July/August 2015 | catholicvi.com

SPECIAL REPORT Venerable Pierre Toussaint A from the Caribbean, Part 4 | PG. 6

REFLECTION The Redemptorists and Our Lady of Perpetual Help | PG. 14

JOURNEY OF FAITH Deacon Clement Danet | pg. 16

SACRED ORDER MILESTONES CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Priest and deacon anniversaries bring joy and reflection Commencements | PG. 17 Inside this issue

3 From the editor's desk

6 Special report Venerable Pierre Toussaint: A saint from the Carribbean, Part 4 of 4.

13 Local news Haitian independence celebration.

14 Reflection The Redemptorists and Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

16 Journey of faith Deacon Clement Danet.

22 Parish calendars

25 ¡Buenas noticias!

ON THE COVER: Bishop Bevard and principal Father New Executive Director for Catholic Charities of the V.I. As longtime head of Catholic Ortiz-Santiago award diploma to Charities Akin retires, Ms. Andrea Shillingford, his former assistant, has been Wilbur Williams. Mr. Williams is named to head the agency. Shown here (l-r): Theodore Fahie, accountant; Michael Akin, representative of many students who volunteer Ermin Boschulte, and Ms. Andrea Shillingford, the new executive director of have transferred to SPPS from other Catholic Charities of the United States Islands. schools in order to take advantage of a solid Catholic education and the academic excellence of its programs.

From the Bishop’s Desk (L-R): Ms. Danielle Olive was the valedictorian of her class; St. Father Herbert A. Bevard, ordained High School graduating class of 2015; to the priesthood 43 years ago on May Ms. Candace Bryan, salutatorian of 20, 1972. Ordained the Bishop of St. Sts. Peter and Paul High School. Thomas in the Virgin Islands September 3, 2008, His Excellency marked his priestly ordination with priests, deacons, and Please submit religious of the diocese with the praying news and digital photography for the of Vespers together followed by a festive September 2015 issue of The Catholic dinner hosted by Msgr. Feudjio. Islander by Aug. 3, 2015. The Magazine of the Father John Matthew Fewel Charlotte Banks Brother James Petrait, OSFS EDITOR Roman Catholic Diocese Lillia King WEBMASTER ADVERTISING of St. Thomas in the Sarah Jane von Haack Submit advertising to: Virgin Islands MANAGING EDITOR Christine Joseph [email protected]. Deacon Emith Fludd Proof Reader Most Reverend Herbert Bevard Jenny Bis CIRCULATION PUBLISHER GRAPHIC DESIGNER www.FAITHcatholic.com

2 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com of our life, whatever that life is. chalice from which he had had to drink, God made all of heaven and populated had wealth he had never before possessed. it with angels, who lacked for nothing, not When God gives us our life, as the even God, and, yet a third of heaven's angels Venerable Pierre Toussaint once said: "The are now hell's devils, because, for so many die is cast." Out of the treasury of God's many of the angelic host, their plenty and riches gifts to us we must give as much as we are able. bred in their sinful spirits envy, pride and If we have nothing more than a heart broken deep malice. in trouble and grief, the beatitudes of the The human family created by God is so Lord tell us, what a treasure we have to share! highly favored by Him, one great sign of When Christ promised that they who mourn We accept good from God; which is the misfortune, want, suffering and shall be comforted, could He have had you in Why should we not accept the sorrow that accompany living on earth. mind? In your sorrow, could you, like Christ One who has been blessed in this life with suffering, be a comfort to the mourner? "bad" things, as well? want and scarcity has little to draw him from In his Passion, Our Lord has met us in BY FATHER JOHN MATTHEW FEWEL his duty of loving and serving God. One who our deepest human need. His suffering and has much, has been blessed with a means to death are the hope we have of heaven after In the fifth chapter of Matthew, Jesus like God, supply the needs of another. The this broken world of pain. gives us the beatitudes. They are our code paradox of want and privation in the world is To His heavenly angels He gave so much. of blessedness. explained by the gift of one who shares what But to His earthly angels He has given so How blessed is one who suffers for doing he has with one who is in need. much more. For out of each beatitude comes good we learn! How good for a person to One who sorrows and mourns is blessed its own storehouse of gifts. They do not come yearn for, yet lack in this world, peace and with the special love and attention of God, of wealth and plenty, but out of poverty. justice! who is tenderhearted and knows our cares; God created the universe and all that is out He called them peacemakers, who will and one who knows sorrow and bitter tears of nothing. Yet, the nothingness out of which see God. Dwelling within each one of us is is able to comfort others who cry many God made the world is everything, for God a peacemaking God who longs to help us to tears of heartbreak, sadness and mourning. is all and is in all. His promise fills every void. share in His peace; and to share it with all, Imagine the Job of youth and the Job of In that truth lies the key to treasuring our with the good and with the evil. old age, and the difference between them. cross! Jesus in all his days among us did only The young man truly lived before God what was just, loving and good. Christ in justice and peace, his heart filled with modeled for us how to resolute and love for the God he served with all that he determined in doing only good, even when owned. The aged Job never lost any of his that good is rewarded with evil. youthful love of his maker; yet his terrible Our Lord came to serve and to save us from period of trial had indeed given him a our sins. Whether we live in plenty, without gift of more worth than anything else he material want, or, in poverty and privation. had received from God. In his suffering, Jesus gave a talk that day, when He sat Job became able to offer help and comfort down and addressed a crowd who came to to those who mourn and weep in sorrow. hear Him, about the highest and best use Aways generous, after receiving the bitter From the Editor's Desk By Father John Matthew Fewel

