The Organization of the Muscular System of senile By E. J. BATHAM AND C. F. A. PANTIN

(From the Zoological Laboratory, Cambridge)

With two Plates

SUMMARY I . The muscular system of Metridium consists of fields of relatively short muscle- fibres. In extension these may exceed i mm. in length but are only about 0-5/* thick. They can shorten to about a fifth of the extended length. The fibres consist almost entirely of densely staining material. They form a connected network. At least in some cases the cells seem to be in contact rather than to form syncytial connexions. 2. Deformation of the body-wall is in part controlled by the contractility of the muscle-fibres and in part by the properties of the mesogloea. Longitudinal contraction of the body-wall is accompanied by great thickening of the substance of the mesogloea. That part of the mesogloea which carries the circular muscle-fibres of the body-wall does not thicken. It buckles, thereby throwing the muscular layer into folds. Buckling occurs during the shortening of almost every actinian tissue. The familiar folding seen in cross-sections of the retractors is a special case of excessive buckling which is permanent. 3. A natural limit to the extension of anemone tissue is reached when the muscle- layer is completely unbuckled. If contraction proceeds to a maximum, there is a second order of buckling by which the whole body-wall is thrown into folds. Con- traction can then proceed no further. 4. The function of the muscle-fields is analysed. The youngest cycles of mesenteries ('imperfect microcnemes') supply the longitudinal musculature of the column (parietal muscle). The older 'imperfect retractor-bearers' have only feeble parietal musculature, but possess a retractor muscle connecting the oral with the pedal disk. The perfect mesenteries have a similar organization to the imperfect retractor-bearers, and parti- cularly in the non-directive perfect mesenteries there is a well-developed sheet of radial (exocoelic) muscle whose reflex contraction opens the mouth. The vertical endocoelic muscle-fibres of all non-directive mesenteries fan out on to the pedal disk. On the exocoelic side, the parieto-basilar fans out from the pedal disk to the body-wall. As usual, the muscle-fields of the directives are developed on opposite sides from those of the non-directives. 5. The muscular plan of the pedal disk is compared with the tube foot of Asterias as described by J. E. Smith. There is a significant functional similarity in the opera- tion of vertical, oblique, and radial muscles (basilars) bearing on the adhesive disk. The circular layer of the actinian foot has no analogue in the tube foot. It is primarily concerned with locomotion and not with adhesion. 6. The functional organization of the oral disk and tentacles is discussed. It differs from the rest of the body in the retention of ectodermal longitudinal muscle. This layer is responsible for the special movements executed in feeding. The significance of its physiological separation from the endodermal system is noted. [Quarterly Journal Microscopical Science, Vol. 92, part 1, March, 1951.] 28 Bathatn and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile

INTRODUCTION ACTINIANS undergo more extensive changes of shape than almost any il other kind of metazoan. The origin and mechanics of their movements are us in other papers (Batham and Pantin, 1950a and b). We shall discuss here the organization of the muscular system by which the move- ments are brought about in the anemone Metridium senile (L.). Muscular action in actinians is not simple, and it was necessary at all stages to compare observations on fixed material with those on living specimens. were fixed with as little distortion as possible. To avoid distortion previous anaesthetization is essential. For general anatomical study the animals selected should be expanded and in good condition. Quiet, darkness, and exposure for a few hours to a small amount of soluble extract of a mollusc such as Mytilus help expansion. The best anaesthetic is equal parts of 7^ per cent. MgCl2.6H2O and sea-water. The expanded is left in this solu- tion for one hour or more, during which time the coelenteron is gently and repeatedly inflated with the anaesthetizing medium. Exposure to menthol crystals on the surface of the water followed by gentle inflation also provides good anaesthesia. Shortly before fixation the animal is transferred to a smaller dish and the process of inflation continued. A large quantity of the fixative is then run steadily into the coelenteron. More fixative is immediately used to displace the 'Mg sea-water' in which the animal is immersed. As fixatives, 5 per cent, formol, picroformol, Bouin and Heidenhain's Susa were chiefly used. In this way mesenteries and other tissues could be obtained in such complete expan- sion that they were on occasion less than 10/x thick. These preparations could be directly studied as whole mounts under an oil-immersion objective. Whole mounts and sections 2—8 /u, in thickness were made to trace the muscle- fibres. Sections were stained with Mallory's triple stain, iron haematoxylin, &c. The text-figures are taken from, camera lucida drawings or projected images. In most illustrations the mesogloea is stippled. In tracing the orientation of muscle-fibres in the muscle-sheets, much help was obtained by direct obser- vation of expanded tissue fixed in 5 per cent, formaldehyde. The direction of the muscle-fibres could easily be ascertained by stripping narrow ribands of the muscle-layer from the underlying mesogloea. Carefully done under a binocular, with the aid of fine forceps, this stripping process gave very clear pictures of the direction of the muscle-sheets, particularly in the mesenteries (Text-fig. 3). The Muscle-cells The body of a coelenterate consists essentially of a sac of extensible meso- gloea upon each surface of which a layer or sheet of muscle-fibres may be developed. In the actinian the primitive outer muscle-layer is usually absent over the column, and the inner extends not only round the column but also over the surface of the mesenteries which project into the gastral cavity. Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 29 Change of shape depends primarily upon the contraction of the sheets of muscle-fibres acting on the fluid in the gastral cavity. Such a system differs from any we find in other phyla. There is some mechanical parallel with the condition in Platyhelminthes, where a sub-dermal muscle-layer attached beneath a basement membrane acts upon a semi-fluid parenchyma. But there the muscles are developed within the mesenchyme (as they are also in the Ctenophora) and the semi-fluid system upon which they act is also mesen- chymal, and not simply the gastral fluid potentially open to the exterior, a fact of importance in actinian mechanics (Batham and Pantin, 1950 a). The more superficial muscle-fibres of actinians retain the primitive con- dition of uninucleate musculo-epithelial cells (Hertwig and Hertwig, 1879). In the deeper ones the cell body sinks in and lies alongside the muscle-fibre, as it does in the mesenteric retractor muscles. The cell body; at least in some cases, carries a thread-like extension by which it apparently retains its original connexion with the surface of the epithelium (PL 2, figs, c and d). The muscle- fibres are unstriated and very thin. PL 1, fig. a, shows the fibres in a typical section in the plane of the fibres of a mesenteric retractor muscle. Histo- logically, muscle-fibres from all parts of the body resemble these, except in size. The extended fibres of the retractor may reach a length of more than 1 mm. The fibre consists of a thin densely staining thread of contractile material to one side of the middle of which is a mass of less dense protoplasm containing the nucleus. The dense thread sometimes gives the impression that it is hollow or that it consists of two halves separated by a narrow core of less densely staining material. But the diameter of the fibre is so low (0-5 to 1 /x) that critical determination of structure by ordinary microscopical methods is not possible. It is, however, certain that almost the whole fibre is occupied by a densely staining substance, and the apparent high proportion of this to the sarcoplasm may perhaps be related to the very high tension these fibres appear to be able to set up (Batham and Pantin, 1950 a). It was found possible to measure the length of muscle-fibres with ease by prolonged vital staining with Rongalit-methylene blue (Pantin, 1946). Mesen- teries and other tissues were cut from anaesthetized animals. To observe maximal extension, an anaesthetized mesentery was carefully stretched over a plate of paraffin wax by means of hedgehog spines. The plate was then reversed on to a dish of equal parts of sea-water and isotonic MgCl2 contain- ing the stain. We are grateful to Dr. Alexandrowicz for introducing us to this stretching technique. Times and quantities for optimal staining vary with the sample of stain. In our work about one drop of stain was added for every 2 c.c. of medium. After some minutes the stain began to be taken up by elements of the nerve-net. Several hours later individual muscle-fibres also began to take up the stain. These were easily distinguished from nerve-fibres, which by that time had become characteristically moniliform (PL I, figs, b and c). In extended mesenteries the average length of the muscle-fibres was about o-8 to 0-9 mm. long. In one case a primary mesentery taken from an animal 5-5 cm. high when moderately expanded was stretched under anaesthetic to 30 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 66 cm. The eight longest vitally stained fibres in this ranged from i-o to i-8 mm. in length. The fully extended muscle-fibres are astonishingly thin both in fixed and in vitally stained material. The apparent diameter even in the mid-region may be less than 0-5 p. Contracted mesenteries show very greatly shortened fibres, which naturally are also thicker. Contracted perfect mesenteries, from the same animal as that giving the extended mesenteries already quoted, showed fibre lengths ranging from 340/j. to 230^. Next day in dying tissue, when many fibres appeared to have pulled away from their mesogloeal attach- ment, the fibres gave the appearance of pencil-like objects, some of which

