(Confirmed minutes) (Translation) Sai Kung District Council Housing, Planning and Development Committee Minutes of the Sixth Meeting in 2020

Date: 17 November 2020 (Tuesday) Time: 9:30 a.m. Venue: Conference Room of the Sai Kung District Council

Present From To Mr LEUNG Li (Chairman) 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHOI Ming-hei (Vice-Chairman) 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Ms CHAN Ka-lam, Debby 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHAN Wai-lit 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHAN Yiu-chor, Andrew 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHAU Yin-ming, Francis, BBS, MH 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHENG Chung-man 9:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHEUNG Chin-pang, Edwin 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHEUNG Mei-hung, Chris 9:50 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu 9:40 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHUN Hoi-shing 9:40 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHUNG Kam-lun 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr FAN Kwok-wai, Gary 9:30 a.m. 11:35 a.m. Ms FONG Kwok-shan, Christine 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Mr FUNG Kwan-on 10:20 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr HO Wai-hong, Stanley 9:40 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr LAI Ming-chak 9:35 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr LAI Wai-tong 9:35 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr LAM Siu-chung, Frankie 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr LAU Kai-hong 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Mr LEE Ka-yui 10:05 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr LEE Yin-ho, Ryan 9:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan 9:35 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr LUI Man-kwong 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr LUK Ping-choi 9:30 a.m. 10:35 a.m. Mr TSE Ching-fung 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Ms WONG Cheuk-nga, Valerie 9:35 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr WONG Shui-sang 9:30 a.m. 11:55 a.m. Mr YIP Brandon Kenneth 9:40 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr YU Tsun-ning 9:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Mr CHAN Yiu-wing, Yorick (Secretary) Executive Officer (District Council)1, Sai Kung District Office Ms LI Shin-yi, Michelle (Secretary Executive Officer (District Council)1 Designate, Sai Designate) Kung District Office

In Attendance Mr NG Wai-chung, Justin Assistant District Officer (Sai Kung)2, Sai Kung District Office Ms LAM Yee-mang, Dawn Senior Liaison Officer (2), Sai Kung District Office Ms CHAN Yin-ling, Cannes Liaison Officer i/c (Tseung Kwan O)South, Sai Kung District Office Mr. WONG Wai-lam, William Property Service Manager/S(Kowloon West and Sai Kung)5, Housing Department Mr. LEE Wing-keung Housing Manager/ Kowloon West and Sai Kung 9, Housing


Department Mr. CHOY Tak-shing, Dixon Senior Estate Surveyor/ Tseung Kwan O, District Lands Office, Sai Kung Miss KWAN Wai-ling, Jane Senior Town Planner/Sai Kung, Planning Department Mr BOEDIHARDJO Johnathan, Engineer/New Territories East (Distribution 3), Ding Chian Water Supplies Department Mr NG Hung-fai, Myron Assistant General Manager (Medium and Community Relations), Link Asset Management For agenda items Limited II(A) and (B), Ms YUEN Man-sum, Francine Manager (Community Relations), Link Asset V(A)(1) and Management Limited VI(C)(2) Mr CHEUNG Fung-hoi Officer (Community Relations), Link Asset Management Limited For agenda item Mr NG Sik-hay, Eddie Senior Executive Officer (Planning)34, Leisure and II(D) Cultural Services Department

Welcome Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all Members and attendees to the meeting.

I. Confirmation of Minutes of the 5th Housing, Planning and Development Committee (HPDC) Meeting held on 28 September 2020

2. The Chairman said the Secretariat had not received any proposed amendment before the meeting. There being no other proposed amendment, the Chairman declared that the above minutes were confirmed.

II. Matters Arising

(A) Request LINK to provide public scales at the markets in Sai Kung district (Paragraphs 244 to 247 of the minutes of the last meeting)

3. The Chairman welcomed the following representatives to the meeting:  Mr Myron NG, Assistant General Manager (Medium and Community Relations), Link Asset Management Limited (Link)  Ms Francine YUEN, Manager (Community Relations), Link  Mr CHEUNG Fung-hoi, Officer (Community Relations), Link

4. Mr Francis CHAU said individual outsourced markets had once been equipped with public scales, enquiring whether Link had currently encountered difficulties in arranging for the provision of public scales. He also hoped that Link would consider providing public scales at all of its markets.

5. Ms Christine FONG said she had expressed the hope that public scales would be provided at all markets in the district at past SKDC meetings. She enquired whether Link had encountered difficulties in the provision of public scales at its markets.

6. Mr Andrew CHAN said a public scale was provided at the chained supermarket in East Point City, and enquired whether Link had experienced difficulties in the provision of public scales.


7. Mr Myron NG, Public Affairs Assistant General Manager, Link, said in the past, public scales provided at markets managed by Link had been abused and damaged, which had resulted in inaccurate scale readings and had aroused disputes between shop tenants and customers. Furthermore, to reduce the public’s contact with public items during the epidemic, Link would not consider providing public scales again at markets under its direct management for the time being. Yet, it would examine the situation regularly in the future.

8. Mr CHUNG Kam-lun would like Link to explain in detail how the public scales had been abused.

9. Mr Myron NG of Link responded that some members of the public would throw food onto the public scale with great force, resulting in inaccuracy of scale readings.

10. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(B) Request the Link to build a ramp at the entrance of TKO-Gateway at Chung Ming Court to benefit more residents, thus building a community that is genuinely friendly (Paragraphs 313 to 314 of the minutes of the last meeting)

11. Ms Valerie WONG said she knew that the ramp at the entrance/exit near Chung Ming Court had been converted after being leased to the existing tenant of shop W003-W004. She enquired about the expiry date of the tenancy agreement of that shop tenant and whether Link would consider re-building a ramp that met the standards on barrier-free access (BFA) at that entrance/exit upon expiry of the tenancy agreement.

12. Mr Myron NG of Link said there were a total of three entrances/exits in the West Wing of TKO Gateway. At the entrance/exit of shop W011-W012, there was a ramp that met the standards on BFA, while a stairlift was provided at the entrance/exit next to shop W003-W004. The ramp outside shop W003-W004 was only for goods handling purpose and was not up to BFA standards. He suggested that persons who needed to use the stairlift ask for assistance from counter staff. If necessary, they could apply for common keys for free so as to operate the stairlift by themselves. Having noticed that the entrance/exit next to shop W011-W012 had higher pedestrian flows, he considered it a more convenient entrance/exit and suggested that persons in need use the ramp at that entrance/exit.

13. Ms Valerie WONG doubted the saying that the entrance/exit next to shop W011-W012 had higher pedestrian flows than that next to shop W003-W004. She also pointed out the low utilisation rate of the stairlift outside shop W003-W004, the long time taken to travel by the stairlift, and its inability to cater for persons using walking sticks, those with baby prams, etc. There had even been cases where residents had been trapped on the stairlift. She hoped that Link would consider providing a ramp that met BFA standards again at the entrance/exit next to shop W003-W004, which would not only benefit residents but also save the repair and maintenance costs of the stairlift.

14. The Chairman said the glass door at the entrance/exit adjacent to shop W011-W012 was a manual-operated swing door, which was inconvenient for wheelchair users. On the contrary, an automatic door with sensing device was provided at the entrance/exit adjacent to shop W003-W004 and was more convenient for wheelchair users, persons with baby prams, etc. He asked Link to consider the proposal mentioned by the Member.

15. Mr Myron NG of Link noted the relevant suggestions and would discuss with the


works section the proposal to convert the door at the entrance/exit next to shop W011-W012 into an automatic door with sensing device. Link would also examine the feasibility of converting the ramp into BFA upon expiry of the tenancy agreement of shop W003-W004.

