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www.americanradiohistory.com 6 Editorial 85 Event horizons: Studio Sound on Broadcast: the Web and pro-audio options Mars landing 8 Putting the Red Planet on the map -and the television Soundings Intcrnational nc\\ :md contracts 95 10 Facility: World Events Vonk Sound ABOVE: Jodle Foster is making Contact. Sound Designer Randy Thom The first triple Axiom I 'rthcoming pro -audio events and dialogue rerecording mixer Tom Johnson talk movie magic manoeuvre into commercials Reviews 36 Features 101 12 Joemeek SC3 AES gold SA &V Octavia v3 E:xclusie: next generation retro 51 A ',Oth anniversary profile of the Audio Engineering Society Exclusive: SADiE's 8 -track sister The Guide: 38 Equalisation 16 Sonodore RCM -402 The Studio Sound guide Comment SoundPals t:xclu,i e: 1%urld-hcating mic> to EQs and equalisation 118 Exclusive: Graham -Patten's audio Comment 40 52 International news and analysis 19 Jünger e07 Technology: Optimod 9200 Exclusive: digital filter benchmark Equalisation 119 Exclusive: Ail audio processor The principles of outboard Broadcast 42 equalisers explained Defeating the enemy within 23 Grace Design M201 RSP Circle Surround Exclusive: classy US mie preamp 70 130 Exclusive: new surround system Interview: 44 Open Mic Narada Michael \rrhiving tor the future 27 IC Vac Rac TEQ -1 Walden Exclusive: a new classic in EQ Yamaha 02R v2 The drummer who beat Technology Exclusive: software update 46 the producers 121 31 Symetrix 628 80 Dr John SSL Aysis Air Exclusive: radie voice processor Postproduction: John \latkinson on cabling Exclusive: A- series desk preview 57 Contact 125 32 First contact for alien Nonlinear Focus sound postproduction Professional Audio DAR Genesis Location recorders: Zaxcom File Interchange Exclusive: new software preview Deva; Mandozzi ME -DART The case for a practical audio file exchange standard

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Studio Sound September 1997 3

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www.americanradiohistory.com http: / /prostudio.com /studiosound I DO IT, the chap in front of you and the group of people huddled together over there do it, and, given that you're reading this, you probably do it too. We all make use of the Internet in one way or another be it for e-mail, surf- ing or the downloading of natty bits of software for your boxes of tricks. And it's pretty useful stuff. E -mail has revolutionised how a magazine like Studio Sound operates on a core basis while the ability to search for informa- sounIncorporating Broadcast Engineering tion across the entire Web has no equal. It can be a hit slow, certainly September 1997 Vol 39. No 9. ISSN 0144 5944 temperamental but it's mind -blowing in its potential. Above all it's a commu- nications medium that takes some beating. If you've spent any amount of time Miller Freeman plc, 4th Floor, 8 Montague Close, London browsing and have followed the evolution of the Web Bridge, London SE1 9UR, UK. even over the last year, Tel: +44 171 620 3636. then you will have seen a phenomenal step -up in sophistication and smart- Fax: +44 171 401 8036. ness. There's a lot of great stuff out there but still an amazing amount of crap. Email: cz73 @cityscape.co.uk We're lucky in the audio industry because with the exception of disciplines Website: http : / /prostudio.com /studiosound like computing and telecoms, there can't be many walks of life where suitably- Editorial equipped computers are more commonly encountered. Sure, you will still find Executive Editor: Zenon Schoepe Editor: Tim Goodyer a few individuals in this business that will proclaim proudly that they've 'never Production Editor: Ben Mallalieu used one... wouldn't know how to switch one on' but your mother probably Editorial Secretary: Jenny Skelton warned you about talking to nutters when you were small. Consultants: Francis Rumsey; John Watkinson Columnists: Dan Daley: Barry Fox; Kevin Hilton Computers? We've got them and know how to use them. Which is why you Design Consultant: Ben Mallalieu can now find Studio Sound on the Web. Regular Contributors: Jim Betteridge; Simon Croft; Ben Duncan; Dave Foister: The world's longest established pro-audio magazine has gone on -line corn- Bill Foster; Tim Frost: Yasmin Hashmi; Rob plete with links to sister publications like Pro Sound News Europe and One James: Caroline Moss: Philip Newell; Terry to One. A gateway to the editorial content that has made Studio Sound the Nelson; Stella Plumbridge; Martin Polon; George Shilling; leading international pro-audio title, Prostudio.com/studiosound is the only Sue Sillitoe: Patrick Stapley; Simon Trask address you'll ever need. Publishing Editor: Joe Hosken

Zenon Schoepe, executive editor Advertisement Sales Group Sales Manager Chris Baillie Deputy Ad Manager: Phil Bourne US Representative: Debra Pagan Freedom of choice Classified Ad Manager: Rebecca Reeves Advertisement Production: Carmen Herbert PARTISAN EDITORIAL has no place in Studio Sound. So when I chose to dis- cuss comparative listening tests of Quantegy's 499 and BASF's SM900 in this PA to the Publisher: Lianne Davey space I was aware of the danger of inviting comparisons with less objective Managing Director: Doug Shuard magazines. BASF's motivation in hosting the listening sessions -there have Publisher: Steve Haysom been a series of them held around the States too-is easy enough to see. Given m Miller Freeman plc. 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this pub 499's lead in this area of the market, BASF is eager for people to recognise that lication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical including photocopying. recording SM900 is capable of matching or bettering it. But beyond a simple bid to ease or any information storage or retrieval system without the express prior written consent of the publisher. The contents of Studio Sound some of the market away from Quantegy, these events illustrate another aspect and Broadcast Engineering are subject to reproduction in informa of the present situation: bon storage and retrieval systems. Studio Sound and Broadcast that while more people currently thread 499 onto their Engineering incorporates Sound International and Beat Instrumen- tape machines than SM900, they all have the option of substituting the other tal. Studio Sound and Broadcast Engineering is published monthly. The magazine is available on a rigidly controlled requested basis. tape should they need to. They have a choice in tape as they have in many only to qualified personnel. The publisher may pass suitable reader addresses to other relevant suppliers. If you do not wish to receive other operational aspects of running a recording session. sales information from other companies. please write to Circulation and subscription at the address below. Subscription Rates. UK At present, this choice is being maintained by BASF's interest in the tape annual: 136.00. Europe: £50.00/ USS80.00. overseas sinned!. American continent: 162.50/ USS100.00. Rest of Ore World: market. If enough of us pick up on that choice, we will retain it. But if we 162.50/USS100.00. Refunds on cancelled subscriptions will only be provided at the publisher's discretion. unless specifically guar- neglect it, we run the risk of having it withdrawn. anteed within the terms of the subscription offer. Circulation and subscnption. Circulation Manager: Sue Winspear. UK: Miller Freeman Taken towards its logical conclusion, this withdrawal of choice could rob us Entertainment Ltd. Royal Sovereign House. 40 Beresford Street. London of many of the options we currently relish when making recordings -and of SE18 68Q. Tel: 0181 855 7777. Fax: 0181 -317 3938. US: Studio ABC AUOII IUISAU Or CRC. AliONS the variation that forms an essential part of recording as art. Implausible? Not Sound and Broadcast Engineering if you listen to some of those industry stalwarts with Magazine. 2 Park Avenue. 18th Floor. BUSINESS PRESS one eye on the future. To New York NY 10016. US Postmaster them, continuing to exercise our right to choose is essential, partly to retain Please send address corrections to: Studio Sound and Broadcast Engl. our choices but also to keep the market leaders on their toes. veering Magazine. c/o Mercury Air- freight International Ltd Inc. 2323 And to be fair to certain of the BASF people behind the 499 -SM900 listen- Randolph Avenue. Avenel. New Jersey didal NJ 07001. US second class periodi- ing sessions, they too are conscious of the choice issue. Their concern dates cals postage paid at Rahway, NJ. Orig- ination by Craftsmen Colour BPA back to before Quantegy's acquisition of 3M -an eventuality arising from this Reproductions Ltd. Unit 1. James Street. Maidstone, Kent ME14 2UR, very issue. UK. Printed in Ireland by Lithographic Total average net Universal Ltd. Bray Business Park, circulation of So how did the tape measure up? I'll keep my opinion out of print but it's South Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. 19,500 copies Newstrade Distribution (UK) UMD, July 1995 -June 1996 fair to say that the general consensus of listeners was that SM900 presented a 1 Benwell Road. London N7 7Ax, UK. (UK: 6,565. Tel: 0171-700 4600. Fax: 0171-607 Overseas: 12,9356. genuine alternative to the market leader. You have a choice-but for how long? 3352. (ABC audited) Tim Goodyer, editor Miller Freeman i12 A United News & Media publication 6 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com Abbey SWITZERLAND: An entirely Roadworthy new sound system has been built by the American UK: Following the appointment of Meyer Sound for this year's Alan Parsons, news from London's Montreux Festival to mark Abbey Road Studios currently cen- the 10th anniversary of the tres on the activities of Abbey Road company's support for the event. Interactive. The new system accommodates Around a year ago. agreement all aspects of the Festival's was reached with IBM's York sound reinforcement requirements Town Heights research establish- from the outdoor garden area ment for the use of IBM's MPEG al- through the Jazz Café to the gorithms over a period of three main Stravinsky Auditorium. The years. With these, ARI is able to use varied demands of setting up the variable bit rate coding on a frame - new rigs has been eased by the by- frame basis, optimising both use of Meyer's SIM II analyser picture quality and storage re- but still required a week to quirements. Recently processed. complete. packaged and released on the Meyer Sound. US.

DVD format. Queen s Greatest Tel: +1 510 486 1166 Flix /and II have proven the com- mercial appeal of the VBR ap- US: Los Angeles' Conway Recording Studios has recently Studio Sound proach. In- house, ABI claim not to completed the refurbishment of Control Room C involving the have been able to discern a differ- installation of a new SSL 9000j console and a Coastal Acoustics Boxer audit ence between the processed T5 monitoring system. The project began after last year's LA AES To the acclaim of International material and the original Digibeta Convention and was the result of the collaboration between Conway BPA president Michael March - masters. owner Buddy Brundo (pictured). Conway technical director David Zeter. esano, Studio Sound has completed In an initiative intended to help Waterland design and HGA's Neil Grant. The completion of Room C has its first BPA international circula- get the Enhanced CD medium off paved the way for the remaining control rooms to be equipped with tion audit. the ground, Abbey Inter has de- Boxer monitors. Already a longstanding sub- cided to offer singles to the record Coastal Acoustics. UK. Tel: +44 1753 631022 scriber to the Audit Bureau of Cir- industry at 'under £1000'. The for- culations, Studio Sound volun- mat allows inclusion of video ex- teered its circulation for scrutiny tracts, lyrics and other information by the American BPA 12 months such as artist biographies. En- ago in order to consolidate its hanced CD has been accepted by legitimacy as both an editorial and the British chart body, CIN, as eli- advertising medium- indepen- gible for inclusion in singles chart dent audits deny a magazine title sales returns. the luxury of unverified claims to The CDs are compatible with its readership and advertising pro- present CD players, reserving their file. Marchesano praised the mag- additional content for Enhanced azine's voluntary approach to a CD- capable machines. Abbey further circulation auditor. Road Interactive "single byte' tech- The BPA has a 66 -year track nology also enables Enhanced record of independent auditing CDs to offer automatic Web site ac- and currently monitors 1,815 pub- cess from a PC but the addition of lications and Weh sites worldwide; this feature disqualifies the release it also counts 2,800 advertisers and from the singles chart. agencies among its supporters. Latest post House Studios some five years ago. t.inniliar to many of the businesses bleb Equipped with off-line Avid and practitioners. The pedigree of the UK: A new addition to London's Lightworks systems and Akai- Coach House rests with its success sightings postproduction scene has ap- based track -laying suites, The Old in a variety of television work in- A sample of new recruits to the peared in the form of The Old Kings Head occupies premises cluding Horizon. Timewatch, Pride and World Wide Web include the fol- Kings Head Studios in Kingston. built at the turn of the century and Prejudice and four series of Last of the lowing pro-audio folk: AKG

The new facility comes with the represent an attempt to offer a Summer IVine. (www. akg- acoustics.com); ARX experience acquired by John and competitive postproduction facili- The Old Kings Head. UK. (www. arx. com.au); Audace Val Walbeoffe who set up Coach ty away from Soho and in an area Tel: +44 181 740 8000 technical resources (ourworld. compuserve.com/homepages/ US: The angel and the audace_tech); Audio Ltd (www. duck: 45 musicians lent audioltd.com); Audionics (www. their support to an ugly duck at audionic.demon. co.uk); Charles London's Angel Studios recently. M Salter Assoc (www.crosalter. The orchestral score for a new film corn); DACS (www. DACS- Audio. version of The Ugly Duckling, co.uk); Furman (www. furman- composed by Chris Caswell and sound.com); Group One (www. produced by Toby Alington, was glltd.com); JBL (www.jblpro. recorded to Sony 48 -track digital corn); JR Pro (wwwjrpro. corn); with the voice talent being trans- KRK (www.krksys.com); Littlite ferred to the DASH machine from (www.caeinz.com); Millennia ADAT. The final surround -sound Media (www.mil -media.com); mix was made to Tascam DA -88. New Stage Accompany (www. Angel Studios, London. Stage Accompany.com); Pearl Tel: +44 171 354 2525 (www. pear.se); Scheck Audio

September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com .UK: London's Goldcrest post house has upgraded its Theatre 2 A New York postproduction studio Sony Broadcast & Professional. with the installation cf a Harrison Series Twelve mixing console. is to be among the first placements Europe. Tel: +44 1256 483172. 'so- a The 48 -input desk is equipped with trackball panning and film monitoring. of DAR's D -net audio networking IN Tokyo is to be the location of lution'. Liebert Recording Studios new Bernie Grundman Mastering and can be linked to the facilities DAWs as the first Series Twelve - will use D -net to link its 16-channel house. Building on the reputation of equipped West End installation dedicated to film dubbing. The new setup Sigma Plus SoundStations to a DAR the Hollywood complex, the new will continue Goldcrest's line in film and TV drama work which includes Axis Audioserver. and will also add a Shibuya house will feature a custom successes with The English Patient and Sense and Sensibility, and is now further Sigma Plus to its total com- house console, Harmonia Mundi busy with Martha Meets Frank Daniel and Lawrence. and Sea Change. mitment to four of the DAR worksta- BW102, custom Studer A80s, modi- Goldcrest. UK. Tel: +44 171 439 4177. tion systems.The 4 -main studio. fied Scully lathes, Apogee Electron- Harrison Sales. UK. Tel-fax: +44 1442 875900 2- voiceover studio facility serves the ics convertors and Tannoy -Crown busy and demanding New York TV monitoring. post scene. Bernie Grundman Mastering, US. Digital Audio Research, UK. Tel: +1 213 465 6264. +441372 Tel: 742848. The Canadian Broadcast Corpora- home Sydney Town Hall, to the tion has increased its use of the Australian Ballet and the Sydney Soundscape system with the deliv- Symphony Orchestra. has installed a ery of 44 hard -disk recorders DDA QII VCA console. The 28 -input equipped with v2.0 software. With a desk replaces an 'ageing' console in total of 56 systems all at v2.0, CBC a small control room and will handle will use Soundscape widely at radio live concert sound. production facilities across Canada. EVI Professional Audio, UK. CBC, Montreal. Net: www.src- Tel: +441562 741515. mtl.com/ British music industry Website, Gerr Audio Distribution. US. dotmusic, has taken delivery of a Tel: +1 416 6906 2779. digital ENG kit. Consisting of a Tas - Dallas -based Susquehanna Radio cam DA -P1 DAT recorder. Sennheis- has recently installed two Yamaha er MD22 reporter's mic and Sennheiser HD25 headphones, the 02R and three 03D digital consoles facility. kit will be used to source industry in its production Susquehan- na and operates four stations comment while the DA -P1 will serve owns the additional purpose of uploading in the Dallas -Fort Worth area. KLIF, record company audio to the site. KKZN. KPLX ad KTCK, and already Teac. UK. Tel: +44 1923 819630. uses a Yamaha 01 desk. The con- Sennheiser, UK. soles will work in conjunction with Tel: +441494 551551. the facility's Spectral Synthesis to manage multimedia sery ices DAB update Californian studio, Spotted workstations and a selection of DAT with the help of two Web sites - Pecary, has installed a KRK -JBL- machines and CD burners. UK: The BBC's Digital Audio DAB allowed the \ \'eb data to be Hafler monitoring system to accom- Susquehanna Radio. US. Broadcasting initiative has seen transmitted at 80kbps. in excess of modate its particularly broad spec- Tel: +1 214 520 4380. the establishment of a permanent twice the Internet standard. This trum of operation. Ranging from Yamaha Corp. US. transmission site at Cn sta: Palace. demonstration Kvas accompanied indie music recording to film work. Tel: +1 714 522 9011. replacing the existing test trans- that of two pioneering interactive Spotted Pecary has opted for a com- French state television broadcast- 7000B mitter setup. This brings the num- radio programmes. bination of KRK and JBL er France 3 has purchased a 16-fad- monitors driven by Haller Trans -nova er Fairlight FAME workstation as part ber of operational UK l)AI3 trans- Consumer DAB receivers are amplifiers. of its preparations for digital braod- mitter sites to 14 of a projected expected to attain a high profile at KRK. US. Tel: +1 714 841 1600. casting. This brings France 3 into target of 27 sites to he established the IFA I internationale Funkaus- JBL Professional. US. line with France 2, which operates by spring 1998. This will make stellung. 31) August -- September) Tel: +1 818 894 8850. Fairlight MFX3s. although France 3 DAB available to 60'x, of the UK shove in Berlin. The \\brld DAB Hafler, US. Tel: +1 602 9667 3565. operates uniquely to serve both lo- population. Forum will take the opponunit}- to BBC radio facilities at Broadcast- cal and national broadcast program- The July Radio Festival present- present two conferences covering ing House in London and BBC Ban- ming. gor in have become the first ed an opportunity for the BBC to technical development and user Fairlight. UK. takers for Spectral's Prisma Express demonstrate the potential of t)\lt benefits. Tel: +44 171 267 3323. Radio Workstation. Both systems American sound companies are will be used in news editing and gen- increasingly adopting valve outboard for de- sites include those of The (www attaucom Updated eral radio production. BBC's for touring duties. Californian Sum- Lane facility has also recently sign, construction and www.al- those American purveyors of Wood mit Audio reports numerous inci- installed in excess of 200 Canford phaton. cour for pro studio sound reinforcement EAW (www. dences of its DCL -200 dual comp - bay frames and jackfields. equipment); Soundtracs (www. eaw.com) and US amp experts limiters, TLA -100A levelling Euphonix -Spectral, UK. soundtracs.co.uk); TL Audio QSC (www.qscaudio.com). New amplifiers and EQP -200A dual Tel: +44 171 602 4575. Yamaha studio Web sites include for equalisers taking to the road includ- (www.tlaudio.co.uk); one Canford Audio. UK. ing use with Phil Collins. Chicago. (www.yamaha.co.jp) London's CTS-Iansdowne studios Tel: +44 191 417 0057. Counting Crows and John Mellen - Other Web news includes US (www.cts-lansdowne,co.uk). Manhattan's Sony Music Studios camp and Peter Frampton. distributor Sweetwater Sound Meanwhile, audio itself is contin- has opted for an SSL OmniMix sys- Summit Audio, US. (www.sweetwater.com) record- uing to appear on Web in the form tem with ScreenSound and Vision - Tel: +1 408 464 2448. Track for its post, mixing and con - ing some 10m hits to its site and of the recent premier of George London -based SISLink has forming work. With surround the awarding of a Gold Site Award Benson's single The Thinker' finalised an arrangement with Sky television and DVD applications to (www.audio courtesy of Liquid Audio's Gold uplinks for to AudioControl the fore of its activities. the facility News to supply sattelite its increasing satellite news gather- control.com) by NetGuide and service, and the Olympia's (www. uses SSL's SoundNet to tie in with ing The UK -based design group The Stu- olympia.net/) webcasting of US's, an ScreenSound in another room. (SNG) activities. deal en- dio Wizard(www.studiowizard. radio stations including WMJI in Solid State Logic, US. ables Sky to increase its live news cour) reporting a 20% increase in Cleveland, Ohio; KSHE, KTRS and Tel: +1 212 315 1111/ coverage both within and outside of the UK. a duty which has recently business attributable to their 12- WIDV in St Louis. Missouri; KCPS +1 213 463 4444. seen reportage of the Monserrat vol- month old site. The German and KDGE in Dallas. Europe's first MiniDisc replication facility will be using Sony's MDS-B5 cano. SISLink presently operates 18 ProAudio Web service (http: // Imminent additions to this MD recorders on its forthcoming uplinks and serves ITN and the Re- proaudio-web. cour) is offering a service-which employs Telos' opening. The Netherlands' Studio gional News Group which includes search engine for audio-related Audioactivetechnology(www.' Xenox has purchased 11 of the high- Anglia, Yorkshire -Tyne Tees. Meridia- web sites allowing comprehen- audioactive.com )-will include speed. 10 -disc capacity systems - and Central television operations. sive search of an established index X105, KEGE ad KQRS in the investment reflects an ongoing SISLInk, UK. of several hundred companies. Minneapolis. increase in take -up of the MD format. Tel: +44 171 696 8002.

Studio Sound September 1997 9

www.americanradiohistory.com October Tel: +6 (03) 264 5663. Fax: +44 1491 832575. Net: www.exponor.pt 2 -5 Fax: +6 (03) 264 5660. Email: [email protected] Email: acsb @mfsb.po.my Net: www.i- 18 -20 18th Nordic Sound Symposium way.co.uk/-dmcv/sbes.htm Digital Media World 97 Bolkesjo, Norway. 23 -26 Earls Court 2, London, UK. Contact: Seen1 Audio: Reproduced Sound 13 30 -1 November Tel: +44 181 995 3632. Tel: +47 66 98 27 00. Hydro Hotel. Windermere, UK. Broadcast India 97 Fax: +44 181 995 3633. Fax: +47 66 84 55 40. Tel: +44 1727 848 195. World Trade Centre, Mumbai Email: digimedia @atlas.co.uk Email: [email protected] Fax: +44 1727 85 0 553. (Bombay). India. Net: www.digmedia.co.uk Net: www.nrk.no /soundsymp/ Email: Acoustics @clusl.ulcc.ac.uk Contact: Kavita Meer Tel: +91 22 215 1396. 18 -22 9 -11 26 Fax: +91 22 215 1269. Pro Audio, Light & Music China LLB The National Vintage E -mail: [email protected] 97 Stockholm, Sweden Communications Fair Tianjin International Exhibition Tel: +46 8 24 07 00. Hall 11, NEC, Birmingham, UK. November Centre, Tianjin, China. Fax: +46 8 21 84 96. Tel: +44 1392 411565. Contact: Ms Shuping Wang Email: I Ib @branschkansl iet. se 4 -6 or Mr Kun Tao 28 -29 Vision & Audio 97 Tel: +86 22 23321067. 16 -19 Broadcast India 97 Earls Court 2. London, UK. Fax: +86 22 23301376. 7th Intermedla 97 Music Expo Technical Symposium Contact: Michelle Calder Hala Ludowa. Wystawowa Street 1. Chavan Centre, Mumbai. India. Tel: +44 181 948 5522. 29 -3 December Wrocyaw, Poland. Contact: Kavita Meer Email: [email protected] International Broadcast 97 Tel: +4871 481821. Tel: +91 22 215 1396. Net: www.aprs.co.uk Hall 8, Jakarta "rajrgro und s, Fax: +4871 481451. Fax: +91 22 215 1269. Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia. E-mail: saicom @bom2.vsnl.net.in 5-8 Tel: +6221 4204300. 16 -20 Apple Expo 97 Fax: +6221 4201151. 10th International Audio, Video, 28 -29 Grand Hall, Olympia, London. Email: +ib97 @mmp- net.com. Broadcasting, Motion Picture 9th ITA Magnetic and Optical Contact: Lisa Parrett Net: http: / /mmp- net.com /ib97 and Telecommunications Show Media Seminar, MOMS Tel: +44 171 208 5020. Milan Fair, Porta Metropolitana The Palm Springs Marquis Hotel, Fax: +44 171 388 2578. Pavilions 9/1, 9/11 10, Milan, Italy. Palm Springs, California, US. Email: [email protected] December Tel: +39 2 481 5541. Contact: Charles Van Horn Net: www.appleexpo.com /apple Fax: +39 2 49 80330. Tel: +1 609 279 1700. 9 -11 Email: assoexpo @assoexpo.com 6 -9 BCS India 97 29 -30 Música 97 New Delhi. India. 20 -22 22nd Sound Broadcasting Portugal. Tel: +91 11 462 2710. Asia Cable, Satellite & Equipment Show (SBES) Contact: Mr. Gonçalo Graça Moura Fax: +91 11 462 3320. Broadcast 97 (ACSB 97) Hall 7, National Exhibition Centre, Tel: +351 2 998 1400/27. Email: Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Birmingham, UK. Fax: +351 2 995 7499. exhibind @giasd101.vsnl.net.in. Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +44 1491 838575. Email: gsgm @exponor.mailpac.pt Net: www.exhibitionsindia.com One of these

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www.americanradiohistory.com SA &V Octavia

Octavia's prototypes have been exciting interest at trade shows for a couple of years now. Finally, Rob James can report that the wait for SA &V's multitrack DAW is well and truly over

thetically. the slimline controllers look good stand -alone or could easily be built into cus- u,u, ,,a.r, tom made furniture. The PC functions sim- o;ctav ply as a controller for the system. No audio passes through it. Do not be deceived by the eight physical inputs and outputs as Octavia can manage a 31111LilLILI-1-1- L Li CC] minimum of 24 simultaneous data streams. uuu with full dynamics and EQ. from one suitable disk (SA&V supplied or recommended). The L LWC7HJ'"C"'Cf11 real surprise is that Octavia can alternatively provide double -sample -rate recording and processing. I -O is currently achieved by using a stereo 48kHz AES stream as mono 96kHz, as opposed to doubling the speed of the AES bus to provide stereo 96kHz audio over a single LJLLJ I..I,.I.. connection. The number of tracks is limited to around ten with real -time crossfades from one disk. I am sure somebody will tell me other- wise, but to my knowledge this is the first DAW capable of handling 24 -bit 96kHz on this number of tracks. The practical constraints on how many tracks you get are disk capacity and the 'pool' of DSP processing available. The interface follows Windows 95 conven- tions- although there are a few exceptions in the way certain windows behave. These help keep the screen from becoming too much of a mess. Most of the icons used have 'bubble help' -if the mouse pointer is over an on screen button a bubble appears with a text description of its function. In Windows fash- ion, an expanded version is displayed at the bottom left -hand side of the screen. These tricks help flatten the learning curve The main windows are the EDL (or playlist) and Mixer. The EDL can be viewed as text or, more usually, as a horizontal track display AT LAST, OCTAVIA SYSTEMS are channels of analogue I -O along with LTC although, if you wish, you can see both at being delivered to impatient cus- input and AES sync in. MIDI In, Out and Thru once. The window can be zoomed to display tomers -and there are some sur- connections are here together with consumer as many tracks as you wish and zoomed in prises in store. Building on the optical digital Toslink I -O. A BNC covers time from a full -screen display of a couple of success of its SADiE disk editor, video in and there are two 68 -pin mini D-con- seconds to several hours. The track display is British-based Studio Audio & Video has nectors, enigmatically labelled TENTACLE, to fixed with a moving cursor, however, the dis- promised a similarly friendly and capable facilitate future expansion and a fully -inte- play pages before the cursor reaches the end multichannel digital system: Octavia. The sys- grated multiple unit system. All D-A and A-D of the displayed material to avoid surprises. At tem I used for this review was a fully- speci- convertors are 20 -bit Crystal devices. the left of the EDL display are a number of fied 8 -input 8- output setup with hardware The break -out panel is simply two rows of Stream Control buttons these can be displayed comprising a 19 -inch rack- mounted audio eight XLRs for the eight analogue ins and or hidden as you wish. The buttons determine processing unit, break -out panel, rack outs. The edit controller has 47 illuminated whether a Stream (or track) is muted, armed mounted PC, two hardware controllers, PC keys, one motorised, full -throw fader and a for recording, whether Profiles (waveforms) keyboard, screen and mouse. nicely weighted jog-shuttle wheel. Two large are displayed and if pan or level automation The audio processing unit's front panel is green displays show Source time and EDL envelopes are displayed. Profiles are automat- sparse indeed -four LEDs, a headphone time while a smaller, 2- character display ically generated as audio is recorded and socket, volume control and two half- height above each fader indicates which mixer strip stored with the tracks. Further buttons select 5'/.-inch drive hays with, in this system, one is currently under fader control. the input to the Stream, solo and the Stream removable 4Gb SCSI drive. The fader panel carries eight motorised, name button enables or disables the stream The rear panel more than compensates for full -throw faders, each with associated SELECT for editing. At the top of the column two but- the minimalist front, however. A Varicon con- and MUTE buttons and 2- character display. A tons allow global switching of the automation nector links an Analogue Audio Multiway group of six assignable rotary parameter and profile displays. cable to the break out panel or to a user jack - controls, each with a neat arc of LEDs to Along the top of the window is a row of field while the GPI and connection to the indicate position, allow control of EQ and buttons which control editing and display Host PC use 9 -pin D- connectors. XLRs are dynamics. A block of nine keys and a further functions. Immediately below this is the provided for 8 channels of AES I -O and two 2- character display complete the panel. Aes- Time Bar. this scales according to the zoom 12 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com level and can be used to initiate or Stop Playback. The Trim Editor sub- window can dot 4D. also be opened from here. In the Trim Edi- IIIIIIIIIII tor it is possible to work on an edit between VOA two Clips on the same Stream with the two f 301 Clips displayed as separate tracks. This pro- vides easy and precise definition of the para- o 00001" meters of the edit. Every clip carries fade-in, aro 0000 level and fade -out information. Fades of var- A ious profiles are provided and user -defined O. defaults can he set. Multiple EDL windows 4 he `N can open concurrently and Clips moved hetween them. Features such as the Auto Intelligent octav a Mouse, which changes the editing function depending on which area of a Clip the mouse pointer is near, aid 'power user' editing. There are 25 levels of undo and redo when you change your mind. Transport controls, whether virtual, on- screen or physical on the edit controller oper- ate on whichever window currently has the 'focus' in Windows parlance -that is, which is ,rinrIM!nls rw;!;!;nr;'w qrlPoy,p, the active window. In operation. this means the transport controls will play clips in a clip - store if it has the focus. Punch -ins can be , octavia made manually or automatically. If multiple punch -ins are performed, the Clips generated can all be accessed meaning that this feature could be used for ADR work. When recording, the Input Monitor win- dow can be invaluable. This shows the status ._._._...... 7 s-:^:-17:fr-? of the input signal and logs errors. It can also be set to pop up automatically when an error is detected. octavia .... The Mixer window shows a representation of fader strips, meters, knobs and buttons. pwwwww Strips can be defined as mono or stereo, with or without pans, and processing blocks can l° be added to provide EQ, dynamics, auxiliary sends, and so on. The input and destination a w - ® of each Strip is selectable with layers of sub grouping possible. If you have ever wanted to design your own mixer, now is your chance. Mixers can be saved and recalled at it 0 will. Only one mixer can be active at a time 0 since there is only one set of physical I -O. 0004)0900. Physical inputs or internal streams can be freely routed to channels. Channels can be routed to buses or outputs and buses to automation and effects applied. Automation is can also be performed or existing data edited buses or outputs. The EQ blocks currently dynamic and performed in real time. Automa- by grabbing points on the envelope display available are low -pass, high -pass, low- shelv- tion written using the fader panel or mouse is with the mouse and dragging. The envelope ing and high -shelving and hand -pass. Band - clip based when a replay stream is the mixer data displayed is selectable to any automat - pass Q is variable 0.1 -100 and all EQs are channel source. This means if you write able parameter. notable for the +20dB / -60dBs available. automation on a Clip and later move or copy In the mixer screens, as elsewhere, a right Nudge buttons are provided to allow accu- it, the automation can accompany the Clip. mouse click will bring up a submenu relevant rate setting of levels to 0.1dB resolution and EQ, dynamics and aux sends are all auto- to the position of the mouse pointer. frequency to 1Hz. Plug -ins supplied include mated. The level automation is superimposed Although there are other possibilities, the reverb, dither, chorus delay flange and Noise over the existing fade-in, level and fade -out best way to approach Octavia is on what is Abate. The latter is a 3 -band expander with information carried by the Clip. Data written termed a Project basis. A Project contains all adjustable crossover frequencies and thresh- on channels with 'input streams' or buses as the EDLs, mixers and clips used in a produc- olds, and so on. Time shift and pitch shift sources is time based. tion project. This information is stored on the functions will follow. Automation modes include Overwrite PC drive. Actual audio Tracks are recorded where existing data is replayed until a fader onto an audio, SCSI drive. While access to a THE ONLY LIMITATION on how much is touched. New data will he written from Project can be restricted to specific people, of this you can use at once is the avail- that point on. Autoreturn, where releasing a Project information may be copied to the able DSP power. The amount pro- fader in Write returns it at a predetermined audio drive and for archiving purposes an vided seems unusually generous and I didn't rate to the pre -existing level, and Disconnect, entire project can be hacked up to, say, manage to run out in normal use. A future which replays existing data until a fader is Exabyte. With this option the whole Project development may see the provision of a DSP touched and then affects monitoring only, including audio will be hacked up. A.s an 'fuel gauge. are available. There is also a Write to End additional incentive to working in projects all Mixing a number of streams and rerecord- function and a SNAPSHOT button which will components of a Project, EDLs mixers and ing within Octavia can be accomplished in write EQ settings over a selected Clip or clipstores. can be saved with one button press real time through the mixer or in less than real Clips. Automation can be armed on a per - on SAVE on the edit controller or the SAVE ALL time using Bounce Recording -with all item basis or globally. Envelope automation button in the Project window. page 14 Studio Sound September 1997 13

www.americanradiohistory.com Many of Octavia :s editing features are t.c. electronic applicable to radio production. If you have a large amount of material to edit down to a small slot the Autoplace (butt) function enables you to extract the good bits and com- International Head Office pile them on a different stream for fine edit- ta ANN 1:211 amlliF+.l1J4 3J ing. An unusual feature allows you to start Sindalsvei 34, DK - 8240 Risskov, Denmark. AR editing a clip while it is still being recorded. Phone:( +45) 86 26 28 00 In sound for picture applications, Octavia can be used for rushes syncing, autoconform- Fax:( +45) 86 26 29 28

ing, tracklaying or mixing with all the usual Email: tc @tcelectronic.com firflilflÌII l outboard' built in. I can see no reason why WWW: http: / /www.tcelectronic.com Tracklay a completely professional project cannot be undertaken. All the ingredients are here. You can autoconform and tracklay over, say, 24 U.S.A. TC Electronic Inc tracks, do the entire mix using the automated 11 íIitlfj ril mixer plus external effects if desired, re- Phone. (805) 373 1828 II! Fi record the final mix back into Octavia and GERMANY: TC Electronic GmbH. transfer the result to whatever is required. Phone 05231 92972 CTAVIA is massively configurable. In order to address real world tasks there have to be rafts of adjustable ARGENTINA: (01) 774 7222

parameters to cope with the vagaries of other AUSTRALIA: (02) 9975 121 people's work and the variety of external swam.. AUSTRIA: (01) 601 17 equipment. If users intend dedicating a Autoconform machine to specific tasks it is worth spending BELGIUM: 01 1 281458 < page 13 Machine control is pretty com- time optimising parameters to suit and saving CANADA: (805) 373 1828 prehensive. Octavia can he a time -code mas- the results. SA &V will produce 'templates' for ter or slave with good lock up times or a Sony common tasks. The User Management func- CHILE: 2 246 2333 9 -pin (P2 protocol) master. There are four S- tions allow privilege levels to be set for spe- CHINA: 02 362 020 pin ports. One of these is used by the hard- cific users and allow a variety of operators to ware controllers. All the usual time code work in the way that suits them. The beauty CYPRES: 5 36 798 formats are accommodated. of a system like this lies in the dedicated audio CZECH REPUBLIC: 0455 622 59 Recording, autoconforming and hack -up hardware coupled with the familiar interface FINLAND: 0592 055 can all be performed in the background while of a Windows PC with all the possibillities it other tasks are being undertaken. offers. User-configurable macros or 'hot keys' FRANCE: (01) 48 63 221 Virtually every editing and mixing function to automate common tasks and the ability to GREECE: (01) 8837 629 can be performed with the mouse or using the map these to buttons on the edit controller or dedicated hardware controllers. Indeed there computer keyboard allow operators to work HOLLAND: 0302 414 500 are many instances when using a combination in the way which suits them best. Equally HONG KONG: 02 362 020 of both is the optimum solution. Moving Clips functions can be limited by supervisors to between tracks feels far more natural using those appropriate to the user. HUNGARY: 22 328 990 the mouse, you see it, grab it, and place it Slated v3.1 -S for of the software are M INDIA: (022) 633 545 where you want it while controlling transport channels for the mixer with decoding and INDONESIA: 21 and levels on the controllers. width controls, surround channels with multi - 829 220 Autoconforming has been carefully though format surround panning and new plug -ins ISLAND: 588-5010 out. Many of the pitfalls inherent in the including CEDAR. Also planned is Jeff ISRAEL: 03 process have been addressed -Octavia goes Bloom's VocAlign. 562 236 into record before the desig- In the space available I can ITALY: 51 766 648 nated source time -code is do no more than scratch the JAPAN: (052) 443 553 received. When valid code is surface of Octavia. The scope Studio Audio & Video, read this is 'back stamped' of this system is huge. Individ- LEBANON: 961 1 581 188 The Old School, Stretham. onto the Clip. If an entry on ual features such as the ability Ely. Cambridge C86 3LD. LITHUANIA: 2 296 828 the EDL cannot be found to do 24 -bit, 96kHz multitrack Tel: +44 1353 648888. Octavia can be set to give up editing are impressive enough. MEXICO: 25 5380 050 Fax: +44 1353 648867. and move onto the next entry The fully -featured digital mixer Net: www. sadie.com NEW ZEALAND: 7 847 3414 after a predetermined period. with Clip and time -based Europe: Studio Audio NORWAY: 710 It will, of course, flag the entry dynamic automation, compre- 22 710 Distribution in Europe. as not conformed. Clips retain hensive EQ and dynamics POLAND: 148) 58 510 470 Tel: +49 711 3969380. the source time -code stamp could occupy this entire article. Fax: +49 711 3969385. PORTUGAL: (I) 4754 34 throughout subsequent I am sure, despite this US: Studio Audio processes which can aid back embarrassment of riches, most RUSSIA: 503 956 182 Digital Equipment. tracking. people will still have their per- Tel: +1 615 327 1140. SINGAPORE: 108, 7489333 Octavia is well suited to Cl) sonal 'wish lists'. On this brief Fax: +1 615 327 1699. premastering and also burning acquaintance mine is unusually SLOVAKIA: 07.214 051 Far East: VW Marketing. CD -Rs. The DDP standard short. I have a strong prefer- Tel: +44 1372 728481 SOUTH AFRICA: (EMS), (I I) 482 4470 using Exabyte tape is sup ence for scrolling tracks but SPAIN: 335 177 62 ported and there are a variety other than that all my other of tools to aid in the preparation of Red Book real needs seem to be catered for. If all this SWEDEN: 46 320 370 standard PQ lists. The high sampling rate 24- still leaves you wanting more it is possible to SWITZERLAND: 56 450 217 bit capabilities used in conjunction with one of specify systems with multiple hardware con- the MO disc drives with a predicted media life trollers or multiple audio processing units. TAIWAN: 2 719 238 of 100 years or better should make Octavia Anthony clearly didn't know what he was THAILAND: 2 480 6923 'future- proof. missing. TURKEY: 212 275 58 14 UK: 0181 -800 8288

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Want your mixes to deliver the punch and clarity of the industry We've even thrown in a Calibration Tone Generator. All of the heavyweights? Now you can... thanks to the FinalizerTM. TC's Finalizer's functions are easily monitored on the graphic LCD and new concept in dynamics signal processing. Inserted between on the seven precision LED meters. the stereo output of your mixer and your master recording media, the Finalizer dramatically increases the volume without Now even your demos will sound like a CD. You can sacrificing fidelity or stereo imaging. simultaneously:

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The Finalizer's 'Wizard' function easily finds the optimum setting Try it - you'll be knocked out by what the Finalizer will do for for your mix: Simply enter the type of music you are mixing and your mix. Call I -800 -798 -4546 for the location of a TC dealer to what extent you want it processed... and you are done! The near you. more experienced user may "tweak" the signal path extensively, with over 75 parameters to choose from. You will also find additional signal analysis tools including a Phase Correlation Meter, Peak -Hold Meter, Level Flow Meters, and a Digital Format Analyzer. Wizard Finalizer


TC Electronic A/S, Sindalsvej 34, 8240 Risskov, Denmark. Phone ( +45) 86217599 Fax ( +45) 86217598 Email: tc @tcelectronic.com WWW: http: / /www.tcelectronic.com

www.americanradiohistory.com Graham -Patten Systems SoundPals

Carrying its considerable interfacing expertise from video to audio, Graham-Patten's place with the professionals is all but assured. Rob James makes friends with some new boxes

REVIOUSLY LOW' KEY players in mission System). this technology extensively. In order to assure pro-audio, Californian Graham - These are the odd ones out of the range so ourselves it was sufficiently robust a signal Patten Systems can expect wider far as form factor goes. Physically they consist was sent over vision circuits from London to recognition iminently. From the of XLR 3 connectors with BNC connectors Glasgow and back and the source and return video field -where its D -ESAM where the cable would normally be. The signals compared. There was no meaningful digital audio mixer for video editing applica- male. source, convertor is titled Model 10 and degradation, just a few phone calls from puz- tions was a recent recipient of an Emmy the female, destination, convertor, Model 21. zled video engineers at various points along award -GP has introduced a range of digital These compact devices transform 'normal' the chosen route. Graham -Patten reckons audio building blocks with the collective title AES3 signals (balanced. 2 -7V p -p at 11052) to DATS is good for up to 1000 feet with no 'SoundPals'. At present. there are six units in and from AES31D (unbalanced 1V p -p at equalisation using the recommended cable or the range comprising a mic preamp with 75Q). This enables digital audio to be sent when used in conjunction with RCA to BNC A -D. A-D and D-A convertors. a gain trim- over standard video circuits. In the early - adaptors, provide SPDIF connectivity over mer- fader and a 4 -input mixer. The other 1990s when dedicated AES routers were very distances up to 100 feet. product in the launch line is a range of con - costly compared to the video equivalents I The rest of the current SoundPals range is vertors entitled DATS (Digital Audio Trans- was involved with an installation which used built into compact extruded alloy cases (132mm x 41mm x 168mm plus connectors). Inevitably, all the bricks are powered by an external 6V DC supply. External PSUs really are becoming one of my pet hates. I under- stand the reasons for their proliferation but I wish somebody would come up with a stan- dard locking connector at least. Many of the applications for this type of unit will be in 'mission critical' situations and the danger of a power connector being dislodged is one thing you can do without. GP has recognised this problem and used a screw locking version of a concentric power connector. Other manu- facturers please take note. Each unit has XLR -3 connectors for AES I- O and BNCs for DATS (AES31D) I-O. Ana- logue connectors (where applicable) are XLR -3s. AES reference input (where applica- ble) is on a BNC. This can be terminating or bridging depending on the setting of an inter- nal jumper as can the AES connections. If sev- eral SoundPals are to be looped together it is recommended they are kept within a metre of each other. A 1C -high rack mounting tray is available which houses and powers up to three Sound- Pals units.

