Reavers of harkenwold pdf

Continue If you missed the 4th edition of D'D for any reason, you missed out on some amazing adventure content. The Wizards of the Coast tested various adventure projects with a layout publishing format that required individual encounters within the adventure to fit only two pages (the mini-map is included). This format had its pros and cons, but despite its final rejection, the format seemed to be struggling with creative juices from designers at the time (or perhaps despite it). Long and short is what some of the adventures written for the 4th edition of the DSO are some of the best I've ever run for many editions (for whatever reason). In this multi-fuss article, I detail some of the best adventurous content to come out of the main product and Dungeon Magazine team that can be adapted to your RD 5th edition (or any edition, in fact) game. For any longtime blog follower or my Twitter feed, this is probably not the first time you've heard me talk about Harkenwold. Included in the 4th edition of Dungeon Master's Kit (part of the D'D Essentials line), this is one of my favorite adventures of all time along with the classic T1 - Village Hommlet and Troll Lord game A1 - Assault on Blacktooth Ridge. Reavers of Harkenwold was written by renowned designer Rich Baker with additional design contributions from Chris Perkins. Computers are fighting with mercenaries, looting homestead plots. Harkenwold is a duchy that has been captured by an external army filled with mercenaries (including several summoned villains). Iron Circle are super-evil bad guys who are thrown down by the rightful Duke. Rebel resistance has sprung up and it is up to the PC to help liberate the Duchy. What makes RoH as good as it was written as a mini sandbox. The adventure is really a series of non-linear small encounters - connect with the uprising, disrupt the supply lines, recruit more rebels, negotiate with the elves, fight the goblins ... Etc. There's a variety of challenges presented and broad latitudes being given to THE DM on how to run an adventure. Flexibility is a key force in this module. Not only is it non-linear, but there's a place to go into side quests or any other ideas you may have to fill it out for your group. As written, Iron Circle is clearly a black hat, but just as easily can be launched as more gray. Think of the Roman legionnaires. They conquered and plundered, but they also brought technology and civilization along with their conquests. You can play this adventure as more political than strictly good vs. evil. Are the Iron Circle really the bad guys? Or just the latest winners in the ongoing political struggle between the kingdoms? Perhaps the Duke wasn't the nicest guy around, so for the peasants, nothing much has changed. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. The adventure was For levels from 2 to 4... but in my own game, I stretched out this content for months on end. There was so much room to work that I just kept adding items until I had a full low level of campaign created out of what was originally a fairly short adventure. The Duchy of Harkenwold is a rich place where the foundations of the campaign are easily laid. The Battle of Albridge can be an epic tactical battle! For fans of the 5th edition of D'D, this adventure can be easily transformed into a low-level campaign. Porting the monster ability of the 4th edition is a little more complicated than with other editions, but this adventure has a lot of your basic low-level mooks like bandit mercenaries, goblins, undead, etc. even more sophisticated creatures to transform like devil infantry, can be reskin other low-level demons or devils. The DM kit is a bit pricey on the DM Guild, especially considering that the PDF doesn't come with scanned meeting cards. However, this adventure still costs $20 if you're willing to wring most of it. Some of the maps are available on the mike Schlei cartographer's website, but for an additional fee. If The Wizards of the Coast ever adds to the cards in the PDF, it would be well worth the money. Next: Part 2 - Wizards Once Again Stored on the Border Civilized World has been reduced to a number of points of light in a large desert of danger and monsters. Bookhouse: Find Nentir Vale products. Darkbard Goblin Posts: 15 Joined by: W Jan 10, 2017 3:16pm Gender: Men's Post on Darkbard Wed March 13, 2019 11:23am 11:23am 13th March 2019 3:44 amI has some ideas for linking RoH with the plot of The Store at Shadowfell and Abbey Madness Mor as well (and perhaps even Thunderspire Mountain). Yes, as Tim says, details, please! Seromaru X Scion Archozia Messages: 1612 Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:24am Gender: Male Location: San Gil, Columbia Contact: Contact Seromar X Post on Zeromar X Thur March 14, 2019 5:24am I haven't fully developed the idea, but I believe Prey for Smiley Bob is a good start to the adventure