Robert Ludlum,Gayle Lynds | 553 pages | 01 Nov 2011 | St Martin's Press | 9780312547042 | English | New York, United States Covert One: The Hades Factor (TV Mini-Series – ) - IMDb

Episode Guide. While in a retrieve operation of a virus in Berlin, the Covert One agent Rachel Russell is double-crossed by two dirty agents; she kills them and escapes, trying to find a hiding place and Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. I saw these movies. Talvez Assistir TV Series. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Stephen Dorff Jon Smith 2 episodes, Mira Sorvino Rachel Russel 2 episodes, Blair Underwood Palmer Addison 2 episodes, Sophia Myles Sophie Amsden 2 episodes, Danny Huston Frank Klein 2 episodes, Colm Meaney Peter Howell 2 episodes, Josh Hopkins Bill Griffin 2 episodes, Jeffrey DeMunn Steven Haldane 2 episodes, President 2 episodes, Rosemary Dunsmore Nancy Langford 2 episodes, Joris Jarsky Tom Fancher 2 episodes, Conrad Dunn Ghalib Hassan 2 episodes, Sergio Di Zio Marty Zeller 2 episodes, Karen Glave Crowthers 2 episodes, Jonathan Higgins Culver 2 episodes, Tony Nappo Ubayy 2 episodes, Christian Laurin Marcel Jolivet 2 episodes, Philip Craig Diane Anderson 2 episodes, Lukas Penar Gunther Lindgren 2 episodes, Craig Eldridge Jim Brecker 2 episodes, Philip Akin Olmstead 2 episodes, David Eisner Professor Allen Carey 2 episodes, Arnold Pinnock Dick Simon 2 episodes, Grahame Wood Paul Selway 2 episodes, Ralph Small Desai 2 episodes, Tannis Burnett Sharon 2 episodes, Fulvio Cecere Army Major 2 episodes, Moody El-Karaquni Nusraht 2 episodes, Azdin Zaman Jalal 2 episodes, Tareef Marei Fariq 2 episodes, Sven Van de Ven Hans Bauer 2 episodes, Derek Keurvorst Gerhardt 2 episodes, Steve Boyle Agent Lovering 2 episodes, George Ghali Mullah Niaz 2 episodes, David L. Darell 2 episodes, Elie Gemael Piet Oran 2 episodes, Sandra Forsell Carmen 2 episodes, Mike Daly Mike Alton 2 episodes, Duane Murray Covert 1 Van Driver 2 episodes, Goran Gurdulic Nikolai Ramaan 2 episodes, Carl Barlow Dulles Immigration Agent 1 2 episodes, Rafal Janowski German Police Officer 2 episodes, Joel Rinzler Persidential Aide 2 episodes, Al Maini Old Arab Man 2 episodes, Hrant Alianak Al- Fulani 2 episodes, Lee Rumohr Gus 2 episodes, Osamah Ali Afghan Boy 2 episodes, Faris Sinjab Kabul Boy 2 episodes, Milton Barnes Covert 1 Tech 1 2 episodes, Paul Amato Hidden categories: Pages using infobox television with editor parameter Pages using infobox television with nonstandard dates. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. DVD Cover. Mick Jackson. United States. English French German. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. External Sites. Sign In. Covert One: The Hades Factor —. You would think with the massive success of the 'Bourne' franchise, studios would be falling over themselves to develop anything by Robert Ludlum to the big screen but it has been slow going. But the wheels have been turning on " The Osterman Weekend " for a long time now and a new director has taken the film. Smith " the thriller centers on John Tanner , who is told by a reporter that his friends aren't who they say they are. The reporter then turns up dead,. The list of films are below the video. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery 2. [PDF] [EPUB] The Hades Factor (Covert-One, #1) Download

None of that bothered the stout, motherly woman in the first row. She beamed up at the girl, and when the scene ended to polite applause, her clapping rang resoundingly. At the final curtain, she leaped to her feet to applaud. She went around to the stage door to wait as the cast emerged in twos and threes to meet parents, boyfriends, and girlfriends. This was the last performance of the annual school play, and they were flushed with triumph, eager for the cast party that would last long into the night. Billie Jo had been sniffling and coughing for more than a week but had insisted on performing anyway. By the time they reached the house, she was rubbing her eyes and groaning. Two red fever spots showed on her cheeks. Frantic, her terrified mother unlocked the front door and raced inside to dial The police told her to leave the girl in the car and keep her warm and quiet. The paramedics arrived in three minutes. In the ambulance, as the siren screamed through the Atlanta streets, the girl moaned and writhed on the gurney, struggling for breath. Fort Irwin, Barstow, California The California high desert in early October was as uncertain and changeable as the orders of a new second lieutenant with his first platoon. It had been a hot day and her husband, Keith, had taken a good