Local News

◀ This young priest is the Virgin Islands’ own Msgr. Michael Kosak. Now living in retirement at St. Ann, Barrenspot, the retired St. Ann pastor was ordained on June 6, 1970, by Bishop Edward Harper, C.Ss.R., at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in , N.Y. He holds the distinction of being the first diocesan priest to serve the Church in the Virgin Islands. Bishop Harper, a Redemptorist, was the first resident bishop of St. Thomas. Predating the erection of the diocese, the Redemptorist Fathers had had pastoral care of the Father Neil Scantlebury, pastor of Holy Family, offers a Mothers' Day greeting islands for many years. to Ms. Berecia Reid, 86, and all mothers present after the 7:30 a.m. Mass. 3 Local News

Father Patrick Lynch, C.Ss.R., Bishop Herbert Bevard, and Father John Mark with the 2015 graduating class of St. Joseph High School.


The Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands is committed to protecting children from all harm. If you have knowledge of any church worker who may have abused a minor, please contact the diocesan Bishop Bevard, child protection Principal Father coordinator, Ortiz-Santiago, and Callista Julien, at the SPPS graduating 340.778 0484 or class of 2015. 340.772.4214. 4 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com 5 Special Report

staved off poverty and starvation because Pierre found employment for her tutoring the children of his wealthy clients. During the early 19th century, New York public sanitation was primitive. Plagues frequently swept the city, leaving orphans in their wake. Catholics, concerned about the orphans, planned to establish a Catholic orphanage. Pierre, through his clients, both Catholic and Protestant, raised a large amount of money to fund this project. Mother Elizabeth Seton sent three of her Sisters of Charity to begin the work. In August 1817, the first orphans moved into a little house on Prince Street. Through four decades, Pierre remained a constant support to the orphanage. Toussaint's concern for plague victims extended beyond mere almsgiving. In those years, yellow fever would strike very often during August in New York. On more than one occasion, Toussaint went fearlessly into the quarantined sections of the city to look for those who might be abandoned in the houses from which people had fled in panic. He was an excellent nurse and was often summoned to watch beside the sick at night. He served the poor, of course, without pay. On one occasion, he found a journeying priest ill with ship fever. He took the priest to his own home and nursed him until his health returned. One orphan was to have a profound influence on Pierre's and Juliette's lives. Pierre Toussaint She was , the daughter of Pierre’s sister, Rosalie, who had died of tuberculosis A saint from the Caribbean in 1815. Euphemia could hardly have had a more difficult start in life. Shortly after she was born, her father had abandoned her PART 4 OF 4 and her mother. Euphemia loved to dance and sing and Pierre provided musical training for Editor’s Note: Venerable Pierre Toussaint's mortal remains her. Toussaint himself taught her to read are interred in the crypt of St. Patrick's Cathedral, where he and write in both French and English. At became the first layman laid to rest alongside bishops and her uncle's orders, Euphemia wrote him archbishops of New York. each week one letter in French and one in English. It was a difficult and valuable exercise; nearly 500 of Euphemia's letters Juliette and Pierre occupied the third house became a center of warmth and survive among Toussaint's effects. Nothing floor of the Reade Street house. Monsieur hospitality. The small apartment was Pierre’s escaped the joyous curiosity of the little girl, Nicolas, his cook, and the nurse, Marie credit bureau and employment agency, a who was a born reporter. One letter speaks Bouquement, occupied the first two floors. shelter for orphans, poor refugee priests of the first lady balloonist, who soared into Pierre continued to serve Monsieur Nicolas and assorted poverty-stricken travelers. the air above Castle Garden and floated in whatever way he could. The Reade Street Many a French widow or abandoned lady eastward across the city. Ungallantly, the