THE ADC -20 IS a stereo 20 bit A -D con- vertor. The input levels can be adjusted with two multi -turn pots between -10dBu and +4dBu. Two models are available which default to either 44.1kHz or 48kHz. If an external reference is applied to the AES reference BNC connector the output will be locked to the reference and an indicator LED will light. Two ladders of four LEDs give level indications at -60d13. -20dB, -3dB and OdB. The -20dB LED should just light for a -20dB input signal. This will not suit those working to the EBU standard of -18dB but is only a minor inconvenience. Both AES outputs can be used simultane- ously-XLR and BNC. As you might guess. the DAC -20 is the stereo 20 -bit D-A convertor. In this unit it is the analogue outputs which can be adjusted September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com with two multi -turn pots between -10dBu and input or invalid input and blinks if the input switches are connected. +4dBu. LEDs are provided for emphasis and has been muted remotely. A green MASTER LED Remote controls for both the DFADE -2 and error detection. If an emphasised signal is for each input lights solid to indicate the input DMIX41 may be easily and cheaply con- connected it will have de- emphasis applied signal may he used as a reference. The LED structed. Only passive components are automatically provided the sampling rate is blinks if it is in use as the master reference required, switches and pots, connectors, cable within 4% of 32kHz. 44.1kHz or 48kHz. A jack and is off when remotely disabled as a master and a case to put them in. This should make and volume pot are provided for stereo head- clock reference. An input can still be used as the units attractive to builders of complex, phone monitoring. the master reference when remotely muted. In bespoke systems. since pots and switches can the absence of a remote control the lowest be chosen to match other equipment in THE DMIC -20 STEREO mic pre -amp and numbered error free appearance. 20 -hit A -D convertor has 16 DIP input is assigned as Setting the internal switches to set the input level in 5dB master. jumpers is not really steps from -20dBu to -60dBu. As with the There is a 9 -pin D- an operational exer- ADC-20 it is supplied in two versions for connector which cise since there are a 44.1kHz and 48kHz respectively. Again, as allows muting of any fair number of screws with the ADC -20 there are LED level indica- input and disabling to be removed and tors and an indicator for external reference. any input from being caution is needed to There is also a 3.5mm jack connection for designated as master. avoid static damage phantom power. I would like to have seen a As with the DFADE- to the ICs. I think, for locking connector here, particularly for field 2, processing can he the widest appeal, work for which the unit seems ideally suited. 24 -hit if required. external loop- termi- The DIP switches allow precise tracking The default is to 20 nate switches would between channels and repeatable settings bits. have been a good although I am not totally convinced this out- The ADC -20 A-D idea and, where weighs the flexibility of a pot in real world sit- and DAC -20 D -A applicable, external uations. can, of course, he 20- hit/24 -hit process- Unfortunately the remote stereo digital used to insert ana- ing selectors. fader with local level adjustment DFADE -2 did logue equipment into a digital environment or Graham -Patten has conducted a consider- not arrive in time for evaluation. However. on used wherever a quick and simple conversion able beta -test programme on its new friends. the strength of the other units I have no doubt is required. The D-A, with its headphone Participants include; Microsoft, Intergraph. it will perform as well as the rest. socket would make a useful adjunct to an AES Adobe, Macromedia, Silicon Graphics, and a Full range fading, panning and channel jack field for quickly identifying content of number of facilities, among which are Frame - swapping functions are remotely controlled AES streams. store in the UK. and Fox Tape, and The using either an optional remote controller The DMIC -20 will find application any- Troupe in the US. For radio broadcasting. from Graham -Patten or a custom made where a microphone or other low level ana- Fidelipac and KXPK in Denver were test sites. device. The remote connects to a 9 -pin logue signal needs to be introduced into a For DVD Mastering. Image Entertainment in D- connector on the front panel. Also on the digital environment. California was a SoundPals test site. The beta front panel is a hank of four DIP switches A single DFADE -2 could be used in a vari- test programme resulted in a number of use- which select Stereo mode. individual unity ety of transfer situations as a simple method ful detail changes. If several units from the gain switches for left and right channels and a of level adjustment. boost or cut. while range are used together analogue sources can switch for remote enable. When in Stereo remaining in the digital domain. I can think of be combined with digital signals. fading, pan- mode, level trimming for both channels is per- many occasions in the past where transfer ning and switching may be accomplished formed with the left multi -turn pot. LED indi- suites faced with just this sort of problem have with the possibility of providing outputs in cators show t -P ERR -no signal or invalid resorted to unwanted A-D conversion multiple formats. Used together the units offer signal on the inputs. REMOTE, t -P ALao and because the alternative would have been to the specifier a way of economically construct- STEREO. The gain trim works over a range of - tie up an expensive mix room. The reason- ing systems for specific. relatively simple, 18dB to +30dB. The unit is capable of han- able cost of the DFADE -2 should render such production processes where a full -blown dling 24 -bit signals but unless the input practises obsolete. mixer would he inappropriate. stream auxilian data hits are known to con- The DMIX -41 is. perhaps. the most versatile The DATS convertors offer a real alterna- tain the four least significant hits of a 24 -hit brick in the wall. It is priced well enough to tive to balanced circuits for professional use. audio signal it is recommended the default allow use simply as a sample rate convertor. if particularly in video environments. The pro- 20 -hit processing is used. that is all you require. Alterna- vision of dual BNC and XLR digital outputs 24 -bit processing can be tively it is a low cost option for makes for flexible configurations to suit a selected via an internal connecting a number of wide variety of applications. The units are Graham Patte jumper. The sampling rate n Systems, sources to a single input on a well constructed and robust. In conjunction applied to the input will he PO Box 1960, Grass Valley, mixing console, with or with- with the rack mount kit and optional remote California 959 45, US. the rate which appears at the out sample rate conversion. In controls the SoundPals range makes a real +1 output. Either the BNC or XLR Tel: 916 2 73 8412. this mode it could also he digital audio Lego set. connector may be used for Fax: +1 916 273 7458. used to combine multiple out- There are seven more products that will be UK: Boxer Sys tems Ltd, input and both outputs may puts from DAWs for recording announced at the IBC: DA -14 + -way AES dis- be used simultaneously. 12 -14 Smug Oak Centre, or monitoring. It can be used tribution amplifier: ADAT -to-analogue. ana- Bye Lane, ket The DMIX -41 is a unity gain Bric Wood, as a bypass switch, for exam- logue -to -ADAT. ADAT-to -AES. AES-to -ADAT St Albans, He AL2 3UG. mixer which will sum up to its ple, in a broadcast situation to convertors; DTG -1 AES Test Signal generator; four stereo AES streams into Tel: +44 1923 894141. feed audio direct to air or SPDIF convertor. Fax: +44 1923 one stereo output. A number 893849. through a mixing console. All the units I had for test performed as of options are available result- I can also envisage the units I would expect. My particular favourite is ing in six different models. being used to combine premix the DMIX-41 because it addresses a number Models A0, A2 and A4 have balanced XLR 'stems' in film work where using a dubbing of previously intractable problems at a sen- inputs with 0. 2 or 4 inputs respectively theatre would be expensive. sible price. equipped with sample -rate conversion. Mod- The other application which should I hope these units presage a change of els B0, B2 and B4 are the equivalents with answer some prayer s is in switching direction for Graham- Patten which may result unbalanced (BNC) inputs. All units are encoded Dolby AC -3 signals. This will only in some more interesting developments. If equipped with concurrent balanced and work when the inputs are not equipped with you have a digital audio interfacing problem unbalanced AES outputs. A red LED for each sample -rate convertors. the unit is set for 24- there is a good chance you will find an input designated ERROR lights solid on no hit processing and remote control input mute answer somewhere within this range. Studio Sound September 1997 17

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www.americanradiohistory.com r Orban Optimod 9200

Broadcast processing is one of the less glamourous areas to benefit from the digital revolution. Rob Budding checks out Orban's new Optimod targeted at AM

IT IS NOW some 25 years since Orban the processor's features, it is normal to fit the All the functions are driven by soft keys and introduced the first Optimod audio proces- unit at the transmitter site. Ideally it should be a control wheel selects options. There are four sor. To many people, these not inexpen- last piece of equipment the audio sees before buttons on the right -hand side of the front si\ a pieces of equipment are a bit of a it hits the transmitter. You can install it in the panel which select the main functions- Setup, mystery, but to those who know, they can studio racks but at the expense of absolute Modify, Recall and Escape. A further four but- save a station's bacon -more than that, they performance, typically 2dB -4dB lower aver- tons -the soft keys -relate to the labels dis- can literally make you sound bigger than you age modulation level. played on the screen above. The screen really are and gain those all important listen- The 9200 is the latest in the line -up of display shows various options, you spin the ers. Given this power, it was inevitable that Orban equipment to feature digital process- control wheel, select the one you want and so other manufacturers would follow suite with ing. The digital world offers many advan- on. There are a pair of scroll buttons to the left processors of their own. Orban's reaction was tages- multiple memories, extensive remote of the display which light up when there is to develop and adopt digital signal processing control, improved filter performance, but more to a menu than fits the screen, however, to its new models -first to the 8200 FM what benefits do these features bring? in normal light the illumination is difficult to processor (big box, big price) and now to the The analogue input is buffered and imme- see. All the controls can be password pro- 9200 AM (smaller box, smaller price). diately followed by an analogue -to- digital tected at various levels of dangerousness. In the increasingly competitive market of convertor. Thereafter all processing is done I have to admit to a personal dislike for commercial radio, a station has to be heard if digitally which ensures the sound is more menu -driven controls. I invariably get lost in it is keep hold of its existing listeners never consistent and stable. There is an optional the myriad of options and resort to a hard mind gain new ones. Audio processing modi- AES -EBU digital input -output for a complete reset -pull out the plug. The Optimod 9200, fies the audio signal going into the transmitter digital signal chain. Filter response is spot -on however, scored a hit here. A quick look at with the net result that the received signal and group delay distortion is virtually nil. the handbook to point you in the right direc- sounds louder without increasing the carrier The unit comes preprogrammed with tion and you're off. Intuitive menus and an power of the transmitter. Something for noth- eight factory preset 'sounds' that get you off ESCAPE button that takes you back to the pre- ing? Not quite. The purpose of audio process- the blocks in no time at all. There are also vious function meant that it was almost an ing for a radio station is to deliver a signal of user -definable settings; anyone who has hour before I had to resort to the book and the highest subjective quality to the listener's been in the hot seat, adjusting an analogue there was no reaching for that plug. ear. The world of AM is inherently restricted processor will welcome these. After hours of The meter displays are LED bar graphs, by noise, interference, and a narrow band- pot -tweaking finding that 'little bit extra', you four individual-Input, AGC, Output +, Out- width. Because of this, the purist ideals that discover that your output now sounds like put-and five for the multiband limiter. Red the output should replicate the input signal are it's being played through a wet sock. Now, sections on the meters show overloads, or as just not relevant. Substantial compression and what were the old settings? With user pre- Orban describes it 'where various nastinesses limiting will be needed if the received signal is sets, if you screw up, you can hit the tit, are likely to commence'. to overcome noise and interference, plus some restore the old settings in seconds and the form of equalisation is required to overcome black -edged memo from upstairs is halted. If OUND IS what the box is all about the high -frequency roll-off exhibited by AM you really want to, you could have different and the only real way to tell how a radios. Any processing is a direct trade -off presets for different shows during the day processor sounds is to try it on the between loudness, brightness and distortion. If -loud and punchy for pop- and -prattle real thing. So I rigged up one on a portable you improve one, it will be at the expense of Breakfast, smooth and controlled for the 100W AM transmitter connected into a the others. It is a balancing act, get it right and Classical slot, different again for talks... The dummy load, and set -to. Several loudspeakers your listeners will thank you, get it wrong and RS232 remote control now allows selection were on hand to simulate transistor radio, car you'll drive them away in cartloads. of these presets (and adjustment of the audio radio, and home hi -fi, all driven from a Sony AM is a broadcast medium whose perfor- settings) from the studio via a PC. tuner -amp that happened to be nearby. mance is dependant on a number of factors. The previous AM Optimod units had a Transmitter equalisation was accomplished The most influential areas being the high - slightly old fashioned look to them: moving - in no time, which is just as well as it involves power sections of the transmitter and the coil meters, clunky selector switches and the injecting a square wave at low and high fre- antenna system bandwidth. The Optimod -AM important controls hidden behind a hinged, quencies, the harmonics of which make up a processor has a transmitter equaliser that locked panel. This new model is different: it lot of power, that the transmitter dissipates as attempts to correct linear problems such as has a soft, organic shaped front panel with an heat -quickly. Audio levels were adjusted poor LF response and overshoots caused by LCD and led bar graph meters, looking not and then it was judgement time. the transmitter RF stages. To make the most of unlike a tuner from your hi -fi. The factory presets all had their page 20

Studio Sound September 1997 19

www.americanradiohistory.com < page 19 own sound. but the difference a week then gently fine tune it. Urban has If you have a radio station and don't have a hem eco them \\ as only moderate. If you want spent a long time playing with these things. processor then one thing is for certain -you more aggressive processing. or less, Orhan Listening on different speakers was interest- should have. Whether I would change what have included a nifty Liss-mom control which ing, the 'small transistor radio' gained the most was already installed is a different question in a single function does away with complex in terms of sounding 'bigger'. The distortion altogether. If the station has older, valved tweaking -the handbook says the Optimod's from heavy processing was more noticeable transmitters then I doubt I would change from 'intelligence' corrects the parameters automati- on the large monitor speaker, as you might the existing processor (unless it was very cally to minimise distortions when this control imagine. but the overriding impression from basic). You see old transmitters have lots of is used. There is no doubt about the increase this unit is that it really does make a differ- iron in them and can struggle to meet the in loudness and the output never gets fuzzy or ence -and straight out of 0Hz -15kHz spec. asked muffled, even with maximum 'more', but the box. for by Orhan. It's a bit surely we can do better than that... Some 'new' models are like getting your grandad Orban old ones with new knobs to start jogging. give him 1525 Alvardo Street, AS MENTIONED earlier. any setup is and a few functions the latest pair of trainers San Leandro, California. 94577. USA. a compromise between loudness, added thát you didn't and he may look the part, Tel: +1 510 351 3500. brightness and distortion, and there want anyway. I'm pleased but by the end of the Fax: +1 510 351 0500. are a lot of parameters that can be changed. to say that the 9200 is a street he'll be wheezing. If complex tweaking is your hag, then the 'proper' new model, it However. if I had an Harris Studio Products Europe 9200 has plenty to keep you quiet in a dark- may have new knobs, but empty transmitter hall, Harris Corporation, Broadcast Division, ened room for some time. There is a 3 -hand it keeps the functions that it would he something 515 Coldhams Lane, parametric equaliser. You have full access to you liked. and now they to seriously consider, Cambridge CB1 3JU, UK. all parameters -Gain. Bandwidth and Fre- are easier to use. because, with a modern Tel: +44 1223 415459. quency and it is here that you can really make The remote control is a solid -state transmitter, Fax: +44 1223 210441. a difference heard. During testing it is best to big benefit too. Previous they will complement E -mall: [email protected] vary the programme content and it helps to versions had the option to each other hugely. (I go away for a while then come back and see switch to different settings have deliberately not if you still like it. Once I started to play with for night -time operation but if you v\ ,,rated tl, done a like- for -like comparison with the com- the 'expert controls' I soon had it sounding adjust the settings you had to go to the trans- petition and should point out that there are ragged and harsh. Easing the gain hack from mitter site. Some of the latest solid -state AM other processors on the market that also war- maximum on all the settings helped a hit and transmitters are fully digital. accepting an AES- rant serious inspection.) It is, however, worth before long I had a sound that I liked. You EBli input. so if you're up to date in the stu- mentioning that Urban has priced this unit can switch easily between presets (factory or dio, there's no reason to have anything other below the analogue 9100 that it is bound to user) and I soon discovered that my sound than ones and noughts from the music library replace. Once the use of the 9200 starts to was actually no better than the 'Music file server to the output filter of the transmitter. become more widespread then it may be a -Medium' factory preset. My advice is to Now, what you really want is a valve in there very wise move to look again at replacing that choose the preset you like best. live with it for to round off all those square hits. old processor sitting in the equipment rack.

`You used to design microphones for Brüel & Kjær. AUSTRALIA 102) 9957 5389 AUSTRIA (022361 26123 What are you doing now ?' BELGIUM 10215200827 BRAZIL (11) 2468166 CHILE 102) 2251848 CHINA. 1.85212498 1788 CROATIA (01) 177421 CZECH REPUBLIC 2544173 When I left in 1992, d Bruel & K1ær was DENMARK 48142828 Meet us at to start something special. My partner ESTONIA (6141 0313 FINLAND (90) 592 055 IBC Morten Stove and I established Danish FRANCE 1011 46 67 02 10 Stand No 9.230 Pro Audio and created a business GERMANY (Mid) (061711 4026 GERMANY (Norm) 4230 venture with Bruel & Ktær. We have a 10401355 GERMANY (South) 108142) 53980 single - aim to provide professional audio GREECE 1011 674 8514 Meet us at engineers throughout the world with HOLLAND 1010) 414 7055 HONG KONG 2548 7486 `Designing professional microphone solutions AES HUNGARY (11 156 95 15 microphones at Stand No 918 It is a simple philosophy. but one INDIA (22)6335450 INDONESIA (211 8292202 which we take seriously. It is the driving IRAN (021) 830206 Danish force of our development reason Pro Audio. and the ISRAEL 1031544 1113 for our success. ITALY (051) 766648 JAPAN 103) 3779 8672 Anyone who knows anything about KOREA 10215653565 microphones will confirm that Brüel & NEW ZEALAND 0800 774 873 NORWAY 67150270 Kjær does not lend its name lightly. My POLAND (0221 264 912 designs continue to combine a clear PORTUGAL (011 353 8331 perception of professionals' needs and SINGAPORE 7489333 SLOVAKIA. 772 2249 the technical ingenuity of which I am SOUTH AFRICA (0111 466 156 574 proud." SPAIN (0312034804 SWEDEN 1046) 320 370

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20 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com RSP Technologies Circle Surround Gel

Where the 1970s scorned the idea of surround sound, the 1990s are poised to welcome it. Dave Foister weighs up RSP's contender for a flexible and practical surround system

THE BIGGEST REGRET for those of us to distinguish it from the 4:2:4 nature of pre- rately) and the 2- channel encoded signal is interested in surround -sound music vious matrix systems. delivered on XLRs. An additional input is pro- recording is that of all the possible The other point is that Circle Surround is vided for including the low frequency effects encoding formats, the one that has already building quietly on the foundation it (LFE) track of an existing 5.1 mix; this must be become the norm was never has laid. Consumer decoders are already prefiltered as the encoder does nothing to it, intended for realistic surround reproduction of appearing, including in-car systems, and RSP but the decoder is able to sort it out as music. This is no criticism of Dolby Surround per has licensed the algorithms for Motorola and intended. The encoder front panel carries se-it performs its intended cinematic role Analog Devices DSP chips to a number of con- only one control, enabling it to be switched to splendidly -but even its best friends would not sumer electronics manufacturers. Moves are 4:2:4 mode if required, and six pairs of signal advocate it for straight music recording. Its cen- afoot to make full cinema systems available; present -clip LEDs for the inputs. More infor- tre channel, vital for dialogue placement, is Smart Devices introduced a cinema DSP mative metering is available via a 9 -pin superfluous to music, and appears at the decoder at the Amsterdam show. and one of D- connector on the back, which provides expense of stereo surround-the rear informa- these has been installed in a Sony screening metering outputs for all eight of the signals tion is essentially mono, however many sur- room in LA. According to Circle Surround's that may be present: left, centre, right, left sur- round speakers are used. It also incorporates Henry Root. a comparison was made between round, right surround, LFE, and encoded left artificial enhancements of the rear effects, CS 5:2:5 decoding of the optical track and con- and right. which ruin playback of a proper surround ventional playback of the AC -3 5.1- channel music recording just as delaying half a stereo digital track, and the Circle Surround system INCE FULL 5:2:5 compatibility is only signal destroys the imaging. won. If this degree of compatibility is sustain- possible with a Circle Surround While the jury is still out on what might he able, RSP points out that nobody needs to go decoder, RSP recommends that the done with DVD's multichannel potential, RSP out on a limb with this technology, but can results should be monitored using its high Technologies is tackling the existing situation continue doing what they are currently doing performance studio decoder. This has six XLR from the inside rather than presenting yet with additional possibilities available to them. outputs decoded from two XLR inputs, and its another conflicting and incompatible format. Circle Surround encoding is available built front panel more than makes up for the Circle Surround is designed to he compatible in to RSP's Project X digital console, and also sparseness of the encoder. It has four basic with the world's 23 million Dolby Pro Logic as separate processors to patch in to an exist- decoding modes, including straight mono and decoders in that either will decode the other ing system. The stand -alone professional stu- stereo; the surround modes offer a choice with pleasing results that are close to those dio setup in its basic form comprises two between video-style and music-style decod- intended; indeed it claims to be backwards 1U-high boxes, an encoder and a decoder. ing, with the expected enhancements applied compatible with virtually every type of encod- Various patching suggestions are offered in in video mode and removed for music play- ing that has ever been commercially used, the encoder manual, but essentially it needs back. A switch allows for the presence or from QS to UHJ. The point is that, besides this five discrete console outputs, be they five absence of a dedicated centre loudspeaker; if catch-all playback capability, when used to groups, left -right mix plus three groups, mix no centre speaker is being used the unit adds the full it is capable of encoding and decod- plus three auxes -whatever the console has the centre information equally to the front left ing an additional channel, giving left, centre available and the engineer feels comfortable and right outputs as expected. The big differ- and right plus discrete left and right surround with. These are fed to the encoder through a ence between this and other decoders is the signals, giving rise to the 5:2:5 nomenclature 25 -pin D- connector (flails available sepa- treatment of the surround informa - page 24




SURROUIIO,60O Technologies

Studio Sound September 1997 23

www.americanradiohistory.com g4 Nib C D R800 Recorder


AUSTRALIA: AWA LTD Tel 02 9898 7666 Fax: 02 98981135 Contact. Alistair Dewar

BELGIUM: EML N.V. Tel: 011 23 2355 Fax: 011 23 2172 Contact: Erik Gysen

CANADA: HHB COMMUNICATIONS CANADA LTD < page 23 tion, which can be set to deal with haps worked best (as one would hope given Tel. 416 867 9000 Fax: 416 8671080 all kinds of sources. For a start the rear chan- the underlying philosophy) with strong stereo Contact Dave Dysart nels can he switched between mono and music. solid centre dialogue and head -turning CZECH REPUBLIC: AUDIOPOLIS stereo, so that mono surround information Tel: 42 2 322 552 Fax: 42 2 323 069 effects. Having established this compatibility, Contact Jan Adam stays where its meant to be rather than hav- the crunch was adding the encoder. routeing DENMARK: INTERSTAGE ing the decoder try to steer it into places it discrete signals to it. decoding its output and Tel 39 46 0000 Fax 39 46 0040 shouldn't go. Switchable filtering hand limits switching it all to 5:2:5. Contact: Finn Juul the surround channels to -kHz. in line with This showed exactly what Circle Surround FINLAND: HEOCOM the standard Dolby practice of using such fil- offers over what has gone before. Front pan- Tel 358 9 682 866 Fax: 358 9 682 8489 Contact Jarmo Roivas ters to prevent spurious dialogue sibilance ning remained exactly where it should. and FRANCE: MILLE ET UN SONS from bleeding on to the rear channels. For the real surprise was the panning at the back. Tel: 1 46 67 2210 Fax 1 47 89 8171 other uses the bandwidth is the full 20kHz. A pair of groups assigned to the rear encoder Contact Didier Rupin

A final surround switch selects Wide mode. inputs appeared in near-perfect stereo on the GERMANY. MEDIACOM which brings hard left -right panned material rear decoded outputs. Full stereo panning is Tel 05451 94690 Fax 05451 946919 Contact Uwe Seytert on to the rear speakers and reduces its pres- possible between the two channels. and there GREECE: KEM ence on the front pair. is even a strong centre image between them ELECTRONICS Tel 01 674 8514 Fax 01 674 6384 A common problem a with surround moni- that appears solid and convincing. Contact Thumps Kolikotsis toring system is calibrating it. and the Circle For discrete material that already has front - HOLLAND: TM AUDIO HOLLAND BV Surround decoder helps with this too. Individ- hack separation inherent in it, or for mixes Tel 030 241 4070 Fax. 030 241 0002 ual output trim controls are provided as where sources are panned to position and then Contact: Peter de Fouw screwdriver presets on the front panel, and to left there, this simple setup using standard con- HONG KONG: DIGITAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY Tel 2 721 0343 Fax: 2 366 6883 assist with getting the balance right a pink - sole outputs works amazingly well. Contact: Wilson Choi noise setup routine can be switched on which Few consoles will have enough panning feeds noise sequentially to the outputs IRELAND: BIG BEAR SOUND LTD flexibility, however, to move sounds smoothly Tel: 01 662 3411 Fax Ot 668 5253 (excluding the LFE feed). As it steps round the from front to back, or to move a single source Contact: Julian Douglas speakers this makes it easy to get the relative freely around the sound stage, unless designed ITALY: AUDIO EOUIPMENT levels right in a way that tones never could for surround in the first place. Circle Sur- Tel 039 212 221 Fax. 039 214 0011 Contact Donatella Ouadrio and without the hassle of switching an exter- round's solution is neat and simple, and con- KOREA: DAIKYUNG VASCOM CO LTD nal music source around manually. The only sists of a dumb 1U -high controller box with a Tel 2 745 6123 Fax 2 766 8504 thing it doesn't check is phase. which experi- remote joystick panel. Four mono inputs, Contact Dae Hyun Han ence shows must be carefully scrutinised; one which could be fed from channel direct outs. NEW ZEALAND: FATS LTD out of phase cabinet in a surround system is feed four joysticks, and individual balanced Tel 09 378 8778 Fax 09 378 8776 Contact. John Bicknell far less easy to detect than one of a stereo panned outputs are available as well as a bal- pair, and the very nature of the setup with anced multichannel mix. For use with the main NORWAY: SIB. ING BENUM A/S Tel. 22 1 399 00 Fax: 22 1 48259 multiple power amps involved (and who system a simple link is provided for mixing Contact. Egil Eide knows whether different manufacturers are these panned outputs with the existing static PORTUGAL: ESTEREOSOM LOA delivering the same output phase?) means that mix. and up to four of these units can be daisy - Tel: 01 3546 0563 Fax: 01 357 2981 mistakes are much easier to make. chained to give 16 joystick panners. Chris Contact: Jorge Goncalves

Having got the system set up and checked. 1 Blythe at Audio Dimensions has a system for SINGAPORE: TEAM 10$ PTE LTD found Tel 065 748 9333 Fax 065 747 7273 that claims of backwards compatibility automating the joysticks, although 1 wasn't Contact Helena Lim are more justified than I expected. 1 was able able to get details in time; this would perfectly to play test recordings of QS, SQ, UHJ and round off an elegant, comprehensive system SOUTH AFRICA: E.M.S. LTD Tel 011 482 4470 Fax 011 726 2552 Dolby Surround material through the decoder, which is easy to set up and easy to use. Contact Dennis Feldman and all gave enjoyable persuasive results. Lis- There's always a temptation when talking SPAIN: LEXON tening to the back pair alone in stereo was about surround to say if I was doing it I Tel 93 203 4804 Fax 93 205 7464 revealing of the differences; some lurched arbi- wouldn't start from here: that's not helpful, Contact Alejandro Palencia trarily from side to side as the decoder tried to and is part of the reason for the 1970s quad SWEDEN: ENGLUND MUSIK AB follow non- existent steering Tel: 46 8 97 0920 Fax 46 8 646 0925 wars. We have at last an Contact: Mats Mattsson cues, while others remained established world -wide sur- SWITZERLAND: DR. W.A. GUNTHER AG stable, but with distinctly RSP Technologl es, 2870 round format. and RSP has Tel: 01 910 4141 Fax: 01 910 3544 'phase} artefacts. Technology Drive, Rochester been very clever in building Contact: Roland Bricchi The most successful TAIWAN: OMT TAIWAN in this Hills, MI 48309 , US. on that solid user -hase Tel 02 516 4318 Fax. 02 515 9881 mode was, surprisingly, Tel: +1 810 853 3055. rather than fighting it. If Contact: Honton Sie Dolby Surround, but this is Fax: +1 810 85 3 5937. music applications can use USA: HHB COMMUNICATIONS USA not a fair test of anything; Circle Surround's capabilities Tel: 310 319 1111 Fax: 310 319 1311 these symptoms are, of course. the 1 c,v rca- alongside the existing Home Theatre world in Contact David Beesley sons the decoder has a mono surround switch. the same box, we might at last be getting and use of this removed these effects and left somewhere. This technology works, and a stable and convincing rear image. much nothing needs to be dumped for it to get more as intended. Again, Dolby Surround per- used. Try it. IMINb 24 HHB Communications Limited

73 -75 Scrubs Lane London NW10 60U UK Tel: 0181 962 5000 Fax: 0181 962 5050 E -Mail: sales @hhb.ce.uk Visit HHB on line at http: //www.hhb.co.uk

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www.americanradiohistory.com Yamaha 02R v2

I P The latest software for the 02R sports enhanced automation, the surround capabilities of the 03D and other twists including touch -sensing faders and 24 -bit recording. Zenon Schoepe is impressed

ND YOU THOUGHT the next big thing including single- channel event displays for from Yamaha would be another cate- those who really cannot live without being A gory- breaking digital desk. Well, able to alter things like fader values numeri- there's no news on that front, but existing and cally. prospective 02R owners should sit up and pay You can now enter time -code -capture times attention to the v2 software revision for the as eight memories that can be used for desk that changed it all, as it's a substantial Automix events or as MMC locate points extension of already outstanding levels of which points clearly to the inclusion of trans- functionality. At the 02R's launch Yamaha said port control. that the board would be software upgradable Setup preferences have been expanded and those who remember the introduction of considerably-more than doubling the num- the 03D will recall that some of the features ber of setup parameters and extending to that it had over the 02R were planned to be such details as switching control room level 24-bit mode incorporated or bettered in a future software on to the meter bridge. release. This is it it's not some bug fix, I think the biggest enhancement is the -and 96 Surround ROUTING 4/4 LINE 17/18 it's an expansion of the facilities you get for inclusion of a Touch -sense Edit mode. No, the 50 MI Surround Channel Edil your money. faders have not been changed, but Yamaha C> 06:26127.16 The surround -sound capabilities of the 03D has introduced a process in which grabbing a are now built in, the automation of the 03D fader and moving it a step takes over control had slightly more off -line editing capabilities; and effectively does the same as pressing its v2 adds these (and then some) and there's associated sELEcr button. Returning to Read is also the highlight of a 24-bit recording mode. achieved either by stopping code or by hitting If you already have an 02R then you can SELECT. However, this applies to faders that are buy a pair of v2 EPROMs (for around £200 stationary and if a fader is in the middle of a UK) and have them fitted by your dealer, or move you will still have to press its SELECT key try a DIY as is fairly straightfor- to take over. A small concession given that 00 the procedure 3 4 9OOOOC El E2 ward -all new 02Rs will now run v2. attempting to time the manual grab of a fader Yamaha took a long time with this software in motion can be quite tricky. Surround edit screen upgrade. With little complaint over the origi- The same principles have been extended to 1 Initial Data IRUTO11IH4i61 WC nal version, there seemed little pressure. Addi- permit touch channel selection -move a fader 06126127.16 NM Event Cow mmm tionally, v2 has been field tested for longer a step and you access its channel strip. I l 14 0111 GEJU CM o®oom®©®CEMTa. o0 than it was possible to test the original ver- Auto EQ Edit means that if you have EQ MUCEETMIrl ICl 1 I 1© 1© 14 1®® m`ìlMP) be As selected as your overwrite parameter. sion, so stability should assured. an Parameters observation, a good deal of v2 features are twiddling the EQ controls puts it in to over- ®ERDEI® CHOP. Li: PAN ®EO ®SURR C3 SUR( ® (Ole ®EMIII 13 RUXI ® RUX2 ® RUX3 ® RUX4 ® REM01[I 51.1E0002 ® DA 1 it write but significantly it only overwrites the pertinent to postproduction and would ® RUSS ® RUSSO RUX7 ®RUXt ® REMOtE3 ® REMOfE4 ® E/ 11 seem that the desk has done better in this parameter you adjust and not the whole sec- Co. red '12 7T1 02.. 09 [06a129 T2N0 41® ET/6: 270v .T39.71-1-171 sphere than Yamaha originally expected. tion. Post will love the ability to write EQ Tri. Edi t Source In $ J$ECi 3,Sd9, ®Currnt ® General navigational aids include a num- changes as separate EQ section passes. ! mum. 1 ® bering system to tell you if there are multiple If you attempt an overwrite on a handful of c® pages associated with a routine and there are channels, selecting Restore Last Edited Chan- trio WanWier e> C t > fEAt' f f? ít r f Ef A f a fair few extra. Automix automation has pro- nel serves as a quick way of trying another i gressed with an offset capability and sur- pass with a press of only one of page 28 > Automatic offline edit round -sound panning has been added as one of the overwrite types. There's also now a write -to-end function. The 02R now uses data compres- sion for its mix storage (like the 03D), MIMI - so fewer users are likely to be tempted s14. -_ MN MN by the RAM expansion. Similarly, com- pression is used in the scene memo- ries and takes the total from 64 to 96. Erasing mix data has been aug- mented by the ability to copy and move data. There's also the neat touch of being able to copy data out of one of the 16 mix memories to the current mix allowing compilation of a type to be performed in a very straightforward way. Another useful addition is the ability to enter off -line trims of fader levels over selected in and out points with programmable glide back. Off-line event editing has been expanded with improved editing and

Studio Sound September 1997

www.americanradiohistory.com < page 28 the relevant Select keys putting differs from Rane's Paqrat process in using simple librarian Project Manager software the whole team into overwrite and you can Tracks 1 and 5 rather than 1 and 2 as this which includes overview pages of the console achieve the same from via Touch Sense. Neat. allows four consecutive faders to be used on with EQ displays. This is a great improvement Surround sound can he fully automated and the desk for the 24 -bit signals rather than the for those who need to view more than the is pretty similar to that on the 03D (Studio Sound, less convenient alternate faders. And it's assignable 02R's surface gives out. RS422 con- May 1997) and in addition to the left -right and scene -memory based. nection runs between the desk and the Mac. front -hack motion you can also alter the diver- M -S decoding is available (there's also inde- After something of a layoff from the 02R fol- gence and the subwoofer. The buses, in digital pendent attenuation on individual legs of lowing a long period in which I used the desk or analogue. are used for the surround outputs stereo signals) and MIDI remote control of intensively, I'm surprised at how exciting the and these can be linked a to facilitate fade out. external devices has been console remains. It's such a Third -party joysticks will be supported. added with four remote pages wonderfully clever and smart The 02R has a Cascade function built in for plus another that assigns desk. Looking at the %2 ver- Yamaha -Ke mble Music piggybacking desks and the v2 software sim- buses and aux masters to the sion reminded me of sections plifies the management side Sherbourne On ve, Tilbrook, of running four faders. MMC with eight locate of the desk that I had forgot- together. Linking the desks via Milton Keynes MK7 8BL. MIDI integrates points arrives with v2, along ten existed because I hadn't them Tel: +44 1908 366700. as one with regard to Automix and with transport controls and found much use for them in Fax: +44 1908 368872. Scene memories -store a scene on your mas- templates for such units like the general run of things. This Yamaha ter 02R and it instructs the others via MIDI to the ProR3, Rev500, Pro Tools. Co rporation underlines the simmering 6600 do the same. The Automix and Scene memo- GM and XG sound modules. Orangeth orpe Avenue. power of this affordable ries are Buena Park, CA 90620. still held locally in each desk but they the 03D but more interest- mixer and how much of it can Tel: +1 714 now behave more as one big desk from an ingly the super -cheap 01 digi- 52 2 9011. remain hidden and unobtru- Fax: +1 714 7 39 2680. operational standpoint. tal mixer. The last of these is sive until the day you have significant because the MIDI cause to wonder if it can per- OUTSIDE OF the automation enhance- remote functions are fully automated so this form a specific function for you. It is still an ments there's an input patching facil- serves as a natty method of automating the 01 incredible achievement and all the more ity that permits the moving of inputs as a sidecar expander without resorting to the amazing that there is still nothing to challenge within sets of eight channels for stereo pairing latter's own sequencer -based storage method. or touch it a good two years since it was and dynamics keying. Buses can also be The 01's automation via this method is limited launched. assigned to a channel and patching assign- to faders, on -offs and pans but look at the The v2 revision redresses some of the per- ments can he part of a scene memory. You alternative. Very clever. ceived imbalance that the arrival of the 03D can also go out digitally on the aux sends. ESAM is not part of v2 although it will be suggested -as the newer, smaller and cheaper Operating on a slot -by -slot basis, 24-bit shown on 03D soon but it has to be said that desk had some tricks that the 02R couldn't recording allows higher bit -rate recordings to the 03D seems to make more sense for video immediately answer. As such, it makes a damn be made on 16-bit machines like the ADAT or suite use. good desk awesome and its so elegant. It's an DA -88 by splitting off the first 16 and next 8 As an associated development, Zeep has a absolute must for all 02R owners and moves bits onto individual tracks. Yamaha's method software package that goes beyond Yamaha's the goal posts again for the competition.

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www.americanradiohistory.com EW TECHNOLOGIES SSL Aysis Air JBL monitors JBL has introduced what it terms Linear Spa- tial Reference (LSR) technology that vear- The SSL A- dynasty continues with a new broadcast desk for IBC and heads a new drive into monitor speakers. at a tack LSR is described as a series of techniques AES. Zenon Schoepe gains an exclusive look change of a it broadly. that measures spatially the response of ' THERE HAS BEEN something of deluge can spread out monitor over a sphere that encompasses of digital equipment beginning with the All this suggests that the Aysis Air should energy radiated in to the listening env letter A from SSL ever since it embarked be cheaper than a standard Aysis and it will ment. This data is analysed to calculate opti' on the original Axiom drive. For those who be-the official line tells us that we will all be misation of the soundfield including direct have not appreciated it yet, the A- series prod- 'pleasantly surprised. This desk is intended to sound field, the reflected soundfield and the ucts owe a debt of technology to this one- appeal to all those studios that would other- reverberant soundfield to claim an improve- knob -per- function digital console that wise shrug at the price of a digital desk and ment in performance over the ±15' vertical represents a more advanced generation of go on to install an analogue console. and 30' horizontal filed commonly used for number crunching than the previously top -of- Aysis and Axiom remain current and are assessment. JBL claims that its LSR 32 3 -way the -pile OmniMix and Scenaria packages. the ways to go for the high end but pre- monitor offers consistent, precise sound Axiom was followed by Aysis as a physi- dictably Aysis Air networks in to the same sort reproduction in a wider filed regardless of cally compacted version for use in broadcast of kit that all the other A- series units do. How- the playback environment. applications that are tight for space. But the ever, it's stressed that this is not obligatory or The components in the LSR32 include cherry for many was this year's Altimix: an even necessarily relevant for a small studio Differential Coil Drive technology which unusual cross between the bones, pump and installation as the Air has a routing hub built uses two voice coils in each driver with th constitution of an Axiom with some of the in to it, so you don't need the second large - magnetic gaps at 180' out of phase to g good looks and outgoing personality of the scale routing hub in order to get a small stu- double the power handling of each driver. OmniMix. The A -series will be expanded still dio running. It's therefore the most This is combined with lightweight further at the IBC and AES New York and not stand -alone of the A -series products but could Neodymium, a nested magnetic structure and preferential airflow design. The monitor's high frequency device is a 1 -inch composite diaphragm integrated with an Elliptical Oblate Spheroid (EOM) Wave - guide with 60' x 100' dispersion. The midrange is a Neodymium 5 -inch driver with a woven Kevlar cone whose motor structure was chosen to support the inten- tionally low crossover point of 250Hz to the 12-inch Neodymium woofer. An additional third coil between the drive coils acts as a a dynamic brake to limit excess excursion and ...... reduce distortion. Mid and high frequency drivers are mounted within millimetres of Like all A- series products Aysis Air Is a derivative of Axiom technology each other on a cast- aluminium sub -baffle in the manner that some have expected -an be piggy- backed on to larger networked sys- that can be rotated for horizonta' or vertical all digital 'proper' music recording console tems should the need or indeed the other bits placement. -hut rather as another move on broadcast. of gear exist.