TEXT-FIG, I. Isometric record of tension developed by ring of circular muscle of column, 2 cm. wide. The preparation was initially suddenly stretched till the tension reached 15 gm. Note natural maximal contractions and relaxations superimposed on passive extension. Time in minutes. ranged from 380 to 170/x long and 2 to 3^ in diameter (PI. I, figs, d, e, /). The normal contractions of the body-wall involve shortening to about 25 per cent, of maximal extension (Batham and Pantin, 1950 a). Free contraction of individual muscle-fibres exceeds this; they may shorten to 10-20 per cent, of the extended length. The great contractility of the muscle-fibres in part accounts for the great power of the body of actinians to undergo deformation. But this power also depends on the way the fibres are organized and their relation to the mesogloea to which they are attached. In thoroughly anaesthetized animals the body- wall can be passively extended to a surprising degree. This passive extensi- bility implies peculiar mechanical properties in the mesogloea. It raises a similar problem to the similarly acting basement membranes of animals like the Platyhelminthes and the . The fact that such structures can exist passively at great differences of extension and yet can provide a firm basis for the attachment of muscle-fibres is most remarkable. Nor is it the less so when it is remembered that their staining properties in some ways resemble those of collagen: a substance not usually distinguished for its extensibility. There must clearly be some peculiar organization of the fibrous lattice of such supporting structures to endow them with their observed mechanical properties. It may also be noted that some at least of the peculiar Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 31 so-called 'plastic' properties investigated by Jordan (1934) and by Kipp (1939) in strips of actinian tissue may in fact not be primarily properties of the muscles, but of the supporting mesogloea. Text-fig. 1 records an experiment on a ring about 2 cm. wide which was cut from the body-wall of a Metridium measuring about 5 cm. across the pedal disk. The ring was set up to record its tension isometrically. The circular muscle of the ring was at intervals giving automatic contractions which occasionally were maximal (the three largest in the record). By stretching the ring, the isometric tension was raised at the beginning of the experiment. The subsequent changes in tension show first that the extension of the tissue ring caused by the applied stress proceeds smoothly and independently of the superimposed natural contractions, and second that the time scale of muscular relaxation is far briefer than that of extension of the whole strip. There are evidently two distinct factors operating during this experiment. We shall shortly recognize two factors operating in actinian movement: muscular contraction and passive deformation of the mesogloea.

Organization of the Muscle-fields Actinian muscle-fibres exceed the maximum length of mammalian plain muscle-fibres, which reaches 500/i in pregnant mammalian uterus (Maximow and Bloom, 1948). But they differ from the muscle-fibres of the skeletal muscles of vertebrates, where a single fibre may extend from the origin to the insertion of the muscle (Lockhart and Brandt, 1938). More significantly, they differ from muscles such as the byssus retractor of Mytilus (Fletcher, 1937) in which also the fibres run from origin to insertion and in so doing may reach 4-6 cm. in length. This case is the more important because the long thin unstriated fibres of actinian muscle show some histological similarity to those of Mytilus. As Bozler (1941) remarked, there is a functional division between different kinds of muscle which is more important than the division into striated and non-striated. He divides muscles into 'multi-unit' types, including vertebrate skeletal muscles together with such smooth muscles as the cat's nicticating membrane, and 'visceral smooth muscle' such as mammalian gut, uterus, and also heart, which consist of a field of muscle-fibres which may behave at least on occasion as a functional syncytium. The multi-unit types are directly activated by their motor nerve. The 'visceral smooth muscle' type possesses the power of automatic activity, and motor activation is more complex and indirect; particularly, a change in the chemical nature of the medium may change the response of the muscular field from local activity to contraction as a single unit. Thus oestrogenic substances cause the mammalian uterus to pass from a condition of low excitability and local response to one of high excitability and total response (Bozler, 1948). 'Visceral smooth muscle' is not perhaps the most general designation which could be applied to this class. Vertebrate cardiac muscle is not smooth; and among soft-bodied invertebrates, particularly those which are unsegmented, 32 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile the dermal and other musculature is 'skeletal' rather than 'visceral' in func- tion, though it may well fall within this class. We prefer to designate the two classes as 'multi-unit' and 'muscular field' types of organization. This distinction is important in several ways. The whole muscular system of Metridium consists of 'muscular fields' in which the fibres, though long and thin, are in fact very short when compared with the muscles they com- pose. Even the muscles specialized for a specific function consist of a very large number of relatively short muscle-fibres. The fact that these muscles are fields of short fibres implies that the meso- gloea and other connective tissue must play a more important part in con- trolling the mechanical properties of the muscle than in long-fibre muscles like the byssus retractor of Mytilus. Further, it renders possible either local activation of part of a muscle-field or its total activation, according to con- ditions. The fact that muscular activation may be local or total according to conditions is an essential character of the muscle-fields of Metridium. In this they agree with 'visceral smooth muscle' of the Vertebrata; they also agree with this in the very high tendency to inherent activity (Batham and Pantin, 1950J). Bozler notes that muscles of the 'visceral smooth muscle' class may on occasion behave physiologically as syncytia, though the morphological evidence for actual protoplasmic connexion between the fibres is often absent or equivocal. The fibres of the actinian muscle-fields form an interconnecting network. They are well seen in preparations of expanded mesenteries show- ing the sparser muscle-fields outside the region of the retractor (PI. 2). The fibres appear to be generally unbranched, though short branches may diverge near their ends. The ends of the fibres commonly run alongside and in con- tact with adjacent fibres (PI. 2, fig. d). Whether they ultimately make a syncytial connexion we have not yet determined, but in some cases both with fixed preparations and after vital staining with methylene blue, connexion appears to be by contact rather than by evident fusion. In either case these connected fields offer a potential alternative conducting system to that of the nerve-net itself. The very slow waves of muscular contraction and peristalsis seen in the body-wall are conducted at velocities which are to be measured in cm. per minute rather than in the fractions of a second characteristic of the nervous impulse. Anatomy of the Muscular System A general description of the musculature of actinians has been given by Hertwig and Hertwig (1879) and by Stephenson (1928). The system of Metridium marginatum has been described by Parker and Titus (1916). Examination of M. senile shows that the plan of its musculature is essentially similar to that of the latter. But for functional analysis these accounts need amplification and some correction. Text-fig. 2 illustrates the general plan of the actinian muscle-system and its nomenclature. The system is a hydro- static one, the muscles working against the volume of fluid in the coelenteron Bathatn and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 33 (Batham and Pantin, 1950 a). The body of the animal is roughly divided into three partially independent functional regions, in each of which the special muscular system of the body-wall acting against the turgor of the coelenteric fluid allows the part to take up the shape appropriate to its special activity. (1) The foot is primarily concerned with adhesion and locomotion. (2) The