nap. He had been fighting a heavy cold for two weeks, and she hoped the sun and warmth would clear it up once and for all. Her flower beds bloomed with late summer flowers that defied the harsh wilderness of thorny gray-green mesquite, yucca, creosote, and cacti growing among the black rocks of the beige desert. Phyllis hummed to herself as she put macaroni into the microwave. She listened for the footsteps of her husband coming down the stairs. The major had night operations tonight. But the stumbling clatter sounded more like Keith Jr. After all, it was Friday night. Her husband, partially dressed in desert camouflage, staggered into the warm kitchen. He was dripping with sweat, and his hands squeezed his head as if to keep it from exploding. She tore out of the kitchen. Without knocking, she yanked open the side door of the house next to theirs and burst into the kitchen. Paul Novak and his wife, Judy, gaped. Judy, come watch the kids. Captain Novak and his wife were right behind. When called to action, a soldier learns to ask no questions. In the kitchen of the Anderson house, the Novaks took in the scene instantly. Judy Novak ran up the stairs to where the two children were in their bedrooms getting ready to enjoy an evening out. Phyllis Anderson and Novak picked up the gasping major. Blood trickled out from his nose. He was semiconscious, moaning, unable to speak. Carrying him, they rushed across the lawn to the parked car. Novak took the wheel, and Phyllis climbed into the rear beside her husband. His eyes stared up at her in agony as he fought for air. Traffic parted like an infantry company with the tanks coming through. Three hours later he was dead. In the case of sudden, unexplained death in the State of California, an autopsy was mandated. Because of the unusual circumstances of the death, the major was rushed to the morgue. But as soon as the army pathologist opened the chest cavity, massive quantities of blood erupted, spraying him. He jumped to his feet, snapped off his rubber gloves, and ran out of the autopsy chamber to his office. He grabbed the phone. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Explore Now. Buy As Gift. Overview Robert Ludlum has been acclaimed as the master of. About the Author. He was also the creator of the Covert-One series. Gayle Lynds is the bestselling, award-winning author of several international espionage thrillers, including Masquerade, The Coil, and The Last Spymaster. She lives in Santa Barbara. Date of Birth: May 25, Date of Death: March 12, Place of Death: Naples, Florida. Education: B. Show More. Read an Excerpt P. Related Searches. Cain at Gettysburg: A Novel. Winner of the American Library Association's W. Lee and the other by dour George Meade. They'll meet in a View Product. The Cry of the Halidon: A Novel. All Dunstone Limited requires is his time, his expertise, and his absolute secrecy. The Gemini Contenders: A Novel. Salonika, Greece: December In the dead of night, a clandestine order of monks embarks In the dead of night, a clandestine order of monks embarks on a desperate mission: to transport a mysterious vault to a hiding place high in the Italian Alps. The sinister cache, concealed for centuries, could As the Civil War rages on, President Lincoln desperately seeks a commander to defeat the As the Civil War rages on, President Lincoln desperately seeks a commander to defeat the seemingly invincible Confederate general, Robert E. Lee, whose army has invaded Pennsylvania. The Icarus Agenda: A Novel. I'm never expecting literature, but I figure a decent writer, hack though they may be, has a duty to invest some life and personality into any product they put out. It's like a cook who has no interest in pleasing the taste-buds, so they simply churn out nutriloaf. Nearly every person in this story is supposed to be some kind of genius, many possessing a PHD or two. They never convey this through dialogue or actions, yet the narrator reminds us all that they have high stats and are wicked smart. This is more fuel for a growing theory of mine that writers who insist their characters are brilliant do so to cover up their own idiocy. This book was an utter chore, and it's one I'll leave unfinished. Every single thing that happened was buried in labored explanation, drawn out to the stretching point without any trace of levity or playfulness. You can't feel for the hero over the murder of his girlfriend as she was a non-character with an off-the-shelf romance who took too long to die anyway. To be clear: I hated everything about this book and I regret ever starting it. First, I should explain that I have