JBL, US. Tel: +1 818 894 8850. - Again it is a development of the technology DiskTrack is optional and the desk is stereo started with Axiom (it has to be because it with stereo subgroups in the traditional sense Summit mixer starts with an A) it's called the Aysis Air. It is with master dynamics and inserts. Multichan- intended purely for on -air and production stu- nel surround capable, it will go to 5.1, it has Summit has a linkable line -level mixer with dio broadcast and trucks with much simpler 20 mix minus sends, 48 channel direct outs, valve and solid -state circuitry. Four line - control than the ordinary Aysis. channel inserts, eight aux sends, stereo AFL - level inputs have pan controls. input level While the original and plain vanilla Aysis is PFL, channel signalling and red light switch- a rebalancing of the Axiom, it amounts to ing, fader starts on all faders, channel essentially the same control surface in a differ- memories for mixing, matching and swapping ent frame and Aysis Air uses the frame channel processing, and, the big reason for ergonomics of Aysis. However, its worksurface going for a digital console in the first place, is different primarily in the cen- snapshot automation. Ship- e si:M1 tre section. Axiom is a smart ping will start immediately control, in-out switching, phase switch desk because it allows you to after the New York AES. an aux send with pre -post switching. Solid State Logic, Begbroke, achieve all kinds of things Aysis Air addresses a new master section has master level control for Oxford 0X5 1RU, UK. through a centre section that is market for SSL and will take it the two outputs. two vu meters with peak Tel: +44 1865 842300. largely programmable. Aysis Air into competition with manu- indicators and separate trim controls. Link- Fax: +44 1865 842118. uses a far more application-spe - facturers that it historically has- ing is achieved by pushbutton and can cre- US. Tel: +1 212 315 1111: cific and preset approach n't acknowledged. ate a 16- channel mixer. It can handle -10dB +1 213 463 4444. which amounts to the closest It's an interesting develop- and +4dB 1 -Os. Japan. SSL has come to producing an ment that actually takes the A- Summit, US. Tel: +1 408 464 2448. Tel: -81 1 3 5474 1144. off-the -shelf digital unit that can series technology downwards Korea, Diayoung. be a slot -in replacement for an presumably to entice and Tel: +82 588 3960. Crest launches analogue console installation. hook broadcasters on to the Crest Audio has two new desks and two There is some degree of flexi- escalator. Its a smart move amplifier products. The V12 is its new flag- bility built in but in terms of the control sur- too, because it can be judged on two levels - ship live performance desk for high -end face, it is preset for the applications and many as a stand -alone desk that replaces an ana- mobile and installed sound and has 12 VCA of the knobs from the standard Aysis have logue one or as a small constituent in a much groups, doubles as a monitor mixer and has gone. Its a fixed 48- channel desk but you can, larger system. Where will SSL go with it next, sidecar expanders that can realise pass 26 s achieve an extremely compact version or you I wonder? Studio Sound September 1997 31

www.americanradiohistory.com DAR Genesis NEW TECHNOLOGIES

< page 31 220 . channels. Sixteen aux sends are provided as are sepa- With software an increasing part of equipment development, DAR rate direct output controls, microprocessor - based mute and MIDI control, illuminated has redefined its core software. Zenon Schoepe bears witness switches throughout and 8 mono and 4 NO'I' SO MUCH a new system as a new other manufacturers. Lightworks for example. stereo matrix outputs. generation of software, DAR's Genesis already have a very similar format and this The X-series desk has feature sets to is supplied on all new systems and is permits Lightworks media to be plugged address particular installation and tour disci- available as a retrofit on all Plus machines. Its directly into DAR DAWs. plines. Two versions are currently available: core is a software revision. the new platform In terms of potential, Genesis will allow the X- Eight -HS with group and master sec- that the company has been writing for the last DAR systems to go to many more channels tions adaptable for FOH and stage monitor two-and -a -half years. And with it come new and the company will be looking to 64 -chan- use, and the X- Eight -RT which can be con- (if optional) pieces of hardware. such as a CD- nel system plus the significant ability to go to figured for live performance recording and ROM drive and networking hardware. 24 bits and 96kHz. The goal is to extend the eatre applications. Eight -bus, 4 -bus, stage The Genesis software form the basis of the range of machines from the OMR8 right up to onitoring and rackmounting versions will DAR's next -generation systems and combines a top end which will have more tracks and also be available. current user interfaces and multiplatform com- increased mixing capability. TICS amps are more compact and lighter patibility with file import- export, networking- An underlying concern was the desire to than the current Professional Series and OMFI compatibility and the ability to work retain flexibility and this is demonstrated by have direct computer control network cor with a wide range of third -party devices. It the already current ability to look at an audio rection for NexSys software monitoring, CD via SCSI and store an EDL control and load analysis and onboard DSP aw[Ñ+Iw-. II rrams j rp a [OCA, j142211111 for it. CD- Advance. as this is modules with digital or analogue capabi D[vos >Ker.r.1/$Da1ODIRU - --- - r package is called, allows ity. The Prot Series amps are described as eo[ nm > Kftwu++/R-..reA[o/Rr-/vr r./ar ari../sa w-w/or a/Y-r q.,. KOTww/0G0[R/JIUDONHAW/ORRRUYARR/Oeeeilr audio CDs to be accessed cost effective and lightweight and will in a5_201.0 nNl directly from the directory Bally be available in 600W. 1000W and iuc[' [TART Y: CD_A791Rt11 . .MIRIAM allowing the audio to be pre- 1200W versions. viewed, edited, EQed and Crest Audio, US. Tel: +1 207 909 8700. copied without having to record it first. Other features MusicTaxi 4[r..1111 include high- speed, disk-to- VP-Pro The successor to the MusicTaxi VP, the disk copying of CD audio seg- s[ MusicTaxi VP -Pro from Dialog4 is based on s ments for immediate spotting a new hardware platform, is modular and s to picture and the ability to . can be expanded in ISDN accesses and name, comment, group and cure codec algorithms. re -order CD tracks. MPEG1 and MPEG2 algorithms are corn 1r Most importantly this . plemented as are layer II and III. Also arrangement replaces the included are G.722 7kHz and G.711 tele- whole business of lining up ® i man l ® phone modes plus musifile format which an effects CD and putting it 11111 guarantees compatibility to the PCX card. It o®®®®®®.1.1 into Play, the CD drive is additionally 100% compatible with the ®®®®®® NINE becomes part of the DAR sys- CCS CDQ Prima and Telos Zephyr at 64kbs tem and its important to mono and 128kbs stereo. The J.52 standard also introduces a new method of project han- point out that currently no other DAW has be provided as soon as it has dling that enables users to open multiple reels this ability. will been approved and entries can be stored in together with enhanced storage and drive On previous software releases from the 94 the ISDN directory and accessed via short usage which, in turn, permits the addition of company, one playback sequence meant you e dial. new editing features. had one reel, whereas now you can have as These editing tweaks include slip, trim, many reels as you want on the same playback 1.1 slide, new roll and copy-spot over functions. sequence and collect them together in a Pro- Sample -rate conversion and segment reverse ject. This means that they can come from sep- VP facilities are also included. arate physical devices with, for example. Other standard features include 20 -bit One of the reasons behind Genesis is that footsteps prepared on one machine and DA, sample rate convertor at input and DAR will be able to develop this new software brought in on optical disc and combined with output, and sync in to the external clock of much faster as it admits that it had hit the ceil- music and effects coming from a local hard the digital output. It operates at data rates of ing on the previous software. Like most man- drive. You can now work with several media 56- 384kbs, has no fan, has 11 ISDN D-pro- ufacturers, to get the speed and performance devices at the same time, including OMR8s on tocols and a short delay time. it had gone down a dedicated disk format the network, and they will all look to the user Dialog4, Germany. Tel: +49 71 4122660 route. While it's not using a computer to read like local devices. The UK Office, UK. Tel: +44 1442 870103 and write the disks it is now writing them in Genesis is DAR's answer to the problem a standard Microsoft file for- that afflicts all DAWs in that mat -the audio is stored a the speed of development KG in -ear mono .WAV files with the idea Digital Audio Research. is so high that its important AKG s in -ear monitoring system employs being to allow other people 2 Silverglade Business Park. to design software that can 'individual virtual acoustics' to overcome tht access to the audio. Leatherhead Road, Chessington, withstand change at a high in -head localisation of sound' that can b DAR's gut feeling has been Surrey KT9 2QL, UK. rate without blowing up. created with in -ear monitoring. AKG's sys that most people will gravitate Tel: +44 1372 742848. Its also something of a tem claimed to achieve the separation and towards the most common Fax: +44 1372 743532 rebirth in terms of where space produced by on -stage monitors but computer format and through its software now is and without the sound pressure levels and feed the combination of .WAV and now it will be free ramp up back. Each unit can be customised to an ear a simple textual EDL, and DAR's idea is to its development speed for the next five years. pe and transfer function characteristics. make this format available to other parties. CD-Advance is a good example of what it can The Emotion range of dynamic mics ha: Investigations have revealed, however. that now throw together in very little time. i phragms of varying thickness page 34 32 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com havit Studios, 'Sr II If Atrimaid, ,, Televisyen Malaysia ad NatioanlTV Doordarshan, l n levision BBC roholm, Denmark ç .C. South Africa e Facilities, UK A e is RAI R. el,- ;ion Megahertz Cor t,unications Ltd, UK Leuven, Belgiur-, a Mobiles, UK Iv r- e Doordarshan,lnr'. ,a levi` f° Broadcast Resol _e Radio Frclnr. u

',cations Ltd, U. Leuven, Beli se L /oor esT013 - syen Ma la aßL' evision Bar:_ de Broadcast Re Radio France arks Radio TV ornholm, Der tk S.ì; :ustralia R. iotelevisione Italia United Shavit Stu, srael Israel Edt,, Television Mi ,rtz Coi, Arena Mob UK Dow Jones TV Sistem Televisyen M a Berhad Natif,. Syria Doord of, India Tc, .rtes Radio rie Danmarks Racii ¡VTV 2 /Bornholn, ark S.A.B.C. S. hAfrica CTV Fay ,s,UK ABc , r, n it Studios, Israel ' !I EducationTelevi $e ahertz Comr cations Ltd, UK .eUve a _ _._1-T\1 L.

s - , adeielru.wui reiLrrc . u rr,.e{ S. , AL ru . ,un Televi#ii8"n H z Commun it" . td, UKK.U.1_,. Jonc e;rV3 Sistem V Syria Door n, IndiaTelevisi, 3 C Outside Broa Danmarks R TV TV 2/Bc,. f a CTV Facil UK ABC Austra RAI Radiotelevisio dios, Israel [sr ducation Tel, td, UKKA' ni TV Syr Outside 4frir

7/ TV Sy fric IrIHRRR 14 '! 't %t !t t !t St !t e! t` ;". 1-s E°ls_Nf1t_eMVee7Q7Q7Q..

When we launched the B800 last year, we didn't exactly broadcast it. Our customers, however, most certainly did.

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HARMAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES LTD.. CRANBORNE HOUSE, CRANBORNE RD.. POTTERS BAR. HERTS. EN6 3JN. ENGLAND. TEL +M (0)1707 665000 FAX +44 (0)1707 660742 SOUNDCRAFT HARMAN PRO NORTH AMERICA INC. PO BOX 17251. NASHVILLE.TN 37217-0251. USA. The Incljalon of BB00 users in this adverusemen, does not imply thew endorsement of che product

www.americanradiohistory.com beyerdynamic MCD 100 NEW TECHNOLOGIES

Fege 32 all tuned at :he capsule for near- perfect' feedback Marrying condenser mic and A -D convertor, beyerdynamic has come suppression. Harman, +44 up with a 'digital mic'. Dave Foister takes an exclusive look UK. Tel: 181 207 5050. AKG Austria. Tel: +43 1 866 5428C. SOME YEARS AGO, somebody made us controls on the microphone body; the 2 -stage laugh by maintaining that digital audio pad is retained, but controlled remotely, and valon would remain so much bunk until we there is no filtering available. tube e Avalon 737 direct signal path combines sw had digital microphones. The implicit assump- The microphone does of course need lre preamps, an opto- compressor, sweep tion was that microphones were such a weak power, and it runs from the proposed DPP EQ. output level and vu metering link in the chain that no amount of improve- (digital phantom power) standard of 6V -10V Inputs are provided for mic, Dl and line ment elsewhere would make any difference, at 150mA. It is envisaged that digital consoles and four valves are configured in single which has long been nonsense. Microphones, will incorporate this on their AES -EBU inputs, ended topologies with anode coupled fol- even bad ones, contribute no wow or flutter, but in the mean time three power supply lowers for high current drive. and a good one has a dynamic range compa- options are available from beyerdynamic. Two The opto-compressor has a minimum sig- rable to a 24-bit digital recorder and therefore of these are 2- channel units, offering two ways nal path with twin class -A valve triodes for an order of magnitude better than most ana- of handling a pair of MCD 100s. The MPD 50 gain matching. Controls are provided for logue ones. The parameter deviating most treats them individually, delivering two sepa- threshold, ratio- compression, attack and from the ideal has always been frequency rate AES -EBU outputs each carrying a mono release while de- essing is possible with the response -but again, in a good design, even signal from one of the microphones. Pads are EQ ''n the side chain. EQ high and low this has few more lumps and bumps than an switched from here, with separate push but- hands are passive while the dual mid bands analogue tape machine. tons for the two microphones stepping have variable frequency and switched Q. Nevertheless, the biggest race in audio has through the OdB, -10dB and -20dB options Mid band ranges are extended with x10 been the one to get the digits as far back down and switching the microphone around inter- muhiplier switches. the chain as possible. Given a belief in digital nally by sending signals up the cable. The Ava:cn Design, US. Tel: +1 714 492 2000. MPD 100 assumes stereo operation, and com- ASAP, UK. Tel: +44 171 231 9661. bines the two inputs on to a single AES -EBU Juke Box. Europe. Tel: +33 1 48 34 33 24. output assigned left and right. Pad switching is common to both microphones. Unlike the 50, this has BNCs for external word clock, syn- ADAT cleaner chronising both channels to any required rate TDK s TCL -11 head cleaner for ADAT 32kHz- 48kHz; without this the sample rate is machines is a non -abrasive, dry head fixed at 48kHz. The third option is an 8 -chan- clearer for VHS and S -VHS systems. nel supply, delivering four synchronised AES- EBU outputs again with external word clock. hiTDK The word length is fixed at 22 bits, with IIEAO CLEANER 24 -bit internal signal handling; this means that direct connection to a 16 -bit recorder which just throws away the extra bits is not a 0 I -argue about that in your own time -it fol- good idea, giving the expected unpleasant lows that the sooner fragile analogue is con- effects on low -level signals. Besides this, the verted to robust data the better, and this has absence of any gain control apart from the given us microphone amplifiers with digital pads means that the microphone benefits outputs designed to be placed right by the from the use of some kind of digital mixer. lit Nigh follows the introduction of microphones and adjusted remotely. The only Since it can handle 130dB SPL without pads, TD Studio range of products which place left to go is into the microphone itself, more modest acoustic sources don't modulate includes professional grade CD -R, MiniDisc, and that is what beyerdynamic has done for the digital data to anywhere near full scale Hi-8 and DAT media. the first time; while the MCD 100 is no more a -close to a piano I only hit -20 -odd dB-so TDK UK. Tel: +44 1737 773773. digital microphone (what- some additional gain is TDK Europe. Tel: +352 50 5011. ever that may turn out to be) useful. Adding this control than the MC 834 on which it beyerdynamlc, Theresienstrasse 8, and proper noise shaping E1au sampler is based, it does contain all Postfach 1320, D -74072 Heilbronn, shows what the MCD 100 The ESI4000 is E -mu System's latest profes- the required stages to go Germany. can do, and fully justifies siona: low cost sampler armed with V3 soft- digital within its body, and Tel: +49 7131 6170. the bold approach. ware and 64 -voice polyphony. It's a next the signal present on its out- Fax: +49 7131 60459. For a start, it's phenome- generation ES132 and combines low cost with put connector is AES -EBU. UK: beyerdynamic (GB) Ltd, nally quiet and clean with no greater polyphony, increased RAM. mcre fil- It looks almost identical 17 Albert Drive, Burgess Hill, West hum and very low noise, ters and the ability to read 128Mb of RAM. to its analogue counterpart, Sussex RH15 9TN. itself less coloured than is Other features include 64 digital 6 -pole the only differences being Tel: +44 1444 258258. often the race. Its manual filters (18 different types) and DSP functions the charcoal grey finish in Fax: +44 1444 258444. warns about its extended LF such as time compression -expansion, para- place of black and an extra E- mall:sales @beyerdynamic. co.uk response, and this is borne metric EQ and digital tuning. Sampling tools centimetre or so on the US: beyerdynamic, out with an impressively full take in manual and automatic truncation, length. This could constitute 56 Central Avenue, Farmingdale, sound, sacrificing nothing at crossfade looping, gain change, normalisa- a trap for the unwary, espe- NY 11735. the top either. In fact the tion Ind automatic correlation for finding cially as beyer has felt con- Tel: +1 516 293 3200. response is customisable; loop points. Ten programmable trigger but- strained to use the standard Fax: +1 516 293 3288. beyer will design DSP filters tons are also included. XLR connector for the out- in EEPROM to user specifica- The ESI -Turbo option kit adds two more put, making the MCD 100 look for all the tions. As it stands, this is an excellent analogue stereo subs, an effects stereo submix. a 24-bit world like a straightforward condenser micro- microphone to begin with, as it would have to dual stereo effects processor and SPDIF I-O. phone. What would happen if it were plugged be to do justice to the concept. Realising that E-mu, US. Tel: +1 408 438 1921. into a 48V powered input I was not about to concept is a remarkable achievement and could E-mu, UK. Tel: +44 131 653 6556. page 36 > find out. Another difference is the absence of well be the shape of things to come. 34 September 1997 Studio Scund

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www.americanradiohistory.com Joemeek SC3 NEW TECHNOLOGIES Garwood agility Garwood will launch two wireless monitor- Yesterday's pop production technology squares up to the digital ing products at the AES and emphasise fre- quency agility. While the Radio Station IDS age. Dave Foister rediscovers the Joemeek compressor is aimed at performers on the multinational IF YOU thought the Joemeek range was other is what makes the difference; known as touring circuit the Radio Station TS is pure retro and analogue to the death, think Transient Release, it determines the way the designed for users that require several fre- again. Ted Fletcher, erstwhile Alice guru compressor recovers after fast transients, giv- quency options in their local spectrum and and all -round Grand Old Man (no offence) has ing a rather grown -up auto function which can is supplied with 16 onboard UHF frequen- once again solved a problem of his own so overcome the blandness many auto settings cies between 518- 900MHz with a choice of elegantly that it's worth sharing with the rest (or even manual ones) can produce. Its centre ':four frequencies configured for legal use in of us, and this time it takes the green boxes position is marked Normal, and its extremes different international territories. The into the digital domain. Sharp and Smooth, and the flexibility it gives 2- channel system can also be integrated into The original brief was to produce a top -end is something of a revelation. presenter IFB systems and operated in sin - A-D without spending top -end money; this What it appears to be doing is looking gle or dual -channel mode. was found to be relatively easy, and the per- for particularly aggressive peaks and then Also new is the System Plus 2 as the first ceived desirability of the existing Joemeek either slowing down the compressor recovery low cost System product to use synthesiser compressor for final mastering seemed to or speeding it up depending on the control technology rather than a crystal -based warrant combining the two. A little bit of opti- position. On the one hand, it can allow an .design. A stereo UHF unit with user selec- mising between old -style compressor and overall slow release to be used without big tion of two on -board frequencies, it includes new -style convertor, plus a rethink to the com- short peaks ducking the whole thing down a mic -line switch to match input gain and pressor's innate behaviour, produced the SC3 for long periods; on the other it can allow a 48V phantom plus a 12V DC option. stereo compressor. The one I have is research fast overall setting but make sudden peaks Garwood, UK. Tel: +44 181 452 4635. US. Tel: +1 215 860 6866.

Faders and knobs New slimline faders from ALPS claim atten- uation levels exceeding 110dB, resistance values of 101tas minimum and availability in 600mm and 100mm versions. The EM20 range of magnetic encoders have prototype No.2, and the manual is still in slow it all down a little hit to avid exces- 140 deterred positions with a pulse per posi- preparation, so I hope Ted will forgive me if sive pumping. 'on and the option of a built -in pushbutton. some of my observations and assumptions are There is also an output level control, in any way wide of the mark. which like the input knob has considerable What we have here is a compressor of the gain available above its clearly marked unity old school sandwiched between convertors setting; the potential for tailoring the com- from and to the digital domain; the plan is to pressor's behaviour using various combina- use this after a digital desk and before a digi- tions of the two levels belies the apparent tal recorder. Analogue inputs and outputs are simplicity of the other controls, particularly as also provided, along with analogue insert the headroom leaves nothing to be desired. points, but the intention seems to be to add a A single good old vu meter can be switched little analogue sweetening in an otherwise dig- to show either level pre the output control or ital signal chain. The analogue circuitry of the gain reduction, and is augmented by a sepa- SC3 is developed from the SC2 compressor, rate overload LED which is also pre the and aims to offer a huge variety of compres- output pot. An optional 31 -t.En array can fitted around sion characteristics including some twists So effective is the unusual control selection the encoder to enhance position recognition unavailable elsewhere. that its biggest danger is that it encourages t and can be mounted directly on to the PCB. The compression adjustments are the you to play too much as it's great fun; rarely Roxburgh, UK. Tel: +44 1724 281770. expected mixture of the familiar and the novel, have I used a compressor which can give which between them give an enormous palette such a vast range of effects with so few twid- of variation. Input level is fully adjustable dles of seven knobs. Despite the rock 'n' roll Quested installs whether the source is analogue or digital; the image, the SC3 is perfectly capable of suffi- :,Quested has unveiled the first model in a control's unity gain setting is around 1 o'clock, cient subtlety to deal with classical recordings, range of compact self- powered monitors and in the best traditions its scale goes up to where its unusual release arrangements are at ;applicable to installation purposes. The first 11. This feeds directly into the compressor, least as useful as they are on diver's -boot :offering is a compact; fully shielded 2 -way whose controls abandon conven- squashing. In either case it design with a 165mm woofer and 28mm soft tional calibration in favour of seems particularly easy to `dome tweeter run by rear- mounted elec- arbitrary markings, leaving it to achieve considerable amounts ,tronics capable of 100W and 50W into the Joemeek Ltd the engineer's ears to get what of compression without suck- two drivers respectively. A variety of mount- Swillett Hou se, the job requires out of it. Thus a ing the life out of the signal. ling options are available. The company now Herongate R oad, SLOPE switch is marked from This is a stonking compressor, also offers a 15 -inch version of its VS1112 Chorleywood 1 to 5, and is followed by a vari- and would be without the dig- rsubwoofer called the VS1115. Herts WD3 5 BB, UK. able Compression pot which pre- ital I -O; the presence of such Quested, UK. Tel: +44 181 566 2488. Tel: +44 19 23 284545. sumably lowers the threshold as good convertors both ends Fax: +44 19 23 285168. it is advanced. moves it into a whole new The biggest difference from league, where its appeal to eedback killer previous Joemeek designs is the extra time those who love digital convenience but VSabine's FBX1020 feedback exterminator. an constant control; the usual Attack control mourn analogue immediacy is obvious. Yes 'upgrade on the PBX901, automatically senses (marked simply from Fast to Slow) is joined by it's fun, but it's also a powerful tool which feedback, determines its frequency and two release controls. One, for long releases, is could find itself a permanent part of the sig- splaces a narrow constant -Q digital notch fil- actually numbered from 250ms to 2.5s, but the nal chain in almost any environment. ter on the offending frequency. page 38 > 36 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com Lo by - he Sni MTh

Don't tell Al Schmitt that names aren't important in recording... He has recorded, mixed, and produced sí me of the greatest names in history - everyone fro,i Elvis to Frani. Sinatra, Mad3rma to Steely Dan, Barbra Streisand to T:.ta, and N3tal-e Cole to Jeff°rson Airplane. His Neumann nmics (whici le has been using since the mid- 1950's have even helped him win six Grammy Awards for Best

Engineer. "1 believe they are the best microphones in the industry," he says.

And when you also believe. as Al does, that great sound comes from good microphone teclhnique (and not from constant EQ adjustments) you want to use the very best vies you can get. The natural choice for Al i= Neumann. And

while he has great affectici for all h s Neumanns, he has grown _articularly fond of his new M149 Tube. "Like the original M49, the M149 Tube neve lets me dowi," he says. "it's an extraordinary microphone - clean and crisp."

Being the award -winning professional and sound perfectionist that he s, Al has chosen to record the voices and instruments of so many of our favourite artists - Tony Bennett, Ja_kson Browne. Willie Nelson, Quincy Jones, Dr. John. Michael Bolton, and many, many otl-.ers - through his favourite mics.

After all, nothing else sounds like a Neumann.

Nuumi Neunann, FREEPOST, High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 3BR. Te :31494 551551. Fax:01494 emai: 106066.2117@x°

www.americanradiohistory.com Sonodore RCM -402 NEW TECHNOLOGIES

< page 36 The new unit has 20 -bit perfor- -mance and offers ten feedback filters. Clip- with Little known but commanding a large amount of respect, Sonodore's Guard adaptive clip level control Turbo Setup mode makes setup faster and easier omni mics demand a higher profile. Dave Foister reports ITthe unit has an internal power supply OF THE NICEST THINGS about the ted to the microphone lines via current limit- d front panel buttons for setting total industry's revitalised enthusiasm for ing resistors, which will rapidly drop an umber of filters, setting the desired number ONEmicrophones has been the encourage- input's voltage rails as increasing current is f fixed filters; locking fixed filters and ment it's given to smaller companies and even drawn from it. This is quite intentional, itching filter width. individuals to share their ideas of what micro- designed to prevent one failed microphone The Power Q ADF4000 workstation com- phones should be about with the rest of us. taking out the entire phantom supply and 'nes the functions of seven digital products The new names in the field aren't all Russian; hence all the other microphones, and with this a 2U -high package through 24 -bit pro- some belong to people who have been hand - in mind the relevant standards decree that no cessing. Features include up to 12 -band building custom microphones for some time, device shall draw more than lOmA. rametric EQ with high and low -pass fil- It is not unusual for high SPLs to make a rs; 31 -band graphic EQ with adjustable hi-

microphone place enough demand on the - r widths; up to 12 -hand FBX feedback supply for its voltage to drop, with conse- exterminator with adjustable sensitivity: quent loss of headroom and compromised real-time analyser with reference mic input; performance. Hence Sonodore's dedicated compressor-limiter; digital delay for power supply, which is mains operated, ker alignment and a noise gate. It also doesn't use the phantom at all, and deliv- its ClipGuard and an automatic room ers an unspecified voltage to the micro- ualisation process. phones down a 4-core cable with enough bine, US. Tel: +1 904 418 20(0. in reserve to avoid problems. As a sideline, union, UK. Tel: +44 1932 882222. it has struck me that valve microphones are always (for obvious reasons) powered in a ET 98 similar way; could this explain the extra pogee's AmpNET 98 is an enhanced ver- something they are reckoned to have? ion of its amp control software. The new The upshot is that not only does the ersion has all the features of the previous and who see in the fresh appreciation of qual- RCM -402 claim to handle 143dB SPL, but it ersion and works with DA- series digitally ity (and preparedness to pay for it) an oppor- does it with virtually no change in its distortion ntrolled amps out-of-the-box, and the tunity to contribute their own expertise on a figures from those at more modest levels, A- series and CA- series antes can he broader commercial basis. unlike its chosen comparison whose distortion pgraded for networking but adds summit One such is Rens Heijnis, whose company increases by a factor of 50-100 at 130dB while has been custom-building mixers, amplifiers the Sonodore remains approximately the same. and power supplies in Holland since 1988 and Another parameter subjected to special also uprating various items including micro- attention is the accuracy of the omnidirec- phones. Microphones have been built to spe- tional polar pattern and its uniformity with fre- cial order, largely for classical music recording quency. Obviously this is an important factor companies, and now an off-the -peg model is in the performance and flexibility of a micro- available, the Sonodore RCM -402. phone, but Sonodore's claim that other micro- One glance is enough to reveal that this is phones' deficiencies in this area are primarily an omni microphone. The fact that it shares responsible for the 'hole -in -the- middle' com- its distinctive shape with one or two other monly associated with A -B omni techniques omnis, and that they all look like measure- strains credibility. If a spaced pair's lack of ment microphones, is not just a crude attempt centre focus was simply due to off -axis or MA-series modular multichanne to make us believe that if it looks like a refer- response aberrations as Sonodore suggests it hich are designed for the commercial ence transducer it must be accurate; it's a could be cured by angling them in to point at und market. function of its function. the central sources; however, a particularly gee Electronics, US. Tel: +1 310 915 1000. If you need to put a small- diaphragm cap- good all -round response such as these seem to sule on one end and an XLR connector on the have can only help the overall image and other, and minimise the acoustic influence of enhance the sense of the recording space. alrec Compact 2 the bodywork behind the capsule, this is the And indeed the response is particularly e Calrec Compact 2 desk is designed for shape you end up with, just as one racing car impressive. The small capsule size is reflected edium production facilities and vehicles looks pretty much like another. The Son - in the extended HF behaviour, and the low here space it at a premium. It is available odores are particularly nicely made and fin- end once again challenges the view that big ith up to 56 inputs and with mono ished, and the review samples were supplied bass needs a big diaphragm. Transients and c/line, stereo mic and stereo line inputs as a pair in a sizeable foam -lined wooden box high levels are handled effortlessly, and the d eight stereo or mono subgroups. All complete with adequate stand mounts. total lack of strain is strongly in evidence, pro- annels have 3-band EQ with swept mid, Also provided was a power ducing an unusual trans- gh and low pass filters, mix minus output supply, complete with special parency. The laws of physics Sonodore, Re ns Heijnis ith talkback and metering, 6 auxes, sur - cables. Sonodore's approach to dictate that self-noise is always Audio Electro nics, Waalkant und panning and 4 VCA groups plus an the powering of these micro- going to be an issue in a 11, 4051 EJ, Ochten, ptional surround monitoring panel. phones is an important part of design of this kind (from the The Netherlan ds. roc, UK. Tel: +441422 842159. the design philosophy, and mechanical bits, not the elec- Tel -Fax: +31 344 643349. while they are not the first to tronics) and all omni manufac- rethink the way we operate con- turers address it carefully; the ndscape revert denser microphones, it's surprising that its still Sonodore succeeds especially well, minimis- electronics' new plug -in company and such a rarity. It's fairly obvious that the limita- ing the tendency for the noise to undermine undscape have announced a reverb plug - tions of what a standard phantom supply can the obvious merits of the microphone. The for the Soundscape DAW which uses the deliver are liable to place restrictions on a RCM -402 has many of them, and competitively SP capabilities of its SSAC -1 accelerator microphone's performance. Phantom is always priced as it is it deserves a careful listen. card. The plug -in has a graphical page 40 > 38 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com Jünger Audio e07 NEW TECHNOLOGIES

< page 38 at ,r : < ` ' param er control and will be available later in the year. According to tc electronics it is the first of many similar collaborations that will be Although still in their infancy, digital filters are now on announced. Soundscape. UK. Tel: + 44 1222 450120. the pro -audio agenda. Rob James evaluates the e07 tc Works, Germany. Tel: +49 40 531 0330. BERLIN -BASED Jünger Audio has been 50Hz -5kHz and 500Hz- 20kHz. The two mid quietly making a name for itself in dig- bands have wurni controls with Q variable Mytek 24-96 ital dynamics units. This new e07 Digi- from 0.4-8.0 This is not intended to be a notch Mytek Digital has introduced the ADAC tal Filter Processor, is a departure: a 4 -band filter. All bands have ±15dB of boost or cut. 9624 and convertor which offers 24 -bit, parametric EQ with time -code snapshot Pressing DM (dynamic) associated with a 96kHz performance for $4000 (US). automation, working at 24 -bit resolution with band takes the filter parameters already set Targeted at high -end mastering, the unit double sample rate processing. and allows you to set a threshold between -50 offers several selectable sampling rates, The unit is a 1U -high 19 -inch rack- mount- and OdBFS and the amount by which signals noise shaping, headphones amp, optional ing box and fairly deep (251mm) it is also are cut or boosted. If for example you set a external synchronisation and several pretty heavy and will benefit from some rear turnover frequency of 3.9kHz and select DTN optional digital I -O interfaces. support in the rack. The rear panel is neat and and adjust for Reduction, frequencies which Included in the package is the MRX data clearly labelled. Two XLRs provide AES I -O would normally be affected by the filter will format licensed from Prism Sound which with two phonos for SPDIF. This is a digital only be reduced when they exceed the thresh- allows for six channels of 20 -bit, 4 channels only device. No A D or DA convertors are old level. If set for Enhance they will be of 24-bit or stereo 24 -96 to be stored on fitted. A further XLR takes care of time code boosted when below the threshold and only 16-bit machines like the DA-88 and ADAT. input. A male 9 -pin D- connector allows RS232 boosted to the threshold. It is claimed to be the first convertor on remote connection and a female 15 -pin is pro- The unit can be used in stereo or indepen- the market to use the new Crystal Semicon- vided as a GPI connector. dent 2- channel modes. In 2- channel mode the ductors CS5396 chip. The front panel is divided into six blocks controls are toggled between the two chan- Mytek Digital, US. Tel: +1 212 388 2677. nels using the L-R button. There are 50 onboard mem- ories for storage of all para- TL Audio Ivory meters. Each of these will 'TL Audio is to introduce a new Ivory range store independent settings of valve outboard which offers extra facili- for the A and B channels ties over the Indigo range and sits between when in 2- channel mode. this and the company's Classic range. Ini- Presets can be named and tially the range will include a 4- channel mic graphically. From left to right these are; Setup, for quick comparisons there is an A -B button. pre, a stereo parametric, a stereo compres- Low, Low Mid, High Mid, High and Output. The B store can be loaded with a preset or sor and a mono voice processor. The clear green displays are hidden behind a copied from A and then compared with the TL Audio, UK. Tel: +44 1462 490600. smoked plastic panel when the unit is not active, A set. The B parameters cannot he Sascom. US. Tel: +1905 469 8080. powered. All the push- buttons are positive in altered which avoids confusion. feel and the BYPASS and cArn-ite buttons are Snapshots can be automated against time CD-R price internally illuminated. The knobs are covered code. By the time this article appears it will be cut Marantz has cut the price of its stand -alone in a grey rubbery material with coloured caps possible to hulk dump the data associated CD -R recorders. The CDR615 now costs according to which block they are in. The with a project to a digital audio recorder via £1395 plus VAT (UK) while the CDR620 with knobs also activate switches when pressed. the AES connection and reload later. This This is used to change the scaling of the FREQ would be highly desirable when the unit is (frequency adjustment) controls, and on the used in mastering if changes are required by FREQ (boost -cut) controls it switches the filter the client after the initial mastering session. band in or out. Pressing the output GAIN knob The raison dew of this unit is the reputation wired remote and SCSI -II now asks £1995 bypasses the filter processor and there is a of digital filters for harsh, metallic qualities. In plug VAT (UK) BYPASS switch which bypasses all processing. properly designed analogue filters the differ- Maranta, Netherlands. Tel: +31 40 2732241. The unit provides six independent bands ence between analogue and digital should AVT. UK. Tel: +44 1932 854544. per channel -two of which may be used as come down to the frequency range. In a digi- dynamic filters and there is an adaptive limiter. tal filter the range is sharply limited to half the Attack and release times are programme sampling frequency. This tends to result in Hafler monitors dependent; threshold is nonlinearities in ampli- Haller is introducing the TRM8 2 -way pow- fixed at OdBFS. tude and phase character- ered monitor designed and produced in co- The hand -pass filters Jünger Audio, Rudower Chaussee 5, istics occurring well :operation with speaker manufacturer are accessed by pressing D- 12489. Berlin. Germany. before the cut off fre- Rockford Acoustic Design Division. FILTER in the Setup block. Tel: +49 30 6392 6145. quency -that is, within Based on Hafler's Diamond Series The display changes to Fax: +49 30 6392 6146. the audible range. The Transnova amp technology the monitor is a reflect which controls are UK: Michael Stevens & Partners. e07 seeks to address this bi- amped, 2 -way system and claims a fre- active and their func- Invicta Works, Elliott Road, Bromley. problem by using up quency response of 45Hz-21kHz and peak tions. Low Cut has a Kent BR2 9NT. sampling to double the acoustic output of 123dB. The amps provide range of 2Hz-120Hz and Tel: +44 181 460 7299. input sampling rate. 75W for the HF driver and 150W for the the shelving can be set to Fax: +44 181 460 0499. Down -sampling is used to woofer with a clip indicator for each. 6dB/octave, l2dB /octave Email: michael.stevens @dial.pipex.com restore the rate before the Crossover is 2.5kHz with a 24áB/octave or 18dB /octave. The output. The unit is '96kHz slope while a subsonic filter rolls off at High Cut covers 2kHz -20kHz with the same ready' awaiting availability of I -O chips. 12dB/octave at 30Hz. Bass and treble level shelving options. The LF and HF bands of the The filter does sound very sweet and musi- controls switch between -4, -2, 0, +2 and main equaliser are shelving with frequency cal to my ears. If you are sceptical about dig- +4dB from 40Hz-200Hz and 3 -20kHz ranging 20Hz -500Hz and 2kHz -20kHz respec- ital filtering, this unit may be the one to respectively. tively. The low and high mid hands cover change your mind. Hafler, US. Tel: +1 602 967 3565. page 42 > 40 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com dynaudioacoustics Ultra Precision Studio Monitors www.americanradiohistory.com Grace Design Model 201 NEW TECHNOLOGIES DAT to C Following the release of the CD2CD /Pro Despite their pedigree, American Grace preamps have yet to achieve CD -R duplicator, MediaForm has introduced international recognition. Tim Goodyer believes their time has come the Easi -DAT add -on which allows a DAT player to be interfaced via SPDIF or AES- GRACE IS THE NAME that American chassis to better screen out stray RF interfer- EBU ports and offers conversion of DATs to audio designer Michael Grace has ence if at the cost of some lower frequency ,CD -DA discs. Features include selective bestowed on his company. It is also the screening. But its use is the key to its appeal track extraction, multisample rate support, quality he has imparted to both the looks and and Grace's own literature is quick to point start ID editor and CD player emulation performance of his new Model 201 mic preamp. out that music 'does not behave like a steady . from hard disk. Dressed in its sleek silver livery, the 201 state sine wave test tone'. The CD2CD/Pro stand -alone duplicator successfully avoids the modem generic, retro Setting up is easy with the green -red LED copies up to six CD-Rs simultaneously from and the garish schools of design shared by window providing an excellent reference for a single CD with a single button touch. Fea- much of today's outboard. There are points of both coarse and fine level adjustment. And =tures include prescan, which scans the familiarity, however-the 201's knobs bear with the signal flowing the 201 declares its broad comparison with those of dbx' Blue worth. I wasn't able to stack it up against any- units, while its buttons and scribble spots are thing too esoteric but on the strength of its reminiscent of Focusrite's Red series. Simplic- performance against a couple of respectable ity is the word here with the two channels of and respected mic amps, it belongs toward preamplification each enjoying a large stepped the front of the field. The sound is pleasingly rotary GAIN control, smaller 7ww knob, peak open and uncoloured, giving a gentle lack of LED and lit -when -active buttons for 48V phan- the kind of brightness that readily becomes tom (red), phase reverse (green) and insertion harshness in less refined designs (attributed by of a 20dB pad (yellow). Power is switched Grace in part to the exclusion of electrolytic from the front panel; connections are all bal- capacitors from the signal path). The 201's anced XLR with the outputs using a propri- ability to handle harmonically rich sources etary transformerless class -AB amplifier such as gongs demonstrates how this refine- reckoned to outperform 'traditional trans- ment translates into useful audio performance. former-like designs' and there is a ground lift Tracing the Model 201's heritage brings us toggle switch provided on the rear panel. to the Model 801-eight Grace preamps The peak indicator presents the only form tucked into a 2U -high box-which has been of metering, lighting green at -14dB and going available in the US for over a year now. The red at +16dB. The manual sets the +16dB intended application is easy to spot: direct

entire master for any errors prior to burning, and a 6 -digit password to prevent unautho- rised operation.

. MedlaForm, US. Tel: +1 610 458 9200.