and it's just going to happen to be ambient in Harkenoldw. As for Cazakk (the red dragon of the longest night), I' sure he won't be surprised to find that some pesky people and devils are trying to conquer his domains (he considers himself a true force in all Harkenwold). Plus the dragon against the devils, the replay of the Archosyan-Turati wars! Now I want to create an additional quest where computers go to ask the of Dythan for help... As for Keeping on Shadowfell, it's just that I'm part of this rare minority that actually loves this adventure (despite its challenges) and I'm always looking for excuses to enhance it. And I have a crazy idea that the Iron Circle would be a natural enemy for Covenant (the cult of Kalarel is a member, as shown in the Reach of Death). You know, the devil. Devil. against the cult of the demon, he links this to the meta-seal of Bloody War As for Thunderspire Mountains and Madness in Gardmore Abbey, those fit adventures to serve as sequels for The Keep on Shadowfell campaign (yes, Madness in Gardmore Abbey is way more appropriate than the Pyramid of Shadows... And much better to download). DM may need to align these adventures to then fit in as sequels to Reavers Harkanvold though. JoeNotCharles Ogre Posts: 274 Joined: Thu June 05, 2008 8:29pm Gender: Men's Location: Montreal, quebec Post JoeNotCharles Sat March 16, 2019 3:23pm I also read a bunch of 4E adventures recently, thinking about linking them together in the sandbox. I ended up with a heroic level campaign centered around Reavers Harkenwold, then Thunderspire Mountain and then Gardmore Abbey. I was going to continue the link in Paragon and epic level adventures, but I ran out of steam. Here's what I came up with for Harkenwold: First, drop the level of the first part to level 1. Opening a meeting (meeting PC thugs attacking the estate, helping fight them, and still gaining a reputation as strong warriors who can help save Harkenwold) works great as an opening campaign. And it allows us to dispel Level 1 Chaos Scar adventures around. Isarn, and dragon Many years ago Thor Hammerfist and his companions fought with zanandra, a black dragon who was lardling in a swamp now called Toadwallow. They defeated the , but not before he was unsalting from Thor's sword-hand. His adventure career was over, he retired to find Tor's Hold with a local woman who fed him back to health. His companion, the sorcerer Goliath Voran Earthling, built a laboratory in the swamp where he could continue his secret research away from the prying eyes of the Harkenwolders, still being by his friend Thor. Sturl Bransson, the aspiring bard, can tell the PC in this story, and add that The Great Uncle Voran has not seen since he was a child. If the computer plans to go to Toadwallow, he will ask them to look for any signs of what happened to Waran and, if they can, restore his Headquarters Earthen Might to save as a relic and use the defense of Tor Hold. He can give them directions to the sanctuary of Voran. The PC can also find this by following bullywug tracks or escaping bullywugs from the main lair. Thor Hammerfist, Tor's Hold and its current leader Bran Thorsson of Rivers Harkenwold. I added Sturl as a mouthpiece. The abandoned laboratories of Voran Earthling appeared several times in the Scar of Chaos. This particular one is a stick in the mud from Dungeon 171. What he doesn't tell the PC if pressed is that he's already made this request to another stranger. Yisarn the magician came to Tor's Hold a few months ago, just after the bullywugs began the raid, ask about the history of Tor and the Dragon, and Sturl said said lots of details. He even showed Isarna one of Voran's diaries and recalls that the magician was excited about the mention of the dragon's blood: Voran kept a blood sample of zanander in his laboratory and exchanged another sample for Del Nistier's eladrin. Sturl became nervous because of Iarn's unhealthy interest and pretended not to know how to find the sanctuary of Voran, and the magician disappeared along with the magazine and the dragon's tooth, which used to be displayed over the fire (along with Thor's gilded hand, which remains). Everyone accuses a stranger of stealing, but no one knows how much Sturl told him about the dragon. It's not hard to discover Sturl's guilt and convince him to unload himself on someone outside his family. Isam actually ventured into the Caves of Toadwallow and escaped with most of the bones of zanandra, but the bullywugs kept him from making a skull. He was unable to find the sanctuary of Voran, so he moved to the ruins of Del Nistier to find a second blood sample and create his strength before making another attempt at the skull. A partially assembled skeleton in his workshop is specially missing the head. In Rivers, Isarn the necromanc builds an undead dragon under the ruins of Del Nystiere, and the dragon's blood is needed as a teleport key