◥ benign shifts that will cause no sub- REVIEW SUMMARY stantial loss of ecosystem or services. Conservation success will also increasingly hinge on choosing among different, sometimes CONSERVATION mutually exclusive approaches to best achieve

◥ three conceptually distinct Merging paleobiology with ON OUR WEBSITE goals: maximizing biodi- Read the full article versity, maximizing ecosys- at http://dx.doi. tem services, and preserving conservation to guide the org/10.1126/ . These goals vary .aah4787 in applicability depending ...... future of terrestrial on whether historical or novel ecosystems are the conservation target. — Anthony D. Barnosky,* Elizabeth A. Hadly, Patrick Gonzalez, Jason Head, Tradeoffs already occur for example, man- P. David Polly, A. Michelle Lawing, Jussi T. Eronen, David D. Ackerly,† Ken Alex, aging to maximize certain ecosystem services Eric Biber, Jessica Blois, Justin Brashares, Gerardo Ceballos, Edward Davis, upon which people depend (such as food Gregory P. Dietl, Rodolfo Dirzo, Holly Doremus, Mikael Fortelius, Harry W. Greene, production on farm or rangelands) versus main- Jessica Hellmann, Thomas Hickler, Stephen T. Jackson, Melissa Kemp, Paul L. Koch, taining healthy of vulnerable Claire Kremen, Emily L. Lindsey, Cindy Looy, Charles R. Marshall, Chase Mendenhall, (such as wolves, lions, or elephants). In the fu- Andreas Mulch, Alexis M. Mychajliw, Carsten Nowak, Uma Ramakrishnan, ture, the choices will be starker, likely involving Jan Schnitzler, Kashish Das Shrestha, Katherine Solari, Lynn Stegner, decisions such as which species are candidates M. Allison Stegner, Nils Chr. Stenseth, Marvalee H. Wake, Zhibin Zhang for managed relocation and to which areas, and whether certain areas should be off limits for intensive management, even if it means losing BACKGROUND: The pace and magnitude of exhibited over their long histories. Such infor- some species that now live there. Developing the

human-caused global change has accelerated mation is necessary for recognizing which cur- capacity to make those choices will require con- on February 22, 2017 dramatically over the past 50 years, overwhelm- rent changes foretell transitions to less robust servation in both historical and novel ecosystems ing the capacity of many ecosystems and spe- ecological states and which changes may signal and effective collaboration of , govern- cies to maintain themselves as they have under mental officials, nongovernmental organizations, the more stable conditions that prevailed for at the legal , and other stakeholders. least 11,000 years. The next few decades threat- en even more rapid transformations because OUTLOOK: Conservation efforts are currently by 2050, the human is projected to in a state of transition, with active debate about grow by 3 billion while simultaneously increas- therelativeimportanceofpreservinghistorical ing per capita . Thus, to avoid landscapes with minimal human impact on one losing many species and the crucial aspects of end of the ideological spectrum versus ma- ecosystems that we need—for both our physical nipulating novel ecosystems that result from and emotional well-being—new conservation human activities on the other. Although the paradigms and integration of information from two approaches are often presented as dichot- conservation biology, paleobiology, and the omous, in fact they are connected by a con- are required. tinuum of practices, and both are needed. In most landscapes, maximizing conservation suc- ADVANCES: Rather than attempting to hold cess will require more integration of paleo- ecosystems to an idealized conception of the biology and conservation biology because in

past, as has been the prevailing conservation a rapidly changing world, a long-term perspec- Downloaded from paradigm until recently, maintaining vibrant tive (encompassing at least millennia) is necessary ecosystems for the future now requires new to specify and select appropriate conservation approaches that use both historical and novel targets and plans. Although adding this long- conservation landscapes, enhance adaptive ca- term perspective will be essential to sustain bio- pacity for ecosystems and , facilitate diversity and all of the facets of that connectedness, and manage ecosystems for humans need as we continue to rapidly change functional integrity rather than focusing en- the world over the next few decades, maximizing tirely on particular species. Scientific break- the chances of success will also require dealing throughs needed to underpin such a paradigm Fewer than 900 mountain gorillas are left with the root causes of the conservation crisis: shift are emerging at the intersection of ecol- in the world, and their continued existence rapid growth of the human population, increasing ogy and paleobiology, revealing (i) which species depends upon the choices humans make, per capita consumption especially in developed and ecosystems will need human intervention exemplifying the state of many species and countries, and anthropogenic to persist; (ii) how to foster population connec- ecosystems. Can conservation biology save bio- that is rapidly pushing outside the ’ tivity that anticipates rapidly changing climate diversity and all the aspects of nature that bounds experienced by today s species.▪ and land use; (iii) functional attributes that people need and as 3 billion more of us characterize ecosystems through thousands to are added to the planet by 2050, while climate The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. millions of years, irrespective of the species that continues to change to states outside the bounds *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] † ’ Authors after the first seven are listed alphabetically. are involved; and (iv) the range of compositional that most of today s ecosystems have ever Cite this article as A. D. Barnosky et al., Science 355,

and functional variation that ecosystems have experienced? eaah4787 (2017). DOI: 10.1126/science.aah4787 PHOTO: E. A. HADLY, AT VOLCANOES , RWANDA

