Royal Warrant Terms of Service for The Royal Garrison Regiment, 28 1903, promulgated as Army Order 35 of 1903

EDWARD R.I. WHEREAS WE deem it expedient to amend the Regulations for Our Royal Garrison Regiment: OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS that the following provisions shall be substituted for those contained In our Warrant of the 23rd February, 1901 (Army Order 59 of 1901):- 1. Men may be accepted for service in Our Royal Garrison Regiment if they fulfil the following conditions:- (a) They must have previously served in a branch of our Regular Forces. (b) At least 14 years (service as boys excluded) must have elapsed since the date of their first attestation. (c) They must have borne at least a “good” character in their previous corps. (d) They must not be over 40 years of age. (e) They must be medically fit for service at home and abroad. 2. Enlistments in Our Royal Garrison Regiment shall be for a period of 3 years with the Colours, with power to extend, from time to time under such conditions as may be approved by our Secretary of State; provided, however, that no man shall be retained after the age of 45, or the completion of a period of 24 years, from the date of his first attestation, whichever may first happen. If a non-commissioned officer or man declines at any period to extend his service he may, if under 21 years’ total service, be enlisted in the Militia for service in the Reserve Division, with a view to qualifying for pension under Articles 6 and 7. 3. Men shall, if accepted, join in the rank of private. 4. They shall receive the rates of pay laid down by the Pay Warrant for Infantry of the Line, together with any good-conduct pay to which they may entitled, and 2d. a-day garrison pay, and also messing allowance. They shall not be entitled to the 2d. a-day additional pay provided in Our Warrant of the 27th March, 1902, but from the 1st April, 1904, they may be granted service pay under the conditions laid down in that Warrant. Each man shall on enlistment, receive a free kit. Pensioners shall be allowed to draw their pension, except temporary disability pension, concurrently with their pay. 5. The married establishment of Our Royal Garrison Regiment shall be the same as that authorised by the Allowance Regulations for Infantry of the Line. Men who were married at least one rear before their enlistment shall, if they are accepted, be supernumerary to this establishment. When public accommodation is not available, separation allowance may be granted under the usual conditions. 6. Previous unforfeited service in the Army (including service in the Royal Reserve Regiment, the Royal Marines, or in any section of the Army Reserve, shall be added to

Nick Metcalfe 2016 - The Royal Reserve Regiments and The Royal Garrison Regiment

the service after enlistment, and reckoned for purposes of pension under Article 7, but no pension shall he granted unless the man (a) has 21 years’ total service (including service in the Reserve Division of Our Militia), and (b) has served with the Colours for at least 14 years. 7. The men who were not previously in receipt of pension shall, subject to Article 6, be entitled to pension on discharge from Our Royal Garrison Regiment, or on completion of their engagement in the Reserve Division of Our Militia, as follows:-

Up to the age of 65, Over the age of 65,

Privates ...... 6d. a-day ...... Other ranks* .. .. Half the rates laid down in Three times the rate the Pay Warrant for non- drawn while under 65. commissioned officers of similar rank and service in the rank.

8. Any man whose service, on discharge from Our Royal Garrison Regiment, entitles him to a pension under the terms of the Pay Warrant, may receive such pension in lieu of the pension allowed by Article 7. 9. Men previously in receipt of pension shall he allowed to count service with Our Royal Garrison Regiment towards increase of pension under Article 1167 of the Pay Warrant. They will further be entitled, on attaining the age of 65 to an increase of 50 per cent, on the pensions which they have earned on final discharge. 10. Men who have not 14 years’ colour service on discharge from Our Royal Garrison Regiment may be granted a gratuity of £1 for each year of service in Our Royal Garrison Regiment, as provided in Article 1123 of the Pay Warrant. 11. The cases of men invalided before completing their period of service will be dealt with as follows: If fit for home service, the men may he allowed to join the Reserve Division of Our Militia. If unfit for service at home or abroad, from disability arising in and by military service, Our Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital may grant them pensions under the conditions laid down in the Pay Warrant, all the service mentioned in Article 6 reckoning as qualifying service. Special cases of disability contracted while serving in Our Royal Garrison Regiment, but not caused by military service, shall be dealt with under the conditions laid down in the Pay Warrant. In such cases only colour service shall reckon towards pension. 12. Our Warrant of the 23rd February, 1901 (Army Order 59 of 1901), is hereby cancelled. Given at Our Court at St. James’s, this 28th day of February, 1903, in the 3rd year of Our Reign, By His Majesty’s Command, ST JOHN BRODRICK * Service as non-commissioned officer reckoning at the date of previous discharge, shall count as continuous with service as non-commissioned officer in Our Royal Garrison Regiment.

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Secretary of State’s Instructions 1. Enlistment will be for the corps of “The Royal Garrison Regiment.” The men’s attestation and medical examination will be carried out on Army Form B 78, and each man will be given a notice paper on Army Form B 79. Men who served less than 3 years with the colours, or who were discharged from the Royal Marines with a pension, will not be accepted. 2. Married men will be required to give the date and place of their marriage and full particulars of their family, and to state their former corps. This information will be embodied in Army Form D 418, and certified by the signature of the man and the recruiting officer. The date of enlistment in the Royal Garrison Regiment should be added, and the paper forwarded without delay to the Officer Commanding, Royal Garrison Regiment, Warley. Unmarried men and men who were married less than a year before their enlistment in the Royal Garrison Regiment will be required to sign the following certificate, which will be attached to the attestation:- “ I, ______, an applicant for enlistment in the Royal Garrison Regiment, fully understand that men who were married less than a year before enlistment in the Royal Garrison Regiment, or who marry after enlistment, will only be placed on the married establishment under the conditions laid down in the King’s Regulations and Allowance Regulations.” 3. No recruiting rewards will be allowed for recruits of the Royal Garrison Regiment. 4. Regimental numbers will be allotted on the receipt of the original attestation by the officer in charge of the records of the Royal Garrison Regiment. All documents usually attached to original attestations, as well as all previous attestations, will be forwarded to the Record Office at Warley for custody. All other documents will be forwarded, at the time of posting, to the officer commanding the battalion of the Royal Garrison Regiment to which the soldier is posted. 5. Men of the Royal Garrison Regiment may in future he required to serve in the South African Command, as well as in the Mediterranean and at other non-tropical stations. 6. Men of the Royal Garrison Regiment may, subject to the conditions laid down in Article 2 of the foregoing warrant, extend their service from time to time for a period of one or two years, provided that at each extension they are certified to be thoroughly active and efficient. 7. The Secretary of State’s Instructions issued with Army Order 59 of 1901 are hereby cancelled.

Nick Metcalfe 2016 - The Royal Reserve Regiments and The Royal Garrison Regiment