There are four Presidential candidates for the upcoming elections. Below is a brief background check on the candidates, both their successes and their failures. This list is not all encompassing, but rather a small sampling that are supported by facts that can be backed-up by a little research (public information) and/or other documented evidence (Tax Office, Public Library, Clerk of Court, newspapers, internet, to name a few).

BALLOT #1: TORIBIONG/MARIUR Higher Bachelors Juris Doctorate Johnson Toribiong √ √ -- Education: Doctor Strengths 1. Member of the 1st & 2nd Constitutional Conventions, Vice President, 1979 Palau Background Constitutional Convention. Experience 2. 1992, one of the founding fathers of the Palau Chamber of Commerce. 3. 1981-84, Delegate, 1st Olbiil Era Kelulau (OEK), Floor Leader. 4. 1975-81, Assistant Public Defender, Trust Territory Government. 5. 1978, authored the 19 PNC ‘Historical and Cultural Preservation Act.’ 6. 1975-79, Legal Council, Palau Future Political Status Commission (Compact of Free Association between the U.S. and Palau). 7. Created Public Law 5-8-10, Palau Public Land Authority. Weaknesses Experience - Has never held a position within the Executive Branch. Failures Threats Professional Conduct - Supreme Court's Disciplinary Tribunal sanctioned Toribiong for Mistakes failing to respond to the complaint filed by the Disciplinary Counsel for violating the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Toribiong was charged and found guilty with violating Palau Disciplinary Rule 1.7 (a) (1) and (2) by representing clients with concurrent conflicting interest.

Questionable Practices - Legal council to Palau Petroleum Energy Inc. (PPE), the Texas oil company that has existing exploratory contracts with several states, including State. For more information on Palau’s proposed petroleum sector and standard contracts, see

Lack of Commitment – Withdrew from the 1996 Presidential campaign and failed to inform many of his supporters. Kerai Mariur Higher Education: Some higher learning accomplished. Strengths 1. 1993 – Present, Delegate, Ngarchelong State, OEK. Background 2. Introduced the Marine Protection Act of 1994 – part of his campaign. Experience 3. 1989 – 92, Executive Director, Job Training Program Act. 4. 1981 – 88, Accountant, Wholesalers 5. 1976 – 80, Accountant, Palau Modekngei Company, Inc. Weaknesses Experience – No experience with the Executive Branch since Palau’s independence in 1994. Failures Threats Professional Conduct – One of the OEK members listed by the Special Prosecutor as having miss-used funds. Mariur, along with several other OEK members, were charged but the issue was settled out of court.

Questionable Practices – Rumors only, not able to verify as facts and therefore not listed.

Lack of Commitment – Although Mariur has sat on a number of committee’s during his long tenure with the OEK, he has never held the Speaker, Vice-Speaker, or Floor Leader seat.


Ballot #2: Koshiba/Ngiraingas Joshua Koshiba Higher Education: Bachelors √ Masters -- Doctorate -- Strengths 1. 1981 – Member, OEK (Longest sitting Senator), Vice Speaker, 6th OEK. Background 2. 1971-1979, Member, Palau Legislature. Experience 3. Instrumental in bringing Hemodialysis to Palau. 4. Drafted the bill on the Ngerumekaol Sanctuary conservation area. 5. Introduced the Code of Ethics. 6. Introduced Special Education Act, referred to as Ngak Mak Tang. 7. Never used a government vehicle or government purchased gasoline to commute to and from work. Weaknesses Experience - Has never held a position within the Executive Branch. Failures Threats Professional Conduct – Upon the death of Senator Reklai, Senator Koshiba, with Mistakes support of his colleagues, assumed the President of the Senate seat. However, the Palau Supreme Court ruled that the procedures followed by Senator Koshiba in assuming the Senate President seat were unconstitutional.

Questionable Practices – Spearheaded a group that supported a Parliamentary system of government for Palau. The group failed to include a Parliamentary system into the Constitution

Lack of Commitment – Immediately leaves the Session Floor when issues are in discussion. Often does not dress accordingly, particularly during Senate sessions. Jackson Ngiraingas Higher Education: Bachelors √ Masters -- Doctorate -- Strengths 1. 1995-97 & 2000 – Present, Governor, State. Background 2. Current, Vice Chairman, Association of Governors Experience 3. 2000-2004, President, Asia-Pacific Financial Investment & Development Company. 4. 1992-94, Speaker, 9th Peleliu Legislature. 5. 1983-91, Legislator, representing Teliu Hamlet, Peleliu State 6. 1975-1994, Entrepreneur 7. 1974, Assistant Manager, Western Caroline Trading Company (WCTC) Weaknesses Experience – Has never held a position within any of the three branches – executive, Failures legislative, or judicial – of the national government system. Threats Mistakes Professional Conduct – April 2008, Case #08-127, was sued by the Peleliu Legislature w/Kalbasang Soalablai for misappropriating funds (not miss-used) under his leadership as Governor of Peleliu. Involved in the UK Investment Holdings Ltd., developer of the proposed Nautilus City Project, which offered to rescue the Pacific Savings Bank with a $20 million budget in exchange for approval of the Nautilus City development, including concessions and permits (FIB, EQPB, etc…). The offer was rejected by the GOP.

Questionable Practices – Accused of using his elected position for personal gain. However, no documentation could be found to substantiate the allegations.

Lack of Commitment – Relating to professional history, none found.