:Sony 24-bit print 'Sony has published a handbook which pro- point at 12dB before clipping for balanced recording to a modular digital 8 -track otes its concept of 24 -bit. Entitled Explore operation and 6dB before clipping in unbal- machine -although a block of eight amps of 24 -bit World, it is less a hard sell than a anced mode. Setting the level using the high enough quality would give good com- discussion of the topics involved and acts as 24- position GAIN control gives 18dB-64dB of pany to a less well specified console. And it is good source of answers to the questions gain in 2dB steps, with the unstepped 10dB through the development of this earlier ampli- ou were too shy to ask. , attenuation of the Rut control available for fier that Michael Grace elicited the elements of While the back of the book does contain fine tuning. With the attenuator switched in, the new one. With the introduction of the 201 formation on the company's Oxford desk, the 201 will handle a +4dB line -level input it appears that he is attempting to establish 348HR DASH and PCM9000 MasterDisc without complaint. Grace among the elite of mic preamps-cer- corder the remaining two thirds would be If the Model 201 offered nothing unusual in tainly the pricing policy seems to indicate this interest to anyone who has an eye for the terms of audio quality, this review would be with the Model 201 coming in at almost $1000 igital domain but could do with a little almost finished. But Michael Grace's 10 years (US) per channel. I would be interested to ore explanation. plus experience in audio design have not hear just what sonic benefits the 201 offers Topics covered in some depth in a clear been wasted. The unit's spec sheet makes over the 801. If there are few enough, and 'and concise manner include convertors, reassuring claims to a frequency assuming a couple of economies =(including opinions on the bit issue), over - response of 20Hz- 300kHz of scale, the Model 801 could rep- "sampling, dither and jitter (including the (t0.2dB), <0.0015% THD +N at Grace Design , PO Box resent something of a steal on a ;importance of clocking). There's a particu-

40dB gain ( +20dB output), 204, Boulder , Colorado cost -per-channel basis away from larly interesting section on the logic behind phase deviation of <2° between 80306 -0204, US. the MDM market. :using fixed or floating point processing and 50Hz and 20kHz, and some Tel: +1 303 4 43 7454. Speculation aside, the twin - `the importance of word length in mixing -130dB noise level at 60dB gain. Fax: +1 303 444 4634. channel Model 201 is certainly a consoles and a pleasantly simple explana- Much is also made of the use of preamp worthy of note outside of -tion of noise shaping. Perhaps to underline transimpedance-or current feedback- ampli- its native America. Easy in operation, it's soni- that the publications is more than just a fier topology at the heart of the 201. Indeed, cally very well suited to purist recording and Ibrochure, a section on sampling frequency Grace's technical description makes a good rates highly enough to score on those 'special' does not shirk the 96kHz question. theoretical case for the 201 being something jobs, such as vocals, piano and percussion. that While the underlying theme might he special- including the use of an aluminium regularly crop up in a multitrack session. construed as a soft -sell for the page 44 > 42 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com Vac Rac TEQ -1 NE : CHNOLOGI

< page 42 gospel according to Sony Digital, there is enough general information available The glowing valves and military styling of the Vac Rac sit here to make this free booklet which can be ordered over the web well worth a read. And well with its classic sound. George Shilling signs on it looks nice enough to keep. ORIGINALLY REVIEWED to consider- been aband,ned in favour of tiny plastic green Sony B &P. Europe. Tel: +44 1256 355011. able acclaim, the American Inward pushbuttons, mainly I think due to reasons of Net: professional -audio.com Connections has recently added the space. These are, perhaps, less confusing to TEQ -1 equaliser to its Vac Rac modular out- Europeans but it is now less obvious which MFX3PIus Rev 14.2 board system. The equaliser shares shares the position the button is in, as the travel is shal- Revision 14.2 for Fairlight's MFX3PIus work - valve circuit topology and unashamed 'retro' low and there are no indicator lights except an 'station includes 64 levels of undo, an styling of the older Vac Rac mic preamp (Stu- LED for EQ On. There is also a Power On LED extended Audiobase clip database and dio Sound, March 1996) and limiter, all of although. of course. the power switch is on search engine, and support for storage which require one of Inward's range of the transformer box. The TEQ -l's switches media greater than 4Gbytes. Audiobase pro- mother racks for mounting and power. and LEDs detract from the retro look and feel vides search facilities for clips by user - The Vac Rac 4000 comes as a sturdy 3U- of the other modules. defined criteria including wild card and high rackmount system, with space for four On the back there are XLR and jack connec- ,simultaneous multiple -field searches. Clips modules and an onboard tube power supply tions for input and output. and I was surprised may be auditioned and a sync point found to the right. At nearly twice the price, the how cheap and plasticky the sockets were. using audio scrub directly into the model 6000 has space for six modules with the They are not what I would expect on a unit Audiobase database before placement in to power supply moved into a separate 2U -high such as this, but they seem serviceable enough. the current project. rackmount unit, along with the mains trans- The buttons operate high -pass and low - Fairlight's DaD digital audio dubber will former. The 4000 has an external toroidal pass filters set at 50Hz and 15kHz respectively. be compatible with Avid's Level 2 release of mains transformer which is extremely heavy, (not 50kHz as stated in both manual and OMF for playback capability with other and is connected via a thick 15 -way cable. brochure) and also separately switch the high workstations. This is optionally rackmountable with half- and low bands between peaking and shelving. Fairlight. Europe. Tel: +44 171 267 3323. rack ears. A rackmountable grille is supplied The five mid -hand frequencies are 'reciprocal Fairlight. US. Tel: +1 310 287 1900. to be fitted above the main unit -a great idea bell- shaped peaking curves'. Bandwidth is unspecified but sounds a about average and is well chosen. Frequency response AP switchers !SWR -2122 audio switchers are designed to is quoted at a remarkable expand the 2-channel input and output of ....mom +0.25dB at 5Hz- 100kHz. It is the Audio Precision Systems One and Sys- 00110.11 VACUUM virtually impossible to over- TV. 101. tem Two audio test systems. The switchers load the input, yet the out- are available in 2 x 12 formats with various put is astonishingly quiet. connectors to suit specific applications. Six- As you notch the gain up :.teen units can be cascaded to handle 192 to ensure all those valves don't get too hot. it seems very subtle: 6dB of 10kHz shelf added ',inputs and outputs and are suitable for The range of 'Rac modules now comprises to a vocal or mix does not sound as much as the TMP -1 Microphone Preamplifier, the UM- the numbers suggest. This is because the unit 1 Tube Limiter, the TII -1 Direct Inject module, works with seemingly little of the distortion or and now the TEQ -1 Step Equaliser. The look unpleasant phase shifting that lesser EQs of the range is unashamedly very retro: grey sometimes exhibit. The TEQ -1 is wonderfully 1940s military-spec paintwork, hakelite knobs, smooth and gentle. but nevertheless very 6®®6®®®tie and heavyweight metalwork. Even the manual powerful -the LF shelf just goes down and ....r...... looks like a dossier of Top Secret papers, with down and nothing you can do with any of the 'Operations Manual' printed on the cover, and knobs sounds wrong. It is easy to get carried plenty of technical diagrams. away and make huge boosts and cuts without The TEQ -l's lone tube is an authentic realising the extent of the changes you have American GEC 6072A. Its control knobs are all made until you compare the flat signal. stepped offering three hands with gain set- Despite the diminutive front panel, this has tings of ±2dB, ±4dB, ±6dB, ±9dB and ±12dB. more clout than many larger units. I found it The low band has frequency settings of 50Hz, preferable to units such as the Tube -Tech 100Hz, 200Hz, 300Hz and 400Hz, the mid has PE1C but quite different in approach -the interfacing with multichannel devices or 400Hz, 800Hz, 1.5kHz, 3kHz and 5kHz, and module concept and the switched controls. production 'bed of nails' test fixtures. Based the top has 5kHz, 7.5kHz, which make it more like the on high-reliability relays, the units preserve 10kHz 12.5kHz and 15kHz. ( transistor) API 550. It is best the signal integrity of the generator and sig- These all look like sensible AXI, 357 Libert y Street, suited to gently shaping rather rnals from the device under test for transpar- choices, and the overlaps are Rockland, MA 1 2370, US. than dramatic mangling and i ent operation. It achieves crosstalk welcome, although one won- Tel: +1 617 98 2 2626. manipulation of a signal. performance that typically exceeds 140dB at ders if slightly differing fre- Fax: +1 617 98 2 2610. Because of the modular 20kHz in balanced operation. quencies would not have Unity Audio, Up per Wheeler approach of the Vac Rac sys- The switchers are controlled by various more useful where overlap House, Colliers End, Nr Ware, tem, it is difficult to compare AP software options via an APIB interface occurs. The stepped knobs are Herts SG11 1E T, UK. prices-the rack and power and integrate into APWIN Windows or much stiffer than those on the Tel: +44 1920 822890. supply are actually the most S1.EXE DOS control software. TLM -1, but this is not generally Fax: +44 1920 822892. expensive part. However you 1T1, UK. Tel: +44 1480 412451. a problem. They click solidly look at it, however, these are %P, US. Tel: +1 503 627 0832. into place, and there is little possibility of con- not cheap units and work out somewhere in fusion when recalling previously noted set- the same region as the aforementioned tings, a definite plus in mixing and mastering Tubetechs. There are few if any really similar Short/Cut v2.0 situations. The US -style up- for -on operating units on the market that I know of. and I would '360 Systems Short/Cut v2.0 adds support for toggle switches of the earlier modules have certainly recommend them as a best buy. an external Zip drive which can page 46 > 44 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com Symetrix 628 NEW TECHNOLOGIES

44 be used for recording, editing, archival and transfers. It can also create a The latest digital voice processor for radio comes from the DigiCart/II Plus formatted Zip disk and then store audio files to the disk for playback on established Symetrix stable. George Shilling takes to the air DigiCan units. iTO SOUND like a tacky radio reduction. It works well. but I found its release V2.0 comes with D -NET file transfer capa- iock? Thought not-but if you're in to be a little slow. ' bility for the transfer of audio files and he broadcast business, you know The expander -gate section works very well. related information such as cut names and that you need to process to your announcers' featuring THRESHOLD, Imo and RELEASE knobs .running times. The version can also assign and deejays' mics. A host of all -in -one vocal and a row of tens to indicate gain reduction. :GPI inputs to trigger Hot Keys and allows processors is available to do this. with a new The compressor section features identically - 'users to replace files when copying to a Hot one appearing about every month. The labelled controls to the gate section, so be care- Key so the audio content mapped to a Hot Symetrix 528E has been available for some ful here Attack is preset pretty fast, but not fast Key can change while retaining the original time: a fairly straightforward processor that enough to stop explosive transients such as I's. .:name. Other features include an undo leans in the direction of the broadcast market. Each of the preceding three sections seem transport command that returns the cursor Now, Symetrix claim this new unit. the unin- to have an odd set of numbers for the Thresh - `to its original position, setting a zero mark at spiringly named 628, has been developed as a old setting. This is because it is referenced to any point in a file, play selected (high - result of requests from 528 users. The problem digital zero (dBFS). ,lighted) audio in the editor, and the ability with the old- fashioned 528 was that you had The 3 -band EQ shares one set of knobs for copy an entire directory. to adjust the settings for each user, but the dig- FREQUENCY, BANDWIDTH and ct!T-BoosT, with Hard disk storage capacity has been ital 628 gives you 127 preset locations. So as overlapping hands and LEDs to show which Creased with four hours' storage on the long as you remember which number your hand you are editing. internal 3.2Gbyte drive. preset is, this could be very useful. The Master section features an ot-tvrr LEVEL 360 Systems. US. Tel: +1 818 991 0360.

The 628 is a 1U -high, 6 ' /rinch deep dark pot, an orrrt-r LEVEL meter. a preset number grey box, with a fairly solid feel. On the back pot and LOAD and SAVE buttons, and a simple are XLRs for mic and line inputs; the latter has 3 -figure Leo display. THX monitors a TRS socket. the former is accompanied by a The input stage feeds a 20 -hit A -D conver- iller & Kreisel Sound Corp has a new line phantom power switch -a daft place for any tor, then a 24-hit Motorola digital signal TI-LX- certified main monitors and is offer- switch. There are XLRs and unbalanced jack processor handles the signal dynamics. g the MPS -150 Main in three application- analogue outputs for left and right, which is Because there is no Input meter, the manual ific cabinet shapes to suit different heeds. A left/right mirror imaged configura- on has cabinets that have complimentary 8ngles in the horizontal plane and the eeters are located on the inside edge of

odd as this is not a stereo unit: both outputs suggests bypassing all the sections, setting the carry the same signal. Next. the digital output output gain to zero, then using the Output section comprises a toggle switch for sample tens to set input gain-it's a bit of a palaver rate, a pushbutton to select AES -EBU or SPDIF really, and to get unity with Output set at zero and the appropriate phono and XLR sockets. the input pot has to be down at about 10 There is no digital input. Further along there o'clock which does not feel right. are MIDI In and MIDI Out -Thru, the In dou- Presets 120 -127 are set up with some exam- bling as a 7 -pin DIN socket to accept the spe- ples for different styles of radio announcer. cial lead supplied with the optional RC -1 You cannot overwrite these, but you can remote control unit. A screwdriver operated resave any tweaks to any of the other 119 pot selects MIDI channel. Mains goes in via an stores, which all start off 'blank'. The lack of IEC socket. layered menus is admirable in a digital unit, On the front panel. from left to right you and I found it very simple to use. It can, how- e cabinet. The Angled series consists of will find the pre -amp section, featuring the ever, take many rotations to twiddle through rror imaged cabinet configurations - the only real pot, for input gain (which therefore, some of the scales-for example, from the PS -150 Main AL (angled left) and the PMS- irritatingly, does not get saved as part of the bottom to the top of an EQ frequency range. 50 Main ACR (angled centre -right). A preset), and latching switches for mic -line Perhaps emir of the scales are a little too fine, uare mirror image configuration has cabi- input selection and 15dB or maybe Symetrix should ts that are fully squared with no horizon - pad. LEDs indicate Clip and have employed an acceler- or vertical angle on the front baffle. The Phantom On. All subse- Symetrix Inc, 14926 35th Avenue ator mode. You could then ries features two mirror imaged cabinets - quent pots are data West, Lynnwood, Washington whizz through the scale e MPS-150 SL (square left) and the MPS- encoders with small but 98037, US. when the knobs are turned 50 Main SCR (square centre-right). deep rubbery knobs Tel: +1 206 787 3222. faster, as you can with cer- At 12:5- inches high, the cabinets are which have a pleasantly Fax: +1 206 787 3211. tain other modem kit (like about half the height of most TEIX- compli- damped feel, and about 20 Europe: World Marketing, PO Box my cooker). t front channel speakers and use a pro- 'notches' per full rotation. 34, Newquay, Cornwall TR7 1TU, UK. The manual is good - etary ''phase-focus" crossover which is One click of any pot dis- Tel: +44 1726 844440. humoured in an American signed to maximise the system's perfor- plays its current setting on Fax: +44 1726 844443. way, and although not that nce in vertical and horizontal planes. the ten panel on the right 100613,760. logically ordered, all the The company now also has MPS -150 SUR of the unit. All subsequent information you need and dpole speakers designed as the compan- buttons are momentary push switches, and more is in there. The sound quality is superb, n surround speaker for the MPS -150 Main each section features a button and LED to make and all those intimate, super -present deejay onitors. The speaker's three -baffle and it Active. and announcer vocal sounds are instantly r- driver configuration can be operated in The de -esser features frequency and thresh- achievable. For talk radio, this is just the job, dipole. direct radiating and Tripale. old pots and a row of tens to indicate gain if a little pricey. , US. Tel: +1 310 204 2854. U 46 September 2_997 Studio Sound

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Smooth and unobtrusive operat on even with the toughest dynamic

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www.americanradiohistory.com Equalisers

Originally tagged as 'phase distortion units' by the BBC, 4* OP +! .+ outboard equalisers have - - acquired an almost magical reputation for their ability to modify sound. Today the magic is as powerful as ever

WHEN YOU GET to the top, and whole careers as well as sessions can depend on the right choice of equipment, an equaliser's history can count for as much as its specification and its cost. Air Studios' Malcolm Atkin, for example, is on record as saying that the best engineers can get what they need out of most compressors but that equalisers demand particularly care- ful selection because of their character. And he's right. Equalisers come in a lot of flavours -from exotic expensive passive valve units through powerful parametrics to the distinctive massed faders of graphics -and can be called upon to provide treatments as diverse as mix sweeten- ing, session salvage work and PA system setup. This variety is reflected here, through the opinions and preferences of working engineers, technical explanations of the physics behind the panel and a comprehen- sive listing of current models that clearly A demonstrates the breadth of choice and the -rrr,Trr .111111111 interest currently commanded by outboard ,-mFrrr =- EQ boxes. °J Malcolm Atkin, like many others, reckons that no -one really understands some of the much enjoyed having around. The curious engineering standards seem designed to over- key aspects of the workings of an equaliser - idea that the response with the controls flat is come my prejudices. This one's clean and although a brave handful claims that it actually not quite flat will not be to every- smooth, just as suitable for musical sweeten- does. Whichever side of the fence you sit, one's taste, but the difference is extremely ing as for system tuning. the last equaliser you used is often a good subtle and almost always enhancing; besides ice breaker at a particularly dull audio engi- this, the EQ itself is so flexible and sounds so George Shilling: Tim da Paravacini's superb neers' party. good that the underlying philosophy is EAR 822Q is a black 2U -high mono valve unit frankly irrelevant. loosely based on the Pultec EQP1A, It is not Dave Foister: EQ perhaps elicits the most If there's a temptation to assume that good as accurate in its emulation of the Pultec as emotional responses of any processes we use, equals expensive, then TL Audio seems units such as those by Tube -Tech, but perhaps and the importance of sonic nuances over almost to have set itself up to challenge that that is why I like it. It seems to brush with facilities is perhaps greater than anywhere assumption. The little 8- channel valve mixer is broader strokes than the vintage units, really else. For me this makes the likes of API's without doubt an odd beast, but its EQ is opening up the air over a vocal sound, and equalisers particularly attractive, as repre- phenomenal, again despite its apparent sim- adding true warmth in the bottom end, with sented by the 550b modules for the Lunchbox plicity. The expansion on that EQ, again more power than you might expect from a range. Here a switched frequency control and based on valves, is the EQ -2, and this is a valve unit. I wish more studios would invest fixed bandwidth makes them look rudimen- spectacularly worthwhile box. You always get in these. tary, but the sound more than makes up for it, more than you bargained for with TL, hence The dual -channel Focusrite Blue 215 is one with as much smoothness, warmth and clarity the multiple inputs and the stereo linking of the most powerful yet pure :sounding EQs as you could ask for. Giving the best of both -such a good idea that it's amazing nobody I know. With more bite than the lovely GML worlds was the Avalon 2055, with its audio- else does it-but the point remains the EQ, 8200, I like the ability to really sort things out phile design justified by incredible trans- with a sweetness and responsiveness that without adding nasty distortion or phasiness. parency and yet coupled with full pro belies its price and image. There is a genuine straightforwardness about flexibility. They want a lot for it, but if you can Those who know me know that I'm no fan the way the knobs do what you expect, and afford it it's worth it -I found that almost of graphic equalisers; all those filters resonat- this unit is exceptional at tweaking details on everything I asked of it it did that little bit bet- ing away always seem to make their presence vocals, or even for tonal corrections across the ter than I'd hoped, and never ever compro- felt, and for my money they're normally some- whole mix for example. How would mised anything. thing you use because you have to rather than I improve it? Perhaps by adding a fifth fre- If it's character you're after then John because you want to. If ever a graphic was quency band on each channel -you occa- Oram's not going to be too far away, and his going to change my mind it would be EMO's sionally do need that extra tweak. High Definition EQ was something I very GEQ -60, whose electronic simplicity and high When I was in -house at Liv- pap 52 Studio Sound September 1997 51

www.americanradiohistory.com < page 51 ingston I used to love using the wrong with the MTA Signature Series EQ. APSI EQs in Studio 1. I have occasionally Again it's not terribly glamourous stuff with An explanation of found them elsewhere and recently discov- only boost and frequency control, but it is ered some at Air Lyndhurst. These are very remarkably musical and easy on the ear odd looking beasts: 8 -band vertically -set -proper tracking EQ. There's always a trade graphics with stepped cut -boost levers which off between true versatility and accessibility John Watkinson lifts the go left and right in 2dB and then 3dB notches. in an EQ and while the Malcolm Toft- id on the different types of The frequencies are all good ones: 16kHz, designed unit cannot cure every evil it is gen- 7.5kHz, 3.5kHz, 1.6kHz, 750Hz, 300Hz, eral enough to cover the ground extremely qualiser and explains their 160Hz and 75Hz. My favourite use for them is well. It's satisfying to use and pretty pre- n when tracking, strapped across bass drum dictable in response. ALISATION -or EQ -shows up in and snare groups. They are also good at My superleague of outboard EQs includes lost every aspect of audio and adding some presence when recording guitar only two boxes. I'm a fan of Amek desk EQ s different things to different or organ. Watch out, though, for the similar but the Rupert Neve- designed 9098 single- sically a way of altering frequency but not -quite-as -good 'Aengus' imposters. channel unit is quite removed from anything spouse, EQ can be used to put the the company has ever put on its own in- spouse right when a deficiency or charac- Zenon Schoepe: The great thing about EQ is house designed boards. It achieves the not ristic of some process has got it wrong. or that it b tar easier to justify a good selection inconsiderable feat of being eminently sweet can be used as a creative tool to deliber- of boxes than it is with other types of out- and rich while still being capable of surgeon - ely make the response 'wrong' for effect. board because they can all tug at distinctly like precision and incision. It's a joy and a at it won't do is make up for ten years of different heart strings. Variety is the spice of pleasure and has overtones of some of the experience. life in this case, and if all channels per- man's previous designs although I think he EQ is provided in mixing consoles so that formed similarly then there really wouldn't surpassed himself on this occasion with little ldividual tracks can be compensated prior be much point. twists like switchable halving of the boost mixdown. Single -channel rack mount EQs A superb starting point is the original TL range. Above all else, it's the relationship e also available which offer all the facilities Audio Classic dual -channel 4 -band switchable between pot turn and audible result that con- a console strip but at a higher quality equaliser which is not flashy but boasts tributes significantly to the feel of an EQ and vel. Dual-channel EQs are available for ridiculously broad curves that can be simply the 9098 has it spot on. eetening' a stereo mix. It is important that piled on and on as an excellent general For pure feel -good factor Tube-Tech's e two channels track precisely in order to sweetener. However, I consider the TL Audio EQ1A stands alone. It's curious that a valve - 'revent image smear. This will require the Indigo series 2012 2- channel parametric to be based EQ should offer the degree of control use of accurately matched pot tracks and this the best equaliser the company makes when on offer here as frequently tubes are associ- nill reflect in the cost of a good qualiy unit. used in mono 4-band operation. Two of these ated with basic designs. This box is up to As sound has such a wide range of wave - and you're really cooking with gas for not mastering but you would want to use it on gths it is common to suffer frequency very much money at all. every stage of the roduction. It sounds pendent effects. When a pressure gradient As desk -derived EQ goes you can't go absolutely glorious. I DN7103 DN7204 [71A71í USER CONFIGURABLE DIGITAL AUDIO DELAY LINE 8z. EQ

SIM wino * * ..., .*It -

i.I ( ®eáß1

Klark Teknik introduces two powerful new Teknik EQ with hco fully parametric and one lit' U]4000: EQ with Delay tools, combining equalisation and delay. shelf equaliser per output, and 18 bit linear AD/DA The dual -channel programmable DN4000 gives Advanced, simple to operate and durable, they're convertors for premium audio quality. you five fully parametric equaliser bands, along with

the flexible answer to multi -loudspeaker installations, The 1 input / 3 output DN7103 provides 1.4 HF and LF shelf equalisers and high and low pass post production and broadcast applications. seconds total delay time, while the 2 input / 4 output filters for each channel. Dedicated switches allow DN7000 Series: Delay with EQ DN7204 provides 2.8 seconds and user- definahle direct access to all EQ filters. The DN7103 and DN7204 have millimetre input / output setups, with bypass relays and Each channel also features a delay line with a accurate delay, combined with precision Klark electronic balancing. maximum delay time of 340mS.

Mark IV Pro Audio Group, 448 Post Road, Buchanan, MI 49107, USA. Tel: (616) 695 4750 Fax: 16161 695 0470. Mark IV Audio Canada, 345 Herbert Street, Gananoque, Ontario K7G 2V1, Canada. Tel: 16131 382 2141 Fax: (613) 382 7466. 52 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com or 'velocity microphone is used near to a work over a broad frequency range and for difficult rooms which have a characteristic sound source the proximity effect kicks in to higher selectivity a hank of narrow -band con- 'honk' or resonance because the frequency give a bass tip-up. This is caused by the trols, called a graphic equaliser, can be used. and Q of the honk can be accurately tracked. acoustic impedance becoming complex near These are usually controlled by parallel slid- Equally a parametric equaliser can be delib- the source so the pressure and velocity aren't ers whose position graphically draws the fre- erately used with extreme settings for effect. in phase. The result is that the modulus of the quency response obtained. Note that if a high Q factor is selected with a velocity component has to increase so the Graphic equalisers might be used to tune peaking response the output will ring at the component in phase with the pressure can out response peaks in a room allowing more selected centre frequency. stay the same. As bass tip-up in microphones gain to be used in a PA system before feed- What determines the 'sound' of an EQ? A is always at 6dB per octave, that's the slope a back. While graphic equalisers are good fun great deal of mythology has grown up about tip -up equaliser needs. The turnover fre- they do mangle the phase of the signal quite EQ, with some brands trading heavily or. the quency needs to be adjustable as the fre- seriously. That's okay as an effect, but not a mystery factor as if all that was needed for quency' at which tip -up begins varies good idea if realism is the goal. perfect results was to put any old crap according to the distance from source to mic. They can be used to match loudspeakers through a magic unit. There is no doubt that Most mixing consoles offer bass, mid and to control rooms, but the phase response a good EQ unit has transparent distortion treble controls and some split the midrange deficiencies mean that the realism will be performance which is usually obtained only and have two controls there. Control range is affected. If a graphic equaliser is used in this with a price premium. Wide range EQ usually ±15dB, although when such controls way, it should be as a temporary measure to requires a lot of gain and to do this with min- need to be at the end of their range it often establish the parameters for a fixed filter. imal distortion requires a certain mixture of indicates that there is something wrong. Bass The parametric equaliser is a useful piece skill and silicon. Consequently there is some and treble controls are often used to corn - to have in the armoury. Whereas these have rationale in 'designer' EQs which are sold on pensate for losses in microphones, especially fixed parameters such as frequency and Q fac- the reputation of an individual. the treble control which may compensate for tor, the parametric equaliser allows everything Distortion apart, much of the audible dif- the roll -off when a sound is off axis. This is to be adjusted. Generally only one peak or dip ference between EQs comes down to the particularly noticeable with larger micro- can be applied by a sirgle parametric phase response. Consequently by measuring phone capsules. equaliser. The centre frequency can be slid up both phase and amplitude response it should The midrange control generally operates and down the band allowing more accurate be possible to build a digital EQ which over a frequency range corresponding to the setting than the fixed bands of a graphic EQ. sounds exactly the same as a given analogue human voice and so it can be used to lift a The Q factor also can be adjusted. Q factor is EQ. While any phase response can be used vocal out of the background if spill is a prob- a measure of the peakiness of the response so to get an effect, for natural results there lem. In the case of artistes with loose den- a low Q factor gives a gentle or broad response should not be any dramatic phase changes tures sibilance can be a problem and backing change whereas a high Q favor gives ú sharp across the band. There is a school of thought off the mid, especially the upper mid, control peak or dip. Finally the level control allows that suggests that in a presence control the may help. the amount of correction to be set. effect may be as much due to a phase lead in The bass, mid, and treble controls each Parametric equalisers can be very useful in the affected hand as to the amplitude boost. DN4000 PARAMETRIC EOitU,ESF.Rfi DEI _11'

Huuu} runtrul for Frequency, Q and Level DN4000 units from one master. Advanced ZO bit AD/DA a wide range of applications. make setup fast and simple, aided by the large conversion gives a dynamic range comparable to Delay with EQ or EQ with delay? Whichever backlit LCD display. MIDI and remote interface that of the best analogue equalisers, while an way your application takes you, the new Klark ports allow versatile system control of up to 16 optional AES/EBU digital audio interface aids use in Teknik range has the perfect combination. ` KLARK a MAf1IK IV company The first name with sound system designers %lark H' Pro Audio Group, Kiark Teknik Building, !.Valter sash Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DV'lI 710, England. Tel: 101562) 741515 rax: 1015621 745371. Studio Sound September 1997 53

www.americanradiohistory.com parametn- EQ with H=-LF shelves and Rane International Dealer List The equaliser mic preamp MQ302 stereo graphic EQ )lusic Machine listing Green 3 voice processor SCV Electronics i..i., Green 5 Orannel strip EQ215 dual-channel 15 -band graph Bru.cllr. Brlglum II+ Meals Furman EQ231/231S dualchanrel 31band 32 2 514 2442 MEQ230A duakhannel 30 -band Q-301 single-channel 3C -band graphic EQ 32 2 513 1647 I. l 1 :1.-band graphic EQ graphic E(} EQ231SPR dualchanel Akoustiki ltd graphic EQ with Amok Q-151 duakhannel 15 -band dynamics Ipotou 22 System 9098 singlechannel 4 hanc graphic EC' PFL52 single-channe 5Land Athen. 10433 Greece parametric EQ Q-302 single-channel 30 -band parametric EQ 30 1 323 5200 30 1 523 3560 fax AMB Revs graphic EO PFL104 daakhanne 5t.dnd 1081 single-channel 4-band EQ with Q-152 duakhannel 15 -band parametric EQ Team 108 HFLF filters and me preamp graphic EC, Sony 55 Gcnung Lana APhex Q -541 duel-channel quad 5bard SRP -E100 single-channel 31 -oand Singarme 65 740 4333 EQ graphic ED graphic EQ Model 104 'psychbacoustic' 65 747'273 fas Model 109 single /duakhannel 4/2- Q-602 duakhannel 30-band VPL band EQ with Tubessence' graphic EC, Vitalizer 9319 sterec Praha Music Center API PQ-4 4 -ba -cd parametric EQ 'psycnoacoustic' EQ spot 550b singlechannel 4-band parametric GML Vitalizer 9320 sterec Soukemaa 20 112 27 Praha 1 EQ module 8200 dual-channel 5 -band parame-.rlc 'paychoacoustic' EQ Catch Republic 560b single-channel 10 -banc graphic EQ with HF -LF shelves Classic Vitalizer 9217 dual-channel 420 2 248 111 981 EQ module Groove Tubes 'psycnoacoustic'EQ 420 2 248 111 159 fax Vitalizer dual-chan Apogee Sound EC1 single-channel 5-band pasive Classic 9215 Grisby Music EQ CRQ-12 single/duakhannel 12/Sband valve EQ 'psycioacoustic' S.S. 16 Adnatlu KM parametric EQ with HF-LF shelve: and 44òf Optimizer 9318 4-laid parametric 309.530 filtenng Spectral Eeciter duakhannel EQ Magix 9422 single-channel Ancona 60027 Italy 39 71 710 11471 EQ with mic pre ARX System psychoac 3ustic' EQ with bass 'Osycnoacoustic' 39 71 710 5477 fax EQ15 dual-channel 15-band graphic EQ enhancerrent Tube Vitalizer single-channel valve

with high-pass filter HSE 'psychoacoustic' EQ - Studio Jork EQ30 single-channel 30-band graphic EQ1 dual-channel 4-band paranetr c Spectrallzer 9631 dl.aknannel dlg Origin a Company d.nn. Drkani 230 filter EQ with HFLF harmonics processor EQ with high-pass shelves 6271 Dekani EQ60 dualchannel 30-band graph c EQ Inward Comedians Summit Slovenia with high-pass filter Vac Rae srigle-channel 3-band EQ watt EQF100 single-channel 4-band pa M1666 530 2117 te0fax MultiQ digitalyconlrolled parametric HFLF filter EQ with valve make -up a np Intersuge A/S EQ linger EQP200 daakhanne 4 -band pass Phntenvei 31 Ashley e07 sterei. /duakhannel configurable EQ with valve make-up anps 2410 Haikrup GQX1502 duakhannel 15-band digital EQ SymeRdx Denmark 45 4600 46 graphic EQ with high -pass filter Dark Tekrik 531E single-channel 31-land gra 39 45 34 4615146 in GQX3101 single-channel 31 -band DN300 singlechannel 30-band gra 3hic EQ with HFLF fitters graphic EQ with high -pass filter EQ with HI-LE shelves 532E dual-channel 31 -band EQ with Sound House Inc GQX3102 dual-channel 31 -band DN301 singleciannel 30 -band HFLF filters 21122.1 Fudogaoka %ante. Chiba 2116 graphic EQ with high -pass filter graphic EQ 551E single-channel 5-band parametric i Japan MQX2150 due channel 15 -band DN332 dual-channel 16-band EQ with HFLF filters M 1 476 22 9333 graphic EQ graphic EC SX201 sirglechanne 3-tand MI 476 22 9334 fan MQX single -channe 31-band DN360 dual-channel 30-band parametric EQ with riüc preamp graphic EQ graphic EQ tc electronic Reflexion Arts S.L. a/Panora. 45 Bap M2000 a ügital processor MQX dual-channel 31-band graphic EQ DN405 single-channel 5cand ccnfigurab 36219 Vigo. Spam Audio Toys Inc parametric EQ with HFLF swap bands M5000 ccnfigurabe figital processor 3416 411155 Pro` channel strip DN410 dual-channel 5-band parametric n Audio 3416 482165 fax Avalon EQ with HFLF swept bancs EQ1 dual-channel 4-band valve EQ TM Audio 737VT valve voice processor Dlv3600 duakhannel programmab e EQ2 dual-channel 4--tandvalve EQ with Zoltnebaan 52 AD2055 dual-channel 2 -band 30-band graphic EQ with HFLF HF-LF shelves ae 3616 CC parametric EQ with HFLF shelves swept bands 2011 dual-chanl Slaanaenbroek. Holland 31 414141170 A02077 duakhanrel 4-band LA Audio 2012 dual chan 31 414115X12fax mastering EQ Classic Equaliser duakhannel 4 -band valve EQ Behdnger EQ with m z pre 2051 valve voice processor Best Logic Sound PEQ2000 single -channel 5 -band Classic Channel channel stria 3011 dual-channel 4-band EQ Rm 3211 Nakwon Bldg parametric EQ Millennium EQX2 singe /cuaiclanrel 3012 dual-channel 2barri 2114-6 Nakwon -Dong Chong -Ku. Seoul Tube Ultra-Q duakhannel 4-band 6/3-band parametric EQ with H° filters parametric EQ Korea parametric EQ Millennium MPX1 voice-instrument 3051 voice processor 312 2 515 7 355 Ultra Curve dual-channel contigueole processor Total Musk Design 112 2 516 73115 fax Parasite nglechanrel single EQ digital processor Lengevin s Studio Equipment BSS MP-EQ1 dual-channel 2 -bard discrete passe singles single-b P0me. 24 Varicurve FCS- 9261FCS-920 EQ with me preamp passive EQ with HP-LE filters and 1462 Yvonad configurable digital EQ EQ-P1A sirglechannel 2 -nand make -up amp Sonderland 41 24 3' 1579 EQ EQ Tube-Tech FCS916 stereo 30-band graphic discrete 41 24 31 24511 fax FCS930 singlechannel 30-tand Manley ME1B single-channel 3-band passi graphic EQ EQ-500. single -cnannel 2-band EQ wrh valve make -up amp Mille et Un Son FCS960 duakhannel 30 -band different& valve EQ PE1C singe-channel )aseive EQ w 2 Villa GMs 924110 Coutbevore graphic (available with mic pre) HFLF shelves and vase -up amp . EQ rake Frunce DPR901 II single/dual-channel EQ-Mid single-channel 2 -band passive EQ1A single-channel 3-bend valve 33 14 667 0210 4/2-band parametric EQ mid frequency valve EQ parametric EQ with H=- LFsheNes 33 14 7149 X171 fn Cakes EQ-P1A single-channel 2-band pass ve and filters I.S.P.A. RQQ 2200 duakhannel 4 -band EQ quency vale EQ EQ1 AM mastering vemain of EQ1A 12 Srcdnensbin,ki RQP EQ with TD-1 single-channel valve Cl with EQ Weiss 3200 dua channel 4-band pa preamp and dynamics TD-2 dua -channel valve DI with EQ EQ1 stereo/dual-charnel 7 -band digital Moscow. Russia dbx Meech parametric EQ 123557 7 503 956 11126 for EC, dbx905 3band parametric EQ MSS -20 single-channel valve xTA 7 503 956 2309 rax 900 -series NTI DP200 dualchannel ti-bald d gltal Dolby EQ3 dual-channel 6 -band EQ wi -h 'Air pararretric EQ (4 output) Kamel Sukosol Electric 740 stereo /duakhannel spectra EQ Band' HF /elf DP202 duakhannel 8 -band d gital 665 Mahachai Roof GPO Box 178 EQ (2 Drawtner EQ3-D due -channel 6-band EQ vith pararretric output) Bangkok. Thailand 1961 dual-channel 4-band parametric Vari Baird" HF shelf GQ600 dual-channel 30-band gra 10200 valve EQ Orson Sails EQ with high-pass fine r 66 2 226 2301 5 66 2 225 3173 14x EAR 822Q single-channel valve E] HD-EQ dua -channel 4aand parame:c Yanahs EMO Systems EQ with HF LF filters GQ1031C single-channel 31 -band HL Audio Sales GEQ60 dual -channel 30-band MWS duakhannel 4-band EQ v4th HF- graphic EQ Gneiwnwor 47 graphic EQ LE filters aid mic preamps GQ2015A duakhannel 15-band D 01461 Berm Germany kiloton graphic EQ Pay 49 311 644 9754 TRC single-channel 3band EQ with Q215F dual-channel 15-band Q2031B duakhannel 31 -nand 49 30 644 4854 lax HF-LF shelves graphic EQ graphic EQ remarks Q231F duakhannel 31-bend YDG2030 stereo /dua ch one' 3 Halwani Audio Blue 215 dualchaniel 2-band swept graphic EQ digital graphic EQ NUM Center \alida Al HadNh Street HF-LF Q431F YDP2006 single-channel 5 -band digits EQ with shelves and preerrps si1Qe-channel 31-band Jeddah. Saudi Aralia Blue 315 duakhannel 2-band sweet graohic EQ parametric EQ 21445 'Isomorphic' mastering EQ with 17F Q431FM single-channel 31-ban4 DEQ5/5E dual-channel canfigurable 416 1 6641212 466 2 66010511 fax LF shelves graphic EQ digral EQ Z Systems Red 2 dual-channel 4-band Pí0 HHB Communications Ltd Z-Q1 configu parametric EQ PP10 digaal eucb processor stereo / duakhaenel 73.75 Scrub. brie Red 6 single-channel 4 -banc Prism Sound 6-band digital EQ London NW 1116QL parametn EQ with uric preamp Maselec MEA-2 dual-channel 4mand Z-Q1M stereo /duakhrannal United Kingdom 44 I MI 462 5100 Green 2 single-channel 2 -band mastering :Q configurable 6-banc dgitei EQ 44 I x 1 462 51151) fa. 54 September 1997 Studio Sound

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If DAT has found favour as a location recording medium, it is not with everyone -for many the appearance of practical disk -based recorders will come as a considerable relief. Neil Hillman reviews 'I the Mandozzi Electronics ME -DART and Zaxcom Deva and Studio Sound offer an equipment overview

AaITENTION MAY have been focused real time and has a feed -through mode for company says is the first in a new generation on the exploits of DAT as a location live direct audio. A suitably equipped PC can of equipment. Available towards the end of cquisition medium and the progress receive the files from Digicorder ISDN trans- this year, it records to PCMCIA III or hard of the open -reel Nagra -D digital but a quiet missions, complete with an identification of disk through an interface in MPEG Layer II revolution is occurring, the full force of the source machine, and process them using and its data is accessible via an external com- which should he felt later this year. A num- Digitrans software under Windows. puter or via analogue and digital I-Os. Fea- ber of manufacturers are squaring up with Significant is the launch at IBC this month tures include onboard editing, PCMCIA or hard disk -based location of the Easycorder which will presented as an MS.DOS -compatible file storage, parallel data machines and while at present some are easy-to-use unit with basic functions like output port, XLR mic -line input, and phan- restricted through the use of compression to record, playback and lim- tom power. voice orientated reportage, indicators sug- ited editing. It includes Dialog4 has extended the gest that the increased sophistication FIFO recording which choice of location reporting required to achieve linear digital more enables the machine to Maycom, The Ne therlands. recorders with the C(Cen- widely is not far away. record prior to engaging Tel: +31 481 37 7740. tronics) -TAXI measuring The selection is currently a little restricted the record function. It Sonlfex, UK. 140mm x 200mm x 40mm. as most machines will start shipping by the employs MPEG2 Layer II Tel: -44 1933 6 50700. Using Flash- EPROM, the beginning of next year but the potential for for recording and PC -cards Fax: +44 1933 650726. machine can record 40 min- choice then is very promising. for storage and interchange Marantz Professlonal, utes of stereo with ISO - Aside from the Mandozzi DART and Zax- with automation systems The Netherlands MPEG. Material is stored in com Deva looked at here, there is the Nagra and hard -disk editors. The Tel: +31 40 273 6634. Broadcast Interchange For- Ares -C (Studio Sound. August 1997) and the price is said to be competi- Fax: +31 40 27 35578. mat (BIF). Offering mic, line Maycom Digicorder. tive with run -of- the -mill Marantz Profess lonal, UK: and headphone connections, Intended for news -type audio gathering DAT recorders. Tel -fax: +44 193 2 854544. recording parameters and and preparation. the Digicorder is a portable Sonifex's Courier Dlalog4, German y. limiter settings can be locked self-contained recording system storing up to portable recorder should be Tel: +49 7141 2 2660. in during operation, while four hours of audio on PCMCIA, credit -card- shipping by the time you Fax: +49 7141 22667. an Index key allows access sized, hard disks or flash cards. Cut -and-paste read this and is aimed at Eela Audio, The Netherlands. to different takes. Finished editing is provided, complete with a jog -shut- journalists. sports reporters Tel: +31 40 251 0484. material can either be trans- tle wheel, and optional interfaces allow the and sound recordists. Fax: +31 40 25 7 0L82. ferred as a file or in real - unit to he directly connected to ISDN or tele- Weighing 1.4kg the time using the Digital Audio phone lines for data transmission. machine records digital Library interactive program. Musicam audio compression is used, with audio to a PCMCIA card, has graphical scrub Eela Audio, originator of the Reporto- compression giving 32kbit/s to 192kbit/s per wheel editing and can transfer audio via phone, has unveiled the Reportable digital channel, and 32kHz, 44.1kHz and 48kHz mobile phone, modem and ISDN. news recorder which offers recording to PC sampling rates are supported. If ISDN is avail - Marantz has joined the portable digital cards and editing functions using an onboard able on site. the Digicorder can go on -air in recorder arena with the PMD690 which the speaker and scrub wheel. Mandozzi Electronics ME -DART

Already established as a player in the tapeless location recorder field, the DART has good credentials. Neil Hillman grips a doughnut and runs around

IKNOW THAT the Mandozzi Electronics ME -DART gains its title from its role as a Digital Audio Recorder EdiTor because it proudly displays the fact with an intentional mixture of upper and lower cases in a logo on the machine's top face. So why then, is it not called the `DARET' I pondered before I wore the machine in its operational position? The answer is one of anthropology. The perfect physique to operate this device Mandozzi Electronics ME -DART solid -state recorder is the summation of age -old homo-erectus player. Indeed, it is from this shape that all ridiculed as pot- bellies (tape- tubbies ?). How lib- development and therefore proof -positive of future generations of sound recordists will be erating it is for us to know that our descendant Charles Darwin's musings. What is required in wrought and they will all proudly rest their recordists will no longer be subjected to the fact is the finely-honed stance and stature so audio-archive (rapture- consoles on the protrud- cruel jibes and taunts of: How do you know epitomised by that of the professional dart ing abdomens that previous generations when a sound recordist is dead? The page 58 Studio Sound September 1997 57

www.americanradiohistory.com < page 57 doughnut falls out of his hand'. It would appear that some of us are already years ahead of our time -and that cer- tain manufacturers from an area renown for fresh air and clear skies know more than they are letting on. The DART is one of a growing number of solid -state recorders now available that use PCMCIA hard disks as their recording media. Mandozzi believes that these disks give the highest storage capacity at the lowest price per byte, while being robust enough for daily use in severe environments. A DART 340Mb hard disk can store 44 min- utes of 15kHz- bandwidth stereo or almost three hours of 7kHz- bandwidth mono. The DART does not compress the audio, hence the lower recording time capacity compared to ME -DART showing PCMIA facility other PCMCIA recorders, which this manufac- turer believes maintains the quality of the orig- This unit sits head -to-head with the Nagra speaker is automatically muted when the inal sound; but stores the audio information as Ares -C (Studio Sound, August 1997, p12) and has machine is recording, irrespective of where linear PCM signals in DOS files, enabling the clearly arrived down the same evolutionary the level is set during playback. hard disks to be read by studio digital systems. path. There is more than a passing resem- In the centre of the front face are the tem- To overcome the discrepancy between the blance between the two models in concept, perature- intensive LED level meters, arranged 48kHz sampling rate of those systems and the looks and layout. as a bar graph that conforms to DIN 45406 bal- variable sampling rates of 16kHz, 24kHz, listics (no, I had no idea what this was either, 32kHz of the DART, a small software pro- THE FRONT face of the DART is easy on but they twinkled away as I would expect for gramme is supplied on request to allow PCs the eye, divided as it is into 'fields', and the given input signals), and again calibrated equipped with .WAV audio programmes to carries the recorder's left and right GAIN in dBs, with green segments illuminating for read the edited audio from the hard disk or to control faders, pleasingly calibrated in dBs signals arriving between -20dBu and OdBu and convert the sampling frequency to 48kHz. rather than a 0-10 scale or the baffling 'mHPa red segments for the range between 0 and The latest version, the DART 2, also offers sensitivity' favoured by the Nagra Ares-C. +3dBu. The right hand meter can display the built -in CCITT G.722 and ISO -MPEG1 Layer II Three monitor adjustment pots are mounted battery level by means of a small toggle switch codecs as well as an ISDN terminal adaptor one above the other on the left of the front that also switches on the display back-light. enabling the transmission of edited packages panel for the in -built 2W speaker, headphone The two output levels are controlled by a in real -time via ISDN. amplifier and ISDN return channel feed. The single pot with a range of ±12dB page 60 >


