PAGE TWENTY^EIGHT- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1. 1975 Commentary: W f i ^ h i n t f t n n W i n g ! M i l

By RICHARD H. GROWALD the codes which only the Presi­ of his 25 years in the House, he would wear to sea. President’s first year at Yale was there to speak at “the syllable, and adding that it UPI Senior Editor dent can use in case the deci­ remains undimmed. In Con­ “Well, I do have an old pair of was Hersey’s last year at Yalie sesquiceiitennial convocation might be noted he said it while anrl)T0tTr lumtng RrralJi WASHINGTON (UPI) - In­ sion to use nuclear might is cord, N.H., last week he spotted Hush Puppies,” said the Presi­ and they had both played foot­ dinner of the Yale Law School,” not chewing gum. By CYRIL GUERRERA cidental intelligences from the made. in a crowd a face he had not dent. That was the extent of ball and, well, in 30 seconds carefully enunciating each NEW ORLEANS(UPI)- A White House: The briefcase and one of the seen since the 1935 East- Ford’s special outfit. they were asking each other Manchester^A City of Village Charm The presidential automobile aides goes with the President Shrine football game. PRICEt FIFTEEN CENTS Supreme Court ruling deRning Ford is pleased by The N ^ about mutual friends. I needn’t the location of Louisiana’s in which John F. Kennedy was everywhere — even to the golf “George" shouted Ford, and have worried,” Nessen said. York Times Sunday Magaznie MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 181 coastline may open to the assassinated has been course. The only other non- he grabbed the hand of Gmrge TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES — TWD SECTIONS article written by John Hersey Ford takes with a smile old state a potential treasure- renovated and put back into use Secret Service person accom­ C. AJ(ustrom, 63, of Meriden, panying Ford is his doctor. who spent six days in March jokes about his abilities, such trove of undersea riches. by the Secret Service in White N.H. Akustrom was the Colgate r Rear Adm. William Lukash. with the President. Nessen says as the one about being a fellow "It's reasonable to estimate House motorcades. University football center who The fixtures and the trim­ started the Shrine game for the when Hersey showed up, he who cannot walk and chew gum BOLAND’S the potential possibility of Ford keeps up with the doings mings have been changed but, East but was injured and took the writer into the Oval Of­ at the same time. hundreds of millions of dollars of his Grand Rapids, Mich., says a Secret Service expert, replaced by a Michigan center fice to see if the two men would Speaking at a Yale University NURSERY from oil drilling bonuses and high school graduation class, get along. 315 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER Mill Levy Increases Reduced the body and engine of the named Jerry Ford who went on last week, he brought down the royalties," said Frederick W. perhaps more closely than with limousine were and are still to star in the game. “Well, it turned out the house when he mentioned he (Opposite the Post Office) Phone 649-T018 Ellis, Louisiana State Univer­ any other group in his past, ac­ excellent. sity law professor and a cording to aides. Days in advance of Ford’s A W- “ > • P-M- OPEN THURS. 10 A.M, to 7 P.M. • Closed Sundays special assistant to Attorney The keys to America’s The President often has dis­ trip to New Orleans, Press General William J. Guste Jr. nuclear military power con­ concerted an aide by men­ Secretary Ron Nessen carefully Start Your Vegetable Garden Nowl — Through Town Budget Changes Ellis argued the case in tinue moving with the Presi- tioning during an OvaLQKice coached newsmen accom­ Cabbage, Brusseil which the Supreme Court vdent. The warrant officer who session that so-an'35^Tit! panying the President on a trek The Sprouts, Brocolll, Let- 9 9 * By SOL R. COHEN and Republicans Vivian Ferguson, Carl recently set guidelines in earlier presidencies followed retired from the Geii^ral I an oil drilling rig 35 miles out 503 from the sum recommended by Weiss set the General Fund budget at $21,178,658 box s Manchester’s General Fund tax rate Zinsser and Hillery Gallagher — were for pinpointing Lousiana's the chief executive almost Motors plant or that so-and-so ill the Gulf of Mexico to wear Muffler That’s tuce. Onions ^ and $320,903 .from the sum originally and the Fire District budget at $1,525,120. will go up 1.11 mills and the Fire District pressing to “hold-the-line” at the current changing coastline—a matter everywhere except through the is a grandmother again. In the Bid clothes, a windbreaker, I • HOUSE PLANTS, from the exotic to the easy to grow; requested by the school board. Weiss had Weiss had recommended $21,997,731 and Guaranteed for tax rate 0.30 mills' as of July 1 — and not 49.30 mills and 5.70 mills tax rates. of dispute for years between bedroom door with a satchel of center of-'Fbrd’s desk is a pen ' rubber-soled shoes and other at­ plus T e r r a r iu m s , m a c r a m e p l a n t h a n g e r s and cut the school board’s request by $118,400. $1,995,236. Thus, the board cut $819,073 and as long as you ’ ’ T y 5.5 mills and 0.80 mills respectively, as The five “yes” votes for the 50.41 mills the state and federal govern­ signal devices has been set topped by a silver foottoll tire to protect them from sea, much, much morel The $13 million for the school system is $470,116, respectively. recommended by Town Manager Robert and 6.0 mills tax rates for 1975-76 were by ments. Out of a possible replaced by the President’s and given the President by wind, rain and drilling rig own the car... ■k We Honor 8r. Citizen’s Gold CardsI ★ $900,000 or 7.44 per cent above the $12.1 To make certain the figures arrived at 1 / Weiss. Democrats John Thompson, Pascal military aides. teammates on his high school sludge. million current school budget. are correct, a representative from each 258,000 acres, Louisiana re­ Prignano, Robert Price, Matt Moriarty team. Shortly before the helicopter 875-2517 The Board of Directors will meet party will meet Monday to re-check them. ceived 70,000. Ford’s Army, Navy and Air OFF on UST That decision was reached by the Board Jr. and Jack Goldberg. Force aides divide the duty of Ford’s memory for names, hop to the offshore rig, Nessen Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Municipal It was the consensus of the board not to But the immediate return of Directors Thursday night by a slim 5 to To reach that goal the board, by the from those 70,000 acres could carrying a briefcase containing one of the products and talents asked Ford what special outfit YEAR’S GARDENING 4 affirmative action. The four casting the Building Hearing Room to formally adopt recommend any layoff of employes. The OLENDER’S MUFFLER SHOP same 5 to 4 vote, set the school board 197^76 budgets and tax rates. policy agreed upon was to leave unfilled mean $100 million or more for R O U T E 83 “no” votes — Democrat Phyllis Jackston budget at $13 million. The board cut $202,- Louisiana in oil Royalties and ROCKVILLE iUPPLIESI Two minority reports are expected to be those jobs vacated by attrition. lease bonuses from the dis­ filed then — one by Mrs. Jackston and the Mayor Thompson today called the puted acreage. Those royalties other by Mrs. Ferguson, Zinsser and budget recommended by the board “an and bonuses were earmarked Gallagher — with both expected to be austerity budget in a time of great while the case was in the Energy Bill Aimed identical. economical problems.” courts. 'Thursday night, the minority of four had He expressed satisfaction no layoffs are recommended a $12.8 million school "Future revenue may well being proposed, calling it a prospect budget, insisting it would have provided a be in the hundreds of millions, The "which would only help feed the recession, At Wasters Pledged "hold-the-line” tax rate. depending on the future prices and certainly not curb it.” The majority of five countered with a Mrs. Ferguson, speaking for the minori­ of oil and what lease bonuses WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. A1 starting next month, to gradually $13,050,000 proposal, which it then cut to ty, expressed disappointment. “I still bring,” Ellis said.' Ullman, D-Ore., chairman of the House eliminate domestic oil price controls over After an earlier Supreme an even $13 million. The $50,000 was think we could have held the line,” she in­ Ways and Means C om m it^, said today the next two years. sisted. Court ruling that awarded SATURDAY It takes only one house of Congress to plac^ instead in the General Fund’s Con­ X his panel will approve within 10 days a far- tingency Account — bringing it to $100,000. The 1.11-mill and 0.30-milI tax hikes 'Uouisianna 80 square miles of reaching energy package aimed at stop a unilateral energy action by the By increasing the Contingency Account, mean that a homeowner with a dwelling offshore tidelands, the Louisi­ stiffling “wasters.” President. Ford does not plan to submit the board gave Weiss some discretion in assessed at $20,000 will pay $28.20 more in ana Mineral Board leased one Ullman said the committee is in the his decontrol, plan to the Senate formally particularly promising 6,000- raises for department heads. By a un­ taxes if he lives in the area serviced by the “final stages” of work on the bill. The until later this month after Federal town fire department, or $22.20 more if he acre parcel for $11 million and BANK Energy Administration public hearings animous action at a previous budget main stumbling block, he said, is whether workshop, the board had limited those lives in the Eighth District. The latter has 26 per cent of any oil to clamp a high tax on automobiles that May 13. production. Engineers esti­ raises to 4 per cent. its own fire department and levies its own would hit hard against vehicles with low As a result of the Senate action, the tax for fire service. mated the 26 per cent royalty gasoline efficiency. President undoubtedly will mount a heavy, Thursday night, the minority express^ would exceed $15 million over Weiss and Superintendent of Schools Can Make The Senate Thursday voted 47 to 36 to lobbying campaign in Congress and might its opposition to the $50,000 placed in the James Kennedy both said today they’ll the life of the lease. Stitch Bicentennial Quilt delay for three months President Ford’s threaten to revoke another decision he an­ Contingency Account and to any deviation operate within the funds being given them. Louisiana helped pioneer plan to end price controls on domestic oil. nounced Wednesday—his agreement to from the 4 per cent raises. offshore oil drilling and was “I would expect W live within the budget The plan would eventually hike gas prices delay for up to 30 days any new rise in the By its actions Thursday night, the board the directors are plroviding, “ said Weiss, the site of the first well drilled Putting in the final stitches of a were sacrificed to do all the sewing about five cents a gallon and encourage tariff on imported oil. "but I can’t predict the impact it will have over the horizon and out of Bicentennial quilt are these fifth and tying. The quilt has the name of It Happen motorists to use less fuel. on individual services. I haven't had the grade students at Highland Park the school, the year, and Bicentennial sight of land. Since that 1947 Ford has delayed his own energy plans V opportunity to examine the recommen­ School. Hemming the binding is Cheri embroidered on the borders. Cherie drilling, thousands of others with the hope of reaching a compromise dations in detail. have been added and made Haddock, left, as Celine Buczek, Haddock, who has learned the art of agreement with Congress. State Unemployment Funding "It’s obvious,” said Weiss, “some ser­ Louisiana, with, Texas and center, and Suzanne Hebert finish off quilting at home, instructed her Ullman, who was interviewed on the vices will be curtailed or eliminated. It California, one thg'^ top the tying. The boys and girls of Alfred classmates in the prpject. The quilt CBS Morning News, said his committee’s Revisions Said Neeessary appears, although it’s not definite, refuse producers of offshore oil and Fredette’s social studies class have will be raffled off at the school main goal is to avoid taxing all segments may go to once-a-week pickup, the fall natural gas. worked since mid-January making the fair Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. of society and concentrate on excess en­ leaf-pickup program will be eliminated Offshore drilling was just a HARTFORD (UPI) - A high rate of un­ to pay benefits and further borrowing is quilt. Recess time and free periods (Herald photo by Dunn) ergy users. “We’re trying to tax the wast­ and the curbside pickup of newspaper will year old when Louisiana and ers,” he said. employment in the past four years has expected to be necessary before the end of be dropped. Those appear to be tlM) board’s the federal government first "This is one of the most difficult depleted Connecticut’s unemployment the year, the council said. recommendations. ’ ’ disagreed over drilling rights. problems that we have,”. Ullman said. compensation fund to the point where revi­ To make the operation of the fund more Kennedy said, "We appreciate the dif­ Since 1948 Louisiana has Unemployment Up Also “My judgment is that we need to turn sion of the tax base is necessary, a economical, the council also ficulty the directors face this year and we spent close to $3.5 million to Detroit around. Detroit needs to build business group said today. recommended; appreciate the priority consideration the prepare and present its argu­ more efficient automobiles for Americans The Connecticut Public Expenditure -Imposing a higher tax rate on school budget received this year. Obvious­ businesses which have a high unemploy­ ments in court. to usp.” Council said an increase in the taxable ly, we will live within the budget. But the return> has been Number of Jobholders Ullman said he hopes the bill will in­ wage base from $4,200 to $5,000 retroac­ ment rate to encourage stablization of the “We’re obviously going to have to make between $235 and $285 mil­ clude a “tough program that will, in tive to Jan. 1 is needed to start work force. some cuts,” Kennedy said. “The budget —Restoring a one-week waiting period lion, depending on the amount effect, say that if you don’t turn around in replenishing the fund. Another increase to we recommended was a tight budget. It before claimants can receive benefits, a ultimately received from the Increases in April three or four years, if you don’t begin $6,000 is needed next January, the council was based on holding existing services and NEW OR move which could save $7 million to $8 escrow fund. building more efficient automobiles, then said. Connecticut already has the nation’s even the $118,4(X) we had proposed for new Although the latest ruling WASHINGTON (UPI) - The number of rose 196,000, reaching 8,176,000. we’ll begin a program of taxing your gas highest unemployment benefits with a million a year. programs already had been cut by the USED CAR maximum level of $156 a week, the council —Suspending the benefit escalation settled the coastline contro­ persons holding jobs increased in April for The jobless count has risen by 3.3 guzzlers.” manager.” clause which ties benefits to average versy, Ellis said new areas of the first time in seven months, but million persons since August, 1974 when The Senate action set the stage for a said. Kennedy said it's too early for the school COLLEGE wages when fund reserves fall below a argument were beginning to because more people were searching for large increases in unemployment began, confrontation House Democrats had Between 1972 to last March, Connecticut administration to give a run-down of the has had to borrow $149 million from the specified level. surface, work the unemployment rate rose to a 34- the bureau said. sought to avoid. exact cuts to be made. EDUCATION — Reviewing the state Labor "To take advantage of the year high of 8.9 per cent, the Labor The reason that unemployment went up On Wednesday Ford announced his plan. U.S. Unemployment Compensation Fund “We'll give priority to the regular gains to date, the state can't Department said today. as well as employment was because 430,- Department’s job placement program. daytime school programs,” he said. “It just fold up its tent and go Unemployment has been above 8 per 000 persons entered the job force in April The council found that the average appears now there will have to be some home,” he said. " It’s going to cent for four consecutive months and the but little more than half were able to find weekly benefit of $73 is only $4 below the staff cutbacks, but we’ll make every effort have to look to the develop­ April rate is the highest since 1941. The work. Several Hundred Attend nationwide high of $77. we can to have those cutbacks through at­ ment offshore, at the drainage April rate was 0.2 per cent above the “Increases in joblessness were concen­ “There is no justification for further trition, rather than by layoffs." (drawing oil from two or more March rate of 8.7 per cent. trated in the construction, manufacturing, liberalizing unemployment compensation adjacent tracts), and at the The department’s Bureau of Labor and transportation and public utility in­ Pacific Travel Show benefits,” the council said. offshore utilization. Statistics said the number of persons dustries and among the blue collar oc­ Since unemployment benefits are based "It’s going to have to look VACATION employed in April rose by 237,000 to 84,- cupational grouping,” according to the By BETTY RYDER the airlines, the governments of New on 60 per cent of the average wage of m B , production and related workers, the coun­ at all these things that were 086,0()^But the number unemployed also department. “New Zealand is probably the most Zealand and Australia, and sponsoring Inside Today cil said, the impact of the recession has put on ice for decades during beautiful place in the world” is what travel agencies were awarded. the litigation. NEW been even more severe on the compensa­ James A. Mitchener wrote in "Return to One unusual gift, a sheepskin rug from Area P ro file...... Pages 8, 9, 11, 20 "Secondly, there is a 50- FURNITURE Paradise,” and Richard D. Bollard, New New Zealand, donated by Gilbert-Love tion fund. The council criticized the plan to con­ Business news...... Page 5 mile-long delta building out of Zealand travel commissioner, repeated Travel Agency, was won by Miss Revised State Budget vert to a flat tax rate on employers Bookmobile...... Page 3 Atchafalaya Bay. You've got a this thought in his address at Tlie Herald’s Margaret Marte. FAMILY because it would destroy a firm’s incen­ Dear Abby...... Page 10 new delta that already has Travel Show Thursday night at the Sponsors of the Travel Show are: The tive to keep workers on the job and could filled in the east half of Manchester High School auditorium. Herald, Globe Travel Service, 555 Main MRS band on to u r...... Page 14 CAMPER Acceptable to Grasso lead to even higher unemployment. Atchafalaya Bay, and it will The theme of the show, “An Evening in St.; Goodchild-Bartlett Travel, 113 Main Memorial tree planting ...... Page 18 "To repeal benefit ratio would be to put be building new bays and new the South Pacific,” drew several hundred St.; LaBonne Travel, 67 E. Center St.; Gardening with AtwoOd...... Page 21 HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. be laid off. The layoff proposal brought Connecticut employers at a distinct com­ shorelines. people, who viewed films entitled “A Mercury Travel, 627 Main St.; O’Keefe Free garden plots ...... Page 28 m Grasso said today she could go along with strong protests from union leaders and it petitive disadvantage,” the council said. “Thus, what the court South Pacific Journey,’’ “South Pacific T ra v e l, 750 S ilas D eane Hgwy., MCC-Gardner issu e...... Page 28 a revised state budget that bars raises but was also uncertain whether it could save The council found that the Labor decision has done is terminate Adventure,” and “Overview Down Wethersfield; and Gilbert-Love Travel, excludes layoffs of state workers as long money since those laid off would be eligi­ Department’s placement program has 74 teams ready for softball...... Page 15 one phase of a problem and Under.” 880 Asylum Ave., Hartford. as it is balanced. ble for unemployment compensation fallen off in the past five years. “The Herald Angle...... Page 15 created enormous new prob­ A member of the executive committee The Herald’s next Travel Show is NEW The commented on the benefits for up to one year. success of the job placement program MCC nine splits p a ir...... Page 16 lems—but promising kinds of of the Pacific Area Tourist Association, scheduled for June 10 at the high school proposal worked out by Democrat law­ Among the business services to be taxed should be a cornerstone of the recovery ef­ Scholastic golf, tennis...... Page 16 problems that the state can Bollard has served as travel com­ and will feature the Pacific Northwest. APPLIANCES makers after a four-hour closed door are direct mail advertising, commercial Thoughts ApLENty...... Page 16 use to make substantial missioner since late August 1972 having fort,” the council said. additions in state revenue if it meeting late Thursday. It would extend photography, private detectives, window HOME the seven per cent sales tax into business washing, sign painting, employment agen­ been associated in the travel industry goes after them.” since 1951. Despite Ellis’ optimistic services while excluding tax increases on cies and commercial research. IMPROVEMENT! alcoho, tobaccco, gasoline and adver­ Gov. Grasso had proposed $160 million He said that some 260,000 tourists outlook. Revenue Collector visited New Zealand in 1974, a country Joseph Traigle predicts state tising. in higher taxes to finance a $1,432 billion The lawmakers said the expanded sales budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. with a population of 63 million people. revenue from severance taxes, His comment, on trout fishing was oil royalties, lease bonuses and tax on business would raise more than $25 But finance experts said another $40 million in a proposed $1.4 billion budget million in additional taxes was necessary enough to make any red-blooded Connec­ other direct taxes on the oil ticut fisherman quake. industry will decline. The state for 1975-76. Democratic leaders indicated unless cuts were made to balance the the package would be put before both budget. Bollard said it is not unusual to catch as iweives no tax revenue on many as 20 a day —and if they are under production from federal lands legislative houses Thursday for approval. The Democrats said about $35 million Mrs. Grasso told a news conference she was trimmed from the budget in such 14-inches long, you throw them back. He more than three miles from also said visitor’s licenses are only $2.50. shore. would have to conduct a preliminary areas as funds for law libraries, alcohol with the help of a S.B.M. review with Finance Commissioner Jay 0. detoxification centers and local driver New Zealand boasts some 362 golf FOCIS Plans Tepper "most especially to be sure we education programs. courses with green fees ranging from $1 to provide a balanced budget.” The am end^ budget killed attempts to $2.50. The country itself is 1,000 miles long May Series Mrs. Grasso sdid the whole process of raise the cigarette tax from 21 cents to 25 and 180 miles wide and located in the creating a budget and changing it “has cents a pack, raising the 10 cent a gallon Southern Hemisphere. FOCIS (Family Oriented been an agonizing experience” but she tax on gasoline by three cents and in­ Peter Goulding, manager, Easter Childbirth Information Society) Installm ent Loan said she could accept the new proposal “as creasing the $2.50 tax per gallon on hard Region for Australia, spoke on the many is accepting registrations for long as it is balanced.” liquor by 50 cents. tourist attractions in his country, and its May series of classes in Asked whether the budget now could be Mrs. Grasso’s proposal to end the local urged visitors to make Australia a part of Expectant Parent Education. called hers’ or the legislatures’, the gover­ personal property tax exemption for new their South Pacific travel itinerary. ... • y . 'J! .1^' The weekly classes begin - How Much Do You Need? nor said “it would be grossly unfair to say business and industry was also rejected by Charles Gilbert of the Gilbert-Love May 13 at 8 p.m. in the con­ everything good is the governors’ and the lawmakers who continued the exemp­ Travel Agency in Hartford, who coor­ ference rooms at Manchester everything bad is the General tion until July 1, 1976. dinated the program, gave a slide presen­ Memorial Hospital. Assembly’s.” The new package substitutes a two-point tation of the month-long trip he and his The classes are free to the The agreement puts to rest earlier increase in the corporation profits tax to wife Barbara took from Australia to the public. suggestions that 2,(WO of the state’s ap­ raise funds to reimburse towns for lost South Island of New Zealand and including Qualified professionals dis­ proximately 40,000 workers would have to property tax revenue. Fiji and Tahiti. The Gilberts are cuss pregnancy, nutrition and The new package sets the corporate Manchester residents. exercise during pregnancy, bot­ Bank profits tax rate at 10 per cent, as opposed Herbert Schemeller, representative of tle and breast feeding, baby Mrs. Grasso’s proposal for a hike of eight Pan A'merican Airlines, one of the care and post-partum care. The Weather or nine per cent. carriers to the South Pacific, was on hand Wooly Rug from Down Under For further information, of Manchester Other tax hikes suggested by Mrs. to answer questions concerning air fares, write FOCIS, 61 Lyness St., schedules, and destinations. Member F.D.I.C. Cloudy with occasional rain or drizzle Grasso in February were retained, such as Manchester, Conn., or call 646-1700 today with high temperatures mostly in extension of the sales tax to leased and Other major airlines serving the South Looking over a sheepskin rug from High School, are, from left, Charles and Peter Goulding, manager. Carla, 643-0604; Barbara, 228- MANCHESTER •. EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON • ANDOVER the 50s. Rain ending early to n i^ with rented goods, and a one per cent hike of Pacific are Air New Zealand, Quantas, New Zealand which was one of the Gilbert of Gilbert-Love Travel Agen­ Eastern Reglofi for Australia. and UTA. 3106; or Sue, 649-2915. People-to^People Banking low in the 40s. Not so cold Saturday with the six per cent capital gains tax and the prizes at The Herald’s Travel Show cy in Hartford; Richard D. Bollard, (Herald photo by Dunn) in the 608. modified dividends tax plan. Many attractive door prizes donated by Thursday night at the Manchester New Zealand travel commissioner; PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Fri., May 2, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., May 2, 1975 - PAGE THREE '

TV TONIGHT Tue. May 6 thru Sun. May I i Here’s Sehedule UPl Editorial Meeting To Feature Electronic News Processing For Bookmobile BOSTON (DPI) - The dent and editor of UPI, will puter and video display ter­ News copy is processed by of the Manchester, Conn., bury, Conn., Republican and development, use and future of speak at the evening awards minals. VDT-computer in the paper’s Evening Herald; Managing American; Managing Editor electronic news p ro c^ in g will banquet at the downtown Poorman, 44, a former news downtown Detroit location and Editor Daniel J. Warner of the Thomas Meade of the Beverly, 8 M highlight discussions at the 19th Holiday Inn. Newspaper editor of the transmitted electronically to a Lawrence, Mass., Eagle- Mass., Times, and Travis Tonight's Movies Here is next week’s schedule N ew s...... 3-8-22-30 2:50 p.m. — Level Rd. and annual meeting of the United winners will be announced in Bulletin and Harrisburg new, $40 million production Tribune; Managing Editor Hughs, UPI’s news technology for The Thomas Hooker, a Bewitched ...... 5 4:00 (9) “ Attock” (1956). Elizabeth Dr. Press International four news-writing and eight Patriot, will talk about plant 23 miles away in Sterling David P. Johnston of the Water- coordinator. Connecticut State Library The Untouchables ...... 9 Ragg^ l^oup of American 3:30 p.m. Avondale and Newspapers of New England photography categories. managing technological change Heights. bookmobile on loan to the Robin Rds. 12 0 ’CTockHigh...... 18 soldtOT in Wwld War n (UPINNE) here May 22. Activities begin with a 10 in the newsroom. ’The state of the art of new­ Brunello Italy’s Costliest Wine Manchester Public Library 4:10 p.m. — Ardmore and The Honeymooners...... 20 suspects that their officers may The all-day program will a7m. tour of UPI’s regional The Detroit News, largest sroom electronics in New system: Marshall Rds. Electric Company...... 24-57 have betrayed them. Jack feature a luncheon address by electronic newsroom in Boston. afternoon newspaper in the England will be covered in a 2 Siena, Italy— South of Siena,' tinue to improve for 50 years 4:50 p.m .— Durkin and Bran­ Bonanza . ^...... 40 Palance, Lee Marvin, Eddie Managing Editor Paul A. Poor- The wire service will United States, began develop­ p.m. panel discussion. Italy produces its finest and or more. ‘J3 ford Rds. man of the Detroit News, an in­ 6:30 Albert. WLD MONDAY demonstrate how it gathers, ment of newsroom electronics Panelists include Associate most expensive wine, Brunello. In Italy a bottle of the young­ •taaed Md DlfweM FRIDAY dustry leader in newsroom processes and distributes infor­ in 1970 and today had one of the Editor Richard W. Carlisle of None is sold until it has aged est reserve, 1964, costs $101; N ew s...... 3-8-20-22-30 9:00 (3) “ The Wrecking iflaUiesMiWTow 10:20 a.m. — Laurel Manor. Crew” (19N). Matt Helm is up 11:20 a.m. — Carver Lane. No stops scheduled. electronics. mation from throughout New most complete electronic the Patriot Ledger, Quincy, fonr years in wooden casks. Ez- the 1945, $338; the 1925, $560; I Love Lucy ...... 5 H.L. Stevenson, vice presi­ and a bottle of the 1891 Bru­ against international gold Noon — Goslee Dr. and England and the world by com­ editing systems in the world. Mass.; Publisher Burl L. Lyons traordinary vintages may con- Z oom ...... 24-57 MEWY nello costs $1,140. 7:00 hijackers. Dean Martin, Elke THE MOST AMAZING n X ED Cooper Hill St. Sonuner. 1:50 p.m. — Knighton St. N ew s...... 3-22-40 WILD ANIMAL ACT EVER DAREDI 9:00 (18) “ Escapade” (1955). 2:30 p.m. — Loomis St. and Andy Griffith S how ...... 5 Comedy with John Mills, AilWEW! 104th EDmON. Griffin Rd. TruUi or Consequences...... 8 Yvonne Mitchell, Alastair Sim. r-v^uuna 3:50 p.m. — High and Short S A V E $4 ^ V E Iron side...... 9 B uoyant 11:30 (3) “ Giant” (1956). • TUEt-IMATR Sts. OVER Dick Van Dyke Show ...... 18 CAMPROnr...... R.*MI Clairol Drama of conflict between |aiia.jkrefRi.pAT7-ai...... -4HMAIMPMI L ite V ests F il m ...... 20 ..10:SaAH,IMAaMr Texas ranchers and oil men. “Set-To-Go” Aviation Weather...... 24 ...... te a r — TUESDAY Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hud­ \ jo m To Tell the Truth...... 30 SAVE $1 ON n s w n 12 10:20 a.m. — Holiday House. Hair Setter son. Open D o o r...... 57 NOl ITMB. 4M1 M MI ”^11:40 a.m. — Clinton and Oak Ts 3 .7 7 11:30 (5) ‘"They Died with S4 .00‘4 5 .0Q.4 6 .0 0 HA4JflHleMT.M0MtHaill Sts. era 7:30 Their Boots On” (1942). 12:20 p.m. — Charter Oak St. Wild World of Animals...... 3 Western adventure based on TICKETS ON SALE AT CIVIC CENTER BOX OFFICE | UnWiATNEtFOTOCAST 2:10 p.m. — St. John and Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 General Custer’s last stand. IA U G. FOX STORES e FOR TICKET INFORMATION Alexander Sts. Let’s Make a D eal...... 8-22 Errol Flynn, Olivia de GROUP SALES INFORMATION CALL 506-0000 B uoyant 2:50 p.m. — Presidential Porter Wagoner...... 18 Havilland. Human Dimension...... 20 onm orOtr, paraMa to HARTfORD CIVIC CEMTER,, Ona Ctotel Village. Boat Cushions Great for travel or office! Just ‘double ' For Period Ending 7 AM EST Saturday. Friday night will find rain in the Pacific 12:30 (9) ‘"The Strange Door” - A iz t ,. Hartloali Connaelfeiit 0610) 5 minutes for a refresher with Black Perspective...... 24 Hugh Hefner, king of the 3:30, p.m. — Edison and Northwest, most of Michigan, eastern Texas and the mid and lower Mississippi valley, (1952). Cruel tyrant vows 5 tangle-free rollers, f K5S Hollywood Squares ...... 30 Playboy empire, is featured Whitney Rds. revenge of his dead sweetheart. SEATS STILL AVAILABLEI '-.Jl - while the rest of the nation can expect fairly clear skies. Minimum readings include: (ap- Nanny the Professor — 40 on public television’s 4:10 p.m. — Fountain Village. ^ 4 m4 4 & Boris Karloff, Charles - prox. max. temperatures in parenthesis) Atlanta 60 (75), Boston 43 (60), Chicago 45 (63), Martin Agronsky ...... 57 “ Assignment America,’’ 4:50 p.m. — Northwood Apts. Laughton, Sally Forrest. ' aeveland 43 (59), Dallas 50 (79), Denver 34 (60), Duluth 32 (55), Houston 59 (81), Jackson- 8:00 Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. on SAVE 5 ville 65 (84), Kansas City 51 (73), Little Rock 52 (75), Los Angeles 52 (67), Miami 74 (88), Comedy Special ...... 3 Channels 24 and 57. WEDNESDAY ? Minneapolis 35 (60), New Orleans 65 (85), 47 (62), Phoenix 55 (85), San Fran- Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 10:20 a.m. — Meadows Con- Lightweight. Comfoiteble OVER J a% cisco 46 (66), Seattle 44 (57), St. Louis 47 (76) and Washington 53 (73). The Night S talker...... 8-40 Masterpiece Theatre...... 24 valekent Home. $3 Mets. vs. E x p o s...... 9 Habitat Project ...... 57 2:10 p.m. — Castle and Turn- “Electra” Water WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE tubular Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 10:30 bull Rds. Hamilton Beach Sanford and ^ n ...... 20-22-30 New Directions ...... 18 2:50 p.m. — Pine Ridge Apts. Safety Foam V^^ color THE OPENING OF SQUTH WINDSOR’S combinations to Electric In-Car HEATERS' Week in R eview ...... 24-57 Black Perspective...... 57 3:30 p.m. — Cambridge and ^ C E l H Our Electric Knife Oxford Sts. jnatch chair [!q;:\th e a t r e s e a s t 7^ NOW THRU SUNOAYI \ THEATER 8:30 11:00 ONLY TRAVEL SERVICE Reg. Famous hole-in-handle 4:10 p.m. — Crescent and 1499 elves perfect balance. above. DURTREYNOLDS We’ll Get B y ...... 3 N ew s...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 »296 SCHEDULE Merv Griffin Show...... 5 Durant Sts. Mvlon covered cellular Stainless steel blades ‘‘SHAMPOO" The Best of Groucho...... 5 SHOP CALDOR AND SAVE! tjnndUS.C.G.approved. - retain edge, clean Chico & the M a n ...... 20■2^30 Celebrity Bowling ...... 9 4:50 p.m. — S. Hawthorne St. “WHITE Assorted colors. easily; safetyiafe switch. Our Reg.1349 nOMDTT MfTCHUM Vernon Cine 1 — “ Capone,” Wall Street W eek...... 24-57 I Love Lucy ...... 20 S«ntry Lock-Cap UGHTNING” (PO) 7-‘in-Q-so 9:00 Captioned N e w s...... 57 SOUTH WimSOR St. Jdseiseph Aspirin ‘nrHEYAKUZA" ALSO THURSDAY Vernon Cine 2 - “ White M o v ie ...... 3 11:30 ST.J0SEPH' for Chilildren MtLMOOICB CUNT EASTWOOD 11 a.m. — Mayfair Apts. UnniFHCHIUKIj^ Lightning,” 7:10-9:10 Hot 1 B altim ore...... 8-40 M ov ies...... 3-5 TRAVEL ADVISORS 12:20 p.m. — Broad and ,iP' g, Bottle "B U ZM SADDLES” (") V “THUNDERBOLT & y . Doctef Approvod U.A. East 1 — “ Shampoo,” M o v ie ...... 18 Wide World Special...... 8-40 Center Sts. 0136 7-2n.Q-2n 22” Motorized awLiaiTFOOrfR)^ The Rockford Files ... 20-22-30 The Untouchables ...... 9 1708 ELLINGTON ROAD 2:10 p.m. — Kennedy Rd. and Reg. 4 9 9 < 4 Ft. X 100 Ft. 34c FOR E^S 1 W m SOR U.A. East 2 - “ Yakuza,” Firing Line ...... 24 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 SOUTH WINDSOR pishop Dr. Folding Grill 7:00-9:00 Masterpiece Theatre...... 57 12:30 TELEP H O N E 644-2488 ■MTIEYMUS(N) DRIVE-IN ★ RT.S Galvanized U.A. East 3 — “ Blazing 9:30 M o v ie ...... 9 Dial Soap W H in LI6HTNIN 6’ Saddles,” 7:15-9:00 Welded 'The Odd C ouple...... 8-40 1:00 3 Bar E V E S 7:10 - 9:10 Burnside 1 & 2 — “ Capone,” MONDA Y-FRIDA Y 9 to 5 i BY APPOINTPKNT 10:00 Rock Concert ...... 8 Pack Fencing SAT. MAT. 2 PM 7:15-9:05; “ Alice Doesn’t Live Men’s & Women’s Leather MANCHESTER N ew s...... 5 Midnight Special ...... 20-22-30 SUN. CONT. 2 PM Here Anymore,” 7:00-9:15 FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL ARRANQEMENT8 PLEASE CALL , DMVMH/ROUTES et 441 Get Christie Love ...... 8-40 Boat Shoes Manchester Driye-In— “ Her­ 2:00 Police Woman ...... 20-22-30 ABOUT Famous Squee-geei 170 Our Reg. 19.99 cules 7:50; “ Hercules Victory at Sea ...... 3 DIANA COSTANQO, manager or PATRICIA QLANCEY Right Guard soles, mahogany color. Quality Chrome Antiperspirant Men 6-1/ 2-12, women 5-10' Garden Perma-lift easy grid 1 8 .8 8 Unchained,” 9:45 ROBERT KREPCIO, President TOWN positioner, snap-on Showcase 1 — “ Tommy,” 8oz., PLUS 2 oz. FREE Men’s & Women’s Cal-Star Hand Tools nood,spit and motor. Two 50 Ft. Rolls, I 7:25-9:50 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Enjoy great outdoor, If Perfect, 37.98 HELD OVER - (R) \ | Showcase 2 — “ The Reincar- Our Deck YOUR feasts! Manchester Young Marines CHOICE Heavy 14 gauge rust BEN GAZZARA I nation of Peter Proud,” 7:40- Reg. Sneakers Deluxe 24" will meet tonight at 7:30 at the 1.59 Reg. proof fencing to protect 10:10 TAG SALE AND FAIR Motorized Bar-B-Q Burnside Ave. School, East 1.29 . children,garden,etc. "CAPONE” Showcase 3— “ Funny Lady,” 20 LBS. KiNOSFORD Grill Slight imperfections will E V E S 7:30 - K30 Hartford. Heavy canvas uppers with 170 l!arge,contoured wood SUN,. A T 2:30-9:30-7:30-9:30 7:10-10:00 handles, oversized CHARCOLEBRICKEnES Reg. O H 4 0 in no way affect wear or SAT., MAY 3,1975 sure-gnp rubber soles. Men ngul»rt2.n Showcase 4 — “ Escape to Practice Tennis Balls chrome plated rust 2799 durability. Highland Park School will 6-1/ 2 to 12, women 5 to 10. ws >HT. W SMMiTfPM Witch Mountain,” 7:30-9:30 Pressure packed, three to White or Navy resistant blades. S A LE $2.27 FUN FOR ALL — GAMES FOR THE KIDS on Mothers have a “ Spring Jubilee” Fair the can. Super value!, Reg. 1 £7 Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. “MARCO” 99« Many Booths • Homemade Pastry Booth at the school. Pro Shop Golf Balls This printing test pattern is Handiwork • Plants • Jewelry Titlist, Maxfii or Royal Plus 6, P iA tm U a i VIGORO part,of The Herald quality con­ All PUftfOSt Refreshments Three great names! vieom tEITIliZEl I-B4 EXIT BS-rOLLOW “ BURNSIDE AVC. SIONt" trol program in order to give' O to> § you one -of the finest Day-have your STUDENT SENATE Glass Dome Round BURNSIDE newspapers in the nation. S a t., M ay 3 ,1 9 7 5 • 19 A .M . to 5 P .M . OF Italian American Club - Eldridga 8L MANCHESTER Cheese Board MOllMESm AVI., L m n . • M EEIW SIS-Sm COM M UNITY and Knife C IN E l BEN6AZZARA C I N E 2 ‘ELLEN BURSTYN COLLEGE ewgSS!^ VIgoro JOHN CASSAVETES BESTACTRiSS PRESENTS SPECIAL All-Purpose MOTHER'S 51b. Select 1/2”x50 Ft. VIgoro VIgoro /tJCEDOESNTUVE DAY Fertilizer RGQdlSeiSer PRICE Perennial Rye Holland Garden Hose Rose, Tomato Dandelion HB%>MYMORE H r offer cortrrnlrnrr along irilh a auprrior product. Spring Grass Seed Spring Bulbs Our or Evergreen Killer Our Reg. 7.49 Reg. rm. C 34 «2 [TO] 7:00-9:15 Food COVERS 5 900 SQ.FT, 695 1^^4016. BAG ® 7:15 - 9:05 Corner of Broad Smart, new ceramic tile design. 29 3.99 2.88 and Canter Streat M on.-FrI.,, B B.m. - 9 p.m. For your home or for a useful gift. Green opaque hose with Your SUNDRY MATINEE 99c ’Mil 2:00 Phona 646-2112 Sal ...... a 1.01. - 5 p.m. Festival GIFT DEPARTMENT B 2.27 to 1 Ideal for vegetable brass couplings, easy Choice gardens, flower beds, MAY 1 - SPEAKER: Fast, thorough coverage Hand selected bulbs— coiling. Reg. 1.59 1.17 B 4.44 onalltype&ofsoil; does begonias, gladiolus, trees and shrubs. at East Catholic well in sun or shade. dahlias and other bulbs '/2''x75’GardehHose Formulated to develop Kills dandelions and High School Auditorium - 8 pm rich, sturdy growth. countless other weeds. 20 Lb. Bag 122 T H E CRVCIBLM Bone China for colorful blooms. Reg.S75 Bring The Family to the- 4.24 Rei.445 By Arthur Miller FREE Flowers MAY 2 - ART: an LTM production Stairwell Gallery Art Opening I directed by Betty Spalla Hartford Road Campus - 8 Our iT = \ I VIgoro Cyclone 37 v i i n VIGORO East Hartford pm - FREE - Refreshments Reg. EACH Roto Spreader May 9 10 16 and 17 will be served. 179 8:30 P.M. MAY 3 - ARTS AND GRAFTS A very special gift! Beautiful Eaot Catholic High School Lions Club FAIR: bone china flowers on long Field adjacent to the upper Grecian stems. Tickets available at LIggett's Parkade GIFT DEPARTMENT jr r a a n . X Drug and parking lot, Bidwell St. cam­ Authenticity I pus »10 am to 4 pm - FREE STOP USING MAGICUBES! Golden VIgoro Golden DeepGreen Deep Green LTM Box Office 647-9612 XYDIVEIIS: Lawn VIgoro Our Reg. 29.99 VIgoro VIgoro Lawn For Reservations & Information CARNIVAL ’Three skydivers from the SAVE Fertilizer Weed & Feed Weed & Feed Fertilizer Coqn. Parachute Assoc, will ITT Precision OVER THE engineered to General Admieslon skydive on campus. - Cougar M l Reg. $3.00 Field (Bidwell St. campus) Magicflash save time and April 29 through May 4 ."n 5.40 17.99 14.87 money. Covers *10 nii 10.45 2% 19.95 CRUCIBU Students Time: 2:30 pm Electronic COVERS 5 900 SQ.FT. COVERS 15900 SQ.FT. $2.00 SAVE OVER »4! COVERS 5 jOOO SQ.FT. COVERS 10900 SQ.FT. lawn 5 times UYE CONCERT faster than Feeds lawn, kills dandelions Greens grass fast, lasts a atSia Flash Greens lawns fast, long long time. Slow release “ Liverpool” (a trubute to the For Most Pdeket Cameras! lasting performance. Kills dandelions and conventional and other weeds Ini Beatles) (if weather permits) other broadleaf weeds spreaders. application. nitrogen. Synchronized to fit Kodak 20 5900 Sq.Ft., Rtun in front of Adm. Bldg. thru60,plusotherllO models. COVERS 10900 SQ.FT. while fertilizing lawn COVERS 10900 SQ.FT. 7,95 Topp'S Shopping Plaza Simplifies photography. grasses. One application. [SHOWCASE CINtM AJ 1234 (Bidwell St. campus) FREE - S-IZ" Reg.l2S9 9.97 Rcf.ZDS 19.95 10900 Sq.Ft., ,V i 14.45 1 1-84EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. 4 pm - 8 pm. > EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 560-8810 Main Street In East Hartford MAY 4 - YANKEE CLIPPER ' FREE LIGHTED MRKING* We Honor MASTER CHARGE CRUISE Down the Connecticut River. Black aDeoken- 36 SPECTACULAR RIDES MAY 8 - JAZZ CONCERT: SAVE Revolutionary Mod 4 Cordless S ys t^ Black a DeckcP' M.C.C. Jazz Band - MCC Rechargeable Energy Pak is the Power Reincarnation CHIlBREirS DAY ALL NEW IN ’75 Auditorium - 8 pm - FREE *48! 18” Twin Biade MAY 8 - BLACK VOICES OF Source for a variety of Cordless Power Tools. Saturday, May 3 12-6 p.m. • Merry-Qo-Round Peter, e Reduced Price RIdee FREEDOM Electric Mower Proud • Loop-O-Plane (From Univ. of Conn.) - MCC e 2 Bicyclea • Jupiter Jump Auditorium - 8 pm - FREE • 5 Coca Cola Rubber Rafts • Swingin’ Qym MAY 7 - JOHN PAYNE Our TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREEI QUARTn: i Lowest $ l Jazz Concert - MCC B f a d i a O e o k e r C ordless Price! ■utaiNi L-tS-IM-lkll (MMdqi Auditorium - 8 pm - FREE ■n Bn M. ill I49.1MI I:;:; ■ai 6n M 72S-MI OPEN NIGHTLY FROM 6 PM: SATURDAY A SUNDAY 12 NOON Grass Shear IN. I tai im-imu-m-iM MAY 8 MASICIAN: 24” HUFFY Rider Mower "Amazing Randi” -10:30 am Our Reg. 89.99 12:30 roam around campus. nanaie larass 1 nminei WALTDI^EY^^ Our Reg. Diecast aluminum STREISAND &CAAN PROOUCTtONi' 1:30 - show outside (Bidwell 274.99 $ deck; reversible self­ Jhm JdtcifGaHpmQU/ St. campus) 1499 H8296 23 >33 locking swingover 7:30 pm - lecture on Parap­ handle. Double safety sychology - MCC Auditiorium Includes grass shear head, insulated. 18015 ru n n y Stratton 5 H.P. engine with handle and wheel assembly. TO W nCH FREE blade disengage clutch. All safety features. Energy Pak and recharger. MAY 8 • COFFEEHOUSE: J^dy Student Center Cafe. 8 pm -12 p.m. FREE Refreshments Entertainment. 3 WAYS TO CHARGE Sale: Friday & Saturday MAY 10 - FUJI Lj *** Tu— H.. T E...__Mil 5n Fri Evi S63-0169 644-6I64 MANCHESTER Mon. thru Fri. 10 am. to 9; 30 pm. WTSMSSMAtaL fi& H d T iS ***^ * STm T'' Coleman Bros. Shows Wethersfield Shopping Center Rte. 83, Tolland Turnpike "Boys in the Band” - MCC Saturday 9 am. to 9; 30 pm. Auditorium 8 pm. FREE 1145 Tolland Turnpike ^^New England's Largest Traveling Show^^ 1115 Silas Deane Highway Exit 95, Off 1-86 Wethersfield, Connecticut Vernon, Connecticut 1

PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchwter. Conn., F ti.. May 2, 1875 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., May 2, 1975— PAGE FIVE Dreai^ Realized ★ m ¥ In New Business BUSINESS