to get into his lair. The elves simply give the players a sample. This expands, giving rumors about Yisarn's activities to the group at the other end of the valley to make it feel more integrated into the backstory. As well as the connection of the dragon skull on the map of the Lair Bullywug with the skeleton of the dragon Isarn. Del Nistier was abandoned not hundreds of years ago but just a generation. People will strongly warn them of the ruins, especially Reitann Druid and The Woodsinger Elves. After Isarn began to threaten Woodsingers, a group of them ventured closer to the ruins to try to eradicate him, and did not return. Now, if the PC attempt to explore the ruins directly they will ambush the corrupt elves and led into an enchanted version of the forest with a ruined village and the evil spirit that lurks there in the center. If they fight, they'll find the back entrance to isarn's sanctuary. Damaged elves are the adventure elves of Chaos in the Valley in Dungeon 178. Woodsingers will tell PCs about standing stones and the need for dragon blood to activate them, but won't give up their precious supplies if the batch impresses them greatly. Instead, they will tell the party about the Sehanine temple, which stands on the outskirts of Del Nystiere, which contains many secrets. (Finding this skill is a challenge; the failure of the party misses too close to the ruins and is ambushed by elves in the valley, but can still find a temple if they don't bait in following them.) The temple contains a door to a secret room that opens only by light The moon, and the last priest who took refuge there has an amulet with a drop of dragon blood received from Waran Earthmane. Of course, if the computers are in the temple after sunset, the undead hordes of Yisarn attack. The attack of the undead is the adventure of The Chaos of Scar, dead dawn in Dungeon 176. This extends Yisarn's linear kill to impress woodsingers quest from Reavers in more search. There are at least 3 ways to find the dragon's blood needed to get to the isarn's sanctuary: go above and beyond in diplomacy when meeting the Woodsingers, find some in the abandoned Voran lab, find some in the sanctuary, or skip the dragon's blood in general and fight through the ruins of Del Nystiere. Halfling Troubles The Iron Circle aren't the only bandits threatening the valley. Several lone groups use their activities as a cover to create problems. One of them is a family of half-family named Brothers Grey. The brothers have been swimming with Reedfoots for a while, but we are excluded for deceiving landlubbers. Now they have a lair in an old mine in Briar Hills from which they come out to rob and kill. One of Ridfoot's daughters can still receive letters from one of the grays holding the keys to the location of their hiding place. Adalbar Easthill will also complain that they are taking resources that could go to fight the iron circle and knows where to find them, but can not attack them on their own. Iron Circle patrols in the area may complain of ambushes and link them to the uprising, but do not know where to find them. The Gray Brothers from Dungeon 172. Another family of half-lags living near the White River is the Blackstream family, former traders who have settled on the riverbank to farm. Many years ago their eldest child disappeared, and more recently the rest of the children were taken away by the slavers. Slave traders have a den in the forest in the northwest, and although they are not part of the iron circle, both groups support each other. Reedfoots can tell PC it's a sorry story. The slave traders are the Thorrog believers from the Log of Slave Owners in Dungeon 171. The slaveholder's den contains a tunnel filled with Myconids that remains open for the DM to determine where it is going. In this campaign it leads in Underdark and finally to Thunderspire. Many other adventures of Chaos Scar are connected in this tunnel. More on that later. zeromaru X Scion from Arkhosia Messages: 1612 Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:24am 7:24am: 2:44 pm : San Gil, Colombia Contact: Contact Seromar X Post on Sat 16, 2019 4:49pm I look forward to the rest of your ideas. I can even add a 4th way to get blood: ally with Cazzak (dragon from the longest night, Dragon 370 - Roll vs. role section), and negotiate with to get blood. If you convice it you're going to help get rid of the og problem of the iron circle, the circle, can help you with a few drops of blood. You can even add complications to using a red dragon's blood rather than a black dragon block if you really want to troll your players (although that's something I don't really like). Cazak is a Paragon Tier monster, so it can be your first step to build this extension in Paragon Level. Similarly, Prey for Smiley Bob (Dungeon 205) is a really good adventure to add to the halflings burden. In the adventure, Smiley Bob attacks the halflings