771/06] made on the basis of claims for recoupment on approved projects independent of any system of Minister of State at the Department of the annual allocations. Details of adopted revenue Environment, Heritage and Local Government budgets of local authorities are available from the (Mr. N. Ahern): Local authorities undertake local authorities and are collated retrospectively statutory assessments of housing need every three and published by my Department. The most years. The most recent assessment of need for recent publication “Local Authority Budgets social housing was undertaken by local auth- 2004” is available in the Oireachtas Library. orities in March 2005 indicated that there were 43,684 households on local authority waiting lists Organisation Budgetary compared with 48,413 in March 2002 — a Allocation decrease of almost 10%. The previous assessment 2006 of housing need undertaken in March 1999 indi- \ cated that there were 39,176 households on local 000 authority waiting lists. A breakdown of the 2005 Affordable Homes Partnership 2,051 assessments by local authority is available on the An Bord Pleana´la 13,609 Department’s website at www.environ.ie while An Chomhairle Leabharlanna 1,006 the 2002 and 1999 assessments are available in the September Quarterly Housing Statistics Bulletins Building Regulations Advisory Body 20 for the respective years, copies of which are avail- Environmental Protection Agency 15,670 able in the Oireachtas library. Fire Services Council 379 Heritage Council 10,970 Departmental Expenditure. Irish Heritage Trust 5,500 802. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for the Irish Water Safety Association 582 Environment, Heritage and Local Government Private Residential Tenancies Board 3,707 the budgetary allocation for each of the public Radiological Protection Institute of bodies, executive agencies, advisory bodies and Ireland 4,662 task forces operating under his Department. Rent Tribunal 52 [27787/06]

Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Departmental Bodies. Local Government (Mr. Roche): The details requested in relation to the budgetary allocation 803. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for the in 2006 for the organisations operating under the Environment, Heritage and Local Government aegis of my Department and which receive all or the number of positions in State bodies under the a significant part of their funding from the aegis of his Department which are affected by the Exchequer are set out in the following table. increase in non-executive chairpersons’ fees of Some further and more detailed information is State bodies recently sanctioned by the Govern- contained in the Revised Estimates for Public ment. [27801/06] Services 2006 published by the Department of Finance. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Information on the funding of organisations Local Government (Mr. Roche): The increase in under my Department which do not receive fees for non-executive chairpersons of State bodies approved by the Government on 20 June budgetary allocations from the Exchequer, e.g. 2006 applies, with effect from 1 January 2006, to the Dublin Docklands Development Authority, the chairpersons of eleven of the bodies which the Housing Finance Agency, the Local Govern- comes under the aegis of my Department. ment Computer Services Board, the Local Government Management Services Board and 804. Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for the the National Building Agency are contained in Environment, Heritage and Local Government the Annual Reports and Audited Accounts of the number of task forces which have been such bodies which are in the Oireachtas Library created by his Department and their function, or available directly from the organisations size, membership, reporting mechanism and concerned. period of existence since 1997. [27823/06] 1869 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1870

Minister for the Environment, Heritage and business of my Department since 1997. Details Local Government (Mr. Roche): Some 34 task are set out in the following table. forces have been created in connection with the

Taskforce Name

Chairing Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms and the Environment Commission on the Private Rented Residential Sector EU Water Framework Directive Implementation Group Expert Panel on Pollution of Groundwater by Nitrates Expert Steering Group on Dangerous Substances in Water Fixed Asset Working Group Forum for the Construction Industry General Accounting Working Group Gum Litter Taskforce High level implementation group Irish Heritage Trust Steering Group Market Development Group National Rural Water Monitoring Committee National Strategy Group on Packaging Waste Recycling National Waste Prevention Committee North South Co-ordination Group for the Water Framework Directive North South Technical Advisory Group on Water Quality North South Working Group on Water Quality Review Group on Rating Law Shannon Callows Task force Steering Group for the implementation of the recommendations of Branching Out — A New Public Library Service Task Force on the Review of the Waste Management (Packaging) Regulations 1997 Taskforce on EU Environmental Infringement The Interdepartmental Task Force on the Integration of Local Government and Local Development Systems The Lagarosiphon Task Force Water Framework Directive Co-ordination Group WEEE Taskforce Working Group on Role of Local Authority Finance Function

