Date Of Publication 29 Jul 2021

UK Aeronautical Information Services Subject NATS Swanwick Operational Room 3115 Sopwith Way Southampton SO31 7AY [email protected] 01293-768202 (Content - CAA Airspace Utilisation)


1 During the period between 20 August 2021 and 15 October 2021, a General Atomics built SkyGuardian Remotely Pilot Aircraft System (RPAS), registered N190TC, will conduct an extensive flying program in the United Kingdom. The RPAS will be based out of RAF Waddington, England and RAF , during the dates above.

2 The RPAS will be operating Beyond Visual Line of Sight and is fitted with a Detect and Avoid capability, which has been approved for use above FL 100. Operations below FL 100 will take place within a TDA. Therefore, TDAs at RAF Waddington and Lossiemouth have been established to enable the RPAS to depart from and recover to these operating bases. The RPAS Detect and Avoid capability includes TCAS co-operability and ADS-B In and Out.

3 The TDA complexes are sponsored by the Ministry of Defence in accordance with Airspace Change reference ACP-2020-100.

4 The two TDA complexes consists of two areas each, only those areas required for a flight will be activated to minimise impact to other air users. Charts of the complexes are included within this Aeronautical Information Circular.

5 The required TDAs will be notified for activation no less than 24 hours prior to the planned flights.


RAF Waddington 6 EG D397A. When required between the 20 August 2021 and 15 October 2021, a TDA is established within the area bounded by a circle of radius 5 NM on 530958N 0003126W.

7 EG D397A is established between surface and 3300 FT AMSL.

8 Within EG D397A, a Danger Area Crossing Service (DACS), will be available from RAF Waddington on frequency 119.5 MHz and 232.7 MHz (Waddington Zone).

9 EG D397B. When required between the 20 August 2021 and 15 October 2021, a TDA is established within the area bounded by a circle of radius 5 NM on 530958N 0003126W.

10 EG D397B established between 3300 FT AMSL and FL 100.

11 Within EG D397B, a DACS will be available from RAF Waddington on frequency 119.5 MHz and 232.7 MHz (Waddington Zone).

12 Information is also available from RAF Waddington Air Traffic Control Switchboard on telephone number 01522-727452.

13 The Danger Area Authority for EG D397A and EG 397B is RAF Waddington ATC.

RAF Lossiemouth 14 EG D797A. When required between the 20 August 2021 and 15 October 2021, a TDA is established within the area bounded by: a) straight lines joining successively the following points:

i. 574550N 0032703W; ii. 575243N 0031450W;

b) thence the clockwise arc of a circle centred on 574917N 0030803W between 575243N 0031450W and 574550N 0030118W; c) straight lines joining successively the following points:

i. 574550N 0030118W; ii. 573858N 0031331W;

d) thence the clockwise arc of a circle centred on 574224N 0032016W between 573858N 0031331W and 574550N 0032703W.

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY AIC Y 068/2021 15 EG D797A is established between surface and 3000 FT AMSL.

16 Within EG D797A, a DACS will be available from RAF Lossiemouth on frequency 119.575 MHz (Lossie Departures).

17 EG D797B. When required between the 20 August 2021 and 15 October 2021, a TDA is established within the area bounded by:

a) straight lines joining successively the following points:

i. 574550N 0032703W; ii. 575243N 0031450W;

b) thence the clockwise arc of a circle centred on 574917N 0030803W between 575243N 0031450W and 574550N 0030118W; c) straight lines joining successively the following points:

i. 574550N 0030118W; ii. 573858N 0031331W;

d) thence the clockwise arc of a circle centred on 574224N 0032016W between 573858N 0031331W and 574550N 0032703W. 18 EG D797B is established between 3000 FT AMSL and FL100.

19 Within EG D797B, a DACS will be available from RAF Lossiemouth on frequency 119.575 MHz (Lossie Departure).

20 Information is also available from RAF Lossiemouth Air Traffic Control on telephone number 01343-817426.

21 The Danger Area Authority for EG D797A and EG D797B is RAF Lossiemouth ATC.

22 Further information regarding a DACS can be found within UK Enroute Information ENR 1.1 – General Rules.

23 Further enquiries can be made to Airspace Regulation (Utilisation), Safety and Airspace Regulation Group, Civil Aviation Authority on telephone number 01293-983880.

24 As part of the ACP process requirements, the MOD is collecting feedback regarding this TDA and its impact over its duration which will be shared with the CAA. All feedback regarding this may be sent via email to [email protected].

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