Land Forces Academy Review Vol. XXV, No. 4(100), 2020


Marius PRICOPI “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania [email protected]

ABSTRACT Even though at a lower intensity from its 2015-2016 top, the migration crisis at the southern borders of the is far from being over. But as it succeeds the military operation EUNAVFOR MED Sophia in the Mediterranean Sea, the new operation EUNAVFOR MED Irini has a very different mandate, focusing less on the migration events happening in the international waters and more on the arms embargo on . Using as scientific tools the qualitative analysis of social documents and the exploratory case study, this paper argues that EUNAVFOR MED Irini, the newest military operation of the European Union, does not reflect the same level of the organisation’s commitment to address the core causes that continue to generate the flow of illegal migrants.

KEYWORDS: EUNAVFOR MED Irini, European Union, migration, military operation

1. Introduction overwhelming of the capacity of the When compared with the years 2015- European authorities to rescue lives in the 2016, the flow of illegal migrants trying to international waters. reach Europe is currently lower, and it In the following, we argue that the might seem that migration is no longer a ceasing of the military operation threat for the security of the European EUNAVFOR MED Sophia and its continent. But according to the latest data replacement with the more modest (Braithwaite, 2020), in 2019 more than EUNAVFOR MED Irini represents a 100.000 migrants still tried to reach downscale of the European Union’s southern Europe through the Mediterranean involvement in the complex issues facing the Sea, of which over 1.200 dying in the Mediterranean area; among these issues, attempt. Moreover, according to the illegal migration remains the chief European Asylum Support Office humanitarian concern looming at the EU’s (, 2020), in 2019 the number of southern borders. asylum seekers in the European Union (EU) rose for the first time since the peak of 2. Scientific Tool 2015, and the trend is expected to continue. The scientific tool that has been used It should therefore not be a surprise if for researching and writing this paper a steady rise or spikes in the flow of combines elements of the qualitative migrants, generated by sudden changes of analysis of social documents (Bowen, the highly volatile security climate in their 2009) with the exploratory case study countries of origin, might cause an (Mills, Durepos & Wiebe, 2010).   DOI: 10.2478/raft-2020-0036  © 2017. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.

302 3. The Downsized Mandate of 4. Who Will Continue to Carry the EUNAVFOR MED Irini Burden? In between June 2015-March 2020, the Without a doubt, former EUNAVFOR MED Sophia has been has had its share of criticism; according to the “flagship” of the European Union in its some media reports, the search and rescue efforts to combat illegal migration in the operations allegedly not only failed to limit Mediterranean Sea. The naval military the migration flow, as they actually operation has been a major success and, encouraged asylum-seeking migrants to put through its patrolling and search and rescue additional risks on their lives. As an official missions has managed to save no less than of the Libyan coastguard stated at the time, 45.000 lives at sea, arresting over “people, when they get rescued, call their 150 suspected smugglers and traffickers and friends to tell them that there are EU removing more than 550 vessels from illegal vessels only 20 miles from Libyan waters to organizations (European Commission, 2018). save them” (EUOBSERVER, 2016). But its successor, EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia received considerable Irini (commenced on 31 March 2020), has a criticism even from inside the EU, more rather different purpose. According to its specifically in an official report adopted by mandate, the core task of operation Irini is the House of Lords, the Parliament’s Upper “the implementation of the UN arms House of the United Kingdom (still an EU embargo on Libya with aerial, satellite and member at the time of the report). maritime assets”; more specifically, the The concerns stated regarded the arrests of deployed forces can carry out “inspections mainly low-level smugglers, the change of tactics of the illegal migrants or the limited of vessels bound to or from Libya where understanding of the modus operandi of the there are reasonable grounds to believe illegal traffic networks from mainland that such vessels are carrying arms or Libya. The overall recommendations of the related material to or from Libya, directly report urged towards a tackle of not only or indirectly, in violation of the arms the more visible consequences of the embargo on Libya” (Council of the migration crisis, but of its core causes also, European Union, 2020). including the poor security climate in The only task of operation Irini that Libya. Nevertheless, even this critical may be directly linked with the ongoing report considered Sophia’s search and migration crisis is actually a secondary task rescue missions as “vital humanitarian that stipulates only a contribution to the obligations” (House of Lords, 2016). disruption of the business model of the So if EUNAVFOR MED Sophia illegal networks that allow for human ended and if EUNAVFOR MED Irini will smuggling and trafficking. not actively and purposively conduct Therefore, according to its mandate, patrolling or search and rescue missions in EUNAVFOR MED Irini will not continue the international waters, who will? What the active stance on illegal migration taken will happen with the illegal migrants that might find themselves in distress deep at by EUNAVFOR MED Sophia and will not sea? Obviously, as long as the security be actively and purposively involved in situation in their countries of origin remains patrolling or the search and rescue of unstable, the migrants will continue to risk migrants that may find themselves in their lives in seeking a more safe and distress in the international waters. prosperous future, with or without the existence of a military presence in the Mediterranean Sea.

