Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798

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Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798 mi^&BP'i T' 1 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY : Ro^cti ^iryii^'c€^C .J^c'^:^. ^^^ LONDON STAMFORD STRXRT, rBMTUD BY WIIXIAM OtOWKS AND SONS, AND CHARING CROSS, ... I' S PKEFACE. The interest excited by the recent letters of Dr. Livingstone concerning the country of the Cazembe and neighbouring regions of Central Africa, has induced the Council of the Koyal Geographical Society to publish, for the information of its Fellows and the public, the present volume of translations of narratives of Portuguese journeys into those little-known parts of the African interior. The first in order, and the most important, of these narra- tives, is that of Dr. de Lacerda, who led an expedition to Cazembe near the close of the last century. For the trans- lation of this (copiously annotated), the Council are indebted to Captain E. F. Burton, who is so well qualified, by his great experience in African travel and his philological acquirements, for such an undertaking. The second narrative, the route- journal of the Pombeiros P. J. Baptista and Amaro Jose, who traversed Africa from Angola to Tette, and crossed, therefore, the recent line of march of Dr. Livingstone be- tween Cazembe and Lake Bangweolo, has been translated by Mr. B. A. Beadle, Chancellor to the Portuguese Consulate in London, Captain Burton revising and editing this portion of the volume. Of the third narrative, that of Messrs. Monteiro and Gamitto, whose journey to Cazembe was undertaken in 1831, it has been thought sufficient to reprint a resume that had previously appeared from the able pen of Dr. Charles Beke. Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. . CONTENTS. PAGF. Introduction of Dr. de Laoerda to the Public by the Translator . 1 Preliminary Observations, &o., by Dr. Francisco Jos^ Maria de Lacerda 14 Information tonohing the proposed " Cazembe Expedition," and In- structions issued to his Party, by Dr. Francisco Jose Maria de Lacerda 33 CHAPTEE I. The Dbpaetuee. Preparations for the Journey — The Journey commenced — Desertion of Porters — The Lands of the Marave — Stay at Tete — The Maxinga Estate — Hostility of the Maraves —Village of Jaua — Arrival at the Lupata da Jaua . .. .. .. .. Page 55-67 CHAPTEE II. The Makch fbom the Ldpata da Jaua to the Noetheen Aeuang6a ElVBE. Halt on the Caruzissira — Arrival at Java — Mines of Java — Rivalry of the Muizas Chinimbu and Mussidansaro — Sezao, or Sea- soning Fever — Halt on the Chigumunquire — Attacked by the Ma- raves — The Muizas Cannibals — Scarcity of Salt — Mutumbuca Tribe — Reach Caperemera's Village — Respect manifested by the Kinglets — Mode of Killing Elephants — Red Hair-powder — Antipathy of the People to the sound of Musical Instruments — Departure from Caperemera's Village — Desertion of Bearers — Village of Mazavamba — Halt near the Remimba River — Dearth of Provisions at Village of Capangura — Reach the Northern Aruangoa River .. Page 68-86 CHAPTEE III. The March fbom the Noetheen Aeuang6a Eivee, till the Death OF Db. de Laceeda. Halt near the Village of Caperampande — " Raising Pombe " — Visit from Mambo Mueungure — Corporal Punishment a cure for Caffre desertion — VI CONTENTS. Muiza Iroa-smelting Furnaces — Unreliableness of Caffre Information — Village of Morungabamliara — Wretchedness of the Villages and Huts — Reach the Biver Zambeze — Village of Fumo Chipaoo — Amenities of the Chief — Caffre Greeting Ceremonies — Village of Fumo Monro-Atohin- to — Its Position fixed — Sura Wine — Mode of preparing Manioc-meal — News of the Cazembe — Offerings to the Manes of his Ancestors in celebra- tion of Arrival in his Country — End of Dr. de Lacerda's Journal — Re- marks by the Translator — Diary of the Journey .. Page 87-106 OHAPTEE IV. DiAKT OP THE Expedition sent by Her Most Faithful Majesty to ex- plore THE African Interior, and to the Court of the Cazembe, DISTANT 270 Leagues from Tete, kept by the Chaplain and Com- mander, Fb. Francisco Joao Pinto, in continuation of the Diary of Dr. Francisco Jose de Lacerda e Almeida, to be presented to the Most Illustrious and Excellent Senhor Francisco Guides de Car- valho e Mbnezes da Costa, Governor and Captain-General of Mozambique and the Coast of East Africa. Section I. From, dale of Arrival at the City till December 31, 1798. At the Court of Cazembe — "Mirambo" or Present — His Impatience at its Delay — DifBoulties from an Affaire de Cceur — Ceremonies of theOfScial Reception — Disputes as to Seniority in the Expedition — Summons of the Cazembe for the Expedition to attend the triumphal entry of a Caboceer — Quarrel in the Gamp and troubles arising out of it — Judgment pro- nounced by the Cazembe — Visit to the Palace — Cazembe's Curiosity as to our Camp bedstead — Refusal to " give pass " to the Expedition — Illness of the Cazembe. Section II. Continuation of