Water and Sewerage Schemes. Housing Grants. 805. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the 806. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Environment, Heritage and Local Government when he expects the waste treatment works to be the number of essential repair grants supplied to completed in Tramore, County Waterford; when people in Waterford city and county for every the new sewage system is expected to be oper- year since 2000; and if he will make a statement ational in Tramore, County Waterford; and if he on the matter. [27853/06] will make a statement on the matter. [27838/06] 807. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Environment, Heritage and Local Government Local Government (Mr. Roche): The Tramore the number of disabled persons grants supplied Sewerage Scheme is being funded under my to people in Waterford city and county for every Department’s Water Services Investment Prog- year since 2000; and if he will make a statement ramme 2005-2007. I approved Waterford County on the matter. [27854/06] Council’s tender recommendations for the mechanical/electrical contract and the civil works Minister of State at the Department of the contract associated with the collection system and Environment, Heritage and Local Government for the wastewater treatment plant contract in (Mr. N. Ahern): I propose to take Questions Nos. September 2003, November 2003 and June 2005 806 and 807 together. respectively. It is a matter for the Council to Details of the number of disabled persons arrange for the commencement and advancement grants and essential repairs grants paid by Water- of works with the successful tenderers. ford County Council and Waterford City Council 1871 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1872

[Mr. N. Ahern.] from 2000 to 2005 are set out in the following table. The equivalent figures for 2006 will not be available until early 2007.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Waterford County Council DPG 48 77 131 124 188 87 ERG 3 3 8 16 37 24 Waterford City Council DPG 43 46 80 55 41 63 ERG 000024