16. Ms Valerie WONG enquired about the expiry date of the tenancy agreement of shop W003-W004 once again.

17. Mr Myron NG of Link said as he did not have the relevant information in hand, he would reply to Ms Valerie WONG after the meeting.

18. The Chairman asked Link to reply to Ms Valerie WONG after the meeting. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

19. The Chairman said as two agenda items were related to Link, namely “Request LINK to resolve the problem of narrow passageway outside the entrance of the post office at Choi Ming Shopping Centre” and “Request the Link to designate monthly fixed parking spaces and hourly parking spaces in the car park at Po Lam Estate” respectively, he suggested and Members agreed to advance the discussion on the two items.

Request LINK to resolve the problem of narrow passageway outside the entrance of the post office at Choi Ming Shopping Centre (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 176/20)

20. The Chairman said the motion was moved by he himself and seconded by Messrs Gary FAN, CHUNG Kam-lun, Frankie LAM, LUI Man-kwong, LAI Ming-chak, LAI Wai-tong, FUNG Kwan-on, and CHUN Hoi-shing.

21. Mr Myron NG of Link said after exhibition booths had been set up at the atrium of the shopping centre, the passageways by both sides of the booths were 2 and 3 metres in width respectively. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the excessive number of people waiting outside the post office had once led to passageway congestion. Link would keep a close eye on the situation and would implement corresponding crowd management measures in a timely manner.

22. Mr CHAN Wai-lit said close proximity between the main entrance of the post office and its ticket vending machine had resulted in a chaotic situation. He enquired whether Link would consider moving the queueing area to a less crowded place and recruiting more staff to control the number of people in the post office.

23. The Chairman reflected that the exhibition booths had taken up a large area of the passageways. As residents mainly used those passageways for travelling to and from MTR Tiu Keng Leng Station, he enquired whether Link would consider identifying other places for setting up exhibition booths or scaling down the booths to alleviate the inconvenience caused to residents.

24. Mr Myron NG of Link said he would relay Members’ views on the exhibition booths to the leasing office. Link would deploy additional security guards for crowd management during peak hours.

25. Mr CHAN Wai-lit enquired whether Link would discuss with the Post Office to tackle the problem of the main entrance and ticket vending machine being too close to each other.


26. Mr Myron NG of Link replied that Link would liaise with the Post Office to discuss the matter and would then inform HPDC of the discussion outcome.

27. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Chairman declared that the motion was carried.

28. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

Request the Link to designate monthly fixed parking spaces and hourly parking spaces in the car park at Po Lam Estate (SKDC(M) Paper Nos. 294/20 and 319/20)

29. Mr Myron NG of Link said since June 2019, fixed parking spaces had been provided on the ground floor of Po Lam Car Park for lease by the public.

30. Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu had the following views and enquiries: (a) he enquired about the current number of fixed parking spaces; (b) whether residents in the district would be given priority to rent parking spaces located in more convenient locations; (c) he knew that some areas outside Po Lam Market were owned by the owners’ corporation (OC). He hoped that Link would liaise with HD and the OC to study the feasibility of constructing a rain shelter outside Po Lam Market.

31. The response from Mr Myron NG of Link was consolidated as follows:

 The number of fixed parking spaces was not stipulated and could be increased depending on demand.  He invited Members to inspect the proposed location for constructing rain shelter with him after the meeting.

32. Mr CHENG Chung-man said hygiene conditions of the lifts at Wo Ming Car Park were poor, and the air vents were filled with dust. He hoped that Link would send its staff to step up cleaning work. In addition, as facilities in the rooftop park of Wo Ming Car Park were dilapidated, he enquired whether Link would revitalise the park.

33. Mr Francis CHAU said people often gathered and smoked at the back stairs of nearby car parks, and the situation was particularly serious in Chung Ming Court. He hoped that Link would keep in view the matter. Furthermore, given the development of the COVID-19 epidemic, many shop tenants faced operational difficulties. He enquired whether Link would introduce relevant support measures.

34. Mr Andrew CHAN said as male toilets at the market of TKO Gateway were often in poor hygiene condition, he hoped that Link would urge the management company to enhance cleaning work. In addition, as reflected by a resident, areas in TKO Gateway that appeared to be means of escape had been occupied by shop tenants with goods, and the resident was worried that it might pose risks to fire safety. He hoped to inspect the areas concerned with the Link representatives.

35. The response from Mr Myron NG of Link was consolidated as follows:

 In view of the epidemic development, Link had launched the “Support Scheme for


Tenants” and had also reduced rent for new tenancies. Currently, the subsidised amount had far exceeded the intended amount of the scheme.  Link would send staff to patrol the black spots of smoking. It was also collaborating with the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health to carry out publicity work and promotion in Tseung Kwan O. Detailed information would be provided for HPDC’s reference when available.  Regarding the environmental hygiene problems in car parks and shopping centres, he would relay Members’ views to the relevant staff.  Regarding the rooftop park of Wo Ming Car Park, he would understand the situation and give supplementary information after the meeting.

36. Ms Christine FONG hoped that Link would step up efforts in tackling the problems of weeds and accumulated water in Tong Ming Car Park to maintain environmental cleanliness and hygiene. She also enquired whether fixed parking spaces would be provided in the car park.

37. Mr LUI Man-kwong said accumulation of water in Tong Ming Car Park was serious, hoping that Link would remove accumulated water on a regular basis. He also invited Link to consider the provision of electric vehicle charging facilities.

38. Mr Myron NG of Link replied that he would refer the above environmental hygiene problems to the relevant divisions for follow-up work and would also reply to Ms Christine FONG and Mr LUI Man-kwong directly after the meeting.

39. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(C) Request the Transport and Housing Bureau in co-ordination with non-government organisations to examine other alternative locations in Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O with priority, such as Area 8, Tseung Kwan O, etc., for the provision of transitional housing, and request the Home Affairs Bureau and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to kick-start the heated swimming pool project (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 159/20 and 160/20) (Paragraphs 30 to 33 of the minutes of the last meeting)

40. Members noted the reply from the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) and Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD).

41. Mr TSE Ching-fung was disappointed that LCSD failed to submit the timetable for the heated swimming pool project and enquired whether LCSD would maintain the original plan to construct two small pools. He said many residents opposed the transitional housing project in Area 65 because the transport system in the area could not cope with the additional passenger flow. Furthermore, as the transitional housing was not equipped with adequate recreational and leisure facilities, utilisation rates of the facilities in Yee Ming Estate would in turn be increased. He hoped that THB could gauge more views from residents to understand district needs.

42. Mr LAI Wai-tong hoped that THB would construct the heated swimming pool as soon as possible. He also hoped that THB and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service would give a detailed account of the project to residents of the constituencies concerned and collect their views as soon as possible. He said the slow pace of public housing construction in the past had failed to cope with the housing needs of the society. He hoped that the Government


would formulate long-term housing development plans for Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability in the long run.

43. Mr LUI Man-kwong opined that if the Government kept failing to submit construction timetables for recreational and leisure facilities, people’s confidence in the Government would be undermined.

44. Mr YU Tsun-ning said residents of Area 8, Tseung Kwan O objected to the transitional housing project. He hoped that THB would give an account of the development project to SKDC Members and residents of the constituencies concerned and collect residents’ views as soon as possible.

45. Mr Francis CHAU said if there were any updates on the development of transitional housing, he hoped that THB would report to Members at HDPC meetings as soon as possible. The heated swimming pool project in Area 65 would mainly benefit residents in the district, and as most of the details had been confirmed, residents had expectations for the project. On the contrary, details of the plan to construct a water sports centre in Area 77 had not been confirmed yet. Therefore, he hoped that LCSD would accord priority to the heated swimming pool project in Area 65 with a view to responding to residents’ demand.