imperFecb perfect retractor non-directive bearer mesentery (exocoelic face) (endocoelic face)

parieto circular basilar


One cm. TEXT-FIG. 2. Illustrating general muscular organization and anatomical nomenclature of Metridium. oral disk and tentacle region is primarily concerned with feeding. For this function it is largely independent of the column. The thin-walled upper pait of the column, known as the capitulum (Text-fig. 2), should, however, be included in this region. In Metridium the capitulum acts in concert with the disk in feeding-reactions and more or less independently of the scapus, or main part of the column. (3) The most important system governing the shape of the animal is the musculature associated with the column. In the resting state this is a cylinder closed at the base by the foot and above by the oral disk. The oral disk thus plays its part in the column system in addition to its local functions in feeding. 34 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile

TEXT-FIG. 3. Photograph of non-directive perfect mesentery of an expanded animal. Slips of the muscle-fields on both surfaces have been stripped away to reveal direction of the muscle-fibres. Note (1) the relation of direction to natural stresses in the tissue, (2) the compensatory relationship of the endocoelic and the exocoelic muscle-fields. The direction of the outer part of the parieto-basilar muscle-fields is somewhat distorted because anaestheti- zation has led to unnatural expansion of the base of the column. Batham and Panttn—Muscular System of Metridium senile 35 It appears to be a general rule in Metridium that the directions of the muscle- fibres in the muscle-sheets follow the principal lines of stress set up by normal movements or tonic maintenance of shape (Text-fig. 3). These stresses are by no means always simply directly vertical or transverse to the axis of the animal. The so-called transverse or radial muscles of the mesenteries are in fact often highly oblique (Text-fig. 8c, d). In some cases, however, the stresses run

TEXT-FIG. 4. a. Obliquely vertical section through attachment of a mesentery to the body- wall. Note limited bridges connecting mesenteric mesogloea with that of the body-wall. The circular muscle-layer (fibres cut transversely) is partly buckled. Note extensive piercing of mesogloeal connexion by circular muscle-layer, b. Obliquely radial section through pedal disk and the base of a mesentery. Note firm connexion of mesogloea of mesentery to that of pedal disk. The circular muscle-field of the pedal disk is cut across radially. Note the limited channels by which the circular muscle-field pierces the mesenteric-pedal connexion of the mesogloea.

truly longitudinally and transversely. In both tentacles and column the direc- tion of the muscle-fibres is either along the axis of their cylindrical structure, or at right angles to it. In the tentacles, for reasons we shall discuss later, the longitudinal component is supplied by the ectoderm and the transverse by the endoderm. In the column the endodermal layer of circular fibres pro- vides the transverse part of the system. It is almost continuous round the body. It passes beneath the mesenteries, the mesogloea of which is only attached to that of the column at intervals (Text-fig. 4a) (unlike the repre- sentation of many text-books). The longitudinal muscle-system of the column is not supplied by the ectoderm, as in some primitive actinians, but by the parietal muscles. These are strands of fibres developed along both sides of the base of the mesenteries, especially in the numerous cycles of the youngest 36 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile

2 5O>g

TEXT-FIG. 5. Transverse sections of mesenteries showing part of retractor. Muscle-layers represented by continuous thick line in less magnified drawings. (Actinopharynx on left and body-wall on right of picture.) a. A fully extended mesentery. Highly magnified portion of mesentery shown in b as indicated. Note unbuckled general muscle-field (on right), and permanent external buckling of retractor. Note extreme attenuation of mesogloea. b. The same extended mesentery under lower magnification, from half-way down column. (Basal diameter of animal 0-9 mm.) The attenuated mesogloea together with the muscle-layers is represented by a black line. c. Very contracted mesentery on same scale as b. (Basal diameter 17 cm.) Note simple buckling of general muscle-field; and greatly increased thickness of mesogloea, particularly in the buckled folds of the retractor, d. Moderately contracted mesentery, from level near pedal disk. The muscle-layer of the retractor showed internal buckling in this specimen. Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 37 mesenteries (Text-fig, gb, c). We shall consider them later. The muscular system of the mesenteries is abruptly discontinuous with that of the column (Text-figs, ifi and 9). If both circular and longitudinal systems of the column act synergically and shorten, water is expelled from the coelenteron. But during most of the life of the animal these systems act reciprocally. Circular contraction raises the coelenteric pressure and enforces elongation. Parietal contraction enforces shortening and widening of the column (Batham and Pantin, 1950 a). The circular and mesenteric muscle-fields are so extensive and powerful that the coelenteric pressure must virtually depend on the tone of these alone. Through the coelenteric pressure they affect the conditions of action of every muscle in the body.