594 10 FEBRUARY 2017 • VOL 355 ISSUE 6325 SCIENCE

◥ ecosystems to adapt to current and impending REVIEW changes (4–11). Recent work highlights that achieving such goals will require understanding how ecological CONSERVATION dynamics play out over time scales much longer than a human lifetime (12). Such information has long been known to be available from historical, Merging paleobiology with paleobiological, and geological records (10, 13). However, scientists and land managers are still grappling with how to more fully integrate paleo- conservation biology to guide the biological information into conservation theory future of terrestrial ecosystems and decisions (Fig. 1). The current conservation landscape Anthony D. Barnosky,1,2* Elizabeth A. Hadly,3 Patrick Gonzalez,4,5 Jason Head,6 More than half of Earth’s ice-free land has been P. David Polly,7 A. Michelle Lawing,8 Jussi T. Eronen,9,10 David D. Ackerly,11† converted for human use (14), tens of thousands Ken Alex,12 Eric Biber,13 Jessica Blois,14 Justin Brashares,15 Gerardo Ceballos,16 of species have been transported around the globe Edward Davis,17 Gregory P. Dietl,18,19 Rodolfo Dirzo,20 Holly Doremus,21 (15), and species and populations are going ex- Mikael Fortelius,22,23 Harry W. Greene,24 Jessica Hellmann,25 Thomas Hickler,26 tinct at highly elevated rates (16). As a result, Stephen T. Jackson,27 Melissa Kemp,28 Paul L. Koch,29 Claire Kremen,30 much if not most of the planet is now covered — Emily L. Lindsey,31‡ Cindy Looy,32 Charles R. Marshall,33 Chase Mendenhall,34,35 by novel ecosystems (Fig. 1D) (6) that is, those Andreas Mulch,36,37 Alexis M. Mychajliw,38 Carsten Nowak,39 Uma Ramakrishnan,40 with assemblages of species or other character- Jan Schnitzler,41,42 Kashish Das Shrestha,43 Katherine Solari,44 Lynn Stegner,45 istics that did not exist before preindustrial times, which human activities have created, either in- M. Allison Stegner,46§ Nils Chr. Stenseth,47 Marvalee H. Wake,48 Zhibin Zhang49 tentionally or inadvertently. Here, we include as novel ecosystems cropland, pastureland, timber Conservation of species and ecosystems is increasingly difficult because anthropogenic plantations, and land modified by logging and impacts are pervasive and accelerating. Under this rapid global change, maximizing on February 22, 2017 human-caused erosion and sedimentation, in total conservation success requires a paradigm shift from maintaining ecosystems in idealized covering ~47% of ice-free land (14). Urban and past states toward facilitating their adaptive and functional capacities, even as species ruralcommunities,roads,reservoirs,railways,and ebb and flow individually. Developing effective strategies under this new paradigm will mining areas account for an additional ~7% (14). require deeper understanding of the long-term dynamics that govern ecosystem Historical ecosystems are defined loosely as persistence and reconciliation of conflicts among approaches to conserving historical thosepresumedtobeoperatingastheyhavefor versus novel ecosystems. Integrating emerging information from conservation biology, at least centuries (Fig. 1B) (6). They include some paleobiology, and the Earth sciences is an important step forward on the path to success. national parks and other large tracts of land that Maintaining nature in all its aspects will also entail immediately addressing the overarching are often protected to some degree and are at threats of growing human population, , pollution, and climate change. most lightly inhabited by people. Although all historical ecosystems exhibit signs of human ocal and global on ecosystems, spe- now, it is no longer possible to effectively man- modification, ranging from millennia of manip- cies, and populations—already severe—will age most ecosystems to maintain them in a his- ulationbyindigenouspeopletopresent-dayan- intensify in the near future as the number torical state, as has been prevailing practice and thropogenic climate change, their dynamics and L of people, land use, and consumption of theory in conservation biology (4–6). Rather, a species compositions seem to closely resemble natural resources increase and as anthro- paradigm shift is under way, with new conser- those present for at least centuries and to be pogenic climate change continues (1–4). Even vation goals aiming to maximize the capacity of more heavily influenced by nonanthropogenic

1Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2Department of Integrative Biology and Museums of and , University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, 3

CA 94720, USA. Department of Biology, Department of Geological Sciences, Woods Institute for the Environment, Center for Innovations in Global Health, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Downloaded from 94303, USA. 4Natural and Science, U.S. National Park , Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 5Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 6Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ, UK. 7Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA. 8Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77845, USA. 9Senckenberg and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt, . 10Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, Post Office Box 64, FIN-00014, Finland and BIOS Research Unit, Kalliolanrinne 4, Helsinki, Finland. 11Department of Integrative Biology, University and Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 12California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, Post Office Box 3044, Sacramento, CA 95812-3044, USA. 13School of , University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 14School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced, CA 95343, USA. 15Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 16Instituto de Ecologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, C.U., Ap. Post. 70-275 Mexico, D.F. 04510, Mexico. 17Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA. 18Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA. 19Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, , Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 20Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94303, USA. 21School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 22Department of Geosciences and Geography, Post Office Box 64, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. 23Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo, Post Office Box 1066 Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway. 24Department of and , Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 25InstituteoftheEnvironment, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. 26Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) and Institute of Physical Geography, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany. 27U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Interior Southwest Climate Science Center and Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1064 E. Lowell Street, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. 28Center for the Environment, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 29Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA. 30Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 9472, USA. 31Department of Integrative Biology and Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 32Department of Integrative Biology, Museum of Paleontology, University and Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 33Department of Integrative Biology and Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 34Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 35The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA 22203, USA. 36Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 37Institute of Geosciences, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 38Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94303, USA. 39Senckenberg Research Institute and Frankfurt, Clamecystrasse 12, D-63571 Gelnhausen, Germany. 40National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research GKVK, Bellary Road, Bangalore 560065, India. 41Institute of Biology, Leipzig University, Johannisallee 21-23, 04103 Leipzig, Germany. 42Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 43City Museum, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal. 44Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94303, USA. 45Continuing Studies Program, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 46Department of Integrative Biology and Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 47Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Post Office Box 1066, Blindern NO-0316, Oslo, Norway. 48Department of Integrative Biology and Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 49State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of and Rodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] †Authors after the first seven are listed alphabetically. ‡Present address: La Brea Tar Pits and Museum, 5801 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036, USA. §Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, 430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