Fourteen years ago, Dennis believed in astrology to some Santoro of Manchester decided extent, but a recent, accurate Realtor Firm that his ultimate, goal in life computerized projection con-, Town Man Up Doctor Given would be to own his own vinced him that now is the time At Aetna Life Adds O’Meara $96,000 Grant 8th ANNUAL business. for a new business. Realization of his dream ‘T d been contemplating a James C. Hamilton of James R. O’Meara of ■ Dr. Paul K. Schick, formerly moved a step ahead jut three shop for about 14 years,” San­ Manchester has been promoted Manchester has joined the local of Manchester, has been years ago, when Santoro — toro said, "but I kept putting it to director of financial repor­ real estate firm of Daniel F. awarded a |96,000 grant to assistant manager of Regal off. ting in the life division of Aetna Reale, Realtors, at 175 Main St. study the role of blood platelets Men’s Shop/downtown — “Then I went to an Life & Casualty, Hartford. He’ll involved in residential, in terombosis. The grant is started a specialty import astrologer, and he told me I was commercial, and industrial from the National Heart and operation in Ns off hours. the type of person that kept put­ Hamilton holds a master’s properties. Lung Institute of the federal And the drffim will be fully ting off things. He said I was degree from Yale University. O’Meara has several years of Department of Health, Educa­ realized next! week, when he capable of accomplishing He joined Aetna in 1967 as an experience in the real estate tion and Welfare. X opens his own specialty shop, anything, and he told me to go actuarial student; he became and insurance fields. After LOYALTY liie Lion’s Dpn, at 503 E. Mid­ ahead with the shop. Dr. Schick, a hematologist, is DAY senior actuarial assistant in majoring in physiology at St. assistant professor of medicine dle Tpke. “So that day I went out and 1971, assistant actuary in cor­ Michael’s College, he joined the The new s^re isirilled as “a rented a store,” Santoro said. porate planning in 1972, and John Hancock Insurance Co. at the Medical College of Penn­ one-of-a-kUd gift shop for The Lion’s Den officially associate actuary in the life has a sales representative and sylvania, Philadelphia. men.” It yill feature unique opens Tuesday. The hours: division last year. later became supervisor of Dr. Schick practiced internal and unusual gifts for men, and ’Diesday through Friday from Hamilton is a member of the training sales personnel. medicine in Manchester from July 1965 to June 1969. He and will include items from Aftfca noon to 8 p.m. and Saturdays Society of Actuaries. He lives Before becoming associated his family now live at Merion and Turkfy which Santoro and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 at 14 Kennedy Rd. with Reale, O’Meara was with VETEIUNSOF FOREKN WARS Station,Pa. aquires through his part-time p.m. It will be closed Mondays. James C. Hamilton James R. O'Meara another local real estate firm. Dr. Paul K. Schick import business. Paraphernalia Ltd. Even though Santoro will have two, operations going, he doesn’t pfan to give up his job at Regal’s,,which he took almost nine years ago. So he’ll just be AWERSON-SKA POST NO. 2048 in The lion’s Den evenings, and his family will cover for him during other business hours. Joining Santoro as partners in the new venture are his mother and stepfather. His wife will also htlp out at the shop. AND THE LADIES' AUXILIARY Santoro doesn’t feel uneasy about starting a new business in ^ p o rb e s Mancfiester despite the ticklish Presents natioial economy. He says his astrtlogical forecast has satitfied any doubts about finai)cial success of the es- tabl^hment. S^toro said he always has MISS LOYALTY DAY QUEEN 2046i Cburt Admits 8>tate of Qlmmprttrut §upet' Sale! 36 Attorneys I fhe U.S. Supreme Court has approved the applications of 36 m - By Her Excellency ELLA GRASSO, Governor: a nnecticut attorneys seeking mission to practice before tlje court, the Connecticut Bar PROCLAMATION aAssociation has announced. Manchester area attorneys Tiic citizens of our state and nation have recently piarked the 200th annivenrary among the 36 are Craig F. '' the first battles fought to establish the principles of American liberty and ir*n’.ocracy. White of Coventry, Keith E. Fry of 51 Finley St., and Since those historic moments at Lexington and Concord, Americans have con* 'intently recognized the concepts of freedom and liberty as the inalienable rights of William A. Roberto of East il! and have never failed to rush to their defense. Hartford. • 4 It is the loyalty of our people to these ideals, embodied in our Constitution and White is associated with the laws, that has made the United Stute.s one of the greatest nations in history. We revere Manchester law firm of Garri- Lir forefathers who fought to establish a free, democratic nation and the men and ty, Walsh & Diana. Fry is v.omen who have beon called to defend their nation and have, in many cases, given their ives to the cause in which they believed. employed by Turbo Power and Tlie Connecticut General Assembly has directed that a day be set aside each year Marine Systems of Far­ M' reaffirm our loyalty to the United State.s. Accordingly, I proclaim May 1,1975 to be mington. Roberto is a partner in the firm of Roberto and Farr LOYALTY DAY of East Hartford. I call upon the people of our state and upon patriotic, civic and educational •rganizations to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies. ‘ A I urge that the fiag of the United States be diapluyed on this day on all public Promoted ■luilding? as a symbol of our rededication to all that our flag represents. Lawrence M. Dobb of 35 ; (iitf i n iJ if mi />««/ mhJ m l of ibr SiS* 0 ihf CtfiloJ. im H^tforJ, ihii latMth dsf oj Chestnut St., Manchester, has /ipril. IK ibt y f ! of iiKt L 'lrJ OKt thnaisml mm b m iJftJ kkJ irm itf-fiv* t/U of lb* been promoted to Superinten­ iKJtptuJtuie of ill UmttJ SiKlii ibt omr bm ind dnJ mmij iuKib dent, group pension administra­ tion, at the home office of Aet­ na Life & Casualty, Hartford. Dobb joined the company in - B) Hrr Ex,rllrncy-i Comm^nl: 1972 as a technical analyst in Y the group pension administra­ •s-L tion department. He became Sf*rrldi\ of tbt lu ll plan revision representative, in 'kk'k'k'k'k'k'k'k 'k'k'k'kft'kitn ^^ February 1973, plan revision specialist in Septmber 1973, and JEANINE DUPRE — QUEEN superintendent, special ad­ ministration services, in 1974. EDWARD F. STICKNEY... Commander MRS. THOMAS HENEGHAN . .President EUGENE FREEMAN...... Chairman MRS. MARY LE DUC ...... Chairman DUESSSHIinS 18644115 FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, IN EAST HARTFORD PUBLIC RECORDS 5.99 Reg. 9.00-12.00. Men’s famous maker dress LOYALTY DAY PARADE, SUNDAY, MAY 4th, IN EAST HARTFORD ^larranly Deeds shirts. Choose long or short sleeves In solids, First Hartford Realty Corp., prints, stripes, plaids and more. All are perma by Partede Associates, to Jan press blends for easy care and easy wear for The Post and The Ladies' Auxiliary Extends Its Appreciation To The Following Sponsors: Winkler, Parkade Aapartments at 422-482 W. Middle Toke., $1,- the coming summer months. 604,500.^ KNIT AND EDWIN M. EDWARDS, PDST 2046 BOOSTERS Jan Winkler to Society for M.O.C. SILKWORM PUP TENT HOLMES BROS. MR. & MRS. EUGENE W. FREEMAN Savings, part interest in SPORT SHIRTS state Surgeon Manchester, Conn. Howard MR. & MRS. VYTAU A. CHEMERKA Parkade Apartments, 3400,000. Arthur MARY LEDUC Gerald Devine Callahan and Norman IRENE B. EDWARDS, POSY 4 7 4 0 RO-VIC, INC. THEODORE CUMMINGS Catharine L. Callahan to 5.99 Party Paper Goods & Decorations MRS. MURIEL GROVER William E. Belfiore and FAMOUS NECKWEAR District 183 President Manchester, Conn. MR. & MRS. THOMAS HENEGHAN Alexjnder J. Matthew, proper­ Reg. 8.00. Choose from asst, solid and WILSON ELECTRICAL CO., INC. MR. & MRS. EDWARD STICKNEY ty at 41 Hartland St., 332,000. plaid fashion sport shirts; knit shirts of Residential & Commercial Wiring MR. & MRS. RICHARD PARSON William E. Belfiore and navy, white, maize, mint or tan; one- KLOCK MANCHESTER PACKING CO., INC. 73 Summit Street MRS. MARGARET ZIKUS Alexander' J. Matthew to 1.99 FAMOUS MAKER A Gulf & Western Company Quality Provisions & Meat Products Manchester, Conn. 06040 MR. & MRS. TOM ALBERTI Dehbrah C. Bowen, property at Form. 3.99. Solids, stripes, printsi We have pocket tennis shirts. All are short sleeved 349 Wetherell Street TERRY VARNEY 41 lartland St„. 335,000. LEISURE SUITS Manchester, Conn. 06040 the latest all-over neats and more. Wow! and machine washable. S-XL. W. HARRY ENGLAND LUMBER CO. MINIT-MAN PRINTING MR. & MRS. CARY CRANE Ebphia B. Panciera to Albert MR. & MRS. HAROLD DUFF J. and Vivian Diana Spearot, fe Building Materials 640 Main Street MR. STEAK RESTAURANT MR. & MRS. NICK PAGANI property at 111 Walnut St., 319,- 2 Route 44A, Bolton Notch 39.99 Manchester, Conn. 06040 Manchester, Conn. FLORENCE STREETER 504. M&M OIL SERVICE MR. & MRS. HERMAN PARADISE . Canterbury Construction Compare at 55.00 to 67.50. You’ll recognize Route 6 MR. a MRS. WILFRED F. SMITH C^rp. to E.B. Co. Inc., three’’ the famous maker when you see these four C.H. ANDERSON INS. AGENCY, INC. MR. a MRS. RAYMOND RADOATZ parcels in Canterbury Estates, FAIRWAY Manchester, Conn. 06040 Bolton, Conn. 06040 styles: Choose a french epaulet style. Contrast FAMOUS MAKER The Miracle of Main Street MR. a MRS. JACK BOWERS off Keeney St., 342,000. FAMOUS NAME JACOB LAGUZA , Marriage License TRIO SUITS stitching, fully lined. Dacron® polyester and CORD JEANS U&R HOUSING CORP. JOHN F. TIERNEY FUNERAL HOME MRS. ELIZABETH LEWIE Richard Arthur Dempsey, cotton twill. JiJavy or khaki. Or a belted safari Builders of Custom Homes 219 West Center Street NATHAN AGOSTINELLI il68 W. Middle Tpke., and STEIN CLUB OF MANCHESTER HERBERT J.STEVENSON coat. 4 pockets, fully lined. Dacron® polyester Cary Crane, Burgermaster - Joan Humphrey, President 90 East Center Street Manchester, Conn. 06040 Elizabeth Ann Wilby, Hartford, Manchester, Conn. 06040 MR. a MRS. T. DAVID YOCKACHONIS fday 10. 99.99 and cotton twill. Navy or khaki. Try a short 9.99 MRS. DOROTHY KLEINSCHMIDT Reg. 14.00. Famous maker cord jeans H. PLATOON MR. a MRS. ROGER JEROME Reg. 130.00. Handsomely tailored trio suits sleeve belted bush jacket, fully lined. Dacron® MORIARnBROS. ANDREW ANSALDI CO. Veterans Hospital MAYOR a MRS. JOHN THOMPSON from a famous maker. Choose solid navy, tan polyester and cotton twill. Choose ecru or with the labels still kil Finished bottoms, 2 Auto Dealers • Fuel Oil Builders • Mason Contractors Rocky Hill, Conn. DAVID M. BARRY khaki. Or a shirt jacket with antique snap front front and 2 back pockets. Belt loops, too. 315 Center Street 186 Bid well Street FRANCIS MAHONEY CHAINSAW or olive Jacket with a matching pant and a Manchester, Conn. 06040 Manchester, Conn. 06040 PHYLLIS JACKSTON GASTONIA, N.C. (UPD - A check pant, or plaid or check jacket with epaulets, slant pockets. Dacron® polyester Machine washable In asst, solid colors. IN MEMORIAL TO OUR SON RAYMOND F. DAMATO professional chain saw model matching pant and contrasting solid pant. and poplin. Khaki or navy. Sizes 38 to 46. Sizes 29-38 regs., shorts, longs. PARK HILL JOYCE FLORIST, INC. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Rhuda B.S.A. TROOP #541 OF V.F.W. POST 2046 from Homelite is rolling off the HONOR GUARD V.F.W. POST 2046 ADAMS JEWELERS assembly line after three years Manchester, Conn. Frank Gakeler of development and testing. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD The saw is designed for large timber-cutting operations where high production and reliability are essential. It boasts a 6.1- cubic-inch engine and is ideal FORBES & WALLACE for cutting trees that are from FORBES IN MANCHESTER PARKADE"OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 10-9, SATURDAY 10-6. SHOP BY PHONE, CALL 646-4030. three to eight feet in diameter. PAGE S g - MAWCHEgTEB EVENING HERALD. iU m dtaU c. Corny.. PlrL. May 7; l f » Bmul^tstsr HupiihiaHpralb ANDREW TULLY OPINION MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.^ Fri., May 2, 1975- PAGE SEVEN Female Drivers Are Better

A Good Start WASHINGTCm — Tbete days, polls tell handling them; th ^ seek to stay on good ns wbat we Hrink about everything and so terms with the creeps. it is not amprinng that their proprietors Women are better drivers because they For State Dialogue rvuriaW it Uidr dnty to issue annual have more patience. The average male pronoancements on male drivers versus blows his top in a traffic jam because he female drivers. What is impertinent about considers it a persdnal affront. Out of Whether the q>ecttlated layoff of become necess^, the state must be sheer pique be is aft to stomp on the Take Hone Our these poQs is that they consistently con- state enqiloyes as a budget balaocmg highly selective in the cuts in order to i^hwtp the male is a more trustworthy accelerator and shea)^ off his neighbor’s fender to teach the world a lesson. If he’s measure comes about remains to be maintain maximum efficiency. To operator of the family monster. I suspect most of those polled are males, on a strange road and thisses a tom, watch seen. retire early some of the more react in the American tradition which out. That u-tum he makes could pile up expaienced w orkm could result in a says every man is a kind of latter-day cars a half-mile back. Yet, the mere mention of this Barney Oidfiekl, with stepped-up reflexes. Women are better drivers, also, because slightly larger dollar saving but might to them driving remains an adventure. possibility is having a healthy effect Ih e t r ^ t k n is nonsense, of course. My prme more costly in the long run by pMl of one individnal, naniely me, reveals They realize a car is t^nperamental and which could improve productivity in depriving the state of productivity and that alt driving should be turned over to mischievous and that it enjoys practical state government and save the the real expols, named women. jokes, like running out of gas or smashing efficiency that generally goes with In thmi mling,fl defy the common male a headlight for no disixmible reason. taxpayers some money. long experience. attitude toward women drivers. In After his first few yearsat the wheel, the tearorans and feed stores, male commen­ average male often finds driving a Ixire. The result is his driving lecomes perfunc­ The other day the govemtw and tators on important issues always sigh Despite our misgiving on this par­ heavily and agree that balls of feminine tory, and pretty soon he’s absent-mindedly leaders of the Connecticut SUte pulling out onto the boilevard without ticular matter, we hope the CSEA Rnff don't understand cars, are emotional­ Enq>loyes Association met to discuss ly unequipped to handle them and besides, checking that car bearing down on him continues to make cost-saving from the right. alternatives to possible laycdfs. aren’t very tnigfat. suggestions, not only now when the Baloney. Hen merely mouth the conven­ All men are geniuses, but most of them tional party line, learned as boy babies in unfortunately don’t know north from In other words, state employes, financial pinch is acute but in the their high chairs. In essence, the line goes south, and when piloting a car in strange through thejr leaders, were giving her future when things are better back to the old saw that woman’s place is territory become hopelessly lost and red in the face. For me, an excursion across suggestions on how the cost of state economically. Nothing contributes in the home and that she shouldn’t be trusted with anything more complicated the Potomac to Alexandria i$ a terrifying government might be reduced thus more to sloppy management than than an electric toaster.. experience and if there were not someone saving their jobs. prosperity. 'h.:, I let pass the argument that most males named Molly sharing the front seat I ^Muldn’t be trusted even with an electric would unerringly wind up in Minsk, Russia. Obviously, the cost-saving finger toaster, except to note that in this bouse We think this exchange between the all such frie ^ in mechanical form are Dolls do have occasional accidents, and was pointed to other areas of govern­ governor and CSEA leader^p is a turned over to the lady in residence for I sing not their praises when they Begins ment, such as the state’s much- Hiagnnsis and treatment. The point I sneeringly beat me to a parking space. But good start. Hopefully, it is the begin­ desire to make is that women generally I have noticed they err only when there is criticized computer leasing ning of an intelligent attempt by those are better drivers than men because they another female in the car. Not even a male Saturday, May 3. operations, while maintaining state in state government to face up to the are conservative hy nature. could make a proper left turn into traffic with some girl briefing him on die current payrolls at present levels was As a sex, girls drive more slowly and realities of our time. observe tr^ fic laws with more fidelity. marital status of the president cf the PTA. vigorously defended. Possibly they are afraid of cars. They’re But I offer a solution for this perilous never sure when a Buick or Ford will take situation. Just pass a law. Congress, The significant thing is that thie And we would hope that all others advantage of them and do something nas­ saying not more than one womai to a car. ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ who have a stake in state government ty. But that makes them more discreet in employes union is looking for ways to Pathway to Solitude on a Spring Day (Photo by Reginald Pinto) save tax dollars and is to be com­ will do the same. It may be that those mended for it. not so closely involved with CSEA, as its members and leaders, can see FREE - Blue Heritage four piece place But just as it can be pointed out ways where state employes might be MAX LERNER there are frills in other aspects of setting with deposits of $25 or more. better utilized to cut the cost of state government, we think the CSEA government. must know there are probably some OPEN Who Influences America? Here's an opportunity to build a complete set of beautiful Blue Heritage frills in the form of deadwood and/or 1/ One of those realities is that in hard unneeded workers on the state FORUM ironstone dinnerware imported from the center of the English dinnerware times there can be no elite among the payroll. industry, Staffordshire County. Manufactured by Enoch Wedgwood working people. This means state NEW YORK a T Y - We suffer from a Mansfield, and then Walter Cronkite, who notably toe late Alexander Bickel, without doesn’t run anything except the powerful whose critical scrutiny of past courts and (Tunstall) Ltd., the dinnerware is dishwasher safe and chip resistant. The The suggested early retirement of plague of questionnaires. What three peo­ ple do I admire most in all the world? Who CBS News program. decisions toe present trend toward a legal entire service, including completer sets, is on display at our office. Start elderly workers has some appeal but workers should not be automatically are the five mo9t important women in the The way Cronkite sticks out from the centrism would be impossible. Yet when Wants Mail .with a free place setting and build a complete set at fantastic savings. does not address itself to the problem insured against layoffs when non-state United States? Were Lee Harvey Oswald, rest suggests what is wrong with the list President Ford, speaking at the Yale law Gentlemen: workers are not. James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirban alone as a whole. The other nine men exercise school, promisied a crackdown on the \Open or add to your savings account now and take home our service. ■ facing the state. Should layoffs I am writing to you as a means of in killing their respective targets? What varying degrees of power, while people punishment of serious crimes, he met a • passing on information about one of your are the worst disasters ahead for the next like Cronkite exert influence. Politick and cool reception. His audience was skeptical former residents. His name is Mr. Gilbert 10 years? Ditto the next 25? economic decisions may be made by peo­ of deterrence theories, whether by the Additional place settings may be purchased with each $25 deposit. Parks, and he wm a member of 8th It is a mild form of idiocy. It swells the ple sitting in the covert as well as overt death penalty or imprisonment. District and Utifities Fire Dept. morning mail, seems based on the loony seats of toe mighty. But you can’t get at Take two other areas. There are no Purchase price per four piece place setting is $3.95 plus tax. (Volunteer) from 1941-61. He was a cap­ theory that you can sort out history in rank them by questionnaires and straw votes — blacks and no women on toe U.S. News Morally tain for about five years in this depart­ orders and decide the truth of an issue by only by a tough research which asks who list, yet what happens in toe thinking of ment. using the post office. decides what, when, how and with whom. black movements and women’s He is presently convalescing from a “ The U.S. News and World Report, which We are on better territory if we ask not movements may set the climate for stroke at Swanholm Nursing Home 26(X) rarely prints nonsi'nse, breaks its rule who runs the country but who forms the another decade like the turbulent Sixties. (Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, Fla. once a year with the results of a question­ climate which influences what the There is considerable ferment among U nconstitutional I have spoken to him frequently and it naire to a thousand “men and women of decisions will be and whether they will black intellectuals today in the battle would be most encouraging for him to distinction,” .on “Who Runs America?” It work. One way to look for them is to single between separatism and integration, hear from any of his old friends in gives the first and second team, of 10 each. out the great currents of thought and opi­ between hard-core and soft-core revolu­ Manchester. Rather than wait for someone else If tradition is any indicator, it won’t Gerry Ford comes first and House nion and try to track down who has helped tion. There is a somewhat similar struggle I trust you will print this letter so that Speaker 10th on the first team, shape them. to cry “foul,” we will. in the women’s movements, between the be long until public schools will be all interested parties might be aware of raising the question whether either man Avoiding the obvious question of who in separatists and the humanists. his present situation. sending architects to the drawing runs his respective domain or is run by it. the past influenced the American foreign When Susan Saxe announced, after her The lottery proposal by some Regards, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, of policies, take as an instance the legal years in the Weather Underground and her hoards to design bingo parlors. Ralph A. Pactiard Jr. course, is second. Then come the two currents of today. The Supreme Court legislators to raise $5 to $7 million for recent arrest in Philadelphia, “I am a les­ economic czars, Arthur Bums and George majority that Chief Justice Burger com­ bian, I am a feminist, I am an amazon,” it public school aid so that current $250 Meany, who presumably run money and mands must reckon with the great was clearly meant for quotation in the labor, then , followed movements of thought in the law schools, future. But one asks what intellectual in­ per pupil allowances to rich towns We think the legislature should by Chief Justice Warren Burger, who runs on capital punishment, on abortion, on fluences in the immediate past and pre­ won't have to be cut is unfair. laugh this lottery idea right out of the his majority on the Supreme Court. Then pornography, on executive privilege. sent can account for the shaping of so legislative halls. come Sens. and Mike There are a half-dozen legal scholars. bleak a militancy? FREE -T e w d o r It has been long established that it is A new pewter-like alloy that is durable and tarnishpr(X)f. Free with unconstitutional to use tax monies to It is bad enough that the quality of following deposits. support church-connected schools so public education must be dependent HERALD lany of these schools have long relied upon political whims. $100 dr more (A) Single candleholder bn lotteries to supplement tuition YESTERDAYS charges. It would be disastrous to make it 25^ Years Ago $250 or more (B) Lo Boy Candleholder with candle dependent on the uncertainties of a Cancer Drive to continue as only one- Wc'think it is morally un­ game of chance. half of Its quota or a little over $3,(X)0 has DON OAKLEY $500 or more (C) 13 inch Pillar Candle with candle or constitutional for the state to start been su ^ rib ed . Choose one (D) Chamberstick with candle competing with these nonpublic Instead of dreaming up instant 10 Years Ago schools with a special lottery twice a lotteries, perhaps what is needed is This date was a Sunday ; The Herald did Another Baby Boom In America’s Future? $5000 or more (E) Six light Candelabra with candles or year. some instant economy. not publish. Choose one (F) Tewdor and Wood Coff.eemill One free gift per family please.

• M T T r t Projections about where Americans qre doublingu ^ n of our numbers in about 90 years. Q. Wilson, we can look for “a general and I 1 1 4 s ( r a no headed, in terms of numbers, are being Even so, it remains a dramatic reversal persistent reductfon” in crime because II 12 13 14 13 It II II I) 20 21 22 23 24 revised in the light of recent government of the Post-World War II trend. In 1956, the crime prone youthful comptnent of our ftlaurbrstfr 23 21 2/ 21 20 » ALMANAC statistics. the.peak year of the “baby boom,” the population will be proportionately From January through August of last U.S. growth rate hit 3.1 per cent, which smaller. Ettpning Irralb year, the birth rate continued the steady meant a doubling time of only 23 years. By IJniliMl PreBH International Secretary in the first Nixon administra­ decline that began about 1970. Then in On the other hand, because the number FOUNDED OCT. 1, 1881 Today is Friday, May 2, the 122nd day of tion, joined the Republican party. September, even as the economy began its of women of childbeacjng age is expected Publlihtd by Iht Publlthtd aviry nosedive, the birth curve suddenly began to increase by 12 per cent between now Manchaatar evaning axcapt 8un- 1975 with 243 to follow. A thought for the day: Irish poet Oscar Tracks Into Trails PubllahIngCo., Harald daya and holldayt. The moon is approaching its last Wilde said, “There is no such thing as a rising and continued to rise in October, and 1980, some experts fear a mini-baby The hard times that have late^ befallen Squara, Manchaatar, Entarad at tna quarter. November and December. boom as the babies of the 1950s enter their Conn. 08040, Manchaatar, Conn., moral or immoral book. Books are well the iron horse, while bad news for the Talaphona 843-2711 Poat Ottica a i Sacond The morning stars are Mars and written or badly written, that is all.” The result, according to the National prime childbearing years. railroad industry, present the n$tion with (Araa Coda 203). Claaa Mall Mattar. Jupiter. Center for Health Statistics, was that for All projections aside, our presently a unique opportunity, says a presidential BURL L. LYONS, PUBLISHER The evening stars are Mercury, Venus the year as a whole, the birth rate was up 1 slowed growth has already provided a factfinding body. and Saturn. per cent over 1973. number of benefits to the health and There are about 200,000 miles of aban­ SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES Those born on this date are under the The actual increase was small, however w e l^ e of all Americans, say the ad­ donment railroad lines in the. United PAYABLE IN ADVANCE sign of Taurus. TODAY’S — 25,000 more babies born in 1974 than in vocate of zero population growth. States, many of them passing through Sltgla Copy .. tSa 3 Montha . . $11.70 Singer-actor Bing Crosby was born May 1973 — and population watchers point out Because of the decline in the secondary scenic and picturesque landscapei. Accor­ Waakly ...... goa 8 Montha. . $23.40 THOUGHT Ifcritage Savings that the rise was due to an increase in the school population, school boards are able ONE Month .. $3.90 Ona Yaar. $48.80 2, 1904. ^ ding to the Citizen Advisory Committee on Mail Halaa Upon Rvqueat On this day in history: number of women of childbearing age to divert millions from classroom brick Environmental Quality, these unused and mortar into better education in toe Subacribara who p.m. ahould talaphona In 1863, Gen. Thomas Jonathan Teach me to kneel in spirit before all rather than to an increase in the average roadbeds could be inexpensively con­ tail to racalva thair tha circulation daparl- “Stonewall” Jackson was mistakenly shot whom it is my privilege to serve. I will he number of children per family. form of lower teacher-pupil ratios and verted into a vast network of backpacking, & Loan Association • Since 1891 Harald beloro 8 30 mant, 847-9946. by his own Confederate soldiers. He died grateful for everything You give me to do ■ A more complete picture of U.S. popula­ help for youngsters who need special • bicycling, jogging, horseback riding and eight daya later. and will lose myself and my will to find tion trends is expected when the National attention. cross-country skiing trails. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations In 1941, the Federal Communications You and Your will in that work whatever it Commission for the Observance of World Many hospitals have been able to reduce Once a right-of-way is acquired — may he. Population Year, established by executive their obstetric units and give more health Tha Manchaatar Diaplav adverllalng Commission approved the regular they’re available at bargain prices — the Publlahing Co. cloaing noura: Thrae scheduling of commercial television Willing as You will, willing to use very order on Jan. 17,1974, makes its report to care to people of all ages. Demographers actual construction of a trail would be a full daya prior to broadcasts. simple things as the instruments of love, the President next June. and ecpnomists alike foresee such happy Main Office: 1007 Main St, Manchester 649-4586 • K-Mart Office: Spencer St, Manchester 649-3007 • Coventry Office: Route 31 742-7321 • Tolland Office: Rt 195 taaumaa no linanclal publication. relatively simple matter, the committee raaponalblllty lor Daadllna lor Harald In 1972, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover the towel and the basin, the cup and the At present, the picture is a cloudy one. eventualities as reduced air and water says in a recently published booklet, typographical arrora claaaillad adverllalng: died at the age of 77. Also that day, 91 per­ plate and loaf, willing to do the most Last year, despit'e toe fourth-quarter up­ pollution, less pressure on our already “From Rails to Trails.” near Merrow Rd. 872-7387 ' appaarlng in advar- 12 noon prior today ol tlaamanta and othar publication; 12 noon sons were killed In a mine fire at Kellogg, menidl duties for the sake of Ibve. surge in births, the U.S. population of strained resources, fewer people in pover­ All that is needed is the.removal of ties raading mattar In Tha Friday lor publication Idaho. (Evelyn Underhill) some 213 million grew at a rate of only ty, fewer children but more wanted and tracks and the laying of a suitable sur­ Manchaatar Evaning Saturday and Mon­ I Harald. day. In 1973, Democrat , Submitted by Leona Eldridge seven-tenths of 1 per cent. But low as that children. face. Abandoned station houses could be former governor of Texas and Treasury Church Women United rate is, if continued it would mean a By 1980, says Harvard professor James utilized as hostels or trail headquarters.

'V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester,,C o n n F ri., May 2, 1975- PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., May 2,1975 Candidates for Major Bolton Office Bolton to Vote Monday MomI First Selectman. Tax Collector^ Ovir 40 Tsars st BnsxesOsO Sanies O v«r Broad street O p e n 24 Houn Dally Elaine Potterton (,R) was Thomas (Tom) Sheridan (D) KIOSlerM FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE bom in Canada. She has lived in resides on Hebron Rd. with his Acroulh* Manchester To Fill Town Offices Bolton for 26 years, presently wife and their two children. He residing on Bolton Center Rd. graduated from Manchester term on the Zonmg Board of Public Building By Donna Holland missioners. The candidates are wiUi her husband and their four High School and received his THE THANK YOU STORE Bolton voters will go the polls William Lopez (D, Clifford Appeals alternate. The can­ Commission bachelor of arts from Cur^ Parkade didate is Donato Rattazzi Jr. M o b il 9 sons. Monday to elect candidates of Magnuson (D) and Richard There are two candidates for HEATING OILS She was a graduate of College in sociology. He is their choice to fill offices for Nielsen (R). (R). •the two positions for six-year Complete Selections! Discount Savings! the next two to six years. There are three candidates Fire Commissioner terms on the Public Building OIL BURNER A The polling place is the for the two positions for three- There is one candidate for the Commission. The candidates HEATING INSTALLATION Bolton Town Hall. The polls year terms ^ginning in 1976 as one position to fill a one-year are Richard Barry (D) and i f ' will be open from 6 a.m. until 8 fire commissioner. The can­ vacancy as fire commissioner. Pamela Shorey (D). 643-5135 p.m. didates are John Carey (D), The candidate is John Carey 315 Osnier 8t. Manchsstsf Voters will be voting on six­ Sherwood Holland (D) and John (D). teen contested positions and Whitham (R). seven uncontested positions. There are two candidates for the one position to fill a two- Contested Positions year vacancy as fire com­ missioner. The candidates are First Selectman Allan Rose (D) and Raymond GARDEN SHOP The candidates for the two- Soma (R). David Dreselly Leon Rivers year term as first selectman C onstables Leon Rivers (D) and David There are eight candidates David Dreselly (R) is serving Leon Rivers (D) is serving Dreselly (R). ■ ^ for the seven positions for the his first term as a selectman. his first term as a selectman. Selectman Rehearsal for Vernon Concert Tonight two-year term as constable. He was born in Lexington, He lives on School Rd. with his Big Variety of Climbers and Bushes! The candidates for the two- The candidates are Edward Mass. He has lived on T ^ j s wife and their two children. year term as selectman are Churilla (D), Allan Hoffman Trail since 1965 with his wife He is veteran of the Marine Pr. Gerald Mack, director of choral activities and associate professor of music education, Lawrence Shaw (D) and Nor­ (D), Sherwood Holland (D), and four children. Corps. He attended Tuskegee H ealth y 2 Y ear Old at Hartt College of Music at the University of Hartford, was guest conductor of the man Preuss (R). Salvator Troisi (D), Thomas He received a degree in Institute. He is presently atten­ Rockville High School choirs Wednesday as they went through the paces in preparation for T ax Collector Carpenter (R), Ronald Morra mechanical engineering from ding Manchester Community the spring concert to be tonight at 8 in the Middle School, Rt. 30. Dr. Mack will direct The candidates for the two- (R), Carl Nystrom (R) and Northeastern University. College. He'is employed as a Elaine Potterton Thomas Sheridan year term as tax collector are He has served on the Plan­ certified dental technician. several numbers and the choir will also do several others under the direction of Miss Elmer Wilson (R). Manchester High School. She presently working on his Roses Thomas Sheridan (D) and He is a member of the Bolton Eileen Sullivan, their regular director. Several choir members will sing solos and Miss Library Directors ning Commission. He is masters in mathematics educa­ Elaine Potterton (R), incum­ Volunteer Fire Department, was a bookkeeper at Pratt and Karen Nicholas, also a member of the choir, will be featured in a piano solo performing There are five candidates for presently a member of the tion at Eastern Connecticut bent. Bolton Football Association and Whitney Aircraft and a payroll Fresh from the the three positions for six-year Economic Development Com­ State College. 00 one of her own compositions. (Herald photo by Pinto) T re a su re r Democratic Town Committee. accountant at Connecticut terms as library directors. 'ITie mission, the Republican Town He Is employed as a math He served the town as con­ General Life Ins. Co. Growers Fields The candidates f^r the two- candidates are Dorothy Connol­ Committee and secretary of the teacher at Bolton Center stable, youth activities director She has been registrar of year term as treasurer and ly (D), Maureen Houle (D), Eastern Conference Midget and School. He taught two years at and was head coach of the voters and is presently vice Guaranteed to grow. Red, white, pink, yellow agent of,town deposit fund are Joann Neath (D), Eileen Pony Football Association. He New London Junior High Scholarship Applications Open midget football team. chairman of the Republican and variegated varieties to choose from. Jean Mahon (D) and Elaine DelSignore (R) and John is a p^st president of Bolton School. He is the math He was a nominee for the Town Committee. Potterton (R), incumbent. Gleason (R). Married Couples Club curriculum leader for Bolton Jaycees “Outstanding Com­ SOOTH WINDSOR Unit will be in South Windsor cent exam to participate in this Board of Finance There are two candidates for (BOMARCO). Elementary School and Bolton There are three candidates munity Service Award.” Donna Holland Select Grade Fancy Grade Donna Holland the week of May 12. clinic. the one position to fill a four- Correspondent Center School. He is a member The program whjch is part of Officers Installed for the two positions for the year vacancy as a library direc- Selectman of , the Army National Guard Correspondent Board of Finance. The can­ 646-0375 the “ South Windsor Unites The South Windsor St. tor. The candidates are Shaw, together with the loser in and the Democratic Town Com­ J 6 8 646-0375 didates are R. Harvey Harpin In Monday’s Bolton election, J99 Against Cancer” Crusade, will Margaret Mary’s Ladies Guild MaryAnn O’Connor (D) and the Dreselly-Rivers race will be mittee. The South Windsor Friends (D), Shirley Potter (D) and Norman Preuss (R) and for Music will again award a provide free Pap tests and has installed new officers for Thelma Fracchia (R). Lawrence Shaw (D) will be in the running for the two Treasurer___ Gary Mortensen (R). Individually color wrapped Our finest! Pink, white, scholarship to a graduating breast examinations. next year. They are; Nancy competing for positions on the remaining places on the three- Board of Tax Review with name and descrip­ red, yellow and variegated senior who intends to major in Appointments are necessary Lohmann, president; Lorraine Uncontested Board of Selectmen. man board. The low vote getter There are four candidates for tion. types. music next year. and can be obtained by contac­ Sabatella, vice president; Pat Either David Dreselly (R) or among them will be eliminated. the two positions for the Board Positions To be considered, a student ting Beth O’Briant, special ser­ Nowak, treasurer and Kim Leon Rivers (D) will be elected The terms will begin July 1, of Tax Review. The candidates Board of Education must be accepted at an ac­ vices, 644-2509 during next Calio, secretary. first selectman. Preuss and 1975 and end July 1, 1977. are John Connolly (D), Walter There are four candidates for credited college as a music week. Belly Dancing Treschuk (D), John Gleason the four positions on the Board major. The clinic will run from May The South Windsoy Recrea­ (R) and Ernest Manning (R). of Education. The candidates Former graduates currently 12 from 5-8 p.m. in the Society tion Department will sponsor a Planning Commission are Michael O’Connor (D), enrolled in college as music for Savings Bank downstairs mini-course in beginning belly fU R F KING community room. There are two candidates for William Vogel (D), Joseph majors are also considered. dancing starting May 12 at 8:30 Haloburdo Jr. (R) and Barbara Applications are available at Margo Stillman will show a p.m. at Wapping School. A the one five-year position for 5-10-15 movie on cancer awareness. the Planning Commission. The Smith. the high school music and registration fee is required. To Planning Commission guidance departments and The mobile unit contains all candidates are Gertrude Vogel register call 644-8960. Enroll­ There is one candidate for the PLANT when completed should be sub­ supplies necessary for setting (D) and Richard Morra (R). ment is limited. one position for a five-year mitted to Richard W. Haggett, up two examining areas and Zoning Board of Appeals Fund-Raiser term hegipning 1975. The can­ lum I uatu I FOOD scholarship, committee chair­ travels throughout the state There are two candidates for Plus, receive a 600 rebate on the wax from The final fund-raising event didate is Philip Savva (D). man. providing services for local the one position for a five-year Du Pont. Come in soon to any Acme store and get your in the “Sbuth Windsor unites There is one candidate for the In addition to providing an­ women. term for the Zoning Board of spring spruce-up kit. But hurry, supplies are limited. Against Cancer” crusade will one position for a five-year TO^ojauryscios V eg eta b le 99 nual scholarships, Friends for Appeals. The candidates are 25 LBS FERTfE Area physicians and nurses be held May 17. term beginning 1976 as Plan­ Music has raised over $20,000 in Joel Hoffman (D) and John and American Cancer Society A dinner dance at Ellington ning Commission alternate. COW MANURE the past three years to help Roberts (R). and Flower Seeds personnel have volunteered to Ridge Country Club has been The candidate Is Ilvi Cannon provide band uniforms and--> There are two candidates for •^All purpose, lightweight. provide this free service. chosen to wrap up the 1975 cam­ (D). Reg 25i vocal group attire and to sup­ the one position for a five-year I Odorless, non-burning* 44 Covers 2800 sq. ft Literature will also be paign. Zoning Board of Appeals port their worthwhile music available at the clinic. term for Zoning Board of I compost. Organic. to S O i pack A buffet dinner will begin at 8 There is one candidate for the AUTO SUPPLY, IN C Norman Preuss programs in South Windsor Appeals alternate. The can­ Lawrence Shaw Marily Pugliese, chairman of p.m. with dancing from 9 p.m. one position for a five-year schools. to 1 a.m. to the sounds of “The didates are William Houle (D) More than auto parts. Auto people. Norman Preuss (R) resides term on the Zoning Board of Lawrence (Larry) Shaw (D) Cancer Tests the 1975 crusade, is urging all Sunshines.” and Edward DelSignore (R). at 158 Bolton Center Rd. with women who have not had a re- Appeals. The candidate is John resides at 49 Birch Mt. Rd. with GREEN For The Mobile Cancer Control Reservations are at $25 per Fire Commissioners Avon, Simsbury East Hartford Glastonbury New Britain West Hartford Windsor Locks his wife and two sons and has a Morianos (D). his wife and their three couple and can be made through There are three candidates Bloom field Enfield M anchester Southington Wethersfield married son residing in town. THUMB Moving There is one candidate for children. Ginny Darrah, 644-8411 or Mari­ for the two positions for three- He has lived in Bolton since one position for a five-year He is a graduate of Hampton That ly Pugliese, 644-8684. year terms as fire com­ Academy. He attended Bentley 1948. He is enrolled at Manchester Catherine Peterson 20-10-5 HEAVY School of Accounting, Boston Community College in the Jean Mahon Area Profile University and the University Emergency Medical Techni­ PLANT Load A Downtown Parkade of Hartford. cian course. Jean Mahon (D) resides on Catherine Peterson (R) is a Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri-Sat. 9:30-5:30 Mon.-Sat. 10-6 He served as a dental techni­ He served in the U.S. Coast Mt. Sumner Dr. with her three native of Pennsylvania. She FOOD 1 8 8 Thur. 9:30-9 Tue-Wed-Thur-FrI 10-9 cian in the Air National Guard Guard for three years. He children. attended the University of Rham Scheduled and Air Force Reserves. He is a helped activate the Memorial Massachusetts and was a math 50’ X V2” member of the Connecticut Day Parade and annually She is presently in her second major. She was an education 33 Dental Laboratories Associa­ serves as its chairman and year of accounting at specialist with the U.S. Air GARDEN HOSE Career Days tion. He is the founding marshal. Manchester Community Force. HOME GARDEN member and past president of CoHegeand is on the dean’s list. Fine quality hose. 5 yr. He was chairman of the She has worked in the ac­ High nitrogen contentj 99 Due to the lack of space, a the National Board of Certifica­ WHEELBARROW guaranteed. ' Nancy Foote town’s 250th anniversary tuarial department at Hartford Covers 5000 sq. ft. different format will be used tion Study Group. parade. He headed the Cub She is a member of the Parent Teacher Organization Fire Insurance Co. The Third Annual Career this year. All participants will He is the owner of Accu-Dent Scouts in Bolton. and was the former president be in the gym and will talk with Laboratory in Bolton. He is a past membbr of the She was the tax collector in Program will be held May 6, 7 and vice president of the Bolton and 8 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. in students informally rather than He is presently a fire com­ Board of Education, Board of Andover for five ears. presenting formal speeches in Co-op Nursery. the Rham gym. Represen­ missioner, a member of the Finance, and was probate judge She has served as Bolton’s i j a H H H H i the classroom. Students will at­ tatives from local and state In­ Bolton Athletic Association, for 12 years. He served on the She is active in Cub Scouts tend this program during their treasurer for seven years. dustry, from trade and Democratic Town Committee ambulance study committee. and was the treasurer of the She resides with her husband study hall periods. Teachers technical schools and from two and on the Board of Christian • He is president of W.H. Bolton Football Association. and their two sons on West St. and four-year colleges have may excuse students from class Education at Bolton Preuss Sons, Inc. of Bolton. been contacted to assist in this to attend or may take entire Congregational Church. He is program. classes to the gym for the presently the park com­ 3 FT SECTION program. missioner and cubmaster of The main objective is to Pack 157. PLASTIC provide first-hand information Parents and community, news members are invited to attend DOLLAR DAYS 3 PC MR GREEN to . students about a variety of GARDEN FENCE the career education days. A occupations. Emphasis has school luncheon will be served UMTED TIME - LIMITED QUAimnES HAND TOOL SET GRASS SEED been expanded this year to in­ Kyoto Big In A.D. 1000 Attractive fencing. by the food management class clude information on im­ for eager Kyoto, Japvi—By A.D. 10001 4 lb bag, fast-growing. A 0 9 9 Easy to set up. in the Home Ec area for par­ TfflS IS_THE SPECIAl_P’R BEQI_WmHGJ_ra Fine quality blades. mediate employment as well as Kyoto had a population of | 139 good rugged mixture. ticipants who care to stay for Wooden handles. future career opportunities. ' 500,000—more than any Euro­ lunch. fashion hunters pean city’s except Moslem Cor­ ''‘ W on sre0Ai'TALiiiitt24’ . I 24’ estate ? doba and Byzantine Constant!-1 nople. SPECIAL PURCHASE / /


l . j i i MC?L=1==~=?======LADIES OSCILLATING m The primaiy function of your physi­ ALL POOL PRICES INCLUDE deuixe GARDEN TOOLS SPRINKLER cian and your pharmacist is the safe­ M MTE Ik APmOVID PEMMNEIIT MEDU FUTEil f 9 9 Fresh, healthy... Sprinkler moulded of high guarding of your health in every re­ M C h /§49 Liven up your garden. Mature spect. Why not derive maximum Impact maxterlal. growth. I A One selection for her gardening neede; benefit from their skills? POST ROAD PLAZA PLUS wnk TK im U S E OF Hn PDOl/FkTEII DACKACE MAIN STREET, ROUTE 30 VERNON, CONN. 872-31S9 _ YOU CA* CHOOSE L ™ * *_ !!!! “ A t - * ____ Regular checkups keep them SPECIAL PURCHASE informed. Any irregularities are de­ EXPERT REPAIRS fSAFi-iYnAUTOMATIcfvACU^ 'WAtER ["pH-t- TpH' UDDERt SKIMMER KIT KIT CHLORINE CONDITIONER o qq ON BICYCLES BEDDING tected and acted upon. For the good I $ 1.09 $1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 <1-00 1 $1.00 a P2 AMd HANGIN6 of your health, see your doctor; then MON thru SAT I L^LL J _ 25 L l215- i l L _____ L _ i l § I______£ 0 .1 i t T r r d I RIKXKXIDDMIlS see us for his prescription. 9:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Op«n Thuri & Fri Evtning Til 9 PLANTS Newintton- PLANTS •••SHARPENING*^ m (ffiiwNE MEMOER Beriin Tpke. r o t a r y LfWN MOWEll 10010. NSPI 866-1531 priced right tbps! polyester pants ... look better long on fashion ... MTIOIIN. S « IM K IBLADES GRASS SHEARS A L S Il save VonMn-Vemon Or. flat KNIVES, SCISSORS, ETC. POOmSTmiTE 1 Gallon Container printed 'poly' 'T's' because they fit better! hooded ombre' caftan 647-M20 Large Selection W* honor Chirgo Cardi Selected Varieties In P«lit« and Avarage tlias Why not landscape Vegetable & Flowers A flowing, long drift of a cotton. It’s a In 42" Pot Cool skivvy tops of machine-wash So easy-to-wear and so easy-carel Neat, ALL BICYCLES 8i REPAIR! Pm IM. Nowl beautiful crinkled polyeeter/cotton * 8 » ® . polyester In a happy-go-lucky range of stitched creasel From Jerry Mann of GUARANTEED 24547S8 gauze that never needs to be IronedI Out colorful printsi We show 1 — eeme see Californlal Turquoise, pink, black, navy, TRADE-INS ACCEPTED THE MANUFACTURERS for the evening, or for casual them alll You’re sure to want a whole white, camel or lime. Checks In navy, KEYS MADE MAY st UST PRICE M0N.-FM. TIL 0 OVER 25 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE! wear...anywhere, a great attention-getter 1 bunch for summerl 3-M-L-XL. black or red with white. Perfect fitting SAT. e-s by Potagel Shades of mauve to beige STOP IN AND S E f sportswear, downtown and Parkade. sizes. 8-16P, 10-18A. sportswear, down­ SUN. 12-4 YOUR COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE STORE" town and Parkade. ombre. 5-13. junior place, downtown and OUR MINI ARCADE BUY NOW! Parkade.