Buckling, and the Circular Muscle of the Column The muscular sheet of the column of Metridium consists of a single layer of muscle-fibres. This lies at the base of the endodermal epithelium in con- tact with the mesogloea to which the fibres are attached. In the oral disk there is an additional corresponding sheet at the base of the ectodermal epithelium. In certain regions special muscles are produced by the repeated folding of such sheets along the axis of the muscle (Stephenson, 1928). Such folded muscles are very highly developed in the retractors, where the folds normally extend out from the mesogloea into the tissue (Text-fig. 5a, b, c). We shall refer to this as 'external buckling'. Less usually the muscle-layer folds into the mesogloea (internal buckling) as in Text-fig. $d, a transverse section of a mesentery low down the column below the level of the ciliated tracts. Text- fig. 6b is a vertical section of part of the marginal sphincter. It shows limited external buckling of the innermost muscle layer which is continuous with the circular muscle-coat of the column. It also shows the characteristic extreme internal buckling of the sphincter which in Metridium leads to the pinching off of ribands of muscle-fibres within the mesogloea. Any actinian shows some degree of buckling in almost all the muscle-layers if arbitrarily fixed in a contracted state. Often the folds are neither of the extremes described above, and will be termed 'simple buckling'. Buckling plays an essential part in actinian mechanics. The ability of each element of the actinian muscle-system to shorten is great. As we have already said, on complete contraction in either direction the body-wall of Metridium shortens to 25 per cent, of its maximal expansion. This raises the important question: how does the body-wall accommodate itself to changes in length ? To elucidate this, sections were cut of animals of various sizes and in various degrees of expansion. An animal which was fixed in the state assumed during locomotion (Text-fig, ja) illustrates the influence of degree of expansion on structure. In such animals the side which happens to be advancing is in a state of great expansion, whilst the posterior, retreating side is in a state of contraction. Text-fig, yb, c, and d, show vertical sections through the body- wall of this animal in states of complete expansion, and of moderate and of 38 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridum senile greater contraction. At complete expansion the mesogloea is a thin layer to the inner surface of which is attached a single unfolded layer of circular muscle-fibres. In the contracted body-wall the epithelia and the mesogloea have become greatly thickened, apparently in a plastic manner. Round the column, transversely to its axis, the circular muscle-fibres have of course shortened. But at right angles to this, in a vertical section of the column as in Text-fig. 7c and d, contraction has been accommodated in another way; by throwing the circular muscle-sheet into folds.

TEXT-FIG. 6. a. Portion of vertical section of column showing highly buckled circular muscle-layer. Note clear, buckled, thin layer of mesogloea to which the circular muscle-fibres are attached. Muscle-fibres in section seen as black dots. The fibrous detail of the mesogloea is stylized, b. Vertical section of column in sphincter region showing endoderm, externally buckled circular muscle-layer, and extremely internally buckled sphincter muscle. In the latter the folds are nipped off into the mesogloea, only part of which is shown in the figure.

Unlike the greater part of the mesogloea, that part of it in immediate con- tact with the circular muscle-fibres behaves as though it were a flexible mem- brane which responded to compression along the axis of the column of the animal by buckling, and not by becoming shorter and thicker. Thin sections well stained with Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin show this as a layer paler than the fibrous mass of the mesogloea (Text-fig. 6a). This mesogloeal membrane with the attached muscle-fibres constitutes the circular muscle- layer. Even when the body-wall contracts greatly with much buckling, the spacing of the muscle-fibres attached to this layer does not markedly alter. The effect of buckling on the number of fibres per cm. of body-wall in animals at different states of expansion is shown in Table I. The first three rows of measurements were made on the same 4/a-thick sections from which Text-fig, yb, c, and d were taken. The measurements of the diameter of the individual muscle-fibres cannot be made with accuracy because their small Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 39 cross-section is near the limit of optical resolution. The fibres over most of their length seem to be fairly constant in size in any one region of the body- wall. A series of estimates was made of the number of fibres which would be required to span a distance of 5-5p on an eyepiece micrometer. The diameter was calculated from the mean of several series of five estimates each.


Length of circular Number Number Approx. Width of Thick- Thick- muscle- of fibres of fibres diameter animal ness of ness of layer per per cm. per cm. of X height body-wall mesogloea cm. of of body- of muscle- fibres cm. Body-wall 1* /* body-wall wall layer M I Expanded 44 10 I-OI 9,960 g,S6o 05 (Text-fig. 76) 2 Moderately I3S 40 185 19,150 10,350 o-6 contracted 5-2X4-5 (Text-fig. 7c) 3 Very 323 62 3-85 37,900 9,940 o-6 contracted (Text-fig, yd)

4 0-9X2-0 Fully 34 55 coo 11,300 11,300 o-6 expanded 5 1-9 X i-o Completely 225 66 4-60 35.3OO 7,660 i-o contracted 6 6-SX9-S Moderately 149 59 a-94 23.300 7,930 0-7 contracted

The increase in the number of fibres per cm. of the body-wall owing to buckling is clear: so also is the comparative constancy of the number of fibres per cm. across the muscle-layer at different degrees of buckling in the same animal (column 8). Numbers 4 and 6 in the table are respectively from a highly inflated small animal and -a moderately contracted large one. The relation of buckling to state of contraction seems to be more or less independent of the size of the animal. Further, the number of circular fibres per cm. of the muscle-layer (column 8) is less influenced by size of the animal or degree of contraction than might be supposed. Number 5 in the table is from a small animal in a state of intense contrac- tion, as in Text-fig, ye. The buckling of the circular muscle-layer is now maxi- mal. But in addition it is accompanied by a second order of buckling, in the body-wall itself, so that this is thrown into thick ring-like folds (Text-fig. 7/). The limit is now reached and the body-wall can shorten no further. At the other extreme, a limit is set to the expansion of an inflated animal when all the buckled folds of the muscle-layer are smoothed out (Text-fig, yb). As this state is approached in unpigmented varieties of Metridium, the opaque White body rather suddenly becomes translucent. Smoothing out of the folds of the refractile muscle-layer would cause this. Enforced extension beyond this causes the body-wall to tear irreversibly (cf. Batham and Pantin, 1950 a). Balham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 50a T

ecbodarm mesogloea muscle endoderm TEXT-FIG. 7. a. Animal fixed in shape assumed during locomotion. Arrows indicate regions whence sections b, c, and d were taken, b, c, and d. Vertical sections of body-wall showing circular muscle-layer unbuckled in complete expansion (6); and in increasing states of con- traction, partially buckled (c), and highly buckled id). Note great thickening of mesogloea. e. Maximally contracted animal, showing in the low-power vertical section (/) the appearance of buckling of the second order in the whole body-wall.

The limits of extension and contraction of the body-wall are set by the extension and buckling of the circular muscle-layer; that is, of the superficial layer of mesogloea to which the muscle-fibres are attached. Similar pheno-; mena are found in other parts of the muscle-fields except in those where Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 41 permanent folding occurs. This temporary folding is an essential feature of the muscle-sheet of Metridium. The well-known transverse folds of muscles such as the retractor are in fact simply a permanent expression of the tempo- rary phenomenon seen in the circular muscle-layer of the column. In the retractors the folds can be exaggerated by further, temporary, buckling, but the overgrowth of the muscle-layer is so great that they can never be completely smoothed out by expansion (Text-fig. 5 a). The existence of temporary buckling warns us to take care when using folding of muscles as a systematic character. Most fixed actinian material is distorted and the freely expanded musculature might tell a rather different story of systematic relationship.