46. Mr Chris CHEUNG said LCSD had not given any concrete reply regarding the plan to construct a water sports centre in Area 77. He hoped that the project could be implemented as soon as possible to address residents’ demand.

47. Mr Christine FONG hoped that LCSD would respond to the demand of Tseung Kwan O residents by constructing the water sports centre in Area 77 and the sports centre in Area 86 as soon as possible. She pointed out that the Government had bent on having its own way in transitional housing development, disregarding opposition from the district.

48. Mr LAI Ming-chak said LCSD anticipated attending SKDC meetings in early 2021 to consult Members about the water sports centre in Area 77. Furthermore, he suggested that the Government consider using the vacant site next to Po Lam Lane in Area 11. To his knowledge, the site was not a “village type development” zone, nor was it planned for “Government, Institution or Community” (G/IC) uses, and thus village development would not be affected.

49. Mr Eddie NG, Senior Executive Officer(Planning)34, LCSD, said he would refer Members’ views to the relevant departments for follow-up work and would report to SKDC on the progress of the development of recreational and leisure facilities in a timely manner.

50. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman asked the Secretariat to write to THB and LCSD, reflecting Members’ views and inviting the two departments to attend the next meeting to report to Members on progress of the transitional housing project. He also asked the Secretariat to refer Members’ views on the recreational and leisure facilities in Areas 65 and 77 to the District Facilities Management Committee (DFMC) so that LCSD could give an account of the matter at the meetings of DFMC.

(D) Planning standards for social welfare facilities in Sai Kung rural areas (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 161/20) (Paragraphs 122 to 124 of the minutes of the last meeting)

51. Members noted the reply from the Social Welfare Department (SWD).


52. Mr Eddie NG of LCSD said LCSD was proactively undertaking planning and preparatory work for the East Kowloon Cultural Centre, which was estimated to be available for use starting from the following year. In close proximity to MTR Kowloon Bay Station, the East Kowloon Cultural Centre had a relatively convenient transport network. It was anticipated that the cultural centre would serve the performing groups and residents in Sai Kung district upon its completion. He thanked Members for their support for the project.

53. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(E) Further enquiries about the Social Welfare Department’s response concerning Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 161/20) (Paragraphs 280 to 283 of the minutes of the last meeting)

54. Members noted the reply from SWD.

55. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan pointed out that welfare facilities in Sai Kung rural areas were very antiquated and believed the possibility that SWD would purchase premises in rural areas for provision of welfare facilities was low. She said SWD had not directly answered how it would cope with the demand for welfare facilities in Sai Kung rural areas.

56. The Chairman suggested and Members agreed to refer the matter to the Education, Health and Social Welfare Committee for follow-up work.

(F) Request various departments to give a breakdown of data and statistics of Tseung Kwan O and the rural areas of Sai Kung (within Q01 to Q05 constituency areas) in the papers to be submitted and to formulate and adopt 2 different policies in planning the development of the areas so as to address different needs in the district (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 161/20 and 162/20) (Paragraphs 134 to 135 of the minutes of the last meeting)

57. Members noted the replies from SWD and LCSD.

58. Mr LAI Ming-chak opined that SWD had not responded to the subject matter in its reply (Paper No. 161/20).

59. Ms Debby CHAN had the following enquiries: (a) whether SWD had broken down the Sai Kung population in the present or future planning of community facilities for separate consideration of the situation in Sai Kung rural areas; and (b) whether PlanD would provide relevant sites for accommodating welfare facilities to tie in with the development intentions of SWD.

60. Ms Jane KWAN, Senior Town Planner/Sai Kung, PlanD, responded that the provision of “G/IC” facilities and open spaces in Sai Kung district and in the planning area of the approved Tseung Kwan O Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No. S/TKO/26 was listed in Paper No. 110/20 for Members’ reference. PlanD would keep close liaison with SWD regarding its needs for site search requirement as far as possible.

61. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan enquired whether PlanD had been aware of SWD’s need for the site at Heung Chung for provision of welfare facilities at that time. She also enquired about


PlanD’s considerations in land allocation.

62. Ms Jane Kwan of PlanD said PlanD had consulted all the relevant departments before preparing the Hebe Haven OZP. At that time, SWD indicated that welfare facilities could be provided at the Ex-Sai Kung Central Primary School and did not express demand for the site at Heung Chung; therefore, PlanD had suggested rezoning the site for residential use. She suggested that Members refer to documents of the Town Planning Board (TPB) concerning the rezoning of the site at Heung Chung in order to understand the considerations of TPB.

63. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan opined that SWD and PlanD were shirking their responsibilities to each other. She also pointed out that PlanD was responsible for ensuring each department had adequate land for development.

64. Ms Jane KWAN of PlanD said TPB had noted Members’ views, and she had nothing to add at the moment.

65. Ms Debby CHAN said by using its current method to calculate land demand, PlanD had overlooked the lack of welfare facilities in Sai Kung rural areas. She hoped that PlanD would give more consideration to the social welfare needs of Sai Kung rural residents in land allocation, and pointed out that the lack of welfare facilities in Sai Kung rural areas had in turn put more pressure on caregivers. She questioned whether the Government considered that Sai Kung rural residents had no social welfare needs at all.

66. Ms Jane KWAN of PlanD said PlanD was mainly responsible for land use planning, plan-making, and assessing the demand for welfare facilities in the district in accordance with the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. PlanD would liaise with the departments from time to time on their needs having regard to their development programme. Meanwhile, the departments would implement development projects based on their policies, resource allocation and other factors.

67. The Chairman suggested inviting SWD representatives to attend the next meeting and asked Ms Debby CHAN to contact the Secretariat after the meeting to confirm which PlanD representative to invite to the next meeting.

68. Ms Jane KWAN of PlanD said as PlanD had discussed the matter concerning the site at Heung Chung and had also replied to related enquiries from Members for several times at previous meetings, she asked HPDC to consider whether there was still a need to follow up the matter.

69. The Chairman reckoned that there was still a need to follow up the above matter and asked the Secretariat to invite the PlanD representative concerned to attend the next meeting in writing.

70. Ms Debby CHAN said the site at Heung Chung had used to be a “G/IC” facility and open space, but eventually it had been sold on the grounds that “there is no social welfare need in Sai Kung”. However, SWD had recently been indicating the need to purchase land in Sai Kung district for provision of welfare facilities. She asked PlanD whether the actions of the two departments were contradictory.

71. The Chairman hoped that the representatives from PlanD and SWD would discuss the above matter with Members at the next meeting.


(G) Enquiry about the development plans of various departments for Sai Kung town centre and implementation progress of the Sai Kung Town Outline Zoning Plan (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 163/20, 164/20 and 165/20) (Paragraphs 127 to 133 of the minutes of the last meeting)

72. Members noted the replies from the Transport Department (TD), District Lands Office, Sai Kung (DLO/SK) and Highways Department (HyD).

73. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan said she could not comprehend why TD had closed certain road sections of Mei Yuen Street to avoid illegal parking. To her understanding, the “Other Specified Uses” zone adjacent to Mei Yu Street and Mei Fuk Street had originally been allocated to TD for the provision of a park and enjoy facility, and TD was the sole department responsible for constructing such a facility. She asked once again which department other than TD would use that zone. Besides, she asked HyD about the estimated completion dates of several improvement works related to Hiram’s Highway, and requested it to explain why the completion date mentioned in SKDC(HDPC) Paper No. 165/20 did not match that in SKDC(TTC) Paper No. 388/20.