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www.americanradiohistory.com < page 58 around a nominal OdB. and 48V phantom is available. For line -levels, The top face of the DART is in effect the The DART's communication status is dis- the stereo inputs and outputs are transformer edit deck, conspicuous with the large jog - played by means of small indicator LEDs that coupled. Two different LF filters may also be shuttle wheel, eight function keys and confirm compression of MPEG or G.722 and a selected independently for each channel. display screen. small toggle switch that enables the ISDN Recording parameters such as bandwidth, codecs. Other LEDs are sensibly placed to THE LINE outputs appear either on two mono or stereo selection, and even giving show that the unit is switched on. external male XLRs with a nominal output level each individual track a title are easy to set or power supply is connected. and whether the of +6dB or as an AES -EBC digital signal change by means of the vertically-mounted LF Filter or the Limit function has been on a male XLR. The sockets for the ISDN and software controlled keys Fl to F4, and the selected. There is no display to show how Telephone -Modem are sited below the AES on- screen options aligned to those individual hard the limiter is working, or at what point it XLR and a locking ' /inch headphone socket keys. It is the work of moments to completely begins to limit, but it is audible when used as is provided at the nearest end to the operator change the recording characteristics of the anything other than a gentle safety net. on this left -hand side. DART, should you wish to, for each individual The physical inputs and outputs of the The right -hand side of the machine is home track you want to record. DART are located on the left -hand side of the to the disk drive. protected by a substantial In Play mode, the four horizontal function machine with XLRs for the inputs and the hinged door, the monitor speaker grille, a keys just below the screen behave like con- respective coarse mic gain mounted just 5 -pin Canon -female surprisingly -for external ventional transport keys: REW, STOP, PLAY and below. The machine can handle input levels powering and batten charging via the in -built FF. In Test or Record mode they become ded- between -70dBu and + 22dBu. The gain can be charger, a sub -D socket for RS232 and the vital icated keys that switch the limiter -while adjusted in three steps of -0d6. 30dB or 0dB oY -( )I F switch. recording if necessary-in or out, stop -pause the recording, continue recording or switch in the 1kHz line -up oscillator. the output of which may be varied via the jog/shuttle wheel to give four stepped levels of -20dBu. -6dBu, OdBu or +6dBu. In short, Mandozzi claims to have created a self -contained system that is 'reliable. robust. light and extremely easy to operate'. But has it been successful? The recorder is very straightforward and logical to use, no plug -'n' -pray here thank- fully, essentially being driven by means of a single rotary function key set on the top right of the front face; Record is an instinctive turn clockwise and Play a turn fully in the oppo- ME -DART interconnection panel site direction. confirming the page 62 DENON Professional Audio Brand

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www.americanradiohistory.com < page 60 quality and integrity of the speed and creative freedom to its master. DART's recording. So far so good; if only edit- Perhaps if this was the only editing system Zaxcom Deva ing with the DART was as straightforward. that a reporter had used, or was likely to use, Better known for digital I really, really wanted to love this it would in time become familiar; but, for mixers that sit in video edit machine. It looks classy, almost retro, in its instance, the absence of a graphical representa- styling; it's well thought -out and simple to tion of the audio scrolling past a fixed head is suites, Zaxcom has branched use as a recorder; it feels sorely missed. For what is into location sound. unbreakable in use. But the fundamentally a 'cut and editing facility badly lets this paste' operation it is clumsy Neil Hillman discovers machine down. and certainly inferior Mandozzl Elect ronlcs, to that 4 -track hard -disk audio with The on- screen prompts CH -6946 Ponte Capriasca, of it's close competitor the allied to the function keys of Switzerland. Nagra Ares -C. the constitution of a hammer the edit -deck are at best con- Tel: +41 91 94 5 2351. But don 't get me wrong, fusing, and relying solely on Fax: +41 91 94 5 2262. it's not that the editor is IWOULD BE HAPPY to move away from numbers to impart the position E-mail: mandozz [email protected] impossible to learn or use, the small tape format of DAT as an origi- of the edit within the moni- hey -I eventually became nating medium. If I'm honest, I've never tored audio is uncomfortable, extremely adept at statistics. been completely confident about how robust making the system counter-intuitive and one to Reliable, robust, light and extremely easy to the system is for location recording. That per- be learnt as a series of commands rather than operate? Yes, yes, yes, no. sonal, sweeping generalisation probably says exploited as a tool to be wielded to bestow Six from a possible two is not so bad is it? more about me than about DAT because I have colleagues who certainly do not suffer from this form of insecurity; they love the convenience of digital quality in such a small package, and the fact that at the end of a day's shooting the sound rushes can proba- bly be passed over to the postproduction house on a single tape. It's just that somehow the sight of the tiny tape spools turning oh- so-slowly while I get one -shot at a recording in a remote setting is not inspirational; although it does usually involve me ir, a dia- logue with some higher sentient being... In the 1970s, Steely Dan invoked the help ME-DART face control of a Boddhisattva, a Buddhist god page 65 >


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www.americanradiohistory.com SONY < page 62 of compassion, to hold their col - lective hand and point the way. Could it be that Fagen and Becker established a channel that has remained open between this earth and the heavenly realm of various deities. well known for their ability to appear in many various, differing forms? Who knows, but this Deva appears to manifest itself more as a demagogue than a demi -god. the lofty heights it aspires to owing more to a design reminiscent of a cold -war bomber's naviga- tional system than that of a fragrant lows blossom carried on the wind. The Zaxcom Audio Deva is a hard -disk based recorder offering 2 hours 35 minutes of 4 track audio on a removable 2.5 -inch IBM PC disk, as well as being a 4- channel mixer with assignable EQ and effects. But how resilient to the bumps and knocks of location working must a hard -disk system be to prevent holes appearing in the audio tracks while the device recovers its composure after a shock? Put it this way: last week I assembled a shed in my garden and purchased a 2Ib hammer especially to drive in the nails. Had I known sooner, I would have dispensed with the hammer and used something eminently more suitable-the Zaxcom Deva, for instance. This device appears to be bullet proof, but more impor- tantly than that I have, in the course of test- ing, worn headphones and a personal microphone and shaken the Deva with all my strength while it is recording; giving the outward impression of discovering the awe- some secret of successful death- metal -grunge vocals. The Deva never missed a beat. which is more than can be said for my heart after a period of particularly intensive testing with the 5Ib machine rotating like a Lesley cabinet above and around my head.

HE DEVA protects the integrity of the audio by means of a large RAM T buffer that stores audio for 24s in cases of severe movement that would ordi- narily affect disk recording; a buffer of 8s is used for playback. The specifications claim that the disk can withstand a force of 125G- gravities not grammes, remember - so it would appear that short of a pan- galac- tic jaunt through hyper-space at warp speed, the Deva is extremely reluctant to deviate from its given task. On the right-hand side of the machine are four female XLR sockets, carrying switch - able 48V phantom power. The mic inputs are balanced, with a dynamic range of UHF SYNTHESIZED 105dB, and can be adjusted to accept input TRANSMITTER WRT -860 levels ranging from -30dBm to -60dBm. The dynamic range of the balanced line inputs is slightly higher at 110dB, for levels between OdBm and +8dBm, and both the line inputs and outputs are sent via a 25 -pin D- connec- tor. The balanced output line level is +2dBm Sound thinking, from Sony. at 60052 while the transformerless input impedances of both the mic and line inputs is 10kí2. The 1000 impedance '/. -inch headphone socket is also mounted on this right -hand side. The left-hand side of the machine could be considered the `digital' side; here are the two 15 -pin small profile D- connectors for AES -EBU connections and for time -code In and Out. The A -D and D-A conversion is to page 66 > Studio Sound September 1997 65

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HEAOP, +12 +12 +12 LEVEL



STOP .....,...... ,v. ..-..,....._ 11111 11111 _-- .o.....,...... -.

Zaxcom Deva solid -sate recorder

< page 65 20-bit resolution, with selectable as required and the generator selected for the numeric keypad and function keys occu- sample rates of 48kHz, 48.048kHz and either Free -Run or Record-Run. pying most of the room around the display 47.952kHz-the thinking here being that for The disk itself is loaded through a locking screen which is mounted on the right -hand most transfers 48kHz will be the norm but the door on this same side and a PCMCIA slot is side of the front panel; the four small rotary rate may be pulled up or down if necessary. alai present here, although it cannot be channel faders are set in a row across the top - The Deva supports active balanced time addressed with the present software. left-hand of the front face. code, with the full rate -range of 24fps, 25fps, The front face of the machine is where all En -route to the disk, the audio signals may 29.97fps Drop, 29.97fps, 30fps Drop and the controls to record, playback and configure be routed and processed in a variety of ways, 30fps, and the device can act either as a mas- the machine are sited and at first-and, come offering complete flexibility in designating the ter generator locked to an internal crystal or it to think of it, second-glance the appearance destination of the inputs to the recorded tracks. can be slaved to read and lock to an external really is more like a piece of test gear or an Configuring the machine through a soft- time -code reference. As you would expect, outboard device rather than a mixer- recorder, ware menu tree, the various branches of User Bits may be accessed and incremented with the large, uniformly square buttons of which are reached directly in the case of Play, Linger- audiki the e07 "high sampling mode" digital equaliser

7 Iw i 1..I/ I In.la I high I K R OFF 30 10.0 120 2.0 3.5 580 2.0 0.2 15.0 -5.0 0.0 MAMA a.I ..t - o.. ` - AES /EBU in /out with internal 96kHz sampling 4 -band parametric equaliser each band can be used as a dynamic filter internal digital limiter timecode snapshot automation conventional rotary knobs for direct control of all parameters user -friendly preset and recall functions stereo or dual channel mode ready for integration into 96kHz systems

Distributed in the UK by Michael Stevens & Partners Ltd Jünger audio Studiotocbnik GmbH Invicta Works Elliott Road Bromley Kent BR2 9NT Rudower Chaussee 5 (Geb 9.51) 12489 Berlin Germany Tel: +44 (0)181 460 7299 Fax: +44 (0)181 460 0499 Tel: +49 3067 77210 Fax: +49 3067 772146 For information regarding distribution in other countries please contact Jünger Audio

66 September 97 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com SONY Record or Stop from individual buttons or via the stun key to each button's secondary func- tion printed above it, is straightforward and the associated variables are displayed on the screen and adjusted by selection through the four function keys and then either the Increase or Decrease buttons. A compressor -limiter may be assigned to each input independently, with variable ratio's up to 9.9:1 and a threshold adjustable between -90dB and OdB, as may a gate with FORTY -EIGHT similar threshold variables and an opening time of between 0 and 300ms and a close time of between 0 and 2.5s, adjustable in 10ms steps. A 3 -band equaliser is also available, designated Low, Mid and High, rather than any specific spot or turn-over frequencies.

ONCE THE machine has been config- ured for a particular recording or to '11 favourite operating conditions, all CHANNELS the required information can be loaded into one of the 10 memories available for storing user setups. These can then be easily recalled, viewed, loaded or rewritten as desired. The memories will be retained for about two days with the power off. The machine is powered either externally or by an NP -1 14V battery which gives a usable working life of about two hours before a battery change is indicated. The unit sup- A N E ports an in -built charger that can charge the battery while it is operating on external power. In the normal operational Home menu, the screen displays the four audio tracks' record or playback levels crudely as horizontal strips mounted above each other in multitrack fash- ion, a solid bar advances from left to right, as audio is recorded on to the selected tracks, towards the only two calibration points of 1 1 1 1 0dB and +20dB. Also displayed on this menu N O screen is the present time -code, recording time remaining on the disk, the current seg- ment of the disk in use, the total number of segments recorded on the disk, whether the FX menu has been selected to any of the channels, which tracks are record enabled, which tracks, or combination of tracks, the headphones are monitoring and the voltage level of the battery. Stop, Play and Record in large letters in the indications are displayed COMPROMISES top comer of the screen as they are selected. The headphone feed is comprehensive and allows for individual channel monitoring, combinations of Tracks 1 &3 to the left, Tracks 2&4 to the right; Tracks 1&2 or 3&4 as dis- crete stereo or mono pairs or all four tracks summed as a mono signal. Operationally, this is a recording device that needs to be 1 fed by the output of a properly Zaxcom Audio, designed mixer 140 Greenwood Avenue, - the channel Midland Park faders are really Soultd tliiltking, from Sony. NJ 07432, US. attenuators and Tel: +1 201 652 7878. suitable only for Fax: +1 201 652 7776. trimming an input Net: www.zaxcom.com level. Nonethe- less, this is an interesting entrant to the field and its success will be determined largely by the calls from postproduction. I think we may well soon hear people advising, 'don't do DAT, do disk'. Studio Sound September 1997

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Bringing a drummer's understanding of rhythm to the production chair has served Narada Michael Walden well. And, as Richard Buskin discovers, his artists have come out quite well too

1 www.americanradiohistory.com 1 "S VERY NATURAL for a drum- over the next several years, and during the mer to become a producer early -1980s he then began producing record- I because he's the heartbeat of the ings by other artists, including Stacy Lattisaw, music,' says Narada Michael Sister Sledge and Aretha Franklin. Walden, a composer- producer- Aretha's career was in a lower gear before drummer who has been responsible for Walden co-wrote and produced her smash numerous beat- orientated hits. The rhythm hits, 'Freeway Of Love' and 'Who's Zoomin' comes through in the records, and if they're Who', the former gaining Walden a Grammy ballads-no matter what tempo-they're defi- for 1985's Best R&B Song while also garnering nitely spirit oriented, which is in the beat and Franklin her first platinum disc in more than in the performances. I come from a back- 30 years as a recording artist. Thereafter he r ground of playing with The Mahavishnu guided her towards more hit singles when she Orchestra where all of the songs were dedi- duetted on 'Through The Storm' with Elton cated to playing to the high spirit of life, and John and 'I Knew You Were Waiting' with so if it's a pop song or whatever I still want to George Michael. When the artists are vulner- capture that spirit.' able enough to let down their defences and Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, Steve let what is beyond them come out, that's Winwood, The Pointer Sisters, Lionel Ritchie, when you capture magic on tape,' he says. George Benson, Kenny G, Natalie Cole, 'It's a case of making the artists feel comfort- Gladys Knight, Mariah Carey, Barbara able, relaxed and trusting, just like lying on Streisand, Diana Ross, Elton John, Mica Paris the couch in a psychiatrist's office, so that and Al Jarreau, have all benefited from their most intimate feelings come out. I mean, Walden's talents on both sides of the console. if you spend a little time with a person before Yet it was alongside guitar aces Jeff Beck and you start recording, you may light candles, John McLaughlin that he originally established burn incense, give them a stuffed teddy bear, his credentials as a drummer. Born in 1952, massage their neck or crack jokes. Obviously Walden grew up in Plainwell, Michigan listen- each person is different, but what it comes ing to the soul music emanating from Chess down to is intimacy. and Motown Records in the surrounding cities 'Then, once the person starts singing, the of Chicago and Detroit. Inspired to play the endorphins start kicking in, the spirit gets drums, he played with a variety of bands in really, really warm and it wants to come right California and Florida during the early- 1970s, out. At that point you have to get as many before a friendship with John McLaughlin led takes as fast as you can, because you can't to him replacing legendary sticks -man Billy maintain it that long. You know, the voice Cobham in The Mahavishnu Orchestra. tires, the spirit tires, so when you get that Walden began to learn about recording tech- thing going you really have to capitalise on it. niques while watching George Martin pro- Even if a person sounds a little hoarse, he or duce The Mahavishnu Orchestra's Apocalypse she can sing through the hoarseness. I'm album in 1974, and then Jeff Beck's Wired pro- always amazed-If I push hard the first day ject a couple of years later. In addition to and try to get everything, more often than not drumming on the Beck record, Walden also 90% of it is there. wrote several of the songs, enjoying the 'If you put things off until the second day, opportunity to combine fusion music with by then the artist's tired emotionally. How- loud rock. 'It's the sweetness of the soul com- ever, if I can get 90% of it sounding good, bined with the power of the instrument that I then the next day the artist comes in and liked,' he says. Today, as a producer, Walden hears it and goes, "Damn! That sounds great!" still likes to drum on other artists' records and Now the person's encouraged and uplifted combine his performances with machine and doesn't mind punching in a few lines tracks. 'I don't hire drummers,' he says. 'I use here and there. So, that's the trick; I try to get machines or I play myself. Machines don't lie as much as I can on the first day, I have the when it comes to time, so I learned how to artist go home and then we comp every bit of play with a machine, how to punch myself, what he or she sang. It may take me four or and how to make it sound so that you can't five or six hours to go over every bit of what really tell what it is. That's a discipline, and so they sang, then I leave and my engineer I don't like to go with that process too much David Frasier will stay even later and put it all with other people. I prefer to do it myself.' together, so that when the artists come in the Having worked at The Automatt studios in next day they're hearing a fresh- sounding San Francisco during the late- 1970s, as well as recording even though they thought they The Record Plant in Saucalito, Narada Michael were tired. That's uplifting to carry on. Walden decided to take on his own facility during the mid- 1980s. Located in San Rafael, LinIKE WITH ARETHA, she's rehearsed northern California, Tarpan Studios largely the song and knows it so well that, caters to Walden's own work, although it is any times, when she's ready to sing also open to outside projects that have artistic the song, I'll start working with her on the or financial appeal. Equipped with an SSL vamp first because her spirit's so strong. Then G -series console, analogue tape machines and we can go back and get particular verses, a host of classic outboard gear, Tarpan trans- bridges, first chorus, second chorus, but you'll lates as 'satisfaction unparalleled', an ideal never get anything like that if you don't get in that the owner aspires to. Still, jumping back right away when she's hot and the spirit's to the mid -1970s for a moment, it was follow- strong, and I find that works with quite a few ing some work with Weather Report that singers.' Sample Whitney Houston, whom Walden initially opted to branch out on his Walden refers to as 'a fantastic, natural artist'. own. In 1976 he secured a deal with Atlantic In 1985 he produced 'How Will I Know' from Records which led to him writing, producing her multi -platinum 1985 debut album, and in and performing a succession of solo records 1987 produced and co-wrote her page 72 >

Studio Sound September 1997

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by are more of the world's top broadcasting corporations, like the

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Networkable Software and Hardware < page 71 worldwide smash hits 'I Wanna fat -which nobody but she and I can notice Dance With Somebody'. 'Where Do Broken because its so minuscule- she'll say. "Narada. Lightning fast waveform editing Hearts Go and 'So Emotional', not to mention that's just the way I felt that ". Balanced #4dBU XLR's 10 in/12 out the 1988 US Olympic song One Moment In 'I've worked with singers who don't like Time' for which he won a Sports Emmy. The the sound of their own voice. and, no matter AESIEBU & S/PDIF Digital I/O last few years have seen a hiatus in their how much perfection you go for and how working relationship as Houston has involved much attention you give to intonation. they're Real time mixing & EQ's herself more in acting and soundtrack record- still not satisfied. Well. I relish the singers who ings, yet Walden looks forward to collaborat- like their own voice because that makes Digital effects plug -ins ing with her again. things so much easier for nie. When I come Time stretch/Pitch shift 'To me she's still one of the greatest across singers who don't like their own voice singers,' he says, 'hut like all singers she needs I sit them down immediately. and I say. "Lis- Sample rate conversion to he pushed. That's what happens when we ten. We're here to make some great record- get together -she will let me push her. Other ings together and I believe we can do that. Removeable hard drives (optional) artists are different. Aretha, for example. is the but you're going to hurt the process if you Queen of Soul. She's taught everyone, and hate everything that you sing before I even she'll let me get away with things a little hit, get the chance to evaluate it. I can't work that Find WHY! but then if I get too carried away she'll also way. So. even if you hate it let's make a pact Out stop me. She'll just say. "Do you know what that, for now, you're going to try not to hate beautiful is? What I just sang, was won't Internet: httpJ/www.soundscape- digital.com now that it. and. if you do. then you tell me. beautiful." And I'll say. "Yes, yes it was ". Because I may love it and be able to convince Crichton House, Mount Stuart Square, That's when I know not to say anything more. you that it is good-2 Cardiff Bay, Cardiff U.K. CF1 6DR The thing I've noticed about the great This isn't to say that Walden doesn't want Tel: +44 10) 1222 450120 singers is that they love their voice. They even his artists to experiment and work their way

Fax: +44 10) 1222 450130 love the mistakes! Aretha will come hack in around their vocal parts. 'In the first two or the booth and smoke a cigarette and listen to three hours I want to hear their inter!pret:ni( ins the playback, and even if I say its a little and what they're going for an, page 74 >

72 September 1997 Studio Sound

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< page 72 then take it from there,' he con- strengths is the speed with which he's able to "While mixing a recent project I rented a Soundscape firms. 'I don't want to interfere unless they punch in individual syllables. Which is fortu- system and In only a few hours, with little instruction, need help. I mean, even with the great ad Jib- nate, being that heavy comping is a major fea- was up and running, efficiently continuing my session bing singers like Whitney -These songs are ture of his modus operandi. with no down time. I was very impressed with the like puzzles, so there are times 'I have the fastest hands in the West,' he Soundscape software and it's features. The sound put together when I have to give as to says. 'What really sells a record is the perfec- quality was great and when I asked the price, well... even them an idea Very Impressive HI" how to make the puzzle work in terms of tion with the spirit. That means the song's in their phrasing and so on. Otherwise, I'm only tune, that it's not being rushed, that it's not Alan Howarth. Sound Designer on such rims as Bram Stoker's Dracula, Stargate, The Mask, Die looking to capture them, make sure it's in being dragged, and as a result you can hear it Hard II. tune and felt deeply.' over and over and over again and not get tired As a composer Walden sits at his it. If hollering and scream- "It's affordable -it's modular-it's expandable -it's got Roland of there's too much D50 in the studio, his Korg Ml at home, ing going it a while. There crash proof reliability!!! We have 3 x 16 track systems or on gets boring after at the studio, and we've used the SSHDR1 on almost either one of his two acoustic pianos, and, needs to be a delicate balance between an every project that's come through the facility. with no particular tune in his head to kick energy that people really believe in and a per- Soundscape is fast things off, he touches the keys and allows the fection that, when a song's soft and intimate, becoming one of the chords to inspire him. 'I'm very blessed that is convincing as well.' When Narada Michael top systems around way,' he says. 'If I touch any kind of keyboard Walden talks about perfection he is largely in digital audio post something will come to me. It may not be that referring to standards of performance. 'I don't produc -tion here as great, but something will come, and usually, really know what audio perfection is,' he says. well as around the once the spirit gets warm after playing for 'I'm just concerned that a recording has world. Keep it up about half an hour, I'll try to formulate that enough bottom to make my heart pump, and first idea and then move onto another. I'll for- enough top so that I can hear the crystal clar- Frank Serafine, Sound Desrgner OR Star Trek, mulate several ideas and force myself to sing ity of what's being said. You know, the hi- Virtuosity Lawnmower Man, VR5, Hunt for Red a chorus. If I can sing a chorus then I can hats, the natural cymbals, the natural October. sketch or hum a verse and bridge, which lyri- tambourines -1 kind of like bright records. cists can later put some words to. But if I can Plus I've got into this whole thing of wanting Internet: http/www.soundscape- digitaLcom get a hook then at least I've got a direction. to compete with what's on the radio, and that All I care about in the writing is whether the when my records come on they have a zing, Crichton House, Mount Stuart Square, hook is strong or not. I can always change a a splash, an extra sizzle because that top end Cardiff Bay, Cardiff U.K. CF1 6DR verse, but if the hook isn't good it's like a joke is cooking. You know, on radio they compress Tel: +44 (01 1222 450120 with a poor punch -line.' things anyway, so by putting extra top on, say, Fax: +44 (0) 1222 450130 A producer with his fingers firmly on the Whitney's vocal, it'll jump that much harder faders, Walden asserts that one of his chief and just catch your ear. Now, then page 76 >

74 September 1997 Studio Sound

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Customiseable real time mixing & EQ's Walden learned recording technique from watching George Martin produce Jeff Beck's Wired AES/EBU,S/PDIF,ADAT,TDIF Digital I/O < page 74 are a lot of records that are dull Keen to branch out into as many different and sound fine that way, but that's never been musical directions as possible. Walden is Digital effects plug -ins cur- -411 my thing. I've always wanted to have the cut- rently interested in discovering and nurturing ting edge: ADAT/DA88 Editing younger artists. involving himself in the areas Which returns us to Walden's endeavours of jazz -rock and orchestral music, pursuing his Connects direct to Yamaha 02R/03D for the perfect performance. This stems from own solo projects, and 'being prepared for a deep desire for the recordings that he works when the divas call'. In the US alone he has Removeable hard drives /optional) on to enjoy longevity. to be appreciated far been responsible for nine No.1 singles since into the future for their inherent quality. The 1986. while there have also been a slew of only way you achieve that is by trying many Top Ten hits and best- selling albums. Which is different avenues and by really harnessing the largely what it's all about for Narada Michael singer.' he asserts. 'Like when you ride a Walden. a man who thrives on chart success.

.,o horse, there are times when you've got to be 'That's important to me because I want to strict and strong. They think, "Oh, I can't go keep my house,' he says openly. 'It's also :i'uijìji'ij1fí that high." and I'll he there going, "lés. you down to passion, but if I said that's all it is I'd can go that high. Do it again! ".' be lying through my teeth. I have to get Little wonder that Walden has been myself inspired, and in that respect I find sin- - COMPACT dubbed 'Coach' by Steve Winwood and 'Sgt gles work the most satisfying because I want LoIC Walden' by Elton John. . I..,,. to he on the Billboard chart. I want to have emagic Recordable "ILI 'I'm pretty tough with vocalists and with the hits. I love that. and I also like the kind of musicians,' he admits. 'They need a certain songs that can cam' an album. In fact, I'm not Internet: http://www.soundscape-digital.com kind of mentality to deal with me... It's prob- going to be happy until I get my own hit as a ably down to how I was raised. My family solo artist.' Crichton House, Mount Stuart Square, was real strict. I was raised a Catholic and So, in the final analysis, where, I ask, does Cardiff Bay, Cardiff U.K. CF1 6DR everything was discipline- based. Then there's Narada Michael Walden draw the line in terms Tel: +44 (0) 1222 450120 the fear of failure. Almost like a boxer I go of compromising his art in the pursuit of suc- Fax: +44 (0) 1222 450130 into the studio feeling charged. determined to cess. 'I will tell you what Quincy Jones told make a smash record so that I'm not defeated.' me,' comes the reply. -1 can he Nought ".'

76 September 1997 Studio Sound

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Starting with a tracking shot, characters, then that gives me a lot of latitude would be some dynamics. and that I'd be able we travel backwards through space as to play with the sound. It enables me to use, to emphasise the sound of a lightning flash, a well as figuratively through time by way of in some cases. slightly exaggerated or odd brilliant burst of light or whatever it may he. the increasingly distant broadcast signals ema- sounds in a way that I couldn't do if a In turn. the audience can actually hear that nating from earlier decades. This is a portent sequence is shot more objectively.' sound move from the front to the bacl: of the of things to come. as later on we follow Jodie Given that. in the film industry. sound theatre without having to compete with 20 Foster while she manages to pick up sounds work sometimes amounts to embellishing a other sounds. and pictures that are being transmitted from fait accompli. Randy Thom stresses the impor- 'The trick in movie making, and certainly another planet. before travelling to said planet tance of meeting with the production no less mixing sound for movies. is to focus courtesy of an eye- catching, ear- popping. designer. the director of photography and the the attention of the audience. It's se-y mis- speed -of-light journey straight out of 2001: writer very early on during a project. This way guided to think that every element hae to be A Spare Odyssey. the sound person can coordinate what he in plan' at all times. because then you just end Randy Thom. who previously supervised wants to do in line with the others' objectives. up with visual and aural noise: the sound on Robert Zemeckis' Oscar -win- 'On Contact this cropped up in lots of specific ning picture. Forrest Gump. was the director's ways.' he says. 'One example related to the SELECTING which visuals are to have an natural choice to serve as the sound designer sequence when Ellie travels to the far -off allotted sound can be a tricky process. on his latest film. This assignment began with planet. The visual effects people wanted to fill yet. in the case of Contact. Randy Thom's the start of shooting in the fall of 1996. the frame with things moving by all the life was made easier due to the production although Thom's work began in earnest at time -hundreds or thousands of points of designer and director of photography taking Sky walker Sound in early -January of 199'. light or other objects moving through the him seriously and actually designing the Phil Benson was hired as the supervising frame so that it looks like she's travelling sequence. Consequently. there were often sound editor to oversee all of the other edit- through a tunnel. Well. that's fine. but the only one or two things moving through the ing staff. most of whom came aboard in problem for sound in that instance is that if frame at any one time which were logical for March. After editing and temp mixing had you have 20 objects that are more or less of Thom to focus on. The related sounds would taken place. premixing then began around the equal value being panned from. say. the left be brought to the foreground, while in the end of May. while the final mix was com- side of the frame into the centre and then background there was a general wash of pleted on 2nd July. All in all, a fairly pleasant back through the surrounds in the theatre. movement sounds. schedule. and, as Randy Thorn realised very what you have in the end is pink noise. 'One of the great things about creating early on. a dream project. You're not going to be able to distinguish the sounds that accompany visuals for the movies 'A lot of the film is played through the objects from one another or get an sense of is that audiences will go out of their way to point of view of Jodie Foster's character, and movement, because there are going to be accept whatever you present to them.' Thom point-of -view sequences in movies always loud sounds in every channel at all times. asserts. 'As long as it seems to make dramatic provide field days for the sound people.' he 'So. what I urged them to do -and luckily or emotional sense. and if they can somehow

80 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com Sound designer including literal point -of -view shots, and Randy Thorn extreme close -ups of Ellie's face and hands. as well as whatever she is doing. and dialogue This ride scene is an example of how the rerecording special effects and point -of -view shots can be one and the same. An altogether different yet mixer Torn equally informative Johnson talk sequence in terms of Tom Johnson (left) how the sound is han- and Randy Thom to Richard died takes place towards work the Capricorn Buskin about the end of the film. desk on Contact their work on when Ellie is interro- gated in court. This is the new sound -led shot more or less objec- sci -fi movie. Contact tively -the viewer does- n't get the impression of being almost inside her. Accordingly, the sound is fairly predictable. There is some murmuring. people shift in their chairs, the air -conditioning system whirs gently. and so on. However, at the very end of the scene. there's a subtle change of gear. At the point when the camera moves in for a close -up of Ellie and she is at her highest level of emotional intensity, we dropped out every sound except her voice.' says Thom. 'That has two effects: One is that it focuses your attention on her. and the other is that it brings you into her mind- set or point of view much rationalise consciously or otherwise that this more than if we had left all of these competing one object should he a little bit louder than or distracting sounds in there.' the others, then they'll tend to buy it. How- While bombast is often far easier to deal ever, if I or someone else hadn't been there to with from the sonic standpoint than anything suggest that too many visuals of equal value subtle. Robert Zemeckis was fairly bold in would wind up causing both me and the terms of his use of silence on Contact. Sample sequence a problem, probably nothing would the film's aforementioned opening, when the have been done about it. camera pulls back from earth and the viewer 'Obviously, I'm not saying that sound sees entire galaxies flashing by while old should rule films, but so far through movie radio waves fill the air. Eventually, we reach history it has tended to go much too far in the the point where the earliest broadcast has opposite direction. One misconception that been passed by. The sound of static ensues. many people in the film business have even Then there is nothing. directors and producers and editors -is that if 'There's silence for about 45 seconds,' s:n you want great sound in your movie you Thom. and I can't tell you how much guts don't really need to think about sound early probably took for Zemeckis to have that take on. All you need to do is hire a sonic genius, place three minutes into his 5100m film. There and that's so misguided and wrong because are very few directors who would have done no matter how talented you are as a sound that. The temptation is to cover it with music person, when you're handed an almost com- in order to convey to people what they plete product that doesn't have hardly any should be feeling from moment to moment. room to do anything interesting with sound, Zemeckis, however. was brave enough to your work's going to be fairly mundane. It's allow it to be silent. and as a result I think its funny that a lot of lip service is paid to this a very powerful sequence.' idea that film making is a collaborative effort, When Jodie -Ellie finally arrives on the dis- that this synergy takes place between the tant planet. it has the appearance of one of visuals and the sound, and it's all sort of the more glamourous locales in a Club Med organic and unified, but when it comes down brochure... as seen through the eyes of some- to actually doing the work very little attention one who's just swallowed half a tab of LSD. is paid to those ideals.' There's a sandy beach. rippling water and Early on, Thom and Zemeckis agreed that tropical vegetation, yet the colours are all the space ride sequence would play most slightly out of whack. Call it exotic surrealism. strongly if the viewers feel on a subconscious 'Zemeckis wanted that beach sequence to level as if they are experiencing the journey be artificial for lots of reasons.' says Thom. from Ellie's vantage point. This could be 'One of them is that he wanted to leave ques- achieved in a number of different ways. tion marks in the air as to whether page 82 >

Studio Sound September 1997

www.americanradiohistory.com < page 81 Ellie went anywhere or whether said that people perceive films in very much panned in Forrest Gump, and that was almost the whole thing was, in fact, in her imagina- the same way as they perceive their own entirely the case, even in the Vietnam battle tion. If we had fleshed out that sequence with dreams. It's a highly stylised, focussed and sequence where you get the impression that a full set of sound effects at all times, I think it emotional experience, and so the more you're hearing these bullets whizzing over might have left the audience with too solid an stylised and focussed that it is, the more it your head. In fact, the bullets were never impression that she had actually been some- seems like she's having a dream.' panned into the surrounds, although the way where. So, what we ended up doing on the Indeed, subtlety is one of the keys to why in which it's shot and the sounds make you beach -in line with what Bob Zemeckis had the sound in Contact works so well. From the feel that they are. Zemeckis is very aware of always wanted to try-was to focus on only start there is some pretty heavy panning, alerting the audience to the contrivance of the one sound at a time, not including the music between left and right and front and back, yet whole thing, and sort of waking them from and the dialogue. the sound team successfully negotiates the the dream of the movie and reminding them in terms of effects, you typically only hear fine line between the effective and the crass. that they're watching a movie. lapping waves, or you only hear the wind in `There's a saying that we often quote around 'I think there's a lot to be said for that. With the palm trees, or you only hear the sound of Skywalker Sound that comes from Jim many action- adventure films, especially in her father scooping up a handful of sand, but Cameron,' notes Randy Thom. 'In the middle recent years, the impulse is to play them as if you rarely hear any two of these mixed of a mix someone played a sound for him, and they are theme park rides and forget that together. What Zemeckis hoped this would he was obviously ambivalent about whether they're movies, even though you're going for achieve was to reinforce the idea of an artifi- that sound was too over-the -top or too exotic every visceral thing. That means panning cial environment, and I think it also helps for use in the film, so he said, "You know, sounds when sometimes it's not even justifi- reinforce the feeling of seeing things through there's a fine line between art and dog-shit!" able. So, what we tried to do in Contact was to

Ellie's eyes. It's like a dream, and, in ` Zemeckis has traditionally been very care- only pan things when the visuals and context philosophising about movies, it's often been ful about panning. He didn't want anything supported this. There's an awful lot of mater- ial that we could have panned but didn't, and there are also sequences which I was amazed Bob allowed us to play as discreetly as we did, placing sounds only in the left or right surround. In fact, when I mix any film I tend to be a little more conservative than the aver- age mixer in terms of panning.'

STILL, it was thanks in large part to a new mixing console at Skywalker that the pans in Contact could be executed so effi- ciently. This was the AMS Neve Capricorn, which, Randy Thom nevertheless admits, he and some of his colleagues initially had certain reservations about. 'Like a lot of people I still wasn't sure about all -digital consoles and everything being auto- mated,' he says. 'You know, I love the idea that it can happen, but it's pretty difficult to move from the work environment where only faders are automated, into automating equali- sation and panning. Suddenly you have to think about those things beforehand, and it just changes your mind -set. For instance, if you want to equalise a piece of dialogue that runs from 100' to 120', you have to con- sciously think about automating only during that stretch of time in a way that you don't if, Control room studio 1 with SL9072 -J console obviously, the automation isn't an option. 'Therefore, Dennis Sands, who was the music mixer on Contact, Tom Johnson the dia- logue mixer and I were all filled with trepida- If windmills and wooden shoes tion in regard to working on a completely automated console. However, the impression have not convinced you yet then... that I think all of us had in the end was that it's a wonderful tool. Like most new tools it does- we'll give you another 9000 n't save any time, but it allows you to try things that you never would have tried otherwise. reasons to come to Holland! The panning of the music and the other broadcast elements in the film's opening sequence couldn't have been done in the same detail if we hadn't had automated panning. We were panning literally hundreds of sounds from WISSELOORD STUDIOS b.v. the front of the room to the back of the room and from the back to the front, and I can't imag- Catharina van Renneslaan 10 ine how we would have accomplished that 1217 CX Hilversum -The Netherlands without the Capricorn. It would have taken

Telephone: (0)35 - 6217256 - Fax: (0)35 - 6244881 weeks just to do that one sequence.' For his part, while Randy Thom was doing his effects premixing on the Capricorn, Tom Johnson had to premix the dialogue on an SSL G -series board. He then used the Capricorn for the final mix. `I liked it quite a lot,' he says.