the Diary from the beginning of the year 1799 to February 17, 1799. Dangerous state of the Cazembe — Propitiatory Human Sacrifices for his Recovery — Public Reception to celebrate his Convalescence — Audience conceded to Fr. Pinto — Revocation of Leave of Departure — Arrogance of the Fumo ^iiceva Page 107-123 CHAPTEE V. Continuation of the Chaplain's Diary from February 17, 1799, to the Time of Preparing for the Return March.' Demand of further Presents to the Cazembe— Prince Muenebuto — The Murundas — Their Ceremonies, Customs, &o. — Country of the Murundas — Difficulties with Subordinates of the Expedition — Their Conspiracy Further Interview with the Cazembe — Opposition of the Fumo Anceva — Insulting Behaviour of the Subordinates — Departure for Mdro — Pio-ht in the Camp Complaints — and Threats from the Cazembe — Tete-a-tete with him — Mutiny among the Expedition at the Delay — The Fumo Anceva The Cazembe's demand for — Gunpowder — Intrigues of Jos^ Rodrigues Caleja ' .. p^gg 124-146 — . .. ... .. CONTENTS. vn CHAPTEE VI. The Return March, the Attack, and the Flight. Taking leave of the Cazembe — Start for Chungu — Arrival at the place of the Muenempanda — His Congratulations on our reaching his Estate — Pass through Chiliamono and Chiliapaco villages — Drunkenness of the Muizas — Heach the Northern Zamheze Eiver — Attacked by the Muizas — Their Repulse — Further Alarms en route — Pinched with Hunger — The Expedition reaches Tette — Letter of the Chief Sergeant Pedro Xavier Velasco to the Home Government . Page 147-164 JOURNEY OF THE " POMBEIROS," FROM ANGOLA TO THE BIOS DB SENNA. PAGE A. Despatch from the Captain-General of Angola, Jose' d'Oliveira Barbosa 167 Despatch of the Governor of Tette to the Count das Galvgas .. 167 Documents enclosed : 1. Copy of Route Journal of Pedro Joao Baptista from Muro- pue to Cazembe .. .. .. .. 169 Ditto Ditto Ditto from Cazembe to Tette . 189 2. Questions put to Pedro Joao Baptista . 198 3. Copy of Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Francisco Hono- rato da Costa .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 B. Despatch from Captain-General Jos^ d'Oliveira Barbosa . 202 Documents enclosed : 1. Copy of Letter of F. H. da Costa (translated in Part A.) 203 2. Copy of Route Journal of P. J. Baptista from the Lands of the Muatahianvo to those of the King Cazembe . 203 3. Ditto from the Cazembe to Tette 219 4. Notes of the Days of Journey of P, J. Baptista .. 219 5. Account or Report of P. J. Baptista relative to his Journey 221 C. Notice of what passed in the town of Tette between P. J. Baptista, the Governor, and other Inhabitants. Written by himself . 233 D. Deola,ration of Francisco Honorato da Costa in favour of his Pom- beiros, who effected the Journey . 241 Legislative Documents referring to the Explorations . 242 rbsum:^ op the journey of mm. montbiro and gamitto. By Dr. C. T. Beke 245 INTRODUCTION OF DR. DE LACERDA TO THE PUBLIC. BY THE TEANSLATOK. OuE earliest authorities upon the subject of Africa, the classical and sub-classical authors, were followed by the Portuguese, who betimes, in the sixteenth century, established factories on both coasts, eastern and western: their traders crossed the interior from shore to shore, whilst their missionaries founded large and prosperous colonies, such as Zumbo in the east and Sao Salvador in the west, with cathedrals, churches, chapels, and stone houses. The explorers did not neglect either the Lake Begions of Central Intertropical Africa, or even the basin of the Zambeze Eiver. Foremost in the heroic band—whom of late years it has been the fashion to ignore—stands that "martyr in the cause of science," Dr. Francisco Jos^ Maria de Lacerda e Almeida. His family was Paulista, that is to say, from the city of Sao Paulo in the Brazil, a place whose name, however little known at present, will be famous for all time, a town of some 5000 or 6000 dauntless souls who explored and conquered the vast area bounded by the Amazon and by La Plata, and stretching from the Atlantic to the Andes. It is doubtful whether Para or Bahia was the birthplace of Dr. ' de Lacerda; he graduated, however, as an M.D. (doctor of mathe- matics) at Coimbra, and presently he was appointed astronomer io H. M. F. Majesty. He left Lisbon'(January 8, 1780) in the Coragao de Jesus, with the object of surveying and laying down the Western limits of the great Luso-American dependency. Whilst travelling from Barcellos to the capital of Mato-grosso, B 2 INTEODUCTION. he was attacked (September 23, 1781) by Indians, who wounded' ticks, also- him with an arrow : the carrapatos, or poisonous afflicted him with an unpleasant complaint, the well-known "Samas." During 1784 he laboured in the interior with the- great Luso-Hispanian " Commission of Limits ;" in 1786 he left Cuyab4 (Mato- grosso), and, ascending the Ti^te Eiver, reached Porto Feliz, in the then captaincy, now the province, of SSo Paulo.
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