DEEP ROOTS Make for a Firm Foundation
DEEP ROOTS make for a firm foundation | ANNUAL REPORT 2011-12 EXQUISITE, NOIDA UNITECH IS AMONGST INDIA’S LEADING BUSINESS GROUPS, HAVING AN OUTSTANDING TRACK RECORD IN LARGE SCALE, INTEGRATED REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT WITH A WELL DIVERSIFIED PRODUCT PORTFOLIO COMPRISING RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, RETAIL, HOSPITALITY, ENTERTAINMENT, IT PARK AND SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE (SEZ) DEVELOPMENTS. Unitech Group Financial Summary (` In million) Particulars Financial Year 2011-12 2010-11 Share Capital 5,232.60 5,232.60 Reserves & Surplus 115,005.83 110,814.55 Shareholders Fund 120,238.43 116,047.15 Revenue from Operations 24,218.63 33,960.01 Net Profi t (Before Tax) 4,358.06 8,537.55 Net Profi t (After Tax) 2,462.15 5,835.46 Fixed Assets 23,155.73 32,940.84 Current Assets 169,559.90 163,066.38 Current Liabilities 68,136.30 68,374.37 Current Investments 1,685.07 396.50 Non-current Investments 15,791.25 15,620.34 Long Term Borrowings 21,203.17 23,014.40 Short Term Borrowings 10,857.58 17,239.79 Shareholders’ Fund Reserves & Surplus Revenue from Operations Net Profi t (After Tax) (` In million) (` In million) (` In million) (` In million) 120,238.43 115,005.83 33,960.01 5,835.46 116,047.15 110,814.55 24,218.63 2,462.15 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 COMPANY PROFILE Started in 1971, today Unitech is one of the leading Real Estate Development Company with operations across all the major cities in the country.
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