Barnosky et al., Science 355, eaah4787 (2017) 10 February 2017 1of10 RESEARCH | REVIEW processes than by humans. Here, we regard his- in ways that maximize particular conservation context of making choices (Fig. 1) that recognize torical ecosystems as those that still have at least goals (27). In practice, the two schools of thought both historical and novel ecosystems and rapid 70% of the habitats that were present 500 years both recognize a gradient of human impacts, global change, most have a place. ago and that contain fewer than 5 people/km2 that conservation only works when human values (17). A subset of historical ecosystems retains at are articulated by multiple stakeholders to guide Critical information from paleobiology least ~90% of habitats that have characterized any given effort, and that and Under current global change, successful conser- them over at least the past five centuries and special landscapes and ecosystems should be vation outcomes for most approaches (Table 1) contain <1 person/km2 (17). We refer to these preserved (18, 28, 29). Nevertheless, the different depend on meaningful comparisons between mod- places as wilderness; such wilderness comprises viewpoints have led to developing and implement- ern conditions and long-term histories. The emerg- ~26% of ice-free land (17). ing a diverse menu of conservation approaches ing discipline of conservation paleobiology (10, 30) Conservation efforts typically target at least one (18), some of which appear contradictory or even is supplying necessary data, insights, and tech- of three key goals: maximizing biodiversity, main- mutuallyexclusive(Table1).Yetwhenputinthe niques through (i) specifying long-term, fluctuating taining ecological structure and function, and/or maximizing ecosystem services. In attempts to conserve historical ecosystems, achieving all three goals simultaneously—with the approach typically being to minimize human impacts—is usually implicitly or explicitly intended and can be very successful. A case in point is preserving intact tropical , which support the majority of Earth’s terrestrial species, retain a general eco- logical structure that has persisted for at least tens of thousands of years (even considering the long integration of into such systems), and as a result offer myriad ecosystem services ranging from carbon sequestration, to purifying water and air and provisioning food, on February 22, 2017 to providing diverse aesthetic, emotional, and wilderness experiences for people. In contrast, in novel ecosystems, particularly under conditions of rapid global change, the conservation goals of maximizing biodiversity, maintaining particular ecological structures and functions, and provision of particular ecosystem services can diverge substantially (6, 18), although in most cases, the three goals exhibit at least some overlap (Fig. 1E). For instance, rescuing a species threatened by climate change or loss may require manipulating its genetic diver- sity (Fig. 1, example E1) (19) and/or managed re- location into a geographic region and ecosystem in which the species has never lived (Fig. 1, ex- ample E2) (20). Although effective in conserving biodiversity and perhaps promoting certain eco- system services, such as tourism, such actions contradict other goals—for example, the philos-

ophy of maximizing wilderness attributes (21). Downloaded from Less nuanced examples include , botanic gar- dens, and well-designed urban landscapes, which will be essential in maximizing biodiversity but which completely replace wilderness. At another end of the spectrum are agricultural landscapes, which maximize a necessary (food production) and can either severely de- press biodiversity relative to pre-anthropogenic conditions, as in the case of monoculture farming, or help maintain biodiversity if designed to do so, as in some coffee farms in Costa Rica (Fig. 1, example E3) (22, 23). Thus, in novel landscapes, deciding which goal to optimize can engender Fig. 1. Critical conservation decisions. (A to E) Decision points at which data from paleobiology are much debate among stakeholders, as can the very essential. Here, “biodiversity” refers to all levels of the biological hierarchy. Novel ecosystems can serve decision about whether a given landscape should to maximize biodiversity, particular ecosystem services, or ecosystem structure, which can be mutually be regarded as historical or novel (Fig. 1A). exclusive or overlap to varying degrees. The overlap of these conservation goals is typically broad in Such concerns lead to conflicting opinions historical systems. For conserving historical ecosystems, -based methods from paleobiology have al- about the relative importance of preserving large ready proven essential, and taxon-free methods also are useful. For novel ecosystems, taxon-free me- landscapes with minimal human impact (24–26) thods hold much potential for linking past, present, and future to help formulate effective conservation versus designing human-dominated ecosystems programs.