read the book twice and seen the movie twice. Second, I am a big fan of Robert Ludlum's work. The story opens with the start of a plague. First a couple of soldiers die, then other people. Clearly easy to spread this disease and clearly it is deadly. No cure. Early the story takes on a mid-east terrorist theme and we begin to learn the disease is being spread by the First, I should explain that I have read the book twice and seen the movie twice. Early the story takes on a mid-east terrorist theme and we begin to learn the disease is being spread by the terrorists. As the team at "Covert One" a secret US government intelligence agency ramps-up, we learn that the terrorists have a method of deployment of this airborne virus that will be very effective. The story mostly focuses on where did the original virus come from and who is causing it to be spread. There are some plot twists slowing down the investigation like murder of some key people. While the story seems to be exclusively a bio-terrorist plot, there is a big plot twist where the terrorists are simply the agent of the people who are really behind the plot. A well told story with building suspense. Alot of reality in the story which is chilling to imagine this could really happen i. What if it spread widely? Yes, this is an exciting, suspenseful story. This is an exciting race against time to save the world! I highly recommend it! Jun 05, Somnath Banerjee rated it liked it. Standard covert-one novel. As usual the plot is good, like other novels of the series. A deliberately engineered lethal virus is spread to cause a pandemic, for financial profits and it kills the fiancee of Smith, the protagonist. He starts an investigation which leads to capture of the powerful nexus. The story is decently paced, but at times paused by emotional ramblings. My favorite character is Marty, the computer geek. I could spot some minor flaws in the story line. If I got the chronology Standard covert-one novel. If I got the chronology correct, Smith was attacked before Sophia got involved in the case, which has not reason. Attack on Smith should have been preceded by Sophia's involvement. Even if the author wanted to highlight it as a humanly mistake of the protagonist, it should have mentioned in third person. Overall a good book. Oct 21, Raashi Agarwal rated it it was amazing. First things first, the name suits the theme. An insidious virus that is waiting to unleash its true potential to turn the planet into the Hades. A thrilling odyssey involving the materialistic lust of Dr. Victor Tremont of Blanchard Pharmaceuticals for which he is willing to go to any lengths and Dr. Sophia Russel's fiance's and her sister's quest to end the pestilence and Dr. Tremont's diabolic plans make a riveting read. Besides this book sets the balls rolling for the Jonnathan Smith getting First things first, the name suits the theme. Besides this book sets the balls rolling for the Jonnathan Smith getting anointed to the Covert gang! A must read for people looking out for t. Oct 10, Kelly Bragg rated it liked it. Another Ludlum page-turner! I enjoyed the book, though it was a bit slow in the middle. Still, it did entice me to search out the next book in the Covert-One series! Mar 05, Jack Heath marked it as to-read Shelves: category-h-thriller. Synopsis: an unknown virus claims the lives of four people, including researcher Dr. Sophia Russell. Her fiance is certain it was no accident. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Although there are no specific spoilers from the story itself, this commentary may be considered a "conceptual spoiler" by some I enjoyed this book, but I have to admit to some mid- book annoyance at the parallels this story has to Ludlum's wildly successful Bourne franchise. Protagonist against the corrupt system After I accepted that Ludlum was working from a previously successful recipe and only slightly altering his ingredients, I looked to see if the new recipe was going to be an improvement, or if it was going to spiral down into the abyss occupied by the New Coke and other ill conceived reformulations. Happily for me, the reformulation appeared to be successful. In my opinion, the improvements over Bourne were mostly achieved by surrounding the protagonist with interesting proteges, as opposed to revisiting the one- unbelievably diversified -man-against-the-world premise. I realize that Bourne had proteges too, but he was the only person with relevant skills, whereas Dr Smith is capable in many ways, but his associates are each uniquely capable in areas he is not, thereby making Smith much more believable as