74. The Chairman asked the Secretariat to write to TD and HyD to reflect the Member’s views.

75. Mr LAI Ming-chak suggested referring the matter to the Traffic and Transport Committee (TTC) for further discussion on the situation of illegal parking. There being no objection from Members, the Chairman declared that the matter would be referred to TTC for follow-up work.

(H) Enquiry about the planning and management issues of idle “Government, Institution or Community” sites in Sai Kung Town Centre (Paragraphs 284 to 287 of the minutes of the last meeting)

76. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(I) Request to resolve the access congestion at Estate and to install an elevator or escalator at the appropriate location (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 166/20) (Paragraphs 59 to 63 of the minutes of the last meeting)

77. Members noted the statistical report on the flow of people submitted by HD.

78. The Chairman indicated that one of the escalators in Kin Ming Estate had earlier experienced service suspension due to damage. As the contractor did not have the relevant parts, escalator service had been suspended for more than two weeks. He hoped that HD would urge the contractor to keep an adequate number of spare parts and introduce penalties for such cases to strengthen the deterrent effect, thereby avoiding recurrence of similar incidents.

(J) Request to install digital monitoring system (“sky eye”) at Shin Ming Estate, Sheung Tak Estate and Kin Ming Estate (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 167/20 and 168/20) (Paragraphs 64 to 76 of the minutes of the last meeting)


79. Members noted the reply and situation report on objects being dropped from a height submitted by HD.

80. The Vice-Chairman said the situation of objects being dropped from a height in Tsui Lam Estate was relatively serious. Being a member of the management committee (MC) of Tsui Lam Estate, HD should proactively reflect the situation to the OC concerned.

81. Mr LEE Wing-keung, Housing Manager/Kowloon West and Sai Kung 9, HD, said HD had liaised with the MC concerned on the problem of objects being dropped from a height in Tsui Lam Estate. As indicated by the MC, mobile digital closed circuit televisions had been installed at the relevant black spots to monitor the situation.

(K) Request the Housing Department (HD) to assist District Council members and ensure that ward offices can be set up within the constituencies (Paragraphs 84 to 93 of the minutes of the last meeting)

82. Mr CHAN Wai-lit said although The Incorporated Owners of Choi Ming Court would lease him a unit for use as ward office, HD had all along not intervened in handling the matter. He hoped that HD would re-examine regulations related to rental of ward offices and give him a detailed reply. He also suggested retaining the item.

83. Mr William WONG, Property Service Manager/S(Kowloon West and Sai Kung) 5, HD, said in order to help SKDC Members set up ward offices, HD had proactively communicated with various stakeholders and would continue to try its best to assist SKDC Members.

84. The Chairman asked HD to give Mr CHAN Wai-lit a written reply on the matter after the meeting.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD provided a written reply to Mr CHAN Wai-lit on 6 January 2021.]

(L) Request representatives of the Home Affairs Department and Housing Authority to proactively step in to facilitate the conduct of meetings of The Incorporated Owners of Choi Ming Court and its management committee as soon as possible, and request the Housing, Planning and Development Committee to lodge a complaint with the Office of The Ombudsman against the representatives of the Housing Authority for not making their best efforts to assist in convening the meetings (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 200/20) (Paragraphs 178 to 231 of the minutes of the last meeting)

85. Members noted the reply from SKDO.

86. Mr CHAN Wai-lit said at the last HPDC meeting, he had requested HD to explain the way and frequency of communication between the department and The Incorporated Owners of Choi Ming Court over the convening of meetings. One day before the present meeting, HD had sent him a reply email saying “HD has made several phone calls to The Incorporated Owners of Choi Ming Court”. He was dissatisfied with HD’s reply and requested the Chairman to write to the Office of The Ombudsman (OFOMB) in his capacity, demanding an investigation into whether HD staff had liaised with The Incorporated Owners of Choi Ming Court on the convening of meetings in a timely manner and whether HD’s way of communication was appropriate.


87. There being no objection from Members, the Chairman said a letter would be written to OFOMB and declared that the item would be retained.

(M) Request the HD to enhance participation in estate management matters and retrieve management information from relevant property management companies for reporting to the District Council regularly (Paragraphs 98 to 111 of the minutes of the last meeting)

88. Mr FUNG Kwan-on had the following views: (a) HD had promised at previous HPDC meetings that it would contact Members and reply to their letters afterwards, but it eventually had not given any replies; (b) HD had earlier invited Members for a visit to the district, during which they had observed the enclosure of an emergency exit near Po Ning House, Po Lam Estate by the management office. Although he had written to HD to reflect the situation of hygiene, safety and building management in Po Lam Estate, HD had not made enquiries to other departments in respect of land leases or deeds of mutual convent; (c) He had also written to invite HD to meet with other stakeholders for exchange of views on the hygiene problems in Po Lam Estate, but HD had declined his invitation in its reply letter; (d) HD had all along failed to provide meeting documents of OCs; instead, HD had asked him to write to the OCs concerned by himself for the relevant documents. He hoped that HPDC would lodge a complaint with OFOMB in respect of the matter. He also requested HD to give an account of the matter and make an apology to the public within the day of the meeting.

89. Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu expressed disappointment that HD had not tried its best to assist Members in obtaining the minutes of OC meetings. He said Members hoped to know whether HD staff had performed their duties as public servants during the meetings to follow up building management matters.

90. Mr FUNG Kwan-on hoped that HD would provide a list showing the representatives who had attended HPDC meetings before and the contact information of HD representatives in attendance at OC meetings to facilitate follow-up work by OFOMB.

91. Ms Valerie WONG enquired how HD chose the representatives attending the meetings of HPDC.

92. Mr William WONG of HD said HD would appoint representatives based on the issues to be discussed. After the meeting, the representatives would refer the matters discussed to relevant colleagues for follow-up work. HD would consider designating one to two staff as representatives in attendance at HPDC meetings.

93. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said he had asked Po Lam Estate, Tsui Lam Estate and Estate for information on housing estate management via email. However, Po Lam Estate and Tsui Lam Estate had replied that they would not provide the relevant information to HD, while King Lam Estate had indicated that it needed to refer the request to its OC for consideration. According to paragraph 10A (2) of Schedule 2 to the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344), “if the tenants’ representative, an owner, a registered mortgagee or any person duly authorised in writing in that behalf by an owner or registered mortgagee requests in writing the corporation to supply him with copies of any minutes certified in accordance with paragraph 10(4A), the secretary shall, on the payment of such reasonable copying charge as the management committee may determine, supply such copies to that person”. Given that HD did not own the minutes, it would be inappropriate for HD to provide the minutes to Members. Furthermore, as Po Lam Estate, Tsui Lam Estate and King Lam Estate had all formed their own OCs, HD was no longer the manager of the three


housing estates but merely one of their OC members.

94. Mr CHOI Ming-hei said the minutes of OC meetings were supposed to be information disclosed for public inspection.

95. Mr FUNG Kwan-on questioned whether HD representatives had attended the meetings in their capacity as public servants. He also pointed out that if HD attended OC meetings as tenants’ representative, it should be able to apply for copies of the minutes in accordance with the relevant provisions.

96. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD replied that the minutes of OC meetings were available for inspection. OCs would display the minutes at appropriate locations in the estates for public inspection. He added that HD attended MC meetings in its capacity as an owner and member.

97. The Chairman enquired why HD could not obtain copies of the minutes despite having attended the meetings as a member.

98. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD clarified that HD had already obtained copies of the minutes. However, as HD did not own the minutes, it would be inappropriate for it to pass the minutes on to other persons.

99. Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu said as HD had appointed public servants to run for the election of OC member and residents had voted for them, the public servants were supposed to take responsibility and monitor housing estate management.

100. The Chairman suggested that the matter be referred to the Working Group on Building Management for follow-up work. He also said the matter would be reflected to OFOMB in writing.

(N) Request HD and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to work with estate management companies to proactively tackle hygiene problems in public spaces (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 169/20) (Paragraphs 153 to 168 of the minutes of the last meeting)

101. Mr FUNG Kwan-on said Members hoped to obtain the minutes of OC meetings to investigate whether HD staff had made an effort to fulfil their duties as public servants, for example, issuing penalty tickets to members of the public committing misdeeds pursuant to the Summary Offences Ordinance. He opined that even if HD could not provide full version of the minutes to HPDC, it should still provide records of the speeches made by the HD representatives.

102. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said he would have to understand the situation after the meeting to reply to the Member.

103. The Chairman enquired whether HD could respond to the enquiry made by Mr FUNG Kwan-on by providing the number of penalty tickets issued by HD pursuant to the Summary Offences Ordinance.

104. Mr William WONG of HD said in the past year, no public rental housing (PRH) tenant had received warning letters or had been allotted penalty points for feeding feral pigeons or fouling public places.


105. Ms Valerie WONG was disappointed that HD, being one of the important stakeholders in tackling the problem of feral pigeons, had not proactively followed up the matter. She also enquired whether the Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates (the Marking Scheme) existed in name only and could not practically regulate the public’s behaviour.

106. Mr William WONG of HD said HD had all along been following up public hygiene problems and had also stepped up patrols at hygiene black spots.

107. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said from 1 April to 30 June 2020, no penalty points had been allotted to the tenants of Po Lam Estate, Tsui Lam Estate or King Lam Estate in accordance with the Marking Scheme.

108. Mr FUNG Kwan-on asked HD to submit a written reply within the day of the meeting, indicating the number of complaints received from residents in Tseung Kwan O, date of receipt and ways to handle those complaints.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD replied to the Secretariat in writing on 14 December 2020.]

109. Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu said it was common to see members of the public feeding feral pigeons, and he was disappointed that HD had always failed to issue penalty tickets to the offenders.

110. Ms Valerie WONG hoped that HD would provide the number of complaints received, the advice given to residents, and ways to handle the relevant complaints. She opined that HD played a significant role in tackling the problem of feeding feral pigeons as many non-compliance incidents had taken place in PRH estates. She suggested that HD submit the relevant enforcement figures of the Marking Scheme to HPDC on a regular basis to facilitate Members’ understanding of the enforcement of the Marking Scheme.

111. Mr William WONG of HD said HD could provide the relevant figures of the Marking Scheme. As for complaint figures, some complaints had been given orally, and it took time to consolidate the records. Therefore, HD might not be able to reply to Mr FUNG Kwan-on within the day of the meeting.

[Post-meeting note: HD had given a written reply to the Secretariat on 14 December 2020 in respect of the relevant figures of the Marking Scheme. However, figures on oral complaints were not available as the department had not kept the relevant figures centrally.]

112. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said as Po Lam Estate, Tsui Lam Estate and King Lam Estate had all formed their own OCs, the Marking Scheme was only applicable to tenants but not to public places in the above estates.

113. Mr FUNG Kwan-on pointed out that the HD representative had misunderstood the relevant provisions, and he then clarified that HD could still take regulatory and follow-up actions against 14 misdeeds committed by occupants of sold flats.

114. The Chairman said HD still had the power to regulate misdeeds committed by tenants living in Buy-or-Rent Option estates, hoping that the HD representative could clarify what he


had stated just now.

115. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said the 14 misdeeds mentioned by Mr FUNG Kwan-on were all related to PRH units.

116. The Vice-Chairman enquired whether the Marking Scheme was applicable to Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) estates.

117. The Chairman asked HD to give supplementary information as requested by Members after the meeting and suggested referring the matter to the Working Group on Building Management for follow-up work. He also suggested inviting the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and representatives of the OCs concerned to attend the meeting of the Working Group.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD replied to the Secretariat in writing on 14 December 2020.]

118. Ms Valerie WONG moved an extempore motion, the wording of which was “Request the Housing Department to submit enforcement figures of the Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates and to report the relevant situation to SKDC on a regular basis”. The extempore motion was seconded by Messrs CHOI Ming-hei, Andrew CHAN, TSE Ching-fung, Ryan LEE, LEE Ka-yui, Ms Debby CHAN, and Mr CHAN Wai-lit.

119. In accordance with Order 13(2) of SKDC Standing Orders, the Chairman invited Members to vote on whether the above extempore motion should be included in the agenda of the meeting. There being no objection from Members, the Chairman declared that the extempore motion would be included in the agenda.

120. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Chairman declared that the motion was carried and asked the Secretariat to ask for the relevant figures by writing to HD.

121. Mr CHAN Wai-lit said PRH units, TPS estates and the public housing section of Choi Ming Court were all included in the motion. He hoped that HD would submit a report once every two months, specifying in detail every criterion and reason for the allotment of penalty points as well as the situation of point allotment in each housing estate.

(O) Request HD to conduct comprehensive inspection of fresh and salt water mains in Kin Ming Estate as soon as possible to ensure quality and resolve the problem of frequent suspension of fresh and salt water supply (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 170/20) (Paragraphs 136 to 142 of the minutes of the last meeting)

122. Members noted the reply from HD.

123. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(P) Request HD to look into the causes of the suspension of salt water supply to various


blocks in Hau Tak Estate and to enhance maintenance and repair services (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 171/20) (Paragraphs 238 to 243 of the minutes of the last meeting)

124. Members noted the reply from HD.

125. Ms Valerie WONG hoped that the item would be retained so that HD could give an account of the inspection results at the next meeting.

126. The Chairman agreed to the suggestion and declared that the item would be retained.

(Q) Request the Home Affairs Department to listen to public opinion and oppose the provision of an off-course betting branch of Jockey Club in the shopping mall at LOHAS Park (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 172/20) (Paragraphs 146 to 149 of the minutes of the last meeting)

127. Members noted the reply from the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB).

128. Mr Chris CHEUNG said HAB had not mentioned in its reply any justifications for the provision of an off-course betting branch of Jockey Club. He hoped to write to HAB again to enquire why it had still made the decision despite having received opposing views at the district level and to ask for plans of the betting branch. Furthermore, people often gathered, smoked and threw away cigarette butts in outdoor areas of the shopping mall at LOHAS Park. He expressed worry that the problem would intensify after the opening of the betting branch. He therefore hoped that HAB would directly answer how it would tackle the problem.

129. The Chairman asked the Secretariat to write to HAB to reflect members’ views.

(R) Enquire about the regulations of HD to safeguard tenants’ rights to communicate and receive information (Paragraph 270 to 275 of the minutes of the last meeting)

130. Mr LEE Ka-yui said Estate Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) members had applied for inspecting the minutes of past meetings, but the application had been unsuccessful. He enquired how EMAC members could inspect the relevant records.

131. Mr William WONG of HD said Members could inspect the relevant EMAC records pursuant to the Code on Access to Information.

132. Ms Valerie WONG said she had applied to HD for inspecting past meeting records of the EMAC of Hau Tak Estate before, but her application had been rejected by HD on the grounds of “objection from EMAC members”. She therefore questioned the reply given by HD just now.

133. Mr William WONG of HD said he would have to understand the situation after the meeting.

134. Mr LEE Ka-yui said as he had also encountered the situation mentioned by Ms Valerie WONG before, he would like to ask HD about ways to inspect the relevant records.