' f -J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., Bby 2, 1875 - PAGE ELEVEN PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., May 2, 1975 Darling-Fortier IN THE Po Hear Talk Rham Board Acts On Personnel, Orientation Fern Mariann Fortier of SERVICE Rockville and Donald Lee By Herald Publisher Nancy Foote of the Rham Parent-Teachers- J.80th instructional day which is would be charged and havii students to relate their Darling of Seekonk, Mass., Student Organization. June 20. them provide the supenfjsfon experiences during tbe exercise May 13 to Brown’s Hotel, Loch The Rhanp Board of Educa­ formerly of Vernon, were Burl Lyons, publisher of The Obsolete Property Tennis Courts for the free tepnisiitayli^time. to concepts, ideas and prin­ Daniel. M. Lowry, son of Mr. Sheldrake, N.Y., are still open. H e r a ld ! tion has v o t^ to accept three married April 19 at the First Herald, will be guest speaker Three sets of encyclopedia Survi^l Weekend ciples dealt with in classroom and Mrs. Milton Lowry of 13 The total cost of the trip is $70 resignal&ns and appoint the The board discussed possible rOeoA. -AiAi Congregational Church of Ver­ Wednesday at the meeting of and a ten-cubic foot methods of supervising the The board gave its approval activities. Wadsworth St., has entered the per person, which includes Area Profile iolloYmg replacements: Northeast Chapter, American refrigerator from the Home Ec for an overnight survivad exer­ Tuition Student non. U.S. Air Force Delayed Enlist­ transportation, lodging, enter­ Geraldine Flat for 4V(i hours per summer use of the tennis The bride is the daughter of Association of ^ tire d Persons, department will be offered for cise planned for May 16,17 and Tbe boanl voted to accept ment Program until be reports tainment, meals and taxes and day in the cafeteria, and stu­ courts. Superintendent David Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Green at 1:30 p.m. at the KofC Home. sale in accordance with board 18. The activity will involve 60 Clifford Pierce as a tuition stu­ for active duty on Sept. 16. He tips. Buses will leave. dent, Claire Hand for 3Vk hours Cattanach mentioned tbe of Vernon. Mr. Darling is the The agenda will include the policy. students in grades 9-12 and 10-12 dent in 11th grade during the has selected a position in the Manchester Community per day in the cafeteria. The problem of people wearing im­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. election of officers. The Gymnastic School proper foot gear and the fact adult chaperones. next school year. mechanical career field. College parking area on Finance Board Favors board also voted to accept the Darling of Seekonk, Mass., nominating committee which The board voted to permit the that some players fail to give up The property of George Alden After completion of six weeks Prospect St. May 21 at 10 a.m. resignation of Janice Wax, a will present the slate of officers use of Rham facilities for tbe the courts after they have been in Hebron will be used for the formerly of Vernon. of basic orientation at Lackland tea(±er of Earth Science. The Rev. John Lacey of­ and directors are Hazel Tumblewood Gymnastic School using them for one hour. three-day exercise. Air Force Base in San Antonio, Those planning to attend are Budget of $2,253,297 Orientation She Wants Bump ficiated at the afternoon Chester, chairman; Mary at cost of $25 per day again this Tex., he will then receive ad­ remined that checks made The schedule for orientation The administration will in­ The objectives of the week Fraher, Katherine Hughes, summer. This will be the third •i m k«|iii iMlisc ii I ceremony. vance technical training for payable to Louis Lawrence of incoming seventh graders to vestigate the possibility of end are to expose tbe students Robert Chester and William year of the operation for this racttu chair-sw UN dassHML Mrs. Jean Taylor of Cheshire must be sent to Mrs. Gustaf HEBRON the Regional High School from allowing some person or to principles in the dynamics of which transferrable college Dobie. the five per cent guideline (MO is an increase of $63,000 Back on Nose was matron of honor. Anne Dallaire Hebron, Andover and vacation activity. parents to give lessons at the credits will be granted. Reservations for the Ekstrom, 39 McKinley St., should be allowed. over the current year but a grwp b ^ v io r and to cause Bridesmaids were Miss Carol The Board of Finance in Marlborough was announced. Accountability Rham courts for which a fee chapter’s trip May 11 through before May 7. In Fire Protection the reduction of $64,810 from the Duprey of Bristol; Miss Linda executive session Tuesday A visit to the elem entf^ The board reviewed the new i requested $18,300 was reduced board’s budget request for 1975- Schulze of Vernon; Mrs. Kathy Peter J. Zbpray, son of Mr. night voted to present a schools by the assistant prin­ proposal for the student accoun­ to $15,000 with the items broken 76. By Abigail Van Buren Trapuzzano of Bolton, the and Mrs. John Zboray of 9 recommended budget of $2,253,- cipal, the director of pupil per­ tability program. down to three accounts, $9,000 Area considered by the I 19TSI>yClilc*fleTrtbuiw-N.Y.NnnSynd..lne. bridegroom’s sister. Waddell Rd., recently enlisted 297 to the annual budget sonnel and the seventh grade In the case of a student’s first Come, grow with us this summer CFS Horse Show for operating expenses, $5,000 finance board in arriving at the Scott Darling of Seekonk, in the Navy and is currently un­ meeting May 12 for the 1975-76 teachers is planned for May 6 in unauthorized absence from a for new and replacement equip­ reduction form requests in­ Mass., was his brother’s best dergoing recruit training at the fiscal year. The budget as Andover, May 7 in Marlborough class ; 1. administration reports ment and $1,000 for the chief’s cluded salaries, employes DEAR ABBY: I am a 23-year^d-unmarried woman. My man. Ushers were Joseph Naval Training Center, Great prepared by the finance board- and May 8 in Hebron. All visits student to teacher euid guidance Wo hovo ooloctod o dollciouo Opening May 9-11 salary. benefits, utilities, maintenance father is Jewish, and my mothOT is Irish. I have always Suchecki of Vernon; Thomas Lakes, 111. are schooled to begin at 9 a.m. department, 2. teacher speaks varioty at couraoa to oflor In our will require a 42-mill tax rate, For the operation of the am­ projects, special education looked more like my fathw4>ecause I have the same litUe Joyce of Weymouth, Mass, ai^ A 1974 g r a d u a t e o f an increase of three mills over At this time the Rham staff with student and takes ap­ 1975 oummof soMlono. Study our The 25th annual Child and mittees are Mrs. Robert bulance, $3,006 was requested, transportation and placement, bump on my nose that he has. I never minded the bump Lt. Warren Clark of U.S. Air Manchester High School, the curroit rate. will distribute curriculum propriate disciplinary action Heavisides, raffle tickets; Mrs. the board of finance reduced heating oil and all supplies and cataloguo (tor a copy, writa to because I love my father v ^ m uch.^d I never did get Foce, Lexington, Mass. Zboray enlisted under the Family Services of Connecticut The recommended budget in­ materials, maps of Rham, and 3. administration notifies Peracchio, pre-ticket sale; that figure to $2,500 on the materials. Community Sarvleaa Division, along with my mother. A reception was held at The Navy’s choice of schools Horse Show will be May 9 cludes $445,556 for general handbooks, copies of the 7th parents by form letter. Mrs. Paul Marte, publicity; and grounds that the equipment is The amount the town will pay P.O. Box 1048, Manchaatar, CL Well, I got into an automobile accident, and they called in Colony in Talcottville, after guarantee program. After com­ through May 11 at the Far­ government, $900,000 for the grade schedule and will answer For a second unauthorized Mrs. Robert Dennison, new and should require a to the Regional District is 08040, or call 846-2137), pick lha a plastic surgeon to sew up my face. Since my nose was in which the couple left on a trip to pleting recruit training, he will mington Valley Polo Club, Far­ Board of Education and $907,741 questions about what to expect absence the above procedure is pretty bad shape, this doctor took the bump off, and I now mington. midway. minimum of expense for this dependent on adoption of the couroa or couraas that will mast New Hampshire and Vermont. have a leave period before for the town’s share of the in the new school setting. followed, however, this time look like my mother instead of my father. Tickets may be obtained at Mrs. Donald Richter and first full year of operation. proposed Regional Budget at They will reside in Quincy, reporting to Construction Regional District 8 budget. On May 15 the sixth graders the letter to the parents must your intaraat or naad, than raglatar Even though people remark on what an improvement it Watkins Bros, or by calling Mrs. Fred Geyer will serve as In the highway funds the town that board’s annual budget Mass. Mechanic Class “ A” School, The $445,556 for the general will visit Rham from 12:10 to 4 be signed and returned to the aarly batora tha couraaa fill up. By is, I became very depressed. I even went to a psychiatrist, Mrs. Marilyn Peracchio, 646- hostesses at the judges’ aid road maintenance account meeting called for 8 p.m. Mrs. Darling is employed by Gulfport, Miss. government is $55,438 less than p.m. There Will be no classes school. tha and of tha aummar, you’ll hava and he said I should have the plastic surgeon restore my luncheons. has been cut by $30,000, Revenues for the support of The Greenery Nursing Home in 4128. requested and $40,255 less than for present seventh graders on At the time of a third un­ harvoatod a crop ol knowladga nose the way it was. That’s what I want to do. Mrs. Philip Holway of Working on the midway Sun­ representing the approximate schools next year are estimated Brighton, Mass. Mr. Darling is the current year. that day. authorized absence three deten­ that will last many aaasona. My problem is everybody I talk to. They tell me I should Adelaide Rd. has been named day from 3 to 6 p.m. will be Mr. amount spent in the current at $445,975 and general employed by Filene’s in Boston. Army Spec. 4 Michael T. The reduction over the The seventh grade teachers, a tions are assigned and the have my head examined. What do you say? honorary midway chairman for and Mrs. Walter Fuss, Mr. and year from that account for revenues at $141,959 plus $24,450 Langelier, son of Mr. and Mrs. current year is due to a substan­ counselor and a few Rham counselor contacts parents to LOVES DADDY Mrs. Wells Dennison, Mr. and labor. All labor has been to be taken from the Revenue Romeo T. Langelier, 50 Hyde the Manchester Auxiliary horse students will make follow-up arrange a conference. tial reductions in amounts lumped for next year in one ac­ Sharing Funds. This leaves $1,- Manchester Burkamp Photo St., completed the basic show committee. Mrs. Vernon Muse, Judge and For a fourth unauthorized 2 recommended for capital out­ visits to the elementary schools DEAR LOVES: You DID have your head examined and Mrs. William FitzGerald and Mrs. William FitzGerald, and count tataling $62,000 with a 640,913 to be raised by taxes. FOCIS Plans leadership course at Ft. Bragg, lay and appropriations to May 20 ur Andover, May 21 in absence a student may be were advised to do what you want to do about your nose. So Donald L. Darling Mrs. Eugene Montany are co- Mrs. Robert Heavisides, Mr. number of other highway ac­ The 42 mills recommended will Community College N.C. He received training in reserve fund. Marlborough and on May 22 in withdrawn from class with loss d(^it. chairmen of the local com­ and Mrs. Robert Aiilness. counts also re d u c^ by the result an estimated gain in Weekly Classes leadership related subjects. The finance board did include Hebron. of credit. An equal educational mittee and are in chargeof the Also, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar amount allocated this year for operation for the year of just DEAR A B B Y : Two years ago I weighed 400 pounds. My Spec. Langelier is a missile a five per cent salary increase Parents of the sixth graders Commencement opportunity Institution FOCIS (Family Oriented e x h ib ito rs p a rty May 9. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Robert labor. under $3,000. life was hardly worth Uving. In fact, I planned to commit ENGAGED team chief in the 73rd Field Ar­ for boUi elected officials and will be invited to attend seventh The 1975 commencement Childbirth Information Society) , Hostesses are Mrs. John Dennison, Mr. and Mrs. Fred The insurance account is The finance board voted, to suicide after reaching the age of 21. (I was going to take tillery at Ft. Bragg. clerical positions. The in­ grade classes from 2 to 4 p.m. exercises will be held on the is accepting registrations for Geyer, Mr. and Mr. Dave recommended at $15,000 and in­ cancel its meeting scheduled heroin.) Hutchinson, Mrs. David Barry, These visits are scheduled on LMCC. creases for elected officials its May series of classes in Mrs. Horace Brown, Mrs. John Wiggin, Mr. and Mrs. Burton crease of $525 over the for Tliursday night and to hold a I am now 22 and weigh 200 pounds, an4I haven’t touched will be prorated for the terms May 20 for Andover parents. Expectant Parent Education. Fletcher, Mrs. Richard Pabst Hilon; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph requested amount. The in­ special meeting May 12 im­ drugs of any kind—and that includes alcohol and of office beginning after the May 21 for Marlborough The weekly classes begin Russell C. Barbero, son of and Mrs. FitzGerald. Swensson, Mrs. Pabst, ^nd crease will cover placement of mediately following the annual cigarettes—for two years. November election. parents and May 22 for Hebron May 13 at 8 p.m. in the con­ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Barbero Heading other local com- Mrs. Alfred Kargl. . additional town officials under budget meeting. I owe it all to a wonderful doctor at the University The board will recommend to parents. Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa, who performed a gastric ference rooms at Manchestef of 83 Doane St., has received a Workman’s Compensation and Also it was voted to recom­ the annual budget meeting that On May 28 at 7:30 p.m. all bypass on me. Now I can eat as much as I want (which isn’t Memorial Hospital. three year U. S. Air Force provide for anticipated in­ mend to the town meeting that action be taken to guarantee the parents of sixth graders are in­ very much anymore) and never worry about putting on a The classes are free to the Reserve Officers Training creases in municipal rates. next year’s taxes be payable in Craft Fair town officials a second five per vited to attend parents’ night. Corps (AFROTC) college The board also recommen­ one installment if the amount is pound. public. This activity is scheduled to \ r COLLEGE cent increase for their second ding that $6,100 for truck equip­ under $100 and all other taxes I wish you would print this for others who have found Qualified professionals dis­ scholarship. Planned By provide information about the that dieting didn’t work for them. term of office. ment, $2,000 for police radio be paid in two installments. cuss pregnancy, nutrition and Cadet Barbero, who sub­ seventh-grade curriculum, to ONE HAPPY FELLOW NOTES Effective after election the equipment and $1,350 for Copies of the recommended exercise during pregnancy, bot­ mitted his, application after Hadassah provide an opportunity for the tle and breast feeding, baby enrolling in the AFROTC first selectmen will receive $5,- firehouse capital maintenance budget will be available in the Manchester Chapter of Miss Susan-Jane Bouton, 515 per year rather than $5,250 parents to see Rham High DEAR HAPPY: You make it soimd so simple. After care and post-partum care. program at Norwich Universi­ be taken from Revenue Sharing office of the town clerk no later Hadassah will have its first an­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. School and meet the teachers considerable research, I learned that gastric-bypass For further information, ty, Northfield, Vt., will receive and the selectmen will receive Funds. than Wednesday. nual Craft Fair June 1 from 10 William S. Bouton Jr. of Dart­ $210 each per year, compared to and to allow for a brief meeting surgery, which proved so successful for you, is not for write FOCIS, 61 Lyness St., full tuition, textbooks, It is also recommended that a.m. to 5 p.m. at the parking mouth Rd., was named to the everyone. There are risks involved. ’Ikose who are Manchester, .Conn., or call laboratory fees and a monthly $200. $13,000 for the resident trooper area of Manchester Shopping dean’s list for the last semester The annual rate for the tax interested should discuss it with their physicians. Carla, 643-0604; Barbara, 228- subsistence allowance. He is a and $2,000 for police protection Parkade. There is no admission at Endicott Junior College in collector will be $4,725 com­ 3106; or Sue, 649-2915. member of the class of 1977. be financed by Revenue Sharing DEAR ABBY: As a police officer, may I say something charge. Beverly, Mass. pared to the present $4,500 and TURNPIKE TV & APPLIANCE Upon graduation and comple­ Funds. to the man who object^ to women wearing pants suits? The fair will include She is a senior majoring in in­ tion of the program, he will be for the town clerk, $4,935 com­ Revenue Sharing Funds in Not one victim of the rape cases I have handled was professional craftsmen’s booths terior design. pared to $4,700. The treasurer reserve ($34',959) for the M commissioned an Air Force se­ wearing a tailored pants suit. One was wearing a slinky featuring leatherwork, pottery, will be paid $1,135 per year cond lieutenant. proposed expansion of the Town pajama sort of thing; the others were wearing either skirts incite sculpture and metalwork. The cadet is a 1973 graduate after election rather than $1,- Office Building are left un­ or shorts. Temple Seniors Loring Photo The engagement of Miss There also will be a plant booth VITAMIN 080. touched in the recommended A COP of East Catholic High School. Meeting May 8 Diane Mary Pelletier of and refreshment stand. The finance board made a budget with the intention of The engagement of Miss Manchester to Pfc. Donald Applications for booths may HEADQUARTERS substantial reduction in the using them at a later date to DEAR ABBY; I have a question to ask that has been Deborah Marie Santos of Larry Babineau, also of be obtained from Mrs. Merrie Liggett Parkade item for the Community Health cover the cost of major repairs bothering both my husband and me for a long time. The first meeting of the Manchester to John Edmund Manchester, has been an­ Joseph H. Zeppa, son of Mr. Levin, 16B Ambassador Dr., Low Prices! Service Agency. The agency on the Hebron Elementary 2 DAYS ONLY-FRI. & SAT. We have two little girls. Our third daughter was stillborn. “ Temple Seniors” of Temple Madden of New Britain, has nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Zeppa, 38 646-8192. had requested $38,017 as School roof. The estimate for When people ask us how many children we have, what is the Beth Sholom will be held May 8 been announced by her parents, and Mrs. Anthime Pelletier of Birch Mountain Rd., has Hebron’s share of the budget. A the repair work is $31,775. best answer? at 12:30 p.m. at the temple. Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Santos of 116 Adams St. entered the U. S. Air Force The finance board has approved WISCONSIN M OTHER Mrs. Barbara Klau, singer- The Board of Education WESTINGHOUSE 162 N. School St. Pfc. Babineau is the son of Delayed Enlistment Program only $33,095. The reduction actress, will present a musical Budget recommended at $900,- Mr. and Mrs. John Babineau of until he reports for active duty reflects the disapproval of the DEAR M OTHER: ’The best answer is your own: “ We program. Guest speaker will be Mr. Madden is the son of Mr. mother’s day ^ 29 Lynch Dr. on Sept. 12. A graduate of agency’s proposal to grant an FAMILY SIZE ✓ have two little girls. Our third daughter was stilibom.’’ Mrs. B. Goodman of the Hart­ and Mrs. Robert Madden of The bride-elect attended Manchester High School, he has increase of 15 per cent to its ford Jewish Community Center New Britain. cards Manchester High School and selected a position in the com­ nursing staff. Locally five per Court of Probate Everyone has a problem. What's yours? For a personal who will discuss the various we have a wonderful aesortment District of Manchester WASHER The bride-elect was graduate will finish high school in puter operator career field. cent has been used as a reply, write to AB BY: Box No. 69700, L.A., Calif. 90069. programs available for retired NOTfCE TO CREDITORS from Manchester High School. California after her marriage. After completion of six weeks “ where a guideline throughout the ESTATE OF MYRTLE TAYLOR Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope, please. citizens. She is employed by Susan Dee ALTOK^aka MYRTLE T. ALTON □ Double-Action Washing She is employed at the Pumper- of basic orientation at Lackland budget. Y dollar’s For Abby’s booklet, “ How to Have a Lovely Wedding,” Desert will be served. Anyone Coiffeures in Manchester. Pursuant to an order of Hon. William □ Heavy duty transmission nickle Pub Lounge. Air Force Base in San Antonio, The Building Department E. FitzGerald, Judge all claims must be send $1 to Abigail Van Buren, 132 Lasky Dr., Beverly Hills, needing transportation may worth a and suspension system Her fiance was graduated Her fiance is a graduate of Tex., he will then receive ad­ budget requests were also cut presented to the fiduciary named below Calif. 90212. Please enclose a long, self-addressed, stamped the miracle of m om St^^' on or before July 25,1975 or be barred by call 643-4266. Manchester High School and is dollarl’ ’ □ Powerful non-clog drain (20t) envelope. from New Britain High School vance technical training for dovuritown manchester^ by the finance board. The law. The fiduciary is: pump serving in the U. S. Marine Richard C. Alton and is employed by Perfor­ which transferrable college building inspector’s salary was □ Porcelain enamel tub Corps stationed at Camp 22 Hebron Road mance, Inc. credits will be granted. left at the current $8,000 — $2,- Bolton, Conn. □ Turbo-Vane Agitator with Pendleton, Calif. The couple The couple is planning an Oct. 000 more was requested by the built-in lint filter plan a July 25 wedding at the NEVER Pinochle 4 wedding at St. Joseph building inspector. In addition □ Lock ’n SpinTv Safety Lid Church of the Assumption in there are no funds included for Court of Probate Cathedral in Hartford. District of Manchester BEFORE Manchester. assistants and the mileage NOTICE TO CREDITORS Scores allowance is reduced to $1,200 ESTATE OF LORETTA E. HALLETT HEAVY GENTS ABOUT TOWN Pursuant to an order of Hon. William OFFEREDI from the $1,500 requested. E. FitzGerald, Judge, aU claims must be DIAMOND Top scorers in the The Building Department presented to the fiduciary named below Manchester Senior Citizens on or before July 28,1975 or be barred by 1.17 cL The Organization of The Han­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will secretary’s pay was reduced law. Tbe fiduciaries are; Pinochle Group game April 24 W as dicapped (OTH) will meet Mon­ meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd from the requested $2,860 to $2,- Henry G. Hallette day, May 12, at the Mayfair at the Army and Navy Club are: 730. A 10 per cent increase had 7 Dupre Drive $1,695 Fellows Hall. Refreshments Paul Schuetz, 609; Alfreda SERVICES Enfield, Conn. 06062 Garden Social Home on Main will be served. been asked due to additional Lorraine Lois Cappuccio NOW Hallin, 585; Esther Anderson, ’^tteiushed work for the sanitarian, 27 Hoffman Road *188 and N. Main Sts. from 7:30 to 9 Manchester, Conn. 06040 p.m. All people who are han­ 575; and Ann Paris, 571. however the board felt here too $ 9 9 5 ^ The board of trustees of South To date, Floyd Post has the dicapped and live on the east United Methodist Church will high individuai score of 635, and the pacesetters spring 15.3 cu.ft.CHEST side of the river, aged under 65, meet tonight at 7:30 in Susan­ John Phelps, high total points of are invited. For directions call nah Wesley Hall of the church. 535 lb. CAPACITY 646-5015 or 646-7786. Election of ^ _____ 6,897. The group sponsors a game savings officers will be held for the A tag and rummage sale will each Thursday at 9:45 a.m. at lA A B SPORT SHOP SAVE DURING term beginning Jupe 1. be conducted by the American the Army and Navy Club. Play Legion Auxiliary Saturday from WESTINGHOUSE is open to all senior citizens. sale PRESENTS Manchester Square Dance 9 a.m. to noon at the post home. SPRING VALUE LADIES’ SOLATAIRE ^ 7 Legion Dr. Club will have a dance Saturday take down - rehang WAS $3,995. from 8 to 11 p.m. at Manchester cash and carry LADIES’ High School. Mr. and Mrs. guaranteed length FANCY DIAMOND Edwin Edwards have door du­ 6i decorator fold finishing 535-lb. capacity W as $ 8 9 5 - ty. Refreshments will be served Drapery Cleaning Infinite-position tempera-l *2,49 even hemlines by Mr. and Mrs. Rod Eliason, tore control with re-[ NOWI Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Flynn, friday nite cessed knob Lift-out basket 1. $ 5 4 Q 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gallichant and Counterbalanced Seal-1 Mr. and Mrs. George Garman. special! All Fabric Services Tite lid with magnetici gasket I A tag and rummage sale will 6 P.M.- 9 P.M.0 NLYI • Baked enamel interiorl with 4 convenient locations is offering and exterior 2 be conducted Saturday from 10 • Defrost drain ' a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. John's DRAPERY & SLIPCOVER a 20% discount on drapery cleaning B O B W f i S O N • Slim-Wall . design —I FAMOUS , Polish N^l>5nal Catholic foamed-in-place insula-l SELECT GROUP 14 KT. GOLD Church. ' ■'>» EXPERT FISHERMAN and FIELD TESTER (or tion for more space in-l ACCUTRON NOWI FABRICS side CBBMC LUBE CO. Model FC153P EARRINGS • PIERCED EARS ■ Correelion ■ BOLTS AND BOLTS OF WATCH The dale of the Knights of THE BIQQEST SELECTION 9 9 ’ " • Good through Moy 17, 1975 Bob Wilson will bo at A & B Sport Shop $100 VALUE *59*» 40% OFF! Columbus State Banquet and IN THIS AREAI valuM to 9-88 yd. | Friday, May 2nd, 6pm to 9pm REG. $340 Ball is Saturday, May 10, and Saturday, May 3rd, 10am to 5pm 2 DAYS ONLY not this Saturday as stated in DRAPERY and X QUANTITIES LIMITED Thursday’s Herald. Bob will show a film on fishing, and then will be Sr^ XUPSmm.mmi. m imL 1SLIPCOVER Coll Now for 0 Free Estimate!!! around to help you with any questions you may have SPECIAL! Off FABRICS as how to rig and what to use and where to look for I rC n with this coupon good only at 872-0166 those trophy-size fish. ROYAL YARD pilgrim fabrics COFFEE AND DONUTS WILL BE SERVED All Electric Portable' I good thru May 2,1978 Come In end talk with Bob and >aa TYPEWRITER our nawly aniargad Baa taction in­ TURNPIKE with Case, Plus A FREE 1237 Hartford Tnpke., Vernon cluding RabMa Routar Lurat. TorwATia Qtaeralioni $49.95 CALCULATOR 10 Harlow St., Rockville Saa our wida talactlon of both fraah and salt watar tackla at raatonabla pricaa. TV & APPLIANCE With Each Purchasel 521 East Middle Tnpke., Manchester Hunting and Fishing Licenses Available (Limited Supply) febrtc: WEST HARTFORD WETHERSFIELD MANCHESTER 'w s.i'in 273 WEST MIDDLE TU9NPIKE 35 Windsor Ave., Rockville m JSn c h e s t e r p a r k a d e Bishop's Corner - 985 Silas Deane 397A Broad St. SERVICES NEXT TO STOP & SHOP YALE TYPEWRITER 177 HARTFORD ROAD .....MANCHESTER 2531 Albany Ave. Hiphway OPFNFVERY NIGHf IA & SPORT SHOP 11000 H A R T F O ^ TURNPIKE - ROUTE 30 - VERNON, CONN MANCHESTER EXIT 92 1-86 41 Purnell Place store open...monday through laturday 10 to 6 OPtNIHURS SIRI. TIIO OPiN THURS SIRI Til 9 TI19 SAI II16 Mancheater • 849-4988 thursday & friday nite til 9 pm 872-8052 OPEN WED. THRU FRI. 9-9, SATURDAY 9-5 PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., May 2,1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri.. May 2, 19 75 - PAGE THIRTEEN Navy Certifies Sub As Being Seaworthy Land. Trust Will Hear Talk