The Mesenteries Stephenson (1920) showed that in some actinian families such as the Phelliidae the mesenteries are of two sharply distinct kinds. The microcnemes are essentially imperfect mesenteries which are little more than a narrow lamella, possessing no retractor muscle but usually with a well-developed parietal muscle. The macrocnemes are perfect mesenteries bearing well- developed and usually 'circumscript' retractor muscles. In contrast with these, in families like the the mesenteries seem to show no such sharp distinction, but to grade into one another. In M. senile this apparent gradation is somewhat deceptive, and it may well be so in other cases also. The mesenteries are in fact of three functionally distinct kinds. (1) The perfect mesenteries extend from the body-wall to the actinopharynx. Owing to the peculiar mode of in Metridium their number varies in different individuals (Parker, 1897). The directive perfect mesenteries differ in some respects from the non-directives also. Among the imperfect mesenteries there are two kinds. (2) The imperfect retractor-bearers closely resemble the perfect mesenteries. They are of some width and possess a retractor. With the perfect mesenteries they form a graded series in size. (3) But the numerous mesenteries of the youngest cycles stand in sharp contrast to the older, the imperfect retractor-bearers, parti- cularly in the absence of the retractor. At this stage they are in fact micro- cnemes. The difference between the condition in Metridium and that in with macrocnemes is that in the former the functional change from microcneme to retractor-bearer occurs in the youngest cycles, whilst in macrocnemic species it only occurs with the development of a perfect mesentery.

Imperfect Microcnemes It will be convenient to describe the mesenteric cycles of a typical example, which will be that shown in Text-fig. 2. In this, the 9th, 8th, and 7th cycles of mesenteries were represented only by slight membranes joining the outer- most parts of the oral disk to the capitulum. In the 6th cycle there appeared independently an additional slight membrane between the bottom of the column and the pedal disk (Text-fig. 8c, j). In the 5th cycle there appears still 42 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile another slight membrane below the parapet, joining the sphincter region to the top of the scapus of the column (Text-fig. 8d, i). In addition, a small ridge is now developed joining these apparently independent and widely separate sites of the mesentery's first development. This ridge, which develops from

endocoelic TEXT-FIG. 8. Mesenteries from specimen in Text-fig. 2. Direction of fibres of muscle-fields represented by black lines, a-e, exocoelic faces; f-j, endocoelic faces, a and /, perfect directive mesentery, b and g, perfect non-directive mesentery (cf. Text-fig. 3). c and h, tertiary, d and i, 5th-cycle mesentery, e and j, 6th cycle. In figures b, c, and / the position of the retractor muscle on the opposite face is indicated by broken lines, x marks the outer edge of the pedal disk. the pedal disk upwards, already possesses a core of mesogloea which bears a parietal muscle in a relatively highly developed state with marked temporary external buckling (Text-fig. 9c). This buckling is necessarily most evident in expanded specimens, where the elongation of the mesogloeal core reduces its area of cross-section (Text-fig. 96). A comparison of Text-figs. 9c and 96 shows that, as the anemone contracts, the consequent thickening of the mesogloeal core somewhat reduces the parietal buckling. Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 43 The numerous cycles of microcnemes with their parietal musculature supply the body-wall with an effective longitudinal muscle-system. Such a plan has mechanical advantages. We have seen that change in length of the






TEXT-FIG. 9. Transverse sections through junctions of mesenteries with column wall. Note in all figures how body-wall circular muscle (here cut longitudinally) almost separates mesenteric mesogloea from body-wall mesogloea. Cf. Text-fig. 4a. a. Young mesentery of about 4th cycle. All muscle-layers represented by thick lines. Buckling of parietal muscle very slight, of retractor strong, b. Young mesentery of about 5th cycle, still only forming ridge on body-wall. Extremely extended specimen, c. Young mesentery of 5th cycle at half- column level, from moderately expanded specimen shown in Text-figs. 2 and 8. Parietal muscle in b and c is still highly buckled, and mesenteries have not yet extended inwards to form sheets of tissue, d. 3rd-cycle mesentery at half-column level, from specimen shown in Text-figs. 2 and 8. Parietal muscle almost unbuckled. column is accommodated by buckling of the circular muscle-layer. But if this same endodermal muscular layer also possessed a continuous sheet of longi- tudinal muscle there would be difficulty when the column contracted in dia- meter as well as in length. That would tend to enforce two systems of buckling at right angles to each other, thereby raising grave mechanical difficulties. The difficulty is entirely obviated by the arrangement of the longitudinal 44 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile muscle in the separate bands of the parietal system. Contraction of the circular muscle brings the bands closer. The Ceriantharia have apparently solved the same problem by retaining the primitive ectodermal muscle-sheet, which is attached to the opposite surface of the mesogloea from the circular endodermal layer. Buckling of these two layers can thus take place more or less separately. The actiniarian plan has the advantage in a wide-disked form since both sets of muscles acting on the disk, the parietals, and the retractors, are part of the same system. In triploblastic animals these difficulties do not arise. The dermal muscle-layer of a platyhelminth or nemertine is not based upon a single layer of muscle-fibres attached to the basement membrane. Circular, oblique, and longitudinal fibres can all invade the parenchyma sufficiently to allow free contraction even though they are attached to the same surface. The parietal muscle of Metridium mesenteries is derived from two sources. Most of it comes from the endocoelic face (the retractor side). As we pass down the parietal, the endocoelic contribution is inserted along the radius of the pedal disk (Text-fig. 8i). Vertical stress in the column is thus distributed directly to the pedal disk. On the exocoelic face the small, vertical component of the parietal gradually fades away as we pass downward. Apparently distinct from this are the fibres of the parieto-basilar muscle (Text-fig. Sd). These have their origin towards the centre of the pedal disk and are inserted along the lower part of the column. The main parts of the two muscle-systems at the base of the mesentery are thus functionally separate and complementary. The endocoelic fan transmits vertical stress in the body-wall to the pedal disk; whilst the exocoelic fan (parieto-basilar) carries any stress which is normal to the surface of the lower part of the body-wall. Observation and cinemato- graph films of Metridium suggest that differential contraction of the basal muscle-fans are important both in bending movements and in locomotion. When different stresses are taken by muscles of the same field there is an abrupt change in direction of the muscle-fibres. If on the exocoelic faces of the mesenteries we follow the line of the parieto-basilar muscle-sheet, the direction of the fibres changes abruptly as we reach the functionally distinct parietal muscle. Passing upwards along the parietal muscle, the endocoelic component starts to spread inwards just below the parapet (Text-fig. 8z). There is thus an effective insertion of the parietal muscles on to the marginal sphincter. It should be noted that this muscle is located on the inner side of the parapet— thereby marking the upper limit of the main part of the column or scapus. The sphincter is not situated in the capitulum, which is the tenuous continua- tion of the column extending from the parapet to the oral disk, as figured by Parker and Titus (1916) in M. marginatum and diagrammatically by Hyman (1940). On the exocoelic face a few muscle-fibres run between the inner and outer sides of the parapet (Text-fig. Sd, e). When we pass from the main part of the column to the diaphanous capitu- lum, the microcnemes almost disappear, except for a strand of apparently Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 45 endocoelic fibres running out to the edge of the disk. Near the edge, however, where the mesentery is already developed as a membrane between disk and capitulum, the endocoelic fibres run outwards to be inserted radially on the outer part of the disk (Text-fig. 8i,j); whilst the exocoelic fibres directly con- nect the oral disk with the underlying capitulum (Text-fig. 8d, e). In the expanded animal, owing to the profound change of shape when we pass from the main column to the functionally distinct oral disk, we find that the direction of action of the two muscle-sheets has swung through a right angle. The endocoelic muscle, which is vertical in the main part of the column, here runs radially below the outer disk, while it is the exocoelic muscle-layer that pulls the disk downwards on to the capitulum.