82 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com 'It was great for panning, and I was also able sions, fire and assorted pyrotechnic mayhem. general philosophy is that usually the role of to ride a lot of EQs on dialogue, which was A heavy duty action scene for the guys... yet the mixer on film soundtracks is vastly over- really nice, and it would play hack that stuff. it was a woman, Terry Ekton, who was mainly rated. I've been on both sides of this argu- So it had tremendous advantages for me. Now responsible for the sonic excitement. ment, in that I edit sounds, I fabricate and I'm hack on an SSL for the premixing of dia- 'We have this tradition at Skywalker of jok- design sounds, and I often wind up mixing logue on Titanic, and I really miss the Capri- ingly referring to "boy effects" and "girl sounds-sometimes the sounds that I've done, corn. It's a whole new way of working. There effects ",' says Thom. Traditionally, the boy sometimes the sounds that other people have are definite disadvantages to looking at a dis- effects have been the gunshots, whips, alien done, and I've mixed dialogue, music, what- play on a console instead of at a screen while roars and that sort of thing, while the girl ever. Well, for a complicated set of reason the you're EQ'ing, but I think the payoff in the effects are the winds and so on. Occasionally rerecording mixers often get a lot of the credit end is worth it: it has been true that the boys have wound up that is actually deserved by the people who The dialogue which Johnson had to work cutting the boy effects and the girls have done have found and fabricated the sounds, before with was recorded on DAT and transferred the girl effects, but in this case I thought it then handing them to those mixers. into Studioframe digital editors. Very well would he great to get Terry to cut the explo- 'In general, if I had to choose between a recorded, about 75% of the production dia- sion sequence. She did a marvellous job, great sound editor and a great sound mixer on logue made it through to the final cut. ADR putting together the explosions and pieces of a project, I would probably choose to have a EZIJ was only necessary during the noise- infested metal flying through the air... I guess I'm great sound editor and a mediocre mixer rather action sequences, such as Foster's space trip tempted to say that it's a slightly more tasteful than the opposite. I think so much rests on the to the beach. explosion sequence than I might have choices that you make about what sounds to The main noises I had to deal with came expected to get from a man, but I don't know use. You can smooth things out and you can f m the VistaVision cameras that Bob was if that's true. enhance a little bit when mixing, but the prin- u ing,' says Johnson. However, Jodie Foster is One thing that I should say in terms of the cipal thing is to start with the right sound.' 0 best looper I've ever seen in my life. She uld not only match her performance, but, in try opinion, often do a better job. So, there were a lot of places where we were able to go frim production to ADR and hack to production without any problems. It was a dream for me.' EANWHILE, less than ideal on Contact NEWS FROM was the manner in which visual effects kept arriving during the final erything was always changing,' says hom. They actually had too many TUBE -TECH fects to do in the allotted time, and it trating to me because often I would sound for a given visual and then a f days later I would see a new visual MEC 1A idn't match the sound at all. So, I'd have to start over again.' rThom mainly uses Pro Tools for his sound designing. He likes the versatility afforded by the availability of so many third party plug - íi ins, and feels that provides the designer with the most latitude to modify sounds. The latest version, v4.0, is great because all BE- TEC!- f the plug -ins now can be automated,' he onfirms. 'I've really become seduced by sing the volume graph, where you can ssentially draw how loud you want the ound to he over the waveform, and I've radually been weaned away from faders. As result, during my design and early premix- ng of films I now almost never touch a con - le. I use the console for monitoring and I do The new TUBE -TECH MEC 1A irtually all of the mixing inside Pro Tools. 'Being able to see the waveform, it's very will be premiered at the easy to amplify or attenuate a single syllable of dialogue, or very precisely finesse the AES Show in NEW YORK entrance of a sound. The automation works similarly, and so I've just fallen in love with See it at Booth N 753 that. We did the temp mix for Contact-which was actually pretty elaborate-entirely inside Pro Tools in a dining room in Santa Barbara. The same was the case-even though the mix was less sophisticated -on Forrest Gump. AUSTRIA 1021 236 26 173 SELGUIN 1089) 41 5278. SRAZA (0111 604 8339 Zemeckis lives in Santa Barbara and so he DEMAR( 143) 99 88 71. FINLAND (90) 592 055. FRANCE (161 87 74 BO 90 GERMANY 089) 609 4941 GREECE 101) 823 8200. NOUAND 1010) 414 LYDKRAFT typically rents a large house to edit his films 7055. RALY (0511 766 648 JAPAN (031 5489 3281. KOREA (02) 741 7386. in... I'll be very surprised if, during the next NORWAY (551 951 975 PORTUGAL 11) 353 8331. RUSSIA 10951 956 1826. LytlkraN Aps Ved Damhussoen 38 70. SWITZERLAND DK 2720 Vaniose DENMARK few years, films don't start to be mixed in SINGAPORE 481 5688. SWEED814 (046) 32 03 1011 840 0144. TAIWAN (886) 2719 2388. URI 16911 658550. USA 18051 373 1828. directors' houses, or at least in the editorial suite, and I think it'll be a good thing.' One Contact sequence which Thom didn't design the sound for was the one in which the space project is sabotaged, leading to explo-

Studio Sound September 1997 83

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www.americanradiohistory.com Martian Chronicles Not since the 1969 Moon landing has a space shot achieved such a high media profile. Kevin Hilton reports on the low- budget, large a.adience event that gave us a close -up on the Red Planet THAT DECIDED THEN. The next time en%iuus ekes towards their secs, all the better I play the bar game where you have to to see whether 's 1971 question answer the question If you had a time would he answered. Television has long machine, where and when would you played a major role in space exploration: the go ?', my choice will be London in images of Laiku the dog being sent into space 1969. There I would ingratiate myself with the (never to return) in 1957; the 1961 footage of young David Bowie, one day remarking off- Yuri Gagarin becoming the first human in handedly, 'Dave, Take a look at the law- space; and, in 1969, Neil Armstrong taking the man /Beating up on the wrong guy /Oh man! first steps on the Moon (something that I, as a Wonder if he'll ever know 'He's in the best child. was allowed to stay up late to watch). selling show /Is there life on Mars?'. I would While space exploration has always then help him with the lyrics and sit hack and attracted the attention of mainstream broad- wait for the day in August 1996 when scien- casters. particularly as part of general news tists identify primitive lifeforms in a meteorite coverage. there are now more specialist chan- that broke off from the Red Planet and hit nels on the air that can devote more time to Earth. In this way a slice of the £20,000 Bowie covering and analysing the latest steps in earned in royalties that day, when radio sta- mankind's adventure beyond the boundaries tions the world over played 'Life On Mars ?', of Earth. On the day Pathfinder landed on would be mine. Mars- co-incidentally the 4th of July -The The fourth planet from the Sun has long Discovery Channel and ABC News co-pro- been an obsession here on Earth. When peo- duced a special edition of their science news ple talk about aliens they usually imagine Lit - show Discovery News to chronicle the Ile Green Men from Mars; HG Wells arguably progress of the mission. Broadcasts page 86 started the trend with The War of the Worlds, which Orson \\ 'elles took and scared the beje- sis out of middle America in 1938. Since then Martians have drifted in and out of fashion, coming back to the fore recently through The X- Files, Independence Day, Mars Attacks! and Men In Black. On a more scientific level, the inhabi- tants of planet Earth were enthralled by the Pathfinder mission, which, six months after blasting off. finally (crash) landed in the Ares Vallis, thought to be a flood plain that dried up eons ago. The over -riding purpose of Pathfinder was to take a more in -depth look at the composi- tion of rocks on the planet's surface, particu- larly as the last mission, Viking (which landed in September 1976), was restricted to a small area around the lander vehicle and ceased to transmit information hack to Earth in Novem- ber 1982. At that time it was concluded that there was no life on Mars in the two locations investigated. although scientists did not dismiss the possibility altogether. With the evidence of the crashed meteor that micro -organisms may have inhabited Mars 3.6hn years ago. much ABC News. New York, and The Discovery was expected from Pathfinder. especially as the Channel presented Discovery News Special landing craft contained a rover that could Report: Mars Live on 4th July 1997 using Solid explore a larger area of the surface and take State Logic's Axiom digital console. more extensive soil samples. The special covered the historic Pathfinder As scientists anticipated the fulfilment of the landing on Mars. The Axiom became the audio plans they had drawn against the Martian land- mission control for the live broadcast from scape. television viewers hack on Earth turned Pasadena. California Studio Sound September 1997

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... < page 86 trometer designed to .,.,.,:%:;: examine the composition of Mart- . . ian rock. Unfortunately it was not ...;.;.;. sophisticated enough to carry out Wkoic .,.,.,. The .,.,.,. tests that would answer the Life .,.,.,. . . . Mars? .;.;.;. On question once and for ..,.,. all. In ...... ,.,., addition to this, the . . . . Pathfinder landing J-1JYri .... craft doubled ...;. a weather ï11: .;.;.. as station, able to col- :::: late data about temperature, wind r1-1ll rl .;.;.;.;:. . J .... speed and atmospheric pressure ' With Mic Amps .... during its month or so existence .,.;... .;. on Mars. Nil u Stereo parametric valve In knowing when to go on -air, Equaliser . . ..;.;::: Discovery was dependent on 4 bands per channel ..::: information from NASA, which 0 Continuously variable high .. had to anticipate the times and low cut filters .;.,.,:.,..;., when there would be something .,.,., newsworthy. e 'Stereo link' mode ::: :: 'It worked out perfectly in that 6 Balanced mic & line inputs ::: regard.' Reid comments. 'About .;.. ..; with variable gain control .,.;...;., every hour there was something Balanced line outputs, .;.;. happening. As well as anticipating ..,.; the various interesting aspects of switchable ( -10dB, +4dB) ... ::: the day, we had segments that it Front panel dual sensitivity .;.;.; ::;:; attempted to put what this all auxiliary inputs .,.,...;.,. .;..... meant in the overall context of )? 48v phantom power ;;. Mars exploration.' .;.;...: Discovery News first went on- I? Insert point on each ... .,.,..;.;. air shortly after Pathfinder had channel (between mic pre ,.,. .;. landed on the surface of Mars amp and EQ section) (although 'landing' is too gener- Frequency response 20Hz ous -the craft basically crashed to 40kHz +0 / -1dB onto the planet at 40mph- 72kmph, the impact being cush- New Low Price £999 ioned by four giant balloons that ex VAT (cilia inc vat) allowed it to bounce to a stop). After this Mission Control and the Available from production team waited participating anxiously for the arrival of the carrier signal TL Audio stockists: that would indicate that the craft Audio Toy Shop 01225 447222 had arrived safely and was func- Axis Audio 0161 474 7626 SPECIAL tioning properly. Blue Systems 01799 584095 'When Mission Control received Digital Village 0181 440 3440 the confirmation signal we had to wait for the sun to rise on Mars,' Funky Junk 0171 609 5479 Reid says, 'because the rover was HHB 0181 962 5000 operated by solar power. Before Larking Audio 01234 772244 that there was not much that we M Corporation 01425 470007 OFFER! could do. Another thing we had to Music Connections 0171 731 5993 EQ-2 ONLY £999+vAT take into consideration was the 10 to 20- minute delay Music Lab 0171 388 5392 on signals get- USUALLLY £1295+vAT ting from there to here. Timing Sound Control was a bit tricky but NASA kept us Glasgow 0141 204 0322 Offer ends November 30th 1997. in touch and it worked out well.' Studiocare 0151 236 7800 Subject to availability. For the first six hours of the Turnkey 0171 379 5148 broadcast, the only significant ele- ment coming back from Mars was SASCOM KETING the carrier signal, meaning that GROUP the TV coverage concentrated on NASA TLA®Audio Canada 8 USA Mission Control, the prepa- Sascom marketing Group Worldwide distribution: rations and reactions of page 90 > Tel: +1 905 - 469 8080 Tony Larking Professional Sales Ltd. Letchworth, SG6 - 1AN (UN) Far +1 905 469 1129 Tel: +44 (0)1462 490600 Far +44 (0)1462 490700 WEB: www.sascom.com WEB: httpJlwwstlaudio.co.uk

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www.americanradiohistory.com < page 85 began at 11am and ran to midnight. Overseeing the whole 20 hours of the broadcast. comprising fea- ture programmes and news inserts into scheduled Discovery pro- gramming, was Discovery Chan- nel executive producer Bob Reid, who explains that the decision was taken not to be on air contin- uously with Mars coverage. There were intermittent broad- casts when there was something interesting to transmit,' he says. 'Our philosophy was to go on air when we had a good reason and stay on as long as there was something to he said. Unfortu- nately there is a common practice NEW LOWER in television these days to stay on air regardless of whether there is anything going on. If you have the PRICES FROM luxury of being able to do that, then that's fine but few stories have enough going on to justify constant coverage.' Even though. as Reid says, the EXCL Pathfinder landing was an VAT 'unique' event. the news value could have been diminished if TV cameras had stayed fixed to the various scenes of the action all the time or tried to pad the proceed- 2001 4 Channel Valve Mic Pre Amp ings with interminable talking heads. Aside from Mars itself, the main focus of attention was on the Jet Propulsion - Laboratory (1PL) in 'c:i Pasadena, 2011 2 Channel 4 band Valve Equaliser California, which acted as Mission Control. A 'pool' cam- era was installed here by the US Space Agency, NASA (National Aeronautics Space mil _to - - - - and Adminis- 2012 2 Channel Parametric Valve Equaliser tration), with feeds running to Discovery-ABC. allowing viewers to see the activity of the mission controllers. As is now almost com- monplace in these situations, dur- 2021 2 Channel Valve Compressor ing the day NASA staff broke into 1'399 I applause when something signifi- cant happened. particularly as it became apparent that the mission

2031 2 Channel Studio Overdrive was proceeding as planned. I`399 Other cameras were positioned around the JPL by Discovery-ABC for interviews with scientists and NASA officials as they came out of 2051 Mono Valve Voice Processor or made their way to Mission Con- Special offer subject to availability. trol. Then there was the Martian Available from participating TL Audio stockists: footage itself, which was down- Audio Toy Shop 01225 447222 Music loaded from NASA's computers as Axis Audio 0161 474 7626 Connections 0171 731 5993 it was beamed back from Blue Systems 01799 584095 Music Lab 0171 388 5392 Pathfinder and the Sojourner rover, Digital Village 0181 440 3440 Sound Control which enabled more exten- sive exploration Funky Junk 0171 609 5479 Glasgow 0141 204 0322 of the planet's surface. This compact vehicle (25- HHB 0181 962 5000 Turnkey 0171 379 5148 inches long. 19- inches wide and Larking Audio 01234 772244 SASCOM 10- inches high) was controlled by M Corporation 0142.5 470007 Mgf2KETING instructions beamed from Earth GROUP and, with its six independently Canada a USA SS sascom Marketing Group , p`y moving wheels, was agile enough Tel: +1 905 - 469 a0$O ,'4 4. to negotiate the rocky terrain. As Fax: +1 905 - 469 1129 , rJ MOI: www.sescoma.c. well as being equipped with a Worldwide distribution: camera to record where it was Tony Larking Professional Sales ltd. going, Sojourner contained APXS. ')Letchworth, SG6 - IAN (UK) ,a Tel: +44 (0)1462 490600 a high -tech X -ray spec- page 88 > Fax: +44 :0)1462 490700 kb

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Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.glw.com i www.americanradiohistory.com AUSTRALIA JAPAN ELECTRIC FACTORY HOOK UP INC. TEL .61 3 9480 5988 TEL. +81 35 956 4853 FAX .61 3 9484 6708 FAX. +81 35 956 9856

ASIA & FAR EAST KOREA vw MARKETNG DAI KYUNG ELECT. TEL +44 (0)1379 798481 TRADE CO. FAX +44(0)1372794E09 TEL +84 9 7476187 FAX +89 AUSTRIA 9 766 8504 TON ELCI4NGER NEW ZEALAND TEL: 0999. 4847400 ARZ FM: 0994- 4847400 TECHNOLOGIES LTD TEL. +649 275 3085 MLTIC STATES < page 88 the scientists and technicians FAX .649 975 1860 A & T TRADE working on the project. While some live TV TEL +371 9 371141 NORWAY FAX: +371 2 370061 LYD-SYSTEMER NS broadcasts can milk the build -up to events TEL .47 22 71 10 BELGIUM 07 that may or not deliver, Reid says that FAX .47 22 71 07 12 AMPTEC Pathfinder was an important story exactly for TEL +39 11 98 14 58 PIRIINNES FAX .32 11 98 14 59 TRACKS this reason. TEL .639 CANADA 633 3175 it was a mystery,' he says, 'because there FAX .639 631 3277 SASCOM were all these questions. Would it land? Would MARKETING GROUP PORTUGAL TEL .1 905 469 8080 MUNDO MUSIC it land safely? After that the question was FAX .1 905 469 1199 TEL +351 9 900 4616 whether it would work and whether the cam- FAX. +351 2 208 4949 CHINA eras would operate. Then the expectation was DIGITAL MEDIA TECH C.I.S. TEL +859 2721 0343 A B T TRADE as to what the pictures were going to show. It FAX +859 9366 6883 TEL +7 095 229 7516 was a story that took so many dramatic turns FAX +7 956 CYPRUS 095 6881 because there was always a chance of failure. EMPIRE MUSIC SINGAPORE/MALAYSIA TEL +357 9 490479 HIGH END Anxiety was high.' FAX +357 2 490863 COMMUNKATIONS PTE LTD The build -up was mixed with experts, DENMARK TEL .65 980 8891 FAX .65 980 4307 either at JPL or in Discovery's studios DANISH AUDIO D15T in New TEL .45 3968 9811 SLOVENIA York, explaining what was going on and what FAX .45 3965 2449 NOVA they expected to see once images started to IMAND TEL .386 609 690 933 FAX .386 61 963 960 arrive back INTO -GROUP from Mars. Facilities were pro- TEL .358 9 755 950 SOUTH AFRICA vided by ABC, Discovery's partner for live FAX .358 9 755 3581 8TH AVENUE events coverage; of the number of different SOUND CC FRANCE TEL 11 799 MUSIC BUSINESS .27 3899 control rooms and studios that the network FAX +97 11 792 3895 TEL .33 1 43 38 15 95 has available, a suite equipped with a Solid FAX .33 1 43 38 70 79 SPAM State Logic Axiom digital console was allo- GERMANY REFLEX/ON ARTS SEA TEL +34 86 48 11 55 cated for the audio production. Feeding into FAX .34 86 48 90 65 TEL .49 5903 93 880 this were inputs from the four remote loca- FAX +49 5903 6141 SWWRN tions involved in the project, ESTRAD MUSIC including the GREECE TEL. +46 BON STUDIO 8 643 90 07 JPL. In addition there were microphone feeds OR: 46 8 640 19 60 TEL +30 1 380 9605 from the link studio as pundits pontificated as FM: +46 8 709 40 16 FAX +30 1 384 5755 to the final outcome. The desk was used both HOLLAND SWITZERLAND MAGRA - BROADCAST AUDIO ELECTRONICS for live inserts and for preparing pre -recorded TEL: +41 21 739 01 01 MATTUSEN packages; the DiskTrack and Hub FAX +41 21 732 Router sys- TEL: +31 40 01 00 699 04 80 tems FAX: +31 90 699 36 41 SWITZERLAND enabled effective routing without the KONG KONG SEA need for extensive patching. TEL .49 5903 93 880 DIGITAL MEDIA TECH. Use FM +49 of the Axiom was something that was TEL: +859 9791 0343 5903 6141 FM +852 2366 6883 TAMAN possible, rather than something that was part

ICELAND TRUE SOUR TRADING of any original plans. CO. LTD. B.F. PA SYSTEMS 'Using it a TEL +886 9 595 8512 came down to combination of TEL +354 55 191 44 FM: +886 9 594 FAX: +354 56 191 44 0032 factors,' explains Reid. As it turned out, that INDIA AINANCERIK control room was available for use when, nor- SOUND TEAM M2NAIOM.LCO. UD TEL 4886 2 mally, it wouldn't have been. Also, the audio TEL +91 22 881 4041 719 2388 FAX: +886 2 FAX: +91 99 881 0374 716 0043 production was a complicated one. We had INDONESIA MARANO audio from the studio, with up to three guests, MUD M ED1A SIUMI MULTI VOICE ELECTRONICS and six to TEL: +66 2 311 5111 eight sources on tape from around TEL +62 21 619 1199 FAX: +66 9 311 FAX +69 91 619 9989 6875 the building, with satellite feeds from at least USA ITALY three to four locations, including Washington SASCOM MARKETING PRODUX SRL TEL +1 905 469 8080 and the JPL. In this respect it was not an easy TEL +39 9 393 11571 FM: +1 905 469 1199 FAX: +39 9 393 19609 production: the only way we could manage it, keep control of the number of sources and

AR maintain quality was to use a sufficiently sophisticated system that was easy to work with under live conditions. The requirement ud, o was to have access to all the sources immedi- ately because we didn't have a second chance. It worked magnificently.' For other technical facilities, Reid and the Worldwide distribution: production team chose one c1Ì page 92 > Tony Larking Professional Sales Ltd. Letchworth, SG6 - IAN (UK) Tel: +44 (0)1462 490600 Fax: +44 (0)1462 490700 Web: www.tlaudio.co.uk

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www.americanradiohistory.com < page 90 ABC's studios (one that is not usu- joint US- Russian projects have been slated for ally used for Discovery News) that best suited 2001 and 2003, with Japan preparing to D i g i d e s i g n the kind of look that they wanted to give this launch its own probe next year. All of which W o r l d w i d e coverage. This included using elements of is unlikely to pacify the two Yemeni men who Discovery News' regular virtual set, although have issued a writ against NASA for trespass, Distribution not fed through a computer as usual but claiming that they own Mars after inheriting it involving digital graphics and chroma- keying. from ancient ancestors. Now, if these ancients ASIA Digidesign, a division of Avid Technology 'Technically it all worked beautifully,' says are there to meet the first person to land on (JAPAN) Tel. 813 3505 7937 Reid, sounding as though he still cannot quite the planet, due in 2012, that would be some- Fax. 813 3505 7938 believe it himself. If we had sat down a week thing to stay in and watch. before the broadcast and said "This is what is (NORTH ASIA) Digidesign, a division of Avid North Asia going to happen ", I think that we would have Limited Tel 852 2833 0101 laughed. When its live you can never count Fax 852 2832 9938 on things happening when you expect them to hut every time we made the decision to AUSTRAUA Digidesign, a division of interrupt our regular programming, there was Avid Technology Tel 612 9937 1800 something going on. There was never a time Fax: 612 9937 1888 when we had nothing to say.'

After the anticipation of six hours, colour AUSTRIA X -ART Pro Division GmbH images started to he relayed from Mars to the Tel 43 3357 43801 JPL, causing the Mission Control personnel to Fax: 43 3357 438019 break into spontaneous applause, all of which was captured live on TV. This meant that com- BENELUX Digidesign, a division of puter images from the Red Planet could be (NETHERLANDS) Avid Technology added to the Earth -bound pictures that had so Tel 31 73 613 8080 far sustained the broadcasts. From this point Fax 31 73 612 2044 all inserts were live up to going off the air. C.I.S. AT Trade, Moscow office Once events moved on beyond just getting Tel 7 095 229 7516/7 radio signals back from Mars, we could go on Fax 7 095 229 7090 for five to ten minutes at a time,' says Reid. DENMARK New Musik But we did have pre -prepared packages to Tel 45 86 190899 what was explain going on and why. These Fax 45 86 193199 carefully crafted pieces could he used where appropriate during the day. At 11pm we FINLAND SounDato Cry Tel 9 454 broadcast a compilation of those and the live 358 2422 Fax 358 9 454 2421 inserts, with analysis of what it all meant.'

As executive producer of Discovery News Spe- FRANCE Digidesign, a division of cial Report: Mars Live. Bob Reid declared him- Avid Technology self very satisfied with the way everything Tel 33 1 41 49 4010 turned out. Fax 33 1 47 57 5628 'It was flawless coverage.' he says. The technical team was superb and the equipment GERMANY: Digidesign, a division of performed perfectly. That's the real trick, get- INC. POLAND, Avid Technology GmbH CZ 8 SLOVAKIA Tel 49 811 55 200 ting it to all come together, making a symbio- Fax 49 811 55 20599 sis. From the viewers' point of view. they saw it as a tremendous success and that's what it's all about, giving benefit to the viewers and ISRAEL Digital Systems Ltd producing good TV: Tel 972 3 516 4851 Fax 972 3 516 5899 Over the next ten years the Red Planet is unlikely to be far away from TV sets, with ITALY Digidesign, a division of NASA's Surveyor '98 orbiter and lander mis- Avid Technology srl sion due to be the next significant foray, while Tel 39 2 57 511799 Fax 39 2 57 500295

Mars Exploration Program NORWAY Fitzpatrick Import Group Tel 47 2211 4054 Mars Exploration Fax 47 2220 4243 N /,,9A J1131. Time Line PORTUGAL Audio Pro Ida Tel: 358 9 454 2422 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Fax: 358 9 454 2421 (/ars Pathfinder MI=EIMEdiIrZi SOUTH AFRICA Eltron t /p Mar; Ghhol Survayur Tel: 27 11 787 0355 Fax 27 11 787 9627

Mere Surveyor 98 Orbiter SPAIN Ventamatic 'N Tel 34 3 430 9790 Mars Surveyor Under Fax 34 3 321 3173

t K. Mare 01 Orbiter SWEDEN Fitzpatrick Import Group Tel 46 8 732 4995 2=31®101 Mare '01 under Fax 46 8 732 4191

t i. SWITZERLAND Giant Electronics Mars '03 under Tel 41 32 22 52 74 Fax 41 32 22 52 78 t ro MOM '0a Orbiter USA . HEAD OFFICE Digidesign, o division of M=11F13. Avid Technolgy Inc.

Tel 650 842 7900 92 Fax 650 842 7999

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Vo n k So u n Once the preserve of the broadcast fraternity, SSL's Axiom has curiously found its largest multiple installation in the commercials market. Zenon Schoepe visits Amsterdam and asks why

ONE NAME STANDS OUT against all geoning a post as Soho in London of an expanding commercials requirement and others in the commercials facilities and the number of facilities would bear this moved his expanding team to a new complex market of the Netherlands: Vonk out, but when you corner a market, you cor- on the outskirts of the city where he con - Sound. With enough history to give net a market in whatever sphere. The art then structed three identically-equipped and speci- it lineage, enough character to keep is all about keeping it that way. fied rooms for himself and engineer, Marcel it interesting and enough technological risks Vonk was the first to go with DAR Sound - Walvisch and Eelco de Vries. Together they to keep it current, owner Wim Vonk has cre- Stations in Holland almost eight years ago and present a magnificent force in audio for com- ated a Mecca of commercials in Amsterdam uncannily the country has since progressed to mercials by combining musical skills and apti- that has won awards and accolade from the boast one of the highest densities of the com- tude. sound design, engineering and mixing creative advertising industry. pany's equipment anywhere. Coming from a and -by Vonk's own admission-getting paid Amsterdam may not seem to have as bur - film background. he grabbed the opportunity admirably for working to their ow n page 96 > Studio Sound September 1997 95

www.americanradiohistory.com U4\11 gy\1q 1.113 pUUU

< page 95 uncompromising high standards. in here when they don't know what they Vonk is a man who knows his own mind. want,' claims Vonk, If they know what they The last time I met him, he was in uncompro- want then they go somewhere else. They mising mood and relishing tales of arguments send us a tape and have a rough idea and

IZ -211 with directors and creatives. Yet the clients then give us three or four days. You start keep coming hack. the dmiff list numbers many of working on the DAR, creating sounds, sam- the top international agencies, they never but pling, effects, whatever and it doesn't take never work weekends. and you've got to very long to fill the first 16 tracks. I used to believe him when he says they are always use Sony PCM800s to dump off as to get back offered more work than they can handle. tracks but now I dump the lot into the Disk - The years have mellowed him slightly and dios, push a button, load the project and just Track and carry on working. I find I usually he's now contemplating the future with some remix it. All the creative energy is in the desk end up using about 30 channels. Now the further expansion, a tentative move in to film and none of it is wasted. And you get maybe whole damn project goes on to DiskTrack and mixing and the recent installation of the first three days to do the whole commercial but redoing something is a piece of cake.' 3 -SSL Axiom complex on this planet. only a half-hour for the remix,' he continues. This contrasts to the previous scenario of Those that have been reading Studio Sounds We wanted to go to a networking situation an impromptu remix where in complicated contracts columns will have noticed that the and we were interested in the possibilities of jobs only the originator could tell how some- take up of the Axiom has been largely digital equalisers because in our line of work thing had been done. restricted to the realm of large broadcasters where you want to do things with sound, a lot If you've got to tell somebody how to do who have applied the digital desk to produc- of it is not what you would term normal on a it then you might as well do it yourself,' says tion duties. Its a far cry from the cut -and- music session. We tend to use the desk as a Vonk. 'In the past we used to work during the thrust of one -stop self-op commercials sort of instrument and we want to fool around. day and either come in very early in the creation, so what was Vonk thinking when he There's also the fact that just about every morning or work very late at night to change replaced his ageing Sony analogue boards? thing we do for television is in surround these whatever they wanted changed and try and The company is growing and growing with days,' he adds. get it to sound the way it sounded. That was a lot of work coming in from outside of Hol- The search for the new desks started two - the hard part because its fine if somebody land-we get a fair amount from England, and -a -half years ago although Vonk was came hack within a week but sometimes Germany. even one of two American agencies adamant that they would keep the DAR Deltas they'd come hack after two months when the over here,' he replies. 'I wanted to go digital. as their editors. A wealth of smaller systems commercial had been on the air. That was a We decided that we needed to go to a stage were identified but assignability was not big problem.' where we could have total but total recall. I appreciated and with the Pro Tools -02R camp The three identical Axiom rooms are each work on a job for three days. I start the next membership swelling meant a top -end facility equipped with 48 processing channels and one and then the client with the first com- required something that would clearly allow it integrated via the Huh Router to DiskTrack mercial always says its great but they think to work faster and better. DiskTrack was a with 72 hours of storage. The desks are net-

that one bird sound is too loud. If I'm busy real bonus. worked with Vonk's console acting as g.' - they can go into one of the other Axiom stu- The trouble is that people only ever come keeper to the re.onrceN page 98 > The New Patch Generation What's new GHIELMETTI HIGH QUALITY FOR A FANTASTIC PRICE in pre

.. will be published in November 1997 atc[cíil IilAllrM11M!!11! and will feature new equipment, updates and enhancements from SPECIFICATIONS PLASA London, IBC Amsterdam, AES New York, SATIS Paris and 32 connections on 19 ", 1 RU VISION AND AUDIO London. analog / digital high reliability To make sure your company doesn't "fail safe" miss out on this important marketing opportunity please GHIELMETTI Contact rM contact us on the Price: CHF 490.- following numbers:

-44 (0) 171 620 3636 GI-iIELN1ETTI Fax: + 44 (0) 171 401 8036 Editorial: Zenon Schoepe. GHIELMETTI Communications AG CH -4562 Biberist Advertising: Phil Bourne & Chris Baillie. Phone +41 (0)32 671 13 13 Fax +41 (0)32 671 13 14


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www.americanradiohistory.com < page 96 'What's nice about digital and equipment, by the time I ordered it and VisionTrack random access picture. the networking is that I can access every received it was outdated because I'd read 'It's great but its so incredibly fast, and this machine in every room and every micro- about a new machine that could do just that is a hang up of mine. In the old days with a phone and the system grows with you.' little bit more. My DAR has been here for projector you had time to think while you Ore. 'tt.IA enthuses Vonk. The first time we did an ISDN nearly eight years but if you buy a new one were winding back. It changed a lot when we _ link up with this desk we were recording today it does exactly the same as mine. started working with the DARs and videotape .a1 somebody in the States and I was directing There's new software and it's a new machine but I still have time to think while I'm spool- them from here, we made a setup with the and it grows with you. The Axiom and the ing back. That's not the main reason though,' patching and the routeings and you store it on DAR are not investments in the normal sense he explains. The main reason is that all my a key. Every time you do something you where you buy a desk and expect it to last clients still work on U -matic or they come in haven't done before that needs a special setup four or five years, it's longer -term than that. with a Beta. I put that in the machine and start Dam you can store it on a macro and recall it the working and when I'm finished I relay the next time you want to do the same.' I IVE YEARS ago I was involved in sur- tracks and they leave again. That saves me He's not averse to mixing and matching round for film and now its getting thousands of pounds per studio yet all Vision - technology or even passing on it. He's worn really big for television and I don't Track gives me is incredible speed. It doesn't away the finger groove on the scrub wheel of know what will be thought up in the next enhance the picture quality and I've always his DAR Delta and refuses to allow the manu- five. What I do know is that it's much easier got directors in here who have just spent four facturer to replace it because he says it is now to tackle things from software than it is from hours grading their picture and I couldn't face a part of him, 7 edit on the DAR because it's a hardware route and in that respect I think them sitting in here saying, "I'm sure there fast and I love it. I still think it is the greatest were well covered.' was much more green in that when we did it ". editing machine ever. However, perhaps peculiarly for a picture - I don't have any of those hassles. Also, the All my life, whenever I bought a piece of related environment, he has not opted for average commercial is 40s and spooling time is nothing.' The Axiom decision was made prior to the announcement of the Altimix but Vonk believes that the assignable nature of the L lt newer worksurface would not have altered _l. LI WI his decision. Similarly the OmniMix, while intriguing for post, was dismissed for similar ThELANrT reasons. 'I want to work on a real desk because I want to be able to do everything with both hands like you can with an analogue one,' he new says. The facility bought Circle Sound systems 17 :1ly two years ago and Vonk describes the medium as another dimension that can be e e lastT used to impart emotion. 'What's fantastic , about the Axiom is you can slow it down to a -mi ex o11l1 fifth of the speed and pan surround in the old traditional way and it's all in there. Before with this desk I had to perform the pans manually phantom powering each pass and I couldn't do more than four groups at a time using the Circle Sound joy- 48 V sticks,' he recalls. Despite the investment Vonk underlines that the clients are still hiring the operators- the performers, as he calls them -who now have new expensive toys to play with. Adding value to the operation is the recent opening of a jingles and incidental music studio with one of the old Sony boards run by Boris Kothuis. This works in a co- operative manner with the Axiom rooms and the Axiom rooms also co- operate on projects when required. Indeed it is the combination of everyone's speciality that makes the facility work a little differently to some of the larger and more anonymous palaces where an isolated operator welcomes Large diameter in a stream of clients with little or no interac- capsule, switchahle tion with any of his other colleagues. Vonk Sound's brew of in -house composers, musi- Transformer output cians and sound designers means that the originators of the different stages of a produc- `cn ui in. s' itchable tion can be in close contact with each other. roll -off: - IO dB Droll -up:+ 4dB There have even been projects where all four of them have been involved in some way be Roll - off for low frequency it engineering, designing or playing. Finish: satin nickel Vonk's latest plan involves the construction dark bronze of a film mixing theatre complete with an 8.4m-wide screen on land adjoining the com- plex in the immediate future and the creation K O N D E N S A T O R M I K R O F O N E

F U R S T U D I O - U N D M E S S T E C H N I K of a type of demo facility where clients can spend a day storyboarding ideas for commer- MICROTECH GEFELL GMBH cials before they start shooting. The film the- September 1997 Studio Sound Mühlberg 18 07926 Gefell Tel. (036649) 82262 Fax (036649) 82280 http:Iwww.Microtechgefell.coml

www.americanradiohistory.com atre is closest to his heart: 'I think that's the explains Vonk. 'We put in two AudioVisions sort of job I could do until I'm about 70,' in upstairs and two sound editors sat there for laughs Vonk. 'It's also my background and two-and-a -half months and then I mixed it. I where I came from.' think there is room for that type of service over Vonk is being deliberately cautious about here and it's is where I want to go. We've been the new venture although he getting offers but we haven't admits that cinema commercials been able to do it because we are already a very important haven't had the space.' Vonk Sound, part of their business. In the first He's going back to his roots w.1,. HJE WenckebachWeg 68, instance he will install one of and is preparing to step back 1096 AR Amsterdam, his old Sony desks and start off from the intensive day-to-day The Netherlands. with a video projector until the routines that have ruled his life. Tel: +31 20 6686151. concept is proven. There is 'Marcel is my partner in this already talk of using the new business and he will be taking WHILE ONLY installing three new des theatre space as an additional live area tor the over in a couple of years time,' adds Vonk. plumbing -in the Axioms required t music studio. Should a big enough job warrant 'I'm 44, I can't keep this up for ever, it's a whole infrastructure of the complex to it there is also the contingency of wheeling in young man's game and it's very important to reconfigured. Vonk had a feature film to one of the Axioms. And he's not particularly get new blood in to the commercials side of mix in the UK and worked the wh interested in the Dutch film market. the business. And by that time I'll be getting schedule for the installing of his own d 'What we did with the film that I was fin- to the sort of age where I will be old enough around this with the studios closing on F ishing in England when the Axioms were to be allowed to do feature films. I know you day, everyone but Vonk training Jn their. being put in was take on the whole project,' need to be 65 but I'll try it a little ear'ier.' own desks on the following Thursday, a normal business resuming on the Mon When you make the decision to three desks like this you're contin comparing them to other systems and You don't have to wait several the time you buy them you're pretty f iar with the idea but I'm still learnin admits Vonk. lifetimes to achieve purity 'You've got to expect that there will some problems. The desks were in for

month before the networking side Think about It. low end punch. a larger totally working properly because we were the fi Why does Quested sound so aerwate listening lrea with to ever try to connect three of these things much better? superb stereo imaging across the entire frequency It's because Quested together. spectrum engineers have achieved One of the advantages of having t Pure Sound. So that "'VIP.** Why setae for anything systems and four people that can run them you can, at last, hear less drat Pur Soruxf is that you can always walk to another your work In In your studi7? room and ask -alone on an island we've uncoloured fi Don't t,editnte on it 1xxx5t Soxatd. Soured for too, long. Call us all got the same problem. I'm very bad with with all its glory k-ft in now foil enlig hero rent. and without dLsronion. manuals but Eelco always has the manual Or you could be very on his lap if he's not doing anything e No ux,re Listener good, think rare in to Fatigue. thoughts and wait for and he's going deeper and deeper No tlx,re Excuses. 'There have been hiccups on sessi a few n ore lifetimes Talk to Quested users before au achieve too. But thank God for hiccups because and they'll tell you about purity. you learn from them and it has usually our meticulous attention to detail. Including our it been me doing something to make hic- pioneering use of softdoxne cup. Of course, there were also a couple of drivers. carefully selected bugs and some crashes including ones crossover points, our commitment to acoustically when there was a studio full of people.' optimised driver chambers. It's all open and frank talk but have the and the use f low resonance new desks allowed him to increase his rates? high mass materials. You'llll end up with greater 'I could have done but I haven't,' replies Vonk. 'We're all working much more e ciently-1 get home at a more reason time at night now. We are going to increase, the rates but first I want the clients recognise what is happening and what ; means to them and what they do. 'I'm a firm believer in people and standing what they're paying for so we're going to keep the rate the same for at least eight months. I don't want anyone to get the idea that they're paying for this, I've got a bad enough reputation as it is. One of the things you remise is that there are a lot of people that would like to buy this gear but can't afford it so the eas- iest thing for them to say is that I've gone out of my mind. But they said that when' J bought the first DAR in this country. 'It's very important to do things when Quested Monitoring Systems Ltd.. Unit 2A. West Ealing Business Centre, you feel you want to do them and not wait Alexandria Road, London. W13 ONJ. United Kingdom. Tel: .4410) 181 566 2488 Fax: .44(0) 1:1 566 2484 until somebody else does them first.'

Studio Sound September 1597 99

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www.americanradiohistory.com 1876: Thomas ANa Edison. working in his lab, succeeds in recovering Marys Little Lamb from a strip of tinfoil wrapped around a spinning cylinder. Gold standard 1.877: Edison demonstrates his invention in the offices of As the AES 'goes Gold', it seems timely to look back over Scientific Amencan, and the is born. 5D years of its service to audio. Here, some of those involved 1878: The first music is put on insights on trends in the record: cornetist Jules Levy icentify forthcoming frontiers and offer plays Yankee Doodle. irdustry, while other innovators are profiled for posterity 1881: Clement Adler. using carton microphones and armature headphones. AS WE MARK the year of the neers formed a small, elite association to con- 50th accidentally produces a stereo Audio Engineering Society, an organ- tend with the shortages that had made it diffi- effect when listeners outside isation dedicated to the advancement cult to obtain wax and lacquer masters and the hall monitor adjacent of audio engineering, it's important to sapphire styli for cutting records. This group, telephone lines linked to the stage of the Pans Opera. understand how the adventure called the Sapphire Club, helped its members 1887: Emile Berliner is grantee Ker Pohlmann began. Its roots go back to the end of WWII, obtain vital supplies and material. Prior to the a patent on a Bat disc when the term 'electronics' was first being Sapphire Club's formation, little audio record- gramophone. making the production of multiple copies used in print. It was a time of rapid advance- ing technology information had been practical. ments in virtually every aspect of American exchanged. Most of the companies felt it was 1.888: Edison introduces an society: medicine, science, music, communi- confidential. As the war ended, the members electric motor-driven phonograph. it it was the importance of information cations, transportation-name and discovered 1895: Marconi achieves undergoing change. The pace of life had exchange and cooperation. It helped save the wireless radio transmission picked up, as the country began feeling its rapidly growing and vital business of record- from Italy to Amenca. Poulsen collective muscle. The audio, film and broad- ing, thus establishing a camaraderie among 1898: Valdemar patents his Telegraphone. casting industries were experiencing an engineers on the east and west coasts. Both recording magnetically on steel avalanche of technological breakthroughs, regions had contained installations used by wire. Sidney Harman although at that time audio was given scant the recording industry and also time-shifting 1.900: Poulsen unveils his invention to the public at the recognition. That too was changing, thanks to operations, which in turn became a corporate Paris Exposition. Austna's the efforts of the Institute of Radio Engineers catalyst to improve audio. In this way both Emperor Franz Josef records in the US and similar organisations in Britain ends of the broadcast chain were served. his congratulations. The of listening pleasure and Boston Symphony Hall opens and Europe. combination with the benefit of Wallace The success of V -Discs (which brought the corporate participation helped shape the Clement Sabine's acoustical music of great American musical artists such founding tenets of the Sapphire Club into a advice. as Frank Sinatra to our GIs abroad) in the coherent society. The work of early club 1901: The Victor Talking Machine Company is founded Army Morale Program demonstrated that a members like CJ Lebel, Chester A. Rackey, by Emile Berliner and Eldndge quality audio recording had a place in the Theodore Lindenberg, Norman C Pickering, Johnson. nascent modem cultural landscape. The emer- Lawrence A Rudell, Frank L Capps, Albert A Expenmental optical recordings made on motion picture film. Waltor Vincant J Liebler gence of British Decca's 78rpm Full Fre- Pulley, O Stanton, 1906: Lee DeForest invents quency Range Recording (FFRR) and the and Harry L Bryant evolved into a formal the tnode vacuum tube, the introduction of the Pickering integrated play- organisation that was called the Audio Engi- fist electronic signal amplifier 1910: Enrico Caruso is heard that advanced neering Society. Work on this consolidation back pickup, tracked these n the first live broadcast from Mick Guzauski discs, spurred the onset of quality record started late in 1947 and become a reality with the Metropolitan Opera. NYC. reproduction. Professional audio was on its the first AES meeting on March 11, 1948, 191.2: Major Edwin F Armstrong is issued a patent for a regenerative circuit. making radio reception practical. way to becoming a significant factor in the which featured a lecture by Dr Harry Olson at 1913: The first talking movie is demonstrated by Edison using average music enthusiast's life. the RCA Studios in New York City. fus Kinetophone process. a :ylinder player mechanically During the same period, a new pickup car- synchronised to a film projector. tridge was introduced by William Bachman of T THAT first meeting, over 150 inter- 1916: A patent for the super heterodyne circuit is issued to Edwin Armstrong. GE, and economical cartridge pickups ested and concerned engineers The Society of Motion Picture Engineers ISMPEI is formed. became a reality. The groundwork was laid involved in the fields of recording, Edison does liveversus- recorded demonstrations in Carnegie for improved cartridges and arms via the work research, manufacturing, broadcasting and Hall, NYC. 1917: The Scully disc recording labo is introduced. Pierce at Harvard during World product improvement and development met of Hunt and EC Wente publishes a papa in Physical Review describing a War II; their work was released for public dis- to exchange ideas. The concept of this inter- uniformly sensitive instrument 'or the absolute measuremen' of tribution and sparked a recovery in the record action and intellectual exchange spread like sound intensity-the condenser microohone. market, which had been stifled both be wildfire. Two months later sections were 1919: The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded. 't is wartime shortages of supplies and by a bitter organised in Denver and Los Angeles. During owned in part by United Frci1, labour dispute pitting the American Federa- the remainder of 1948 and into 1949 growth 1921: The first commercial AM tion of Musicians against record companies. and interest in the AES was enhanced by the radio broadcast is made by KDKA, Pittsburgh PA. The emergence of the GE RPX -050, car- publication of Audio Engineering, later to 1925: Bell Laboratones tridge was a harbinger of even greater become Audio Magazine, a magazine that was develops a moving armature change. Parallelling this innovation, Dr Peter the industry's communications link until the lateral cutting system for recording on disc. William at of AES's own publication, the electrical Goldmark and Bachman, now development Concurrently they Introduce Columbia Records, were leading a team that AES Journal, in 1953. The Journal was a joint Victor Orthophonie Victrola, was secretly developing the 'LP', a 33' /3rpm labour of love by Lewis Goodfriend and Vin- Credenza model. This all- microgroove long- playing record. Its introduc- cent Salmon. acoustic player with no electronics is considered a leap Tony Brown tion in the late summer of 1948 augured a The Society, its section operations and the new era of quality audio reproduction. AES Journal have been responsible for the Executives were awakened to the potential rapid growth in membership that continues of quality recording and reproduction and its today. Over 70 AES sections have been potentially huge economic impact. The pro- formed throughout the world. The organisa- fessional disc jockey emerged as records tion has allowed audio to become both sci- gained acceptance in the entertainment and ence and industry rather than avocation. To broadcast fields. those early pioneers we owe a debt of grati- During the prewar and war years, a group tude for a job well done; a job that has had an of highly- regarded audio and recording engi- impact on every level of the page 102 > Studio Sound September 1997

www.americanradiohistory.com forward in phonograph design. < page 101 industry, from technicians to interested in the relationship between physi- RCA works on the development musicians, and subsequently on the cal Next of ribbon microphones. general acoustics and human perception. 1926: O'Neill patents iron oxide- public. If the next 50 years of audio innova- door to his office was one of the earliest and coated paper tape. tions even approach the breakthroughs of the largest computer software development pro- 1927: The Jazz Singer is first half century, we are heading for some jects of the time. One of Dr Schroeder's pet released as the first talking picture, using exciting times indeed. As it has in the past, projects, unrelated to his main professional sound on discs synchronised AES will be there to support the new ideas activities, was the creation of synthetic with film. and technologies its members develop. acoustic reverberation to test some of his per- The Columbia Broadcasting Donald Plunkett System (CBS) is formed. ceptual models. The Japan Victor Corporation Because those models were based on (JVC) is formed as a subsidiary audio delay lines, and because there were no of the Victor Talking Machine Co. The birth of other technologies available to get audio 1928: Dr Harold Black at Bell Laboratones applies for a patent on negative feedback. It was granted nine years later. digital audio delay, he used the computers to implement Dr Georg Neumann founds a company in Germany to i 1 I NNY CASH has observed that in the his models. It took more than 10 hours of manufacture his condenser microphones. Its first is product the 1d- 19505, when he, Elvis, Carl Perkins computer time to get one minute of reverber- Model CMV 3. 1929: Harry Nyquist publishes the mathematical foundation for and Jerry Lee Lewis were tooling around ated audio. Only a few real experiments were the sampling theorem basic to all digital audio processing, the the south in their cars, pioneering the most done during off hours when the computers Nyquist Theorem. traditional strain of rock 'n' roll, and in the were not busy. Published in the Journal of the The Blattnerpnone is developed for use as a magnetic recorder using steel tape. process altering an industry, none of them Audio Engineering Society in the late 1950s, that 1931: Alan Blumlein. working for had any idea they were doing anything more work demonstrated that useful things could EMI in London. in effect patr than trying to make a living. `Now,' he notes, be done with an audio signal in the digital stereo. His seminal patent `that's become the important stuff.' domain. discusses the theory of stereo, both describing and picturing in The same might be said about digital audio, Fifteen years later, at a point when com- the course of its 70-odd another 1950s innovation that has grown to puter technology had grown dramatically, I individual claims a coincident have a greater impact on subsequent decades. was sitting at MIT. A colleague of mine, Fran- crossed-eights miking arrangement and a 45-45 Its early history has been little recorded, cis Lee, was actively trying to push the enve- stereo disc cutting system. because those of us involved did not perceive lope of computer memory technology, which 1932: The first cardioid nbbon that we were doing anything very profound. was perceived as being one of the major bot- microphone is by Dr patented The initial milestone in this historical pro- Harry F Olson of RCA, using a tlenecks of that industry. Memory was based field coil instead of a magnet. gression would be the development of the on a very expensive (by today's standards) 1933: Magnetic recording on 4 first viable A -D and D-A convertor in the magnetic core technology. A typical mini- steel wire is developed early 1940s, a subject on which I wish I would commercially. could computer have 4k of total memory. Dr Bell Labs demonstrates the first provide more personal insight. Lee had just created a magneto-strictive delay intercity stereo audio In the late 1950s Manfred Schroeder, a bril- line as one of many experimental attempts to transmission. liant scientist and mathematician working at find viable alternatives. Having a strong inter- 1935: AEG (Germany) exhibits 4 the Bell Laboratories Research facility, was est in audio, I worked with Dr page 104 >