NEW LONDON (U P I> - The of testing and will leave for a The sailing date for the adequately since. Aspin’s office POLICE REPORT Navy has certified as five-month cruise in the Mediterranean is indefinite as says the turnover among the By Wildlife Photographer waworthy the nuclear attack Mediterranean after an in­ “ material repairs” have to be crew.has been S6 per cent since submarine USS Greenling definite stay for “ material made and approved by the force September, with less than half John E. Swedberg, senior MANCHESTER nection with a two-car accident despite several alleged defects repairs’’ which the Navy would conomander. the crew certified as capable of Three other films are being wildlife photographer for 'Two Manchester youths, 14 Monday, police said. reported by crewmen. not describe in detail. operating the submarine’s shown on TV around the world A crewman said the Massachusetts, is the^ speaker and 16, allegedly stole a car 'The car driven by Johnson The vessel returned Thursday The alleged defects include systems. on “ Audubon Theatre.” Greenling woutd not sink but for the Uiird annual dinner of -.(j Thursday morning, drove Monday at 7:15 p.m. on St. to New London after two days faulty hydraulic steering and His photos and writings are in the Manchester Land Conserva­ throu^ several towns causing James St. struck the parked car diving systems, dangerous might be forced to curtaii the many magazines. They ihciude Racial Bias two accidents, and were of David B. Scott of 573 Bush freon gas teaks and erratic mission at sea because a vaive tion Trust Inc. (MLCT) May 15. Nationai Wildiife, Audubon, and stopped about 1 p.m. on Park Hill Rd., police said. gauges vital to nuclear reactor used to surface the vessel did Complaint Harvey Pastel, chairman of Field and Stream. Legislature St. by two policewomen, police Police later found the John­ operation, according to sonne not shut during the tests. the MIXrr program committee, Readers’ Digest books and fjfJ said. son car on Park St. partly on Approves Three Dropped made the announcement. ’Time-Life books have run his crewman. Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis., Douglas A. Fuller, 16, of 325 the sidewalk! police said. Court The Greenling failed a series After the dinner at the work aiso. For Judgeships warned of a tragedy of the HARTFORD (UPI) - The. Highland St. was charged with is May 20. of sea triats in mid April Manchester Country Club, He has spoken to several hun­ HARTFORD (UPI) - Three proportions of the USS Connecticut Real Estate Com- ‘ operating a motor vehicle because the largely in­ Swedberg will show his film, dred civic, conservatim and members of the administration ’Thresher, which sank off the mission says federal action has without a license, second- • Elaine Farnsworth, 28, of experienced crew responded “ Symphony of Life.” He made photo groups in the Northeast. of Gov. Eila T. Grasso have New England coast in April been sufficient and it will not degree larceny and second- 11 Vine St. was charged improperly to drills and the film on the shores of Quab- “ Symphony of Life” features been approved for Common 1963 with 129 men aboard. pursue a complaint against 43 degree criminal mischief, Wednesday with allowing a dog emergency conditions. bin Reservoir in Massachusetts. red foxes, eagies, porcupines, Pleas Q)urt judgeships by the The Greenling accidentaily Hartford area real estate police said. to roam, police said. Court is With its squadron com­ deer, beavers and many other Connecticut Legislature. dived to close to its crush depth brokers accused of practicing Swedberg has long bef-> a The 14-year-old, not identified May 19. mander on board, the sub­ animais. The legislature Thursday ap­ in early 1973. Some crewmen racial discrimination. hiker, hunter and fisherman. because of his age, received the marine left New London say some important equipment The MLCT dinner begins with proved four men for the court, Executive Director James F. Photography gradually became same charges and was referred Tuesday and underwent tests cocktails at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is 'The stolen car of 'Thomas A. on the vessel has not worked Carey said Thursday a U.S. an important part of his outdoor to Juvenile Court. Both were all nominated by Mrs. Grasso. at 7:30 foliowed by a business Stecko of 37 Grove St. was east- Wednesday. Justice Department consent released to their parents. The only nominee who ran work. meeting and the film at 8:30. bound n Tolland Tpke. ■ decree with the 43 agents will Fuller is scheduled to appear into some opposition in the His foremost hobby soon Dinner reservations should be 'Thursday at 2:25 a.m. when it be enough to enforce fair in Common Pleas Court 12 in secret balloting was C. Perrie became motion picture wildlife called or mailed to the MLCT was driven off the north side of housing statutes. John E. Swedberg East Hartford May 19. Phillips of Hamden, the state’s Housing Bill For HandicappM photography. office af257 E. Center St. The the street and it struck guard The commission, Carey said, His films are the result of 20 Police gave the following ac­ personnel commissioner. In his early years, he was a steak dinner is $7.50 and the rails there, police said. Phillips, a former Central will not take administrative ac­ years of hunting with a camera. count of the incident: HARTFORD (UPI) - A dramatize the problems faced building contractor. His hobby stuffed shrimp is $6.50. Intelligence Agency employe, tion and is satisfied with the Some are used in the National The youths stole the car measure requiring that 10 per by the handicapped in their dai­ soon beoim e a full-time worii Deadiine f(ff reservations is 'The driver left the scene. was endorsed 78-32 in the House effect of the decree in reducing Geographic TV show, “ Winged owned by Nancy Bolster of cent of state assisted housing ly activities. and he abandoned contracting. May 7. ^ The car, a 1968 Mustang, was and 38-1 in the Senate. Those ap­ racial discrimination in World.” North Franklin from a drive at units be designed for the use of towed away. It had been stolen proved with little opposition housing. ’The Justice Depart­ iiH t - 186 Eldridge St. Ms. Bolster physically disabled persons is Eariier, Lt. Gov. Robert K. sometime after Stecko parked were Harry Hammer of Ver­ ment failed to find any basis for was visiting her mother at the awaiting Gov. Ella T. Grasso’s Killian and Secretary of the it in front of his home at 10:30 non, deputy secretary of state, criminal action against the time. 'The keys were in the igni­ signature. State Gloria Schaffer rode p.m. Wednesday, police said. Amalia M. Toro of agents, he said. tion. The state Senate sped the bill around the Capitol in wheel Wethersfield, a lawyer in the The complaint was brought The youths then drove the car through final action ’Thursday chairs to get a first hand im­ Preparing to deliver food items collected during the recent to right, Sandy Schack, Katherine Walsh and K athy^sw ret*^ of state’s office, and by Education-Instruction, a to Marlborough and back to to get it to Mrs. Grasso’s office pression of the difficulties in NEWS Hartford civil rights organiza­ Manchester torough Glaston­ A Hackmatack St. home was World H ^ r Week at Bennet Junior High School to Reynolds. (Herald photo by Pinto) «P^Ma^ Fitzgerald Aspen, a Hart- on Awareness Day, called to getting around. tion. bury. While in Glastonbury, they broken into Thursday evening Manchester’s Emergency Pantry are team captains, left CAPSULES caused a minor accident and the house gone through. 2 Mrs. Sandra Freeman, left, chairman of the volunteer mothers who work at the Verplanck striking a mailbox. Missing are a portable radio School library, awards service certificates to Mrs. Linda Burgess, center, and Mrs. Bar­ In Manchester, the car struck and a dozen chocolate chip a guard rail fence on Spring St. opened higher on European foreign bara Todd at a luncheon at the school honoring the library volunteers. Their carnations cookies from a cookie jar. Funds, Food Raised for World Hunger Refugee Convoy Delayed at Highland Park. exchanges today. Gold’s price was mixed. were presented by William Freeman, school principal. (Herald photo by Pinto) ARANYAPRATHET, Thailand (U P I )- Sgt. Patricia Graves and Det. In London, the pound sterling was More than $800 and 14 cartons To raise funds for world three-day period if welfare departments or a Herald Newsman/ The convoy carrying the first of 610 Susan Gibbens were driving a quoted at $2.3450 after closing Thursday at of nonperishable food items hunger, the students had a recommended by any member of the staff of foreigners out of Cambodia have not police radio car on W. Middle $2.3485, a 15-week low against the dollar. were collected during a recent “ rice day,” when they .were clergyman, VISTA volunteer, htonchester Public Health Nur- arrived at the Thai border as yet, and the 'Tpke. near Main St. when they MAIKHESTER WALLPAPER In Amsterdam, the only other European Library Volunteers Cited World Hunger Week obser­ given a choice of a bowl of rice Crossroads, town and state sing Association. French ambassador is expected to meet spotted the stolen car. 'They foreign exchange market besides London AID PAMT (D., m . vance at Bennet Junior High and a glass of milk or their Doug Bevins with Khmer Rouge officials this afternoon were on another case at the open on May Day, the U.S. currency began 185 West Middle Tpke. School. regular hot lunch, with the to determine what has happened. The Verplanck School celebrated Thursday prepared by the processing new books, and time but started following the the day at 2.4275 Dutch guilders, up from Mencheeter 'The $800 will be donated to money saved going to the refugees were trapped in Phnom Penh National Volunteer Week this school cafeteria staff and spon­ repairing and maintaining the stolen car. Thursday’s close at 2.42%. Manchester Council on World hunger fund. Many gave up when the city fell two weeks ago. Some week, a week later than the of­ sored by the PTA. collection. 'The car went south on Main Wants You To Nurse Loans in 24th Year Elsewhere, the dollar opened at 2.3810 Hunger, and the baby food and their regular Friday ice cream is on the scene reports said the vehicles in the refugee Certificates were awarded to St., west on Myrtle St., south on LEARN THE SECRETS ficial dates because of the German marks in Frankfurt against types of food the students enjoy treat, she said. convoy may have run out of fuel. Red school spring recess. the new library aides by Mrs. 'The library volunteers are Linden St., west on Lwust St., OF FURNITURE CARE Sixteen students from recipient return to Manchester Wednesday’s 2.3770. themselves will be given to Cross doctors and French diplomats The entire school joined Sandra Freeman, volunteer Mrs. Doris Ennis, Mrs. Norma south on Church St. and east on Manchester High School and Memorial Hospital for one Wod., MaY 7,1975 One day was set aside when planned to take the refugees, many chairman. Martin, Mrs. Rtorlene Donnel­ Manchester’s'Emergency Pan­ East Catholic High School forces to honor the volunteer Park St. the students could buy their year. when it Cancer Checkups Urged Mrs. Pat Berry, school ly, Mrs. Linda burgess, Mrs. try at Center Congregational reported to be in “ deplorable health,” the m others who work in the The women kept police attended the 24th annual This year MMH will have DENVER (UPI) — By the time a person Church. way out of a study hall to play 170 miles to Bangkok in air-conditioned library. librarian, presented Mrs. Bridgie Luby, Mrs. Barbara cruisers alert to the car’s Manchester Student Nurse eleven students returning. notices a cancer symptom and sees his Though the World Hunger basketball, go to the movies or buses. To honor the volunteer Freeman with a pewter Murray, Mrs. Barbara Todd, movements in order to get a participate in anything they Loan Association banquet During the evening, the doctor, the disease usually has spread to Week was organized after mothers the entire school bracelet in recognition for her Mrs. Mary Hickey, Mrs. block set up. But they were able recently in the Manchester students were given a happens and the point where it cannot be removed by students watched a film on Wished. Navy Ends Evacuation joined forces. The children two yeai:s of service. Dolores Beaulieu, Mrs. to stop the car themselves on Memorial Hospital cafeteria. demonstration of what is in­ surgery,' Dr. Nathaniel I. Berlin told a hunger in Africa and India as WASHINGTON (UPI) - The evacuation made posters, wrote letters and Some of tho/selrvices offered Margery Carlson, Mrs. Barbara Park St. just short of Main St. The Emergency Pantry, Attending the event were volved when a patient receives meeting of the National Cancer Institute part of Mrs. Leo Hogan’s social of Vietnamese refugees ended today and spoke their thanks to the by the volunteers in addition to Lauzon, Mrs. Biarbara Kljzy, and arrest the boys. which was established to help William M. McBride who a pacemaker. Giving the studies program, the entire stu­ Navy rescue ships headed out into the 'Thursday. volunteers as they visited the regular library procedures are Mrs. Joan Fleurent, Mrs. Helen 'The front end and right side Manchester people in need, is founded the association, and demonstration were Miss June dent body became involved in where it Pacific. Officials, in announcing that at Berlin, a staff member of the helping children with research Gallagher, Mrs. Mary Hodge, of the car were dam ag^ but it library during the week. open each Monday from 9:30 to Dr. Merrill Rubinow, chairman Werdelin, R.N., and Richard Northwestern University Medical School, the project, Mrs. Hogan said. least 18,000 refugees had been evacuated, ’The week-long activities con­ and selection of materials, Mrs. Glenys Ebersold and was still operable. 11:30 a.m. and Wednesdays and of the scholarship committee. Alison, O.R.T., both members urged Americans to recognize the need for Teams were organized, cap­ left open the chance more seaborne cluded with a luncheon assisting at the book fair, Sylvia Flavell. M Fridays from 1 to 4 p.m. The Manchester Student of the operating room staff. regular cancer checkups. Regular tains chosen and activities stragglers might be picked up off the Viet­ • Albert Falco, 54, of East Nurse Loan Association has An announcement of those happens examinations increase the possibility of Hartford was arrested planned, initiated and carried A Manchester resident in awarded 127 loans since it was namese coast. One official said it will still students receiving the early diagnosis and more successful treat­ 'Thursday at 2:30 p.m. at the out by the students, Mrs. Hogan need may obtain groceries for a organized in 1951. A stipulation up in the air where the ships will go or scholarship loans will be made ment, he said. West Side Package Store at 365 said. of the program is that the where the refugees will be unloaded. in May. Center St. and charged with $88 Hooier Fanafejr, M atte lirtiaM Costly Substitute Consumer Advocate sale of liquor to a minor, police Health Care Crisis Raitorar it ha daiRMitratat bit STORRS (UPI) — Firemen at the said. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A group of FIRE CALLS tadnioiit te tenibn rafUthbii, University of Connecticut have been paid Alleges Deception 'Two boys, age 14 and 15, some 200 anesthesiologists allowed their repairinf ind pnpar can. $88 bow 88ty at least $130 in overtime because two fire bought liquor from Falco, the A ARE YOU LOOKING FOR group malpractice insurance to lapse b t i blaacb wood, dean bratt,- J I extinguishers which would have cost $5 owner of the store, police said. Thursday in protest of higher rates, In Bank Advertising MANCHESTER danlt and tcratdwt and rattora yav each to refill were not refilled, a UConn Court is May 19. precipitating a crisis in eight northern Today, 12:11 a.m. -gas fine fumibn to Kt ori(inil baiat), pin fiscal officer said. • Dana W. Wolcott, 26, of California county hospitals. The largest washdown on Spencer St. many other how-to bonahoM ti|^ Harry J. Hartley said Thursday he has East Hartford was arrested obstetrics unit in San Francisco was shut DARIEN (UPI) — The presi­ a reprehensible tactic.” (Town) made available $300 to put in working con­ Thursday at 11:15 p.m. on "Versatility" is the word used most often to television, storms, and zoning. down, hospital admissions were reduced dent of the Media & Consumer The ad is headed, “Look dition all the exinguishers on campus to AMBULANCE CALL Congress St. and charged with Program To Be Held At The He’s even dabbled In politics, theater to just those considered most necessary, Foundation says the state who’s boss now. You.” In describe Herald newsman Doug Bevins. avoid any repetition of the costly sub­ BOLTON failure to obey stop sign, the most critical patients were banking and consumer protec­ smaller type are the words, flight In his four years with The Herald, he’s reviewing, and travel writing. stituting. n ie two extinguishers were used 'Thursday, 11:39 p.m. —auto driving a motor vehicle while KNICHTS OF transferred to unaffect^ hospitals and tion commissioners should in'- “ The above people have April 25 to put out a small science accident on Rt. 44A and Tolland under the Influence of liquor written about almost every subject that has But reporting isn’t his only task at The layoffs and a four-day work week were vestigate what he terms requested fictitious names to COLUMBUS HALL Y laboratory fire. A chemistry lecturer said Rd. See story in today’s Herald. and operating an unregistered 138 Main St., Manchmin surfaced in and around Manchester. Herald. When necessary, he fills in as an cited in some hospitals. Local medical “ deceptive advertising” by one protect their identities from he asked to have them replaced by refilled (Manchester Ambulance) motorcycle, police said. editor and as a photographer. He’s editor of societies set up emergency telephone of the largest banks in Connec­ their bosses,” leading readers It’s often said that a reporter has to know a extinguishers but was told they would be Court is May 27. Wed., May 7lh at 7:30 P.M. centers to handle referrals for those in ticut. to think that only the names are little about everything, but Doug Bevins isn't The Herald’s new weekly entertainment replaced by a fireman and a firetruck • Mark E. Johnson, 21, of 16 dire need. Francis Pollock says the false. Democrats Honor For Reservations Please Cell extinguisher. E. Eldridge St. was arrested satisfied with just a little. When he writes magazine, Weekend, which appears each Union 'Trust Co. and its adver­ P^lembers Tonight Wednesday and charged with 6 4 6 -0 1 4 3 courses about something, he goes all the way to Saturday. Cad But No Rapist tising agency, Madison & Feld­ Under the “ Flex-a-loan” Pot Penalty Changed program, a customer pays less A^vut 100 p erson s are evading responsibility in con- But he doesn’t go much beyond that. He’s NEW YORK (UPI) - A Manhattan man, “ have chosen to utilize he make his story the most complete and un­ CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - The New interest if he pays back the loan expected at tonight’s annual Supreme Court Justice Thursday said cheap tactics of the fly-by- derstandable article possible. never sold an advertisement, and he doesn’t Hampshire House voted 'Thursday to make meeting and reception for WELL...HERE THEY ARE cable television personality Martin Evans, night.” before the deadline and more possession of less than one ounce o f . interest if he goes beyond the Democratic members of all A glimpse through his files shows the know how to run the printing press. is not a rapist though he may have been a An advertisement for the marijuana a simple violation rather than a deadline. Pollock evaluated the Manchester boards, com­ Rebate Also approved ground school coursos variety of stories he’s handled — from banks, Chances are he never will, because he’s cad. The judge dismissed charges against banker “ Flex-a-loan” program il.O O program as “ especially missions and agencies. The Evans, saying the woman protested—but jailable offense. showed photographs of three on tho LADV RE/\AIN<3TON® block grants, and business; through too busy helping make The Herald one of Possession of less then an ounce of these times.” event will be at 7 in the Student FAA VA APPROVEDTLIGHT SCHOOL COURSES not too m ucb-but, he said Evans was persons purported to be an Cord Shaver highways, libraries, and police; to sewers. Connecticut’s best newspapers. marijuana would be a violation, which un­ Lounge of Manchester Com­ using the apartment, where the seduction executive, a buyer and a Beautiful contour-shaped FAA EXAMINER ON STAFF der state law calls for a fine of up to $100. munity College. took place, illegally. Evans was found mechanic, but the three and He said the bank and its ad Features the two heaaed Possession of one ounce 'to one pound of 'The Democratic Town Com­ shaving system. guilty of criminal trespass with senten­ their quoted remarks, were agency should not have had any marijuana marijuana would be a mis­ mittee annually honors "those cing set for May 23. He could be sentenced simply creations of the ad firm. problems selling the program demeanor (maximum fine $1,000, members of the party who have to a maximum five-year jail term. The “ executive vice honestly, but “ for some STUDENT INSTRUMENT given so generously of their maximum jail term one year) for the first president” pictured is actually reason...have chosen to take the QUINN^S SHAVER CENTER time to the community.” Dollar Opens Higher offense, and a felony for subsequent the ad agency's photographer. low road.” Pollock made his 22 BIRCH ST., MANCHESTER • 646-5520 During the meeting portion of offenses'. 'The “ buyer” is in fact the agen­ remarks Wednesday before the Dally 10-5:30; Sat. 9-2; Closed Fridays i BRUSSELS (UPI) - The U.S. dollar the evening, each chairman of a cy’s art director. And the Fairfield County Public board, commission or agency PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR Torrington Man “mechanic” is a friend of Befations Association in a talk will express his or her views of someone at' the ad agency. entitled, “ If You Can’t Trust Shot to Death accomplishments and problems Pollock said. Union Trust, Who Can You TORRINGTON (UPI) ^ of the past year, plus ideas and ABOUT Pollock said a bank vice 'Trust?” James Holsworth, 37, was shot plans for the future. president had termed the COMMERCIAL MULTI-ENGINE/ to death Thursday night in the TOWN creations “ fictitious trailer park where he lived on testimonials,” employed in “ a Norfolk Road, police said. INSTRUMENT at the clubhouse, Daley Rd., technique that’s commonly HITES Members of the Manchester Mary Ann Holsworth, 28, the Coventry. Dinner will be u s ^ .” Pollock called the ad ■ Junior Women’s Club will meet victim’s wife, was charged with “ phony...a good selling tool, but ■ Saturday at 8 a.m. in front of served. the shooting and held on $100,- ICavey’s Restaurant on 45 E. 000 b ^ for a court appearance "^Center St. where they will t ^ a y .______...... INQUIRE about our special spring ; board a bus for the club’s an- • nual trip to . A bicycle safety inspection approved flight course for high school will be sponsored by Cub Scout SPRING 2 Pack 538 Saturday from 9 a.m. The Manchester Rod & Gun to 3 p.m. at the Robertson GREEN-UP TIME c a ll students ■ Club will conduct a Cleanup School parking lot. 'The inspec­ K : Day Sunday beginning at 8 a.m. tion is open to the public. FREE m with the Purchase of 16 yds. or Mbre Solarain Nowax i JEUNET FRENCH 10 SPEED BIKE Between May Sth A June 14th BE SURE...puss BLISS has bean tarving the Horn# YOU RECEIVE 3,000 SSH CREEN Owner lor 93 YEARS. For a complata FREE ^ »99** STAMPS - FREE - SO DONT WAIT INSPECTION ol your home by a Tarmil# Control ELLINGTON ★ • 27x1 V4” W hM it Expert, auparviaed by the tineat tachnjcal alall. * BUY NOW! J.W -x I •Blmpltx Qaara phone our nearest local oHlce: ' " She H eralii •28 Iba. Weight •NEW SOLARAIN NO WAX COLORS •Lifetime Frame Quarantee •FORMICA COUNTER TOPS •1 Year Guarantee •FORMICA a Ce r a m ic b a t h w a l l s on Parte •ALL SUPPLIES AVAILABLE ((CARPETS” 649-9240 ★ AIRPORT, Inc. “You road It first In tho HoroM” •1 Year FREE Service THE BIKE SHOP JOIN THE BEAT-THE-CRUNCH BUNCH AT 180 SPRUCE 8T. RENTALS, K P M S (M BLISS TERMITE CONTROL CORP. Route 83. Ellington, Conn. Telephone (203)875-9525 MANCHESTER lILL M M b , GIIMPIETE PERSONALIZED FLOORS .SALES COVENTRY SPORTS DIV. OF BUSS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 Call 647-9946 647-1027 U N E O F M E “QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE” 1 SERVICE & POWER EQUPT aoNd Mon. Paul F. Ptilllipe, Prop. The Oldest & Largest In Conn. RIPAIRG ON ALL MAKIt ACCESSORES. 1 RENTALS Rt 44A 742 • 6103 TuM-Ihun til 8 COMPLETE MAINTENANCE FACILITIES For convenient Home Delivery RENTALS a ACCESSORIBE 390 Main 8L, Manchester 649-9258 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., May 2, 1975- PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., May 2, 1W5 OBITUARIES AREA f ______POLICE REPORT 74 Teams in Rec Slow-Pitch Softball Leagues Mrs. Cypha Matlack Mrs. John O. Dubey Mrs. Anthony C. Alibrio COVENTRY-Mrs. Cypha Mrs.. Louise Pillard Dubey, Mrs. Helen Marie Alibrio, 53, VERNON Nancy Ingraham Matlack, 75, 79, of 68 Lyness St. died of 203 Vernon St. died this mor­ Joe C. Kloski, 17, of 35 Donnel of Standish Rd. died Thursday Thursday at Manchester ning at her home. She was the Rd., Vernon was charged With Play Getting Under Way Monday Night at a Manchester convalescent Memorial Hospital. She was the wife of Anthony C. Alibirio, a Thursday afternoon with home. She was the widow of wife of John 0. Dubey. Manchester High School operating under the influence of Wallace Matlack. teacher. liquor or drugs or both in con­ Mrs. Dubey was born in Commissioners will be: Silk City - Ed Fischer, Charter Glen Construction, Army & Navy Club, Wilsori Electric. Mrs. Matlack was bom in France and lived in Manchester Mrs. Alibrio was bom Nov. nection with the investigation By Earl Yost Charter Oak will play at Fitzgerald, Rec at Keeney, Dusty North Westchester and lived in most of her life. She was a com­ 24, 1921 in Worcester, Mass., of a two-car accident on and Candlelight at Robertson, Feline and Eastern at Oak - Joe Quaglia, Eastern and Feline - Tom Atamian, FELINE- Mt.Nebo - David’s, Moriarty Brothers, Busy the East Hartford-Giastonbury municant of the Church of the daughter of the late Michael Loveland Hill Rd. Slow-pitch softball, Manchester’s No.l sport for par­ Mt.Nebo, Nike and Independent at Nike and Women’s Rec Indy and Nike - Rick Silver, Dusty and Candlelight - Bill Bees, Crispino’s Supremes, Tommy’s Piazza, Scruse Paint area before coming to Coventry Assumption and a member of and Agnes Waters, and had The driver of the second c a r ' ticipants in the Recreation Department’s program, will at Cheney. Crossley, Rec - Len Delaney, Women’s Rec - SaUy Robin­ & Wallpaper. in 1950. She was a member of its Legion of Mary. She also lived in Manchester for a was Noel Michaud, 17, of 33 get under way Momlay night with the same record number Each league will play 14 weeks with regular season play son. NIKE- Nike - Sportsman Tavern, Annulli Construction, the Second Congregational belonged to the Ladies Guild of number of years. She had been Spring St., Rockville. Police of teams as a year ago, 74, but with an increase in the ending the first week in August. RECREATION- Keeney Field - MCC Vets, Connecticut F arr’s, Pero’s, Economy Electric, Seventy ’Two’s, M&M Church of Coventryj Good In­ employed as a clerk at Pratt the Assumption. said no injuries were reported^ number of leagues from ei^ t to 10. The top two entries in the final standings for all leagues Bank & Trust, North United Methodist, Hartford National Pizzeria, Mott’s. tent Chapter, OES, of Glaston­ Other survivors are a and Whitney Division of United and damage to the cars was Bank, Telephone Company, Dean Machine, Center CANDLELIGHT- Robertson Park-Dick’s American, bury, and Eliza Bunco Tent, Technologies Corp., East Hart­ Carl Silver, program director for the Rec, reports all except Silk City, Candlelight, Feline and Women’s Rec, daughter, Mrs. Emily Robotto minor. leagues will start Monday night at six different sites. will qualify for the post-season town tournament. Congregational, Second Congregational. Wholesale Tire, Holiday Lanes, Nassiff Arms, Vito’s, Daughters of Union Veterans of of Bolton; two brothers, Emil ford. Kloski is scheduled to appear the the Civil War, East Hart­ Other survivors are three There are approximately 1,200 men and women on the The two top clubs in each the Silk City and Candelight DUSTY- Robertson Park - Vittner’s Garden Center, Moriarty Brothers, Manchester Honda, Crispino’s Pillard of Andover and Arthur in Common Pleas Court 19, Connecticut Bank & Trust Company Blue, Savings Bank of Supremes. ford. sons, Robert T. Alibrio of Rockville, on May 27. rosters. Eight of the leagues will be for males and two cir­ Leagues will form a second tournament. Pillard of Boston; two sisters, ' INDEPENDENT - Nike - Turnpike TV, Renn’s Tavern s Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Olga Dimlowand Mrs. Manchester, James J. Alibrio Gary Fluckiger, 16, of 31 cuits for the fairer set. Sixty six men’s teams are listed R eplar season play lists 555 games, 72 in each the Silk Manchester, Angels, Town Employees, North End Mrs. Fannie E. Kelly of Emily Fracchia, both of of Harrisburg, Pa., and Anthony Village St., Ellington was with 10 in women’s play. City and Candlelight Leagues. Firemen, Looking Glass II, Keggers. British-American Club, Manchester Oil Heat, Gunver Glastonbury; a sister, Mrs. Manchester; two grandchildren F. Alibrio of Yardley, Pa.; a charged Thursday afternoon A dozen games are schedule every Monday and Starting times for the Silk Citjr and Candlelight Leagues SILK CITY- Fitzgerald Field - Lynch Toyota, Trudon Stampers, Bonanza Steak, Walnut Barbers, DeMplay. Fannie E. Goswellin of Glaston­ and a great-grandchild. brother, James Waters of with reckless driving in connec­ Tuesday nights and 11 on Wednesday and 10 on Thursday under the arc lights will be 7:30 and 8:45. Charter Oak, Volkswagen, Frank’s Super Market, Bogner, Crockett WOMEN’S REC- Cheney Field Cougars, Tigers, bury; two grandchildren and a The funeral is Saturday at Worcester, Mass.; three tion with the investigation of a night. Friday night has been set aside for makeup games in Independent, Dusty, Rec Men’s, Eastern and Rec Agency, Fogarty Brothers, Allied Printing, Acadia Leopards, Bobcats. great-grandchild. sisters, Mrs. Henry Giardi of 9:30 a.m. from the John F. complaint that he tried to run dll l6d^U6S. Women’s will start play nightly at 6:15. The Nike and Restaurant. EASTERN- Mt.Nebo - Highland Park Market, Lathrop The funeral is Saturday at 1 Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. East Hartford, Mrs. Mary Nar- another car off the road on Rt. CHARTER OAK- Fitzgerald Field - Tacorral, Steak Agency, Miller Falls, QCS Construction, Lock, Stock & p.m. at Glastonbury Funeral di of Worcester, and Mrs. Playing fields will be at Fitzgerald, Robertson Park, Feline League play is listed for 7:30 starts, also under the Center St., with a Mass at the 83. He was released on his Mt.Nebo, Cheney Tech, Nike and Keeney. Silk City and lights. Out, Fuller Package, Multi Circuits, Nelson Freightways, Barrel, Tierney’s, Trash-Away, Jim ’s Arco. Home, 450 New London Tpke. Church of the Assumption at 10. Madeline Burke of Bronx, promise to appear in court in The Rev. Robert F. Bechtold, Burial will be in St. James N.Y.; and five grandsons. Rockville on May 27. pastor of the Second Cemetery. The funeral is Monday at 8:45 Howard Johnson, 18, of Hart­ Congregational Church, will of­ There are no calling hours. a.m. from the John F. Tierney ford was charged early this ficiate. Burial will be in Funeral Home, 219 W. Center mominj with operating under Ponemah Cemetery, North St., with a Mass at St. suspension. He was released on Westchester. Bartholomew’s Church at 9:30. Arthur Gingras Jr. a $250 non-surety bond for There are no calling hours. Burial will be in St. James The funeral for Arthur appearance in court in The family suggests that any Cemetery. Rockville on May 27. Last Ghost Gone for Hank Aaron Gingras Jr., 57, of Pompano memorial contributions may be Friends may call at the The Beach, Fia., formerly of the Raymond Spellman, 20, of 24 made to the Visiting Nurses funeral home Sunday from 2 to was staked. to a two-run Stone, who left in the sixth Manchester-East Hartford Thompson St., Rockville was NEW YORK (UPI) - For rival in the American league Darrell Porter also had a ning streak to five games. Association of Coventry. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. area, is Saturday at 8 a.m. from charged Thursday night with in­ East, the Baltimore Orioles. two-run homer for the homer by Thurman Munson inning because of a minor White Sox Reliever Rich The family suggests that any Herald Angle Henry Aaron, the last ghost the John F. Tierney Funeral toxication in connectioii with Brewers, who scored five in the fourth and a three-run leg cramp, was given added Gossage hit Sundberg with a Mrs. Hattie B. Gsell memorial contributions may be is gone, and for Catfish It was Hunter’s second Home, 219 W. Center St. with a the investigation of a complaint double by Ron Blomberg in batting support by Rick pitch and the Ranger ROCKVILLE-Mrs. Hattie B. made to the American Cancer By Earl Yost Hunter, so too is the $3 straight victory and more runs in fifth and seventh in­ Mass at St. Isaac Jogues Fitting odd-shaped musical instruments into a bus baggage Cindy Constantine, Anne Thompson. Band Director An­ that someone was hanging onto the sixth. Monday, who knocked in a catcher moved all the way Gsell, 95, of 55 Hammond St. Society, 237 E. Center St., or to million monkey on bis back. importantly, came against nings and four runs in the Church, East Hartford, at 8:30. compartment is tricky business for these Manchester High drew Shreeves at right supports the band’s banner as Gary a street sign. He was released Sports Editor In other major league died Thursday night at a Connecticut Chapter, Arthritis Aaron, who l^st year the Orioles’ comeback ace, eighth. pair of runs. to third after second Friends may call at the School band members who are about to board for a concert Zito,. band president, watches to see that the tuba is on a $50 non-surety bond for Rockville convalescent home. Foundation, 964 Asylum Ave., supplanted Babe Ruth as Jim Palmer. “I feel I’m in the same 25- games Thursday, Houston Astros 6, Padres 3 baseman Jorge Orta funeral home tonight from 7 to tour in Utica, N. Y. From left to right, Cindy Timbrell, Lin­ carefully placed. The group left this morning from the appearance in court in beat San Diego, 6-3, the She was the widow of John B. Hartford. baseball’s all-time “The name Babe Ruth has win groove as last year,” Bob Watson and Enos dropped a relay on a poten­ 9. da Lemieux, Jeff Lumpkin, David Murphy, George Clarke, MHS parking lot. (Herald photo by Pinto) Rockville, May 27. Chicago Cubs put away the Gsell. Bruno Domrowski, 60, of no king, surpassed The Babe’s been haunting me for so long Cabell ripped three hits tial doubleplay grounder by , 5-2, and St. Bom in Germany, Mrs. Gsell certain address was charged Dream Will Become Reality last great slugging record ... too long,” said Aaron apiece in a 13-hit Houston at- Cesar Tovar. has had lived in Rockville most MAJOR LEAGUE Louis at Pittsburgh was with intoxication Thursday When Jim Leber, president of the Manchester Little Thursday by driving in a after collecting four hits and tack that helped Ken of her life. night in connection with a com­ BASEBALL postponed in the National Forsch, making his first Survivors are a son, John F. Mrs. Stephen Zaches Sr. League baseball program, toes the rubber and delivers the pair Of runs in the raising his early-season Mrs. Frances CiUwood MHS Band on Weekend Concert Tour plaint that he was found in the League. In the American start since 1973, to the vic­ Royals 11, Angels 10 Gsell of Rockville; two step­ COVENTRY—Mrs. Doris first pitch one week from Saturday at the new diamond Milwaukee Brewers’ 17-3 average 61 points to .218. ELLINGTON—Mrs.\Frances center of Rockville. In lieu of League, Texas shaded the tory over San Diego. Watson Buck Martinez singled sons, George Gsell of Rockville Chagnot Zaches, 63, of Pine bearing his name it will be the end of a two-year dream. rout of the Detroit Tigers. “I’m just glad it’s over with. said the AL Cy Young tuba or sousaphone for the MHS Concerned with future posting a $50 bond he was held Chicago White Sox, 2-1, home Cookie Rojas with the and Arthur Gsell of Tolland; McDonald Caywood, 71 of 255 Lake Dr. died Thursday at The Manchester High School There are presently about 40 “We need another Little League field and I think I know That gave “Hammerin’ This is a good ballclub. I’m Award-winner Hunter, who drove in two runs in the Mountain Rd. and Occm Park, band. They will have a donation musicians in the school system, at the police station and is to be Boston edged Cleveland, 7-6, winning Kansas City run in and several nieces and Hartford Hospital. She was the Band is accomplishing a “first” parents of the MHS band where we can get the land for it,” Leber said two summers Hank” a lifetime total of just glad to be here next to gave the Yankees some game, one on his fourth Main^died^ThucBday at wishing well at the home band the parents group wants to set presented in court in Rockville and Kansas City outlasted the 13th inning after Rojas nephews. wife of Stephen F. Zaches Sr. today. members in the group whose ago. He scouted vacant areas in town and came upon one 2,211—two better than so many good-looking young anxious moments in his first homer and second in as Rojdrtrille General Hospital. Born in East Hampton, Mrs. It is the first time the group chairman is Joseph Tripp. concert in hopes there will be up a mpsic bank where in­ today. California, 11-10. many days. Doug Rader also had tied the score with a The funeral is Monday at 11 struments can be loaned out at Walter B. Parrette III, 22, of off Love Lane, a heavily wooded section. Ruth’s previous all-time kids like Robin Yount.” few shaky starts this year. a.m .'at Burke-Fortin p u n e ra L -^ e was the widow of David G. Zaches lived in Manchester has gone out of the state for an The group formed when it enough money to purchase the Cubs 5, Mets 2 drove in two Houston runs. two-out run-producing dou­ new instrument. no cost for students’ use for 59 North St., Manchester was The town fathers gave their approval and the Love Lane mark. Yount, the Brewers’ 19- “The key to the game was Home, 76 Prospect St. The Rev. Caywood Jr. most of her life, coming to exchange concert. was discovered there was no Right-hander Steve Stone Rangers 2, While Sox 1 ble. California had taken a Mrs. Caywood was born in Coventry 25 years ago. She was It might not have been so money to finance an exchange learning and enjoyment until arrested Thursday night on a site was selected. Thanks to a community effort, and help, Hunter, meanwhile, the year old phenom shortstop, the first inning. If you give Richard E. Bertram, pastor of The annual spring concert notched his fourth straight Lenny Randle’s infield 10-9 lead at the top of the Boston and lived for many a former tax collector for the were it not for a newly formed concert to Utica for the band. the child reaches high school. warrant issued by Common both physical and financial, from many citizens, a field Yankees’ $3 million dollar “lowered” his average to Palmer the lead, he keeps the First Evangelical Lutheran will be Wednesday at 8 p.m. in win without a loss and single with two out in the 13th when Tommy Harper years in Ellington with her private Pine Lake Shores and as yet unnamed group of Any parents interested in Pleas Court 19, charging hun was laid out after countless man-hours. right-hander, atoned for his .381 with two hits in four at- throwing strikes at you.” Church, will officiate. Burial With funds from a bake sale Bailey Auditorium and will in­ batted what proved to be the ninth scored Jim Sundberg singled, stole second and daughter, Mrs. Maurice F. Association of Coventry. parents whose prime concern is joining the group may attend with third-degree larceny. The International League will play all its games at Leber disappointing early start by bats Thursday but drove in After bailing himself out will be in Grove Hill Cemetery. and help from the Board of clude the “Rapid Transit,” scored on Dave Chalk’s in­ Allen. She was a member of She was employed as a chef the welfare of the MHS band the next meeting May 13 at 7:30 Police said the complaint was four runs just the same with of a t^o-on and one-out winning run with a one-out with the winning Texas run, There are no calling hours. Education, enough money for Woodwind Quintet, and Field, named after the quiet, mild-mannered man who has hurling a five-hit, 5-0 shutout Ellington Congregational at the University of Connecticut and the improvement of the p.m. in the MHS cafeteria, or made by the D&L Store in Ver­ single in the fourth that gave extending the Rangers’ win­ field single. the trip was obtained. Patricia Quaile, soloist. The been in the Little Leagiw program for nearly two decades against New York’s biggest a home run and double. situation in the first. Hunter Mrs. Helen P. Tracey Church. before retiring two years ago music program in the school call Joseph Tripp, 646-2272, for non. He was released on a $250 the Cubs and early 3-2 lead. The group wants to buy a new concert is free to the public. as a coach and commissioner before taking over the reins ROCKVILLE—The funeral of She is also survived by a son, because of ill health. system. further information. non-surety bond for appearance in court in Rockville May 27. as president three years ago. Mrs. Helen Pike Tracey of 159 David Caywood of New Jersey; She is also survived by a son, Orchard St., who died Thursday a brother, Cmdr, Frank Stephen F. Zaches Jr. of SOUTH WINDSOR Graff Back on Scene Red Sox Hang on to Win at Rockville General Hospital, McDonald, USN Ret., of Glastonbury; a daughter, Mrs. Charles S. Smith, 46, of 33 is Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Portsmouth, Va.; a sister, Mrs. Jerome Brooks of Willington; a Buff Cap Rd., Ellington was New member of the New York Yankee broadcasting Burke-Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Elizabeth Walke of Alexandria, sister, Mrs. Alice Verdi of charged Thursday with failure crew is Dom Valentino, who is heard only on radio. He is a Celtics STANDINGS Prospect St. Va.; and four grandchildren. Coventry; her stepmother, to drive a reasonable distance former voiceof the New York Islanders and New York Burial will be in St. Bernard’s The funeral and burial will be Mrs. Sarah Miller of apart in connection with the in­ Nets and was doing the Kansas City-Omaha Kings games Lee .500 Pitcher Cemetery., at the convenience of the fami­ Manchester; two stepsisters, COURT CASES vestigation of a two-car acci­ dent on Rt. 5, South Windsor. in the NBA. Teamed with Phil Rizzuto, the pair leave Friends may call at the ly- Mrs. Helen Potyra of South Await .-\meriran League much to be desired...Charlie Graff will coach one of funeral home tonight from 7 to The Ladd Funeral Home, 19 Windsor and Mrs. Ella Baker of He is scheduled to appear in With .750 Brain LaHl Ellington Ave., is in charge of $100 on one count and 30 days in Common Pleas Court 12, East Manchester’s entries in the Alumni Baseball League this w. 1. pet. g.b. 9. Rochester, N.Y.; and six COMMON PLEAS COURT pre-sentence investigation pre-sentence investiga^n — Hartford May 20. summer. Graff has handled baseball teams on the local Detroit 10 7 568 arrangements. grandchildren. Geographical Area 12 jail on another. ordered for May 9. ordered-lorJ^y 20. BOSTON (UPI) — Bill Lee maintains he’s “a .500 Milwaukee 10 7 .588 — scene from Little^League to American Legion for better Bullets New York 10 10 .500 Death Penalty There are no calling hours. The funeral is Saturday at 8 East Hartford Session The jail sentence was The charge of third-degree •Dennis M. 19, of East pitcher with a .750 brain.” The zany Boston left-hander Boston 8 9 .471 2 The family suggests that any •David E. Borek, 18, of East suspended and Gagnon was Hartford, reckless driving, $50. 1 than two decades?..Carl Silver, program director for the Veto Upheld a.m. from Holmes Funeral lareny was nolled. demonstrated his point Thursday afternoon on a thinking Cleveland 7 9 438 2^ memorial contributions may be Home, 400 Main St., Hartford, fourth-degree p laced^n probation for one •Gerald Challgoux, 61, of The charge of failure to carry Rec Department, reports Doug Pearson has 600 Baltimore 7 10 .412 3 In Bay State made to Ellington Manchester, with a Mass at St. larceny and violation of proba­ year. charges involve the Willimantic, failure to stop and license was nolled. Manchester youngsters signed up for his summer soccer BOSTON (UPI) - The man’s play that helped the Red Sox to a 7-6 hang-on win BOSTON (UPI) - Reinstate­ Congregational Church. Bridget Church, Manchester, at tion, a total of five days in jail. theft of five hams from the show license reduced from program, which is a figure higher than that attracted to Boston Celtics have been over the . The victory was Boston’s se­ WVst Cases nolled included: w. 1. pet. g.b. ment of the death penalty for 8:30. Burial will be in St. James The charge of third-degree Pathmark store on Spencer St. evading responsibility, $20. The beaten at home and they’ve cond in eight games. 12 8 .600 — •Helen Kennedy, 35, of 60 Little League baseball...Charles Campbell is again behind Oakland first degree murder in Cemetery, Manchester. criminal mischief was nolled on March 7. charge of following too closely the formation of the Little Miss softball program. He has been beaten away. Down 2-0 Lee, who revels in the Kansas City 13 9 s e t — North St., breach of peace. came back with a pair of California 12 9 571 ‘/i Massachusetts has been Friends may call at the (not prosecuted). • •Walter Graham Jr., age and was nolled. ABOUT nickname, “Spaceman,” 526 2 •Stephen Griffin, age and ad­ headed this fine promotion for a number of years. in their NBA sem ifinal ^ ' ■»: Texas 10 9 prevented by one man—Senate Robert L. Turcotte funeral home tonight from 7 to •Robert Gagnon, 23, of East address not available, fourth- •Gary JackopSic, 19, of Moun­ - runs in the third as Lee put 6 10 .375 4 dress not available, possession series against the had a 3-0 lead in the top of 333 S President Kevin B. Harrington. Robert L. (Butch) Turcotte, 9. Hartford, third-degree larceny. degree larceny, 30 days. tain St., Rockville, reckless TOWN on his typical circus act. Chicago 7 14 of non-narcotic substance. Sites for Ball Games Washington Bullets, they’ve the second inning when he The six-foot-seven Salem 54, of 59 Alexander St. died last The sentence is to run con­ driving, $60. The charge of Buddy Bell singled to open •Gary G. Torzsa, 21, of 43 got little time to come up walked Frank Robinson and Thurtuluy'H Ri*tiullfi Democrat, in an expected but night shortly after being ad­ currently with a sentence speeding was nolled. Alumni Junior League baseball games will be played at Village St., Rockville, third- then caught the Cleveland the inning and went to se­ Boston 7 Cleveland 6 still dramatic move, Thursday mitted at Manchester Graham is now serving on an •Roger J. Michaud, 17, of 128 the West Side Oval and East Catholic diamonds...Big with some way of keeping Milwaukee 17 Detroit 3 ^ degree criminal mischief. Manchester Veterans Council manager off base for his cond on a Frank Duffy hit. cast the final and conclusive Memorial Hospital after suf­ Ford Termed Obstacle unrelated matter. The charge Main St., Talcottville, names in the boxing world will be in Hartford Sunday night from being knocked off. Texas 2 Chicago 1, night •Mark G. Turkowski, 16, of will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Lee, before throwing the New York 5 Baltimore 0. night. vote to sustain Gov. Michael S. fering an apparent heart attack of first-degree forgery was operating while license for the annual dinner of the Connecticut Boxing Guild at fourth pickoff of the year. Kansas City 11 Calilomia 10, night. 13 39Vz Garden Dr., tampering the American Legion Home. first pitch to George Hen­ Dukakis’ veto of a bill requiring at his home. He was the hus­ To New Investigation nolled. suspended, found guilty and a Celtics Coach Tom Hein- Cleveland did not score inns. with a motor vehicle. Valle’s. Slated to appear are Joe Frazier, Duane Bobick drick with two outs, pivoted a death sentence for nine types band of Mrs. Anna Farr Tur­ • Gloria Lajoy, 45, of 9 and Bobby Gleason. Saluted will be Manny Leibert, Vito sohn had little to say after that inning and Boston Of JFK Assassination Eldridge St., disorderly con­ quickly on the mound and Todav's Prohalile Pilchrm of premeditated murder. cotte. Tallarita and Sal Giacobee. Tallarita is the man who is ser­ Wednesday night’s 117-92 added two more runs in the duct, failure to appear. A charged full tilt toward un­ ( All Tinira KlIT) / A motion to reconsider the Mr. Turcotte was born April QUALITY SEED AT m ving as matchmaker for the Manchester Police Union pro loss in Maryland, but he bottom of the third to take a Kansas City (Busby 3-U at Minnesota vote was set for Monday, and 15,1921 in Lowell, Mass., son of FAIRFIELD (UPI) - Author He charged that Ford rearrest warrant was ordered RUMMAGE AND TAG noted his team has shot very 5-0 lead. The Indians pecked covered second base in an (Goltz 0-21, 2:15 p.m.. Mark Lane Thursday night with a $100 surety bond. card one week from Saturday night at the Clarke effort to outrun Bell to the Delroil (LaGrow 3d)) at Boston (Wise supporters of capital punish­ the late Samuel and Florence “helped suppress the facts poorly in both games. “We away and closed to 7-6 in the 1-2), 7:30 p.m, called President Ford the •Gary J. Leblanc, 18, of East DOWN-TO-EARTH Arena...Jim McCavanagh of Moriarty’s, getting down to ment planned to muster their Morell ’Turcotte, and lived in about the death of John F. SALE couldn’t put it in the hole,” ninth with two men on, two bag. Baltimore (Cuellar 1-1) at Cleveland forces during the weekend to major obstacle to a new in­ Kennedy, signed a false report, Hartford, being found in­ ‘fighting weight’ is anxious to line up some handball op­ iBosman 0-1), 7:30 p.m. Manchester most of his life. PRICES! out and Robinson due at bat. The play failed and Hen­ New York (Medicn 3-2) at Milwaukee change the vote of least one op­ vestigation of President wrote a book called ‘A Portrait toxicated, $20, and disorderly ^ Sponsored by Temple Beth Sholom ponents in town...Bill Fortin, top-flight local baseball um­ he said. At the time of his death, he Instead, Robinson pulled drick laced Lee’s first pitch (Champion 3-1), 8:X p.m. ponent.'^' was chief of security at the K- Kennedy’s assassination in of the Assassin’ in which he conduct, $30. pire, welcomed a fourth child—a daughter—into his family Oakland (Blue 5-11 at Chicago (Wood At TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM The Celtics are noted for himself in favor of left­ to right for one run and 1-5), 9 p.m. Dukakis vetoed the death Mart store on Spencer St. He Dallas Nov. 22, 1%3. published top secret informa­ •Dexter R. Peterson, 32, of Corner of Parker and East Middle Tpke. this week. Fortin is a teacher in the Vernon school system. Calilomia (Singer 2-2) at Texas Speaking at Fairfield Univer­ 309 Spruce St., being found in­ ( p l a n t > their strong defense and (UPI photo) hander Leron Lee who Robinson singled home the penalty bill Tuesday, less than was a former Manchester tion —which was a violation of M MON, MAY it - 11 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. other. Lee closed the inning (Hargan 1-U, 7 p.m. two minutes after it was for­ policeman and service station sity, Lane said Ford, a Warren the law when he did it.” toxicated, $20, and breach of Blind Man Wants Help fast-break offense. Neither struck out against reliever Commission member, sup­ peace, nolled. ^ TOES., MAY 0 - 9 A.M. - NOON have worked in this round of by completing his delivery mally enacted by both operator. He also was a former Lane said Ford wrote the Rick Gowen reports a Manchester blind man is anxious Hank Aaron in Historic Moment Diego Segui to end the Salurday'n Ganira pressed forensic evidence book “for a $10,000 payoff from •Richard Poppel, age and ad­ Fabrics, Lining, Clothing, Household Goods the playoffs. to Charlie Spikes with his Detroit at Boston branches. The House overrode automobile salesman. He was to start training for the Five Mile Road Race in November Single Drive in 2,210th Runner game. Baltimore at Cleveland the veto Wednesday by seven an a Army veteran of World proving that shots were fired at his publisher, and he so dress not available, third- “ I hurt my (right) back to the plate. Spikes hit New York at Milwaukee and would like someone to run with. Anyone interested “We’re just not playing Kansas City at Minnesota votes. War II. He was a member of Kennedy from two directions testified before the Judiciary degree burglary and third- shoulder going back into the ball back to the mound and that Lee Harvey Oswald’s degree larceny, both charges could call the Rec Department office...Gene Moriarty, our game,’’ said John Oakland at Chicago, night The bill would impose a man­ Manchester Lodge of Elks, Committee.” first base on the pickoff. It’s and Lee, still facing the out­ California at Texas, night gun was not fired. Author of “Rush to transferred to the nextcriminal local sportsman and owner-operator of Pocomoonshine Havlicek. “We need a little datory death penalty for: Campbell Council, KofC, and just sore but I couldn’t bat in field, backhanded the ball by killing a policeman, fireman or the Manchester VFW Post. Lane said he thinks a Senate Judgment” and coauthor of session of the Hartford County QOAl/ry^^SfNCE I892 Lake Camps in Alexander, Maine, recently caught and more balance out there. Super Attraction his right foot and threw to special committee headed by Superior Court. The charges in­ M> things to look for the ninth,” said Robinson, National la-agtir prison guard; murder com­ Other survivors are a son, "Executive Action,” Lane is released a 145-pound tarpon off the East Florida coast, We’ve got to get back to our first for the out. Kaal Sen. , D-Idaho, who has 36 homers against mitted during rape; murder Stephen R. Turcotte of chairman of the Citizens Com­ volved a South Windsor case in MOST PACKETS boforo yov buy a He checked the catch three times before setting it loose. old style of basketball.” “I do that all the time, I w 1. pet. g.b resulting from hijacking; “is beginning to move into this mittee of Inquiry and Electoral November. Red Sox pitching since Chicago 13 5 .722 - Manchester; and two brothers, STILL AT 35c Moriarty used a 15-pound test line. The world record for a Pittsburgh 9 7 563 2'x field. •John C. Young, 23, of East Fails at Box Office switching leagues in 1966. practice catching the ball killings during kipnapping; per­ Paul L. Turcotte and Richard Process. “I just believe, as do The Bullets will arrive in New York 9 8 529’ 3'k Riding Moiwer , tarpon is 283 pounds...Veteran stock car race driver Ed behind my back,” said Lee. sons convicted of murder for E. Turcotte, both of “And I think that before the most Americans now, that we Hartford, operating a motor Boston tonight for Satur­ Lee, 2-3, said he “didn’t St. Louis 7 10 .412 5 year is over we’ll find out who TheCHAS. C. HART Flemke of New Britain is driving one of the three “There’s nothing else to do Philadelphia 8 10 .444 4Mi the second time;* slayings done Manchester, have to get the answers to the vehicle while under the in­ day’s game. Washington throw well. I had a lot more Montreal 5 11 .313 6>'i killed John Kennedy, why he SEED CO. Manchester Sand and Gravel-owned cars this NEW YORK (UPI) - Funny thing about the Big Town’s in workouts.” with extreme cruelty; murder The funeral is Monday at 10 questions,” he said. “And I fluence of liquor, $150. coach K. C. Jones says he bad pitches than I did last was killed and why Congress, •Roderick Cameron, 19, of no Wethersfield, Ct.06t09 season... Jerry Dostie, driving Len Rubacha’s stock car out new super baseball attraction—it hasn’t caught on to it yet. Boston added single runs during armed robbery; murder a.m. from the John F. Tierney believe now that for the first expects Boston to try to Saturday in Detroit,” when Viral during a break; murder by Funeral Home, 219 W. Center the FBI and the CIA haye time we’ve seen the beginnings certain address, third-degree of Manchester, copped first place in New York last Not only that, but General Manager Gabe Paul of the in the third and fifth on Jim w. 1 pet. g.b, he lost, 3-2, and tore up his 15 8 .662 - hired killers. hidden the facts all these burglary, found guilty and a weekend...Brad Steurer, former Manchester High and make some changes. New York Yankees says that the games between his Los Angeles St., with a Mass at the Church of a public investigation.” uniform in the locker room Rice’s third homer to take a Cincinnati 12 II 522 3 of the Assumption at 10:30. years,” Lane said. Keene State College soccer goalie, is a back-up goalie with “I expect Boston to try to Yankees and the Baltimore Orioles, one of the most attrac­ 7-2 lead. But Cleveland San Diego 11 II 500 34 after the game. Atlanta 12 12 .500 315 Burial arrangements are in­ the Rhode Island Oceaneers in the American Soccer speed the next game up,” tive competitive series in recent New York sports history, catcher John Ellis hit a San Francisco to 11 .476 4 In Memoriam “The law of averages complete. League...Bill Uetrick, varsity basketball coach at Central Jones said. “I expect to see are unlikely to be big at the box office. three-run homer in the Houston 9 16 .360 7 In loving meiflory of Harold Friends may call at the Connecticut State College, for 16 seasons, has been named evened out; my dad always Lethbridge, who passed away May 2. Havlicek shooting more and “The Boston Red Sox remain our biggest attraction at eighth and Bell doubled to 1968. funeral home Sunday from 2 to we have g new shipment of winner of the Central’s Alumni Association’s annual told me the pitchers have Thuntdav'a Rraulla getting more into the the gate,” said Paul Thursday night even though it seems open the ninth to knock out Chicago 5 New York 2 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Distinguished Service Award. He was a member of the the advantage and he was Houston 6 San Diego 3 Always a silent heartache, offense. They may even go likely that we and the Orioles will battle for the division ti­ Lee. The family suggests that any class of 1950...Soccer clinic for coaches and players will be right. I’m not that pod St. Louis at Pittsburgh, ppd.. rain. Many a silent tear. 2 1 10 to a full-court press. They tle. “I’m sure our games with the Red Sox will outdraw Segui came on, ahead 7-5, lOnly games scheduled.) But always a beautiful memory memorial contributions may be —I’m a .500 pitcher with a -If— burlap V 1. Tough automotive- torque engine. 9. Easy held Sunday at Loomis School in Windsor starting at 2. Pro our games with the Orioles, illogical as it sounds. The fact Of one I loved so dear. made to the Memorial Fund of are going to have to come up .750 brain.” and gave up an RBI single to the Church of the Assumption, type steel frame. 2. Easy on-the-go blade height stars will serve as instructors with Benny Brewster direc­ with something if they are is our games with the Red Sox are like a family quarrel.” Ken Berry then a hit to Hen­ Tonight'a Pruhulilr Pilrllrra The Red Sox batters made (All Tinira KDT) Wife, Lila . Adams St. stop-and-go pedal adjustm ent. 10. Meets ting the free program. going to run against us.” The Yankees defeated the Orioles 5-0 Thursday night Q lamp shades 1 driving. 3. Rustproof safety approved Lee look smart with two drick that advanced Berry San Diego iSpillner 2-11 at Los behind the five-hit pitching of Jim Hunter, who bested Angeles (Sutton 4-1), 10:X p.m. molded fiberglass body. standards. To find all to third. But Segui in gold, natural, white and green, aizea 4” to 15" Jones feels the Celtics are fellow Cy Young Award winner Jim Palmer to make it two homers, 10 hits and the big Atlanta (Reed 2-3) at Cincinnati 4. Fast, dependable starts. these features in one early lead. Bernie Carbo, forkballed his way past (Darcy .-1), 8:06 p.m.^.... „ . (acroea the bottom) that will m e lot of lampa; come * 5. Shorter turning radius. machine, look over all the still dangerous. straight over the perennial Eastern Division champs. But Pittsburah (Hooker 2-0) at Phila­ 5 takealooki A personalized monument, carved of Select Barre Cleveland’s Lee to preserve delphia (Twitchell 1-3), 8:06 p.m. 6. Stable center of gravity. International Harvester V M the total attendance for the two games was 20,276, in­ continuing his spring ram­ LIHLE MISS SOFTBALL Granite, can say more than many words. It will be an (BARRE the win for Boston’s Lee. Montreal (McNally 3-1) at New York 7. C om fort contoured Cadef^' Riding Mowers ; Egan to Caracas “We didn’t come back cluding a mere 9,294 Thursday night to see the confronta­ page, opened the game with (koosman l-O), 8:06 p.m. The Red Sox begin a three- everlasting tribute to a loved one. See our display of I q U | L D seat. 8. Powerful high- • today. Prices start at overconfident after beating a double off Jim Perry and Chicago (Reuschel 1-1) at St. Louis REGISTRATION we /lave every little thingl HARTFORD. (UPI) — Pete Egan, all-time top scorer at tion between Hunter and Palmer. game home series tonipt (Forsch 1-2), 9:» p.m. Barre Guild Monuments, backed by the industry's them in Boston the first “I’d have postponed it except that the schedule is so scored on Carl Houston (Konieezny 1-3) at San SAT., MAY 3, A SAT., MAY 10,1975 University of Hartford, will play this summer for Caracas against Detroit, with Rick Francisco (Caldwell M l, 11:06 p.m. strongest monument guarantee. Monument of the Venezuela National Basketball League. Egan, 6- game and we certainly tight,” said Paul, referring to the cold and rainy night. Yastrzemski’s single. Fred **Where a *499 Lynn walked and Rico Wise, 1-2, facing Lerrin 9:00 AM-11:30 AM A 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM foot-5 All-Americn , leaves May 25 and expects to be back aren’t overconfident now,” “But it really doesn’t make that much difference at the Saturday's Ganira dollar^ Petrocelli cleared the bases LaGrow, 3-0. The Indians ILLING JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL about mid-August. Hartford ‘coach Gordon McCullough Jones said. “I’m just gate. The Red Sox will outdraw the Orioles no matter what head home to play Mon'tnal at New York worth EQUIPMENT CORP. worried about them getting with a double off the left Uousjbn at San Francisco the nAfocle af SAPORITI MEMORIAL CO. “U«N mwNW n Ml said, the Venezuela league requires no long-term com­ happens in our series with the Orioles.” Baltimore tonight, sending PitlAurgh at Philadelphia, 2. twi- MUST REACH 9 YR8. OF AQE BY 6/30/75 a dollar I" their break going. We cpuld centerfield wall. ^Tftown manthOtat*^ IRT. 83 072-0757 VERNON, CONN mitments, as do European leagues. Egan has received Hunter, who lost his first three decisions this season, Dick Bosman, 0-1, against NOT REACH 13 YR8. OF AQE BEFORE 9/1/75 ■ hit a cold spell and they Carbo hit a two-run liomer , Manta at Cincinnati, night 470 Center St., Manchester 643-7732 2 miles from Vernon Circle on Rt. 13 letters oLJnterest from several American pro teams, he pitched out of trouble in the first and fourth innings to Chicago at St. Louis, night in the second but Cleveland Mike Cuellar, 1-1. San Diego at Los Angeles, night Mon-Thurs. 14:30 Fri. 91 Sat. 1-4 said. could blow us right away.” make his record 2-3. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., May 2.1875 - PAGE SEVENTEEN