303 It seems that, in lack of an EU – a task that might prove itself extremely military operation in the international difficult, in lack of appropriate transmission waters, the burden falls on the southern- and communication means or prior basic border member states and the European training on how to use those means. Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), which is obliged to “provide 5. The Non-Governmental Actors technical and operational assistance to Are Stepping Up Their Involvement member states and non-EU countries” in The same absence of an support of these search and rescue missions intergovernmental EU military operation in “that may arise during border surveillance the international waters has prompted operations at sea” (FRONTEX, 2020). various non-governmental organizations Thus, once FRONTEX vessels reach (NGOs) to take upon themselves the the migrants in distress, officers provide continuation of the necessary patrols and medical assistance, food and water; search and rescue missions of the illegal afterwards, they hand over the migrants to migrants. national authorities (mainly and Thus, according to the latest data, in ) for identification and registration. June 2019 there were no less than 7 NGO But there is a catch: the migrants in distress ships operating in the Mediterranean Sea in international waters have to somehow and involved in these types of operations in first manage to alert the Maritime Rescue the international waters (Table no. 1). Coordination Centre or nearby vessels

Table no. 1 NGO Ships involved in search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea NGO Country No. Vessel Name Flag State NGO of Registration 1 Mo Chara Sweden Refugee Rescue United Kingdom

2 Moonbird Switzerland Sea-Watch Sea-Eye 3 Alan Kurdy Germany Germany PROEM-AID 4 Josefa Germany RESQSHIP Germany

5 Mare Liberum Germany Mare Liberum Germany

6 Sea-Watch 3 Netherlands Sea-Watch Germany Humanitarian Maritime 7 Aita Mari Spain Spain Rescue Association (Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2019)

But even though the initiatives of the of the NGOs have been met with skepticism NGOs are commendable, their efforts by some governmental authorities, that surely lack the vast resources and planning have even initiated various administrative and execution capabilities belonging to and criminal proceedings against crew intergovernmental organizations; therefore members and have seized or blocked in their efforts, while they last, will only solve harbors different vessels that had flag issues part of the problem. Moreover, according to or technical problems. media reports (European Union Agency for But NGOs are not the only non-state Fundamental Rights, 2020), these initiatives actors that get involved in the on-going

304 migration crisis, as highly mediatised influent migrants in distress” (Sunderland, 2020) individuals play an active role also. Thus is and portray the initiatives of the non-state the case of Banksy, an anonymous British actors as some sort of wake-up call for the street artist that captured the headlines of the European decision-makers. On the other side, 2020 summer not with his latest pieces of art, in March 2019, EU’s Migration but with his decision to fund a ship involved Commissioner declared that the migration in the search and rescue of illegal migrants. crisis is over, denouncing “misinformation, Bansksy’s ship is a small (31 meters length) untruths and fake news” for the controversies but fast motor-yacht, named after the French surrounding the issue (Fox, 2019). anarchist Louise Michel. Previously owned But beyond declarations and by the French custom authorities and now interpretations, the facts speak for under German flag, the ship is colourfully themselves: in 2019 over 100.000 people painted in pink and white, “depicting a girl in tried to illegally cross the Mediterranean a life vest holding a heart-shaped safety Sea and enter Europe; concurrently, the buoy” (Braithwaite, 2020) (obviously, a newest military operation of the European Banksy artwork). Union, EUNAVFOR MED Irini, does not The “Louise Michel” discreetly sailed actively and purposively conduct patrolling from the Spanish Port of Burrinia on or search and rescue missions in the 18 August 2020, and in short time managed international waters, thus signaling a to save almost 200 migrants in two separate downscale of the EU’s involvement in the incidents. But as the ship could migration crisis. accommodate only 120 passengers on board Therefore, in the absence of a specific and after health conditions worsened for EU military operation, the burden falls on many of the migrants, the crew issued via FRONTEX, the EU southern border Twitter an urgent call for help; following member states, non-governmental the immediate need for assistance, the organisations and various activist Italian coastguard evacuated 49 migrants individuals. But although obliged to with poor health (“dehydration, traumatic intervene in an urgency call, ships injuries, hypothermia and fuel burns” – belonging to FRONTEX and the border Braithwaite, 2020), while the others were countries routinely patrol only in their transferred on board of another German territorial waters; also, the non-state actors ship, that was latter approved to dock in the who do take a stance on this issue lack a Port of Palermo. constant flow of resources and capabilities, while the planning and execution of their 6. Conclusions operations tend to be rather hasty and After more than five years, the conducted on an ad-hoc basis. migration crisis remains an extremely And so, if from various dividing issue. On the one side, activists uncontrollable reasons the flow of migrants and parts of the media are claiming that the will start to considerably increase, we might European Union “turns its back on witness 2015-2016 all over again.

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