The European Community's Presence in U.S. Agribusiness (FAER-245)
'1~'-~B93-12H24 U,SD,A/FAER-2, 45 E,Jpo;~~~20iMll~~~'jt's PRESE,'NCE IN u.s, • ,AGRI,BUS',I',NESS.• ~''I (FOREIGtf AGRICuLTfu!KL-EeONOM'fe-REl'T •• ) / H. C,; BOLLING ECONO,,!IC " RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. AGRICULTURE AND TRADE ANALYSIS' ' DIV. SEP 92 36P ,!< I ' ' I I PB93-121424 European Community's Presence in U.S. Agribusiness (U.S.) Economic Research Service, Washington, DC Sep 92 [ -. .- J u.s. Department of Commerce NatianII TecIIicaIlnfarmation Senice NI•. PB93-121424 ·wwe; iibIIiM me It's Easy To Order Another Copy! Just dial 1-800-999-6779. Toll free in the United States and Canada. Other areas, please call 1-703-834-0125. Ask for The European Community's Presence in U.S. Agribusiness (FAER-245). The cost is $8.00 per copy. For U.S. addresses, add 10 percent. For non-U.S. addresses (including Canada), add 35 percent. Charge your purchase to your Visa or MasterCard. Or send a check or purchase order (made payable to ERS-NASS) to: ERS-NASS 341 Victory Drive Herndon, VA 22070 We'll fill your order by first-class mail. .. ." Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE .. OMB No. 0704-0fSS ' # Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estImated to average 1 hour;>er response, including the time for reviewing imtructlon•• searching e~isting data sources. gathering and maintainin!! the data needed. and completing and reviewing the_ollectlon of informa~ion. Send comments r~arding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of Information. Including suggestions for reducing this burden.
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