The “Plant Drosophila”: E. B. Babcock, the Genus Crepis, and the Evolution of a Genetics Research Program at Berkeley, 1915–1947
HSNS3903_02 6/26/09 11:04 AM Page 300 ∗ VASSILIKI BETTY SMOCOVITIS The “Plant Drosophila”: E. B. Babcock, the Genus Crepis, and the Evolution of a Genetics Research Program at Berkeley, 1915–1947 The student of genetics must be ready to resort to the use of any living organism that gives promise of revealing the natural laws upon which the future science of breeding will be grounded. E. B. Babcock, 19131 The Crepis investigations carried on by the Babcock group are the American evolutionary investigations that seem to have attracted the largest attention outside of America next to the Drosophila investigations. One reason for this is their wider systematical aspect. Jens Clausen, 19342 *Departments of Zoology and History, Affiliate in Botany, University of Florida, Bartram Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611;, The following abbreviations are used: APS, American Philosophical Society Library, Philadel- phia, PA; CAS, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA; CIW, Carnegie Institution of Washington; CP, Carnegie Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden Archives, St. Louis, MO; EBB, Ernest Brown Babcock Papers, TBL; JHB, Journal of the History of Biology; JAJ, James Angus Jenkins Papers, TBL; RG, Rockefeller Foundation Archives, Sleepy Hollow, NY,; TBL, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley; UC, University of California; UCGD, University of California, Berkeley, Genetics Department, APS. Interviews with G. Ledyard Stebbins are transcribed and in the author’s possession. 1. “Division of Genetics: Report to the Director of the Experiment Station, 11 June 1913,” EBB, Folder The Division of Genetics of the Department of Agriculture.
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