At 31 December 2005 Waterford County Council County and City Councils an opportunity to iden- had 49 disabled persons grants and 37 essential tify any additional infrastructural needs in their repairs grants applications on hands. Waterford areas as an input to future phases of the Water City Council had 37 disabled persons grants and Services Investment Programme. 1 essential repairs grants application on hands. Capital allocations of \954,000 and \410,000 Question No. 809 answered with Question were made to Waterford County Council and No. 783. Waterford City Council respectively for funding of disabled persons and essential repairs grants Departmental Programmes. schemes in 2006. 810. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the Following an application for additional funding Environment, Heritage and Local Government from Waterford County Council, that authority’s the major projects or programmes funded under capital allocation was increased by \446,000 to the national development plan; the physical indi- give a total capital allocation of \1.4m for 2006. cators of the output of these projects and prog- rammes; and the way in which these outputs com- Water and Sewerage Schemes. pare to the original targets. [27888/06] 808. Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the number and names of applications in his Local Government (Mr. Roche): Under the NDP Department for sewage schemes in the city and 2000-2006, my Department is responsible for the county of Waterford; the position of each appli- following measures: cation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27857/06] Economic and Social Infrastructure OP (ESIOP) All measures under the Housing Priority; and Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Water Services measures under the Environmen- Local Government (Mr. Roche): I am arranging tal Infrastructure Priority. to forward to the Deputy details of the water and sewerage schemes identified by Waterford City Regional Operational Programmes (S&E OP and and County Councils in response to my Depart- BMW OP) ment’s request to local authorities in 2003 to Non-national roads; Rural water supply; Waste produce updated assessments of the needs for management; Urban and village renewal; and capital works in their areas and to prioritise their Heritage conservation and habitats protection proposals on the basis of the assessments. These and conservation. assessments are the Councils’ most up to date and Output under these measures to end December complete statements to my Department of their 2005 was the subject of the meetings of the rel- water and sewerage infrastructure proposals. evant monitoring committees in April/May 2006 The assessments were taken into account in the and the progress reports sought by the Deputy framing of subsequent phases of my Depart- are available on the websites of the relevant man- ment’s Water Services Investment Programme, aging authorities — www.transport.ie, www.sere- including the most recently published Programme gassembly.ie and www.bmwassembly.ie. for 2005 to 2007 which is available in the Oireachtas Library. Farm Waste Management. Local authorities have recently been asked by my Department to produce new assessments of 811. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for the needs and to submit the results to the Depart- Environment, Heritage and Local Government ment by 31 July 2006. This will afford Waterford the measures he is taking to ensure the back-log 1873 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1874 of farm plastics is collected; and if he will make a on the market of packaging which satisfies these statement on the matter. [27905/06] essential requirements. The essential require- ments of packaging are transposed into national 822. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the law under the combined provisions of article 24, Environment, Heritage and Local Government if and the Third Schedule, of the Waste Manage- he will extend the local authorities pilot scheme ment (Packaging) Regulations 2003, as amended, for the collection of farmyard plastic; the volume which provides that a person may not supply of plastic collected in the pilot areas; and if he packaging or packaged products to the Irish will make a statement on the matter. [27986/06] market unless the packaging concerned complies with essential requirements as to its nature and Minister for the Environment, Heritage and composition. Local Government (Mr. Roche): I propose to The regulations impose obligations in relation take Questions Nos. 811 and 822 together. to the recycling of backdoor waste on all pro- To address the issue of accumulated backlogs ducers participating in the placing of packaging of farm plastic, designated facilities are being pro- on the Irish market. In addition, major producers vided this year on a temporary basis by local i.e. those who have an annual turnover in excess authorities where farmers may deposit stockpiled of \1 million and who place more than 25 tonnes farm film plastic and silage wrap. This is of packaging on the Irish market, have additional operating on a pilot basis in the first instance in responsibilities with regard to the recovery of counties Galway, Clare, Mayo, Offaly and Water- packaging waste from their customers. Major pro- ford. This service is free to the farmer and fund- ducers are required to take steps individually to ing to assist the local authorities is being made recover their packaging waste (i.e. self- available from my Department through the compliance) or alternatively to contribute to, and Environment Fund. As collections under the Pilot participate in, compliance schemes set up to scheme are still under way in a number of pilot recover packaging waste. areas data on the volume collected is not yet Repak Limited was established by Irish indus- available in my Department. It is planned to roll try in 1997 to promote, co-ordinate and finance out this service to other areas after the initial trial, which will assist in determining the quantit- the collection and recovery of packaging waste ies of plastic likely to be recovered for recycling with a view to achieving Ireland’s packaging under this initiative. waste recovery and recycling targets under the Directive and is the only such approved com- Question No. 812 answered with Question pliance scheme in Ireland. Repak membership No. 732. income is used to subsidise the collection of pack- aging waste from both the household and com- Recycling Policy. mercial sectors. While Repak’s primary role is to support the 813. Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for the recycling of packaging waste, the fee structure Environment, Heritage and Local Government applicable to its members — which is related to the incentives he will introduce to promote the the type and amount of packaging placed on the use of refill packaging for consumer goods; the market — reflects the polluter pays principle and level of refill use by comparison with other EU directly incentivises the minimisation and reuse countries; and if he will make a statement on the of packaging by producers. In addition, article matter. [27907/06] 4(5) of the regulations expressly provides that Minister for the Environment, Heritage and account shall not be taken of packaging destined Local Government (Mr. Roche): Article 9 of for reuse for the purpose of determining whether European Parliament and Council Directive or not a producer is a major producer — this simi- 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste pro- larly provides a direct incentive for producers to vides that packaging may not be placed on the introduce systems to promote the reuse of market within the European Union unless it satis- packaging. fies the provisions of the Directive i.e. it complies In the light of the comprehensive regulatory with the essential requirements on the compo- regime in place for packaging waste, Ireland has sition and the reusable and recoverable nature of enjoyed considerable success in recent years in packaging as provided for in Annex II of that meeting targets for the recovery and recycling of Directive. In this regard, Annex II of the this significant waste stream. Data from the Directive explicitly provides that packaging shall Environmental Protection Agency shows that the be designed, produced and placed on the market 25% target for 2001 set under Directive 94/62/EC in such a way as to permit its reuse or recovery, on packaging and packaging waste was achieved including recycling and composting. and also that, with 56% recovery of packaging Under article 18 of the Directive, Member waste in 2004, Ireland has exceeded the 2005 States are prohibited from impeding the placing recovery target of 50% set under the Directive. 1875 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1876