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www.americanradiohistory.com its Model K -1 at < page 101 Lee in creating what became the DISTRIBUTORS the Berlin Radio Exposition. first commercial digital audio product, the BASF prepares the first plastic- WORLDWIDE based magnetic tapes. Lexicon Delta -T Delay Line. The article. pub- 1936: BASF makes the first lished in the JAES, presented to the world a tape recording of a symphonic solution to the old acoustical engineering concert during a visit by the Austria: ATEC GmbH touring London Philharmonic. issue of how to create quality delay feeding Tel: 00 43 2234 74004 Fax: 00 43 2234 74074 with Sir Thomas Beecham the loudspeakers in a public address system. Australia: AR Audio Engineering Pty. Ltd conducting Mozart. There were no really equivalent competitive Tel: 00 61 2 98105300 Fax: 00 61 2 98105355 1938: Benjamin B -Bauer of alternatives. We Shure Bros-engineers a single had demonstrated that digital Belgium: EML microphone element to produce audio could have real world uses in a com- Tel: 00 32 89 415278 Fax: 00 32 89 491662 Elizabeth Cohen a cardioid pickup pattern, called mercial setting. Canada: Sonotedhnique PLJ Inc the Unidyne, Model 55. This The momentum began to pick up and (Toro.) Tel: 00 1 416 947 9112 later becomes the basis for the well known SM57 and SM58 one Fax: 00 1 microphones. could see a pattern emerging. EMT, a West 416 947 9369 (Mont.) Tel: 00 1 514 332 6868 Under the direction of Dr Harry Olson, Leslie 1 Anderson German company, dominant in plate rever- 448 Fax: 00 1 514 332 5537 designs the ribbon bidirectional microphone and the 77B beration systems, sponsored my work in the ribbon unidirectional for RCA. Chile: Clio Productora Musical development of an all- electronic reverberation RCA develops the first column loudspeaker array. Tel: 00 56 2274 9621 Fax: 00 56 2274 9575 Walt Disney's Fantasia is released with 8-track stereo sound. system using digital technology. We created Denmark: New Music AG 1939: AC biasing of is accidentally discovered by the EMT -250 in 1976, which was both a com- German researchers working with an oscillating record amplifier. Tel: 00 45 86 190899 Fax: 00 45 86 193199 bination and an extension of Dr Schroeder's Independently, Marvin Camras working at Armour Research in Fmland: Studiotec KY the US develops AC bias for wire recorders. reverberation computer models and Dr Lee's Tel: 00 358 9 592 055 Fax: 00 358 9 592 090 In Germany, a patent is granted von to BraunmAhl and Weber digital delay line. Computer components had France: Mille et un Sons for the cardioid condenser microphone. come down in price sufficiently Tel: 00 33 1 46670210 Fax: 0 33 1 47898171 Western Electric designs the first motional feedback, verbcakut that one disc recording head. could conceive of using them in the audio Germany: Sound Service GmbH Major Armstrong, the inventor of FM radio, makes the first context. By today's standards, the EMT -250 Tel: 00 49 308508950 Fax: 00 49 3085089589 expenmental FM broadcast. was prohibitively expensive, costing some Greece: KEM The first of many attempts is made to define the vu meter Tel: 00 30 167 48514/5 Fax: 00 30 167 46384 standard. $20,000 and made up of over 400 discrete ICs. 1941 Commercial FM The final milestone in the progression was Holland / The Netherlands: TM Audio broadcasting begins in the US. based on the broad observation that when Tel: 00 31 30 2414070 Fax: 00 31 30 2410002 AEG adds AC bias to the record Hong Kong: Digital Media Technology circuit of its Magnetophon. audio equipment was reduced to software, Tel: 00 852 2721 0343 Fax: 00 852 2366 6883 Arthur Haddy of English Decca there would be no manufacturing cost. The devises the first motional digital audio revolution was now complete. Iceland: Audio Solutions feedback, lateral-cut Tel: (10 354 8965626 Fax: 00 354 4216664 disc Analogue would only own the acoustic recording head, later used to cut Ireland: CFI - Control Techniques their FFRR recordings. domain of transducers which translate Tel: 00 3531 4545400 Fax: 00 3531 4545726 1942: The RCA LC1A between the digital and the inherently ana- Italy: Grisby Music Professional loudspeaker is developed as a logue nature of acoustics. Violins and ears are control room monitor. Tel: 00 39 71 7108471 Dr Olson patents a single-nbbon likely to remain analogue for some time. Fax: 00 39 71 7108477 cardioid microphone later (which The number of audio engineers engaged in Japan: Otaritec was developed as the RCA 77D the application of digital technology grew so Tel: 00 81 3 3332 3211 and DX). and a phased-array rapidly that I say I Fax: 00 81 3 3332 3214 directional microphone las yet could no longer knew undeveloped). them all. It became a big business. The acci- Korea: Best Logic Sound Co The first stereo tape recordings dental quality of combining technology from Tel: 00 82 '2 741 7385/7386/7393 are made by Helmut Kruger at different disciplines, as we did in the 1950s, is Fax: 00 82 2 741 7387 German Radio in Berlin. New Zealand: Prote) 1943: Altec develops its Model now an explicit and formal part of the audio Tel: 00 64 4801 9494 Fax: 00 65 4384 604 coaxial loudspeaker. business. We are all part of the computer and 2112 1945: Two Magnetophon tape communications business with audio just the Norway: Lydrommet recorders are sent back to the Tel: 00 47 22 370218 Fax: 00 47 22 378790 US in multiple mailbags by Army application. Where it goes we go. Portugal: Cairn Tecnologias Dr Robert Moog Signal Corps. sergeant John T We have an expression in our development Tel: 00 351 2 2084456 Fax: 00 351 2 314760 (lack) Mullin. group which describes this approach as that 1946: Webster-Chicago manufactures wire recorders for the Russia: ISPA of getting a free ride on the elephant. It is big home market. Tel: 00 7 503956 1826 Fax: 00 7 503 9562309 Brush builds a semiprofessional as their Model and goes where it wants to. By sitting on top, Singapore: Team 108 BK401 Soundmirror. we move rapidly yet we expend only a mod- Technical Services 3M introduces Scotch No. 100, a black Private Ltd oxide paper tape. est effort to gain from its billion dollar devel- Jack Mullin demonstrates hi -fi tape recording with his Tel: 00 65 748 9333 Fax: 00 65 747 7273 reconstructed Magnetophon at an IRE meeting in San Francisco. opment budgets. However, if you get ahead Southern Africa: Soundfusion 1947: Colonel Richard Ranger begins to manufacture his of the elephant you get stepped on; and if Tel: 00 27 1I 4771315 Fax: 00 27 I1 4776439 version of a Magnetophon. you get behind it, you experience an equally Spain: Media Sys. Bing Crosby and his Technical Director Murdo McKenzie agree to audition tape recorders brought in by Jack Mullin and Richard nasty surprise. Tel: 00 34 3 426 6500 Fax: 00 34 3 424 7337 Ranger. Mullin's is preferred. and he is brought back to record Barry Blesser Sweden: Tal and Ton Crosby's Philco Radio Time Tel: 00 46 3152 5150 Fax: 00 46 3152 8008 Ampex produces their first tape recorder. the Model 200. Switzerland: Studio M de Mag Major improvements are made in disc casing technology: the The mother Presto 1D. Fairchild 542. and Cook Feedback cutters. The Tel: 00 41 62 8495722 Fax: 00 41 62 8493830 Williamson high-quality power amplifier circuit is published. of invention Taiwan: Advancetek International Co.Ltd. 1948: The Audio Engineenng Society (AES) is formed in NYC. GI .I. A parallel world. It is the Year of Tel: 00 886 2716 8896 The microgroove 331/3rprn long.play vinyl record iLPI is Fax: 00 886 2716 0043 introduced by Columbia Records. Our Lord 1948 and approximately 150 Thailand: KEC Scotch types 111 and 112 I'"audio engineers are converging on the Tel: 00 662 2228613/4 Fax: 00 662 2253173 acetate -base tapes are RCA Victor studios in New York City. As they introduced. UK Focusrite begin to arrive, a faulty pentode -tube power Magnecord introduces their PT- Tel: +44 (0)1494 462246 first recorder m 6, the tape amplifier overheats, starting a small fire. The Fax: +44 (0) I494 459920 portable cases. rooms fill with smoke and although the fire 1949: RCA introduces the USA: Group One is the fire microgroove 45rpm. large-hole. quickly contained, chief orders the (NY) Tel: 00 1 516 249 1399

7 -inch record and record player engineers to go home, pending a full inspec- Fax: 00 1 516 753 1020 adaptor. tion. The engineers drift away; there is talk (CA) Tel: 00 1 310 656 2521 Ampex introduces their Model of another meeting, but they are all very Fax: 00 1 310 656 2524 300 professional studio recorder. busy in that post -war era, and never quite Magnecord produces the first get around to it. The Audio Engineering lay McKnight recorder, US-made stereo tape Society is never founded. page 106 > 470 104 Focusrite a u d i o e n g i n e e r i n g

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www.americanradiohistory.com employing half-track staggered - < page 101 Fast -forward to 1998. In many senting the most outstanding papers from con- head assemblies. ways the technology of this parallel world is ventions, all subjected to peer review. The dis- 9t1 A novel amplifier design is descnbed by Macintosh and Gow. very familiar. However, the audio technology semination of this reference information is 1.950: Les Paul modifies his is shocking. The playback systems are all critical to the industry; professional engineers Ampex 300 with an extra monaural; stereo recording was never per- can study the most current and expert think- preview head for 'sound on sound' overdubs. fected because companies kept their work ing, and students can begin to learn it. More- IBM develops a commercial secret and never shared information. There over, the Journal represents the historical magnetic drum memory. are no digital recorders, because there was no record of the progress of audio technology. In 1.951: The hot stylus technique is introduced to disc recording. forum to introduce and demonstrate this tech- a future time, when living engineers have An Ultra-Linear amplifier is nology to the recording industry. There is no passed on to their own nirvanas, and when 124 proposed by Haller and Keroes. optical storage, because there was no educa- the products they designed are collecting dust Pultec introduces the first tion mechanism to teach this technology to in attics and museums, the Journal will remain ELI programme equaliser, the EQP1. The Germanium transistor is developed at Bell Laboratories. the audio industry. Finally, vacuum tubes are as a record of what really transpired. 1952: Peter 1 Baxandall publishes his (much-copied) tone still widely used. Without the exchange of The Society's Web page provides current control circuit. ideas and clash of egos afforded by scientific information on conventions, conferences, 1953: Ampex produces a 4-track, 35mm magnetic film system for 20th Century Fox' Christmas release of The Robe in debate, the mysteries of transistor circuits standards committees and Sections. It also Cinemascope and stereo. were never solved, so transistor technology contains a directory of educational programs, Ampex introduces the first high speed reekto -reel duplicator as was abandoned. Ironically, vacuum tubes are a selection of information from the Journal as their Model 3200. Emory Cook presses experimental dual -band left-right binaural still responsible for numerous fires each year well as a searchable Journal database, and discs. in this parallel world. other assets and links. The activities of the 1954: EMT introduces the electromechanical reverberation plate. Let's return to our own world, complete Society are varied, ranging in size and scope, Sony produces the first pocket transistor radios. with stereos, Ampex produces their Model 300 portable tape recorder. digital recorders, optical discs, private and public, tutorial and technical, GA Briggs stages a live-versus -recorded demonstration in solid -state circuitry and the Audio Engineering national and international, professional and London's Royal Festival Hall. Society. It might be overly generous to say social. Together, they comprise an organisa- RCA introduces their that without the Society, none of those inven- tion that efficiently promotes the evolution of polydirectional ribbon mic, the nox. tions would have ever appeared. But it is audio technology. It would be impossible to Westrex introduces their Model clear that the Society has greatly expedited catalogue all of the new technologies, 2B motional feedback lateral-cut the evolution of audio technology. In fact, its improved products. brilliant ideas, creative disc recording head. The first commercial stereo ability to promote progress in invention is the insights, breakthrough inventions and suc- tapes are released. Society's mission, and its greatest benefit to cessful career paths that have been fostered 1955: Ampex develops Se everyone who enjoys audio technology. by the Society over its 50-year history. Clearly, (Selective Synchronous The conventions, first held in 1949. per- Recording), making audio are the 150 engineers who met in the RCA Victor overdubbing practical. haps the most visible aspect of the Society. studios that evening helped to make this par- 1956: Les Paul makes the first and each one makes essential contributions to ticular world a better place. A 8-track recordings using the Sek the industry. Workshops help to teach mem- Ken Pohlmann, chairman of the music George Massenburg Sync method. bers principles 1957: Elektra releases the fill about new and techniques, engineering department, University of Miami electronic music recording: Morton Subotnick's Silver Apples of and often promote lively discussions. The the Moon. tutorial value, as well as the exchange of prac- Westrex demonstrates the first 45-45 stereo cutter head. 1958: The movie Forbidden Planet is released. with the first tical information, is invaluable. Technical The future

electronic film score, composed by Louis and Bebe Barron. ` paper sessions allow individual members to WHEN I \\ÄS asked to look into the Stefan Kudelski introduces the Nagra Ill battery-operated present the results of their latest theoretical future of audio, I felt vulnerable to transistonsed field recorder, which with its NeoPilot sync work, and hold it up to the scrutiny system becomes the de facto standard of the film industry. of other hubris, then humbled by the task, and 1959: The first commercial steno disc recordings appear. experts, often leading to vigorous debate. subsequently liberated by the privilege of EMI fails to renew the Blumlein stereo patent. The convention's exhibit floor is high -tech amusing myself with all of the possibilities 1961: 3M introduces the first 2 track closed-loop capstan-drive bacchanal. Without promotion to create capi- recorder. the M-23. and the knowledge that my preconceptions The FCC approves the FM stereo broadcast format. tal to fuel the industrial engine, audio evolu- might prevent me from truly seeing/hearing 1962: The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers tion would grind to a halt. what is to be known. What my experience iSMPTEI sets the for standard the time-code format. Almost invisible in the convention activity, tells me is that open -mindedness, awareness, 3M introduces Scotch 201/202 Dynarange. a black oxide low - but is noise mastering tape with a 4dB improvement in s/n ratio over powerfully important, the work of stan- and letting things be (amazed at how they i.$cotch 111. . dards committees. These groups of engineers unfold) is the joy of audio engineering. 1263: Gerhard Sessler and lanes West patent the electret meet to decide very specific technical details, Audio Engineers, as guardians of the microphone. and establish conventions that can be shared groove, The Beach Boys contract Surin Electronics to build the first must continually take chances and large fulkrange sound system for their rock music tour. across the industry. Without standards, incom- have faith in the freshness of the moment. As 1965: The Dolby Type A noise reduction system is introduced. patibility would reign, prices would be driven we work with musicians, we are continually Robert Moog shows elements of his early synthesisers. higher, and progress would be slowed. Stan- conscious of how the present dissolves, Eltro IGermanyl makes a pitch/tempo shifter, using a rotating head assembly to sample a moving magnetic tape. dards committees prove that the devil is in the evolves into the future. Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass tour with a Harry McCune '. details. Even more discrete, the Education The raft of new information on perception, Custom Sound System. Foundation meets to consider the Society's cognition, and consciousness will inform and 1986: Philips introduces the Conpact format, and offers licenses worldwide. role as educator; the scholarships provided for direct our industry in the 21st century. Audio 1.967: Richard C Heyser devises an acoustical measurement graduate study in audio engineering help to engineers will be building interfaces, explor- scheme called Time Delay Spectrometry. which paves the way fashion the next generation of audio inventors. ing these pathways to mind and heart as for the revolutionary TEF technology. As counterpoint to the conventions, inter- musicians have since Attec-Lansing introduces the concept of room equalisation, jk done time immemorial. using variable multiband filters. national conferences provide a more focused We will be creating ways to explore many The Monterey International Pop Festival becomes the first large look at specific topics of interest. The first modes of being and reality, virtual environ- rock music festival. conference, held in 1982, introduced digital ments will be alive with and given life by The musical Hair opens on Broadway with a high-powered sound system. audio to the Society and was organised by audio. As we increase our understanding of The first operational amplifiers are used in professional audio some of the pioneers of the technology. brain circuitry, audio circuitry will develop equipment, most notably as summing devices for multichannhl However, it is the local sections that form concomitantly, with new art forms arising out consoles. 1969: Dr Thomas Stockham begins to experiment with digital the Society's backbone. These monthly meet- of both knowledge and awe. tape recording. ings may ostensibly convene to hear from an In the late 1990s, semiconductor compa- Bill Hanley and Company design and build the sound and , outside invited speaker, and that is certainly nies began sponsoring audio-based events, lighting system for the Woodstock Rock Music Festival. beneficial, but the most important benefit is one example that marked the watershed 3M introduces Scotch 206 and 207 magnetic tape. with a S-N ratio 7dB better than Scotch 111. the cementing of the local community. change in audio from a totally hardware -ori- 1970: The first digital delay lines are used in sound The Journal documents all Society activities, ented industry to a software -based industry. reinforcement installations. but at its core are the technical papers, repre- We will undoubtedly be generat- page 108 > 106 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com rIAmpex introduces 406 < page 101 ing music by the bit, transmitting nurture new business development, serving as mastering tape. it by organising the bits efficiently, dissemi- the 'stellar nurseries' for ideas. 1971: Denon demonstrates 18. bit PCM stereo recording using nating them globally, and paying for them by So into the near future of cable- modem- a video helical -scan recorder. the bit as other measures fall by the wayside. telephones and IP broadband quality multi - 1972: E ectro-Voice and CBS The AES is ready for this interconnected cast signals, audio goes; the ears leading the are licensed by Peter Scheiber to produce quadraphonic world. With our entire planet shrunk to a tiny eyes, discovering the perfection of possibility, t' decoders using his patented globe by various forms of satellite and wired the adh'enture of a sound life. 2E3 matnces. communication systems, virtual contacts will Elizabeth Cohen 1974: DB Keele pioneers the make real time with colleagues more vital design of constant 'directivity our high- frequency horns. and informative. Our conventions will grow Donald Plunkett The Grateful Dead produces the stronger as build to market' methods of Innovators Bob Moog 'Wall of Sound' at the San inventory allow for swifter implementations of IT SEEMS SUCH distant history now, that Francisco Cow Palace. which incorporates separate systems for vocals. each of the guitars, and for piano and drums. innovations. The setting for demonstrating moment in 1968 when Wendy Carlos' 3M introduces Scotch 250 mastering tape with an increase In these innovations will continue to be the floor album Switched on Bach introduced the music output level of over 10dB compared to Scotch 111. of the AES conventions, which draw the inter- world at large to the wonders of the newest DuPont introduces chromium dioxide cassette tape. 1975: Digital tape recording begins to take hold in professional national and interdisciplinary creatives that musical instrument, the modular analogue audio studios. populate the audio community. Our confer- electronic music synthesiser, developed by Michael Gerzon conceives of and Calrec (UK) builds the ences, where already participation can be Robert Moog. In short order Moog's innova- Soundfield Microphone, a coincident 4-capsule cluster with either in physical or virtual space, are sched- tion found its way into rock and pop music, matnxed B- format outputs and decoded steerable 2-channel and 4-channel discrete outputs. uled to present pressing and pertinent infor- and serious composers began using it as the EMT produces the first digital revel as their Model 250. mation in both tutorial and technical critical foundation of an entirely new genre, elec- path detail. The local sections will continue to tronic music. Moog, now the holder of a Ph.D in engi- neering physics, began his career when he was 19. He was selling theremins, the world's first electronic music instrument. In 1964 he paired two voltage- controlled oscillators with two voltage -controlled amplifiers, using door- bell switches for controls. 'Breadboards', Moog called his contraption; 'synthesiser' USED EQUIPMENT became the more elegant term as the original design evolved into a sophisticated and revo- lutionary technological wonder. In the wake of Carlos' album's success the ( ) and here are some of the users Moog synthesiser became a hot item. In its original incarnation, however, the instrument was not only pricey, it was bulky, in that it was designed for studio use. The next evolu-

CC Unless you have permanent access to a rack of vintage compressors. a unit such as the SC2 tion of the revolution found Moog introducing

a - 1 would be particularly worthwhile addition to your effects resources ... I Studio Sound 1995 the portable, lower -cost Minimoog, which was embraced by working musicians of every stripe in racking up sales of over 12,000 units. Finn. Producer Green Dss CC I've used it on every record I've done since I got it ... I Jerry Asked if he feels the full potential of the synthesiser has been explored, as he envi- sioned it in his mind's eye when he devel-

CC It me I Mark Pfau - gave this indescribable zing ... Producer Dared Bowie I oped the instrument, Moog answered, 'I don't remember envisioning anything when I devel- oped the first modular analogue synthesisers,'

Joseph Puig ' . CC I think the 90's is going to be Joemeek ... I Jack Producer Rolling Stones Black Crowe, I and explained that he was 'simply responding to what I understood to be the needs of musi- cians that I encountered at that time. I cer- tainly don't think that the full potential of the do Sony Mastering synthesiser has been explored. Synthesiser Videosonics development has been going on since the late Mark Knopfler 1920s, has spanned many technological revo- weave stereo phaoelectnc convenor( uso au et lutions, and is continuing to evolve.' Toni Braxton I'm personally interested in developing

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Dolby's breakthrough audit 1 page 110 > 108 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com Ampex introduces 456 high -output mastering taie. < page 108 innovation under the aegis of take a book's worth of words. One of the 1976: Dr Tom Stockham of Soundstrearrmakes the first 16-bit his new company was Dolby A -type noise most honoured of audio professionals (includ- in the US at the Santa F.- Opera. 1978: The first EIAJ standard s established for :he use of 14- reduction, a sophisticated new form of audio ing an Oscar in 1989, Gold and Silver Medals bit PCM adaptors with VCR desks. compression and expansion that dramatically from AES, and being made an OBE in 1986), Sony markets their PCM-1 14-bit adaptor or corsumer use with reduced the background hiss inherent in pro- Dolby's quest for new frontiers now finds a VCR decks. 3M introduces metal particle cassette tape. 416 fessional tape recording with no discernible skilled staff of 400 employees working under 1980: 3M, Mitsubishi. Sony and Studer each introduce side effects on the material being recorded. the Dolby Laboratories banner in modern EE3 multitrack digital recorders. Among the new concepts Dolby incorporated manufacturing facilities, shaping unique pro- EMT introduces their Model 4E0 hard-disk digita recorder. in his system was Sony introduces the Walkman. the treatment of only soft grams to make his technologies available and 1981: Philips introduces the Compact Dis. signals, leaving the loud signals that naturally properly implemented worldwide. His is a MIDI is standardised as the universal syntiesise interface. mask noise unprocessed, and dividing the unique American success story. IBM introduces a 16-bit personal compute. spectrum into multiple bands to prevent the 1982: Sony introduces the PCM-F1. pumping' (noise modulation) inherent with Sony releases the first CD player, the CDP-101. Innovators 1983: Fibre optic cable is usec for long distance digital audio conventional wide -band companders. Les Paul transmission, linking New York and Washington. DC. Dolby decided to manufacture his new sys- HE IS 82 years old, has had some health 1984: The Apple Corporation rrarkets the dacinbsh computer. 1985: Dolby introduces the SR Spectral Rcordirg system. tem himself, and market it primarily to record problems in recent years, but Les Paul is WGBH in Boston originates the first live diptal audio broadcast, companies. That decision laid the foundation still holding forth every Monday night in sent direct to local radio stations in the U:. for what today accounts for some 60% of Manhattan's Iridium Club near Lincoln Centre, 1986: The first digital consoles appear. 0 Dolby Laboratories' turnover: the manufacture fronting a trio and dazzling the assembled RDAT recorders are introduced n Japan. Dr Gunther Theile describes a novel stereo sphera microphone. in the company's own factories in the US and multitude with his crystalline, stylish guitar 1987: Digidesign markets a Macintosh-based digtal work England of more than 50 different profes- work. How many of those club goers know station using DAT for storage. sional audio products that are sold in 50 coun- that the man they're watching is regarded tries around the world. both as one of the 20th Century's most influ- But Dolby didn't stop there. He moved on ential musicians and as an audio technology to upgrading theatre sound with applications visionary whose innovations helped pave the of Dolby technology, and brought those way for the modern era of recording? innovations into the consumer market with Born near Milwaukee in 1915, Paul was an the 1982 introduction of Dolby Surround, an inveterate tinkerer who built his first crystal extension of the Dolby film sound project. radio before he was ten years old. As a Then in 1986 he introduced Dolby SR to youngster he taught himself to play several take analogue recording into the digital age, instruments, but fell in love with the guitar, which propelled film sound into a new era of and with its tonal possibilities. While still in unparalleled audio quality and realism, both his early teens, he devised a way to obtain a in the mixing of soundtracks and in the primitive stereo effect by wiring his guitar into soundtracks themselves, which were subse- a pair of radios placed on either side of him. quently released with Dolby SR encoding. He also began experimenting with home- The year 1984 saw the advent of the first grown recording technology: at age fourteen 1990: ISDN telephone links are offered for Iigheni studio use. Dolby digital coding system, Dolby AC -1, a he recorded himself on a homemade device Dolby proposes a 5-channel surround scherro for tome theatre. form five from a weighted lathe, a The write -once CPR becomes a commercial eality. of adaptive delta modulation; years fashioned cutting 3M introduces 996 mastenng tape. a 13dB mprovrment over later came Dolby AC -2, a more sophisticated turntable made from a Cadillac flywheel, dri- Scotch 111. system providing full professional quality ven by a small motor and dental belts; at age 1991:: Wolfgang Ahnert presents. as a bineral sinsilation, the audio, and has become de rigeur in music 19, he was tinkering with the idea of disc-to- first digitallyenhanced modelling of an acoustic space. Ampex introduces 499 mastering tape. recording and film studios for interconnect- disc multiple recordings and found he could 1992: Digital audio data-reduction record -pla hardware and ing widely -separated facilities via economical record duets with himself, or build tracks of software is offered to consumers as MiniDis. and UCC. ISDN lines for remote monitoring, dubbing himself playing each of the instruments in the The Nagra-D is introduced as a self-container batte yoperated field recorder using Nagra's own 4-channel, 24-bit a en-reel and other applications. band. The same year he cut his first multiple - format. Dolby AC -3 coding, introduced in 1992, is overlay disc he also designed a solid -body 1995: The first solid-state audio recorder, the Nagn Ares-C, IS the most visible Dolby audio coding system electric guitar with two pickups. introduced. It is a battery -operated field unit ecordi ig on (also as Dolby Digital), Les PCMCIA cards using MPEG2 audit compression. .,;j known developed Battling the sceptics never frightened 1996: Experimental 24 -bit 96kHz recordings. specifically for multichannel applications Paul. His stubborn persistence and belief in 1997: DVD discs and players are low commercially available. including film sound and digital surround his own ideas ultimately paid dividends both An audio version with 6- channel surround sot.-id is expected sound in the home. for himself and the industry he loves. Not that within two years. supplanting the CD in the hare. Doing full justice to Dolby's vision would he's stopped working. A call to his New Jer- sey home invariably finds him tinkering with some new electronic device, no matter what hour of the day or night. His raison din? is beautiful in its straightfor- eitein ward simplicity: 'First you have to get old, then when you get old you have to cope with it. So you got two problems-one, to get there, and two, what are you gonna do about it? Stay busy. It keeps your head going and you don't dry up and you do the best you can. If you're 5 -foot 8- inches, you'd like to be seven feet. No matter how much you try, SO you're never gonna get to be seven feet. But if you set your sights within range you can do is on the web a hell of a lot. The other thing is you share with other http: / /prostudio.com /studiosou people and you learn from them. I learned so much from everybody. The longer I'm in this The only address business the less I know and the more I appreciate what the other guy is doing. That's you will ever need the W:IV I live.' David McGee SI 110 September 1997 Studio Sound

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or an immediate response Y O U R I NFORMATION either FAXBACK Rebecca NAME ADDRESS Circleyou Reeves directly or mail to the number require further information about Studio Sound, 4th Floor, 11 12 13 POSTCODE 8 Montague Close, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TEL London SE1 9UR. SEPTEMBER 1997 FAX

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To place an advertisement contact: Studio Sound (Classified), Miller Freeman Entertainment Ltd., Çyflìg 8 Montague Close, London SE1 9UR, UK Tel: +44(0)171 620 3636 Fax: +44(0)171 401 8036 classìti All box numbers reply to the above address RATES: Recruitment £35 per single column centimetre. All other sections £30 (minimum 2cm x 1) Box number £30 extra per insertion. Published monthly. Copy deadlines: contact Rebecca Reeves, Classified Advertisement Manager Goi- yaw hew appointments RI Cafalo9ute Duc to Expansion yef-? Anthony DeMaria Labs Experienced Issue 8 of the Raper & These precision -built devices are made in Wayman catalogue is the U.S.A. to 'all -tube' designs for those out now. 208 pages Maintenance who want the best. Their well -earned of Pro -Audio for is Production & reputation for quality and reliability Presentation. backed by an impressive list of owners and Engineer Free within UK. users on both sides of the Atlantic. Export price £10. Want to find out why? Required by major West London Now available in the U.K. Studio. +44 (0)181-800 8288 For Sales. Service & Rental Call Raper & Wayman Ltd, Unit 3 Crusader Estate Assistant Maintenance 167 Hermitage Road, London N4 1LZ. UK. tickle music hire ltd pFaK: +44 (0)181 -809 1515 r +w.proaudioOdial.pipex.com ! 0181 964 3399 Engineer J also required.

Professional Audio Metering Join an enthusiastic and growing team. - the MSD Way! MSD Contact Mike Gardner on When You See What You Hear. 0181 995 5432

What YouSee,

Thn VI D is a fully Digital 'Direct to Disk" video recorder/ player designed The copy deadline to replace any VTR. as a stand alone unit with front panel controls including jog/shuttle. Added to CCIR -601 4:2:2. two digital audio tracks and full timecode are recorded and offer instant access from any edit for the October issue of controller connected to the Sony 9 pin RS -422 ports or from the front panel controls. A proprietary Motion -JPEG compression is configurable Studio Sound is from 2:1 up to 34:1. Get the brochure and check out the European Sala Oflee: Doreml Labs Europe Place J. Bermond Ophira 1 new models: Friday, 19 September. Valbonne France 06560 Marietundvej 37D Phone: .33 4 93 00 43 30 DK- AUDIO, -Inr Fax: .33 4 93 65 35 73 DK-2730 Heriev, Denmark tl Call Rebecca Reeves y d Tel: +45 44 53 02 55 Fax: +45 44 53 03 67 URL- `9 E -mail: [email protected] MONTREUX TV SYMPOSIUM 8177 e on +44 171 620 3636 equipment for sale `Nick Ryan is the first person I call when I want qualit used equipment" Terry Britten, Producer - Song Writer



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SUPER SUMMER ISA 131 - rare. trame software. Foments original dynamics ,.500 foall Two 1000W nroo- SAVER ... .______..[750 ea FocuerOe RED 7 special offer NEW ,,275 Threshold S,t000 power amps New 8108 - 48 channel. Necam 96 LHPB £35,000 blocks enormous in every sense, .... £2,500 pr Adam Smith Zeta 3. synchroniser module MOO Foeuartle ISA 215 - special otter. NEW £2,000 New 18/6 - fitted 18 e 1064 ch amps 4 x r, Adam Smith 2600 synch romsers n, stone, £795 People Alison Research 5 ongmal Kepex Quad 522 - BBC spec 520. 1 left £395 ecialists 2254E's Esall Valley / AK Eclipse E. O -Lon , - £395 gates racked with GPO p/b m f/c £350 Apogee 4 x SSM system . controller £995 Now 1064's like 1073 but more knobs £call Valley International - 5 x Kepex 2 £495 Apogee AE -1 £495 New V48 -48 channel V series Necam 96 Massive pair eel p/b. Full Toyshop return Call for full spec sheet Lenpevin - passive eq s from console £250 ea. Audis power amps good for cans x 2 £50 ea 2T MACHINES Novo 2 ch /limit model Can be increased to 72 or 96 channels and finished 33609. comp 24v F1.395 BGW 750c workhorse £175 any style £35,000 Nave t 272 - class A line amp . £250 New t271- similar to above ._._. ... _....£175 New Melbourne - fitted 12 e 3114. discrete .£1,000 Panasonic SV 3800 DAT - BRAND NEW' £850 Now 2258 - size of a 1073 noise gate a 2 _..Me ea PCM - in AMS Logic 1 . Spectra M8 call for full spec £50,000 Sony 2500 DAT recorder. 2 stock E595 ea. MISCELLANEOUS Ural 527/A 27 band graphics. 3 in stock .... £195 es AMS Audiohle MI6. Spectra 8h. v 11 09 EDL £25,000 Studer A 812 CTC the ultimate. £15k new, £1.995 A no meters Puttee - LCS 2 Stereo HPF, Heft _ _. _£295 au 6032E 32 channels in 32 frame E computer. Studer 812 CTC £1,500 Orewmer DS 201 - dual gate. we've got 5. ha £225 es 1100 - Audio for CD TR. external p /b. video option £47,500 Studer A 807 with meterbridge tittle used £1250 Sony DAE Digital Editors Syfrers ESL 6032E as above. but no TR £40,000 Studer A 807 no meters little used £1.150 Aphis Compellor 2 channel compressor £495 mastering. large remote 4 in stock £295 ea DBX t 66 - 2 channels with simple gate x 2 £350 ea ss S81 5316 -20/4, 16 mono 4 stereo. 8 IMO 's reset. Studer A 810 CTC no meter, rack mount £995 EST 948 - broadcast turntable [sill 1 in DBX 900 rack - fully stuffed with 2 x 902 de -esser 5 dynam cs ext. pig.. _.. £15.000 Studer 8 67 stock ea Ravin 0226 - CD player £395 0 1 x Studer 8 62 - off its trolley with meter £350 2 903 compressors x 904 gate 2 905 e q of the MTA 990 28 mono. 8 stereo. m -eve VUS Theta DS Pro DA converter ... £795 Studer TLS 4000 synchroniser [495 2 eAphee 990eq s.. F1.750 1 year old ._...... £call GPO 316 MUM lack-fields. loads, various nph. DBX 900 rack - stuffed with 7 x 911 NR £450 Sounolraos Megas - 24/24 Midi Mute £3,500 Sony MDS B3 minidisk recorder. player £995 Drate DA switching units o 8 . psu... £495 Klart Teknik DR 360 dual 31 band graphic £595 Soundera0 3200 top Of the range. 32 ilp 24 buss Dolby 360 - type A. cat 22, 7 in stock £45 BBC high gain line amps. rack of 4. psu etc £150 Klart Uknik ON 510 - cool dual MIDI gate C350 ',Best in' ' Uptown 2000 moving fader auto ...£35.000 Dolby CAT43 - film module £100 A 8 O F769 xR vocal stresser. 2 in stock £495 ea Audio Research SP -12 valve hi fr pre -amp £495 .0 Soundcrif TS 12 - 28 frame 24 fitted, m tine £3.500 Court - GE 60 stereo 30 band graphic £450 Trident Series 65 - 40/8/16. 1989. prruate use £7.000 N FX EQUIPMENT IC 1128 28 band graphic/analyser £295 This a Just a selection or what is currently in stock or Amok Mozart RN - 56 frame. 44 x Rupert Neve. available, marry items are sold before we nave a chance - flanger wobble mate i 8 x MZ10. 1991. Supertrue IBM £40.000 Bel BF20 stereo tastic £250 son ew5s EMT 251 - wren 250 software The star of the month. ro put them on the ref' If you are 'oohing A r anything Smell Hendrix - 40 frame 22 fitted . 4 stereo. Original R202 digital reverb Totally unique sound specrkc, Call or lax ro be put On The od'dhase Smila- Su ertrue auto. 3 extra patch bays £22000 and oh so rare 53,995 equipment always wanWa, parr exchange welcome MICROPHONES wide range new Amok BC2 - broadcast console. 8 mono. 8 stereo TC M2000 - BRAND NEW SPECIAL foal! We are also dealers for a or eou<'menr including Focusrite. TC Electron, AMSAtew AP, 24 frame. Datchbay. _ [4000 KIark UMW DN 780 great reverb £795 Studer- Revox, Arnek, WOG. Tube.teoh. Manley DOA DCM 232 in line 56 channel. Uptown moving Lexicon LOPS - could go with above £200 Neumann UM 57- 4 in stock. valve M7 ... £999 ea Sounocran Smart Research Genelee. Eventide. fader automation. plasmas. 5 y o Ecall Lexicon 1200 - Time compressor harmoniser £795 Neumann KM 56 - fig 8 only, Tassam DA 88. Panasonic DAT etc DDA AMR 24 - early version 28 channels n4,995 Eventide 11- 30005. always popular ,,400 Neumann SM 23 stereo AC 701 based mac F1,495

12 - patchbay prices . DOA DMR 32 channel. El 1.000 EMT 140 classic tyranny plate pre wired for 8 8 K 4007 - wooden box. superb..... £595 All are in f Sterling ano unless for export A N midi mute 1 yr. aselude the dreaded VAT ar the rare prevailing 8 GS3. 32/8, old 0,995 Quadraphonic! £550 Sennheiser MI 40 - amazing mic. as new £495 All demo suoper to availability E a O E Yamaha Rev 5 digital multi fx.. £550 ea Sehpeps M221b with 934 capsule Sweet AC 701 Rev 7 - 7 Yamaha similar to above but a £475 based mic 5 in stock E595 ea VISA. Mestercerd. Accros. Eameald and AmEa accepted MULTITRACKS x Yamaha E1010 analogue delay classic 2 £150 ea AKG - CK2. CK8 capsules. from £15 (A small surcharge apelida fo most credit Card Worldwide MXR 01 digital revere E150 Wave 319 - new shape, BRAND NEW £225 transaction) Studer A 8005 Various types available Soon £call Quotes ORS the business £2.500 Dotava MK 012 - capsules BRAND NEW £250 Publison Infernal 90. 20 seconds sampling /delay. 19A19 Russian valve mit Studer A820 24T - 4.000 hrs. very well maintained Lomo stunning £795 timecode card ,,995 Newton BRAND NEW SPECIAL. from £395 Excellent . .... £23,500 Audio Toyshop Ltd Rodman Stereo Chorus - rack mountable £45 NEW Studer A80 Mk2 81 single erase ,,500 Shure SM 58 £99 +44(0)1225 447222, EveMlde 8D 955 - delay DUMP £150 NEW Tel: Marl MTR 90 Mk 2 with remote and locate. El 1,000 profanity Shure SM 51 £90 MDe Window - 16 bit sampler. clear as glass £95 Otari MX 80 with remote/locate ...... £7,995 Fax: +44(0)1225 447333,

Fairfield MFX3 - 24 tk workstation. brand new. E -mail: toyboys@audio -toyshop.co.uk FcNlfs request MONITORING unused Details on ....,8995 OUTBOARD Mitsubishi X -850 321 rem loc m /b prrate use Weise 1029A 1091A Sub -woofer SPECIAL 4 000h C12,500 Urei 1176LN - don't blink, £1.500 PACKAGE OFFER £925 =

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r rr1.,' r ra'.rul -", '1 ui::0IO ' u4\-.11 9 s ','p i $1 a Ut1 11% \ '

Throughout the world, John Oram is known as 'the rcrrr s011ics PO super low noise electronics throughout Father of British EQ'. It's no Vox 10 Aux sends per channel, 111 FX Returns with 2 hand EQ surprise, amps, Trident consoles and Martin guitar l inique Triple Aux - connection to 30FX with level control Pre -amps have taken John 100 nun Main faders - factory or retro fit an kutmuatilrn System 4 Oram's EQ and circuit design (0 mm Monitor Faders with 2 band EQ- Fader or EQ Flip philosophy to every corner of 112 Inputs to Mix bus with 32 Input console the globe. Fully Modular - 3mm Aluminium panels with Nyloc Fastrus Check out these products and Noise gate on every channel experience the warm, vintage AFL Sulu in Place, Auto-mute group sound of Odom Doke enhanced by ultra low -noise There is something special about t#1 EQ, eo trot rows and 6 characteristics and reliability response shape, have been so well chosen t /st>f eon-active and creative of SMT. adjustments appear effortlessly out of it. It also seen.s to add gilt s % and smoothness to everything, apparently drawing c mmmit-isolrs with a ` The hoard is so well valve designs. h too, is extremely quilt and cleat, iris My di //ìeult to Checkitout! .I« , had nut, easy ru roe make it do anything unpleasant at d Dave Faär, 111 e >Y impossible to distort voted & itnicalJournalist of the year 1995 wad the sound, well, . MWS Thee wand is phenomenal! The /data smooth and very uu sicp i Mleropl one Work Station - 1f sounds like the BIG guys and it's dime quiet. In a world: aorglousl' 2 char nels with full EQ Ibhy .Suva, and Carl Casella, 7'81-MUSIC CORP. hew York. BEQ 24. !Pt, ALMS VU-More rttelligent Audio The High Definition EQ really came bisM 1w'i on live Measurernent

E .1.1s recording in Europe and the U.S. I recently used it for ° recording a perfornain are with the Hodson Miry l'lrilhar hiHD EQ -2 At this moment IM recording my my B Hl t Definition Ei,i.,lisor The ul -imate Steroo EQ Series 8 board, and W's so quiet .John Cale, 'üe/rt Undergrienn.' l'rnjeet stvlio, \ r )irrk HD EQ -2, MR'S and BEQ Series 8.

