HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES the UNITED STATES Nel, Field Artillery), Army of the United to BE BRIGADIER GENERALS States

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES the UNITED STATES Nel, Field Artillery), Army of the United to BE BRIGADIER GENERALS States 4410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 20 By Mr. BREWSTER, from the Committee on Brig. Gen. Henry Lawrence Cullen Jones Col. James Washington Barnett (lieutenant Naval Affairs: (colonel, Field Artillery) , Army of the United colonel, Cavalry), Army of the United States. The nomination of Rear Admiral Adolphus States. Col. Randolph Tucker Pendleton, Coast Ar­ Andrews to be a vice admiral in the Navy, Brig. Gen. William Henry Harrison Morris, tillery Corps. for temporary service, to rank from the 1st Jr. (colonel, Infantry), Army of the United Col. Idwal Hubert Edwards (lieutenant day of May 1942 and to continue during his States. colonel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air assignment as commander, eastern sea · Brig. Gen. Durward Saunders Wilson (colo­ Corps), Army of the United States. frontier; and nel, Infantry), Army of the United States. Col. Leland Wilbur Miller (lieutenant colo­ The nomination of Rear Admiral John W. Brig. Gen. William Middleton Grimes (colo­ nel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air Corps), Greenslade to be a vice admiral in the Navy, nel, Cavalry), Army of the United States. Army of the United States. for temporary service, to rank from the 1st Brig. Gen. Rapp Brush (colonel, Infantry), Col. Thomas James Hanley, Jr. (lieutenant day of May 1942 and to continue during his Army of the United States. colonel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air assignment as commander, western sea . Brig. Gen. Joseph Dorst Patch (colonel, In­ Corps), Army of the United States. frontier. fantry) , Army of the United States. Col. Thomas Henry Green (lieutenant colo-• By Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee on Brig. Gen. John Emmitt Sloan (colonel, nel), Judge Advocate General's Department), ·Post Offices and Post Roads: Field Artillery), Army of the United States. Army of the United States. Nominations of sundry postmasters. Brig. Gen. William Hanson Gill (colonel, Col. Royal Reynolds, Medical Corps. Infantry), Army of the United States. Col. Omar Heinrich Quade, Medical Corps. The VICE PRESIDENT. If there be Brig. Gen. }larry Lewis Twaddle (colonel, Col. Charles Egbert Branshaw (lieutenant no .further· reports of committees, the Infantry), Army of the United St~tes. colonel, Air Cqrps; temporary colonel, Air clerk will state the nominations on the Brig. Gen. Frank Cadle Mahin (colonel, In-. Corps), Army of the United States. calendar. fan try), Army of the United States. Col. Thomas Bernard Larkin (lieutenant POSTMASTERS Brig. Gen. Homer Ray Oldfield (colonel, colonel, Corps of Engineers), Army of the Coast Artillery Corps), Army of the United United States. The legislative clerk proceeded to read States. Col. Leonard Russell Boyd (lieutenant colo­ sundry nominations of postmasters. Brig. Gen. Joseph Lawton Collins (lieuten­ nel, Infantry), Army of the United States. Mr. McKELLAR. I ask unanimous ant colonel, Infantry), Army of the United Col. Donald Armstrong, Ordnance Depart­ consent that the postmaster nominations States. ment. be confirmed en bloc. Brig. Gen. Harold Roe Bull (lieutenant Col.· Gordon Marshall Wells (lieutenant colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. colonel, Ordnance Department), Army of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without Brig. Gen. Robert Olds (lieutenant colonel, United States. objection, the nominations are confirmed Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air Corps), Col. John Kay Christmas (lieu~enant colo­ en bloc. AFmY of the UnitEd States. nel, Ordnance Department), Army of the Mr. McKELLAR. I ask unanimous TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS United States. consent that the President be immedi- ~ Col. Thoburn Kaye Brown (lieutenant colo­ Col. Rosswell ~ric Hardy (lieutenant colo­ ately notified of these confirmations. nel, Cavalry), Army of the United States. nel, Ordnance · Department), Army of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without Col. Lucian King Truscott, Jr. (lieutenant United States. objection: the President will be notified colonel, Cavalry), Army of the United States. APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY forthwith. Col. Clift Andrus, Field Artillery. Capt. Charles A. Lockwood, Jr., to be a rear That completes. the calendar. Col. Paul Everton Peabody (lieutenant admiral in the Navy for temporary service, colonel, Infantry), Army of the United RECESS to rank from the 16th day of May 1942. States. Capt. Marc A. Mitscher to be a rear admiral Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative ses­ Col. Giltert Richard Cook, Infantry. in the Navy, for temporary service, to rank Col. Hayes Adlai Kroner, Infantry. from the 4th day of December 1941. sion, I move that the Senate take a recess Col. Leland Stanford Hobbs (lieutenant until12 o'clock noon tomorrow. colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. The motion was agreed-to; and <at 5 Col. Stonewall Jackson (lieutenant colonel, CONFIRMATIONS o'clock and 44 minutes p. m.) the Senate Infantry), Army of the United States. Executive nominations confirmed by took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, Col. Lloyd Davidson Brown (lieutenant the Senate May 20 (legislative