[Mr. Roche.] 815. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the Typically, deposit and refund schemes have Environment, Heritage and Local Government been used in a number of countries as a vehicle the value of the discount on the site value for to promote the use of refillable / reusable packag- persons getting affordable houses; and the ing. Successful deposit and refund schemes numbers receiving it. [27947/06] operating internationally are generally located in those countries where there has been no break in Minister of State at the Department of the the continuity and cultural tradition of deposit Environment, Heritage and Local Government and refund arrangements. This is not the case in (Mr. N. Ahern): All units disposed of under the Ireland and there would now quite likely be sig- 1999 Affordable Housing Scheme, Part V of the nificant costs involved in re-establishing deposit Planning and Development Act 2000-2004 and and refund arrangements here. The cost of stor- the Affordable Housing initiative are sold at less age for returned items either by retail outlets or than market value to eligible applicants. My in automated reverse vending machines (which Department does not compile data on the value redeem refunds to consumers based on the type of the discount applying to these units. and number or weight of containers deposited in Information on the number of units provided the receptacles concerned), the additional trans- under the various affordable housing schemes is port movements and the costs associated with col- published in my Department’s Housing Statistics lecting returned items from the substantial Bulletins, copies of which are available in the number of authorised collection points that Oireachtas Library and also on the Department’s would be required, together with other ancillary website at www.environ.ie. costs and demands associated with operating deposit and refund systems, are issues that would Litter Pollution. have to be taken into account in assessing the 816. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the adoption of such an approach in Ireland. Environment, Heritage and Local Government the system in place for receiving reports from Social and Affordable Housing. local authorities on litter blackspots in their areas; 814. Mr. Bruton asked the Minister for the the latest findings from these reports; and if he Environment, Heritage and Local Government will make a statement on the matter. [27948/06] the value of subsidies towards repayments paid to persons on shared ownership and on affordable Minister for the Environment, Heritage and housing; and the number of persons receiving Local Government (Mr. Roche): Under the them. [27946/06] National Litter Pollution Monitoring System, full details of which are available on www.litter.ie, Minister of State at the Department of the local authorities carry out surveys to determine Environment, Heritage and Local Government the extent, main causes and composition of litter (Mr. N. Ahern): The information requested is set pollution in their areas. The data obtained pro- out in the following table: vides a picture of national pollution levels and measures progress in tackling litter pollution. The Shared Ownership/Affordable Housing data also enables local authorities to provide more effective litter management planning for Year No. of Cases Recoupments to Local Authorities their areas and ensure optimum allocation of resources to tackle litter pollution. \ Under the system, the extent and severity of 1992 48 10,124 litter pollution is measured using a Litter Pol- lution Index (LPI), of 1 to 5 as follows: 1993 366 107,192 1994 826 253,845 1. Unpolluted or litter free 1995 1,171 380,164 2. Slightly polluted 1996 2,480 822,231 3. Moderately polluted 1997 2,201 793,552 1998 3,840 1,710,832 4. Significantly polluted 1999 3,967 1,576,865 5. Grossly polluted. 2000 2,072 1,097,376 Those areas designated as “grossly polluted” equ- 2001 2,163 1,468,803 ate to litter blackspots. 2002 2,731 2,666,216 In recent years, the trends emerging from the 2003 2,389 2,038,876 monitoring system in regard to litter pollution 2004 4,706 3,855,132 levels are generally positive. The emerging pat- 2005 5,082 4,031,244 tern is of gradual but steady improvement in regard to the extent of litter pollution country- 1877 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1878 wide. Litter free areas are increasing and littered statutory provisions which recognise the local areas, including litter blackspots, are decreasing. nature of waste management services. My Department is at present assessing the find- However, in order to assist the elderly and ings for 2005, and these will be published shortly. other households with lower incomes, I have asked local authorities to engage with commercial Water and Sewerage Schemes. waste collectors with a view to agreeing on a scheduling of payments (i.e. a phased pay-as-you- 817. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the go system) rather than a periodic lump sum Environment, Heritage and Local Government payment. further to Parliamentary Question No. 272 of 5 April 2006, the status of these regional water schemes; when he will approve funding for the Water and Sewerage Schemes. projects; and if he will make a statement on the 820. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the matter. [27973/06] Environment, Heritage and Local Government the specific funding allocated to Roscommon Minister for the Environment, Heritage and County Council for the Creagh sewerage scheme; Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the the reason it is not part of the first bundle to be reply to Question No. 557 of 5 July 2006. fast tracked; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27982/06] Community Development. 818. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Environment, Heritage and Local Government Local Government (Mr. Roche): Creagh is part further to Parliamentary Question No. 242 of 8 of the Roscommon Towns and Villages Sewerage June 2006, if he will approve the project in Scheme which is approved for construction in my County Roscommon under the social and com- Department’s Water Services Investment Prog- munity facilities capital scheme 2006; and if he ramme 2005-2007 an estimated overall cost of \ will make a statement on the matter. [27976/06] 24.5m. I have given approval to Roscommon County Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Council to prepare Tender Documents for the Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the thirteen treatment plants included in the scheme. reply to Question No. 889 of 4 July 2006. I will Ten of the locations involved, including Creagh, be announcing the allocations under the Social will be procured under a single Design/Build/ and Community Facilities Capital Scheme this Operate contract. At the request of Roscommon week. County Council, my Department has agreed to the treatment plants for the other three locations Bin Charges Assistance for the Elderly. being procured separately as a Design/Build pro- ject in light of evidence from the Council of part- 819. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the icular development pressures in these locations. Environment, Heritage and Local Government It is envisaged that the operation of all thirteen the plans he has to put measures in place to assist plants will ultimately be incorporated into the the elderly with the cost of bin charges; if it is operational contract. acceptable that those who are in employment can claim tax relief but those on old age pensions get Special Areas of Conservation. no assistance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27978/06] 821. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Minister for the Environment, Heritage and further to Parliamentary Question No. 145 of 31 Local Government (Mr. Roche): Waste manage- May 2006, if a survey has been carried out on ment services have traditionally been provided at plots; when the person will be issued with their a local level, with individual arrangements being top-up payment; and if he will make a statement locally determined and tailored to local circum- on the matter. [27984/06] stances. The present legal framework, as deter- mined by the Oireachtas, reflects this. In accord- Minister for the Environment, Heritage and ance with section 52 of the Protection of the Local Government (Mr. Roche): My Department Environment Act 2003, the determination of is in the process of appointing a person to survey waste management charges, and any associated the plot referred to in the Question. Payment of waiver scheme, is a matter for the relevant local any outstanding monies will be arranged on com- authority, where it acts as the service provider. pletion of the survey, which should not involve Similarly, where a private operator provides the undue delay. collection service, it is a matter for that operator to determine charges. I do not consider it appro- Question No. 822 answered with Question priate to propose a departure from the existing No. 811. 1879 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1880

