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©O5war5 & Ilotlw been two distinguished « °f *¦" dla. Lord Dalhouste and Lord Dufferln. Remarkable Elderly Duchess. The Dowager Duchess of Abercorn Is over is now & and she ©o5war5 ninety years of age, though ILotlW ill. Is expected to recover. She Is a remark¬ N«w V.-U.WASHINGTON Ptrit. at Alexandra able old lady. She has 205 direct descend¬ All is to Queen's Repast ants living. She had seven daughters, and Japan Contributing of these one Is a duchess, two married mar¬ Trust Cost 9 Cents. quises and four earls. The full list is: the War Funds. Paris Summer Draperies Duchess of Buccleuch. Marchioness of of Fashion Notes. Lansdowne. Marchioness of Blanford, Spring Weddlogs and Furniture. Aprojsos The most beautiful Pari* lingerie Countess of Durham, Countess of Lichfield, At this season of the when CHEAP MEALS FOR POOR Countess of Mount Edgcumbe and Coun¬ BOTH EICH AND POOB We Direct Attention to a New of to shown for the bride-elect of this year tess of Wlnterton. This is surely a rec¬ Importation ueasoD. There are seta to match housekeepers are about to dispense ord." All the duchess' sons were in tne and separate garmenta equally as with the heat and dust of furnaces short parliament of 1885-6.the duke (who IN attractive, hand-made and daintily ENGLISH ENGAGE IN USUAL PRE- had Just succeeded) and George, Claud, ABE STINTING THEMSELVES trimmed. The materials conalst of and open fires it is in anticipation ol Frederic and Ernest. Pans fine French nainsook, batiste and EASTER SHOPPING. EVEBY POSSIBLE WAT radical in She was born Lady Louisa Russell, Lingerie embellished with ex¬ making changes hangings and crystalline, and that an daughter of the sixth Duke of Bedford, Now on sale, amoijtg which are many exclusive models, in sheer nainsook, batiste, quisite laces and hand-embrolderles. furnishings inspection 0/ was therefore a sister of Lord John kus- with most Valen¬ our would b« Out of Princess Patricia. sell. or rather a half sister, for she was a For the Sake of the Xen at the Front crystalline cloth, etc., combined the beautiful hand embroideries, The laces mostly used in these incomparable supplies Coming daughter of the duke's second wife. Lidy ciennes are Va¬ advisable. the Platte, Point Arabe, Point Luxeuil, Venice and other laces. superb wedding trousseaux Curzon Acquires Walmer Castle. Georglana Gordon, whose mother was and Their Families lenciennes, point de Venice, point A rearrangement of furniture, famous Jane. Duchess of Gordon, raiser ol and the Gordon Jane's vivacity, de Paris, point Arabe point new and Notable Elderly Duchess. Highlanders. Left Behind. Paris Bridal Trousseaux, luxeuil. dainty draperies curtains, playfulness, high spirits and love of Prac¬ Superb and a restful of floor¬ tical joke descended very markedly to tne Consisting of fine and daintily hand-made Govvns, Chemises and Drawers to match, plain expanse Duchess of Abercorn. The embroideries on this bridal ing of either matting or of Tlie Evening Star. Lord Abercorn, was one ol of The Star. more or less trimmed with laces, and ribbons. to burlap rfperlal Correspondence Her husband. Special Correspondence Evening elaborately beading $18.00 $125.00 lingerie are new in design and high¬ would go far toward about I-ONDON. March 30, 1904. the handsomest men of his time. 'When he March 10, 1004. the set of artistic. There are bringing of Ireland In 18»1« he TOKYO, 3 pieces. ly graceful that have doubted the genuineness was made viceroy Is Itself as America sprays of flower® and foliage done charming atmosphere which Many people gave a fancy ball. In which he appeared Japan stinting Sets made up of any number of pieces desired up to $600.00 and more. did the civil war, and for the in tve fine needlework that rival# hovers in rooms attired in their sum¬ of the queen's four-pence-half-penny (nine as Charles I. Everybody who had Van during We mention four of the sets as unusual set last week In his mind's said that same the armies 3-piece being values: lace in loveliness. One elegant mer cents) dinner of which she partook Dyck's portrait eye double purpose.that has a garniture of roses; another decorations with indefinable at¬ run In connection the likeness was simply lifelike, the same be in the Held and the French Bridal Sets of Nainsook, consisting of French Bridal Sets of fine Nainsook, consisting of beautified with carnations, showing at the Alexandra Trust, beard may kept bur¬ three matched drawers and traction. lr.ns oval face, the same pointed on nation's pieces, gown, drawers and chemise. three matched pieces, gown, chemise, the open flower, long slender stems with Sir Thomas Lipton, who financed the at the ends. dens of those dependent the The gown and chemise are made round neck, trim¬ trimmed with nne lace Insertion, heading