PAGE SIXTEEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Biancfaetter, Conn.. Fri., May 1,1975 Goal Off Skate Many Winning Derby Tickets Go Uncashed Nets Flyer Win f legitimately claim he or she didn’t get a chance to brt wi “ The Secretariat Derby and last year’s 100® Derby to cash their tickets last year, or lost them and later found LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI)— Human nature bein^ what it toe Derby because of toe long lines at toe windows.” were the two biggest souvenir derbies we have tud in them,” he said. is, a surprisingly large number of people who come to the Filbum said the track will pay off on winning tickets Filbum said his faith in his fellow man was renewed by NEWYORK(UPI)-The Obviously, describing the period. Potvin also scored Kentucky Derby never cash their winning parimutuel modem history,” Filbum said. “ Who knows? The tickets received throu^ the'mail any time. ' an incident a few years ago in which one of his cashiers at Philadelphia Flyers winning g ^ was a matter toe first New York goal in tickets, prefOTing instead to hold them as souvenirs. still out could increase in value a great deal as collectors’ “ Just be sure you certify or re^ster the letter wi® ® e a $50 window overpaid a bettor by $1,800. haven’t lost for so of semantics, but whatever, the first period. CHICAGO (UPI) - The . James 0. Filbum, director of mutuels at Churchill items in years to come. Look at v ^ t hai^)ened wi® comic ticke® to be sure we get it because it ® just like smding “ When any cashier comes up short through such a mis­ long—nearly two months it was good enough to give Gary Dornhoefer, Reggie novice angler who picks up a fly ; books.” Downs race track where the 101st Derby will be run Satur­ take, he is required to make up toe difference out of his now—they can be excused the defending champion Leach, Tom B®don and Bill rod in search of trout often ® ; Filbum said that even in the 1972 Derby won by Riva money throng the ms^ and tlds will give you protection,” day, revealed in an interview this wedt that about 130,000 own pocket and that clerk did toe following winter,” for thinking all they have to Flyers a 2-0 lead over the Barber scored the other faced with hours of frustration • Ridge, an estimated $6,500 worth of winning tidcets are he said. worth of win tickets are still uncashed on the centennial Filbum related. do to win is throw their Islanders in their Stanley goals for Phitadelitoia. before he pu® h® first fish in ; still uncashed. Derby won by Cannonade last year. Filbum said toe track doubles its work force at sticks out on the ice. Cup semifinal and extend At Montoeal, Canadiens the creel. j “ Our records go all the way back to the 1928 Derby when “ That breaks down to 4,552 two-doUar tickets, 613 fiv^ parimutuel windows on Derby Day to serve toe gigantic “ TTie next year on the day before toe D erby,^^ n m But Thursday night, they their current unbeaten goaltender Ken Dryden Too nnany beginners charge 1 Reigfa Count won and ®ey show that year that one $5 ticket off to a trout stream with fly ; dollar tickets, 215 $10 tickets, and even one $50 ticket,” crowd, which last year reached more than 160,000. came back to toe same window and told toe c l ^ he was didn’t even need the sticks. - streak to 20—18 victories turned aside 27 shots to aiMl one $2 denomination are still out^probably lost, but rod in hand and a box of ar- | Filbum said. Churchill Downs has 600 clerks working at sellers’ win­ overpaid $1,800 the previous year. He offered tb pay the Philadelphia beat toe New and two ties—since March 8. record toe second p®yoff maybe being held as souvenirs or family heirlo<»ns,” he tificial flies without the basics In the preceding year when Secretariat won the Derby dows and 400 at cashiers’ windows Derby Day.' clerk back $1,000 but my clerk really had a lot of nerve and York Islanders, 5-4, on an The game was played at shutout of h® career. said. of handling the equipment. And, | en route to capturing the Triple Crown, some $12,000 worth told toe customer that if he couldn’t give back the whole overtime goal by Bobby Phiiadelphia and the win­ Two of Lafleur’s . three Filbum said that some people who bet on last year’s too often those who do take | of win tickets remain uncaged. “ For advance Derby betting, we have special windows amount, not to give him anything. So you know what, that Clarke that, Clarke ad­ ning goal came at 2:56 of goals came 27 seconds apart Derby may come back this year and cash their winning time to learn how to use a fly I Filbum said the winning tickets still out on the that open about 2 p.m. toe day before and on Derby Day man came back toe next day—DCTby Day—and handed the mitted, went in off his skate sudden death. tote in the third period. Pete rod properly don’t spend an | tickets. Secretariat Derby include 1,581 two-doUar tickets, 161 five- itself we have advance betting windows for toe Derby clerk toe $1,800.” and never touched his stick.. In the other NHL Mahovlich, Jacques equal amount of time studying • “ They may have been pressed for time and been unable dollar tickets, 64 $10 tickets, and five of the $50 denomina­ opening at 9 a.m.,” Filbum said. “ I don’t think anyone can Depending on your point of semifinal, Montreal got a Lemaire, Yvon Lambert and the fish they are after. ! tion. (Herald photo by Dunn) view, Clarke either kicked it three-goal hat trick from Doug Risebrough scored toe The novice doesn’t have to in, soccer style, which is il­ Guy Lafleur and routed Buf­ other goa® for Montreal. know how to cast a fly 60 feet to Infielders With Cheney Tech This Spring catch trout. In small streams, legal, or innocently falo, 7-0, to cut the Sabres’ In the WHA, toe Houston he may never have to make a Tightening up the Cheney Tech infield on defense this Ouellette, Jim Bartle, Tom LeCourt and Bruce Beebe, deflected it. lead in toe series to 2-1. High Golfers Aeros and Quebec Nor- cast longer than 20 feet. If the season has been; left to right, Paul Chicoine, Mark The Islanders, naturally, Philadelphia, playing for diques won their semifinal stream is small enough, he may didn’t think it was too inno­ the second straight game MCC Splits Twinbill playoff series to advance to never get beyond the length of with Wayne Stephenson Thoughts Cop Matches MAJOR cent. the finals.. Jim Sherrit h® leader. “ I saw him with his stick replacing the injured Bernie More important than being By Chris Blake route for Manchester, allowing single to left. Timm scored 19th HOLE scored at 27 seconds of over­ 10 hi® and dropping to 1-2. Rebillard with a single to LEAGUE raised and saw him kick the Parent in goal, took a 4-1 able to cast long distances, the Manchester Community time to give Houston a 5-4 Rich Rabe increased his center. Rabe then got the next Chalking up two victories yesterday in CCTL p®y at toe Gallery Pleases Trevino puck into the net,” said lead early in the second novice must learn the habi® of ApLENty victory over the San Diego trout and how to present a fly College had hoped to clear perfect mark to 5-0 in the night­ two batters on strikes, but both Manchester Country Qub was Coach Tom Kelley’s LEADERS Denis Potvin, the New York period before the Islanders up toe two-team race for toe runners stole a base when Mariners for a four-game properly. cap, getting plenty of support. Ellington Ridge "Well, there might have been Both ftoed ste-under rounds, defenseman, who had a pret­ 'rallied to tie. By Len Auster catcher Fahey handed the Manchester High squad. HOUSTON (UPI) - If toe Leading Batters sweep. A goal by Michel Tlie key to fishing for trout Northern Division crown The Cougars had scored five Nine Hole l^ tg u n - A - Front The home team blanked more Mexicans. There are but within s® sho® of them (Based on 35 at bats) ty good view of the winning J.P. Parise made it 4-2 baseball to the umpire, thinking new Woodlands golf course Parizeau with 4:15 left with a fly is to take it slow and yesterday in a doubleheader times before Rabe threw a Windham High of Williman- more out of work.” were 94 golfers, all of whom National League midway through the second 9 - Dora Kellner 48-11-37, Mary g ab r goal from just four feet pitch. that there were out. was to Lee Trevino’s liking, Actually, Lee didn’t care shot par or better the first day broke a 2-2 tie as (^ebec easy. against Northwestern Com­ McCarthy 46-8-38; Back 9- tic, 5-0, and turned back En­ Lacy, LA 13 37 7 16 away. period and then Parise and Smyth promptly drove a two- the crowd of beer-drinking the 6,929-yard Woodlands has beat the Minnesota Fighting lYout flies can be broken munity College, but came Blanchard led off with a walk Gretcben Mason 46-7-39, Binnie field High, 4-1. The overall where they came from. He just Morgan, Cin 23 79 14 32 “ I didn’t kick it in,” Potvin scored goals 14 and Paul PUcido continued h® run single to center to make the ever been played competitive­ Watson, Hou 19 72 9 27 Sain®, 4-2, to win the series down into two categories — wet out of it right where it Vandervoort 51-11-40, Wendy Netmen “ Lee’s Fleas” stoaining the hoped they showed up today for 18 59 5 22 Ode to Modern Ball Player score 7-5. record is 4-2, 3-1 in the Boone, Phil protested Clarke. “ It hit my seconds apart with six and dry flies. Dry flies are entered — a half-game hot hitting with a single to Ehrlich 43-3-40; Class B - Front regies had him dancing. the second round of the $150,000 ly- Trillo, Chi 18 82 9 23 four games to two. Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play had his own soliloquy. Singles by Beeler and Leiteo league. Reitz, St.L 17 86 5 24 skate and went in.” minutes left in the third fished on the surface and wet right. Hawley singled in 9 - EUie Dickinson 53-14-39, “ Pretty nice gallery, huh?” Houston Open. He didn’t want Another Texan, Tom Kite, behind. with runners on first and third Medalist teure® went to Garvey, LA 23103 18 37 flies are fished below the sur­ There should be one for toe modem player. Blanchard. Trevino said. “ About half white to change anything about an arrived in Houston from Tokyo 18 70 19 25 Free-swmging Northwestern Mary Kearney 55-14-41; Back 9 - Cardenal, Chi face. brought m the final two tallies Bow 6~1 Duffy Leone of Manchester opening 66 Thursday, which the morning of his round and Joshua, SF 14 42 5 15 ’The modem ball player is a strange animal. He wan® to Starter George Chapin then Devra Baum 51-14-37, Bertha and half Mexican.” came up with a four-run second in the sixth against reliever with a four over par 76. Jim Gruhb, SD 21 78 11 27 The novice is best off startmg p®y but hates practice with a passion. Discipline to hun is got two quick ou® and an>eared Kunzli 53-15-38, Irma Sated 53- Then the Texan frOm El Paso earned him a share of the lead promptly fired a 70, two under. inning m the opener and hung on Fredsall. The RBI was Beeler’s with dry flies in his search for something he can do without. “ I want to do my own thing,” to have a third on Tom Leiteo’s 15-38; Class C - Front 9 - Jean Sweeping all four singles Wigren and Mike Riggott thought a second. with Austraiiaii David Graham. Fourth alternate Mike Mitchell to defeat MCC, 5-3, while the third of the game and his American L ea n e trout, as he can see if the fly ® bouncer to third. But first Peters 52-16-36, Helen Abuza 59- matches and one of three each carded 82 and Kurt shot 71. And Woodtonds assis­ g ab r h many ch ^ e . Cougars took the second con­ average ® now a handsome floating properly. He also can baseman Wiseman faili^ to get 17-42; Back 9 - EUie Marsh 54- doubles, powerful Wethersfield Hassett added an 87 round tant shopkeeper Terry Alsup Clulk, Cal 21 69 11 27 Problems Remain test, 9-5, yesterday at Walker .357. Munson, NY 18 72 8 28 see when a trout sucks it in. He ridicules his opponent in victory, looking upon toe h® foot on the bag and Leiteo 1638, Marilyn Peracchio 58-17- High trimmed Manchester for a commendable team Major League Boxscores fired a 69. Field m Winsted. Offensive stars for Yount, Mil 17 63 IS 24 Trout have uncanny vision was safe, Hawley scoriim. High in CCH. tenn® yesterday, “ The reasons the scores were May, cm 21 74 7 28 vanquished with scorn, yet fee® it distasteful when toe Manchester now sports a 5-2 Northwestern were Timm with 41. score of 327. and often feed on insects and Laiteo stole second and third, 6-1, in Wethersfield. / so iow,” Trevino said, “is White, NY 14 51 17 18 shoe ® on toe other foot. In defeat, the modem ball player conference ledger while four hi® and Methot with five Resul®: AMERICAN LEAGUE California Kansas City KeUy, Chi 19 57 11 20 In Redskins^ Camp aquatic life barely visible to the then Fahey walked. Panciera Resul® ; Singles - P. Giosa W, ab r h bl ab r h bi because of the rain they’ve had. Madtex, NY 19 75 15 28 stubbornly refuses to shoulder the blame. He places it Northern ® 6-2 with only Mat- safeties in six trips. For Low put® - Front - Dora Manchester-Windham Baltimore New York BOWLING human eye. They also can be singled Laitao home and def. Arenas 64, 90, 64; E. Nettles cf 714 1 Patek ss 7 2 3 0 You could stop the ball on the Henderson, Chi 21 80 16 27 squarely on toe nearest scapegoat — usually the coach. He tatuck Community College left Manchester, Hawley had three Kellner 14, Kay Nakten® 14, Wigren M. def. Sh< uiu 3 and 2i ab r h bl ab r h bl Rivers U 6 11 0 OUs cf 3 2 2 0 Rojas, KC 18 66 7 22 WASHINGTON (UPI) — Washington Redskin Coach spooked easily by too much F a h e y ’ s pinchrunner, Giosa W, def. Hi^hfield 6-0,6- Riggott M. def. Lussier and 6, Leone M SlDgletonrf 4010 White If 4 000 Harper dh 6 2 3 1 McRae U 4 111 green when hitting out of the on its league slate. The Cougars hi® in the second game after Del Hartmann 14; Back - Binnie Lynn, 15 54 7 18 noise or by seeing the angler. ® perfect. He is ftowless. Or is he? Wellmgton, scored on a wild 4; Byrne W, def. Jacobs 6-7, M , deL Sandler 7 and 6, Hassett M def. Bli% cf 4 010 Maddox cf 3 0 0 0 ^ n t e lb 5 2 2 0 Killebrew lb 7 0 0 1 rough. It won’t be that way if Wohlfbhlford, KC 13 46 8 15 George Allen has pared his staff of quarterbacks to a HOLIDAY JUNIORS - play Norwalk away Saturday h® nine-game hitting streak Vandervoort 14; Mystery prize - Lester, 6 and 9. Shopay cf 0 0 0 0 Bonds rf 4 0 0 0 Chalk 3b 6 2 3 3 Mayberry lb 5 1 0 1 It is understandable, then, peg to thinl m an attempt to 6-2; Despins W, def. Loveland 6- Davis dh 4 010 Chamblss lb 4 2 2 0 things dry up.” workable number— three—but he’s not out of the woods Championship Bantams - Chris Ever wonder why a coach packs it in and calls it qui® and return to Nebo for a Sunday was halted in the opener. Sue Sated 12, Eleanor Jenks 12. Lahoud rf 2 112 R.&ott pr 0 0 0 0 that the fly angler must ap­ nail him. 1, 6-1. Manchester • Enfield May lb 4 0 0 0 Munson c 412 2 Stanton rf 4 0 0 0 Cowens rf 10 0 0 Unless the greens bake or the Home Runs yet Plumley def. Joe Rossetto 2-1; when he is at the zenith of his profession? doubleheader against Greater Ptecido, hottest batter on the Grich 2b 4 010 Herrmnn dh 3 12 0 Rodriguez c 1 0 0 0 Brett 3b 7 14 1 National League; Cey, LA and proach a stream quietly and John Timm led off the home Doubles - Giosa-Giosa W, def. Riggott M def. Langdon 9 and 4, teone hordes of ui®nowns who shot Billy Kilmer, designated by Allen,, at his own news con­ Bill Masse def. Jason Klock 2-1; Hartford at 11 a.m. club, had tlu%e hi® in seven at- Low net - Gloria Meurant 61- M def. Cherpal 9 and 8, Hasett M. del. Baylor If 3 010 Johnson pr 0 0 0 0 Egan c 5 0 0 0 Pinson rf 10 0 1 Winfield, SD 6; Baker and Evans, Atl, make accurate and quiet half of the first with a single. Arenas-Peck, 8-5, Despins-Reid Malinoski 4 ^ 2 , Martin def. Wigren M, Robinson 3b 4 0 0 0 NetUes 3b 110 0 Remy 2b 3 0 2 2 Wohlford rf 412 0 sub-par golf feel the pressure, Luzlnski, Phil andStargell, Pitt 5. Allen as No. 1 signal-caller, ap­ ference, said he and Jurgensen Junior Boys - Bob Claughsey UCLA’s legendary basketball coach John Wooden Pitcher Gary Methot helped ba® and scored three runs. 25-36 - 9 holes; Bobbie Leger 52- Duncan c 4 0 0 0 Mason ss 2 0 0 0 presentations on the water with After an out, Wiseman walked. W, def. Loveland-Hirschfield, 8- ZHip. Doyle 2b 3 0 0 0 Bird p 0 0 0 0 par or lower might be the cutoff American League: Horton, Det6; May, parently wan® some of the were unable to come to terms def. John Lukas 2-0; Ken retired after winning his 10th NCAA championship, an un­ his own cause in the opener Be^e^ had two hi® in the se- 14:38, EUie Dickinson 58-1939, Beluger ss i 0 0 0 Blombrg ph 1013 Ramirez ss 5 110 Stinson ph 110 0 Balt, Powell, Clev, Killebrew, KC, Yount, the fly. Also, due to the trout’s Dan Smyth singled Timm home 6; Schulties-Valentine def. Palmer p 0 0 0 0 Stanley ss 10 0 0 Fkueroa p 0 0 0 0 White 2b 2 0 0 1 point today when the top 70 Mil, Bonds, NY and Burroughs, Tex4. $120,0(X)-a-year salary vacated and that the 40-year-old star Stepanek def. A1 Lea, 2-1; heard of figure previously. In his farewell remarks the with three smgles m three trips. coM game. Roberta Clark 56-17-39; Low sharp vision, the fly must ride but Wiseman was thrown out Etenovan-Cushman W, 8-5. Jefferson p 0 0 0 0 Alomar 2b 4 0 0 0 Dwson p 0 0 0 0 Solaita ph 1112 players qualify to compete for Thursday by the forced retire­ was expendable as a part-time Senior Boys - Bob Major def. bespectocled Wooden said th® past season was the most Methot started the decisive se­ Ma^hester ® now 6-5 overall put® - Front 9, Roberta Clark Hunter p 0 0 0 0 M.Scott p 0 0 0 0 Rojas 2b 3 111 properly on the surface to im- trymg to go from first to third The Giosa brothers are the Totals 32 0 5 0 Totals 31 5 7 5 the $30,000 first prize the final Runs Balled In ment of Sonny Jurgensen. quarterback at his salary. Craig Coleman 2-1; Mitch Dul enjoyable one for him coaching. Notice he didn’t say most cond inning rally with a line while Northwestern ® 8-7. The 16; Back 9 -Gloria Meurant 15; Kirkwood p 0 0 0 0 Martinez c 7 0 2 1 mitate a natural insect or the by rightfielder Ptecido. seventh ranked junior team in Baltimore 000 000 OOO— 0 Pena p 0 0 0 0 Briles p 0 0 0 0 two days. / National League: Bench, Cin 19; “ I don’t blame him a bit,” “ It’s the hardest decision I’ve def. Don McAllister 2-0; Ban­ single to left. He was then third team in the Northern Mystery prize - Ellen Photo Finish New York 000 20300x-5 Pattln p 0 0 0 0 Evans, AU and Perez, Cin 18; Madlock, fish will avoid it. tolented. The Cougars kayoed Chapm New England Manchester &Alomar, Chambliss. DP-New York 1. Arnold Palmer shot a 74 in­ said Jurgensen at a farewell ever had to make but I have to tam Gir® - Janet Connors def. forced at second for the second Divteion, Hartford, ® mired in Lawrence. V. Mingon p 0 0 0 0 Chi and Garvey, LA 17, When trout are actively in the second with two tellies. Coach Dave Flanagan repor®. NEWMARKET, England tOB-Baltimore 8, New York 7. Totals 53 10 17 9 Totals 53 1116 10 cluding two, three-putt greens American League; May, Balt, Bochte, news conference at which he do what’s best for the team,” Karin Grinavich 2-1; Allyson Why does a coach after completing a 10-8 or 9-9 or even out. test place. 2B-Cbambliss, Blomberg. HR-Munson feeding on a fly hatch they will The lanky lefthander started (UPI) — Irish-trained Noctur­ Two out when winning run scored Thursday and he was disap­ Cal, Horton, Det and McRae, KC 17; announced he would become a Allen said. He added that the Kechejian def. Bette Sheldon 2- a 3-10 won-lost season say it was most enjoyable? Probably Jim Cook kept things going by (2). SB-Blair, Johnson. CaUfomia 411021000 0001-10 May, Chi 16. face upstream. When they see the inning by hittmg Ptecido nal Spree, a longshot, won a Ip h r er bb so pointed. club will retire Jurgensen’s No. 1; Junior Girls - Julie Curtin because he was working with intelligent individuals who punching a single through the Kansas City 421000 200 000 2-11 business executive. He added an appealing insect floating with a pitch. Hawley ripped a Manchealer (9) photo finish from French Palmer L 32 6 65537 5E-Martinez, Mayberry 3, Ramirez, “ I couldn’t get it up and that Kilmer, who reportedly 9 jersey. def. Kim Rutherford 2-1; Jane box, putting runners on first ABRHE Jefferson 2 i 0 0 2 1 Nettles, Wohlford, Doyle. LOB-California Stolen Bases toward them, they will rise up followed instruction and more importantly listened single to center and John challenger Girl Friend to .win down,” he said. “ That was the National League: Morgan, Cin and Jurgensen, the top passer in Curtis def. Karen Steeves 2-0; and second. Ernie Avery BUocbard, If Hunter V M 9 50023 II, Kansas City 14. wan® to be traded, has told him and suck it in, then return to without fighting every step of the way. D’Agate’s groundnut advanced the 1,000 Guinea Stakes horse HBR-by Hunter (Baylor). 2B-Ramirez,nirez, Bochte, Chalk, Rojas. HR- name of the game.” Cedeno, Hou 15; L ^ s , LA 10; the National Football League Senior Girls - Kathy Banavige followed with a base hit, Placido, rf Hernandez, SD 7; Cardenal, Chi, that he'll hold out for a exactly the same place again the runners to scoring position. Hawley, sa Triple by Gary Burhy racing classic for 3-year-old PB-Duncan. Lahoud 12), Solaita (1). SB-Patek 2, last season, said he understands def. Laurie Banavige 2-0; Paula Many, not all, of today’s modem ball players have atten­ scoring one. Then lead-off T-2;19. A-0294. Nettles, Otis 4, McRae, Ramierez, At five-under, one stroke off Concepcion, Cin, Mangual, Mtl and Bowa, Jurgensen-type salary. where they wait for more to Beeler singled both men home D'Agaia, dh fillies at Newmarket Thursday. Phil 5. Allen’s reasoning, but that he Rivard def. Virginia Sylvester hitter John Timm clubbed a Beeler, lb Chicago Texas Harper. S-Rlvers, Harper. SF-Pinson, the iead, were Dale Douglass, “ The economics of the whole float by. tion spans which would do justice to a seven-year-old. and that was all for Chapin, who White. American League: Otis, KC 14; Rivers, Leltao, cf Leads Illing Track Win Nocturnal Spree, ridden by ab r h bl ab r h bl Jerry McGee, Eddie Pearce Cal 12; Patek, KC 10,; NetUes, Cal 9; thing (the Redskins’ saving of “ would have liked to have made 2-1. Finals will be rolled Sunday three-run homer to dead center- Faley, c ip h r er bb so Fly fishermen watch for such left trailing 7-1. Johnny Roe, earned $65,500 for Bradford rf 3 0 0 1 Tovar dh 5 0 10 North, 8. the decision myself to get out of afternoon at 1:30. Why do coaches, to the surprise of many, quit? Maybe field for a 4-0 margin. Wellington, pr Dent ss 4 0 2 0 Cardenas 3b 4 12 0 Figueroa 13 2 4 2 1 1 and Alan Tapie. A group of nine Jurgensen’s salary) aren’t rises and try to match an ar­ The explosive Pioneers Panciera, 2b F irst placem en® in the High jump - Talnot I, Ley I, Bradley C. owner Mrs. D. O’KeUy. Joking May lb 2 010 Howell ph 10 0 0 Dobson 3 4 3 3 3 1 golfers including Bruce Cramp- going to work out as well as the game.” they’re tired of fighting. Fighting not only the opposition Manchester struck for a M.Scott 2 1 0 0 0 0 tificial fly to the natural flies scored four times in the bottom Morrison, 3b javelin, discus and long jump 9’2". Apart, owned by Queen Hendersn cf 2 0 0 0 Randle 2b 4 0 2 1 Pilehing they think they w ill,” The former Duke star said he but their own performers. Winning is not worth an ulcer or singleton in the fifth. Lou Rabe, p Long jump - Burby I, Malinowski I, Melton 3b 4 010 Burroghs i f 3 0 1 0 Kirkwood 613 6 2 2 1 4 ton, Joe Inman, Don Bies, Bob floating on the water. Armed half of the second. Cook walked, by Gary Burby paced lUing Elizabeth, was third in the field Pena L 0-2 1 3 2 2 2 0 (Based on most victories) has received an offer from the Wellington laced a one-out dou­ Qmland 1. 19'9". DJohnson dh 3 0 0 0 Fregosl lb 4 0 11 Adkins, Lou Graham and Bob National League: Morton, Atl 5-1; Jurgensen said. BLOSSOMS- Rebecca Best with a fly they feel most closely a nervous breakdown due to the strain many are constantly Rebillard singled, and Totals 32 »12 1 Junior H i^ to an 82-22 win over Relay - Carpenter, Birmingham, of 16. Orta 2b 4 010 Grieve If 3 0 10 Briles 3 7 6 3 0 2 Philadephia Bell of the WFL ble to left and Larry Morrison Pattin 113 3 2 2 1 0 Shaw foilowed with first round Stone, Chi and MessersmiUt, LA 4-0; ^ h in d Kilmer, the Redskins 126, Irene Mahr 154, Madeline resembles what the trout are under. designated hitter Jim Laughlin Northwestern (5) Coventry High’s Jayvees Gelting, KjeUson, I. Downingling c 4110 Davis cf 0 0 0 0 Sutton, LA 4-1; eight pitchers tied wiUi 3 and that his lawyers will dis­ poked a half-swing single to A B R H E Nyman If 4 0 0 0 Lovltto If 4 0 10 Mingori 1 3 1 0 1 2 68s. have former Notre Dame star Morley 132-341, Lucille Hen­ feeding on, the fly fishermen knocked across a run with a Bird W 2-1 723 4 1 1 3 3 victories, The game, whatever game it is, should be fun. Fun for Timm, cf 4 2 2 1 yesterday in Coventry. Kaat p 0 0 0 0 Smalley ss 4 0 2 0 One of the more interesting American League: Blue, Oak 5-1; Joe Theismann, designated by cuss the proposal with the Bell. dricks 143. right, scoring Wellmgton. Gossage p 0 0 0 0 Sundberg c 3 10 0 HBP-by Figueroa (Otis). cas® above and beyond the Murphy, ss Joel Malinowski and Frank WP-Dobson, Bird. PB-Egan. Ryan, Cal 4-1; G. Perry, Qev and Allen as No. 2 quarterback, and But he added he thought it p®yer and coach. Lessons about life also must be learned. The P ion eers picked up Wiseman, lb Forster p 0 0 0 0 Wright p 0 0 0 0 rounds was that of Dougiass. feeding trout in an attempt to T-4:22. A3570. Broberg, Mil 4^; 10 pitchers tied with 3 O'Brien, lb Ley notched double triumphs Foucault p 0 0 0 0 ex-New York Giant Randy “ unrealistic” that he would try If this is bypassed and totolly ignored, then is it all worth another run in their half of the Northwestern (5) He started on the back nine, and victories. float the artificial past the fish. Smyth, If for niing. ToUls 30 1 6 1 Totals . 35 2 11 2 Johnson, back from a year in to resume his playing career. it? Lessons learned must be stored in the back of the mind fifth. Don Wiseman led off ABRHE Two out when winning run scored NATIONAL LEAGUE on each of the first five holes he If they are successful, and the Fretoll, 3b/p Three new school records Jurgensen, who also said he is POWDER PUFF- Sandy and used in this world of ours which sometimes resembles reachihg first on an error. He Timm, cf Methot, c Chicago 000 010 000— 1 found a trap, chipped out and the World Football League. artificial closely resembles the Murphy, sa Cook, 2b were set, by Burby in the SPORTS Texas 000100001-2 New York Chicago Allen has said, however, that he weighing an offer to become a Edwards 180-465, Bee Moquin was erased on a fielder's choice Wlaeman, lb ab r h bl ab r h bi one-putted to start the day with natural insect, the trout will a human jungle. RebUlard, rf javelin and long jump and by E-Nyman, Fregosl, Sundberg. DP- football analyst for CBS, broke 179 469, Gert Vogel 180-207-537, and back-to-back singles by Bill Smyth, c Spindia, ri BRIEFS Cblcago 2, Texas. 2. U)B-Chicago 9, WGarrett 3b 3 0 0 0 Kessinger ss 4 2 2 0 two birdies and three pars. will keep Kilmer, whose con­ take the bait. Leo Durocher has been called many things. But the FrediaU, 3b Laughlin, db/3b Bud Wrobel in the shot put. Texas 11. Torres 3b 2 0 10 Cardenal If 4 12 0 tract has two more years to into pro football with the Terry Siemienski 185-179-492, Fredsall and Methot filled the Methot, p 4 0 0 0 If the artificial fly travels too former major league manager doesn’t mince words. In re­ Chapin, p Summary; 2B-Downing, May. SB-Orta, Tovar. S- MiUn 2b 4 0 10 Madlock 3b “ This white Fiorida sand is Philadephia Eagles in 1957. Joan Topping 178, Sylvia Johan- bases. Mark Rebilterd brought RebUlara, rf Randle. SF-Bradford. Unser cf 4110 Monday cf 4012 run. slow or fast on the water, or is Cook, 2b ISO low -1. Malinowski I, PhUbrick I, 3000 the best to play out of I’ve cent issues of Sporte Illustrated, excerp® from his ®test in one with a smgle to right Totals 29 9 ip h r er bb so SUub rf 2 10 0 Morales rf son 180-186-502, Ginny Barry not well balanced, the trout Avery, If CarilUC. 29. Kaat 71-3 10 1 1 0 6 Milner lb 3 0 11 La Cock lb 3 120 book were seria li^ . He indicates he left as manager of Manchester 920 002 Colleges Set Down seen,” Douglass said. “ I hit SPORTS 454. before MCC starter Howard 10 - Ley I, Copeland I, Hoyt C. 11.9. Gossage LO^ 1 01121 Kranepol lb 3 0 11 Trillo 2b 3120 usually will detect something is Totals 29 910 4 Northwestern 140 000 MUe-FedoFedbrcfaak I, Eberle C, Lemieux ■ Kingman If 1 0 0 0 Swisher c 4 0 0 0 some very go(xl shots out of it.” the Houston Astros somewhat out of frustoation and Beeler worked his way out of 2RBI; Beeler 3, Hawley 2, Leitao, Pan­ MISSION, Kan. (UPI) — Nebraska and Seton Hall went ForstCT 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 wrong and pass it by. When fish Manehester (3) I 4:59.8. Wright 7 8 1 0 6 2 Grote c 4 0 0 0 Stone p 20 11 Trevino said Woodiands is his SLATE somewhat out of d®gust. The modem ball player got to the jam. ABRHE ciera: 2BH: Panders; 3BH: Blanchard; 440 - L ef I, PhUbrick I, Bradle;adleyC. 59.2. Harrelson ss 4 0 1 0 Frailing p 1000 continually refuse the fly, the BB: Rabe 3, Chapin 3, Fredsall 2; SO; on toe National Collegiate Athletic Association’s dis­ Foucault W 2-0 2 0 0 0 0 1 kid of course because it gave Ali’s Attorneys Ready him. Mwchester scored its final Blanchard, U' 880- - Bowen C, Lemieux I,I , KjeUson " I. Wright 2 batters in 8th. Tate p 2 0 0 0 Wilcox p 0 0 0 0 angler usually is doing Rabe 4, Chapin 1, Fredsall 1; Hits off: 2:31.2. ciplinary list today. ou 10 10 Knowles 10 11 Placido, rf Chapin 9 for 7 runs in 1; FredsaU 7 for 2 HBFby Gossaage (Sundberg). JAI ph p the short knockers an even Saturday Durocher was manager of Willie Mays when the stor.out- two runs in the sixth and 220 - Malinowski I, Copeland I, Apodaca p 0 0 0 0 something wrong or has not Hawley, ss runs in 6 The NCAA Committee on nfractions, headed by Chair­ T-2:24. A-6,481. break with the big hitters. K. o f C.- Norbert Audet 279- fielder first broke into baseball. He envisioned the same seventh innings. Tom Fahey’s D’Agata, dh Coolbaugh C. 27.8. Clines ph 1000 BASEBALL To Fight Huge Lawsuit matched his fly close enough to man Arthur R. Reynolds, reported Thursday it had placed Detroit Milwaukee 608, Real Breton 502, John two-out triple and a passed ball Fahey, c ToUls 36 2 7 2 ToUls 33 5 11 4 MCC at Norwalk CC (11 a.m.) resemble the hatch. kind of career for the Astros’ Caesar Cedeno, who is multi- Lareau, pr JaveUn - Burby I, Akerland C, Beaupre Seton Hall on two-year probation and given Nebraska a ab r b bl ab r h bi New York 002000000-2 “ Doug Sanders said I would Ragna 203-586, Fred Nassiff plated on^in the sixth. I. 147’2” . LeFlore cf 412 0 Money 3b 5 2 3 0 Chicago lOllOlOlx-5 TRACK JACKSON, Miss. (UPI) - will fall in the round I call. I’m Keeping in mind the direction tolented. Yet Cedeno never has, and probably never will, Leitao, cf l®e this golf course and he was 202-513, Vic Squadrito 208-577, Wellmgton’s smgle was mis- Paciera, 2b Shot put - Wrobel I, Golnick I, Akerlind public reprimand. Sutberlnd 2b 4 110 Bevacqua 3b 0 0 0 1 E-'Trillo 2, MiUn. DP-Chicago 1. LOB- Manchester/East Catholic Heavyweight boxing champion bad, brother.” trout feed, the novice should reach the pinnacle of stardom. Wellington, lb C. 39’vf. Horton dh 5 12 3 Yount ss 6 3 2 4 New York 8, Chicago 8. right,” T^ino said. “'The Bob Luur®ema 213-516, Bill played into a two-base hit in the Seton Hall’s probation prohibi® i® basketball team (Albert lb 4 010 Lezeano rf 5 110 at Big B Invitational Muhammad Ali said Thursday The 33-year-old champ said begin fishing slowly upstream, Morrison, 3b Discus - Blrby I, Talbot I, Golnik I. 2B-Unser, Milner, Cardenal. 3B-Kessin- tighter tMy are the better I like August 539, Terry Means 523, Why? Because, as Durocher stotes, Cedeno won’t work seventh and he moved to third Beeler, p 103’10” . from competing in post-season games and from appearing Freehan c 20 0 0 Thomas rf 1000 ger. S-Kessinger. (New Britain) he has a battery of New York he would trim down from a hef­ making his cas® upstream or h ^ e r If 4 0 10 Scott lb 5121 ip h r er bb so t h e n r " ^ Ed Yourkas 546, Jim Cantin 206- on a passed ball and came in on ty 226 pounds to about 220 for up and across the stream. at h® profession. He won’t make the sacrifice needed to ToUls 25 3 7 4 on any NCAA-controlled televison series during the first OgUvie rf 4 010 Johnson lb 0000 Tate L 1-1 6 9 4 3 1 2 attorneys working on a $20 565, Nick Cataldo 501, John Jim Blanchard’s sacrifice fly to Initial Loss Veryzer ss 2 0 0 0 Aaron dh 4142 Apodaca 2 2 1111 million lawsuit filed against his scheduled May 16 title de­ If trout are not actively make it all the way to'the top. Northwestern 040 010 z 5 year. 1 0 0.0 Mitchell dh 0200 Martin 212-597, Mario Frat- Manchester 000 Oil 1 3 Brown ph Stone W 4-0 513 5 2 2 2 4 fense against fourth-ranked left. BASEBALL Michael ss 1 0 0 0 Porter c 4 32 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 him by boxing referee Tony feeding, the angler should float Methot, Avery, For Indians Frailing taroli 555, Qem Quey 525, John Hard work and sacrifice is the answer. It’s not a natural Methot scattered seven hi® 2BI: Timm Rodrlguz 3b 4 0 1 0 Hegan If 0101 Wilcox 13 0 0 0 0 0 Perez. Ron Lyle at Las Vegas. He also the fly past areas where trout Blanchard 2; 3BH: Fahey; HR: Tim; 1110 Sullivan 523, Nels Johnson 519, in picking up the complete- Two More Homers Ruble p 0 0 0 0 ElUs If /Knowles 213 0 0 0 0 1 MCC Awards Banquet Perez, who refereed Ali’s has signed for a June 30 defense are likely to be hiding. feeling for the modem ball player to do this but he must if BB: Beeler 1, Methot 3; SO: Beeler 5, MCC Women Win Tasting defeat for the ffrst Bare p 0 0 0 0 Garcia 2b 3112 Save-Knowlws (3). HBP-by Tate (Tril­ Bill Avery 518, A1 LaPlant 247- game victory. Beeler went the Methot 4 3 110 against European champion When the novice enters the he is to gain fame and glory. And they must listen, before Coming home from Winsted time this season yesterday MILWAUKEE (UPI) — Hank Aaron replaced Babe Matowskl p 0 0 0 0 Coluccio cf lo). bout with Chuck Wepner in 584, Pete Peterson 507, Wendell afternoon, Manchester High’s Broberg p 0000 T-2:24. A3,637. Slated Thursday Night March, contends the ch5unpion Joe Bugner. stream and the rising fish all the good coaches are allowed to get away and be yesterday, afternoon with a 10-9 Ruth as the all-time major league runs-batted-in leader Ckilbom p 0000 Poucher 214-530. girte’ tenn® squad was blanked ToUls 35 3 9 3 ToUls 37 17 17 14 Houston San Diego issued “ false, malicious and suddenly stop feeding, he knows silenced forever. You’d be surprised how many modem win over Northwestern Com­ ab r h bi abrhbi by Wethersfield High, 7-0. Thursday when he batted home two runs during the Detroit 200010000-3 libelous” post fight statemen® he has made too much of a dis­ ball p®yers do not know the mles of the game they p®y. munity College was Milwaukee 012 050 54x—17 Metzger ss 5 0 2 0 Hemandz ss 4 0 1 0 Former major lea^e pitcher Two-Year Win Skein Milwaukee Brewers’ 17-3 rout of the Detroit Tigers. Cabell If 5 13 1 Sharon ph 0 0 0 0 turbance or has been spotted. Manchester Community Resul®-Smgles: Hutnickdef. E - SuUierUnd, Veryzer, Rodriguez, Moe Drabowsky will be the that damaged Perez’ career. Not all know it all. Aaron, who had four hi®, has driven in 2,211 runs during MaUwski, Yount, PorterZ. DP-Detroit3, Cedeno cf 4 111 Tolan If 5 10 0 Stone M, 6-2, 64); Vsile def. 5 2 3 2 Grubb cf 3 12 0 “ Wepner was the dirtiest Then he simply should stand College’s women’s softball MUwaukee 1. LOB-Detroit 9, Milwaukee Watson lb guest speaker at Manchester Ends for East Girls Duke M, 6-3,6-2; Grubelich def. his 22-year career, two more than Ruth accumulated. Johnson c 4 12 0 McCovey lb 3 0 10 fighter I’ve ever fought and the still for several minutes until team. 7. 4 0 12 Winfield rf 2 0 0 2 Community College’s annual Kopmah M, 64), 64); Huyck def. “ The name Babe Ruth has been hauntino me for so long 2B-Yount, Aaron. 3B-LeFlore, Porter, Rader 3b referee was dirty too,” Ali said. the trout forget he is around An ei^t-run second inning Cruz rf 3 0 0 0 Fuentes 2b 4 0 10 awards banquet, Thursday at 7 May Make Tour Johnson M, 6-1, 6-2. GarcU. HR-Hortoo (6), Yount (4), Porter 0 0 0 0 Huntz 3b 4 110 and start rising again. highli^ted the success. too long,” said Aaron, who last year overtook Ruth as (2). SB-LeFlore, Hegan. S-Porter, Hegan. Howard rf p.m. at the Manchester Country “ We’ve got all the films (of the Going down to defeat for the White winning. Etest ® now 2-1 Helms 2b 4 110 hundley c 4 0 10 'CINCINNATI (UPI) - If ALL PURPOSE SHOES Doubles - Bedtda-Jacobs def. tiie home run king. “ Pm just glad it’s over with.” SF-Hegan, GarcU. Wepner fight). We’ll take it AND Catching even small trout on first time in two seasons yester­ record-wise. Batting stars for the winners Milbourn 2b 0 0 0 0 Scott pr 0 0 0 0 Club. 300 PAIRS ON SALE Pierro^Iapuccio M, 6-1, 6-1; Ip b r er bb so before the world. I predict we funds can be raised, the Univer­ a fly can be the most rewarding Resul®; Singles - Murano E. were Elaine Pincinea with a Ruble 223 6 3 3 1 0 Forsch p 2 0 0 0 Jones p 10 0 0 Draboswky, a veteran of 17 day afternoon on the tenn® Gross ph 1 0 0 0 Locklear ph 0 0 0 1 sity of Cincinnati basketball Andrew-McHugh def. Welti - Bare LO-1 2 55520 major league seasons, is most won’t see no courtroom. experience an angler will en­ court was the East Catholic def. Steinbreader 6-1, 6-1; three-run triple and two hi® by Shoe Suspended Crawford p 0 0 0 0 Foster p 0 0 0 0 team will make a month-long Made to sef/ for Haines M, 6-0, 64; Andsian- Matwoski 3 13 6 9 3 4 0 Kendell ph 10 0 0 “ The man (Wepner) kneed RADII counter. Taking a lunker trout $10.00 High gfrls’ team. The locate Housteddef. Anderson E. 6-1,6- Sally Lentocto. Judy McDonald Broberg W43 513 83343 remembered for his record of Madsen def. O’Brien-Buckler INGLEW(X)D, Calif. (UPI) - Jockey Bill Shoemaker FriScella p 0 0 0 0 me, kicked me in my privates tour of Australia this summer. on a fly can be a heartatopper. TIm m are not the Inexpensive bowed to Miss Porter’s School 1; D o u b t^ y def. L.White E. 6- tallied three times as MCC ran Colbom 323 3 0 0 0 1 Ivie ph 10 0 0 six consecutive strikeouts for M, 64), 6-1. will begin serving a five-day suspension Sunday, one day Save^lbom (I). and he (Perez) didn’t say The Bearca® hope to leave Beginners be warned: Fly pleetic ones you may have in Farmington, 4-2, on clay 3, 'ft^jK/White E. def. Pilling 6- i® record to 5-3. ToUls 37 6 13 6 ToUls 32 3 7 3 Baltimore against Los Angeles T3:94. A3J85. Houston 201021 OOO— 6 nothing,” Ali maintained. TONIGHT July 15 and play 20 games fishing hooks the angler as M l. 2, 7-6. / . after he is scheduled to ride in the Kentucky Derby at in the 1966 . A cour®. MRS Girls Triumph San Di^o 100 011 OOO— 3 Ali, who arrived in Mississip­ 7t30 Red Sox vs. Tigers, against various Australian quickly as a fly hooks trout. ONLY ...... Doubles - Irs-Mays def. Netters CSiurchill Downs. , „ . . E-Mc(5)vey, Metzger, Cruz, Huntz, graduate of Trinity College in 8Iz m S-6-7 Pushing across nine runs m Cleveland Boston pi to address a sports awards WTIC teams. East’s two poin® came in Canata-Viote E, 6-3, 6-2; Star- Shoemaker was suspended by Hollywood Park stewards ab r h bi • ab r h bi Rader. DP-Houston 1, San Diego 1. LOB- Hartford, Drabowsky pitched the fourth inning, Manchester A v e t l S e I j OSS Houston 8, San Diego 8. 8t25 Yanks vs. Brewers, singles play with Mary Duffy sa 5110 Carbo If 4 2 2 2 for the Chicago Cub«, St. Louis banquet Thursday night at THESE HAVE’ Sarosdy def. Leonard- High’s gfrls’ softball squad ® Thursday for careless riding and interference aboard Berry If 3 110 Miller If 10 0 0 2B-Cabell, Rader, Huntz. HR-Watson Catherine Murano and • Kellie (4). SB-Cedeno, Hernandez. S-Forsch, predominantly black Alcorn WINF • lEATHEHUPfERS Flemming E, 64), 6-0. trounced Penney of Elast Hart­ Avenging a previous loss. Tavia Country in Wednesday’s sixth race. Carty ph 1011 Evans rf 4 0 10 Cardinals, Kansas City Royals, Lowenstn pr 0 0 0 0 Ystrzmsk lb 4 111 Johnson. SF-Winfield 2, Locklear. Kansas City A’s and Orioles. State University at nearby Lor- • PADDED HEEL ford, 18-7. East Catholic High’s boys’ ten- ip h r er bb so Hendrick cf 4 121 Lynn cf 3 110 Awards including the most man, said he wants to fight both • S O C K U N a Leading the 17-hit attack was n® squad upended St.^m ard On Probation Robinson dh 3 0 11 Rice dh 4 121 Forsch W 1-2 7 6 3 2 1 2 LLee dh 1 0 0 0 Petrocelli 3b 3 0 1 2 C3rawlord 2 1 0 0 2 0 valuable player and a coach’s Joe Frazier and George • DUCK WITH WHITE TRIM • APPRDVED PLASTIC Kathi Klotzer with four hi®. High yesterday at the Jones L 2-2 5 9 5 5 1 1 MISSION, Kan. (UPI) ^TSeWl^Hall was placed on a two- Spikes rf 4 0 0 0 Montgmry c 4 0 0 1 award, will be presented to 170 Foreman before the year is out. Barbecue AND LACES CLEATS MOWER SALE! Karen Carpenter, Jean Manchester Racqurt Club, 4-3. Ellis c 4 12 3 Burleson ss 4 1 2 0 Foster 2 3 1111 Friscella He said both fighters have • BEST VALUE ANYWHERE Halloran and Rachel Rosen The doubles team of Pete year probation and Nebraska was reprimanded Thursday Powell lb 3 0 0 0 Griffin 2b 10 0 0 college men and women Bell 3b 4 2 2 0 BLee p 0 0 0 0 Save-Crawford (1). tWQ chances of regaining the • IDEAL FOR LITTLE CAN WE COMPnE WITH Visgilio and Greg Lareau by the NCAA’s Committee on Infractions. As a result of T-2.27. A-11,885. athletes in the nine sports each cole collected three hi®. Brohamr 2b 3 0 0 0 Segul p 0 0 0.0 crown: “ slim and none.” Grills LEASUE prorided the decisive point as the probabtion, Seton Hall’s basketball team is prohibited Gamble ph 10 0 0 offered at MCC: Soccer, men’s K-Mart • Grants - Saari? Rosen and Lori Hansen clubbed He said Foreman as the East won for the fourth time in JPerry p 0 0 0 0 ahd women’s basketball, triples.rtplc. from competing in post-season games and from appearing Kern p 0 0 0 0 harder hitter. “ He can do more OTHER ALL PURPOSE SHOES Marianne Pembertson s® matches. Eckersley p 0 0 0 0 Holmes Named baseball, women’s softball, TRY USI , on any NCAAcontrolled televison series during toe first damage if he hi® you.” And he on SALE now pitched the distence as the Resul®; Singles - Abate def. Buskey p 0 0 0 0 MANHATTAN, Kan. (UPI) women’s volleyball, tennis, year. Nebraska was publicly reprimanded by the com­ ToUls 38 6 10 6 ToUls ffi 7 10 7 golf, cross country. Intramural said the hulking heavyweight from *4” to *28** Our new line J r winners copped their third Briggs EC 5-7, 6-2, 7-5; Com- Cleveland 002 OOO 031— 6 — Jerry Holmes, an assistant m mittee for permitting four ineligible athletes to accom­ championship winners and could get in “ much better AOAOIS - SPOT SILT • AMERICAN ATHLETIC game of the week. passo EC def. Freye 6-2, 6-1; Boston 321010 OOx— 7 basketball coach at Arizona for from ^ 1 2 9 # pany i® football team on a bowl-game trip. LOB-CleveUnd 7, Boston 7. cheerleaders will also be shape” than he was in his loss gives low price Stone EC def. Pugliese 7-5, 64); 2B-Carbo, Petrocelli. Ellis, Bell. HR- three years, has been named to to Ali. St. Jean EC def. (iastanza 6-1,6- Carbo (3), Rice (3), Ellis (3). SB-Grlffin. a similar position at Kansas honored/ MOE DRABOWSKY ALUMINUM LIHLE LEAGUE "Frazier’s tough. He’s Hh the L A M back up. Will Make Bid 3. SGrlffin 2. State. “ Jerry has all the in­ A highlight will be the presen­ N r ta h it ip b r er bb so dangerous in close...but you can fire-glow disf. BOMBATS COLUMBUS (UPI) - Gov. Doubles - Abate-Freye def. Donovan Sued J. Perry L 1-4 113 5 5 5 1 0 gredients of an outstanding tation of the Matt Moriarty tot him all day,” the champ •r Routt 83. Vtrnon James Rhodes said Thursday Kern 423 4 2 2 2 4 young coach,” said Head Coach award to the MCC athlete who College Athletic Association Briggs-Stone EC 9-7; Pugliese- BUFFALO, N.Y. (UPI) — The Buffalo Braves are suing Eckersley 1 0 0 0 1 2 StittMarf (2 m Utt North of VtrnMVCIrdo) EQUIPMENT CQRP. he would go to Pinehurst, N.C., Jack Hartman of Kansas State. made the most outatendlng con­ will present the MCC soccer added. Castanza def. Conipasso4St. Buskey 1 1 0 0 0 0 ■ • M l 2 MAIN STREET niMMMNWnWMI June 16 to ask the NCAA selec­ former General Manager Elddie Donovan for $500,000 and Lee W 23 8 8 8 6 3 2 tribution to collegiate athletics. and tennis teams with cham­ ‘T m gonna’ knock Frazier Hour*: TutfFrI. 184:3», U t. %S Jean 6-2, 7-5; Visgillo-Lareau Holmes replaces Chuck Clotod Sunday I Monday 172-WM 643-7111 ItT. i3 872-0707 VONON.CONN asked for a court order to prevent him from working for Segul 1 2 0 0 ,0 1 A representative from the pionship awards for their 1974- out. I’m hittin’ hard again. He tion committee to hold the 1960 EC def. Glass-Hennegan 64, 6- Use pitched U 1 batter in 9th. Garrett, who was killed in a FARR’S Open Dally to 9 P.M. 2 'mikM from Varnon Ckcto of Rt. S3 NCAA basketball fina® to Cin­ 1. any other National Basketball Association team before Savt-Segul (2). HBP-by Lee (Berry). traffic acident April 1. Connecticut Community 75 season. cinnati. 1977. T32iTA4jOU. PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri., May 1,1875 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., May 2. 1975- PAGE NINETEEN Education Today: Teaching Problem Solving ----- you are cordially------PATRICU MeCORMACK must do a lab report with a fast cemed that each student find who didn’t go to college had this self-esteem and do very bad UPl Education Editor reader. out and develop his abilities and no-good feeling. things to individuals.” In the typical high school, “The. students, not all being talents. “We’re now working toward “We need to convince every i n ^ e d t o t h e Weld wood Pro-Finished Plywood students working on projects matdied perfectly, get insight “There are many, many a concept that no matter what young adult that he has U^ether normally select their into others’ problems, teachers like that.” job—a profession or a blue something to offer,” Heyer partners. strengths and weaknesses. Heyer figures the nation is collar vocation—the important said. They may wwk well together “They help one another—and getting over the notion that one thing is that a person be doin^' “In building this self-esteem W.6. GLENNEY CO. —too well. And therein ies a all the while they’re learning is a failure unless he goes to something that is fulfilling for one of the unsolved problems is problem. about bow to get dong with all college. ,them.” —how to glamorize jobs that 336 NORTH MAIN, MANCHESTER PANELING “They don’t learn much about kinds of pet^le—which is m e of “We’ve been in a bind about Unless that is done, according don’t require a college peers who don’t exactly suit life’s vital skills.” that,” he said. “And the ones to Heyer, “we destroy their education.” them,’’ Robert G. Heyer said in The 1975 symbol of thousands U.S. Plywood an interview. of outstanding teachers in the nation’s schools, Heyer is OPEN HOUSE The Minneapolis, Minn., tutor MANCHESTER and 1975’s Teacher of the Year described as a teacher who SALE has a better idea. “relates to all types of HOSPITAL And he puts it to work in the students, including those turned off by school.” NOTES and PRODUCT SHOW ninth-grade physical sciences course he runs at Jcdinanna ’The annual search is spon­ Junior High in the Mounds View sored by the Council of Chief Discharged Wednesday: Ger­ Sriday MAY 2nd lUIO p m ...8:30 pm School District in St. Paul. State School Officers, the En­ maine Reagan, 436 W. Middle Heyer said the course actual­ cyclopedia Britannica com­ Tpke.; Linwood Rollins, 41 ly is a series of problem-solving panies and the Ladies’ Home /Saturday MAY 3rd 9:00 a m ... 4:00 pm Cornell St.; Agnes Meyer, 24 situations. At the start of the Journal. Patricia Dr., Vernon; Walter scbooi year be assigns each stu­ “The really best teacher Fallon, Westfield St.; Carlton dent a number. probably never will be the Jones, Main St., Hebron; Julia OVER 20 MANUFACTURER REPRESENTATIVES The partners and team teacher of the year,” Heyer Dougherty, 69 Charter Oak St.; members are selected by the said. Salvator Garofalo, 20 Palmer PRESENT TO DEMONSTRATE THEIR PRODUCTS number system. “That is because most selec­ Dr., South Windsor; Margaret “For every lab tion programs currently are Gregory, Glastonbury; AND ANSWER QUESTIONS period—where the problem­ based on a lot of outside the Lorraine ’Iheriault, Rt. 4^, solving goes on— each student classroom activity, too. (kiventry. moves up to a new number,” he “The marks of the best Also, Larry Whitney, En­ said. teacher—with the emphasis on field; Elsie Giguere, Stafford “It’s a beautiful system. You best—would be two. Springs; John Alosky, 97 Nor­ HARVEST 4X8 5/32 have shy boys who sometimes “One—a teacher who puts the -I__ door prizes I STrAlSSI't? man St.; Richard Carty, have to work with boisterous classroom instruction ahead of Glastonbury; John Moriarty 24 DUSKY CASH AND CARRY girls. You have low reading everything else. Ash Rd., . South Windsor; ability students who sometimes “Two—a teacher who is con- Reginald Barnsley, 164 Summit ON CUSTOM OATHROOM BUUTY AT ONLY 200 PIECES AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE St.; Paul Tesik, 32Westminster Rd. The W.G. Glennev Co. SEA SCAPE V EARLY SPRING 4xB - 4 M M 4x8 - 5/32 S A N D C O C O A COUGAR BATHROOM VANITIES AND VANIH TOPS W.G. GLENNEY $ 4 T 0 $ 4 7 0 $ 0 4 5 CASH READY-TO-FINISH FURNITURE DEPARTMENT AND CASH AND CARRY CASH AND CARRY CARRY D u u m TM mimi OF mm save 20% CANDYLAND Removing the tag from this Kwanzan tree planted on the Center St. side of Center Park ALL YOU DO IS ADD A LIHLE ‘'YOU” CONSTITUTION 4x8 - 5/32 is Mrs. Alice Gagnon, financial secretary of the Greater Manchester C h ^ b e r of GREAT WAY TO EXPRESS YOUR INDIVIDUALITY VANITY, THY NAME IS BEAUTY ... M IX ‘EM 09 MATCH'EM FOR 4x8 - 5/32 Commerce. With her is Dr. Stephen G. Romeo, chairman of the Chamber’s Elnvironment AND SAVE PLENTY TOO! AND CONVENIENCE, TOO! CUSTOM BATHROOM BEAUTYI CONGRESS UNITY BUTTERSCOTCH MARASCHINO & Beautification Committee. (Herald photo by Pinto) SAVE 20% ACRYL-A-BRITE $ 0 4 5 $ 0 4 5 $ 0 4 5 TOP AND BASE luxurious CULTURED MARBLE TOP whativw th« size or CASH AND CARRY CASH AND CARRY . thipt of your bithroom, 24” the beauty ot natural Chamber Completes Spring I biiutifully disigntd marble combined with wnity adds tplandor. scientific ingenuity to ours are mtticuloutly create a top that's as craftad, dacorator-ttylad Memorial Trees Plantings strong and durabit as VINYLGARD4..4MM to giw tha room a look it it lovely, impervious of luxury, to conceal S A V E 2 0 % CASCARA MOSCADO PASADO MADERA to stains, highly resisttnt and Louis Foley (3 trees) plumbing and to provide S A V E 2 0 % Spring planting of memorial John Chanda (Mrs. Julia D. to Kratchirtg and chip­ all tha storage (pace C y A A F (Bessie Chaffee Purinton), ping. wide srtection of trees was completed this week Faulkner), David A. Bengtson you'w dreamed of. many ^ H H D 5 7 2 0 $ 7 2 0 $ 7 * 0 $ 7 * 0 colors and sizes to com­ by the Chamber of Commerce (G. Henry Bengtson). Manchester Homemakers Ser­ sizes and finishes to choose ^ top and base 24"W x 22' D *43.75 plement your vanity, Elnvironment & Beautification Miss Gail and Miss Joanne vice Board of Directors (Mrs. from..jnd they're easy to regular 99.95 intergral backtpitth. Committee. O’Bright (Tony O’Bright), Mrs. Maurice Laipson), Mrs. Lillian install. Faucet kidwM. FAUCET NOT INCLUDED Fepular 51.45 CASH AND CARRY This spring’s memorial tree Vemer Nylin and Gregory P. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. John Am­ event represents the 19th semi­ Nylin (Stephen Darling), Miss brose and Mr. and Mrs. William Warner (3 trees) (Allen READY JUST A FEW OF OUR WIDE SELECTION OF VANITIES AND TOPS AT EXCITING SAVINGSI annual planting since the Candy Alexander (Stephen program began in October 1965, Darling), Barry Rd. neighbors Helstrom Sr.). and 358 trees have been planted Mr. and Mrs. John Greene, Mr. Mrs. Mary Ward (Sidney TICONDOROGA 4x8 - 5/32 at 48 locations. and Mrs. Carl Somers, Mr. and MacAlpine), Mr. and Mrs. MUSKET MOHAWK CASSON Charles A. Campbell (2 trees) S A V E 2 0 % CAUSS ene. ^ Dr. Stephen G. Romeo, com­ Mrs. Donald Ostberg, Mr. and LP.V. IRSE S A V E 2 0 % ITO FINISH y j CASH AND CARRY mittee chairman, said 21 Kwan­ Mrs. John Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. (Joseph Csatary), Mrs. Richard L. Harris and Mrs. R. zan cherry trees, as part of the Todd Spicer and Mr. and Mrs. 24" - regular 51.20 M0.95 <59.50 regular 74.46 - 24 " * 6 ’ * * 6 ' * program’s flowering tree trail Ernest Nickerson (Mrs. Fred Harris (2 trees) (Richard S A V E 2 0 % concept, were planted at Matilda Hanley). L. Harris), Mrs. Virginia S A V E 2 0 % several locations along Center Mrs. Florence H. Belcourt Vaders (2 trees) (William Vaders). <02.10 regular 77.60 - 3 0'' St., Center Park, the parklet at (Hector J. Belcourt), Retired FURNITURE 30" - regular 56.80 WAYSIDE INN Center and Cooper Sts., the Swingers of Manchester Coun­ Mrs. Edith M. Csatary and #9 ALMANACK 4x8 - V4” 4x8 - 5/32 parklet at McKee and Center try Club (Mrs. Alex Hackney), family (2 trees) (Joseph L. A. S A V E 2 0 % SHEU TOP Sts., and the esplanade at Mre. Michael Fastiggi (Howard Csatary), Mr. and Mrs. Charles t SHEEL TOP s av e 20% CORNWALL BIRCH WELLESLY BIRCH DAPPLE SIENNA Kingsbury (2 trees) (Joseph L. \ # F 4 A A Center St. and W. Mddle Tpke. * C. FTavell Sr.), Mrs. Virginia 1. Deacon’s Banch ( 1 w a I / I I regular 64.00 _ 25" in front of Howell Cheney Tech. Csatary), Jeane Greene, 4. Round Top 5. Bar Stool 7. Captain’s Chair 10. Dry Sink 13. Desk A Chair Sat W ,$51.20 M. Flavell (Howard C. Flavell lAHMa ilA M O 2 5 " — regular 64.00 t $075 No. 100 VVnn P m n i IVUe MO The flowering tree trail was Sr.). Pauline McCarthy and Ann Nde 383 NOt 909 SAVE 20% .— - J S A V E 2 0 % $ 0 2 5 * 9 * * . developed in 1972 with the Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Johnson Reynolds (Miss Mary E. No. 39820 No. 9821 24" objective of creating plantings (A. Emil Anderson), Mary Naughton), Mr. and Mrs. 18" <57.00 regular 72.00 - 3 1 " CASH AND CARRY CASH AND CARRY 3 1 " - regular 72.00 «57.60 of various flowering trees along CTieney Library staff (Dewey George R. Ouillette (Theodore $3450 <5415 $3200 FAUCET NDT INCLUDED FAUCET NOT INCLUDED , all major thoroughfares of the Walker),VFW Post (2 trees) (jozdz). $1505 town. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Rag. $42.90 $yo5 (Tom Raby), Mr. and Mrs. Rag. $43.10 Rag. $67.70 Rog. $40.00 Donations of 55 or more Barney Peterman Sr. and Mr. Ouillette (John McCollum) Rog. S18.80 SAVE 20% ATHENA BASE 'UUREDBaRN Manchester Housing Authority Rag. $8.80 ; should be sent to the Greater and Mn. Barney Peterman Jr. 2. Hardwood No. 821 30" No. 8 Tavern Chair 11.6 Drawer Chest 14.10 Drawer Chest CUSSKBUE 1 Manchester Chamber of (2 trees) (Antonio Leone), Mr. employes Leon W. Enderlin, Deacon’s Banch No. 9823 No. 3306 M n ^^10 <59.50 I regular 74.40 - 24" SPECIAL Commerce at 257 E. Center St. and Mrs. Lawrence Wittkofske Gordon A. Harmon, Katherine No. 830 2 4 " — regular 74.40 * 4 R Checks should be made payable (2 trees) (Ibomas Donnelly). Moran, Sidney R. Hagenow, SAVE 20% SAVE 20% to the Memorial Tree Program. h!r. and Mrs. Robert W. Donald R. Cowles, Francis $1635 $1350 $0185 Dixon and Milton Dickinson «.$g40 $7064 Reg. *725” The name of the donor and Blake, Mr. and Mrs. John A. 30“ - regular ^ 0 1 , 2 0 <02.10 regular 77.60 - 3 0 " ; the name of the person Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. (Joseph Rossetto). Rog. $20.40 Rog. $77.30 ' memorialized should be noted. George M. Johnson (2 trees) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Rag. $53.60 Rog. $10.50 Rog. $16.90 Rag. $88.30 SNELL TOP Finnegan (2 trees) (Joseph II S A V E 2 0 % . Tree plantings and donors are (Dr. Frank J. Jordan), Buckley (ONLY) ; acknowledged in The Herald. School friends Vincent Ramizi, Rossetto), Mrs. Lucille S. 6 . Matos Chair 12. Pedestal Table Smith ( h ^ . Bertha Hawley), 3. Boiton Rockar 9. Colonial Hutch 15. Book Caso 51e20 g,, QQ- 25' *99 Donors are listed first and the Lorretta Pierce, Lew Banning, No R24 Nfl 306 A 3AS U n e e e e 25 " - regular 64.00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Covey No. 9828 No. 370 niie o o o o 8 x 8 person memorialized is in Art Ward, Helen Andrews, S A V E 2 0 % S A V E 201^ parenthesis: Pauline McCarthy, Ann (Mrs. Madeline Forsman), Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Polo Reynolds, Dottie Constantino, and Mrs. William Stevenson $3160 $7915 $35901 <57.60 ^57.60 regular 72.00 - 31 ; (Henry Ricker), Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. 31" — regular 72.00 Pat Moriano and Ruth -< 9 « FAUCET NDT INCLUDED FAUCET NOT INCLUDED Garden Club (Earl C. Herrick), Noren (2 trees) (Dr. John J. <67« Recknagel (Walter Luce). Rag. $11.80 . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morline Allison), and Jim and Joe Rag. $47.70 Rag. $39.50 Rag. $99.70 Rog. $83.80 Rag. $44.90 .• Ward (Betty Costes), 'Thomas (Tony O’Bright), Agnes, Joseph McCooe (George Freeman). ‘ Leone family (Edison 0. 10 16. Comer CaMnat ON ARMSTRONG GHANDELIER CEILINGS ARMSTRONG TRENDSEHER CEILINGS Davis). No. 391 Mrs. Harry Maidment SAVE 2 0 % . (Mrs.Mirian W. Hastings), Mr. '• and Mrs. Barney Peterman Sr. SCANDINAVIAN SHOP ON ARMSTRONG - TEMLOK > (Joseph Kron), Mrs. Philip E - # M ^ tU IN G IO N CENIDf PLAZA CEILINGS ! Holway (2 trees) (Edison 0. Mon-Fri 10-5:30 Davis), Mr. and Mrs. John ELLINGTON. CONN 872-0273 Saturdays 10-5 Reg. $64.30 CASH Fletcher Jr. (2 trees) (Mrs. Open Sundays io-5 PROVINCIAL SANTERO CLOUDS TROPIC • May Barry), Midge and Wade 12 Rag. 62c Reg. 62c RANDOM Fuller (Philip Burnham). AND Reg. 44c Rag. 46c Reg. 42c Preceptor Chapter of Beta O OPEN HOUSE M i SAVE 20% SAVE 20% SAVE 20% SUNDAY M AY 4th 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 4 9 % $ 49%$ SAVE 20% SAVE 20% Sigma Phi (Mrs. Blanche 3 4 $ • Rutherford), Mr. and Mrs. V V Let us help you select your CARRY 3 5 $ 3 7 $ , Stillman Keith and Mrs. Helen Mother's Day Gift from our huge selection KeithLeander(Mrs. Myrtle Al- CONESTOGA CHAPERONE HIGHLAND VINYL COATED . ton). Miss Magda Neznik (Mrs. 7'w CoHot I Cake for all R«0. 30c ea. Rag.28e May Barry), Mr. and Mrs. SAVE 20% SAVE 20% Rog. 34c RARRARY THE W.G. GLENNEY CO. Robert B. Weiss (May Barry), RE6ISTU FM OUR 24$ 22%$ SAVE 20% v x 4 ’ m „ Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Burr 27$ I DID IT MYSELF (Earl C. Herrick). Reg. 56c Sq. Ft. Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. 11 15 48C Sq. Ft. CONSTITUTION GOURMET CASH & CARRY SPECIALS ^ Morrison (2 trees) ( Mrs. • Cempirto Hit form below 1 6 Reg. 62c Goo. 67c • Brin« it to the Scondintvian Shop 1 3 Gladys L. Giddings), Dr. and by 5:10 p.m. M a y 91h / SAVE 20% SAVE 20% > Mrs. Merrill B. Rubinow (3 • (n FREE Motbtr't Day Platt to bt ARMSTRONG’S awarded to the winner. B 5 % $ 5 3 % $ trees) (Mrs. Gladys L. Gid- THB MANCHESTER 12x12 Plain White Tile ...... i|i202 ...... dings). Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Platz VISIT 336 NO. MAIN ST, HERRON AVE., QUSTONRURY 24x40 Plain WWte Lay In Panel...... #2B0A...... ea.98