The Imperfect Retractor-bearers In these the edge of the mesentery has grown radially inwards, thereby providing a direct connexion between the oral and the pedal disks. This leaves the mesentery with an arcuate inner edge (Text-fig. 8c, h). The parietal muscle is now scarcely evident (Text-fig, gd). Through its connexion with the oral and pedal disks the mesentery can be stretched inward into the gastral cavity, and when the mesentery is extended in this way the whole of its two muscle-sheets tends to unbuckle, except for a new muscular element, the retractor (Text-fig. 9a). When the mesentery becomes rather contracted radially, and becomes less wide, there is some simple or external temporary buckling of the muscle-sheets. But the contribution of the muscle-sheets to the parietal system remains small. Over a limited region near the free edge, the retractor muscle develops through the great overgrowth and consequent permanent buckling of the endocoelic muscle-field (Text-figs. 5 and 9a). Below the middle part of the column the retractor fans out on to the pedal disk, thereby directly transmit- ting stress to it from the oral disk. Between the retractor and the column wall the downward-running fibres of the rest of the endocoelic muscle-sheet are also inserted radially along the pedal disk (Text-fig. 8/z). When the lower part of the mesentery narrows and contracts in width radially, this general endo- coelic muscle-field is thrown into simple buckling. As we pass up the mesentery from the mid-region, the fibres of the general endocoelic muscle-field nearest the column wall fan out on to the parapet and sphincter. The free edge of the mesentery, however, passes on upwards and carries the retractor to the oral disk. In so doing, part of the retractor field swings outwards through a right angle, and running nearly parallel with the sur- face of the disk fans out upon it up to its edge (Text-fig. 8k). As a consequence of this, contraction of the retractor pulls the edge of the expanded disk radially inwards, before it is engulfed downwards within the closing marginal sphincter. Just below the parapet, and between the parapet and the column, the imper- fect retractor-bearing mesentery develops a 'marginal stoma'. Most of the exocoelic musculature is weak, except for the parieto-basilars which are like those of the microcnemes. They are sufficiently developed to 46 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile undergo simple buckling when the mesentery contracts radially (Text-fig. 1 ib). Above, there are a few fibres running obliquely upwards from the upper part of the scapus to the free edge of the mesentery. Still farther above, a sheet of fibres connects the capitulum with the oral disk. In the mid-region there are a very few exocoelic fibres which run obliquely upwards. Nearer the free edge there are no evident exocoelic fibres till we approach the mesenterial filament. This intensely active and largely independent structure is supported by a local development of muscle-fibres. The retractor muscles are far stronger than is needed simply for the maintenance of tonic form. They serve two functions. Their slow tonic con- traction plays its part in maintaining the shape of the column in concert with the parietals. But on sudden stimulation their rapid contraction leads to shortening and closure of the anemone. In the fast retraction response the powerful retractor muscles of the mesentery act antagonistically through the fluid of the coelenteron not only to the circular muscle of the column but also to some extent to the parietal musculature. Their sudden contraction leads to a withdrawal of the disk which may cause a general bulging outwards of the whole body-wall. This retraction is accompanied by contraction of the radial musculature of the disk and is immediately followed by contraction of the well-developed sphincter muscle which covers it. The retractors and the sphincter may be termed specific effectors. In addition to the minor part they play in concert with the rest of the muscle-fields in the maintenance of tonic form, their sudden contraction directly leads to a special response, to execute which they must be much more powerfully developed than the general muscle- field. We shall see other examples of specific effectors.

The Perfect Mesenteries Except that these extend right across to the actino-pharynx, the perfect mesenteries are functionally similar to the imperfect retractor-bearers (Text- fig. 8a, b,f, g). They possess one new feature of importance. In all the perfect mesenteries there is a sheet of radially running muscle-fibres inserted on the wall of the actinopharynx. In the non-directives the sheet is exocoelic on the face opposite the retractors. This radial sheet is rather less evident in the narrower, directive mesenteries, where the (here exocoelic) retractor lies close up to the siphonoglyph (Text-fig. 8a). The contraction of these radial muscles, particularly in the non-directives, opens the actinopharynx by pulling it outwards and laterally. Collectively they constitute an important specific effector. Their 'reflex' contraction per- mits controlled loss of fluid from the coelenteron (Batham and Pantin, 1950 a). Their action is also clearly seen in quick-motion pictures, and by direct observation during the ingestion of solid food. The contraction of the muscles causes vertical lines to appear at five or six places in the body-wall. These lines correspond to the insertion of pairs of perfect mesenteries. The perfect mesenteries possess an additional stoma, the oral, piercing the mesentery between the disk and the actinopharynx (Text-fig. 3). The oral and Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 47 marginal stomata are weakly sphinctered and their size can be varied. They are manifestly important in a system filled with fluid and subject to extensive movement. We have now completed our survey of the numerous cycles of mesenteries by which the coelenteric pressure on the oral disk is transmitted to the column and pedal disk. The well-arranged pattern of the radial mesenteric insertions ensures that no point on the disk is more than a few mm. from some under- lying tie. In contrast, the column wall with a radius of 50-60 mm. must have strength to withstand much higher relative tensions in its substance to take the stress set up by the coelenteric pressure. Consequently the disk can remain thin walled in comparison with the column. The actiniarian plan of mesenteric cycles is peculiarly well fitted to support a wide but thin-walled and labile disk. It may be that the success of this group in producing wide-disked forms is attributable to this feature. The condition in the Ceriantharia where the mesenteries are weak and imperfectly radially symmetrical, and where the primitive longitudinal muscle-system of the ectoderm is retained, may be contrasted with it.

The Pedal Disk The endoderm of the pedal disk carries a sheet of concentrically arranged circular muscle-fibres (Text-fig. 4^) continuous with the circular muscle- layer of the column. Unlike the oral disk the ectoderm has no evident muscula- ture of its own. Its cells, however, possess a very marked fibrous structure. These fibres are firmly fixed to the mesogloea and run down to the lower ecto- dermal surface (Text-fig. 10). Though arising from the mesogloeal surface, the ectodermal fibrils are quite different from mesogloeal fibres. In Mallory's triple stain the latter colour strongly with aniline blue, whereas the ectodermal fibres stain with acid fuchsin. In this and in their affinity for iron haematoxylin the ectodermal fibres resemble muscle-fibres, notwithstanding their orienta- tion transverse to the ectodermal epithelium. They differ from muscle-fibres in several particulars. First, they are considerably finer even than the thin extended -muscle-fibres. Secondly, they seem to be formed between the elongated ectodermal cells rather than intracellularly. Thirdly, sections of expanded pedal disk seem to show the fibrils irregularly folded, rather than shorter and thicker, as they would be if they were contractile. Nevertheless, the possibility that the fibres are on occasion contractile cannot be ruled out. In specimens of Metridium that have been attached for a little time the pedal disk surface secretes on to the substratum a cuticle, as shown in the figure. The ectodermal fibres thus provide a firm temporary connexion between the mesogloea and the substratum. Other organisms resort to devices convergent with this method of attachment where it is necessary to transmit strain through an epithelium to the substratum. Smith (1947) has shown in the tube-feet of Asterias the manner in which strands of connective tissue extend through the ectoderm of the adhesive disk. In the giant species of Myriothela, which presents some interesting convergences with actinians, the mesogloea itself 48 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile makes direct contact with the substratum at places of attachment (Manton, 1940). The mesenteries are firmly attached to the pedal disk by the mesogloea. The base of the mesenteric mesogloea is pierced by tubes carrying circular muscle of the disk, but the attachment is stronger and far less interrupted in this way than is that between the mesentery and the wall of the column (cf. Text-fig. 4a and b).

mesogloea 25/*.