and rib¬ and delicate The fleur-de- and the mustache turned up med with foliage. Never before Id tbe of scheme originally. A man who has tested When he left Ireland he was made a duke defenders lessened, if not altogether re¬ hand-embroider; and finished with Valen¬ bon. The three pieces are embroidered In elab¬ lis with festoons of forget-nie-notf history Imported cretonne ' ciennes lace, beading and ribbon. orate designs. manufacture has there been on (he market the meals at the Trust, however, speaks by I,ord Beaconslield. He is "The Duke in moved. There Is pressing need of national is a charming motif. placed Lot hair. such artistic designs and harmonious blending of convincingly concerning them. He says: and individual self-sacrifice at this time. Complete set, $18.00. Complete set, $38.00. colors. Our selections of When he was a boy he with a and embroider¬ those attractive ma¬ is no nonsense about these dinners. proposed, Already over 2,000 families of soldiers in Besides the laces terials for "There boylik.' to Lady Louisa Russell at French Bridal Sets of fine of ies there are clusters of dainty slip covers, couch and bed draperies gravltv. this are na¬ Nainsook, consisting are I paid my fftur-pence-half-penny to the a children's ball given by the Prince Regent city alone dependent upon the French Bridal Sets of fine Nainsook, consisting of three matched pieces, gown, drawers and chemise, tticks, headings and ribbons in exceptionally pleasing, and the rapid sale of and at Carlton House. In consonance with the tion's charity for their daily bread.or lice, three matched pieces, gown, drawers and chemise, richly trimmed with rows of narrow Valenciennes white or delicately tinted effects. certain choice pieces Indicates wide appreciation smart young lady at the ticket office trimmed with fine Valenciennes lace some¬ common fate of nothing true is insertion, lace insertion and finished with an elaborate floral These ribbons are generally of their beauty. Some of these are shown in ta¬ was served with pea soup and boys' proposals, rather; and what is in the capital beading and ribbon. the drawers are made in the new French what wider than but suf¬ promptly more happened. Not. that is to say, till design; formerly, pestry effects with subdued tones and delicate bread, roast mutton, potatoes, sultana pud¬ true throughout Nippon, just as similar style, cut up at the knee. ficiently narrow to preserve the years afterward, when they met as young conditions prevailed in city and hamlet, Complete set, $25.00. daintiness appropriate to bridal hues, only recently pioduced In this line of goods. ding and coffee. The whole made up one mun and young woman at a London ball. Third floor, Eleventh st. Complete set, $43.50. lingerie. Others are covered with garlands of roses, red and of the Trust's Justly c>Iebrated and royally Lord Abercorn said. "Do you remember north and south, during the civil war. pink, and one especially beautiful sample llaunte what 1 said behind the curtain at Carlton Is to bottom. patronized three-course dinners, and I was Japan stinting from top gay red popples which trail gracefully between House? Well, I say it again." and aristocrats bunches "of bachelor not asked for a half-penny more than I The high officials, peers buttons and tiny roses. The Last Sunday was show Sunday, and al¬ delicate colors and combinations of shades in on in. roast have declared ofit all s&clal engagements. Shoes this paid coming Unfortunately, though the observance Is falling into disuse, Spring design are attractive in the extreme. Another there are still studies in St. John's wood The geisha houses are deserted, and many New Silk Shirt Waist lamb and mint sauce, which the had, Suits. queen a and Chelsea of and Oxfords. consists of moire stripe entwined with dainty were not In bill of fare, but it is a where this is not known, and of them have closed from lack patronage. wild while still today's were and admired and tea So it is the restaurants. Feasts there HIS of dress is to roses, another shows clusters of pictures arranged with very practical style enjoy greater popularity The season has roses with dish which comes up regularly at least once prepared in the nice old social way. Mr. and in private houses.the Japanese are present produced floating connecting ribbons. One re¬ than ever, and is shown in more elaborate effects than hereto¬ markably loYOly is flowered with lilacs in a week, and that, with the usual trimmings, Hubert von Herkomer Is sending portraits ordinarily great Hidulgers in feasts.are many marked in Wo¬ sample of Mr. Chamberlain and Lord now the uncommon Indeed, in effects improvements all the soft art shades peculiar to that exquisite costs no mq/-e than the four-pence-half- Joseph happening.
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