a character. I wasn't blown away by this book, but I enjoyed it enough to do exactly what Ludlum hoped every reader would do; I'm going to read the second book in the series. Oct 06, Robert rated it liked it Shelves: suspense. As if I am not in the middle of enough series I thought I would start another one. My initial reaction was going towards four stars and then it went down a slippery slope to somewhere around 3 and a quarter. This is a very good book and very well written so why did I smack it down a bit? Well lets say this was a little on the PG, slipping towards the G rating. It seems like some of the situations where a good dose of violence should be doled out it was more like the bad guys just got a spanking As if I am not in the middle of enough series I thought I would start another one. It seems like some of the situations where a good dose of violence should be doled out it was more like the bad guys just got a spanking and then were sent on there way. There is some violence so I may have to say it would lean more towards the PG rating. Anyhow I will pick up the next in the series at some point in time just to see where this is going to lead off to. Maybe after I read something a bit more disturbing and am looking for a lighter read. Oct 27, Mad Scientist rated it it was ok Shelves: military-espionage. I was disappointed. The story itself was OK, but the whole "Covert-One" aspect was literally first touched in the Epilogue. It felt like a marketing gimmick added to an existing novel. I'll try another book in this series; however I will likely avoid this author in the future. Gayle Lynds, not Robert Ludlum So, I went back and downloaded The Hades Factor, the first in the series. It 19s pretty standard Ludlum: Fun to read especially as an audiobook , enjoyable characters only somewhat believable , and hard to put down. Since I have a audible. Should I read more really good fiction? Army Lt. As the story continues we find that the criminals were sent by the rogue executive of a pharmaceutical company which is responsible for the virus. Jan 28, Gus rated it it was ok. This novel is why you can judge a book by its cover, I thought this novel was written by Ludlum and in the first couple of chapters I was wondering how someone who wrote such rubbish could be so successful and then I read the front cover. It seems that these thriller authors cannot write about a relationship without sounding as though they are reading it out of a high school year book. Will have to read a real This novel is why you can judge a book by its cover, I thought this novel was written by Ludlum and in the first couple of chapters I was wondering how someone who wrote such rubbish could be so successful and then I read the front cover. Will have to read a real Ludlum now but will make sure never to fall for that trick again. Oct 16, Dennis Wales rated it it was ok. This was a bit of a disappointment. If it didn't have Ludlum's name I might give it 3 stars, but for a Ludlum novel it is not that great. I did enjoy it, and I did go ahead and finish it, and most books that aren't so good don't make it that far and don't get a review from me anyway. I'm not sure if I will go for the next in the series, although I am slightly interested. What I may do instead is read a novel that he actually wrote himself without an understudy doing most of it for him. View 2 comments. Sep 21, William rated it it was ok. Interesting premise with the deliberate plague of a virus especially with the current Ebola scare, but not a very good read. Full of the hero that can do no wrong. He goes from one improbable super heroic action to the next with very few pages between. Accompanied, of course, by the predicable and improbable tough female. All while moping over the loss of his true love to the bad guys. Oh well, the book was worth what I paid for it 0. Jul 30, GymGuy rated it liked it Shelves: political-thriller. Have to say this reads somewhat like a "Dukes of Hazard" script. Tons of random action, chasing here and there and everywhere, quirky characters, improbable situations, black-and-white characters. I also got really, really tired of all the emotional diversions. Other than that, not a bad read, just not super. I generally stick to books with a 4. This one was 3. Now I know why I stick with 4. Aug 12, Scott rated it it was ok. I really wish this whole post-Ludlum thing hadn't happened. The few novels I've read since his death follow his formula perfectly, but none of them have the magic that was Ludlum. While his books all followed the same pattern, his style made each of them special. These feel like