Ballot #3: Whipps/Kuartei Surangel Whipps Higher Education: Bachelors √ Masters -- Doctorate -- Strengths 1. 2000-Present, Senator, 6th & 7th OEK. Background 2. January – April 2005 & May 2007 to present, Senate President, OEK. Experience 3. 1984-2000, Delegate of , 2nd – 5th OEK, 1992 served as Speaker of the House. 4. 1981-84, Executive Officer for the State of Ngatpang. 5. Manager, Palau Fisheries Cooperation, Government of Palau. 6. Entrepreneur, Surangel & Sons Company 7. Served as a medic in the U.S. Army. Weaknesses Experience – No experience with the Executive Branch since Palau’s independence in Failures 1994. Threats Mistakes Professional Conduct – Involved in the disputed Rekemesik traditional chief title of Ngatpang. Surangel’s faction lost the case. However, Surangel’s son still sits as Rekemesik in the Council of Chiefs.

Questionable Practices – Surangel’s construction company is the number-one government contractor for CIP projects. This can be looked at in one of two ways: 1) the company has the capacity to secure the contracts (standard in a free-enterprise democracy, particularly considering Palau’s small market), or 2) Surangel uses his government position to urge CIP contracts towards his company.

Lack of Commitment – Surangel is not a charismatic public speaker and this can sometimes come across as a lack of commitment on his part to engage. Billy Kuartei Higher Education: Bachelors √ Masters √ Doctorate -- Strengths 1. 2000-Present, Chief of Staff to the President of the Republic of Palau. Background 2. 1994-2000, Minister of Education, National Government. Experience 3. 1987-93, Director of Schools, Palau Evangelical Church. 4. 2/86-7/86 – Interim President, Micronesian Occupational College of Micronesia. 5. 1981-87, Principal, Bethania High School. 6. 1976-87, Principal, Emmaus High School. 7. Koror State Delegate to the 1st Constitutional Convention. Weaknesses Experience – Has no experience within the OEK. Failures Threats Professional Conduct – No documented allegations, arrests, or convictions found. Mistakes Questionable Practices – Confusion over pursuing a political career and continuing to be an active Pastor for the Evangelical Church.

Lack of Commitment – May be tied to the above ‘questionable practices’. Instead of choosing one or the other – political career or practicing Pastor – may show hesitancy to 100% commit to one or the other.


Ballot #4: Chin/Seid Elias Chin Higher Education: Bachelors √ Masters -- Doctorate -- Strengths 1. 2005 – Present, Vice President & Minister of Justice, Government of Palau. Background 2. 1997-2000, Minister of Justice, Government of Palau. Experience 3. U.S. Army, Lieutenant Colonel, 23 years. 4. As Minister of Justice spearheaded the construction of the BRT building. 5. As Minister of Justice arranged for school buses for . 6. As Minister of Justice created the Subelek Farm. 7. Built the Mindszenty High School Gym. Weaknesses Experience – Minimal experience within the Executive Branch. Failures Threats Professional Conduct – Asked for, but was unable to obtain without filling out forms and Mistakes getting approval, public information pertaining to number of unsolved cases, record of prison breaks, and the crime rate increase/decrease in his tenure as the Minister of Justice.

Questionable Practices – Rumors that could not be substantiated and therefore not listed.

Lack of Commitment – 2000 election, Chin won a Senatorial seat. Due to unresolved issues of his citizenship, there was opposition to him entering the OEK. Palau tax payer’s funds were used to drag out the issue. Both sides had convincing arguments, but it would have showed that Chin was looking out for the greater good of Palau had he done what Al Gore did when there was controversy of the voting ballots in Florida that put into question whether Al Gore or George Bush won the U.S. Presidency,16641,20001204,00.html Alen Seid Higher Education: None Strengths 1. 2004 – Present, Senator, 7th OEK, Floor Leader. Background 2. Honorary Consul of Israel to Palau. Experience 3. Co-founder and current Chairman of MIDCORP. 4. 1998-2000 & 2003-2004, Member of Koror State Public Lands Authority Board. 5. 1989-2000, House of Delegates, OEK, representing Koror State. 6. 1976, Enlisted in the Israeli Defense Force. Weaknesses Experience – Has never held a position with the Executive Branch. Failures Threats Professional Conduct – Was convicted, along with Senator Diaz, for assault and battery, Mistakes criminal case #06290. There are numerous civil convictions as well. To look for yourself, please contact the Clerk of Court at 488-2607.

Questionable Practices – Defunct projects that caused environmental and /or economic damage include the Hung Kuo Resort that started, but never completed, development by the Taiwanese Zhen An Palau Corporation and MIDCORP in Ngirmid; Seid was the Executive of the Palau Micronesia Air airline, quite a few Palauans and FSM government/citizens lost their investment when the airlines folded in December 2004. Other questionable practices include using his position within the OEK to campaign for internet banking, cyber-gaming, and to establish Palau as an international dot-com registry. This is questionable because MIDCORP owns the PW Registry Corporation ( Owes money to quite a few people, example includes Seid owing money to Ben Miller for over seven years. He still has yet to pay the person back. Take a look right-honorable-senate-floor-leader-alan-seid-of-palau+1647214 the website also displays the emails to and from Seid and Miller.

Lack of Commitment – The above questionable practices could be interpreted as a lack of commitment for the greater good of the Palauan citizens and mother country.