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Nessen said the vest was House Approves Voters’ Amendment School Budget White House Press Secretary designed to be li^tw ei{^t and withstand bullets from .38- Ron Nessen showed off a new HARTFORD (UPI) - The Secretary of the State Gloria She H e ra th piece of attire at his regular caliber pistols or smaller price signs, said they were not and dumping on the harbors of GARDENING Connecticut House of Represen­ Schaffer said the amendments caliber guiffire. needed to allow motorists to New Haven, Stamford, Area Profile news briefing Thursday. He By FRANK ATWOOD tatives has approved two were needed to bring Connec­ wore a bullet-proof vest. determine the price of gasoline. Bridgeport and Norwalk>, and at Vernon Hearing proposals for amendments to ticut’s voter regulations in line Opponents charged ^ e large leaving it up to the state the state constitution that with existing federal laws and signs would jeopanlize federal Department of Environmental ROCKVILLE would ease voter registration. regulations expected to be ap­ highway funding and would do Protection to regulate such ac­ One woman reminded the and explained that some of the BARBARA RICHMOND In defense of the teachers. The Senate ’Thursday killed a proved soon. nothing for the consumer. tivity. council that Vernon nudes 103 of personnel will have to go and PUNT YOUR EVERCREENS,SiiiU TREES A public hearing last n i^ t on Dr. Ramsdell said, “Our HOSPITAL NOTES One of theimost reliable and bill to require service stations The proposal on the residency In other action, the House —Giving workers who com­ 160 towns in per pupU cost. She some proposed new personnel a proposed 814 n ^o n b ^ e t, teachers are dedicated and lovliest of our early spring­ to post prices on Isirge signs and literacy requirements gave initial approval to bills: plain of unfair labor practices said Vernon spen^ $992 and the will not be hired for next year. sincere and I’m sure they will M B ROWERINC SHRUBS H O W encompassing the Board of flowering bulbs is the scilla. clearly visible from the could be put to the voters as — Banning discrimination the right to appeal to the state state average is $1,147. "I’d be Counciiwoman Gretchen give their best whether they get Admitted Thursday: Marie Regan St., Rockville; William Com* and 8aa Our Spring Salaotlon Tci|day Education and general town The flowers are a brilliant blue highway. early as 1976, but the other will against persons who refuse to Commission on Human Rights willing to pay more taxes to Mason, “sp e a k in g a ^ private a raise in salary or not.” Arndt, Dailey Circle, MacDonald, Bancroft Rd., Inxlget, focused nuinly on a AT 1 and, w itt proper conditions, One constitutional amend­ have to wait at least until the participate in abortions on and Opportunities even after maintain the quality of educa­ citizen,” said, t^rorytiiing is Houle expressed disappoint­ Rockville; Michael Baron, Rockville; Patricia Moricz, requested $450,000 cut from the flowers continue to appear in ment would eliminate residen­ 1978 elections. moral grounds, but only when labor mediators have entered tion or to raise it rather than being presenW a you on the ment that no one focused Olson Dr., Vernon; Richard RockviUe; Aibert PeUecchia, education side. April year after year. Seeds cy and literacy requirements Mrs. Schaffer said the they have filed a prior written the cases. have it lowered,” she said. basis of cutting personnei and questions on the general town Bedor, Scott Dr., Vernon; Mountain St., RockvUle; Mrs. BURGESS NURSERY The hearing was called for drop to the soil after the for voters and the other allows amendment allowing more notice that they would object to —Giving commercial banks Frank Cornell had a different that is not our premise to ar­ ’Thomas Crank, Enfield; Mabel Kathleen Ry^el and daughter, the Memorial Building and by budget. He said he feels it’s Connecticut to expand the types widespread registration by abortions. the same right as savings banks Franzer, Mt. Vernon Dr., Ver­ Baxter St., ToUand; Mrs. Bar­ MDROMBM flowers have faded and the 7:30 p.m., the time it was to opinion on this, noting, “The bitrarily cut but the biggest ridiculous to spend $15,000 on ntocK of voters who can register to mail was need^ to conform —Allowing hitchhiking on all to issue 40-year mortgages for piace ^viousiy, to cut is in non; David Getcheli, Old Post bara St. Louis and daughter, plants multiply and spread. start, there was standing expenditure on education and the old county home which is Conditions for the scillas vote by mail. state laws to legislation that Connecticut roads with the 90 per cent of the worth of the the value of it doesn’t have cor­ saiaries.” Rd., Rockville; Kelley Gray, Talcottville Rd., Rockville; HYDMMU room only in that room so the now used for a Teen Center. He u m seem to be ideal at the home of The constitution now bans would allow any person to exception of limited access real estate involved. relation.” She said, “There’s not a Sam Green Rd., Coventry; Nancy Schneider, Robin Rd., HHfllOIJH meeting was moved to the suggested that it be sold or tom Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith voter registration by mail with register by mail, expected to be highways such as the Connec­ Mrs. Marie Herbst, a teadier here who could stand down. Some council members Susan Harriman, Wilshire Rd., Vernon; Mary SheU, Bronx, N. LEGAL NOTICE Sykes School Auditorium. on Hartford Rd. since a bed of the exception of members of approved soon by Congress. ticut Turnpike and the taxpayer and former member up and say if I don’t get the in­ have suggested its use for a Vernon; Nelson Prew, McLean Y.; Peter Shields III, People coming into the RHODODENDRON scillas has been blooming there the U.S. Merchant Marine, Sen. George Gunther, R- parkways. Court of Probate, District of Manchester of the school board, said she op­ crease I won’t teach as weli school administration building St., Rockville; Joanne Rich, Tankeroosen Rd., Vernon; John bearing were handed flyers put each spring for many years. It religious groups . and federal Stratford, an opponent of the —Lifting bans on dredging NOTICE OF HEARING posed the cut in the education next year.” and Houle termed this absurd. RFD 2, Rockville; Craig Simpson, Stafford Springs; VIBURNUM MAKE ESTATE OF EDISON OWENS DAVIS out by the Vernon Taxpayers must be a good 20 feet across, employes and their dependents. bill requiring large gasoline budget noting she felt, “It was She cautioned that they are He said the board committee Rothman, Fitchburg, Mass.; Mrs. Bonnie Zahner and son. Pursuant to an oiJer of Hon. William Bureau Inc. which c a ^ for ■riie floYfers were there when E. FitzGerald. Judge, dated April 28, very arbitrarily taken.” now presentiy taiking about a 5- has been working hard to bring Stella Salva, Spring St., Park St., RockviUe. NKau MAGNOLIA 1975 a hearing ...... more cuts in the proposed the Smiths became the owners “Schools are no longer mili increase. She said the mill the education budget down and RockviUe; ’Theodore Wilcox, Births ’Thursday: A daughter tion I budget. of the home 21 years ago and ting I______educational institutions, they rate now is 49.5 and the in­ “you can be sure I’m going to Doyle Rd., Vernon. to Mr. and Mrs. George "We need a complete change were started when the Charles sain deceased be admitted to probate as in Vernon government officials are social institutions.” She crease is eventually going to focus on the general budget and Discharged Thursday: Bassett, Stafford Springs; a in said application on file more fully Cheney family lived here. Community College Offers appears, at the Court of Probate on May was refering to questions asked “hit you on your tax bills.” do the same thing.” Michael Armstrong, Union St., daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ 373 DEMINQ STREET now. Vote to reduce our tax Protected by an angle in the n , 1975 at 11:00 A.M. as to why a motorcycle course Mayor McCoy said the total As the hour grew later Rockville; Bruce Clements, man Boutin, Enfield; a son to Pearl J. Hultman, Ass't. Clerk mill rate to 45 mills. The SO. WINDSOR, CONN. wall of the house and shaded by masterminds can do it easily. is included in the budget. “If $14 million budget now under questions were asked about the River St., Rockville; Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. John Somers, PHONE 644-1966 a large white oak, the scillas Reduced Summer Schedule Court of Probate If they have a recess do not go that course will save one like consideration would mean a surplus, the salaries of school Darling Jr., Orchard St., Brooklyn St., RockviUe. District of Manchester From Manchester Right Off Buckland Roed have 'sunshine in the early NOTICE TO CREDITORS home that is when they put ^ e then it’s worth it...just like total tax increase of 7 mills. administrators, the contingen­ Rockville; Lawrence Hodges, person. Anyone wishing the spring when there are no leaves The 11 non-credit courses^^ ESTATE OF HANNAH J. HUMPHRIES budget over and take your tax speech and hearing programs. I Mrs. Mason said, “I consider cy fund and education revenues. Manchester Community summer catalogue or further f^rsuant to an order of Hon. William on the tree, but partial shade plus a recreational program for E. FitzGerald, Judge, all claims must be money." This was a footnote on, feel the $450,000 cut is a direct the residents of Vernon the Mayor McCoy said the exact College (MCC) will offer a information may call the com­ after the leaves appear. youth, have varying starting presented to Uie fiduciary named below the flyer. i slap at salary negotiations,” management. It’s down to how surplus would not be known un­ reduced summer session of 44 munity services division at 646- on or before July 2L 1975 or be barred by (doming ahead of them in the dates throughout June and July. It urged the public to protest she added. much are you willing to pay for til the end of the fiscal year credit and 11 non-credit courses 2137, or the summer school of­ law. The fiduciary is: spring are snowdrops, and Mrs. Robert H. (Janet) Smith is surrounded by blue scilla blossoms in wide area at the Students may register for the Wesley C. Gryk taxes, cautioning that higher “I urge all of you to look very your chiid’s education.” "but I’m going to recommend this summer. The reduction is fice Wednesdays and Thursdays 470 Main Street carefully at this budget. I’m not John Zanella, a teacher in the that a large portion of it go into fR K fa U B A N T growing later than the scillas Smith home, 131 Hartford Rd. First scillas were planted when the Charles Cheney family the result of a decision by the summer session by mail or in at 646-4900, ext. 265. Manchester, Conn. taxes add to the inflationary are bloodroot, Jack-in-the- spiral. It said “A paycut for opposed to cuts but I am op­ system, said, “I resent the fact this coming year’s budget.” occupied the house. (Herald photo by Pinto) Board of Trustees of Communi­ pulpit, white trillium, lily-of- teachers is better than posed to ciits done in just this that the teachers are aiways Maryellen Linderman agreed ty Colleges that summer the-valley and ferns. Mrs. layoffs:” construction of the manner,” she said. the brunt of the financiai pic­ that a 7-mill increase would sessions at the 12 Connecticut Smith will look around the learned from experience that For Beauty This Spring Plant An h i^ school addition was not William Houle, chairman of ture. I don’t beiieve the assess­ hurt but also agreed that both the leaves turn brown. Then the community colleges be. self- house and garden also for pot, needing nothing but water, people attending Memorial Day needed: and warned, "Like a the school board, then stepped ment of personai property fits the school board and the council and sent up a two-foot stalk stalk is cut at the soil line and supporting. Solomon’s seal and false exercises at this location can plague your government is up to the microphone to give an into the lo catio n picture.” are hardworking, conservative the bulb set out in the garden. If Dr. Ronald H. Denison, presi­ Ornamental Tree Solomon’s seal, which someone with four blossoms that each hardly avoid trampling the exploiting you.” insight into the education He suggested to Mayor groups. She suggested that each measured up to 10 inches a shoot grows from the bulb dent of MCC, says he and the transplanted from the woods. flowers if they are set earlier. During the hearing the coun­ budget, “which seems'to be the McCoy, who is head of the group cut their budget by one next spring it should flower, and college administration are “not Her wild flower garden came across. The flower bed will be the • Flowering Crab cil came under fire for the focal point of this meeting.” Connecticut Conference of mill to keep the increase to 5 perhaps continue blossoming happy about this decision Dr. Simpson will follow in­ same size and oval shape as in requested $450,000 cut from the He explained it is a status quo Mayors, that his group arrange mills. “There’s ho way we can with the house. for a period of years. It is worth because it interferes with the Scilla has a second name, structions that came with the other summers. Tall white education budget and when the education budget with no in­ a new form of taxation for get along without an increase,” a try. principle of inexpensive state • Mountain Ash equally accurate but not as at­ bulb for putting the plant out­ cleome will stand in the center hearing opened Councilman crease in programs. He said education. she said. The lily you have is some supported, public higher educa­ doors for the summer, with the with white and blue petunias in James McCarthy caused some while we are 103rd in per pupil One man attacked the Herbert Sheer took issue with tractive, Siberian squill. It was variation of Lilium tion being available to all. But found as a wild flower, perhaps pot sunk In the garden, when it the next row. The varieties will • Crimson Maple uproar when be asked that per­ cost we are not 103rd in the teachers for comments made comments made that the quali­ longiflorum, the most widely the current economic crunch . in the southern part of Siberia, should grow some fine, big, flat be White Paleface and Blue sons who speak indicate if they quality of education we are concerning the care of the ty of education in Vernon is sword-like leaves and store up grown lily for the commercial necessitates this action.” are identified with the school giving the children. children. He said, “If you think high. He said he has five but also is native to the south of trade. There are several new Mercury. Tuition at MCC this summer • Kwansan Cherry Europe and could have been energy for another winter. Next will come First Lady board in any way. With charts he explained to your interest in my children is children, “and if it wasn’t for varieties, so unless you are will be $20 per credit or $60 for named for another country. It Brought into the house before hybrid marigolds, a clear light To this came shouts of "Why, the audience just where the more than mine, you’re out of me my kids would be il­ cold weather and kept without told, you have to call it simply a three-credit course. • White Dogwood We’re citizens too.” Mayor education money goes and the your mind. We are the manage­ literate.” gets its botanical name from an Easter lily. yellow, then Blue Salvia and A college service fee of $15 Siberia, Scilla siberica. water for a time, the bulb then Diamond Jubilee yellow Frank McCoy then informed 78.2 per cent for salaries was ment of this town and the “The quality is not there, it should flower again next year, E. Center St. Flowers and a student activities fee of $5 the largest cut of the “pie.” payers of your salaries. Do not never has been and we’re never marigolds. bring the total cost of the first LARGE 8ELECTION those present that this was just Easter Lilies The Perennial Planters, the BLUEBERRY Next was purchased services at attack us as taxpayers and going to get it after tonight The soil will be prepared by three credit courses to $80. 75 V«IIETIES a request and no one had to A m aryllis The Easter lily is another garden club that maintains a honor it if they didn’t wish to. 8.8 per cent; supplies and never attack us as parents,” he either,m he said. the Department of Parks and Fees are only paid once. RUSHES The Rev. Dr. Clifford 0. plant that sometimes lives bed of annual flowers each AZALEAS! William Graver questioned materials, 6.9 per cent; warned. Between now and the next Recreation. • ’The garden club The MCC summer session Simpson of Spring St. has been over. It is planted in the garden summer toward the east end of members will do the planting PERENNIALS! the rationale of the council’s employe Benefits, 4.4 per cent; One woman, who is a teacher, week or so ^ e Town Council will run June 23 to Aug. 1, with • Pink • White • YbIIow 4 VarietiM admiring, with amazement, a with the hope that it will grow the green along E. Center St., requested cut. He said the capitol outlay, 1.4 per cent and said, “Teachers have been ac­ will have to set a firm budget and the weeding on a schedule classes held Monday through • Orange • Red 2 to 3 foot plants pink-and-white am a^llis that again. It often does. The plant will be ready to set out seedling INCLUDINQ LUPINE, DAISIES, education budget of $8,859,000 other objects, .3 per cent. c u s e of being a power group. figure to be advertised for the which gives all volunteers a Thursday. Basic and advanced Howard Johnson’s, “The Flavor of America” is conveniently located at 394 Tolland Turnpike, Mancheste:, his wife ordered from a that is now in the house is kept plants as soon as Memorial Day CORAL BELLS, PRIMROSE, MOBT IN BUD - READY TO represents a 10 per cent in­ ’The teachers and the board ’The Hatch Act doesn’t affect annual budget meeting chance to work. credit courses are offered in all AND MANY OTHERS... Conn. (Exit 94 off 1-86). America’s favorite eating place under the orange roof, is now featuring some of tl e catalogue. The bulb came in a growing and watered until after is past. The members have BLOOMI •3.98 crease , “And we are all aware are still negotiating salaries us...I’m speaking as a citizen scheduled for May 20. academic areas for studente that inflation is running higher and while indications have been and I’d rather see taxes in­ Whatever figure the council best daiiy speciais in town, at easy-on-the-budget prices! For exampie: Monday is Fillet of Fish Daj; wishing to accelerate their than that so that seems to be that the salaries will go up 12 crease to help education. The sets will be voted on at this Tuesday is Spaghetti Spree Day; Wednesday is Deep Sea Dinner Day; Thursday is Turkey Dinner Day; aiti regular program of study, for OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. justified.” per cent, reportedly this is high $450,000 cut is not a realistic meeting. According to the Friday is Clam Special Day. Would you believe you can order any of these for a mere $2.49 - $2.99 plus specia Foreign News Commentary: recent high school graduates Mayor McCoy explained that and the increase is more likely figure, she said. charter, those attending the prices for the kiddies? So, this weekend, or any time, get Mom out of the kitchen, and kids out of Mom’s hair, wanting a head start on college- the town’s general budget is up to be in the area of 5 to 7 per Another woman said she meeting may vote to cut the and bring them to America’s favorite eating place, your local Howard John^n’s. level study, and for those who about 7.7 per cent. He said cent. ,, failed to see where a 10 per cent propos^ budget but they are need to make up credit and WHITHAM NURSERY some $700,000 of this is interest Superintendent Dr. Raymond increase in the budget would not allowed to add to it. course deficiencies. ROUTE 6, BOLTON “QROW WITH US" 643-7802 paymepts, mostly for school Ramsdell has gone through the give the children a better Plan To Dine With Us A New Asian Testing Ground The non-credit course buildings, and that’s part of the budget with an eye toward com­ education. offerings are designed to meet tion are seeking ways to bolster rationale.” ing up with the requested cut Mother's Day And Enjoy Diplomatically, the test could new leftist government in Por­ the cultural, recreational and By PHIL NEWSOM national security in the wake of Delicious UPI Foreign News Analyst come in the un­ tugal itself. occupational needs of people of The results could mean an the American defeat in In­ T E L 872-7327 South Korea may be the next der whose flag the U.S. troops varying ages and interests. end to the U.N. presence in dochina. ROUTE 83 • ELLINGTON testing ground for U.S. deter­ in South Korea are maintaineid. "Sophittleaud Dining at Reasonable Prices" South Korea and withdrawal of It is considered possible that, mination in Asia. Opposing resolutions in­ STEAK & LOBSTER U.N. support for the American d espite bitter differences EAST HARTFORD NURSERY Militarily the test could come troduced into the United College Tests Hebron Drops Curbs on Agriculture Welcome To You And STARRING forces there. With international arising from Park’s iron rule of ONLY in South Korea itself where the Nations General Assembly last Juicy, U.8.D>. Choice Sirloin support no longer on the U.S. South Korea, heart-to-heart Set Saturday Your Family On Succulent, butter-luscious lobster tall United States still maintains year had indecisive results. set forth to adopt regarding the Conservation Commission, said proposed regulation? Visconiti side, there could be diffitplties talks soon may take place Anne Dallaire 38,000 troops nearly 22 years 'This year presents a different Students who have registered Presents housing of livestock. “I don’t think it is reaUstic to was told that the commission CO-STARRING over U.S. bases in JapalCsome between him and opposition to take the college board Correspondent Potato, crisp salad, oven-warm bread after signing of the Korean ar­ picture, with a Communist vic­ LG. FRUIT BURING AGE The new regulations call for tell people who live on three or had the final say on the MOTHER’S DAY of which are^^tfesigned leader Kim Yong-Sam. achievement tests at 228-3267 and your favorite waitresses. mistice. North Korean Presi­ tory in Cambodia, new left­ three-acre minimum parcel for more acres they can’t have an regulations. v' specifically as “United Nations Neither side bothers to con­ Manchester High School Satur­ The Planning and Zoning Special Holiday Menu Includes COMING ATTRACTION: dent Kim n Sung has hinted at leaning states in Africa as each horse with one additional electric fence. People planting Mastrandrea said he hopes ceal their alarm over events in day are reminded that the doors APPLE TREES Commission (PZC) announced Steak a Slutted Shrimp it, and South Korean President result of the breakup of Por­ bases.” acre added for each new horse. gardens sometimes put them up people will feel free to submit SALiU) BAR •BAKED POTATO and French diplomats in Asia are Indochina. will open at 8 a.m. Students will Value to $49.95 at its PubUc Hearing Park Chung Hee has said he tuguese colonial holdings and a Mrs. Joan Rowly, resident to protect the garden from rab­ any of their ideas to the com­ telling Paris they take seriously Opinions differ on the reasons be assigned to testing rooms on Wednesday night that RI and VEGETABLE expects it. and Zoning Board of Appeals bits, and that would mean a lot mission members and that the for Kim II Sung’s visit to a first come, first served basis. RII district will stay residential Also 244 CENTER ST. a warning issued by Kim II SALE PRICE member, felt the regulations of residents appearing before commission will not adopt the Sung during a recent visit to Peking, his first time out of agriculture. The latest possible arrival were too stringent and that the Zoning Board of Appeals for regulations until they have Special Children’s Menu North Korea in more than a Residents Monday night had MANCHESTER Peking that the time has come time is 8:30 a.m. COMMON APPIE horses don’t n ^ that much a fence.” studied them throughly. For ReservationB Call dozen years. *14.95 to *29.95 opposed the new proposed for the Americans to depart Students should bring their acreage. The new regulations call for Visconiti said “It’s a shame 872-7327 Phone 846-199S from Asia and for Pyongyang to A communique issued at the ticket of admission and two No. regulation, saying that Hebron no electric fence unless more residents don’t come to end of his visit supported his is mainly an agriculture town Salvatore Mastrandrea, reunify the two parts of Korea. 2 pencils. chairman of the PZC, said they specifically approved by the these hearings.” It was noted COURT CASES That the South Koreans also proposals for uniting Korea but Parking will be in the student LODI, DELICIOUS, STAYMAN, WULTHY, and felt that the proposed Zotm g Board of Appeals, the that there were a total of 17 OPEN 7 DAYS 1 called for it to be done by regulations would alter the had been discussiong the take it seriously is parking lot off Brookfield St. YELLOW DELICIOUS and OTHERS building inspector, and the residents of which five were - “independent and peaceful” rural characteristics of Hebron regulations before the meeting demonstrated by Park’s defiant Students are reminded to enter State of Department of Health. commission members, four 11’ a.m. to 9:00 means. that attracted most of the peo­ and had thought that it might be assertion that his forces are the building through the en­ better to restrict it to a highly Tony Visconiti of West St., elected officials, and three AMERICA’S STEAK EXPERT Another opinion notes that ple to Hebron. , prepared to repeal any aggres­ trance to the cafeteria lobby asked if the regulations will be were newsmen. Co m m o n p l e a s c o u r t Armand Corneau, 47, of East North Korea is deeply in debt as FULL SELECTION OF STANDARD & Leonard Babin questioned the populated area such as sulv sion from the north and by adjacent to the student parking divisions with a one acre lot. in the hands of the PZC or will The Planning and Zoning (Geographical Area 19) Hartford, intoxication, nolled; reports from Seoul that both result of Kim’s intensive cam­ PZC members on the Francis A. Griffin, 28, of Rt. lot. DWARF FRUIT TREES — APPLE. PEAR, John Hibbard, resident and the taxpayers get to vote on the Commission will be reviewing Rockville Session Park and his political opposi­ paign of rebuilding and in­ “stringent regulations” they Theresa Family 140, Ellington, disorderly con­ the proposed revision covering The following cases were dis­ dustrialization. PEACH, PLUM, APRICOT, NECTARINE, the subdivision regulations at a duct and intoxication, nolled; posed of : Raymond Griffen, 23, no cer­ GRAPE and Others...______later date. In the case of Robert D. Feast evray tain address, third-dgere'e State Police Head Says Green, 18, of Mark Dr„ Coven­ forgery, $50 and fourth-degree try, four counts of third-degree larceny, nolled. EXPERT THIS WEEK’S RHODODENDRONS at Howard Johnson^! criminal mischief, a charge of skle of cannabis-type drugs and Lee Johnson, 26, 960 Tudor SPECIAL HARDY AZMIAS No One Sought Data WITH SECONDS ON THE HOUSE qne count of possession of Lane, Manchester, second- marijuana, were all nolled. On degree larceny, nolled; Mary SAT. & SUN. ONLY! l&P ROSES Monday Deep Sea D inner pne count of third-degree Ann Quinn, 16, of Enfield, t^tion, that is available, Preuss reported there was criminal mischief (Jreen lU M A TIS BOLTON Golden fried Tendersweetendersweet dams, filet of threatening, nolled; Richard i^quested by the chief also the possibility of getting entered a plea of guilty arid was Streeter, 16, Windermere Ave., GLOBE flounder, french fries and cole slaw. f executive officer of the town.” grants to bring the firehouse up PERENNIALS Donna Holland $1.39 for kids *2.49 fined $50. Ellington, nolled; and Joseph Correspondent ’The selectmen took no action to code or for an addition to it. Erwin C. Drury, 18, of Pinney Liberatore, 19, of Waterbury, ONION SETS 646-0375 on the letter. St., Ellington, entered a plea of ARBORVITAE liiesday Spaghetti Spree second-degree larceny, nolled. Lt. John Watson, of the State Richard Morra, first select­ ADVT. guilty to a charge of fourth- rag. $5.95 SEED POTATOES Police Department, said that as man, said no one asked him to . Rivers, Shaw - Sheridan, A With meat balls, meat sauce, garlic degree larceny. He was Bruce D. Burgess, 46, of East commanding officer of Troop K get the information. Mahon. ’They want to serve you bread and salad. $1.39 for kids sentenced to 30 days in jail Hartford pleaded innocent to a A an n ual & VEGETAOLE PLANTS only he has the authority at this In October 1974 Mrs. Virginia - Vote Democratic May 5th. *2.49 with execution suspended and charge of operating under the SWISS GANT PANSIES level to release specific infor­ Butterfield attended a (Paid for by the Democratic he was placed on probation for influence of liquor, or drugs or mation on crime in Bolton. selectmen’s meeting and asked Town Committee of Boljaii - VCfednesday F ish F ry one year. both, and asked for a jury trial House of scheduled for this month. GROUND COVERS Lt. Watson said there have the selectmen to request from John M, Ctonnolly, Tfeasj William B. Malon, 18, of (jolden filet of flounder, french tries, Elmer Nielson, 47, of 126 been no requests made to him Colchester a record of cole slaw. $1.39 for kids Pucker St., Coventry pleaded for any criminal statistics. everything that’s happened in M e X *2.49 guilty to two counts of third- High St., Rockville, pleaded in­ Cut And Care^^ The statements were in a s bV a Chung degree criminal mischief and nocent to the same charge and Bolton. TAKE THE WORK OF YOUR LAWN letter to Michael O’Connor, was fined $25 on each. his case will also go to a jury SALE! chairman of the police study On Committee You'll he very Thuisd^ Turkey D inner Four other counts of the same trial this month. OUT OF YOUR HANDS committee. Roast Turkey with giblet gravy, com now offen charge and one count of third- “CUT AND CARE” a divitlon of Rut-HIII Landteapa Contracting Co.; one of At a public hearing in April The Board of en ap- pleased with the bread stuffing, cranberry sauce and all the trimmin’s. $1.49 for kids ;degree larceny were nolled. Connacticut’a oldeat Lawn Constructing Companies; now offers a complete ANDORRA & ___ when police protection was pointed Noiman Carl wide selection of *239 featuring Polynesian and I Other dispositions: Ronald C. Preuss and one (er person to Realdentlal Lawn Maintenance Program. Each program la Individually designed being discussed O’Connor said special gift ideas Cantonese Speeialdes Brown, 23, of North Brookfield, to fit your particular neada. visited the Colchester barracks be designate! by Norman ’O' ftiday C lam Fry Famous Pu Pu Platter Mass., tampering with a motor WILTON JUNIPER io iw $3s.9s where he was told he could not Preuss, to a coi UtK to study for that very vehicle, nolled; Daniel B. Chap­ Complete Power Shop (East Hartford Only) emergency m( cai’lfervices. Heaps of golden fried Tendersweet Special Family Dinners 1. MOWING 3.SEEDING 5. TRIMMING see any records pertaining to special person dams, french fries and cole slaw. man, 78, 270 Vernon Ave., Man Electrocuted The commit to incor- 4.THATCHING 6. EDGING Bolton as they are not open to on her day. $1.49 for kids and Combination Platters Rockville, pleaded nolo to a 2. FERTiLIZATION porate the infi ition com­ *299 GREENWICH (UPI) - private citizens. charge of reckless driving, he William Fronil, 20, of Chestnut Lt. Watson read the published piled by the amnulaiice study h r OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK was found guilty and fined $25. Also Available Insect and Weed Control and lEAST HARTFORD NURSERY GARDEN BARN T Mon-Thun 11 -11 pm Street, was electrocuted reports of the bearing and committee into its findings. FriSat 11-11:30o C harles O’Reilly, 33, of Sunday 12-10 pm Thursday when an aluminum 97 Ws$t Rd. responded to O’Connor by Preuss reported to the 394 Tolland Tpke. Valley View Lane, Vernon, FREE Lawn Design Consultation 1379 Silver Lane selectmen on meetings he has ladder he was holding hit a letter. ’The Board of Selectmen Manchester MOUJARD 363 BR0AIT5T. violation of state traffic control power line. An employe of For further Information; 569-6890 Vamon have a copy of the letter which attended on emergency medical o M u t j o H R s o n S COMPLETE signal, $15; Joseph Porter, 36, Mon.-Fri. 0:30-0 services. He said he will see if AT EXIT 94 MANCHESTER Round Hill Tree Co, Fronil was Please Call Collect G72-7291 they read at their last meeting. M TAKE-OUT of St.t. Albans, N. Y., following working with others off Sat. & Sun. 0:30-0 PM n there is a possibility of getting WILBUR CRQ86 PARKWAY ‘^ ‘FlavofqCAmaka 6 4 9 * 4 9 5 8 Lt. Watson said, “May I in­ n e e sM f Square SERVICE too closely, $15; Thomas M. Stanwich Road. He was 008-7105 or 008-5747 form you that I would be more grant funding for Bolton for an Rt 83 Taicottvie, Conn. •wiai,Roth, 21, of Russell Dr., Ver­ ambulance or rescue vehicle. pronounced dead on arrival at bappy to provide any infor- non, evading responsibility, $25. Greenwich Hospital MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri.. May 2, 19 75 - PAGE TWENTY-THREE Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homaa For Sale 23 Homaa For Bala 23 Homaa For Bala 23 Homaa For Salo 23 Homoa For Sale 2 3 Homaa For Bala 23 PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., May 2,1975 23 HomotForSalo 23 MANCHESTER - New on the EAST HARTFORD - duplex, 4 H»lp HTantcd 13 Butlmu Opportunltf 14 Hornet For Solo SPRING ARRIVAL - Highly ACRE WDODEO LDT market, 6-room Colonial with 3 desirable South Farms area. And, an eight room UAR boUt coloaial plus 5, priced low 30’s. B/w bedrooms, formal dining room, Seven room Colonial Cape with Uiat ii lo a M wtik extras. iV. baUu, t realty, 647-1419. RARE OPPORTUNITY - APARTMENT BUILDING - MANCHESTBR EXPERIENCED, full-time large kitchen with pantry, 2-car What is your Property Worth? aluminum siding, three large flreplacea, t garages, 4 bedrooms, BREEN THUMB YARD Manager. Also experienced per­ Established territories. Mister consisting of 4-one bedroom walXKNit basement, rear deck. garage, treed yard. $37,900. bedrooms, fireplaced living MANCHES’TER - Older 8 room 11.1 BtALTOn Softee a Household word. Units aparhnents, centrally located, son, full or part-time. Good pay Wolverton Agency, Realtors, We will inspect your property and suggest room, dining room, large coun­ TJ. CRDCKETT Dutch Colonial in good condi­ MIS are ready to go. Need good peo­ aluminum siding, business Owner ^ m t S s ^ o S ^ id e va­ for r i^ t pMple. Apply in Mr- 649-2813. try kitchen with dishwasher, 1 Realtors 643-1877 tion on lovely lot. Out of state ple. Low down payment pay out zone, excellent potential for cant. Central location. Asking an asking price. (No obligation.) Plenty of room in tho yard of thia NEWLY U8TED 3* son, C. J.’s Giant Grinders, 1/2 baths, first floor family owner anxious to sell. B/w real­ of profits. Call or write today, commercial expansion. $38,900. Ask us about our guarantee sales plan TODAY!!! bedroom Colonial for your garden. Carpeting, Inc., 273 Broad Street. MODERN, clean 4% room room with rear deck, walkout ty, 647-1419. area code 203-677-9089 or 528- Jackston Agency, 646-1316. MANCHESTER - New family remodeled kitchen with pentry, end walkout d e ^ from Ranch Condominium. Manv basement and garage. Priced 8771. Mister Softee of Southern Colonial, aluminum siding, 3 the dining room. Calll M0,900. WANTED - experienced extras, huge basement. $28,80(). below current market value for 2 FAMILY New England, Inc. 198 South bedrooms, bath and lavatory, radiator repairer, 40 hour week, 646-6310. PASEK REALTORS — MLS quick sale by owner. 646-6049. Custom-built by present owner. miply in person to Olender’s Road, Farmington, Conn. 06032. REAL ESTATE CENTER oversized modern kitchen, Loaded with eztrat, IMi baths, She Hemlh aluminum siding, beautifui kitchens m>dy Shop, Route 83, Rockville, TOLLAND 289-7475 - EAST HARTFORD built-ins, 24’ combination dining 6 4 6 -4 1 4 4 BY OWNER - two family (with buitt-ins), carpeting. Botb sides REALE’S CORNER see Joe. PROFITABLE neighborhood One year aluminum sided MANCHESTER 742-8243 - COVENTRY and playroom, garage,, just- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING duplex, 2-car garage, patio, 30- witl be vacant on aderiBS,S55. 175 IRAIN STREET PHONE 646^25 grocery market, specializing in Ranch with attached garage. A FIND [Member National Assoc, of Real Estate Boards also! right lot, conveniently located. Italian foods. Includes building 32 Hemlock Street, ’Trade of your present home TJ. CRDCKEn AVON- Sell now. Earn more. Wall-to-wall carpet niMdiStiMl IM* for the handy investor, 19 member of the Hartford. Manchester and Vernon Multiple | with five room apartment and Manchester. Low 40’s. 429-4465, considered. Donald S. Realtors 6W-1577 Avon’s made it easy for you to throughout. Fireplace, living I Listing Service. two car garage. Owner retiring. room three family. Bix 90x190 principals only. Gale Realty Company, MANCHESTER - Reduced, earn money. Sell daily need room, eatin kitchen, two full Call for details. CoUi-Wagner BOLTON - 6 room Raised lot on Chestnut Street. Needs Realtors, MLS, 289-7939. $46,500. By owner. Seven-room REDWOOD FARMS products at new low prices, Realty Company, 289-0241. baths. One acre wooded lot. Ranch, with 27’ kitehen and some work but unbelievable AMSTON LAKE - Charming Split Level Contemporary home s the location of this world-famous cosmetics, CobimMa NMrtySAertt Priced to sell at $44,900. dining area combination. Large buy at $42,900. REAP THE HARVEST four-room summer home near in desirable neighborhood, spacious nine-room Raised fragrances...all guaranteed. ROUTE 195 TOLLAND walking distance to school and Situation Wantod IS living room, three bedrooms, Call VERNON (>>inblnaUon Home and office on busy lake. Full bath, electric heat. PHONE 643-2711 And bw er your food budget. An abun­ Ranch. Three full baths, two Call today-523-9Wl. firepiac^ family room, 2 1/2 Route IGS close to UConn. Acre lot S6UTH WIN6S6R Asking $17,500. Zinsser Agency, shopping. Living room with 28 LIBERH STREET dance of fruit trees, h ^ bushes, fireplaces, five bedrooms BABYSITTING, my home, baths, 2-car garage. $54,500. commercially zoned, five room ranch $43,500. Spanish decor, 6-room 646-1511. fireplace, dining room, con­ FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD PART TIME - Experienced in ZINSSER A6ENCY WARREN E. Six-room Cape with garage. In home plus a SCO sq. ft. (dfice. Miragus beds, etc. go witn UUs im­ possible, formal dining days, evenings or overnight. Wolverton Agency, Realtor, maculate 8 room Ranch. 