Panorams, Motels, and Pirates the Origins of Adult Video
1 Panorams, Motels, and Pirates The Origins of Adult Video The whole videocassette business was basically founded by pirates and pornographers. David F. Friedman, quoted in David Chute, “Wages of Sin, II,” Film Comment (1986) The point of a porno film is to turn you on, and a theater isn’t the best place for that. The ideal context is the home. Al Goldstein, quoted in Tony Schwartz, “The TV Pornography Boom,” New York Times (1981) Historians often point to December 7, 1977, as the moment when the home video rental industry was born.1 That day, in the Los Angeles Times, local entrepreneur George Atkinson placed an advertisement that might have seemed innocuous but would eventually shake the entertainment land- scape. “video cassette rentals,” the copy read, in bold all-capital letters (figure 6). “Betamax ½“ or ¾“ formats. Full Length, Color-Sound Features. Low Rental Cost! Call or write for free catalog.”2 Atkinson’s action was groundbreaking in that he sensed a significant business opportunity to rent rather than sell videotapes to the home market; before that moment, no one else had made the leap.3 Atkinson thus invented the home video rental store, and, in less than two years, he grew that simple idea into forty-two affiliated locations, all with the straightforward and simple “Video Cassette Rentals” name on their doors. They rented the handful of then-available tapes for an exorbitant $10 per day (plus either a $50 annual or $100 life- time membership).4 In September 1979, he changed the name to Video Station and initiated a full-blown franchising strategy, eventually presiding over an empire of more than six hundred affiliated stores.5 When he died, on March 3, 2005, his lengthy obituary appeared nationwide, calling him a “pioneer in the movie video rental industry” and crediting him with creat- ing an industry that, by that point, reached well beyond his own affiliates, 40 THE ORIGINS OF ADULT VIDEO / 41 Figure 6.
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