6 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com balloon dumped the intrepid female into By May, the tuberculosis that had plagued Pierre a distant Long Island pond. Euphemia Euphemia since infancy claimed her. was writes: “Did you see the balloon that went Pierre almost broke under the sorrow. up on Thursday afternoon at four o'clock, When God took her, his faith, so strong, respected Uncle? Poor Mrs. Joseph could so enduring, so powerful, almost mia Touss and by not see at all...She is in pain he ain crumbled. Juliette, exhausted up t with her eyes.” Another E by months of nursing widely different letter: “I heard that the Euphemia during this final classes of the city. Italian opera singers cruel illness, now had have arrived, and you an added burden. She He moved among said that when they feared for Toussaint's them in a way came, you would go death. to the theatre. I hope I Friends rallied to peculiarly his own. shall be able to go and Pierre and Juliette and He possessed a see them...I have heard did their best to share that they cannot speak the burden by their sense of the any other language than prayers and expressions of appropriate, a self- Italian.” And still another sympathy. letter: “Have you seen the new Mrs. Cruger, a lifelong respect and a Bishop? (Bishop John Dubois) I friend, wrote as follows: “My heart uniformity of have not seen him yet. I will go to see him and soul follow you in your last cares for someday at church.” this cherished child, to whom you have demeanor ..." With childish terror she reports what ever been the best, the most tender of must be one of the earliest predictions of fathers ... But I could not weep for her, I New York’s doom. “I heard that an angel wept for you ...” appeared to a watchman and told him that Pierre’s sense of discipline now sustained for information or gossip, he would simply the city of New York was to be destroyed by him. He kept his hairdressing appointments reply: “Toussaint, Madame, is a hairdresser. an earthquake on the 15th of the month. faithfully, continued to collect for the He does not gather news.” Some people say the angel appeared with Catholic orphanage and manifested his The widely respected Toussaint did music, but I do not believe it.” care and concern for all who were in need much to lift the clouds of religious and On Jan. 1, 1829, when Euphemia was 14 of his aid or counsel. Although his heart racial prejudice that hung over New York years old, she wrote to her uncle: was broken, he refused to withdraw from society. As Mrs. Emma Cary, descendant of life. If anything, suffering had deepened a famous New York family and convert to Dear Uncle: him even more. “I go to a great many Catholicism, writes: “His life was so perfect, Will you be pleased to accept places,” someone recalls Pierre saying. “I and he explained the teaching of the my most respectful compliments go to one house and they cry, cry, cry, cry – Church with a simplicity so intelligent and on the close of the old and the somebody dead. I go into another and it is courageous that everyone honored him as commencement of the new year. Give all laughter – they are happy and glad. I go a Catholic. He would explain the devotion me leave, dear Uncle, to tell you as into another and it is all shut up, dark; they to the Mother of God with the utmost well as my poor mind can express move very softly. They speak in a whisper. clearness, or show the union of natural and itself how truly sensible I am of all Somebody very sick. I go to another and it’s supernatural gifts in the priest...When I was your favors. I will try by my conduct all dancing, singing, flowers and wedding young, I used to hear Protestants speak with to merit the continuance of them. dresses. I say nothing, but it makes me reverence of two men – the great Fenelon As it has pleased God to give you think a great deal.” and the humble Pierre Toussaint!” good health during the course of the Mary Ann Schuyler, a friend of Pierre’s for Proud to be a black, Toussaint generously last year, I beseech him to grant you some 30 years, referred to him as “her saint.” assisted his black brothers and sisters in any the same to the end of the present and The term indicates the good reputation way he could. Believing education to be a many more. My prayers are morning Toussaint enjoyed among his clientele. He key to a better life, he worked zealously to and night offered up to Heaven for could easily have exploited his entree into support the Oblate Sisters of Providence, a your preservation. Nor are you ever the homes of the wealthy to become a fertile religious order of black women established in the day absent from my thoughts. source of gossip. Instead, his customers in 1829. Pierre and Juliette were also deeply respected and admired Toussaint benefactors of the first I remain your dutiful niece, for his discretion and ability to keep a Catholic school for black children, St. Euphemia Toussaint confidence. To women who would press him Vincent de Paul on Canal Street. By Boniface Hanley, OFM 7 Special Report

for the orphans. It was methodically noted and every penny accounted for. The brothers removed his metal crucifix from the wall. On the back a hand had written on a little slip of paper: “To Toussaint-from a grateful priest!” Newspapers carried a full description of his passing and his funeral. The New York Home Journal wrote: Pierre was respected and beloved by widely different classes of the city. He moved among them in a way peculiarly his own. He possessed a sense of the appropriate, a self-respect, and a uniformity of demeanor which amounted to genius. The New York Post recounted his charities: “Toussaint is spoken of by all who knew him as a man of the warmest and most active benevolence.” Father Quinn, who preached his funeral eulogy, said: “All would be grateful for having known Pierre…there are few left among the clergy superior to him in zeal and devotion to the Church and for the glory of God; among laymen, not one.” Although a member of a black Toussaint fell ill. Mrs. George Lee, another Toussaint was buried alongside Juliette benevolent society, Toussaint refused to lifetime friend, writes to her son of her last and Euphemia in Old St. Patrick's be drawn into the debate then visit to Pierre: Cemetery, on Mott Street. As the years raging. Only once, as far as we know, “He was feeble, but sitting in an passed, his grave was all but forgotten, did he ever comment on the armchair in his dressing gown and until a young seminarian, now Father rre Tou Pie ssa matter. And this, in response . in supported by pillows. A more Charles McTague, searched out and rs t to fiery abolitionists who M perfect representation of a established the grave site in 1941. advocated violence as the gentleman I have seldom Authorities are presently gathering means of solving the seen ... He was overcome material with the hope of presenting his slavery question: “They when he saw me, and cause for . have not seen what I tears fell from his eyes. Revolutionary War Gen. Philip Schuyler have seen.” The Haitian 'It is so changed! So said it best: “I have known Christians who bloodbath memories lonely,' he said.” were not gentlemen, gentlemen who were were still too vivid and Another of his not Christians. One man I know who is painful. friends, Mrs. Schuyler, both and that man is black.” “Toussaint,” a lady asked him, “Pierre, is advised in later years, there anything you want?” “you are the richest man I “No,” he replied with Excerpt from “Ten Christians” by Boniface know. Why not stop working?” a serene smile, “nothing on Hanley, O.F.M., published by Ave Maria “Then, Madame,” he replied, “I earth.” Pierre died June 30, 1853. Press. Reprinted with permission from Ave should not have enough for others.” In He was 87. Maria Press and EWTN. 1851, when Pierre was 85, Juliette died. Toussaint had appointed the Schuyler Toussaint never recovered from her death. brothers, George Lee and Robert Lee, as He continued working, but gradually his executors of his will. The document was INSET PHOTO: strength failed. He went to Mass every a final expression of his kindness and Anthony Meucci, Mrs. Pierre Toussaint, morning, but his step grew slower and generosity. Among his final effects, George ca. 1825, Inventory Number: 1920.5, more uncertain. Spring came to the city. and Robert found Pierre's last collection New-York Historical Society. 8 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com Catholic Schools