because some goblins are chasing him, but you can change it to the wathever enemy you like. The Briar Hills mine may be the same Briar Hills mine in some Assambly Required (Dungeon 208). While the threat of Kerang Dracolich may be too much for your campaign, you can connect the Kobold tribes from this adventure to those from Chaos Scar. That's why I love Nentir Vale, anyway. RagingOwlbear Goblin Posts: 10 Joined: Wed March 13, 2019 4:23pm Raging Owlbear Post » W 19 March 2019 5:22pm I'm going to try to respond with more details later, but I'd like to quickly point out a few places from which I drew inspiration. First, the transformation of Reavers into a broader campaign began with having to go through all of Dungeon's PDF files in the 4e era. The adventures of Chaos Scar are often easy to change because many of them were common enough to happen anywhere. I focused on level 1-6 and made a list. I also went to the line-up 's head (instead of XP), so the focus will be adventure content rather than the next level of ding. The level of progression my party has made slowly, but it has also allowed us as a group to enjoy the heroic tier during a lengthy campaign. I was also strongly inspired by what I saw over at the Fat Dragon forum. These paper artisans have built some amazing things and I tried to emulate some of their set of ups. Here's a thread from some of my pics: ... harkenwold Here are some more pics from my old Fickr account: ... 9129505235 After reading several different topics on Harkenwold, I stole a number of ideas to make the Battle of Albridge a key focus of the campaign. The Iron Circle has Harken, but they don't yet have enough troops to keep all the cities in the Duchy. However, they bring more troops every day, so this makes the recruitment aspect of the campaign critical. Getting Tor's Hold and the elves to join has become paramount. I also added Halflings (river traders) as a faction with a village of their own. I don't remember the exact name, was an adventure called The Problem on the Misty River or similar. I used this as a basis for getting help from Halflings. The Battle of Albridge was a massive battle inspired by this thread: ...... There was also another poster that created a mass combat system that allowed each PC to lead a small commando unit that could contribute to a massive battle. I don't have these notes on hand, but I changed my sentences and came up with my own version. Each unit had hit points that were functionally equivalent to one soldier on the hit point. This gave the battle more weight, as with each skirmish these points of impact were the death of village militias and women. The players had a strong momentum not only to win, but also to minimize losses, as a victory with very few villagers who survived would be empty. There was even a mechanic of a combat medic, who allowed healers to restore the downed militias. These points of impact were still lost from the mass combat unit, but the villagers of the NPC can still be rescued (after the battle) by medics. I'll look for my mass combat notes and after if I find them. They are common enough that they can be used with any edition. Before the Battle of Albridge, I also had a run-in for a PC with an approaching army. Basically, these were hit-and-run scripts to slow down traffic to Albridge. The aim was not to engage the army in its entirety, but to slow their advance in order to buy time to strengthen the Arbidge army. With all these extra cogs and wheels I added, I was able to really stretch the Harkenwold arc for a much longer period of time. Of course, we only met 2 or 3 times a month, but even with a weekly game, I could get somewhere between 6 months to a year of content. All told, our game ran for 2 or 3 years and still stayed in the heroic tier all the time, which (for me) are the levels that work best in 4e. I would like to repeat this campaign with a new group under 5e, but my group is now in the middle of one of the journeys of adventure hardback. I liked DM'ing that story immensely. RagingOwlbear Goblin Posts: 10 Joined: Wed March 13, 2019 4:23pm Raging Owlbear Post 19, 2019 5:31pm Post Script: IIRC, I think I used Smiley Bob as a pre-cursor Harkenwold, but more like just a low-level side hike. I don't remember everything I ran from the dungeon, but The Misty River, the Gray brothers, and Stick in the Mud stand out in my head. I also considered making a Marl village that was destroyed in Killing Stone, but the campaign ended up going differently, so I abandoned the idea. Tim Baker Axe Beak Communications: 3845 Posted by: 19, 2016 7:51am 07:51AM: 4:31 PM: United States Contact: Contact Tim Baker Post Tim Baker W-Can Mar 19, 2019 7:02 pm Raging Owbearl W. Mar 19, 2019 5:22 p.m. There was also another poster that created a massive combat system that allowed each PC to lead a small commando unit that could contribute to the fight against the masses. I