The bottom earl o/'the HD E0-2 is

a G l l r been I h, nl, as a tech for all yaw and is extremely rearm and musical. the ali all that tine, I halt. never heard a quieter desk' top end, you can keel, piing to mut s Gaston Nichols Pro Audio Ins(allalion. it doesn't crunch up. The sound is ` I /he Pre -amps NEW like a huge Neve, I've definitely British turd I also like its never had a belarbass dram fine derail contra sound' / Jason Elgin. Synchromesh .Studios. BEQ 24. Paul l.ib,nh, Pride Studios Mastering rite, .than Italy.

.,i 4.11n is dos quietest, nlostinspiring cones I've ever used. I've changed ,n Trident jar this hoard and the (drum Sonies are all Merv. The ¡ Q magic" of John (ham L musically most satisfying, it's simply the hest. I'yr ordered a .second unit lar my new stvrlio' Uli .Ion Roth, '.Scorpions' and Symphonic Musical Director. BEQ 24 owner.

BEO 24 -56 or.le,' '

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www.americanradiohistory.com With typically British resolve, Re -Pro never US: Re -Pro rides again? gave up its assault on these lucrative shores. And it now seems to found a champion, though a reluctant one. Producer Ed Chemey (Bonnie Rain, Jackson Browne, Rolling Stones, Manhat- tan Transfer, et alla) quietly took on the mantle Contrasting national traits have rarely been more visible than when of starting a US version of Re -Pro in the States. His hesitancy was based on how much of his UK the -based Re-Pro approached US shores writes Dan Daley time such an undertaking would consume. He found lots of interest and verbal support. But K READERS ARE, of course, familiar encounter something they haven't first seen on producers are in the business of producing, with the Re -Pro organisation. So television. The responses tended to centre on which leaves little time for organising. bear with me for a moment whilst I any organisation's potential to set -read But the support that the idea seems to have i update any Americans or other limit-rates within the industry. The emotion won this time around is based on the fact that aliens peeking in this month. Re- that this issue aroused is illustrated by the fact producers have come to realise that what they Pro is the evolutionary descendant of the that it was the prime focus for many who produce is, ultimately, content, and with the British Producers Guild, whose purpose was viewed a producer's guild warily despite the focus on content in other industries in recent implicit in its original name. The title was fact that US anti -trust regulations specifically years, they've become aware of what they're changed in 1992 when some within the BPG prohibit trade organisations from even dis- missing. Specifically, remixers not getting and its nominal mothership, APRS, decided cussing rates amongst each other. What Re -Pro credit or royalty participation from their work; to broaden its membership to include pro- really ran into was a clash of cultures. One US participation in airplay royalties, which some ducers from elsewhere, in particular, the US, producer used an appropriately American European producers and more recently and then and now the world's largest producer sports analogy to me, saying that, like athletes, closer to home, Canadian producers now and consumer of prerecorded music. a producer's successful moment in the sun is receive; and, with the US record industry in a The thinking was sound: if there is strength relatively brief and can be cut short by mercu- no-growth mode, leverage to get better audits in numbers, then tapping the massive pool of rial changes in popular taste, just as a football on their mechanical royalties from labels that producers in the former Colonies is an obvi- player's career can be prematurely ended by are claiming the right to hold reserves as high ous move. Re -Pro's excursions to points out- injuries. There is also the 'cowboy culture' that as 40%. And there are the less obvious bene- side of the UK have met with some success; pervades many things American, one that fits that become apparent when organising is the organisation now has a European affiliate, offered another basis for resistance to joining detached from its emotional component, such the European Sound Directors Association a group. As Peter Filleul of Re -Pro told me, as creaky Baby Boomer-era producers sud- (ESDA), and an international branch, Re -Pro The whole notion of the US is based on indi- denly seeing the benefit of group medical International. But Re -Pro's initial efforts in the vidual rights within a community. It's easier in care. US met with the sort of fear and loathing a country like England where individuals view Cherney indeed has his work cut out for Americans tend to exhibit whenever they duties as importantly as rights'. him. But he'll be labouring in a much more

those frequencies is very directional. The Europe: DVD -Audio exposes transducer beams like a laser or a pistol. This is not about music. A 50kHz bandwidth is enough. But the standard should be open - factions in pro-audio ended so that if ever 192kHz sampling is proved useful of meaningful, we can extend'. The hybrid disc is the lynch pin of the ISC's dream for DVD- Audio. Record companies will As the stakes rise on the spec for DVD's audio content, press only one disc, which plays either on a contracting camps are being pitched writes Barry Fox conventional CD player or the new DVD player. Two versions of the same recording are HE INTERNATIONAL steering corn - olution (as part of a different project for the stored at different depths. So record shops can mittee of the IFPI, RIAA and RIAJ BBC). In January, Jaehoon Heo, from Sam - stock a single inventory. currently holds monthly meetings to sung's R&D Labs in Korea, asked dCS about 'The idea is very attractive,' says Abe, 'but discuss DVD- Audio. Usually these 24 -bit /192kHz working. Through June, dCS it's idealistic and very hard to realise'. take place in the Hollywood area but worked with Kompas CD Multimedia of Hol- The only sure way to sell hybrid discs on in July the ISC met in London close by the land, to make three demo recordings; a jazz single inventory basis is to sell them at the IFPI's offices in London's Regent Street. trio in Holland, a string quartet in Germany same price as CDs-or at most somewhere There they heard demonstrations of 96kHz and choral music in Queens College, Cam- between the price of a CD and a DVD. But the audio set up by Ted Abe, head of Pana- bridge (see Studio Sound, August 1997). cost of pressing a CD is now around 20c (US); sonic's Audio Technology Group in Osaka, Ted Abe argues that there is no point in a DVD costs around $1.20; and a hybrid will Japan. Abe was using a standard DVD video seeking any resolution higher than 96kHz and come in at around $3. Artists may ask for dou- player modified, with British dCS convertors, 24 -bit coding, 'The least significant bit of a 24- ble royalties. The sums just don't add up.' to give 22 -bit decoding. Standard production bit word decodes into such a low -level ana- Abe also warns that the hybrid disc may be models already have 96kHz D-A convertors, logue signal that anything smaller will be lost unstable, especially in humid environments. A but resolution is to 20 bits. in thermal noise'. conventional DVD, whether single -sided or Panasonic has invested heavily in a string of Panasonic has also analysed the sound of double-sided with single -depth or dual -depth live music recordings, made in Europe and musical instruments using B&K's industrial recordings, is always a symmetrical sandwich. Japan on various disc formats, at different res- mics. Cymbals are rich in high -frequency over- But the hybrid is asymmetrical. One surface on olutions. The Korean electronics companies tones but the plots show that there is no use- the disc is sealed aluminium, the other is bare have so far been sidelined from all DVD stan- ful signal outside the 50kHz bandwidth plastics. The two surfaces may also absorb dards and policy, but Samsung is now gunning provided by 96kHz sampling. moisture differently and cause the disc to dish. for a place at the negotiating table. Says Abe, 'Sony claims 100kHz bandwidth The high density Multimedia CD proposed by Based near Cambridge, dCS has been mak- for DSD. And Samsung suggests sampling at Philips was asymmetrical, which is why ing 24-bit digital -analogue convertors for stu- 192kHz. But is it useful or meaningful? The Toshiba's SD sandwich format won Panasonic's dio use since 1990, has already developed a sound from a cymbal is at -80dB at 40kHz. backing and became the DVD standard. 24 -bit converter that works at 96kHz and has There is absolutely nothing meaningful from a All this and more can be thrashed out at a worked on 192kHz sampling at the lower res- woodpipe wind instrument. And sound at European Conference which the DVD forum

118 September 1997 Studio Sound

www.americanradiohistory.com receptive field than his predecessors did. And the fact that a 'name' American pro- Making a killing in radio ducer has taken the lead on the issue helps the cause greatly. In a sense, Chemey's rep - utation will do a substantial portion of the work for him. An announcement is expected at the New York AES which will list pro- Recent reports suggest that a radio is quite safe from posed board members, many of whom will damage from technological revolution while its politics likely be of Chemey's own stature, and that remain in their present on course writes Kevin Hilton alone could ensure the success of an Amer- EL ican producers' organisation. ACK IN 1979, we were told that Alan Freed); these were mirrored by similar The American stamp will quickly find video killed the radio star. It seemed ignominy at Radio Luxembourg. itself in this organisation. It has already been to be a clear -cut case, particularly as While such controversy has not arisen in decided that the name 'Re -Pro' won't be The Buggies managed to anticipate recent times, money -getting it, hanging onto used. However, the really American thing is the coming of the music video it and giving it away-is still of prime impor- what it's going to be like with an odd num- boom, but now it seems that the visual tance. All this is tied up with advertising rev- COI ber of oddballs of the sort it takes to want to medium could quite comfortably make an enue and boosting audience ratings, produce records assembled in one room. If appeal against its earlier conviction. something that private stations are locked America is the Great Melting Pot, a stew of Let's examine the evidence. Even before into a deadly fight with public broadcasters. musics from rock to rap to jazz to country to the coming of the video age, radio had to Witness the Capital Radio Group buying Vir- whatever, this could well rival the bar scene fight off the advances of sound with pictures; gin Radio (a deal that has got tacit approval from Star Mrs. But a changing industry has while it had quite comfortably co- existed with from the Radio Authority but is waiting for forced collectivisation on a lot of the profes- the cinema, radio really had a fight on its further consent), all to take on Radio 1, which sional industry in the States in recent years, hands with television. When once radio could has announced poor figures on its key break- whether Americans are joiners or not. take the high ground, with programming of fast show since the departure of Chris Evans. Nashville, a city that no one could organise an arcane or specialist nature that would not the studios in, try as they might, now has be seen on TV (with the possible exception N ELEMENT that has worded observers three-count 'em -three organisations rep- of minority channels), it had to compete with recently is the money being thrown at resenting its studios and engineers. Chicago progressively populist schedules and a grow- listeners as competition prizes, just to and New Orleans are two more cities that ing demand for popular music. ensure an audience, rather than concentrat- now have loose studio confederations, and Radio Luxembourg was undoubtedly the ing on interesting or innovative program- New York City has several independent pioneer in Europe, the founding pop music ming. While the sums involved appear engineer collectives. Chemey and company radio station that followed the American lead obscene in the UK, it is worse in Germany, have a task before them, but it looks like the way before anyone else had thought that it where stations are going mad to outdo each cowboys on their particular range are about was a viable direction. Legend still has it that other. Amid all of this is the fact that many it was the first channel to play a Beatles commercial services are in trouble, either record and thousands of listeners braved the through the strength of public channels or plans for October. But this time there will be coming and going signal to hear the latest increased competition in the private sector. a press conference in contrast to the last cool grooves. This is confirmed by a recent report, the event in Brussels where the planned press Then came the pirates: the Scandinavian Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis (Radio, Second conference was cancelled, with consequent Radio Nord in the 1950s and Radio Caroline Edition 1997), which has examined 308 confusion and bad will. in 1964. I've always been companies in the UK and The supreme irony is that while the IFPI ambivalent about stations concludes that 33% of the and RIAA plan for higher quality new music like Caroline and Radio Lon- industry is suffering finan- recording formats, their own member com- don; that's not to say that cial difficulties of some panies are cutting back on research and they were not significant but kind. It suggests that unless music production. Philip's PolyGram group they have been Wilt up to there is considerable has been badly squeezed by competition in mythic status when, in many change in performance, the classics market from Sony and budget respects, they are guilty of many will face worsening label Naxos. So PolyGram Classics is now creating the bland, superfi- financial situations, if not axing the Decca Recording Centre. cial strata of radio that is the potential liquidation. The magneto -optical recorders used both norm today. There is no An extreme example of by Samsung and Panasonic for DVD-Audio denying that there was a this can be found in the Irish recording, come from Genex, the North Lon - need for national pop music Republic, where national don company formed by ex -Decca engineers channels, as there was a commercial station Radio Ire- when Decca decided it no longer needed need for alternatives to pub- land, which probably Tony Griffiths or his R&D. PolyGram's facil- lic broadcasting. The pirates thought it was on a good ity at Baam, in Holland, is also for the chop, proved that and led to the thing by launching on St leaving a slimmed down Deutsche Gram- creation of Radio 1, which recently celebrated Patrick's Day (17 March), is to revamp its mophon Recording centre in Hannover. The its 30th birthday, and the formation of the schedules in an effort to survive. Surveys show

Hamburg offices may relocate to Berlin. commercial radio network in the UK (albeit . that the new service has barely troubled pub- All this 'restructuring' will doubtless make not until 1973, despite the campaigning lic service broadcaster RTE or local stations. Polygram's balance sheet look better, and efforts of failed rock star and politician With only 1% of the audience, Radio Ireland help pay for all the money Deutsche Gram - 'Screaming Lord' David Sutch, who first appears to be following in the disastrous foot- mophon wasted on trying to make the vague mooted the idea that was eventually picked steps of the country's first national commercial concept of a 4D a household word. Decca up by the mainstream parties). station, Century Radio, which collapsed President Roger Lewis says that closing Commercial radio has spread slowly across despite being backed by big names like broad- Decca's centre was necessary to 'secure' Europe, with some countries only legislating caster Terry Wogan and singer Chris de Burgh. Decca's future. PolyGram has enough new for private stations within the last ten years. Even in speech -based radio there are prob- material in the pipeline to last for several Even in that short period of time there have lems, with talk stations continually re- aligning years. But the pipeline of new music, and been deviations from any initial creative and even BBC Radio 4 shaking up its sched- research of the type that produced the Genex intentions. As with any business, moneys ule in an effort to boost figures. If things carry recorder will start to run dry-with bad luck the key word but it appears all the more so on like this, video could soon be cleared. at just about the time when PolyGram is try- in radio. In the 1950s America was rocked by Nobody needed to kill the radio star -it sim- ing to launch DVD-Audio with a bang. the Payola scandals (which ruined top DJ ply committed suicide.

Studio Sound September 1997 119

www.americanradiohistory.com Cables

The misconceptions and arguments that surround the issue of cabling offer professional studios an ideal opportunity to distance themselves from hi -fi hype. John Watkinson gives a tutorial on the requirements of analogue and digital signals and speaker applications

R SOME reason cables Distortion can be linear or are always a subject of nonlinear. Linear distortion is a controversy and tend to change of the waveform which accentuate the irrational doesn't affect the spectrum, in in any debate. Despite other words lack of phase linear- the school story of the Emperor's ity. High capacitance cables can new clothes, phenomenally cause HF phase lag, but this is expensive exotic audio cables are generally negligible except on j ( NC ì'Ey` still touted even though their the longest runs. Even the most supporting arguments defy the g(ZC g,'% humble cables are quite inca- laws of physics. I do get a lot of pable of generating nonlinear Cfr r-1 entertainment from these claims. L distortion, so forget it. If a system but the truth has a habit of get- has harmonic distortion, it's not ting in the way of belief. due to the cabling. It's an understandable, if emo- The oxygen -free debate rolls tive, argument to suggest that on, but really the only benefit of having spent a lot of money on oxygen free copper is a marginal equipment that it is foolish to reduction in resistivity which has spoil the result with `ordinary' the same effect as using slightly cables. Unfortunately it is a falla- thicker wire. However, oxygen cious argument because ordinary free copper does at least have an cables simply don't spoil the effect that can be measured. In result. In fact, on a fixed budget, complete contrast, the practice of Fig.1: skin effect does exist better results can be obtained in putting arrows on audio cables to a typical system by using ordi- Lion. It is important to avoid any insulation material which reduces show the signal direction is utterly nary cables because it leaves damage to the waveform which this effect. without foundation. It is a tribute more in the kitty for things which might take the form of additive to the power of marketing that do matter like microphones and noise or signal- dependent distor- YPICAL cable lengths in high -end hi -fi enthusiasts have A -D convertors. tion. Noise pickup is avoided in audio installations are short managed to replace knowledge Neglecting AC power leads, professional analogue systems compared to the electrical with belief to the extent that their there are three basic types of using screening and balancing. wavelength and this means that behaviour has all the rationality of cable used in audio: analogue The balancing accuracy is largely the distributed cable capacitance a Californian religious cult. I won- signal cables, digital signal cables a function of the associated and inductance can be lumped as der how long it will be before the and speaker cables. The first two input, but some cables have bet- if they were real components first audiophile mass suicide? have to deliver information ter screening than others. Noise having the same value. As mod- Skin effect actually does exist whereas the last also has to can also be caused by tribo- em professional signal outputs and it's worth knowing the basics. deliver power. electrical effects in the insulation have a low output impedance Fig.1 shows an element of cur- In analogue signal cables the which generate voltages when (6000 being seen only in muse- rent in a solid conductor. A cur- goal is to replicate the original the cable is flexed. So called ums), these stray components rent produces a magnetic field, audio waveform at the destina- low -noise signal cables have an are not generally a problem. and if the current is alternating the surrounding metal forms shorted turns which cause power loss. Clearly at the surface of the conductor the effect is reduced because the shorted turns are broken. High -frequency currents HPF Tw E then prefer to flow on the surface so the effective cross section appears to go down. The surface area of a wire is proportional to the radius, but the section is proportional to the square of the radius. Thus as the tk wire gets bigger, the skin forms a smaller proportion of the section and thus skin effect is worse with larger diameter wire. Iv :,"D1-LEJ ; LPF Stranding the wire has no a s.o. as the strands are in electrical contact with one another. The only solution where skin effect matters is to use stranded wire in which the strands are individu- ally insulated. Flg.2: !A-wiring is a useful step In analogue audio > page 122

120 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com < page 120 signal wires, the conductor is hardly constant and highly frequency diameter is so small that the skin effect does dependent. not become significant until way beyond the As a speaker cable of typical length isn't audio band. Consequently silver or gold a transmission line, it can only be a simple plating the wire to reduce its surface resis- conductor and its important attributes are tivity is a waste of time and money. Actually resistance and the ability of the insulation that also goes for connectors, although gold to resist abrasion in service. plated plugs do look nice. 360 SYSTEMS 26 In the digital domain, the goal is accurate UNTIL cryogenic superconducting AKAI 91 transfer of data. In other words the numbers speaker cables are adopted by the AMS NEVE IFC from the source should be transferred to the looney fringe, we have to face the APHEX OBC destination unchanged. When digital audio fact that there will be an Ohmic loss in the APT 107 is serialised for transmission on an AES-EBU cable. If the loudspeaker were to be a linear ASAP EUROPE 48 link, the frequencies are high enough for device which presents a constant and purely AUDIO PRECISION 64 transmission line behaviour to be evident resistive load, the cable and the load would AUDIO TECHNICA 28 on longer runs. The signal amplitude form a potential divider. The loss would BEHRINGER 30, 49 with BRAUNER 121 falls distance setting take the form of a slightly CALREC 84 a length limit beyond diminished amplitude, CREAMWARE 103 which bit errors set in. It My favourite quote on with no change to the DANIEL WEISS ENG 102 is important to match waveform. DANISH PRO AUDIO 20 the source, cable and the speaker cable However, a real loud- DENON 60 load impedances to pre- audibility debate is speaker doesn't have a DIGIDESIGN 93 vent reflections. The type constant impedance and DIGIGRAM 87 of dielectric in the from Douglas Self: so the voltage drop across DRAWMER 78 cable affects the losses. the cable becomes greater DYNAUDIO ACOUSTICS 41 `Much of this has been Although PVC insulated at frequencies where the EMTEC MAGNETICS 22 raving nonsense'. EUPHONIX 4, 5 analogue cable can be impedance is lower. This EVI UK 52, 53, 124 used, there are now There's not much I makes the cable appear FAIRLIGHT 39, 47 lower loss dielectrics to have a frequency FAR 62 available for digital audio can add to that view. response. Quality passive FOCUSRITE 105 cabling which allow Let's start as ever with speakers have additional GENELEC 97 longer runs. The eye pat- components in the GHIELETTI 96 tern should be checked the basics. At the crossover which attempt HARRISON BY GLW 89 at the receiver, also the to keep the impedance HHB 25, 43 highest frequency of INTERBEE 100 receiver parity indicator. more constant, but cheap JBL 77 If these are both good, interest, 20kHz, the units omit them. JOE MEEK 110 the interface is transpar- electrical wavelength Practical loudspeakers, JUNGER AUDIO 66 ent. If changing a digital particularly LF drivers, LAWO 58 cable changes the sound of a signal is around are not very linear and LUNGAARD STUDIOS 127 quality, it's not the cable. they generate harmonics. LYDKRAFT 83 There is a D-A convertor 15km. This The amplifier output MACKIE 131 somewhere which isn't impedance is extremely MERGING TECHNOLOGIES 123 corresponds to 1° of rejecting jitter well low and controls the volt- MEYER SOUND 45 phase shift in 40m MICROTECH GEFELL 98 enough. age so the harmonics NEATO 102 appear as currents. When ORAM 117 My favourite quote these currents flow in the ORBAN 61 on the speaker cable audibility speaker cable it then appears to be causing PENNY & GILES 63 debate is from Douglas Self: 'Much distortion. These distortion currents are PRISM 50 of this has been raving nonsense'. There's within the passband of the tweeter and are PROJECT AUDIO 10 not much I can add to that view. Let's start audible. PROTAPE 68, 69 as ever with the basics. At the highest fre- The most effective way of cabling a pas- QUANTEGY 56 quency of interest, 20kHz, the electrical sive speaker is to use bi- wiring or tri- wiring. QUESTED 99 RAPER & WAYMAN 59 wavelength of a signal is around 15km. This Fig.2 shows that the loudspeaker crossover RICHMOND FILM SERVICES 62 corresponds to 1° of phase shift in 40m. is divided so that separate wires can be used RSP TECHNOLOGIES 94 Most practical speaker cables are far shorter for HF and LF back to the amplifier termi- SBES 126 than this and consequently the phase shift nals. This is a useful step because it removes SENNHEISER 37, 79 between the ends of the cable can be safely the woofer distortion currents from the SONIC SOLUTIONS 109 neglected. tweeter circuit. SONY 65, 67 Consequently, speaker cables show none In many woofers the coil inductance SOUNDCRAFT 33 of the attributes of transmission lines. The changes as the coil moves in and out. When SOUNDS INC (SMART RESEARCH) 128 easiest way to prove this is to test for the the inductance is part of the crossover, the SOUNDSCAPE 72, 74, 76 SOUNDTRACS 11 most fundamental of transmission line effect is that the tweeter signal is modulated SSL 7, 73 behaviours: a logarithmic signal loss per unit by the LF cone position. Bi -wiring also STUDER 29 distance measured in dB/metre. Unfortu- removes this effect. However the advantage STUDIO AUDIO & VIDEO 21 nately speaker cables show a loss directly of bi- wiring will be obtained without exotic SUMMIT AUDIO 55 proportional to distance. cables. Heavy duty mains cable is perfect for SYMETRIX 75 It's just as well that speaker cables aren't the woofer except for kilowatt PA rigs. The TAPEMATIC 111 transmission lines because we deliberately damping factor is dominated by the coil TASCAM 18 don't do a very good job of matching. The resistance and provided the cable resistance TC ELECTRONIC 15 calculated impedance of a speaker cable is is less than of this the damping factor TDK 129 5% THAT CORP 35 high at audio frequencies, but it is swamped won't be affected. Tweeters actually work TL AUDIO 86, 88, 90 at one end by an amplifier which uses heavy better when thinner wire is used because WHIRLWIND 130 feedback to give an output impedance as it keeps skin effect out of the audio WISSELLORD 82 close to zero as possible. At the other end the band. They are mass controlled and don't impedance of a typical passive loudspeaker need damping.

122 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com Professional audio file interchange

For those at the coalface of audio postproduction, the absence of an agreed audio interchange Etandard-PAFI-is an increasing problem. Rob James outlines the problems and possible solutions

FROM THE MOMENT there were manufacturers. More recently, the same prob- same studio. From the facility managers point two, credible, Professional DAW - lem has applied to studio based TV pro- of view it would be nice to imagine that stu- digital audio workstation -manu- grammes originated on tape. dios could continue to operate in this fashion. facturers there has been a project Facilities managers found themselves faced While it is certainly possible, clients often interchange problem. A lot has with a series of highly complex problems - finds it impractical to work in this way for been written in recent months on the subject beginning with deciding what equipment to many reasons, ranging from the technical to of file interchange. I make no apology for purchase. These decisions could no longer be the personal. Producers will often wish to use adding to the debate from the perspective of predicated solely on the suitability or cost their favourite specialists for particular parts of the practitioner and facility manager -the fact effectiveness of a piece of kit for the particu- the process. is that the absence of a universally accepted lar process but had to take into account how The benefits of working with disk -based interchange standard is holding back devel- projects were to be moved to and from nonlinear sound and picture are now widely opment in the industry. processes performed at the facility. Most recognised. The lack of a corresponding non- It would be difficult to over emphasise the important was which solution would provide linear interchange format has not persuaded significance of this subject to the continued the maximum number of potential clients with producers to change their habits; instead, ran- progress of professional nonlinear audio a workable route for their project. dom access projects are transferred to linear recording. While DAWs have become ubiqui- Bookings became a nightmare. For media in order to guarantee interchange. tous in television and radio production there example, previously, all a facility manager But at what cost? Downloading a series are other areas, notably feature film pro- needed to know about a 16mm film booking of tracks from a DAW to multitrack tape- duction and sections of to successfully com- analogue or digital -means that most of the the music recording plete it was; how edit information is lost. A substantial part of industry in which The early acceptance of the many (physical) tracks the value added by the operator to the raw DAWs have yet to virtues and vices of DAWs in will the editor be material is consequently lost, as will be achieve the recording bringing, is the project realised when the inevitable changes are the output of the the broadcast TV and radio in stereo or mono and required in subsequent processes. Working source DAW onto linear companies is unsurprising. how long would you in this way leads to inefficiency with deci- tape. Time -code DATs like to book? Now vir- sions deferred to the last possible moment in and DTRS (Tascam DA- Compared with linear tually every booking order to avoid costly and next to impossible 88) format machines techniques, they allow requires detailed tech- backtracking. are now common in nical information and It is tempting in this debate to consider the film facilities; for music manning levels and therefore discussion about how interchangeability of linear analogue media as digital PCM -3324 or costs to be dramatically the project will be an ideal to aim for. I believe this is slightly PCM -3348 machines, or undertaken and a deceptive. Analogue formats are not without 2 -inch analogue is fre- reduced and, since most careful assessment of their interchange problems. Equalisation can which bits of kit will be IEC or NAB. Noise reduction may be pre- quently used. `in The early acceptance projects were handled be needed if the sent at a variety of operating levels. Head of the virtues and vices house' in their entirety, booking is to stand azimuth is not always the same... Only certain of DAWs in the broad- any chance of pro- track configurations are widely available- cast TV and radio com- staying with one DAW ceeding smoothly. such as the 17.5mm magnetic common in panies is unsurprising. manufacturer meant projects Independent facilities Europe especially Germany but unknown in Compared with linear houses have ap- the US. Written information must accompany techniques, they allow could be reliably moved proached this brave the material if it is to be accurately repro- manning levels and through the various new world in several duced. Cue sheets or track sheets are needed therefore costs to be ways. Some have to inform operators what is where if laborious dramatically reduced postproduction processes. emulated the major detective work is to be avoided. However, and, since most pro- broadcasters by bring- analogue does represent a better situation jects were handled 'in ing as many of the than that which currently pertains in nonlin- house' in their entirety, staying with one DAW processes as possible into the facility where ear digital. manufacturer meant projects could be reliably all stages can be controlled. Other, smaller moved through the various postproduction facilities have relied on linear interchange, S HAS BEEN stated in other articles, processes. physically moving DAWs or using inefficient there is no technical reason why The advent of nonlinear picture editing sys- routes requiring the redigitising of material. onlinear project interchange can- tems and the profound changes in broadcast These problems are intensified when pro- not be as effective if not actually improve on commissioning policies rendered this situation jects are moved between countries. analogue unsatisfactory. A programme might be shot on All these facilities companies are, in So, an innocent user may be forgiven for film, have its rushes synchronised, be edited, essence, adding value to the material which asking the questions, just what is the problem? tracklayed, have Foleys and ADR recorded passes through them. If an acceptable scheme Why hasn't a credible standard been ratified and the final mix completed in different facil- for interchange is not available, all stages of by the institutions and universally imple- ities each with machines from a variety of the production must be completed in the mented by manufacturers? page 126 » Studio Sound September 1997 125

www.americanradiohistory.com PLUS RADIO SOLUTIO < page 125 In fact, there have tries. BV F or Broadcast Wave For- THE EXHIBITION been a number of initiatives but, mat. A .WAV file in its simplest OF THE L until very recently, there was only form consists of two parts. The Phone 01422 one 'standard': OMF, the Open audio data and a descriptor of the lof LPRA inl Media Framework originally pro- file parameters such as sample posed by Avid. One barrier to the rate, bit rate and so on. However, universal acceptance of OMF as other parts can be added which the solution is its approach to the can contain information only of problem. The OMF format seeks relevance to specific applications. to describe a complete project in The crucial factor is the addition terms of its source audio and of these parts does not render the video files together with an basic information unreadable by a

There is, of course, the bi- lateral approach, where two manufacturers agree to support each others' native formats. One recent a in , initiative has been an extension of this with a group of manufacturers all agreeing to ,ra support each others formats. While this is an encouraging development it does sound not offer a universal solution

broadcasting extensive 'composition' structure machine without the extra capa- that defined edits as well as a bilities. range of more or less elaborate BWF, although highly encourag- equipment processing attributes including ing, is not a world -wide standard. video and graphics instructions. In May 1997, the standards This makes it extremely complex committee of the AES announced and in many cases translation is that its activity related to com- show required between a DAWs native puter based audio had been format and OMF which can take restructured in recognition of the 29/30th October, 1997 as long as re- conforming the number of important issues in this Hall Seven audio. Although there are devel- growing field. There are four new oper toolkits available National Exhibition Centre The ONLY exclusively the imple- working groups which have been mentation of OMF requires large formed under sub -committee 06 Birmingham, UK SOUND show in the UK R &D resources. Small (and some covering the topics of file inter- large) manufacturers simply can- change, networks, IEEE1394 not afford the cost. (Firewire) and Internet technolo- THE meeting place for An analysis of the real require- gies. Following a number of radio engineers ments to carry out everyday requests it has been proposed processes reveals the majority of that AES 31 xxxx be extended to users have more modest needs. form a software interchange Now featuring daily FREE There is, of course, the bilat- model for professional audio in seminars eral approach, where two manu- four key stages. facturers agree to support each others' native formats. One THE AIM IS to guarantee Adjacent to an recent initiative has been an basic audio interchange extension of this with a group of while providing appropri- international airport manufacturers all agreeing to ate sophistication for more com- The SBES is an exhibition support each others formats. plex processes. The four key of SOUND equipment only. Radio Academy's TechCon While this is an encouraging stages are: a Physical Interchange development it does not offer a Medium; a For more informa!ion Soundfile format to conference day before universal solution. include relevant source on air /road /rail travel, data; an At the other end of the scale Edit List Structure hotels. exhibitors, space. for simple pro- the IBM -Microsoft .WAV file or ject interchange; - seminars and adjoining and an object Admission by invitation only EIFF. 85 format is events contact the nearest orientated project structure thing to a universal sound the organiser: - call for registration form file for- represented by OMF. mat for PCs and is increasingly It is anticipated the interchange 411 visitors Mt pre ,fie., . pumlpromsco uk SI -register for FRIT enta - L5 charge on the day supported by Macintosh software. media and Soundfile format will UAL http www i- way.co uk - dmcv- SBES22 htm Pre -registration closes 14th October What is needed is be common to all AES 31 xxxx a LCD -lowest common denomi- interchanges. The new Broadcast POINT PROMOTION' nator-approach which can be Wave Format has been proposed PO Box 46, Wallingford, OXON., 0X10 OXP, UK expanded as requirements change for this role. and technology develops. The physical interchange At the end of 1996 the EBU rat- media is likely to be SCSI Tel: +44 (0) 1491 838575 ified a new standard as a common although, with an eye on the near format for the broadcast indus- future, I hope net- page 128 > 126 September 1997 Studio Sound

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www.americanradiohistory.com < page 128 work servers and IEEE1394 will rates higher than 48kHz. greater than frame accuracy, music edits etc. not be excluded. SCSI now has several vari- These references are of considerable impor- and this too must be addressed by the EDL ants but these are backwards compatible. A tance to sound- for -picture users and are also structure if it is to have universal appeal. reasonable analogy might be 35mm magnetic applicable to forensic work. This might easily be For the most complex interchanges, a film with various track formats. If the destina- extended to incorporate source references such development of the object oriented OMF is tion machine is equipped with a range of head as key code, rubber numbers and intermediate likely to cater for high end requirements. blocks and suffi- telecine time codes. This initiative offers a tantalising glimpse of cient replay amps it The physical interchange media Further parts of the nirvana for all users of digital audio. If the del- can cope with all file structure will icate seedling is allowed to grow and become the formats. Simi- is likely to be SCSI although, deal with textual a fully grown tree the whole industry will ben- larly a fast -wide notes or comments Work with an eye on the near future, I efit. can be undertaken on the most SCSI interface can and possibly EQ, appropriate equipment for the task from a read data from a hope network servers and dynamics and simi- simple software package on a PC al: the way plain vanilla SCSI IEEE1394 will not he lar process informa- up to full -blown integrated systems in the device. excluded. tion. knowledge that interchange will be guaran- The Soundfile SCSI now has several variants The edit list teed. At the simplest level this will allow a format, will contain but structure needs to hard drive to be plugged in to any DAW and among other things, these are backwards cope with a number audio retrieved and played at the appropriate vital source refer- compatible. A reasonable of parameters not time. All the layers beyond this are a bonus. ences. These will addressed by the enable operators to analogy might be 35mm current LCD which THE ADVANTAGES in this approach to determine when magnetic film with various track is the CMX EDL the equipment manufacturer are obvi- and on what format in a variety ous: R&D effort is only required to machine the file was formats. If the destination of flavours. Practi- implement the appropriate parts of the stan- created. There will machine is equipped with a cal DAWs divide dard. Additionally, there is no need for manu- be an optional place into those that ren- facturers to release commercially sensitive for coding history range of head blocks and der crossfades and parts of their intellectual property to their such as MPEG. The sufficient replay amps it can non-renderers. This competition in order to achieve compatibility creation stamp will distinction is critical and previously 'difficult' markets such as film be recorded in the cope with all the formats and the proposed will be easier to penetrate. form of Time Refer- format will need to Perhaps the biggest threat to success is the ence Low -Time Ref- cope elegantly with demon of complexity. The first imperative erence High, in samples- since -midnight. files generated on a non -rendering DAW should be the KISS principle (keep it simple, This high- resolution reference can used interchanged with a rendering machine and stupid) The crucial part is to get the frame- with any time code standard. A 64 -bit value vice- versa. work right. If this done the bells and whistles will provide for the possibility of sampling Audio editing needs to be capable of can be added later.

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www.americanradiohistory.com ca Getting your back up E The arrival of practical 24 -bit, 96kHz digital recording has reanimated the archiving issue. Turner Broadcasting's Bill Tullis-aka Dr Troll -gives an American perspective

Ci TURNER BROADCASTING Systems has Dolby -A or dbx noise reduction, and we machine in 10 years may command a grown at a staggering pace over the don't usually have the budget or time to pretty penny while playing or transferring last few years and, just like at any rent gear and studios. newly -found tapes. Maybe that's why con- Q other company, technical issues change On sampling rates, I must hide under the sultants and specialists make so much almost daily. In order to preserve the rela- umbrella of popular opinion- although money. There are some 6 - tively large amount of custom music we other people I know who do mastering formats-many don't know it -and there produce, technology being used to produce work and remixing-remastering agree -that were also between two and five versions the music had to be addressed. all recordings should be done at the high- of heads for any particular analogue tape In earlier days, everything went to multi- est sampling and bit -rate available. To con - format. For instance, ask a mogul about track tape. Later, time code became a prime butterfly heads, or differences between player, then more formats appeared. None Whoever still has a 3 -track metal and ferrite heads. As long as it went were universally compatible aside from the to tape and stuck, it was 16 fine. That great constants, which are SMPTE time code and or -track analogue machine tape in its day was stellar, but might sound open reel, or 'organised' multitrack formats in 10 years may command different if played on a modern machine, such as 8mm -which is winning over SVHS. be it 1i4 1/2 1 a pretty -inch, -inch, -inch or 2 -inch. At present we're not considering optical penny And then there were those Stevens mediums for long -term storage. Just as a machines, not to mention the odd Tele- synthesiser -based studio may not have the vert up is to risk adding unnecessary funken 32 -track 2 -inch decks, and then same gear in a couple of years because of artefacts to the product; to down -convert is took over Scully for a while... upgrades -newer storage mediums are to give up some accuracy. As technology And on and on. specific to propriety systems. Once DVD is provides better means of creation and stor- Getting anyone else to conform to our fully developed, I might consider dumping age, items which are spawned on the prior standards can be problematic. Most are the multitrack tapes we have in the vault highest level are more confidently trans- willing, some take the attitude 'call us, and to that medium, as long as everything can ferred later. we will do the mix for you', but too often be kept separate track -wise. This is our From a broader perspective, whoever over the past few years, those types have problem with individual project studios still has a 3 -track or 16 -track analogue either gone out of business or upgraded and small vendors: it is necessary to rent a gear to a point where it is impossible to multitrack to transfer everything in real reproduce the original project. In effect, a time to tape. potential performance of genius has been But since SVHS and 8mm have stymied for want of newer and better appeared, no-one has the excuse technology. Regularly and forever, not to transfer elements of other attempts to re- create an original recordings to a moving tape. work lack the nuances of the Right now I am leaning original. We're talking about toward the 8mm format as regular daily production an adjunct to 32 -track or here, not soundtracks or 48- track; the only prob- classical recordings. lem with either MDM Optimistically, as format is that if long as there is com- you have more than petition there will be eight tracks, another a next Great Inven- hardware item is tion but it would be needed, and re- nice to see agree- quires sync equip- ment on digital ment to replay. formats, and per- Where possible, chance a common we try to make a software genre to straight transfer from manipulate and the digital domain to transfer data. I used analogue. In may to say that the com- cases though, it is munists should have more desirable to go invented hard disks, through a console to DOS, and computers. clean up problems that That way, there would only may exist on the original be one-or at worst just a tracks. We did the same when few -to choose from. But then, transferring old 24 -track material, everyone who wanted to extend especially where noise reduction or improve the standard would have such as dbx Type -1 or Dolby-A was to go through a lot of red tape. Or is that applied. You can't readily find a full rack of the way we live now?

130 September 1997 Studio Sound

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INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS Africa Australia Egypt Mexico Indonesia Korea Singapore Brazil Guatemala Australia Alpha Audio Audioacustx,a Y Elettronica PT. Multi Audio Perkasa Dai Kyung Electr. Trade Auvi Private Ltd. S.G. International Ingeniena Representacicees East Coast Audio/ Tel: (202) 245 -6199 Tel: (52-5) 669-4879 Tel: (62 -21) 629 -6009 Tel: (82 -2) 747 -6187 Tel: (65) 283 -2544 Tel: (55 -1) 9236 -0450 Tel: (502 -2) 530 -734 Broadcast Technology Fax: (202) 247 -8969 Fax: (52-5) 543-6037 Fax. (62-21) 629-8453 Fax: (82-2) 766-8504 Fax: (65) 289-5963 Fax: (55-1) 9236-8997 Fax: (502 -2) 530 -956 Tel: (613) 9428 -9797 South Africa Asia Israel Malaysia Taiwan Chile Panama Fax: (613) 9427 -9898 That Other Music Store R.B.X.Intemational Auvi Private Ltd. Advancetek Audiomusica S A Distribedoia Musical S k New Zealand China Tel: (27 -11) 403 -4105 Tel: (972 -3) 629 -8251 Tel: (65) 283 -2544 Tel: (886-2) 719-2388 Tel: (56 -2) 633 -8062 Tel: (507) 223 -0292 Telequipment Ace Fax: (27-11) 403-1234 Fax: (972 -3) 629 -6452 Fax: (65) 289 -5963 Fax: (886-2) 716-0043 Fax: (56-2) 638-2765 Fax: (507) 263 -5142 Tel (64-4) 384-1927 Tel: (852) 2424 -0387 Fax: (64-4) 385-9892 N. America Fax: (852) 2424 -0788 Japan Philippines Thailand Colombia Peru (PRO Products) Audiophile Kamol Sukosol Electric Co Digital Link Andina Ltda. Pro Show Canada Hong Kong Otaritec Tel: (63 -2) 524 -3522 Tel: (66 -2) 226 -2299 Tel: (57 -1) 218 -8425 Tel: (305) 888 -9630 Erikson Pro Audio Ace Corporation Tel: (81 -3) -3211 Fax: (63-2) 524-1965 Fax: (66-2) 225-3173 Fax: (506) 218 -2887 Fax: (305) 888 -9513 Tel: (514) 738-3000 Tel: (852) 2424 -0387 3332 Fax: (81 -3) 3332 -3214 Fax: (514) 737 -5069 Fax: (852) 2424 -0788 Saudi Arabia S. America Costa Rica Venezuela (M.I Products) Halwani Audio Inresa De Costa Rica Audio Concepts India Korg Corporation Tel: (966 -2) 669 -1252 Argentina Tel: (506) 283-5286 Tel: (582) 237 -7952 Swee Lee AG Elettronica S.A. Tel: (81 -3) 3 3323 -5242 Fax: (966-2) 669-1252 Fax: (506) 283 -4596 Fax: (582) 237 -9480 Tel: (65) 748-7802 Tel: (541) 636 -1530 Fax: (81 -3)3 3323 -5945 Fax: (65) 748-7036 Fax: (541) 583 -7573
