N.Z. RADIO New Zealand DX Times N.Z. RADIO Monthly journal of the D X New Zealand Radio DX League (est. 1948) D X December 2001 - Volume 54 Number 2 LEAGUE http://radiodx.com LEAGUE ompiled by
[email protected] David Ricquish Wellington Latin American Radio Tour 2002. Read on for more details below. Visit AM/SW/FM stations in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro and Santiago. Join DXers and SWLs from around the world on this exciting tour. Win Radio Happy Isles Book! Just read the book review and Adrian Peterson’s Af- ghanistan article at www.radiodx.com, and subscribe to the e-DXT before December 31, 2001 and you’ve got a great chance to win an entertaining book about contemporary radio broadcasting in the Pacific. Tuvalu being abandoned. The Tuvalu Government has announced that it’s giving up the battle against rising seas caused by global warming, and is preparing to gradually aban- don the island nation, home of Radio Tuvalu 621 kHz. Australia and New Zealand have advanced plans to resettle Tuvaluans, many of whom already live in New Zealand. The first group for resettlement will leave for New Zealand in 2002. Rising sea levels are a major problem for low lying Pacific islands. However, this is the first time an island government has admitted it simply can’t afford to continue attempts to build higher and higher seawalls and find new sources of drinking water. (Pacific Islands Report). Radio Tuvalu from Funafuti is regularly heard in New Zealand and around the South Pacific.