EU Directives. the roofs of new homes; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28016/06] 823. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the funds collected to date under the WEEE Local Government (Mr. Roche): It is not pro- scheme on a monthly basis since its introduction; posed at this stage to introduce a mandatory pro- and if he will make a statement on the matter. vision, in the Building Regulations, for the collec- [27987/06] tion and use of rainwater from the roofs of new dwellings. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr. Roche): The EU Rainwater recovery systems have been put in Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic place or are planned for specific social housing Equipment (WEEE) allows producers to show projects — for example, certain new dwellings the cost of recovering and recycling “historic” included in the Ballymun regeneration scheme waste i.e. waste arising from electric and elec- and in the redevelopment of York Street, Dublin. tronic products put on the market before 13 As experience of these systems increases, it will August 2005. These costs are referred to as be appropriate to consider further the possibility Environmental Management Costs — or EMCs. of extending their application through use of the They are not imposed by, or remitted to, the Building Regulations. Government, but are paid by producers to the two collective compliance schemes operating in EU Directives. Ireland, WEEE Ireland and the European 827. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for the Recycling Platform. As schemes are operating Environment, Heritage and Local Government under the responsibility of the producers, infor- the way in which he will calculate the rating mation on the revenue collected to date is not system required for homes and other buildings available in my Department. under the European Performance of Buildings Directive; and if he will make a statement on the Question No. 824 answered with Question matter. [28017/06] No. 790. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Environmental Policy. Local Government (Mr. Roche): I refer to the 825. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for the May 2006 edition of Technical Guidance Docu- Environment, Heritage and Local Government ment (TGD) L on how to comply with the his plans to provide for the mandatory or dis- amended Part L (Conservation of Fuel and cretionary use of solar water heaters on new Energy) Building Regulations 2005, a copy of homes; and if he will make a statement on the which has been placed in the Oireachtas Library. matter. [28015/06] Section 1.1. of TGD L provides for the use of a revised energy performance assessment meth- Minister for the Environment, Heritage and odology for new dwellings — the Dwellings Local Government (Mr. Roche): It is not pro- Energy Assessment Procedure (DEAP). Full posed at this stage to make solar water heating details of DEAP were published by Sustainable systems mandatory in new houses. However, I Energy Ireland (SEI) on 29 June 2006 and can be intend to keep this option under review in the viewed on the website for implementation of the light of growing experience with the voluntary EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive use of this technology in Ireland. To date, over — www.sei.epbd.ie/deap. 1,000 applications for grant assistance towards Under DEAP, the energy performance of a installation of solar water heating have been dwelling will be expressed in terms of — (1) approved by SEI under the “Greener Homes” Carbon Dioxide emissions generated by space and “House of Tomorrow” schemes. heating, ventilation, water heating and lighting- 2 The amended Part L (Conservation of Fuel and kgCO2/m per annum; and (2) Energy required to Energy) of the Building Regulations set a provide space heating, ventilation, water heating 2 maximum permitted CO2 emission rate, for new and lighting — kWh/m per annum. dwellings. Achievement of compliance with the New dwellings will, with effect from 1 January requirement can of course be facilitated through 2007, be required to have a building energy rating the installation of solar water heating at the con- (BER) which will reflect the energy performance struction stage. of the dwelling. The precise scale is still being developed. The proposed BER Certificate will be 826. Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for the finalized and published by the end of August. Environment, Heritage and Local Government The Non-Domestic Energy Assessment Pro- his plans to provide for the mandatory or dis- cedure (NEAP) to assess the energy performance cretionary collection and use of rainwater from and rating of more complex new Non-Domestic 1881 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1882