Members of the St. Joseph High School class of 1965 stand with Bishop Herbert Bevard, Father John Mark and Father Patrick Lynch in St. Joseph Church following 2015 graduation exercises.

Students from the first Communion class at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church crowned the Blessed Mother in May. The eighth grade graduating class with Mrs. Michael, their teacher. 9 Catholic Schools

Class of 2015 Valedictorian Danielle Olive delivers a sendoff address to her classmates, several of whom attended SPPS from Kindergarten through senior high school.

Sts. Peter and Paul High School Graduation

Father Anthony was the keynote speaker at the graduation.

10 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com Catholic Charities

Board Chairman Michael Bourne- Vanneck presents Mic Akin with a Catholic Charities Director crystal testimonial of appreciation Mic Akin retires for his 15 years of dedicated service to the people well-served by Catholic Chairties of the Virgin Islands. The award of appreciation was presented on Mic and behalf of Bishop Herbert Bevard and Bernetia Akin Catholic Charities’ board members, staff and volunteers.

Catholic Charities’ May Food Drive

Please collect the following items at your church, school or workplace and bring them to Catholic Charities:

• Powdered milk, rice, lentils and beans • Infant formula and baby food • Canned meat and vegetables 11 Msgr. Jerome Feudjio and local News Bishop Herbert Bevard with the class that received the sacrament of confirmation at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul.

Ms. Shenelle Dore observes observes the dissection done Father Eduardo Ortiz-Santiago, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bishop by students Djenne Green (left) and One' Carrington. Herbert Bevard, Deacon Benny Gibs and visiting priests with the newly confirmed.

Ms. Xuxa Fraites, who works in the office at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, recently received her bachelor's in social work, summa cum laude. Ms. Fraites is also a member of Bound for Life USVI and teaches religious education at OLPH. On Mothers’ Day, flowers were distributed by the rector of the cathedral, 12 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com Msgr. Jerome Feudjio, and Father Touchard Tignoua at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. local News Haitian independence celebration

Father Kerly François accompanied the Haitian Community Singers at reception and celebration of Haitian Independence following Holy Mass.

◀ Father Kerly François with the children’s choir, which sang in Creole at the Mass on Haitian Independence Day. 13 Reflection

THE REDEMPTORISTS AND Our Mother of Perpetual Help

he Redemptorists are leaving the T Virgin Islands. After a long and wonderful history, we are turning our last two parishes, St. Patrick in Frederiksted and Holy Cross in Christiansted, over to the care of the diocese. The reason we are leaving is a good one – the diocese has enough priests to staff all nine parishes. There is no better reason to depart.

Of course, leaving the Virgin Islands is difficult. Redemptorists from all over the world have ministered here and have been impacted by the generosity of the people and the beauty of the surroundings. Many of our Redemptorist brothers are interred in the cemetery in Charlotte Amalie. Father Henrique Schulterbrandt, C.Ss.R., a native of the Virgin Islands, is buried in the front yard of St. Patrick Church. If it were easy to leave, we would not have invested fully in our work.

