Tsif® Colonel Ed Fletcher's National Record Chamber of Commerce
Colonel Ed Fletcher’s National Record Chamber of Commerce Run Across the Continent"San Diego to Savannah, Ga. By Colonel Ed Fletcher The object o f the run was to demonstrate the feasibility o f the o f the O ld Spanish T ra il and the D ixie Overland highway, at route over the D ixie Overland highway, San Diego to Savannah, 4 :5 5 a. m., approxim ately 1000 miles from San Diego. Georgia, and returning via the Old Spanish Trail, St. Augustine, We struck muddy roads Thursday m orning through Texas, had Florida, to San Diego, also to report conditions, create renewed in bad detours, stopped an hour to repair tw o punctures, picked up terest, and encourage the early com pletion o f the missing links, that our guide again at M idland. Texas, and in the early evening passed we may have all-year national highways from the Atlantic to the through Mineral Wells. Pacific completed at an early date. Five miles out of Fort Worth, city officials were kind enough to By telegraph before leaving, we arranged for permission from meet us. A fte r a “ how dy” , three m otor cops showed us through state, county and city officials wherever possible to make the run. F o rt W o rth at 55 miles an hour w ith o u t accident. The noise of On the afternoon of Tuesday, October 19th, the day before we the sirens we w ill never forget, but the traffic sure gave us the right FOREWORD started, our friend, Dean Blake, U .
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