Tidings of Zion
TIDINGS OF ZION Adar/Nisan 5777 MT. ZION CONGREGATION, Sioux Falls, South Dakota March 2017 from Student Rabbi Joseph Rosen… PURIM HAPPENINGS When will I get the call? Mount Zion Temple will have its megillah reading/ These past months have seen a variety of anti-Semitic Purim service on Friday, March 10th as part of the actions. JCCs across the country have been the targets of bomb threats1, the Anti-Defamation League, received Shabbat services. Student Rabbi Joseph Rosen will similar threats2, and recently in the past weeks, two Jewish cemeteries, in lead services. St. Louis3 and Philadelphia4 have been vandalized by hate when dozens of headstones were toppled. American Jews are increasingly worried about the If anyone plans to bake hamantaschen this year, please tone of this hatred, and many were distressed by our President’s seemingly late condemnation of this hate. let me know if you are able to bring a couple dozen A couple weeks ago, the bomb threat against the Mayerson JCC in Cincinnati5 for the Friday evening Oneg. Everyone’s recipe is a triggered a question: When will I be evacuated? If someone is on the interned bit diff erent and it is always fun to have a variety…If looking up the numbers of Jewish institutions in the country and dialing someone out there wants to coordinate a hamantaschen them to make deadly, fear-inspiring threats, to Jews, how long until they baking session at the Temple in the next week, let me call Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati? How long until they go on to the Union of Reform Judaism website and know that and I will publicize the date/time.
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