14 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com Although Redemptorist priests and The more time we spend with this brothers will no longer be actively miraculous icon, the more we will involved in ministry, we are leaving uncover what is “written” into her behind a priceless treasure. Our Mother image. For example, the smallness of of Perpetual Help has been our spiritual Mary’s mouth and her exposed ear are legacy since Pius IX entrusted her the way the iconographer presents the Father Kevin MacDonald. C.S.s.R. to our care in 1866. Her maternal aid ancient teaching of the annunciation in our salvation is best summed up by experience. Mary listened to the voice of Pope Paul VI, who said, “The Blessed the angel and accepted her role Mother’s role as mother leads the people as mother of the Redeemer. We are to of God to turn with filial confidence follow the example of Mary in our own The Blessed to her who is ever ready to listen with lives, making sure that we have the same a mother’s affection and efficacious attitude of contemplative listening to Mother’s role as assistance. Thus the people of God have the word of God and, more importantly, learned to call on her as the consoler of that we cultivate the grace to act on the mother leads the people the afflicted, the health of the sick and promptings of the Spirit. the refuge of sinners, that they may To a person of faith, icons are windows of God to turn with find comfort in tribulation, relief in into mystery. St. Paul defined an icon sickness and liberating strength in guilt.” when he said of Jesus: “He is the image filial confidence to her (Marialis Cultus, 57) of the invisible God, the firstborn of all The process of unlocking the creation. For in Him were created all who is ever ready to miraculous gifts associated with the icon things in heaven and on earth, the visible is discovered through contemplative and the invisible, whether thrones or listen with a mother’s prayer. Through the prayer of “gazing,” dominions or principalities or powers; we enter into a sacred space. Mary’s all things were created through Him affection and gaze draws us into the depths of Jesus’ and for Him.” (Colossians 1:15-16) It is life, death and destiny. In fact, you may because of the Incarnation of Christ that efficacious assistance." notice that she is holding Jesus in such we can image God. We have a recorded a way that she seems to be handing image of Christ and His Blessed Mother Him over to us. The golden background in our Holy Scriptures. Through the icon of the icon can envelope us with its of OLPH, these Scripture texts become heavenly light, a light which bathes us in energy-filled realities that draw us into Father Kevin MacDonald, our heaven’s divine life and love. a relationship with what the image CSsR, is a Redemptorist Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) represents. priest, missionary is poised to teach new generations The Redemptorists thank the people of preacher, evangelist and of believers. Gazing upon the icon of the Virgin Islands for welcoming us into retreat master. He visits OLPH can strengthen our wavering faith your homes, workplaces and worship the Caribbean, the U.S. and uncover the true meaning of our space. We will miss you, but we are not mainland and overseas in lives. She will lead us to her Son, which far away. God continues to bless our work his work. To contact Father will not only deepen our spirituality, but in the Caribbean. Just last month, May Kevin, call Sacred Heart promote a deeper appreciation of the 26-31, we had the joy of ordaining to the Church in New Smyrna sacraments of our Catholic faith. We can priesthood Calvin Auguiste, a fine young make out in the Blessed Mother’s eyes man from Dominica, and Jacky Merilan, Beach, Fla., 386.428.6426. the interplay of justice and tenderness, Pierre Desruisseaux and Yvon Tremont of contemplation and service. She went from . The future looks bright in the in haste to her cousin, Elizabeth, in her Diocese of St. Thomas, as well as in our MAIN PHOTO: time of need, which makes the ecclesial Redemptorist Caribbean Region. Mary Miraculous icon of the Virgin community look to her as our model of has heard our prayers. She always is a Church of San Fantin (Venice) evangelization and concern for others. mother ever ready to help us! by Didier Descuens, Wikipedia Commons. 15 Journey of Faith

finally, deacon. Outside of his involvement with the Church, Clement lived a secular life and worked for the Planning and Natural Resource Department on St. Thomas for over 30 years. His faith remained strong, though there were challenges that came along in his life. One such challenge was the loss of two of his brothers to cancer before either one had reached 60 years old. “I prayed a lot then, several rosaries a day, and prayer kept me grounded. It was difficult,” he said, recalling the challenge of accepting God’s will when it came to his brothers’ health problems. After both passed away, and Clement continued to pray for them and for his own health. He is grateful that his health has remained good. As Clement was getting ready to retire from his job, a priest approached Clement about the diaconate program. “I didn’t know what I had said yes to!” he explained. But as he took the classes and interacted with teachers and fellow Deacon Clement Danet students, he felt his faith deepen. “I had many holy and wonderful teachers, including Father John Mark.” he power of prayer – have attested to it, priests and Today, Deacon Clement Danet is religious leaders have encouraged it and ordinary people have assigned at his parish, the St. Anne Chapel found that prayer can change their lives. When asked about in Frenchtown. He assists at Masses there on the weekends, and at the cathedral Twhat helps sustain him through good times and difficulties, Deacon during the week. He has come full circle, Clement Danet is quick to come up with this answer. “Prayer. I try to and is back visiting the sick and bringing Communion to those who need it – just root my life in prayer.” as he did as a boy. Through his ministry, he helps people connect with the Church, Though he is an ordained deacon today, Fogarty – the people were very hospitable and he has a strong hope for the future of faith and church have been an important when the priest came. Catholicism on St. Thomas. He encourages part of Clement’s life since he was small. “I was always shy in front of a crowd,” all people to get involved and volunteer in “I attended Sts. Peter and Paul School,” he he said. “But I lived close to the church parishes – the need is there. And he also said, “and helped out at the church. I was and would help out. One day, I was asked has words of encouragement for the men an server from second grade through to be a pallbearer at a funeral – so I said discerning a vocation to the priesthood. 12th and sang in the choir. I would get a yes. A minute later, the phone rang again, “My hope is that although this is a small call if a priest had no one to help him, and and it was the same woman. She asked diocese, we are getting more vocations to my mom would say, ‘Go help him,’ and I’d if I could read one of the readings at the the priesthood to help the Church for years go ... it was a very good experience and I funeral Mass. I agreed, but I had never to come. You can see the future will be always loved going to church.” done that before. Immediately after the good – I am praying for the men who are While still in school, Clement would Mass,” he said, with a chuckle, “the parish becoming priests, for their discernment assist the priests who were visiting the volunteer who organizes lectors had asked and studies.” sick or bringing Communion to shut-ins me to come back and read again.” That was at different villages around the island. By the beginning of Clement’s many roles in I didn’t know doing this, he had an inside view on the ministry, which included being a lector, a life and workings of a busy ministry. “I sacristan, extraordinary minister of Holy what I had said would go with Father O’Toole and Father Communion, choir member, acolyte and yes to!” 16 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com By Paul McAvoy Sacred Order Milestones Priest and deacon anniversaries bring joy and reflection

