Kaitz Quits SBA Dean's Post Cites Health, ,Fiscal Constraint Dean Claims Summer School
67th Year, No.1 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Saturday. September 4. 1976 Kaitz Quits SBA Dean's Post Cites Health, ,Fiscal Constraint Dean Claims Summer School School Gro\Nth Director To Fill., Was Hindered SBA Dean Slot by Tom Bianco Registration won't be so mobbed this fall without the 4,013 who completely by Tom Bianco Citing "reasons of health," Fr. Aloysius P. Following the resignation of Dr_ Edward Kaitz as pre-registered_ Kelley, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, an Dean of the Business School, Fr. Aloysius Kelley, nounced the resignation of Business School Dean Vice-President of Academic Affairs, has selected as Edward M_ Kaitz. acting dean for the academic year 1976-77 Dr. "My goal was to build a faculty la.rge enough to Joseph Pettit, presently Dean of Summer School 4,013 Escape Lines accommodate this school, which means about nine and Continuing Education. more full-time faculty members, in order to develop ~ "My role will be to deepen the Business School's ·more interface with other schools. My temptation ~ development of self. I plan to work with the faculty was to' turn this place into a mini-Wharton to t: and the executive committee and to solidify what is For Gym Registration accommodate the quality of kids we have in the ~ already here. I \vant to give the faculty an oppor.. The crowd at registration in ed out that only at a private institu Business school," Kaitz said. ~ tunity to get to know one another and to do McDonough gyl~ is minus 4,013 pre tion is there so much adaptability in He explaiJ;led that he thought the time seemed o something with what has already been articulated," (5 registered students this semester-an scheduling.
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