cheap knockoffs. Mar 26, Robb Coulter rated it liked it. The covert one series is somewhat Ludlum like but lacks the overall gravitas of his Bourne books. Good read and has its exciting moments. I guess we cannot expect someone to truly carry on in Mr. Ludlums footsteps. Jan 11, William rated it really liked it. Interesting plot. Exactly what I want from a Ludlum book. Awesome Heart pumping action from start to finish. It is AM. Couldn't put it down. Cannot wait for the next one. Jul 26, Legal Hermit rated it liked it. This was a difficult book to rate and I wavered between three stars and four stars for awhile before settling finally on four. While there is nothing particularly spectacular about the book and it certainly wasn't thought provoking or intriguing, it was certainly a lot of fun. This is a classic thriller with a fast- paced plot with lots of different background elements playing into the relatively simple plot. I know Ludlum wrote the Bourne novels, which is why I picked this particularly book up a This was a difficult book to rate and I wavered between three stars and four stars for awhile before settling finally on four. I know Ludlum wrote the Bourne novels, which is why I picked this particularly book up at a used bookstore for free. And I was pleasantly surprised to find the book was indeed as fast paced and action packed as the Bourne movies. Now I think I'm going to have to go out and find the Bourne novels in order to see if I enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the movies and this book. In any case, I'm going to keep my eyes open for more in the series though I'm satisfied with just leaving the series with this stand-alone novel. Readers also enjoyed. About Robert Ludlum. Robert Ludlum. Robert Ludlum was the author of twenty-seven novels, each one a New York Times bestseller. There are more than million of his books in print, and they have been translated into thirty-two languages. Ludlum passed away in March, Ludlum also published books under the pseudonyms Jonathan Ryder and Michael Shepherd. A non-Ludlum book supposedly inspired by his unused notes, Covert One: The Hades Factor , has also been made into a mini-series. The Bourne movies, starring Matt Damon in the title role, have been commercially and critically successful The Bourne Ultimatum won three in , although the story lines depart significantly from the source material. Covert One: The Hades Factor - Wikipedia

Talvez Assistir TV Series. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Stephen Dorff Jon Smith 2 episodes, Mira Sorvino Rachel Russel 2 episodes, Blair Underwood Palmer Addison 2 episodes, Sophia Myles Sophie Amsden 2 episodes, Danny Huston Frank Klein 2 episodes, Colm Meaney Peter Howell 2 episodes, Josh Hopkins Bill Griffin 2 episodes, Jeffrey DeMunn Steven Haldane 2 episodes, Anjelica Huston President 2 episodes, Rosemary Dunsmore Nancy Langford 2 episodes, Joris Jarsky Tom Fancher 2 episodes, Conrad Dunn Ghalib Hassan 2 episodes, Sergio Di Zio Marty Zeller 2 episodes, Karen Glave Crowthers 2 episodes, Jonathan Higgins Culver 2 episodes, Tony Nappo Ubayy 2 episodes, Christian Laurin Marcel Jolivet 2 episodes, Philip Craig Diane Anderson 2 episodes, Lukas Penar Gunther Lindgren 2 episodes, Craig Eldridge Jim Brecker 2 episodes, Philip Akin Olmstead 2 episodes, David Eisner Professor Allen Carey 2 episodes, Arnold Pinnock Dick Simon 2 episodes, Grahame Wood Paul Selway 2 episodes, Ralph Small Desai 2 episodes, Tannis Burnett Sharon 2 episodes, Fulvio Cecere Army Major 2 episodes, Moody El- Karaquni Nusraht 2 episodes, Azdin Zaman Jalal 2 episodes, Tareef Marei Fariq 2 episodes, Sven Van de Ven Hans Bauer 2 episodes, Derek Keurvorst Gerhardt 2 episodes, Steve Boyle Agent Lovering 2 episodes, George Ghali Mullah Niaz 2 episodes, David L. Darell 2 episodes, Elie Gemael Piet Oran 2 episodes, Sandra Forsell Carmen 2 episodes, Mike Daly Mike Alton 2 episodes, Duane Murray Covert 1 Van Driver 2 episodes, Goran Gurdulic Nikolai Ramaan 2 episodes, Carl Barlow Dulles Immigration Agent 1 2 episodes, Rafal Janowski German Police Officer 2 episodes, Joel Rinzler Persidential Aide 2 episodes, Al Maini Old Arab Man 2 episodes, Hrant Alianak Al- Fulani 2 episodes, Lee Rumohr Gus 2 episodes, Osamah Ali Afghan Boy 2 episodes, Faris Sinjab Kabul Boy 2 episodes, Milton Barnes Covert 1 Tech 1 2 episodes, Paul Amato Sue Anderson 2 episodes, Matt Birman Background 2 episodes, Hakan Coskuner Guantanamo Prisoner 2 episodes, Albert Duic Leblanc 2 episodes, Garnet Harding 2 episodes, Marvin Ishmael Moderator 2 episodes, Fenulla Jiwani Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. DVD