3723 CLEVELAND AVENUE, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43224 PHONE 614-471-0712 / FAX 614-471-2134 /
[email protected] WWW.VANCESLE.COM STATE OF OHIO CONTRACT #RS900319 / INDEX #GDC004 FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, LESS LETHAL MUNITIONS AND RELATED LAW ENFORCEMENT MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2020 PRICE LIST VANCE OUTDOORS, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTRACT #RS900319 / INDEX #GDC004 PAGE TITLE 3 ASP Batons, Restraints, Lights, Training & OC Price List 23 Defense Technology Less Lethal Munitions Price List 41 Fox Labs Law Enforcement Aerosol Projectors Price List 43 Hatch Less Lethal Munitions Bag & Protective Gear Price List 52 Hornady Law Enforcement Ammunition Price List 55 Monadnock Batons, Restraints & Riot Control Price List 77 Nightstick Fire and Law Enforcement Flashlights Price List 87 Rings Manufacturing Non-Lethal Training Guns Price List 102 Sabre Law Enforcement Aerosol Projectors Price List 111 Safariland Duty Gear Price List 121 Simunition Training Cartridges, Kits & Equipment Price List 131 Smith & Wesson Restraints, Firearms and Suppressors Price List 137 Streamlight Law Enforcement Flashlights Price List 146 Winchester Law Enforcement Ammunition Price List 2020 ASP BATONS, RESTRAINTS, LIGHTS & OC VANCE OUTDOORS, INC. RS900319 / GDC004 Product Discount % Up Description UOM 1 to 10 Units 11 to 49 Units 50 to 99 Units 100 + Units Retail Number To: BATONS 16/40 BATONS Friction 52212 F16AF Airweight, Foam Each $90.00 $82.75 $78.25 $77.00 $127.87 39.8% 52211 F16BF Black Chrome, Foam Each $90.00 $82.75 $78.25 $77.00 $127.87 39.8% 52213 F16EF Electroless, Foam