TEXT-FIG. 10. Section through pedal ectoderm with adjacent mesogloea. Note temporary cuticle (left) by which pedal disk is attached. Note ectodermal fibrils running between cuticle and mesogloea. Note complexity of structure of the mesogloea.

The only intrinsic muscle of the pedal disk is the sheet of circular fibres. Radial fibres are, however, supplied by the basilar muscles of the mesenteries. The basilars (Text-fig. na) are strands of muscle with permanent external buckling. They run on one or both sides of the attachment of the mesentery to the pedal disk. Collectively they form a powerful system. In interpreting the manner in which the pedal disk functions, the parieto-basilars and the lower fans of the retractors and other endocoelic fibresmus t be also considered. The foot has two main functions: adhesion and locomotion. Let us first consider adhesion. There is a striking parallel between the functional organiza- tion of the pedal musculature of Metridium and that of the tube-foot of Asterias as described by Smith (1947). In both there is longitudinal muscle running up the wall of the column, and also muscle-fibres running obliquely from the walls towards the centre of the attachment disk. These are the exocoelic fans and the parieto-basilars in the actinian, the levator muscles in the tube-foot. In both cases there is a well-developed radial musculature. Bathatn and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 49 As Smith points out, the levator and the radial muscle-systems of the tube- foot supply the sufficient muscular apparatus for adhesion; tension in the levator tends to raise the centre of the adhesive disk, thereby causing suction between the disk and the substratum. Conversely, contraction of the radial muscles tends to raise the pressure beneath the disk and thereby facilitates release.

exocoelic eiocoelic

TEXT-FIG, I I . a. Vertical tangential section through pedal disk and the base of a contracted retractor bearer. Note well-developed and permanently buckled basilar muscle-tongues on each side of attachment of mesentery to pedal disk. Note circular muscle-fibres of pedal disk cut tangentially, and absence of ectodeimal musculature (below), b. Vertical tangential section through pedal disk and a contracted retractor bearer. Note the buckled parieto-basilar muscle- field along the upper exocoelic surface of the mesentery. It is distinct from the basilar elements below.

In Metridium tonus is present in the parieto-basilars and in the basal endocoelic muscle-fans in order to oppose the coelenteric pressure. The con- sequent tension in these muscle-fields must necessarily tend to promote adhesion, as in the tube-foot. Their action may be seen in the inward arching of the pedal disk when an anemone is removed from its hold on the sub- stratum. Under appropriate conditions contraction of the radial musculature, the basilars, may well facilitate release of the foot just as in the tube-foot, espe- cially if accompanied by the secretion of mucus. It is noteworthy that in the reverse process, that of attachment to the substratum, Metridium first expands the foot through relaxation of the radial musculature. But the release of the extensive and mobile pedal disk of an actinian presents a more complex prob- lem than that of a tube-foot, especially when attached to an irregular or concave surface. And while release is a regular element in the mechanical operation of a tube-foot, it is a comparatively rare phenomenon in an actinian. Occasionally Metridium will release its hold spontaneously and fall to the bottom of the 50 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile aquarium; but commonly there are only two alternative states, adhesion and locomotion. Besides the similarities there are some interesting differences between the actinian and tube-foot systams. The tube-foot disk has a powerful supporting ring of connective tissue, while the mesogloea of the foot of Metridium is necessarily thin and extensible. This may be connected with the differentiation of the 'levator' system in Metridium into two complementary parts, the endocoelic fan and the parieto-basilars. These latter, acting upon the flattened pediment of the column and the contained coelenteric fluid, give the edge of the foot considerable rigidity, as can be seen in detached specimens. They thus confer on the pedal disk some of the advantage of the rigidity enjoyed by the tube-foot by virtue oi its connective-tissue ring. The most striking difference between the adhesive disk of the tube-foot and the pedal.disk of Metridium is the presence in the latter of the circular muscle-layer. Tension in this must necessarily influence the pressure below the pedal disk which determines adhesion or release. But we see from its absence in the tube-foot that such a layer is not a necessity for an adhesion mechanism. Both the radial and circular musculature of the foot of Metridium are concerned with another and important function, locomotion. During this complex process waves of contractions involve the whole of the musculature of the pedal disk: we shall discuss this in a later paper. The Tentacles and the Oral Disk The muscular organization of the disk differs from that of the column. The mesenteries do not contribute important radial muscles to the oral disk comparable to the basilars of the pedal disk. Unlike the column, in both tentacles and disk there are muscle-sheets on each side of the mesogloea. There is an endodermal circular layer corresponding to that of the column, but the radial musculature is supplied by the ectoderm. Each can contract independently. Contraction causes mesogloeal thickening, and both muscle- layers of the disk and of the tentacles can undergo simple buckling. The two lavers can do this simultaneously because they are on opposite sides of the mesogloea (Text-fig. 12). The possession of the primitive ectodermal longitudinal muscle-system in the tentacles and disk is morphologically a fundamental difference from the condition in the column. The radial and longitudinal muscles of the disk and tentacles are important direct effectors for a specific reaction—feeding. The whole complex sequence of food capture leading to ingestion in actinians (Pantin and Pantin, 1943) involves bending of the tentacles by local contrac- tion of their longitudinal muscles. Thus the localized responses of food capture are effected by a muscular system which, being ectodermal, is distinct from the main endodermal muscular system controlling form. It is this same ectodermal system of the disk and tentacles that shows the most striking local neuromuscular action, accompanied by interneural facilitation and indepen- dence of the column system (Pantin, 1935). Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 51

Lmus. circ. muscle ectoderm I mes] endoderm

circ. muscle, ect. mes. I en.

