1 Social Studies, Grade 2 Week 2 (August 24-28, 2020) Monday Step

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1 Social Studies, Grade 2 Week 2 (August 24-28, 2020) Monday Step Social Studies, Grade 2 Week 2 (August 24-28, 2020) Monday Step 1: Inform your student that the three largest rivers in Georgia are the Chattahoochee River, Flint River, and Savannah River. Share the following facts: • The Chattahoochee River forms the southern half of the Alabama and Georgia border, as well as a portion of the Florida - Georgia border. It is a stream of the Apalachicola River, a relatively short river formed by the coming together of the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers and emptying from Florida into Apalachicola Bay in the Gulf of Mexico. • The Flint River drains in western Georgia, flowing south from the upper Piedmont region south of Atlanta to the wetlands of the Gulf Coastal Plain in the southwestern corner of the state. • The Savannah River forms most of the border between the states of South Carolina and Georgia. Two streams of the Savannah, the Tugaloo River and the Chattooga River, form the northernmost part of the border. Step 2: Show your student the Georgia Regions and Rivers map below. Have students locate the Chattahoochee River, Flint River, and Savannah River on the map. Ask: • What do you notice about the rivers? (Listen for ideas around location, length, value of river system for Georgians etc.) • How do the rivers move across several regions in Georgia? (e.g. The Flint River moves from the Coastal Plain to the Piedmont region) 1 Step 3: Provide your student with the blank map below and have him/her fill in the names of the missing rivers on the map. Once complete, the student can color and use as reference for future lessons this week. Major Rivers in Georgia 2 .
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