Cover. Mick Jackson. United States. English French German. Sherri Saito. Ivan Strasburg. But the stumbling clatter sounded more like Keith Jr. After all, it was Friday night. Her husband, partially dressed in desert camouflage, staggered into the warm kitchen. He was dripping with sweat, and his hands squeezed his head as if to keep it from exploding. She tore out of the kitchen. Without knocking, she yanked open the side door of the house next to theirs and burst into the kitchen. Paul Novak and his wife, Judy, gaped. Judy, come watch the kids. Captain Novak and his wife were right behind. When called to action, a soldier learns to ask no questions. In the kitchen of the Anderson house, the Novaks took in the scene instantly. Judy Novak ran up the stairs to where the two children were in their bedrooms getting ready to enjoy an evening out. Phyllis Anderson and Novak picked up the gasping major. Blood trickled out from his nose. He was semiconscious, moaning, unable to speak. Carrying him, they rushed across the lawn to the parked car. Novak took the wheel, and Phyllis climbed into the rear beside her husband. His eyes stared up at her in agony as he fought for air. Traffic parted like an infantry company with the tanks coming through. Three hours later he was dead. In the case of sudden, unexplained death in the State of California, an autopsy was mandated. Because of the unusual circumstances of the death, the major was rushed to the morgue. But as soon as the army pathologist opened the chest cavity, massive quantities of blood erupted, spraying him. He jumped to his feet, snapped off his rubber gloves, and ran out of the autopsy chamber to his office. He grabbed the phone. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Explore Now. Buy As Gift. Overview Robert Ludlum has been acclaimed as the master of. About the Author. He was also the creator of the Covert-One series. Gayle Lynds is the bestselling, award-winning author of several international espionage thrillers, including Masquerade, The Coil, and The Last Spymaster. She lives in Santa Barbara. Date of Birth: May 25, Date of Death: March 12, Place of Death: Naples, Florida. Education: B. Show More. Read an Excerpt P. Related Searches. Cain at Gettysburg: A Novel. Winner of the American Library Association's W. Lee and the other by dour George Meade. They'll meet in a View Product. The Cry of the Halidon: A Novel. All Dunstone Limited requires is his time, his expertise, and his absolute secrecy. The Gemini Contenders: A Novel. Salonika, Greece: December

Covert One: The Hades Factor () - News - IMDb

Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. While in a retrieve operation of a virus in Berlin, the Covert One agent Rachel Russell is double-crossed by two dirty agents; she kills them and escapes, trying to find a hiding place and Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. I saw these movies. Talvez Assistir TV Series. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Stephen Dorff Jon Smith 2 episodes, Mira Sorvino Rachel Russel 2 episodes, Blair Underwood Palmer Addison 2 episodes, Sophia Myles Sophie Amsden 2 episodes, Danny Huston Frank Klein 2 episodes, Colm Meaney Peter Howell 2 episodes, Josh Hopkins Bill Griffin 2 episodes, Jeffrey DeMunn Steven Haldane 2 episodes, Anjelica Huston President 2 episodes, Rosemary Dunsmore Nancy Langford 2 episodes, Joris Jarsky Tom Fancher 2 episodes, Conrad Dunn Ghalib Hassan 2 episodes, Sergio Di Zio Marty Zeller 2 episodes, Karen Glave Crowthers 2 episodes, Jonathan Higgins Culver 2 episodes, Tony Nappo Ubayy 2 episodes, Christian Laurin Marcel Jolivet 2 episodes, Philip Craig Diane Anderson 2 episodes, Lukas Penar Gunther Lindgren 2 episodes, Craig Eldridge Jim Brecker 2 episodes, Philip Akin Olmstead 2 episodes, David Eisner Professor Allen Carey 2 episodes, Arnold Pinnock Dick Simon 2 episodes, Grahame Wood Paul Selway 2 episodes, Ralph Small Desai 2 episodes, Tannis Burnett Sharon 2 episodes, Fulvio Cecere Army Major 2 episodes, Moody El-Karaquni Nusraht 2 episodes, Azdin Zaman Jalal 2 episodes, Tareef Marei Fariq 2 episodes, Sven Van de Ven Hans Bauer 2 episodes, Derek Keurvorst Gerhardt 2 episodes, Steve Boyle Agent Lovering 2 episodes, George Ghali Mullah Niaz 2 episodes, David L. Darell 2 episodes, Elie Gemael Piet Oran 2 episodes, Sandra Forsell Carmen 2 episodes, Mike Daly Mike Alton 2 episodes, Duane Murray Covert 1 Van Driver 2 episodes, Goran Gurdulic Nikolai Ramaan 2 episodes, Carl Barlow Dulles Immigration Agent 1 2 episodes, Rafal Janowski German Police Officer 2 episodes, Joel Rinzler Persidential