day of May 21, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon. colonel, Infantry), Arxny o1 the United States. Col. Thomas Dewees Finley (lieutenant May 15), 1942. colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. POSTMASTERS NOMINATIONS Col. Alfred Jefferson Lyon (lieutenant ARIZONA colonel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air Chester H. Layton, Thatcher. Executive nominations received by the Corps), Army of the United States. Senate May 20 (legislative day of May Col. Robert Lily Spragins (lieutenant colo­ NEW HAMPSHIRE 15)' 1942: nel, Infantry), Army of the United States. Joseph W. Hazeltine, Contoocook. UNITED STATES MARSHAL Col. Horace Logan. McBride (lieutenant Dorothy D. Clark, Hancock. Leslie S. Kofoed, of Nevada, to be United colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United . States marshal for the district of· Nevada, States . vice Frank L. Middleton, term expired. , Col. Barnwell Rhett Legge (lieutenant colo­ nel, Infantry), Army of the United States. TEMPORARY· APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF Col. Roland Paget Shugg (lieutenant colo­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE UNITED STATES nel, Field Artillery), Army of the United TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS States. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1942 Col. Edward Arthur Evans, Coast Artillery Col. James Francis Brittingham (lieutenant Corps (Reserve) . colonel, Field Artlllery), Army of the United The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and Col. Kenneth Buchanan, Cavalry; (National · States. was called to order by the Speaker. Guard of the United States). · Col. Ward Hale Maris (lieutenant colonel, The .chaplain, the Reverend James Col. Albert Edward Colburn, Artil­ Field Artillery), Army of the United States. Shera Montgomery,. D. D., . offered the lery Corps (National Guard of the United Col. Guy Ichabod Rowe, Quartermaster following ·prayer: States). · Corps. Col. Roderick Random Allen (lieutenant Our God and gracious Father, in Thy APPOINTMENT IN THE REGULAR ARMY colonel, Cavalry), Army of the United States. revealing power show us the virtue of the Maj. Gen. Levin Hicks Campbell, Jr. (colo­ Col. John Matthew Devine (lieutenant all-atoning Lamb. Increase in us the nel, Ordnance Department), Army of the colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United manifold gifts of Thy grace, the spirit United States, for appointment in the Regu-· States. of wisdom and understanding, the spirit lar Army of the United States as Chief of Col. George Wesley Griner, Jr. (lieutenant­ Ordnance, with the rank of major general, colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. of counsel and true godliness. We pray for a period of 4 years from date of accept­ Col. Arthur McKinley Harper (lieutenant that we may live more courageously and ance, vice Maj. Gen. Charles M. Wesson, Chief colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United more bravely, enduring the disillusion­ of Ordnanre, who is retiring, and Maj. Gen. States. ments of life. The purest .motive is to James Ij. Burns (colonel, Ordnance Depart­ Col. Warren Thomas Hannum, Corps of love Thee, the loftiest rule, Thy will, and ment), Army of the United States, who has Engineers. the supremest end Thy honor and glory. declined to accept commission as confirmed Col. John Thomas Kennedy, Field Artillery. Heavenly Father, the ·world hath its by the Senate. Col. Royden Eugene Beebe, Infantry. tragedy; its breath is a pestilence and TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF Col. Louis Albert Kunzig, Infantry. its hate a flame. Oh, cast down the spirit THE UNITED STATES Col. James Arthur Pickering (lieutenant colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United of destroying war; break the iron rod TO BE MAJOR GENERALS States. and destroy the destroyer and bring all Brig. Gen. Albert Eger Brown (lieutenant Col. Milton Baldridge Halsey (lieutenant nations to their intelligence and se1f- . colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. control; be our sun, filling the whole 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4411 sphere of life with fruitfulness, VIsion, of sugar, patriotic citizens are glad to join Mr. MUNDT. Mr. Speaker, food is im­ and victory. To Thy guidance and un­ in this program. I want to call your at­ portant in connection with the winning erring counsel we commend our most tention to a situation, however, that I of this war. Despite this fact, however, notable President, our Speaker, and the think is most inconsistent. recent regulations by the Government Congress; oh, may they seek that great­ . Mr. Speaker, during last year we im­ have created a great shortage in grain­ ness which sanctifies aU desires, all pas­ ported into this country approximately storage facilities which must be cor­ sions, and all labor in the field of toil. 2,000,000 gallons of rum from Puerto Rico. rected if the United States and the United For Thy name's sake. Amen. We imported about 1,000,000 gallons from Nations are to have the necessary food The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ the Virgin Islands. That is approxi­ with which to win the war and preserve terday was read and approved. mately 250,000 gallons per month. We do the peace to follow. not know the figures for this year. It is Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent MESSAGE FRO!A: THE SENATE estimated they will be larger.
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