Barnosky et al., Science 355, eaah4787 (2017) 10 February 2017 2of10 RESEARCH | REVIEW

baselines required to understand how ecosystems, onstrating biotic outcomes of many “natural for ecosystem services (12, 43, 44)andearlywarn- communities, species, populations, and genetic experiments” in global change (30), ranging from ing signs of ecological state-shifts (10, 45). structure vary naturally through time and space major (10, 16, 29, 38) to rapid climate The kinds of that have provided such and how they respond to major perturbations change (10, 39, 40) to species invasions (10, 41); insights most commonly include (10, 31–36); (ii) identifying scalable taxon-free (iv) testing and refining models of biotic response and zooplankton, many kinds of (repre- metrics that allow attributes of ecosystems to to future environmental change (10, 35, 42); and sented by , seeds, leaves, and wood), be tracked over seasons, decades, centuries, mil- (v) tracking the long-term dynamics of ecosystems with hard parts (such as lennia, and millions of years (10, 37); (iii) dem- in ways relevant to assessing continued potential mollusks), and vertebrate animals (represented by bones and teeth) (Fig. 2). Depositional envi- ronments in which these taxa commonly are fos- silized include lakes, river valleys, rock shelters, and caves. The fossil samples recovered from such deposits are particularly useful because they often show high fidelity to the living commun- ities from which they were drawn in terms of taxonomic composition and relative abundance, as demonstrated by taphonomic studies that as- sess how the same sampling vectors that build fossil assemblages sample modern communities (10, 46–49). Some of these favorable depositional environments occur in most , opening possibilities to use paleobiological data in many conservation settings; therefore, it should not be assumed that paleontological information is not available if there has not been targeted explora- tion for appropriate fossil sites. Less available for conservation uses are species on February 22, 2017 restricted to areas where fossilization potential is low (such as upland areas lacking lakes, rivers, caves, or rock shelters), those whose is not well understood (10, 50), and those whose body parts are too fragile to fossilize on a regular basis, such as most insects and . Even so, some taxa with low fossilization potential are informative for conservation efforts when they are present; for instance, beetles found in lake sed- Fig. 2. Tracking community fluctuations through millennia. (A) Deposits accumulated by wood rats iments and peat illustrate a response to climate (Neotoma spp.) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are par- change that differs from the mammalian response ticularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and community with high fidelity to taxonomic (51), and bones of California condors have been composition and relative abundance (46–48). Such records can provide successive snapshots of taxon critical in identifying their pre-anthropogenic presence, absence, and abundance through thousands to millions (33) of years and genetic variation (73) diet (10). In general, Quaternary fossils (Pleistocene through thousands of years. Wood rat middens occur through much of ; species in genera and Holocene) have proven especially informa- other than Neotoma construct paleoecologically useful middens elsewhere. (B) Bones excavated from tive for addressing conservation questions, but a wood rat midden, after being concentrated by screening and sorting. (C, D,andE) Sediment cores useful information has also come from much from lakes contain fossil pollen and that allow reconstruction of vegetation changes through older fossil deposits, reaching back millions of hundreds to hundreds of thousands of years (10). years (34, 37). Downloaded from

Table 1. Multiple conservation approaches.

Approach Examples 96 Address...... root causes of conservation crisis through reducing the human footprint ( ) 26 ...... Increase the number of national parks and other protected areas and connections between them ( ) 97 ...... Quantify ecosystem services regionally and globally and value them in economic terms ( ) Abandon the idea of “pristine wilderness” and maintain high biodiversity (27) ...... (at genetic, population, and species levels) in cultural landscapes 98 ...... Triage species interventions according to importance, specificity, or likelihood of success ( ) Relocate species, populations, or genotypes whose habitats are disappearing in one place (8, 20) ...... but emerging in another, especially where corridors are lacking 99 ...... Reconstruct or restore damaged or extinct ecosystems ( ) 19 100 ...... Manipulate populations and of to enhance their survival ( , ) 65 ...... Create ecosystems that simulate long-past conditions, such as Pleistocene rewilding ( ) Produce facsimiles of extinct species through emerging techniques in , (29, 75, 76) “ ” ...... such as de- (which is not considered a viable conservation strategy in this Review) PHOTO: (A) AND (B) ANTHONY D. BARNOSKY; (C) AND (D) CINDY LOOY; (E) STEPHEN T. JACKSON

Barnosky et al., Science 355, eaah4787 (2017) 10 February 2017 3of10 RESEARCH | REVIEW