Buildings will be developed and published by the local authority concerned to make the arrange- end of 2007. ments for such meetings. The following table outlines the information Local Authority Meetings. supplied by each city and county council in respect of meetings held in accordance with the 828. Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for the above requirements. I further understand that Environment, Heritage and Local Government arrangements are in place in a number of auth- the number of formal meetings held with orities to hold a further round of group meetings Oireachtas Members, as indicated in the Statutes, with the relevant Parliamentary representatives following the abolition of the dual mandate, by over the next few months, and that many man- each local authority in each year since such a agers continue, as a matter of course, to meet requirement came into effect. [28065/06] regularly on an informal basis with Oireachtas members to keep them updated on local Minister for the Environment, Heritage and developments. Local Government (Mr. Roche): In accordance My officials have just completed a review of with regulations which came into operation on 1 the practical operation of these arrangements at August 2003, the Cathaoirleach and manager of local authority level, and I will be studying the each city/county council is obliged to meet at least findings of the Review with a view to issuing sup- once every year with the relevant Parliamentary plementary guidance to local authorities if representatives as a group. It is a matter for each required.

Local Authority Number of meetings of the city/county manager and Cathaoirleach, with local Parliamentary representatives as provided for in Article 12 of SI 274 of 2003 for the years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 (to date)

2003/4 2005 2006

Counties Carlow 1 Cavan 1 Clare 1 (2003), 2 1 2 (2004) Cork 1 1 Donegal 1 1 Du´ n Laoghaire Rathdown 1 Fingal 1 2 1 Galway 11 Kerry 1 1 1 Kildare 11 Kilkenny 2 1 Laois 1 1 Leitrim 1 Limerick 21 Longford 2 Louth 11 Mayo Meath 2 Monaghan 1 Nth. Tipperary 1 1 1 Offaly 21 Roscommon 11 Sligo 2 1 1 Sth. Dublin 2 Sth. Tipperary 1 Waterford 1 Westmeath 2 in 2003, 6 3 3 in 2004 Wexford 11 Wicklow 1 1 1883 Questions— 6 July 2006. Written Answers 1884

[Mr. Roche.]

Local Authority Number of meetings of the city/county manager and Cathaoirleach, with local Parliamentary representatives as provided for in Article 12 of SI 274 of 2003 for the years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 (to date)

2003/4 2005 2006

Cities Cork 1 2 1 Dublin 2 (2003), 2 1 1 (2004) Galway 1 Limerick 1 Waterford 1 1