135. The Chairman asked HD to reply to Mr LEE Ka-yui and Ms Valerie WONG after the


meeting. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD had replied to the Members concerned orally after the meeting.]

(S) Enquiry about matters concerning the Territory East Material Recovery and Transfer Station in Tseung Kwan O (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 173/20) (Paragraphs 276 to 279 of the minutes of the last meeting)

136. Members noted the reply from the Environmental Protection Department (EPD).

137. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan hoped to write to the Sai Kung & Tseung Kwan O Section of EPD again to request explanation for not including Tseung Kwan O in the scope of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) study. She opined that the current practice could not identify potentially affected individuals effectively, particularly residents in Tseung Kwan O. Furthermore, she hoped that the Sai Kung & Tseung Kwan O Section would request the project proponent to re-submit the EIA study brief for reassessment of potential impact of the works on the roads concerned.

138. The Chairman asked Ms LEUNG Hin-yan to contact the Secretariat after the meeting to confirm which section to write to.

(T) Request the Lands Department to set out in table form the sites of which their short term tenancies are not granted by tender but by direct grant in Sai Kung district, and enquire whether the above information is disclosed on the GeoInfo Map (Paragraphs 288 to 294 of the minutes of the last meeting)

139. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan requested DLO/SK to provide the exact number of sites of which their short-term tenancies (STTs) were let by direct grant.

140. Mr Dixon CHOY, Senior Estate Surveyor/Tseung Kwan O, DLO/SK, said according to records, DLO/SK had no more than 1 100 STTs, with about 30 of them let by tender and the rest granted by direct grant.

141. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan enquired whether the Lands Department (LandsD) had uploaded all information about STTs onto the website GeoInfo Map. She also hoped that DLO/SK would provide the exact figures as soon as possible.

142. Mr Dixon CHOY of DLO/SK said LandsD had uploaded the information of the STTs granted since 1 January 2018 and those with rent review conducted during the same period onto the GeoInfo Map.

143. The Chairman enquired whether DLO/SK could provide the relevant figures to Ms LEUNG Hin-yan after the meeting.

144. Mr Dixon CHOY of DLO/SK reiterated that LandsD would upload the remaining information onto the website in batches according to schedule.

145. The Chairman asked DLO/SK to extract relevant data from the information uploaded onto the website for Members’ reference.


146. Mr Dixon CHOY of DLO/SK said as mentioned earlier, DLO/SK had no more than 1 100 STTs, and he would give a written reply to HPDC after the meeting.

147. The Chairman asked DLO/SK to provide the exact figures to HPDC after the meeting.

148. Mr LAI Wai-tong hoped that DLO/SK would mark the locations of relevant STT sites on the map for ease of reference by Members.

149. The Chairman asked DLO/SK to follow up the matter.

(U) Enquiry about the number of chairs available in the Po Lam Estate Multi-Purpose Hall (Paragraphs 300 to 307 of the minutes of the last meeting)

150. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(V) Suggest the HD allocate additional resources to study the formulation of guidelines on flea control and to provide flea control service (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 174/20) (Paragraphs 315 to 321 of the minutes of the last meeting)

151. Members noted the reply from HD.

152. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(The chairmanship was passed to the Vice-Chairman.)

III. Report Items

(A) Progress Report of Working Group on Building Management (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 175/20)

153. Mr CHAN Wai-lit enquired when the Working Group on Building Management would convene a meeting for further discussion on various matters relating to estate management that had been discussed at previous HPDC meetings.

154. The Vice-Chairman said he would discuss the convening date of the meeting with the Secretariat after the meeting.

155. Mr FUNG Kwan-on hoped that the meeting of the Working Group would be convened as soon as possible for close follow-up to the relevant issues.

IV. Motions Raised by Members

(A) The 9 motions raised by Members

(1) Request LINK to resolve the problem of narrow passageway outside the entrance of the post office at Choi Ming Shopping Centre (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 176/20)


156. The Vice-Chairman said the above item had been discussed earlier.

(Note: Please refer to paragraphs 20 to 28.)

(2) Invite representatives of the owners’ corporations of King Lam Estate, Po Lam Estate and Choi Ming Court and representatives of the Housing Department appointed to the above corporations to attend HPDC meetings for discussion on enhanced communication and co-operation (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 177/20 and 187/20)

157. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by the Chairman and seconded by Messrs FUNG Kwan-on, CHAN Wai-lit and CHEUNG Wai-chiu.

158. Members noted the reply from HD.

159. Mr CHAN Wai-lit opined that there was a need to invite the representatives of King Lam Estate, Po Lam Estate, Tsui Lam Estate and Choi Ming Court to attend the meeting of the Working Group on Building Management to enhance communication and co-operation. He also enquired whether representatives of HD’s estate offices would attend the meeting.

160. Mr William WONG of HD said he would have to reply after the meeting.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD had arranged representatives to attend the meeting of the Working Group on Building Management.]

161. Mr FUNG Kwan-on hoped that HD would promise to send its representatives appointed to the OCs of the above housing estates to attend the Working Group meeting with a view to facilitating follow-up work on estate management matters thereat.

162. Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu said OC meetings of the above housing estates had all been postponed, and questioned whether HD representatives had maintained contact with the OCs to remind them to convene meetings.

163. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said HD had all along been keeping contact with the OCs concerned regarding the convening of MC meetings and general meetings.

164. Mr FUNG Kwan-on reiterated his request that HD send its representatives appointed to the OCs concerned to attend the Working Group meeting so as to give an account of their duties when attending OC meetings in their capacity as public servants.

165. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said HD would attend and vote at the general meetings of the OCs of TPS estates. In response to Mr FUNG Kwan-on’s enquiry about the water-filled barriers, he said HD had immediately liaised with the OC concerned after learning about the matter. According to the management company, the placing of water-filled barriers was for management of public places in the estate and was not a long-term measure. Furthermore, the Fire Services Department (FSD) had sent its staff to inspect the water-filled barriers on 10 October 2020 and had replied in writing that the placing of water-filled barriers would not affect fire safety.

166. Mr FUNG Kwan-on said close circuit television (CCTV) cameras were installed at the location of the water-filled barriers to prevent storage of miscellaneous items. Furthermore, after sending its staff to inspect the site earlier, HD had indicated that the location of the


water-filled barriers was problematic. He was therefore confused by the reply given by HD just now.

167. Mr William WONG of HD said the management company would give the keys for the water-filled barriers to Wai Ji Christian Service Day Activity Centre at Po Lam (Wai Ji day activity centre). HD was currently discussing with the management company the feasibility of removing the barriers after the installation of CCTV cameras.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD had already given the keys to the person-in-charge of the day activity centre.]

168. Mr LAI Ming-chak enquired whether the barriers were filled up with water. He opined that if the barriers were filled up with water, it would be impossible to push them away easily. He also hoped that HD representatives would enhance communication with other parties.

169. Mr William WONG of HD said he would have to understand the situation after the meeting in order to respond to Members’ enquiries.

[Post-meeting notes from HD: After understanding the situation, HD had been given to know that only some barriers were filled with water. Generally speaking, an average person could push those barriers away easily in case of emergency situations.]

170. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried and suggested referring the matter to the Working Group on Building Management.

(3) Request for reducing the emission of cooking fumes from restaurants in The LOHAS, enhancing the variety of shops and studying the designation of no smoking areas (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 178/20, 188/20, 189/20 and 190/20)

171. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by Ms Christine FONG and seconded by Messrs Chris CHEUNG and Edwin CHEUNG.

172. Members noted the replies from EPD, Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited (MTRCL) and Department of Health (DH).