Msgr. Michael Kosak celebrates Holy Mass at St. Ann on June 6 — the 45th anniversary of priestly ordination of the retired pastor of St. Ann, Barrenspot. "The Almighty has done great things for me, Holy is His name!" Luke 1:49

Bishop Herbert Bevard celebrated his 43rd anniversary of his priesthood on May 20.

Father Louis Kemayou, pastor of St. Ann, Barrenspot, marks with sadness brightened by the hope of Bishop Emeritus Elliot Thomas marked 29 years as a priest with the resurrection the passing of his Father Neil Scantlebury who concelebrated Mass with him. mother, Bernadette Koupie, in May.

Holy Family Church celebrated Pastor Father Neil After the 12:30 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Scantlebury’s 20th anniversary of the priesthood at Columban Paul, Deacon Jose and Taty Vasquez celebrated 25 years as a Hall on May 17th. deacon. Father Eduardo Ortiz-Santiago was the celebrant. 17 Local News

From (l-r): Digna and Evans Doway, Bishop Herbert Bevard, Peter and Bianca Laurencin, and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pastor Father Anthony Abraham. Bishop Bevard instituted Evans and Peter into the minor order of Acolyte, entrusting to them the care and handling of sacred articles of worship at the altar in the assistance of the priest at Holy Mass.

Estelle Jules, left, and Jeana Edney hold second place trophy won in student government competition at the Supreme Court of the USVI. With them Bishop Herbert Bevard with Michael, Jessica, and little Thomas is advisor Snell. The couple received the sacrament of Confirmation at Our Dr. Brenda Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. John. Jackson.

Ninth-grader Darrington Carette won first place for his investigative science project, "Which Fabric produces the Most Static Electricity?”

From (l-r): Djenne Green, first place winner of last year's Science Fair, Wadeema Berry, Ms. St. Joseph High School 2015, and ninth-grade science fair award winner Jacinta Mark, who shared third place with Kadysha Schoonmaker (not shown) for The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com 18 their clever science project, "Ice Insulator.” Vice Principal Father Bruce Anderson, on left, Bishop Herbert Bevard, and Principal Father Eduardo Ortiz- Santiagoand the 8th-grade graduating class.

Mrs. Inez Walker, left, and Mrs. Patricia Dass with their First Holy Communion class at St. Patrick Church in Frederiksted.

19 Local News

Bishop Bevard conferred the sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Mass at St. Ann Barrenspot on St. Croix.

Present and former Administrators of Sts. Peter and Paul School met in May at SPPS. Education development consultant Sue Diverio presented a summary report covering academics, testing, and examining the overall state of the school and Catholic education in the diocese of St. Thomas. From (l-r): Former Superintendent of Catholic Education Diana Parker, past principal of 3 diocesan schools Dr. Susan Diverio, former head administrator of Sts. Peter and Paul School Dr. Gwen-Marie Moolenaar and vice principal Father Bruce Anderson.

National Honor Society Students with moderator Mrs. Carolyn Olive. Inset photo: new members are administered oath by Mrs. Olive. 20 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com Order of Malta Virgin Islands Area

The Order of Malta is raising funds for Bishop Herbert Bevard’s Catholic Scholarship Program through the sale of commemorative bricks. The bricks will be installed in the Rosary Garden at Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Church. This is a great way to remember a loved one or express gratitude to God for answering a prayer. Your message will last forever.

