StTNDAY; DECEMBER >U 4 phone non THE POST-PRESS, ELOENTRU, CALIF to 6-6 Tie La Jolla. Calexico Battle Covington Gives Increased; Golf Club Activities * Sunday hrm Edited By BURDETTEIWRDETTE KI.WE 'lj Place to Coast Kiwanis Tournament flash Activity increased Saturday at the exicos International club. M. O LA JOLLA, Dec. 3. (Special)—With the same Curley Barbara Worth country club, with a Simms. Forrest Manley, Vesev aggressiveness that carried the valley cham- represent and them to Kiwanis club tournament slated for and Logan Jenkins will pionship, the Calexico high school football team tonight Sunday as well as final rounds of the Barbara Worth club. of for played a strong La Jolla high elevn to a standstill to earn qualifying for the club champion- A definite schedule dates Hall Oil Where, Are Those Santa Clara Blockers? tournament, Sun Rates ship. the Brawlev Lettuce a G-G tie with the coast team in a southern foot- Valley championship, An 18 hole medal event will feat- the Imperial The breaks appeared at times to invitational and the ure the Kiwanis competition, with the Calexico Mississippi be against the valley visitors. This as Friday, the team having Southwest championship is expected Of such prizes for low gross and low medal. was especially true in penalties, the the greatest number of first downs Wade Ramsey and Bob Rayburn, to be fixed. Bulldogs from the desert suffering to its credit shall be declared the co-chairmen, announced. Best Halfback 90 yards lost in that manner. In the winner. However, each team had 11 Leaders in the golf club member- NEW YORK Doc 3 (UP>—The first period, a touchdown tvas recall- football championship tilt, ship drive announced a half dozen by officials, who charged that Pulls for New York Sun rated Parker Hall ed such credits players signed Duke new already and Mississippi outstanding all- a Caiexico player had been guilty of Coach Covington, however, broke growing goal of of th? prospects for the halfback in the country to- clipping. the tie after the game when he 30 around By rules, in case of a Beat day as it announced its 14th annual CIF tie notified La Jolla that he was with- Representatives valley USC to from three Ali-America football team. The drawing his team from the CIF com- golf clubs were slated to meet Mon- petition. permitting La Jolla to go day night in El Centro at the Bar- team: Notre Dame LE. Wyatt. Tennessee into the finals. Worth hotel to discuss the Ted Sandez who sparked the Cal- bara N. C Dec 3