2 baths, gar­ Ranch with 16x32’ pool, deck venient eat-in kitchen, three sales and other related services 64B-1511 :____ room. Plus attic fan, Wul pick up and deliver, any 649-2813. ______nice condition. Only $32,900. T.J. CROCKETT age, large baas pond, small bam. and patio area. Very large MANCHESTER - By owner. bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, fully of life insurance department. Suzanne or Arthur Shorts. 648-3233. age. M7-9360. HOWLAND Realtors 643-1577 rooms, 2 full baths. Call for Cape, good location, clean, near paneled family room. Large lot. aluminum siding, wooded ____ A p p ly schools, shopping. $33,900. 649- Must be seen. 649-7422. - Redwood MANCHESTER : Four family Realtors 643-1108 J. EMT80N lUCH CO. appointment. lot. Professional appraisal :S • t S Mancheahchesterm^Whfsfreet! ...... A A Farms, spacious 9 room Raised in center of town, four rooms icImW Gffin MT-I13I 4773. available. Asking $51,900. INDEX Manchester. MANCHESTER - Exceptional, ADVERTISING H A PPY A D S Ranch, set on large treed lot. each apartment, income over Equal Housing Opportunity ADVERTISING REAL ESTATE CENTER immaculate, 5-room Con­ OAK STREET - Large 6-6 NOTICES ______□ EDUCATION Three full baths, aluminum $6,000. Excellent estate builder, AVANTE Offered by the 6 4 6 -4 1 4 4 dominium. Everything you ever Duplex, 3 bedrooms on each ZINSSER AGENCY 1 — Lott and Found DEADLINE CAPABLE mother’s helper siding, two firejolaces, family $57,500. Wolverton Agency, BEST BUYS side, 2 oil hot water heating 2 — Ptrtonilt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••* nSCHETTElMIUmN,ll(Lllealton wanted in a home. Wall-to-wall MANCHESTER - four year REALTY RATES wanted to sj lend the summer at room, five possible bedrooms. Realtor, 649-2813. systems, electric hot water 3 — Announctmtntt 12:00 noon the day before Private Inatruetlona 18 carpeting, all appliances, cen­ young, 5-5 duplex, aluminum 1 day . . 9c word per day publication. the beach. (lall 646-6145. Asking $51,900. Zinsser Agency, 263 Mah Street Mmehester BYBELHORE heater. Only 3 blocks from 4 — Entertainment tral air-conditioning, family siding, fenced yard, self­ 6 4 6 -5 4 6 1 5 — Auctions 3 days . 8« word per day 646-1511. PHUmCK NEW LISTING Main Street. Nice deep lot with Deadline lor Saturday and CREWEL CLASSES - for room, bath and lavatory, swim- cleaning oven and dishwasher 6 days ...... 7c word per day Monday is 12:00 Noon Friday. PROFICIENT - telephone and CHARMING 6 4 6 -2 8 6 1 trees. Good income. Truly a Lots-Land For Sale 24 FINANCIAL 26 days .. 6c word per day beginners, eight lessons for $5. 1 ming pool, life guard, on owner’s side. Wall-to-wall 8 — Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages competent office skills required Four bedrooms, IMi baths, nice Duplex. One apartment 15 WORD MINIMUM May 6 - June 24. For details call EAST HARTFORD- Seven Manchester — Large' clean playgroundsScarport, tennis caroeting throughout. Beamed m 9 — Personal Loans for interesting part-time - - - AGENCY NORTH COVENTRY - Like convenient location highlights now vacant. Priced right with BUILDING LOTS - Manchester Happy Ads $2.00 inch PLEASE READ Beverly Munn, 644-0859. room split Level, 4 bedrooms, older home with 5 bedrooms, courts. Live the "fife of Riley’ ’ ceiUngs in living room, 1 1/2 t = i to — Insurance employment. Send reply - new 5 1/2 room Ranch, this clean Colonial. Fast sale small down payment. residential area, approximately IW baths, fenced yard, three car garage, open bam, [CONTEMPORARY - Raised} for only $32,000. Look at your baths, separate basements, EMPLOYMENT resume to Box 2090, Vernon, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fireplace, 1 1/2 baths, Manchester Realty Co., Ted one acre, also other acreage aluminum siding, large kitchen [Ranch, one year old, large} leisure. Donald S. Gale Realty partially nnished rec room wanted, priced accordingly in 13 — Help Wanted YOUR AD Conn. 06066. tool shed, landscaped carpeting, walk-out basement, Goodchild, 6464348. available. Jackston Agency, Classified ads are taken over with built-ins. Only $32,900. Company, Realtors, MLS, 289- owner’s side. $54,900. Call 646- mid thirties! Ask for Joe 14 — Business Opportunities □ REAL ESTATE grounds, separable % acre lot [living room, with floor to[ 3/4 acre lot, $35,900. Hayes MANCHESTER - Ansaldi-built 646-1316. 15 — Situation Wanted the phone as a convenience. Warren E. Howland, Realtors, 7939. 7930 anytime or 647-1045 Lombardo. as an excellent investment. [ceiling stone fireplace.| Corp. 646-0131. Colonial. Prestige area. Move- The Herald is responsible for •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 643-1108. between 1 0 -1 p.m. or 4-8 p.m. ENFIELD - Six-room Colonial EDUCATION only one incorrect insertion and AIR-CONDITIONING $59,000. [Beamed cathedral ceiling, ul- in condition! Fully paneled NEW LISTING ANDOVER - Treed 2-acre Homes For Sale 23 CAR with enclosed breezewav and 18 — Private Instructions then only to the size of the . . . Someone SERVICE MEN jtra modern kitchen, 2 full} family room, two fireplaces, Eight room immaculate home site with pond! Minutes 19 — Schools-Classas located on VA acres In near­ two-car garage, 1 1/2 baths, 20 — Instructions Wanted original insertion. Errors which Experiened. Apply only If genuinely .ODEGARb [baths, formal dining room,} VERNON spacious lot with charming Colonial on treed and to Manchester and Hartford. do not lessen the value of the may have le n t yau MANCHESTER - Six month OPEN HOUSE by Vernon. Three bedrooms, fenced-in rear yard. $35,900. sincere and interested in a good future. [photo room, 2-car garage,} MANCHESTER landscape. Excellent value. landscaped lot. Both first- $11,000. Terms. Call Warren E. REAL ESTATE advertisement will not be cor­ For appointment call new, nrime west side location, REALTY [Attractive, 6-room Ranch, Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. a happy adll WESTMINSTER ROAD eat-ln kitchen, dining room, GRACIOUS LIVING Principals. 60’s. 643-1839. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. 23 — Homos for Sale rected by an additional inser­ 5-5 Duplex, 1 1/2 baths, 643-4365 [wooded lot with a view. $51,-} [large living room, formal 8creened-ln porch, garage. floor den and basement family 24 — Lots-Land lor Sale tion. 649-6691 hardwood floors, aluminum Off Porter St. 500. [dining room, 3 bedrooms. We are pleased to offer for the room included. Some quality 25 — Investment Property Plus large barn on rear of MANCHESTER - 8 year old, 4 COVENTRY- 4.7 acres situated 26 — Business Property siding, high 50’s. Hayes Cor­ Sunday 3-6 [Local to all schools, shopping first time this exemplary 10- extras plus negotiable [ c a p e — Six rooms, treed lot,| property. Asking $37,900. 1/2 - 4 1/2 duplex, 1 1/2 baths, on High Street, gorgeous view. 27 — Resort Property Happiness Is going ] poration, 646-0131. Custom built 6-room Colonial, I and churches. All this in coun room Colonial in one of household items. Recessed 28 — Real Estate Wanted SECRETARY - Receptionist, MANCHESTER - New listing - [city utilities, handy location,} aluminum siding, laundry T. P. Shea Agency, 646-6714. the ! IVa baths, garage, center I try setting on large lot. Manchester’s finest residen­ ba sem ent g radiators plus plastered walls. MANCHESTER Personala doctor’s office, East Hiartforc $17,500 - Five rooms, 1 1/2 large stately colonial entrance [$31,500. room . jes, MISC. SERVICES fireplace. Expandable walk- foyer, front-to-back living room ZINSSER AGENCY tial areas. There are 5 utilities, pr prime location. $49,- Two-car garage. True quality MANCHESTER - Ideal A zone 31 — Services Offered □ FINANCIAL SPRING JUBILEE | specialist, typing, some baths, stove, refrigerator, gar­ PRIME LOCATION up attic. with fireplace, formal dining AVANTE bedrooms (the master 500. 649-4138. at a reasonable price. lot for custom house. 115’ fron­ 32 — Painting-Papering PERSON or persons who stole Highland Park School { snorthand, fourjur day week, age, nearly two acres. Hutchins [ c a p e — Eat-in kitchen, for-} Four brand new Duplexes un­ 33 — Building-Contracting room, 4 bedrooms, treed lot, bedroom has beamed, tage, central location, all custom pool cue and carton of 8 ; experienced desired. Reply Agency, Realtors, 646-3166. [mal dining room, fireplaced} NEW LISTING der construction, comer of 34 — RoolIng-SIdIng Bonda-Stocks-Mortgagaa Saturday, May 3 near school. Quick sale at $44,- REALTY MANCHESTER - Assumable cathedral ceilings), iVz baths, EAST HARTFORD - 2-family, 4 utilities, wooded, with brook. 35 — Heating-Plumbing cigarettes from car at Holiday box, DD, Manchester Herald. [living room, 3 bedrooms, 2-car [ Immaculate, repeat, im­ Mather and Parker Streets. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. \ PALMER REALTY 900. Frechette & Martin Inc. mortgage, $7,100 to take over a large, heated in-ground pool, plus 5, good income, priced mid 643-7800, Broker-Owner. 36 — Flooring ^ w lin g Lanes please call 646- maculate Cape in convenient Stop in and see our plans. Low 37 — Moving-Trucking-Storage MORTGAGES, loans first, se- ; VERNON 646-6321 Realtors, 646-4144. [garage, immaculate condi-.| 6 4 6 -5 4 6 1 an 8 1/2% mortgage with 28 30’s. B/w realty, 647-1419. 7767. No questions asked. DISHWASHER WANTED - tennis court, fantastic 60’s. 38 — Services Wanted cond, third. All kinds. Realty JAN DRIVE Gertruda Hagedom 849-0536 Ition. $36,900. 6 46-2A 01 years left. $283 for PiTI. Extra- location. Plastered walls, two HEBRON (39 m ills). Easy Reward. statewide. Credit rating un­ Happy Second Friday and Saturday nights. landscaping, central air- Ranch, three bedrooms, living MANCHESTER - Farm. Ready large Cape with full shed front dormers, nice formal en­ commuting 20-30 minutes Hart­ MISC. FOR SALE necessary. Reasonable. Con­ Anniversary Apply Cavey’s Restaurant, 45 CONTEMPORARY Raised conditioning, first-floor fami­ BENTON STREET 41 — A rticles lo r Sale East Center Street, room, kitchen, full cellar. to be worked. 3 1/2 acres, trac­ IB dormer and 1 1/2 baths. Call Center of Town...gracious three try, open stairway. Wall-to- ford, country view from ap­ 42 — Building Supplies Bonds-Stocka-Mortgagaa 8 fidential, quick arrangements. TO OUR CHILDREN i HOLL STREET - Residence B Ranch — Large, modern ly room and a lower-level proved acre plus, $11,300. Near Manchester. Reduced for quick sale at $31,- tor, chickens, shed, 3-car gar­ owner-agents, 643-5314 or 872- bedroom colonial that is in top condi­ wall in living room and dining 43 — Dogs-Birds-Pets Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. RAY AND CAROLE ^ne, large older home. Readi­ kitchen with pantry, formal recreational area with bath, tion. Ail big rooms, fireplace, porches, Bolton, 71/2 wooded acres, best 44 — Livestock age, 8-room home in good con­ 0003. room. Fireplace, aluminum REAL ESTAn CENTER 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ Love, Mom and Dad Fike ; 900. ly convert this to a 2-family. dining room with built-ins,l dressing rooms, dark room two car garage. Sensibly pricM to sell one-two homes. $4,900 down or 45 — Boats & Accessories MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd COMPUTER OPERATOR - dition. $49,900. Holcombe at (35,900. storms and greens, garage. 6 4 6 -4 1 4 4 46 — Sporting Goods mortgages — interim financing ford. Evenings, 233-6879. and Mom and Dad Bertuzzi Close to center of town. Huge Realtors, 644-2447. living room with cathedral! and workshop. Carpeted less. $14,000. Robert Assoc. Call 47 — Garden Products Responsible person to operate living room with fireplace, 4 T.J. CROCKEn Three bedrooms. Stately, F!ECIET1E&IIUinil,IIC.. Realtors — expeditious and confidential mini-computer. Experience ceiling and fieldstont throughout. Florida room Collect. 228-9274. 46 — Antiques large bedrooms, 2 full baths. Realtors 643-1577 shade-giving trees. Call Alex 263 Mein Street Mmchettei 49 — Wanted to Buy service, J.D. Real Estate •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A Very Happy Birthday necessary. Full-time position. GRANDVIEW STREET fireplace from floor to ceiling,| with skylight, and there is Assoc. 646-1980. REAL ESTATE CENTER Fun basement and attic, 2-car WITH THE BIRDS AMD THE B’S Matthew now. Homes For Sale 23 RENTALS TO OUR SON, RAY Salary open. Call Rita, 289-7964. New homes under construction. One redwood paneling, four more. Call for further details □ EMPLOYMENT 6 4 6 -4 1 4 4 garage. Asking $49,900. Keith BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL AND BIG IN MANCHESTER - Two- NEW LISTING 52 — Rooms lor Rent Love, Real Estate, ^4126, 649-1922. raised ranch ready for decorating: bedrooms, 2 full baths, largel and price. 53 — Apartments for Rent some new homes starting. Built by family home to be built on nice Older but very clean six-room LEGAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••*** Mom and Dad Fike CUSTOMER SERVICE and FRECHETTE &MIWTM,WC.,Realton family room with fireplace,! 54 — Homes lor Rent various other office duties. Tom Corbitt___ $500. par year buys carafraa living with country club lot in good location. Call now Colonial with backyard swim­ 55 — Business for Rent Help Wanted 13 and Mom and Dad 263 Main Street Maidietter BARGAIN den or library, 5 sliding glassT WARREM E. 56 — Resort Property lor Ren^ Typing ability and basic ac­ T.J. CROCkEn advantages, profaeslonslly decorated, 3 bedroom with your plans, or allow us to ming pool. Wall-to-wall in Bertuzzi Thinking of trees and quiet, doors, 2 large decks, 2-car 57 — Wanted to Rent NOTICE OF SALE PHONE FROM home to ser­ counting background a must. Realtors______643-1577 super large Condominium, formal dining room, living explain the builder’s pU several rooms. Aluminum S.B.M. has 58 — Misc. lor Rent beautiful 6 room Ranch, 2 garage, large lot. $68,500. Reale Realtors, Mr. Popik, 646- The following used equipment vice our customers for super $125 per week starting. For $38,900 - Duplex, 6-3. Nice in­ room, kitchen with all bullt-lna, cloaats unlimited, 2 full HOWLAND storms and screens, garage baths, antiqued brick 643-1108 4525. AUTOMOTIVE is offered for sale by sealed bid earnings. Choose own hours. Tag Sale Followers more information call 875-2548. law apartment, carpeting, $435 and 2 hall baths, finishad rec room, w/w carpeting, Early occupancy. ’T re^ yard. 61 — Autos lo r Sale fireplace, carpeting COVENTRY - 5V2 room Ranch. [ g a r r is o n c o l o n ia l - 24’ | on May 20, 1975 at 11:00 A.M. Call 647-1810. THIS IS IT! month income. Hutchins Agen­ Mid thirties and worth it! 62 — Trucks lor Sale HAIR STYLIST, experienced Garage, w/w carpeting, half [living room with fireplace, central air, carport. 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale Komoline Sanderson Vacuum cy, Realtors, 646-3166. throughout. Spacious Be at Buckley School for growing, aggressive salon. acre treed lot. Immediate oc­ [formal dining room, 4} NEW LISTING MORTGAGE Money 64 — Motorcycles-BIcycles Coil Filter, including vacuum ESTABLISHED REAL Estate sundeck. Basement garage. 65 — Campers-Trallers-Moblle 250 Vernon Street Call Linda 643-2liB3. cupancy. $29,900. Pasek [bedrooms, IVj baths, rec| Aluminum sided, Hollister and mixing tanks, pumps, office needs two full-time sales COVENTRY - $26,900 - Three Bargain Price of $40,900. Homes bedroom full-dormered Cape, Realtors, 289-7475, 742-8243. [room, screened porch, 2-car[ MANCHESTER & VICINITY 66 — Automotive Service auxiliary pumping equipment, people. Wolverton Agency, Saturday, May 3rd PIANO AGENCY Street, two-family! Yes, an As Little as 5%Down 67 — Autos lor Rent-Lease Realtors, 649-2813. 10 to 2 basement, 100’ from private [garage. $45,900. JACKSTON AGENCY immaculate Duplex in a sewage ejectors, chlorine beach, douTfle lot, m ore. 646-5200 MANCHESTER for SOME Tag Sale! [ o l d e r HOME - Large} ..B&W a a highly desirable residential feeders; electric motors, plat­ Warren E. Howland, Realtors, 6 4 3 -1 3 1 6 Up to 30 Years to Repay NEWSPAPER DRIVER for six j;: (Rain Date — May 17th) g Full-time auto mechanic 120 OAK GROVE [living room with dining area, [ area! A must-see home with form scale, and a complete 643-1108. MANCHESTER - New listing, EQUAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••**** day delivery. Call Mr. Griffin at ' ' Ij; needed to work 8 to 5. Drive by this brand new [eat-in kitchen, IVx baths, 3| $ 8,500 — Large, tread, approved lot In beautiful area. separate heating systems and package pump station — 6-room Cape, new bath, roof. 647-9411. Si- Many company benefits. Raised Ranch which qualifies [bedrooms, porch, interior} two brand new ceramic tiled 646-1700 ^ Schmieg Industries, located un­ LAND - Nice barn, three Kitchen remodeled, furnace, 7.8 ACRES - pond, custom built $34,900 - 6 room Cape, shed 1st mortgage available from ownar-agant. “Silver Beaver” For more details and In­ for a new tax rebate credit. baths. Walk to school and □ NOTICES derground on Middle Turnpike bedroom home, baseboard wiring; plumbing all replaced. [completely redecorated, 2-car [ Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, family dormer, 1 1/2 baths, fireplace, $31,000 — 3 or 4 bedroom Capa close to shopping and n e w s b o y s for South Windsor Congratulations to formation contact Jim Asking $49,900. shopping. Treed, landscaped = | $ $ West, Manchester, Conn. heat, Hutchins Agency, Na work to be done. Nice treed [garage. $33,500. room, fireplaces, garages. nice trees. Hutchins Agency, bus. Fantastic starter home. area. Call Mr. Griffin at 647- JOYCE CHRISTINO McCavanaugh at Hutchins Agency, 648-3166. Realtors, 646-3166. lot. Excellent income. An un Bid forms and inspection Realtors, 646-3166. yrfd. $32,900. Hayes Corpora­ [ n e w r a is e d r a n c h - 71 Lost and Found 1 9411. First Woman Recipient $33,500 — 4 room Colonial with 4 more rooms ready to details are available at the 6 4 3 -5 1 3 5 tion. 646-0131. [generous-sized rooms, 2%| flniah off. Qraat situation for the handy. usual combination of gracious of this award. VERNON - Three-bedroom BOLTON - Nine room Split lovw Nuarty 3 Aerat living plus income — in the Savings Bank General Services Office, [baths, family room, 2[ LOW MAINTENANCE FOUND - Shepherd cross, white Ranch, maintenance-free vinyl MANCHESTER - Unique Early Level, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2,- $34,500 — 7 room condominium In now home condition. Municipal Building, 41 Center ARE YOU UNEMPLOYED? Thanks for your REAL ESTATE CENTER [fireplaces, 2-car garage,} Solid brick, custom built Ranch. mid forties. with black markings, vicinity of YOU'VE A N S W ^ AD AFTER AD siding. .Tremendous view. 600 square feet, fireplaced Swim, play tennis, or enjoy Ufa to Its fullest and contributions and American Colonial. Paneled 6 4 6 -4 1 4 4 Perfect (or small family or retired “TENNESSEE PINK” Case Mountain. Call 649-3978. Street, Manchester, Connec­ NOirlMHATl Almost new, 2 baths, 2-car gar­ doors, plaster walls and [aluminum siding, large lot.f living room, 2 1/2 acres, nice couple. Large kitchen, 2 0 ;^ fireplaced let somaona alas do all the work. Call OF Manchester ticut. dedication to age, large wooded lot, ceilings, 2 1/2 baths, hand­ FRECKTTE&M«mN,MC.,ReaKors [This house qualifies for $2,000j view. $44,900. Owner, 643^98. living room, 2 twin size bedrooms, 1V4 Floor-toKieiling fireplace is baths. Beautifully landscaped. Private $38,900 — Spotless, 6W room Raised Ranch on a huge LOST - Passbook number 25- Town of Manchester JOBSEEKERS INC. Scouting carpeted. Immediate occupan­ crafted paneling, first-floor 263 Main Strert______Manchwtef [tax credit. but one feature of this custom VERNON - Two-family, 641, but not isolated. Call Suzanne or IVx acre lot. Vh baths, carpeting, family room 0161688 and number 25 0152901, Connecticut EMPLOYMENT From a teliow Beaver. cy. 50’s. Warren E. Howland, family room, 2 fireplaces, 4 Arthur Shorts, M6-3233. built Ranch on hilltop high, f Savings Dept, of The Connec­ Realtors, 643-1108. [SALT BOX - Large country} with 3 bedrooms, fireplace, with bar, bullt-lna and garage. Robert B. Weiss, SERVICE CLEANING Person needed - bedrooms, breezeway, double BOLTON - U&R Raised Ranch, Riga Lane! Others include a ticut Bank and Trust Co. large lot, 2-car garage. Wolver­ J.WATSOM BEACH CO. General Manager 566-1070 566-IOYO $2.75 an hour. Call between 12 garage, beautiful lot, city beautiful wooded acre lot. Dead [kitchen with built-ins andl $41,500 — “Fingsrprint Free” 7 room Split on a high, cathedral ceilinged living Application made for payment. and 4 or 5-7. 289-0891. [fireplace, formal dining room,l ton Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. fwHENYOulillNKREAL^^ Connecticut’s largest jotf utilities. $74,900. Hayes Corp. end street, living room, and s M w M m G47-lin tread lot. For those that are fusay, this la a room and a “ Japanese ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< MANCHESTER Equal OpportunHy Happiness is going to 646-0131. first floor family room with [double-door spacious center} Housing must. Garden’’ motif outside. Other listing service managed by PORTER wanted to clean after Immaculate 6-room Cape. cathedral ceilings and stone [entrance hall, 3 bedrooms, 2Vzl $45,900 — Spacious, 3 bedroom Ranch on a large coun­ quality touches include Ander­ I . TMNK - I LEGAL NOTICE professionals. Please call, The closing, 11-1, also person to Full dormer - carpeted - NOTICE MANCHESTER fireplaces, three bedrooms, two [baths, 2-car garage, large lot.l son windows and jalousied Pursuant to Subpart D, Sec­ 568-1070 for complete details work 8-12. Apply Burger King in spacious master bedroom and MANCHESTER - Exceptional­ try lot. Vh hatha, bullt-lna, flrsplacad living EXCHANGE full baths, formal dining room, [This house qualifies for $2,000[ ■MANCHESTER room, huge baaamant and garage. storm doors. Truly a one-acre tion 570.300 (b) of the U.S. TOWN OF COVENTRY from one of our cheerful person. 467 Center Street. living room. Knotty pine fami­ Clean 7-room Cape, first laundry-utility room, many ly large, gracious, 4-b«lroom I A \auc\\avd & ^osseU O | I tax credit. Colonial, 2Vi baths, laundry and plus mimi-estate for those Housing & Community ZONING BOARD counselors. CLUB ly room. Only $34900. floor family room, garage, extras including redwood pan- 158 AVERY STREET $49,900 — Centrally air conditioned, 7 room Ranch on a family rooms off kitchen, OF APPEALS RNs-LPNs - Full-time positions eling. wall-to-wall carpeting. ( r a n c h — Better than new.I [Nine-room older Colonial - 2- beautiful tread lot. Oversized living room, flrat who want the VERY BEST! $34,900 — Newly Hated, 7-room Condo. 4 bathe, Im- ■ Development Act of 1974 notice TAG SALE city Utilities, full basement, walking distance to church, THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC are available on the 11-7 shift. Sliding glass doors to secluded |7Vz rooms, 3 bedrooms, family} [car garage, barn, garden. floor family room, 1W baths, bullt-lna, formal Low sixties and worth it. maculate, all offers considered. Don’t miss HI ■ is hereby given that the Town of Saturday, May 3rd convenient location. Now schools, bus. Move-in condition. REAL ESTATE Career - Earn g Excellent benefits and pleasant PIANO AGENCY deck, thermopane windows, [room with bar, large living} [Needs paint and paper but Manchester’s application for HEARING ON MONDAY, only $33,900. Owner, 649-6136. dining room, ancloaad yard and garage. “REDUCED” $12,000 plus annually. Must 10-4 working conditions. Also 3-11 646-5200 central vacuum, air- [look at this reduced price, ■ Community Development MAY 5, 1975 AT 7:30 P.M. [room with beautiful oval| is the price of this gracious, have license or in process. $ 1 Hackmatack St. Supervisor position available conditioning, double self­ REGISTRATION ROOM OF [fireplace, 2-car garage. $51,-| [$42,900. spacious eight-room Colonial $3S,000 — Immaculate 6-room aluminum tided Cepe. I Block Grant funding has been Pasek Realtors, MLS, 289-7475. ;I; for qualified applicant. Please cleaning wall oven. By owner, MANCHESTER- 7 rooms, two THE TOWN HALL TO HEAR Don’t Mias It! $2,000. TAX CREDIT - New [ ^ . Call our Manchester Office 649-5306 with two-car garage and Modem kitchen, lota of shag carpeting, tread lot. _ received by the U.S. Depart­ apply in person. Meadows Con­ 649-0600. $70,000. baths, fireplace-redecorated ment of Housing and Urban THE FOLLOWING DRIVERS for Manchester area 5 valescent Home, 333 Bidwell homes - 3 bedroom Ranch, 4 fMANCHESTER - Split 71 Colonial, $34,900. Odegard Real­ swimming pool, wall-to-wall $37,900 — Convanlantl)r located 3-bedroom Colonial, ■ Congratuiations bedroom Colonial and 3 Development for processing. A APPLICATIONS TO BE school buses: Immediate j: Street, Manchester. DUBALDO-LESPERANCE 30 LOCUST Street - 2 famil; I rooms, IVz baths, 3 bedrooms, ty, 643-4365. m BARROWS & WALLACE ir. in several rooms. Family I' fire^ece, den, dining room, garage, treea. ■ DAD DUSSAULT | bedroom Raised Ranches, now copy of the submitted document APPROVED OR openings available. Part-time ;• Agency 646-0505 ideal location. $46,000. [modern kitchen, dining room, I REAL ESTATE CENTER room and laundry room on work. We will train. Call 643- 'i WANTED person to clean being built. Merritt Agency, $37,000 — Sparkling 6-room Colonial In Waddell ■ with A-95 comments is on file in DISAPPROVED. We are indeed proud |;: | agents, please. Phone 646-2426. [family room, fireplace, wall-| 6 4 6 -4 1 4 4 SOUTH WINDSOR- Lake first floor. Front-to-back 2373. ( rooms in Manchester Motel, 1 646-1180. New Haven Hartford School diatrict, 1 'h batha, carpeting, flraplace, gaa heat. ■ the Town Manager’s office, 1. Peter J. Gunas, legal and happy for you [to-wall carpeting, garage, jFISI»m&MWTII,MC.>le*lton Street, 10 room Contemporary Manchester ^living room with Roman brick I McNall Street, apply in person. representative David C. Rappe, Colonial $82,500. Odegard Real­ 649-5306 397-.1515 726-6615 fireplace. Four bedrooms. At $$9,900 — Just Hated, 7-room Country Raised Ranch, ■ Municipal Building, SECRETARY for property i upon receiving the g [large lot, $45,500. |263 Mon Street Maidiettei asking for a special exception ty, 643-4365. flra^ace, double garage, acre lot, clean. Dutch front, a Manchester. management and construction ; SILVER BEAVER S: EXPERIENCED part-time lalalEalaleaiBilalEilBlalsilsilBi Isla $49,900 we feel that this as provided for in Section 2.5 of $30,900 — New 6-room, 1W batha, aluminum aided H firm. General office respon- : A W A R D I short order cook, five days per [RANCH - 6Mi rooms, 3| property compares favorably I the Coventry Zoning sibilities. Bookkeeping not Your many years of |i week, 11-2, no weekends, apply [bedrooms, rec room with bar. | with homes selling in the mid Colonial. ASSUMABLE 8V4% mortgage. $8,489 down. ■ Regulations to convert a la IMMACULATE bi [fireplace wall-to-wall | SENTRY' INVITATION required. Modern new offices. devotion have made you g Hartford Road Dairy Queen. fiUies. Owner has had job $41,000 — Immaculate 3-bedroom, 2 family stucco a former church located on Please send resume indicating [carpeting, large lot 150’x270’. Real Estate change and wants fast sale .exterior, double garage, convenient location. a School Street into five experience and salary surely deserving of this SECRETARY receptionist, full I TO BID h a R a n c h o r C a p o » [$33,500. ‘Nuff said. honor. - time position available in apartments. requirements. Write Box R, [ r a n c h — 5 room s, city j h Manchester medical office. HELP I $42,000 — Immaculate, large 2 family. 2 hew heating NOTICE 2. Ronald DeCandia of Ross Manchester Herald. From your loving I e 9 [utilities, handy location. $31,-1 Light typing and some with financing is possible I systema, new root, plumbing and electrical, 2 garagea. ■ The Manchester Board of Ave., Coventry, requesting chiidren. S jooo. Education seeks bids for a NEW Hairdressing Salon in An- bookkeeping required. f from owner on this solid two- I $40,000 — Seven-room Ranch, large living room, 2 relief from the restrictions im­ [ r a n c h — 8 rooms, 4 years 1 Riding Rotary Mower for the Manager or Experience preferred. Hours 9 fam ily, 5-6, near center. I flreplacea, garage, attractive lot with sweeping views, a posed in Section 7.1.10 of the [old, first-floor family room,} 1975-1976 school year. Sealed Assistant Manager. Call 649- a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday, Copper plumbing, two heating ■ $02,000 — Nine-room country aetata, 1'A acres, 2 ■ Coventry Zoning Regulations Tuesday, Wednesday and [central vac system, dual} proposals will be received until 7666 or 875-5547. systems, garage. Ask for Bill I flaldatons flreplacea, 2 batha, garages, antique ehop _ for a permit to park junk H appiness Is Friday, and 8:15 a.m. - 12:15 [fireplace, ' air-conditioning, I 3:00 P.M. May 14,1975 at which ^ Ifiore. I with loft, horse stall. Immaculate InsMa and out. ■ vehicles and other metals for a ESTABLISHED real estate of­ Browsing at the p.m. Saturday. Reply with mm [wall-to-wall carpeting, time they' will be publicly nsm ” $02,000 — C le a n , three family, living room, dining room, period of 24 to 72 hours on the fice, looking for two full-time business and personal [finished baisement, porch, | FIVE GARAGES opened. The right is reserved to O.T.H. kitchen, 2 bedrooms each apartment, double garage. _ property owned by Thomas sales people. Wolverton Agen­ references. Box J, Manchester [patio, 2-car garage, im- make this really big 6-8 reject any and all bids. Duplex a tremendous income $00,000 - 7-room Ranch, all large rooms, double gar- ■ McLaughlin on South Street, cy, Realtor, 649-2813. FLEA MARKET Herald. [maculate. $56,900. I Specifications and bid forms . age. Professionally landaceped lot. Aluminum siding. | | Coventry. McDonald’s Parking Lot [ t w o -f a m il y Duplex - 6-6,1 proposition. Very clean. Two may be secured at the Business BINDERY Operators - ARMED GUARDS - several This meeting is open all in­ Sunday, May 4th [$46,900. Two-family flats, 5-5, gas heating systems. One I $09,900 — New 6-8 Duplex, glass doors to aundeck, 3 .|. Office, 45 N. School Street, Experienced only need apply. available shifts open now. Full, block from Main Street. I bedrooma, aluminum siding, nice lot, cHy uttlltieo. ■ terested persons. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. part-time, experienced. Call [$38,500. ’Two-family Duplex, 6 -1 Manchester, Connecticut. to Baum folders, Erhierman Business possibilities. Ask for George M Coon now. Jobseekers, 568-1070. l6, $41,900. ■ $09,900 — New custom. Cope Codder, flrat floor family [ | Raymond E. Demers, collator, McCain inserter. Call Chairman 522-4174 for appointment. IRCiCKLEDGE — Seven-room I Jack Dwyer. I room, 2 batha, double garage. Preferred location. , Business Manager DRIVER NEEDED, full-time n—« Set on a % acre private yard la Ihia Im- Now available la this spotleas 0 room [Raised Ranch, 2 sliding glass SEVERAL OTHER I $61,000 — New 7-room Dutch Colonial, flreplece, porch | Auctions 5 Auctions 5 Auctions for ambulance, first aid Cape In Mancheatsr. If you have bam [doors to large deck and patio, I MANCHESTER TWO-FAMILIES w and deck, double garage, appliances, tax credit. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• experience necessary. Must be maculate 5W room Ranch. The living ★ LACAVA BUILT ★ RSiroom la 11x17 with a flraplaca and looking for a home you will appraclata [large living room-dining room New to market. Immaculate, 3 bedroom, 2*A bath Condo In Help Wanted 13 reliable. Jobseekers, 568-1070. Young 4 bedroom Colonial. Features include 2W baths, 1 ^ carpeting. The kitchen haa a dining area the work that has bean completed within ■with cathedral ceilings, 2 fully appllanced kitchen, w/w carpeting, slate foyer, excellent location, completely carpeted, all appliances, THREE FAMILY [fireplaces, walk-out basement Three heating systems, three CUSTODIANS - Experienced, MEN WANTED - Age 17 to 28, R S I and bullt-ln oven and range. The 3 the past few years. The bath, kitchen, aluminum siding, first floor family room, plus laundry walltex throughout, central air, pool and tennis courts. Call SOUTHVIEW k OPEN SUNDAY 1-3 ■ ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION with built-in bar, 2-car gar-1 disposals, three ceramic NEW SUSDIViaiON OF CUSTOM DUPUIX HOMES. PtATUmNQ: ■ part-time evenings, full or part-time. No experience I bedrooma, and Vh hatha will keep pace roof, furnace, wiring and plumbing have room. Call 872-7311. 289-4331. baths! All apartments (5 H UNOenOROUND UnUTIES, aiDEWALKS, AND ORIN SRACE LAND. ■ Manchester - East Hartford. necessary. Earn while you |p ai with a growing family. Full baaamant been replaced or Im prov^. Outalda are age, large lot with privacy. SUNDAY MAY 4, 1975 rooms each) have stove, ■ MORTOAOES ARE AVAILASLE AND QUALIFIED TENANTS ^ Days, Vernon. Call 643-5691, 2-6 learn, if qualified. Good fringe with walk-out door. Will make atoraga a a lot of nice tall oak trass to ralax under. 57,000. ■ SUPFUED. PLEASE STOP *SU r AND INVESnOATl THIS IDEAL ■ refrigerator. Laundry ESTATE OF THE LATE NELLIE I. FAY, TO BE SOLD AT HER RESIDENCE, 343 p.m. benefits. Call the Marines, 649- 1 11 lot easier. OHarad at $35,900. Room for a garden. Ottsrad at $32,900. M l FAMILY INVESTMENT. DIRECTIONS: HARTFORD ROAD TO ■ 6485. ______I WE NEED LISTINGS NOW! facilities, (kxxl income, con­ WILFRED ROAD. SHOWN DAILY SY AFFOINTMaNT. ■ NORTH MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER, CONN, by ordsr of administrator. HEAD H O U SEKEEPER - ’Thinking of Selling Your venient location. All this at a Remember It’s better to have bought In a climbing L . JUST REDUCED RAAA40AA44A4A*A************************ ■ mature experienced X-RAY Technician for doctor’s Porperty? Call ’TODAY! two-family price! Call now to ANTIQUES: Mupit highboy lop (In tho rough); Chtrry burotu, m oM id top, ogoo (Ml; Chorn buroau, Fronoh For Immediate ealel Lovely (ront-to-back Split Level. Three housekeeper with Supervisory office in Rockville. Afternoons, Our offfca la In constant need of nair llatinga. N you’re I laat;■ Charry •birdcaga ■ - tip S....._ turn tabla; Pr. ol tlnglifIlngaf cearv. .VIcL...... alda chaira; Laal earv. ■Em^n irtrouoM; ; rSm. VIoL mar- market than never to have bought at all... •__ large bedrooms, Vh baths, rec room, country kitchen, car­ SENTRY avoid disappointment. I blaMe top aldaboard; MarblaMarble top half commoda; Marbla top vanity; Maple 1-dr. d.l. atand; EmiEmpireEmplra buraaua; CoCottaga ability needed. Excellent fringe Tuesday evenings, Thursday thinking of sailing, plaasa call lor conlUantlal Ihspaedon * clock; WIndaor hoopbaek alda chair, leal cut; Viet, atand S walnut bad; Ant. droMingdraaaing Ubhtable; Mirrored bMk mm. benefits. Please apply in per­ and Saturday mornings. 872- port plus large lot. Only. $39,900. Call 672-7311. Real Estate Services WE HAVE OTHERS and avaluatlon. Wa wahsoma and appraclata your ■ curio (Und; Mil;. biMkcMot S ilandt; Rtprd. ban|o clock; Krikauor upright iHm io ; Hlgh^ook piano atool; Mah. son, Meadows Convalescent 8321, 643-0968. PHUGKK ladya daak; Round mah. dining tabla 1 8 chaira; Oak china cabinet; Mah. gatalag table; Carr, oak bedroom aab CALL US-WE WORK businassi REMEMBER, YOU DESERVE ONLY THE ■ Cuf gleaa; Panaay dee. camphor glaaa bottle; Patternam glaaa; Etehinga A V k t pleturaairaa; Powtar taapoL Eoardman Home, 333 Bidwell Street, 351 Marline Rd. 29 Connecticut Blvd. BEST. * A Hart fS; Norllaka dinner aat; Ant. peart A gold pin; gold watch pbi; loekata; Qold' ' llllgraa pin w/dlamonda A Manchester. GAS STATION Attendant - Vernon — 872-7311 aapphlraa; Jawallad croaa, coral, cameo A lapla pandanta. MUCH MORE. Must have driver’s license, full­ THE HAYES CORPORATION |g AGENCY Take a look at this lovely 6 room Cape In good location, 3 East Hartford - 289-4331 BELHORE ■ Taka 1-84 to axil 93, follow Tolland Tpka. aaat to No. Main (oppoaKa Qlannay Lumbar Co.) RN’s wanted for full and part- time, days, inside exMrience or 4 bedrooms, fireplaced living room, 1V4 baths, rec 55 East Center Street, Manchester, Conn. - time on 11 p.m.7 a.m. shift. necessary. Apply Ked-E- room, walk to schools. Please call 289-4331. REALTOR MLS REXTOIS Vernon Board ol Realto/t. Manchester Board ol Realtori, j SALE OUTDOORS UNDER TENT in s p e c t io n ! SUNDAY ONLY, 12 to 1 ^^M. Apply to Directors of Nursing, Standard Auto, 160 High Street, AGENCY 646-0131 I Hartford Board of Realtors ■ Salmon Brook Convalescent Hartford. Realtors 647-1413 | r EALT0RS-ML8 . aiix .1 I WILLIAM L. A THOMAS G. LE CLAIR Home, (off House Street) t 4 M 2 N ^ 1$9 Wait Center itreel | CLEARING HOUSE AUCTION GALLERIES INC. 529-3344 Glastonbury. Please call 633- CLEANING - One morning per 5244. week. Telephone, 646-6040. iBsbsiksilB ikalsilalalals^lQ /