Aide 2 episodes, Al Maini Old Arab Man 2 episodes, Hrant Alianak Al- Fulani 2 episodes, Lee Rumohr I have to complete this series. One of the best book series that I've read. View all 8 comments. Jul 13, The Pirate Ghost Formerly known as the Curmudgeon rated it really liked it Shelves: action-adventure , audio-book , good-read , espionage. I love Robert Ludlum. This book has the oddest set of characters ever in a Robert Ludlum book of international intrigue. This is a better spy novel than most spy novels. Smith, morning the loss of his fiance' joins the hunt for her killer and finds out it was no lab accident. He has to call in every marker and favor from his past in counter espionage, a world he had thought he had left behind, to keep himself out of jail and alive long enough to save From a deadly viral killer. Some of the characters were, Clive Cusslerishly larger than life, but generally Gauyle Lynds and Ludlum manage to keep them under control. The story is generally tight and the pace moves from fast to feverishly fast. I enjoyed this book and the sequel very much. This isn't quite as cerebral as James Rollins if one can call action adventure "Cerebral" but it is very complex. It's a little weak on character development past the main three, all men, but there is potential to "flesh out" a couple more in future stories. More to it than your average germ-o-phobia case. Feb 04, Joan rated it it was amazing. Ludlum portrays the evil character in such a believable fashion. Pandemics, pandemonium, blackmail on a massive scale - what more could a reader ask for? Jan 26, Jeanne rated it it was ok. Basically a quick read, just grabbed it on the way out the door leaving for a trip , typical Ludlum but not as good as earlier ones , [Spoiler Alert] where the beautiful lover of protagonist is killed, which sets him off on a quest to find those responsible. Far-fetched plot of virulent virus that is purposely manufactured and spread by evil leader of pharmaceutical company so that he can become even more wealthy by "miraculously" and very conveniently having millions of doses of the cure av Basically a quick read, just grabbed it on the way out the door leaving for a trip , typical Ludlum but not as good as earlier ones , [Spoiler Alert] where the beautiful lover of protagonist is killed, which sets him off on a quest to find those responsible. Far-fetched plot of virulent virus that is purposely manufactured and spread by evil leader of pharmaceutical company so that he can become even more wealthy by "miraculously" and very conveniently having millions of doses of the cure available for a previously unknown virus--just a tad suspicious?!? There were some interesting characters, like Marty, the eccentric computer wizard, Peter the Brit, and Samson the Doberman guard dog but then I am biased toward Dobermans A long, long time ago, I had really enjoyed a few Ludlum novels, so I thought it might be time to read another of his books after originally thinking the plots and characters were getting too repetitive, so I had to quit reading them. Apparently, twenty years was not long enough time in between reading his stuff again. Maybe I'll try again in another twenty years. Sep 15, L. Krier rated it liked it. Someone else put it very eruditely. That just about sums up my feelings for it. If you like stereotypical characters, you're in for a real treat as they're all here in spades. Central Casting's perfect nerdy tech expert, complete with somewhat improbable autism. The ex-SAS officer who, together with his trained Doberman combat dog, is invin Someone else put it very eruditely. The ex-SAS officer who, together with his trained Doberman combat dog, is invincible against all the odds. I read this in French translation and I suspect the translator got a bit bored with it all as they made errors with character names in places which didn't help. It's a light and easy read, perfect for a long journey, or if you're laid up with some illness or injury. It's not brilliant, it's not original, but it's harmless fun, in a very Boys' Own sort of way. Did Ludlum himself write it or was his name just used to entice readers when most of the work was done by co-writer Gayle Lynds? Who knows, but if you're expecting classic Ludlum you may well be disappointed. May 24, Stewart Sternberg rated it liked it. I know Ludlum and this isn't Ludlum. We live in an age where authors have become brands after their death. Robert B. Parker, Robert Ludlum, James Patterson he's alive but his soul is spent. This novel is too long, there are too many plot holes, and the pacing is tedious. I can't belive I finished