\J u

e »-• G. ia. a-d. Sections of Metridium tentacles. Mesogloea is left unstippled. a and b. Transverse to tentacular axis: a extended; b contracted. Note simple buckling of ectodermal (longitudinal) muscle-field, c and d. longitudinal sections: c extended; d contracted^ Note relative -weakness of circular muscle-field, and simple buckling on contraction, a and c are from the same tentacle from one of the outer cycles. (Pedal diameter of animal S'i cm.) b and d are from the same tentacle from the innermost cycle. (Pedal diameter a-a cm.) e. Longitudinal section of extended body-wall on same scale. Compare this more uniform and compact muscle-layer with tentacle musculature. cmc, circular muscle; EN.endoderm; ECT, ectoderm; M, MES, mesogloea; L.MUS, longitudinal muscle. 52 Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile The ectodermal position of the longitudinal muscle-fibres of the tentacles is also of mechanical significance. As in Hydra and other coelenterates, in this situation the longitudinal fibres can exert a great bending moment on the tentacle. They could not do so as effectively if they were attached to the inner surface of the mesogloea, with the circular fibres on the outside. Not only would the lesser distance of the fibres from the tentacular axis reduce the moment flexing the tentacle, but the resistance of the mesogloea, now outside the contracting fibre, would actually oppose this flexion. The longitudinal and the circular systems of the tentacles have very different functions. The muscle-fibres of the former are much stronger and more numerous than those of the, latter (Text-fig. 12). The longitudinal fibres are important specific effectors, and their contraction must be powerful enough to enable the tentacles to transport food objects of considerable size to the mouth. On the other hand, the circular muscle-fibres are primarily concerned with tonic maintenance of shape, and because of the low coelenteric pressure and the small diameter of the tentacles compared with that of the column, a feeble muscularity suffices. This follows because, like the column, the tentacle of an anemone is essentially a cylinder. At any particular internal pressure, the tension set up in the walls is proportional to its radius. Consequently a given internal pressure which demands a certain strength of muscle and tough- ness of the mesogloea in the wide column will require much thinner structures in the narrow tentacles. In agreement with this we find that when the tentacle is fully expanded the mesogloea is much thinner and the circular muscle- fibres somewhat fewer and more irregularly spaced than in the column (cf. Text-fig. 12c and e). In spite of their weaker development, the circular muscle-layers of the tentacles are part of the same endodermal tonic system as that of the endo- dermal muscles of the column. Because of their small size and volume, con- traction of the tentacles has little effect on the general form of the body through changes in coelenteric pressure. This contrasts with the great effect of the powerful muscle-fields of the column. But the tonic function of the circular muscle of the tentacles is of great local importance in the tentacles themselves. The tentacles of actinians are capable of considerable extension in length. This is possible because of their hollow structure and the highly extensible character of the mesogloea. But coelenteric pressures which suffice to cause extension of a hollow tubular tentacle must be met by some circular tension elements able to resist the tendency of the wall to bulge outwards. Smith (1947) has shown that in the tube-feet of Asterias this same mechanical problem is met by an ingenious device; the presence of a layer of inextensible supporting rings of connective tissue in the wall of the foot. There is no such device in the tentacles of Metridium, and here the transverse tension must be met by contractile elements, the circular fibres. The great tentacular extensi- bility and the presence of circular muscle-fibres suggest a similar mechanism in the tentacles of Hydra; but we know nothing yet of the coelenteric pressure in the Hydras. Batham and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile 53 If great extension in length is not required by a tentaculate organism, a circular muscle-layer is no longer necessary. The endoderm can then be con- verted into a solid but flexible rod which is bent back and forth by the longi- tudinal muscle-fibres of the ectoderm. This condition is often found in hydrozoan polyps, including those of Obelia. The endoderm becomes a rod of vacuolated cells resembling the notochord cells of Chordata (Fowler, 1900). The longitudinal muscle-fibres of the ectoderm may now suffice for any necessary tentacular movement; just as longitudinal fibres alone suffice in other animals with more or less inextensible tentacles, as in Sabella pavonina and many ectoproct Polyzoa. In the majority of Hydrozoan polyps we have in fact a different principle of tentacular skeletal action from that of Metridium. This new principle of direct action of muscle against a flexible solid skeleton is extensively employed among coelenterates, as in the bell of medusae of all kinds. It may also play some part in actinian mechanics where the mesogloea is thick and tough, like that of Calliactis parasitica.

. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the muscular system of Metridium is the contrast which it presents to that of a more highly organized animal, such as an arthropod or a vertebrate. In the latter the somatic musculature is organized as well-defined muscles developed to meet specific functional needs. In the actinian there are a few similarly differentiated specific effectors, like the retractor and the marginal sphincter. But most of the musculature consists of more or less undifferentiated sheets of muscle covering the body- wall and its extensions, the mesenteries. As we have shown elsewhere (Batham and Pantin, 1950 a), contraction of these muscle-sheets has complex indirect as well as direct effects on the shape of the animal. A particular movement of the body necessarily involves a complex pattern of contraction and extension in the various muscle-sheets of the animal's body-wall. Simplicity of muscular action is onjy attained through the development of specific effectors, like the retractors. Their simplicity of mechanical action and the simplicity of the re- flex mechanism of their activation via the through-conduction system (Pantin, 1935) are secondary simplifications to meet specific environmental needs. We thus arrive at a curious paradox. Physiologically the simplest parts of the neuromuscular system are in fact the most specialized; whilst the less differentiated parts, the muscle-sheets, inevitably require complex differential co-ordination if their contractility is to be translated into effective movement of the body (cf. Batham and Pantin, 1950 b). Such complex co-ordination has often been treated as a product of the more advanced stages of neuromuscular evolution; but it must of necessity be present in some degree in the least differentiated organisms. It must be present in them for the very reason that they lack differentiated effectors, the action of which could simply and directly meet their functional needs.

Much of this work was done at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Plymouth, and at the Stazione Zoologica at Naples, to the Directors and staffs of which 54 Bathatn and Pantin—Muscular System of Metridium senile we are most grateful for the many facilities given us. Part of the work was done during the tenure by one of us (E. J. B.) of a Shirtcliffe Fellowship of the University of New Zealand. We also wish to thank the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for a grant for the development of a special research which enabled this work to be concluded.

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PLATE I (a) Vertical (ion) section of retractor showing muscle-fibres. Fixed in Susa; Mallory's triple stain. (6) and (c) Well extended muscle-fibres of vertical muscle-fields of retractor, vitally stained with Rongalit-methylene blue. Note also over-stained fibres of nerve-net undergoing monili- form degeneration. (d), (e), and (/) Similarly vitally stained retractor muscle-fibres after undergoing maximal contraction. Figs. (6) to (/) are on the same scale.

PLATE 2 Weak vertical muscle-field on endocoelic face of highly expanded perfect mesentery, be- tween retractor and body-wall. (a) Drawing to show connexions of fibres in part of muscle-field shown in (c). (A) Drawing to show cell bodies and processes running to epithelial surface. From part of muscle-field adjacent to (c). (c) Preparation fixed in picro-formol and stained with iron haematoxylin. The epithelium has been partly brushed away to expose the muscle-fibres more clearly. (d) Highly magnified portion of muscle-field showing a cell body (above X), and a junction between two muscle-fibres (above V). Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. Third Series, Vol. g2

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E. J. BATHAM & C. F. A. PANTIN—PLATE I Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. Third Series, Vol. 92


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