PAGE TWENTY-FOUR — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., May 2, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., May 2,1878 - PAGE TWENTY-FIVE

41 A r a d u for Safo 41 Artfefaa tor Solo 41 B u iln e u Property 26 Rm / Estato Wantod 28 S trrlct OtItntI ; Palntfng-Papartng 32 RooHng-Sldlng-Chlmo9f 34 Artlelu for Safa Artleleo tor Sdo 41 Aporlmonto For Ront 53 Aportmonto For Ront , 53 Aportmonto For Ront 53 Homos tor Ront 54 Homoo for Ront 54 Buolnooo tor Ront 55 SOFA - Excellent condition. 200 BALES of excellent hay, 106 □ RENTALS MANCHESTER - 27,000’ office SELLING your house? Call us UGHT TRUCKING - Odd jobs. INSIDE - Outside painting. BIDWELL Home Improvement NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 GROUP TAG SALE - Bake CHARLES APARTMENTS - MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2 MANCHESTER - 6-room brick ANDOVER - Four room home, SHARE OFFICE space with ac­ Cellars and attics cleaned, Special rates for people over 65. Co. Expert installation of cents each. Inquire side door. Also other items available. Call Hebron Road, Bolton, 649-6625. site, 42,000’ industrial- first and we’ll make you a cash S^e. Saturday May 3rd, 10-2, ROCKVIUI $M ROOMS East Middle Turnpike, 4 1/2 bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2 Ranch, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, uiet neighborhood, carpetea countant. Excellent location for lawns mowed, small tree work. Fully insured. Estimates given. aluminum siding, gutters and Manchester Evening Herald. after 4, 6434)167. 195 West Street (Route 85) room Townhouse, 1 1/2 baths, breezew ay , g a ra g e . $325 ving room. $225 monthly plus commercial building on Am- offer. One day service. T. J. IVERS & POND upright piano - Rooms for Ront 52 ROCKLAND TERRACE baths, full basement, private S attorney, real estate, in­ track siding. Odegard Realty, Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. Call 649-7863. trims. Roofing installation and Bolton. Rain date. May 10th. all appliances, 2 air- entrances and patio, includes monthly. References. Hayes utiliUes. 742-7747. surance, etc. 649-1680, 649-3549. repairs. 649M95, 8^9109. WE BUY and sell used fur­ TAG SALE - Friday, noon to 6, Old, in good condition. Call 646- L«rg« and baautiful ona bad room 643-4365. conditioners, carpeted, heat, heat, appliances, carpeting, and .Corooration, 6466131. GARDENS Roto-tilled - Quick TEACHERS - Inflation fighters niture. Cash on the line. One Saturday 9-5, 99 Homestead 6784. THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ apartmanta, haat, hot watar, all TAG SALE - Bolton, 21 Green nished rooms, centrally ■ppllanoaa, Indudlng diahwaihar, hot water, storage, patio, sound air-conditioning. $290 per REMODELING Showrooms, IMMEDIATE CASH for your service. Save your back. Call us - Save over 507o on quality HORACE Tetrault - Siding, piece or an entire housefull. Street, Manchester. Hills Road, 10-2 Saturday. proofing, washer-dryer hook­ offices, storage facilities to 4-H TAG SALE - S aturd^ May located. Kitchen privileges. ditpoaal, carpeting, pool and your m onth. P aul W. Dougan, nBVO MMr rlp m IB M iMNf BOL’TON - House, fireplace, Resort Property 27 property. Let us explain our today, 528-0^. house painting. 16 years’ roofing, storm windows, aw­ 646^32. Furniture Bam, 345 ups, basement garage. $260 Realtor, 646-1021, or 6 4 3 4 ^ . rent. Suitable remodeler, fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, 3rd, 8-3, 87 Church Street. Parking. Reasonable rates. own private terrace In a country set­ hai Tidiy’t OiuifiiN Mi hr stove, refrigerator. References experience, insured, free es­ nings. Quality workmanship, Main Street Rear, behind TAG SALE - May 3rd, IM . TWO TABLE SAWS, one $50.' ting. From $180. No pata monthly. Available Jto e 1st. builder, building product sales. Bargains galore! Phone 6^2358. Om blip yM OMi ' r^ired. $225 monthly. 643- NORTHEASTERN Vermont - 647-1413. HOME GARDENS roto-tlUed timates. 643-1609. free estimates. Fully insured. Douglas Motor Sales. Jurovaty Road, Andover. the other $75. Call after 5:30, 8724223 I75-74N 52MSN Charles Ponticelli, 6466800, Phone 1-223^. Summer home, country home. Manchester, Bolton, East Hart­ 872-9187, 649-3417. Brought back by popular de­ 6466517. 646-1540. Lake-front cottages, country INSTANT cash for your home. ford and Vernon areas. Call 646- WALLPAPER Hanging - 62.75 CLEAN USED refrigerators, mand - Clothing, jewelry, TAG SALE - Exchange Club PRIVA’TE HOME - Female on­ Autos For Solo 61 Autos For Bole 61 Autoo For Bole 61 ; Sale on Saturday Maytoy 3rd, ly. Kitchen privileges and vujuin DMimfiiTs lots and acreage. Fenton Call Joe Gordon, Barrows & 8019 mornings or evenings. er roll. Experienced ROOFING - Specializing ranges, automatic washers, shoes, pocketbooKs, reconfs, GARAGE SALE - Three Chester Real Estate, Box 122, Wallace Co., Equal Housing Op­ radesman. Call R. repairing roofs, new roofs. with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s curtains. Miscellaneous 10-1, 1 Hackmatack S Street, tr parking. 643-6609 before noon or C!LEAN, furnished room, cen­ Five-room townhouse apart­ I Manchester. Don’t miss the families. Saturday May 3, 104 after 3 p.m. WE HAVE customers waiting Lyndon, Vermont, 802-626-5669. portunity. 649-5306. LOAM, FILL, Gravel - Septic, Starkweather, 644-3194. gutter work, chimneys, cleaned Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- household goods. Signs from Ridge Street, 10-4. Furniture, trally located. Gentleman only. ment, IVi tiled baths, 2 air- Tag Sale of the Century. for the rental of your apartment isre- sewer connections, bulldozing, and repaired. 30 years 2171 Route 85, Daly Road or Route drapes, and much, much more. y 2 Pearl Street or call ( conditioners, wall-to-wall excavating. Top quality work. B.A.C. PAINTING CO. - Expert experience. Free estimates. 316 Boston Hill Road, Route 6, CLEAN, furnished room, cen­ or home. J.D. Real Estate carpeting, full basement, Real Estate Wanted 28 PING PONG Table - New, Associates, Inc. 646-1980. Latulippe Brothers, 646-5114, workmanship. Residential - Howley, 643-5361. SCREENED LOAM - driveway Wales Road - Follow signs. trally located. Gentleman onW. heat, hot water, appliances. gravel, processed gravel, Mnd, regulation size. $80 new. Best Apply 2 Pearl Street or call 875- CENTRAL four rooms, second ALL CASH for your property 742-94'77. Commercial. Interior, exterior, Dogo-BIrdo-Poto 43 Adults only, no pets. t m . WHILE SUPPLY LASTS ^ray, brush, roll. Free ROOFING - Installation and SORRY SAL is now a merry offer. 6466713. L(X)KING for anything in real floor, includes heat, appliances, within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, fing, Andover, 742-' estate rental — apartments, parking. Couple preferred, no 649-7620 instant service. Hayes Agency, GARDENS- roto tilled or Estimates. Reasonable. 646- repairs, gutters, storm win­ gal. She used Blue Lustre rug DOG-CAT boarding reser­ 1974 DODGE COLTS Ready lor Immediate DeUveryl plowed. Reasonable. Call 644- 5828. dows, doors. Experienced and upholstery cleaner. Rent TAG SALE - ’TV, radio, clock, ROOM FOR RENT In Tolland, homes, multiple dwellings, no children, no ^ ts . 649-3190. 646-0131. assorted furniture and other vations. Combined inside/out- quality workmanship. Fully in- SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury electric shampooer $1. E. A. large bedroom with house fees. Call J.D. RealEstate 1448. miscellaneous. Goodwin Street, side runs, partitioned privacy, Bzzzzzzzz in and see our Bullding-Controcting 33 su re d . Free estimates. above ground pool distributor Johnson Paint Co. ;es, 4 acres of privacy. Associates, Inc. 646-1^. WE WILL buy your house. Call busy Bea. We’re ready, irices. Rick needs warehouse space. Will East Hartford, Saturday May 3, germicidal lighting. Canine THREE ROOMS - Third floor, MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2 SAMPLE BUY: 1974 DODGE COLT 2-Dr. Coupo anytime, Hutchins Agency, LAWN MOWER sharpennng Reasonable $125 monthly.■ “Female . 8726319 heat and appliances. Call after willing and able to essist you Burnett, 646-3 sell and completely install a TAG SALE - May 3rd, 36 Porter noon, Sunday 10 a.m. Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Road, ATTRACTIVE four room bedroom Townhouse, private Realtors, 646-3166. and repairing, reel, rotary and NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - Mtochester, 646-5971. after 6. 5:30. 649-2&6. Automatic transmission, 1600 cc 4-cyllnder in the sale or purchase of chain saws. Briggs and Strat­ huge 16x31’ O.D. swim pool Street - Wool rug (9x12), apartment, stove, refrigerator, entrances and patio, fuu base- Remodeling, repairing, ad­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VEGETABLE plants for sale. references, no pets, $145. 646- engine, vinyl side mouldings, bucket seats, STK YOUR property. ton, Tecumseh and Kohler ditions, rec rooms, porches and complete with fencing, bureau, toys, and household GENTLEMAN - Central, ment, includes heat, Heetlng-Plumblng 35 Oakland Plant Farm, Gleason AKC SAMOYEDs - Eight weeks 3167, 228-3540. 4495. FAMILY desires to buy three Homelite pumps and roofing. No job too small. Call sundeck, filter and pump. Now items. pleasan room next to shower, SPECIAU appliances, and carpeting. $250. bedroom home any style cond- only $795. Full price financing Street, Manchester, 649-7591. old. $120. Three females left. per month. Paul W. Dougan *2995 generators, Stml chain saws 649-31&. SEWERLINES, sink lines, parking. Call 649-6801 after 6 Color TV, air-conditioning, sidered. Must be in move-in available. Call Tony collect, BRIGGS & STRATTON 10 h.p. Call 6496153 after 4 p.m. MANCHESTER GARDENS - Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-4535. parts and service. Pickup and cieaned with electric cutters, 20” GIRL’S regular bicycle, 20’ p.m. full bath, telephone, maid ser­ condition, Manchester or sur­ delivery. Ellington Equipment 203-2326500. emergency generator, 4 cycle, Two bedroom apartments, in CARPENTRY - Repairs, by professionals. McKinney wooden extension ladder, 40” MEDIUM size dog, mostly beautiful country setting, walk vice, free coffee and SAMPUBUY: 1974 DODGE COLT 2-Dr. Hsrdtoi rounding towns. Write Box BB, Keitli Center, Route 83. 875-5018. easy spinner starter. Has never MANCHESTER - Family style remodeling, additions, garages, Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ Kenmore push-button electric Labrador, good watch dog, good FEMALE Roommate wanted to everything. $189 monthly in­ doughnuts and off-street Manchester Herald. roofing. Call David Patria, 644- DARK RICH loam, five yards been used. $500. Call 6436359. 2 bedroom apartment, quiet G.T. , 2000 cc 4-cyllnder engine, power brakes, M pany, 643-5308. $28. plus tax, pool patio sand, stove. 643-2880. with children. Free to good to share 2-bedroom apartment. cludes heat, hot water and parking. $49 (plus tax) per location. Includes heat, R.A.D. Water Pump and Swim­ 1796. home. 646-5847 after 5. Call after 4:30, 646-lfil. appliances. Superintendent, automatic transmission, radio, vinyl roof, radial CASH FOR HOUSES - End Reai Sstate ming Pool Service - Service and gravel, and stone 643-9504. TAG SALE - Furniture, week appliances, and carpeting. $225. NO JOB too sm all, toilet TAG SALE - 41 Walnut Street, 6466090. Equal housing. whitewall tires, bucket seats. STK 4498 those home-selling worries. Let instailation on all pipes, water WES ROBBINS carpentry household items, toys, games, per month. Paul w. Dougan repairs, plugged drains, kitchen, Sunday May 4,10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ’TINY AKC Pomeranians - Sired ROOMS with kitdien privileges FIANO’S MOTOR INN Realtor, 646-1021, or 643-453i5. us bring in a buyer. Or perhaps 172 E. Center St. pumps, residential and com- remodeling specialist. Ad­ *I Moor Flea Maitet & ? clothes, etc. 99 Mark Drive, faucets replaced, repaired, rec by Bay’lees Timothy. Stud ser­ - Centrally located. 14 Arch NEWER FOUR room Duplex, 1 100 EAST CENTER STREET buy ourselves. We do you know. 649-1922 646-4126 merciai. Complete service and ditions, rec rooms, dormers, rooms, bathroom remodeling, Specialty Shops I South Windsor (off Nevers See the ALL-NEW 1975 m IMRASEOl TOMY! Road, near high school). May 3- TAG SALE - 45 Northfield vice for Pomeranians and Street, Manchester. l/2baths, kitchen appliances, MANCHESTER - Adams Street Showings at your convenience. instaliation of pool pumps and built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, heat modernization, etc. Free _____ 646-2300 We need iarge and small I Saturday ft Sunday 10 to B | 4, 9-7. Street, Saturday and Sunday, Poodles. 7426963. $215 per month. 643-2282, 644- area, 6-room second floor filters. Call 742-8352 before 8:30 649-3446. estimates gladly given. M & M 9:30-5. Toddler’s clothes, toys, homes. Call without obligation! a.m. or after 5:30 p.m. YANKEE INGENUITY FURNISHED room for rent - apartment, large yard, parking SPECIAL VALUE USED CARS Plumbing & Hearing, 649-2871. I I plants, miscellaneous. Held at FOUR ROOM tenement - No available for 2 cars. $215 Keith Real Estate 646-4126 or LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - I Route 31 South, Coventry ■ TWO SOLID Maple twin beds - Boats-Acceooorleo 45 Conveniently located on Center 74 DOOM NAT B847B 72 DOOM CmT $1996 □ MISC. SERVICES four separate houses. Street, parking, near bus. Call SIX room Duplex, three appliances. 27 Ridgewood monthly, heat included. Securi­ 4-Door SMiwt, poww ttMrIng, .Ir conditioning, 2 Mat wagon, automatic trantmlaalon. 4-cvtlndar' 649-1922. TELE-TONE Answering Ser­ new homes custom built, ! Free Admission, Dealer* $30. Matching cnest, $35. Old 16’ V-BOTTOM - 5’ beam. Good 647-9868. bedrooms, modern kitchen, S&eet. Cali 643-5873. ty deposit required. Call days wtomatlc truumlstlon, iMtory wvrwity, iKtory angina, racllning Mata, plus all factory equIpmanL vice, 24 hour coverage. Wake- remodeled, additions, rec Space $8 per day, $12 per| steamer trunk, excellent condi­ IM M car. STK. PIS. VInyt root. We w ill n o t buy your home, I GARAGE SALE - Men’s and for fishing or skiing. $200. 649- stove, refrigerator, dis­ 522-4^, evenings after 7 p.m.' 31 up service too. Call 649-2823. rooms, garages, kitchens ■ weekend. ■ tion, $25. 646-4689. ladies’ square dance clothes, hwasher, full basement, attic SUBLET - May thru August. 74 CKVMIET MALBO S329S but we can sell it for you at the Services Ottered remodeled, bath tile, cement 5415 after 4. ROOM AND Board - Amston 649-3434. half price, children’s items, 5 and garage. $260. plus security. One bedroom garden apart­ 72 T0Y07A COMM MMX I B2199 2-Door Coupa, V-8 angina, automatic tranamla- best possible price. Please call LAWN Maintenance - No lawn work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ SPOOL BED - Full size, $45. Lake area. $45 weekly. Call 537- Automatic truwniMlon, dafoggw, mviy mor. slon, powar ataaring, air conditioning, extra daan SHARPENING Service - Saws, L m b b * * ® '* * ® * ^ lu ll 10’ sections of new 4” PVC pipe, 640-3050. ment, carpeted, dishwasher, Odegard— Realty alti for complete too small. Chitting, raking and tial or commercial. Call 649- Very old school desk and seat, Antiques 48 2082. w dru, low mllMga. car. (fctails. Odegard Realty, 643- knives, axes, shears, skates, $4 each. Other miscellaneous tennis courts, swimming pool, 2 trimming shrubs. Free es­ rotary blades. Quick service. 4291. $15. 646-4689. items. Free kittens. 474 MAIN Street - Second floor, etc. No security. $220 monthly. PRESIDENTIAL 4^5. timates. Call 6466981 or 643- MOVING - For sale - General WANTED .Antique furniture, FURNISHED Room for 74 COMNET CUSTOM B39S0 71 PLYMOUTH VALUNT $2150 Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Main Electric 3-speed washing Greenhouse, Seagraves, Road, 3 rooms, heated, parking, $170. Call after 4 p.m., 8756136. 4-Door S«1wi. V 6 wigin., automatic tranamla- 4-Door Sedan,^^llndar angina, oower atMrlng. 8946. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY TAG SALE - Saturday and Sun­ glass, pewter, oil paintings, or gentleman - All comforts of VILUQE^APTS. St., Manchester. Hours daily machine, 4 years old,_excelleni Coventry, all day Saturday, 742- home. Kitchen, parking. Securi­ Phone 646-2426. slon, powar itaaring, air conditioning, radio, fac­ automatic transifiTMon, radio, real nice and !★ ★ LISTINGS NEEDEDTkik Carpentry and general contrac­ day, 104. Miscellaneous items. other antique items. R. MANCHESnR tory laaia car, factory warranty. economical. 7:30-5, Thursday 7:30-9, Satur­ condition. Also G. E. dryer.Irye 6093. ty. 649-4936, 649-3436. AVAILABLE immediately YOU CAN BENEFIT from PAINTING and chimney work - ting. Residential and commer­ Jan Drive, Hebron. Harrison, 643^09. day, 7:30-4. 643-7958. Fast, dependable and cial. Whether it be a small automatic timer, 5 temperature 3 1/2 ROOM apartment, heat, three bedroom Duplex, our 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE TAG SALE - Bolton, Several One and tWDT bedrooms. reasonable. Free estimates. repair job, a custom built home BEAT THE HEAT cycles, 4 years old. Both $250. REDECORATED room - (^ e t hot water, cooking gas, stove. fireplace, adults, parking. $240. REWEAVING burns, holes. POLLEN AND DISCOMFORT BABY ARTICLES - Kant-wet Families. 44A past Lake House COLLECTOR wishes to by SELLING YOUR HOUSE Call 249-7771. or anything in between, call 646- (Available about June 1) Call purchase oldpr oriental rugs. home. Limited kitchen refrigerator, $175. Adults only. Call 643-2268. Near schools, churches I ^trough our Arm. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. With after 4:45 p.m., 742-9971. car bed, $12; Cosco infant seat, to Tolland Road, follow signs. No pets, security deposit 1379. AIR-CONDITIONINQ privileges. Gentleman and shopping center, on Window shades, Venetian 6: baby carriage $16; General Saturday-Sunday 10 a.m. Will top any real offer. Please requfred. Call 64^9678. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in DRIVEWAYS sealed - Very Swvica and ln$till»tlon call after 6 p.m. 646-4344. p re fe rr^ 643-0475, 6496624. blinds. Keys. TV for rent. FIELD STONES- horse drawn Motors car seat $8. All in two-family house - Wall-to-wall bus line. Call iAytime I Take advantage of our reasonable. Call 643-9245. BUILDING - Remodeling, CHORCHES Marlows, 867 Main St. 649-5221. excellent condition. 647-1045, TAG SALE - Saturday May 3rd, DUPLEX - 3-bedroom, 2 roofing, rec rooms, additions, equipment, goats, wagon ANY QUANTITY of fumittu'e, GENTLEMEN ONLY - Rooms. cairpetingi stove, large yard, REPUTATION and T.P.AITKINplNC. wheels, for sale. Call 6446304. please call between 10-1 p.m. or 10-4, 61 Avondale Road, Central location, free parking, children. Appliances, no pets. parking,irking, full attic. Security B46-2623 ODD JOBS - yard work, garages. All kinds, carpentry 643-6793 46 p.m. Manchester. paintings, brass, china, steins, DODGE OF MANCHESTER CHRYSLER EXPERIENCE. Call our MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. washing windows, spring work. For estimates call 649- kitchen privileges, relerences $200 plus heat. Security. 649- deposit, lease. Available May Removal, pruning, lot clearing, or collector items. Purchase or 4688 after 5. Manchester Office for an es­ cleaning. Reliable, call 649-6515 1142. STEREO, 2 speakers one amp, commission. 6446962. required. 643-2693 after 5 p.m. 15. $195. Call 6466782. timate of value at no cost or spraying. Fully insured. $170. Call 528-7578. 80 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER 643-2791 j after 3 p.m. 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 obligation. Licensea. Free estimates. TOWNE Plumbing Service, Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale Phone 646-3437, 633-5354. CUSTOM BUILDING - Homes, Venetian Mid Repair R Sales additions, remodeling, repairs. repairs, alterations, vanity WANTED TO BUY - Set of . CUSTOM S STOCK SHADES Steve Casalino, experienced cabinetsaoi a specialty. Call to luggage in good condition, Ia c t now iw e h a v e TREE SERVICE (Soucier) Alto a Compitte Una of 8:30 a.m., 6 pp.m. to 7’ p.m.t 649- reasonable. Call 742-9971 after Trees cut, trimmed or topped, residential-commercial BUYERS CaSTWMUrOlMHMSaMQ builder. Call 6496973. 4056. 4:45 p.m. WAITINGI stumps removed, fully insured. MANCHESTER Got a tree problem? Well worth VENETIAN BLIND CO. TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service Heating and Plumbing - MUST SELL - 1974 Philco color a phone call. 742-8252. anssaisuBT______irs-im All heating and plumbine TV, 19” with stand, hardly ever I $99,000 - 8 room Federal Remodeling, repairs, ad­ ditions, custom building. No job repairs plus remodeling. Call used. Paid over $400, asking I Colonial (circa ). With 2 CUSTOM MADE Draperies, 643-1496 $250-$300. 646-1122. very reasonable worky LIGHT TRUCKING - Attics too small. Free estimates. Over FOR THE MONTH OF MAY Iroom, yc -o O S '' J guest and celiars cleaned. For free 25 years’ experience. 643-5769. I house. pv.w -S3 beautiful guaranteed, call anytime. 649- FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing VEGETABLE Plants - All estim ates, call 647-9610 - Repairs and remodeling, kinds, 904 per box. Potted, 25t I acres with rolling field and anytime. ANY type additions and [woods. alterations, carpentry masonry sewer lines cleaned electrical­ each. 1615 Manchester Road, ODD JOBS - Trucking, home ly. Prompt service on emergen­ Glastonbury. 649-5981. THRU A SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE |$116,000 - Spectacular repairs, yards cleaned. Painting-Papering 32 and brick. Free estimates. Tony Squillacote, 649-0811. cies. 643-7024. 61 Autos For Sale M IHILLTOP ESTATE on nearly Experienced handyman. Free Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Il4 acres with 30 mile view estimates. Reasonable. 643- PAINTING - interior and Flooring 36 0304. exterior, paperhanging, TLA Construction. New homes, iRambting ^ remodeling, additions, rec WE ARE HAVING A SPECTACULAR Colonial plus guest excellent work. References. FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, TWO HANDYMEN will clean, Free estimates. Fully insured. rooms, garages. Quality house and barn. masonry, chimneys, fireplaces, (specializing in older floors). rake, lime, fertilize, mow, Martin Mattsson, 649^31. Ceilings and inside painting. Cajl - Suzanne or maintainance of lawn seasonal. ^ s t prices. 643-1888, 646-4501. Arthur Shorts, 646-3233 John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872- Cellars and attics cleaned. J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom 2222. Reasonable prices. 643-5305. decorating. Interior painting. RootIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 J. WATSON BEACH Paper hanging. New Ceilings. A CUSTOM Rototilling Have Remodeling. Exterior painting. ALCOA siding, gutters and Real Estate Co. □ MISC. FOR SALE “Troy>y Bilt”...... rototiller. Will Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. roofing. Complete interior and 193 East Center St. travel. Gardens, iawns, flower Fully insured. For estimate call exterior remodeling and Manchester • 647-9139 beds, large or small, (iall 643- 649-9658. decorating. Visit our Articles tor Sale 41 Equal Housing Opportunity 1895. showroom. Home Fashion PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. Center, 249 Broad Street, ALUMINUM sheets used as SPRING CLEANING - Cellars, Five years experience. Manchester. Across from Dairy printing plates, .007 thick, attics, yards. Tree trimming Excellent references. Pete, 742- Queen or call Thomas Colla, 23x32” . 25 cents each or 5 for/$l. and removal. Insured. 246-4416. 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. 6496082. Phone 643-2711. ( Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Y Five things to think about CHEVELLE when you’re thinking about a small car: WE HAVE PURCHASED 7 TRAILER LOADS OF BRAND NEW 1975 CHEVELLES 6's AND V EDOWN! COUPES, 4-DOORS, STATION WAGONS, STANDARDS AND AUTOMATICS... That’s right. . . we’ve alathed prices drastically In order to reduce our lhven> tory. Now’s the best time In months to really save money on a new or used car. And where else but at Dillon’s? EXTRA SPECIAL Brand New Brand New 1975 MAVERICK DEALS 1975 PINTO 2-Door Sedan. 200 old 6-cyllndsr engine, special 3-Door Runabout, 2300 cc 4-cyllnder angina, vinyl value package with such luxuries as Interior decor N EW CH EVELLES trim, accant group, tapa treatmant and othar apaclal group, exterior decor group, hood edge paint and value package luxuries, white sidewall tirea, STK rocker panel mouldings, power steering and S221. List price Including dealer prep., $3394. whitewall tires, STK 5225. List price Including dealer prep., $3558. 1. Gas mileage 2. Range 3. Resale value *3149 The 1975 Gremlin equipped with $3389 CHECK THIS SAMPLE BUY The 1975 Gremlin goes farther Gremlin has the best resale value the optional 258 CID Six-cylinder on a tank of gas than any other of any small car built in America. engine gets 30 miles per gallon car. Brand New Brand New FREE FREE FREE on the highway. Driving range based on results of 1975 U.S. ERA Average used car resale prices, March, 1976. 1975 GRANADA 1975 PICK-UP tests ol the optional 258 CID Six and standard Source: Automotive Market Report 3/10/75. 232 CID Six. multiplied by Grem lin's 21>gallon Market Averages, Zones 1, 2 and 3. for 1973 2-Door Sedan, 200 old S-cyllndar engine, plus the F-100 Custom Styleside, Special Explorer Includes MALIBU SPORT COUPE Source: 1975 ERA Buyers' Guide. S-E 12” POHTABIE TV WITH gas tank capacity. and 1074 compact and suboompact models. outstanding features ol this Limited Edition hood orn'ament, front bumper stripe, mag wheel Qranada, such as all vinyl seat, all vinyl door panel, covers, stripes, bright exhaust tip, box rails, bright unique steering wheel, lower back panel applique, drip mouldings, AM rtdio, swing lok mirrors, white Nicely equipped and ready for the road FORD and body side paint strlpee. STK 5283. Uat price In­ sidewall tires, STK 5268. List Including dealer pTep 2 AMC QM *3454 EVERY NEW CHEVEUE cluding dealer prep., $3M7. $4073. with economical 6-cyl. engine, std. 4. Coverage Pirit fixed or rtpliced free: 5. Price Engine/Drive train YES YES YES transmission, power steering. Rally Gremlin is the only Spark plugs YES NO NO wheels, steel belted whitewalls, under­ PURCHASED FROM STOCK* Shock absorbers YES NO American-built small car NO coat, Carter Care, PLUS A FREE TV. Ask that gives you all the Brake llninga YES NO NO $ *3469 *3579 Clutch linings YES NO NO for stock no. 3601. benefits and advantages Wiper blades YES NO NO of the exclusive AMC Lighl bulbs YES NO NO Brand New Hoses & belts YES NO Brand New BUYER PROTECTION YES 197S MUSTAHG II PLANCH Compare for Services provided free: 1975 LTD 2798 QIamour paint, white vinyl root, 4-cyllnder engine, Wheel alignment YES NO NO 2-Door Hardtop, 351 old V-8 engine, vinyl seat trim, yourself. special value package Includes luxury decor group, Wheel balancing YES NO NO * Optional 258 CID 6-cylinder white sidewall tiree, automatic transmieslon, power console, strlpee, styled steel wheels, trim rings, Align headilghta YES NO NO engine lists for $69.00 extra. steering, power brakes, AM radio, wheel covert. rocker panel mouldings, protection group, and steel Adjust csrburelor YES NO NO STK 6185. List price Including dealer prep., $5195. The following parts and Adjust distributor YES NO NO Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail belted radlaLwhlte sidewall tires. STK 8242. List services are covered Adjust brakes YES NO NO Price. Destination Charges, price Including dealer prep.,'14124. Adjust clutch YES NO NO against factory defects or Adjust trensmlMion bands YES NO NO State and Local Taxes not included. failure due to wear for 12 Adjust & lighten belts YES NO NO Tighten nuts & bolls *4399 months or 12,000 miles: YES NO NO Pres ioener ear YES NO NO ^3819 Trip Interruption Protection YES NO NO

AMCFIDealers HBXNOMr&^op FORD DiLLON FORD CARTER CHEVROLETMAIKHESTQt *Ofter Good lor Limited Time Delkintlier Motors 285 Broad Stroot, Manchostor 319 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Phone 643-2145 122$ MAIN ST.

L , PAGE TWENTY-SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., May 2,1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Fri., May 2,1975— PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN 81 AutooForSolo 81 BENJY BY JIM BERRY Molorcjrc/M-B/ejrefM 84 AutOM for Solo ei Autoo For Solo OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Ma ,\ / V«/HA7I7A EXPERT bicycle repairs, all SHOP AND SAVE BUGS BUNNY ^ 0 W APOUT /FH , ^UrWHAT makes, models and speeds. MAPPPM^IFI Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, THANKS! V a m ? «RiPs OUR SKTytERm A u m p Manchester B icyde Shop, 649- tvrrrr i/" THE FREE BEER WAS A i/v\i&HT I YoofPotyr (MA IS SELECT BUT, LURE BUT HC LOCATlOK r o l) c ^ ^ o F SCHNOOeUCUPS p o m ^ o R WEEKEND -^ER. AH-A SCARED THEM OFF.' IS K T FORD scMNOoaie W L E AMALL! SPOOKY ADAMS CLAIMS HE THE \ MAV^ A e o M P T H i M '? MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - ’a MentMT OKAf, WRKY, WITH THE owls’ CRUMWELL PBOsEarrep 6 U Y WHO W A ' K / c c a p -! lowest rates available. Immediate binding. Exclusive WElL MEET NTEREST^ THE PAPER BOY JUST INVENTED SPECIALS at.mxjr IN HORTICULTURE FOR THROWW THE THE TRAP NETRA Agent. Clarke In­ surance Agency, 643-1126. to EXPECTED PAPER ON THE DOOR WITH JXL eglN6 I A MASSIVE HEPfiE.' A BARBED 1075 FORD CUSTOM 500 IH SAND­ t u r n o u t .' MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - WICHES.' WIRE N E T for the past 10 years we have Dark blue, 4-door Sedan, * automatic T o CATCH 5Z been the leading agencv in the transmiaalon, V-8 angina, power steering, SHOPLIFTERS? area insuring motorcycles. Get pow er brakes, H78x15 white side well Urea, r-a our rates before you “ rev" rear bumper guards, AM radio, left hand Crockett Agency, Inc. 643-15' remote control mirror, whepi covers, STK. Builnoio lor Root 55 Autoo For Solo 81 Autoo For Solo 61 Autoo For Solo 81 173. GIRL’S 5-speed. Royce-Union, MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD STORAGE SPACE - 75 Cents NEED CAR? Credit bad? 1971 PONTIAC Bonneville, 1969 ROADRUNNER, excellent good condition. Asking $55. LOW PRICE OF *4050 per square foot. 7,000-14,000 Bankrupt? Repossessed? power steering and brakes, air- condition. ^11 after 3, 649-5031 teet, two loading docks. Call Honestt Douglas accepts lowest conditioned, vinyl top, 47,000 or after 5:30, 643-8996. •TT 643-5171. down, sm^lest payments. miles. $1,700. Call 875-3966. 1974 YAMAHA 500 -1,100 miles. Douglas Motors, 345 Main. 1966 PONTIAC T em pest - Backrest, excellent condition. MIfS. IS IN, VOUR Convertible, needs a little CUSTOOV, SlERIFF/ I m N T OFFICE SPACES for rent on 1964 CHEVROLET Impala - $1,500. Call 646-2229. 1075 MUSTANG II 1075 MAVERICK TO NNOP/ tVHY SHE IS NOT Body and interior in good condi­ work, $100. 1953 Chevy, needs Main Street, in Manchester. TOYOTA - See us for reliable Red, 2-door, standard transmission, 4 Dark blue, 4-door Seden, standard IN THIS COURTROOM t '( Ideal location for professional used Toyotas with our 66.iK.T««»v»htw ALL THE TALKlNei MBOOi YOU KNOW WHAT radio, new brakes. $1,200 or 643-5135 24 HOUR TOWING Schult 138 408. trades welcome. SWAMP. TWOWORP5 P0IN 6! CAPE COD - Chatham, heated THE BORN LOSER BY ART SAN80M best offer. 643-9441 after 5. Starter home, neat as a pin. i.Open Until 9 p.m. • Thurs. til 6 p.m. • Sat, til 5 p.m.| FROM YOU COULP cottage near all beaches, sleeps One bedroom , $2,995. Parts COST US MILUORS! six, available during June, off supplies and accessories. Full m t WXA THE TRUTH,'50N...HE 0KAY,T1»I,I fUTTHE SIRWMBW/ season rates. 643-1073. time Service Department. PBOWSBS HE WOHfT HIT'ey'. (>RE$Ef9iES NH0UR4OLF 5 H 0 ^ . cfieMnHAT TOYOTA Plaza Homes, 1348 Wilbur FLORIDA, VERO BEACH - Cross Hifihw^, Berlin Turn­ m zGiM iD FORD, mc. R o n ^ Executive townhouse. Water­ pike. Berlin, Conn. 1 828 0369. “TOLLAND COUNTY'S OLDEST FORD DEALER" front, new professionally K io L decorated. Two large bedroom, WINDSOR AVE. ROCKVILLE OPEN EVBl n 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER.CONN.* Phone 643-5135 21’ TRAILER, Impala, self- 2 full baths. Kitchen complete contained, caroeted, excellent with all latest appliances, dis­ W hat the outside promises, FOR PROFESSIONAL QUALITY condition, hitch, electric jack, PiMma 043-2485 875-3369 hes, linens. Color TV, caWevi- the inside delivers.' sleeps five. Call 646-0041. sion. Fish from your private TOYOTA CELICA CONTROLLED AUTO BODY REPAIRS m m m m boat dock. Play on your private A utos For Sale 61 golf course. Watch the por­ on all makes . . . poises jumping from your own THE FUNTSTONES BY HANA-BARBERA private decks. Swim from your private Atlantic Ocean beach. LOAN and RENTAL CARS All this and Disney World just a 1 Ce/ica ST Available by Appointment. . ALLEY OOP BY V.T. HAMLIN few hours away. Available now. ■ e r t V ME Weekly,ay. monthly, seasonally. Simulated woodgrain 1 WON'T instrument panel LINCOLN '/IMIMAL Call 643-2480 STAN OZIMEK, Manager HI Y fe O T IT YEAH.' PLUG IN TH' ... a n ' t m ' r e s t T U e tZ e 'S A a t t a c k : and console. * 1 ' [ s h e l t e r POWER, TENNILU,' O F YOU STAY R<>OSTERSAURU6 you. • Hi-back reclining 301-315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER OOP? Wanted to Rent 57 BEHIND U S / ON MV &ACK front bucket seats. ^ FENCE.' • Simulated leather WANTED - four room apart­ grained steering wheel ment or house, country or lake and shift knob. Autos For Sale 61 Autoo For Sale 61 area, working couple. Call 8 • Full carpeting. a m. -11:30 a.m. 646-1917. • AM/FM MPX. I Test drive one at... IMMEDIATE □ AUTOMOTIVE U l L l Y l l N l ^ H l i A utos For Sale 61 1974 PONTIAC Ventura, 17,500 m m m miles, 6 cylinder automatic $2,- 345 CemtJt.7T------IMlldWSW n------54MSZ1 DELIVERY 695. 633-2907 before 6 p.m. i n MIL ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY WIN AT BRIDGE SPECIAL VALUE 1975 MOHARCH PRICE, / ho w CAN M AH, WHAT A WUCAU. The bidding has been; 2 THIS A Don’t send boy to do man’s job STYLE, 2 DOOR 3EDAN PBZFECT , West North East Soath Shop, then PAW? y r r ' NOR’TH ID) 2 STOP ^ECONOM Y & Dark brown, metallic, 200 old 6 cylinder « K 7 V A 10 8 6 3 “ I think your play might well As a matter of elegance. Pass I N T. Pass 2 « engine. Special Value package, radial ♦ K654 go in the Guinness Book of South should cash dummy’s ace Pass 2 0 Pa»» ’’ s. PERFORMNCE tires, STK. 5E58. *A8 Records,” remarked North. “ It of hearts before plaving clubs. You, South, hold; WEST EAST took you just two seconds to Then when he came back to bis *KQ9 8 5 »A2 *A987 Let Mike & Frank show you some of A J 54 3 2 You're assured of complete satisfaction when you A- throw that rubber out the win­ band by rufflng a heart be What do you do now? the finest previously owned select one of these late-model trade-ins. O ur selection V Q 9542 VK7 dow.” should m ff with bis ace of A — Bid three dlainoads. Yoar vehicles In the area. has never been better. Come in today to test drive a SPECIAL VALUE PRICE *3464* OQJIO 6 A 972 trumps. All this elegance would partaer has ihawa a weaklsh haad truly fine car. s-z AQ10 6S2 a J3 be unnecessary the way Uie irith diamoads, bat yaar haad may South bad really plaved the cards lay, but South would be SOUTH hand rapidly. He ruffed the be fast what he aecds. 1974 Buick Electra 225 guarding against a possible WINTHROP BY DICK CAV/kLU A A Q 10 9 8 6 third diamond, led a club to 2-Door Hardtop, automatic transmission, power 73 TORINO >2895 heart ovem uf in case West held TODAY’S QUESTION WJ dummy’s ace and a second club steering, power brakes, power windows, power 2 Door Hardtop. Qreen, V-B angina, automatic transmission, power steering. just one heart and the jack of Instead of responding one seats, factory air, vinyl top, custom Interior. NEW 1975 COMET WVEIsl ARE YOU 0O IN © TO t h a t FTeOMISe W4<& t a k e n HAVENVVtXl RNISHED 6 8 3 back to his king. Then be led a AK974 trumps. notrump yoor partner has jumped 1969 Pontiac Firabird 73 COMET 4-DOOR >2795 TAKE MB TO THE MOVIES/ OLTT OP c o n t e x t ;/ANC? READ1NO THOSE WAIBRSATE third club and ^ f e d with dum­ to three spades over yoor one Qreen, V-8 engine, automatic tranemisslon, power steering. TAPE TWANSCWPnS YET5? my's seven of trumps. East 2-Door Hardtop, economy 8-cyllnder engine, 2 DOOR SEDAN U K E 'YOU f=TZOMI€eC>^A OTO BE OONSIDEREO Both vulnerable (NEWSPAPEa EIVTEHPRISE ASSNJ spade What do you do now’ power steering, automatic transmission, bucket 73 MUSTANG MACH I ^*3295 (NOPERATTVE. . overruffed with the jack for the Answer Tomorrow seats, radio, whitewall tires, hard to find original Dark blue metallic, 200 old 6 cylinder third defensive trick. Then be Brown, V*8 engine, automatic tranamisalon, power steering, p o ^r brakes. y West North East Soath and low miles. engine, all vinyl Interior, radial tires, led back a trump and eventually An$w«f to Previous Puzzle 1972 Buick Skylark 09 CO ^ 72 TORINO WAGON >2395 South had to lose bis last club. Painting power steering, AM radio, STK. SCT56. 1 V Pass 1 A T O X r* A S 2-Door Hardtop, automatic transmission, power Qreen, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering. A U & r s 2 6 Pass A & T A E A M P E e: steering, 350-2V-8, factory air conditioning, vi­ Immediate Delivery. Pass i n 71 LTD 2-DOOR >2095 4 A Pass Pass Do you see where South went ACROSS 62 To the t>«:k S A V I K P T £ s' 1 nyl top, a real aye catcher. Pass A M Hardtop. Qreen, V>8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power | wrong? He had sent a bov on a S3 Island (Fr) X H 1:1C D A N “1 Pass 1 Color 64 Helper (sb I D 1 L. D 1972 Ford F250 Pickup brakes, vinyl roof. ‘ Plus Taxes and Registration man's errand. He should have R o P N E. Opening lead — Q ♦ 4 Pamting a one 65 Knrghu 1] BQ 8' Sweptllna 8100 QVW, automatic transmis­ c5 S ruffed Uiat first low club with A 1 D E P T 13U oMhefine — 66 Romen brorue n. sion, power steering, power brakes, west 71 6AUXIE 500 2-DR. HARDTOP >2000 dummy’s king of trumps. Later L. O O £ □ S 3 Edhf coast mirrors, dual tanks, step and tow bumper. V-8 engine, autoraatic transmission, power steering, vinyl roof. SQoddeat of DOWN S T ■Ro s id B s u u 3 M ' S on he would ruff the last one painting s' A Campers dream and low miles. POe By Oswald & James Jacoby 1 Home (Qer.) E L. A e i s Bobcat • Mark IV • Monarch • Cougar • Montego with that seven spot. East could A L A M D c l 71 THUNDERBIRD >2795 • tmwwA w.tM »i,ai >» o« 2395 Sportabout Wagon, belga, Sadan, dark rad, parchment C O u u E O E ... WHEN I GR’AOUATE? SON- 20 Internal 9 Up to bme of 30 Went out 47 RaveUngs dark green, matching vinyt In­ matching vinyl Interior, V-S, Intarlor, dark brown vinyl root, | ------ByCLATI.PCXXAN ------engine, power brakes, power seat, power win­ Blue, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes. terior, 2 tone roof, V-0, vinyl roof, matching vinyl In­ 22 Bona to Kind of leather 33 Oahu lUple 49 Russian rulers dows, factory air conditioning, custom top and automatic, PS, PS, factory Air- full Mark IV aqulpmant In­ 23 Registered 35 Franch com 52 Trim ■utomatio, power eteerlng, tarlor, automatic, PS, PB, fac­ *44^21 K Ymr Dadr AdhRy OMt H 11 (xerman city Interior, under 14,000 miles. 70 THUNDERBIRD *2495 Condition, AM radio, cluding AM-FM starao with | nurses (ab) 36 Negative con- 53 To fasten (Sp ) power brekse, factory air oon- whitawaUi, under 10,000 mllaa. tory air. ftarao taps, low mllaaga. » Actanfiag to the Stora. ' 19 Granted use of 2-Door, green, V-8 engine, automatic tranemisslon, power steering, power | 24 Maacuine 21 New South lonction 54 Lamb's al«s I dMonlng, low mileage. (X4-22-3J44 To devetop massoga for Saturday, brakes, air conditioning, power windows. 6-5564734 mcknama Wales (ab.) 37 Single thing 55 Pan m ptay 74 COMET $2995 j5/644»0M3 raod words corrcspondiog to runbars 74-76-77 4 73CMNUJIC $399$ Mercury 4-door sadan, dark 73 MARK IV $6595 of your Zodiac b i ^ siga 25 Sea mammal 23 Maka 42 Supertatrve 56 Takes to coun 70 GALAXIE 500 *1795 ^TAUaUS SCOOfW ending 59 Uau, garland 'k Many Others To Choose From ★ 72 MERCURY $2695 Calala 2-Dr. Cpa., dark graan, brown, matching vinyl Intarlor, Claaalo copper, tan laathar In­ I Put 31 To 61 In 29 Plural pronoun reprodueborta 2-Door, brown, V-8 engine, automatic transmitelon, power eteerlng. saddle Interior, green vinw roof, terior, tan vinyl top, itandard I O C T .»( 31 Ok) Danish Colony Park 9-pass. Wagon, all economical S-cyl., automatk), 2No 32 May 62 Favored 1 T~ T" T r - IT r r power Including factory Air all power Including auto. Tamp, power ataaring, whitawalls, Mark IV aqulpmant Including tiriuArm 3GerwoHy 330oy 63 Your /tor. ji' tab) 70 PONTIAC CATALIHA *1895 CondlUonIng. control, telaacopio 6 tilt wheal, 5-2031-4$ 4Good 34 In 64Unho|)py 32 Royal CoSege AM/FM radio, priced to tall. radio. AM-FM starao with taps, Crulto | 7-1M(Ml/ a 13 14 ASK ABOUT 1^ 4-Door, green, V-8 engine, automatic transmiselon, power steering, power | Control, tilt whaal, sharp carl m y m M . SPwple 35 Hold 65 Hunch of Physicians 6IUfm 36AHon 51-6^72 Exclusive M IP ^ brakes, air conditioning. 74 MERCURY $3795 lab.) IS iT 17“ BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE 7Short 37 Ruihleu saanTAaiw 34 Extraneous Monterey Custom 2-Dr. Herd- 70 OLDS $1895 72 FORD $2695 ,M 4flt 8 You're 38 Today 6dCould 09 THUNDERRIRD >1890 Cutlais 2-Dr. Hardtop, whHa, 72IJNC0LK $3691 / t o r . n ^ (comb lorm) IT top, saddle bronze, tan vinyl In­ Custom F-100 Stylasida Pickup. Continantal 4-Or. Sedan, I ijtnttM 9PK,(4e 39Wonk 69 Oder HEALTHY 2-Door, yellow, V-8 engine, automatic transmitelon, power steering, air con- I terior, Un vinyl roof, 400 V-0, blue vinyl Intarlor, black vinyl Blua, V-0, automatic, radio, laat lOBroiton 40TroMteig TOPnu oecif CEh 38 Measunng m^lum blue, blua vinyl root, SAM KNEW THE "I'M NOT TRYINGTO CMEAr"^ device dIUonIng, AM/FM radlo._ •utomatio, power etssiing, root. V-0, auto., PS, PB. factory than 20,000 mllaa. 6HOCKBD AMO SORRY AHOUT^ I 9Li6.27.34 II Dcn'i 41 V.lin 71 Or 1-14-2536^ Air Conditioning, radio, '"•tehino Interior. l2Become 42 Ploy 39 Michigan canal power brakes, factory air con- ^ F M atarao, crulaa control. SAM'Si DEATH, DEBBY.DEHISY. CHRISTY INSURANCE POLICY THE in s u r a n c e COMPANY, /49-7IH9 72Todoy C-SU9 ^ W HEELS a m 9 LTD SQUIRE >1599 whitewalls. 13 Newt 43 Moke 73 And (eoi.) B" !T dWonlng, radio, radial whitawali Michalln radial whitewalls 6 6AV«: Yt)U THINK HE WAS ,— ' WOULD ORY NOTHING BUT. BUT IF SAM'S DEATH CANca 14 Your I engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes. moral 44 Ploy 74 Impfove CAPtKOIN 40 Sacrad petura ONE FlU YEAR-HO MLEAK RESTMCnON tiraa, only 16,000 mllaa. ^ M U R D E R E D . IN CASE OF s u ia o r W A S N T s u ic id e , I WANT 15 Be 45 Bock 75 Today 41 Doem (pratix) IT JS u H WmUN TWO YEARS. HE tNHATS COMING TO M K. tjua n 16 An 46 Antiquet 76 Home The MOST You Can Spend Is S28.00 17 Benetrted 47 In 43 Painlad Scant WOULONT TAKE HIS OWN 77 Ererirone 45 Amaft ST ______ONSNY MAJOR REPAIR! Your Sm all Car ,3-13-2435 isUntoiorabie 40Srnke TSThtm 3-li-2M 0yn FORD 19 Trim 49 Don't 79 Over n-71-7»t5La madium Headquarters 20Try SOAnd 80 You 46 Pigpen 21 Pionuw 51 An Slot 50 WMrtarlnd r r P" Mir 21 22Moncy 520n 02 Good St Puts color on U K hH Bran .4M.ZI 23lmefeaed $3 You 83 Gw rto. It , canvaa 24To 54Any IT S & S BUICK MNehoe t-17-J 53 Birch Ireea DIULYRENTiU.: 25 Money 55 Pwionol 85 Wowr 57 Anglo-Saxon 26Too 56Go 060a

r j - , PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Fri., May 2.1975 Gregory Appears at ECHS DOT-l'o Resume Sponsored by MCC Senate 184 Link Work

The state Department of Kanell also announced that By DOUG BEVINS Harvey Oswald to have a c t^ Howard Hunt were in Dallas Transportation (DOT) is asking the new method of seeking Radical comedian Dick alone in Novembet 1963 in when Kennedy was several consulting firms to sub­ proposals is being used for Gregory lambasted politicians, Dallas. He said evidence in the assassinated. He said the mit proposals to complete a another environmental impact the wealthy, the CIA and the famous Zapruder filnj—an Zapruder film shows that legally mandated Environmen­ report—on the proposed F B I in a lengthy “ perfor­ amateur movie of the several shots were fired at tal Impact Statement on the so- Interstate 291 from Rocky Hill mance” at East Catholic High assassination—clearly con­ Kennedy from various called Interstate 84 connector to Farmington. School Thursday night, tradicts findings of the Warren locations, not just the one shot ; - - - h i in Manchester and East Hart­ highlighted by his allegations Commission. allegedly fired by Oswald. ford. that the CIA was involved in the Displaying photographs he Gregory claimed that Transportation Com­ 1963 assassination of President said tod been suppressed by the Kennedy was killed because he missioner Samuel Kanell said JOIN TH E John F. Kennedy. government, Gregory charged was trying to break up the CIA. the new method of selecting an Gregory’s appearance, spon­ ^ a t such CIA notables as E. He said the truth will even­ environmental consultant is GROWING sored by the Student Senate and tually come out, but it will hurt being used to finish the en­ Cultural Program Committee a lot of people, including the vironmental study which was MOVEMENT! of Manchester Community Kennedy family. under way but canceled when College, lasted well over two Other Gregory comments in­ he took office. hours and drew an audience of cluded: The 1-84 coWhector, on the A Family Vegetable about 200. On the result of drawing boards for a decade Garden Saves $$ Little escaped from Watergate—“Now we have both and said to be at least another on Food Costs! Gregory’s banter: His targets a president and vice president five years away from comple­ included not only CIA and FBI, that weren’t elected by the peo­ tion, would link the Manchester but also school busing, the war ple. If that happened anywhere l.-V. segment of 1-84 at Spencer St. to on crime. Interstate highways, else in the world it would have the Wilbur Cross Highway (I- f p l a n t \ sugar prices, the gasoline shor­ been called a coup.” m 86) at Simmons Rd. in East tage and energy crisis, the On Vietnam—“The only Hartford. American Revolution Bicenten­ reason we’re not still in Viet­ A DOT spokesman said work flABTs nial, and the press. nam is that Watergate sent on the first environmental !’s e e d s 7 Gregory’s major theme Nixon back to San Clemente.” s i . ’* study was stopped when Kanell throughout the evening On crime—“The only way assumed his post earlier this appeared to be an alleged top- we’re going to stop crime is Jay Stager, member of the conservation commission, walks the Lewie Farm where “vic­ year. The intent was to finish the study with DOT resources, level conspiracy to manipulate start at the top, with the Mafia, tory gardens” may grow vegetables this summer. He will take interested townspeople on QUALITY the spokesman said, but it was the American people. The most and work down.” the same walk late Sunday afternoon. (Herald photo by Barlow) On the press—“The news determined that the depart­ dramatic parts of his talk in­ MOST PACKETS volved charges that govern­ media have been manipulated. ment should not do it. ment agents were responsible for The Washington Post didn’t STILL AT 35c the Kennedy assassination, the expose Watergate because of Stager Leads Sunday Tour Patty Hearst kidnaping, and the story, but because it hated shooting of Gov. Wallace, and a Nixon.” The CHAS. C. HART variety of other incidents. G re g o ry p r e d ic te d a Pores on a shark’s snout ena­ SEED CO. Regarding the Kennedy worldwide food crisis within the Of Free Garden Plots Site (Herald photo by Dunn) ble the predator to navigate and Wethersfield, Ct. 06109 assassination, Gregory claimed next year, calling hunger the home in on prey by sensing Dick Gregory biggest problem in the country. Stager said they will be offered that it was impossible for Lee By MAL BARLOW whatever we can” to help the electrical currents in the water. on a first come, first serve farmers get started. He noted A water pump, a backhoe, basis. the town’s help may be limited and many willing workers are due to busy spring work all that is needed to create free schedules for his different garden plots on a town-owned We reserve departments and a lack of loose farm, said Jay R. Stager, funds. Gardner Issue Creating member of the Manchester Giles guessed that as much as Conservation Commission. two acres could be set up on the The commission raised the MCC Campus Controversy question of “victory gardens” farm near the well. Much more land is available if there is in­ on town land last fall. Such gar­ By DOUG BEVINS den plots helped Manchester terest. The administration apparent­ rally Monday and the establish­ Alleged “dismissal” of a people eat better for less during Much of the farm cannot easi­ ly isn’t required to give reasons ment of a legal defense fund for ly be turned back to farm use Manchester Community World War II. . for dismissal of lecturers, but Gardner by his colleagues in due to the tree growth, he said. College English lecturer by the Public Works Director Jay Gardner has retained an at­ the humanities division. The farm is the only feasible college administration is Giles offered the former torney to file a grievance and A resolution to support site for the garden plots owned creating controversy on cam­ Frederick Lewie farm of 33 request written reasons for the Gardner is reportedly being by the town, Giles said. pus and has provoked a student acres off Finley St. for the gar­ action. prepared for consideration by Stager noted “victory gar­ and faculty drive to reinstate dens. Lewie was a long-time Gardner’s attorney, Robert the entire college faculty. the lecturer. employe and assistant dens” supplied townspeople Hirtle of Hartford, also intends A news article and editorial with vegetables during World The controversy revolves superintendent of the Town to present Gardner’s case to the in this week’s edition of the around lecturer James W. Highway Department. He War II. Several pieces of town state Board of Trustees of college’s student newspaper, Gardner Jr. of Manchester, willed the farm to the town land were used then including Regional Community Colleges the New College Press, whose annual contract hasn’t when he died at age 69 in 1963, what is now Manchester High Monday night. questioned the administration’s School’s Memorial Field. been renewed. No reason has Giles said. Gardner said he hopes the decision on Gardner and Boston plowed Fenway Park been given by the MCC ad­ Lewie’s will said the town matter can be resolved through criticized the system of lec­ this spring setting up 400 plots. ministration for its decision, could use the land for recrea­ normal college channels, but turers’ contracts. They are all taken, he said. and Gardner is seeking to tion, parks, and watershed for added he is prepared to go to Before coming to MCC, South Windsor has run a pop­ resolve the issue through the Porter and Howard Reser­ court if necessary. Gardner taught at Trinity ular garden plot program. several channels. voirs. Garden plots like these “I’m very hopeful this can be College, the University of North Gardner, who has taught at are okay, he said. Manchester Community resolved soon, before the Carolina, and the University of the college since 1969, said he The town has done nothing College set up a summer school summer session,” Gardner the Pacific. He holds a B.A. was verbally notified April 16 with the land except raze an old program that provides both said. “The reputation of the degree from Emroy University that his career at MCC would home and a bam which were on free land space near the soccer college for fair play and and an M.A. degree from the end with the completion of the the site where it touches on E. field on the campus and basic openness is at stake.” University of North Carolina, current spring semester. He Middle Tpke. instruction, said Stager, a The student and faculty sup­ and expects to receive his doc­ said he never received written A well on the site would need member of the MCC faculty. port growing for Gardner in­ torate this«>year from the notice and has never been told a pump in order to supply the If the plots on the Lewie farm cludes the student-sponsored University of North Carolina. the reasons for the decision. garden plots, Stager said; A are not enough for demand. College President Ronald hand pump might do the job if Denison, who apparently made there are not too many plots the decision, said, "There’s a taken, he thought. difference of opinion on an ad­ Applicants Sought But a motor driven pump is ministrative decision.” more likely and may prove an Denison declined to discuss the expensive obstacle to getting Shanahan To Lead reasoning behind the decision. For Scholarships the gardens started, he said. Sunday Bike Ride “He wasn’t fired,” Denison How to pay for the motor is said. “His contract was a one- Applications are now Under the will of the late another problem. Both Giles Joseph Shanahan of 58 shot deal, for September to available at Manchester High Grace Robertson, four funds and Stager said they do not Ludlow Rd. will lead this Sun­ June, and it carried'no com­ School for two local were set up: ’Two to provide aid want to go to the Board of day’s bike ride leaving from the mitments beyond June.” scholarships — the Robertson to a boy and a girl for con­ Directors with a large request Mary Cheney Library on Main as we livey work, Gardner, whose lecturer con­ Scholarship and the Eaton- tinuing in high school, and two for funds at this time. St. at 1:30 p.m. ' tract has been renewed annual­ Reed Scholarship. The an­ to provide financial assistance If that problem can be solved, Jhe ride will cover from 20 to 25 miles of mostly flat roads. ly since he joined the MCC nouncement was made by the to a boy and a girl attending many of the small trees ami n e t w staff, maintained that there brush growing on the flat sec­ The majority will set the pace. play, and serve MHS guidance department. college. was an understanding he would The Robertson Scholarship is The Eaton-Reed Scholarship tions of the farm will have to be The ride is sponsored by the be teaching this summer and available to a senior or a is available to any senior or pulled up with a backhoe. American Youth Hostels In c .' fall at the college. He said there graduate of MHS who is graduate of MHS who is Stager said. Then the land can which charges a fee of 25 cents were no indications he wouldn’t furthering his/her education. furthering his/her education. be plowed. * to non-members on the tour. be rehired until he was told Preference is given to This scholarship was es­ After that, all that will be The maximum per family is 50 cents. April 16. applicants who reside in the tablished by the- late Edith needed are willing farmers, he The main issue in the Eighth Utilities District. Eaton, a long-time resident of said. The ride on the following Sun­ A Special Edition day, May 11, will leave from the case—which has prompted a Manchester and teacher in the All interested people are student-called rally Monday at local school system. asked to meet with Stager Sun­ library at 10 a.m. for the 11 a.m.—appears to be the Applications for these day at 4 p.m. in the parking lot University of Connecticut in timing of the notice to Gardner Ford Vetoes scholarships are available in behind the Municipal Building. Storrs. The ride is 55 miles, in­ and the lack of written reasons the guidance office. Completed At the meeting, those atten­ cludes some hills, and the for the action. Farm Bill applications must be returned ding will consider the obstacles majority sets the pace. Gardner’s colleagues in to the guidance office by June and determine if they can be Steve Fink of East Hartford This annual special edition is delivered to Herald subscribers MCC’s Division of Humanities WASHINGTON (U P I) - 15. Scholarship -recipients will overcome. Stager said. will lead that tour. He suggests today. Why not send a copy to friends or family? Manchester Is and Communication Arts say Despite congressional claims be chosen before July 1. A tour of the farm will also be the riders have lights on their a wonderful place to live. Let's tell our friends about It. Gardner faces a job dilemma that higher crop supports are made after the meeting starts, bikes as they may not get back because he was informed so to Manchester until past sun­ needed this year to protect Stassen Wins he said. late in the current semester. farm ers and assure heavy Giles promised to ‘‘do down. Healso urges they bring Gardner said he is entitled to future food production. Presi­ INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (UPI) lunches. Only 750 Mailed In The U.S.A. a 12-month notice of dismissal dent Ford Tliursday vetoed a — , the peren­ and the reasons for dismissal bill boosting 1975 price nial losing candidate for the Just mall or bring this coupon along with 754; per copy to The because he’s classified as a guarantees for wheat, feed Rpublican presidential nomina­ Kathy says: "Unlike the rocky road to Dublin, It’s special appointee, having been grains, soybeans, cotton and tion, has won a victory in court. Herald and we’ll take care of the rest. a lecturer longer than the milk. It was disclosed Thursday smooth riding once again to reach Perosl” customary two-year period for Ford said in a veto message that Stassen won dismissal this week of a speeding ticket. WE STILL HAVE CRISP AIRS: Macs, Runali, Roma, Ida Rad, Goldan S | lecturers. that spending under the bill Rad Dallcloua Applaa. - I Administrators disagree, would add an unnecessary 31.8 Stassen was arrested six FRESH: Aaparagua, Shalota, Spinach, Laaka, Graan « Yallow Baana, maintaining that Gardner is a billion to his budget deficit and months ago for allegedly doing Broccoli, Caullflowar, Rad Potatoaa, Yama, White Swaal Potatoea, White “ we live, work, play, and serve” lecturer and lecturers, who would be “costly not only to 82 miles an hour on an in­ Radlahaa, Graan S Yallow Squash, Rad Onions, Turnips, Acorn S Butter­ Manchester Herald Circulation terstate highway. nut Squash, Cherry Tomaloas, Anise, Boston Lsttucs, Onion Sals. don’t accrue tenure, don’t have consumers and taxpayers, but IMPORTED: Rad, While S Saadlaaa Grapes, Honaydawt, Crawahart, { Herald Square, Manchester 06040 to be notified of reasons for dis­ to American farmers in the Strawbarrlaa, Watarmalona, PInaapplaa, Paara, Orapalrull. missal. long run.” WE HAVE « WIDE ViUllEn OF VESETULE • Flow n PUHTS PLANNING TO REMODEL? THRIFTY WEEKEND SPECIALSI FROM: CALIF. ICEBERD LETTUCE...... head 3«C I NAME Call Us First, We Pledge VINE RIPENED TOM ATOES...... ib s«C 1 ADDRESS ZIP 1 A SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ‘QUALITY MATERIALS CUCUMBERS...... 3 for 196 1 *c

1 um me iROWING WEMENT! amily Vegetable irden Saves $S n Food Costs!

m 'S j


a t DISCOUNT PRICES! Friday, M a y 2, 1975 CHAS. C. HART SEED CO. srsfidd, Ct. 06109 SP R IM 3 We reserve the right to limit quantities N^t responsible for typographical errors. COLGATE PENTAL CREAM 70Z MFG. LIST 1.41



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Dear Senio Bicei Mam Man<