The analytical methods that allow comparing abundance variation that characterizes ecosys- Assessing whether historical ecosystems present with past fall into two main categories: tems as they fluctuate over thousands to tens can be maintained taxon-based and taxon-free. Taxon-based methods of thousands of years, sometimes much more. A critical question for many historical ecosystems are those that rely on the presence, absence, or For a modern ecosystem to be considered his- is whether they will be able to persist in the same abundances of certain taxa and their underlying torical (Fig. 1B), its taxon assemblage and their states in which they have existed for thousands of diversity, including genetic or phylogenetic dif- abundances should fall within the range of past years, given rapid, intensifying environmental ferentiation. Taxon-free methods use metrics that millennial-scale variation. For example, in the changes (Fig. 1C). The taxon-based approaches reflect ecosystem function rather than structure; world’sfirstnationalpark,Yellowstone National summarized above provide useful answers through examples used in modern systems include assess- Park, USA, paleontological data influenced crit- establishing the range of variation that taxon- ing ecological network structure (52)andmeasur- ical management decisions by demonstrating that based attributes exhibit through the perturbations ing (53), functional traits (54), nutrient Yellowstone preserves a historical ecosystem. Fossil an ecosystem experiences over thousands of years. flow (43), net primary productivity (55), or eco- depositsverifiedthattheareaproposedin1995 for The nature and magnitude of the perturbations system services (7, 43). Quantifying taxon-based thereintroductionofthegraywolf(Canis lupus) can be assessed from the contemporaneous geo- and taxon-free attributes in the present alone hadindeedharboredwolves(uptotheirextirpa- record—for example, isotopic proxies for does not capture the full range of conditions tion in the 20th century) for more than 3000 years, temperature, lake-level or tree-ring analyses for under which a given ecosystem can thrive be- that a principle prey species—elk—used the area precipitation, or charcoal records in alluvial de- cause most ecosystems (at least those that have for calving thousands of years ago as they still do posits and lake cores to track fire frequency. not been created by humans) have persisted for today, and that almost all of the spe- Modern-day changes in the taxon-based metric thousands to millions of years. The taxon-based cies that had occupied the region for millennia or in the suspected perturbing agent (for instance, approach to link conservation paleobiology and are still present (Fig. 1, example C1) (13). In this climate change) that exceed the variation evident biology has been used most so far, but current case, the conservation question arose first: Were through millennia or longer may warn that a efforts to develop and use taxon-free methods wolves and elk native to the region before the shift to a new ecological state is imminent. In hold considerable promise. Depending on the park was established? Exploration for the requi- such cases, the management choice is to either availability of fossils and the type of conservation sitefossilsites,previouslyunknown,ensued as part attempt to hold the system to historical condi- question being asked, one or the other approach of the data-gathering exercise before management tions, which would require ever-more intensive maybemoreappropriate. actions. Further verification that Yellowstone still interventions and may be impossible, or manage represents a historic ecosystem came from assess- the system for “adaptive capacity” (4). Adaptive on February 22, 2017 Historical or novel ing impacts of climate change on small mam- capacity in this context is the ability of an eco- Taxon-based paleontological data are critical in mals: Ancient DNA obtained from fossil rodents system to “re-configure without significant changes deciding whether a given so-called “natural” land- confirmed that although , popula- in crucial functions or declines in ecosystem scape represents a historical or a tion sizes, and flow had fluctuated through services” (58). Put another way, adaptive capac- (Fig. 1A). These methods rely on direct com- time in response to climaticconditions,genotypes ity is the ability of an ecosystem to avoid col- parisons of the taxa that occupied a region in in the park now have been there for millennia lapse as it makes the critical transition from its thepasttothoselivingtherepresently.Byusing (56). From the botanical perspective, palynologi- historical ecological state to a new state and to be superposed, taphonomically understood and cal (fossil pollen) records show that the current as resilient in its new state as it was in its pre- well-dated fossil samples (Fig. 2) to reconstruct vegetation has persisted with only minor fluctu- vious state. successive snapshots of the past, it is possible ations in abundance of dominant taxa for at Robustly assessing adaptive capacity requires to outline the range of taxonomic and relative- least 8000 years (57). combining information about prehistoric conditions, Downloaded from

Fig. 3. Transformation of historical ecosystems. (A) Near Parque Nacional imminent (90, 91). (B) Las Conchas Fire near Bandelier National Monument, de Anavilhanas, Brazil. Palynological data revealed that increased precipita- New Mexico, USA. Paleontological data show that western North American tion coincided with southern expansion of Amazon rainforest ~3000 years ecosystems depend on high-frequency, low-severity fires and that wildfire ago to its early 20th-century position (85). Reduced rainfall across two thirds frequencies increased with drought (92, 93). Fuel buildup from fire suppression of the rainforest related to changes in the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (86), and anthropogenic climate change increased fire frequencies in the late 20th combined with (87), have recently contributed to shifting the century (94), and climate projections suggest that by 2100, fire frequency may rainforest-savanna border northward, reducing vegetative productivity (88), increase to levels far above those to which historical and current vegetation have increasing fire frequency, and lengthening the fire season (89). Climate models adapted (91). These considerations have been used to justify prescribed burning 95 PHOTO: (A)PATRICK GONZALEZ;suggest (B) KARI GREER that future transformation of vast areas of Amazon rainforest may be to preempt catastrophic crown fires ( ).

Barnosky et al., Science 355, eaah4787 (2017) 10 February 2017 4of10 RESEARCH | REVIEW modern and historic observations, and future ecologicalstatemaynotbepossiblebecauseof move to remain in its current conditions of tem- projections. An illustrative example is the con- climate-triggered species turnover, including loss perature or other climate variables (60)—have servation of Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia)in of its namesake species and colonization by cur- also proven useful in determining areas and spe- and around Joshua Tree National Park, California rently exotic species. The implication is that con- cies most at risk of ecological transformations. (Fig. 1, example C2). The distribution of Joshua serving Joshua tree ecosystems may require more In general, such studies reveal that the speed at tree fossils preserved in wood rat middens (Fig. 2) active management in protected areas outside the which species will need to move over the coming and in the dung of extinct Shasta ground sloths national park, acquisition of new lands, and perhaps decades far outstrips the pace at which they ac- (Nothrotheriops shastensis) demonstrated the sen- targeted planting. This landscape-scale manage- tually did move in response to the most rapid sitivity of the trees to increased temperature and ment of Joshua trees could nurture the adaptive climate change documented in the fossil record, aridity ~11,700 years ago and also revealed that capacity of the species across its range, even if the transition from the last glacial period into the dispersal of the species occurred only slowly: ~1 the national park loses its suitable habitat, while Holocene (60). Such information indicates that to 2 m/year (59). Today, Joshua trees are only still maintaining the wilderness character of Joshua the need to manage historical ecosystems for their rarely reproducing within the park because of Tree National Park if wilderness character depends adaptive capacity will increase, mandating increased increased temperatures and drought, and climate more on the low level of local human impacts than useoftaxon-freemetricstoassesshowwellthat projections under a medium greenhouse gas emis- on the presence of Joshua trees. management is proceeding. sions scenario indicate that 90% of their suitable Paleontological data show that other histori- habitat in the park could be lost by 2100 (59). cal ecosystems have already begun to change and Conservation in novel ecosystems Climatically suitable areas may shift northward are vulnerable to future change, including fire- Landscapes that already fall outside historical and upslope, but the slow migration rate of Joshua dependent ecosystems across western North Amer- norms (Fig. 1D)—which in many cases is evident trees limits their ability to track their suitable ica and Amazon tropical rain forests, the latter even without consideration of fossil data (6, 14)— climatespace,especiallybecauseoneoftheirdis- of which can rapidly shift to savanna (Fig. 3). Com- may be candidates for restoration to a desired persal agents—Shasta ground sloths—is extinct. In parisons of species dispersal rates to past and historical state if the kinds of data described above this case, the fossil information implies that con- present velocity of climate change—the distance verify that the system has not been pushed ir- serving Joshua Tree National Park in its present per unit of time that a species would need to reparably beyond its millennial-scale variation in on February 22, 2017 Downloaded from