have no these notes at hand, but I changed my sentence and came come with my own variation. Each unit had hit points that were functionally equivalent to one soldier on the hit point. This gave the battle more weight, as with each skirmish these points of impact were the death of village militias and women. The players had a strong momentum not only to win, but also to minimize losses, as a victory with very few villagers who survived would be empty. There was even a mechanic of a combat medic, who allowed healers to restore the downed militias. These points of impact were still lost from the mass combat unit, but the villagers of the NPC can still be rescued (after the battle) by medics. I'll look for my mass combat notes and after if I find them. They are common enough that they can be used with any edition. I'd love to see these mechanics if you're able to dig them up. I have never found a mass combat system that fits my preferences. Something much simpler than what is usually suggested (I don't care about formations or encounters or learning a brand new mini-game), you can use existing basic mechanics to simulate a battle on a large scale, but not so zoomed in on the PC so that everything going around them doesn't matter. The 13th age is approaching, but even this system still comes down to a PC getting a benefit or bathhouse based on a random chance that is thematically suited to the battle around them. ( Escalation! fanzine for the 13th century. Tim Baker Axe Beak Messages: 3845 Joined: W Jan 19, 2016 7:51am Gender: Men's Location: United States Contact: Contact Tim Baker Post Tim Baker W Mar 19, 2019 7:04pm 7:04pm 7:04pm :W Mar 19, 2019 6:22pm Like you, for 4e I also used the inhero system to level up. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one using this system. Is it the official system that is offered in DMG or question Dungeon or something? Or is it something that is pretty obvious to DMs, and you've figured out the right number of importants for your particular group and campaign? ( Escalation! fanzine for the 13th century. Tim Baker Axe Beak Messages: 3845 Joined: THu 19, 2016 7:51am Paul: Men's Location: United States Contact: Contact Tim Baker Post Tim Baker W Mar 19, 2019 9:11pm 19th 19th 2:51 PM: W Mar 19, 2019 8:49pm I don't remember where I got the alternative idea for this rule. It's not on DMGs. But I really like it. It was a way to promote role-playing games, and get rid of XP, something I felt video game-y. I think I should share this alternative level system up. I'd love to see what you come up with and how close it is to the 5e optional rule and the 13th age system for alignment. ( Escalate! fanzine for the 13th century. capnskillet7 Goblin Messages: 18 Joined: W Apr 02, 2019 1:40am Paul: Men's Post capnskillet7 Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:55pm I still have a DM kit from 4e and I plan to run run run run for the group, using Rule 5e soon. It's a group of teenagers who have played some, but they're still very new. I thought the Robin Hood story of the Reavers would work well for a group of young players. I plan to have all of them from Baron Harkenwold, grown together. They left the Baron to see more of the Valley, but they decided to return home to visit when they find the iron circle of Ilyan's attack. I hope to tie in the characters of different NPCs to get them to care about what happens to people and the area. I want to stretch the content to get them from level 1 to about level 5, at which point I want one of the characters to get the title of Baron when the old baron is too weak to recover from his time as a prisoner. Then they will have to keep and baroni to manage. It will be their job to protect their people from external threats, which is a good opportunity to lead to other adventures of Nentir Vale like Thunderspire Maze and Gardmore Abbey. I got a lot of good information from this site and I appreciate the administrators claiming me. If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know! Tim Baker Axe Beak Messages: 3845 Posted by: 19, 2016 7:51am Dec. I like your idea to run Reavers as a Tier 1 adventure (or adventure series). I think it will work well this way. Feel free to create a thread to keep us informed of your progress, especially when converting content from 4e to 5e. you may not be alone in trying to do so and it may be helping others. Please think to say hello to present yourself here thread, so that we can get to know you better. ( Escalation! fanzine for the 13th century. capnskillet7 Goblin Messages: 18 Joined: W Apr 02, 2019 1:40am Gender: Men's Post capnskillet7 Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:39pm Tim Baker wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:52pm I like your idea to run Reavers as a Tier 1 adventure (or adventure series). I think it will work well this way. Feel free to create a thread to keep us informed of your