Call 774.2166 for information

21 St. Thomas Calendar

Catholic Charities of the VI at 6 p.m., followed by Mass at 7 p.m. life Holy Hour and Mass at 6 p.m. on the first Catholic Charities serves the needy — Friday of the month. For more information, through our shelter, soup kitchen and Intercessory Prayer Group visit Facebook.com/bound4lifeUSVI or call outreach programs — with help from the A team is prepared to pray for the needs the OLPH Church office at 340.774.0885. community. There is an ongoing need of all who ask at Holy Family Church on Our Lady of Fatima Devotion for financial support. Please contact us Wednesdays at 7 p.m. The Children of Mary lead a devotion to Our at 340.777.8518 or [email protected] Lady of Fatima at Holy Family Church on to explore the many ways you can help. Pro-life Rosary the first Saturday of every month at 4 p.m. Thank you. Pray a pro-life rosary at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on Wednesdays at Rosary Walk Catholic Daughters of America 5:45 p.m. Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral hosts a rosary Court 2049 meets at Sts. Peter and Paul walk on the first Saturday of every month Cathedral’s Hospitality Lounge on the Legion of Mary at 7 a.m., followed by Mass at 7:30 a.m. third Saturday of every month at 3 p.m. ▶ Presidium Mary, Morning Star, meets at Our Lady of Perpetual Help every St. Joseph Workers The St. Joseph Workers meet at Holy Friday at 8 p.m. in the conference Charismatic Prayer Family Church’s Columban Hall on the ▶ Prayers in Spanish are offered at Sts. room. For more information about the second Sunday of every month at 9:30 a.m. Peter and Paul Cathedral’s Hospitality Legion of Mary, call the church office at Lounge on Mondays at 6 p.m. 340.774.0885. St. Vincent de Paul Society ▶ Holy Family Church holds evenings of ▶ Presidium María, Arca de la Alianza, The Young Vincentians meet on the third charismatic prayer on Mondays at 7 p.m. holds meetings in Spanish at Sts. Peter Sunday of every month at 11:30 a.m. The and Paul Cathedral’s Hospitality Lounge adult members meet on the fourth Saturday Divine Mercy Chaplet on Sundays at 2 p.m. of every month at 3:30 p.m. Both groups ▶ Altar servers from Sts. Peter and Paul ▶ Presidium Mary, Mediatrix of All meet in Holy Family Church’s classroom. Cathedral and Our Lady of Perpetual Graces, meets in the St. Anne Chapel Help Church lead the Divine Mercy Hall on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. World Apostolate of Fatima Chaplet at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral The World Apostolate of Fatima meets at Magnificat Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on on Mondays at 3 p.m. Magnificat, an international ministry to Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. ▶ The chaplet is prayed at Our Lady of Catholic women, meets at Sts. Peter and Perpetual Help Church on Tuesdays at Paul Cathedral’s Hospitality Lounge on Our Mother of 3 p.m. the first Saturday of every month at 8 a.m. Perpetual Help Devotions Men’s Prayer Group Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help are prayed before Mass on Holy Hours/Eucharistic Adoration The Sons of Joseph and Mary meet at ▶ Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church has Wednesdays at: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on Exposition on Tuesdays from 7:30 a.m. ▶ Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral at Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. until Benediction at 6 p.m. and on Fridays 6:45 a.m. and noon. at 6 p.m., followed by Mass at 7 p.m. Pro-life ▶ Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church ▶ Holy Family Church and St. Anne Bound 4 Life USVI, the diocesan pro-life at 6:15 p.m. Chapel have Holy Hours with group, meets at Our Lady of Perpetual Help ▶ Holy Family Church at 6:50 p.m. Exposition and Benediction on Fridays Church every other week. There is also a pro- ▶ St. Anne Chapel at 7 p.m.