Fig. 4. Ecometrics in paleobiology. (A) Proportions of certain bones are 2006, turnover in the herpetofauna changed the mean (black line) and linked to land cover, land use, and topography through locomotor performance. standard deviation (gray bar) of tail-to-body length ratios. (D)Thechange (B) In mammalian carnivore communities, locomotor diversity can be measured illustrated in (C) was congruent with ecometric values associated with grass- by using the in- and out-levers of the limbs and is linked to vegetation cover land and forest ecosystems elsewhere (67). (E) Conversely, 19th-century de- (68, 70); in snakes, the same relationship can be measured with the ratio of tail forestation of Indiana extirpated many large mammalian carnivores, resulting to body length (67). (C) Changes in the variance and mean of these traits can in a loss of locomotor diversity, measured as the standard deviation (gray be assessed for congruence with changes in community composition and land bars) of the out-to-in-lever ratio. (F) The loss of locomotor diversity can be cover. For example, when land acquired by the University of Kansas was mapped to identify other regions (dark gray shading) that may have been allowed to revert from agricultural grassland to forest between 1947 and similarly affected (68).

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taxonomic composition and abundance (10). This with atmospheric ), and and environmental parameter be firmly estab- maybethecase,forexample,ifthecurrentsys- shape (a proxy for resistance to herbivore use lished, which so far has only been done for rel- tem can be returned to its long-term state by and whether or not the leaf wax hardened in a atively few traits, especially in vertebrate animals. reintroducing key taxa or genotypes. Where res- sunny or shady environment). -based traits Future research that expanded the suite of useful toration is not possible or desirable (Fig. 1E)— include dental morphology (which is a proxy for traits would be valuable. the situation for perhaps most of the ecosystems diet), locomotor attributes (which show distinct Taxon-free paleontological measures can also on the half of the planet that humans have trans- differences in different environments) (Fig. 4), reveal whether the potential for delivery of eco- formed and that are changing even more under and body size (which can reflect climate varia- system services is being sustained in novel eco- current anthropogenic pressures—novel ecosys- bles and ). By focusing on such traits, systems by tracking metrics that reflect ecological tems also provide many conservation opportunities it becomes possible to assess the ability of taxa processes over centennial to millennial time scales, (6). By definition, novel ecosystems are distinct to persist in particular places under particular such as nutrient cycling, biomass, crop production, with respect to past ecosystems in terms of tax- scenarios of rapid environmental change. This , climate regulation, timber, and coast- onomic composition; thus, in these cases taxon- in turn helps in identifying suitable candidates al protection (43). Geologically based proxies can free instead of taxon-based approaches provide and locations for managed relocation, restoration, track nutrient cycling, soil formation and stabi- the most effective applications of paleontological and rewilding programs (Fig. 1, example E2). lization, and erosion (43). As an example, a suite data to inform conservation strategies. For example, in mammalian carnivore com- of 50 paleoenvironmental proxies demonstrated For example, paleontological analyses have munities, locomotor diversity is known to be that since the year 1800, rapid economic growth shown that certain body-mass distributions (34), linked to vegetation cover (68, 70), which pro- and population increases since the mid-20th cen- biomasspatterns(29), numbers of species within vides a valuable predictor of which carnivore spe- tury coincided with environmental degradation trophic and size categories (33, 34), abundance cies will be best suited to areas where climate in the lower Yangtze Basin, China (44). patterns (61), and ecological networks (62, 63) change or other human impacts substantially Last, taxon-free paleontological data are crit- are characteristic of mammal communities that alter plant communities, and also a metric by ical for understanding whether certain ecosystems persist for thousands to millions of years, irre- which to identify ecologically impoverished sys- are approaching ecological thresholds (10, 45)— spective of the constituent species. This knowl- tems (Fig. 4). The application of such techniques so-called “tipping points,” as demonstrated by anal- edge can answer critical questions, which abound, requires that the linkage between a given trait ysis of diatoms, pollen, and sediments from lake about the design and long-term viability of novel ecosystems by considering the constituent species on February 22, 2017 primarily in terms of ecological function rather than taxonomic identity. In urban settings, for example, do domestic cats carry out the function of extirpated or extinct meso-predators, keeping rodent and populations in check, which would indicate healthy ecological function, or is their impact greater than previously present meso-predators, which might degrade ecosystem health? In ranchlands, is the biomass of live- stock within the bounds of long-term megafauna variation, which once included mammoths and other extinct large , or is the biomass of livestock presently greater? In managed relo- cation experiments, how will the transferred species affect trophic structure and ecological networks of the target ecosystems? And in re- wilding initiatives—which can range from re- placing “missing” taxa with the same species [for example, wolves in Yellowstone and the Re-