173. Mr Chris CHEUNG hoped that MTRCL would request restaurant tenants to adjust the angle of their exhaust fan blades to avoid direct emission of fumes out to pedestrian ways. He also requested MTRCL to enhance the tenant mix of the shopping mall, for example, by providing tutorial school, ATMs, coffee shop and supermarket.

174. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried and asked the Secretariat to write to EPD, MTRCL and DH to reflect Members’ views.

(4) Request for re-designating the railing off Sheung Tak Estate Bus Terminus and near the car park managed by LINK as an authorised spot for displaying banners (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 179/20 and 191/20)

175. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by Mr LEE Ka-yui and seconded by Ms Valerie WONG, Messrs TSE Ching-fung and Ryan LEE.


176. Members noted the reply from DLO/SK.

177. Mr LEE Ka-yui said as most spots for displaying banners and posters in Sheung Tak Estate were currently occupied by political parties, the SKDC Member of the constituency concerned and local groups lacked channels to disseminate community information, thus making the information circulated in the district not comprehensive enough. Therefore, he hoped that HD could open up more spots for displaying banners.

178. Mr William WONG of HD said HD would conduct regular inspections of the display spots in housing estates. HD would also consider the feasibility of providing additional display spots.

179. Mr LAI Wai-tong said he had noticed that stainless steel racks had been installed to flower beds in the PRH estates in Sham Shui Po by HD for DC Members and local groups to display banners. He hoped that HD would take reference from the practice adopted in Sham Shui Po district and provide additional display spots within the PRH estates in Tseung Kwan O.

180. Mr William WONG of HD replied that HD would examine the feasibility of the above suggestion.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD had contacted Mr LAI Wai-tong after the meeting to understand the relevant details. The department would study the suggestion upon receipt of the relevant information.]

181. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried.

(5) Request for comprehensive repair of the refuse chute of each block in Hau Tak Estate to resolve the problem of water seepage from the bottom of the chutes (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 180/20 and 192/20)

182. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by Ms Valerie WONG and seconded by Messrs LEE Ka-yui, Ryan LEE, and FUNG Kwan-on.

183. Members noted the reply from HD.

184. Ms Valerie WONG said HD would conduct a comprehensive inspection of the refuse chutes of Tak On House and Tak Chi House in 2021-2022, and she hoped that the inspection results could be provided for HPDC’s reference by then. According to her understanding, the current design of refuse chutes would make waste fall from height and hit the bottom of the chutes, which would lead to cracks in the structural components of the bottom. As a result, waste would slip out from the cracks, adversely affecting the hygiene conditions in the lobby. She therefore hoped that HD would review the current refuse chute design.

185. Mr William WONG of HD said he had liaised with the management company of Hau Tak Estate to follow up the matter. HD would keep a close eye on the refuse chutes in each housing estate and study long-term improvement measures.

186. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried and the item would be retained.


(6) Request the Government to introduce to SKDC all caverns in the district that are under study or planning or have gone through feasibility studies (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 181/20 and 199/20)

187. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by Ms LEUNG Hin-yan and seconded by Mr YU Tsun-ning and Ms Debby CHAN.

188. Members noted the consolidated reply from the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD).

189. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan had the following views and enquiries: (a) it had been known that the land made available by the relocation of Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works (SKSTW) would be used for constructing a promenade, but she was given to know that the land would now be used for housing development. She enquired whether the Drainage Services Department (DSD) would conduct public consultation on the above matter; (b) she enquired how the problem of aged sewerage facilities would be tackled before authorisation of the Hiram’s Highway Improvement Stage 2 project; (c) she asked for results of the feasibility study on the relocation of SKSTW (contract no.: CE 17/2014 (DS)); and (d) she requested the relevant departments to submit progress reports on their cavern schemes regularly for Members’ reference.

190. Mr YU Tsun-ning enquired why EPD had chosen the caverns at Tai Sheung Tok instead of those at Fei Ngo Shan for the proposed development of a refuse transfer station.

191. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried and the item would be retained. He also asked the Secretariat to write to DSD and CEDD to reflect Members’ views.

(7) Urge the Government to carry out marine spatial planning for Sai Kung (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 182/20, 193/20, 194/20 and 195/20)

192. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by Ms Debby CHAN and seconded by Ms LEUNG Hin-yan.

193. Members noted the replies from PlanD, Marine Department (MD) and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.

194. Ms Debby CHAN said the Government was currently planning to provide 200 berthing spaces for pleasure vessels in the waters off Tso Wo Hang. However, it had only consulted the pleasure vessel trade but not residents and persons engaging in water sports activities. She enquired which department(s) was/were responsible for consultation work and marine spatial planning. She mentioned having received opposition from many residents, and their views on the matter were as follows: (a) the Government needed to consider how to re-designate the area for conducting water sports activities; (b) whether MD would deal with the problem of marine pollution; (c) whether onshore moorings were adequate; and (d) whether PlanD had been informed of the project and whether it would carry out corresponding follow-up work.

195. Ms Jane KWAN of PlanD replied that she did not know which department(s) was/were responsible for marine spatial planning. As regards the berthing spaces in Tso Wo Hang, she would have to understand the situation and reply after the meeting.


196. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan considered PlanD’s response to be tricky. She enquired which department(s) was/were responsible for the planning of piers, dams and typhoon shelters.

197. Ms Debby CHAN enquired whether SKDO knew which department(s) was/were responsible for marine spatial planning, management of berthing spaces in Sai Kung and regulation of water sports facilities.

198. Regarding the provision of berthing spaces in Tso Wo Hang, Mr Justin NG, Assistant District Officer (Sai Kung)2, SKDO, added that MD had attended the meeting of the then Housing and Environmental Hygiene Committee in March 2018 to introduce the private mooring (PM) area in Tso Wo Hang and provision of PM areas in Yim Tin Tsai Typhoon Shelter. To his knowledge, the latest development plan was to provide 200 berthing spaces in Tso Wo Hang for pleasure vessels. If Ms Debby CHAN hoped to enquire about the planning and management of different marine facilities, she could ask the Secretariat to write to the relevant departments and invite their representatives to attend the meeting of HPDC.

199. Mr LAI Ming-chak suggested inviting MD to attend the next meeting so that Members could enquire about the berthing facilities. He also suggested writing to the Development Bureau (DEVB) to enquire which department(s) was/were responsible for marine spatial planning.

200. Mr LAI Wai-tong said according to his understanding, many vessels were berthed in the waters of the Eastern Channel near Clear Water Bay Peninsula; yet, there was currently no legislation to regulate the berthing of vessels at locations outside no-berthing areas. He continued that as no department was following up marine spatial planning at present, he hoped that DEVB would co-ordinate the planning work to ensure proper management of marine space and to guarantee the safety of marine users.

201. Mr Justin NG, Assistant District Officer (Sai Kung)2, SKDO, said HPDC could ask the Secretariat to write to the bureau mentioned by Members to reflect their views on marine spatial planning for Sai Kung.

202. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried and suggested referring the matter to the full council of SKDC.

(8) Request HD to assist in conducting maintenance works for the table tennis tables in Po Lam Estate and to follow up safety issues relating to the table tennis table between Po Tak House and Po Chi House (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 183/20 and 196/20)

203. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by Mr FUNG Kwan-on and seconded by Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu.

204. Members noted the reply from HD.

205. Mr FUNG Kwan-on enquired whether the HD representatives had followed up the problem that the table tennis tables concerned had remained damaged for more than one year at the MC meeting of the Incorporated Owners of Po Lam Estate.

206. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said generally speaking, HD would refer the case to the management company of the OC immediately for follow-up work upon receipt of complaints.