progress, especially when converting content from 4e to 5e. you may not be alone in trying to do so and it may be helping others. Please think to say hello to present yourself here thread, so that we can get to know you better. Thank you for the reception! I posted in a submit forum. I'm not sure when I'll take on the DM duties of our little group. Now one of the children acts as a DM. He doesn't know the rules but he is very creative and does a good job for the new DM. I hope that when I launch a campaign that all players can learn the rules better and eventually all get a chance to be creative and run their own games in I don't have a mini, but I have tokens from 4e. I'll make a stream as soon as my adventure starts and try to make writeups about what's going on, including my adaptation to 5e and how well they work. Tim Baker Axe Beak Communications: 3845 Joined by: TW Jan 19, 2016 7:51am: Men's Location: United States Contact: Contact Tim Baker Post Tim Baker Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:48 pm capnskillet7 posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:39pm Now one of the children acting as DM. He doesn't know the rules that well, but he's very creative and does a good job for the new DM. Thanks for passing our hobby along with the next generation! I play with my kids as well, and I'm grateful that most of them like it. ( Escalation! fanzine for the 13th century. capnskillet7 Goblin Messages: 18 Joined: W Apr 02, 2019 1:40am Gender: Men's post capnskillet7 Mon Apr 08, 2019 5:27pm Tim Baker wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:48pm capnskillet7 wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:39pm Right now from children acting as a DM. He doesn't know the rules that well, but he's very creative and does a good job for the new DM. Thanks for passing our hobby along with the next generation! I play with my kids as well, and I'm grateful that most of them like it. Two of the teens in the game we play are my students. The other two attend church with them. Ironically, we play our sessions in the youth room in their church. It's a great thing that in rural Alabama, the church is OK with a group playing DING in their building. RagingOwlbear Goblin Posts: 10 Joined: Wed March 13, 2019 4:23pm Post Raging Owlbear Mon Apr 08, 2019 9.40pm Albridge Mass Fighting Rules (as seen in the photo posted above) Actually, I found the paperwork. I'm such a digital package rat. I changed the rules of mass anti-post, which I found on the forums fat dragon. I can't find this post now, but I want to credit the original author if someone spots it. My version is definitely a derivative work. I'm sure I've changed the rules of mass combat a lot from what they've posted. There are a few vague areas. I don't remember how I handled the zoom vs. zoom. Increase this mass combat rules. The zoom was more standard D'D 4e mechanics with individual battle groups, but as far as I remember, we didn't really increase much, if at all. I kept it very abstract. Each set of squads was a PC hero as leader. This leader gave the strength I came up with based on their class abilities. The PC is otherwise not statistically available. They are considered part of the squad, and will be injured somehow if their squads route. Albridge units (and rules): ... sp'sharing iron circle units: ... Interchange rules: Battle of Albridge - Mass Combat Rules Each player will control 2 (and sometimes more) squads Each squad gets movement and attack action every round. The squad consists of 4 to 20 soldiers (units) represented by paper minis. One paper mini will actually represent 3 units (i.e. - 15 unit units 5 paper mini). For every 3 units lost, there is one paper mini (representing a wounded soldier who can be saved). The motion grid movement consists of 5' squares (technically... it's a little more abstract with a few units). All units must move together, keeping in touch between the units. They should be grouped into a square/rectangle whenever possible, but can be spread into a line in an area based on a compression situation. Opponents located next to any part of the squad (any unit) are considered adjacent. The movement does not provoke opportunities. Attack all units in the attack squad as a whole. An attack is successful when the d20 roll and attack number meets or exceeds the enemy's defense number. The amount of to the attacking team reduces the opposing units by this amount. Force Some units have special attacks that can be activated a limited number of times. Heroes will also receive special powers that can be activated at any time in the interest of a squad within 5 squares. Combat advantage / Flank combat advantages can be obtained by using higher ground, flank or other situational effects. The combat advantage provides only 1 euro for the purposes of this battle. For this battle, the flank is defined as any two detachments adjacent to