wilding effort (64)] to building ecosys- Downloaded from tems from scratch by using functional analogs of extinct species (65)—what trophic structures and ecological networks will maximize biodiversity and ecosystem services and yield a system that is functionally robust to perturbations, thus keep- ing maintenance costs at a minimum? Because taxon-free metrics can often be related to environmental parameters with statistical sig- nificance, they offer opportunities for under- standing which kinds of species are likely to thrive in which regions as biota adjust to rapidly chang- ing environmental conditions (Fig. 4). Such mea- Fig. 5. Pressures affecting wild . (A) Only ~3800 wild tigers remain, confined to only 7% (dark sures have been applied in modern community green) of their historic (light green) geographic range (the white arrow shows the region of Ranthambore ecology (54, 66). In conservation paleobiology, National Park). (B) Present geographic range of wild tigers (white outline) overlain on a map of crop and they have been called “ecometrics” (37, 67–69) lands (darker shades of purple indicate more intensive agricultural use), and on (C) (red outline) and include studies of both plants and animals, a map of human population density, where darker blues indicate higher density, ranging from ≤1 person/km2 with a focus on functional traits that are frequent- in the lightest colored regions to >10,000 people/km2 in the darkest. (D) Tigers remain mainly in the least ly preserved in the fossil record. For plants, this densely populated areas, or in reserves located in novel ecosystems, such as this individual in Ranthambore includes leaf size and shape (reflects precipitation National Park, India. By 2050, at least one half billion more people are projected to populate regions that

PHOTO: (D) ABHINAVpatterns), TYAGI stomatal index (measures equilibrium include reserves.

Barnosky et al., Science 355, eaah4787 (2017) 10 February 2017 6of10 RESEARCH | REVIEW cores, which identified a match between math- ematical models and an ecological state-shift in Yunnan, China. Another example comes from Pennsylvania,USA,wherefeedbacksthatcaused deforestationinoneareatriggeredanecological state-shiftinanadjacentarea(10). The utility of such taxon-free approaches for USA conservation paleobiology and predictive ecol- ogy has been demonstrated over the past dec- ade by many case studies (71). A challenge going forward will be to develop a coherent theoretical framework that takes into account such impor- tant relationships as the underlying trait distri- bution, performance filters that define trait fitness in varying environments, how traits will perform as environments change (71), spatial and temporal scaling and , and inter- and intra- USA specific variability in trait distribution and per- CANADA formance (72). Canada

Emerging conservation applications national parks for paleobiology bird sanctuaries areas Conservation genetics is now being enhanced provincial parks through studies of ancient DNA (56, 73). Besides establishing the long-term range of genetic di- versity, population fluctuation, and as USA on February 22, 2017 noted above for Yellowstone rodents (Fig. 1, ex- ample E1) (73), paleontological studies also have national parks resulted in new methods applicable to contem- national forests porary conservation problems, notably coalescent simulation analysis. This technique was devel- wildlife refuges oped to understand the relative contributions of gene flow and population size in explaining Bureau of Land Management observed fluctuations in genetic diversity chron- Department of Defense icled in ancient DNA (73, 74) but is now informing conservation strategies for presently threatened state parks species. A case in point is one of the world’siconic mammals, tigers (Panthera tigris)(Fig.5).Most tigers live in zoos and other captive situations; Mexico only ~3800 remain in the wild, and many of USA those are confined to novel ecosystems such as national parks Ranthambore National Park, which has been other federal protected heavily used by humans for more than a thousand years. Such small reserves can support just a few state protected individuals, which has led to dwindling genetic

diversity within populations. It has been unclear Downloaded from whether such bottlenecks presage extinction of Private Initiative tigers even in the few remaining habitats set aside for them. Coalescent simulation analyses Yellowstone to Yukon used to forecast into the future instead of inter- preting the past indicate that without substantial gene flow between reserves, reduced diversity will likely imperil tigers by the next century, but that diversity can be maintained and perhaps 0500 MEXICO even enhanced by aggressively maintaining func- Km tional connectivity, physically moving individuals, and prioritizing breeding among reserves world- wide (19). Global conservation efforts thus far, Fig. 6. The importance of conservation corridors. Climate change and jurisdictional differences however, tend to prioritize tiger numbers over challenge corridor design. The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (purple outline) spans eco- connectivity, or focus on maintaining the “purity” systems rapidly transforming from increasing wildfire frequency and forest mortality, both triggered by of the genetic composition of tiger subspecies. global climate change, and two nations where private land confers varying property rights and federal Fossils have also figured prominently in ex- protected areas are managed by different government agencies. Although multiple jurisdictions com- perimentation with so-called “de-extinction” (75)— plicate enhancing connectivity, such diversity can also contribute to success when the goals of maximizing efforts to reconstruct facsimiles of species that hu- biodiversity, ecosystem services, and preserving wilderness come into conflict because each stakeholder mans have driven to extinction either recently (pas- may choose to optimize a different goal, while still contributing to the overall effect of providing a piece of senger pigeons) or in the deeper past (mammoths). the corridor.