The management company concerned had promised to follow up and handle the problem concerning the table tennis tables.

207. Mr FUNG Kwan-on hoped that HD would reply to HPDC in writing to explain when the matter would be followed up.

208. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said HD would reply to HPDC in writing after asking the management company about the estimated completion date of the repair works for the table tennis tables.

209. Mr FUNG Kwan-on hoped that HD would promise to follow up the matter at the next MC meeting.

210. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said if the management company failed to complete the repair works before the next MC meeting, relevant HD representatives would raise the matter at the MC meeting for follow-up work.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD provided the relevant information to the Secretariat in writing on 16 December 2020. On 4 January 2021, HD made enquiries to the management company concerned by phone and was informed that the management company had been arranging for a contractor to follow up the repair works.]

211. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried and the item would be retained.

(9) Request for following up the obstruction and safety issues associated with the water-filled barriers at Po Ning House, Po Lam Estate near the side entrance of Po Lam Market (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 184/20, 197/20, 201/20 and 202/20)

212. The Vice-Chairman said the motion was moved by Mr FUNG Kwan-on and seconded by Mr CHEUNG Wai-chiu.

213. Members noted the replies from DLO/SK, HD and FSD.

214. Mr FUNG Kwan-on enquired whether HD knew the exact location of the water-filled barriers mentioned in FSD’s reply. To his understanding, the location provided by FSD was different from that mentioned by him.

215. Mr LEE Wing-keung of HD said as HD had not inspected the water-filled barriers together with FSD, it was not clear about which area FSD had inspected at that time.

216. Mr FUNG Kwan-on said water-filled barriers had been placed at two locations in the housing estate, namely the pedestrian walkway at Po Lam Market near Po Ning House and the area between Po Lam Market and Wai Ji day activity centre. To his knowledge, the water-filled barriers mentioned in FSD’s reply were those placed in the vicinity of Po Ning House. He hoped that HD would follow up the placing of water-filled barriers near Wai Ji day activity centre and send its staff to inspect the situation in the area.

217. Mr William WONG of HD said HD would conduct inspections after the meeting to understand the situation.


218. The Vice-Chairman asked HD to contact Mr FUNG Kwan-on directly after the meeting to follow up the matter.

[Post-meeting note from HD: HD inspected the location concerned together with Mr FUNG Kwan-on on 18 November 2020. Furthermore, HD had also given the keys for the water-filled barriers to the person-in-charge of Wai Ji day activity centre.]

219. There being no amendment or objection from Members, the Vice-Chairman declared that the motion was carried and the item would be retained.

(B) One question raised by Members

(1) Request for information on the sites for storage of construction materials and for use as site offices in Tseung Kwan O (SKDC(HPDC) Paper Nos. 185/20 and 198/20)

220. The Vice-Chairman said the question was raised by Mr Brandon YIP.

221. Members noted the reply from DLO/SK.

222. Mr Brandon YIP hoped that DLO/SK would indicate the locations of the relevant sites on a map for ease of reference by HPDC. He also enquired whether the “government site near Ocean Shores and Chui Ling Road” mentioned in the written reply (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 198/20) was located in Area 72, Tseung Kwan O.

223. Mr Andrew CHAN enquired why the site adjacent to Tseung Kwan O Hospital was not included in DLO/SK’s reply.

224. The response from Mr Dixon CHOY of DLO/SK was consolidated as follows:

 The government site near Ocean Shores and Chui Ling Road was now allocated to CEDD for purposes related to the Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel project.  He would contact Mr Brandon YIP after the meeting to provide the locations of the relevant sites.  As he did not have information on the site mentioned by Mr Andrew CHAN in hand, he would contact and reply Mr Andrew CHAN after the meeting.

225. Mr LAI Wai-tong enquired which site was referred to by “the government site near Capri”, and expressed the hope that DLO/SK would clearly indicate the relevant locations on the map. He also hoped that clearer instructions would be provided on the website GeoInfo Map to facilitate public inspection.

226. Mr Dixon CHOY of DLO/SK said he would contact and reply Mr LAI Wai-tong after the meeting.

227. The Vice-Chairman asked DLO/SK to reply to the enquiries made by each Member in writing. There being no other comments from Members, the Vice-Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(The Chairman took the chair at this juncture.)

V. Any Other Business


(A) Motion referred by the Environmental Hygiene, Climate Change, Agriculture and Fisheries Committee

(1) Request the representatives of the Lands Department and Sunevision to attend the HPDC meeting to report and follow up on the improvement proposals endorsed on 15 January 2019 for the new data centre in Area 85 (SKDC(EHCCAFC) Paper Nos. 191/20 and 192/20)

228. Mr Chris CHEUNG hoped to write to SUNeVision once again for the plans of the data centre.

229. The Chairman asked the Secretariat to write to SUNeVision to reflect the above views and declared that the item would be retained.

(B) Motion referred by the Traffic and Transport Committee

(1) Enquiry about the management of short-term tenancy sites in Sai Kung Central by the Government (SKDC(TTC) Paper Nos. 239/20 and 283/20) (SKDC(HPDC) Paper No. 186/20)

230. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan said DLO/SK had not responded to the third question in her paper.

231. Mr Dixon CHOY of DLO/SK said regarding sites with long-term planning intentions, DLO/SK would terminate the STTs to cope with the implementation of long-term land use ofrelevant departments.

232. Ms LEUNG Hin-yan enquired whether LandsD would terminate a STT if the STT tenant was involved in illegal business operation or had committed misconduct, e.g. illegal occupation of land other than the STT site.

233. Mr Dixon CHOY of DLO/SK said pursuant to the Lands (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, LandsD would take land control and enforcement actions against illegal occupation of government land.

234. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(C) Motion referred by the Sai Kung District Council

(1) Request for proactive follow-up on the bad smell of gullies in the vicinity of Tsui Lam Estate and delineation of responsibilities (SKDC(M) Paper Nos. 293/20, 314/20 to 318/20 and 347/20)

235. The Vice-Chairman hoped that HD would provide a map showing the delineation of responsibilities for gullies for HPDC’s reference.

236. Mr William WONG of HD said he had approached relevant staff for follow-up work and would reply to the Vice-Chairman as soon as possible.


[Post-meeting note from HD: HD had asked the relevant staff to follow up the matter and had also replied to the Vice-Chairman.]

237. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman suggested and Members agreed to delete the item at the next meeting.

(2) Request the Link to designate monthly fixed parking spaces and hourly parking spaces in the car park at Po Lam Estate (SKDC(M) Paper Nos. 294/20 and 319/20)

238. The Chairman said the above item had been discussed earlier.

(Note: Please refer to paragraphs 29 to 39.)

(D) Other issues raised by Members

239. Mr Frankie LAM applied for joining the Working Group on Building Management.

240. Mr CHUNG Kam-lun was in support of Mr Frankie LAM’s application and hoped that the Building Management Promotion Committee under SKDO would reinforce collaboration with the Working Group on Building Management under SKDC to provide more information on building management to the public.

241. The Vice-Chairman supplemented that the meeting of the Working Group on Building Management was tentatively scheduled for 10 December 2020.

[Post-meeting note: In view of the situation of COVID-19 outbreak, the Convenor agreed to cancel the Working Group meeting originally scheduled for 10 December 2020.]

242. There being no other comments from Members, the Chairman declared the approval of Mr Frankie LAM’s application for joining the Working Group on Building Management and asked the Secretariat to update the membership list.

VI. Date of Next Meeting

243. The Chairman declared that the next meeting of HPDC would be held on 19 January 2021 (Tuesday) at 9:30 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Sai Kung District Council Secretariat December 2020