the opposing squad on different (but not necessarily opposite) sides. Flank units provide a combat advantage to opposing forces. Specific positioning may require a GM solution. Cover/Superior Cover/Hiding Squads with a cover to get No.1 to their defense number. Squads that are only partially in the lid can also gain this advantage (at GM's discretion). Squads with excellent coverage or concealment can receive 2 euros per protection number (also at GM's discretion). Second Breath/Healing PC Bursts can only use one healing splash after a zoom-in encounter (not including a second breath used during a meeting). During a mass fight, only 2 healing jumps can be spent on each computer during the fight to revive 2 units to fight the state on the splash. Additional jumps (unlimited) can be used by each player to sort downed squads. This does not enliven the unit for combat, but allows the unit to be rescued back to the rear. The Reinforcement Party has one reinforcement of the group's daily strength. This will cause four fencemen to fight one increase-in battle, which can go bad. RagingOwlbear Goblin Messages: 10 Joined: March 13, 2019 4:23pm Post RagingOwlbear Mon 08 April 2019 9:46pm PS - My milestone alignment consisted of the following. 1) I've put together my list of different modules that I've selected from the dungeon and other sources. 2) I I them on a level. 3) We played through various adventures and side quests until I ran out of content on the level they were or decided it was time for the big enemies. 4) I leveled them. 5) Rinse and repeat. Tim Baker Axe Beaks Communications: 3845 Posted by: 19, 2016 7:51am PDT: Men's Location: Contact Tim Baker Post Tim Baker, 09, 2019 4:50am Raging Owbearl wrote: Mon 08 Apr 2019 9:40 pm Albridge Mass Combat Rules... Actually, I found the paperwork. I'm such a digital package rat. Very cool. Thanks for sharing this. I like that the launch of mass combat will be well known to all who are used to working in the game. This is an extended and simplified version of regular combat, not its own mini-game. I prefer that. RagingOwlbear wrote: Mon 08 April 2019 9.40pm Each set of squads was PC Hero as leader. This leader gave the strength I came up with based on their class abilities. The PC is otherwise not statistically available. They are considered part of the squad, and will be injured somehow if their squads route. Does this mean that the computer does not have access to its forces during mass battles? So if the master is built into the unit, they can't throw a fireball against the opposing force while the battle is increased? ( Escalation! fanzine for the 13th century. Tim Baker Axe Beak Communications: 3845 Posted by: 19, 2016 7:51am : Men's Location: United States Contact: Contact Tim Baker Post Tim Baker W Apr 09, 2019 4:51am Raging Owlbear posted: Mon 08 April 2019 9:46pm PS - My milestone level consisted of the following. 1) I've put together my list of different modules that I've selected from the dungeon and other sources. 2) I ordered them on the level. 3) We played through various adventures and side quests until I ran out of content on the level they were or decided it was time for the big enemies. 4) I leveled them. 5) Rinse and repeat. I did exactly the same thing when launching my 4e campaign for my kids! I still have a .txt file where I ranked the outline for the campaign, along with the level they'd reach when they completed the cost of each level of adventure. ( Escalation! fanzine for the 13th century. capnskillet7 Goblin Messages: 18 Joined: W Apr 02, 2019 1:40am Gender: Men's post capnskillet7 Wed Apr 10, 2019 3:51pm Tim Baker wrote: Wed Apr 09, 2019 4:51am RagingOwlbear wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:46pm PS - My 4.51am alignment consisted of the following. 1) I've put together my list of different modules that I've selected from the dungeon and other sources. 2) I ordered them on the level. 3) We played through various adventures and side quests until I ran out of content on the level they were or decided it was time for the big enemies. 4) I leveled them. Rinse and repeat. I did exactly the same thing when launching my 4e campaign for my kids! I still .txt file where I took ranked Sketch for the campaign, along with the level they'd reach when they completed the cost of each level of adventure. Thanks for the info! This will be very helpful as I prepare the content for the 5e version of these adventures. I would love to see that .txt file and order you ran things. Now I'm trying to decide how often to align them. I want them to reach level 5 at the end of Reavers Harkenwold, but that's with the addition of a few extra things along the way. Way. reavers of harkenwold pdf. reavers of harkenwold 5e. reavers of harkenwold maps. reavers of harkenwold the trove. reavers of harkenwold review. reavers of harkenwold free pdf

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