it. And I'll probably read another because I'm a masochist. A book I'd recommend to all. Three persons fall victim to an awful and deadly virus and the scientists can't seem to figure it out When Lt. Can he and his team figure it out and prevent it and the evil fools behind this whole ill scheme from gaining more victims? An exciting tale for thriller lovers Nov 04, Steve rated it really liked it Shelves: suspense-action. Great suspense, reads more like a down to earth Jason Bourne, rather than over the top James Bond. Action packed, even thought it is a little cliched with the fantastic looking people with haunted pasts ect ect. View 1 comment. Jul 20, Leothefox rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Nobody. Shelves: painfully-bad , stopped-reading. I usually finish every book I start, but I cried uncle on this one at page Well, for one, none of the people in it are really characters. Each player here is more like an action figure, given an appearance and a stat or two, but nothing to make them human. He burns for very bland revenge as he harries the plot of a villain who has a conspiracy working involving a virus. All of the villains are known to the reader and none of their allegiances are in question, since the book cheats out to cover what everybody does, says, and thinks. The story, like the writing, is purely mechanical. I'm never expecting literature, but I figure a decent writer, hack though they may be, has a duty to invest some life and personality into any product they put out. It's like a cook who has no interest in pleasing the taste-buds, so they simply churn out nutriloaf. Nearly every person in this story is supposed to be some kind of genius, many possessing a PHD or two. They never convey this through dialogue or actions, yet the narrator reminds us all that they have high stats and are wicked smart. This is more fuel for a growing theory of mine that writers who insist their characters are brilliant do so to cover up their own idiocy. This book was an utter chore, and it's one I'll leave unfinished. Every single thing that happened was buried in labored explanation, drawn out to the stretching point without any trace of levity or playfulness. You can't feel for the hero over the murder of his girlfriend as she was a non- character with an off-the-shelf romance who took too long to die anyway. To be clear: I hated everything about this book and I regret ever starting it. First, I should explain that I have read the book twice and seen the movie twice. Second, I am a big fan of Robert Ludlum's work. The story opens with the start of a plague. First a couple of soldiers die, then other people. Clearly easy to spread this disease and clearly it is deadly. No cure. Early the story takes on a mid-east terrorist theme and we begin to learn the disease is being spread by the First, I should explain that I have read the book twice and seen the movie twice. Early the story takes on a mid-east terrorist theme and we begin to learn the disease is being spread by the terrorists. As the team at "Covert One" a secret US government intelligence agency ramps-up, we learn that the terrorists have a method of deployment of this airborne virus that will be very effective. The story mostly focuses on where did the original virus come from and who is causing it to be spread. There are some plot twists slowing down the investigation like murder of some key people. While the story seems to be exclusively a bio-terrorist plot, there is a big plot twist where the terrorists are simply the agent of the people who are really behind the plot. A well told story with building suspense. Alot of reality in the story which is chilling to imagine this could really happen i. What if it spread widely? Yes, this is an exciting, suspenseful story. This is an exciting race against time to save the world! I highly recommend it! Jun 05, Somnath Banerjee rated it liked it. Standard covert-one novel. As usual the plot is good, like other novels of the series. A deliberately engineered lethal virus is spread to cause a pandemic, for financial profits and it kills the fiancee of Smith, the protagonist. He starts an investigation which leads to capture of the powerful nexus. The story is decently paced, but at times paused by emotional ramblings. My favorite character is Marty, the computer geek. I could spot some minor flaws in the story line. If I got the chronology Standard covert-one novel. Breaking and Entering 3. Wrong Turn 2: Dead End 4. Annapolis 5. Daylight 6. Platoon 7. The Invincible Iron Man 8. Tooth Fairy 9. 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