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Although such efforts may eventually create sci- to hindcast where species could have occurred tant in the future. The path forward requires entific curiosities, their conservation applications over the past several thousand years (35, 42)re- enhanced use of information from the fossil and are at best limited (29), given that (i) the created veals that in many cases, existing models do not rock records in conservation planning and prac- genomes would be mostly composed of the base adequately project where species may move in tice, combined with the coordination of conser- pairs of the nearest living relatives of the extinct the future. In addition, incorporating prehistoric vation efforts situated in historical and novel species; (ii) epigenetic effects are not yet well distributional information helps quantify the prob- ecosystems. Future efforts need to clearly dif- understood; (iii) only a few individuals of a given ability of errors (10). Using the fossil record to ferentiate between historical and novel ecosys- species could be engineered because the process refine species distribution models requires pa- tems, identify key resiliencies and features of is both time-consuming (because of gestation rameterizing the climate models with appropriate past ecosystems that may be generally applica- times) and very expensive; (iv) imparting the boundary conditions as well as adequate dating ble to the future, and characterize the functional learned behavior that offspring gain from parental control, which is now routinely achievable with interactions that persist in ecosystems for at least teachingwouldbeimpossible,becausethatknowl- accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates thousands of years. All of these tasks require edge went extinct with the lost species; (v) the that place the age of critical fossils within decades. integrating information from paleobiology, Earth ecosystems that supported many extinct species The paleobiological approach can further im- sciences, and conservation biology through use no longer exist, so survival outside of prove species distribution models by incorporat- of both taxon-based and taxon-free analyses that would be difficult or impossible; and (vi) prevent- ing information on trait-environment connections allow parallel characterization and comparison ing the extinction of extant species and habitats and/or persistent associations of taxa—that is, of contemporary and past ecosystems. Taxon-free numbering in the thousands already is challeng- groups of two or more taxa that co-occur in fossil methods—which allow comparisons of functional ing, so the prospects of sustaining “de-extincted” localities distributed widely through time and attributes of past, present, and future ecosystems, species are poor at best. Genetic engineering to space. Current models rely primarily on climatic regardless of the species involved—may prove simulate extinct life also raises ethical and legal parameters alone to estimate niche space. Such especially useful for conservationeffortsinnovel concerns for many (76). paleontologically enhanced species distribution ecosystems and for calibrating the extent of models can also be helpful in informing efforts functional change that historical ecosystems to relocate species into suitable environments, will experience under ongoing and future global Whether invasive species substantially alter eco- ranging from managed relocation experiments pressures. In addition to implementing these logical structure and function is a critical conser- that aim to save threatened species to choosing new approaches to conservation, it will be es- vation question that can only be answered with which trees to plant in urban and suburban land- sentialtodealwiththerootcausesofthecon- on February 22, 2017 a paleontological perspective. For instance, in scaping in order to jump-start dispersal in antic- servation crisis—rapid human population growth, California grassland ecosystems, historic cattle ipation of future climatic conditions. overconsumption of goods and resources, and introduction transformed historic ecosystems into Even with ideal corridors, however, species climate change—in order to keep nature diverse, novel ones; as cattle populations grew, grazing will not all respond in concert as climate changes, adaptive, and able to fulfill the needs of the bil- megafauna biomass rose far above prehistoric a lesson made clear by the fossil record (10). lions of people for whom Earth is the only home. levels, precipitating a functional shift in grazing Some species will move quickly, some slowly, REFERENCES AND NOTES pressure that favored replacement of native an- and some not at all, and species will key on dif- 1. 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Barnosky et al., Science 355, eaah4787 (2017) 10 February 2017 10 of 10 Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems Anthony D. Barnosky, Elizabeth A. Hadly, Patrick Gonzalez, Jason Head, P. David Polly, A. Michelle Lawing, Jussi T. Eronen, David D. Ackerly, Ken Alex, Eric Biber, Jessica Blois, Justin Brashares, Gerardo Ceballos, Edward Davis, Gregory P. Dietl, Rodolfo Dirzo, Holly Doremus, Mikael Fortelius, Harry W. Greene, Jessica Hellmann, Thomas Hickler, Stephen T. Jackson, Melissa Kemp, Paul L. Koch, Claire Kremen, Emily L. Lindsey, Cindy Looy, Charles R. Marshall, Chase Mendenhall, Andreas Mulch, Alexis M. Mychajliw, Carsten Nowak, Uma Ramakrishnan, Jan Schnitzler, Kashish Das Shrestha, Katherine Solari, Lynn Stegner, M. Allison Stegner, Nils Chr. Stenseth, Marvalee H. Wake and Zhibin Zhang (February 9, 2017) Science 355 (6325), . [doi: 10.1126/science.aah4787] Editor's Summary

Looking back to move forward The current impacts of humanity on nature are rapid and destructive, but species turnover and change have occurred throughout the . Although there is much debate about the best approaches to take in conservation, ultimately, we need to permit or enhance the resilience of natural systems so that they can continue to adapt and function into the future. In a Review, Barnosky et al. argue that the best way to do this is to look back at paleontological history as a way to understand how on February 22, 2017 ecological resilience is maintained, even in the face of change. Science, this issue p. eaah4787

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