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Adult Education Cursillo Ultreya exciting activities as St. Patrick parents The St. Patrick Alumni Association offers Cursillo members meet for Ultreya in the and youths mix work and play to spread an After School Tutorial Program, which Cursillo office at St. Joseph Church on the Gospel message on St. Croix. For is coordinated by Sister Claina Letang, Thursdays after the 7 p.m. Mass. Meetings more information, contact Father ICM. They are now also operating as a are in Spanish. Boniface Blanchard at 340.772.0138. Public Computer Center, which is part of the ViNGN Digital Literacy Program. Divine Mercy Chaplet Magnificat It is open to the public during scheduled St. Joseph Church hosts Divine Mercy Magnificat, an international ministry to mornings to mid-day. devotions on the fourth Sunday of each Catholic women, meets at Franciscan month at 3 p.m. The hour-long program House on the third Sunday of each month Bible Study includes the chaplet, prayers, adoration at 3 p.m. Holy Cross Church hosts Bible studies in and teachings of the Divine Mercy by McAlpin Hall on Wednesdays and Saturdays Father John Mark. Neo-catechumenal Way at 9 a.m., following morning Mass. The Neo-catechumenal Way leads a Franciscan Spirituality celebration of the word at St. Joseph Church Carmelite Spirituality The Our Lady of the Angels fraternity of the on Mondays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. The Our Lady Star of the Sea Community Third Order of St. Francis shares Franciscan shares Carmelite spirituality in the St. spirituality at Franciscan House on the Our Mother of Joseph Church Hospitality Lounge and fourth Sunday of each month at 3 p.m. Perpetual Help Devotions Learning Center on the fourth Sunday of Rosary Prayer Group Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual each month at 1 p.m. Cenacle of Our Lady of the Rosary Prayer Help are prayed at: ▶ St. Patrick Church on Wednesdays at Charismatic Prayer Group meets at the Franciscan House every Tuesday at 5 p.m. 6:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. ▶ St. Patrick Church has charismatic ▶ Holy Cross Church on Wednesdays and prayer in the chapel on the third Friday Holy Hours/ Saturdays at 8:45 a.m. of each month at 6 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration ▶ St. Joseph Church on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. ▶ St. Ann Church has charismatic prayer ▶ Holy Cross Church has Eucharistic in Marian Hall on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Adoration every Friday following Rosary for the Unborn the 8:15 a.m. Mass until 1 p.m. That St. Joseph Church hosts a bilingual Cursillo Prayer Group includes a Holy Hour on the First English/Spanish rosary for the unborn on The Cursillo movement hosts a Spanish Friday of each month. Fridays at 6 p.m. prayer meeting in the St. Michael Chapel ▶ Holy Cross Church has Eucharistic at St. Joseph Church on the last Monday Adoration with confession from 11 a.m. Santo Niño of every month at 7 p.m. to 1 p.m. every Friday. St. Joseph Church hosts devotions to the ▶ St. Patrick Church has a Holy Hour Santo Niño (the Holy Child Jesus) on the Devotions to St. Gerard Majella with Exposition and Benediction on first Saturday of every month at 4:30 p.m. Pray a devotion to St. Gerard Majella at Fridays after the 8 a.m. Mass. The sacrament of reconciliation is offered Holy Cross Church on Tuesdays at 8:45 a.m. ▶ St. Patrick Church has a full day of during this time. Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesdays. ▶ St. Ann Church has a Holy Hour with Shepherds of Christ Associates Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, The Shepherds of Christ Associates meet evening prayer and Benediction every for prayer in the St. Michael Chapel of Friday at 5:30 p.m. except first Friday, St. Joseph Church on Wednesdays at when Mass is celebrated at 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. and on the second and fourth ▶ St. Joseph Church has a full day of Sunday of every month at 5 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday beginning with Holy Mass at 6:30 a.m. and Spanish Prayer and Reflection concluding with Benediction at 6 p.m. Pray the rosary and share reflections on the readings of the coming Sunday Mass at Knights of Columbus Holy Cross Church on alternate Tuesdays Holy Cross Council 6482 meets at Holy at 7 p.m. Meetings are in Spanish. Cross Church’s McAlpin Hall on the first and Sister Mary Anthony, M.C. and Sister third Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. World Apostolate of Fatima Mary Cecilius visit with a group of The World Apostolate of Fatima meets faithful who regularly visit Golden Grove St. Patrick Youth Ministry in the chapel at Holy Cross Church on Detention Center on St. Croix. Come be with us and enjoy a variety of Tuesdays at 5 p.m. 24 The Catholic Islander / July 2015 / www.catholicvi.com St. John Calendar ¡Buenas Noticias!

The SPPS Graduation 2015 keynote speaker was Father Anthony Abraham, pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

All-night Vigil Our Lady of Mount Carmel holds an all-night vigil on the first Friday of each month after the 7 p.m. Mass. Charismatic Prayer Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 25 años como diácono: Diácono José Vásquez, esposa Taty, hosts an evening of charismatic prayer on y Padre Eduardo Ortiz-Santiago. Thursdays at 7 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church has EVENTOS MENSUALES Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction on Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. ORACIÓN CARISMÁTICA celebrante oficial es el padre Eduardo to 7 p.m. Las oraciones en español se ofrecen Ortiz Santiago, párroco de la Free Meals en el Salón de Hospitalidad de la comunidad hispana de la catedral. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church’s Catedral de San Pedro y san Pablo Kallaloo Kitchen: Food for the Soul feeds los lunes a las 6 p.m. ORACIÓN Y REFLEXIÓN the needy in the parish’s Guadalupe Se reza el Santo Rosario y se Hall on Mondays and Fridays at noon. LA ULTREYA comparten las reflexiones de las Volunteers are welcomed. Los jueves después de la misa de lecturas del domingo siguiente, en la iglesia de Holy Cross los martes Legion of Mary las 7 p.m. los cursillistas tienen su Ultreta. Las reunions en el trailer, alternados a las 7 p.m. Las reuniones Presidium Mary, Queen of Angels, meets in en la oficina del Movimiento de son en español. the Guadalupe Hall of Our Lady of Mount Cursillos, y son en español. Carmel Church on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. ROSARIO POR LOS NO NACIDOS Men’s Fellowship LEGIÓN DE MARÍA La iglesia de San José invita a los Men’s Fellowship meets the first and third El presidium hispano María, Arca de rosarios bilingües en español e inglés Sunday of each month. la Alianza se reúne en el Salón de por los no nacidos todos los viernes Hospitalidad de la Catedral de San a la 6 p.m. Spanish Mass Pedro y San Pablo los domingos a las Our Lady of Mount Carmel has Spanish 2 p.m. SANTO NIÑO Mass at 6 p.m. Sundays. En la iglesia de San José se rezan las Sunday Mass in Coral Bay NUEVA MISA EN ESPAÑOL devociones del Santo Niño (el Santo Mass is celebrated each Sunday at 12:30 La iglesia Nuestra Señora del Niño Jesús) los primeros sábados de p.m. at the John’s Folly Learning Center in Carmen de la isla de Saint John está cada mes a las 4:30 p.m. Durante Coral Bay. For questions or transportation, ofreciendo una misa en español este tiempo se ofrecen confesiones. call the church office at 776.6339. todos los domingos a las 6 p.m. El 25 Visit the website of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands at www.catholicvi.com

Visit the Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dioceseofstthomas

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